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FEBRUARY 24, 2010 · VOL. 24 · NO. 8 · FREE


An Athens Journalist Reports on the Realities p. 10

Twin Tigers

Celebrating the Long-Awaited Release of Gray Waves p. 16

Schools for Sale? p. 7 · Scooters! p. 8 · Just Kids p. 11 · Dusty Lightswitch p. 15 · Daedelus p. 17






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pub notes I Like Mike Have you heard the one about gubernatorial candidate DuBose Porter’s wife Carol becoming a lieutenant-gubernatorial candidate? A mom & pop race! How delicious, before you stop to analyze it. Never before happened anywhere else. Lots of media attention and fun. Something different injected into our same-old, same-old one-party politics. And they’re not from Atlanta. She’s a smart cookie who runs a nine-newspaper chain in middle Georgia, the mother of four, hyperactive in her local Methodist Church. Passionate about education. An excellent speaker and thinker-on-her-feet. Good looking. Are they serious? Too soon to say. The whole thing popped up when Carol Porter filled in for DuBose at a political forum and stole the show. Her appearance got uploaded to YouTube, and you can watch it there. Probably too good to be true, but it surely would be a lot of fun, especially since incumbent Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle has no opposition. But, as our eagle-eyed Capitol correspondent Tom Crawford says, if state labor commissioner Michael Thurmond runs for lieutenant governor, that’s the end of the Carol Porter campaign story—at least for now. If Thurmond doesn’t run, hey: two campaigns for the price of one. How’s that for economy in government? Shortly after writing the above, I ran into Michael Thurmond and asked him if he’s going to run for lieutenant governor, and he said “yes.” I pushed him a little bit, and he still said “yes,” but “yes” usually means There are a lot of “ifs” “I’m seriously considering it,” until the official in politics, and they’re announcement is made and too late to back out. especially prevalent in it’s Michael Thurmond has hindsight… won three state-wide races and has made a good labor commissioner. There are a lot of “ifs” in politics, and they’re especially prevalent in hindsight, and, “There’s a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune…” It seems perfectly clear from this vantage point that if Michael Thurmond had run for the U.S. Senate in the 2008 election, he would have swept to fortune on the floodtide of votes that turned out for Obama. But at the time he had to decide whether or not to run, there was no way to foresee that Obama would be the nominee that fall or, for that matter, that Thurmond could win the the Democratic nomination for senator and go on to defeat the Republican senator from Georgia, Saxby Chambliss. Nobody beats an incumbent senator, especially a well financed corporate shill like Saxby, short of a tidal wave like Obama, and even that didn’t lift the lackluster Jim Martin past Chambliss. Now Mike has to decide—I hope he has decided—to run for lieutentant governor as an African-American Democrat in a heavily majority white Republican state. He has already run and won three statewide races, though labor commissioner is a lower profile office than lieutenant governor. Still, Michael Thurmond—attorney, author, public administrator, Athenian—is a politician who happens to be black, rather than being a black politician. He does not run on his blackness: he runs on his competency and on his thoroughly likable personality. It’s true that before he was elected labor commissioner he took on the job as Zell Miller’s enforcer of the welfare to workfare program that kicked thousands of notreally-employable people off the welfare rolls, but that’s what politics demanded at that time. I hate to think of Mike getting dead-ended into the lieutenant governor’s office, presiding over the right-wing Republican Georgia Senate, but he would have a highly visible vantage point in Georgia politics. Mike needs to run for lieutenant governor now or resign himself to remaining labor commissioner forever or until they abolish the office. Of course, if he doesn’t, maybe Carol will. Coincidentally, former senator Max Cleland, the veteran who lost three limbs to a hand grenade in Vietnam, whom Saxby’s ads characterized as aiding Osama bin Laden, is speaking at the Melting Point (free) this Friday, Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. in conjunction with the 25th Annual Equal Justice Foundation Auction and the Fifth Annual Working in the Public Interest Law Conference at the UGA School of Law (see edu/wipi). Cleland is a good example of what the Republican attack machine can do to you, which is something for Mike Thurmond, Carol Porter and every other Democrat to consider. Pete McCommons

THIS WEEK’S ISSUE: News & Features City Dope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Athens News & Views

Everybody run—feral cats are on the loose again! As a local issue, that is.

Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Real Risks of School Privatization

A local school is now more vulnerable to the uncertainties of the marketplace.

Arts & Events The Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Love, Art & Experimental Meat

Patti Smith’s memoir documents her, and pal Robert Mapplethorpe’s, rise on the nascent art-punk scene.

Art Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

COVER DESIGN by Kelly Ruberto featuring a painting by Erin McIntosh on display at Red Eye Coffee

Warhol and His Pop Art Progeny

Jeremy Hughes’ paintings take some Pop-Art cues from the work of Andy Warhol.


Music Dusty Lightswitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 A Band Apart

Unclassifiable local band celebrates the release of its new, two-act album.

Twin Tigers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Eye on Survival

Celebrating the release of their debut full-length, Gray Waves.

LETTERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CITY DOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CITY PAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CAPITOL IMPACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 COMMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ATHENS RISING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 LETTER FROM ECUADOR . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 HAITI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 THE READER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ART NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 MOVIE DOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 MOVIE PICK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

FILM NOTEBOOK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 THREATS & PROMISES. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 DUSTY LIGHTSWITCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 TWIN TIGERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 DAEDELUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 THE CALENDAR!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 BULLETIN BOARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ART AROUND TOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 COMICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 REALITY CHECK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


This week at Flagpole.COM


 World View discusses South Africa at 20  Check it out: Ort delivers Part 3 of his B-sides record    

ramble The ol’ Bloviator ruminates on his foot after the car stomped that sucker flat Feature story: wild Southern rockers Those Darlins return to Athens Peruse our music editor’s weekly Don’t Miss shows Grub Notes feeds your need for restaurant news


EDITOR & PUBLISHER Pete McCommons ADVERTISING DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Alicia Nickles PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Larry Tenner MANAGING EDITOR Christina Cotter ADVERTISING SALES Anita Aubrey, Melinda Edwards, Jessica Pritchard MUSIC EDITOR Michelle Gilzenrat CITY EDITOR Dave Marr CLASSIFIEDS, DISTRIBUTION & OFFICE MANAGER Paul Karjian AD DESIGNERS Ian Rickert, Kelly Ruberto CARTOONISTS James Allen, Cameron Bogue, Ryan Hall, Jacob Hunt, Missy Kulik, Jeremy Long, David Mack, Clint McElroy ADOPT ME Special Agent Cindy Jerrell CONTRIBUTORS Holly Aguirre, Adam Clair, Tom Crawford, David Eduardo, Jeff Gore, Chris Hassiotis, Brian Hitselberger, John Huie, Gordon Lamb, John G. Nettles, Matthew Pulver, Drew Wheeler, Kevan Williams, Devon Young CIRCULATION Charles Greenleaf, Harper Bridgers, Jimmy Courson, Swen Froemke, Anthony Gentile WEB DESIGNER Ian Rickert ADVERTISING ASSISTANT Maggie Summers EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Erin Cork MUSIC INTERN Nicole Edgeworth, Jessica Smith ADVERTISING INTERNS Karli Sanchez, Laura Smith


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DON’T TRAP NEUTER RELEASE Dear Mayor Davison: I am writing you concerning the Trap Neuter Release (TNR) issue in Athens-Clarke County. I have practiced veterinary medicine in suburban and rural areas (Smyrna, GA and Oconee County) and have dealt with injuries and illnesses resulting from conflicts between owned pet cats and feral cats. I have a firm understanding of the realities of owner compliance regarding regular vaccination visits. I also have training in wildlife biology and management and the interactions between native and non-native wildlife. As such, I feel strongly that TNR is a misguided and unwise strategy to deal with the feral cat problem. There are numerous studies that show that TNR programs do not work to reduce feral cat populations. The Wildlife Society, American Veterinary Medical Association and even PETA are all opposed to TNR. In addition to the many valid reasons why TNR is harmful to both native wildlife and feral cats, one point that cannot be ignored is the very real threat to public health and safety. If the county takes action to allow TNR participants to not be considered the owner of these cats, and someone is bitten by a TNR cat, should not the county then be held accountable? What landowner is willing to risk this liability in allowing a TNR program on their land? What if the TNR cat has rabies? TNR advocates say that the cats will be vaccinated, but how often? One rabies vaccination is not adequate to protect that animal for life, and how likely

is it that every TNR cat will be recaptured and given a regular rabies booster vaccine? From experience, I can say that it is hard enough to get properly owned cats in to receive regular I’m not big on quotations, but I just read one in a Harlan Ellison book called Strange vaccinations, so to expect a volunteer group to be able to round up numerous hard-toWine that resonated: “The one most important thing I have learnt over the years is the handle TNR cats for regular vaccinations is pure folly. difference between taking one’s work seriously and taking oneself seriously. The first is Does the county really wish to be held imperative and the second disastrous.”—Dame liable should a rabid TNR cat bite a curious child? It may seem to be a long shot, but it Margot Fonteyn de Arias. I think that Jim, Ben and the core of Dark Meat embody this has already happened in other communities quote. What began as a singular and gimpracticing TNR. In Point Pleasant Beach, NJ two children were micky idea eventually became a rock jugattacked by feral cats and a teenager was gernaut. Maybe this BUMPERSTICKER OF THE WEEK: bitten by a feral cat encouraged people in Athens to have proven to be rabid A Change We Can Believe In: ( amazingly contradicREPLACE CONGRESS! NJcatbite). These tory concepts of what events occurred Dark Meat was and Thanks, Ben. Send your sticker sightings to after an ordinance how the circus was was passed legalconducted, but I am not hesitant to tell izing TNR. There is, no doubt, a serianyone that people in the band constantly worked their butts ous feral cat problem in Athens-Clarke, but it would be a serious lapse in judgment to off to succeed with minimal compromise. enact an unproven practice that would lead Throughout the arc of this band’s lifetime— to increased public health risk and added the good and the bad and the occasional sociopathic antics—we were never afraid to expense to the county during an economic crisis, solely to make a segment of our society laugh at ourselves. feel better about a very visible non-native I was at work in Denton, TX one day in cat problem while unseen masses of native March 2007 when Ben called to invite me to wildlife are threatened. Please read more at play at their SXSW shows and any other future dates I could make. I shut my office door and Mark Freeman, DVM jumped for joy for about five minutes. This Watkinsville phone call would kick off three of the most



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exciting years of my life. I accomplished one of my ultimate life goals, which was to tour with a band I was proud of and play a show in Detroit with my family in attendance. My mom and dad were also proud, albeit deafened. I made amazing new friends and solidified loyalty with old ones. Every night that I was able to spend with this band, I believed that we were larger than the sum of our parts. While I was an extremely tiny star in the Dark Meat galaxy, I was always amazed at the statement that our performances would make. The fracturing of physical relationships, creative and artistic differences amongst friends and former friends, bad business decisions, the temptations of legal and illegal substances, the unforgiving nature of the “industry,” bad luck, growing weary of the road, growing old and wanting to settle down—these things have spelled ruination for musical collaboration since before the birth of rock ‘n’ roll. Dark Meat is clearly no exception. Even though Forrest’s letter to the Flagpole some weeks back contains many perfectly valid points and I still consider him a friend, I find the fact that the Flagpole would air the laundry in such a manner to be a bit tasteless. Bands break up. Get over it. To everyone in this amazing family band that I shared a stage with and to all our supporters, thank you. I will love you forever. To the do-nothings, the jealous types, Vice Records and those who were hurt but cannot ever forgive, another quote comes to mind: “Well, fuck you then.” Nate DeYonker Memphis

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city dope Athens News and Views We’re Relieved, But…: A local story last week that could’ve been tragic turned out to be merely alarming, as Danielle Scott was safely reunited with her family after having been missing for nearly five days. Scott, who suffers from acute psychiatric problems, blacked out and wandered away from her home Friday night, Feb. 12, after she and her family had spent much of the preceding week trying in vain to get her checked into various mental health facilities. Seems like we’ve heard this song before: wasn’t it just two months ago that one of Athens’ most prominent citizens died while waiting to be accommodated by an area mental health center? Perhaps it would be reasonable to suggest at this point—as if that hadn’t been done already—that it’s time to take a serious look at the way we provide mental health crisis care in this state. What’s it going to take?

Kinman believes diligent managing by TNR groups can help reduce the number of cats “in a given colony.” More importantly, alternative measures like establishment of sanctuaries and expansion of animal control simply aren’t fundable. “This is an example of a community problem that local government just doesn’t have the resources to solve,” Kinman says. “We have to partner with nonprofits”—including, she hopes, groups that oppose TNR—to address the issue not only with initiatives like TNR, but through public education efforts that are the only realistic hope for staunching the problem at its source.

Something Shiny!: Most frequenters of downtown Athens have certainly noticed the new pedestrian signals at crosswalks: the ones with a “countdown” display that makes it easy to know exactly how much time one has to clear the intersection before the light turns They’re Back: The mayor and commission placed yellow. Steve Decker at an amendment to the ACC’s traffic engineering office gave the Dope the county animal control ordinance on the lowdown on the fancy gadgets: 260 signals agenda for their Mar. 2 voting session that have been replaced would allow groups already with $40,000 in using controversial TNR [Generic wisecrack about downtown visitors county money, mostly mounting bulldogs.] downtown, and GDOT (“trap-neuter-release” has contributed funds or “trap-neuter-return,” to replace the signals at ACC’s 47 remaindepending on who’s talking) methods to reging traffic-signal intersections. The project’s ister and “manage” colonies of feral cats. budget went twice as far as expected because Advocates and opponents of TNR presented in most cases it was possible to replace only utterly conclusive arguments for both sides the “insert,” and not the housing of the sigof the issue, leaving the clearly exhausted nal. The 10-year LEDs they use are saving Mayor Heidi Davidson and 10 beleaguered the county about $800 a month in reduced commissioners with plenty to ponder on the electric bills, not to mention the labor saved unresolvable matter during the two weeks by not having to replace the old incandescent before their vote. “I think we’ll move forward” bulbs every three months. At that rate, they’ll with the amendment, says Commissioner have paid for themselves in about four years. Alice Kinman. While TNR opponents make a strong case that the practice doesn’t help to Dave Marr reduce overall populations, l

city pages most heinous practices that our opponents will point to,” stressed Mosley-Jenson. However, Janet Frick, Friedrich’s partner in the debate, dismissed Mosley-Jenson’s distinction between methods of meat production, focusing instead on the ethics of consuming any animal. “We draw an arbitrary line “Is eating meat desirable?” This was the between the animals that we love and the question posed in a debate between repreanimals that we eat,” says Frick, an associate sentatives from the Georgia Debate Union and professor of psychology at UGA. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Mosley-Jenson’s debate partner Josh (PETA) at the University of Georgia last week. McLaurin, an international affairs and religion Bruce Friedrich, PETA’s vice president of student at UGA, called the insistence on forpolicy, says “no.” While the consumption of going all meat products an “over-simplistic, meat may be desirable in taste, it is undeblanket solution,” explaining that “most sirable in the consequences it breeds, said people turn down rhetoric that is supposed Friedrich. Armed with over a decade of experito make you reach a sweeping conclusion.” ence as an animal rights Likewise, many “trial activist, Friedrich made vegetarians” reject all “We draw an arbitrary the case for total abstimeat only to “collapse in nence from meat products. line between the animals despair” after two weeks “Every time you choose that we love and the of the restrictive diet, said to eat meat you’re payMcLaurin. Rather than animals that we eat.” ing for someone to slit advocating extremes and an animal’s throat on labeling meat consumers your behalf—something most people are not as immoral, he argued, PETA representatives willing to do. Where is the basic integrity in should promote more stomachable options paying other people to do things we can’t such as the consumption of “free range” meat. do personally?” Friedrich specifically pointed Mosley-Jenson suggested consumers make to the treatment of factory farm animals. informed decisions about their diets and buy Factories subject animals to inhumane conmeat from local businesses such as Earth Fare, ditions including close confinement, cruel a supermarket, he said, that offers meat raised slaughtering methods and practices such as in a “sustainable, stress-free environment.” cutting the beaks of chickens and boiling Reflecting on the debate, Alex Brown, a them while conscious, said Friedrich. mathematics student at UGA, appreciated Conceding many of these claims to be true, McLaurin’s stance. “I like that the affirmative graduate assistant debate coach Will Mosleyside didn’t turn their argument into a moral Jenson based his argument on a careful thing. I think if people think of it as ‘I eat distinction between meat that comes from fac- meat or I don’t,’ they’re a lot less likely to tory farms and meat raised according to more make good decisions.” “ethical” standards. “The argument for meat consumption does not require a defense of the Devon Young

University Debaters, PETA Reps Weigh Pros, Cons of Meat

Paul Broun, Jr.’s Krazy Korner Congressman Broun presents himself as a fiscal realist; a responsible budgetary navigator on a sea of beltway profligacy and abandon. But it seems he doesn’t expect anyone to look too closely at his ideas. While each of Broun’s fiscal proposals sounds only halfcrazy, the whole of his suggestions considered together would only work in an imaginary country existing in Broun’s head, one in which math is abolished as a liberal conspiracy. Behold Brounland: it’s a lot like America, only considerably more mismanaged. Brounland’s military budget is “at the very least” 5 percent of GDP while all other spending is cut severely, as per bills Broun has sponsored recently. Despite recent USDA data showing that one in six Americans, including millions of children, went hungry at some point last year, safety-net provisions in Brounland are reduced to inefficacy, when not abolished entirely. Brounland’s many soldiers come from impoverished families, perhaps only to be fed and housed by the military. The rich have it great, though, seeing their already historically low tax rates slashed even further, with everyone else shouldering the burden. Broun’s recent bill to enact a balanced budget amendment sounds impossible—with tax revenue being cut so severely and skyrocketing military expenditures—until you realize that Broun considers Social Security unconstitutional and Medicare, Medicaid and other safety-net programs dispensable. The cold war-grade military expansion and tax cuts for the wealthy are essentially paid for with the destruction of these programs. Brounland: come for the military parades; stay because you got shot in a food riot. [Matthew Pulver]




capitol impact Can We Get Out of This Mess?


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Georgia’s legislators have gotten themselves into another mess with the state budget. The question is: how do they get themselves out? The House and Senate have approved a revised budget for the current year that cuts $1.2 billion because of a shortfall in state revenues, but the ongoing recession may force them to cut another $200 million before June 30. The budget for the next fiscal year probably will have to be reduced by another $1 billion or more unless the recession suddenly ends. The situation came to a head last week when the legislative leadership decided to call a timeout, and lawmakers agreed to adjourn the session until Mar. 8. Over the next two weeks, the House and Senate appropriations committees will meet jointly to try to figure out what else they can cut from the budgets. We mentioned in a previous column that the state could solve some of its budget problems by simply collecting past-due sales taxes that businesses have not been sending to the revenue department. Here is another suggestion: for the past few years, legislators have passed and Perdue has signed dozens of special interest tax breaks requested by lobbyists. Basically, anyone who had the money to hire a team of lobbyists could get a tax exemption. The assorted tax breaks, legislators assured us, would create thousands of new jobs for Georgians. But they didn’t. Even with all of these exemptions, the state’s unemployment rate has been higher than the national jobless rate for 25 of the last 26 months, according to labor department figures. This conglomeration of tax breaks now drains an estimated $1.5 billion or so from the state treasury each year. State Sen. George Hooks (D-Americus) has been a legislator for 30 years and chaired the Senate Appropriations Committee for nearly a decade. He probably knows as much as anyone under the Gold Dome about the state’s budget

and finances. Hooks argues it is time to start rolling back some of those tax breaks that lawmakers have so generously given to our corporate citizens. “They need to call us back into special session so we can look at every one of these tax exemptions,” Hooks said. “They ought to lock up every lobbyist and keep them out of the capitol while we’re doing it.” The state auditor’s office issued a report in 2006 recommending that the revenue department collect data to see if the tax breaks had actually benefited the state. The revenue department ignored that advice. When auditors took another look at the agency a few months ago, they discovered that “no steps have been taken to begin collecting data for evaluating the costs and benefits derived by the state from corporate tax credits.” “We don’t even know if those tax breaks are doing what they’re supposed to do,” Hooks protested. “They’ve eaten away at our tax base until there’s nothing left.” We are now seeing the results of that eroded tax base: teachers and state employees are being furloughed. Local school systems face dire prospects because the state has cut their funding. There is hardly any money to build highways. Financially distressed hospitals could be forced to close their doors. We all hope that the state’s political leadership can somehow find a way out of this budget mess. Before they can do that, however, they have to admit some hard facts. They can’t afford to keep handing out tax breaks just because lobbyists ask for them, and they have to start suspending some of the tax breaks they’ve already granted. Georgia just can’t afford it anymore. Tom Crawford Tom Crawford is the editor of The Georgia Report, an Internet news service at


percent of charter school closures were due to some combination of financial and managerial failure, while only 14 percent closed due to academic reasons. During the economic downturn last year, one private school was forced to close every two weeks in Great Britain. The stories go on. Once plugged into the global economy, privatized and for-profit charter schools are subject to the same harsh economic winds that close poultry plants in Athens or investment banks in New York. Let’s assume, however, that in this tragic game of musical Faced with diminishing resources and an apparent povgiven thousands of dollars to Georgia legislators on education chairs at least some of the students are able to be absorbed erty of ideas, the Clarke County Board of Education and committees, has received close to $7 million from John and by other corporations. (Wal-Mart’s entrance into the market Superintendent Phil Lanoue have decided to farm out the Jim Walton. The Wal-Mart PAC has also shoveled money into would certainly catch a good number of children in this manoperation of a local school to a corporation. It doesn’t take the education committees. Considering the calculated voracity ner.) Again, remembering basic economics, we know that each a Bolshevik to understand the threat of inviting corporations of the world’s largest corporation, to whom nothing is sacred, firm in the market can only succeed by differentiating itself to manage children’s educations. In fact, using only the funit hardly seems crazy to imagine a day down the road in which from its competitors. This is why you can’t just drop a Toyota damentals found in any Economics 101 textbook, privatized Wal-Mart adds elementary school education to car tires, tube engine into a Ford. School corporation A must offer a different education can be seen to be extraordinarily damaging to chilsocks and its other wares. And they’ll probably find a way to product—i.e., curriculum package—from that of school cordren and their parents. Market capitalism may be a fine way to have a 14-year-old Chinese girl teach the class. poration B. Corporation A might find it successful—or at least pump out plastic widgets, but the greed, cyclical failure and But on the way to full corporate ownership of schools, most marketable—to teach long division in second grade, while corother deficiencies of that economic system make it possibly education businesses will fail. That is another aspect of our poration B does it in third. Corporation C may even wait until the worst way to organize education for children. economy with all the certainty of gravity: most businesses fail. fourth grade. What happens to the child in fourth grade when Let’s start at the beginning. Market capitalism’s main aniTo make way for Wal-Mart, thousands upon thousands of busiher branch of corporation C closes suddenly and only corporamating principle, that it must always grow in order to survive, nesses, from mom-and-pops to large corporations, had to close tions A and B are available in her town? is the reason to be concerned even if your child is unaffected their doors. The workings of the corporatized education indusSo, while proponents of corporate schooling stress the by the school’s takeover. Lanoue has announced that there is try would, of course, be no different. “local control” that they promise comes with privatization, blood in the water, and the deal might as well be a nothing in current economics corroborates the claim. written invitation to other corporations interested in Corporations selling education are like corporations buying up other Clarke County schools. Growth is an selling anything else: they do not share the vested economic imperative, and each public school repreconcern you (and your local public school board) have sents more potential profits for corporations who must for your hometown. Their boardrooms are in places constantly seek bigger earnings. “Recession,” after all, like New York and Houston (or, increasingly, cities is only economics-speak for a situation in which busisuch as Beijing and Bangalore). Their boards of direcnesses contract, even slightly, and the whole system tors and CEOs are concerned with quarterly earnings goes haywire. Even stagnation is a poison. Why else reports and their principal shareholders, not the fate do car salesmen get on television to stomp around of your child. and have a near breakdown? In breathless desperation Ombudsman is no different. It is wholly owned they admit that they must increase volume, increase by a Wall Street private equity firm. Unlike S.O.A.R. volume. Only one ignorant of basic economics is able Academy, owned by the people of Georgia and overto pretend that education corporations are somehow seen by elected officials from the community and the magically exempt from this first law of economic activclassroom, Ombudsman is owned by a company called ity. Ombudsman, the company taking over S.O.A.R. Educational Services of America, which is owned by Academy, the Clarke County school, bought into the good folks at Trimaran Capital, LLC. You know schools in 22 other school systems in Georgia before ol’ Trimaran, right? You’ve probably shared a pew getting the Clarke school. A corporation selling educaon Sunday with Trimaran directors Jay Levine and tion will not—no, it cannot—stop at one school in Biddanda Thimmaya or run into investment banker and one county’s system. The corporations understand that Ombudsman director Jay Bloom at the grocery store. The services currently provided by S.O.A.R. Academy have been contracted to Ombudsman every child in Georgia could eventually bring a profit. Of course you haven’t: they’re busy managing their Educational Services. This tendency toward conquest can be plainly investments in the 11 other companies they own from observed in the payola scheme being run in Atlanta. their office in Manhattan, companies that sell “urban States like Georgia are seen as territories to be colonized (or While a hardware store’s failure is certainly a disaster for market plus-sized” apparel and auto parts. You won’t find any hosts to parasitize), and education corporations and their the owners and an inconvenience for the customers, a corpomention of Clarke County children on their website; only that front groups have flooded politicians in the Capitol’s education ration-school’s failure means crisis for the hundreds, or thouTrimaran is into “identifying markets with attractive growth committees with thousands upon thousands in campaign consands, of students and their parents. Where do the children go? prospects, in which businesses can be acquired or formed at tributions to generate a friendly environment for the corporaIn the past couple of years we’ve seen billion-dollar corporaattractive valuations, and then growing their earnings.” If your tions’ plans to buy up Georgia schools. Those legislators have tions fold one after another to leave hollow boxes where their child doesn’t “grow their earnings,” she will be thrown away, returned the financial favors by approving in their committees stores or offices used to be. Imagine the complete chaos of sold, forgotten. unprecedented legislation which would open the door wide thousands of children having to be moved mid-year to another We’ve learned all too well over the past few years that for corporations to begin replacing the public school system school. This phenomenon has already occurred in the limited the global economy is unpredictable and unforgiving. The via a statewide voucher system. Though the bill faces opposiexperiments in privatized and charter schools, and in a fully whims of a currency trader or hedge fund manager can have tion outside of the bought committees, the bill’s author (and functioning market this would be the rule, not the exception. unimaginable consequences. A debt crisis in Asia can decimate recipient of thousands in education industry campaign cash), The stories of privatized and charter schools closing are a company in Alabama. We’ve watched century-old corporate Republican state Senator Eric Johnson, is running for governor not hard to find. Last year’s sudden closure of a charter high stalwarts evaporate in a week’s time. The degree to which we on a message of school privatization. The education corporaschool in Dallas (charter schools are quasi-private schools, allow corporations to own schools is the degree to which we tions’ investments in Georgia legislators have so far bought often the progenitors of privatized systems) landed students allow children to be subjected to the harsh and unpredictable dutiful compatriots in their mission to make the state a beach- in the dire predicament of not having transferable credits with winds of economic change that even we adults do not underhead for new expansion and new profits. which to continue their educations uninterrupted. In 2004, stand. And all for merely a promise that Trimaran Capital’s And speaking of unbridled corporate expansion, the Walten thousand students across California found themselves sudboard of directors can do it on the cheap? When it can’t be Mart gang appears to be one of the biggest players in the denly without a school because their for-profit charter school done on the cheap—i.e., profitably—Trimaran won’t want to school privatization game. The Walton family has sent tens of company engaged in, according to a pro-charter school organido it at all, and where will that put us? millions of dollars to school privatization political groups and zation, “obvious malfeasance” in management and finances. A PACs. All Children Matter, an education industry group that has study published by the Economic Policy Institute found that 68 Matthew Pulver

The Real Risks of School Privatization




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Scooters have exploded as a viable transportation alternative at UGA in the last few years, but if proposed parking rule changes go into effect, that may all go away, altering the local transit scene in unintended ways. We’ve all cracked a smile watching an undersized scooter struggle valiantly up Sanford Drive hauling a football player and his teammate, but do scooters have a more serious role to play in how transportation works around town? What are the other consequences beyond the most obvious ones of such a seemingly trivial policy decision? Scooters have been parking in various small corrals on campus, generally pretty close to major classroom buildings; this has been so successful that these tiny lots are often overflowing. Rather than adjust the scale of the lots, the plan is to eliminate them altogether, and push scooters out to the edge of campus, eliminating the class-to-class short

is where this change in policy will likely send them. If scooters are made to be inconvenient to use, then we’ll likely see a host of other unintended consequences kick back up. I’d be curious to see the relative emissions of a 150-pound scooter, even if its engine is inefficient, as compared to a two-ton SUV. Beyond ecological footprints, you can fit five or six scooters in the space of one car, which means more room in parking lots and on surrounding neighborhood streets. What happens when these scooter kids graduate? Do they leave their toys behind at UGA, or are they more likely to continue their car-less lifestyle as they take up careers in other cities? One idea I’ve heard perpetually thrown around is banning cars for on-campus freshman. Would such a move produce a new generation of transit-friendly voters and future legislators who might see the value of improving MARTA or funding commuter rail?

trips that allowed this vehicle type to thrive. I wonder if parking planners have also considered the effect they’ll have on scooter retailers intown? Will local scooter salesmen go the way of the dormitory-loft vendors, the once iconic August entrepreneurs along Baxter Street who have now been virtually eliminated by the decision to provide reusable lofts in the high-rise dormitories? Maybe scooters are good for the economy. Is the philosophy here to hide the clutter of scooters that is ruining our picturesque campus by putting them on UGA’s edge, “out of sight,” in the same way that new physical plant infrastructure is out of sight next to public housing, and commuter lots are out of sight surrounding downtown? So long as UGA’s transportation management consists of parking and infrastructure on the periphery and a scenic walking campus within, the rest of us outside of paradise will end up screwed. I’m willing to bet that since scooters have taken off, the number of on-campus drop-offs by SUVs blocking traffic in the middle of Lumpkin or Baldwin has diminished proportionally. Likewise, scooters have made traffic move a little more slowly and safely, creating a better environment for bicyclists and pedestrians as well. Sure, there are bad scooter drivers, but those kids would be just as bad behind the wheel of a Suburban, which

So, what should we do with all these scooters, and more importantly, how do we understand the role they play on campus, as compared to other vehicle types? Right now, it seems that the philosophy is to classify scooters, buses and cars all as road-bound vehicles and to give everything else over to pedestrians. Bikes inhabit their usual gray area between vehicle and pedestrian. Perhaps a better way to manage these transportation choices is to give them access to campus in different degrees, each with a service area appropriate to its role along a continuum. Pedestrians obviously get the most unfettered access, while cars would be highly limited. Scooters ought to fall right in the middle, with less access than bikes, but more than buses. Parking for these small vehicles should be treated in a similar fashion, with a more frequent distribution than bus stops, but less frequent than bike racks. Scooters have an interesting role to play in the local transportation scene, and I think we’ve only just begun to understand what they can do for our city. This is a baby and the bathwater situation, and any hasty move which disincentivizes this mode of transportation will cut off a whole realm of possibilities for the future of Athens. Kevan Williams

Letter from Ecuador

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Jeff Gore


fter an incredibly quick week with my Ecuadorian patrons, it was already time to head south to the fruit farm where I had planned on working until the end of February. The farm is a 45-minute bus ride, then a 45-minute walk, from the town of Vilcabamba (where I sit typing this message), and it is stunningly beautiful. I guess it’s called “Neverland” for a reason. Set in a verdant valley between majestic mountains, the property is full of fruit trees, fruit bushes, fruit vines—fruit is everywhere. Passion fruit is usually lying on the ground at arm’s length from any given place on the farm, and thus it is a staple of the diet—passion fruit juice, passion fruit seeds baked into bread, passion fruit coolata mixed with rum—all are common uses, although the most common is simply bending down, picking one up, slicing it with a pocket knife, sucking out the tart innards, and getting back to the work at hand. There’s also the endearing roseapple, which tastes exactly how it sounds, and which I will miss dearly. I could go on and on about fruit, so I’ll stop here… The farm is owned by a high-powered woman named Tina—an American expat— who inherited the property from a selfanointed saint who called himself “Johnny Lovewisdom,” a guy who has penned numerous self-published autobiographies spread about the farm, read seriously by about one in every 25 volunteers. The volunteers, at this moment, are a robust mix of Americans, Canadians and Germans, with a Belgian and a Dane thrown in for good measure. All of our work thus far has had little to do with cultivating crops—either it is hacking away at thorny weeds in the cow pasture or carrying heavy stones to line an irrigation canal that serves the nearby small town of Tumianuma. Luckily, at the farm the average workday is only 4–5 hours, so these chores haven’t seemed to have embittered anybody. In the leisure hours, and over meals, there have been many conversational brushes with the metaphysical and the quasi-mystical. Over lunch, Jay, a 50-something American who is building a house with his wife on the farm, told his story. He was once a big shot in the automotive industry before the stress and emptiness of the job took a toll on his mental and physical health, and he quit, suffering for years from acute chemical sensitivity. Hypnotherapy and time away from the toxicity of civilization nurtured him back to health, which put him on the path to becoming a hypno-therapist himself who can now supposedly do “regressions” into “past lives.” Tina swears that Jay and his wife, a nutritionist,

have been able to “wake up” formerly autistic children in town by removing “chemical stressors” from their lives, right down to the mother’s make-up. There have also been plenty of drug stories from fellow volunteers, most interesting among them being those about ayahuasca, a drug which is claimed to be able to unlock the mind’s powers to cure even the most severe physical ailments. The Dane described how his ayahuasca experience mostly eliminated his chronic back pain; as the drug took effect, he said, he felt an “iron fist” grasp and rearrange his spine and he knew that despite the pain, he should yield to what would eventually make him feel better. And it did. Another, the 18-year-old Belgian who spent some time in the eastern jungle of Ecuador (and killed a monkey for food), told of how he met a woman who said a week-long session of ayahuasca—accompanied with traditional song and ritual—cured her cancer.


oubtless, I’ve really enjoyed making exciting new friends, hearing incredible stories, learning new skills and sleeping in a hammock under the stars. The meals have always been something to look forward to, and never again can I imagine finding such an Eden-like orchard of health and awe-inspiring beauty. But I recently realized that something very important—at least to me—is missing from this place: the Spanish language. Although I’ve tried to beat back the goal-oriented (and thus stiff and narrowly focused) self, I couldn’t defeat it entirely, and thus I came up with a compromise: OK, only one goal for this trip, that’s it—learn to speak Spanish as best as you possibly can. It finally sank in the other day that the farm is a terrible place to learn Spanish, as the international volunteer/traveller language is English, and even when I do get moderate Spanish exposure, it’s diluted and drowned out by the sheer amount of English I hear on a daily basis. With that realization came the loss of that contented lightness-of-being that comes with knowing “I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing right now.” So, I’m leaving the farm three weeks early. A 10-hour bus ride back to Gloria and Daniel’s, back to the birdcage of Guayaquil, back to days of studying Spanish and nights of speaking Spanish. I’ll be doing that until I leave for Trujillo, Peru, late next month. This ends this interminably long dispatch; if you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You get first priority with the roseapple seeds. Jeff Gore




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Holly Aguirre

We’re not

On the Ground After the Earth Shook


over-caffeinated man with perfect teeth forecasted sunny skies and cool breezes for St. Thomas this Friday morning, Feb. 5. I am on a small private plane with four strangers flying out over the ocean. Below me all I can see is sparkling blue water that ripples as we pass; the sun shines brightly on the horizon. Back home in Athens temperatures are hovering around 35 degrees, and there is talk of snow. It would be easy to strike up a conversation with my cabin mates about the weather, but other topics are weighing more heavily on our minds. No one speaks. The plane is so loaded down with provisions that the five of us must ride with luggage on our laps. The empty seat next to me is crammed with boxes, backpacks, anything that will fit. My fellow travelers are all volunteer nurses, and we’re headed toward earthquake-ravaged Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Our cargo consists of badly needed medical supplies, food, water, tents, crutches and other lifesustaining materials, mostly donated by individuals back in the States. I am a journalist onboard, asked to document the efforts of the U.S. Virgin Islands Haitian Relief Organization (USVI/HRO). I figure since we’ve got some time to kill, I should start my job, get the lay of the land. “Well, when I got to the hospital, you could smell the gangrene from the sidewalk. We had no idea what awaited us on the other side of those walls,” recalls Amy Gurlea, an RN and administrator making her third tour. “There was very little morphine and few surgical tools, so we had to make do with what we had. People needed saving, and that meant doing whatever it took.” Consequently, some operations were performed with hacksaws and no pain medication. Dead bodies were everywhere; there was no morgue, no hot water and a limping generator was badly in need of diesel fuel. A backdoor deal was made to trade much-needed medical morphine with the U.S. military for fuel, and the “drugs for diesel” program was quickly (and creativity) conceived. Discarded limbs were tossed into a ditch outside the hospital—local children were paid to throw rocks at the dogs trying to make a meal of the carnage. The keys to the hospital’s one ambulance were MIA, so USVI/HRO security volunteer Jeff Quinlan hotwired the vehicle. Care providers of the finest pedigrees took cat naps on cement rooftops, in darkened supply closets or simply pulled 24-hour shifts. Team USVI was relentless. It was this punk rock/git-‘er-done attitude that led me here in the first place. This group of doctors and nurses, organized by Carmen Partridge, a mother of three in St. Thomas, hopped on a private plane within 48 hours of

the quake. After essentially being turned away by the U.N., they went looking for the neediest. What they found were over 360 patients cramming the neighborhood of Frere’s 60-bed L’Hôpital de la Communauté Haitienne (Haitian Community Hospital), most in need of amputations, though many others had sustained severe head traumas and broken limbs. The overflow was housed outside in tents, and the injured kept showing up in droves. This all started, for me, with one simple Facebook post. My peer and former GA Bar bartender, Drew Alston, had gone to Haiti with the USVI HRO and had posted photos on his profile page. Clicking on the “volunteer needs” link, I was surprised to learn that they were seeking a professional journalist. Channeling my inner Mother Teresa, I filled out the online questionnaire, naturally assuming they’d never contact me. I received an email from volunteer Kim Russell within 12 hours. How soon could I go? Two days later I was on a flight to St. Thomas and was then transported to Haiti. What I experienced those five days altered my views on charitable giving and volunteerism—as well as of humanity—forever. My eyes have been opened to bureaucracies so tangled in red tape they cannot move to help those most in need. I did not see George Clooney and his white stallion nor did I see the Red Cross or the United Nations. A chorus of “We Are the World” does not echo in my brain. It is the efforts of the people I met at HCH, the individuals who said, “Fuck it. I’m going,” and those like them whose praises I plan to sing until I am silenced, because in Haiti, the worst is yet to come. Holly Aguirre

Haiti Benefit Concert Here at home artists continue to volunteer their talents to help rally support and funding for relief efforts in Haiti. A concert to benefit Doctors Without Borders will be held at the 40 Watt Club on Friday and features a upbeat collection of local pop acts, plus the debut of Internet enigma “Natalie Hinkle.”

WHO: Casper & the Cookies, Quiet Hooves, Natalie Hinkle, Native Kid, Henry Barbe WHERE: 40 Watt Club WHEN: Friday, Feb. 26, 8 p.m. HOW MUCH: $8

the reader

art notes

Love, Art & Experimental Meat

Warhol and His Pop-Art Progeny

She waitressed and also modeled in the nude at the art department, I slung taco meat and mixed Cheez-Whiz and chilies for queso at the Mexican restaurant. We lived on food filched from my work and whatever her uncle’s girlfriend had sent over from her job at the food testing lab, always in plastic baggies marked “EXPERIMENTAL.” Our place was a rented house in Normaltown with no heat, no air, panes dropping out of the windows, and those black grasshoppers with the racing stripes down the thorax trying to take over. She would draw and paint, I would work on my stories and rehearse with my band for a gig at Club Fred or the Downstairs. We were poor but happy, hungry yet ambitious—young bohemians in love.

It’s been many years since “back in the day,” and while as a parent and semiresponsible adult I wouldn’t wish that life on my own children, nevertheless, I do believe it would do everyone good to miss a meal or two, to have a few sleepless nights wondering where the rent’s going to come from, to beg, borrow, and/or steal to keep body and soul together. It teaches compassion for what most of the rest of the world goes through daily. It teaches us never to take our lives for granted. And if one wants to make art, it teaches one to live off the fire in the belly when there’s nothing else in there. It builds character, and without character there is no greatness. When Patti Smith stepped off the bus in Brooklyn in 1967, she had a battered suitcase filled with old clothes and books, no prospects, nowhere to go. She’d had a baby and given it up, and beat a path from south Jersey to the only place big enough for her ambitions. But the friends she’d planned to look up had long since moved, and there was nowhere to sleep but the park. After a few weeks of looking for a job, a friend, a safe haven, she ran into a wild-eyed boy with the look of an errant shepherd, who took her in and made her his Muse. His name was Bobby Mapplethorpe, but Patti preferred to call him Robert. They

became soulmates and best friends for the next 20 years. As Patti and Robert holed up in low-rent Brooklyn, cobbling up enough money for a grilled-cheese sandwich or some art supplies (but never both), they both knew they were meant for something great, but neither of them could have suspected that she would become the preeminent rock poet of her generation or that he would become the most controversial artist in America. The story of their parallel rise and Mapplethorpe’s too-soon passing is told in Patti Smith’s new memoir Just Kids (HarperCollins, 2010). It will come as a pleasant surprise to anyone who has read rock-star memoirs before to find that Smith’s book is neither cynical nor swaggering in its tone, far from the usual paean to the author’s prowess and destiny. From first to last, Smith is well aware that she was blessed to be in the right place at the right time, and when she documents her moments of ego during her rise on the nascent art-punk scene of New York in the ‘70s, it’s always with an apologetic note. Thus, when she talks about her friendships with William Burroughs and Jim Carroll and the stars of Andy Warhol’s Factory, her illicit affair with then-rising playwright Sam Shepard, and her breathless encounters with Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, it doesn’t feel like name-dropping or star-mongering. She limns the story of a New York orphan who almost accidentally found herself in the Chelsea Hotel and Max’s Kansas City precisely when those locales were the center of the universe. Far from the “High Priestess of Punk,” Smith is positively Dickensian here. But this isn’t just Patti’s book. Inextricably woven with her own story is Mapplethorpe’s turbulent life, his early struggles with his homosexuality and his growing fascination with the hardcore leather scene, his attempts to find himself as an artist through painting and mixed-media collage and finally in photography, where his provocative and often-shocking pieces became his defiant howl at the world. Smith gives us Mapplethorpe with more complexity, vulnerability and brilliance than she affords herself; her book is at all times an elegiac love song to her friend. Their parallel rise in the respective worlds of art and music takes them away from each other—Robert with his life partner Sam Wagstaff and Patti marrying guitarist Fred Sonic Smith, until Patti learns that Robert has contracted AIDS and she drops everything to return to him. Her depiction of Mapplethorpe’s final days is moving without being maudlin, an impressive accomplishment. Before she was a rock star, Patti Smith was a visual artist and a poet, and Just Kids brings both of those talents to bear, evoking both the vibrant hum of the Big Apple at one of its most exciting times and the quiet, intimate dance of two people who, despite time and space and real differences, were never less than completely in love. This book will make you hungry, and it will feed you. John G. Nettles

An Occasion for Beauty: I’m not an especially huge fan of Andy Warhol. I’ve always regarded him as an artist whose true statement was made by his lifestyle and fame, and whose eminence has been maintained by a relentless slew of documentaries, retrospectives and publications detailing the myth of his Factory and its emblematic status in New York in the ‘60s. The work itself is often eclipsed by his mythology. Arguably, Warhol wore many hats: artist, performer, businessman and icon. “Master craftsman” does not frequently make its way onto the above list, but the current exhibition of screenprints at the MadisonMorgan Cultural Center does a great deal to present him as such.

starting point for his paintings for a number of years, and his recent works at White Tiger follow suit. These pieces won’t disappoint in any technical regard. As for an individualistic emotive response—you’ll have to get back to me on this one. Hughes is characteristically reticent when it comes to compromise, opening a space for a viewer’s individual stance on an image. At the end of the day, this is the driving force behind his practice, stacking up for not only engaged viewing, but a charged discussion. Chris Giddens’ paintings currently on display at Highwire Lounge (only until the end of February! Hurry!), employ heavy photographic manipulation to achieve their

Jeremy Hughes’ paintings, including “Snacking Blighty,” are at White Tiger Gourmet through February. The show is comprised largely of two series, “Myths” and “Cowboys and Indians”— all drawn from the personal collection of Missy and Wes Cochran, and spanning over a decade of the artist’s career. The prints are handsomely installed in the gorgeous, historic building in downtown Madison. They are, in two words and one hyphen, jaw-dropping. The quality of the printing, the subtle shifts in color transitions and the transparent layering are truly extraordinary. What’s most interesting is that the exhibition itself foregrounds the magnificence of the works as exactly that—an occasion for beauty. The 10th print in the “Myths” series, a self-portrait of Warhol depicted as The Shadow, is extravagant in its fine coating of diamond dust, flocked directly onto the image. The show’s up ‘til Apr. 2. See it as soon as possible. Local Pop: Strangely enough, two young local artists whose individual practices owe much to Warhol are currently on display in town. Recent graduate of the MFA department at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, Jeremy Hughes has a small grouping of new works at White Tiger Gourmet. Hughes’ work has appeared in other locales in Athens for a couple of years now; I vividly remember a gorgeous large painting of a bodily orifice (unmentionable here) at the April ’08 show “Adventures in Mysticism” at ATHICA, and a more recent exhibition at the ACC Library’s “Top of the Stairs” gallery. Additionally, Hughes’ disquieting piece “Closure” appeared on the Apr. 29 cover of Flagpole last year. Hughes has appropriated and re-tooled cultural imagery (thank you, Warhol) as a


substantial graphic impact. Giddens piles opaque paint on top of a variety of surfaces to render his subjects in a stylized, bare-bones manner—in effect, the individual becomes the icon (once again, thank you, Warhol). Icons may have particular significance to Giddens— many of us may know him as a key member of a David Bowie cover band. If his recent efforts at Highwire are any indication of his skills— which I definitely think they are—I sincerely hope (for everyone) we can see more soon. Upcoming: Local artist Zach Bucek is hosting an open studio this Thursday, Feb. 25, from 8–11 p.m. at 112 S. Foundry St., in studios 22 and 23. Any occasion to see the working space of a local artist is a rare and unexpected treat. Additionally, the first session of the “6x6” series is Mar. 3, 7–8 p.m. at the Ciné Lab. The “6x6” exhibition (conceived and coordinated by longtime Athens resident Lauren Fancher) showcases short digital video, film, sound and performance art the first Wednesday of each month until August. With a different curator and theme for each session, this series will draw upon Athens artists to create a forum in which their work will be showcased. The lowdown can be found at, and a quick look at the individuals involved reveals some exciting names: artist and designer extraordinaire Didi Dunphy, Paul Thomas of the much-missed X-Ray Café, Kim Kirby of Young Athenians and Michael Lachowski of Young, Foxy and Free (who will curate the first session, “Fashion”). Look for ongoing coverage in future Art Notes. Brian Hitselberger



movie dope Some releases may not be showing locally this week. AVATAR (PG-13) On a remote planet, a paraplegic marine, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is promised the use of his legs if he helps the Corporation relocate a race of blue warriors, the Na’vi, whose home is located atop the planet’s richest supply of unobtanium. Jake takes control of a Na’vi/ human hybrid, infiltrating the aliens to learn their ways, but falls in love with them, particularly the chief’s daughter, Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), instead. Now Sully must lead the Na’vi against the space marines led by General Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang), a scarred hulk of a military man. THE BOOK OF ELI (R) The Book of Eli made it onto my most wanted list for 2010 based solely on its resemblance to Fallout 3, the greatest videogame I have played in years. In a postapocalyptic wasteland, one man (Denzel Washington) must protect a sacred text with the secret to saving mankind while crossing the dangerous country. The Hughes Brothers (Menace II Society, From Hell) can be hit or miss. Hopefully, Eli is a home run. With Gary Oldman and Mila Kunis. THE BOONDOCK SAINTS II: ALL SAINTS DAY (R) Writer-director Troy Duffy mines his only successful film, a box office bust turned cult fave, for its inevitable sequel. The Brothers MacManus, Connor (former “Young Indiana Jones” Sean Patrick Flanery) and Murphy (Norman Reedus), leave their idyllic life on the family farm in Ireland and return to Boston to take revenge on the mob that killed their favorite priest. With Julie Benz (“Angel” and “Dexter”), Clifton Collins Jr., Billy Connolly, Judd Nelson and Peter Fonda. COP OUT (R) For the first time in his career, smutty funnyman Kevin Smith directs a script that is not his own. Robb and Mark Cullen (“Gary the Rat”)

are responsible for the generically zany antics of two cops (Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan) as they track down a stolen baseball card, rescue a woman, and deal with gangsters and their laundered money. I am not amused by the trailer. With Michelle Trachtenberg, Jason Lee, Seann William Scott, Adam Brody, Kevin Pollak and Fred Armisen. DEALING DOGS (NR) Animal rights group Last Chance for Animals goes undercover at the Martin Creek Kennel, owned by C.C. Baird, America’s most notorious dog dealer. He supplied thousands of animals to the nation’s research labs. The accompanying discussion will be led by Cheryl McAuliffe, Georgia Director for The Humane Society of the United States. See Mar. 1 Events. DEAR JOHN (PG-13) More Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook) and more Lasse Hallstrom (Chocolat) could mean saccharine overload with this tearjerker about a soldier, John Tyree (Channing Tatum), who falls in love with a gal, Savannah Lynn Curtis (the Amanda Seyfried), while home on leave. But the terrorist attacks of 9/11 cause him to reenlist, an act that puts long-distance strain on their relationship. Thank goodness for Richard Jenkins, whose reassuring presence as John’s distant dad just might be enough to make this drivel tolerable. DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE MORGANS? (PG-13) Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker play the Morgans, an unhappily married city couple relocated to the wilds of Wyoming after witnessing a murder. One can imagine they will rekindle their love affair once they have left behind the hustle and bustle of city living. Writer-director Marc Lawrence also helmed the Sandra Bullock vehicles, Miss Congeniality and Two Weeks Notice (which also starred Grant). With Sam Elliot and

Mary Steenburgen as the local lawman and his gun-toting wife. EDGE OF DARKNESS (R) Boston detective and widower Thomas Craven dotes on his grown-up little girl, Emma (Bojana Novakovic), an MIT grad working as a trainee for a giant Massachusetts R&D firm, Northmoor. When Emma visits dear old dad and is gunned down in a supposed hit on the detective, Craven turns his professional skills on her personal life, of which he knows strangely little. The more Craven investigates Emma’s life, the more he begins to believe she was killed because of something she had discovered about Northmoor and her boss, Jack Bennett (Danny Huston). Craven the detective teams up with Craven the grieving dad to investigate Bennett and uncovers a run-of-the-mill political thriller cover-up. AN EDUCATION (PG-13) Intelligent and mature for her 16 years, Jenny Miller (Academy Award nominee Mulligan) dreams of little more than escaping her tiny life in a London suburb with her bourgeois parents (Alfred Molina and Cara Seymour). But then she meets David Goldman (Peter Sarsgaard), an exciting older man with a sports car and a seemingly endless disposable income, the perfect combination to woo an impressionable teenage girl who dreams of life as a Parisian sophisticate. David charms the entire Miller family right up until the impending moment that his dream life proves too good to be true. EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES (PG) The appeal of Extraordinary Measures depends upon your tolerance for inspirational movies about parents willing to sacrifice everything to save their sick child (see Lorenzo’s Oil). Based on the true story of John and Aileen Crowley’s search for a cure for their two children’s rare genetic disorder, Extraordinary Measures stars Brendan Fraser and Keri Russell as


Theater schedules often change after our deadline. Please call ahead. ACC LIBRARY (706-613-3650)

The Garden (NR) 7:00 (Th. 2/25)

BEECHWOOD (706-546-1011)

Beechwood movie times are only accurate through Feb. 25. Visit for updated times. Avatar 3D (PG-13) 4:30, 8:00 The Book of Eli (R) 4:05, 7:05, 9:50 Dear John (PG-13) 4:20, 7:00, 9:35 Edge of Darkness (R) 6:55, 9:40 (no shows W. 2/24) From Paris With Love (R) 4:10, 9:40 It’s Complicated (R) 7:05 Percy Jackson & the Olympians (PG) 4:15, 7:15, 9:55 Shutter Island (R) 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 Tooth Fairy (PG) 4:15 To Save a Life (PG-13) 4:20, 7:10, 9:50 Valentine’s Day (PG-13) 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 When in Rome (PG-13) 5:15, 7:30, 9:40 The Wolfman (R) 5:10, 7:35, 10:00

CINÉ (706-353-3343)

CARMIKE 12 (706-354-0016)

GEORGIA SQUARE 5 (706-548-3426)

Carmike 12 movie times are only accurate through Feb. 25. Visit for updated times. Avatar 3D (PG-13) 12:00, 4:00, 7:45 The Book of Eli (R) 12:30, 3:30, 7:15, 9:50 Dear John (PG-13) 1:20, 4:15, 7:10, 9:45 Edge of Darkness (R) 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 9:40 From Paris With Love (R) 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10:05 Legion (R) 1:30, 4:15, 7:10, 9:40 Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (R) 1:30, 4:15, 7:05, 9:50 Shutter Island (R) 1:00, 4:05, 7:10, 10:15 Tooth Fairy (PG) 1:30, 4:10, 7:00, 9:30 Valentine’s Day (PG-13) 1:10, 2:00, 4:05, 5:00, 7:00,


8:00, 9:55 When in Rome (PG-13) 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 Wolfman (R) 1:55, 4:35, 7:10, 9:35


An Education (PG-13) 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 (new times F. 2/26: 7:15) Fantastic Mr. Fox (PG) 3:15 (Sa. 2/27) The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus (PG-13) 9:45 (ends Th. 2/25) The Last Station (R) 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 (starts F. 2/26) (no 9:45 show Su. 2/28) Oscar Nominated Animated Short Films (NR) 5:00 (starts F. 2/26) Oscar Nominated Live Action Short Films (NR) 9:30 (add’l time Sa. 2/27: 3:00) (no 9:30 show Sa. 2/27–Su. 2/28) (starts F. 2/26) Women in Horror Film Festival (NR) 10:00 (Sa. 2/27) A Single Man (PG-13) 5:15, 7:30 (ends Th. 2/25) Georgia Square Five movie times are only accurate through Feb. 25. Visit for updated times. Did You Hear About the Morgans? (PG-13) 5:30, 7:55, 10:20 Extraordinary Measures (PG) 4:05, 7:35, 10:05 Leap Year (PG) 7:50, 10:10 The Twilight Saga: New Moon (PG-13) 4:00, 7:00, 9:55 Planet 51 (PG) 5:25 The Princess and the Frog (G) 5:20, 7:40, 10:00

TATE CENTER THEATER (706-542-6396)

The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (R) 3:00, 5:15, 7:30, 9:40 (F. 2/26–Su. 2/28)

the Crowleys and Harrison Ford as the eccentric scientist on the trail of a cure. With Dee Wallace and Jared Harris (“Mad Men”). FANTASTIC MR. FOX (PG) The first family film by Wes Anderson is also the most genuinely appealing and possibly most human feature the Oscarnominated auteur has ever dreamed up (with the help of Mr. Roald Dahl, of course). Anderson has crafted—quite literally as the animation is primarily accomplished via stop motion—a glorious storybook world. FROM PARIS WITH LOVE (R) Pierre Morel, who directed Taken, the surprise winter hit of 2009, puts an extremely game John Travolta and Jonathan Rhys Meyers through the frantic action paces as an American spy and an employee from the U.S. Embassy trying to foil a terrorist attack on the City of Lights. The trailer looks incredibly fun; Travolta has not appeared this carelessly appealing since the late ‘90s. As with Morel’s earlier films, Gallic action auteur Luc Besson shared the writing duties. THE GARDEN (NR) 2008. Filmmaker Scott Hamilton Kennedy documents the effort to bulldoze and save a 14-acre community garden born from the ashes of the L.A. riots. The South Central Farmers miraculously feed their families with food grown in this urban oasis. Guess who wins: the urban farmers, the city of Los Angeles, or the powerful developer? Nominated for the Best Documentary Feature Academy Award, The Garden won the Grand Jury Prize at the Silverdocs Documentary Festival. Part of the ACC Library’s iFilms series. THE IMAGINARIUM OF DOCTOR PARNASSUS (PG-13) Doctor Parnassus (Christopher Plummer) grants people entry into their own imaginations, where they are offered the choice of redemption or damnation, courtesy of Mr. Nick (Tom Waits), the devil. The sudden appearance of the charming Tony ( Heath Ledger), discovered hanging underneath a bridge, may be what the doctor ordered, as Mr. Nick just offered Doctor Parnassus one final wager. Let the games begin. IT’S COMPLICATED (R) Divorced Jane (Meryl Streep) embarks on an affair with her ex-husband, Jake (Alec Baldwin), currently married to the younger woman for whom he left Jane. The titular complications arrive in Adam (Steve Martin), an appealing architect Jane is also wooing. The R rating signifies a decided maturity in Meyers’ latest. With Rita Wilson, John Krasinski (“The Office”), Hunter Parrish (“Weeds”) and Lake Bell. THE LAST STATION (R) This historical drama depicts the struggle of Russian author Leo Tolstoy (Christopher Plummer) to balance fame with his desire to live a life devoid of material possessions. Director Michael Hoffman’s filmography (including Soapdish and One Fine Day) does not quite excite. The film could be a big winner at the Independent Spirit Awards where it is nominated for five prizes including Best Feature, Best Director and Best Screenplay. With James McAvoy, Best Supporting Actress Oscar nominee Helen Mirren and Paul Giamatti. LEAP YEAR (PG) Amy Adams jumpstarts 2010 as Anna, who has worked tirelessly for four years to get engaged

to her boyfriend, Jeremy (Adam Scott). When he jets off to Dublin for business, Anna decides to join him and avail herself of an Irish Leap Day tradition, wherein women are encouraged to propose on Feb. 29. A hiccup in her travel plans strands her in Wales, where innkeeper Declan (Matthew Goode) offers her a ride and much more. LEGION (R) An early favorite for worst of the year, Legion is all kinds of bad, except sadly, for the kind it takes to be any fun. Apparently, God is fed up with mankind, again, and he tasks his baddest-ass angels, Michael (Paul Bettany) and Gabriel (Kevin Durand), with humanity’s extermination. But Michael has a change of heart and decides to protect man’s last hope, the unborn child of single waitress Charlie (Adrianne Palicki). Holing up in a roadside diner/service station named Paradise Falls with your typical survivors, they must tough out an onslaught of the possessed zombie-types until Charlie’s child can be born. PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS: THE LIGHTNING THIEF (PG) Troubled teen Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) discovers he is a demigod, the son of Greek god Poseidon (Kevin McKidd), and must recover his Uncle Zeus’ (Sean Bean) master bolt before an Olympian civil war rocks the entire world. Accompanied by protective satyr Grover (Brandon T. Jackson) and Annabeth (Alexandra Daddario), the daughter of Athena, Percy crisscrosses the country for silly reasons only a screenwriter would devise. PLANET 51 (PG) Astronaut Chuck Baker (v. Dwayne Johnson) lands on Planet 51 and finds an alien race paranoid of an alien invasion. He must recover his spaceship with the help of his new alien friend. Three first-time directors—Jorge Blanco, Javier Abad and Marcos Martinez—bring Joe Stillman’s script to animated life. This family flick does not look terrible, but it does not much resemble a holiday blockbuster either. Featuring the voices of Jessica Biel, Justin Long, Gary Oldman and John Cleese. THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG (G) An updated retelling of The Frog Prince, The Princess and the Frog boasts Disney’s newest addition to their Princess brand, the first AfricanAmerican Princess, Tiana. After years of pale Pixar imitations, animation needed a hand-drawn refresher, and who better to provide it than the studio that started the genre 72 years ago? SCENE NOT HEARD (NR) America’s mecca for soul music, Philadelphia, is often overlooked for its hip-hop contributions. Will Smith, The Roots and Eve all hail from the City of Brotherly Love. Director Maori Karmael Holmes’s doc profiles the city’s overlooked abundance of talented female voices. SENECA FALLS (NR) The Institute for Women’s Studies kicks off Women’s History Month with this film event. In this documentary, nine high school girls—and one 10-year-old boy—take a life changing journey to Seneca Falls, the birthplace of women’s rights in America. Wower Power, a multicultural teen theater troupe, travels San Francisco to New York to perform an original play at the 150th anniversary of this historic event. The girls even get to meet Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi! See Mar. 1 Events.

SHUTTER ISLAND (R) See Movie Pick. A SINGLE MAN (PG-13) A British, middle-aged, English professor living in California, George (Colin Firth) is devastated by the sudden death of his longtime partner, Jim (Matthew Goode), in a car crash. Contemplating suicide to escape a color-faded world of woe, George lumbers through a potential final day. A Single Man never overwhelms with its ocean of sorrow. Bleak humor peeks out from the clouds, like rays of sunlight. Judging from this one film, Tom Ford has tremendous potential as a filmmaker. TOOTH FAIRY (PG) The mere presence of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson means Tooth Fairy will not be the worst family flick 2010 will offer (besides, The Spy Next Door is much worse). Johnson’s powerful magnetism will pull both parent and child through this hour and 40 minutes of silly fluff. Johnson stars as a minor league hockey enforcer, Derek “Tooth Fairy” Thompson, who is sentenced to perform the duties of his nickname after crushing the dreams of his girlfriend’s daughter. TO SAVE A LIFE (PG-13) A new faith-based movie, To Save a Life seeks the teenage audience that spends all their parents’ hard-earned money at the movies. Jake Taylor (Randy Wayne) has it all. He’s a high school hardcourt superstar who has the girl and a college scholarship. But when he can’t save his childhood friend, Roger (Robert Bailey, Jr.), who commits suicide right in front of Jake, the big man on campus risks everything to stop the next Roger from making a tragic decision. Director Brian Baugh was the DP on An American Carol. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON (PG-13) All Twilight hating aside, the second cinematic installment of the four-part series bests the first film, even with less of Robert Pattinson’s Edward. VALENTINE’S DAY (PG-13) Every young actor and actress in Hollywood looks to be involved with this romantic comedy intertwining a bunch of couples’ make-ups and break-ups due to the pressures of Valentine’s Day. WHEN IN ROME (PG-13) Kristen Bell is a young, ambitious New Yorker who has not been lucky in love. All of that changes when she steals coins from a magical fountain in Rome. Now she has more silly suitors. Romantic comedies that use actual magic as a plot point might be the most insufferable of the romcom sub-genres, and this flick does nothing to sway that long-held belief. THE WOLFMAN (R) A man, Lawrence Talbot (Benicio Del Toro), attempting to escape his domineering father’s shadow, is drawn back into his orbit after the mysterious, violent death of his brother. Lawrence discovers his father, Sir John Talbot (Anthony Hopkins), is keeping a dark, furry secret that unleashes monthly mayhem upon the small English country village of Blackmoor. After a soporific first act, Lawrence is bitten by the beast and becomes the newest victim of the curse, unleashing an exciting second act, highlighted by a Victorian-era sanitarium and a rampage through London’s streets. WOMEN IN HORROR FILM FESTIVAL (NR) A program of short horror films directed by women— some locally produced—presented by the redoubtable Gonzoriffic Films in celebration of, not only Women’s History Month, but Women in Horror Recognition Month, as well. Heidi Martinuzzi, Ruby LaRocca and Valerie Morris are just a few of the featured female directors. A filmmaker Q&A follows the show. Drew Wheeler

movie pick Crazy Good SHUTTER ISLAND (R) Shutter Island is that nurses and orderlies are all too cagey—helpful rare film that is as good as, if not better than, without actually assisting the investigation in the book. The third Dennis Lehane novel to any material way. Also, how does Teddy’s own travel to the big screen was the first I had any trauma-filled past connect with his present interest in reading prior to seeing and is the investigation? Apparently, Rachel Solando is easiest to watch and rewatch. A strictly genre not be the only island resident whose whereaffair, Shutter Island lacks the oppressively sad abouts the marshal is intent on discovering. gravity of previous Lehane adaptations, Clint Though the trailer implies a Silent Hill-ish Eastwood’s Oscar-winning Mystic River and Ben mind-freak, Shutter Island lacks any superAffleck’s Oscar-nominated Gone Baby Gone. natural elements. It is a psychological thriller, I do not want to scare anyone away from whose multitude of dream sequences are skillMartin Scorsese’s fully conveyed by newest film with the Scorsese. Anyone still ghettoizing claim of begrudgingly denygenre. The trailers do ing DiCaprio his due that job well enough. should be required In 1954, U.S. to view this film (or Marshal Teddy Daniels Revolutionary Road). (Leonardo DiCaprio) He simmers with and his new partner, angry violence, exacChuck Aule (Mark erbated by a weakenRuffalo), are suming trust of his own moned to a remote sanity. Ruffalo conisland in Boston Leonardo DiCaprio and Ben Kingsley tinues his thankless Harbor that houses existence as one of some of the nation’s most dangerous, unstable Hollywood’s most undervalued performers. prisoners, or patients, as head psychiatrist The highly critical will be disappointed with Dr. Cawley (Ben Kingsley) prefers. A patient, Scorsese for following up The Departed with Rachel Solando (Emily Mortimer), has mysteria so-called piece of genre fluff like Shutter ously escaped, and the marshals have been Island, but while the film may not be a career tasked with finding her and returning her, a best, it is certainly one of his more entertainjob at which Teddy excels. However, Teddy ing. The psychological thriller is also the most and Chuck soon realize something is amiss watchable Lehane adaptation by a mile. on Shutter Island. The doctors, including the ominous Dr. Naehring (Max von Sydow), Drew Wheeler

February 26 7:00pm March 5 Doors open 7:00pm $5 Cover




film notebook News of Athens’ Cinema Scene Things Have Changed: Watching Lucrecia Martel’s The Headless Woman on DVD last night, I found myself wondering, “Why hasn’t Ciné been showing films like this lately?” The Argentine film, which was high on countless 2009 “top-10” lists—including finishing second in Film Comment’s year-end critics’ poll— is the embodiment of the type of thing for which Ciné was originally intended to provide a venue. It’s an arthouse film in the truest sense of the term: serious, challenging and rewarding of close viewing, it bears almost no similarity to the multiplex films to which theaters like Ciné are supposed to supply an alternative for filmgoers who aren’t put off by subtitles (or ambiguity). But a review of Ciné’s listings for the last few months reveals that, since the Wendekino festival of German and Eastern European films last fall, the downtown theater has booked only four foreign-language films, all of which boasted established, high-

off to the bars on those rare occasions when a Lorna’s Silence or Silent Light turns up on the marquee. Those opportunities are growing fewer and farther between. So, What Are They Showing?: Remember when the Oscar nominees were announced last month, and you said, “What the hell is The Last Station featuring Helen Mirren and Christopher Plummer?” Well, as you may have learned in the interim, it’s the starstudded historical melodrama chronicling various intrigues at the end of the life of Leo Tolstoy that is only now enjoying its general release. It opens Feb. 26 at Ciné, along with the always worthwhile dual programs of animated and live-action Oscar-nominated short films. The following evening at 10 p.m. is the Women in Horror Film Festival, a program of short films directed by women—some locally produced—presented by the redoubtable



The Last Station, starring Helen Mirren, opens at Ciné on Friday, Feb. 26. profile directors (Pedro Almodóvar, John Woo), international movie stars (Juliette Binoche, Audrey Tautou, Penélope Cruz) or both. The reasons for this have little to do with Ciné’s programming choices, despite their occasionally missing out on something like Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist. The fact is, very few foreign art films are getting theatrical distribution in the U.S. these days (even fewer since the closing of New Yorker Films a year ago), and those that do are moving very slowly. The Headless Woman was screened at a few festivals here, had a limited run in New York, then went to DVD. Sony Pictures Classics still has not announced a release date for Alain Resnais’ Wild Grass, which it picked up last May at Cannes. Highly publicized and acclaimed films like Claire Denis’ 35 Shots of Rum, Hirokazu Kore-eda’s Still Walking and Corneliu Porumboiu’s Police, Adjective creep through North American cinemas; one imagines the number of prints in circulation can’t be more than a handful. What moves fast in our age is the pipeline that brings these films into our homes, with pay-per-view platforms like IFC On Demand releasing them at the same time they begin their theatrical runs. The bottom line for us is, while we should be happy that Ciné appears to be broadening its audience and having success with quality, medium-sized films like A Single Man and Broken Embraces, we mustn’t shrug and shuffle



Gonzoriffic Films. A number of the filmmakers will be present for Q&A after the screenings. To wrap up the weekend, Feb. 28 brings a special showing of John Hughes’ Pretty in Pink to benefit, appropriately, the Athens Area Cancer Auxiliary. For more on these and other events, check Free Screenings Are Good: The fourth annual African Diaspora Film Festival at UGA concludes with screenings each of the next two weeks. Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. in the African American Cultural Center (on the fourth floor of Memorial Hall) is Scene not Heard, Maori Karamel Holmes’ 2005 documentary focusing on women in Philadelphia’s hip-hop music scene. The Mar. 4 screening, at 7 p.m. in Room 481 of the Tate Center, is Daughters of the Dust, Julie Dash’s landmark 1991 drama about three generations of Gullah women weathering social and geographical transitions at the turn of the 20th century… The ACC Library’s iFilms screenings are The Garden, Scott Hamilton Kennedy’s 2008 documentary about a 14-acre community garden in crime- and poverty-ravaged South-Central Los Angeles (Feb. 25), and DIRT! The Movie, a new documentary about the troubled but crucial relationship between humans and the soil. Weekly iFilms screenings are Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the library auditorium at 2025 Baxter St. Dave Marr

threats & promises Dusty Lightswitch Music News And Gossip Bootleg Muscle: Maximum Busy Muscle either received a massive compliment or is the victim of mistaken identity because apparently mere hours after Sloan Simpson placed the band’s latest live recording up on his website, Southern Shelter, an Italian blog that links to bootlegs picked up on it, designed artwork for it and linked back to the original Southern Shelter post. Simpson and I even tried to explore the “mistaken identity” angle and couldn’t for the life of us figure out who the Italians thought the band might be. At any rate, that’s a whole new level of exposure for the band. In other news, the band is on the cusp of releasing a five-track EP, Kill the Cow,

4:40 p.m., Noogeez (whose lineup is basically 99 percent of the Squalls and Jolly Beggars) will play tracks from its brand-new children’s album, Galaxy Day. Check the bands out via and www. For more information concerning ATHICA and the rest of the day’s schedule, please see

A Band Apart

A Very Early Christmas: The masterfully tasteful folks at Acute Records will release a compilation from deservedly legendary Athens band The Method Actors on Mar. 9. Though the comp is not exhaustive, and most of the 19 tracks are pulled from the band’s

Mike White ·


Maximum Busy Muscle Beat the Horse, through the donation-based online label Quote Unquote Records. Joel Hatstat, whom the band credits as giving the tracks more “kick-assery,” mastered the recording. Good enough for me. Hurry Up and Wait: Ghostmeat Records just finished its first full-length recording at the Ghostmeat Records Studio and the honor goes to Dave Dondero. The not-yet-titled recording features William Tonks, Clay Leverett, Ken Will Morton, Russ Hallauer and Rob Keller in addition to former Athenian Dondero. Although head honcho Hallauer says he’s not sure whether he’ll release the album via Ghostmeat Records, he also says that it won’t be released until the fall, by which time you will have forgotten you ever read this. My Two Cents: Although you can read more about him in this issue’s Calendar Pick, I want to go on record saying that I think the new EP by T.J. Mimbs is a really cool little record with a marked clarity of vision. The songs generally fall into the Soul Asylum-ReplacementsJayhawks territory, but don’t go looking for any particular track to sound exactly like any of those bands. Mimbs does a good job of filtering his influences through his own aesthetic. Quittin’ Time: The closing day events for ATHICA’s current show, “Nurture,” are packed with happenings on Sunday, Feb. 28, but two items in particular caught my eye. First, at 4:15 p.m., Nanny Island will perform a special set for kids. The band features real-life nannies Sarah J. Ursrey and Shauna Greeson along with drummer Forrest Leffer. Then, at

1981 releases (the LP Little Figures and the EP Dancing Underneath), the track selection from these is stellar. The packaging is gorgeous, too, and the liner notes are courtesy of Peter Buck (R.E.M.). Titled This Is Still It, the name is a play on the title of band’s original 7”, This Is It. The Method Actors were formed by David Gamble and Vic Varney and are known mostly for the work they did as a duo, although Varney would eventually flesh the band out to include other members after Gamble left. The band received enormous critical praise on both sides of the Atlantic, but this never translated into any sort of financial success. The music is enthusiastically angular and danceable, drawing as much from icy cold experimentation as deep funk grooves. This is essential listening, folks. Pylon may be the most well known of the early art-wave Athens bands, but The Method Actors deserve every shred of your attention, too. For more info, see and www.myspace. com/methodactors. Best New Holiday in Forever: I think I’ve mentioned before how much I love Record Store Day. It’s the annual celebration/appreciation of independent record stores and it happens this year on Saturday, Apr. 17. Here in Athens, Wuxtry Records is releasing a compilation LP featuring 15 diverse local bands. No word yet on a price, so go bug store manager Mike Turner (HHBTM Records) and ask him, since this LP was all his idea. For more on the history of Record Store Day and details concerning related events, please see www. Gordon Lamb

t’s a natural thing to try to place a band’s sound within some familiar framework. It happens at an almost subconscious level. It’s a way of organizing new information into the known world. Bands that can’t be somewhat easily categorized tend to get overlooked by potential audiences and hapless music journalists. All of which is to say that one of the most creative, original bands in Athens right now stands a good chance of being completely ignored. And, if that happens, the shame will be ours. Dusty Lightswitch, named after a moniker hung on a friend who dug sitting around in his room in the dark, is basically the fusion of two bands: A Tale of Two Caleys and The Cleaners. The members are Caley Ross (percussion/ vocals), Caley Smith (guitar/vocals), Billy Reeves (bass/vocals), Ronnie Winders (drums), Mark Wenthe (guitar/vocals), Alan Pesti (trumpet) and Andrew Zimdars (trumpet). “The band is full of Athens natives and long-time residents,” says Caley Ross. “The majority of us were born here, went to school here, and have seen the city change with us. We carry a diversity of backgrounds perhaps very different from a traditional Athens band, but I think that has only made us more powerful and open-minded as a musical force.” Dusty Lightswitch is melodic and percussive. It’s occasionally cheeky in a slyly winking way. And when it comes to the band not really residing inside of any clearly discernible pop music tradition, Caley Smith says, “I’ve heard us compared to a lot of different bands without much consistency. I think part of the reason for our unique sound is the independence with which we write our parts. If I write a song, most of the things I want to make sure happen in that song I will incorporate into my part… and all of us have really different musical tastes and influences… I don’t think I’m a good enough musician to imitate anyone’s style.” Dusty Lightswitch’s ambitious, 15-track debut, From an Oil Drum at the Bottom of the Ocean, was recorded at Dreamlab Studios in Winterville with engineer Brian Matthews and studio owner Mike Gavrielides. Recording began in July of last year and production mastering was just completed mere weeks ago. Caley Ross described the process as lengthy but worth it. “The end result is something I think we can all be proud of,” he says. Divided into two “acts,” From an Oil Drum… flows along a loose theme, says Smith. “The songs themselves are modular because most stories are made of similar components. So, we arranged these independent

songs into an order that tells, in Act I, a dark story of growing up, losing energy, losing hope and fearing the future. In Act II we find each other, our ambitions return, the past is gone, and the future is waiting. It’s the story of Dusty Lightswitch—how friendship and music lit up our lives.” It’s not entirely fair to say these guys made their sound up all on their own. All the members have record collections, and everyone is influenced by something. So, let’s admit there’s a bit of Bowie in Dusty Lightswitch, maybe a nod to the percussion of Happy Mondays and even some growling Alice Cooper. And like Bowie and Cooper, one of the first things you’ll notice at a Dusty Lightswitch show is Smith’s peculiar stage wear. He admits his sometimes outrageous style was actually born from stage fright. “When I started playing gigs, I used to have my face painted to protect myself from the world. I have never been wholly comfortable onstage, but I used to get a very ill feeling from anticipation and nervousness,” he says. “Eventually I outgrew the mask, but I felt it was important to maintain the divide between actor and audience. That distance enhances the performance by making it slightly less ordinary and slightly more memorable.” Dusty Lightswitch is pretty damn far from the run-of-the-mill Athens townie party. They’re just not the kind of make-the-scene people of which so many Athens bands are unfortunately composed. For as much lip service bands give to wanting a broader audience, the fact remains that a lot of bands really just want to play the local game of adding up cool points. For Dusty Lightswitch it’s a non-issue. Ross says, “In this town, as surprising as it may sound, it’s really hard for people to let their guard down and just hear music, and I just want people to know we come in peace. This music isn’t for a certain kind of person; it’s for everyone to enjoy.” For his part, Smith concurs, and leaves the door open: “If anybody wants to play some music sometime, don’t be shy. That’s how this all started. So, jam with us.” Gordon Lamb

WHO: Dusty Lightswitch, Jessie Marston, Rag, Manger WHERE: Caledonia Lounge WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 24, 10 p.m. HOW MUCH: $5 (21+), $7 (18+)



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obody with any sense gets into music because it’s a stable industry. Luckily for Twin Tigers frontman Matthew Rain, he knows a little bit about shakeups. As a kid, he moved around a lot, spending parts of his formative years in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Idaho, Indiana and Georgia. From fifth to 10th grade, he never spent more than a year in any one school. Eventually, he had the choice between living with his mom in Nebraska and living with his dad in Athens. “At that time, being 14, a kid growing up in the ‘90s, obviously, you know about R.E.M.,” the 27-year-old Rain says on why he chose the Classic City. He quickly came to realize how vibrant the rest of the scene here was. Since then, music has been his sole focus and, most recently, Rain has found an outlet with his band, Twin Tigers. But even that didn’t provide much stability right away; in the band’s first year of existence, it didn’t go more than two or three months without some kind of lineup change. The four-piece band has now featured nine different members since forming in 2007. Rain and bassist Aimee Morris are the only members to have stuck it out since the band originally took shape, but that offered its share of wavering, too; the pair dated for a while but called it quits in the fall of ‘08, figuring it was too difficult to manage simultaneously a romantic and a creative relationship with the same person. They decided the creative element was more important, though they still remain very close. And we haven’t even talked about the actual work involved in trying to make it in the music business, like the trek Twin Tigers made last fall opening for Minus the Bear and The Antlers. After driving out to Oregon from Athens, the tour took them down through California, across Arizona and Texas, down to Florida, up to Maine and then back down to Kansas. The band covered 40 states in five weeks with only one day off the whole trip; that day was spent driving 900 or so miles from San Antonio to Birmingham. “But that’s what you do,” Rain says. “When you get offered an opportunity to play to a thousand-plus people a night, you don’t even think about it.” Such ambition, along with all the aforementioned volatility, is evidenced in the band’s new album, due out Mar. 2. Gray Waves

is a capricious, shoegazey daydream whose noisy debt to bands like My Bloody Valentine and Sonic Youth is obvious, but whose heavy distortion belies a keen sense of melody. Twin Tigers spent only three weeks recording, but after banging out every prior recording session he had done in only two or three days, Rain felt as though his band had plenty of time to settle in and get the sound it wanted. Rain has been playing music since he was 11, so he knows a little about how to stay afloat. For however rough the seas of his life and career might get, music has always been his anchor. “Especially in this town, you hear a lot of people trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives,” he says. “I’ve never been concerned with that. I’ve always known what I wanted to do.” Things will come full circle for the band on Feb. 26, when Twin Tigers plays its record release show at the Caledonia Lounge, where it played its first show ever back in 2007, albeit with a different lineup. This time, Doug Crump will drum and Forrest Hall will play guitar. Since Crump and Hall joined the band a little more than a year ago, just before a sixshows-in-four-days trip to SXSW, things have been much more consistent. Rain says the band cohered quickly at SXSW and has been on the upswing ever since. He attributes part of the success to the steadiness of the lineup, and the steadiness to unity. “We finally got a crew of people that all want the same thing,” he says. So far, he’s pleased with the results. “The early response to this record so far and everything we’ve done has been by far better than anything I’ve ever been involved with.” And for all the changes Rain has gone through, he’s hoping for some steadiness. When asked where he sees himself in a year, Rain has a two-word answer: “Twin Tigers.” Adam Clair

WHO: Twin Tigers, Grape Soda, Nuclear Spring WHERE: Caledonia Lounge WHEN: Friday, Feb. 26 HOW MUCH: $5 (21+), $7 (18+)

Aubrey Edwards

We Go Weird

Daedelus Makes Electronic Music Come Alive

Come with me and you’ll be In a world of pure imagination Take a look and you’ll see Into your imagination We’ll begin with a spin Trav’ling in the world of my creation What we’ll see will defy Explanation


ake the phrase “my creation” and replace it with “our creation,” and you’ve arrived at the starting point of understanding the open-source performances of Alfred Darlington, also known as Daedelus. You may have been one of the scant few who entered that world of pure imagination a few years ago at the Next to Last Festival, huddled on blankets in a dusky field just outside of town. Outfitted in unruly muttonchops and a tuxedo coat replete with tails, Daedelus blasted the above-referenced theme from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as a means of prefacing his dynamic-subverting, fully engaging, actively demystifying take on electronic music. The analogy turned out to be pretty perfect. In terms of composition, electronic music has co-opted the equal-footing declaration of punk rock: anyone can do this. Good news: you’re just a torrent away from the programs you need to begin your career as a “producer!” But in the live setting, the opposite is often the rule. The laptop acts as a barrier, and a few casual clicks of the mouse are the closest thing to a performative gesture you’ll get out of many beatmakerscome-lately. Dudes have you wondering if they’re playing a show or updating their Facebook status. Compositionally as well as live, Darlington attacks said staid stance with his weapon of choice, a device called the monome. Sounding perfectly lucid and disarmingly genial despite claims of jetlag following a flight from New Zealand to his native Los Angeles, Darlington explains: “It was in 2003 when I got my first glance at it. It was a really early version of it, but the basic idea was there, which was the samplemanipulation in a continued, improvised fashion.” Looking like a souped-up Lite-Brite, the monome allows the user to trigger and control samples in a physical, clear manner, with glowing dots criss-crossing to demonstrate the sequences. As Daedelus, Darlington leans the monome towards the audience and proceeds to yank back the veil that might obscure what is actually making the music happen. Darlington grew up in an open-minded home with a treasure trove of early electronic music. “My parents had a pretty

sizable record collection. They had all the major players, your John Cage, your Xenakis, all that kind of stuff.” He summed up his attraction to electronic composition despite formal training with live instruments in one word: “Freedom. It’s really simple; I was playing a lot of classical and jazz music and rock. There were so many roles in operation; there are so many defining limits and walls surrounding you. Electronica has a degree of that, but if you decide not to operate in those realms, you can do anything. Anything! I’d rather have those freedoms.” However, those seeking a quiet evening of inscrutable Stockhausening will be disappointed because Daedelus’ music is thoroughly rooted in the ass-shaking, head-bobbing joys of funk, hip-hop and electronica. The true beginnings of his career as an electronic composer are on the dance floor. “I was enthusiastic about the early rave stuff that was going on in the ‘90s. I didn’t have any idea of how they were making these sounds; it was all really a hidden process kind of thing—all these expensive computers and really archaic old synthesizers and stuff that I didn’t have access to. But fascination with music is pretty universal; even if the sounds are difficult to make, the notes on the paper… it’s all there, pretty much. So, I did what I could for a long time and kind of tried to imitate their sounds. I got it all wrong, but that kind of led me to my own sound.” As years have passed, Darlington has honed his beatmaking and -matching skills in the studio and on the road. Using the monome as an instrument of improvisation and in-the-moment inspiration, Daedelus performances vary from crowd to crowd because of the audience. “Live, I really want to be present and there with the audience,” he says. “The audience wants to go up, we go up; the audience wants to go weird, we go weird, harsh, mellow, whatever it is. And we both can do that together, and, hopefully, I’m reading them and they’re reading me. So, the monome, really, to me, is a chance for real interactivity and freedom. And it isn’t like a dictatorship where I’m bringing down these 10 laws on tablets or 10 songs on tablets. It’s about something we make together, hopefully.” Jeff Tobias

WHO: Daedelus, The Jogger, Nosaj Thing WHERE: New Earth Music Hall WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 27, 9 p.m. HOW MUCH: $10 (adv.), $12 (door)




Deadline for getting listed in the calendar is every FRIDAY at 5 p.m. for the issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Email

Tuesday 23 EVENTS: Athens Swing Night (Dancefx) No partner or experience necessary! Advanced lesson at 8 p.m. Beginners’ lesson at 8:30 p.m. Dancing from 9–11 p.m. EVENTS: Historical Preservation Tour (Email for Location) Join the Athens-Clarke Heritage Athenaeum Club when they tour the Michael Brothers Building in downtown Athens. Annette Nelson leads a tour of the 1922 building and talks about its history and the renovation process. FREE! (members), $7 (includes beverage at Mellow Mushroom following tour). athenaeumclub@ EVENTS: Jewish Film Festival (Ciné Barcafé) Featuring a lineup of critically acclaimed films that explore the Jewish experience. Special guests include filmmakers and academics. Discounted prices for students, members and seniors. Closing reception at Hotel Indigo’s Rialto Room. Feb. 20–24. $30 (festival pass), $9 (individual screenings). EVENTS: Women in Business Forum (Ciné Barcafé) Learn about some of the local women-owned businesses in the Athens area. 5–6 p.m. FREE! LECTURES & LIT.: Global Diseases: Voices from the Vanguard (UGA Chapel) Bernard Nahlen, the deputy director of the President’s Malaria Initiative for USAID, is this month’s featured speaker at the fifth annual lecture series. 5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-542-5038 MEETINGS: Amnesty International (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens, 780 Timothy Rd) Meet with others to campaign for internationally recognized human rights to be respected and protected for all. 6 p.m. FREE! MEETINGS: Athens Permaculture (Ben’s Bikes) Meet up with others devoted to Permaculture and sustainable living and watch “The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil.” 6–7:30 p.m. FREE! MEETINGS: Pub Theology (Trappeze Pub) Open conversations revolving around theology. Currently reading Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1915, GAMES: Flicker Poker Night (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Last Tuesday of every month! 8:30 p.m. www. GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside, Eastside and Harris St.) feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8:30 p.m. FREE!


GAMES: Trivia (Doc Chey’s Noodle House) Every Tuesday with drink and food specials! 8:30–10:30 p.m. FREE!

Wednesday 24 EVENTS: APERO Africana Brown Bag Lecture (UGA Memorial Hall, Room 407) “Remembering Emmett Till,” a one-act play and discussion featuring members of the Black Theatrical Ensemble. 12:15 p.m. FREE! EVENTS: Canine Cocktail Hour (Hotel Indigo, Phi Bar & Bistro Courtyard) Drink and food specials for you and your (well-behaved, non-aggressive, vaccinated) dog! Every Wednesday. 5–7 p.m. www. EVENTS: Jewish Film Festival Closing Reception (Hotel Indigo) The festival goes out with a bang at Hotel Indigo’s Rialto Room with the shorts finalists screenings and an awards ceremony followed by a catered bash with live music from the local Klezmer band, Lokshen Kugel. 6 p.m. $15, $10 (students). EVENTS: “A Soulful Celebration” Dinner (UGA Visual Arts Building) The Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art host an exclusive dinner and art exhibition honoring leaders of the local African-American community followed by a peformance by the Ebenezer Baptist Church West Choir in the Chapel on North Campus. 6 p.m. $40 (dinner), 7 p.m. FREE! (performance). 706-542-4662 THEATRE: Romeo and Juliet (Seney-Stovall Chapel) UGA’s Department of Theatre and Film Studies promises a revelatory experience with this innovative retelling of everyone’s favorite tale of star-crossed lovers. Feb. 24–27, 8 p.m. Feb. 28, 2:30 p.m. $15 (adults), $12 (seniors and students). 706542-2838 KIDSTUFF: Children’s Storytime (ACC Library) For children ages 18 months to 5 years. Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m., Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Cupcake Club (Rocksprings Neighborhood Center) Meet with your fellow cupcake compatriots and collaborate on the design for a different themed cupcake every Wednesday! 10–11:30 a.m. $1. 706-613-3603, KIDSTUFF: Wildcard Wednesday for Teens (ACC Library) Up next: Penny Diamonds. Make a traditional Victorian craft with a twist! Ages 11–18. Space is limited. 4 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650. KIDSTUFF: Young Adult Book Discussion (Madison County Library) This month’s book will be The Giver by Lois Lowry. 4:30 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597


LECTURES & LIT.: Georgia Review Reading Series (Ciné Barcafé) The Georgia Review presents a reading from award-winning poet Keith Ratzlaff. 7 p.m. FREE!, www. LECTURES & LIT.: Brown Bag Lunch (ACC Library) Money Matters coordinator Teri Hanna will teach you what you need to know before investing. Feel free to bring a lunch to this 45-minute program. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Oconee Dems Book Group (Five Points Deli & More, Epps Bridge) Communitywide book group hosted by the Oconee County Democrats. This month: A Sand County Almanac, a classic by Aldo Leopold. Newcomers from any county and of any political affiliation are welcome. 6 p.m. FREE!, www. MEETINGS: American Sign Language Study Group (Cups Coffee Café) All skill levels welcome. Come once or come weekly. Newcomers welcome! 7–8 p.m. FREE! MEETINGS: Athens Human Rights Festival (Nuçi’s Space) Committee planning meeting. Any volunteers who want to help organize this year’s festival are welcome. Parking is available across the street. 7 p.m. 770-725-2652, MEETINGS: Library Sewing Group (Madison County Library) Currently crocheting with double-ended crochet needles. Newcomers welcome. 1–3 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 GAMES: Dart League (Alibi) Meet up with other sharp-shooters. FREE! 706-549-1010 GAMES: Game Night (Alibi) Develop coordination, tolerance and grace through beer pong and Keno. Every Wednesday with Corey. FREE! 706-549-1010 GAMES: Movie Trivia Night (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Where movie trivia meets performance art. Hosted by “It Boy” Jeff Tobias and sponsored by Vision Video. Prizes! Sign up at 8 p.m. Trivia starts at 8:30 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Poker Tour (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Texas Hold ‘Em every Wednesday. Sign in at 6:30 p.m. Dealing begins at 7:30 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Every Wednesday. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia (Harry’s Pig Shop) Nerd wars at Classic City Trivia’s “most challenging Trivia Night in Athens.” Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-612-9219 GAMES: Trivia (Your Pie, Five Points) Calling all know-it-alls! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE!

The Moscow Festival Ballet will perform Coppelia at the UGA Performing Arts Center on Sunday, Feb. 28. GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Every Wednesday. 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706-548-1920 GAMES: Trivia Wars (283 Bar) Trivia teams compete for a $250 tattoo and other prizes throughout February. Check the Facebook group “Trivia Wars!” for weekly updates and the online question of the week. 8:30 p.m. (sign up) 9 p.m. (game starts). FREE! 706-208-1283

Thursday 25 EVENTS: Measuring Deliberate Speed Brown Bag Film & Discussion Series (UGA Main Library) The Russell Library hosts the final film in its Friday film series: Little Rock Central High: 50 Years Later (2007). 7–9 p.m. FREE! 706542-5788 EVENTS: Susan Howe and David Grubbs (Edge Recital Hall) Poet and literary critic Susan Howe and musician/composer David Grubbs share the stage in a unique collaborative performance. 7 p.m. FREE! www.uga. edu/news EVENTS: Live After Five (Hotel Indigo, Phi Bar and Bistro) Get a headstart on your weekend with FREE! live music from Wilma and wine tastings. Thursdays, 6–8 p.m. $15 (wine tastings). 706-546-0430, EVENTS: “A Night on the Town” (Downtown Athens) Various restaurants and businesses in downtown

Athens will donate a percentage of today’s sales to Dawgs for Haiti. Go online for full list of participating businesses. www.dawgsforhaiti. EVENTS: Rum & Tapas Pairing (Highwire Lounge) Sample six different rums, including two specialty cocktails, paired with a selection of tradition Cuban and Jamaican tapas. Reservations required. 7–9 p.m. $20. EVENTS: UGA Living Wage Vigil (UGA Arch) Come out and show your support for a living wage! Every Thursday. 5–6 p.m. FREE! www. EVENTS: Winter Book Sale (Perimeter Square, Huntington Road, Goodwill shopping center) Thousands of items available, including fiction, nonfiction, children’s books, DVDs, CDs and more. Hosted by the Friends of the Library. Feb. 25–26, 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Feb. 27, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. 706-613-3650 ART: Opening Reception (RPM) For “One Revolution Per Minute,” an exhibit featuring sculpture and paintings by Jen Colestock, Andrew Ferrer, Peter McCarron, Ben McKee, Sy Dowling, Hoke Johnston, Jimmy DeRoth, Lindsay Ethridge and Travis Christopher. 7–9 p.m. FREE! 706543-0428 ART: Studio Open House (112 S. Foundry St., Studios #22 & #23) Artist Zach Bucek hosts an open house in his studio to display his paintings and drawings. Find the

entrance at the railroad tracks on E. Broad Street. 8–11 p.m. FREE! THEATRE: Romeo and Juliet (Seney-Stovall Chapel) A UGA Department of Theatre and Film Studies production. See Feb. 24 Theatre. Feb. 24–27, 8 p.m. Feb. 28, 2:30 p.m. $15 (adults), $12 (seniors and students). 706-542-2838 KIDSTUFF: Homeschoolers Chapter Book Review (Madison County Library) Elementary schoolage homeschoolers gather at the library to read a book together and talk about it. Every Thursday. 2 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Open Playtime (ACC Library) For children ages 1–3 with their caregivers. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Pajama Storytime (Madison County Library) Snuggle in your jammies with your favorite stuffed animal and listen to bedtime stories. Light snack provided. All ages. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Teen Cartoon Illustrators Club (Lyndon House Arts Center) Work on your favorite style of cartoon with other young artists and discuss recent drawings and characters with cartoonist Robert Brown. Pizza and soda included! Every other Thursday. Call for more information. 706-613-3623 KIDSTUFF: We the People “Picturing America” Book Shelf Discussion Group (ACC Library, Storyroom) Led by Lorraine Holahan. For first through fifth

graders. 3:30–4:30 p.m. FREE! 706613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: “Growing Up Weird” (UGA Chapel) Fred Newman, the award-winning writer, producer and sound artist best known as the “sound behind the skits” on NPR’s “A Prairie Home Companion,” will speak as a Willson Center for Humanities and Arts Visiting Artist. 4 p.m. FREE! www. MEETINGS: Clarke County Democratic Committee (Clarke County Courthouse, Grand Jury Room) Democratic state school superintendent candidate Beth Farohki is this month’s featured speaker. All interested persons are invited to attend this month’s meeting of the CCDC. 6 p.m. FREE! 706-202-7515 MEETINGS: Spanish Group (1000faces Coffee, 588 Barber Street) All-level Spanish conversation group. Informal, welcoming and fun! Every Thursday. 7–8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-534-8860, GAMES: Trivia (Your Pie) Every Thursday at the downtown location. 7:30 p.m.

Friday 26 EVENTS: 25th Annual Equal Justice Foundation Auction (The Melting Point) Former U.S. Senator Max Cleland is this year’s keynote speaker. Silent auction and refreshments at 8 p.m. Live auction and raffle begins at 9 p.m. All proceeds fund EJF’s summer fellowship program, which supports law students dedicated to working in the public interest. 7 p.m. EVENTS: Farmers’ Market (Flora Hydroponics, 195 Paradise Blvd.) The Sacred Earth Growers Co-Op sets up a newly established yearround farmers’ market. Organic meat and dairy vendors, produce vendors, local artisans and more help to make this an exciting new addition to your weekend. 2–7 p.m. FREE! 706-353-2223 EVENTS: Winter Book Sale (Perimeter Square, Huntington Road, Goodwill shopping center) Hosted by the Friends of the Library. See Feb. 25 Events. Feb. 25–26, 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Feb. 27, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. 706-613-3650 PERFORMANCE: Damon Denton (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) The acclaimed pianist performs works by Glass, Scarlatti, Chopin, Debussy, Liszt and Ginastera. Proceeds benefit Project Safe. 8 p.m. 706-542-4400 THEATRE: A Good Life (Various Locations) Madison County residents wrote, direct and perform in this play based on historical recollections of Madison County from the 1700’s to today. Feb. 26, 7 p.m. (Trinity Baptist Church), Feb. 27, 7 p.m. (Springfield Baptist Church), Feb. 28, 2 p.m. (Madison County Senior Center) $5. 706-795-5597 THEATRE: The Love List (Athens Community Theatre) The Town and Gown Players present Rick Rose’s production of Canadian playwright Norm Foster’s two-act play about a loveless middle-aged statistician, his well-meaning friend and a fantasy woman of their own design. Feb. 26 & 27, 8 p.m. Feb. 28, 2 p.m. $5. 706-548-3854 THEATRE: Romeo and Juliet (Seney-Stovall Chapel) A UGA Department of Theatre and Film Studies production. See Feb. 24 Theatre. Feb. 24–27, 8 p.m. Feb. 28, 2:30 p.m. $15 (adults), $12 (seniors and students). 706-542-2838 KIDSTUFF: Japanese Storytime (ACC Library, Storyroom) Led by Hijiri Hattori, Japan Outreach

Coordinator for Asian Studies with UGA. 5 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 MEETINGS: Daily Groceries Coop Annual Meeting (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Annual meeting to hear annual reports and vote for new board members and monthly charities. Music and food will be provided. 5–7 p.m.

Saturday 27 EVENTS: Coraline (Daddi’s House, 73 E. N. Ave., Comer) You think your parents make life hard for you? Meet Coraline, the daring young protagonist in Tim Burton’s stop-motion animated adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s fantasy/horror novel. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-797-2035 EVENTS: See What I’m Saying (Georgia Center) This documentary following four deaf entertainers, an actor, a drummer, a comic and a singer, reminds you that “deaf people can do anything but hear.” 2 & 7 p.m. $10, $6 (students) EVENTS: Adoption Day (Pet Supplies Plus) Local animal rescue organizations bring their pups out for a chance at finding a forever home. Love connections made every Saturday! 11 a.m.–3 p.m. 706-3530650 EVENTS: African American History Tours (Athens Welcome Center) Bernard Turner leads this two-hour bus tour exploring various important historic sites around Athens, including the Morton Theatre and Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery. Call to reserve your seat. Feb. 20, 2 p.m. Feb. 27, 10 a.m. $10. 706-353-1820 EVENTS: “Digging for Deals” Rummage Sale (Alps Road Shopping Center, Between Kinnucan’s and JoAnn Fabrics) You’re bound to find something you need at this 40-family sale raising funds for Athens Area Habitat for Humanity. 8 a.m.–4 p.m. EVENTS: Farmers’ Market (Flora Hydroponics, 195 Paradise Blvd.) The Sacred Earth Growers Co-Op sets up a newly established yearround farmers’ market. See Feb. 26 Events. 2–7 p.m. FREE! 706-3532223 EVENTS: “Festa do Sinal” (Ciné Barcafé) Dance to your favorite reggaeton beats at this Latin dance party and performance featuring Capoeira, a Brazilian form of dancefighting, and Samba. 10 p.m. $8. EVENTS: SCAVMA Benefit Auction (Oconee County Civic Center) The UGA College of Veterinary Medicine’s Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association hosts a benefit auction featuring a dinner and both live and silent auctions. Bid on a 10-year pass to the Georgia Aquarium, haircuts, tennis lessons and more. 5:30 p.m. $25. EVENTS: “Shruti: Melodies of India” (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) Indian culture and music take the stage with a flute performance by Prasad Bhandarkar, a violin performance and classical Indian dance. 6–8 p.m. $15, $10 (students). www. EVENTS: UGA NAACP Image Awards (The Classic Center) The annual awards banquet honoring students, staff, campus organizations and community members that fulfill the NAACP principles and mission. Tickets available at Tate Student Center. 7 p.m. $30, $10/ students EVENTS: Winter Book Sale (Perimeter Square, Huntington Road, Goodwill shopping center) Hosted

by the Friends of the Library. See Feb. 25 Events. Feb. 25–26, 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Feb. 27, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. 706-613-3650 ART: Closing Reception (RPM) For “One Revolution Per Minute,” an exhibit featuring sculpture and paintings by Jen Colestock, Andrew Ferrer, Peter McCarron, Ben McKee, Sy Dowling, Hoke Johnston, Jimmy DeRoth, Lindsay Ethridge and Travis Christopher and a set by DJ Diamondstar. 9 p.m.–midnight. FREE! 706-543-0428 PERFORMANCE: “Something Beyond the Moment” (Morton Theatre) 23rd annual dance production featuring the students of the East Athens Educational Dance Center performing tap, ballet, jazz, modern, hip-hop and more. Feb. 27, 7 p.m. & Feb. 28, 3 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12 (door). Call for group rates. 706-613-3771 THEATRE: Beauty Shop (The Classic Center) Renowned playwright Shelly Garrett brings his smash hit salon caper to town for one night only as a part of the Stage Play Series. $18–$45. 706-3574444 THEATRE: A Good Life (Various Locations) Feb. 26, 7 p.m. (Trinity Baptist Church), Feb. 27, 7 p.m. (Springfield Baptist Church), Feb. 28, 2 p.m. (Madison County Senior Center) $5. 706-795-5597 THEATRE: The Love List (Athens Community Theatre) A Town and Gown production. See Feb. 26 Theatre. Feb. 26 & 27, 8 p.m. Feb. 28, 2 p.m. $5. 706-548-3854 THEATRE: Romeo and Juliet (Seney-Stovall Chapel) A UGA Department of Theatre and Film Studies production. See Feb. 24 Theatre. Feb. 24–27, 8 p.m. Feb. 28, 2:30 p.m. $15 (adults), $12 (seniors and students). 706-542-2838 KIDSTUFF: Book Bingo (Oconee County Library) Bring the whole family out for a chance to win prizes at this fun, library version of the old classic! For kids ages 3 and up. 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Fun Climb (Whitehall Forest, 2555 Phoenix Road) Tree Climbers International hosts a treefriendly tree climb for kids 5 and up. Remember, it’s hard to climb a tree without hugging it first. 11 a.m.–3:30 p.m. FREE! LECTURES & LIT.: Book Signing and Discussion (Borders Books & Music) Dr. Marilyn Mendoza, author of We Do Not Die Alone: Jesus Is Coming to Get Me in a White Pickup Truck, speaks about her book which tackles the “frequently misunderstood phenomena” of deathbed visions. 1–3 p.m. FREE! 706-583-8647 MEETINGS: African-American Family History Research Group (ACC Library) Group for those who would like to research their AfricanAmerican roots. Co-sponsored by the Clarke-Oconee Genealogical Society. 1 p.m. FREE! 706-6133650,

Sunday 28 EVENTS: Pretty in Pink (Ciné Barcafé) The Athens Area Cancer Auxiliary provides snacks and drinks for this screening of John Hughes’ classic ‘80s prom flick. Proceeds benefit cancer patients in the Athens community. 3:30 p.m. $15 (adv.) $20 (door). EVENTS: Meditation and Kirtan (Vastu School of Yoga, Chase Park Warehouse) Lend your voice to this ancient form of devotional chanting performed in the traditional “call and

response” form with live drumming and harmonium. 5 p.m. FREE! 561723-6172, EVENTS: Sacred Harp Singing (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Traditional shape-note singing from hymnals published in the 1800s by Georgia composers. Sing along and bring a potluck dish! 10:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. FREE! 706-548-3910 EVENTS: Sixth Annual Bridal Open House (Foundry Park Inn & Spa) Featuring wedding professionals, including photographers, florists, event planners, entertainers, bridal fashion show and more! 2–5 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12 (door).706549-7020, www.foundryparkinn. com. ART: “Nurture” Closing Day (ATHICA) A day of fun for all ages, this closing reception for Amy Jenkins’ “Nurture” exhibit feartures videos and photography, a panel discussion on alternative education, magic by magician Rick Franceschini, a shadow puppet show by A Creaky Theater Company, kindertunes by Noogeez and a live performance by Nanny Island. Low cost childcare available for ages six months and up. 1–6 p.m. www. ART: Reception (Athens Academy, Myers Gallery) For The Studio Group Exhibition, featuring silk painting, metalwork, jewelry, pottery, fused glass, books and more from a dozen artists involved with the local collective. 2–4 p.m. FREE! 706-5491710, PERFORMANCE: Coppelia (UGA Hodgson Hall) The acclaimed Russian dance troupe, the Moscow Festival Ballet, performs the fulllength ballet in three acts, telling the story of Dr. Coppelius and his uncannily life-like doll. Fun for the whole family! 7:30 p.m. $25–$30. 706-542-4400, PERFORMANCE: “Something Beyond the Moment” (Morton Theatre) 23rd annual dance production featuring the students of the East Athens Educational Dance Center. See Performance Feb. 27. Feb. 27, 7 p.m. & Feb. 28, 3 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12 (door). Call for group rates. 706-613-3771 THEATRE: A Good Life (Various Locations) Feb. 26, 7 p.m. (Trinity Baptist Church), Feb. 27, 7 p.m. (Springfield Baptist Church), Feb. 28, 2 p.m. (Madison County Senior Center) $5. 706-795-5597 THEATRE: The Love List (Athens Community Theatre) A Town and Gown production. See Feb. 26 Theatre. Feb. 26 & 27, 8 p.m. Feb. 28, 2 p.m. $5. 706-548-3854 THEATRE: Romeo and Juliet (Seney-Stovall Chapel) A UGA Department of Theatre and Film Studies production. See Feb. 24 Theatre. Feb. 24–27, 8 p.m. Feb. 28, 2:30 p.m. $15 (adults), $12 (seniors and students). 706-542-2838 GAMES: Full-Contact Trivia (Allen’s Bar & Grill) Sports-themed rules with diverse categories. 9 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Trippin’ Through the 2000s Pop Culture Trivia (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) The name says it all! Test your knowledge of pop culture in the ‘00s every Sunday. 6:30 p.m. (sign in), 7 p.m. (start). 706-354-6655





Shelly Garrett’s

The Laughter Continues

Saturday, February 27 at 8 p.m. Call, click or stop by the Box Office 706.357.4444 300 N. Thomas Street Downtown Athens

Productions in the Stage Play Series are made possible by our sponsor:

WUGA C the lassic



Monday 1 EVENTS: Seneca Falls (UGA Memorial Hall) In celebration of Women’s History Month, The Institue for Women’s Studies screens this film documenting the journey of nine high school girls and one k continued on next page



THE CALENDAR! 10-year-old boy to the birthplace of women’s rights in America. 10 a.m. FREE! EVENTS: Animal Voices Film Festival (UGA Student Learning Center, Room 102) Dealing Dogs, the final film of the Animal Voices festival, documents the undercover investigation into C.C. Baird, a notorious dog dealer who supplied research labs with thousands of animals, many of them stolen pets. 7:30 p.m. FREE! filmfest ART: Opening Reception (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) For an exhibit featuring the work of emerging artists from Oconee County public and private schools. 4–6 p.m. FREE! 706-769-4565 KIDSTUFF: Bedtime Stories (ACC Library) Every Monday. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 MEETINGS: Federation of Neighborhood Associations (Fire Hall No. 2, 489 Prince Avenue) This month, join an open panel discussion on affordable housing. Participants from the Athens Housing Authority and the Athens Land Trust will share ideas and discuss examples currently existing within the community. All interested parties are welcome. 7:30 p.m. FREE! GAMES: “20 Questions at Transmet” (Transmetropolitan, Downtown) General trivia. Topics include sex, music, movies, science, history and much more. Check the Facebook Group “20 questions at Transmet” for weekly themes and the online question of the week. Every Monday. 8:30–10 p.m. FREE! 706613-8773 GAMES: Game Night (The Pub at Gameday) New games including Wii bowling! 706-353-2831 GAMES: Keno Night (The Office Lounge) Every Monday! 7 p.m. FREE! 706-546-0840 GAMES: Team Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Win house cash and prizes! 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916

Tuesday 2 EVENTS: Little Black Dress Party for Bride (The Rialto Room) Soirees Southern Events, Hotel Indigo and Epting Events host this event to prepare you for The Big Day. Register for prizes and giveaways! 6–8 p.m. $20/person, $30/two people (if you bring a bridesmaid or the mother of the bride). 770-654-9789 PERFORMANCE: Lord of the Dance (The Classic Center) Dancer-choreographer Michael Flatley, of Riverdance fame, fights against a dark lord who is attempting to take over Planet Ireland in this Irish musical and dance production. Call for info on fees. 7:30 p.m. 706357-4444 KIDSTUFF: Children’s Storytime (ACC Library) For children ages 18 months to 5 years. Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m., Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: “Who Let the Cat Out of the Hat?” (Parkview Community Center) Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday with games, books and birthday cake! 4 p.m. $3. 706-613-3601 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside, Eastside and Harris St.) feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8:30 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Trivia (Doc Chey’s Noodle House) Every Tuesday with drink and food specials! 8:30–10:30 p.m. FREE!


Monday, Mar. 1 continued from p. 19

Wednesday 3 EVENTS: Canine Cocktail Hour (Hotel Indigo, Phi Bar & Bistro Courtyard) Drink and food specials for you and your (well-behaved, non-aggressive, vaccinated) dog! Every Wednesday. 5–7 p.m. www. EVENTS: Johnstone Lecture (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Dr. Jim Affolter, Director of Research and Conservation, and Jennifer Ceska, Plant Conservation Coordinator, present the 2010 Johnstone Lecture. Learn about ongoing conservation projects and programs in the Southeast. Reservations required. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-542-1244 ART: 6X6: “Fashion” (Ciné Barcafé) Artist and curator Michael Lachowski presents the first of six media arts events featuring video, sound and performance art. See full schedule online. 7–8 p.m. www. THEATRE: Blackbird (UGA Fine Arts Building) AmoebaArts presents this technologically enhanced production of David Harrower’s 2005 play, which involves audience interaction via Twitter and relates an intense confrontation between a young woman in her 20s and the man with whom she was sexually involved 15 years prior. Potentially awkward and inappropriate for children or squirmers. Mar. 3–4, 8 p.m. $5. KIDSTUFF: Children’s Storytime (ACC Library) For children ages 18 months to 5 years. Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m., Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Cupcake Club (Rocksprings Neighborhood Center) Meet with your fellow cupcake compatriots and collaborate on the design for a different themed cupcake every Wednesday! 10–11:30 a.m. $1. 706-613-3603, KIDSTUFF: Homeschoolers Chapter Book Review (Madison County Library) Elementary schoolage homeschoolers gather at the library to read a book together and talk about it. Every Thursday. 2 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Knee-High Naturalists (Sandy Creek Nature Center) A program of age-appropriate nature exploration, animal encounters, hikes and crafts. For parents and children. Mar. 3–May 12, Wednesdays, $13. 706-613-3515, KIDSTUFF: Mother Goose Rocks (Rocksprings Neighborhood Center) Weekly storytime for toddlers and preschoolers. 10 a.m. $2. 706-6133603 LECTURES & LIT.: Jean Charlot Lecture (UGA Sanford Hall) Nina Hellerstein, head of UGA’s Department of Romance Languages, delivers a lecture entitled “FrancoMexican Artist Jean Charlot, His French Connections and His Mexican Inspired Murals on the UGA Campus.” Charlot’s murals will be on display next door at Brooks Hall. 4 p.m. FREE! news MEETINGS: American Sign Language Study Group (Cups Coffee Café) All skill levels welcome. Come once or come weekly. 7–8 p.m. FREE! aslstudygroup MEETINGS: Athens Human Rights Festival (Nuçi’s Space) Committee planning meeting. Any volunteers who want to help organize this year’s festival are welcome. Parking is


available across the street. 7 p.m. 770-725-2652, MEETINGS: Library Sewing Group (Madison County Library) Currently crocheting with double-ended crochet needles. Newcomers welcome. 1–3 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 GAMES: Dart League (Alibi) Meet up with other sharp-shooters. FREE! 706-549-1010 GAMES: Game Night (Alibi) Develop coordination, tolerance and grace through beer pong and Keno. Every Wednesday with Corey. FREE! 706-549-1010 GAMES: Movie Trivia Night (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Where movie trivia meets performance art. Hosted by “It Boy” Jeff Tobias and sponsored by Vision Video. Prizes! Sign up at 8 p.m. Trivia starts at 8:30 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Poker Tour (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Texas Hold ‘Em every Wednesday. 18 and up. Sign in at 6:30 p.m. Dealing begins at 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.interstatepokerclub. com GAMES: Trivia (Harry’s Pig Shop) Nerd wars at Classic City Trivia’s “most challenging Trivia Night in Athens.” Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-612-9219 GAMES: Trivia (Your Pie, Five Points) Calling all know-it-alls! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Every Wednesday. 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706-548-1920 GAMES: Trivia Wars (283 Bar) Trivia teams compete for a $250 tattoo and other prizes throughout February. Choose your teammates wisely, and check the Facebook group “Trivia Wars!” for weekly updates and the online question of the week. 8:30 p.m. (sign up) 9 p.m. (game starts). FREE! 706-208-1283

Wednesday, February 24

Robert Osborne Classic Film Festival Benefit 40 Watt Club From the band’s early days on, the Drive-By Truckers have championed the song as a form in which to rock out and in which to tell a story. Numerous songwriters contribute to varying degrees, but it’s often Patterson Hood who takes the de facto role of frontman and band spokesperson. That comes as little surprise, since his lyrics are often fraught with pathos and keen observation, cast with characters for whom their creator clearly maintains a good amount of respect and care. It makes sense in the context of Patterson Hood Southern rock traditions but even more when you consider Hood’s deep love of cinema. And, hey, the Truckers themselves are the subject of the new documentary film The Secret to a Happy Ending. For the past five years Hood has hosted a benefit “guitar pull” to raise funds for and draw attention to the Robert Osborne Classic Film Festival. Billed as a “three-hour song-swap extravaganza” in the Nashville style, the show finds a bevy of local performers working in the loose Americana genre trading tunes and sharing a stage. You’ll find Patterson Hood hosting and performing his songs alongside David Barbe, Don Chambers, Bloodkin’s Daniel Hutchens, Dave Marr (formerly of The Star Room Boys and currently of the Flagpole newsroom) and William Tonks (Workhorses of the Et Cetera Et Cetera). Truckers percussionist Brad Morgan and steel player John Neff will provide backing throughout the night. The show gets going at 9 p.m., and advance tickets cost $10 (additional surcharges may vary depending on your outlet of choice). This year’s festival runs from Thursday, Mar. 25 through Sunday, Mar. 28, and featured films include Double Indemnity, Stand By Me, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, The Shining, All About Eve and The Wizard of Oz, among other classics. For full info on the film festival, hit up and stay fixed to Flagpole over the next few weeks. [Chris Hassiotis]

* Advance Tickets Available

Down the Line EVENTS: Superflight Kite Day 3/6 (Sandy Creek Park) Go fly a kite! Bring your own or borrow one from the park. Hot chocolate and apple cider will be on hand. All ages. Registration required. 706-6133631. $5. 2-4 p.m. OUTDOORS: Naturalist Walk 3/6 (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Search for signs of spring when you join SCNC staff for a walk around the property. 10–11 a.m. FREE! 706613-3615 EVENTS: The Art of: Brew 3/16 (Terrapin Beer Co.) Tour the Terrapin Beer Company and learn the art of award-winning beer. 6–8 p.m. $30. 706-542-0830 * Advance Tickets Available

Live Music Tuesday 23 40 Watt Club “Perry Johnson, Jr. Family Benefit.” 8 p.m. $6 (adv.). ADAM PAYNE BAND Payne’s impressively versatile tenor is somewhat reminiscent of Neil Young’s nasal delivery. Payne writes songs with a lot of heart–the kind of tunes that can either make you tear up or laugh out loud. JAZZCHRONIC Local five-piece explores freaky, funky, psychedelic fusion jazz while incorporating rock, R&B, heavy beats and more into the stew.

KITE TO THE MOON Featuring Athens natives Timi Conley, Jay Rodgers, Andrew Hanme, this colorful band is known for its stimulating live show featuring jubilant, rowdy pop music accompanied by spontaneous video mixing. THE SUEX EFFECT Alternative/ progressive rock featuring a fusion of funk, reggae, metal and blues with plenty of harmonies and improvisation. For more info on the Perry Johnson family, see Don’t Miss at Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 KAMAKAZI KARAOKE With the singing cowboy. Buffalo’s Southwest Café 6–10 p.m. $5 (includes lessons). 706354-6655 DINE & DANCE NIGHT Beginners’ and advanced dance lessons every Tuesday from 6–7 p.m. followed by open dance until 10 p.m. Tonight features the tango. Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. JOSH GURLEY Local Christian rock performer who uses his music as a medium for communicating his messages of worship and praise. JUSTIN KENNEDY Local singersongwriter with a country drawl who sings earnest, radio-ready ballads about the trials and tribulations of daily life. PROVIDENCE RD. New collaboration featuring members of Ashutto Mirra and Lamar Williams, Jr (Rehab). Expect a mix of all-original rock and pop.

Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. shuffleclub PUNK ROCK NIGHT Every Tuesday at Little Kings! Featuring a mix of punk rock bands and DJ-led dance parties. The Melting Point 7 p.m. $3 (all ages). www.meltingpoint. com HIGH STRUNG STRING BAND This local act plays offers three-part harmonies and ramblin’, upbeat bluegrass on acoustic guitar, banjo and mandolin. New Earth Music Hall 10 p.m. FREE! www.newearthmusichall. com P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E. Dub/reggae/hip-hop night. No Where Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 ATHENS SONGWRITER AND LYRICIST GUILD Featuring Drew Beskin, Richard Chamberlain, Drew Dixon, Brad Downs, John Woodfin Harry and Thomas Galloway.

judges based on vocals, performance and songwriting. Week four of a six week series. State Botanical Garden of Georgia 7:30–8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-542-6156, DUSTY WOODRUFF The acclaimed classical guitarist from the Athens Guitar Trio kicks off the Garden’s Evergreen Concert Series. Call for information about a special preconcert dinner. Tasty World Uptown 10 p.m. OLD HOUSE Local acoustic-pop outfit. WUOG 90.5FM 8 p.m. FREE! “LIVE IN THE LOBBY” Wowser Bowser will perform on the college radio station’s twice weekly program.

Wednesday 24

The Rialto Room WNGC St. Jude Benefit. 8 p.m. $30. SONGWRITERS IN THE ROUND Unique live music performance in the round featuring these highly respected songwriters: Colt Ford, Mike Dekle, Brantley Gilbert and Rachel Farley. Limited seating.

40 Watt Club 9 p.m. $10 (adv.). ROBERT OSBORNE CLASSIC FILM FESTIVAL BENEFIT A three-hour song swamp extravaganza hosted by Patterson Hood and featuring David Barbe, Don Chambers, Daniel Hutchens (Bloodkin), Dave Marr (Star Room Boys), Brad Morgan, John Neff and William Tonks. See Calendar Pick on this page.

Rye Bar 9 p.m. athens OPEN MIC SERIES Six separate acts have the opportunity to impress the

Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 HIP-HOP JAMBOREE A DJ spins all your favorite hip-hop jams every Wednesday.

Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). DUSTY LIGHTSWITCH Described as “one of the most exciting and satisfying live bands in town” by our own Gordon Lamb, this revolving cast of local eccentrics delivers rock and roll with epic possibilites. CD release show! See feature story on p. 15. MANGER Punk rock four-piece with screaming guitars and lively vocals. JESSIE MARSTON Of Romanenko. RAG Bluesy alternative rock band. ROMANENKO Local trio draws from ‘70s pop and folk with a modern rock edge, like Mary Timony fronting the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. El Centro 11 p.m. $1 (21+). 706-548-5700 JULIET WHISKEY Local rock band with Cherry Lane, Chris Martin (no, not that Chris Martin) and Josh Cartmill. PROVIDENCE RD. New collaboration featuring members of Ashutto Mirra and Lamar Williams, Jr (Rehab). Expect a mix of all-original rock and pop. Flicker Theatre & Bar 11:30 p.m. FREE! flickerbar TIM CURRY/ BRUCE WILLIS CAGE MATCH Spinning tracks from each actor-cum-musician’s recorded albums. Go Bar 10 p.m. JACOB JONES Country tunes relating tales of travel, love and having the blues. LITTLE FRANCIS Local group plays raw, rowdy rock and roll from the garages of the ‘50s and ‘60s. La Fiesta on Hawthorne Noon–2 p.m. FREE! 706-548-4261 KEVIN FLEMING Spanish and Latin guitar, every Wednesday during lunch. New Earth Music Hall Nikki’s Birthday Party. 9 p.m. FREE! CLAY LEVERETT AND FRIENDS One of this town’s finest country frontmen, Leverett has led both The Chasers and Lona. He will perform with collaborators from those projects and others tonight. GREG REECE AKA Redneck GReece, Reece plays swingin’ hillbilly honky tonk. The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE Every Wednesday with Lynn! Rye Bar 10 p.m. athens TREEDOM Funky, new, local fourpiece with some psychedelic tendencies. Tasty World Uptown 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www.tasty JOHN FRENCH Drummer and musician who formerly played with Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band. EMILY HEARN Young singersongwriter performs sweet, innocent, melodic acoustic ballads. SAM HELIG Acoustic-driven rock songs with a hint of folk sound. Terrapin Beer Co. 5 p.m. BUTTERMILK REVIVAL Traditional bluegrass tribute, including songs by the Stanley Brothers, Bill Monroe and many others.

Thursday 25 283 Bar 11 p.m. FREE! 706-208-1283 PASTOR OF MUPPETS Local Metallica cover band. Playing two sets!

Hotel Indigo “Live After Five.” 6–8 p.m. FREE! www. WILMA Local singer/songwriter performs delicate, inspiring musings on acoustic guitar influenced by vocalists like Joni Mitchell and Etta James.

40 Watt Club 9:30 p.m. $5. THE BEARFOOT HOOKERS Country honky-tonk band that appropriately lists “Johnny Cash, Jim Beam, Willie Nelson and Jack Daniel’s” as influences. BO BEDINGFIELD Singer and primary songwriter for local band The Wydelles, Bo Bedingfield’s smooth, warm vocals are steeped in all the soul of country music without the twang. LONA The flagship band for local songwriter, guitarist and drummer Clay Leverett (The Chasers, Now It’s Overhead, Bright Eyes). The band sends out more than a little country and more than enough gutsy, midtempo rock.

Mama’s Boy 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.eatatmamasboy. com JUSTIN EVANS Local musician with rich, deep voice who sings about hard drinkin’, fast women and country roads. Evans brings in old school fiddle, New Orleans jazz, blues and Americana. His new album, The Owls and the Hounds is out now on Cowboy Angel Music.

Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 OPEN MIC/JAM Hosted by Wes of Dixie Mafia. Open to all musicians.

New Earth Music Hall 9 p.m. D:RC The latest in global club sounds ranging from dubstep, UK funky to electro and bassline. SEADUB Local DJ Colin Williams spins and mixes dubstep. UNEASY LISTENING Cameron Corey from Atlanta presents unique dupstep mixes. WHISPERLINK Hip-hop producer and MC with a sweet tooth for Southern drawl type lyrics over dubstep bass lines.

Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. BRAVE YOUNG Sprawling instrumental rock compositions with cinematic depth and epic power. GET SAD Brand-new act featuring members of Chrissakes and Pride Parade. YAAL HUSH Local hard psych band featuring members of Dark Meat, Chrissakes and Part Bear making noise on guitar, keys and oscillator. Club Chrome $5 (entry fee), FREE! 706-543-9009 KARAOKE CONTEST Week eight of the competition. El Paisano 8 p.m. 706-353-0346 KARAOKE Every Thursday with margarita specials. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! LITTLE FRANCIS Local group plays raw, rowdy rock and roll from the garages of the ‘50s and ‘60s. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. flickerbar ETIENNE DEROCHER Would-be physicist drops out of school and migrates from San Francisco to play acoustic funk-rock in Athens. You can’t make this stuff up. THE PLAGUE One of the original Athens punk bands formed in the ‘80s, The Plague was revitalized in 2005 and continues to tear it up with dark, angular rock. The Globe 10–11 p.m. FREE! 706-353-4721 SELF SETUP New local trio plays straight-forward rock. Go Bar 10 p.m. IMMUZIKATION Celebrated local DJ Alfredo Lapuz Jr. mashes up highenergy electro and rock. TWIN POWERS DJ Dan Geller (Gold Party, The Agenda) and a rotating cast of partners spin top-40/hip-hop mixed with indie, synthpop, new wave and Britpop. 11:30 p.m. FREE! gobar “DR. FRED’S KARAOKE” Hosted by karaoke fanatic John “Dr. Fred” Bowers, every Thursday.

The Melting Point 9 p.m. $8 (adv.), $10 (door). www. BROCK BUTLER Perpetual Groove frontman weaves complex, inspired, loop-based soul jams. His new solo album, Lately Here Though, is out now.

No Where Bar 10 p.m. $3. 706-546-4742 ANOTHER FIASCO The reconvened Fiasco comprises members of the Charlie Mars Band and WILX coming together to explore contemporary rock territory and resurrect the Fiasco name, claiming Ween, Radiohead and Phish as influences. WINFIELD & BOYS Southern rock featuring members of Stewart and Winfield (minus Stewart Marshall).



Magazine 1 Year Anniversary Party! WED. MAR. 3 WED. FEB. 24

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THU. FEB. 25

Thursday Dubstep! L.F.O. Yeah!!! with Uneasy Listening, Whisperlink, D:RC and SeaDub

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3/19 Larry Keel 3/20 Collective Efforts 3/25 EOTO // DJ Logic 3/26 Beards of Comedy 3/27 Pnuma Trio // Break Science



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Advance Tix available at Schoolkids Records - 706-353-1666 and Blue Girl Boutique - 706-543-4242 and online at Check out our new blog!

The Office Lounge 8 p.m. FREE! 706-546-0840 KARAOKE Every Thursday with The Singing Cowboy! Roadhouse 11 p.m. $1 (21+). 706-613-2324 MOONLIGHT DRIVE The Doors tribute band from Cleveland, OH, that’s been around since 1981. Some of the members have changed, but Bill Pettijohn, the Jim Morrison of the group, has been there since the group’s inception. Rye Bar 9 p.m. athens DOC BROWN & THE DELOREANS Formerly Athens Groove Company, this band plays progressive psychrock inspired by everything from Kool & the Gang to Bela Fleck. Tasty World Uptown 9 p.m. $5. THE DISTRICT ATTORNEYS Poppy Americana influenced by acts like Bruce Springsteen, Fleetwood Mac and The Replacements. TJ MIMBS Joined by members of Futurebirds and District Attorneys, Mimbs will be playing material off his solo EP which features a mix of Americana sounds and alternative pop. Expect a few covers to be thrown into the mix as well. See Calendar Pick on p. 22. WOODFANGS Americana project fronted by John “Woodfin” Harry. k continued on next page



THE CALENDAR! Terrapin Beer Co. 5 p.m. TOMORROW PEOPLE Atlanta-based rock and roll band that plays bluesy covers and originals.

Friday 26 40 Watt Club “Haiti Benefit.” 8 p.m. $8. www.40watt. com HENRY BARBE The next generation of local rockers! David Barbe’s son takes center stage. Henry made his live solo debut back in May of ‘09. CASPER & THE COOKIES Increasingly experimental but always rooted in pop sensibilities, this local act presents a danceable mix of quirky fun driven by keyboard and guitar. NATALIE HINKLE Newly relocated to the Athens music scene and causing quite a stir online, this will be Hinkle’s first public debut. NATIVE KID Soulful indie pop. QUIET HOOVES Pop-oriented experimental psych-folk band from here in town featuring creative arrangements. Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 KARAOKE With the Singing Cowboy DJ. Allen’s Bar & Grill 9:30 p.m. FREE! www.allensbarandgrill. com TERRATONIC Gritty alternative rock from Alto, GA. Barberitos Southwestern Grille & Cantina Barberitos 10-Year Anniversary! 6–10 p.m. FREE! Downtown location. CARL LINDBERG Jazz bassist Carl Lindberg (Grogus, Squat, Kenosha Kid, etc.) performs standards, originals and some surprising tunes from divergent styles. Buffalo’s Southwest Café 7 p.m. $12. 706-354-6655 ELVIS! A night with The King. Featuring a live band. Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5(21+), $7 (18+). GRAPE SODA Lewis brothers Ryan and Mat team up to create soulful, spaced-out pop songs buried in lush reverb. NUCLEAR SPRING Increasingly cohesive local rock band that has found a happy medium between folk and glam with occasional Kinks-like tendencies. TWIN TIGERS CD Release. Loud and lush at the same time, this local rock band combines jarring guitar riffs with sweeping melodies and heavy percussion. New full-length Gray Waves is officially out Mar. 2. See story on p. 16. Ciné Barcafé Amnesty Benefit Concert. 10 p.m. $5. COME WHAT MAY Local posthardcore band based in Athens. EASTER ISLAND Self-described as Pedro the Lion meets Stars without the female vocalist, this local act features John Cable (drums), Asher Payne (keys), Ethan Payne (guitar), Andrew Terrell (bass) and Nathan Thompson. JOHN WOODFIN HARRY Dreamy psych-folk with reverberated vocals. THE LESS Atlanta pop band in the vein of John Mayer.


Thursday, Feb. 25 continued from p. 21

Club Chrome 9 p.m. $5. 706-543-9009 THE GEORGIA WHISKEY BLUES Classic rock and blues. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! JUNK CULTURE Coming from Oxford, MS, this electronica band loves to sample everything from video games to Indian music to create a chill, ambient symphony of sounds. The Globe 10 p.m. 706-353-4721 MELVIN MATHURIN JAZZ QUARTET Essential and original jazz compositions. Gnat’s Landing 7–10 p.m. FREE! 706-850-5858 TJ MIMBS This local acoustic singersongwriter plays melodramatic pop in the vein of Dave Matthews. Go Bar 9 p.m. EXCALIBRAH Boastingly tongue-incheek, Je Suis France member D.J. Hammond performs hip-hop with an experimental, almost psychedelic slant. His new album, ExcaliBrah ‘09, is chock full of songs about hanging out with Robocop, “sippin’ dranks,” and other fun, jokey topics. URBN TRBN DJ Shil Patel selects subcontinental dance from goldenage Bollywood blowouts. Tonight’s sets will feature classic Bollywood dance songs, New Jack Swing, ‘80s and ‘90s hip-hop and “anything else fun.” Spinning before and after Excalibrah’s set. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. shuffleclub BOO RAY AND THE BAD BEAT KINGS Soulful singer-songwriter who takes inspiration from Glen Campbell and Exile on Main St.-era Rolling Stones. His new band features Daniel Marler, Steve Abercrombie, Nate Hale, Anna Innecken and special guest William Tonks on dobro. New Earth Music Hall 9 p.m. $5. www.newearthmusichall. com JAZZCHRONIC Local five-piece explores freaky, funky, psychedelic fusion jazz while incorporating rock, R&B, heavy beats and more. NEWBERRY JAM This Atlanta band plays easy-going jazz, funk and breakbeat with sax, bass, guitar and drum machine. TENT CITY This local four-piece fuses elements of jazz, funk, blues and world music.

Terrapin Beer Co. 5 p.m. KYSHONA ARMSTRONG Local songstress Kyshona sings soulful ballads over acoustic guitar. She has been compared to the likes of Tracy Chapman, Diana Krall and Dionne Farris. Blur release party! UGA Ramsey Concert Hall 8 p.m. $18. 706-542-4400 DAMON DENTON Athens native and graduate of the Juilliard School, pianist Damon Denton performs a program featuring works by Glass, Scarlatti, Debussy, Chopin, Liszt and Ginastera. WUGA 91.7 FM 4 p.m. FREE! “IT’S FRIDAY! Pocketful of Claptonite and Shallow Palace will perform on the local radio station’s weekly program. University Cable Channel 15 will also broadcast the show.

Saturday 27 283 Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-208-1283 DJRX Brian Gonzalez delivers his own original mixes of current pop and dance with accents ranging from old-school to country and electronica. 40 Watt Club “Cowboy Angel Music Showcase.” 8 p.m. $6. ADAM KLEIN Singer-songwriter who blends the finest elements of folk, Americana and country with poetic lyricism and striking imagery to create engaging, well-crafted songs. THE GRANFALLOONS Georgians playing sunny Americana with twangy guitars, the occasional accordion and lots of pop melodies. Currently recording in Athens at The Troubador Den Studio. New fulllength Songs to Sing is out now! LITTLE COUNTRY GIANTS Stellar old-time folk, country and blues from Rome, GA. NUTRIA This rootsy local powerpop band features former members of The Eskimos and The Possibilities. Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 BLUE FLAMES A mix of blues, Motown and rock and roll. Allen’s Bar & Grill 9:30 p.m. FREE! www.allensbarandgrill. com CHASE FIFTY-SIX Twangy folk rock that lists boiled peanuts and sweet tea as influences.

Sideways 10 p.m. 706-319-1919 DJRX Brian Gonzalez delivers his own original mixes of current pop and dance with accents ranging from old-school to country to electronic.

Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www. CHRISSAKES Local hardcore band with haunting, brooding guitar riffs, throbbing bass lines and explosive, screaming vocals. LAMB HANDLER This Charlotte band takes Southern rock to a new level like an Eagles of Death Metal and Johnny Cash sandwich. MATT KURZ ONE One-man rock machine Matt Kurz literally plays drums, keyboard, guitar and bass, by himself, all at the same time. Expect a mix of garage rock stomps and bluesy croons. SHALLOW PALACE Riff-heavy, bluesy rock and roll with sheer punk-rock energy.

Tasty World Uptown 9 p.m. THE BOBBY COMPTON BAND Country and Southern rock the way it’s meant to be played.

Club Chrome 9 p.m. $5. 706-543-9009 SOUTHFIRE Covering current hits plus ‘70s, country and Southern rock classics.

The Office Lounge 9 p.m. $5. 706-546-0840 TIME TRAVELERS Motown, rock and roll and country! Rye Bar 9 p.m. athens BLACK BELT PATRIOTS Local alternative rock trio.


Thursday, February 25

T.J. Mimbs, Woodfangs, The District Attorneys Tasty World Uptown His name graces our live music Calendar pretty much every week, and yet even at the venues he frequents— Gnat’s Landing, mostly, sometimes Sideways and Square One Fish Company—few people in attendance even know who T.J. Mimbs is. It’s the curse of the cover artist. Despite playing marathon three-hour sets featuring looping guitars, painstakingly pre-programmed beats and a wide range of material, Mimbs feels that he’s been operating T.J. Mimbs in obscurity as a solo artist, beholden to drunken requests for hip-hop and Top-40 hits from revelers who, more often than not, couldn’t care less about his original work. But that’s all about to change. Mimbs came to Athens from the small town of Warrenton, GA to enroll at UGA. He grew up listening to gospel quartets, practicing harmonies with his sister and eventually tuning into alternative pop artists like Incubus and Blessed Union of Souls, and hip-hop, too. He asked his dad for drums and got a guitar instead, but in due time he learned both instruments and more. After settling in Athens, Mimbs started playing cover sets around town to pay the bills and eventually joined The Interns on keys. He relished the opportunity to finally play originals, but the songs were mostly penned by frontman Thomas Johnson, and Mimbs’ own material was put on the back-burner for a couple of years. When Futurebirds hit the road, taking half of The Interns’ lineup with them, Mimbs was stuck in Athens as a recent college grad—no job, no band and a lot of free time. So, he got to work putting his ideas to tape, learning the ropes of production along the way with Johnson’s help. The result is a charming debut EP, The Sight Makes You Blind, on which Mimbs plays every single instrument. It’s got some twang and a lot of heart, with Mimbs’ crystal-clear vocals ringing throughout. “I needed something to officially present myself,” he says. “It’s a ‘coming out’ thing. Here I am. I’m not just playing covers any more.” [Michelle Gilzenrat]

Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! DEAD DOG Local band delivers frenetic, spunky lo-fi punk delivered with a pop smile. SHITTY DARKNESS Local highenergy, quirky punk pop band. Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. $5. bar BESIDES DANIEL Inspiring indiefolk band from Atlanta with songs about “life, faith, daydreams and adventure.” EFREN Heartfelt folk-rock influenced by Iron and Wine and M. Ward. The Globe 7:30 p.m. $5. carolineaiken@gmail. com SPAWNING GROUND PERFORMANCE Students from the day’s workshop show what they know at 7:30 p.m. followed by a set from this week’s Spawining Ground instructor, guitarist Bobby Lee Rodgers, at 9:30 p.m. Gnat’s Landing 7 p.m. FREE! RYAN HORNE AND RUSS PALMER Sweet, smokey folk music accompanied by acoustic Americana-tinged guitar and violins. Go Bar 9 p.m. $5. A POSTWAR DRAMA Local act plays folk-rock with an occasional Eastern European bent. Dramatic tales of loss and hardship are mixed with driving, upbeat stomps. BROKEN BITS Local songwriter Aaron Gentry has released two albums of Magnetic Fields-y pop

songs—morose, charming and quirky. DUSTY LIGHTSWITCH Described as “one of the most exciting and satisfying live bands in town” by our own Gordon Lamb. See story on p. 16. ZAKA Local singer-songwriter Kate Powell plays guitar and piano and loves Bowie. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. shuffleclub CHOPTOP Local punk band that draws from an eclectic array of influences, from ska to hardcore. The Melting Point 8:30 p.m. $10 (adv.), $13 (door). www. DIRK HOWELL BAND Party band featuring ‘60s-style R&B and beach music. New Earth Music Hall 9 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12 (door). www. DAEDELUS An experimental music producer based out of Los Angeles popular for playing a non-traditional electronic instrument called the monome box. See story on p. 17. JOGGER This singer/songwriter duo consists of Amir Yaghmai on violin and guitar, and Jonathan Larroquette on laptop and controllers, with the vocal duties divided between them. NOSAJ THING This 23-year-old L.A. producer and electronic act currently taking his unique brand of dark, hard-hitting beats on the road. The Office Lounge 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-0840 SLAMMIN’ BETTY Southern rock, Athens-style.

RPM 9 p.m.–midnight FREE! 706-543-0428 DJ DIAMONDSTAR Local bassist Tommy Salmon (Entertainment) spins rock and punk selections during the “One Revolution Per Minute” art reception. Rye Bar 9 p.m. athens THE BLEKERS Young Andrew Bleke’s band plays piano-driven jazz and woeful blues. He lists Ben Folds as a major influence. Tasty World Uptown 9 p.m. $7. THE GAYE BLADES Bouncy garagerock punk featuring Jared Swilley of Black Lips. JONNY CORNDAWG Off-kilter, country-flavored, tongue-in-cheek ballads joined by Futurebirds tonight. THOSE DARLINS Country-punk girl group from Murfreesboro, TN. Feature story at Terrapin Beer Co. 5 p.m. HARP UNSTRUNG Alternative rock with a funky, jam-band twist. Lush harmony vocals and guitar-driven songs that will invite you to the dance floor.

Sunday 28 Kingpins Bowl & Brew “Headbanger’s Bowl.” 8 p.m. $3 (21+), $5 (under 21). www.kingpinsbowl BLACK TUSK Self-described “swamp metal” from Savannah. The record

Passage Through Purgatory is available through Hyperrealist Records. See Calendar Pick at www.flagpole. com. NO Hard rock from Montgomery, AL. POCKETFUL OF CLAPTONITE Pulling the power trio into a wide open stream of consciousness, this group features Darrin Cook on bass, Jamie DeRevere on drums and experimental artist Killick on guitar. Sky City Lounge & Bulldog Cafe 706-380-7699 KARAOKE (468 North Ave.) Old School Social Sundays begin! Square One Fish Co. Noon-3 p.m. FREE! www.squareone SUNDAY JAZZ BRUNCH Rotating local jazz artists play on the patio.

Monday 1 Go Bar 10 p.m. THE BEARS OF BLUE RIVER Peaceful, charismatic indie-pop with saccharine vocals and a bit of a country-folk twang. CASPER & THE COOKIES Increasingly experimental but always rooted in pop sensibilities, this act presents a danceable mix of quirky fun driven by keyboard and guitar. Rye Bar 9 p.m. athens OPEN MIC FINALS Last chance to impress the judges based on vocals, performance and songwriting.

Tuesday 2 Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 KAMAKAZI KARAOKE With the singing cowboy. Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. LOOK MEXICO Bubbly, sincere poprock band out of Florida. There’s a bit of vintage ‘90s emo revivalism in the guys’ sound, too. THE WINTER SOUNDS Local band that infuses elements of new wave, punk and synth-pop into its carefully crafted and lyrically inspiring songs. Little Kings Shuffle Club Punk Rock Night. 10 p.m. HOT NEW MEXICANS Vocalistguitarist Patrick Jennings, drummer Joe Dakin and bassist Ian McCord create punk-influenced power pop. TENT CITY ROLLERS Punk rock. The Melting Point 7 p.m. $3. www.meltingpointathens. com JOHNNY ROQUEMORE AND THE APOSTLES OF BLUEGRASS This Atlanta trio plays a rowdy blend of bluegrass that is full of quirky humor and riotous one-liners. Rye Bar 9 p.m. athens THE WOODGRAINS Local psychrock trio that prides itself in distinct three-part harmonies.

Wednesday 3 40 Watt Club 9 p.m. $5 (adv.). DAVID BARBE & THE QUICK HOOKS Local recording artist of Chase Park Transduction with his

all-star lineup including John Neff (Drive-By Truckers), Kyle Spence (Harvey Milk), Frank McDonnell and Jon Mills. CD Release Party. CLINT MAUL Local alt-country singer-songwriter with a set of accessible, engaging tunes.




Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 HIP-HOP JAMBOREE A DJ spins all your favorite hip-hop jams every Wednesday. Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. BESS ROGERS Singer-songwriter Rogers performs indie-folk-pop with eclectic instrumentation and her gorgeous vocals. Rogers has collaborated with Ingrid Michaelson and Jenny Owen Youngs. ALLISON WEISS Heartfelt singer/ songwriter with quirky charm, sharp pop sensibilities and an avid online following. The brand-new album, Allison Weiss Was Right All Along is out now! JENNY OWEN YOUNGS Singersongwriter from Montclair, NJ performing catchy and melodic acoustic pop songs. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. shuffleclub DIVIDED LIKE A SAINT’S Local envelope-pushing rock band. JESSIE MARSTON Singer/guitarist from local rock band Romanenko. NO FUNERAL Grimy, electronic party music from Denver. RAT BABIES Athens duo Rat Babies plays hit-you-in-the-gut dirt metal, care of Mux on bass, Chodd on drums and an assortment of other collaborators. The Melting Point 9:30 p.m. $5. www.meltingpointathens. com COREY CROWDER Performing Southern rock and alternative country songs, Crowder is influenced by roots rock and ‘60s soul. CONNOR PLEDGER Singersongwriter from Conyers, GA who is currently studying at UGA. Pledger’s mostly acoustic sound is influenced by acts like Dave Matthews, John Mayer and Jack Johnson. New Earth Music Hall 9 p.m. AV8R Electronic elements are combined with live guitar and unusual gadgets such as the Japanese Yamaha Tenori-on. EMANCIPATOR Doug Appling is a producer/multi-instrumentalist who creates adventurous down-tempo electronica. HEYOKA California dub influenced by IDM electronica.



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The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE Wednesdays with Lynn! Rye Bar 9 p.m. athens DREW DIXON Local musician who plays blues licks with a lot of soul. BRYAN ELIJAH SMITH Traveling from Virginia, Smith is on the road to promote his debut album entitled “Forever on My Mind,” which crosses a wide range of genres including folk, rock, blues, alt-country and rockabilly. Terrapin Beer Co. 5 p.m. FIRE ZUAVE Dreamy, fun psych-pop based here in town. * Advance Tickets Available



bulletin board DO SOMETHING; GET INVOLVED! Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board and Art Around Town is every THURSDAY at 12 p.m. Email Listings are printed based on available space; more listings are online.

ART Call for Artists (Call for location) Seeking artists/musicians/ citizens to participate in Phoenix Rising, a commemorative art quilt celebrating the Georgia Theatre, to be auctioned off on behalf of the theatre. Deadline extended to Apr. 30. 706-540-2712, www. Call for Artists Seeking submissions of digital video, film, performance and sound art of six minutes or less for “6X6,” a media arts event taking place at 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month from March to August in the Ciné Lab. New theme and curator every month., Call for Artists (Hoschton, GA) Now accepting entries for the Hoschton Arts and Folk Life Festival, a two-day celebration of history and the arts. 404-202-3044 Call for Artists Register for a space at the small, laid-back artists’ market alongside the AUX Experimental Arts & Music Festival on Apr. 10. Space is limited. $18/ vendor, Call for Artists and Musicians Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa is currently accepting applications for vendor spaces and submissions for performers for the event in May. Deadline: Apr. 1. Call for Logo Submissions Athens Human Rights Festival needs a logo for this year’s event. All artists are encouraged to submit their designs online or by mail. 706-7145751, www.athenshumanrightsfest. org, P.O. BOX 1183, Athens, GA 30603


Call for Submissions (Athens Academy) Now accepting entries of postcard-sized artwork for inclusion in a “mail art show” which will be up through March. Both sides of the card will be on display as part of a permanent exhibit at the school. For more information, contact lstueck@ Mail entries to Lawrence Stueck, Athens Academy, P.O. Box 6548, Athens, GA 30604 Call for Submissions (Hotel Indigo) Now accepting works of textile art for “Material World: Art Meets the Runway.” Submit a photo and a description of the work. Deadline for submission is Apr. 9. Email low-res jpgs to celebratethearts@yahoo. com with the altered subject line: YourName: CtA2010

AUDITIONS Charlotte’s Web (UGA Fine Arts Building, Room 201) Find a place for yourself in Rose of Athens’ theatrical production of E.B. White’s classic, Charlotte’s Web. Prepare a 1–2 minute monologue and call to schedule an appointment. Feb. 24, 7–9 p.m. 706-340-9181

CLASSES 12 Weeks to Total Wellness (St. Mary’s Wellness Center) St. Mary’s registered dietitians offer a new health and wellness program with a focus on nutrition. Thursdays, 3–4 p.m. $100/program, $10/class. 706-389-3355 “The ABC’s of Writing for Young Readers” (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) Awardwinning children’s author Gail Langer Karwoski instructs a threepart writing workshop. Apr. 17 & 18,


$110 (two sessions), $160 (three sessions). 706-769-4565, www. Acting for Film Workshop (106 West Performing Arts Venue, Winder) Open to ages 16 & up. No acting experience necessary. Tuesdays, 6:45 p.m. $95 (adults), $65 (students). 770-868-1977, Aikido Classes (Classic Martial Arts Club) Aikido is a Japanese martial art that uses throws and joint-locks to control an opponent. Trial classes are FREE! Mondays & Thursdays, 7 p.m. 706-353-3616, Argentine Tango Essentials (Athens Elks Lodge, 3155 Atlanta Hwy.) Workshop taught by Clint Rauscher of Atlanta’s Tango Evolution. Tuesdays, 6–9:30 p.m. $5. 706-613-8178, cvunderwood@ Art Classes (Lyndon House Arts Center) Sign up for spring art classes! For adults, teens and children. Go online for full list of programs. Now registering! 706-613-3623, Athens Area Weight Loss Challenge (Call for location) Personal wellness coach challenges you to get healthy in his 12-week nonprofit course about nutrition and exercise. Call to register! Begins Feb. 25, $40. 706-354-1652 Back Care Yoga (Mind Body Institute) Fight chronic back pain with yoga! Call to register. 706-4757329, Basics of Drawing (Fringe Collective Artistic Studios) Sign up for four weeks of drawing classes! Tuesdays, 10 a.m.–noon or Saturdays, 2–4 p.m. $20/session (plus a one-time supply fee of $20). 706-540-2712, moonmama61@

The textile exhibition Suzani: Uzbek Treasures in Thread is on display at the Lamar Dodd School of Art through Mar. 4. Beginning & Intermediate Wheel Throwing (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) Potter Maria Dondero instructs this class for beginning and advanced students. Through Mar. 24, 6–8 p.m. $140. 706-769-4565, Beginning Bellydance for Fitness (YWCO) Have fun and exercise at the same time with this incredible dance form. Tuesdays, noon–1 p.m. Wednesdays, 6–7 p.m. 706-354-7880, Beginning to Intermediate Pottery (Lyndon House Arts Center) Develop wheelthrowing, glazing and decorating techniques while you make your own unique stoneware! Now registering. 706613-3623, www.accleisureservices. com Body, Mind & Spirit (Body, Mind & Spirit Ministries) Offering a wide range of self-improvement and spiritual classes and workshops. Full schedule online. 706-351-6024, www.bodymindandspiritofathens. com Bookmaking Workshop (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) Instructor Dave Smiley helps participants construct book covers, hone their signature stitching and explore uses for various scraps and jewelry in bookmaking. For students with previous bookmaking experience. Feb. 27, 9:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. $35. 706-769-4565 Chen Style Taijiquan (Floorspace) Effortless power. Authentic Chinese martial lineage. Register for ongoing instruction. Sundays and Mondays, 706-6143342, Classical Pilates (StudiO) Private instruction and group

classes offered daily! Schedule online. 678-596-2956, Clay Classes (Good Dirt) Weekly “Try Clay” class every Friday from 7–9 p.m. and “Family Try Clay” every Sunday from 2–4 p.m. ($20/ person). 706-355-3161, Computer Classes (ACC Library, Educational Technology Center) Introduction to Word. Call to register. Feb. 25, 10–11:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 Computer Workshop (Madison County Library) Four-part series on using a computer. Pre-registration required. Tuesdays, 2-3 p.m. & 7–8 p.m., Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 Deep Relaxation Workshop (Five Points Yoga) Verbally guided relaxation. Call or go online to preregister. Feb. 27, 4–5:30 p.m. $15. 706-355-3114, Ecstatic Dance (Vastu School of Yoga) The Athens Kirtan Collective hosts an evening of meditation through dance and movement. Fridays, 7–9 p.m. 561-723-6172, FREE! Dance Classes (Dancefx) Swap some mop time for some dance moves at Dancefx’s “Cleanfor-Class” program. Apply through February. 706-355-3078, allison@ Gentle Pilates/Yoga (Sangha Yoga Studio) A therapeutic mind/ body workout to help create balance and wellness. Mondays & Wednesdays, 706-613-1143 Gentle Yoga (St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church) Bring your own mat or towel and wear loose

clothing. Julie Horne, instructor. Tuesdays, 5:30–7 p.m. $9/class. 706-354-1996 Gentle Yoga for Seniors (Council on Aging) Regain flexibility, stamina and muscle tone with gentle stretches and breathing techniques. Tuesdays, 8–9:15 a.m. Wednesdays, 3–4:15 p.m. Fridays, 10–11 a.m. FREE! 706-548-3910 Introduction to Life Drawing (Fringe Collective Artistic Studios) Instructed classes for artists 18 and up. Call to reserve a space. Sundays, 2–4 p.m. 706540-2727 Jewelry and Metals (Blue Tin Art Studio) Meet once a week in February. Call to register. Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30 p.m. $75 (includes materials). 404-556-6884, Kids Yoga (Vastu School of Yoga) Children derive enormous benefits from many easy and fun poses. Tuesdays, 5:30–6:15 p.m. 561-7236172, Kids’ Art Classes (Oglethorpe County Library) Free afterschool art classes through Mar. 1! Call to save your spot. Mondays, 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-743-8817 Life Drawing Open Studio (Fringe Collective Artistic Studios) Bring any supplies/equipment that you may require. Ages 18 and up. Call to reserve a space. Thursdays, 6–8:15 p.m. 706-540-2727 Line Dancing for Seniors (Council on Aging, Harris Room) Keep your health in line and have fun at the same time! Tuesdays, 4–5 p.m. $5/class. 706-549-4850 Mama-Baby Yoga (Mind Body Institute) For mamas and their babies. Six weeks old to crawlers.

Every Wednesday. 10:30 a.m. $60/6 classes. 706-475-7329, Meditation (Vastu School of Yoga, Chase Park Warehouse) Begin every day with relaxing meditation. 6–7 a.m. FREE! 561-723-6172, Meditation Classes (Bliss Yoga) Calm your heart, strengthen your thyroid, boost your immune system or overcome addictions, anxiety or depression. 706-310-0015, www. Meditative Yoga (YWCO) Easy Meditative Yoga for Every Body. Drop-ins welcome. Mondays and Thursdays, noon; Wednesdays, 7 p.m. $7 (non-members). 706-3547880, Mind Your Muscles (Council on Aging) Bring your muscles into focus with a combination of tai chi, yoga and Pilates! Fridays, 3–4 p.m. $5/class. 706-549-4850 Money Matters (ACC Library) “The Importance of Managing Your Credit Score” will teach you how to obtain and evaluate your credit report and score, while “Introduction to Investing” offers some direction as to how to wisely invest your money. No registration necessary. Feb. 24, 7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 Nature Photography Class (Sandy Creek Park) Learn how to do it right with this one-day class led by nature photographer Rodney Hayhurst. Call to register. Feb. 27, 1–3 p.m. $5. 706-613-3631, www. Painting with Charles (Lyndon House Arts Center) Bring in your oil or acrylic masterpieces-in-progress to receive easel-side assistance from instructor Charles. Now registering for an 8-week session beginning in March. 706-613-3623, Photography Classes (Fringe Collective Artistic Studios, 159 N. Jackson St.) Learn the basics of lighting, model interaction and more. 770-361-6080, classes.html Pilates Classes (Balance Pilates and Wellness Studio) Offering high-quality instruction in Pilates and overall health. Mat classes and apparatus classes available! Full schedule and information about private lessons online. 706-546-1061, Postpartum Yoga (Full Bloom Center) An 8-week class focusing on reconnecting with yourself following the transformation into motherhood. Begins Mar. 6. Saturdays, 2–3:15 p.m. $90. 706-353-3373, www. Prenatal Yoga (Sangha Yoga Studio) Twice a week with instructor Alexa Shea. Tuesdays, noon–1 p.m. Thursdays, 10:30–11:45 a.m. 706613-1143 Sivananda and Vinyasa (Bliss Yoga) Now offering classes in Hatha Yoga and Flow Yoga. Monday– Friday, 8:15–10:15 a.m. $10. 706310-0015, Solar Water Heating Installer Certification (Power Partners, Newton Bridge Rd.) Full day of instruction on how to install the Power Partners Solar Water Heating System. Includes a handson mock system installation. Lunch provided. Feb. 25. $450. 706-3697938, Spring Clay and Glass Classes (Good Dirt) Now registering for classes in wheel-thrown pottery, fountain making, glass fusing and slumping. All levels for youth and adults. See complete schedule online. Tae Kwon Do & Jodo Classes (Live Oak Martial Arts, Chase Street Warehouses) For kids and

adults, beginner through advanced. Mondays–Thursdays, 3:30-8:30 p.m. 706-548-0077, Tai Chi for Seniors (Council on Aging) Increase strength and balance at your own pace! Every Tuesday. 2–3 p.m. $15/semester. 706-549-4850 Teen Yoga (Vastu School of Yoga) Thursdays, 6–7 p.m. 561-723-6172, Yoga and Tai Chi Classes (Athens Wellness Cooperative) See full calendar online. $14/drop-in, $60/6 classes, $108/12 classes. Yoga Classes (Om Town Yoga, 190 Park Ave.) Mondays, 6:15 p.m. Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m. $10/drop-in. Yoga for Healthy Backs (Vastu School of Yoga) Call to register. 561-723-6172, vastuyoga@ Yoga for Moms (Bliss Yoga) Go online for full schedule. 706-3100015, Yoga XL for the Larger Body (Vastu School of Yoga) Thursdays, 4:30–5 p.m. 561-723-6172, Yoga, Tai Chi and Mindfulness Classes (Mind Body Institute) A wide variety of basic and specialty classes. 706475-7329, Yoshukai Karate (AKF Itto Martial Arts) Learn Yoshukai Karate, a traditional hard Okinawan style. www. Zen Meditation (Email for Location) For both new and experienced meditators. Meets every Monday. 7:15 p.m. FREE! 706-7141202,, Zen Seeing, Zen Drawing (Lyndon House) Drawing, painting and printmaking with lessons inspired by artist and author Frederick Franck. Instruction by Toni Carlucci. Now registering. 706-613-3623, Zumba (Lay Park) A one-of-a-kind fitness program fusing Latin rhythms and simple steps. Mondays, 6–7 p.m. $6. 706-613-3596 Zumba at the Garden (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves comprise this dynamic fitness program. Wednesdays, through Feb. 24. 5:30–6:30 p.m. $10/class, $60/session.

HELP OUT! Become a Boybutante Sponsor The Boybutante AIDS Foundation, Inc., which has helped to fund AIDS Athens for 20 years, is seeking sponsorship for the 21st annual Boybutante Ball this April. Read about their mission and find a sponsorship packet online. www. Bike Recycling Program (Chase Street Warehouses) Join BikeAthens volunteers as they clean and repair donated bicycles for local service agencies. Bike repair skills a plus, but not necessary. Sunday, 2–4:30 p.m. Monday & Wednesday, 6–8:30 p.m. Call for Volunteers Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa is seeking volunteers to assist with an upcoming community arts event. Donations Needed (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) OCAF seeks new or used items for its annual Thrift Sale Fundraiser. Drop off items from 2–7 p.m. Thursdays and 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Saturdays at Rocket Hall. Through Mar. 7. 706-7694565,

Free IT Athens (Free IT Athens, 594 Oconee St.) Donate your old laptop or desktop to be refurbished and supplied to low-income members of the community. Now accepting computers with Pentium III or better processors. Drop off on Sundays from 1–5 p.m. or Wednesdays from 6–8 p.m. at the Action, Inc. building. 706-621-6157, Soccer Coaches Needed The ACC Department of Leisure Services is currently seeking volunteer coaches for the upcoming spring soccer season. 706-613-3871, www. Trail Guide Training (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Help lead discovery hikes with small groups of elementary school students. Only need to attend one of the sessions. Ages 18 & up. Pre-registration required. Feb. 25–27, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 706-613-3615

KIDSTUFF Children’s Clay Workshop (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) Construct Easter gifts from clay in this unique workshop for kids ages 10 and up. Feb. 27, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. $35. 706-769-4565, www. Fantastic Fridays (Bishop Park) Obstacle courses and other activities in an unstructured environment. Drop in any time. Ages 10 months–4 years. Fridays, 9 a.m.–noon. $12/ day. 706-613-3589 GEN Homeschool Club (State Botanical Garden) Garden Earth Naturalist Club for homeschoolers. Meet once a week to learn about pollination, air and water purification, pest control and recycling through discovery hunts, environmental games, nature hikes and crafts. Wednesdays, through Feb. 24, 9–11 a.m. $44. 706-542-6156 Girls’ Rock Camp Athens (Pigpen Studios) Girls learn an instrument, form a band, write a song and participate in various empowering workshops. Showcase scheduled for July 31. Ages 9–15. Now registering! July 26–30, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. $300 (scholarships available). 706-498-2507, www. Spanish Mommy and Me Classes (Email for Location) Learn Spanish with your preschooler through songs, stories and games! New session starting soon. Spring Break Art Break (Lyndon House Arts Center) Children ages 6-12 will enjoy art activities, including art exploration with a guest artist and the creation of their own artwork. Mar. 9 & 11. $50 (materials included), scholarships available. 706-613-3623, Spring Break Camp: Festivals Around the World (Memorial Park) Enjoy crafts, games and snacks while you learn how different countries welcome and celebrate the arrival of spring. Mar. 8–12, 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. $43–$65 (scholarships available). 706-613-3580, Spring Break Mini Camp (Sandy Creek Nature Center) At “Woodland Wonders” Mini Camp, participants will discover the interconnections of the forest environment. Each day includes activities, crafts, snacks and more. Mar. 10–12, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 706-613-3615, Yoga Sprouts (Memorial Park) Fun, playful yoga for kids ages 2 and

up. Now registering! Call for information on sessions, fees and scholarships. Tuesdays. 706-353-3373

SUPPORT Domestic Violence Support Group (Call for location) Dinner begins at 6 p.m. and group at 6:30 p.m. Childcare is provided. Call the Project Safe hotline: 706-543-3331. Second and fourth Thursday of the month in Clarke County. First and third Thursday of the month in Madison County. 6–8 p.m. Double Trouble (Clarke County Courthouse, 3rd Floor) Support group for those in the community with a dual diagnosis of mental health and chemical dependency issues. Peer chaired Mondays and Thursdays. 5:30 p.m. FREE! Emotional Abuse Support Group (Call for location) Childcare is provided. Call the Project Safe hotline: 706-543-3331. Wednesdays, 6:30–8 p.m. Emotions Anonymous (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens) Informal and supportive 12step program open to anyone with a desire to become well emotionally. Sundays, 4–5 p.m. 706-202-7463, Grief Support Group (Council on Aging) Meeting every third Thursday each month. 2–3:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-4850 Nar Anon Family Meeting (Call for location) Meet every Thursday to learn about drug addiction and to

speak with others whose lives are affected by it. Identity is protected, no dues, no fees. 7 p.m. FREE! 770725-5719 Overeaters Anonymous (Various Locations) 12-step meetings for compulsive eating disorders. All ages and sizes welcome. Mondays, 5:30 p.m. at Nuçi’s Space. Thursdays, 7 p.m. at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church. Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. at Princeton United Methodist Church. FREE! 706-552-3194 Parkinson’s Support Group (Council on Aging) Meet up every fourth Monday for an open support group for those living with Parkinson’s Disease. 2:30–4 p.m. FREE! 706-549-4850 Survivors of Suicide (Nuçi’s Space) Open to anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide. Meets the third Wednesday of every month. 5:30 p.m. 706-227-1515, linda@

ON THE STREET Baseball Registration The Athens Area Men’s Baseball League is signing up players and teams for spring. Register by Mar. 20. 706207-8939, FREE! Tax Assistance (Various Locations) Offered by AARP Tax Aide. For taxpayers with low to moderate income, with special attention to those 60+ years old. Call for more locations. Oconee County Library, Mondays, 1–4:30 p.m.; Council on Aging, Tuesdays, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.; Kroger on Epps Bridge Pkwy,

ART AROUND TOWN ACC Library (2025 Baxter St., Upstairs) Floral photography by Kathy Berry. Through February. (Top of the Stairs Gallery) Paintings by Mia Merlin. Through February. Athens Academy (Bertelsmann Gallery, 1281 Spartan Lane) A “mail art” exhibit, featuring mailboxsized artworks by various local artists. Through March. (Myers Gallery, 1281 Spartan Lane) The Studio Group Exhibition features silk painting, metalwork, jewelry, pottery, fused glass, books and more from a dozen artists involved with the local collective. Through March. Reception Feb. 28. ATHICA (160 Tracy St.) “Nurture,” an exhibit featuring video and photography by Amy Jenkins, explores the intimate, yet universal, issues of parenting and breast-feeding. Through February. Aurum Studio (125 E. Clayton St.) Paintings by Christine Shockley-Gholson and John Gholson. Through February. Big City Bread Cafe (393 N. Finley St.) New paintings by Ruth Allen. Through February. Chappelle Gallery (25 S. Main St., Watkinsville) Original works on paper by Carter McCaffrey through March. Doc Chey’s Noodle House (320 E. Clayton St.) Paintings and mixed media by Amanda Trader and Liz Williams. Through April. Flicker Theatre & Bar (263 W. Washington St.) Photography by Janet Geddis. Proceeds benefit Avid Bookshop, coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Through February. Highwire Lounge (254 W. Clayton St.) Mixed media portraits by Christopher DeDe Giddens. Through February. Jittery Joe’s Eastside (1860 Barnett Shoals Rd.) Cartoonish monsters spring to life in paintings by Dan Smith. Through April. Just Pho…and More (1063 Baxter St.) Paintings by Richard “Ole” Olsen. Through Mar. 15. Last Resort Grill (184 W. Clayton St.) “That Seafaring Life, Those Sweet Figs, Life by the Sea,” featuring new photographs by Lis Carney. Through February. Lamar Dodd School of Art (Gallery 307) An exhibit featuring scientific illustrations. Through Mar. 8. Reception Mar. 3. (Gallery 101) “Suzani: Uzbek Treasures in Thread,” featuring selected embroideries from the Charlene Page Kaufman Memorial Textile Collection and work by Lamar Dodd’s Fabric Design

Wednesday–Saturday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. 706-769-3950 FREE! Tax Preparation Assistance (Various Locations) Now scheduling 1-hour appointments for low- to middle-income families at the UGA Visual Arts Building and the Georgia Federal Credit Union. 706-227-5400 ext. 6486, Nutrition Consultations (St. Mary’s Wellness Center) Meet with a registered dietitian to find a diet that is right for you! One-hour individual consultations available by appoinment. 706-389-3355 PTSD Support Group Local support group now forming for family members of soldiers and veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. 770-725-4527 Roots Farm CSA (Roots Farm CSA) Now accepting members! Sign up to receive your weekly supply of locally grown veggies. www. Softball Registration (Bishop Park) Accepting registration for its Adult Spring Softball program at Bishop Park. Open to church, civic and commercial groups. Season runs Mar. 15 through July. All games are played at Bishop Park and Southeast Clarke Park. 706-6133589, $436 per team. Volunteer in Peru Learn Spanish and stay with a host family while working in a school, orphanage, medical clinic or animal shelter. Next informational meeting Mar. 4, 6:30 p.m. at LACSI on UGA campus. 404-906-0569, f

students. Through Mar. 4. (Gallery 307) “Translucent Fusions,” an exhibit featuring transfer collages on wood by Kathy Prescott. Through May 7. Lyndon House Arts Center (293 Hoyt St.) 35th Annual Juried Exhibition, featuring work by area artists in a variety of mediums. Through May 8. Madison-Morgan Cultural Center (434 S. Main St., Madison) John Wayne, Teddy Roosevelt, Annie Oakley, the Wicked Witch of the West and Superman are among the 23 Andy Warhol silkscreen portraits on display. Through Apr. 2. Mercury Art Works (Hotel Indigo, 500 College Ave.) Vibrantly colorful figurative oil paintings by John Ahee. Through March. Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation (34 School St., Watkinsville) “Cattywampus,” an exhibit featuring sculpture, book art, prints and drawings by artists from UGA’s Printmaking and Book Arts program, reflects the many interpretations of printmaking. Through Mar. 26. Reception Mar. 5. Red Eye Coffee (297 Prince Ave.) Paintings by Erin McIntosh. Through February. RPM (235 W. Washington St. ) “One Revolution Per Minute,” a three-day exhibit featuring sculpture and paintings by Jen Colestock, Andrew Ferrer, Peter McCarron and many others. Opening reception Feb. 25. Closing reception Feb. 27. State Botanical Garden of Georgia (2450 S. Milledge Ave.) Larger-than-life blooms emerge in Jamie Kirkell’s silk batik fabric art. Through February. UGA Tate Center “Love Makes a Family,” a photography exhibit featuring portraits, testimonials and quotes from the LGBT community. Through Feb. 26. UGA Visual Arts Building (285 S. Jackson St.) “The Art of The Georgia Review” showcases the varied works of visual art published by the journal and includes works by artists James Herbert, Terry Rowlett, Gaela Erwin and more. Through Apr. 29. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens (780 Timothy Rd.) “What I saw then,” an exhibit featuring James Ponsoldt’s photography of North America and Europe. Through February. Visionary Growth Gallery (2400 Booger Hill Rd., Danielsville) “Our Way the Only Way,” an exhibit featuring new works by UGA sculpture professor Jim Buonaccorsi and painter David Barron. Through Mar. 12. White Tiger Gourmet Food & Chocolates (217 Hiawasee Ave.) New paintings by Jeremy Hughes re-present familiar images from popular culture, the Internet and various other media. Through February.




Comics submissions: Please email your comics to or mail copies, not originals, to Flagpole Comics Dept., P.O. Box 1027, Athens, GA 30603. You can hand deliver copies to our office at 112 S. Foundry Street.



reality check Matters Of The Heart And Loins I am totally confused and I hope you can help me. I was seeing this girl that I really, really liked. We were very compatible and had a great time for a couple of months. Because of outside circumstances that were arranged prior to our meeting each other and that were too important to change, I was leaving town for several months. We saw each other regularly for our brief few months together, and then when I left it just kind of tapered off. We were talking on the phone pretty regularly, plus texts and Facebook and stuff, but that dried up after a month or so, also. Basically, I was in a situation where I was very busy and really had to concentrate on where I was and what I was doing. But I never forgot about her. In fact, I miss her a lot. When I went home on a break about a month ago, I talked to a mutual friend of ours and I told her how much I missed my Special Lady. She said that I had blown it and that Special Lady was mad that I had never sent her flowers. I was drunk at the time, so I went to great pains to prove to our friend that I had tried, even going so far as to show her receipts from

the two times I had sent flowers and gotten screwed over by the florist and once by a neighbor of hers who took the flowers and never gave them to her. I know this all sounds crazy, and in a way it is, but basically I was really hoping that this mutual friend would help me out. So, I am going back in a week or so, and I didn’t know what to do about Valentine’s Day, and I sure as hell wasn’t about to try to have flowers delivered again. I had not heard from the mutual friend, so I didn’t know if she had spoken to my Special Lady since I saw her, but I got drunk and decided to send Special Lady a message on Valentine’s Day anyway. So, I did. It was the night before, actually, but technically it was Valentine’s Day because it was after midnight, and I just sent her a message saying I was thinking about her and I missed her and Happy V-Day. I got no response all day, and at one point I had to turn my phone off because I was obsessing too much and couldn’t get any work done. What ended up happening was that I got a short message late that night that just said “Happy Valentine’s Day.” So, now I am wondering, what does this mean? Is that a green light? Did she forgive me


the flower thing? Do I have a chance with her, or was she just being polite? I am trying not to get my hopes up, but honestly I just can’t wait to see her again. What should I do? How do I proceed? Can’t Hardly Wait I don’t really understand what the flower thing is about, CHW, but I assume there must be some back story. I mean, does a girl complain about and essentially blow off a guy who she seemed to be very happy with over flowers? And did you know that this was part of the deal? She sounds confusing to me, but maybe I just don’t have all the facts. In any case, it does sound like you are back in her good graces. I doubt very seriously that she would have responded to your message at all unless she was at least somewhat interested. If I were you, I would thank the mutual friend profusely, and then take the Special Lady out as soon as you get home. And maybe just for good measure, show up with flowers(?). My boyfriend and I have been on opposite work and school schedules for the past month, and it is putting a real strain on our relationship. We are both equally busy, so nobody is to blame, but I feel like the only time we see each other is when we pass in the afternoon, and then one of us is too tired from the day they just finished, and the other is rushing off to work in an hour. We are lucky if we even get to eat at the same time three times a week. I miss him, I miss our relationship, and I know it sucks for him, too. This will not end before graduation in three months. What can I do to make it easier? Busy Bee Pick a day when you are the one who has the busy morning, so you know he will have some energy. Rush home from work or class, jump in the shower and then come out in your best underwear and drag him to the bedroom. Send him off to work or class with a big smile, and then rinse and repeat as often as possible. Not that this is the only answer, but it will help. Also, try to maximize the time you do have together by staying off of the computer, cell phones, etc. Try to make that little bit of time as quality as possible. And when you do have a day off together, plan a nice getaway. You don’t have to go far, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money. Just be together and be in the moment as much as possible. The three months will be over before you know it. Jyl Inov Got a question for Jyl? Submit your anonymous inquiry via the Reality Check button at











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E a s t s i d e . 2BR apt. $550 + dep. W/D hookup, gas heat. Avail. now! Call (706) 540-1265. FTX Apartments. Campus & busline within half a block. Near Milledge Ave. 2BR units. Pre–lease for Fall 2010. These units are always 100% leased so act now for low rental rates. Call Stacy at (706) 425-4048 or (706) 296-1863. Now pre–leasing for Fall. Great location, 3BR/2.5BA. Townhouse on Milledge. Pool, sand volleyball, basketball. Incl. W/D, on bus line. Call Paul (678) 462-0824. Studios & 2BRs Downtown, across from campus & 4BR at Urban Loft. Studios $600/mo. 2BRs $850-1100, 4BR $2200. Avail. for Fall. Call (404) 557-5203. Westside condos. 2BR/2BA, $600/mo. Eastside quadraplex 2BR/2BA, $525/ mo. 2BR/1BA, $490/ mo. Eastside duplex 2 B R / 1 B A , F P, $ 4 9 0 / mo.3BR/2BA, FP, $650/mo., corner lot. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 549-3222, (706) 353-2700 or cell (706) 540-1529.

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Call Today for Move-In Specials

Hamilton & Associates


Athens Executive Suites. Offices avail. in historic Dwntn bldg. w/ on–site parking. All utils., Internet, & janitorial incl. Single or multiple offices avail. Call Stacy (706) 4254048 or (706) 296-1863.

Retail Suites for lease at Homewood Village. 1K–12,500 sq. ft. avail. For more info call Bryan Austin at (706) 353-1039 or visit

Amazing Office Spaces for lease above Dwntn Five G u y s re s t a u r a n t . S i g n a 1 Year Lease and Receive the 1st Month Free or 12% off!! Call Reign at Coldwell Banker Upchurch Realty (706) 3724166, or (706) 543-4000.

Condo for rent. 3BR/2.5BA, close to UGA. Dep. req’d. Pool. $800/mo. Call (770) 307-7003.

Dwntn Restaurant avail. now for lease. Kitchen equip w/ walk–in cooler & vent hood. Located at 275 E. Clayton St. For more info. or to schedule a showing pls call Mary at Parker & Associates (706) 546-0600 or email mary@ Flagpole Classifieds! $10/wk. for your merchandise, $14/wk. for your house, $16/ wk. for your business! Go to or call (706) 549-0301. Deadlines every Monday at 11am. Historic building, Downtown Rutledge. Ar tist Studio, Retail/Professional. 920 sq. ft., 12’ ceilings, lots of windows, incl. office furniture. Near State Park, 30 min. access to Athens, 55 min. to Atlanta. $92,500. Call Byer Realty, (706) 557-7760, Historic Downtown Building. 3200 sq. ft. Ample onsite parking. Office/Commercial. Contact Stacy (706) 425-4048. Leathers Building. Retail/ Office/Commercial. 1100 sq. ft. Front & rear entrance. $1400/mo. All inclusive. Call Stacy at (706) 425-4048.

Condos for Rent

Condos For Sale 2BR/2BA. Near campus/ busline. Community pool, low assoc. fees. W/D, FP, HVAC, ceiling fans, private patio, new paint, move–in ready. $94,000. (706) 5460290, (706) 296-3313. Chicopee Commons. 2BR/2BA + loft, courtyard & owner’s storage space. $187,500. Call Rose (706) 255-0472. See at www.

Houses for Rent $1150/mo. Affordable 5BR/3BA. 10 yr. young modular house. Walk to UGA/Dwntn. Bands OK. CHAC, W/D, DW. Avail. now, 6/1, or 8/1. Drive by 229 S. Poplar. Email luckydawg96@ $850/mo. Blocks from campus. 3 extra lg. BRs, 1.5BA. 12’ ceilings, HWflrs., W/D, CHAC. Avail. now. 127 Elizabeth St. Owner/Agent. Call Mike (706) 207-7400. $350–$1500/mo. 1BR, 2BR, 3BR, 4BR, & 5BR. Awesome walk & bike to campus & town! Pre– leasing for Fall! Many historical houses w/ lg. r ms, high ceilings, big windows, HWflrs, old– world charm, modern amenities. Porches, & yds. Pet friendly. These go fast! Email for list:

$700/mo. 133 Virginia Ave. Avail. now! Blvd area. 2BR/1BA cottage. Close to Dwntn. HWflrs. W/D hook–ups, pets OK, off street parking. Call (706) 202-9805. 110 Whitehall Road, 2BR/1BA w/ lg. extra room. New Paint, HWflrs., HVAC, Pets OK w/ dep. $750/mo. Sec. dep. req’d. Dorian (706) 340-7136. 1/2 mi. from Downtown. 1, 2, 3, 4BR houses & apts. located in the historic Blvd. n’hood. Please check out b o u l e v a r d ​p r o p e r t y​ or call (706) 548-9797. 1080 Oglethorpe Ave. City busline. Upscale 2-3BR/1BA. Patio, lg. laundry. Great local/condition. Lawn maintenance possible. 1st mo. utilities paid. Short term OK. $750-$850/mo. (706) 353-0708. 2BR/2BA on 22 ac., 35 mins from Athens. Trails, creek, fish pond. Artist designed sunny house. CHAC, W/D, free well water. Neighbors organic farm. Pets welcome. Ogelthorpe Co. Avail. immediately or 8/1. $700/mo. Call Rose (706) 540-5979. 2BR/1BA “A”frame on Freeman Dr. Huge loft, CHAC, total electric. Move-in now, rest of mo. fre e . $525/mo. No pets. (706) 202-0147. 2BR/1BA country cottage off Danielsville Rd. on 3 ac. Move-in now, rest of mo. free. $500/mo. (706) 202-0147. 2BR duplexes starting at $450/mo. Pls. call (706) 549-6070. 3BR/2BA. 84 Pittman Hill Rd. 8 mi. from Athens. Charming farmhouse. CHAC. Fenced yd. Pets OK. No pet fees! $750/mo. Call (706) 254-2569. 3BR/2BA in Statham. Lv. rm. w/ high ceilings & chandelier. Dual Maytag oven, DW. Fenced backyd. $1050/mo. Avail. now! Call (706) 6140448 or (770) 573-1364. 4BR/4BA house. $900 special! W/D, sec. sys., 24 hr. maint. service, pets welcome, lawn & pest incl. (706) 552-3500. Go to www.

4 B R / 2 B A . Awesome house next to Campus/Dwntn. $1600/mo. Screened front porch, W/D, DW, fenced yd. Pets welcome (no fee). HWflrs. Call Marc (646) 354-0848 for pics/ viewing & other houses.

Available now! 2BR/1BA brick house w/ study rm. Great Westside location near Beechwood shopping. All new flooring, paint, roof & HVAC. All appls, DW, W/D, range, fridge. $750/mo. No pets. Pls. call Katy (706) 714-8466. Best rentals in Athens! 1–5BR houses, apts., condos. In the heart of UGA/ Dwntn/5 Pts. Avail. Aug. Going fast, call today! (706) 369-2908 for more info. Cute cottage in the country. 15 min. to UGA & Athens. 1BR/1BR. All appls. Laundry hookups. $485/mo. Call (706) 788-2988 or (706) 2073349. First month free! 2–3BRs in quiet setting, off the beaten path. Sec. sys. incl. W/D, DW, priv. deck. Mention this ad & pay no pet fee! ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 8 - 2 5 2 2 , w w w. Forest Heights. 260 Robinhood Ct. 3BR/2BA Newly Renovated, W/D, secluded, $1K. (706) 296-1200. Free month rent! College Station 2BR/2BA. All appls + W/D, FP, xtra closet space, water/garbage incl. $575/ mo. Owner/Agent (706) 340-2450. Great homes with h a rd w o o d f l o o r s ! 4930 Mars Hill Rd. Oconee Co. 3BR/2BA, $895/mo. 597 Dearing B St. off Milledge. 4BR/2BA, $1295/mo. 597 Dearing A St. 2BR/1BA, $650/mo. 1264 Hull Rd. 2BR/1BA & sunroom. $625/mo. (706) 546-7946, Flowersnancy@bellsouth. net. See virtual tours New 5BR/4BA house in Dwntn for summer lease. Avail. April 1st. Also preleasing 4BR/2BA townhome in 5 Pts. (706) 296-9546.

4BR/2BA. CHAC, FP, HWflrs, DW, fridge w/ ice/water in–door, W/D. Lg. porch & yd. Must have ref’s. 116 Whitehead Rd. $998/mo. (706) 714-1100.

Northside 2BR/1BA, lg. lot, $600/mo. Hospital area 2BR/1BA, carport, fenced–in yard, $700/mo. Eastside 3BR/2BA. Lg. yd., on dead–end street. $950/mo. 4BR/2BA w/ lg. yd. $1200/mo. 2 or 3BR/1BA w/ screened front porch, $700/ mo. Cedar Creek 4BR/2BA $950/mo. Oconee County 3BR/2BA. Lv. rm. w/ FP, din. rm., double garage, $975/mo. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 549-3222, (706) 3532700, (706) 540-1529. Newly renovated 4BR/3BA for rent in ARMC area. W/D, DW, CHAC, screen porch, g a m e ro o m , o ff – s t re e t parking. $1200/mo. Call Vicki at (706) 540-7113 to set up a tour. Pristine Five Points Cottage. 1 block to 5 Pts. Walk/bike everywhere! 2BR/1BA. HWflrs, HVAC, FP, sunroom, fenced yd., http:// $1100/mo. Avail. 6/15. (706) 338-7364. Preleasing for fall. 1, 2 & 3BR houses. Close to campus & Dwntn. Call (706) 255-0066. R e c e n t l y re n o v a t e d in–town. 3BR/1BA. HVAC, W/D, all HWflrs, alarm. Walk to Kroger, library, movies, Post Office, drugstore, shopping. Cats OK. (706) 248-7100, lv. msg. Sell your car with Flagpole Classifieds. Now with online pics! Go to www. today! Unique 3BR/2BA, custom– built, tiled BA’s, new appls, HWflrs, lg. fenced yd., gardens, on river, everything close, no pets. 625 Rivermont Rd. $1200/mo. Call (706) 850-6323.

Houses for Sale $139,900. 3BR/2BA totally re n o v a t e d e a r l y 1 9 0 0 s farmhouse. Only 15 min. from Dwntn Athens. Perfect for musicians & artists. Call Chard Rader at Keller Williams Realty (706) 338-7058, (706) 316-2900. See photos at $134,900. 3BR/3BA nice home on corner lot in Bridge Water subdivision. Very close to Dwntn. Call Chard Rader at Keller Williams Realty (706) 338-7058, (706) 316-2900. See photos at

220 Bentwood. $149,900. 3BR/2BA in Winterville. Motivated Sellers! Coldwell Banker Upchurch Realty,, (706) 543-4000, (706) 372-4166. Call Reign! 370 Cleveland. $97K. Pulaski Heights. 1BR/1BA. Call Reign at Coldwell Banker Upchurch Realty! (706) 5434000, (706) 372-4166, visit 708 Aycock. Lexington, Ga. $178,500. 3BR/2BA on 15+ acre Horse Farm. Call Reign at Coldwell Banker Upchurch Realty (706) 543-4000, (706) 3724166, visit www.Reign A close–in cabin in the woods. 3BR/2BA. Open living, dining, kitchen. $900/ mo. NS. Call Rose (706) 255-0472. Perfect for students. 4BR/2BA. Fenced yard, near busline, park & shopping. $124,900. Call Rose (706) 255-0472 or see www.

Duplexes For Rent 2BR/1BA Eastside. Close to Super Wal–Mart. $500/mo. Condo style. On busline. Lg. fenced in backyd. Pet friendly. W/D incl. Call (706) 254-2995. 2BR/1.5BA. Jolly Lane in Sleepy Hollow Subdivision. Near UGA, Memorial Park & Birchmore Trail. W/D, DW, CHAC, FP. Avail now. $650/mo. Call April (706) 549-5006, go to www. 2BR/1.5BA East Athens Duplex. Fresh paint, W/D, DW, range, fridge, trash & yard service incl. Pets OK. Avail. now! $550/mo. Call Mike toll free (877) 740-1514.

Pre-Leasing 1 – 4 B R s . B o u l e v a rd , Normaltown, Five Points. Now pre–leasing houses, duplexes, & apartments for Fall! See all avail. at www. or call (706) 546-6900. 2BR/1BA in 5 Pts. Great for Grad Students. Close to campus. W/D, DW, CHAC, Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $700/ mo. (706) 396-2908.

3BR/2.5BA. 1 mi. to UGA. $1200/mo. 1 yr. old house. Open floor plan, microwave, DW, W/D conn. Avail. now and pre–leasing for summer 2010. (706) 410-6122. Amazing renovated 5BR/3BA. 1/2 mi. from c a m p u s . 2 l v. r m s . , 2 kitchens, big BRs, huge deck, plenty of parking. DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $2100/mo. (706) 369-2908. Excellent renovated 4BR/3BA. 1/2 mi. to campus. Lots of character! Big rms. New kitchen, DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $1650/ mo. Call (706) 369-2908. Five Points Fall Rentals. 1, 2, 3, 4 bedroom Houses & Apts. See at www. Herbert Bond Realty, Owner/Broker. (706) 224-8002. Gigantic 5BR/3BA condo. End of Lumpkin St. 2500 sq. ft. 2 lv. rms, huge laundry rm., din. rm., FP, big deck. DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $1500/mo. (706) 369-2908. Great 4BR/4BA house. 1/2 mi. from campus.Front porch, back deck, nice yd., DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. Special! $1500/ mo. (706) 369-2908.

S u b le t in 5 Pt s . a re a. 1BR/1BA flat w/ parking. Near to the UGA campus/Dwntn. All inclusive UGA & Athens busline. W/D. Move–in ready for Spring. Sign new lease! $575/mo. Pls. contact at (954) 243-6217.

For Sale Furniture New 5 piece cherry BR set, $399. Clean Pillowtop mattress set, $170. (706) 612-8004. Pillowtop Queen Mattress set. Never used. Still in factory plastic. $260. Full size mattress set. Never used. Still in factory plastic. $160. (706) 769-1959. Delivery avail. Tables, chairs, sofas, antiques, clothes, records & players, retro goods, & more! Cool, affordable furniture every day. Go to Agora! Your favorite everything store! 260 W. Clayton St., (706) 316-0130.


Bobcat T300 Track L o a d e r. C a b – heat–air, 81 Hp, 1870 hrs., Good condition! Rock bottom price $4500. Contact dmant5@msn. com, (678) 609-1528.

Grad student/young professional. 3BR/1BA. Quiet family n hood. HWflrs. Separate garage/workshop. Huge fenced dog pen. Avail. 8/1. $750/mo. Call (706) 369-2908.

Come to Betty for vintage quilted Chanel bags. Just in time for Valentine’s Day! On the corner of Pulaski & Clayton, next to Agora. Open 1pm–4pm daily. (706) 424-0566.



Look! M/F for 3BR/2BA. W / D , D W, F P, d e c k , fenced yds., garage. Cool roommates. Avail. Feb. 20. $325/mo.+ utils. 10 min drive to Dwntn. (352) 215-0056.

Dumbo rats. Make great pets! Males $5, Females $6. Not feeder rats! Pls. call Todd (706) 540-6734.

Relisted! Roommate needed ASAP for house off Pulaski St. Screened porch, W/D. Only a 10 min. walk from Dwntn. Only $250/mo. (706) 548-9744.

2010 South by SouthWest (SXSW) Music Business Conference Laminate $600. If you bought this now from SXSW it would cost $700 & $750 for walk–ups. Contact Jared Bailey, director@, (706) 338-9019.

Sub-lease $1K/mo. Dwntn apt. 2BR/2BA split–lvl. penthouse apt. Across Arch on Broad S t . Va u l t e d h a r d w o o d ceiling, gorgeous views of Dwntn/north campus. Avail. immediately, fully furnished optional. (404) 580-6512.


TV and Video Get Dish. Free Installation. $19.99/mo. HBO & Showtime Free. Lowest prices. No equipment to buy. Call now for full details (877) 2420974 (AAN CAN). ➤ continued on next page




The BEST Deal in Five Points Just Got Better! $

From 315 a Bedroom

3BR Townhomes and 4BR/3BA Townhouse w/ Study Includes Washer & Dryer, Free Wireless and 42” Plasma TV! Call Today for viewing.




Music Equipment Sound System. Yamaha S 1 1 5 I I I $ 3 0 0 , PA M 5 A Monitor $200, LP ASPIRE Conga Set $400, Mackie Micro Series 1202 $150, Rapco 100’ Snake $250, more! OBO islpres@

Instruction Athens School of Music. Instruction in G u i t a r, B a s s , D r u m s , P i a n o , Vo i c e , B r a s s , Woodwinds, Strings, Banjo, Mandolin, Fiddle, & more. From beginner to expert. Instrument repairs avail. (706) 543-5800. Athens Piano School. Premium Piano Lessons Guaranteed. All ages & levels welcome from beginners to advanced. Discounts for families & UGA students. Visit www. or call (706) 549-0707

Musicians Wanted Jazz musicians wanted for Thursday open jam nights. Contact Dwain at (706) 540-7803..

Music Services A Sharp Turn. Athens hot new jazz trio available for private parties, weddings, & any event seeking tight, straight–ahead jazz standards. Affordable rates! Contact (706) 461-1794. Fret Shop. Professional guitar repairs & modifications, setups, electronics, precision fretwork. Previous clients incl. R.E.M., Widespread Panic, Cracker, Bob Mould, John Berry, Abbey Road Live!, Squat. (706) 549-1567. Guitar Repair, setups, electronics & fretwork by 20 yr. pro. Thousands of previous clients. Proceeds help benefit Nuçi’s Space. Contact Jeff (404) 643-9772 or for details.

Looking for a fun, classy alternative to the typical wedding band? If you are looking for “YMCA” then Squat is not your band. If you want Duke Ellington, Ray Charles & salsa, then v i s i t w w w. s q u a t m e . c o m / w e d d i n g s . (706) 548-0457.

Backyard Solutions. Get started on your Spring project! Waterfalls, ponds, fences, decks, gazebos, porches, & more! Call Robin for free estimate! (706) 340-4492.

Wedding Bands. Quality, professional bands. Weddings, parties. Rock, Jazz, etc. Call Classic City Entertainment. ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 9 - 1 5 6 7 . w w w. classiccityentertainment. com. Featuring The Magictones—Athens’ premiere wedding & party b a n d . w w w. t h e m a g i c


Services Home and Garden Perennial Lawn & Landscape. Full service maintenance, installation, sanding/topdressing, aeration, overseeding, hedge trimming, pine straw, mulch, cleanups. Call (706) 255-6405.

Jobs Big City Bread Cafe is now taking applications for PT & FT positions. Apply in person at 393 N. Finley St. Graphic Designer. Must have strong illustration skills & experience in Photoshop & Illustrator. Email resume & samples of work to haywood@ Sales Reps needed! Looking for confident, self motivated, well spoken people. Starting out at $8/hr. + commission. Experience necessary. Call Kris (770) 560-5653. Weak people need not apply!

Does your daughter have symptoms of bulimia nervosa? Has your daughter injured herself on purpose? Researchers at the University of Georgia Psychology Clinic are conducting a treatment study for teens w/ symptoms of bulimia nervosa & deliberate self harm. Open to teenage girls age 16–18. Receive $300 upon completion of study! For more info, pls email the Eating, Drinking, & Personality Research lab at the University of Georgia at, or call (706) 542-3827. Earn $75-$200/hr. Media Makeup Artist Training for ads, TV, film, fashion. Details at www., (310) 364-0665 (AAN CAN). Earn $40! UGA researchers looking for F age 18 & older who purge at least twice/ mo. to participate in a 1–visit research study. Contact

29 People Wanted. Get paid $$ for pounds & inches. You will lose in 30 days! (800) 2078915,

Free Advice! We’ll help you choose a program or degree to get your career & your life on track. Call Collegebound Network Today! (877) 8922642 (AAN CAN).

Bar tender trainees. No experience necessary. Make up to $40/hr in wages & tips. Meet new people, work in an exciting atmosphere. Call (877) 568-9534 (AAN CAN).

High School diploma! Fast, affordable & accredited. Free brochure. Call now! (800) 532-6546 ext. 97. Go to http:// www.continentalacademy. com (AAN CAN).


Now hiring! Companies desperately need employees to assemble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500/ wk. potential. Info at (985) 646-1700 dept. GA–3058.

Part-time Advertise your seasonal business! Firewood, christmas trees, holiday decorating, etc.! Reach over 30,000 readers ever y week! Call (706) 549-0301. Mystery shoppers earn up to $100/day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail & dining establishments. No exp. req’d. (800) 743-8535.

Vehicles Motorcycles For Sale. 2007 250 Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle. Black w/ red flames. Like new, only 14 mi. Reduced $2K firm. Call (706) 788-3160.

Notices Personals (800) GAY-LIVE. Call now! Hook up w/ hot, local guys. Talk to men in cities across the country. Premium Free t r i a l u s e p ro m o c o d e : NEWS4 (AAN CAN).

28 – 5 2 R



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KidsFest is looking for young artists (18 and younger) to perform on our stage Sunday, June 27, 2010. Bands, solo acts, rappers, dancers, scratchers, etc. are invited to be a part of AthFest.



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Terrapin Tuesday Bluegrass Series featuring



BROCK BUTLER (of PERPETUAL GROOVE) Tickets $8 adv. • $10 at the door

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 UGA School of Law Equal Justice Foundation 25th Anniversary Auction. Featured speaker will be




Tickets $10 adv. • $13 at the door

Over 20 of northeast Georgia’s premium wedding vendors will be on hand to plan your big day including: Photographers, Florists, Formal Wear, Wedding Planners, Pastry Chefs, Entertainment, Transportation Companies and more! Sample cuisine of our award winning culinary team while perusing the latest bridal fashions for the entire wedding party.


Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 day of event. For more information and tickets call 706.549.7020


Terrapin Tuesday Bluegrass Series featuring





TOTALLY ‘80s PARTY featuring

THE HIGHBALLS Tickets $8 adv. • $10 at the door


SONS OF SAILORS, MIKE DEKLE Tickets $10 adv. • $14 at the door

SUNDAY, MARCH 7 Songwriters in the Round performance featuring


Tickets $5 adv.


Acoustic guitar sensation


JOHNNY DICKINSON Tickets $10 adv. • $15 at the door


THE GEORGIA SATELLITES Tickets $25 adv. • $30 at the door



JASON ISBELL & THE 400 UNIT Tickets $15 adv. • $20 at the door


Happily Ever After Begins Here!








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