Торгову марку Flagman було засновано 2002 року, і вона дуже швидко завоювала загальне визнання завдяки якісним і доступним рибальським товарам, створеним з урахуванням європейських рибальських традицій.
На сьогодні Flagman — один із найбільш
Європі. Ми пропонуємо величезний асортимент товарів для риболовлі та активного способу життя. Поряд із продукцією для широкого кола рибалок асортимент містить
професійного рівня, які принесли чимало перемог на змаганнях. Над створенням нових снастей і спорядження працюють відомі спортсмени, які не раз підтвердили свою кваліфікацію. Усі новинки проходять ретельне, багатоетапне тестування із залученням риболовівлюбителів і спортсменів. Тому до кінцевого споживача доходить продукт, який гідний зайняти місце
Flagman brand was founded at 2002 and quickly became popular thanks to high-quality affordable fishing goods made with European fishing traditions in mind.
Today Flagman is one of the most significant fishing brands in Eastern Europe, we offer widest assortment of fishing and outdoor goods. Together with affordable products assortment includes professional level tackle and equipment that brought many wins in competitions. All the tackle and equipment are developed by famous competitive anglers. The new items undergo multistage testing by advanced fishermen. Therefore, users get the goods that worthy to enter the collection of the most demanding angler. Having determined high quality as our priority, we never forget our main goal: to make the achievements of the global fishing industry available to you!
Thanks to our efforts, a wide range of anglers got the opportunity to use modern tackle and equipment. The Flagman brand has long been a sponsor of various competitions, including the world championships, holds training seminars, children’s sports events, stocking of reservoirs, etc.
We create and develop culture of fishing!
Airlite IO Carbon
We have achieved the highest density of blank walls thanks to new technology of magnetic and mechanical influence on the carbon material. The blanks became very strong in spite of their light weight.
Magnetic Airlite Carbon
The new technology of magnetic influence on the carbon material allows us to produce light and strong blanks with very high density of the walls.
Ultra Tech Wire Carbon
The technology based on reinforcing the blank walls with ultra-thin super high modulus carbon strips. This technology increases blank flexural strength.
Flex Wire Carbon
The technology based on reinforcing the blank walls with thin carbon strips. This technology increases blank flexural strength.
The icon means the elastic modulus of carbon from which the blank is made is 46 ton/m. The similar icons are used for carbon of different elastic modulus (30, 36, 40 ton/m2 etc). 2
The icon means the carbon, from which the blank is made by Toray Industries, Inc.
The icon means that the blank is made from composite of carbon and fiberglass.
Some rod components are made by Fuji.
Some rod components are made by SeaGuide.
Some rod components are made by Webo
The reel is equipped with aluminum spool.
The reel is equipped with reinforced, powerful gear.
The body of the reel is made of high-quality plastic.
The handle is attached to the drive gear by screw that avoids backlash and increases durability of this unit.
The reel spool is equipped with 2 clips increase distance fixation abilities.
The reel is equipped with the ball bearings made of stainless steel.
The reel is equipped with worm shaft oscillation system provides high-quality line laying.
The icon means the reel comes with aluminum spare spool.
Free spool system turns off the reel drag and allows the fish run freely with the bait. The reel is equipped with a secondary drag which adjusted the line tension when the main drag is turned off.
The body of the reel or most of body parts are made of aluminum alloy
The reel is equipped with the spool made of high-quality plastic.