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Pride Parade Athens’ Loudest Pop Band Releases Surrenders p. 16

APRIL 6, 2011 · VOL. 25 · NO. 13 · FREE

Colbert Nation Local Songstress Melissa Colbert Debuts Her Solo Album p. 19

T-SPLOST Wish List p. 5 · Grub Notes p. 13 · J Mascis p. 15 · The Books p. 17 · Broken Water p. 27

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pub notes If Not This, What? Everybody has compared the controversy over the Classic Center expansion to the citizen uprising 20 years ago against the original design for the facility. People then opposed what they considered an inappropriate, ugly concept that included demolishing the old fire hall. They prevailed, even though the county had already paid the architects a million dollars. What’s different this time around is that there’s no citizen anger, no rooms full of people shouting down architects. This time there were only polite preservationists offering their views and remaining silent when the architects ignored them. This fight lacked that tangible, visible rallying point provided by the fire hall. A street just doesn’t get the juices flowing, let alone an abstract concept like connectivity. The people sat this one out, except those marshaled by the Classic Center board—those who expect to make money from the expansion (and don’t we all?). The commissioners who understand the complicated factors inherent in shutting off downtown growth and development with a four-block-long no-access monolith could do little without citizen Hell, we closed Hull support. In the end, they Street for the university. had no choice but to fold. Hell, we closed Hull We closed White Avenue Street for the univerfor the Holiday Inn. We sity. We closed White Avenue for the Holiday closed Clayton Street Inn. We closed Clayton and New Street and New Street for the Street for the area that became the Banner-Herald. We area that became the closed the last block of Banner-Herald… Washington Street for the Classic Center. We closed Dougherty and Strong streets for the federal building and its parking lot. How could the commissioners really defend closing Hancock, even if it is the last opening through to Foundry? How could they hold out for a link to the brand-new idea of a River District that so far doesn’t exist? What’s a street against the Methodists? My God! The Methodists told the commissioners that if they didn’t approve Plan 1-A Tuesday night, all 2,800 of them were moving their convention to Augusta, so they can walk around that dead downtown. Classic Center Executive Director Paul Cramer is the consummate bureaucrat who knows the levers of influence. He is backed up by a board headed by an influential ex-mayor, with the county manager running interference. They had the moxie originally to convince the commission to add their project back onto the SPLOST list after the citizens committee declined to include it. With the money in hand, Cramer staged his first show of power to convince the commission to hire the architects he wanted, and then with the architects in his pocket, he stood fast with his original plan to close Hancock, tweaking it along the way to give away the rest of Hancock and increase the size of his expansion. This contretemps demonstrates for sure that the old Advancing Athens political alignment is finally back in the saddle: the mayor, and the Chamber who elected her, speaking through the Athens Banner-Herald. Doc and Nancy, the way Doc and Heidi could never be. And the Banner, finally back to its old self, the Jason Winders years now but a memory, directed by a publisher who exists to serve Athens business, though he doesn’t even live in Athens. Athens business generally takes the short view: tear down the old building, close the intown streets and four-lane the rest, erect the parking decks, deny alternative transportation, ignore the music scene until the whole world forces you to acknowledge it. Don’t plan; don’t look to the future, don’t get creative; go for the quick buck, even if it would turn Athens into the hometown of a government-run “bio-terror” lab. And by the way, it really was about the fire hall. The citizens who turned out to save it 20 years ago lost it this time around through their lack of interest. It will no longer be the old fire hall. It will soon be just the front entrance to the newly expanded Classic Center. But not to worry: there’ll be lots of Methodists going through there. It will just take them a lot longer to get from First Methodist to the parking deck, without that straight shot down Hancock. Pete McCommons editor@flagpole.com

THIS WEEK’S ISSUE: News & Features City Dope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Athens News and Views

Kevan Williams weighs in with a post-mortem on the Classic Center expansion public input process.

Between the Cracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Who Advocates for Special Ed Students in Foster Care?

The question of who fills the official role of “parent” has no obvious answer in the cases of some children.

Arts & Events Movie Pick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Enter the Source Code

Source Code, smartly written by Ben Ripley, is a thrilling sci-fi/action movie.

Film Notebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 News of Athens’ Cinema Scene

Somewhere, the new film from Sofia Coppola, is currently playing at Ciné.

COVER DESIGN by Kelly Ruberto featuring artwork by Cindy Jerrell on display at the Lyndon House Arts Center


Music The Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Music Composed from a Library of Samples

This unique duo weaves found sounds into its adventurous songs.

Melissa Colbert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Putting It All Out There

The local songstress bares her soul with Evening Calls, her striking solo debut.

CITY DOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CITY PAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CAPITOL IMPACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ATHENS RISING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 GOOGLE THAT SH!T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FOSTER CARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 MOVIE DOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 MOVIE PICK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 FILM NOTEBOOK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 GRUB NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 THREATS & PROMISES. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

RECORD REVIEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 J MASCIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 PRIDE PARADE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 THE BOOKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 MELISSA COLBERT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 THE CALENDAR!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 BULLETIN BOARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ART AROUND TOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 COMICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 REALITY CHECK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 TOWNIECONOMY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35


This week at Flagpole.COM


 Cobbloviate looks at black migration back to the South  Ort peruses Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader  More show highlights on our music blog Homedrone  Loads of Record Reviews  Let us know about your next event: email calendar@ flagpole.com

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EDITOR & PUBLISHER Pete McCommons ADVERTISING DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Alicia Nickles PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Larry Tenner MANAGING EDITOR Christina Cotter ADVERTISING SALES Anita Aubrey, Melinda Edwards, Jessica Pritchard MUSIC EDITOR Michelle Gilzenrat CITY EDITOR Dave Marr CLASSIFIEDS, DISTRIBUTION & OFFICE MANAGER Nico Cashin AD DESIGNERS Kelly Ruberto, Cindy Jerrell CARTOONISTS James Allen, Cameron Bogue, Jacob Hunt, Missy Kulik, Jeremy Long, David Mack, Clint McElroy, Matthew Ziemer ADOPT ME Special Agent Cindy Jerrell CONTRIBUTORS Christopher Joshua Benton, Hillary Brown, Tom Crawford, David Fitzgerald, André Gallant, Emma Hetherington, John Huie, Melissa Kozak, Gordon Lamb, Bao Le-Huu, T. Ballard Lesemann, Matthew Pulver, Scott Reid, Julia Reidy, Sydney Slotkin, Gabe Vodicka, Drew Wheeler, Kevan Williams, Alec Wooden CIRCULATION Charles Greenleaf, Nash Hogan, Jesse Mangum, Matt Shirley WEB DESIGNER Kelly Ruberto ADVERTISING & EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Jessica Smith ADVERTISING INTERNS Caroline Harris, Sarah Zagorski MUSIC INTERNS Emily Estes, Sydney Slotkin


Flagpole, Inc. publishes Flagpole Magazine weekly and distributes 17,000 copies free at over 275 locations around Athens, Georgia. Subscriptions cost $55 a year, $35 for six months. © 2011 Flagpole, Inc. All rights reserved.

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city dope Athens News and Views There You Have It: It’s always good to step suggested by those opposed to the street cloback and look how far we’ve come. Flagpole sure. That paper’s newsroom hasn’t been much first brought up the Classic Center expansion help, either, repeatedly misrepresenting the and the potential negative effects of closing context of citizen comments at those public Hancock over a year ago, in an Athens Rising input sessions. piece from Jan. 27, 2010. Back in November, Former mayor and current Chamber of City Dope reported on a November commission Commerce prez Doc Eldridge has said that all work session wherein Commissioner George of this is an example of the process working. Maxwell asked the question “Suppose the The community has obviously been heard, public decides they don’t want to abandon and the plan he endorsed, which eliminates Hancock?” Looks like we’ve found the answer. all of the compromises that the initial plan Last summer, the citizens’ committee contained, is proof positive of that. This is tasked with developing the SPLOST referendum what makes Athens so great, he assures us. project list twice rejected the Classic Center’s Let’s be clear: according to people like Doc, application to have its expansion on the balpublic engagement is not something through lot. In the fall, the mayor and commission which thoughtful consensus and compromise overruled that, and told the committee to put can be reached to craft a better solution for a reduced expansion on the list. Shortly after all, but simply a box to be checked off. Not the referendum passed, citizens began expressing their concerns, and urged the project be slowed down to thoroughly vet the effects of the closure of Hancock and other corridors on downtown connectivity, and to consider alternatives that would preserve key streets and pedestrian links. At a series of public meetings, the community members who showed up overwhelmingly indicated that connectivity, scale and No one has ever suggested “bulldozing” the Foundry Street warehouses, but it’s relationship to the greater downtown were likely they will be made permanently unviable as commercial spaces when the portion of Hancock Avenue they face is replaced with a three-story wall. their main concerns. The architects working on the project used the input sessions to gena single idea brought forth by those many erate a series of outlandish and over-budget citizens who were “engaged” in this process is “alternatives” involving giant flying buildings evident in “Option 1a,” its most likely resolucantilevered over various downtown features, tion. The bottom line is this: our leaderless while tuning out the viable and reasonable legislative body is ill-equipped and unwilling compromises citizens brought forward. to tackle the full-court press that the people The final concept, endorsed by the Classic with real power in this town have put up Center and the business community whose during this process. Even when citizens point support it whipped up for last week’s commisa clear path for them, they still defer to the sion work session, purges the initial concept unelected folks who are running the show. of any pedestrian connectivity whatsoever, [Kevan Williams] removing even the token gestures that had been part of the initial concept. The concept Booze on Boulevard?: There’s a little dustup was also endorsed at that meeting by hotel brewing in the Boulevard area over some developer Robert Small, who stands to benneighbors’ objections to the request by the efit greatly should this particular plan, which owners of a soon-to-open café for an alcohol involves a land-swap giving him more frontage distance waiver permit. The Heirloom Café, on a major street in exchange for a back alley, which will occupy the former Amoco service be adopted. That land-swap is actually illegal station at Boulevard and Chase, is too close according to state laws, which hold that such to both the Salvation Army church and Chase swaps must be equal or result in a net gain for Street Elementary School to apply for a license the public entity. Rather than spending money to serve alcohol without a variance from the on design fees to explore better options, it county, and its owners’ desire to serve liquor seems the mayor and commission would rather seems to be a sticking point for a number of pay their legal team to find ways to circumnearby residents. There doesn’t appear to be vent those land-swap laws. much opposition to the café serving beer and Those who have stated their concern over wine, but the prospect of the place develophow the expansion is accomplished have been ing a nightclub-like vibe—which it has been continually belittled by the daily paper, with suggested liquor sales might promote—has phrases like “drunken dilettantes” lobbed at folks a little on edge. The waiver would be people who hope to ensure that the governnon-transferable and subject to conditions, ment performs its due diligence. These editori- and the café owners have promised to close at als have also relied on debunked “straw-man” 10 p.m. on weeknights and midnight on weekarguments, turning citizens’ own concerns ends. The M&C will consider the waiver request about preservation against them, particularly at 7 p.m. Apr. 19 in City Hall. in the case of a meme about demolition of the Foundry Street warehouses, never once Kevan Williams & Dave Marr news@flagpole.com

city pages lanes along Milledge Avenue (adding bike lanes from East Campus Road out to Whitehall remains on the list), over concerns (raised by Commissioners Kinman and Hoard) that the project might require the removal of alreadyAdding a few last-minute items, Athensscarce large trees along Milledge. If voters Clarke County commissioners last week approve the list, the projects must be built as approved a list of future transportation projdescribed, and the commissioners wanted to ects for possible funding with a new 1-cent see the design details before approving that transportation sales tax. If voters in the project. “All of us have spent a lot of time 12-county Northeast Georgia region approve protecting Milledge Avenue,” Hoard said. The the tax (and projects list) next year, it will project could still be funded using ACC’s disbe collected for 10 years, beginning in 2013, cretionary money if the T-SPLOST vote passes significantly increasing the money available in August 2012. for transportation projects. Projects proposed Regional politics played a part in the deciby Athens-Clarke and the other counties must sion to include the Lexington Road widening, be further vetted by state which was clearly not a transportation officials, but favorite of ACC’s commis“We need to cooperate sioners. Kelly Girtz found it ACC’s “wish list” includes: • New bike lanes to be “a little bit mystifying” that with the region.” added along Lexington Road Oglethorpe county would from Loop 10 out to Gaines want to build a proposed School Road, along Prince Avenue out to the bypass around Crawford and Lexington (which Loop, and along North Avenue from downtown the widened U.S. 78 would connect to), rather to Athens Tech, connecting to a proposed than “enhance” the existing route through multi-use trail on Danielsville Highway. those towns. But Oglethorpe officials very • A new Greenway trail along the Middle much want that project, Commissioner Doug Oconee River between Macon Highway and the Lowry said; and “we need to cooperate with State Botanical Garden (which could connect the region,” added Mayor Nancy Denson. The to the existing Greenway via bicycle lanes T-SPLOST region stretches from Jefferson and along Macon Highway). Elberton to Covington and Greensboro, and an • More money for buses, allowing 30-minexecutive committee of regional officials must ute (rather than hourly) service on all routes. produce a list of projects voters throughout • A new Loop 10 exit between Tallassee the region will like (although a large portion Road and Atlanta Highway that will connect of the region’s voters are in ACC). ACC is not to Atlanta Highway. directly represented on that committee, ACC • Road widening projects, intersection Transportation Director David Clark said, but improvements, coordinated traffic lights and “our interests are being represented,” he told airport improvements. commissioners. The only project proposal removed from the list last week was for building bicycle John Huie

Commission Finalizes T-SPLOST “Wish List”



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capitol impact Just a Big Frat Party It’s not an original observation to compare the Georgia General Assembly to a fraternity house, but it’s still an accurate one. When the guys in charge of the Legislature gather in January to convene a new session, many of them act like a bunch of fraternity brothers who are blowing off steam at a keg party. Vestiges of fraternity behavior are always in evidence. One example is the way freshmen legislators are hazed by the veterans when they make their first attempt to pass a bill on the House or Senate floor—just like nervous pledges trying to survive initiation. The leadership squabble splitting the State Senate this session is like a fraternity meeting where the brothers can’t agree on whether to admit someone to the pledge class. Half of the brothers want to blackball the student while the other half want him to join, and a ferocious argument breaks out because the two sides can’t come to an agreement. In this case, you had several Republican senators who were angry at Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle because of the tactics he used to get a hospital bed tax adopted last session. Two of the GOP leaders, President Pro Tem Tommie Williams and Majority Leader Chip Rogers, saw an opportunity to take away some of Cagle’s powers and use them for their own purposes. The Williams-Rogers faction in the Republican caucus voted to pass new rules that stripped Cagle of much of his authority over Senate matters, especially the appointment of committee chairmen. Those powers were transferred to a “committee on assignments” controlled by Rogers and Williams. Cagle was irritated by the takeover but decided not to fight the other side openly. “Oftentimes, things like this have a way of crashing under their own weight,” Cagle told reporters during the first week of the session. He implied that he would wait for the “committee on assignments” to start cracking up.

That crackup became publicly visible last week when a change in the Senate rules was proposed by Sen. George Hooks, a Democratic veteran. This rule change could have cleared the way for Cagle to regain his powers. Hooks’ proposal triggered a floor fight and angry meetings of Republican senators behind closed doors. By week’s end, Williams and Rogers had managed to hang on to control of the Senate, but it was obvious that Cagle was making inroads among Republican senators, especially the freshmen. The in-fighting among GOP senators has made it difficult for the Legislature to resolve the major issues still pending with only three days left in the session. House Speaker David Ralston complained that it was impossible to negotiate with 36 individual Republican senators on such complicated matters—it would be much more workable, he contended, if one person was speaking for the Senate. “We have come perilously close to their little experiment over there harming the people of Georgia,” Ralston said. “They need to resolve their leadership issue and resolve it quickly.” What’s at stake here? There is an $18.2 billion state budget that must be finalized. There is a major revision of the state’s tax system that has not been completed. There are still bills on the table dealing with Sunday sales of alcohol, immigration control and prescription drug monitoring. Unless the “brothers” in the Senate can stop fighting and engage in a coherent discussion of these issues, they could remain undone when the final day of the session—now scheduled for Apr. 14—arrives. By the time this is all over, there are many of us who will be ready to tap a keg and have a drink. Tom Crawford tcrawford@gareport.com

athens rising

parking network contributes to the area’s commercial make-up, and whether, with some refinements to road alignment and a switch to angled or parallel, rather than perpendicular spaces, could actually enhance other parts of the district. Those ailing auto-oriented spaces along Lumpkin north of Five Points might be an excellent place to replicate the character, scale and street conditions of the Henrietta core, there is a network of alleys running Building to the south. behind the major commercial blocks already. Of course, we still haven’t even talked These connect existing private parking lots about how alternative transportation fits (in varying states of repair), but those parkinto the game. While it is important to coning lots are also served by numerous curb sider how we might manage the growing cuts along the main streets of the district. number of cars in the area effectively, some One strategy for managing parking consideration must be given to and traffic might be to upgrade how the number might actually be those alleys into proper streets, reduced. The area is already heavcollecting traffic at the rear of the ily walked and biked, and infraparking lots to reduce the turning structure like additional bike lanes on the main drag, and providing would only help. some redundancy to the street grid The frequent bus service is cerin the district. tainly an asset for the area, and Many traffic engineers despise it begs the question of whether or the five-way intersection in gennot a more creative and integral eral, and would love to amputate strategy could incentivize busing the fifth leg by shunting it over to into and out of the area. Currently, a secondary intersection on one of stops for the UGA Milledge bus are the remaining corridors. Locally, on the outskirts of the commercial this was done in Winterville, where core. A realignment of that route five streets and a rail line once that passes through the heart of converged. Nowadays, Main Street the district might get a lot of cars hooks around into Smithonia Road. Conditions created by perpendicular parking on Lumpkin south of the Five Points off the road for local trips. Little Five in Atlanta was treated intersection might be improved by a change to angled or parallel spaces. The results of a pending lawsuit in a similar manner, with a kink over ownership of the on-street in Euclid Avenue and the pedestrianization of Even without that public contribution to parking in the district will certainly define Seminole Avenue as strategies to reduce the the retail and parking realm, there is still the conversation over Five Points’ streets for complexity of the intersection. The reclaimed plenty of room, especially on the section of the near future, but every solution ought to spaces were turned over for plaza and gathLumpkin between campus and the fire station, be on the table when it comes to taking this ering spaces. That neighborhood certainly for significant projects, permitted by the curgreat, walkable neighborhood, and figuring hasn’t lost its identity with changes in traffic rent zoning, that would be gamechangers in out how to make it even better. signal timing, and may actually have become terms of how the neighborhood functions. more of a destination with the addition of Another question is how the current on-street Kevan Williams athensrising@flagpole.com

What’s Up in New Development


Is the Five Points commercial district a victim of its own success? The walkable district is chronically congested, with narrow streets converging in one complex intersection that is often backed up. Combine that with well-used city and UGA bus routes, heavy walking and cycling, tons of curb cuts, and some on-street parking, and you’ve got quite a mess. Beyond those infrastructural pressures, there have also been several fairly significant changes in the scale of the area, from the fire station that crowns the intersection to multi-family and mixed-use buildings thrown up around the neighborhood in a fairly unattractive manner. Several different architectural characters converge at the intersection, from the stately manors set back from Milledge to Craftsman cottages along Lumpkin and commercial structures of various eras, some more auto-oriented than others. How do we untangle all of this into a comprehensible solution? One notable feature of Five Points is that because all roads lead to it, the grain of the surrounding neighborhoods doesn’t provide many alternative routes which might serve to relieve pressure on the tight intersection. Circuitous routes through speed-hump heavy neighborhoods discourage too much cutthrough traffic, which may be good for the folks on those residential streets, but does exacerbate some of the problems that the Five Points intersection itself faces. While the area lacks the secondary streets that might flesh out a growing commercial

public space. Might Milledge Circle, perhaps, receive a similar treatment? Of course, the beautiful trees out front would be a significant loss. One idea that’s been very informally tossed around is the notion of a small-scale parking deck in the area, perhaps utilizing some of the fire station property. An initial concept for the station proposed a mixed-use component to the project, with retail along Milledge Circle to help offset the costs of the station and further enliven the area. If a deck were ever considered for the area, perhaps that mixeduse retail component could work its way back into the conversation.




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google that sh!t Search: Atlanta housing voucher Atlanta is the first city in the United States to have demolished all of its public housing. As of about a month ago, there are no projects in Atlanta. A 16-year endeavor that began in anticipation of the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta was finalized with the Feb. 28 demolition of the Roosevelt House, a home for seniors and disabled citizens. A seriously problematic voucher program has been offered in place of actual housing. Former residents are given housing vouchers to find shelter in the private market, but it is difficult to find housing that is affordable, even with the vouchers, and few landlords accept them. Where the projects once stood are “mixed-income” developments which almost entirely exclude former residents. It reminds us that the erosion and privatization of state services that is just beginning to be felt by the middle class has been going on for some time among the urban poor. The Reagan/Clinton era gutted social services for inner city residents, and the latest trend of demolishing public housing is casting already desperate families out into the cold winds of an unprecedentedly bad economy. Thing is, nobody knows where the people of this newly created urban diaspora have ended up. In our world of instantly findable facts, this is something no one really knows: it’s not Googlable. The Atlanta news media have covered the story only inasmuch as it offers chances to film demolitions. They seem really to get off on demolitions—like crows with shiny things. Otherwise, the local media tend simply to echo the pronouncements by public officials of a purported victory over poverty. An Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial even called the demolitions “one of America’s great success stories.” Success for whom? The developers who got their hands on some of the best real estate in the city? The self-congratulating city officials? Have the former residents had any success after their homes were bulldozed en masse? Again, no one really knows. So, naturally, with the Atlanta news media having neglected their responsibility to do anything but gawk at the imploding buildings, it falls to underground hip-hop artists to become the reporters. Up-and-coming rappers Pill and Jay Electronica speak of the desperation and anger in the ‘hood as a result of housing demolitions. Pill grew up in a number of Atlanta’s erstwhile housing projects, while Jay Electronica hails from the famed and former Magnolia projects of New Orleans—a city which has seen, in the post-Katrina era, an accelerated version of Atlanta’s experiment. New Orleans and Atlanta are providing the opening scenes of a new era of American decline, with fewer and fewer economic opportunities and more and more ways to fall through the cracks. “We done had them knock down every project, every subsidized home,” says Pill in the YouTube video “Welcome to Fort City” (Google it!). “All that shit tore down. It’s like they leave everybody on the outskirts, and they moved everybody else in, people that can afford it.” In his song “Pain in They Eyes,” Pill explains that extreme poverty still exists—and is even more desperate than before—despite the papering over of its symbols: “You know they tryin’ to disguise the streets/ With beautification projects; projects gone and we got mouths to feed/ I can see the pain in they eyes/ They ain’t lovin’ life.” Simply displacing and hiding the growing poverty will only work for so long, though. Jay Electronica—recently signed to Jay-Z’s record label—reveals the raw anger that has come in the wake of the demolitions: “They closed down all the projects/ And all these wicked contractors can’t see us make a profit [for them]/ …That’s why I’m yelling ‘fuck the world’ every time I let my Glock spit/ My nigga, we ain’t got shit.” If you need to see it to believe it, do a video search with these same terms. You’ll find near third-world scenes of thousands thronging merely for applications for the rare housing vouchers. As the disappearance of the American social safety net continues, it is scenes like these which are likely to become the new normal. Matthew Pulver

Between the Cracks

Who Advocates for Special Ed Students in Foster Care?


Emma Hetherington

hen a child becomes eligible for Special surrogates in order to teach them about special education serEducation services in public school, the school vices and education rights. “Social workers train foster parents creates an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and family members and keep a list of who’s been trained,” with the help of teachers, service providers explains Meyers. “Most parents are trained one-on-one and are and other relevant parties to ensure that the child receives a taught their responsibilities. We remind parents that they are free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive a critical voice at the [IEP] meeting. Their consent to special environment. Parents also play a key role in the development education really needs to be informed consent.” of an IEP: a parent consents to psychological evaluations to Training is just the beginning. The parent becomes the critidetermine his or her child’s specific needs, helps create the cal voice on the IEP team by asking for specific goals that cross education plan in order to address those needs, and consents the divide between home and school. “There should be a real to the implementation of the IEP and the appropriate school partnership,” Meyers says. “Goals at school should mirror goals placement for the child. Since federal and state education laws require that parents play these integral roles in IEP development, what happens in the case of a child who is in foster care, rather than living with a biological parent? Who becomes the “parent” for purposes of consenting to special education services? Who assists the IEP team in determining what kind of education is appropriate for a particular child? “Whoever has the most contact with the child,” answers Dawn Meyers, director of school social work for the Clarke County School District CCSD. “The person who puts them on the bus to school every morning… That could be a foster parent or someone the child is staying with at the time.” According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the federal law that gives states both funding and guidance in implementing special educaCCSD Director of School Social Work Dawn Meyers (right) discusses an Individualized Education Plan with Clarke Central High School parent Sharon Jackson. tion programs, a parent could be a natural, adoptive, or foster parent; a guardian; a person acting on behalf of a natural or adoptive parent, such as a grandparent; and objectives at home… If a child is working on learning how or a surrogate parent appointed by the child’s school or the to brush their teeth at home, then they should be learning how juvenile court. to brush their teeth at school. Teachers can explain to foster The American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the parents and guardians how to teach skills at home.” Law has released a series of education articles discussing the unique needs of children in special education in the foster care ut even when the school can identify an adult who can system. According to the ABA, between 25 and 50 percent of serve as the “parent” for special education purposes, school-aged children in foster care receive special education what about children who move from foster home to fosservices, compared with only 11 percent of students overall. ter home within a short period of time? Casey Family Programs Additionally, statistics show that children in foster care have reports that on average, a child will experience 3.2 placement poorer attendance rates, are less likely to perform at grade changes while in foster care. Further, the U.S. Department of level, are more likely to have behavior and discipline problems, Health and Human Services found that one-third of children in and are less likely to graduate from high school. foster care stay in care between one and 11 months, and oneWith so many possible negative education outcomes for fourth stay in care between 12 and 23 months. How well can children in foster care, especially for those with special needs, a foster parent, guardian or family member who has not previhow do schools ensure that children receive the education ously cared for a child learn about the child’s unique special services they need, and improve their chances of leaving the education needs when the child has only been in his or her foster care system as contributing members of the community? home for a short period of time? Before deciding who will serve as the “parent” of a child for One way the CCSD addresses these information gaps when purposes of developing and consenting to special education creating special education plans is by soliciting input from programs, the CCSD trains foster parents, family members and sources beyond whomever the child lives with. The district also


partners with biological parents, the Department of Family and Child Services and other community organizations who may have information pertinent to a child’s life. Parents, teachers and school counselors can also refer children in need of extra adult support to the Clarke County Mentor Program (CCMP). School counselors keep a list of children in need of mentors and match volunteers to children. The CCMP requires that volunteer mentors commit at least one hour per week for at least one year to working with at-risk children in the community. “Mentors are people who are concerned about this child’s future,” explains Paula Shilton, director of CCMP. “Mentors are role models—they work with children on social skills, education skills, and future work ethic.” Shilton emphasizes that studies have shown that children with long-term mentors have better future outcomes. Children need stability, she says, especially those who move from home to home and constantly lose adult role models. The CCMP has also begun working extensively with Whatever It Takes Athens, a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that every child in Athens completes a post-secondary education. WIT has begun its work by focusing on the CCDS’s Alps Road attendance zone; Shilton points out that the organization tries to provide every child in that zone with a mentor. Although the Alps zone currently has the highest percentage of mentors for children in the district, more are still needed to reach the goal of one mentor per child. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) may also be involved in the education process for children in foster care with special needs. CASAs represent children in foster care in juvenile court. Specially trained volunteers conduct fact-finding about a particular child and become “experts” on the child’s life in order to advocate for his or her best interests. According to Meyers, “CASAs are involved in IEP teams at times. It depends on the child’s need and the level of the CASA’s involvement. They are always welcome as an IEP member.”


lthough social workers for the CCSD work tirelessly to ensure that children in foster care with special education needs don’t fall through the cracks, there is always room for improvement. When asked what more could be done for this highly at-risk population, Meyers responds, “Give us more time in the day.” Considering the high stakes and less than ideal outcomes for children in foster care with special education needs, more time, resources, flexibility, creativity and community awareness is just the beginning of the list of what’s needed to ensure the implementation of appropriate and effective education plans. Emma Hetherington

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movie dope Some releases may not be showing locally this week. THE 5TH QUARTER (PG-13) What’s really sad about this Blind Side wannabe is that this real family’s tragedy is so ineptly conveyed that it becomes laughable. When his 15-year-old brother, Luke, is killed in a car accident, Wake Forest football player Jon Abbate (Ryan Merriman), wearing Luke’s number, leads his team to their most successful season ever. Shot through an HD haze, The 5th Quarter gets everything wrong. A terrible script and poor acting (especially from socalled pros like Aidan Quinn and Andie MacDowell) are overseen by cut-rate direction from writer-producer-director Rick Bieber. Big emotions are needed but cannot be given by mediocre cast and schmaltzy direction. A “College Gameday” package turned awful, inspirational, faith-film, The 5th Quarter is the sort of movie you should be able to watch for free in a church fellowship hall, not pay full price to see in a theater. THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU (PG13) The trailers do nothing for the cut of this latest Philip K. Dick adaptation. Matt Damon and Emily Blunt play star-crossed lovers, David and Elise, being kept apart by the Adjustment Bureau, who resemble a team of Mad Men in suits and hats. These angels as pencil pushers and bureaucrats make sure The Plan, as envisioned by The Chairman (one of many names for the man upstairs), is adhered to. The love affair between David and Elise is not part of the plan, and the Bureau will stop at nothing, even sending in their heavy hitter (Terence Stamp), to ensure the couple does not end up together. The Adjustment Bureau is one of the better films of young 2011. ARTHUR (PG-13) My fondness for Russell Brand confuses me as to whether or not this comedy remake need exist. Brand steps into Dudley Moore’s tux as an apparently not-sodrunken (judging from the trailers) playboy who could lose his inheritance if he doesn’t marry the woman his mummy wants him to. Jennifer Garner takes over for Liza Minnelli, and most significantly, Helen Mirren replaces John Gielgud as Arthur Bach’s stalwart butler becomes a nanny. With Greta Gerwig, Nick Nolte and the usually hilarious Luis Guzman. BEASTLY (PG-13) A literal modern

day fairy tale, Beastly stars I Am Number Four’s Alex Pettyfer (how did this guy escape The CW for the big screen?) as vain, misunderstood, rich boy, Kyle. When Kyle runs afoul of a witch (Mary-Kate Olsen) at his ridiculously posh private high school, she turns him into a hideously scarred and tattooed “monster” with a year to find someone who’ll love him. Of course, he chooses scholarship girl with a drug addict dad, Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens). The unforgivably unlikely setup for this limp take on Beauty and the Beast requires Lindy to be sequestered in Kyle’s hideaway due to a threat against her life. Beastly is all pretty much bland teen romance and drama. BHUTTO (NR) This Sundance Grand Jury Prize nominee for Best Documentary recounts the life and political career of still recently assassinated Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. This polarizing figure in the Muslim world was expected to dominate Pakistani politics before her shocking 2007 murder at the alleged hands of Al-Qaeda. Filmmakers David Baughman and Johnny O’Hara’s first feature was not only an official selection of Sundance but also of HOTDOCS and the Sonoma International Film Festival. BIUTIFUL (R) Critical darling Alejandro González Iñárritu (Amores Perros, 21 Grams, Babel) returns with what sounds like a Spanish-language version of Clint Eastwood’s Hereafter (not a compliment). In Barcelona, Uxbal (Javier Bardem, who won Best Actor at Cannes) struggles to be a good husband and father, while using his ability to speak to the deceased to eke out a living. Critical reaction has been mixed, with big names like Sean Penn, Werner Herzog, Guillermo del Toro and Julian Schnabel coming to Iñárritu’s defense. Nominated for the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film. BORN TO BE WILD (G) What happens to young orangutans and elephants that lose their parents? Morgan Freeman narrates the story of the people who rescue and raise these orphaned animals. Director David Lickley is a veteran of nature films like Jane Goodall’s Wild Chimpanzees and shorts Bears and Gold Fever. Oh yeah, it’s in 3D. IMDB recommends this film for anyone who liked Avatar, Bugs!

M OVIE L ISTI N GS Schedules often change after our deadline. Please call ahead.

ACC LIBRARY (706-613-3650) Bhutto (NR) 7 (Th. 4/7)

CINÉ (706-353-3343)

Biutiful (R) 7:00 (W. 4/6 & Th. 4/7) Cedar Rapids (R) 9:45 (no 9:45 show Su. 4/10), 3:15 (Sa. 4/9 & Su. 4/10) The Last Lions (PG) 5:00 (F. 4/6 & Th. 4/7), 3:00 (Sa. 4/9 & Su. 4/10) Somewhere (R) 8:15 (W. 4/6 & Th. 4/7), 5:15 (W. 4/6–Th. 4/14), 7:30 (F. 4/8–Th. 4/14) The Way Back (PG-13) 5:30, 8:30 (starts F. 4/8)


The Social Network (PG-13) 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 (F. 4/8–Su. 4/10) Zodiac (R) 8:00 (Th. 4/7)

Accurate movie times for the Carmike 12 (706-354-0016), Beechwood Stadium 11 (706-546-1011) and Georgia Square 5 (706-548-3426) cinemas are not available by press time. Visit www.flagpole.com for updated times.



and Earth. The last two I get, but Avatar didn’t become a blockbuster because it appealed to the underserved nature fanboys. CEDAR RAPIDS (R) A small town lifer, Tim Lippe (Ed Helms), is sent to the annual insurance conference in the big city of Cedar Rapids, IA, where he learns the ropes from some convention veterans, led by John C. Reilly. Hopefully, Miguel Arteta can recover from the disappointing, but funny Youth in Revolt. The best gag given away in the trailer involves Isiah Whitlock, better known to “Wire” fans as Clay “Shee-it” Davis, getting in a “Wire” reference. DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: RODRICK RULES (PG) I really enjoyed the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie, and its sequel, Rodrick Rules, is no different. Middle schooler Greg Heffley (Zachary Gordon, who could be a lost Savage brother) must contend with brotherly abuse from his mean older sibling, Rodrick (Devon Bostick). Adding to Greg’s middle school misery is the return of Chirag Gupta (Karan Brar) and an unrequited crush on Holly Hills (Peyton List). Fortunately, Greg still has best bud, Rowley (Robert Capron), by his side. It’s a tribute to Jeff Kinney’s fantastic series of books and a terrific ensemble of actors, both child and adult, that a kiddie franchise could be this funny. THE GREEN HORNET (PG-13) More unconventional on paper than Ang Lee’s Hulk, The Green Hornet is an interesting entry in the overpopulated, same-y superhero genre. The original 1930s radio serial created by George W. Trendle begat a 1940s film serial and 1960s television program starring Bruce Lee before spawning this latest, strangest adaptation, directed by French visualist Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) and written by slacker star Seth Rogen and his Superbad partner Evan Goldberg. What is stranger still is that this unconventional production never really goes beyond convention, and the fun movie is no worse for it. HANNA (PG-13) Atonement filmmaker Joe Wright reunites with his Oscar-nominated young star, Saoirse Ronan, in this dramatic thriller that could garner its share of Kick-Asstype criticisms regarding violence and little girls. Ronan plays a mysterious 14-year-old girl, trained by her exCIA father (Eric Bana) to be a killing machine. Cate Blanchett stars as the intelligence operative seeking Hanna for reasons of her own. The script was written by Wright, Joe Penhall (The Road) and David Farr (BBC series, “MI-5”). With Olivia Williams. HOP (PG) I’m still a sucker for a grand holiday fantasy factory sequence, and Hop opens with a spectacular one, detailing how all the marshmallow chicks and hollow chocolate bunnies are produced. Unfortunately, the family film goes creatively downhill from that high point. While the old Easter Bunny (v. Hugh Laurie) prepares to hand the holiday icon reins over to his son, E.B. (v. Russell Brand), the younger bunny runs away to Hollywood to be a drummer in a rock and roll band. There he meets slacker Fred O’Hare (James Marsden), whose life apparently peaked 20 years ago, when he saw the Easter Bunny. The one slightly surprising twist in this whole tale—Fred becomes

the first human Easter Bunny—is given away at the beginning of the movie. Even extremely loyal fans of Brand will have a hard time getting many laughs from this incredibly generic, wholly secular piece of cutely animated holiday fluff. No doubt the kids will eat it up like unhealthy confections on Easter morn. I did rather enjoy the implications of the film’s assertion that the Easter Bunny has been delivering jellybeans on beds of plastic green grass for 4,000 years! INSIDIOUS (PG-13) A family (headed by Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne) suspect their home is haunted, only to discover it is actually their bedridden, comatose son who is the target of some frightful, malevolent spirits. According to the marketing campaign for this horror superstar team-up of the creators of Saw—director James Wan and writer Leigh Whannel—and Paranormal Activity—Oren Peli, a simple producer here—“Insidious is Insidious is Insidious is….” You get the point. I shall now clarify what Insidious is. Be sure to read the following in your best scary voice. Insidious is… a spinetinglingly scary, haunted house movie in the (Robert) wise, oldfashioned (i.e., no blood/gore) way. A not-quite original blend of genre traits both distinctly American (Poltergeist, Amityville, The Exorcist) and European (operatic, high-pitched strings; an overly dramatic title font; bad old lady makeup). Better early, during its subtly terrifying first and second acts than the overtly unfrightening finale. Better than anything Wan/Whannel have made since Saw way back in 2004. The best horror movie since Paranormal Activity 2. Not a horror film everyone will appreciate (just ask my wife). THE KING’S SPEECH (R) To combat a nervous stammer, King George VI (Colin Firth), AKA Bertie, works with an unorthodox speech therapist, Lionel Logue (Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush). Director Tom Hooper helmed HBO’s excellent “John Adams” and Elizabeth I. With Helena Bonham Carter as George’s wife Queen Elizabeth, Guy Pearce as Edward VIII, Michael Gambon as King George V and Timothy Spall as Winston Churchill. THE LAST LIONS (PG) The Cinekids Family Matinee for this week is the National Geographic documentary, The Last Lions. A lioness does whatever it takes to protect her family in the wilds of Africa. Emmy winner Dereck Joubert and his wife, Beverly, examine the dangers facing the last lions (only about 20,000 remain). Parents, be aware the film may be too intense—in that nature documentary sort of way—for your younger children; they might be better served by DisneyNature’s upcoming Earth Day release, African Cats. Narrated by Jeremy Irons. LIMITLESS (PG-13) Limitless, the new film from Illusionist director Neil Burger, is pretty much about star Bradley Cooper’s career. He goes from being “Alias”’s Will Tippin to “The A-Team’s” Face in the course of two hours. Writer Eddie Morra stumbles upon a designer drug that opens up the limitless potential of the human brain. Soon, Eddie is making millions from the stock market and drawing the attention of a Wall Street bigwig (Robert De Niro). But with all shortcuts, a catch comes in the drug’s habit-forming, deadly side effects.

THE LINCOLN LAWYER (R) The Lincoln Lawyer seems like the next great drama from TNT. Matthew McConaughey would make many a dreary summer weeknight fly by as slick attorney Mickey Haller, who does business out of the backseat of his roomy town car. As a movie, this legal thriller says all the right things in all the right ways. Too bad courtroom dramas are a dime a dozen on TV. Why pay exorbitant movie theater ticket prices when you can get the exact story in an hour on “Law & Order: NCIS: Las Vegas?” OF GODS AND MEN (R) In a Muslim community in North Africa, eight French Christian monks (including Lambert Wilson from the latter two Matrixs and Michael Lonsdale aka Moonraker’s Hugo Drax) must decide whether to flee in the face of advancing fundamentalist terrorists. France’s official entry for the 2010 Best Foreign Language Oscar didn’t make the final cut. Some of filmmaker Xavier Beauvois’ previous films were Cannes Award winner Don’t Forget You’re Going to Die and Cesar nominees Le Petit Lieutenant and Nord. PAUL (R) I had high hopes for Paul. Written by and starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and directed by Greg Mottola (Superbad and Adventureland), this road trip comedy should have been the alien homage equivalent of Pegg and Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz. Maybe Wright’s guiding hand as director and cowriter was more important than believed because Paul is nowhere near as smart or funny as those two genre love letters. Paul is by no means a bad movie, just a disappointing one. Two British geeks, Graham and Clive (Pegg and Frost), run into an on the lam extraterrestrial named Paul and voiced by Seth Rogen. Throw in a one-eyed Jesus freak played by Kristen Wiig and pursuing G-men the likes of Jason Bateman, Bill Hader and Joe Lo Truglia, and how could the film’s lightweight, merely chuckleworthy humor not frustrate? More power to Pegg and Frost, who shot to fame remaking their favorite movies with them in the lead. Paul is their Close Encounter with E.T. I just wish it had been more out of this world. RANGO (PG) Boasting a cute trailer, this animated feature from Pirates of the Caribbean director Gore Verbinski stars his lead pirate, Johnny Depp, as the voice of a chameleon that wants to be a gunslinging hero. Rango must put his skills, if he has any, to the test to protect a Western town from bandits. Featuring the voices of Timothy Olyphant, Abigail Breslin, Alfred Molina, Bill Nighy, Isla Fisher, Ray Winstone, Harry Dean Stanton, Stephen Root and Ned Beatty. THE SOCIAL NETWORK (PG-13) 2010. By the end of this multi-focused deposition of founder Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg, turning his quickwitted nerdiness to steel and the Dark Side), a new asshole of an ‘00s antihero has been born to rival the 80’s Gordon Gekko and the 90’s Hannibal Lecter. And Zuckerberg is real. SOMEWHERE (R) Bad boy actor Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff, who has some real life experience to draw from), rocking the Hollywood lifestyle pretty hard at the Chateau Marmont, is visited by his daughter (Elle Fanning, Dakota’s little sister). Oscar winner

Sofia Coppola’s new film won the Golden Lion, the top prize at the Venice Film Festival. Expect a typical Sofia Coppola cinematic experience whether or not you like it. THE SONG OF SPARROWS (PG) 2008. What a sweet sounding setup. A rural Iranian ostrich farmer, Karim (Mohammad Amir Naji, who won the Silver Berlin Bear for Best Actor), must travel to the bustling city of Tehran to replace his daughter’s hearing aid before a big exam. Once in the city, Karim faces opportunities never seen and a cultural/economic divide never felt in his tiny village. SOUL SURFER (PG) The second release from new distributor FilmDistrict, Soul Surfer is based on the true story of teenaged surfer Bethany Hamilton (AnnaSophia Robb), who lost her arm but not her desire to hang ten to a shark attack. A ludicrously buff Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt appear as Bethany’s father and mother. Writer-director Sean McNamara has a long history of Nickelodeon/Disney TV movies and shows as well as the features Raise Your Voice and Bratz. SOURCE CODE (PG-13) See Movie Pick. SUCKER PUNCH (PG-13) A little girl is institutionalized by her wicked stepfather. To cope, she retreats into an alternate reality, where she formulates an escape plan. Soon-to-be Superman director Zack Snyder somehow juggled the making of this fun-sounding genre flick and his animated family hit, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole. TANGLED (PG) One day, a roguish thief named Flynn Ryder (v. Zachary Levi) stumbles into her tower and is convinced to escort her about the scary kingdom her mother has warned her about for 18 years. None of the songs may be destined for Disney classic status, but the warm family humor and romance will please anyone longing for a new Disney dream to come true. TRUE GRIT (PG-13) To help distance their new film from the John Wayne classic, Joel and Ethan Coen are calling it a new adaptation of the novel by Charles Portis rather than a remake. A young girl (Hailee Steinfeld) hires gruff U.S. Marshal Reuben J. “Rooster” Cogburn (Jeff Bridges) to help find the man who killed her father. YOGI BEAR (PG) What can you say about another CGI-live action update of a classic cartoon? Like Garfield and Alvin and the Chipmunks before it, Yogi Bear will satisfy the low expectations of children while providing the parents an hour and a half to disengage. YOUR HIGHNESS (R) One of 2011’s most intriguing, potential-filled movies, Your Highness is a David Gordon Green-directed fantasy-comedy starring Danny McBride as a knight. I know; that’s exactly how I responded when I first read about this flick. Prince Thadeous (McBride) tires of wizard’s weed and easy maidens, embarking on a quest to save damsel in distress, Belladonna (Zooey Deschanel), the betrothed of his bro, perfect Prince Fabious (James Franco), after she was kidnapped by evil wizard, Leezar (Justin Theroux). With Natalie Portman. ZODIAC (R) 2007. David Fincher’s sixth feature is an overlong, not quite epic thriller about the Zodiac, a serial killer who threatened San Francisco in the 1960s and 1970s. Based on the book by Robert Graysmith, a political cartoonist for the San Francisco Chronicle, Zodiac pursues the parallel investigations of Graysmith, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, and the police, led by Inspector David Toschi (Mark Ruffalo). A refreshing take on the serial killer thriller, Zodiac is intelligent and stylish. Drew Wheeler

movie pick Enter the Source Code SOURCE CODE (PG-13) I am excited about Duncan Jones. If you’ve yet to see the young filmmaker’s superb debut, Moon, do yourself a favor and rent it forthwith. The son of David Bowie tones down some of his art house-ier inclinations for Source Code, a thrilling sci-fi/ action movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a soldier, Colter Stevens, enlisted in an experimental operation to travel back in time for eight

Michelle Monaghan and Jake Gyllenhaal minutes and uncover the mastermind of a terrorist attack on a Chicago commuter train. If he doesn’t, a dirty bomb will level downtown Chicago. Talk about your dramatic plot devices. And Source Code, smartly written by Ben Ripley, makes the most of its self-imposed narrative limitations, thanks to the nifty leadership of Jones, who really digs existential isolation. Awakening on the train as teacher Sean Fentress, helicopter pilot Stevens has only

eight minutes to find a bomb and investigate hundreds of people. Fortunately, he has a near infinite number of chances—think of them as extra lives—in which to operate. Whether by luck or great detective skills (I favor the former), the hero has the bomb in two notes. Good thing he has about 70 more minutes to find the culprit. Complicating matters are the pretty girl (Michelle Monaghan) seated across from him and Colter’s desire to solve his own personal mystery. As more of the details of the Source Code experiment are revealed, Ben Ripley’s smart script answers most of the questions generated by the film’s out-there premise. Jones masterfully keeps the Groundhog Day repetition going without bogging down his slick, suspenseful flick. Imagine playing a videogame where you die at the exact same spot and have to repeat the same boring old actions ad nauseam for incremental gain. Source Code isn’t like that at all, though it easily could be. Most impressively, the action-heavy movie, thanks largely to Gyllenhaal’s haunted-eyed hero, gets us to invest in Stevens’ high-concept, quantum physics dilemma, ending on an emotionally impactful high note, about which most thrillers won’t even dare dream.

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celebrate the arts 2011

material world II: a star-studded evening of wearable art (a benefit for the ATHENS AREA ARTS COUNCIL) Featuring a runway show complete with paparazzi and your favorite “faux-leberties” as well as a cash raffle

film notebook News of Athens’ Cinema Scene Big, Sad America: I think I first saw Wim Wenders’ Paris, Texas in a theater around 1985, not long after it came out, when I was in high school in Chicago. I must’ve seen it at least once since then, but I’m sure the last time was close to 20 years ago. I’ve always remembered it as a great and deeply resonant film, but when I decided to see it again now that it’s been reissued by Criterion on DVD and Blu-Ray, I realized I really couldn’t remember many details about it. So much the better—it’s always such a pleasure to revisit a film you loved as a young person from a completely fresh perspective later in life. It’s a simple, modest story: after four years of literally aimless drifting, Travis (Harry Dean Stanton) is reunited with his eight-year-old son Hunter (Hunter Carson), who has been cared for in the interim by Travis’ brother and sister-in-law, Walt and Anne (Dean Stockwell

entirely naïve generosity. The kid, it turns out, is the most legitimately self-aware and independent character in the film. But sadly, one suspects, he’ll probably get over it. Arthaus Happenings: Ciné is starting to put together this year’s Summer Classic Film Series, which will likely get rolling around July. I’m planning to introduce one of the films, and it’s to be hoped that many far greater local luminaries will sign on to do the same. Stay tuned… The downtown cinema’s application for nonprofit status is still being reviewed after about a year and a half, according to founder and director Brigitta Hangartner. In the meantime, Ciné’s continued to bring in a pretty outstanding mix of high-profile, quasi-indie titles and major foreign releases. That’s exemplified on the current marquee, which boasts the long-awaited


WHEN: Friday, April 8 • 7:30-11 p.m. WHERE: Hotel Indigo, Athens HOW MUCH: $10*; $45 VIP runway seats *pay $5 more and become a member of AAAC

purchase VIP tickets at www.athensarts.org or send a check to AAAC, P.O. Box 122, Athens, GA 30603 to reserve a seat

Sofia Coppola’s Somewhere, currently playing at Ciné.

complimentary appetizers provided by sponsoring restaurants with a cash bar



and Aurore Clément). As he begins to put his life back together, Travis realizes he needs to see his estranged wife, Jane (Nastassja Kinski), again, and he and Hunter set out to find her. But it’s the implications Wenders and writer Sam Shepard, neither a stranger to investigations of loneliness and alienation, find in the situation, characters and, especially, the settings, that give the film that resonance I remembered so strongly. Paris, Texas is a German-French co-production; it’s not easy to think of non-North American (and non-British) productions that are made in the U.S. (Wong Kar-Wai’s 2007 My Blueberry Nights is the last big one that comes to my mind, but surely I’m forgetting something), and that can provide for interesting perspectives. It’s also (like the Wong film) an American road movie, which means, among other things, that it’s an inquiry into the nature of America. Wenders regards this nation’s cities, towns, highways and deserts with a keen, alien eye, from a distance that is alternately incredulous and fetishizing. What he finds is a looming, gaping oblivion, whether in the endless Texas plains, scarred with power lines and railroad rightsof-way, or an over-mortgaged suburban SoCal hillside Shangri-La, looking incongruously and inconveniently down on the constant, cacophonous arrivals and departures at LAX. Anne and Walt have found protection from it in Hunter, which Travis’ return puts in dire jeopardy. Travis and Jane—separately, but both because of their shared failure as spouses and parents—have taken refuge in it; the film is about what they will do with the second chances granted them by fate and Hunter’s not

new film from Sofia Coppola, Somewhere; Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Biutiful; and the quirky Hollywood comedy Cedar Rapids, which I’ll admit looks pretty good. The exception is the National Geographic doc The Last Lions, which depicts, in spectacular fashion, a perilous journey undertaken by a lioness and her two cubs on Botswana’s Okavango Delta. In the near future, keep an eye out for the muchheralded Of Gods and Men, Abbas Kiarostami’s Certified Copy, which won Juliette Binoche the best actress prize at Cannes last year, and a second Athens run of The King’s Speech. Check www.athenscine.com for details. Last Bits: The EcoFocus Film Festival is presenting the documentary Fresh, which explores the movement toward healthy and sustainable food production in American agriculture, Thursday, Apr. 7 at the Georgia State Botanical Garden. Get there at 6:30 for a pre-screening reception; find out more at www.ecofocusfilmfest.org… The Apr. 7 iFilms screening at the ACC Library is Bhutto, a doc about the life of the assassinated Pakistani prime minister. Apr. 14 is Pretty Bird, a comedy starring Billy Crudup, Paul Giamatti and Kristen Wiig. Screenings are at 7 p.m.; more info can be had at www.clarke.public.lib.ga.us… The Apr. 7 film in the ICE-Vision series, 8 p.m. Thursdays in Rm. S150 of the Lamar Dodd School of Art, is the genuinely bizarre, over-the-top 1977 Japanese horror camp-fest House. The Apr. 14 screening, co-sponsored by WUOG, will be the 1983 New York City hip-hop/grafitti scene time capsule Wild Style. Dave Marr film@flagpole.com

grub notes Po’boys and Pralines Conversational: If I had to pick one word to describe the new Sisters Creole Market (150 E. Whitehall Rd.), it might be “warm.” The mostly take-out joint with a few stools at the counter recently opened in the historic building that housed the first incarnation of Jot ‘Em Down Country Store & BBQ and was once a grocery, and its proprietors (the three sisters who gave it its name) are nothing if not friendly and chatty. Lenore Bramblett (wife to local musician Randall), Ann Silberman and Carla Waggoner are indeed from Louisiana originally, and they move back and forth between the counter, which has been shifted 90 degrees from its previous location, and the kitchen, where they direct the menfolk in prep of orders. I’m still trying to parse the difference between Cajun and Creole when it comes to food, but perhaps the simplest way to put it is that Creole is a bit more refined and less heavy on spice. That at least holds true at Sisters, where dishes are more reliant on sauces like remoulade than on andouille, or perhaps it’s just what I was able to get my hands on. Even some weeks on from opening, the place is still getting a feel for how much food to prepare on a given day, and while they can always make more red beans and rice, it’s not going to hap…buttery and delicate, pen in 15 minutes. The menu isn’t large, with firm, flavorful but the selection of shrimp… po’boys is a great place to start, with a tasty fried shrimp version and a slightly less so French fry one that is a bit salty even for me. There was a lot of debate in the Flagpole comments online about the fact that the ladies import their bread from New Orleans, but know that it is delicious and may well be worth the cost in carbon footprint. The étouffée is buttery and delicate, with firm, flavorful shrimp, and a lot of little details are done right. The side salads aren’t anything mind-blowing, and I’m sure the tub of ranch dressing is prepackaged, but it’s good pre-packaged. The prices at Sisters are a little higher than you might be expecting ($10 for a whole po’boy; around $8 for a “plate,” which comes with a small salad; $1.15 for a single but yummy praline from Aunt Sally’s in New Orleans), but the liveliness of the place makes you want to vote with your dollars and support it regardless. Like Jot ‘Em Down, Sisters sells a selection of prepackaged goods to qualify as a store, including iced coffee, olive salad and Angelo Brocato’s spumoni at $17 a pint, as well as an array of movie-theater-type candy. Unlike the previous tenant, it takes credit cards. Sisters Creole is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Unusual: Not only has the implementation of brunch at the westside Transmetropolitan (1550 Oglethorpe Ave.) fixed the problem of its not opening until noon on Sunday—the brunch hours are 9 a.m to 1 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday—it has also introduced breakfast pizza in a new sense to the Athens area. I’m sure we’ve all devoured a slice cold from the fridge early in the a.m., but this is a different animal. The goldenrod pie comes topped with sausage gravy, sauteed onions and hard-boiled-egg yolks crumbled and brightly scattered like its namesake. It is improved somewhat by the addition of extra prosciutto from another dish but is, on the whole, rather lovely. Ojos diablo consists of a beef brisket in spicy tomato sauce and a couple of nicely poached eggs. The Italian omelet embraces pancetta, scallions and feta and is fluffy, strongly flavored and beautiful, with the fillings neither overpowering the eggs nor fading into the background. And the prosciutto sandwich, which also includes a fried egg, red onion and provolone, is a well-composed thing, perhaps a tad messy to eat with your hands but thoroughly worth the effort. The menu also includes two other breakfast pizzas (one with prosciutto and gremolata and one with prosciutto, mozzarella and eggs), veggie eggs Benedict, pasta e fagiole and a fried chicken plate. Cute brunchy cocktails, such as a michelada (beer + tomato juice), a float with coffee stout and chocolate ice cream and a minelli (champagne + limeade), appear at the bottom of the page. Most brunch menus have a few items that stand out immediately but bore around the perimeter; this one is impressive the whole way through, promoting repeat visits. Hillary Brown food@flagpole.com



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threats & promises record reviews Music News And Gossip Hey, y’all. Here’s your weekly roundup of stuff to gab about around the water cooler. Just grab a cup and get in on the chatter…

Free Preview: Wuxtry Records will host a free in-store performance by Philadelphia native and Matador Records recording artist, Kurt Vile on Friday, Apr. 8 at 7:30 p.m. Vile, who is touring behind his recently released album Smoke Ring for My Halo, plays the Melting Point later that night with J Mascis.

BMOC: Heartfelt congratulations go out to Athens music hero David Barbe on his appointment as permanent director of the Music Business Program at UGA. n Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’: Pop-’n’-noise Last year, Barbe was appointed interim band Tunabunny is back from its firstdirector while the program sought a ever tour, which took Guadalcanal Diary permanent replacethe group through Chickasaw Mudd Puppies St. Louis, Chicago, ment for longtime head Bruce Burch. In New York and eventuFuturebirds ally led them right a press release Barbe Centro-Matic said, “The thing that back here to Athens. Jason Isbell & 400 Unit excites me the most Wanna hear exciting is having an opporstories from the road? The 15th Annual AthFest will be held June Wanna solve the tunity to continue to 22–26 downtown, with acts performing on work with students as mystery of member three outdoor stages and in dozens of clubs. they enter an indusMary Jane Hassell’s In total, about 150 artists will be showcased. try that is changing pre-tour bacchanalia? All performances on the outdoor stages are so rapidly… They Well, punky, then free and open to the public. Wristbands for the have the tremendous head on down to the evening “club crawl” on Friday and Saturday advantage of not Caledonia Lounge night of the festival may be purchased for on Thursday, Apr. being steeped in the $15 in advance or $20 at the event. AthFest disappearing old ways 7. Tunabunny will is seeking volunteers for the festival and is perform this night of the music industry still accepting submissions for bands as well along with Eureka and are poised to as artists for the juried artisan market. For California (who lead the business as details, visit www.athfest.com. is celebrating the it evolves. It is my release of its new 7” honor to serve in record on HHBTM), helping to facilitate new project Hot Pals (which I have a declared that evolution.” So, too, is the honor theirs, personal involvement with) and new-ish trio Mr. Barbe. For more information, please see Hug Abuse. www.terry.uga.edu/musicbusiness.

AthFest 2011

Outdoor Stage Headliners Announced

The Porch Just Got Bigger: The formerly quiet, unassuming project of Scott Leon O’Day, Efren, has exploded over the past year to become a road machine with two records released, a new one on the way and more shows than anyone could possibly see. The band next plays locally on Apr. 14 at DePalma’s Italian Restaurant (Timothy Road

Mike White · deadlydesigns.com

Doing Their Part: Although all the details aren’t quite confirmed, there will be a benefit event for the family of officer Elmer “Buddy” Christian on Saturday, Apr. 16 at MAX (formerly Max Canada). The family-friendly event takes place from from noon–4 p.m. with a DJ spinning tunes and raffles for several prizes. The cover charge is $10 and includes a plate of food generously donated by Cali-’n’-Tito’s, Casa Mia and Domino’s Pizza. Bar owner Neal Nelson reports that law enforcement officials from all over the state are expected to attend. One hundred percent of the cover charge and raffle proceeds will go straight to Christian’s family, and MAX is donating a portion of the bar proceeds, too. For more info, please find MAX on Facebook. Blastphemy: The group will have already played out at least once by the time you read this, but if you had a hankering to go see the newest band in Athens with the worst name since The Tunabunny Incredible Sandwich, you couldn’t do much better than catching Shaved Christ at the Go Bar on Saturday, Apr. 9. This is the newest project from Athens hardcore lifer Jason Griffin (American Cheeseburger, Divorce, Tres Kids). The unfortunately named group will play with the similarly deficient Bukkake Boys from Atlanta, Athens up-’n’-comers Gripe and the kickin’ Defect Defect from Portland, OR.



TORO Y MOI Underneath the Pine Carpark Almost impossibly, Toro y Moi’s Chaz Bundick has practically eliminated “chillwave” from any discourse regarding his second LP Underneath the Pine. And while the music is as nostalgiatinted and Ariel Pink-indebted as ever, it’s a definitive progression from the bedroom-and-sample-pad aesthetic of his well-loved debut. The first song “Chi Chi” is more or less a statement of intent with its intro of lush shoegaze guitar and smoldering female vocals—the effect is as smooth as it is dissonant. But the point is clear: Toro y Moi is a band now. Real musicians playing real instruments. At its core, Underneath the Pine is the South Carolina native making Italo-disco slowed down to midnight storm BPMs: it’s Bundick making baby-making music—morphine-drunk funk that could just as well be a longlost R&B cassette re-issued on Stones Throw Records as it could be an Arthur Russell B-side. Taking the earworm melodies and boogie grooves from Causers of This and deleting its half-J Dilla/ half-Panda Bear trigger loops, Pine turns the really good ideas on Bundick’s breakout record into really good songs. Christopher Joshua Benton

THOSE DARLINS Screws Get Loose Oh Wow Dang

location). Its newest full-length recording, Rise On Up and Melt, will be officially released on June 28, but the band will make copies available during AthFest, too, which is June 22–26. For more information, please see www. efrenmusic.com. Gordon Lamb threatsandpromises@flagpole.com

garage-punk revelry of “Let U Down” may be the only song starring lone male Linwood Regensburg, but it’s a grand slam. Beyond the stylistic reboot, fundamentals like effortlessly bright songwriting are what ultimately makes this album glow. With solid chops, brash presence and airtight songs, Those Darlins are the complete package. And once you see the wildcat sneer of lead guitarist Jessi Darlin onstage, you’ll know the sky’s the limit for this band. Bao Le-Huu

Original Darlins fans, be prepared. In broadening their sound on this new album, the Tennessee band has turned the country twang way down. Rising up from the punk side of the South, this outing hawks up a big, shiny snot-ball of garage rock and oldies. But instead of just jumping this au courant style, they grab it by the balls. If their 2009 debut kicked up a little dust, this follow-up should whip up one kick-ass tornado. Cast in warm, sonorous production, their sweet snarl and naughty charm are smeared all over teenage fuck-up songs about drugs, lust, boys and eating. The outstanding title track serenades pill withdrawal with bratty yesteryear pop. Belying its tall, girlgroup vibe, “Be Your Bro” is the best tomboy anthem penned in ages. Other picks include the straightforwardly lovely pop jangle of “Boy” and beautiful heartbreaker “Waste Away.” And the

BEADY EYE Different Gear, Still Speeding Dangerbird Oasis comparisons are inevitable because the Liam Gallagher-led Beady Eye (which includes three other former Oasis members) is anything but a departure from that sound. As Oasis’ larger-than-life voice, Liam was every bit the glamorous rock and roll icon with his big, swaggering rasp. But even semi-serious Oasis fans knew Noel was the songwriting foundation. In fact, the only Liam-penned Oasis song that wasn’t sophomoric fluff was the transcendental “Songbird.” Beady Eye’s debut proves that Liam’s still got presence, just not quite enough to elevate them above a slighter Oasis. The better rockers include the hard-swerving burn of “Four Letter Word,” the piano-pumping storm of “Bring the Light” and the stomping boogie of “Standing on the Edge of the Noise.” The soulful anthem is where Beady Eye is deficient. The airy breezes of “For Anyone” are pleasantly different enough, but the only close contender is leadoff single “The Roller,” a Beatles heist, brazen even by Oasis standards. This album is all quite competent. Oasis didn’t exactly further rock music’s dialogue either. But with supernatural intuition, Oasis proved the eternal truth of a great song. Beady Eye, however, often feels like an undercooked band that misguidedly mistakes autopilot for a proper captain. Bao Le-Huu

WYE OAK Civilian Merge Though slightly unheralded, Baltimore has become a seriously contending indie-rock city in recent years. While the neon Wham City scene has captured the national imagination,

deeper, equally notable waters also run here. And, as this third album reaffirms, Wye Oak happens to be one of the most arresting mood-rockers going today. Serious but not pretentious, what makes them essential instead of merely ambient is the gripping sense of dynamism at their core. Their vaguely rustic American sound is simultaneously rich and raw, dreamy and heavy. It’s a balance that few ever accomplish this well. Thick, cutting drama rises from the layers of music while elegant melancholy flows from the seasoned gravitas of Jenn Wasner’s voice. The outstanding “Holy Holy” veers thrillingly between soul-combing melody and careening, shoegazing guitars. Piercing with searing organs, “Civilian” rides on a thundering country gallop and goes out with a towering guitar burnout. Wye Oak are masters of mood and movement. Like the rhythms of nature, Civilian moves organically, powerfully, inevitably. Though its hefty embers are mostly content to throb instead of erupt, there’s always a smoldering intensity at the heart of their sound. And that’s precisely what makes Wye Oak one of the most mature, emotionally wrenching indie rock bands today. Bao Le-Huu

BALKANS Balkans Double Phantom Now that The Strokes are all growed up—or, to quote a certain grunge icon, bored and old— someone’s gotta pick up where their last good record left off. I mention the kings of the 2000s garage rock revival to get it out of the way; there’s no question the debut LP from Atlanta foursome Balkans shares a particular sensibility with the Manhattan moptops, especially evident on standouts like “Dressed in Black,” which could’ve been an Is This It B-side. (Hell, it could’ve been a single.) The beautifully analog but not lo-fi Balkans is its own beast. For one thing, it’s brash. Unlike their peers who employ measured aloofness, Balkans know how to let loose. “Edita V” kicks things off with pure precision, all rapid-fire rhythm section and drunken guitars. Singer/guitarist Frankie Broyles has the sort of barely contained voice most indie rockers would kill for; it’s second only to his fluid, careening melodies. Balkans loses some identity in its midsection, where a few songs run hazily together. But stick with it, ‘cause the centerpiece comes near the end. The rollicking, vaguely menacing “Georganne,” previously released as a 7” single, is a testament to the band’s adaptability and a hint at a possible future. It’s a smoky, swirling storm of a song, a promise that Balkans’ best is yet to come. Gabe Vodicka Balkans are playing at Caledonia Lounge on Friday, Apr. 8



TATTOOIST From Loud Fuzz to New Buzz

J Mascis Unplugs


ongtime fans of former Dinosaur Jr. frontman J Mascis are quite familiar with the guitarist’s affinity for playing at ultra-high levels of volume. They know how much he loves playing his Fender loudly through Marshall stacks. They’ve come to accept it with bleeding eardrums and wide grins. As Mascis told Flagpole back in 2000, “I love playing loud for my own amusement… effective. You can hear stuff in your brain that’s not really happening.” But after 20-some years of fuzzed-out guitars and boisterous recordings, Mascis is changing gears. On his latest offering, Several Shades of Why (Sub Pop), Mascis takes a very different approach to the recording, instrumentation and volume level of his songs. Swapping the crank of the volume knob for a more delicate game plan, he veers away from the usual wall-of-sound toward a more sparse and strummy soundscape. Sub Pop labelmate Chad VanGaalen created an animated, psychedelic clip for the song “Not Enough,” the lead single from Mascis’ new disc. The cheerful, acoustic guitar-driven music and breezy harmonies pair well with the imagery of the montage. It’s playful, slightly melancholic and rockin’ in a very odd way. In a recent press release, Sub Pop exec Byron Coley describes “Not Enough” as “like a lost hippie-harmony classic from David Crosby’s If I Could Only Remember My Name.” That’s an accurate assessment. Recorded in Amherst at Bisquiteen Studios, Several Shades of Why is almost entirely acoustic-based. Mascis enlisted a team of musical colleagues to help out on the sessions, including tour mate Kurt Vile, Kurt Fedora, Sophie Trudeau (of A Silver Mount Zion), Kevin Drew (of Broken Social Scene), Ben Bridwell (of Band of Horses), Paulo Zappoli (of Black Heart Procession), Matt Valentine (of The Golden Road) and Suzanne Thorpe (of Wounded Knees). Some tunes lean toward a misty and morose style reminiscent of the more serious-minded singer-songwriters of the early 1970s. Other songs bounce with a happier rhythm. Has one of the punk/indie underground’s icons turned over a new leaf and gone folk-rock? Perhaps. “It’s basically all acoustic,” Mascis says of the new album in a press release. “There’s some fuzz, but it’s acoustic through fuzz. There are no drums on it, either. Just one tambourine song—that’s it. It was a specific decision to not have drums. Usually, I like to have them, but going drum-less pushes everything in a new direction and makes it easier to keep things sounding different.” T. Ballard Lesemann

WHO: J Mascis, Kurt Vile and the Violators WHERE: The Melting Point WHEN: Friday, Apr. 8, 6 p.m. HOW MUCH: $13 (adv.), $15 (door)



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ven big kids need room to grow. After five years as a band—scrapping predecessor Brown Frown, releasing an EP and two LPs with Kyle Spence of Harvey Milk and playing to Athens audiences large and small— Pride Parade needed to stretch out. To record the band’s third full-length with the hope of reproducing the effect of its widely adored live show, the quintet retreated to Watkinsville’s Full Moon Studio and, with the help of Jay Rodgers, simultaneously tracked all instruments in the expansive room there. “We wanted [the recording] to be something we didn’t have to go in and piecemeal,” says guitarist Allen Owens. “We just rehearsed our asses off and made sure we went in there and played the stuff like we play it live.” The decision to record this way meant the whole process wrapped up quickly; Surrenders, the follow-up to 2009’s Dose, became a snapshot of a moment in Pride Parade’s musical journey rather than a painstaking composite. Ironically, this process produced perhaps the best picture of them so far, according to Owens. “Basically, it’s two weekends of our lives—which is how they used to do it back in the day,” he says. “So, it feels more like we sound, I think, than the other records. “It’s kind of a mish-mash of the best parts of us,” he continues. “It’s my humble opinion, but there’s the whole screaming craziness, and then there’s some pop stuff, there’s pretty vocals and some epic stuff, and there’s some punk rock stuff on there. Maybe we finally got it together enough. It’s one of those things where you can’t really belabor it too much. Even though it’s not a perfect album, neither are we.” Frontman Andrew Prater (a “songwriting machine,” says Owens) explains that Surrenders’ lyrics likewise capture a moment. “The bulk of the songs on this record came from me quitting a job that I fucking hated, being unemployed and sitting in my room writing shit,” he says. After so many years playing together, inspiration now leads much more directly to output. “It’s easier for us to be more creative with our songs,” he says. “Mostly we’ve all been working on maintaining positive attitudes towards life in general, and that really comes across in the music.” Still, Pride Parade never lacked positivity and an ability to defy categorization. “I think our sense of humor tends to be on the dark side,” Owens says. “We named our band Pride

Parade, for crying out loud, which is no slight on gay people at all; it’s just we thought it would be interesting. We’re such large, hairy, fat men. It just seems we don’t fit the description of the band, and just maybe the concept—the label—doesn’t matter?” As a group of people that never quite fit in, the band instead carves its own path through lazily lobbed subgenre labels, showbooking misconceptions and its own musical trajectory. “We’ve been described as grunge before, and maybe we sound like that, I don’t know,” Owens muses. “I think we’re just a loud pop band when it comes down to it. That’s the way I look at it.” “I couldn’t care less about any kind of scene,” Prater adds. “There are good heavy bands and terrible heavy bands. I don’t really like getting lumped in with heavy shit because when we play out of town, we end up playing with the absolute worst stoner metal bands you can imagine. We play the blues—loud, psychedelic blues. I think our niche in the ‘scene’ as a whole would be that we can drink more and make fools of ourselves better than anyone else.” Athens agrees, and the energy put forth at Pride Parade’s live performances keeps people showing up, regardless of previous proclivities. “We tend to have pretty wide variety of fans,” Owens says. “Some of the pop guys love us and then some of the crazy, drunken rednecks love us. We try to put together bills when we play live that are kind of eclectic, where it wouldn’t just be three loud, heavy bands. I wouldn’t want to be bored.” Discontent itself might be the key to the band’s continued growth—just as long as “growth” and “maturation” don’t get confused. “I would compare the band’s emotional content to a two year old throwing a temper tantrum,” Prater quips. “A lot of whining and complaining.” Julia Reidy

WHO: Pride Parade, Cinemechanica, Manray WHERE: 40 Watt Club WHEN: Saturday, Apr. 9, 10 p.m. HOW MUCH: $6 (21+), $8 (18+)

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SAT. APR. 23 THU. APR. 28



Music Composed from a Library of Samples

he works of cut-and-paste folktronica duo The Books can often feel more like interlocking, three-dimensional puzzles of words and sound than anything one would traditionally call a song. They encode so many different conceptual elements into each composition that it’s nearly impossible to catch everything without multiple listens. As such, everyone who attends their upcoming show at New Earth Music Hall is likely to hear them a little differently. Touring in support of their fourth studio album, The Way Out, The Books’ music possesses a personal, almost meditative quality that lends credence to that multi-purposed title, effecting its own form of organized escape from the blizzard of over-stimulation that is the Internet age. They are a challenging but wholly earnest and accessible act, if one is willing to engage. So, it’s no surprise that cellist and chief sample librarian Paul de Jong is much the same way. In the middle of an interview marathon, he is a warp-speed torrent of information—delivering the content of an hour-long chat in 15 minutes—with all the zeal and sincerity he brings to his work. “We just came back from Australia and New Zealand, which was kind of spectacular,” he begins, even before I can get in my first formal question. “It also will completely wreck you because there’s so much traveling. It’s like a flight a day. All together it’s about 36 hours. We were in New Zealand two days after an earthquake in Christchurch, so we found the country coping really well but a little in disarray. We had this tremendous experience of being able to kind of bring some relief there, and I think it was immensely appreciated. We’ve been touring the U.S., and now we’re coming down south. We’ve never played in Athens, so I’m very much looking forward to that. I’ve heard Athens has a very healthy music scene. I hope I have a little time to spend there, because it’s one of those places where I have great expectations for good thrifting and good bookstores.” De Jong cites another meaning behind the new album’s title, saying that it refers to the old media from which he collects and catalogues on these thrifting adventures. This technology, he explains, is on its way out. “I do a lot of the shopping during tours in thrift shops. I go to Salvation Armies and Goodwills, and I pick up, really, the odds and ends of old media—cassettes, VHS tapes, old records—stuff like that. Then I take them home, I digitize them, I look through them, and I sample. I cut out what I like to keep, and that ends up in a library system that I share with Nick [Zamutto], and then we start composing with it, and that’s how our music is created.” Furthermore, it comes to light that many of the samples on the new record were culled

from long-forgotten self-help cassettes, filled with serene voices offering their own “way out” to the troubled masses. “After four years of working on the library, it had grown enormously,” he continues. “There’s this weird era from the mid-’60s through the mid-’80s when a lot of these smalltime self-help gurus put out these singlepress, self-produced cassettes with their therapies, and I just had heaps of them. So, I started going through them, and a lot of them speak in this very slooow voice like ‘yooou are geeeeeting veeeeerrry sleeeeeeeepy,’ and that makes great material to cut those words loose and recombine them into whatever you want to make, and that’s what I love to do. So, I kind of make fun of them, and at the same time I make fun with them because a lot of them have a certain self-mockery, like they don’t take themselves so terribly seriously. There’s something really soothing about these voices. The human voice carries so much information, and there’s, like, no bad intentions that you hear in these people’s voices. We really love to hear this kind of positive ring to a voice.” Nowhere does de Jong’s own voice find this timbre of positivity more than when he discusses The Books’ newest touring member: multi-instrumentalist Gene Back. “He’s awesome,” de Jong gushes. “Basically, with the new record, there was a lot of stuff that we wanted to take onstage rather than leave on tape. There’s a lot of electric guitar stuff and some more intricate string parts that we wanted to be able to pull off live. So, we were looking for somebody who could hold down several instruments. Gene plays violin and guitar and he triggers samples on the keyboard, which is really nice because it makes the pre-recorded parts more dynamic onstage. The new material is a bit more complicated, and this also gives the old repertoire a new shine.” De Jong talks right up until his next interviewer beeps in, and this article probably includes less than a quarter of everything he said. One gets the impression that he has more ideas than his mind can possibly contain, and that through his band’s gorgeous, mind-bending sonic tapestries, those ideas find their own way out. Come to their show, and you just might find yours.

SAT. APR. 30

Break Science


MON. APR. 11


The Books


FRI. APR. 15

Emmit Nershi

Dubconscious and


New Mastersounds Thick Paint from Reptar El Ten Eleven Easy Star with Junk Culture FRI. MAY 6


with Cas Haley

Beats Antique with Eskmo

SAT. APR. 16 WED. APR. 20

Zoogma Tipper

Ana Sia

with Chali 2na & Noise [org]

Toubab Krewe

Post STS9 Party with

Lotus with FLT RSK Post STS9 Party with




Jefferson Starship Mac Miller 706.543.8283

227 W Dougherty St. Downtown Athens


David Fitzgerald

WHO: The Books WHERE: New Earth Music Hall WHEN: Monday, Apr. 11, 9 p.m. HOW MUCH: $10





Melissa Colbert Putting It All Out There


Alexander Taylor

an unseasonably cold, rainy day in late March, Wisconsin native Melissa Colbert lounges in the corner booth of the Manhattan Café and slowly sips a Terrapin Rye Pale Ale. She nods towards the window, “I moved here for the weather,” she says with an ironic chuckle. Seated next to this relaxed, goodnatured, down-to-earth girl, you would never expect that she is days away from the release of her first solo album, Evening Calls, which she named for her habit of writing music in the middle of the night. In addition to her album, Colbert is simultaneously juggling plans for her upcoming wedding to Athens native Alexander Taylor as well as pursuing a psychology degree from Harvard online. Today, Colbert is the picture of confidence and, as anyone who has seen her perform can verify, she has an engaging stage presence—a byproduct of dabbling in theater from an early age. Surprisingly, it was not until very recently that she felt confident enough to play on her own. “This time, I’m not recording with a band, and I’m not hiding behind a lot of instruments,” she says. “It’s the first time I’m putting it all out there by myself.” Colbert was originally a small-town girl (she grew up in Deansville, WI—a town so small it doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page), but quickly became a city transplant, bouncing back and forth between the South and Midwest throughout her early adulthood. At age 16 she moved to Atlanta, and at 19 she moved to Milwaukee. “It all started in Milwaukee,” Colbert says. “I would go to open jazz and blues nights, and I started singing with these old blues musicians; it really boosted my confidence.” After leaving Milwaukee, Colbert headed to Chicago where she played a role in the underground noise scene and corporate America.

“One day, I just saw my future as a middle manager at a power supply company,” Colbert says. “I was just like, ‘Fuck it. I have other things I need to do. I want to go to school; I want to work at a bar; and I want to do other things.’” So, after a whirlwind two-day visit and encouragement from close friend Page Campbell (Hope for Agoldensummer), Colbert landed in Athens. Here, she says she truly found her voice as she played with local band Everybody Everybody and all-girl Athens supergroup Creepy, which was started with Campbell and other close friends. Then, reeling from a rather dark period in her life, Colbert began to pen the poems that would later become songs on her first solo album. “I hit this rock bottom and realized things had to change,” she says. “I thought, ‘I’m good at singing, and I’m kind of OK at piano.’ It was complete therapy for me.” Over the next year and a half, Colbert worked with Southern Shelter’s Sloan Simpson to record Evening Calls, which consists solely of piano and her own raw, powerful voice. Drawing from the eclectic influences of Patti Smith and Tina Turner, Colbert has composed a self-reflection piece about losing yourself in alcoholism, addiction and, ultimately, love and hope. Fully satisfied with the outcome, Colbert admits she is no longer shy about sharing this piece of herself with the world. “Hopefully, people will like it… but more than anything else, I really want people to relate to it.” Carrie Dagenhard

WHO: Melissa Colbert WHERE: Flicker Theatre & Bar WHEN: Saturday, Apr. 9, 8:30 p.m. HOW MUCH: $5






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Deadline for getting listed in the Calendar is every FRIDAY at 5 p.m. for the issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Email calendar@flagpole.com.

Tuesday 5 EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Check out the afternoon market in its convenient downtown location! Buy fresh, locally grown organic produce, locally crafted goods and freshly baked breads. 4–7 p.m. FREE! www. athensfarmersmarket.net ART: Opening Reception (Ciné BarCafé) For “On & Off Pulaski Street,” photography by Mark Steinmetz. 6–8 p.m. FREE! www. athenscine.com ART: Visiting Artist Lecture (Lamar Dodd School of Art, S151) Folkert de Jong, an avant-garde installation and sculpture artist from Amsterdam, speaks. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.art.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: MatthausPassion (UGA Hodgson Hall) A performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s work. 7 p.m. $5 (students), $10. 706-542-2797, mandaya@ uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Open TOAD Comedy (Flicker Theatre & Bar) A unique open mic experience. The audience gets to pelt the performers who go over their six-minute time limit with foam rocks. Performers get in FREE! but must sign up by 8 p.m. 8 p.m. $5. www.myspace.com/ flickerbar KIDSTUFF: Jelly Bean Architecture (Oconee County Library) Work together to create one of the seven wonders of the world. 6–8 p.m. FFREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Storytime (Madison County Library) Includes stories, fingerpuppet plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. For ages 18 months to 5 years. Every Tuesday and Wednesday. 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 LECTURES & LIT.: Ecology Seminar (UGA Instructional Plaza, North Conference Room) “Novel Contaminants in Aquatic Ecosystems: Inputs, Fate and Potential Ecological Effects,” presented by Emma Rosi-Marshall. 4 p.m. FREE! www.ecology.uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: Let’s Talk About It Discussion (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 267) “We Are Family, Aren’t We?” explores community, solidarity and identity among LGBTQQIA-identified persons. 6:30 p.m. FREE! 706-5424077, vernon85@uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: “What Are You Listening To?” (UGA Chapel) Josh Niles leads a spiritual training session in learning how to listen. 12 p.m. FREE! www.georgiaspirituality. com MEETINGS: GLOBES (UGA Center for Continuing Education) Monthly meeting for UGA LGBTQ employees and their allies. 6 p.m. cwjohns@ uga.edu


MEETINGS: Great Decisions Group Discussion (ACC Library) Great Decisions is a national civic education program that informs participants about U.S. foreign policy and global issues. Meets every Tuesday. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-6133650, ext. 340 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside, Eastside and Harris St.) feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8:30 p.m. FREE! www.locosgrill.com

Wednesday 6 EVENTS: For the Bible Tells Me So (Presbyterian Student Center) Queer interfaith documentary screening followed by a discussion led by Wanda Wilcox. 6 p.m. FREE! tstevens.randb@gmail.com EVENTS: Canine Cocktail Hour (Hotel Indigo, Madison Bar & Bistro Courtyard) Drink and food specials for you and your (well-behaved, non-aggressive, vaccinated) dog! This week: salty dogs and greyhounds. Every Wednesday. 5-7 p.m. www.indigoathens.com EVENTS: Dance Dance Party Party (Rubber Soul Yoga Revolution Studio) A ladies-only freestyle dance session. 9–10:30 p.m. Donation based. athensddpp@gmail.com, www.dancedancepartyparty.com EVENTS: Screening: Kelebek (UGA Tate Center, Tate Theatre) A critical view of the 9/11 attacks. 7 p.m. FREE! ifco@uga.edu ART: 6x6: “Escape” (Ciné BarCafé) Fast, fun and free! This monthly series of curated video, sound, performance, and multi-media works presents six new media art works, each no longer than six minutes. This month’s show of video artworks is curated by Lauren Fancher. 7 p.m. FREE! www.athenscine.com ART: Reception (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) For brightly colored abstracts and drawings by Brittany Bass. 6–8 p.m. FREE! brittbass.com ART: Tour at Two (Georgia Museum of Art) Highlights from the permanent collection. 2–3 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org PERFORMANCE: Athens Cabaret Showgirls (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Local drag troupe. 10 p.m. $5. www.myspace.com/littlekingsshuffleclub THEATRE: Improv Athens (UGA Fine Arts Building, Balcony Theatre) Troup performs sketch improv for a live audience. 8 p.m. FREE! 706583-0045 KIDSTUFF: Pajama Rama (Oconee County Library) Evening storytime program. Read books, sing songs and enjoy a bedtime snack. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Storytime (Madison County Library) Includes stories, finger-


puppet plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Read to Rover (Oconee County Library) Readers in grades 1–4 are invited to bring their favorite book and read aloud to a certified therapy dog. Trainer always present. First come, first served. 3:30–4:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Wildcard Wednesday for Teens (ACC Library) Celebrate Earth Day by making bookends from old magazine holders and VHS cases. For ages 11–18. 4 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Clueless: Book Discussion (Oconee County Library) Mystery book discussion group. This month’s featured author is John Brady. 7 p.m. FREE! 706769-3950 LECTURES & LIT.: Genetics Seminar (UGA Life Sciences Building, Room B118) “Phylogenetic and Comparative Transcriptomic Analyses of Fungal Fruiting Body Development,” presented by Jeffrey Townsend. 4 p.m. FREE! whites@ uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: Human Trafficking Panel (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 250) A discussion on human trafficking in Georgia. 5 p.m. FREE! LECTURES & LIT.: Identity Theft: Don’t Be a Victim (ACC Library) Presented by Money Matters coordinator Allison Spiers. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Every Wednesday. Win house cash and prizes! 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Texas Hold ‘Em (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Poker night every Wednesday. 18 and up. Sign in at 6:30 p.m. Dealing begins at 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.interstatepokerclub. com GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102

Thursday 7 EVENTS: Dance Party for Seniors (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Music by Milligan. All proceeds benefit the ACC Senior Center. 6 p.m. $12 (adv.), $15. www.accaging.org EVENTS: iFilms: Bhutto (ACC Library) Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s life story unfolds as she evolves from a pampered princess to polarizing politician. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 EVENTS: The Porn Debate (UGA Grand Hall at Tate) Ron Jeremy and Craig Gross discuss aspects of the

Mark Steinmetz’s photography exhibition “On & Off Pulaski Street” is on display at Ciné. pornography industry. 8 p.m. FREE! (students), $10. 706-542-8579, www.uga.edu/union EVENTS: Product Expo (UGA Memorial Hall) The UGA student chapters of interior design organizations ASID and SIDA host an expo of resources catering to the design industry including furniture, materials and fabrics. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. FREE! asiduga09@gmail.com EVENTS: Project Homeless Connect (Athens First United Methodist Church) Volunteer to assist homeless individuals into stable housing. Visit website for details. 1–5 p.m. FREE! www.handsonnortheastgeorgia.org EVENTS: Screening: Fresh (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Film reflecting a rising movement of communities across America that are re-inventing food systems. 6:30 p.m. $10. 706-542-6156, www.uga.edu/ botgarden EVENTS: Take Back the Night (UGA Tate Center) An annual, international event to raise awareness of sexual violence and empower survivors. Food, speakers, and live music from Kate Morrissey, Incendiaries and Bombs Bombs Bombs will be at the Tate Plaza. 12–9 p.m. FREE! www.uga.edu/wsso EVENTS: Take Back the Night March and Vigil (UGA Arch) At nightfall, a march through downtown and ralley at the Arch will be followed by a vigil and survivor speak out on North Campus. 7 p.m. FREE! www.uga.edu/wsso ART: Artist Talk (UGA Miller Learning Center) Join “Fragmented

Light” artist Patricia Van Dalen for an art talk exploring 25 years of employing different materials, scales and concepts. 3:30 p.m. FREE! vandalen@patriciavandalen.com ART: Gallery Talk and Book Signing (Georgia Museum of Art) Carol A. Nathanson will discuss drawings from the museum’s permanent collection that are featured in her book Tracing Vision: Modern Drawings from the Georgia Museum of Art. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org KIDSTUFF: Big Kids Only! Storytime (ACC Library) Children in 1st-4th grades are invited for stories. 4:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Estate Planning (ACC Library) Denise Everson will discuss estate planning in “Estate Planning: Don’t Get Buried in the Paperwork!” 12:15 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650, ext. 336 LECTURES & LIT.: Literature Lecture (UGA Park Hall, Room 265) Nicole Reynolds speaks on “Suicide, Radicalism and Romantic Print Culture.” 4:30 p.m. FREE! cencl.uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: Oconee Rivers Audubon Society Meeting (UGA Ecology Building) Dr. Richard Hall will talk about “The Littlest Big Year: How to See (Almost) 200 Species in Athens-Clarke County in a Year.” 7 p.m. FREE! www.oconeeriversaudubon.org LECTURES & LIT.: “Skin Cancer and Vitamin D” (UGA Coverdell Building, Room 175) A discussion on whether sun exposure is good for you. 4 p.m. FREE! alea@uga.edu

MEETINGS: Athens Art Association (Lyndon House Arts Center, Lyndon House Art Center) This month’s meeting will feature a tour of the Juried Show. Brief business meeting to follow. 7–8:45 p.m. FREE! www.athensart.org

Friday 8 EVENTS: International Showcase and Silent Auction (UGA Tate Center, Ballroom) Athens Meets World will raise money for a Athensarea high school graduates attending UGA. 8–10 p.m. $10. athensmeetsworld@gmail.com ART: “Material World II: FashioNation” (Hotel Indigo) This fundraiser to support “You, Me, and the Bus” kicks off with a reception, followed by a 9 p.m. Wearable Art Show on the Runway. 7:30 p.m. $10, $45 (VIP). www.athensarts.org/material_world.php ART: Beads ‘n’ Bites Party (Native America Gallery) Free bead classes with appeteasers and wine. 5–9 p.m. FREE! 706-543-8425 ART: Opening Reception (Mercury Art Works at Hotel Indigo) For “Fascination,” an exhibit featuring artists Amanda Burk, Anthony Stanislaw Wislar, Christopher Wyrick, Gretchen Elsner and Leslie Snipes. 6:30–9:30 p.m. FREE! www. athensdowntownhotel.com/mercuryartworks.html ART: Visiting Arist and Scholar Series Lecture (Lamar Dodd School of Art, Room S151) Jas Elsner is a historian of ancient art

with a focus on the Roman and early Christian periods. 5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-542-0116 PERFORMANCE: Les Dangers De l’Amour (Morton Theatre) A modern day cabaret hosted by The Dancefx Apprentice Company, Charleston Dance Project, Sweet Dreams, Modern Pin Ups and Contact Dance Company. 7:30–9:30 p.m. $12 (students), $16. www. dancefx.org PERFORMANCE: Prelude Dance Ensemble Show (Canopy Studio) Student choreographed and performed. 7 p.m. FREE! THEATRE: The Dixie Swim Club (Memorial Park) Athens Creative Theatre presents the story of five Southern women who met on their college swim team and now set aside a weekend every August to recharge their friendships and meddle in each other’s lives. Friday & Saturday, 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, 3 p.m. $12–15. 706-613-3628, www. athensclarkecounty.com/act THEATRE: Little Shop of Horrors (Town and Gown Players) A floral assistant becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving for fresh blood. Thursday–Saturday, 8 p.m. & Sunday, 2 p.m. $15–18. 706-208-8696, www.townandgownplayers.org OUTDOORS: Sole Mates (Rocksprings Park) Wellness program for senior adults. Take a stroll around the park. Every Friday. Call to register. 12:30 p.m. $7 (one-time fee). 706-613-3603 KIDSTUFF: Froggie Spring Fling Family Program (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Join Nature Center staff for an evening of amphibian hunting. Search for newts, salamanders and frogs. 7–8 p.m. $6. www. accleisureservices.com LECTURES & LIT.: Poetry Reading (Dog Ear Books) A night of poetry with Kim Gek Lin Short. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-818-0976 LECTURES & LIT.: Political Science Colloquium (UGA Baldwin Hall, Room 302) “Supreme Court Justices as Legislators in Robes,” presented by Jeffrey Segal. 10:30 a.m. FREE! jmaltese@uga.edu MEETINGS: Mindfulness Practice Group (Mind Body Institute) Beginners and experienced mindfulness practitioners welcome. Meets the second Friday of each month. 5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-475-7329, mbiprograms@armc.org MEETINGS: Safe Space Training (UGA Memorial Hall, Room 238) Interactive workshop to raise awareness and knowledge of LGBT issues. Online registration required. 8:30 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! 706-542-4077, www.uga.edu/safespace

Saturday 9 EVENTS: 10th Annual Junk Yard Jog 5K (ACC Landfill) An annual event in support of Keep AthensClarke County Beautiful. Proceeds are used to purchase environmental educational materials and trees for beautification efforts. The Little Landfill 1-Mile Run will start at 8:30 a.m., followed by the 5K at 9 a.m. 8 a.m. $15 (adv.), $20. www.active. com, www.keepathensbeautiful.org EVENTS: 13th Annual Tour of Kitchens (Five Points) Tour eight selected kitchens in Five Points homes. All proceeds benefit the Georgia Children’s Chorus. 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $20 (adv.). $25. www. georgiachildrenschorus.org EVENTS: 3rd Annual Terrapin Beer 5K and One More Mile (Terrapin Beer Co.) A 4.1 mile run. Entry fee includes a tour of the

brewery. Register online. 3 p.m. $20 (adv.), $25. www.active.com EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Bishop Park) Buy fresh, locally grown organic produce, locally crafted goods, coffee and freshly baked breads. Every Saturday. 8 a.m.–noon. FREE! www.athensfarmersmarket.net EVENTS: AutismUGA Walk (Barnett Shoals Elementary School) Proceeds benefit local elementary schools and families in Northeast Georgia and Autism Speaks. A resource fair with doctors, therapists and camps will set up booths to share their services. 11 a.m.–1 p.m. FREE! autismuga. wordpress.com EVENTS: Founders Fest (Aromas) Founders Brewing Co. takes over all 10 taps including a 2009, 2010 and 2011 Vertical of KBS. 6 p.m. 706208-0059 EVENTS: Grand Opening Celebration (Blind Pig Tavern, 2440 West Broad St.) Blind Pig Tavern celebrates the opening of a new location with a pig roast and live music from Free Mountain, Betsy Franck, Kaitlin Jones and the Barefoot Hookers. “Grand Opening Celebration.” 4 p.m. FREE! 706-208-7979 (2440 West Broad St.) EVENTS: International Street Festival (Downtown Athens) Annual festival featuring cultural displays, traditional costumes, dances and international bands. Presented by International Student Life at UGA. 12–5 p.m. FREE! 706-542-5867, www.uga.edu/isl EVENTS: Multi-Cultural Health Fair (J&J Flea Market) UGA College of Pharmacy hosts its 6th annual fair to benefit the local community. 8 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! EVENTS: Plantapalooza (Various Locations) Garden staff help you choose plants for your garden. Plants include herbs, annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs and heirloom vegetables. Three simultaneous sales will take place at the State Botanical Garden, the Trial Gardens at UGA and the intersection of Riverbend and College Station roads. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE! 706542-6156, ugatrialgardens.com EVENTS: Relay for Life Yard Sale (Hospice Advantage) Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. 8 a.m. FREE! asione@hospiceadvantage.com EVENTS: Relay for Life Yard Sale (Piedmont College) Piedmont College students host a yard sale to benefit Relay for Life. 8 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! college.relayforlife.org EVENTS: Spring Fashion Show (Chase Street Warehouses) Athens Fashion Collective hosts a show at the Tree Room. Featuring collections by Community Service, The Paper-Cut-Project, Tian Justman, Laurel Wells, and LIPS Jeans. 5:30 p.m. www.facebook.com/ CommunityAthens ART: Opening Reception (White Tiger Gourmet Food & Chocolates) For photographs of the Athens Farmers Market by Barbara Hutson. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-353-6847 ART: Opening Reception (ATHICA) For “The Way Things Work,” curated by Didi Dunphy and Assistant Curator Megan Kluttz. 7–9 p.m. FREE! www.athica.org PERFORMANCE: Les Dangers De l’Amour (Morton Theatre) 7:30–9:30 p.m. $12 (students), $16. www.dancefx.org PERFORMANCE: Bollywood Bellydance Fusion (Canopy Studio) Dancers perform Bollywood, Bhangra, hip hop fusion, lyrical dance, hooping and bellydance. 9–11 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12. www. floorspaceathens.com

THEATRE: The Dixie Swim Club (Memorial Park) Athens Creative Theatre presents the story of five Southern women who met on their college swim team and now set aside a weekend every August to recharge their friendships and meddle in each other’s lives. Friday & Saturday, 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, 3 p.m. $12–15. 706-613-3628, www. athensclarkecounty.com/act THEATRE: Little Shop of Horrors (Town and Gown Players) A floral assistant becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving for fresh blood. Thursday–Saturday, 8 p.m. & Sunday, 2 p.m. $15–18. 706-208-8696, www.townandgownplayers.org OUTDOORS: April Weekend Workday (Roots Farm CSA) Join Roots Farm for a morning in the fields followed by a free farm-fresh brunch. 9 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! rootsfarm@hotmail.com, rootsfarm.org KIDSTUFF: Geocaching Adventures (Sandy Creek Park) Learn the basics of geocaching and use your skills to find a hidden cache. 1 p.m. $2. 706-613-3615 KIDSTUFF: Second Saturday Storytime (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Join the SCNC staff for stories about the woods and their resident creatures. 2:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3615, www.accleisureservices.com LECTURES & LIT.: Book Signing (Dog Ear Books) Jim Miles is the author of Weird Georgia: Close Encounters, Strange Creatures, and Unexplained Phenomena and the Civil War Explorer series. 1 p.m. FREE! 706-818-0976

Sunday 10 EVENTS: AthensHasArt! Reading (This-Way-Out (T-W-O)) AHA! presents April 10, 1535, a playin-development by Cheryldee Huddleston. Audience talk-back follows reading. 2–4 p.m. FREE! AHA. AthensHasArt@gmail.com EVENTS: Classic City Brew Fest (Foundry Park Inn & Spa) Sample from almost 250 beers, from across the seas to across the street, at one of the Southeast’s favorite beer festivals. 2:30–6 p.m. $40. www. classiccitybrew.com EVENTS: Dawg Jog 5K (UGA Stegeman Coliseum) Bring your dog and have them race with you! Proceeds go to the Helping Paws Rescue. 8:30 a.m. $15. www.uga. edu/pre-vet ART: Spotlight Tour (Georgia Museum of Art) Highlights from the permanent collection. 3–4 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org THEATRE: The Dixie Swim Club (Memorial Park) Athens Creative Theatre presents the story of five Southern women who met on their college swim team and now set aside a weekend every August to recharge their friendships and meddle in each other’s lives. Friday & Saturday, 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, 3 p.m. $12–15. 706-613-3628, www. athensclarkecounty.com/act THEATRE: Little Shop of Horrors (Town and Gown Players) A floral assistant becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving for fresh blood. Thursday–Saturday, 8 p.m. & Sunday, 2 p.m. $15–18. 706-208-8696, www.townandgownplayers.org OUTDOORS: Pugs in the Park (Sandy Creek Park) Bring your pug or pug-mix to mingle with other squishy-faced friends. Meet at dog park #1. 2–4 p.m. $2. 706-340-2430


At hens Favorites Find out the Winners in our April 13th issue! Favorite Restaurants Italian American Asian Sushi Mexican /South American BBQ Bakery Downhome /Southern Local Coffee House Local Pizza Local Burger Steak Seafood Veggie Options Dessert Ice Cream /Frozen Yogurt Buffet Breakfast Hangover Breakfast Lunch Brunch Cheap Night Late Night

Favorite Music Recording Studio Live Music Venue (200+ capacity)

Live Music Venue

(less than 200 capacity)

Non-Traditional Place to See Music Place to Buy Music

Favorite Businesses Naughty Business Store to Buy a Gift for Her Store to Buy a Gift for Him Store to Buy a Gift for Mom Local Boutique Place to Buy Local Art Place to See Local Art Thrift /Vintage Store Place to Buy Wine Place to Buy Beer Uniquely Athens Store

(table service after 10PM)

Date Night Special Occasion Local Kid Friendly Outdoor Dining Take Out Place to Eat when Someone Else is Paying Restaurant for Adventurous Eaters Uniquely Athens Restaurant

Favorite Stuff Around Town Athens Icon Tailgating Spot Non-profit/Charity Festival/Event Local Radio Station Local Politician

Favorite Services Hotel Hair Salon Stylist Massage Therapist Tattoo Studio Spa Place to Get Fit Creative Class

Favorite Pets & Kids Stuff Vet Clinic Place to Take a Pet Place to Go with Kids Kids’ Class Picnic Spot Favorite Bars Speciality Drinks Beer Selection Wine Selection Place to Dance Happy Hour Trivia Karaoke Open Mic Comedy Night Place to Meet Someone You Would Not Bring Home to Mom Place to Meet Your Future Spouse Uniquely Athens Bar

k continued on next page



Monday 11 EVENTS: Recycling Happy Hour (ACC Recycling) Bring your hardto-recycle items for free disposal! Accepting batteries, lightbulbs, cell phones, ink cartridges, used cooking grease, electronics and tires. 4:30–7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3512 EVENTS: Shag Night (The Rialto Room) Free dance lessons from Carolina Shag expert Bonnie Hicks. Every Monday. 6–7 p.m. (lessons), 7–10 p.m. (open dance). FREE! PERFORMANCE: New Horizons Band and Orchestra (Athens Central Presbyterian Church) Sponsored by the UGA Community Music School and Osher Lifelong Learning Inst. Ensembles are made up of beginning-level adults over the age of 50. 10 a.m. FREE! www.uga. edu/ugacms/newhorizons.html KIDSTUFF: Bedtime Stories (ACC Library) Snuggle in your jammies and listen to bedtime stories. Every Monday. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-6133650 KIDSTUFF: Infant Storytime (ACC Library) Nurture language skills. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Ecology Seminar (UGA Ecology Building) “Fern Ecology: The Role of Ferns in an Ecosystem,” presented by Joanne Sharpe. 4 p.m. FREE! www.ecology. uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: English Lecture (UGA Park Hall, Room 265) Gerard Steen presents “When Is Metaphor Deliberate?” 4 p.m. FREE! kretzsch@uga.edu

LECTURES & LIT.: Goodbye Blue Monday Poetry Open Mic (Dog Ear Books) Every 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. For musicians’ open mic, drop by on the 1st or 3rd Mondays. 8 p.m. FREE! 706818-0976 LECTURES & LIT.: Peabody & Smithgall Lecture (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 101) Scott Pelley, Peabody Award-winning correspondent for CBS’s “60 Minutes” speaks on media and public life. 4 p.m. FREE! nholston@uga.edu MEETINGS: Teen Advisory Board (Oconee County Library) Help plan and organize programs for the Oconee County Library’s Young Adult department that appeal to you! For ages 11-18. 7–8 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 GAMES: Team Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Every Monday night. Win house cash and prizes! 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? 8 p.m. 706548-3442

Tuesday 12 EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Check out the afternoon market in its convenient downtown location! Buy fresh, locally grown organic produce, locally crafted goods and freshly baked breads. Now accepting EBT cards. 4–7 p.m. FREE! www.athensfarmersmarket.net EVENTS: AthFeast (Various Locations) Dine at selected restaurants and a portion of the proceeds will support AthFest Educates. Breakfast: Mama’s Boy. Lunch: Mama’s Boy, DePalma’s Downtown, Buffalo’s Southwest Cafe. Dinner: DePalma’s Downtown, Speakeasy, Cine & The National dinner and movie combo, Buffalo’s Southwest Cafe. www.athfest.com/education EVENTS: Boybutante Drag Search and Karaoke (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Come out and lip-sync your way to drag stardom! 8 p.m. $5. www.boybutante.org EVENTS: Drafts & Laughs (The Pub at Gameday) Five beers, five comics, five bucks. Yeah! 9 p.m. 706-353-2831

EVENTS: Sustainability Film Series: Fuel (Call for location, UGA Creswell Hall) A film about the connections between the auto industry, oil industry and the government as well as alternative energies such as solar, wind, electricity and nonfood-based biofuels. 7 p.m. FREE! jeizenst@uga.edu EVENTS: Women’s Club Luncheon and Fashion Show (Athens Country Club) Spring fashions from Talbot’s. 11:30 a.m. $22.50. 770-725-1569 KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Storytime (Madison County Library) Includes stories, fingerpuppet plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 LECTURES & LIT.: AfricanAmerican Authors Book Club (ACC Library) This month’s title is The Ideal Wife by Jacqueline Thomas. Newcomers welcome. 5 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Ecology Seminar (UGA Ecology Building) Vanessa Enzenwa speaks on “Unraveling Direct, Indirect and Complex Effects of Testosterone on Parasite Infection in the Wild.” 4 p.m. FREE! www.ecology.uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: Office Ergonomics (Athens Technical College, Room 111) Dr. Evan Greller will hold a one-hour seminar on how to recognize the warning signs of a bad work environment, avoid injury and get back to a better state of health. 6 p.m. $10. 706-369-5763, awhite@athenstech.edu LECTURES & LIT.: VOX Reading Series (Ciné BarCafé) Presented by the UGA Creative Writing Program, featuring the works of poets Stacey Lynn Brown and Jennifer Denrow. 8 p.m. FREE! www.athenscine.com MEETINGS: Great Decisions Group Discussion (ACC Library) Great Decisions is a national civic education program that informs participants about U.S. foreign policy and global issues. Meets every Tuesday. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-6133650, ext. 340 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside,

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Eastside and Harris St.) feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8:30 p.m. FREE! www.locosgrill.com

Wednesday 13 EVENTS: Boybutante Bingo (The Melting Point) Sophia LoRent hosts a lively evening of fun and prizes as part of the Boybutante week celebration. Proceeds benefit AIDS Athens. 8 p.m. $5–10, www.boybutante.org EVENTS: Canine Cocktail Hour (Hotel Indigo, Madison Bar & Bistro Courtyard) Drink and food specials for you and your (well-behaved, non-aggressive, vaccinated) dog! This week: salty dogs and greyhounds. Every Wednesday. 5-7 p.m. www.indigoathens.com EVENTS: Gender Neutral Ballroom Dancing (UGA Memorial Hall) Learn ballroom dancing with your friends from instructor Emily Ferrari. Sponsored by the LGBT Resource Center. 6 p.m. FREE! tstevens.randb@gmail.com ART: Tour at Two (Georgia Museum of Art) Highlights from the permanent collection. 2–3 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org THEATRE: Improv Athens (UGA Fine Arts Building, Balcony Theatre) Troup performs sketch improv for a live audience. 8 p.m. FREE! 706583-0045 KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Storytime (Madison County Library) Includes stories, fingerpuppet plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Read to Rover (ACC Library) Beginning readers in grades 1–4 read aloud to an aid dog. Trainer always present. 3:30–4:30 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Wildcard Wednesday for Teens (ACC Library) Make a bohemian bracelet or anklet for spring. For ages 11–18. 4 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: APERO Africana Brown Bag Lecture (UGA Tate Center, Room 481) Christopher Sieving presents “1973 and the Future of Black Hollywood.” 12:15 p.m. FREE! fsgiles@uga.edu

at Hotel Indigo-Athens

LECTURES & LIT.: “The Athens, Georgia Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s” (ACC Library) Duke University Professor Nancy MacLean lectures on her research and offers a new understanding of responses to economic crisis and social challenge. 3 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 MEETINGS: RESULTS Pizza Party (Your Pie, Alps Road) A pizza party to engage potential volunteer activitists in eliminating poverty. RSVP by email. 3–5 p.m. FREE! katywindschill@hotmail.com GAMES: Trivia (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Weekly Trivia! 7 p.m. FREE! 706-354-6655

Saturday, Apr. 10 continued from p. 21

Weekly Events


LECTURES & LIT.: Genetics Exit Seminar (UGA Life Sciences Building, Room B118) Brunie Burgos presents “A Tissue-specific RNA Interference Strategy to Study the Role of Arabidopsis Minichromosome Instability 12 (MIS12).” 4 p.m. FREE! whites@ uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: Lecture (UGA Aderhold, Room G23) “Examining How Sporting Practices in TrinidadTobago Informed a Visitng Professor on Issues of Power, Colonialism and the Maintenance of Western Hegemony.” 12 p.m. FREE! willardl@uga.edu GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Every Wednesday. Win house cash and prizes! 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Texas Hold ‘Em (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Poker night every Wednesday. 18 and up. Sign in at 6:30 p.m. Dealing begins at 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.interstatepokerclub. com GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102 * Advance Tickets Available

Down the Line THEATRE: Hamlet 4/14 (UGA Fine Arts Building) Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet, explores treason, incest, murder and revenge. Apr. 14–16 & 20–22, 8 p.m., Apr. 17 & 23, 2:30 p.m. $12 (students), $15. www.drama.uga/edu THEATRE: Little Shop of Horrors 4/14 (Town and Gown Players) A floral assistant becomes an overnight sensation when he discovers an exotic plant with a mysterious craving for fresh blood. Thursday–Saturday, 8 p.m. & Sunday, 2 p.m. $15–18. 706-208-8696, www.townandgownplayers.org EVENTS: GreenFest Awards Ceremony 4/15 (UGA Ecology Building) Reception and awards ceremony honoring everyone who has made a positive impact on the environment of Athens-Clarke County. 5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3512 EVENTS: Piedmont Gardeners’ 18th Annual Tour of Gardens 4/16 (Various Locations) Southern charm and innovation delight in five

beautifully cultivated private local gardens. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $15 (adv.), $20. www.piedmontgardeners.org LECTURES & LIT.: Earth Day Celebration: “The Writer and Social Responsibility” 4/19 (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Barry Lopez, National Book Awardwinning author, gives a lecture. 7 p.m. $4 (students), $8. 706-5423481, www.thegeorgiareview.com EVENTS: The Miss Black A-CC Teen Pageant 4/24 (Morton Theatre) Contestants compete for awards in community service and academia in this 36th annual pageant. 5 p.m. $10 (adv.), $15. 706353-3542, www.mortontheatre.com * Advance Tickets Available

Live Music Tuesday 5 Allgood Lounge 9 p.m. $10 (a plate). 706-549-0166 WEAVER D’S COCKTAIL BUFFET NIGHT A DJ will be spinning as Weaver D’s celebrates its 25th anniversary with yet another night of food and fun. Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $7 (21+), $9 (18+). www. caledonialounge.com ANAL CUNT Death metal/grindcore from Massachusetts. HOT BREATH Thrash trio featuring members of experimental local acts Garbage Island and S.V.A. SHAVED CHRIST New local band featuring members of American Cheeseburger, Witches, Dark Meat and Hot New Mexicans. STRONG INTENTION Initially influenced by classic NYHC bands such as Agnostic Front and Cro-Mags, this band has steadily gravitated towards faster, harsher thrash. 40 Watt Club “Spring Showdown: Round 1.” 8 p.m. $5. www.40watt.com DOC ELLIS Expect good time rock and roll. JOHN KING BAND This young local band plays country and Southern rock. JUICE BOX New local band lays down some smooth, funky jams.


Canine Cocktail Hour 5-7p on The Madison Patio Pet-friendly $3 Salty-Dogs & Greyhounds


Spring Kickoff Party 6p on The Madison Patio Live music by Kinky Waikiki Drink Specials: $4 Bellinis and Kir Royales, $3 Coronas and $5 Negronis

FRIDAY - 4/8

Local Libations The Madison Bar & Bistro Enjoy $5 specialty cocktails Celebrate the Arts: Fashion Nation Benefitting the Athens Area Arts Council 7:30-11p in Hotel Lobby Purchase VIP Seats online at www.athensarts.org

706-546-0430 | 500 College Avenue Athens, GA 30601 indigoathens.com | T: @indigoathens | F: Hotel Indigo Athens

Weaver D’s 2Five 40 Watt Club It was 1986. Reagan was President, and a gallon of gas ran you about $0.93. No Doubt and Pixies were beginning their careers, while The Clash and Wham! were on the outs. And in Athens, GA, a town on the rise but far from being on the map (by its current standards), Dexter Weaver started a Reptar revolution. It’s automaaaatic, baby (my personal favorite Dexter-ism, though barely in front of “communication” and “you’re beautiful, baby”), and it’s been 25 years of Weaver D’s Delicious Fine Foods. (That sound you just heard was lifelong Athenians rushing for their wallets to check their driver license—wait, it’s what year?) The legacy is solid: knockout soul food, unwavering service with a smile and a little slice of Athens music history. In case you’ve forgotten, Weaver D’s truly became a sensation after Michael Stipe and company bought the rights to his slogan, “Automatic for the People,” to title their 1992 (and later Grammy-nominated) album. Weaver D’s has claimed its own little unassuming, rock-solid piece of Athens history and, truth be told, probably would have done so even without the R.E.M. connection (but, ya know, that didn’t hurt), based on the mission that Automatic Music ties directly to this show: reminding music lovers and party goers alike to support local musicians and be a part of the community. True to that pay-it-forward-and-give-it-back philosophy, tonight’s “2Five” show is a double benefit for AIDS Athens and the Northeast Georgia Food Bank and features some of Athens’ best current talent, including Mouser, Ashutto Mirra, The Swank, Valentine and West, and Reptar. Twenty-five years ago (on May 1, to be exact) Dexter Weaver started a revolution— that began while most of the members in these bands were in diapers—built on a simple and lasting philosophy to support your community and those in it. Twenty-five years later, and that’s still automaaaatic, baby. [Alec Wooden]

Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. $3. 706-353-3050 NO SHAME! Open mic hosted by Rose of Athens Theatre. Every Tuesday! Highwire 8–11 p.m. FREE! 706-543-8997 KENOSHA KID Centered around the instru-improv jazz compositions of guitarist Dan Nettles, Kenosha Kid’s music borrows freely from multiple sources and hammers it all into a seamless product glistening with inspiration. Every Tuesday! Little Kings Shuffle Club “Athens Farmers Market.” 4:30-6:30 p.m. FREE! www.athensfarmersmarket.net KATE MORRISSEY Best known for her dark velvet voice, Morrissey’s songwriting is literate and sincere, and her conversational live shows come punctuated with an offbeat sense of humor. Max 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-254-3392 MACHISMO USA Happy-go-lucky tinkering surrounded by a warm, acoustic blanket. MULETIDE PERKINS Slide guitar, reverb-drenched vocals, and lyrics with a down-home Southern sound despite featuring such topics as The Beastie Boys and Run DMC. SHALLOW PALACE Riff-heavy, bluesy rock and roll with sheer punk-rock energy. RYAN SHEFFIELD Mostly acoustic indie rock with clever, story-telling lyrics. The Melting Point “Terrapin Bluegrass Series.” $4. 7-10 p.m. www.meltingpointathens.com 3 BUCKS SHY This ensemble plays “bluegrass PLUS.” That is, blue-

grass “plus any music we dadburn feel like playing.” Rye Bar 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/ryebarathens SUMILAN Technically proficient musicians playing progressive jam rock. TASTE Classic rock combined with synth-driven funk and pop for an energetic live show. WUOG 90.5FM “Live in the Lobby.” FREE! 8 p.m. www. wuog.org LIVE IN THE LOBBY Basshunter64 will perform on the college radio station’s twice weekly program. Listen over the air or drop by to watch!

Wednesday 6 Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 KARAOKE With the Singing Cowboy! Tonight willl be an Alibi Idol Contest. Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www. caledonialounge.com KHANN High-energy hardcore full of intense screams and driving rhythms influenced by Neurosis, Botch, and Dillinger Escape Plan. KEN MODE Hardcore and grunge metal straight out of Winnipeg, Canada. SAVAGIST Impressive Athens metal band featuring fine folks from punk/ metal bands 300 Cobras, Hot Breath and The Dumps. Farm 255 “Primals Night.” 8-10 p.m. FREE! www. farm255.com CALEB DARNELL Member of The Darnell Boys and Bellyache plays a solo set.

Mike White · deadlydesigns.com

Thursday, April 7

10 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com THE CURIOUS MYSTERY Indie folk from Seattle with jazz and classic country influences. EL HOLLIN This local band plays simple, lo-fi tunes with guitar and what sounds like a melodica. Featuring members of local band Werewolves. FAMILY BAND Formerly of S.T.R.E.E.T.S. and Warpaint’s East Coast tour, Family Band has named its sound “heavy mellow” with dark and unrelenting instrumentation and soaring, melancholic vocals. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar. com JESS MARSTON Singer/guitarist from local rock band Romanenko. Happy Hour! 6-8 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar.com KARA KILDARE Local pianist playing ragtime and old-timey saloon music for a special Happy Hour set. 40 Watt Club 9 p.m. $12. www.40watt.com DIAMOND DOVES Formerly the band for Elvis Perkins in Dearland, the trio from New York builds geometric, hazy pop and hip-hop. For fans of the Gorillaz. THE FELICE BROTHERS This Americana group gets adventurous on its latest release, Celebration, Florida, working in “horn sections… ambient synth lines… rave beats” and other surprising twists behind their lyrical Southern gothic themes. Go Bar 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/gobar BASSHUNTER64 Matt Goodlett, guitarist for Atlanta blues/Americana band Ben Chapman & the Accents, and Lloyd Handy offer chilled-out dance music that’s heavy on the bass.

FREE BEER No info available, but this is a band—not a drink special. HEADY REBELS Disjointed electronic jams. HOLA KOALA No info available. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. FREE! 706-353-3050 SCOTT BAXENDALE Guitar dynamicism from the owner of Baxendale Guitars. Classic bluesy riffs and a lot of soul. The Melting Point “Play for Japan” Benefit. 8 p.m. $7 (adv.), $10 (door). www.meltingpointathens.com CHRIS MCKAY AND THE CRITICAL DARLINGS Drawing equally on ‘80s power-pop like The Cars and earlier stuff like The Kinks, frontman Chris McKay has a sharp lyrical turn for every melodic offering of his bandmates. KITE TO THE MOON Local band led by Timi Conley and featuring a stimulating live show with jubilant, rowdy pop music accompanied by spontaneous video mixing, trapeze girls and more. MICHAEL GUTHRIE BAND For nearly 40 years, Athenian Michael Guthrie (also of The ‘60s and Disraeli Gears) and his various bandmates have delved into the world of melodic, jangly Britishsounding throwback rock. MONAHAN Ryan Monahan backed by Josh McMichael on bass and Lemuel Hayes on drums. Ryan has a gorgeous, expressive Jeff Buckleyesque voice that soars and sighs with equal grace. THE SHUT-UPS Led by Don Condescending and Ben Spraker, this Athens/Atlanta band plays a mix of new wave and powerpop. The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke! Every Wednesday and on the first Friday of the month. Porterhouse Grill 7–10 p.m. 706-369-0990 JAZZ NIGHT Every Wednesday! Stop by for live jazz bands and drink specials. Rye Bar 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/ryebarathens CHERRIES & CREAM Acoustic fourpiece from Athens with a polished, sensitive pop feel. CATHERINE KIMBRO Heartfelt, insightful acoustic country music. Terrapin Beer Co. 5-7 p.m. $10 Glass. www.terrapinbeer. com DUSTIN BURLEY Acoustic folkrock with a dose of reggae, from Pennsylvania.

Thursday 7 Caledonia Lounge “Happy Hour.” 5 p.m. FREE! (21+), $2 (18+) www.caledonialounge.com MATT HUDGINS & HIS SHIT-HOT COUNTRY BAND The local band plays classic country and honky tonk that goes down well with a shot of whisky or an ice cold beer. Hudgins will also be performing a solo set. 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www.caledonialounge.com EUREKA, CALIFORNIA Melodic, guitar-driven indie rock influenced by bands like Guided by Voices. Celebrating the release of a new 7” tonight! HOT PALS Gordon Lamb has a new band! It’s unclear as of press time k continued on next page

Eat. Drink. Listen Closely. TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Terrapin Bluegrass Series featuring


$4 admission • $2 Terrapin Pints All Night!

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 Play For Japan featuring



THE CHAPIN SISTERS Tickets $6 adv. • $9 at the door

FRIDAY, APRIL 8 Nomad Artists presents

J MASCIS (of Dinosaur Jr.) KURT VILE & THE VIOLATORS Tickets $13 adv. • $15 at the door


ABBEY ROAD LIVE! Tickets $10 adv. • $12 at the door All Request Show



Tickets $6 adv. • $8 at the door



$5 admission • $2 Terrapin Pints All Night!



Bingo Cards Available at the door



BREATHLANES Tickets $5 adv.



Tickets $18 adv. • $22 at the door $15 at the door with UGA ID

SUNDAY, APRIL 17 Merj and Nomad Artists present


benefitting the GA Theatre featuring


Tickets $7 adv. • $10 at the door








whether that’s a threat or a promise. He’s joined by Caledonia co-workers Blaze Bateh (drums) and Sam Williams (keys) plus Flagpole coworker Michelle Gilzenrat (guitar). HUG ABUSE New outfit featuring Mike Turner (HHBTM Records), Keenan Dowers and Brigette Herron (Tunabunny). TUNABUNNY Local act featuring hazy and warped experimental psychedelia. Dual female guitarist/vocalists are backed by synthesized percussion and a wall of noise. DePalma’s Italian Cafe 7 p.m. 706-552-1237 OPEN MIC NITE Contact Ben to signup! Email timothy@depalmasitaliancafe.com or call. Accepting family friendly entertainment acts. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com ANDROCLES AND THE LION This local band plays airy indie rock with lots of warm acoustic guitar and folk undertones. THE RODNEY KINGS “Surfabilly” from right here in Athens. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar.com KYKY KNIGHT Young singer and acoustic guitar player covering graceful vocalists like Regina Spektor and Corrine Bailey Rae. THE SKIPPERDEES Local acoustic duo with powerful, personal lyrics. STREET, RHYTHM & RHYME Local four-piece jams on funk, reggae, jazz and blues. GREG WINDLE UGA Accidentals member plays a solo set utlizing his classical voice, guitar and piano training. 40 Watt Club Automatic Music Presents: 2Five. 8 p.m. $10 (AIDS Athens benefit). www.40watt.com ASHUTTO MIRRA Alternative rock quartet with a dark and steely sound. MOUSER Exuberant garage-pop that experiments with noise jams. REPTAR Angular, highly danceable rock punctuated by electronics and taking cues from from Talking Heads and Animal Collective. Expect a sweaty audience covered in facepaint and confetti. See Calendar Pick on p. 23 for more on Weaver D’s 25th Anniversary. THE SWANK Backed by alternative guitars and drums, Curtison Jones, AKA Son1, lays down his original rhymes that connect with rap and rock fans alike. VALENTINE AND WEST Local rapper Tommy Valentine is joined by Laura West whose sweet, melodic vocals add a glossy pop sheen. Go Bar 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/gobar DR. FRED’S KARAOKE Hosted by karaoke fanatic John “Dr. Fred” Bowers. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8–11 p.m. FREE! 706-353-3050 KENOSHA KID Centered around the instru-improv jazz compositions of guitarist Dan Nettles, Kenosha Kid also features Robby Handley (bass), Marlon Patton (drums). Expect a mix of originals and unique interpretations of songs by artists like Willie Nelson, Radiohead and The Beach Boys. Highwire 8–11 p.m. FREE! 706-543-8997 FREE MONK TRIO Live jazz music.


Thursday, Apr. 7 continued from p. 23

Hilltop Grille 7 p.m. FREE! 706-353-7667 CHRIS HAMPTON Former Lionz collaborator and Athens Music Collective member plays his solo set. Hotel Indigo “Live After 5 on the Madison Patio.” 6–8 p.m. FREE! www.indigoathens. com KINKY WAIKIKI Playing modern arrangements of traditional Hawaiian music, with a little Western swing thrown into the mix. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/littlekingsshuffleclub APACHE DROPOUT Fuzzed out psychedelic honky-tonk from Indiana. GREEN THRIFT GROCERY New band featuring Ryan Donegan, Chloe Tewksbury, Hana Hay and Dain Marx. Playing “noisy, hooky songs about dancing, science fiction and consumer culture.” MOUSER Exuberant garage-pop that experiments with noise jams. OL’ BLUE HEELER Wistful, percussive folk from good ol’ Athens. The Melting Point 8:30 p.m. $6 (adv.), $9 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com THE CHAPIN SISTERS If Norah Jones and Neko Case were sisters they might sound like this duo. Expect a genre-defying mix of psychedelic rock, blues and pop. WILDERNESS OF MANITOBA This band offers a summery mix of warm harmonies and organic acoustic sounds. New Earth Music Hall 9 p.m. $15. www.newearthmusichall. com BREAK SCIENCE Club music blending live trip-hop, broken-beat, dubstep and hip-hop. Tonight featuring Chali 2na of Jurassic 5, Noise [Org] and Perileyes. No Where Bar 10 p.m. $3. 706-546-4742 GOOD DOCTOR Funk band from Auburn. MOJOFLO Jungle funk with jazzy sax and vocals, from Columbus, OH. The Office Lounge 8 p.m. FREE! 706-546-0840 THE SHADOW EXECUTIVES Blues night! Omega Bar 5 p.m.–2 a.m.www.theomegabar.com JAZZ THURSDAY Smooth jazz with a candlelit atmosphere. Hosted by DJ Segar (WXAG). DJ Stuart Harris also spins old school R&B late night. The Roadhouse “The Roadhouse Grand Re-Opening Party.” 10 p.m. $1. 706-613-2324 CLAY LEVERETT & THE CHASERS Old school, original country music that ranges from bar room stomps to heartfelt ballads. REPTILE DISFUNCTION Guitarist Scott Baxendale’s new rock band. Rye Bar “Knock Knock Dance Party.” 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/ryebarathens WONKY KONG Spinning dance music that includes bassline, tropical, fidget, tech and micro. Terrapin Beer Co. 5-7 p.m. $10 Glass. www.terrapinbeer. com JUSTIN KENNEDY Local singersongwriter with a country drawl who


sings earnest, radio-ready ballads about the trials and tribulations of daily life. WUOG 90.5FM “Live in the Lobby.” FREE! 8 p.m. www. wuog.org LIVE IN THE LOBBY Rachel Stoker will perform on the college radio station’s twice weekly program. Listen over the air, stream online or drop by the station to watch!

Friday 8 Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! Facebook.com/AlibiBar ELECTRIK EELZ Veteran Athens musicians Wade Hester, Chris Hampton and Matt Donaldson play party rock, pop, funk and blue-eyed soul classics with a lot of surprises thrown into the mix. The Bad Manor 9 p.m. FREE! www.thebadmanor.com DJ SIFI Medeival-themed dance music from DJ Sireless Fidelity, spinning cuts from his latest mix, “The King Is Dead.” Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www.caledonialounge.com BALKANS Angular riffs and lo-fi production give this Atlanta band a sound that’s something like a dirtier, more garage-fueled version of The Walkmen. BAMBARA Local power trio that draws from both the atmospherics of bands like Slowdive and the ferocity of bands like Fugazi with mindmelting volume. DIP Members of Gun Party play silly songs that tend to mention the word “dip” a lot and really get the kids dancing. GREEN GERRY AND THE GELLY PHISH Particularly dreamlike and subtly electronic local artist playing tonight with a sure-to-be-mindbending backing band. Club Chrome 8 p.m. $20. 706-307-1311 JASON MICHAEL CARROLL Charttopping young country artist on the rise with hits like the heartfelt “Alyssa Lies,” the passionate “Livin’ Our Love Song” and the upbeat, fun “I Can Sleep When I’m Dead.” Farm 255 “P.L.A.C.E. Benefit.” 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com FOUR EYES Jace Bartet and Erin Lovett lovingly mingle gentle melodies with bombastic shredding. RUBY KENDRICK Local singersongwriter with a sweet voice and piercing lyrics. OWLBEAR Solo acoustic singer/ songwriter Sam Nelson (based in Athens) whose plaintive voice is reminiscent of Jeff Mangum’s. THICK PAINT New band featuring Graham Ulicny from Reptar. STEVEN TRIMMER Acoustic psychfolk that’s technically proficient and melodically spontaneous. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar. com BURN BARREL Featuring members of Ham1. THE MATTOID Finnish singer with an electro-folk backing band who covers classics like “Hallelujah” and “Dancing Queen” with an almost comically serious baritone/bass vocal delivery. MOTHS Featuring Jacob Morris of Ham1, Moths plays a mostly acoustic sort of ‘70s folk-rock with a pop sensibility and an inevitable psychedelic tinge.

Monday, April 11

Shane McCauley


Laura Stevenson and the Cans, Sea of Dogs, The Wild, Mess with Texas Go Bar Laura Stevenson started out as a keyboard player for punk collective Bomb the Music Industry! in New Laura Stevenson and the Cans York around 2007, with then-bass player Jeff Tobias (We Versus the Shark, Quiet Hooves). After drifting off to pursue a solo project with just her computer, she eventually recruited fellow members of BTMI! and formed a loose group of in-and-out musicians that would become Laura Stevenson and the Cans. After the lineup settled, Stevenson’s backing band helped make her solo recordings into a full-band collaboration. “I guess it was all just very organic,” says Stevenson. “I was growing as a songwriter and learning how to exist in a band where I wrote the songs. When it was just me, I had complete control even though it wasn’t going anywhere; it was very safe, but I had to let go of some of my control over everything.” Maybe it’s the influence of countless musicians who have passed through her bands and the countless musicians they’ve seen come and go, but Stevenson’s folk, punk and rock song personality resides in a happy cloud above genre specification. Her voice is prefect for quiet folk and defiant punk, stepping easily from melancholy to confidence in one song. In a relaxed, omniscient tone, her voice is the constant character in a series of one-act plays where she continuously sets the scene, narrates and strikes the set. Her voice coaxes sounds out of her backing band that have a sense of inevitable perfection. I don’t mean you’ll never hear music you like more, but by relinquishing complete control over her band, Stevenson allows the intuitive sound of wholeness to rush in. It all goes according to her non-plan, and she yells—does she yell!—over it all to say that it is good. Laura Stevenson and the Cans will release a full-length album in April. [Sydney Slotkin]

40 Watt Club 8:30 p.m. $26 (adv). www,40watt.com CITIZEN COPE Clarence Greenwood plays a special solo acoustic show featuring his unique blend of soul, pop and hip-hop.

KURT VILE & THE VIOLATORS Vile is a Heartland rocker with a lo-fi aesthetic who twists his indie folk around psychedelia. Recently signed to Matador and formerly of the band War on Drugs.

Go Bar 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/gobar FALCONES Local band that serves up crunchy, stripped down rock and roll in the vein of The Stooges and Dinosaur Jr. IMMUZIKATION Celebrated local DJ Alfredo Lapuz, Jr. hosts a dance party featuring high-energy electro and rock. JEFFER’S MORNING Rock trio from Athens.

Nuçi’s Space “Nuçi’s Space Benefit: Depression and Suicide Awareness Week.” 7 p.m. $5. www.nuçi.org DJ BANGKOK AFTERPARTY Dance party follows the live music. DR. SQUID Jangly, frenetic rock and roll at its best when emphasizing its British Invasion sounds. GROOVE TANGENT Playing covers from diverse rock acts like Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd and Jet. JOHN FRENCH AND THE BASTILLES Songwriter John French’s sincere acoustic compositions are backed by a group of musicians with country and rock influences.

Hilltop Grille 7 p.m. FREE! 706-353-7667 STEVE SHIVER Solo set from frontman of jazz-rock trio from Watkinsville, GA who cite John Mayer and Gordon Lightfoot as influences. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. FREE! www.myspace.com/ littlekingsshuffleclub THE DARNELL BROTHERS The three Darnell brothers play and sing country blues originals backed by upright bass, singing saw and junk yard percussion. LITTLE FRANCIS Rowdy, anthemic folk music mixed with early-’50s rock and roll and ‘60s garage. NERF SWORD New two-piece rock outfit that “spins epic tales of love and courage in an apocalyptic future and past.” The Melting Point 9 p.m. $13 (adv.), $15 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com J MASCIS The legendary Dinosaur Jr. guitarist turns down the volume knob for the first time on his latest solo release. See story on p. 15.

The Office Lounge 9 p.m. $5. 706-546-0840 NICK HAGELIN Bluesy acoustic guitar similar to John Mayer. The Roadhouse The Roadhouse Grand Re-Opening Party. 10 p.m. $1. 706-613-2324 CARLA LEFEVER AND THE RAYS Playing old school funk, sweet pop and sweaty rock covers and originals. The Rays feature Kenny “K.B.” Brawner, Dan Roth, Mike Maddox, Bobby Patrick and Brett Tatnall. Rye Bar 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/ryebarathens THE HYPSYS Prog-rock jam band from Tuscaloosa. Sideways 10 p.m. FREE! 706-319-1919 DJRX DJ-remixer Brian Gonzalez delivers original audio/video produc-

tions that focus on pop music of this generation, with forays into rock, old school, country and electronica. Terrapin Beer Co. 5-7 p.m. $10 Glass. www.terrapinbeer. com TOMORROW PEOPLE Atlanta-based rock and roll band that plays bluesy covers and originals. Wuxtry Records 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.myspace.com/ wuxtryrecords KURT VILE A special in-store performance before the headlining show at the Melting Point tonight.

Saturday 9 Allen’s Bar & Grill 8:30 p.m. www.allensbarandgrill.com LEAVING COUNTRIES Warm, inviting folk rock from here in Athens, featuring tender violin, aching harmonica and melodic acoustic guitars. The Bad Manor 9 p.m. FREE! www.thebadmanor.com DJRX DJ-remixer Brian Gonzalez delivers original audio/video productions that focus on pop music of this generation, with forays into rock, old school, country and electronica. Bishop Park “Athens Farmers Market.” 8 a.m.– noon. FREE! www.athensfarmersmarket.net MAD WHISKEY GRIN Local duo featuring masterful guitarist Frank Williams, who slides and fingerpicks his way through bluesy and decidedly American sounds, plus the smoky vocals of Nancy Byron. (10 a.m.) KATE MORRISSEY Best known for her dark velvet voice, Morrissey’s songwriting is literate and sincere,

and her conversational live shows come punctuated with an offbeat sense of humor. (8 a.m.)

grunge, stoner metal and blues. CD release party! See feature story on p. 16.

Blind Pig Tavern “Grand Opening Celebration.” 4 p.m. FREE! 706-208-7979 (2440 West Broad St.) THE BEARFOOT HOOKERS This rowdy local band performs funky, good-humored country. It’s beerdrinkin’ gospel. BETSY FRANCK This local songwriter offers soulful, brassy Southern rock and country songs rooted in tradition, but with a modern sensibility. FREE MOUNTAIN Local rock supergroup featuring guitarist Kevin Sweeney (Hayride), vocalist Jared Hasmuk (Dictatortots), bassist Bryan Howard (The HEAP) and drummer Mark Brill (Hayride). Playing straight-up, loud rock and roll! KAITLIN JONES Local folk guitarist/ vocalist Kaitlin Jones performs a solo set of Americana-tinged country originals.

Front Porch Bookstore 6 p.m. FREE! 706-372-1236 STEPHEN SIMMONS Local singersongwriter. LETICIA WOLF Indie Americana artist from Nashville with edgy Southern grunge influences.

Buffalo’s Southwest Café 9 p.m. 706–354–6655 DIAMOND BACK Hard Southern rock influenced by Lynyrd Skynyrd and AC/DC. JOHN MARTIN AND SOUTHERN DRIVE Athens-based country band that blends in a bit of bluegrass with Southern rock. Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www.caledonialounge.com BABY BABY This charismatic Atlanta band can be described simply as “fun-rock.” The tunes are upbeat and super danceable, and the banter is cheeky. HANS DARKBOLT Local band performing fiercely melodic pop tunes with swelling vocals and eerie harmonies. Debuting new songs tonight that further the Supervillian’s mythology! With added keys, horns and more. KILL KILL BUFFALO New, grungy hard rock duo featuring Kara Kildare’s powerful pipes and Tyler John on drums. Based in Athens. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com THAYER SARRANO Local singersongwriter and multi-instrumentalist with lovely, airy vocals singing dark, gentle melodies over guitar while backed by Zack Hosey and friends. JEREMY WHEATLEY You may have seen Wheatley perform as a member of Tin Cup Prophette, The Low Lows and Je Suis France. His solo shows feature warm, endearing ballads accompanied by guitar. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar. com MELISSA COLBERT Known for her powerful pipes and commanding stage presence in groups like Creepy and NEVER, tonight Colbert celebrates the release of her debut solo record. See story on p. 19. JESS MARSTON Singer/guitarist from local rock band Romanenko. 40 Watt Club 10 p.m. $6. www.40watt.com CINEMECHANICA This intensely voluminous local quartet is the aggro math-rock indie outfit that doesn’t know it’s a metal band. Or perhaps vice versa. MANRAY Local foursome that plays high-energy, off-timed rock and roll with threads of improvisation. Touchstones include Fugazi. PRIDE PARADE Local hard rockers play a blistering mix of punk,

Go Bar 10 p.m. $5. www.myspace.com/gobar BUKKAKE BOYS Hardcore punk from Atlanta. DEFECT DEFECT Portland punk. GRIPE Local grindcore/powerviolence, whatever that means. SHAVED CHRIST New local band featuring members of American Cheeseburger, Witches, Dark Meat and Hot New Mexicans. TWIN POWERS DJ Dan Geller (Gold Party, The Agenda) and friends spin late-night glam rock, new wave, Top 40, punk and Britpop. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 7:30 p.m. $5. www.athenshumanrightsfest.org ATHENS HUMAN RIGHTS FESTIVAL BATTLE OF THE BANDS All proceeds go toward funding the 33nd Annual Athens Human Rights Festival. Hilltop Grille 7 p.m. FREE! 706-353-7667 THE SIDEMAN No information available. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/littlekingsshuffleclub WADE BOGGS New band featuring Ian McCord (Hot New Mexicans, Carrie Nations). The Melting Point 9 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12 (door). www. meltingpoint.com ABBEY ROAD LIVE Athens’ premier Beatles cover band is playing a special *all request* show! So bring a list of your favorite Fab Four songs from any album. These guys can handle even your most obscure, deep-cut request. New Earth Music Hall 9 p.m. $12. www.newearthmusichall. com RUBBLEBUCKET A hyperkinetic kaleidoscope of drum beats, lush vocal harmonies and horns. TOUBAB KREWE Instrumental band that uses unique African instrumentation and blends Southern, classic rock with the rich musical textures of Mali. The Office Lounge 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-5577 HARP UNSTRUNG Alternative rock with a funky, jam-band twist. Lush harmonies and guitar-driven songs will invite you to get on the dance floor. Rye Bar 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/ryebarathens ATTENTION SYSTEM Electronic goth/glam rock from down the road in Atlanta. SONEN Electro dance rock band from Atlanta with dark melodies and pulsating rhythms. Terrapin Beer Co. 5-7 p.m. $10 Glass. www.terrapinbeer. com BUTTERMILK REVIVAL Traditional bluegrass tribute, including songs by the Stanley Brothers, Bill Monroe and many others. k continued on next page


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Sunday 10 Farm 255 10 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com FUTURE APE TAPES Now performing as a two-piece, this local band says it’s taken what it’s learned from playing hip-hop and is now applying it toward “transcendental/psychedelic/spiritual alterdestiny.” ALEXIS GIDEON Accompanied by minimal beats, guitar and xylophone, this rapper is backed by projected animation illustrating his entertaining lyrics. Performing his new stop-motion video opera “Video Musics II: Sun Wu-Kong.” NUTRITIONAL PEACE Local “vegan ambient” duo featuring Jeff Tobias and Amy Whisenhunt create lush, hypnotizing soundscapes using sax, guita, keys, autoharp and various percussion. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar “Video Game Battle.” 8 p.m. FREE! 706-353-3050 THE NICE MACHINE Local, instrumental rock with surf undertones. Highwire Noon-3 p.m. FREE! 706-543-8997 JAZZ BRUNCH Hot food and mellow tunes to smooth the transition from Saturday night.

Monday 11 Barnette’s 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-0966. TRE POWELL Solo blues and R&B guitarist. Every Monday night! 40 Watt Club 9 p.m. $16. www.40watt.com DR. DOG Psych-pop from Philly with lots of harmonies, soaring melodies and a retro vibe. FLOATING ACTION Surf rock with psychedelic and Motown influences. Go Bar 10 p.m. www.myspace.com/gobar LAURA STEVENSON AND THE CANS A powerful voice sings folk, punk and Appalachian-inspired songs backed by former members of Bomb the Music Industry! See Calendar Pick on p. 24. MESS WITH TEXAS Banjo and drums project featuring members of local, bouncy, lo-fi band Werewolves. SEA OF DOGS Songwriter and banjopicker Emily Armond leads this endearing folk group with disarming honesty, candid lyrics and warm harmonies. THE WILD Folk/punk/indie-rock band from Atlanta with rebellious songs. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. FREE!, $3 to play. 706-3533050. OPEN MIC Mondays! Hosted by local soulful singer Kyshona Armstrong.

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The Melting Point 7 p.m. $6 (adv.), $8 (door). www.meltingpointathens.com JAZZCHRONIC Local five-piece explores freaky, funky, psychedelic fusion jazz while incorporating rock, R&B, heavy beats and more. SNARKY PUPPY Denton, TX group that jams on soulful nu-jazz sounds. New Earth Music Hall 9 p.m. $10 www.newearthmusichall. com THE BOOKS This NYC duo creates innovative tracks featuring found

continued from p. 25

sounds, samples, guitar and cello. See story on p. 17. THICK PAINT New band featuring Graham Ulicny from Reptar. Rye Bar 8:30 p.m. FREE! www.myspace.com/ ryebarathens OPEN MIC Every Monday! Sign up between 8:30 & 9:30 p.m.

Tuesday 12 Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www. caledonialounge.com DIERZ EVE Pre-heat your bass drum to 160 bpm and turn up the distortion pedals for this local three-piece metal act. EAGLE CLAW Brutal hard rock band with some crunchy metal riffs from Austin. KILL THE SCHOOL Local metal four-piece. MANGER Punk rock four-piece with screaming guitars and vocals. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com BROKEN WATER Noisy indie rock trio that harks back to the pre-grunge college radio days. See Calendar Pick on p. 27. DIET COKEHEADS Band from Gainesville, FL that sounds a bit like old Sonic Youth. SHAVED CHRIST New local punk band featuring members of American Cheeseburger, Witches, Dark Meat and Hot New Mexicans. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar. com HOT NEW MEXICANS Catchy, boozy, punk-influenced power-pop. Tour homecoming show! SLEEPING IN THE AVIARY Quirky lo-fi pop that’s alternately sweet and fierce. THE VISITATIONS Electronic folk featuring Davey Wrathgabar and a rotating cast of local musicians and a heavy touring schedule. 40 Watt Club “Spring Showdown: Round 2.” 8 p.m. $5. www.40watt.com ANSLEY RUSHING Local singer/ songwriter of the farm-folk kind. CHROMAZONE Local electro-infused funk rock band. HANDS IN AUDIO Local experimental indie rock trio. NEW SNEAKERS Rockin’ local band. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. $3. 706-353-3050 NO SHAME! Open mic hosted by Rose of Athens Theatre. Highwire 8–11 p.m. FREE! 706-543-8997 KENOSHA KID Centered around the instru-improv jazz compositions of guitarist Dan Nettles, Kenosha Kid’s music borrows freely from multiple sources and hammers it all into a seamless product. Every Tuesday! Little Kings Shuffle Club “Athens Farmers Market.” 4:30-6:30 p.m. FREE! www.athensfarmersmarket.net CAROLINE AIKEN Renowned acoustic folk artist Caroline Aiken shared the stage with the Indigo Girls for some time. Her soulful voice purrs and growls the blues over bright finger-picking. 8 p.m. $5. www.boybutante.org KARAOKE & DRAG SEARCH Contestants perform a number for

judges to decide who wins a spot to perform during the 22nd Annual Boybutante Ball. The Melting Point 9 p.m. $5. www.meltingpointathens. com THE BRIDGE Bluesy Baltimore rock band incorporating folk, funk and bluegrass into its sound.

Wednesday 13 Alibi 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-1010 KARAOKE With the Singing Cowboy! Tonight willl be an Alibi Idol Contest. Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www. caledonialounge.com ARCTURUS Locally based ambient, electronic outfit that slips some feeling into robot chirps and bleeps. QURIOUS This Atlanta group creates spacey soundscapes featuring dreamy female vocals, samples, synthesizers and freaky masks. SPACE GHOST Expect keyboard-driven pop from this local four-piece. Farm 255 9 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com EL UV New project from Little Francis drummer Jordan Noel. SENRYU This Knoxville outfit’s schizophrenic psych-pop will appeal to fans of groups like of Montreal. JEFF TOBIAS Solo alto sax from member of Nutritional Peace and Quiet Hooves. Flicker Theatre & Bar Happy Hour! 6-8 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar.com KARA KILDARE Local ethereal piano folk. Go Bar “artUGA Party.” 10 p.m. www.myspace. com/gobar DJ GRAVEROBBERS Winston Parker spins high-energy electronic, dance and rock music. JAMES DEAN & THE SHRINERS Bluesy rock band. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. FREE! 706-353-3050 SCOTT BAXENDALE Guitar dynamicism from the owner of Baxendale Guitars. Classic bluesy riffs and a lot of soul. Iron Grill 6:30 p.m. FREE! 706-543-9955 THE FLAME THROWERS Local surf-rock-style rock and roll band featuring young phenom Tyler Roberston on guitar. MCBLUEZ Made up of the founding members of Sea of Storms, this blues-based band is influenced by classics such as Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson and Duane Allman. New Earth Music Hall “Benefit: Rebuild the Georgia Theatre.” 8 p.m. $5 (adv.), $7 (door). www. newearthmusichall.com DANK SINATRA Improvisation-heavy electronica mixed with elements of jazz, rock and reggae. EDDIE AND THE PUBLIC SPEAKERS Local blues-funk trio. MAMA’S LOVE Young, funky jam band from right here in Athens. The band’s slogan says it all: “Bringin’ it back to the roots while goin’ beyond the bounds.” The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke! Every Wednesday and on the first Friday of every month.


Tuesday, April 12

Broken Water, Diet Cokeheads, Shaved Christ Farm 255 Outside of Athens, one of the best independent rock scenes to be found in the U.S. is that of ‘90s standby Olympia, WA. Given the city’s cheap Broken Water rent and progressive attitude, fledgling bands have numerous opportunities to commit to their craft and produce exciting and quality sounds. One Olympia band on many aficionados’ lips is the trio Broken Water, formed in 2008 by members of Sisters and Congratulations. In the band’s brief existence it has already released several EPs and a full-length of lush sludge beset by icy sheets of guitar reminiscent of late-’80s Dinosaur Jr., Sonic Youth and Unwound. At one point, the band’s MySpace page featured humorous but genuine testimonials of its prowess by scene luminaries like members of Big Business, Tracy + the Plastics and… Unwound. Unlike many Olympia (and Athens) bands who don’t venture far outside their hometown, the members of Broken Water are truly “road dogs,” having recently completed a five-week U.S. tour in support of their remarkable 2010 album, Whet. And now, in the midst of another, longer jaunt, they will stop in Athens on Apr. 12. Asked by Flagpole via email how such a daunting tour schedule was affecting his personal relationships, guitarist/vocalist Jon Hanna simply says, “Broken Water is my core ‘friends/family’ at this point.” Hanna is flanked by bassist Abby Ingram and drummer/vocalist Kanako Wynkoop, and he explains how the progressive group injects the political into the artistic. “We definitely have a feminist political ethos that we actively promote lyrically and aesthetically with our music,” says Hanna, “but the words are always open to interpretation. I like it when the listener is able to form their own ideas about the intention or meaning of a song… It becomes a more personal experience that way.” [Scott Reid]

Porterhouse Grill 7–10 p.m. 706-369-0990 JAZZ NIGHT Every Wednesday! Stop by for live jazz bands and drink specials. Terrapin Beer Co. 5-7 p.m. $10 Glass. www.terrapinbeer. com INNOCENT FLANNEL This Nashville band draws from both honky tonk and modern indie rock.

Down the Line 4/14 Baby Baby / The Orkids / Tealvox (40 Watt Club) 4/14 Power Company (Caledonia Lounge) 4/14 Wade Boggs / Neon Piss / Shaved Christ (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 4/14 A Special Evening with Modern Skirts (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) 4/14 Eureka, California / Mr. Falcon / Tendaberry (Little Kings Shuffle Club) 4/14 Bodega Roja / Easy Star All-Stars / Cas Haley (New Earth Music Hall) 4/14 Mike Killeen / Sweet Knievel (No Where Bar) 4/14 Jazz Thursday (Omega Bar) 4/14 Groove Moose (Rye Bar) 4/14 Don Wier (Terrapin Beer Co.) 4/14 Breathlanes / Whisperkiss (The Melting Point) 4/15 Ween (40 Watt Club) 4/15 Sam Sniper (Caledonia Lounge) 4/15 Big Freedia / Quiet Hooves (Farm 255) 4/15 Kate Morrissey (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 4/15 Between Naybors (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) 4/15 Paul Edelman / The Fustics / Ken Will Morton (Little Kings Shuffle Club) 4/15 Beats Antique / Eskmko (New Earth Music Hall)

4/15 The Hypsys / Vertigo Jazz Project (No Where Bar) 4/15 Connor Pledger (Terrapin Beer Co.) 4/15 Todd Snider / The Trishas (The Melting Point) 4/15 Carla Le Fever and the Rays (The Office Lounge) 4/16 Leaving Countries (Allen’s Bar & Grill) 4/16 Elastic Skyline (Amici Italian Café) 4/16 Burn Barrel / Magic Missile / The Shut Ups (Caledonia Lounge) 4/16 Big Hug Little Kiss / Softspots (Farm 255) 4/16 The Dinner Mints (Front Porch Bookstore) 4/16 Josh Daniels / Matt Kabus (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) 4/16 Jazz Night (Hilltop Grille) 4/16 90 Acre Farm / Honey Blue (Little Kings Shuffle Club) 4/16 FLT RSK / Lotus (New Earth Music Hall) 4/16 Lubriphonic (No Where Bar) 4/16 Jeff Vaughn Band (Terrapin Beer Co.) 4/18 Tre Powell (Barnette’s) 4/18 Open Mic (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) 4/19 NO SHAME! (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) 4/19 Bobby Be Good / Street Rhythm & Rhyme / The Wynettes (Caledonia Lounge) 4/19 Kenosha Kid (Highwire) 4/19 DJs Randy and Lozo / Liverty / Old Time String Band / The Vacations (Little Kings Shuffle Club) 4/20 Karaoke (The Office Lounge) 4/20 Miles Benson / Dusty Lightswitch / Oh No Oh My / TurnUps (Caledonia Lounge) 4/20 Dial Indicators / Nude Beach / Witches (Farm 255) 4/20 Grey Milk / Kara Kildare / To All My Dear Friends (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 4/20 Scott Baxendale (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar)

4/20 PANTyRAid (New Earth Music Hall) 4/20 Flight Risk (No Where Bar) 4/20 Jazz Night (Porterhouse Grill) 4/20 Noise Org (Terrapin Beer Co.) 4/20 STS9 (The Classic Center) 4/21 The Atom Age / The K-Macks / Matt Hudgins & His Shit-Hot Country Band / So It Goes / Taj Motel Trio (Caledonia Lounge) 4/21 Blair Crimmins / Sleeping Friends (Farm 255) 4/21 Betsy Franck / Kaitlin Jones / Vestibules (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 4/21 Mary Sigalas (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) 4/21 Zoogma (New Earth Music Hall) 4/21 Concrete Jumpsuit / Suex Effect (No Where Bar) 4/21 Noel Goff (Terrapin Beer Co.) 4/22 Colour Revolt / Dead Confederate (40 Watt Club) 4/22 Chrissakes / Powers / Shannon Wright (Caledonia Lounge) 4/22 Harp Unstrung (Farm 255) 4/22 Ye Olde Sub Shoppe (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 4/22 Borderhop Trio (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) 4/22 Sumilan (Terrapin Beer Co.) 4/23 Mikey Erg / Ian Graham / Dave Hause (Caledonia Lounge) 4/23 Tumbleweed Stampede (Farm 255) 4/23 Kill Kill Buffalo / Love Tractor (Flicker Theatre & Bar)

In the ATL 4/7 The Mountain Goats (Variety Playhouse) 4/8 Destroyer / The War on Drugs (The EARL) 4/8 Scissor Sisters (The Tabernacle) 4/9 Lil’ Wayne (Philips Arena) 4/18 Lady Gaga (Gwinnett Center) 4/22 Pete Yorn (Center Stage) * Advance Tickets Available

MEMORABILIA AUCTION A benefit for Nuçi’s Space


RIALTO ROOM at HOTEL INDIGO 6:00 – 7:00pm: V.I.P. Ticket Entry

Purchase of $20 V.I.P. ticket to the event includes heavy hors d'oeuvres, 2 drink tickets, first-look at all auction items and live music from Kyshona Armstrong.

7:00 – 9:00pm: General Admission Ticket Entry

Purchase of $10 General Admission ticket to the event includes light hors d'oeuvres, access to cash bar, access to bid on silent auction items and live music from Kyshona Armstrong.

9:00 pm: Silent Auction Ends 9:30 – 11:00pm: Special Performance from The Artie Ball Swing Band Online auction items will be available for bidding April 6th on Ebay. Visit www.nuci.org for a direct link to auction items.

See check out all of the items for auction visit http://issuu.com/nuci/docs/guitarart_program

Aurum Studios presents

New Paintings by

Robert Clements & Lana Mitchell April 6 to May 31, 2011 Opening Reception Thursday, April 7th 5:30-8:30pm

125 East Clayton Street • Downtown, Athens 706-546-8826 APRIL 6, 2011 · FLAGPOLE.COM


bulletin board DO SOMETHING; GET INVOLVED! Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board and Art Around Town is every THURSDAY at 12 p.m. Email calendar@flagpole.com. Listings are printed based on available space; more listings are online.

ART Call for Artists Iris Place, an independent retirement living facility, is seeking artists for an Apr. 16 art show. Any medium welcome. Must have 3–7 pieces. Email for information. mattcremeens@gmail.com Call for Artists (Floorspace) FloorSpace is seeking artists for month-long exhibitions. 706-3721833, www.floorspaceathens.com Call for Entries (Sautee Nacoochee Center) The 2nd Annual 12 Rivers Art Festival is currently seeking artists to participate at an outdoor exhibit on June 11. Register online by May 14. 706-878-3300, www.snac.org

CLASSES Adult Wing Chun Kung Fu (Floorspace) Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:45 p.m. $12 per class, $60 for 6 classes. floorspacestudio@gmail. com, www.floorspaceathens.com Ballroom Dancing (Athens Community Council on Aging) Stay active while perfecting the Cha Cha, Foxtrot and more. Mondays, 2:30– 3:30 p.m. $5. www.accaging.org Bollywood & Hip-Hop Fusion Workshops (Floorspace) For all levels of experience. Apr. 9, 12–5 p.m. $25 (adv.). www.floorspace athens.com Capoeira Angole & Maculele (Floorspace) Learn this form of Afro-Brazilian martial art! Tuesdays, 8:15 p.m., Thursdays, 7 p.m. & Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. $12, $60 (6 classes). www.floorspaceathens.com Clay Classes (Good Dirt) Weekly “Try Clay” classes ($20/person) introduce participants to the potter’s wheel every Friday from 7-9 p.m.

“Family Try Clay” classes show children and adults hand-building methods every Sunday from 2-4 p.m. 706-355-3161, www.gooddirt.net Computer Class: Mouse and Keyboard Skills (ACC Library, Educational Technology Center) Introduction to using a computer mouse and keyboard for adults. Call to register. Apr. 7, 7–8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 ext. 354 Creative Exploration Classes (Wildeye Creative Exploration Studio) Tap into your creative process! Classes for kids and adults. 706-410-0250, www.wildeyecreative.com Dance Lessons (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Intermediate twostep at 3 p.m., beginner Cha-Cha or two-step at 4 p.m. and open practice at 5 p.m. $10. www.rotputman.com Donation-Based Yoga Classes (Red Lotus Institute) Wide variety of classes taught Sunday through Friday by certified instructors. Private sessions and Thai Yoga Therapy available by appointment. 706-248-3910, theyogashala.athens@gmail.com ESL Class (Athens Urban Ministries) Free sessions. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1:30–3 p.m. FREE! 706353-6647 Flower Arranging (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Taught by a National Garden Club Master Flower Show judge. Focus will be on designs that incorporate fruits and vegetables. Call to register. Apr. 13, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $45. 706-542-6156, www.uga.edu/botgarden Forest Yoga (Five Points Yoga) Deepen your breath, work your core, strengthen your body and connect with your spirit. Wednesdays, 8 p.m. $10/class. 706-355-3114 Free Tai Chi (Mind Body Institute) Spend a spring morning outside


399 Beaverdam Rd. • 706-613-3887 Open every day except Wednesday 10am-4pm


Super sweet Tabby girl was sleeping like a rock, when we woke her up for a photo shoot. Her green eyes weren’t all the way open yet, because they are actually very large in her petite face and they have auburn flecks of color. She is such a welladjusted girl, never-meta-stranger, affectionate, but not needy. All around chubby sweetheart.



ATHENS AREA HUMANE SOCIETY 3 Cats Received, 4 Cats Placed, 0 Healthy Adoptable Cats Euthanized ACC ANIMAL CONTROL 31 Dogs Received, 20 Dogs Placed 21 Cats Received, 12 Cats Placed


in the park on Talmade Drive. Saturdays, 9:30–10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-475-7329, mbiprograms@ armc.org Garden Photography (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) A hands-on workshop focusing on light, composition and critique. Apr. 30. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $45. 706-5426156, www.uga.edu/botgarden GED Classes (Athens Urban Ministries, 717 Oconee St.) Get your GED for free, free, free! Mondays & Thursdays, 9:30–11:30 a.m. FREE! 706-353-6647. Getting Started with Genealogy (ACC Library) Genealogy for beginners. In the Heritage Room. 2–4:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 Guitar and Piano Classes (UGA School of Music) Now registering for beginning and intermediate guitar and piano classes for students or adults under 50. Classes run May 26–July 28. $115. www.uga.edu/ugacms/summer.html Intro to Word (ACC Library) Learn the basics of word processing. Registration required. Apr. 15, 10–11:30 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 Iyengar Yoga Classes (StudiO) A classical approach with attention to alignment and poses to meet individual ability. Tuesdays, 6:45–8:15 p.m. $10. www.chetthomasyoga.com Kundalini Yoga (Red Lotus Institute) Tuesdays, 5:30–7 p.m. 706-248-3910, theyogashala.athens @gmail.com Laugh-a-Yoga (Mind Body Institute) Laugh your stress away! Fourth Friday of each month. 5:30– 6:30 p.m. FREE! 706-475-7329, mbiprograms@armc.org Line Dancing (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Lessons with Ron Putman. Alternate Thursdays through July 21. 6 p.m. $5. www.ronputman.com

Young female kitten is SO motivated to get attention, she will try a variety of things, including just about standing on her head. Very social, confident and funny girl. Chill Kitty! He had only been here a day but already he was relaxed about his new digs. Fluffy orange and white young male. Gentle and sweet. Her favorite thing is people! She loves to cuddle and be next to you. Very friendly and playful, though if she has to choose between a toy and your lap, the lap wins. more cats online at


Beverly Pepper’s stone sculptures are on display at the GMOA until Nov. 30. Line Dancing for Seniors (Council on Aging, Harris Room) Keep your health in line and have fun at the same time! Tuesdays, 4 p.m. $5. 706-549-4850 Lisa Zahiya Workshops (Floorspace) Bollywood dance beginning at 1 p.m. and hip-hop fusion beginning at 3 p.m. Zahiya travels internationally teaching and performing bellydance and hip-hop. Apr. 9. $30 (per workshop). www.floorspaceathens.com Mama-Baby Yoga Bonding (Full Bloom Center) 10 a.m. class for babies 8–18 months old and 11 a.m. class for babies 1–8 months old. Fridays, 10 a.m. $14, $60 (6 weeks). 706-353-3373 New Horizons Music Classes (UGA School of Music) Beginning band, intermediate band, beginning orchestra and piano classes for adults age 50+. No prior music experience needed! Call 706-542-2894 to register. www.uga.edu/ugacms Nia (Various Locations) Gain muscle definition and strength in this dance class delivering cardiovascular, whole-body conditioning. Offered four days a week; check online schedule. 706-424-9873, www.TheBodyEclectic.com Parkinson’s Exercise (Athens Community Council on Aging) Healthy moves catered to those living with Parkinson’s Disease. Tuesdays, 10–11 a.m. FREE! www.accaging.org Postpartum Mat Class (Balance Pilates and Wellness Studio) Learn how to reconnect and gain strength in the abdominals and pelvic floor. Wednesdays, 9:15– 10:15 a.m. $10. www.balancepilates athens.com Pre-Natal Mat Class (Balance Pilates and Wellness Studio) Prepare for labor, delivery and recovery through emphasizing core stabilization, pelvic floor strengthening, better posture and flexibility. Saturdays, 1–2 p.m. $10. www.balancepilates athens.com Qigong for Health & Relaxation (State Botanical Garden of Georgia, Visitor Center, Great Room) Chinese art of self-cultivation that fosters health, relaxation and calm. Mondays, through Apr. 25, 12–1 p.m. $12 (per class), $80 (8 weeks). 706-542-6156, www.uga. edu/botgarden Rise & Shine Yoga (Five Points Yoga) Thursdays, 5:45–6:45 a.m. $10 (Drop-In). 706-355-3114, www.athensfivepointsyoga.com Secrets to a Sensational Room (Athens Technical College) Learn how to stage and redesign a home with items you already have.

Three-part seminar. Apr. 8, 15 & 22, 1–3 p.m. $75. 706-369-5763, bmoody@athenstech. Shag Dancing (Athens Technical College) Students must bring partner. Call to register. Apr. 18–May 23, 7:30–8:30 p.m. $60. 706-369-5763, bmoody@athenstech.edu Sivananda Yoga (Red Lotus Institute) Hatha yoga Sundays at 5:30 p.m. and Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. By donation. 706-248-3910, theyogashala.athens@gmail.com Spring Flowers of the Granite Rock Outcrops (State Botanical Garden) Visit Rock and Shoals Natural Area to learn to identify wildflower species and ecological processes that characterize Georgia’s granite rock outcrops. Call to register. Apr. 9, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. $45. 706-542-6156 Tai Chi (Mind Body Institute, Athens Regional Medical Center) Meet in the park on Talmadge Drive. In case of rain, meet inside MBI. Call for more information. 9:30-10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-475-7329, mbiprograms@armc.org Tango Lessons (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Every Tuesday with Clint and Shelly. 4–6 p.m. (Private Lessons), 6–7 p.m. (Intermediate Class) 7–8 p.m. (Beginner Class), $10 (group class).706-613-8178, cvunderwood@charter.net Tech Tips (ACC Library) Learn how to create and send surveys through Survey Monkey. 12:15 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 Tribal Basics Bellydance (Floorspace, 160 Tracy St.) Bellydance for every belly! Learn graceful moves in a fun and supportive environment with a focus on Egyptian style and rhythms. Wednesdays, 7–8 p.m. www.floor spaceathens.com UGA Tango Club (UGA Tate Center, Room 311) Evening classes for beginners and advanced students. Thursdays, Beginning 6:10 p.m., Intermediate/Advanced 7:10 p.m.$30 (per semester), $20 (UGA Community). athenstangoclub@ gmail.com Vinyasa Flow Yoga (Floorspace) Tuesdays, 8:45 a.m. Thursdays, 12:15 p.m. $6–$12 (suggested). thebodyeclectic@rocketmail.com, www.floorspaceathens.com Women’s Self Defense Classes (American Black Belt Academy) Learn what you can do to protect yourself. Go online or call to register. 706-549-1671, www.americanblackbelt.org Yoga & The 7 Sacred Centers (Five Points Yoga) Learn how the 7 main chakras affect the body and how knowing the body’s energy can

help you move more fully inro your power & health through asana, journaling and meditation. Apr. 23, 2–4 p.m. $30. 706-254-0200 Yoga Crawlers (Full Bloom Center) For active babies 8–18 months. Every Wednesday. 10:30 a.m. $14. 706-353-3373, www.fullbloomparent.com Yoga: Maintain, Prevent, Transform (Leathers Building) Hatha-style yoga in a small, comfortable setting with instructor Kerry Fulford. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:45–7:45 p.m. $60 (6 classes) 706-207-5881 Yoshukai Karate (AKF Itto Martial Arts) Learn Yoshukai Karate, a traditional hard Okinawan style. FREE! www.athensy.com Yoshukai Karate (East Athens Community Center) Must be at least 13 years old. No experience or athletic ability required. Every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Monday and Thursday, 7:30–8:30 p.m., Saturday, 2–3 p.m. FREE! www.clarkecounty yk.com Youth and Parents Drum Circle (Floorspace) Percussion class! Bring a drum if you have one! Every second Friday of the month. 4–4:45 p.m. $5–$10 (suggested donation). christyfricks@gmail.com, www.floorspaceathens.com Zumba at the Garden (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves comprise this dynamic fitness program. Wednesdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m. $10/class, $80/session. www.uga. edu/botgarden

HELP OUT! The Battery A newly formed social empowerment organization is launching their “GA’s Trail of Tears 2.0” campaign to stop HB 87. Call 706-206-9237 to volunteer. Become a Mentor (Boys and Girls Clubs of Athens) Volunteer one hour per week to make a difference in the life of a child. Training provided. mentor@athensbgca.com BikeAthens Bike Recycling (Chase Street Warehouses) Join BikeAthens volunteers as they clean and repair donated bicylces for local service agencies. Bike repair skills a plus but not necessary. BikeAthens is also seeking donations of used kids’ and adult bikes in any condition. Sundays, 2–4:30 p.m. www.bikeathens.com Blood Drive (Red Cross Donor Center) Give the gift of life! Call to make an appointment today. 706546-0681, 1-800-RED-CROSS, www.redcrossblood.org

Cans for Critters (Various Locations) Donate collected aluminum cans to benefit the critters at Bear Hollow Wildlife Trail. Accepting donations through Apr. 18. Register by calling. 706-613-3512 Georgia Museum of Art Volunteers (Georgia Museum of Art) Volunteers needed to help staff the newly renovated shop. Assist in creating store displays, ringing up sales and basic customer service. 706-542-0450, millera@ uga.edu, georgiamuseum.org Global Youth Service Day (Various Locations) This year’s theme: “Planting Unity in the Community.” Check website for volunteer opportunities. Apr. 15–17. handsonnortheastgeorgia.org Great American Clean-up Challenge (Various Locations) Organize a litter clean-up and/ or beautification project during GreenFest. Call to organize an activity or borrow supplies. All volunteers receive coupons to local businesses while supplies last. Apr.1–30. 706613-3501, ext. 312 HandsOn Athens (Various Locations) Join with community volunteers as HandsOn Athens helps homeowners repair their historic homes. Apr. 8–10, 8:30–5 p.m. 706353-1801, hoathens@bellsouth.net Preparing Dinner for the Residents (Athens Area Homeless Shelter) Volunteer to make a meal for the women and children living at Athens Area Homeless Shelter. Call to reserve a night! Daily, 5:30–6:30 p.m. 706-354-0423 Project Safe Volunteers (Various Locations) Take part in the movement to end domestic violence by becoming a mentor, donating a meal or volunteering at the thrift store. 706-542-0922, www.projectsafe.org Soccer Coaches Needed (Southeast Clarke Park) Volunteers needed to coach ages 4–11 for upcoming season. Call for information. 706-613-3871, www.athensclarke county.com/leisure Volunteers Needed (Town and Gown Players) Work in the box office, sell concessions and usher for shows in return for a complimentary ticket. www.townandgownplayers. org/volunteers

marks. For ages 11–15. Register for summer camp by calling. June 13–17, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. $340. 800-811-6640, questions@georgia center.uga.edu Girls’ Rock Camp Athens Now taking applications through Apr. 15 for this summer’s camp, to take place July 25–29 with a showcase concert on July 30. No musical experience necessary. Scholarships available. For girls ages 9–15. $25 (application fee), $300 (tuition). girlsrockathens.org Homework Helpers (East Athens Community Center) UGA students tutor your children and help them get assignments finished. Open to any child or teen who needs help with homework. Daily, 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3657, www.clarke.public.lib.ga.us Mommy and Me Spanish (Email for Location) Learn Spanish with your preschooler through songs, stories and games! New session starting soon. sehlers@uga.edu Musikgarten Early Childhood Classes (UGA School of Music) Music classes for toddlers ages 2–4. Check website for details. Register by Apr. 25. May 3–June 23. $70. 706-542-2894, ugacms@uga.edu, www.uga.edu/ ugacms/earlychildhood.html One-to-One Learning (Lay Park) Pratice reading, writing and math with the librarian and UGA student volunteers. For ages 6 and up. Daily, 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3667 One-to-One Reading Program (East Athens Community Center) Read with the librarian and other volunteers. Get them all to yourself! For ages 6 and up. Daily, 3:30–5:30 p.m., FREE! 706-613-3593 Summer Camps (Various Locations) ACC Leisure Services has a total of 35 summer camps for children and teens, ranging from traditional day camps to arts, sports, theatre and even a zoo camp. Check online for complete list of camps and registration info. 706-613-3625, www.athensclarkecounty.com/camps Teens in Action (Various Locations) Now registering. A camp for 13–15 year-olds involving volunteer service, enrichment opportunities and recreational activities. One-week programs June 13–July 29, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $58. 706-6133625, www.athensclarkecounty.com/ camps Theater Academy (Seney-Stovall Chapel) Summer camps for children in grades 3–12. Register online. June 6–10 & 11–17. 706-340-9181, roseofathens.wordpress.com/ education/academy Theatre Camp (Athens Creative Theatre) Now registering for theatre camps. Camps include Teen Encore Camp, The Knights of the Rad Table Theatre Camp and Hansel and Gretel Theatre Camp. Check website for dates and costs. www.athensclarke county.com/camps

KIDSTUFF Adventure Travel Camp (Georgia Center) Spend your days playing paintball, shooting laser tag, climbing walls, racing go-karts and going on high-tech scavenger hunts. For ages 11–15. Register for summer camp by calling. May 31–June 3, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. $375. 800-811-6640, questions@ georgiacenter.uga.edu CSI Academy (Georgia Center) Experience laboratory work, collect evidence at a scene, analyze hair and blood samples in the microscope, dust for fingerprints and identify tool

Friendliest Bar in Athens!


FRIDAY, April 8




Wild Intelligence Nature Programs Nature-based learning and character development while your child enjoys storytelling, games and curiosity-based adventure on the land. After-school and day-long programs. Mondays, 3:30–6 p.m. & Tuesdays 10 a.m.–2 p.m. tommy@ wildintelligence.org Yoga Sprouts (Whole: Mind. Body. Art.) For kids ages 2 and up. 3–4:30 p.m. $15. www.wholemind bodyart.com ZumbAtomic for Kids (Whole: Mind. Body. Art.) Mondays, 5:15– 6:15 p.m. $6 (for first child), $3 (for each additional sibling). www.wholemindbodyart.com

SUPPORT Alcoholics Anonymous (Various Locations) If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. 706-5430436, www.athensaa.com Alzheimer’s Caregiver Luncheon Program (Bentley Center) The Athens Area Alzheimer’s Support Group meets the third Tuesday of every month. Noon-1 p.m. FREE! 706-549-4850, eanthony@accaging.org Emotional Abuse Support Group (Call for location) Demeaning behavior can be just as harmful as punches and kicks. Childcare is provided. Call the Project Safe hotline: 706-543-3331. Wednesdays, 6:30–8 p.m. Grief Support Group (Council on Aging) Meeting every third Thursday each month. 2-3:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-4850 Overeaters Anonymous (Various Locations) Mondays, 5:30 p.m. at Nuçi’s Space. Thursdays, 7 p.m. at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church. Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. at Princeton United Methodist Church. FREE! 404-771-8971, www.oa.org Parkinson’s Support Group (Council on Aging) Meet up every fourth Monday for an open support group for those living with Parkinson’s Disease. 2:30-4 p.m. FREE! 706-549-4850 PTSD Support Group Local support group now forming for family members of soldiers and veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. 770-725-4527 Sapph.Fire Support and volunteer organization for lesbian and bisexual women in Athens and surrounding areas. Join Sapph.fire on Facebook. Email sapph.fire@yahoo.com to learn about the next meeting. Survive and Revive (Call for location) Domestic violence support group. Dinner begins at 6 p.m. and group at 6:30 p.m. Children are welcome for supper and childcare is provided during group. Second and fourth Tuesday of the month in Clarke County. First and third Monday of the month in Madison County. 6–8 p.m. Project Safe: 706543-3331

ART AROUND TOWN ACC Library (2025 Baxter St.) Paintings by Lisa Weaver. Through April. • Wood carvings by the Classic City Woodturners. Through April. Amici Italian Café (233 E. Clayton St.) New works by Bob Davis. Through April. Art on the Side Gallery and Gifts (1101B Industrial Blvd., Watkinsville) A gallery featuring works by various artists in medias including ceramics, paintings, fused glass, jewelry and mosaic belt buckles. Athens Academy (1281 Spartan Rd.) A comic arts show featuring Eleanor Davis, Drew Weing, Robert Brown, David Mack and Joey Weiser. Through Apr. 11. • Landscape paintings by Greg Benson, Robert Clements and Joe Ruiz. Through Apr. 20. ATHICA (160 Tracy St.) “The Way Things Work” addresses the nature of systems through a variety of media. Featuring artists Will Pergl, Dan Grayber, Atanas Bozdarov, Robert Ladislas Derr, Andrea Flamini, Ernesto R. Gomez, John O’Connor, Julia Oldham, Andrew Sunderland, Cody Vanderkaay and Andy Moon Wilson. Opening reception Apr. 9. Through May 29. Bob Snipes Water Resources Center (780 Barber St.) In the spirit of the Parisian Salon Des Refusés, “Refusés” is a show of works by Athens artists not accepted into the 36th Juried Exhibition at the Lyndon House. Through April. Ciné BarCafé (234 W. Hancock Ave.) “On & Off Pulaski Street,” photography by Mark Steinmetz. Reception Apr. 5. Circle Gallery, UGA College of Environmental Design (Caldwell Hall) “Windows to Charlie’s World” includes works by landscape architect Charlie Godfrey. Opening reception Apr. 15. Through April. Dog Ear Books (162 W. Clayton St.) Photography by Chris Mckay, Mike White and Daniel Peiken of legendary artists such as The Beatles, The Who, The B-52’s, R.E.M. and Vic Chesnutt. Through April. Espresso Royale Caffe (297 E. Broad St.) Abstract photographs of urban decay by Atlanta artist Stephanie Howard. Through Apr. 11. Five Star Day Café (229 E. Broad St.) Works by Tiffany Tunno. Through April. Flicker Theatre & Bar (263 W. Washington St.) Works by Jackie Slayton. Through April. Georgia Museum of Art (90 Carlton St.) “Horizons” includes 12 androgynous, life-sized cast-iron figures by Icelandic artist Steinunn Dorarinsdottir. • “The American Scene on Paper: Prints and Drawings from the Schoen Collection” addresses the plight of the American farm laborer in the development of industry and the growth of the urban environment. Through May 3. Good Dirt (510 B Thomas St.) The gallery features hand-built and wheel-thrown pieces by various ceramic artists and potters including Rob Sutherland, Caryn Van Wagtendonk, Crisha Yantis and Mike Klapthor. Hampton Fine Art Gallery (115 E. Broad St., Greensboro) Works by over 100 local artists. Reception and awards presentation Apr. 28. • Works

ON THE STREET Antebellum Trail Pilgrimage (Various Locations) A 100-mile trek through seven communities. Visit historic homes, experience authentic battle sites and tour museums. Tickets can be purchased at the Athens Welcome Center or on-

by Cameron Hampton, Lisa Hampton-Pepe, Thomas Pepe and Raindance. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar (1560 Oglethorpe Ave.) Brightly colored abstracts and drawings by Brittany Bass. Reception Apr. 6. Through Apr. 10. Jittery Joe’s Coffee (1230 S. Milledge St.) Barbara Hutson’s exhibit “Rest Awhile” includes photos of chairs and benches from around town. Through April. Jittery Joe’s Eastside (1860 Barnett Shoals Rd.) Acrylic and enamel works by Charley Seagraves. Through April. Just Pho…and More (1063 Baxter St.) “Hanging Gardens” is a series of silk paintings by Margaret Agner. Through April. Lamar Dodd School of Art (270 River Rd.) 2011 Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition features a wide range of two and three dimensional artworks from each of 24 graduating students. Through Apr. 15. Lyndon House Arts Center (293 Hoyt St.) 36th Annual Juried Exhibition, featuring work by area artists in a variety of media. Through May 10. Mama’s Boy (197 Oak St.) “Organic Surrealism” by Carrie Climer. Through April. Mercury Art Works at Hotel Indigo (500 College Ave.) “Fascination” features artists Amanda Burk, Anthony Stanislaw Wislar, Christopher Wyrick, Gretchen Elsner and Leslie Snipes. Through April. Monroe Art Guild (205 S. Broad St., Monroe) Works from Walton County middle and high school students. Reception Apr. 17. Through Apr. 27. OCAF (34 School St., Watkinsville) The 16th Annual Southworks Exhibition presents 90 works of art from 69 artists. Through May 7. Republic Salon (312 E. Broad St.) An exhibit featuring your favorite animals in embroidery and print mixed-media works by Lea Purvis. Speakeasy (296 E. Broad St.) Abstract-expressionist original acrylics featuring deep textures, bright blending of colors and strong architectural themes. State Botanical Garden of Georgia (2450 Milledge Ave.) “Forged from Nature” is an outdoor series of sculpted garden gates by artist Andrew T. Crawford. The Grit (199 Prince Ave.) New and recent paintings by Ruth Allen. Through Apr. 17. This-Way-Out (T-W-O) (680 West Broad St.) AthensHasArt! presents site-specific installations by Audra Rich and drawings by Margaret Schreiber. T-W-O is open 6–8 p.m. the 10th–20th of each month. Town 220 (220 W. Washington St., Madison) “Large Format Wall Paintings” presents the works of painter Richard Olsen and works in clay by Rick Berman. Through April. Trace Gallery (160 Tracy St.) New works by Atlanta ceramic sculptor Christina West. West addresses the idea of the human object as a toy by creating nearly life-size porcelain and fabric dolls. Through Apr. 8. UGA Miller Learning Center “Fragmented Light,” a composition of brightly colored adhesive tapes created by Patricia Van Dalen. White Tiger Gourmet Food & Chocolates (217 Hiawasee Ave.) Photographs of the Athens Farmers Market by Barbara Hutson. Through April.

line. Apr. 27–May 1, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $25. www.atpilgrimage.com Be a Camp Counselor (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Seeking people ages 15–18 to be counselors at summer camps for children. Contact Cora Keber at 706542-6156 for an application. Call for Entries (Ciné BarCafé) The AthFest Film Committee is cur-

rently accepting submissions for local independent films, music documentaries and student projects to be screened during AthFest 2011 (June 22–26). Entries must be produced in Georgia or by a Georgia-based filmmaker or band. First deadline May 1; final deadline May 15. $10 (May 1), $20 (May 15). athfest.com/musicfestival/film, film@athfest.com f

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reality check Matters Of The Heart And Loins So, I have this amazing boyfriend whom I love very much and want to marry and everything, blah, blah, blah, but he may be moving to Maine for a short (four-year) residency/ internship kind of thingy, and I don’t know what to do. We love each other, but we are both young and don’t want to scare each other with plans of a trapping future, etc. I’m willing to wait it out and take things as they come and let him come around to whatever opinion he’s going to have, but the issue is that I met a nice/OK guy at a political thing and he’s asked me to have lunch. Now, lunch is no big deal, and if I wasn’t head-overheels for my boyfriend I’d be all about it. I don’t want to wallow in the grief that I think is going to come from my boyfriend dumping me, but I love him and don’t want to betray his trust. A little lunch can’t hurt. Can it? Or will it destroy everything? Should I be so selfdefensive that I’m already ready to start my look for love before my love leaves? Feeling Like a Bad Person Wow. You’re kind of getting ahead of the game, no? It’s like he’s already gone! If you want to end this relationship, then do it. There’s no reason to prolong the agony, and since you’re both young, it isn’t like you were going to get married anyway. You can’t expect him not to react if you’re going to date other guys. And frankly, if you were actually headover-heels, I don’t think you would be considering this invitation. Do what you’re going to do, but don’t lie to him (or yourself) about it, and don’t expect him to take it well. My manager at work is afraid of confrontation. Because of this, I and the other assistant managers are always having to deal with angry employees who have been pacified or had various impossible promises made to them because the manager can’t tell them no. She thinks she is doing everyone a favor by never saying no or never telling anybody they’re wrong or explaining to them why things are a certain way. Instead, what she’s really doing is making them more angry because they think something is going to change and it doesn’t. I am incredibly frustrated, and I don’t want to get her in trouble, but this is driving everybody crazy. I also don’t want her to think that I am bullying her, trying to tell her how to do her job, or—God forbid—trying to take her job. So, how do I approach her? Stuck in the Middle with Lou Approach her in private and ask her for a meeting. Next, sit down and write out a list of the specific issues that have not been solved or have been exacerbated by her waffling.

Have examples and have ideas about how to change the situations. Talk about this in a “How can I help you fix this?” kind of way, rather than a “This is how you’re ruining everything” way. Tell her that she’s in charge, that she has an important job to do, that there are good reasons why things are the way they are, and that it’s more effective to just be honest and communicate with her employees rather than trying to pacify them. Tell her you’ll back her up. Make her understand that you know how hard her job is, but that you are there to help her in any way you can. If that fails, you are, unfortunately, going to have to go to her boss. Ultimately, this isn’t your responsibility, but it is nice that you are trying to help. Just hope they don’t choose to shoot the messenger. My fiancé and I have a three-year-old. He is a great dad, and I really love him. He is adorable and funny and thoughtful, and mostly things between us are good. The problem is that he was raised in a house where the man comes home from work, maybe takes the trash out, and cuts the lawn or shovels the driveway or whatever. Other than that, he doesn’t take responsibility for much of anything. I plan and cook meals, I do the shopping, I get our daughter ready for daycare, ready for bed, etc. I do the dishes and the laundry, clean the bathroom, etc. We talk about it over and over, and he just doesn’t get it. The thing is, I work more than he does (full-time plus), and I am about to lose my shit if I come home late one more time and find that the house is a wreck and he has no idea what he wants for dinner and the kid hasn’t eaten yet. I really want this to be a good and healthy marriage, but I feel like he doesn’t get it and he’s not working with me. What can I do? No Mr. Mom Well, NMM, I would start by telling you not to have a kid with the guy, but since it’s too late for that, let’s move forward. You say you have talked about it before. What was his response? Has he changed anything? Is he even trying? Make a list of the things that need doing around your house. Go all spreadsheet on his ass. There are things that need doing daily, weekly, etc. Divide up the responsibilities between you and tell him that he has to start doing his share. Either that or he should get another job so he can pay for a cleaning service. If he doesn’t, then tell him you don’t want to marry him. You signed up for one kid, not two. This is not going to get any better if you keep letting it go.

This is What Happened Next...

nic sheff’s

The follow up to New York Times bestselling memoir, TWEAK: Growing Up on Methamphetamines

Jyl Inov Got a question for Jyl? Submit your anonymous query via the Reality Check button at www.flagpole.com.





Buy It, Sell It, Rent It, Use It! Place an ad anytime at flagpole.com  Indicates images available at flagpole.com 1 B R a pa r t m e n t f o r $ 475/ mo. 2BR apartment starting at $700/mo. 3BR apartment starting at $1000/mo. All close to campus! Howard Properties (706) 5460300.

Real Estate Apartments for Rent “$150 Deposit!?” Yup. 2BR/2BA w/ deck/balcony near Dwntn. $675/mo., W/D, HVAC, DW, sec. sys., newly-insulated, ceiling fans, hands-off mgmt, quiet. Complex & plenty of parking. Pets OK. Berlin St. 30601. Katherine, (770) 468-8939.

1 B R s $ 4 9 5 , 2 B R s $ 545 & 3 B R a p a r t m e n t s $ 6 95! 1 s t m o . f re e f o r 2 & 3 B Rs ! P re - l e a s i n g f o r s u m m e r & fall. Come check out our open house from April 1st to 15th! Specials & giveaways! On bus line, pet friendly! (706) 5496 2 5 4 . R e s t r i c t i o n s a pply.

$460/mo. 1 extra lg. BR, walk–in closet, lg. LR, on–site laundry facilities, 650 sq. ft. 18–unit complex off Milledge. Avail. March. (706) 764-6854, Lease Athens, LLC. 1BR/1BA. All electric. Nice apartment. Water provided. On busline. Single pref’d. Available now! (706) 543-4271.

2BR/2BA Dwntn! L R , k i t c h e n w / D W, W/D, lg. BRs & closets, patio. $675/ mo. (706) 546-6900, valerioproperties. com.

1BR/1BA in the Boulevard n’hood & overlooking Dwntn., freshly renovated, all electric, great places to live. $490$ 6 9 5 / m o . w w w. b o u l e v a rd propertymanagement.com or call (706) 548-9797.

2BR/1BA apts. Great in–town n’hood. Walk everywhere. Water & garbage paid. $655– $ 7 9 5 / m o . w w w. b o u l e v a r d p ro p e r t y m a n a g e m e n t . c o m o r c a l l ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 8 - 9 7 9 7.

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2BR/2BA at The Lodge. Kitchen, LR,screened-in porch. $800/mo. + utils. Internet incl. Avail. now or Fall! Call Alice (404) 3760987. 2BR/2BA luxury flat, avail. 8/1 at Brookewood Mill. Sophisticated, private, beautiful pool, woodland creek. Near UGA/town. Pets fine. $900/mo. (706) 714-7600, madelinevandyck@gmail.com. 3BR/3BA luxury townhouse avail. 8/1 at The Woodlands. Student mecca. Beautiful clubhouse, sportsplex. Near UGA & Dwntn. Pets fine. Great landlady! $1350/mo. Call (706) 714-7600, madelinevandyck@ gmail.com. 4BR loft 2 blocks from Milledge, avail. 8/1! 2nd story of commercial bldg., 999 Baxter St., huge den, custom kitchen & BAs, huge closets, $1600/ mo. No dogs, cats OK. Chris: chris@petersonproperties.org, (706) 202-5156. Available now. Barnett Ridge, 2BR/2BA flats. Eastside. $625/mo. Lots of room for the price. W/D, DW incl. www. joinermanagement.com, text “barnett” to 41513, Joiner Management, (706) 353-6868.



2br/2.5ba Townhouse located off Milledge!



Has washer & dryer.

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Avail. now & pre-leasing for Fall! Total electric. Eastside. Must see. 5BR/3BA townhouse. Trash & lawn paid for. Modern/ huge rooms. Approx. 2800 sf. $995/mo. (706) 6210077. Advertise your real estate w/ Flagpole Classifieds! Special business rates and bulk ad discounts! 5 ads/wk. for $50, 10 ads/wk. for $90. class@flagpole. com, (706) 549-0301. ARMC/Nor maltown Area. Only $400/mo.! Just $99 deposit! 1BR/1BA. Next door to hospital & Navy School. 1 mi. to Dwntn. Avail. immediately or pre–lease for Fall. (706) 788-2152 or email thomas2785@aol.com. Baldwin Village, across street from UGA. Free parking, laundr y on premises, on-call maintenance, on-site mgr. Microwave & DW. HWflrs. 1, 2, 3BRs. $500 to $1200/ mo. Contact (706) 3544261. Dwntn., 1BR/1BA flat, $465/mo. Units avail. for immediate move-in & pre-leasing for Aug. 2011. Water, gas, trash pick-up incl. On-site laundry. Joiner Management, (706) 3536868.


Scarborough Place

345 Research Dr. 2 & 3 bedroom apartments with a sunroom. $750-2 bedrooms / $1000-3 bedrooms. Spacious washer/dryer, walk-in closets, pool and on-site security. Pre-leasing for Fall!





2br/1ba with hardwood floors located extremely close to campus! $595/month. Rent includes water, garbage & pest control.

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001




1br/1ba with hardwood floors located off Milledge. $520/month. Rent includes water, garbage & pest control.

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Downtown. University Tower, across from N. campus, corner of Lumpkin & Broad. Lg. 1BR/1BA, LR, kitchen. Avail. June 1, 2011. $750/mo. Call (706) 255-3743.

Ve r y n i c e 2 B R s D w n t n . , across from campus. W/D incl. Avail. for Fall. Call (404) 557-5203.

Free rent 1st month! No pet fee! 2BR/2BA apartments close to Dwntn., 3BR/2BA duplexes in wooded n’hood avail. W/D, DW in all units. Easy access to loop. (706) 548-2522. www. dovetailmanagement.com. G re a t E a s t s i d e l o c a t i o n . Large 1BR unit w/ kitchen, LR, BR & full BA. $405/mo. valerioproper ties.com, (706) 546-6900. Huge studio apartment. 1100 sf. open space apartment w/ 14 ft. ceilings. Zoned business or residential, tons of possibilities. A steal at $400. Dwntn. Comer, (706) 6146126. Loft, 640 sf. Chase Park artist complex. Granite, ceiling fans, washer, storage. Nice! Nathan (478) 290-6283, (478) 274-8141. Was $600, now $549. Pictures on Facebook “Bracewell Lofts.” Studios, 1 & 2BR apts. All electric, utils. incl. on some. Carports, close to 5 Pts. Pet friendly. Rent ranging from $450–$550/mo. (706) 4240770. R e d u c e d re n t ! $ 6 0 0 / m o . 1BR/1BA, LR, study, modern kitchen, pool, gym, gated, ground floor cor ner unit. Stadium Village close to UGA. Ideal for single/couple. Rob, (706) 338-4984, wimberlyme@ bellsouth.net.


2br/2ba located in 5 Points! PRE775/month. Has washer & dryer. LEASING Rent includes water, garbage FOR FALL! & pest control.

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001



Select Properties are

Apartments, Condos, Duplexes, Townhouses and Houses to Choose From C. Hamilton & Associates, Inc.

To w n h o u s e s , 2 B R / 1 . 5 B A , fenced yd., W/D connections, patio or deck. 812 College Ave., $595/mo. or 892 College Ave., $650/mo. Call (404) 255-8915.

Westside condos, 2BR/2BA, $550/mo. Eastside quadraplex, 2BR/2BA, $500/ mo. & 2BR/1BA, $475/mo. Eastside duplex, 2BR/1BA & FP, $475/mo. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 353-2700 or cell (706) 540-1529.

Commercial Property

1400 sf. Beautiful space near Dwntn. Originally Cantrell’s Grocery, this turn of the century building has high ceilings & lg. windows. Near the Leathers Building & the Railroad Arts District but w/ very high traffic volume & visibility. Excellent space for law office, architect, professional or production. Zoned E-I. Add’l 1200 sf. avail. (706) 614-3557. Athens executive suites. Offices available in historic Dwntn. bldg. w/ on–site parking. All utils., internet & janitorial incl. Single or multiple offices avail. Call Stacy, (706) 425-4048 or (706) 296-1863. Downtown business space w/ 2 covered parking spots in Game Day Condos. 250 W Broad St #108, zoned C-D, across from UGA. Asking $239K. Call Jim Paine, (706) 372-7300. Eastside offices. 1060 Gaines School Rd. Rent 1200 sf. $1200/mo., 750 sf. $900/ mo., 450 sf. $600/mo. & 150 sf. $300/mo. (706) 546-1615 or athenstownproperties.com.



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Downtown loft apartment. 144 E. Clayton St. 2BR/1 lg. BA, exposed brick wall in LR, avail. immediately. Won’t last! Call Staci, (706) 296-1863 or (706) 425-4048.

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Retail, bar, or restaurant for lease at Homewood Shopping C e n t e r. 3 0 0 0 s q . f t . C a l l Bryan Austin at (706) 3531039. Wa r e h o u s e / o f f i c e / s t u d i o . Fenced yd., A/C, great light, roll-up door, view of river, perfect for service industry. Rent 25% to 100% of 3500 sf. bldg. $200-1250/mo. Cole, (706) 202-2733.

Condos for Rent 2BR/2.5BA, 2-story townhome. HWflrs. Private deck, wooded area. Quiet secluded location close to busline. N/S. Small pets ok. $850/mo. Call (706) 6141389. 2BR/2.5BA townhome less than 1 mile to campus. $650/mo. W/D downstairs. Pool on site. Avail. Aug. 1. Pets OK w/ fee. (706) 2074953. 2BR/2B condo w/ bonus room/office. 1 block from campus. All appls incl. W/D. Pet friendly. Avail. 8/1. $800/mo. (478) 6091303. 2BR/2BA condo at 2165 Milledge Ave. Granite, tile, new fridge & range, new flrs. Pics at http:// milledgeplaceapt.blogspot. com/. On bus line, convenient to UGA. $780/ mo. Michael, (404) 5142575. 3BR/3BA townhouse for rent in the Woodlands. $460/ mo. per r m. Incl. utils. All rooms avail. LR & kitchen f u r n i s h e d . Av a i l . A u g . 1 . (404) 314-9318.

Condos For Sale Downtown. University Tower on Broad across from N. Campus. Lg. 1BR/1BA, $84,500. Agents welcome 3%. Call (706) 2553743.

Duplexes For Rent 2BR/1BA. Eastside. W/D, fireplace, new carpet, ever ything nice! $500/mo. + utils. & dep. Avail. now! Call Mike (706) 540-7574. 5 Pts. duplex. 2BR/1BA, W / D i n c l . , C H A C , f re s h & clean. Across the street from Memorial Park. $600/ mo. Call (706) 202-9805. Amazing 1BR/1BA duplex .5 mile from campus. HWflrs. W/D, high ceilings, fenced back yd., pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $575/ mo. Call (706) 369-2908. Brick duplex, 2BR/2BA, very clean, all extras. Just 2 mi. to campus on north side Athens. Grad students, professionals welcome, pets OK. Call S haro n a t ( 7 0 6 ) 2 0 1 - 9 0 9 3 or email moss.proper ties@ yahoo.com for photos. East Athens. Great 2BR/1BA duplex. On city busline. Fresh paint, W/D, DW, range, fridge, trash & yd. service incl. Pets OK. Avail. now! $550/mo. Call Mike (877) 740-1514 toll free.

Houses for Rent $550/mo. 505 Willow St. House blocks from UGA & Dwntn. Athens. 2BR/1BA. Lg. utility room, W/D. Front porch. Avail. 6/1. Owner/Agent, Robin, (770) 265-6509. $900/mo. Blocks from UGA & Dwntn. Athens. 3BR/1BA, CHAC, totally remodeled, tall ceilings, HWflrs., tile, W/D, front porch. 500 Willow St. Avail. now. Owner/Agent, Robin, (770) 265-6509. $600/mo. 3BR/1BA. 121 E . C a r v e r D r. F e n c e d – i n yd. Tile & HWflrs. CHAC, W / D h o o k u p s , D W. P e t s welcome. Avail. now! (706) 614-8335. $1200/mo. 4BR/2BA, avail. May 1. Tim Lane, Winterville. Minutes from Eastside. Newer home on 1.5 acres, wooded cul-de-sac lot, FP, HWflrs., high ceilings, lg. rooms, open kitchen & LR, tile BAs, nice back deck, house-trained pet friendly. Call Re/Max Realtor Helen Martin at (706) 5402010. 2BR/1BA, 340 Ruth St. Cool old house w/ HWflrs., all appls, pet-friendly, $800/mo., avail. 8/1. (706) 713-0626, www. newagepropertiesathens. com. 2BR/1BA 5 Pts. HW & tile flrs., LR, kitchen, spacious BRs w/ good closets, W/D incl., quiet area on Highland Ave. $695/mo. (706) 5466900, valerioproperties. com. 2BR/2BA Lyndon Ave.! FP, HWflrs., high ceilings, lg. rooms, open kitchen & LR, tile BAs, nice back deck, blocks from Dwntn! $1060/mo. (706) 546-6900, valerioproperties.com. 2BR/1BA close to Dwntn./ UGA. HWflrs., sunny, CHAC, W/D, sec. sys., fenced yd. Great for pets. 236 N. Peter. $650/mo. Avail. 8/1. Rose (706) 540-5979. 2BR/1.5BA w/ office/guest room. In quadraplex 2 blocks from campus. 5 Pts. area. W/D, CHAC, nice patio. Very cool layout. $900/ mo. Avail. 8/1. Pets ok. Call (706) 369-2908. 2 B R / 1 B A , W o o d y D r. $680/mo. Great duplex beautifully renovated, al l el e ct r i c, H W f l r s . , n i c e q u i e t s t re e t . b o u l e v a r d p ro p e r t y m a n a g e m e n t . com or (706) 548-9797. 2BR/1BA, 2795 Danielsville Rd. 5 mi. nor th of Dwntn. Fenced yd., good closet space, W/D avail., pets OK! $535/mo. + dep. Avail. now. (706) 424-1571.

2 & 3BR super nice houses in the Boulevard n’hood. Walk to town & campus. 535 and 545 Satula, 255 Boulevard Heights, 135 Glencrest. www.boulevard propertymanagement.com or call (706) 548-9797. 2BR/2BA. 1.5 mi. from UGA. Kitchen, DR, LR, laundry rm., fenced back yd., deck, W/D, fridge. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $800/mo. (706) 342-2788. 3BR/2BA house in Normaltown. Fenced yd. Pets ok. $1000/mo. Call Ryan, (706) 254-7678. 4BR/4BA, $1800/mo. CHAC, all appls. incl., access to community pool & pool house, convenient to Dwntn. Athens, UGA campus, house is on busline. 2020 Lakeside Dr. Avail. 8/1/11. Call (706) 2079295. 4 B R / 4 B A . N e w, D w n t n . 1 m i . f ro m A rc h . S t a i n l e s s , HWflrs., tile, covered porches. Choose from multiple homes. W/D incl. Avail. Fall. $1900/mo. Aaron (706) 207-2957. 4BR/4BA houses! Great Dwntn. location! Lg. BRs, tile, HWflrs., $1800/mo., avail. 8/1. www.newage proper tiesathens.com, (706) 713-0626. 4BR/3BA historic home approx. 2 miles to campus/ Dwntn., HWflrs, new kitchen & BAs, $2000/mo. Call Va l e r i o , ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 6 - 6 9 0 0 , valerioproperties.com. 4BRs, 5 Pts. Fall lease. Approved for 4 unrelated. $1640/mo. See at bondrealestate.org. Owner/ broker Herbert Bond Realty & Investment. (706) 2248002.

6BR/3.5BA off Prince Ave. on King Ave. Avail. 8/1, fully renovated, 2 custom kitchens w/ granite, custom BAs, 2 dens, huge yd.! $2700/mo., no dogs, cats OK. Chris: chris@petersonproper ties. org, (706) 202-5156. Adorable 2BR/1BA in-town property. HVAC, remodeled, new roof/installation, pets welcome, fenced-in yd., 190 Indale St. Avail. now! $650/ mo. Call (706) 714-4603. Boulevard n’hood. 3BR/2BA, newish house w/ HWflrs., modern kitchen, CHAC. Avail. now! (706) 543-6368. Beautiful 3BR/2BA brick house in quiet, well established n’hood near Georgia Square Mall. New carpets, brand new tile in BAs. Lg. corner lot w/ lots of old oak trees. New back deck for grilling & relaxing. $925/mo. No pets. Security dep. required. Call (706) 5463314. Beautiful country home! 2BR/2BA on 22 acres. Trails, creek, fish pond. Ar tist designed sunny house. CHAC, W/D, free well water. Neighbors organic farm. Pets welcome. Avail. 8/1. $690/mo. Call Rose (706) 540-5979. Eastside 2BR/1BA split level. Lg. LR splits BRs. Lg. kitchen. Private drive. Big back yd. Storage bldg. Appls. incl. $625/mo. + dep. Pet negotiable. (706) 2487338. I heart Flagpole Classifieds!

5 Pts. area, $1500/ mo. 3BR/2BA cottagestyle house w/ HWflrs. throughout. LR, DR, kitchen. W/D incl. Avail. Aug. Call (706) 355-9961.

Milledge/Springdale area. Pre-leasing for August. 2BR/1BA renovated home built in 1913. All new heat pump, k i t c h e n , m e t a l ro o f & off-street parking w/ double carport. All appls provided incl. W/D. $825/ mo. Bob, (706) 215-6848. GAREL#269394.

5BR/2.5BA house w/ huge yd. on Milledge. Lg. BRs, 2 min. f ro m c a m p u s ! $ 1 8 0 0 / m o . $1000 off Aug. rent w/ signed lease. Call (706) 936-6598 or athensarearentals@gmail.com.

New 5BR/3BA house off S. Milledge. On bus line, front porch, back deck, ample parking. $450/rm. Avail. Aug. 1. (770) 356-1274 or col30044@ yahoo.com.

P re - l e a s i n g f o r J u l y / August. 3BR/2BA i n g re a t n ’ h o o d . C l o s e t o Medical School campus/ Normaltown. HW/tile flrs. Fresh paint inside/outside. Huge landscaped/fenced yd. All new appls. Must-see! $795/mo. Call Helen, (706) 540-2010. Students welcome. Cor ner of Madison Heights/North Ave. 4BR/4BA. HW/tile flrs. All appls. 5 min. walk to Dwntn, on busline. $425/ BR + one mo.’s rent dep. Lynette, (706) 202-4648. Students welcome. North Ave. 5BR/4BA. 4 car garage, 5 min. walk to Dwntn., on bus line. All appls. HWflrs. $450/BR. Call Lynette, (706) 202-4648. Summer lease available! Brand new house in Dwntn. area. $495/BR, utils. & internet incl. (706) 2969546, www.cityblockonline. com.

Houses for Sale 3BR/2BA, Athens. $125,000. Single-level, 1564 sqft. Gorgeous hardwood floors t h ro u g h o u t . Z o n e d h e a t , combo kitchen/dining, carport, laundry, attic storage, crawlspace, appliances. Open house info/photos: www.jones. centerpath.net. Listing: www. sellectrealtyofgeorgia.com, (678) 694-7937. Artist inspired 3BR/2BA home w / w r a p - a ro u n d p o rc h & studio on Dearing St. just off of Milledge. $439,900. Call Reign at Coldwell Banker Upchurch Realty, (706) 372-4166.

Awesome in-town 2BR/1BA. Fenced back yd. w/ cool deck in historic Cobbham. Between Milledge & King. $150,000. Call Reign at Coldwell Banker Upchurch Realty, (706) 372-4166. Charming, classic, updated cottage in Normaltown. 2BR/2BA w/ sunroom. $188,000, 248 Georgia Ave. Antique heart pine, high ceilings. (706) 850-1175 or (678) 358-5181. By appt. only.

Land for Sale Own 20 acres. Only $129/ mo. $13,900. Near growing El Paso, TX (safest city in America!). Low down, n o c re d i t c h e c k s , o w n e r financing. Free map/pictures ( 8 0 0 ) 7 5 5 - 8 9 5 3 . w w w. sunsetranches.com (AAN CAN).

Open House

$99,500, 3BR/2BA, excellent condition. S u n . 2 p . m . – 4 p . m . F P, beautiful yd., garden space, shop, near Sandy C r e e k , 1 5 0 R o c k y D r. Athenstown Properties, (706) 546-1615.

Parking & Storage UGA parking spaces. Across the street from campus, law & l i b r a r y. $ 3 0 / m o . 6 m o . minimum. Contact Susan, (706) 3544261. ➤ continued on next page

Prelease Now for Fall

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Pre-Leasing 1BR/1BA, LynnRock Apts. $ 4 9 0 / m o . w / D W, w a t e r incl. Blocks from campus off Baxter St. Joiner Management, (706) 353-6868, or text “lynnrock” to 41513. www.joinermanagement.com. 1, 2, 3 & 4BR houses & apartments, avail. Fall, historic Boulevard n’hood. (706) 54 8-9 7 9 7 , www.b o u l e v ard propertymanagement.com. 1BR/1BA Hillside Apt. $475/ mo. $550/mo. w/ W/D. Water incl. Blocks from campus. Joiner Management: (706) 353-6868, or text “ hi l l s i d e ” t o 4 1 5 1 3 . w w w. joinermanagement.com. 2BR/1BA 5 Pts. HW & tile flrs., LR, kitchen, spacious BRs w/ good closets, W/D incl., quiet area on Highland Ave. $695/mo. (706) 5466900, valerioproperties. com. 2BR/2BA. BRs w/ full priv. BA. Walk–in closets. W/D hookups. Rent star ting at $ 5 2 5 / m o . Wa t e r & t r a s h incl. Small pets allowed. (706) 245-8435 or cell (706) 4 9 8 - 6 0 1 3 o r g o t o w w w. hendrixapartments.com. 2BR/2BA on College Station. H u g e a p t . , F P, d e c k , l o t s o f c l o s e t s , D W, W/D, CHAC. Avail. 8/1. Pre– leasing. Pets OK. $575/mo. (706) 369-2908. 2BR/2BA flats & town homes. Patriot Park, $625 w/ W/D, D W, q u i e t , s m a l l 7 u n i t bldg. Joiner Management, (706) 353-6868 or text “ p a t r i o t ” t o 4 1 5 1 3 . w w w. joinermanagement.com. 2BR/2.5BA townhome, Cedar Bluff, Eastside. $670/mo. w/ W/D, DW, lg. rooms. www. joinermanagement.com, text “cedar” to 41513, Joiner Management, (706) 3536868. Arbor Creek: 1 & 2 BRs, $520 to $655/mo. W/D, DW, pool. www.joinermanagement.com, text “arbor” to 41513, Joiner Management, (706) 3536868. Adorable 3BR/2BA, close to campus. New master BA w/ double sink. HWflrs., fenced back yd. W/D, DW, CHAC. Avail. 8/1. $1200/mo. (706) 369-2908. Adver tise your real estate w/ Flagpole Classifieds! Special b u si n e s s r a t e s a n d bulk ad discounts! 5 ads/wk. for $50, 10 ads/wk. for $90. class@flagpole.com, (706) 549-0301. Dearing Garden, 1 & 2BR flats. $550 to $650/ m o . W / D , D W. B l o c k from campus off Baxter St. Joiner Management, (706) 850-7727, text “dearing” to 41513. www. joinermanagement.com. New granite countertops and ceramic tile floors! S. Milledge Ave. Hunter’s Run. 2BR/2BA, $700. 3BR/2BA, $800. 4BR/4BA, $1100. W/D, sec. sys., pets welcome. hancockproper tiesinc. com, (706) 552-3500.


Pre-leasing for Fall. 1, 2 & 3BR houses. Close to campus & Dwntn. Call (706) 255-0066. R o y a l O a k s To w n h o m e s . 2BR/2BA, $685/mo., W/D incl., pool & volleyball. Joiner Management: (706) 353-6868, www.joinermanagement.com, or text “royal” to 41513. Shoal Creek: 1 & 2 BRs, $575 to $675. W/D, DW, ice-maker, pool. www.joinermanagement.com, text “shoalcreek” to 41513, or call Joiner Management, (706) 850-7727. Stonecrest, 2 & 3 BRs, $800 t o $ 1 0 5 0 / m o . W / D , D W, m i c r o w a v e , p o o l . w w w. joinermanagement.com, text “stonecrest” to 41513, or call Joiner Management, (706) 8507727.

Rooms for Rent $450/mo. + 1/2 util. Room in 3BR/2BA home 5 min. to campus. Barnett Shoals/ College Station. Prefer grad student/young professional. Dog OK. W/D, HVAC. Call (864) 650-2375. $300/mo. + 1/3 util. for room in 3BR/2BA home 10 min. from Dwntn., the mall, campus. High speed internet, DISH network w/ starz & sports pkg., W/D, HVAC. Call (706) 201-3878.

.5 m i . t o D w n t n . / campus/Greenway. 1BR in 2BR/2BA house. Private BA, W/D, shared office, wi-fi. Grad student pref ’d. N/S. Avail. 8/1. $505/mo., incl. utils. Tony, (478) 397-4696. Av a i l . i m m e d i a t e l y ! R o o m in 3BR/1BA house. $300/ mo. + utils. 1 mi. from Dwntn. HWflrs., CHAC, W/D, covered porch, lg. closets, built-in bookcases. Call (706) 224-2472. Huge room for rent w/ private entry. $450/mo. Pay weekly or monthly. W/D, utils. incl. Bigger than master BR. (678) 698-4260. Mature student to share luxury condo at The Woodlands. Avail. 8/1. Beautiful grounds, sports mecca, pets fine. C o n s c i e n t i o u s l a n d l a d y. $450/mo. (706) 714-7600, madelinevandyck@gmail. com.

For Sale Antiques Antiques & jewels sale! A n t i q u e f u r n i t u re , e s t a t e jewelr y, fine oil paintings, Persian rugs, silver, china, stained glass & more. Open 12-5 daily except Sun. & Mon. by chance or appt. (706) 3403717. 290 N. Milledge Ave. Athens. Antiques-jewels.com.

Businesses Exhausted bar owner looking to sell a great bar. Call (706) 207-0086.

Furniture All new queen pillow-top mattress set from $139. Sofa & love-seat, $549. 5-piece bedroom set, $399. (706) 6128004.


Better than Ebay! Sell your goods locally w/ out shipping fees! Place your ads in F l a g p o l e Classifieds. Awesome run–till–sold rate! 12 wks. only the price of 4! Go to www.flagpole.com or call (706) 549-0301. Go to Agora! Cool & a ff o rd a b l e ! Yo u r f a v o r i t e everything store! Specializing in retro goods, antiques, furniture, clothes, records & players plus more! 260 W. Clayton St., (706) 316-0130.

Music Announcements I want to buy a used bass & amp. Call Doug, (706) 6142077.

Health Pregnant? Considering adoption? Talk w/ caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers w/ families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. (866) 413-6293 (AAN CAN).

Pawn Need cash, get it here. Top dollar for scrap gold, firearms, & other items. GA Dawg Pawn, (706) 353-0799. 4390B Atlanta Hwy, across from Sam’s Club.

Psychics Spiritualist & love advisor Maria. Reunites lovers, helps in any life matter. Spiritual healer & aura cleanser. Removes negative influences. Free sample reading, (678) 934-2604.



Go to www.flagpole. com to place your Classified Ad today!


Instruction Athens School of Music. Instruction in guitar, bass, drums, piano, voice, brass, woodwinds, strings, banjo, mandolin, fiddle & more. From beginner to expert. Instrument re p a i r s a v a i l . Vi s i t w w w. AthensSchoolofMusic.com, (706) 543-5800.

Music Services Athens’ best old school band. For weddings, reunions, frat. parties, etc. Playing classic mo-town, R & B, soul, & beach music. Call (706) 612-8842 or www.classiccitysoul. com. Fret Shop. Professional guitar repairs & modifications, setups, electronics, precision fretwork. Previous clients incl. R.E.M., Widespread Panic, Cracker, Bob Mould, John Berry, Abbey Road Live!, Squat. (706) 5491567. Wedding bands. Quality, professional bands. Weddings, parties. Rock, jazz, etc. Call Classic City Entertainment. ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 9 - 1 5 6 7 . w w w. classiccityentertainment.com. Featuring The Magictones Athens’ premiere wedding & p a r t y b a n d . w w w. themagictones.com.

Studios SmallHouseCreative. Seriously high-end analog gear! Seriously affordable! Mix, master & track in P r o To o l s H D 2 A c c e l based recording studio on Athens’ Eastside. Feel the l o v e ! w w w. ro o m f i f t y t h re e . com.

Services Cleaning How great would it be to have someone clean your home who actually cares about it? I clean green, I am child & pet friendly & care about your special needs. Phone or text (706) 851-9087. Email Nick@goodworld.biz.

Stuck in a lease you're trying to end? Sublease your house or apartment w/ Flagpole Classifieds! Visit flagpole.com or call (706) 549-0301. UberPrints is hiring! We’re looking for people to join our production department. Positions are FT. To apply, email your resume to productionjobs@ uberprints.com.

Opportunities A bl e to travel . Hi ri ng 10 people, free to travel all states, resort areas. No experience necessary. Paid training & transportation. Over 18. Start ASAP. (970) 773-3165 (AAN CAN). Help wanted. Extra income! Assembling CD cases from home! No experience necessary! Call our live operators now! (800) 4057 6 1 9 , e x t . 2 4 5 0 . w w w. easywork-greatpay.com (AAN CAN).

Beverage Control, Inc. is looking to hire a route sales/ service tech to run local route. We are also looking for an installer/service tech to install beverage equipment into any new and/or existing accounts. A clean 3 yr. MVR is required. Knowledge of the Athens & outlying area is a plus. CDL is not required. Willing to accept & seek out new responsibilities. Medical, dental & 401K offered. To apply please visit our website www.beveragecontrol. net to download application & fax it along with MVR to Kelly at (770) 934-4690. Please no phone calls.

High school diploma! Graduate in just 4 wks.! Free brochure. Call now! (800) 532-6546, ext. 97. www.continentalacademy. com (AAN CAN).

C a l l c e n t e r re p re s e n t a t i v e . Join established Athens company calling CEO’s & CFO’s of major corporations generating sales leads for technology companies. $9/hr. BOS Staffing, www. bostemps.com, (706) 3533030.

Wanted: little person. Aeternus Productions seeks a little person for a short, volunteer, non-speaking role in student film titled Wanderer. Contact: Matt, m2find@yahoo.com

H a i r s t y l i s t / D e s i g n e r. Are you a talented hairstylist/ designer looking for a friendly, professional, laid–back studio space? Strand has an opening for a self-motivated designer. We offer rent control, no contract, in a friendly, established, high traffic studio in 5 Pts. Contact Michael at (706) 549-8074. All inquiries confidential. Local t-shirt printer seeking FT graphic artist. Must have exp. in Mac Illustrator & Photoshop. Please contact info@ rubysuegraphics.com. Massage Therapist. Opening for Urban Sanctuary Day Spa. FT position avail. for licensed massage therapist. Wonderful career opportunity. Pls. apply in person. (706) 6133947. Republic Salon seeks FT front desk extraordinaire. Ideal candidate has upscale front desk experience, is client service oriented, a people person, friendly & outgoing. Drop off resume at 312 E Broad Street, 3rd floor (entrance on Jackson St.). No calls, please. For more regarding our award-winning salon, www. republicsalon.com.

Mystery shoppers earn up t o $ 1 0 0 / d a y. U n d e rc o v e r shoppers needed to judge retail & dining establishments. No exp. req’d. (800) 7438535. Paid in advance! Make $1000/ wk. mailing brochures from home! Guar. income! Free supplies! No experience required. Start immediately! www.homemailerprogram.net (AAN CAN).

Part-time Project Safe, a progressive non-profit organization, is seeking a PT (up to 20 hrs./wk.) sales associate f o r P. S . To o , a n e a s t s i d e re-sale boutique. Applicants should have some flexibility in scheduling & be avail. t o w o r k s o m e S a t u rd a y s . To apply send cover letter & resume to: Associate D i re c t o r, P. O . B o x 7 5 3 2 , Athens, GA 30604. No phone calls please.

Vehicles Autos 1992 Mark III edition C h e v y Va n . 1 1 9 , 5 0 0 miles. Extended roof. New transmission, brakes, radiator, water pump, front tires & recent tune-up. $2600. (706) 589-5568. F l a g p o l e subscriptions! Delivered straight to the mailbox! Perfect present for your buddy who moved out of town! $35 for 6 mo.s, $55 for 1 y r. ! C a l l ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 9 9523.

Notices Messages Rent your properties i n F l a g p o l e Classifieds! Call (706) 549-0301!

Thank you and your 1,700 friends for voting in Flagpole’s First Annual Athens Favorites Readers’ Poll.


At hens Favorites Look for the results in the

April 13th issue!

townieconomy AFM Aims to Step Up on EBTs Last summer, in the early weeks of a bountiful vegetable growing season, a young mother of three approached Jan Kozak’s tent on the Bishop Park basketball blacktop that’s home to the Athens Farmers Market. On the table in front of Kozak, the market manager, sat a mobile credit card reader that caught the eye of the young woman. She cupped a green plastic card in her hands, keeping it pressed close to her stomach in order to hide it from imagined snooping and judgmental eyes. When Kozak asked if he could help her, she flashed her Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card—the delivery tool for federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, which used to be known as food stamps—and swung her head left to right, afraid of being watched. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Kozak told the customer. “One in eight people are on food stamps right now,” he added, quoting a statistic that was true at the time, and hasn’t improved in the months since. Melissa Kozak

But that success, in a way, is bittersweet, Kozak says, because he doesn’t feel the program succeeded in reaching those who are truly poor. A team of UGA public health graduate students surveyed SNAP beneficiaries at the market last summer, and their data revealed that the market’s outreach efforts attracted a fairly narrow demographic: single, white mothers; a number of graduate students; and members of Athens’ creative community—artists and musicians, for example—who were faring poorly in the down economy. Not that those recipients weren’t needy, Kozak says; it’s just that the program didn’t convert many people. Instead, it reached a limited public already “open to the message of good food.” Kozak recalls one instance in which an EBT user boasted of how bountiful and salubrious a planned dinner party would be with the help of SNAP benefits. Obviously, contributing to an impressive soiree isn’t the program’s mission, Kozak says, so the market is pumping up its marketing efforts this year by posting handbills at DFACS and community centers, and, to the extent volunteer help will support the effort, by going door-to-door in low-income neighborhoods. Confident that the program’s success would continue, Kozak requested a larger grant from Wholesome Wave. At the time of this writing, the Athens Farmers Market has secured at least the same $10,000 awarded last year, but Kozak, who was recently named assistant program director of Wholesome Wave Georgia, is certain they’ll receive the $20,000 they’ve asked for. The next step is to localize the double-value program’s funding. Wholesome Wave is a Connecticut-based organization, and the funding derives largely from private donations, mostly families, and originates in the Northeast. Kozak says he believes there are people in Athens who can fill this role, Jan Kozak speaks to UGA student Sarah Wilson about the Athens Farmers Market’s EBT program. perhaps in $500 to $1,000 increments, and the farmers “I’m not one in eight,” she explained. “I want to be one in market will fundraise throughout 2011 in order to finance a million. I’m supposed to be a millionaire.” She forked over the program in 2012. The first pledge drive of the season, a her card; Kozak swiped it through his card reader bought with block party of sorts, is slated for Apr. 30—Twilight Criterion grant money awarded to the market by the Upper Ocmulgee weekend—at Farm 255. River Resource Conservation and Development Council Incentivising nutritious choices, as Kozak terms the pro(UORRCDC); she scooped up a stack of wooden coins—substigram’s underlying directive, is a “no-brainer” financial boon tutes for actual dollars at the market—and shyly went about for all parties involved: the customer carries home twice the her shopping. produce, the farmer harvests twice the cash. But in proving Last year, as unemployment climbed ever higher, the Athens the effectiveness of double-your-dollar programs, Wholesome Farmers Market started accepting SNAP benefits and partnered Wave’s ultimate goal is policy-driven: they want the governwith the Wholesome Wave Foundation to double the buying ment to think more deeply about food programs, Kozak says— power of those benefits—a collaboration that helped both about enticing EBT users towards healthier caloric choices and hard-working producer and cash-strapped consumer. When eventually writing a doubling strategy into a future Farm Bill, that young mother of three charged $20 on her EBT card, the legislation that regulates SNAP benefits. she received $40 in buying power from the various farmers’ While the market may not yet have tapped its intended booths. Wholesome Wave, a national nonprofit whose goal is target—intergenerational low-income Athenians—Kozak hopes to increase the accessibility and affordability of healthy foods that’s only because last year was year one. He admits that through such price-matching initiatives, extended the marquarry is quite difficult to reach, but nonetheless, by acceptket a $10,000 grant to augment SNAP benefit use, and that ing SNAP benefits, the Athens Farmers Market has put healthy, amount was expected to last two to three years. But customers locally grown food onto empty supper tables across the city, tore quickly through the grant, eventually swiping a total of including that of the aforementioned young mother who toted $13,000 in benefits (Wholesome Wave came through with the her three children booth to booth while filling her shopping extra $3,000), which translated into $26,000 in sales for the bags full of produce. farmers. All summer long, Saturday after Saturday, she returned to By the end of the season, the market had outperformed all Bishop Park to spend her SNAP allotment on nutritious food, other Georgia farmers markets in terms of recorded SNAP benno longer ashamed of that green, peach-emblazoned plastic efits, accounting for over 50 percent of Wholesome Wave’s con- EBT card. Within a few weeks of first reaping the double-yourtributions in the state and earning the Athens Farmers Market dollar benefits, she seemed to bounce towards Kozak’s tent. special recognition from the UORRCDC, the Lawrenceville-based She may have even cracked a smile. community organization that helped usher in the market’s EBT program. André Gallant townieconomy@flagpole.com

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