2015 Annual Report

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Flagler Museum Annual Report 2015

President’s Letter Dear Members, Contributors, Sponsors, and Grantors: On behalf of the Museum’s Trustees and Staff, thank you very much for your support throughout the past year. Your generosity continues to be so essential in making the Museum’s many excellent programs possible. Attendance continued to increase with visitors from over 70 countries and website visitation from more than 130 countries. The Museum’s exhibitions received rave reviews from audiences and scholars alike. Memberships at all levels saw significant growth and our Lecture Series, Music Series and Bluegrass Concert were hugely popular. The Museum’s Whitehall Society threw an outstanding fundraising party to support our education programs for children. Gifts and grants allowed us to conserve and restore pieces from our important collections. The Trustees and Staff of the Museum are proud of the many accomplishments and broad support received during 2015. Thank you for playing such a critical role in the Museum’s success. We look forward to seeing you soon at the Flagler Museum. Sincerely,

George G. Matthews, President Flagler Museum Board of Trustees

The Mission of the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum is to preserve, research, and interpret Whitehall, its associated collections, and materials related to the life of Henry Morrison Flagler, as unique and important elements of Florida's history and America's Gilded Age.

Board of Trustees President George G. Matthews Vice President G. F. Robert Hanke Treasurer William M. Matthews Secretary Thomas S. Kenan, III Trustee Alexander W. Dreyfoos Trustee Kelly M. Hopkins Trustee John B. Rogers

On the Cover: The newly restored Cocoanut Grove to the south of Whitehall.

Flagler Museum Each year this National Historic Landmark and Museum is visited by tens of thousands of people from around the world who come to enjoy the Museum's most popular program, the interpretation of Whitehall, Flagler's tremendous legacy, and the Gilded Age. And each visitor may choose for him or herself whether they prefer a docent-led tour, or an audio or printed self-guided tour in one of four languages. More than 84% of the Museum's attendance in


2015 was made up of first-time visitors. Seventyeight percent of visitors came from outside Palm Beach County, with the majority from outside the State of Florida. In fact, visitors to the Museum came from more than 70 countries around the world. Thousands of local school children visited the Museum in 2015, their visit completely underwritten by the Museum's Members and Grantors, while well over a thousand students at ten schools were served through the Museum's off-site school programs.

Top: Visitors viewed the upstairs guest bedrooms during Founder's Day. Bottom Left: A mother and daughter enjoyed Mother's Day Tea in the CafĂŠ des Beaux-Arts. Bottom Right: A craft station for children during the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Programs and Member Events

Auryn Quartet were the final group to perform in the 2015 Music Series.

In addition to the year-round general tour program, the Museum presented a variety of special programs throughout the year for every age and interest, including: Valentine's Day Tea, Grandparents' Day, Mother's Day Tea, an annual Easter Egg Hunt, an Independence Day Celebration, an annual Christmas Tree Lighting, School Tours, Founder's Day, a Bluegrass Concert, Holiday Evening Tours, the Whitehall Lecture Series, gallery talks, special lectures, the Flagler Museum Music Series, and much more. In its 17th season, the Flagler Museum Music Series featured concerts by the Parker Quartet, the Aspen String Trio, the Calidore String Quartet, the Fine Arts Quartet, and the Auryn Quartet. The Series continued to garner critical acclaim

and was again recognized for its quality when select performances were broadcast on National Public Radio's Performance Today. The Museum is very proud of the fact that currently the Music Series is featured on Performance Today at least a dozen times per year. Balsam Range and The Grascals performed for an enthusiastic sold-out audience during the 10th annual Bluegrass Concert in the Flagler Kenan Pavilion. The proceeds from this concert help support the Museum's education programs. The theme of the 2015 Whitehall Lecture Series was "Monumental America: Gilded Age Monuments That Illustrate the American Character." Each lecture was available via a live webcast, which

Balsam Range performed during the 10th annual Bluegrass in the Pavilion Concert.

could be joined free-of-charge from anywhere in the world, and was captured and posted on www.GildedAgeHistoryChannel.com - a webbased portal created by the Museum featuring well over 100 video programs related to the Gilded Age. The Museum's Independence Day Celebration in 2015 continued its tradition of honoring the Nation's birthday in the Flagler Kenan Pavilion with patriotic music, a reading of the Declaration of Independence, the swearing in of 12 new citizens from 10 countries, and ice cream and lemonade - with the evening culminating in a spectacular fireworks show over Lake Worth. The weekly organ and piano demonstrations added to the Museum's program offerings during the off-season in 2014 were made a regular part of the off-season programming in 2015. Each demonstration featured music of the period, much of it written specifically for Florida, chosen from the Museum's extensive archival collection. The Museum's website continues to attract more visitors each year. In 2015 more than 152,000 people from 130 countries visited the Museum's website and online purchases accounted for about a third of all program ticket sales.

Top: Guests sampled specialty Cuban cocktails during Mixing It Up. Middle: A family enjoyed a Gilded Age style tea after a morning of crafting and learning etiquette during the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Bottom: Museum Members at the Sustaining level and above watched the Independence Day fireworks from the Pavilion Terrace. Facing Page Top and Bottom Left: The 2015 Bal PoudrĂŠ, where guests were encouraged to dress in Gilded Age attire. Top Right: Docents with some of the students that visited the Flagler Museum in 2015. Bottom Right: Students, organizing photos by genre, demonstrated the new curatorial skills learned during a school visit.


Bal Poudré 2015

Bal Poudré and Soirée Poudré Henry and Mary Lily Flagler hosted the first great party in Palm Beach, a Bal Poudré in 1903, which was described in the press of the day as "one of the most sumptuous social affairs ever attempted south of Washington." On February 21st, the Whitehall Society hosted its biennial Bal Poudré, to raise funds in support of the Museum's children's education programming. Upon arrival, following a cocktail reception in the Museum's Grand Hall, guests enjoyed a lavish threecourse meal in the Grand Ballroom, where the first Bal Poudré took place 112 years before. A special video showcased the Museum's many children's education programs, which focus on history, the arts, and architecture. The night culminated in the West Room and the Flagler Kenan Pavilion, where Soirée Poudré guests enjoyed live entertainment and dancing. Special thanks to Event Chairs Annette Rickel, Susan Cushing, and Mary Beth Jagger, and Hilary and Dack Patriarca.

It was yet another eventful year of educational programming for visitors of all ages. The Museum continued its School Tour Program by hosting more than 4,000 students, teachers, and chaperones from Palm Beach, Broward, Martin, and Okeechobee Counties. For more than three decades, the School Tour Program has sought to encourage educators to include the study of Henry Flagler as Florida's greatest benefactor within classroom curriculum, with resources and suggested readings. The Museum has also inspired area students to understand more about the development of their community by presenting them with an engaging tour highlighting the significance of Henry Flagler as a historic figure, and Whitehall as a National Historic Landmark. In 2015, the Museum further supplemented its local educational efforts when it launched its newest outreach program within the School District of Palm Beach County, Kidnapped In Key West. Kidnapped in Key West is an exciting and interactive interpretation of Henry Flagler's arrival in Key West upon the completion of the Over-Sea Railroad in 1912. Through private funding from the Eric Friedheim Foundation, the Museum delivered the program - which included a lesson on Florida history, a historic reenactment of the 1912 Key West arrival, a chapter read-along, and a complimentary book for each student - to more than 1,000 students.

Winter Exhibition Jeune fille se défendant contre L’Amour (Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros), displayed during the Museum's 2015 winter exhibition.

Bouguereau’s ‘Fancies’: Allegorical and Mythological Works by the French Master

The Museum’s 2015 winter exhibition, Bouguereau’s ‘Fancies’: Allegorical and Mythological Works by the French Master, was organized by the Museum’s Curatorial Staff and featured 19 superb examples of mythological and allegorical subjects, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (French, 1825-1905), on loan from museums and private collections. The highlight of the exhibition was the display for the first time ever of the three versions of Bouguereau’s Jeune fille se défendant contre L’Amour (Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros), which was one of Bouguereau’s most popular works.

On loan from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, the full-size version of this work was once owned by Henry Flagler and hung in Whitehall’s Music Room. It was created in 1880 for the annual French Salon. The artist’s reduction of the same subject, on loan from the J. Paul Getty Museum, was once owned by Henry Flagler’s good friend, Henry Walters. The chalk and gouache drawing of the same subject, which Bouguereau produced for commercial publication, was on loan from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Above: Chief Curator Tracy Kamerer shared in-depth information on Bouguereau's life, as well his most popular works, during a Gallery Talk. Bottom Left: A Member admired Bouguereau's Secrets de l’Amour (Cupid’s Secrets) during the exhibition's opening reception. Bottom Right: Exhibit Technician Rylie Osmer ensured the displays were perfectly level.

Fall Exhibition

A large reproduction of the cartoon As the Law Stands, displayed during the fall exhibition.

With a Wink and a Nod: Cartoonists of the Gilded Age The Flagler Museum's fall exhibition, With a Wink and a Nod: Cartoonists of the Gilded Age, showcased rare original drawings made for the American magazine Puck, a pioneering publication that helped shape the character of American humor. Published from 1876 to 1918, Puck was packed with lavish cartoons, color lithographs, and biting satire about everything from politics to daily life. With a Wink and a Nod featured 72 original drawings created for the magazine from the collection of Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf, supplemented with published cartoons and vintage issues of Puck. The exhibition, organized by the Flagler Museum, is scheduled to travel in 2016.

Top Left: The Haunted Auto by Alfred Zantziger Baker (American, 1870-1933), published as the cover of Puck’s April 20, 1910, issue portrays the ghosts of unfortunate animals haunting the reckless operator of a relatively new invention, the automobile. Collection of Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf. Top Right: The Theatre Conversationalist, published in Puck, January 29, 1890, Samuel D. Ehrhart (American, 18621937) proposes a comical solution to a distraction that is still common today. The cartoon parodies high culture, fashion, and invention - topics common in Puck’s pages. Collection of Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf. Middle: Assistant Curator Janel Trull hosted a Gallery Talk for the fall exhibition. Bottom Right: Joseph Keppler, Sr. (Austrian-American, 1838-1894), a founder of Puck, created “Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue!” as the patriotic Fourth of July centerfold in World’s Fair Puck, July 3, 1893, published at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

Physical Plant Projects


Before Aerial images documenting Whitehall's new driveway and restored Cocoanut Grove, above, and the property before construction, below.

Over the years, the Museum has made tremendous strides in restoring and improving every part of Whitehall’s physical plant. During the last four years, the operation of the Museum's physical plant has largely transitioned from a focus on catching up on a backlog of major projects to an effort to develop and institute a routine and preventative maintenance program. However, in 2015 the much-needed replacement of the driveway inside Whitehall’s fence and

the installation of a drainage system and exfiltration field was undertaken and completed during the summer months. Since the grounds surrounding Whitehall had remained essentially undisturbed for 90 years, this large-scale capital project proved to be very challenging, but the resulting improvements in appearance, drainage management, and underground systems, was well worth the effort.

Above: Some palm trees were relocated to accommodate the new driveway. Top Right: Maintenance staff tested connections to an emergency generator for hurricane season preparedness. Bottom Right: The restoration of Whitehall's windows is an ongoing project.

Collections Gifts and Acquisitions

A Steinway & Sons Louis XV-style model A grand piano was recently returned to Whitehall after more than a century away, made possible, in part, by generous donations from Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Cummings and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis J. Parker.

Above: A watercolor painting entitled On Board the Yacht Hornet, by Henry Reuterdahl (American, 1871-1925), depicts a scene painted from Henry Flagler’s yacht Alicia, after it was purchased by the Navy for use in the Spanish-American War and renamed USS Hornet. Right: This January 11, 1911 cover of Puck illustrates the “migration” of snowbirds during the Gilded Age.

Below: A Tantalus - or wooden carrier designed to keep decanters under lock and key – made in the late nineteenth century and retailed by Tiffany & Co., gift of Colonel G. F. Robert Hanke.

Below: Two rare cocktail recipe books - Giggle Water (1928) and New Bartender's Guide (1914) - were acquired for the Henry Flagler Harris Research Library.

The Museum was very pleased to add a number of wonderful objects to its collection in 2015. Chief among them are: a George Washington Inaugural Centennial Medal by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, a watercolor titled On Board the Yacht Hornet by Henry Reuterdahl, a sterling silver footed tray and serving dish that belonged to Mary Lily Flagler, a Tiffany & Co. Tantalus that belonged to Henry Flagler’s son, Henry Harkness Flagler,

and a Steinway & Sons Louis XV-style model A grand piano that was purchased by Henry Flagler in 1904 for Whitehall's Music Room.

A bronze medal designed by Augustus Saint-Gaudens (American, 1848-1907) to commemorate the centennial of the inauguration of George Washington in 1889 was donated by Dr. and Mrs. Peter Heydon.

This sterling silver tray, made in London in 1841, was owned by Mary Lily Flagler and is monogrammed “MLF”. It was one of two donated to the Museum by bequest of Mary Nelson Myers.

In addition to those objects, in 2015 the Museum added dozens of historic photographs, books, postcards, stock certificates, FEC business records, and 240 issues of Puck magazine to its archival collections and Research Library.

Conservation and Restoration

Caring for 125,000 square feet of building, eight and a half acres, and tens of thousands of objects, documents, and ephemera, all while remaining open to the public year-round and presenting dozens of programs throughout the year, is definitely a constant challenge. However, in addition to those responsibilities, each year the Museum manages to take on several important conservation and restoration projects. In 2015 the major conservation projects undertaken included: a year-long project to restore an important suite of French Louis XV-style seating furniture owned by Henry and Mary Lily Flagler

(on display in the Music Room), made possible, in part, by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Stockman Family Foundation Trust; the restoration of an onyx clock purchased from Tiffany & Co. by Henry Flagler as a gift to Whitehall’s contractor Joseph McDonald (now on display in the Gold Room); the restoration of the crowns from a pair of large Japanese urns in the Grand Hall; and the completion of an NEHfunded window filming project.

Facing Page: Detail showing the recently conserved midnineteenth century French Louis XV-style canapé, on display in the Flagler Museum’s Music Room. Top Left: Restored crowns top a pair of Japanese urns, located in the Grand Hall. Top Right: A French neoclassical presentation clock, made of onyx with gilt bronze ormolu, was restored to working order. Bottom Left: The Music Room's windows were part of an NEH-funded filming project.

Leadership and Recognition

The Trustees and Staff take great pride in the important role that the Museum continues to play in the Town of Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, the State of Florida, and the nation. The Museum was pleased to be honored with the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches 2015 Business of the Year Award for a Non-Profit in Arts and Culture. As has been the tradition for many years, the Museum hosted the 2015 Palm Beach Civic Association’s Annual Meeting and Mayor Gail Coniglio's Annual State of the Town Address.

Of course, the recognition that the Museum values most is from visitors from around the world. In 2015 Flagler Museum visitors continued to rank their visit among the very best museum visitor experiences in the nation. In fact, no other house museum in the nation, nor a Florida museum of any kind, enjoys better TripAdvisor reviews.

The Museum continued to receive an impressive amount of local, national, and international media coverage throughout 2015 - on television, in newspapers, on the radio, and via the Internet. National and international media coverage included: American Art Review, The Magazine Antiques, Florida Sun (Germany) Azul Magazine (Brazil), The New York Times 36 Hours, and PBS's Travels and Traditions with Burt Wolf.

Above: The Flagler Museum was the recipient of the 2015 Non-Profit of the Year, Arts and Culture Award, from the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches. Left: The Palm Beach Civic Association's Annual Meeting, and Mayor Gail Coniglio presenting the Annual State of the Town Address. Facing page: Examples of media coverage. John Blades and David Carson informed media representatives about the life and accomplishments of Henry Flagler.

Revenue $5,778,280 Admission & Programs $1,245,513 (22%) Endowment Support $2,025,881 (35%)

Store & CafĂŠ $486,404 (8%)

Grants & Contributions & Fundraising $663,551 (11%)

Sponsorship $97,350 (2%)

Membership $1,259,581 (22%)

Generous support from the nearly two dozen Grantors listed later in this report, in addition to an increase in paid attendance, income from planned gifts, contributions, and memberships, all helped to make 2015 the best fiscal year in the Museum’s history.

Expenses $5,778,280 Programs $362,927 (6%) Debt Service $471,322 (8%)

Administration $1,212,704 (21%)

Membership $504,913 (9%)

Store & CafĂŠ $558,359 (10%)

Physical Plant $949,168 (16%)

Security $353,552 (6%) Marketing $315,225 (6%)

Exhibits & Collections $1,050,110 (18%)

2015 Annual Support Contributors, Sponsors, & Grantors $200,000 and above Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council

$100,000 and above Florida Division of Cultural Affairs

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Hopkins, III Marmot Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ellis J. Parker Ralph B. Rogers Foundation St. Augustine Distillery †

The Palm Beach Post † Mr. Willis H. du Pont

$50,000 and above

$5,000 and above

Mr. George G. Matthews Relgalf Charitable Foundation

Abraham & Beverly Sommer Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John W. Annan Atwater Kent Foundation Bardes Fund Berlin Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Brown Devine Public Relations Ms. Olympia Devine † Mr. & Mrs. Randell C. Doane Ms. Linda Dunhill Eliasberg Family Foundation Gunster Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Henry Mrs. Sterling H. Kenan Mrs. John C. LaMonte Mrs. Betsy K. Matthews Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Milton & Tamar Maltz Family Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities Palm Beach Daily News † Mr. Oliver H. Quinn & Ms. Sara Groff Sharkey Family Foundation Mr. Harold Byron Smith Ms. Mary P. Surrey VISIT FLORIDA Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wister, Jr.

$25,000 and above Mrs. Patricia M. Dunnington Fortin Foundation of Florida Col. & Mrs. G. F. Robert Hanke † Institute of Museum and Library Services Mr. Thomas S. Kenan, III Mr. & Mrs. William M. Matthews Northern Trust † PNC Wealth Management Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Sharf Mrs. Susan S. Stautberg Vaughn-Jordan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Vecellio, Jr.

$20,000 and above Mr. Lewis B. Pollard Wise Foundation

$10,000 and above Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John M. Blades Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Cummings Eric Friedheim Foundation Flagler System Ms. Roe Green Dr. Peter N. Heydon †

$2,500 and above David Minkin Foundation Mary Nelson Myers † Hoffman Fund

Mr. George C. Kenney † Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lester Marni & Morris Propp, II Family Foundation Mary Alice Fortin Foundation Richard S. Johnson Family Foundation Mr. Stefan B. Richter

$1,000 and above Ashton Foundation BMO Harris Bank Dr. & Mrs. Robert Judson Camp † Daelansa Foundation Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial Foundation David & Sondra Mack Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation U.S. Matching Gifts Program Donald Ephraim and Maxine Marks for the Donald M. Ephraim Family Foundation Mrs. Beatriz A. Ford Garden Club of Palm Beach † Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gilmartin Mr. Peter R. Kellogg Sir Geoffrey and Lady Leigh Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lester Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lightburn Mr. John R. Loring † Mr. Ross W. Meltzer Mr. & Mrs. Sam Michaels Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Miller Mr. George M. Moffett, II Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation Sallie B. Phillips Foundation Shelter Hill Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Shiverick Sidney Kohl Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William John Soter Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tower Mr. & Mrs. Royall Victor, III Whitehall Foundation

† Denotes a full or partial in-kind contribution

Contributors, Sponsors, & Grantors (Continued) $500 and above Ms. Ann Appleman Mrs. Merrilyn Bardes Charlotte & Edward K. Wheeler Foundation D. A. Hamel Family Charitable Trust Mrs. J. Simpson Dean, Jr. Mrs. Shirley A. Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Floyd D. Gottwald, Jr. Herndon Foundation Jehle Reidy Family Charitable Fund Kanders Foundation Linton Foundation Lucille & David Fannin Charitable Fund Ms. Elizabeth Matthews Merriman Foundation Mrs. Evelyn B. Richter Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stiller Dr. Stephen R. Turner Weintz Family Harbor Lights Foundation

$250 and above (cont.) Mr. David P. Silverman (in Memory of Mrs. Ethel K. Bob) Ms. Maura C. Smith Mrs. Shelby P. Wyckoff

Corporate Members Chairman ($10,000) Fidelity Investments PGA of America Universal Electric Corporation

CEO ($7,000) Hunt Mortgage Group

President ($5,000) Impala Asset Management Ohio National Financial Services

Executive ($3,000) Gruber Consulting Engineers Intercontinental Hotels Group NextEra Energy Resources - PMI SunTrust Bank

$250 and above Mrs. J. Simpson Dean, Jr. Mr. Kent Anderson & Ms. Bettina Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jib Bell Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Borchardt Ms. Barbara M. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Hancock Mrs. Adele F. Kirkpatrick Ms. Stacey Leuliette Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lowden Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Macfarland, III Mr. & Mrs. Jebb McCracken Mr. & Mrs. Adam Munder Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Murphy, Esq. Mrs. Kathleen R. Pacetti Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rafferty Ms. Allison Ridder Mr. Michael Sachs

You can make a lasting difference for generations to come by remembering the Flagler Museum in your estate plan. If the Museum can be of any assistance to your attorney or estate planner, please have them contact the Museum’s Executive Director at the Museum’s main telephone number or via email at executivedirector@flaglermuseum.us

† Denotes a full or partial in-kind contribution

Annual Members Flagler Associate Members ($5,000) Mr. & Mrs. Irfan Ahmed Mr. & Mrs. Warren Aplin Mr. Michael Belisle & Ms. Linda A. Gary Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Stuart Benson Mrs. Patricia Brams Brigham & Woman's Hospital Mr. & Mrs. Alex Brock Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bursevich Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Karl B. Canavan Mr. & Mrs. Louis Capano Ms. Mary Ceavers Dr. Charles C. Church Coconuts of Palm Beach Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Compiani Mr. Mark W. Cook Mr. Lawrence F. De George & Ms. Suzanne Niedland Mrs. Susan Dorman Mr. & Mrs. Jason Doshi Mr. & Mrs. Marco E. Gaviria Dr. & Mrs. Todd Gersten Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gerwig Mr. & Mrs. Darren Graff Greene Institute Mr. & Mrs. John Grosskopf Mr. & Mrs. Henry Flagler Harris Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hazard Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hellow Mr. & Mrs. David Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Kirchhoff Mr. & Mrs. Berton E. Korman Mrs. John C. LaMonte Dr. Richard H. Mann MD Anderson Cancer Center Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mostisser Palm Beach Symphony Paradise Fund Mr. & Mrs. Alex Phillips Ms. Caroline V. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Ducasse Saintil Mr. & Mrs. Jason Santiago Mr. Jack Silver Mr. Harold Byron Smith Mr. & Mrs. Steve Solmonson Mr. & Mrs. Ramaswami Srinivasan Drs. Dennis & Marie Stiles

Mr. & Mrs. John Surovek Mr. & Mrs. Harold Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Deonte A. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Vacarro Mr. & Mrs. Vasco Valov Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Ward, III Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Woodstock Ms. Meriam Yousef

Benefactor Members ($2,500) Mr. & Mrs. E. William Aylward Mr. & Mrs. Sidney F. Dinerstein Mr. & Mrs. Stanley N. Gaines Mr. Michael A. Kovner & Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morgenstern Mrs. Alice Z. Pannill Mrs. Alexander R. Raywood Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rinker Mr. & Mrs. Frederic A. Sharf Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Singer Mrs. Lesly S. Smith Mrs. Susan S. Stautberg Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Vecellio, Jr. Ms. Isabelle Haskell de Tomaso

Patron Members ($1,000) Mr. & Mrs. Rand V. Araskog Mr. Andrew J. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Beaty Mr. Jackson L. Blanton Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Brito Jr. Mrs. Ronald L. Buch Mr. & Mrs. John K. Castle Mr. & Mrs. David C. Drysdale Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Dube Mrs. Geraldine M. Emmett Mr. Ray K. Farris, II & Dr. Giselle Parry-Farris Mrs. Beatriz A. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gilmartin Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Goldstein Ms. Roe Green Mr. & Mrs. Stuart J. Haft Mr. Lamont B. P. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Shepard Harris Mr. & Mrs. Joel Hart Mr. Dennis Hummel Mr. & Mrs. William Indoe Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. John H. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Karp Mrs. Barbara Kay Mr. & Mrs. Peter I. C. Knowles, II Ms. Denise LeClair-Robbins & Ms. Lee LeClair Ms. Susan Carmel Lehrman Mr. & Mrs. Robin B. Martin Ms. Ann Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. George J. Michel, Jr. Ms. Jo Anne Rioli Moeller Mr. & Mrs. Dudley L. Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marco A. Morin Ms. Paige Rense Noland Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pagliari Ms. Anka Kriser Palitz Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pohanka Ms. Ruby S. Rinker Mr. & Mrs. Shouky Shaheen Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Shea Mr. Peter C. Steingraber Mr. Charlie Tapper & Ms. Ann Laurilliard Mr. & Mrs. Dominick A. Telesco Mr. & Mrs. William H. Told, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George T. Williamson Mr. Robert C. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Vander Plaat, Jr.

Sponsor Members ($500) Mrs. William B. Astrop Mr. & Mrs. F. Ted Brown, Jr. Mr. Andrew Bytnar Mr. & Mrs. Alerio A. Cardinale Mr. & Mrs. David O. Charland Mr. Eric C. Christu & Mrs. Maura Ziska Christu Mr. Gustavo Coria Mr. & Mrs. Charles Currie Ms. Beth Rudin DeWoody Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Donnelley Dr. & Mrs. James T. Duncan Jr. Mrs. Joan K. Eigen & Dr. Phil Gassman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg Mr. & Mrs. James Erneston Mrs. Shirley A. Fennell Mr. & Mrs. Keith Frankel Dr. & Mrs. Ralph I. Freudenthal Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Geisler Ms. Margaret R. Giltinan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Griffen

Names in bold indicate continuous Membership for five years or more

Mr. & Mrs. Dana A. Hamel Mr & Mrs. Michael Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Harper Mr. & Mrs. Cameron M. Harris Ms. Patricia E. Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Hochstin Mr. Richard D. Horowitz

& Mrs. Diana Downs

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Howard Mr. & Mrs. John Hsu Mrs. Lisa L. Huertas & Ms. Jill L. Leinbach Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jewell Mrs. Hope Haskell Jones Mr. & Mrs. Allan Kauffman Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kubeck Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lanza Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lazzara Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Lucius B. McKelvey Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Michau Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose K. Monell Mr. & Mrs. John H. Morris, Jr. Mrs. Agnes C. Musch Ms. Loretta A. Neff Mr. & Mrs. Dack Patriarca Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Poppel Mr. & Mrs. Bernard E. Reisman Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Schochet Ms. Selma Terner Slater Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Bailey B. Sory, III Mr. & Mrs. Perry J. Spencer Ms. Melissa H. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John T. Tuttle Mrs. Bunny Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Wornom, III Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zand Ms. Catherine Zieman

Sustaining Members ($250) Mr. G. Clifford Abromats & Mrs. Janice Worobec Ms. Elizabeth G. Acerra & Mr. John Addeo Mr. Mark F. Ahlers Ms. Ann Alexander & Mr. William Poist Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Anbinder Ms. Blaire Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Warren Aplin Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Applebaum Mrs. Ann Appleman Mr. & Mrs. Guy L. Ashley, II Rev. Msgr. L. F. Badia, Ph.D

Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Barry Ms. Josephine L. duPont Bayard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Bergen Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Berman Dr. & Mrs. J. Rodney Blair Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bottcher Mr. John Bralich, Jr. & Ms. Cindy Ford Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Brauer Mr. & Mrs. John William Broch Ms. Karen Brounstein & Mr. Jacob Kadosh Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Brown Mr. & Mrs. Leslie I. Brown Mr. & Mrs. David Burr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Buttny Mr. Andrew Call Mrs. Phyllis A. Callaway Mr. Robert Castellano & Mrs. Brenda Nestor Mr. I. Kemuel Cesani & Ms. Emily Lamb Ms. Leanne R. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Chateau Ms. Pamela E. Chomko & Ms. Patricia A. Whittaker Mr. & Mrs. David Click Mr. Vincent T. Cloud Mr. & Mrs. Terry K. Collier Mrs. Carol O. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Comerford Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cone The Honorable Gail L. Coniglio & Mr. Frank S. Coniglio Mrs. Stephania S. Conrad Mr. & Mrs. J. Patterson Cooper Dr. & Mrs. Edgar Covarrubias Mr. Robert B. Crowe Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cusick Mr. Angelo L. Davila & Ms. Evely Nelgrove Mr. & Mrs. John W. Davis, III Mr. Joseph R. DeFina Ms. Jacqueline Delgado Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. DeValle Mr. William J. Diamond Ms. Graceann Dieterich Dr. & Mrs. William Eckberg Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Elhilow Mr. George T. Elmore & Ms. Marti LaTour Ms. Jean L. Erbesfeld Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Evans Mrs. Marjorie Federman Mr. Brent Feigenbaum & Mr. Frank Morgan Mr. & Mrs. William M. Feldman Mr. & Mrs. James Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fields Mr. Paul D. Flach & Ms. Daphne Hoge

Mr. Richard Flaxman & Ms. Judith A. Guido Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Flucke Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Foley Mr. Brad Fox & Mr. Daniel J. Stackhouse Mr. Nathan Frank & Mr. Krystian von Speidel Mr. & Mrs. William Fravel Ms. Suzanne Freeborn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Freis Ms. Ann Frumkin Mr. & Mrs. James L. Garard Jr. Mr. Robert Gaynor & Mr. James Dellasala Mr. & Mrs. John D. Geberth Ms. Alberta Sebolt George Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Glanfield Mrs. Karen Goforth Mrs. Jacqueline Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Goodman Mrs. Linda Lee Grabkowski Mr. D.E. Gressette & Dr. Jo Griffeth Mr. & Mrs. Haynes G. Griffin Mr. Luis Gutierrez & Ms. Linda Treutel Mr. Charles Hagy & Mrs. Deborah Hale Mr. & Mrs. Steven Haigh Mr. & Mrs. Mike Halvorson Ms. Christine Hanke & Ms. Helene Hanke Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Hanley Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harrison Mr. & Mrs. William Harsh Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Heck Dr. & Mrs. S. Allen Heininger Michael & Anna Hennessy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Henry Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Hewitt Mr. Ira Hochman & Ms. Nancy Menges Mrs. Judith M. Hodge Dr. Sharon Rife Hoffer Mr. & Mrs. Barry Hoyt Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Imbrogno Dr. & Mrs. Jorge L. Inga Mr. & Mrs. C. Morgan Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Javits Ms. Patricia Jehle & Mr. James W. Reidy Ms. Kata Jenkins Commander & Mrs. Eric C. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie J. Johns Mr. Dennis L. Johnson & Mrs. Ann Logsdon

Names in bold indicate continuous Membership for five years or more

Mr. Mark ap Catesby Jones Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Kassatly Mr. Elie Kazan & Ms. Rania Hachache Mr. Kermit R. Kimball, Jr. & Mr. Gerald Kimball Mr. William P. King Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kirkbride The Honorable & Mrs. Richard M. Kleid Mr. Roger Klietz Mr. & Mrs. Dana Koch Ms. Elizabeth Lindsay Kuhnke & Mr. Karl Hellmuth Mr. & Mrs. William Lane Mr. & Mrs. Stallworth M. Larson Mr. Michael Latimer & Ms. Joy Elizabeth Greyer Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lawson Mr. & Mrs. James Layson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Leever Mr. Norm Leiber Mr. & Mrs. James K. Levin Ms. Audrey P. Levine Mr. & Mrs. Jax Levine Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Levy Ms. JoAnn Lewis Mr. Robert Alan Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Linton Mrs. Judith S. Lippman & Ms. Mandy Lippman Mr. & Mrs. John F. Long, Jr. Mr. Fernando Lorenzana & Miss Sofia Lorenzana Mr. Denis W. Loring & Ms. Donna S. Levin Mr. John R. Loring Mr. Raymond F. Lucchetti Ms. Fran B. Luckoff Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Luecke Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Macfarland, III Mr. Russell Macfarland & Mrs. Mary C. Macfarland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mackle Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Manaker Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Manheimer Mr. & Mrs. Abe Marcadis Mr. & Mrs. Mario O. Mariasch Mrs. Linda L. Marino Mr. & Mrs. Eric Marx Mr. Gordon Masters & Mr. Ronn Blodgett Mrs. Jayne F. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. T. Bragg McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Leigh A. McMakin Mr. Marc Meadows Mr. Ross W. Meltzer Mrs. Sarah J. Mettler Ms. Tanya M. Mikus & Mr. Peter Grahame

Mrs. Harriet Miller Mr. John E. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miltenberger Dr. & Mrs. Hassan Mohaideen Mr. & Mrs. Hosmer Morse Dr. & Mrs. John T. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Neri Ms. Matina A. Nimphie Mr. & Mrs. William Nuss Mrs. Sharon E. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Ward C. Parker Mr. & Mrs. William Parmelee Mr. Bill Pearl & Dr. Joann Hendelmann-Pearl Mr. Bernard G. Perron & Mrs. Isabelle Schmidt Mr. Dale E. Pflum & Mr. Javier Yanes Mr. Kenn Pfrengle & Ms. Elizabeth Calise Mr. & Mrs. James C. Pizzagalli The Honorable & Mrs. Michael J. Pucillo The Honorable & Mrs. John W. Quade, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rabb Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ragon Mr. & Mrs. J. Cater Randolph II Dr. & Mrs. G. David Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Raymond Mr. David V. Reese Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Reiter Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Restaino Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reveley Mrs. Evelyn B. Richter Ms. Diane Riley Mr. Jay Roberts & Dr. Amy Pikal-Roberts Mr. Antti A. Roiha & Ms. Kathleen C. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rose Mrs. Marguerite M. Rosner Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Rumbough, Jr. Mrs. Margaret Ryan & Mr. Michael Simpson Marquesa de San Damian Mr. S. Larry Sapp Mr. & Mrs. David H. Scaff Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin L. Scherer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shannon Mr. Don Sharkey & Mrs. Catherine Sharkey Mr. & Mrs. David Simon Mr. & Mrs. David Sjogren Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Small Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Small Mrs. Jane W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Snow

Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Sorgenti Mr. & Mrs. William R. Stamler Mr. & Mrs. Frank Standish Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. Stern Mrs. Lynn Stockford & Mr. Keith Lang Mr. Prescott Miller Story & Mrs. Kathleen Thornhill Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Swogger Mr. James Swope & Mr. Scott Robertson Mrs. Jaye Taylor & Ms. Jackie Taylor Mr. Greg Thorpe & Mrs. Ilene Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. John Torrey Ms. Vivian R. Treves Mr. & Mrs. Ben Turnipseed Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Leon R. Vedovato Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Walker, Jr. Mr. James R. Wallace & Ms. Agi Thompson Mr. & Mrs. James M. Walton Mr. Donald Watren & Mr. Anthony Jaggi Mr. & Mrs. Gifford Weber Ms. Mary G. Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Winter Mrs. & Mrs. James C. Wirths, III Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wood Ms. Josephine Wurster Mr. Abner Zambrano

Family Members ($125) Dr. & Mrs. William Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Albergo Mr. Collin Albertsson & Mr. Hans Albertsson Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Alcraft Mr. & Mrs. Harvey P. Alstodt Mr. & Mrs. Tim K. Anderson Mrs. Laurel T. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Banks Ms. Kim Barbrie & Ms. Louise Stoney Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Barnhardt Mr. Robert Barra Mr. Archer A. Barry & Mr. Daniel O. Barry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Beall, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Beer Mr. & Mrs. Bryan J. Belliveau Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bentz Mr. & Mrs. Terry Bettendorf Mr. John W. Blades Mrs. Rose V. Blair Mr. Walter Bloom & Ms. Veronica Baruffati Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bollero, Jr.

Names in bold indicate continuous Membership for five years or more

Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Bonomo Mr. Charles J. Bonsangue & Ms. Bridget Garofalo Mr. G. Thomas Breur & Dr. Julia Breur Mr. & Mrs. John G. Brim Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Burns Ms. Elizabeth Ann Cadaret Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Carrington Mr. & Mrs. Govind Chandra Dr. Steven Chang & Ms. Supriya Tomar Mr. & Mrs. Geert D'hollander Mr. Stephen Dantzing & Ms. Lyn H. Silberman Mr. James Danford & Mr. Ron Banks Mr. & Mrs. Henry Darlington, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Davidson Mr. Michael Delaar & Ms. Vita Bartollota Mrs. Susan DePaula Mr. & Mrs. W. Anthony Dowell Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Duane Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Ehrlich Ms. Francine Elvin Mr. & Mrs. James D. Entress Mr. & Mrs. H. Spencer Everett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Evers Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Reeder Fox Mr. & Mrs. John Furrer Mr. Richard Galley & Mrs. Constance Galley Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Ganger Mr. Eugene F. Gaughan & Ms. Margaret Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lloyd George Ms. Doris Gilman & Mr. Burton Persky Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Gimmy Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gossage Ms. Lisa Grant & Ms. Elfriede Tonkovich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Gray Mr. Clive Greenaway & Ms. Jacquelyn Foley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Gross Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Groves Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grudovich Mr. & Mrs. David Gurberg Ms. Maryann L. Hajduk & Mrs. Trudy Hajduk Ms. Dolores Harling & Mr. Anthony Widenman III Mr. & Mrs. Webster A. Hart Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hayes Mr. Edward L. Hennessy, Jr. Ms. Jo Ann Hoffman & Ms. Christie Gibbons Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Holecek The Honorable & Mrs. Harris N. Hollin Mr. Charles J. Horkan & Mr. James F. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Hufschmid Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Issac Mrs. Robin Renee Jay & Ms. Cara Jay Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Johnson

Mr. Phil Johnson & Mr. Don Donahugh Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kagdis Ms. Muriel S. Kaplan & Mr. Jack Nagel Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Karp Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelley Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kindred Mr. & Mrs. Avery Klann Mr. Peter W. Klein & Mrs. Jennifer Ungers-Klein Mrs. Raymond Kretschmer Mr. Roy G. Kunnemann Mr. Fred Latsko Ms. Alice Lattimore & Ms. Ruth C. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Lehman Dr. & Mrs. Jack L. Liggett Dr. & Mrs. Manuel R. Lim Mr. Mark Linkous & Ms. Kelly Skillestad Ms. Hillary Longo & Ms. Sandra Picone Ms. Cheryl W. Lucks Ms. Whitney E. Lucks Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Manganillo Ms. Anita E. Manuel & Ms. Wanita DeToma Ms. Juana Maria Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Martinez Mr. Richard Mascolo & Ms. Bebe Duke Mrs. Shirley May & Ms. Kyle May Mr. & Mrs. Mark McAndrew Mr. & Mrs. John J. McAtee, Jr. Mr. Thomas O. McCarthy Mr. Kyia McFadden & Miss Lindsey Bursevich Ms. Joan McGrath & Ms. Alison McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Freddie McLean Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Mencher Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Menillo Mrs. Joe Jack Merriman Mrs. Anne C. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Millhiser Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Mix Councilwoman Danielle Hickox Moore Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Les Mulvania Ms. Debi Murray Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Murray Mr. & Mrs. James L. Nederlander Mr. & Mrs. Daniel North Mr. & Mrs. Meir Nutman Ms. Jessica R. Pamplona Mr. & Mrs. John W. Payson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Peppler Mrs. Lori Phelan & Ms. Katie Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Ron Ponder Mr. & Mrs. Onno Robert Post Mr. & Mrs. A. Carter Pottash Mr. Vladimir Rankovic & Ms. Shirley Dy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Redmond Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ricci Mr. & Mrs. Harland A. Riker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Angel Romero

Mrs. Patrice Ryan & Mr. Ray Janus Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Sands Mr. & Mrs. David Saxon Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Schwalberg Mr. Kevin Scott & Ms. Lenore Slimbock Ms. Pioneer Senterfitt Mr. & Mrs. John Shalam The Honorable & Mrs. Thomas F. Shebell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Shipley Ms. Fannie M. Shore & Mr. Robert Shore Mr. Ben Small & Mr. Michael Judd Mr. & Mrs. William Smedley Mr. & Mrs. William H. Sned, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eliot I. Snider Mr. & Mrs. Alvon Sparks, Jr. Mrs. Anne Speiser & Mr. Michael Speiser Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Stoesser Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Strogoff Mr. & Mrs. E. LeRoy Swindell Mr. & Mrs. Byron Thompson Mrs. Sandra L. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Tischler Ms. Pauline Trautman Mr. & Mrs. William H. Tylander, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Umbach Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Useden Mr. & Mrs. John Vakoutis Mr. Terry Vaughn & Dr. Ira Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Royall Victor, III Ms. Renee D. Voltmann & Ms. Adrienne N. Noessil Mr. & Mrs. Erik C. Wagner Mr. Joseph R. Wagner, Jr. & Ms. Barbara Beemer Mr. & Mrs. William L. Walde Mr. Scott Walkinshaw & Mr. Tom Holleran Ms. Carla Watkins & Ms. Emily Watkins Mr. & Mrs. John Wean Mr. & Mrs. Karl Weintz Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Ron White Mr. & Mrs. John Whitehead Mr. & Mrs. Sam E. Whittaker Lady Susan Willis & Mr. Erick Reickert Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wilson Mr. K. C. Yocum Mr. & Mrs. Stan Yoslov Ms. Kathleen Zastrow

Individual Members ($75) Mr. Petri Ahoniemi Ms. Anne Akerson Mr. Donald Alducin Ms. Jeanne A. Anderson Ms. Elizabeth Angione Ms. Weegie Antle Mrs. Mary Randolph Ballinger Dr. Janis Barrett Ms. Cheryl Beatson Ms. Jeanette E. Beyer

Names in bold indicate continuous Membership for five years or more

Ms. Wendy Bingham Mr. Kenneth C. Breslauer Mrs. Rosalie F. Brill Mrs. Martha F. Brooks Ms. Andrea Brower Ms. Carole Bruno Dr. Bunny J. Bucho Ms. Marirose Blum Bump Ms. Andrea Busch Ms. Fredda Butowsky Mr. Philip M. Byrne Mrs. Dorothy Cabarle Ms. Shirley Carroll Ms. Linda Catalano Ms. Stephanie Catalano Ms. Kathryn A. Caulfield Ms. Connie Cestari Mr. Nicholas Christodoulides Ms. Wendy Susan Cohen Mrs. Louise G. Collins Ms. Cynthia Hite Content Ms. Marie Conroy Ms. Maureen Conte Mr. John Franklin Cooney Mr. Will Corrente Ms. Karen Crea Mrs. L. Rodger Currie Ms. Janet F. D'Alessandro Mrs. Roberta B. Daisley Mr. George H. Diller Ms. Eden Divine Ms. Stephanie G. Dobrinin Mrs. Annette Doherty Ms. Joyce P. Duke Mr. Rejean H. Dupre Ms. Susan Dyer Mr. William H. Eberhardt Mr. David M. Eckis Ms. Edith B. Eglin Ms. Janet L. Ellis Mrs. Janice M. Feinglass Ms. Loreta Felices Ms. Phyllis Fenster Ms. Myrna Fink Mrs. Edith A. Fisher Dr. Michael Flom Mrs. Heather Collins Floyd Mr. Rodger S. Fowler Ms. Renate Franco Dr. Helen Franke Ms. Michelle Fredette Mr. Ralph D. Freudenthal Ms. Jennifer C. Garrigues Ms. Marie Jose Gauthier Ms. Olga Gayed Ms. Missy Geisler Mr. Peter Gentieu Ms. Patricia A. Gillespie Mr. Stan Mark Godoff Mr. Albert S. Goldberg Mrs. Carol Goldenhersh Ms. Jerilyn Goldman Mr. Oliver R. Grace, Jr. Mrs. Olive Greeff Ms. Sarah Greeley

Mr. James C. Green Ms. Janice Gruber Mr. Joseph J. Guiffre Ms. Holly Gulker Mrs. Joanna Gutterman Mrs. Annemarie Steiner Hantos Mr. Samuel M. Harrell Ms. Suzanne Harrison Mrs. Doris Hastings Mr. Christian Havemeyer Mrs. Ann Heathwood Ms. Lynn Heck Ms. Jeanne Hogue Mrs. Elizabeth S. Howe Mrs. Laura LaConte Iarussi Mr. Emile G. Ilchuk Ms. Ilona Jankow Mr. John Kandara Mr. Tom Kane Ms. Marthajane Kennedy Ms. Page Kjellstrom Mr. James S. Lansing Dr. Eleanor Laudicina Ms. Catherine L. LeBlanc Mr. Jacques Lecomte Mrs. Rose Leinwand Mr. Michael Lorber Mr. John L. Lott Mr. Jason Lowe Ms. Sandra Lutz Mr. Eric Magallon Mr. Thomas Magee, Jr. Mrs. Eleanor G. Major Mrs. Carla Mann Ms. Joyce E. Mantyla Mrs. Carmela Marchitto Ms. Carol Martz Ms. Wendy G. Maynard Mr. Michael McCabe Mr. Patrick K. McCarthy The Honorable Jack McDonald Mrs. Sally A. McKean Ms. Katharine W. McLennan Ms. Carole A. Meade Mr. Allan Miller Mrs. Sheri Mirsepahi Mrs. Barbara T. Missett Ms. Debra Mittleman Ms. Margaret Mormino Ms. Bonnie Morrison Mr. Scott Bryan Moses Ms. Regina M. Mullen Mr. Michael Nelson The Rev. Dr. Barbara H. Nielsen Ms. Matina A. Nimphie Ms. Erin O'Brien Mrs. Kelly J. O'Connell Mr. David G. Ober Miss Debra A. Pape Ms. Robin Parker Ms. Arva Moore Parks Ms. Mary Pedone Ms. Kathryn Leigh Peterson Ms. Victoria Piroso Mr. Alan J. Placa

Ms. Justine F. Postal Ms. Sandra Prentki Mrs. Barbara N. Prine Ms. Kimberly Proenza-Smith Ms. Anita Quinn Ms. Diane Rader Ms. Barbara G. Rentschler Mr. Leslie C. Reynolds Ms. Lisa Rickard Ms. Jean S. Roberts Ms. Karen S. Roberts Ms. Judith K. Robinson Mr. Vidal Rodriguez Mr. Wallace E. Rogers Ms. Lynne F. Romeo Mrs. Lily Rovin Ms. Abby L. Ruttenberg Mrs. Frances G. Scaife Ms. Monique Schmidt Ms. Monica R. Schroeder Mrs. Barbara Schutzenhofer Mrs. Gloria Segall Mr. Anthony Peter Senecal Ms. Barbara Seward Mrs. Guy C. Shafer Mr. Ron W. Shaffer Mrs. Marsha M. Shalloway Ms. Rebecca Sherman Mr. Robert Simpson Dr. Ildiko M. Sipos Ms. Karen Gail Smith Ms. Deborah M. Soule Ms. Arlene Graham Sparks Mr. Moses Sternlieb Mrs. Frances E. Stevens Ms. Suzanne Stoll Mrs. Molly M. Stringer Mr. Joshua Teverow Mr. Jeff Todino Mr. James Verrant Ms. Elaine Villafana Mr. Howard E. Wade Mr. Chester S. Wancewicz Ms. Anita Watkins Mr. Bill Watson Mrs. Marie B. Weigl Mrs. Doris M. Welsch Mr. Fred Wenig Mr. Wallace Wentink Mr. J. Bradford White Mrs. Cynthia P. Wilby Ms. Mary E. Williams Mrs. Donna Wright Ms. Roberta Yackira Mr. Michael Yamrick Ms. Beverly White Yeager

Names in bold indicate continuous Membership for five years or more

Charter Members Mrs. Henry Barkhausen Mrs. Arthur R. Burck Mrs. Harrison K. Chauncey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Getty Mrs. Arlette Gordon Mrs. Eileen Zantzinger Holberg Mrs. Rosemarie Leonhardt Mrs. Michael Longo Mr. Paul L. Maddock, Jr. Mrs. Christina Matthews Macfarland Mrs. Richard C. Pietrafesa Ms. Jane L. Swing Mr. Richard T. Taylor Mr. Charles Turner Mrs. Kenan Lewis White Ms. Muriel Wolinsky

Life Members Ms. Rosalie Altman Mr. Leon Amar Ms. Margaret J. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John W. Annan Mrs. Carl Apfel Ms. Marsha J. Baker Mr. Robert B. Baker Mrs. Nelle Ball Mr. & Mrs. William Barfknecht Mrs. Elise R. Bedle Ms. Diane Belfer Ms. Caroline J. Bennett Ms. Betsy Berkshire Mrs. Harold P. Bernstein Ms. Grace P. Blackwell Ms. Janice Branyan Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Braun Ms. Gale Sorensen Brophy Mr. & Mrs. William A. Bryan Mrs. Richard A. Coffman Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Comerford Mr. Lawrence H. Connelly Ms. Wynne Cook Mrs. William W. Crawford Ms. Dolores G. DeArmas Mrs. J. Simpson Dean, Jr. Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon, Jr. Mrs. John R. Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Dreyfoos, Jr. Ms. Betsy Dyals Mrs. Harriett M. Eckstein Ms. Ellen Ellis Mr. George T. Elmore Mr. Jose P. Fanjul Mrs. Miles Q. Fiterman Ms. Tina Flaherty Mr. William E. Flaherty Mrs. Jerre Foley Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Forst Mrs. John N. Foster, Jr. Mrs. Frank Fritz Mrs. Christine Fryer Ms. Anna E. Ganitsch Mrs. John Gerretsen

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gilbert Ms. Ruth Girardi Mr. & Mrs. Murray H. Goodman Miss Jane-Fenwick Goodwin Mr. Floyd D. Gottwald, Jr. Mrs. Richard H. Grant, Jr. Mrs. Robert F. Griffith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gross, II Mrs. Marvin Gross Miss Phyllis K. Guy Col. & Mrs. G. F. Robert Hanke Mr. Matthew S. Hannon Mrs. Henry F. Harris Mrs. Gregg Hemingway Ms. Charlotte Hennessey Mrs. Raford W. Herbert Mr. John D. Herrick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hoey Ms. Jane B. Holzer Mrs. Kelly M. Hopkins Mrs. Philip Hulitar Mr. Gerhard M. Hutter Mrs. Howard E. Imhof Mrs. Simone Karoff Ms. Annette Karp Mrs. Arch A. Katcher Mrs. B. J. Kemp Mr. Frank H. Kenan, II Mrs. Frank H. Kenan Mr. & Mrs. James G. Kenan, III Mrs. Sterling H. Kenan Mr. Thomas S. Kenan, III Mr. Bernard L. Koff Mrs. John C. LaMonte Ms. Sharon Labovitz Mrs. Robert Lahey Mr. Edwin L. Lamont Mr. & Mrs. George Lindemann Mrs. William C. Longstreet, Jr. Mrs. Judith Maddock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Magill Mrs. Egidio Majorana Ms. Virginia S. Martin Mr. Alexander W. Matthews Mrs. Betsy K. Matthews Ms. Elizabeth Matthews Mr. George G. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. George G. Matthews, Jr. Miss Natalie N. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. William M. Matthews Mrs. Roberta Sterling McCracken Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. McIntosh, IV Mr. & Mrs. Milton Meador Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Misselhorn Mr. John Mongelli Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Moran Mrs. George E. Morgan Mrs. Robert T. Munson Mr. & Mrs. James L. Myers Mrs. Helene D. Newman Mrs. Charles E. Noell Mrs. Juanita Nowlen Miss Mary Obradovich Mr. W. James Oelsner Mr. Howard F. Ostrout, Jr.

Mrs. Kathleen R. Pacetti Mrs. Charles Phillips Mr. Stephen P. Pierce Mr. Lewis B. Pollard Mr. Nelson Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Porter Ms. Bettina Pratt Mrs. Edwin V. Pugh Ms. Sharon Queeney Mr. Donald T. Randall Ms. Audrey Rauterkus Mrs. Alexander R. Raywood Mr. & Mrs. George Rebholz Mr. Warren Resen Mrs. Wiley R. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. William Rokos Mr. & Mrs. Albert Roth Ms. Trudy Ruddy Mrs. Alberta Rugh Mrs. Margaretha W. Rumbough Mr. Donald E. Runge Mr. & Mrs. David Runkel Ms. Jane S. Russell Mrs. Kathryn J. Rybovich Mrs. Floyd Samer Mr. Marc Sanders Mrs. Arnold Schwartz Mrs. Betty Knight Scripps Mrs. Barbara Buchanan Seed Mrs. William T. Seed Ms. Denise Selz Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Shore Ms. Mary M. Shriner Mr. Charles B. Simmons Ms. Roberta G. Smith Mrs. William D. Sohier, Jr. Mr. Henry A. Soleliac, Jr. Ms. Beverly Sommer Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sprung Dr. Marilyn E. Stone Miss Lorraine Strauss Mrs. Ronald Strickman Mr. Harry A. Striebel Mrs. Ty Szczepanski Mrs. Jean Tailer Ms. Dorothy Tanzman Mr. Scott Targer & Mr. Frank L. Kitchen Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tower Mrs. Edgar Ulsamer Ms. Eleanor D. Unger Mrs. Anne C. Washburn Mrs. R. J. Wean, Jr. Ms. Mary Lou Whitney Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wister, Jr. Ms. Charlotte Wolpert Mr. & Mrs. Orator E. Woodward Mr. F. Richard York

Year in Review January 4

2014 Fall Exhibition closed - Kiss of the Oceans: The Meeting of the Atlantic and the Pacific


Music Series Concert - Parker Quartet


Music Series Concert - Aspen String Trio


Winter Exhibition opened - Bouguereau's 'Fancies': Allegorical and Mythological Works by the French Master


Winter Exhibition Opening Reception

February 3

Music Series Concert - Calidore String Quarter

4 Special Lecture - It's About Time: A History of Timekeeping 8

Whitehall Lecture Series - The Impetus Behind the Building of America's Monuments

14-15 Valentine’s Day Tea in the Café des Beaux-Arts 15

Whitehall Lecture Series - The Washington Monument, The Capitol Dome, and the Jefferson Memorial


Music Series Concert - Fine Arts Quartet


Bal Poudré and Soirée Poudré


Gallery Talk - Bouguereau's 'Fancies': Allegorical and Mythological Works by the French Master

March 1 Whitehall Lecture Series - American Museum of Natural History 3

Music Series Concert - Auryn Quartet


Whitehall Lecture Series - Mount Rushmore


Whitehall Lecture Series - The Lincoln Memorial


Mad Hatter’s Tea Party


Town of Palm Beach Civic Association’s Annual Meeting and Mayor’s State of the Town Address


Director’s Annual Luncheon

April 4 Easter Egg Hunt and Egg Roll 11

Bluegrass in the Pavilion - Balsam Range and The Grascals


Winter Exhibition closed - Bouguereau's 'Fancies': Allegorical and Mythological Works by the French Master

May 9 & 10 Mother’s Day Tea in the Café des Beaux-Arts June 5 Founder’s Day July 4

Independence Day Celebration

September 13 Grandparents' Day Celebration October 13 Fall Exhibit opened - With a Wink and a Nod: Cartoonists of the Gilded Age 26

Luncheon for Members of 10+ years

November 7 Whitehall Society Mixing it Up Reception 27

Café des Beaux-Arts opened for the Season

December 6 Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Christmas Lecture - Visions of Santa Claus: Iconic Christmas Illustrations by Thomas Nast 10

Trustees’ Annual Reception and With a Wink and a Nod Reception


Special Lecture - Whitehall and the Gilded Age Taste for French Furniture

18-23 Holiday Evening Tours

Museum Staff Professional Staff Director’s Office Erin Manning - Executive Director John Blades - Executive Director Emeritus Laura MacDermeid - Grants and Sponsorships Manager

Business Rudina Toro - Chief Financial Officer Claritza Fontanez - Business Assistant Tonia Hill - Assistant to CFO

Curatorial Tracy Kamerer - Chief Curator Mary Agnes Beach - Collections Care Manager Kate Bradley - Archivist and Research Librarian Rachel Bradshaw - Registrar Katina Colwell - Custodian Jo Ann Jackson - Custodian Rylie Osmer - Exhibit Technician Shea Tomlinson - Custodian Janel Trull - Assistant Curator

Member & Visitor Services Allison Goff - Member & Visitor Services Director Jesi Moler-Catala - Member Services Assistant Lauren Clyman - Member Services Manager Kimberly Fleming - Receptionist John Fred Frederic - Kiosk/Greeter Attendant Deanna Grimes - Member Services Associate Mary Lam - Visitor Services Coordinator Andra Pettit - Kiosk/Greeter Attendant Catie Sprague - Education Manager Jennifer Vieira - Kiosk/Greeter Attendant Cameron White - Kiosk/Greeter Attendant Cara Zarate - Group Tour Coordinator

Facilities William Fallacaro - Facilities Manager Hector Fontanez - Security Guard Jason Huber - Security Guard Robert Kennedy - Security Guard

Steve Kobialka - Security Guard Jorge Leaty - Security Guard Idan Lopez - Maintenance Worker Guy McCausland - Maintenance Worker Bernie Schell - Maintenance Worker Jimmie Wrisper - Security Guard

Museum Store & Café Kristen Cahill - Store and Café Manager Nicole Perlstein - Museum Store Assistant Manager Betty Jean Schwiner - Store Associate

Public Affairs David Carson - Public Affairs Director Teri Hess - Public Affairs Assistant

Docent Staff Hours Contributed in 2015 Chet Wancewicz 573 Andie Lindeman 507 Lynn Yeldell 458 Chyna LaMonte 365 Christine Raywood 335 Cindy Steele 302 Sue Comerford 263 Lisa Jensen 233 Cathy Burger 193 Larry Sapp 167 Lisa Caniff 166 Fred Cone 160 Hella Buch 141 Judy Martel 137 Mindy Gross 135 Ed Lamont 118 Marty Neal 116 Linda Sellers 101 Don Bottaro 77 Dee Nygren 76 Michael Greenstein 75

by the numbers h e n r y

m o r r i s o n

FLAGLER MUSEUM palm beach, florida


Trip Advisor

635,750 - Page views 152,071 - Website visitors 130 countries using the site

Average score 4.65 out of 5.0 Reviews 216



+ 1,259 page likes 35% increase from 2014

+ 772 new followers 23% increase from 2014

Visitors to Museum - 82,618 First time - 69,400 Number of countries - 72 Student visitors - 3,467

Flagler Museum App Downloads 1,526 Foreign language tours - 5,189 The Museum offers translated audio tours and self-guide brochures in Spanish, French, and German

Visitor Feedback February 4th, 2015 This exhibit has made me love this museum more. Thanks for featuring my favorite artist! (Bouguereau's 'Fancies') L.V.

April 10th, 2015 Fantastic - so soft, so beautiful and eyes that just radiate from the paintings. (Bouguereau’s 'Fancies')

C. Stevens Baltimore, MD

June 27th, 2015 An American gem, this is a wonderful museum! What a part of history Flagler played. Very interesting, very well maintained. Well worth the trip to see the Museum and grounds.

September 15, 2015 Rivals the opulence of European cathedrals. Don't miss this wonderfully preserved mansion if you're near Palm Beach. We took the self-guided tour and thoroughly enjoyed making our way through the museum...

Larry K. The Villages, FL

September 30, 2015 Quintessential Palm Beach, a beautiful example of architecture...

Krys P. Lake Worth, FL

October 30th, 2015 Had an amazing time at the museum and exhibit! (With a Wink and a Nod) Shaugnessy and Zach M. South Dakota

TripAdvisor Reviewer - Architect1013 Chicago, IL

September 1st, 2015 A must see. The mansion and its grounds reflect the drive and determination of the man who more than any other, is responsible for making Florida what it is today.

December 20th, 2015 My parents live in West Palm Beach. No one had ever been here. I saw something about the Flagler Museum on the Travel Channel's "Mysteries at the Museum". It's GORGEOUS! TripAdvisor Reviewer - Rosemary K. Grand Rapids, MI

TripAdvisor Reviewer - Paladin619 Buffalo, NY

h e n r y

m o r r i s o n

FLAGLER MUSEUM palm beach, florida

A National Historic Landmark One Whitehall Way, Palm Beach, Florida 33480 www.FlaglerMuseum.us

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