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FEBRUARY 29, 2012 · VOL. 26 · NO. 8 · FREE

Second Annual Flagpole Reader Picks! p. 10 Emergency Medical Service p. 8 · Art Notes p. 9 · California Guitar Trio p. 23 · Camp-In p. 26



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pub notes


Radio and a Roast

City Dope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Then There Were Two There were six veteran WUGA 91.7 FM staff members on board a year ago when the University of Georgia gave the station to Georgia Public Broadcasting as an incentive for GPB to take over the cash-hemorrhaging television station WNEG-TV. Four of those staff have jumped, fallen or were pushed overboard. The latest is David Ferguson, the familiar voice of evening classical music. Ferguson applied for the vacant position of program director at the station but he says his application was never acknowledged until the new director was announced at a staff meeting and Ferguson was told that the station manager “forgot” that he had applied. When asked about the lapse, Station Manager Jimmy Sanders said he can’t comment on a personnel matter. There is some feeling that Sanders, who inherited the radio station management along with his television management duties, has not shown much interest in WUGA, unlike former manager Steve Bell, who threw himself into the job and fought for the interests of the university against the attempted encroachments of GPB until that organization finally took over, and he was fired. Ferguson, happily, has landed on his feet. He had been blogging part-time for The Raw Story (www.rawstory.com), an online magazine, to supplement his income because of UGA pay freezes, and now he’ll be writing full-time for The Raw Story at a considerable pay raise with benefits, working from home. In regard to his leaving WUGA, Ferguson responded, “I’ll just say about the university what Winston Churchill said about Americans, that they ‘can always be counted on to do the right thing… after they have exhausted all other possibilities.’” Coincidentally, the man who has been hired as the new program director at WUGA, Hollis Monroe, is a highly regarded longtime aficionado of classical music who recently lost his job in Iowa public radio because of a consolidation of stations within that system.

Doc Well Done For their main fundraiser the Clarke County Democrats are roasting not corn nor a pig, but a corny pig in a poke: a former commissioner, a former mayor and a former Democrat all rolled into one: Chamber of Commerce President Doc Eldridge. Yes, even knowing what a tempting target he will make when confronted and surrounded by his former fellow Democrats, Doc is a good enough sport to stand before the slings and arrows of outrageous orators and take what they let fly. Here’s how Doc sees it in a recent email to supporters: “Well friends, I must have finally lost my mind. You see, I have agreed to allow myself to be roasted by the Clarke County Democratic Party. Now before you scream and put calls in to Rush and Hannity, you need to understand that a generous contribution will be made to the Athens Mentor Program, with whom we have been closely aligned for 25 years. “I had to think long and hard before saying yes, but I don’t plan on running for anything in the future, and I will get in the last word… At long last I will get to take a crack at the political party that could never decide if they liked me or not. They always thought I was a Republican in Democratic clothing, and now the Republicans think the opposite.” The roast is Thursday, March 8 and begins with a cocktail reception at 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Tate Student Center on campus. The cost is a Republican-sized $50, but you get dinner and a ringside seat at the festivities. Judge Lawton Stephens is Master of Ceremonies, and he’ll have enough quips, bon mots, one-liners, wisecracks and bad puns to make the show all by himself. But he’ll have plenty of help from Gwen O’Looney, former state Commissioner of Labor Michael Thurmond, Judge Patrick Haggard, radio-personalityplus Barbara Dooley, old friend Tom Hodgson, former state Democratic Party Chair Jane Kidd and me. Buy tickets online at www.clarkedemocrats.com or from Bill Horton at 706-548-5769 or bishopvill@aol.com. For Democrats and Republicans alike, this is too good an opportunity to miss. (If you know of an insult or anecdote concerning Doc that you want to be sure gets included, send it to me at the email address below. Doc will appreciate it.) Pete McCommons editor@flagpole.com

News & Features Athens News and Views

The Megabus shuttle will now get you to Atlanta and back, but it can’t transport the Dope from the hell that Athens politics have become.

Athens Rising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 What’s Up in New Development

Everybody says they want economic growth, but we need a more complex understanding of what that means.

Arts & Events Theatre Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 In Like an All-Star Cast of Lions

The Rose of Athens Theatre will present James and the Giant Peach.

Miscellany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Get Your Ath Together

The Videographer’s Hella-Big Show, submissions to Sprockets and more…

Music Grandchildren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 World Travel and Electronic Excursions

Songwriter Aleks Martray draws on a wealth of influences and memories.

Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven . . 26 Inaugural Camp-In

Three-day festival explores songwriting of “egalitarian misanthrope” David Lowery.

CITY DOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CITY PAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CAPITOL IMPACT. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ATHENS RISING . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SAFETY FIRST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ART NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ATHENS FAVORITES. . . . . . . . . 10 GRUB NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 MOVIE DOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 MOVIE PICK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 THEATRE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . 20 THREATS & PROMISES. . . . . . 21

CALIFORNIA GUITAR TRIO. . . . 23 RECORD REVIEWS . . . . . . . . . 24 GRANDCHILDREN. . . . . . . . . . 25 CAMP IN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 THE CALENDAR!. . . . . . . . . . . 27 BULLETIN BOARD. . . . . . . . . . 36 ART AROUND TOWN . . . . . . . . 37 COMICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 MISCELLANY. . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 CROSSWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 STEP SHOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

EDITOR & PUBLISHER Pete McCommons ADVERTISING DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Alicia Nickles PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Larry Tenner MANAGING EDITOR Christina Cotter ADVERTISING SALES Anita Aubrey, Melinda Edwards, Jessica Pritchard MUSIC EDITOR Michelle Gilzenrat CITY EDITOR Dave Marr CLASSIFIEDS, DISTRIBUTION & OFFICE MANAGER Jessica Smith ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER Sydney Slotkin AD DESIGNERS Kelly Ruberto, Cindy Jerrell CARTOONISTS Cameron Bogue, Lee Gatlin, Missy Kulik, Jeremy Long, David Mack, Clint McElroy ADOPT ME Special Agent Cindy Jerrell CONTRIBUTORS Caroline Barratt, Christopher Benton, Hillary Brown, Karen P. Chynoweth, Kevin Craig, Tom Crawford, Carrie Dagenhard, David Eduardo, David Fitzgerald, Chris Hassiotis, Derek Hill, Melissa Hovanes, John Huie, Gordon Lamb, T. Ballard Lesemann, Kristen Morales, Jodi Murphy, John G. Nettles, Jessica Smith, Jordan Stepp, Jeff Tobias, Drew Wheeler, Kevan Williams CIRCULATION Charles Greenleaf, Jesse Mangum, John Richardson, Will Donaldson WEB DESIGNER Kelly Ruberto CALENDAR Jessica Smith ADVERTISING INTERNS Fiona Nolan, Amy Chmielewski MUSIC INTERNS Carolyn Amanda Dickey, Jodi Murphy, Erinn Waldo COVER DESIGN by Cindy Jerrell featuring the 2012 Athens Favorites cover model and former pound puppy Gigi



STREET ADDRESS: 112 Foundry St., Athens, GA 30601 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1027, Athens, GA 30603 EDITORIAL: (706) 549-9523 · ADVERTISING: (706) 549-0301 · FAX: (706) 548-8981 ADVERTISING: ads@flagpole.com CALENDAR: calendar@flagpole.com COMICS: comics@flagpole.com EDITORIAL: editor@flagpole.com

LETTERS: letters@flagpole.com MUSIC: music@flagpole.com NEWS: news@flagpole.com WEBSITE: web@flagpole.com

Flagpole, Inc. publishes Flagpole Magazine weekly and distributes 14,500 copies free at over 275 locations around Athens, Georgia. Subscriptions cost $70 a year, $40 for six months. © 2012 Flagpole, Inc. All rights reserved.


Association of Alternative Newsweeklies



city dope

Thank You Athens for voting me a favorite local hero,

i am honored! 4


Going Soft: The Dope is really loving the line harping. Is this a real problem? Not for those of reasoning, first pitched by Charlie Maddox of us who actually go to the meetings. Even at the Feb. 7 Mayor and Commission meeting, the unruly outcry over the Selig development, that says Athens community members withwhich seems to have put you in this mood, out jobs should be thankful for the coming Jim, has consisted of fewer than 25 comopportunity to develop “soft skills” like ments, for and against, over three meetings, showing up for work on time and combing “wasting” a grand total of about one hour of one’s hair—an opportunity so rare and pre“everybody’s time.” Barely a handful of those cious that, it will surely be argued in the comments could fairly be called uninformed. weeks to come, we must grant major exempIf 10 people—experts and fools—line up to tions from our city’s meticulously and purcomment on this task force’s strategic plan posefully developed planning laws to embrace when it’s voted on in October, you can have a it. Mayor Nancy Denson tossed it out to a signed City Dope t-shirt. But in the meantime, crowd of UGA students last week, according to no one’s contributing more to an atmosphere a story in the Red and Black, at her “Nachos of antagonism and misinformation around here with Nancy” nosh, between bites of cheesy than you. chips from Willy’s Mexicana Grill. (How hard would it have been to choose one of the many While We’re on the Subject: If anybody out locally owned restaurants that sell nachos—or there is looking for some really well-reasoned, any food that begins with an “n”—and make non-contentious scrutiny of the Selig project, an easy point to all those impressionable check out the new “FAQs” page at www.proyoung Athens residents about how important tectdowntownathens.com. It’s a collection of that is?) And the line was thrown again by straightforward and unemotional responses to one of several discussion groups of ubiquitous pretty much every dig you’ve heard at people local players at a “public input session” for who aren’t comfortable just waving the develthe mayor’s new Economic Development Task opment through. Force—only this time with the novel observation that many of those intrepid souls seeking entry to the lower middle class would benefit greatly from the development of “smiling” skills… which of course, we infer, will be doled out in heaps at our downtown Walmart. Hear that, 40,000 Athens citizens living in poverty, including 38 percent of fami­ lies with children under five? Smile! The Megabus shuttle will begin thrice-daily commuter service between Athens and Atlanta Feb. 29, with some fares as low as $1 each way. It’s no Ya Can’t Win: The low train, but it’ll help for now—go to www.us.megabus.com and play around attendance by the public with the schedule. at large at the above-referenced meeting was fully unsurprising to the Athens Banner-Herald’s Now, if emotion and dramatic public disJim Thompson, but it did occasion the most plays of advocacy are what you’re into, there’s venomous of his recent series of rebukes a place for that, too. People for a Better to the hirsute hordes who dare to address the Athens, the group that has gathered more Mayor and Commission at their monthly voting than 18,700 online signatures to a petition sessions. “They’ll walk up to the microphone” against Selig’s 94,000-square-foot Walmart, after the task force has completed its work, is holding a “Rally for a Better Athens” this Thompson seethed, “and ramble on for their Saturday, Mar. 3 at 3 p.m. at City Hall. There’s three minutes about a plan they’ll know nothsomething hard to ignore about an arguing about, and will accomplish absolutely ment that’s backed up with a serious mass of nothing, except to impress themselves with humanity, so get on out there and let ‘em see their ‘stickin’ it to the man.’ Frankly, it’s time you. Check out the PFBA Facebook group for for the devotees of this ‘politics of the cool’ to more information. stop wasting everybody’s time.” Damn, Jim! So, let’s get this straight: this Last Things Last: Remember the speculation was a meeting for serious people with serious last week that our legislative delegation was ideas about what Athens needs to do to boost ready to waive its unanimity rule and drop its economy: things like “expand training a bill radically realigning ACC’s commission and infrastructure” and “make the permitting districts despite the lack of support for that process more business-friendly.” So, if some idea from Rep. Chuck Williams? Yeah, that of whomever it is you think are devoted to a happened. Senators Bill Cowsert and Frank “politics of the cool,” whatever that means, Ginn have put their names atop Senate Bill had shown up and written down some buzz494, which redraws the Athens map into 10 words and catchphrases, like “ombudsman” geographical districts instead of eight and and “soft skills,” for the Vinson Institute folks eliminates the two “superdistricts.” No map to pick up off the banquet tables, would they was available at press time, but it sounds like then be qualified to speak to the commission the Republicans and Keith Heard just went for three minutes without being called ass­ along with exactly what Doug McKillip holes in the daily paper? You promise? wanted. This is obviously a developing story; It’s hard to see why rambling comments by stay tuned for more next week. concerned citizens at commission meetings are deserving of such bitter and sustained Dave Marr news@flagpole.com

Adam E. Moreira

Athens News and Views

city pages Global Poverty Project Comes to UGA Library One of the most telling conclusions of the 2010 Census was the nation’s poverty rate. Now at 15.1 percent, the poverty rate is at its highest since 1993. And according to the data, Athens-Clarke County has the highest poverty rate of any county in a Census-defined metro area in the United States. Here in Athens, more than a third of residents live below the national poverty line. Poverty is no stranger to Athens, but there are many myths about poverty issues here that are circulating around the city. Just read the comments section at Online Athens for a host of misconceptions. But, the abundance of fallacies about poverty and aid is a problem across the United States. For instance, according to a study conducted by the WorldPublicOpinion.org and reported in the Washington Post, Americans, on average, think we spend 27 percent of our federal budget on foreign aid and believe 13 percent would be an appropriate amount to spend. The United States, in fact, spends less than 1 percent of its federal budget on foreign aid. The Global Poverty Project (GPP), an organization working to involve people across the country in the fight against extreme global poverty, has launched its 2012 U.S. tour, which began in New York City. Representatives will give an interactive presentation at 7 p.m. Feb. 29 in the UGA Main Library B-2 Auditorium. The goal of this presentation, entitled “1.4 Billion Reasons,” is to clear up misconceptions about extreme poverty. “There are lots of people talking about extreme poverty, but there isn’t a coherent narrative or conversation around how we can end it within our lifetime,” says Hugh Evans, CEO and co-founder of the Global Poverty Project. “I wanted to work with a team of experts around the world to create a groundbreaking presentation that communicates how we can actually end extreme poverty within our lifetime, in such a way that anyone can sit through this 90-minute presentation and be equally compelled and challenged, but also raise a debate.” “The best thing about the presentation is that it’s designed to be uplifting. You don’t

go to the presentation and feel depressed or upset or guilty. That’s not what it’s about,” says Danielle Goldschneider, director of communications for the tour, “It’s about showing the real opportunities that we have to end extreme poverty and the exciting solutions that people can engage in.” Attendees of the event will be encouraged to participate in the GPP’s “Live Below the Line” campaign, which challenges participants to live on $1.50 per day for food and drink for five days. “It’s an act of solidarity with the world’s poor,” says Goldschneider. “Basically, it functions like a marathon. Each day you do the campaign, you get someone to pledge a certain amount of money for that day.” Proceeds from the fundraising campaign go to partner charities like the United Nations Foundation and UNICEF. Melissa Hovanes

Some Panhandling Tied to Homelessness Despite complaints about panhandling by downtown merchants and visitors, most don’t bother to report it to the police, ACC Police Chief Jack Lumpkin says. Panhandling is not illegal; it is constitutionally protected free speech, ACC Attorney Bill Berryman told several county commissioners last week. “People can approach other people and ask them for money,” he said, but “aggressive” panhandling is illegal in Athens. If a panhandler continues to ask for money after once being refused, or acts threateningly or blocks someone’s way, then he is breaking the law. But even police stings rarely catch such aggressive panhandling, so the police must depend on victims to report it. And, very few do—perhaps because the police won’t issue a citation unless there is a witness who’s willing to testify. Last year, only about five citations were issued for aggressive panhandling. Out-of-town visitors won’t likely return to testify in a panhandling case, but if downtown employees were more willing to testify, it could help discourage the “10 or 15 people who are causing much of the problem,” Lumpkin said earlier. “If the downtown business owners—who are the ones complaining—are not willing

to follow through, then I don’t see the need to do anything,” Commissioner Andy Herod said at the commission’s Legislative Review Committee meeting last week. He suggested posting flyers downtown to explain the existing ordinance. Some commissioners were particularly concerned about panhandlers who target people at ATMs or sidewalk cafes, and discussed strengthening the ordinance to make that illegal. But it’s not clear such distance limits could be defended in court, said Berryman—and if accused panhandlers can’t afford bond, “they become inmates” and the jail costs can be considerable. Evan Mills of ACC’s Department of Human and Economic Development works regularly with the homeless citizens of Athens, a few of whom panhandle downtown or bear signs at intersections. Often, he told commissioners, “they’re doing it because they’ve got other issues.” Mills coordinates the annual count of Athens’ homeless population, which remains at over 400 people. But, “the interesting thing is, the folks aren’t the same” every year, he said. “Some of them move on. Some find

housing. Some get jobs. Occasionally, we’ll run into old clients at the gas station, and they’re doing really well.” Federal stimulus money helped a lot of people to find housing and start paying rent; new faces have replaced those, but they’ve typically been homeless “for months, not years,” he said. About half of Athens’ homeless make use of local homeless shelters; the other 200 are “unsheltered,” living out of rough sheds or abandoned cars, or in small camps along railways or the river. “Tent City [on the North Oconee River] has kind of dwindled down… What we’ve seen are smaller camps scattered throughout Athens.” Unless there are complaints, the police leave the homeless alone. One person staying at a local shelter “just lost their job… they were making $80,000 a year,” said Mills. Other have mental health or drug issues, or developmental disabilities, and “other folks just have not been able to adapt to society,” he said. Perhaps a quarter of homeless people have jobs, down from around 40 percent before the economic downturn. John Huie

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Whose Private Property Rights? The majority of Georgia’s legislators are a conservative group of politicians, as you would expect in a conservative state such as ours. One of the tenets I have often heard my conservative friends avow is the right of people to do as they please with the property they own. Property rights, I’ve been told, are among the bedrock rights of people living in our free society. There has always been an exception to the belief that property rights should be protected: the Georgia Power Company. The utility giant has so much influence over state politics that it has always been exempt from the rules. If Georgia Power wants to run a transmission line across your property, it will take your land, and there is very little you can do to fight it. Georgia Power’s dominion also extends to the sunlight that falls upon your residence and the property that surrounds it. If you want to set up solar panels to capture sunlight and generate your own electricity, you typically have to purchase the panels outright, which is too expensive for many homeowners. Sen. Buddy Carter, a pharmacist from Pooler, is trying to make it easier and less expensive for property owners to generate their own electricity. He introduced a bill that would allow property owners to obtain the solar panels and related equipment they need by leasing it from manufacturers, a type of business arrangement that 45 other states already allow. Georgia Power and the EMCs oppose this bill, on the grounds that state law gives them exclusive control over the generation of electricity within their assigned operating territories. The utilities have an ally in Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, whose campaign chairman just happens to be a member of Georgia Power’s board of directors. Cagle assigned Carter’s bill to a committee headed by a chairman who said he

would not bring the measure up for a vote this year. Carter did not give up. He worked with the chairman of another committee, Sen. David Shafer (R-Duluth), to add the text of the solar bill to a measure that deals with the “smart meters” used by power companies. Shafer’s committee held an intense, two-hour hearing on Carter’s bill the other day, with a bevy of Georgia Power officials on hand to talk against it. Carter, who has become quite a populist on the solar generation issue, lashed out at Georgia Power for trying to kill the bill. “We’re simply talking about the right to use private property,” Carter said. “I recognize this is a David and Goliath situation. I recognize Georgia Power is one of the most powerful lobbying organizations in this state. But it’s still a matter of personal property rights.” “There’s been a lot of conversation about property rights,” Georgia Power official Kyle Leech responded. “We do not view it as a property right issue; we do not view it as a free market issue.” Leech’s statement is accurate. The objective of Georgia Power and its corporate parent, the Southern Company, is to maximize profits for shareholders. If your property right gets in the way of Georgia Power’s right to make a profit, you’re the one who’s going to lose. Shafer’s committee has not taken a vote on Carter’s bill yet, but it is possible the measure could actually make it to the floor for debate by the full Senate. That would be a rare moment for the General Assembly. I cannot remember the last time the Legislature allowed a vote on a bill opposed so strongly by the utility giant. Buddy Carter has courageously taken aim at the most powerful entity in state politics and fired the opening shots in a long battle for property rights. It’s a fight worth having. Tom Crawford tcrawford@gareport.com


athens rising What’s Up in New Development Is Growth a Given?: Last week, we talked about creating a new narrative for Athens, built on several significant changes to our economic landscape over the last few years, most recently the announcement of a large Caterpillar plant. That factory will directly employ 1,400 and indirectly create thousands more jobs in the region. In the moment of that announcement, the whole notion of what growth will mean for Athens changed. Up until that point, our attitude had been heavily influenced by the recession, and many conversations were tinged with an air of economic desperation. Now, though, we’re optimistic: Caterpillar’s here! The first public input session for AthensClarke County’s newly formed Economic Development Task Force was held last week, and it kicked off with the following question: “How important is it to you that the economy of this community grows?” The handful of citizens and large number of task force members and other usual suspects all seemed unanimous in their enthusiasm for growth, the apparently intended response to the question. Of course, only a few weeks ago, Athens was, like most of the country, really wrestling with what growth really means, specifically waging a heated and divisive battle over Selig Enterprises’ plans for a downtown Walmart. There’s an emerging literature that has come out of the Great Recession about whether “growth” is the right metric at all by which to calculate how well our society is doing. What does growth really mean in terms of employment and standard of living, income and productivity? “What would a ‘nogrowth’ economy look like?” many are asking. Must GDP increase at a minimum percentage annually in order to improve people’s lives, and can that exponential rate go on forever? Economies can apparently grow while retaining huge unemployment figures, as current events attest. In this light, growth is an interesting place for the task force to begin. I’d imagine that most folks, if they were gainfully employed with a decent standard of living, affordable

health care and decent education for their children, wouldn’t really care whether the economy grows at 2 percent or 2.5 percent. A semantic digression, maybe, but in asking first and foremost how important growth is, it seems this task force may have already locked the conversation into old, pre-recession modes of thinking. Hopefully, that won’t preclude broader conversations about what Athens’ economy really is about, and what it really represents as an aggregation of the livelihoods of all its citizens. Not So Simple: Another big question I have is whether or not we’ve properly prepared for the new development (also known as growth) that may soon come. Atlanta Highway, busy as it is, has been flagging for a long time as retail has developed on Epps Bridge Parkway in Oconee County. When Caterpillar and its network of suppliers locate to the area, what will that new growth mean directly, and how will it change the character of the greater area? Can we expect a reinvigoration of the retail strip there? Will housing pick up in the area, with some of the stalled subdivisions starting again? Will new subdivisions follow, putting pressure on the Cleveland Road area? What will the hundreds of acres of forest converted to hardscape do for local air and water quality? Clearly, growth isn’t so simple. Likewise, we’ve only begun to consider the possibilities for our growing medical industry. New medical buildings are sprouting up along West Broad Street; the Health Sciences Campus is off and running. Tensions have already been revealed in that part of town, with ACC planners proposing a cap on medical office space along corridors like Prince—a crude tool that showcases the trickiness of managing a supposedly positive but somewhat nebulous economic development agenda with the actualities of people’s lives. Some claim that the medical industry requires those larger spaces; could such a cap cut this nascent economic development opportunity down before it even gets started? But conversely, might the effects of such growth

The impacts of economic growth on the existing community—like those of medical developments on residential neighborhoods—are complex. A deeper understanding of what growth means is needed. be unbearable for the families already invested in the area? Ultimately, this issue is a little more familiar than something as foreign as a Caterpillar factory with 20 acres of rooftop, but it raises similar questions. There are likely many elegant ways to weave in large medical uses with historic single-family neighborhoods. The Southern Mills comes to mind as a site near the Health Sciences Campus that could easily handle that kind of use without disrupting the fabric of Prince Avenue and Boulevard. What makes that idea any more crazy than building 180,000 square feet of new space adjacent to the hospital? Is it because that sort of an idea exists outside of the false choice we’ve set up between growth and quality of life, and instead focuses on creating mutually supporting relationships? Much of the material covered at the Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation’s Southern Mills Symposium focused on how economic redevelopments incorporating historic properties accomplished many other, more intangible goals. Perhaps we should be more explicit in talking about what specifically we want a given economic project to accomplish for the community. And of course there’s downtown, which, in conversations about its growth and development, most directly showcases the confusion

we have about what economic changes mean. By most accounts, downtown works. The mix of local and national, the scale of it, its longevity and its vibrancy are things most of us value. We also recognize the potential downsides to growth most evidently here, with the impacts on transportation, infrastructure, environment and the local economy getting serious scrutiny due to projects like the Selig Walmart proposal, student housing and others. Here, we see economic growth as a detriment to something else, some other way of measuring a productive community. What are the metrics by which we define downtown’s success, and what happens when we apply those to somewhere like the Caterpillar area, or the emerging medical corridor? If the folks on the Economic Development Task Force really want to talk about this issue in a new way, perhaps the first thing to do is move past the notion of an ineffably quaint downtown and really understand what about that kind of place matters. Perhaps they should let those discoveries be the criteria we apply to our broader economic development conversation, rather than merely focusing on growth. The concept of growth, it seems, is an oversimplification of many other issues, and not an end unto itself. Kevan Williams athensrising@flagpole.com

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Safety First, but Money Matters Responding to Athens 911 Calls Is a Business


he bicyclist was struck from behind as he rode down Milledge Avenue in the early morning hours of Feb. 15. The truck continued another two blocks, dragging the bike with it, according to police reports, before the driver turned around, called 911 and administered CPR to the rider. National EMS, the official ambulance service for Athens-Clarke and Oconee counties, was notified of the accident at 2:48 a.m. and arrived on the scene at 3 a.m., according to the accident report. The cyclist arrived at Athens Regional Medical Center, less than two miles away, at 3:14 a.m. A week later, he remained in a coma from an accident that took place five blocks from Athens-Clarke’s Fire Station No. 3 on South Milledge Avenue. But because firefighters don’t respond to emergency medical calls, it was only the National ambulance, responding from the company’s main office on Macon Highway about three miles away, that could come to the cyclist’s aid. The incident underscores what some say is a basic design flaw in the county’s emergency management system. Historically a task split by Athens Regional Medical Center and St. Mary’s Hospital (and even before that, by local funeral homes), the ambulance service was contracted to the familyowned National EMS in 2009. As a result, the private company operates its own fleet of ambulances from five locations across Clarke and Oconee counties. It is the only ambulance service in the two counties authorized to respond to 911 emergency calls, but to help offset its costs, National also may pick up non-emergency transports when an ambulance crew isn’t on a call. The original three-year contract officially rolls over into its one-year extension on Mar. 1. The coming year, hospital and local government officials say, will likely bring an examination of the EMS services—although there are no plans, at this point, to make any changes. “We have a model in place that has worked for decades, and we’re trying to utilize the best components of that going forward,” said Athens-Clarke County Manager Alan Reddish, citing the role the two hospitals have had in running EMS services. “From a local government perspective, that has worked well. To assume there should be a dramatic change in that structure relative to the services that are being provided would not be [correct]. We are happy with the process that’s in place.” David Brooks, an Athens resident who runs the long-distance medical transport company Ameritrans, said he’s concerned about the county’s ambulance service simply because he has kids who may one day rely on the service. His company does not compete with local medical transportation companies, he said, but he’s spent decades working in the field and was familiar with the county’s ambulance service when it was run by the hospitals. There are three main types of EMS service that can be provided, he said: a separate county-run emergency service, an EMS that’s combined with fire services, or a private company. “Or then, you have what we had for years, with the two hospitals running a service; they were private but they had trucks dedicated to emergencies,” he said. “There’s nothing wrong with a private company making a profit… but now, the scary thing is, the citizens have no

idea what the response times are or when they run out of ambulances.” Officials with National said they haven’t received any major complaints from the local EMS oversight committee, made up of a collection of representatives from the two hospitals and the county. That has a lot to do with the company’s average response time of less than seven minutes per emergency call, said Robby Atkins, National’s director of operations. In Athens-Clarke County, the company is required to have an average response time of less than eight minutes, 59 seconds; in Oconee, the average time needs to be less than 12 minutes, 59 seconds. When the hospitals ran the EMS service, they only responded to emergencies; any non-emergency medical transport—from the hospital to a home, or from one hospital to

the service. Unlike fire and police protection, there is no state mandate for a county to provide EMS service. Georgia’s Department of Public Health oversees an Emergency Medical Services Division that regulates licensing and training of EMTs and first responders, with the mission to “encourage, foster and promote… an optimal system of emergency medical and trauma care.” With no specific mandate, new options could come to the table when the contract expires next year. “The question before us now is whether we continue to stay involved, or terminate the contract and let the Georgia EMS system take over,” Burckett said. “We haven’t reached a decision yet as to what the future will look like. Athens-Clarke and Oconee have a tradition and it is unusual for a hospital to provide the service.”

another, for example—was handled by other medical transport companies. National, which responded to 16,191 calls in Clarke and Oconee counties last year, also performed 2,691 routine or critical care transports, according to Don Cargile, National’s director of marketing and himself a veteran of St. Mary’s Hospital’s former ambulance service. It’s those non-emergency transports that keep the business model working, National officials say, because the 911 calls don’t pay the bills. “Thirty percent of all 911 calls we respond to, we do not transport,” Atkins said. “So, that’s 30 percent extra resources we have to have available 24/7. That’s across the board, across the state—the more urban you get, the higher [non-transport rate] you get. We have ‘frequent fliers’… who may be 1 to 2 percent of our costs.” Because of the expense involved in responding to 911 calls—not to mention equipping trucks with medical gear—National receives a subsidy from the two hospitals based on its losses. The subsidy started at $400,000 per year, split between the two hospitals, according to Dee Burckett, vice president for professional services at Athens Regional. Because National reported greater losses in the years since its contract took effect, that subsidy has risen to $440,000. But that loss does not reflect any income generated from non-emergency calls. Burckett said when National’s contract goes into its one-year extension, it will be a time for the county and the hospitals to reassess

The fire department is called in cases of a known cardiac arrest, said Assistant Fire Chief Kyle Hendrix, or the fire department will arrive to assist EMTs in the rescue process. “We’re really the back-up to them, but we also respond when they have cardiac arrest, car wrecks, anything involving drowning,” Hendrix said. “If we have a confirmed cardiac arrest, we go, because we might [be able to] get there quicker. But other than that, we’re really the back-up to them.” Reddish said combining EMS with fire services, or bringing it in under the wing of the county, is out of the question unless the public is willing to have a serious discussion about money. “You don’t just take the number of firefighters you have and train them,” he said. “This could require additional staffing and the purchase of very expensive vehicles. We would have to get into a very large capital program to do that; employ additional staff to do that. We would have to house them somewhere, and our fire stations were not built to house another EMS service. If circumstances change, we’ll look at the most viable options we have. We certainly would look at all the options, should we be required to do so. But right now, we like what we have.” But Brooks said he thinks it can be better. “The best solution, as far as safety, is for the fire department to take it over,” he said. “But, obviously, we’d have to pay for that.” Kristen Morales

art notes


Local Stand-Outs and skewed perspective in “Trü Class,” for example, create a psychedelic puzzle of a picture. In stripped-down black and white, but no less arresting, is Margaret Agner’s “Sacred Bond.” This monotype print depicts a family of four and their faithful canine companion—but with a difference. Their faces are smudged to make them simultaneously everyone and no one, while concentric lines around their bodies reverberate with emotional energy, not unlike Edvard Munch’s “The Kiss.” In the three-dimensional category, Tad Gloeckler’s work, “Reconsidering the Everyday,” is anything but ordinary. What appears to be a drugstore display from the future presents jewelry made from clear acrylic and drugs and vitamins. A spiky bib necklace holds doses of omega-3, and rings and bracelets keep jewel-toned analgesics near at hand. Also distinctive are sculptures by Jorie Berman (winning an Honorable Mention for “Bulbous Figure with Five Heads”), Kyungmin Park’s poignant “L’oiseau Mort’, Lee Ann Mitchell’s cast iron triffid-like sculpture “Subtle Mutations” and Duane Paxson’s “Home Land Defense,” a large steel cage enclosing what may be a wooden seed. One piece that is both a self-portrait and an abstracted sculpture is Louis Kudon’s “Burl Hollow Form.” Placed on a low shelf near the stairs, it may be easy to miss, but bend down to take a look at this wonderfully textured image that may have appeared as an unbidden surprise to the artist as well as to the viewer. Like Kudon’s sculpture, the “37th Juried Athens photographer Ian McFarlane won an Honorable Mention award with his Exhibition” is full of photograph, “Brittany with Nest.” surprises and well worth a closer look. are new to me. One of my favorite pieces is Artworks not accepted by the Lyndon House David Siffert’s “Bangkok Market,” a paintshow are still on public view at the “Refusés ing in gouache depicting narrow boats on the 2012” exhibition sponsored by Don Byram water as seen from above, their hulls packed Art. Catch them at the Bottleworks art space with fruit and other goods for sale. The tightly on Prince Avenue through Mar. 24. compressed composition breaks the scene into neat geometric shapes. People in the boats World Class: The Lamar Dodd School of Art reach across to one another to steady their showcases an exhibition which originally vessels, creating a tenuous stability in this appeared at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in floating market. Sophia, Bulgaria. “Drawing Across Borders” Speaking of enclosed spaces, “Friendly is a collaborative project in portraiture Mortician (Ryan)” by Anna Schoenbaechler between LDSOA Professor Diane Edison and is a portrait of a man in a darkened doorway, New Bulgarian University Professor Ekaterina the frame closing in like a coffin. Bright light Russinova. Edison’s work includes several illuminates his face, white collar and folded large-scale drawings on black paper. In these, hands. His expression—a mysterious smile— her subject’s face fills the space, giving us seems to hide a secret to which we are not yet a close-up look at every pore and wrinkle as privy. Margie Spalding’s gorgeous “Japanese well as permission to stare deeply into the Vase with Apples” is also a standout. The com- eyes of these unguarded strangers. Russinova position of a green scarab-colored ginger jar, also works with pencil and focuses on creating flowering branch and small apples is alive with detailed and expressive faces, rather than fulllight and life. Both paintings won Purchase length portraits. She adds a flourish of color Awards and are already off the bidding block. in the background of her works or in a detail Working in multi-media to “paint” literlike a bright yellow flower tucked behind the ary scenes like a knight on horseback on his ear of her sitter, something that enhances our way “To Slay the Jabberwock” (a Merit Award perception of the subject’s emotional state. winner) and Madame Butterfly floating on Edison’s and Russinova’s engaging portraits water and “Waiting for Pinkerton,” Susan are on view in Gallery 307 until Mar. 8, when T. Pehlham summons fantastical visions in the closing reception will take place in the complex collage and painting. Teh Reaver, gallery from 7–9 p.m. Jr.’s paintings in acrylic and collage are also otherwordly visions. Bright colors, repetition Caroline Barratt arts@flagpole.com

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It’s That Time Again: The Lyndon House Arts Center opened its “37th Juried Exhibition” last week with 175 artworks on display, now through Apr. 21. Guest curator Heather Pasanti of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, NY selected the paintings, sculpture, photography, prints and works in other media for the exhibition from a group of 566 individual submissions. According to a statement in the catalog, her curatorial direction is guided by her experience as a contemporary art critic where “a good work of art has both a visually arresting presence and a smart conceptual underpinning.” In addition to an intellectual approach to choosing artwork for the exhibition, those on display also had a more visceral effect on Pasanti, “where the art’s ‘freshness’ comes through and piques my interest.” The artists who made the cut this year include some familiar names as well as new participants. Well known Athens photographer Ian McFarlane won an Honorable Mention award with his photograph, “Brittany with Nest.” Painters Mary Porter (who won a Merit Award for “Midnight on Hiawassee”), Jonathan Jacquet and Starr Campbell return this year and are joined by some names that

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flagpole reader T

here are so many good places in and around Athens to eat, drink, shop, take a class, meet people, improve your mind, body and attitude, that to call some Favorites could be considered crazy. Who’s to say who are the Favorites? Well, who but Flagpole’s readers? Who but Flagpole readers get around town and know what’s going on? Who but Flagpole readers keep up with the best places to go to get what they need and want? We decided that the only way we could possibly come up with a list of Favorites is to let Flagpole readers vote on them, and they did. Over 3,000 Flagpole readers cast their votes for their Favorite local places, services and products, and here are the results. This year’s Flagpole Reader Picks determine the 2012 Athens Favorites, and we congratulate this year’s Picks. To be the Favorites among so many outstanding candidates is indeed an honor, and it is also an incentive for next year, when a fresh round of voting will determine a whole new crop of Favorites. This year’s Favorites get a plaque and a door sticker to let their customers know who they are. Thanks again to everybody who participated. Special thanks to photographers Cindy Jerrell and Carlo Nasisse, model and former pound puppy Gigi, interns Amy Chmielewski and Fiona Nolan, Allgood Lounge and the Flagpole staff.

Restaurants: Italian

DePalma’s Italian Café 401 E. Broad St. · 706-354-6966 1965 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-369-0085 2080 Timothy Rd. · 706-552-1237

Runner Up

La Dolce Vita

323 E. Broad St. · 706-353-3911


Last Resort Grill 184 W. Clayton St. · 706-549-0810

Runner Up (Tie)

Locos Grill & Pub

1985 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-208-0911 581 S. Harris St. · 706-548-7803 2020 Timothy Rd. · 706-549-7700

Brett’s Causal American Restaurant




251 W. Clayton St. · 706-353-7933

Runner Up

Athens Sushi Bar Utage

440 E. Clayton St. · 706-227-9339

Mexican / Latin American

Sr. Sol

175 Tallassee Rd. · 706-546-1570 2455 W. Broad St. · 706-850-7112

Runner Up

Taqueria La Parrilla

2439 Jefferson Rd. · 706-549-4977 1431 Capital Ave. · 706-310-9991


Harry’s Pig Shop 2425 Jefferson Rd. · 706-612-9219

Runner Up

Butt Hutt

480 Macon Hwy. · 706-850-8511

Downhome / Southern

Weaver D’s Fine Foods 1016 E. Broad St. · 706-353-7797

Runner Up

Five Star Day Café

229 E. Broad St. · 706-543-8552

Local Coffee House

Jittery Joe’s Coffee 1860 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-354-8000 1480 Baxter St. · 706-548-1099 1230 S. Milledge Ave. · 706-208-1979 780 E. Broad St. · 706-227-2161 297 E. Broad St. · 706-613-7449 2950 Atlanta Hwy. · 706-542-8990

Runner Up

Two Story Coffee House

1680 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-850-5422 1911 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-850-6701

3190 Atlanta Hwy. · 706-850-1395


Thai Spoon

149 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-548-9222

Runner Up

Siri Thai Cuisine

367 Prince Ave. · 706-548-7667




Local Pizza

Ike and Jane


Runner Up

Runner Up

1307 Prince Ave. · 706-850-1580 255 ½ College Ave.

Big City Bread Cafe

393 N. Finley St. · 706-353-0029

145 E. Clayton St. · 706-613-8773 1550 Oglethorpe Ave. · 706-549-5112

Little Italy

125 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-613-7100

Carlo Nasisse

Local Burger


259 W. Washington St. · 706-548-9175

Runner Up

Stuffed Burger

1074 Baxter St. · 706-850-8411


Five Guys Burgers & Fries 101 College Ave. · 706-549-2811 1850 Epps Bridge Pkwy. · 706-549-9081

Runner Up

Keba Spitfire Grill

1860 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-850-7285 1850 Epps Bridge Pkwy. · 706-543-8210

Barberitos It’s no wonder Barberitos, the evergrowing Athens chain of burrito joints, is a Favorite, since you can build your own burrito out of endless mounds of fresh ingredients at numerous locations around town. If you don’t like the result, you have only yourself to blame, but obviously, most people do like the results, and therefore most people like Barberitos. (Winner: Favorite Burrito)

Burrito 259 E. Clayton St. · 706-549-9008 1860 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-549-9954 1880 Epps Bridge Rd. · 706-354-0300 1739 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-548-1866

Runner Up

Taco Stand

2131 Hog Mountain Rd. · 706-769-3233 2230 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-549-5481 247 E. Broad St. · 706-549-1446 670 N. Milledge Ave. · 706-549-2894


Porterhouse Grill 459 E. Broad St. · 706-369-0990

Runner Up

Longhorn Steakhouse 196 Alps Rd. · 706-548-1341


Square One Fish Co. 414 Thomas St. · 706-353-8862

Runner Up

Red Lobster

Vegetarian Options


The Grit

Taste of India

Runner Up

Runner Up

199 Prince Ave. · 706-543-6592


675 Pulaski St. · http://gymnopedie.posterous.com

131 E. Broad St. · 706-559-0000

Hibachi Grill Super Buffet

2020 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-546-8777



Last Resort Grill

Mama’s Boy

Runner Up

Runner Up

184 W. Clayton St. · 706-549-0810

The Grit

199 Prince Ave. · 706-543-6592

197 Oak St. · 706-548-6249

Big City Bread Cafe

393 N. Finley St. · 706-353-0029

Ice Cream / Frozen Yogurt

Hangover Breakfast


Mama’s Boy

196 Alps Rd. · 706-208-7223 1860 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-850-8336

Runner Up


197 Oak St. · 706-548-6249

Runner Up

Waffle House

eight Athens Locations · www.wafflehouse.com

1210 S. Milledge Ave. · 706-548-4020 142 W. Clayton St. · 706-548-4388

Carlo Nasisse


1956 W. Broad St. · 706-549-5376 Carlo Nasisse

Weaver D’s is world-famous for putting the soul in food, but Dexter Weaver still presides from the cash register, and the ladies in the kitchen still pile on the casseroles and collards, while the same cross-section of Athens folks fills the family-style tables, making room for visitors who may be there for the first time. An Athens institution—”Automatic!” (Winner: Favorite Downhome/Southern)

Transmetropolitan People are breaking down the door to get at Transmet’s good pizza. And no wonder: crisp crust, fresh toppings and savory sauces make Transmet’s pizza the centerpiece, supplemented by all the calzones, lasagna, sandwiches and salads. Join the happy line downtown or drive right through the front door on the Westside. [Yeah: that joke’s getting old already.] (Winner: Favorite Local Pizza)



Cindy Jerrell

Bain Mattox and Normal Bar make a natural combination. Obviously, being proficient on vocals, accordion, mandolin, banjo, acoustic guitar, harmonica, lap steel and Hammond B-3 gives a guy an advantage in whipping up a diversity of drinks for happy-hour customers at one of Athens’ most popular neighborhood bars in one of Athens’ most popular neighborhoods. Mattox personifies the hardworking Athens musician; Normal Bar exemplifies the local business that creates a need by filling a niche, making you wonder how we ever did without it. (Winner: Favorite Bartender, Winner: Favorite Happy Hour, Runner Up: Favorite Speciality Drinks, Runner Up: Favorite Uniquely Athens Bar)

Carlo Nasisse

Cheap Night

Taco Stand

2131 Hog Mountain Rd. · 706-769-3233 2230 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-549-5481 247 E. Broad St. · 706-549-1446 670 N. Milledge Ave. · 706-549-2894

Runner Up


Last Resort Grill 184 W. Clayton St. · 706-549-0810

Runner Up

Marti’s at Midday

1280 Prince Ave. · 706-543-3541

Little Italy

125 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-613-7100

Special Occasion

Five & Ten

1653 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-546-7300

Runner Up


Last Resort Grill 184 W. Clayton St. · 706-549-0810

Runner Up

Mama’s Boy

197 Oak St. · 706-548-6249

The National

232 W. Hancock Ave. · 706-549-3450

Kid-Friendly Local Restaurant

Ted’s Most Best 254 W. Washington St. · 706-543-1523

Runner Up

Late Night (table service after 10 p.m.)

The Grill

171 College Ave. · 706-543-4770

Runner Up

Hugh Acheson, chef/owner of Five & Ten and owner of The National (plus Atlanta’s Empire State South), author of his cookbook, A New Turn in the South, perennial James Beard nominee for best chef and a regular on the TV shows “Top Chef” and “Top Chef Masters,” has done more than anybody in Athens to make us aware of good food and how to prepare it. Hugh’s the Favorite, but he has encouraged and inspired so many other local chefs that somebody is bound to be sharing honors with him soon. (Winner: Favorite Chef)

Little Italy

125 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-613-7100


3190 Atlanta Hwy. · 706-850-1395

Outdoor Dining

Cali ‘N’ Tito’s 1427 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-227-9979

Runner Up

Date Night

The National 232 W. Hancock Ave. · 706-549-3450

Runner Up

Last Resort Grill

184 W. Clayton St. · 706-549-0810


Brett’s Causal American Restaurant

Ted’s Most Best

254 W. Washington St. · 706-543-1523

Choo Choo Japanese Korean Grill Express 1021 Parkway Blvd. · 706-353-8889 1055 Gaines School Rd. · 706-543-8888

Runner Up

Locos Grill & Pub

2020 Timothy Rd. · 706-549-7700 581 S. Harris St. · 706-548-7803 1985 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-208-0911


Hugh Acheson at Five & Ten 1653 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-546-7300

Runner Up

Peter Dale at The National

Carlo Nasisse

Take Out Allgood Lounge Three, count ‘em, three full bars: upstairs, downstairs and tiki, two outdoor patios (one on the roof) where you-know-what is legal; Build Your Own Bloody Mary Buffet every day (except Sunday), Happy Hour from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. every day (except Sunday); huge-screen TVs so you never have to miss “Downton Abbey,” 20 premium select beers on draught, available for private parties; right in the middle of the downtown party scene. How could it not be a Favorite? (Winner: Favorite College Bar, Runner Up: Favorite Bloody Mary)

232 W. Hancock Ave. · 706-549-3450

Place to Eat When Someone Else Is Paying

Five & Ten

1653 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-546-7300

Runner Up

The National

232 W. Hancock Ave. · 706-549-3450

Restaurant for Adventurous Eaters

The National 232 W. Hancock Ave. · 706-549-3450


Beer Selection

Trappeze Pub 269 W. Washington St. · 706-543-8997

Runner Up


Bain Mattox at Normal Bar 1365 Prince Ave. · 706-548-6186

Runner Up

Mike Vanhassel at Speakeasy 269 E. Broad St. · 706-546-5556

255 W. Washington St. · 706-549-4660

Restaurant That’s Worth a Short Drive

Chops and Hops 2 South Main St. · Watkinsville · 706-310-1101

24 Greensboro Hwy. · Watkinsville · 706-310-0410

Uniquely Athens Restaurant

The Grit

199 Prince Ave. · 706-543-6592

Runner Up

Last Resort Grill

184 W. Clayton St. · 706-549-0810

Wine Selection


1235 S. Milledge Ave. · 706-208-0059

The Winery

Speciality Drinks

429 E. Broad St. · 706-613-0095

Highwire Lounge 269 N. Hull St. · 706-543-8997

Place to Dance

8e’s Bar

Runner Up

Normal Bar

120 E. Washington St. · 706-613-1764

1365 Prince Ave. · 706-548-6186

Runner Up

9d’s Bar

Runner Up


134 E. Clayton St. · 706-549-0034

Runner Up

Runner Up

Farm 255

Pauley’s Original Crepe Bar


400 Clayton St. · 706-254-3998

Aqua Linda

Place to Play Games

1376 Prince Ave. · 706-543-1500 2080 Timothy Rd. · 706-543-0154


243 W. Washington St. · 706-254-3392

Runner Up

Sr. Sol

Runner Up

175 Tallassee Rd. · 706-546-1570 2455 W. Broad St. · 706-850-7112

Little Kings Shuffle Club

223 W. Hancock Ave. · 706-369-3144

Bloody Mary

Place to be for “Last Call”

The Globe


199 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-353-4721

243 W. Washington St. · 706-254-3392

Runner Up

Runner Up

Allgood Lounge

Boar’s Head

256 E. Clayton St. · 706-549-0166

260 E. Washington St. · 706-369-3040

Carlo Nasisse

Happy Hour Flicker Theatre & Bar is a theatre; is a bar; is a comfortable space for hanging out, having an art opening, enjoying standup comedy, listening to music, watching a puppet show or whatever. And it is so intimate that you feel like you’re performing for your family, and you probably are, or they’ll be family by the time you finish. Stage fright unknown here. It’s a full bar with popcorn, an integral part of the downtown scene. (Winner: Favorite Open Mic/ Comedy Night, Runner Up: Favorite Live Music VenueLess than 200 Capacity)

Normal Bar 1365 Prince Ave. · 706-548-6186

Runner Up

The Globe

199 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-353-4721


Locos Grill & Pub 2020 Timothy Rd. · 706-549-7700 581 S. Harris St. · 706-548-7803 1985 Barnett Shoals Rd. · 706-208-0911

Runner Up

Blind Pig Tavern

485 Baldwin St. · 706-548-3442 2440 W. Broad St. · 706-208-7979



Cindy Jerrell

Store to Buy a Gift for Her


146 E. Clayton St. · 706-354-8631

Runner Up

Native America Gallery

195 E. Clayton St. · 706-543-8425

Store to Buy a Gift for Him

Masada Leather and Outdoor 238 E. Clayton St. · 706-546-5014

Runner Up


146 E. Clayton St. · 706-354-8631

Store to Buy a Gift for Mom Chase Park Transduction Build it, and they will come. Actually, they were already there, building it themselves: some of Athens’ best musicians and technicians, making up their dream studio out of whole lumber, with a lot of help from their friends in a location out on the edge, and it turned out to be just right and has recorded all the best ever since and still does. Just another example of guys who love what they’re doing so much that they want to do it for others. Build a better studio, and nature will build a better musician—or something. (Winner: Favorite Recording Studio)


146 E. Clayton St. · 706-354-8631

Runner Up

Native America Gallery

195 E. Clayton St. · 706-543-8425

Local Clothing Boutique

Cheeky Peach 269 N. Hull St. · 706-353-1322


Uniquely Athens Bar


The Manhattan Café

Runner Up

Runner Up

251 W. Clayton St. · 706-353-7933

Walker’s Coffee & Pub

128 College Ave. · 706-543-1433

College Bar

Allgood Lounge 256 E. Clayton St. · 706-549-0166

Runner Up

Bourbon Street

333 E. Broad St. · 706-369-1313

Open Mic / Comedy Night

Flicker Theatre & Bar 263 W. Washington St. · 706-546-0039

Runner Up

337 N. Hull St. · 706-369-9767

Normal Bar

1365 Prince Ave. · 706-548-6186


Naughty Business

Sexy Suz

50 Gaines School Rd. · 706-850-6919 4124 Atlanta Hwy. · 678-661-0700

Runner Up

Runner Up


2095 S. Milledge Ave. · 706-546-7090

Place to Buy Local Art

Aurum Studios 125 E. Clayton St. · 706-546-8826

Runner Up


260 W. Clayton St. · 706-316-0130

Place to See Local Art


160 Tracy St. · 706-208-1613

Runners Up

Lyndon House Arts Center 293 Hoyt St. · 706-613-3623

Junkman’s Daughter’s Brother 458 E. Clayton St. · 706-543-4454

Hendershot’s Coffee Bar

Cindy Jerrell

1560 Oglethorpe Dr. · 706-353-3050

Place to Meet Someone You Would Not Bring Home to Mom


243 W. Washington St. · 706-254-3392

Runner Up (Tie)

Loft Dance Lounge

164 E. Clayton St. · 706-613-7771

Bourbon Street

333 E. Broad St. · 706-369-1313

Place to Meet Your Future Spouse

The Globe

199 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-353-4721

Runner Up

Trappeze Pub

269 W. Washington St. · 706-543-8997

Place to Watch the Dawgs Play

Georgia Theatre 215 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-850-7670

Runner Up


312 E. Broad St. · 706-543-0797



Rubber Soul Yoga Revolution is so serious about yoga that it’s funny. Cal Clements leads a staff who vary in their approach to yoga but not in their belief that meditation in action leads to the centered life in a healthy body. Or, as they put it in their mission statement: “Rubber Soul Yoga Revolution intends to provide community-based yoga at a price affordable to all. We define ‘yoga’ broadly, to include many disciplines, including meditation, healthy lifestyle and the performing arts.” Located in the Leathers Building on Pulaski Street. (Winner: Favorite Yoga Studio)

Christy Bush Fogarino (Altered by Cindy Jerrell)

Canopy Studio has for 10 years put Athenians of all ages up in the air, discovering that fitness can be exhilarating. Exercise, discipline and performance combine to provide a healthful sense of daring accomplishment, which can be shared during such public performances as the recent “ROAM” and through Canopy’s afterschool outreach program. You’ve got to admit that hanging upside down while flying gracefully through the air beats pushups. (Winner: Favorite Creative Class)

Thrift / Vintage Store


260 W. Clayton St. · 706-316-0130

Runner Up


143 N. Jackson St. · 706-543-1243

Place to Buy Wine

Five Points Bottle Shop 1655 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-543-6989 3685 Atlanta Hwy. · 706-316-2337

Runner Up


675 Pulaski St. · 706-208-0010

Place to Buy Beer

Five Points Bottle Shop 1655 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-543-6989 3685 Atlanta Hwy. · 706-316-2337

Runner Up

J’s Bottle Shop

1452 Prince Ave. · 706-353-8881

Uniquely Athens Store

Junkman’s Daughter’s Brother 458 E. Clayton St. · 706-543-4454

Runner Up


146 E. Clayton St. · 706-354-8631


Pets & Kids:

Chase Park Transduction

Boulevard Animal Hospital

Runner Up

Runner Up

Recording Studio

160 Winston Dr. · 706-227-0680

The Glow Recording Studio

facebook.com/theglowrecordingstudio · 706-347-3323

Vet Clinic

298 Prince Ave. · 706-425-5099

Good Hands Veterinary Hospital 2391 Daniels Bridge Rd. · 706-613-1880

Live Music Venue (less than 200 capacity)

Place to Take a Pet

Caledonia Lounge

Memorial Dog Park

Runner Up

Runner Up

256 W. Clayton St. · 706-549-5577

Flicker Theatre & Bar

263 W. Washington St. · 706-546-0039

293 Gran Ellen Dr. · 706-613-3580

Sandy Creek Dog Park

400 Bob Holman Rd. · 706-613-3631

Live Music Venue (200+ capacity)

Place to Go with Kids

Georgia Theatre

Memorial Park and Bear Hollow

215 N. Lumpkin St. · 706-850-7670

Runner Up

40 Watt Club

285 W. Washington St. · 706-549-7871

Non-traditional Place to See Live Music

Farm 255

255 W. Washington St. · 706-549-4660

Runner Up

Ashford Manor

5 Harden Hill Rd. · Watkinsville · 706-769-2633

293 Gran Ellen Dr. · 706-613-3580

Runner Up

State Botanical Garden of Georgia 2450 S. Milledge Ave. · 706-542-1244

Place to Have a Birthday Party

Pump It Up

400 Commerce Blvd. · 706-613-5675

Runner Up

Chuck E. Cheese’s 3654 Atlanta Hwy 706-353-6715



Cindy Jerrell

Place to Buy Gifts for Kids

Treehouse Kid and Craft 815 W. Broad St. · 706-850-8226

Runner Up


146 E. Clayton St. · 706-354-8631

Kids’ Classes

Treehouse Kid and Craft 815 W. Broad St. · 706-850-8226

Runner Up

Good Dirt

510 N. Thomas St. · 706-355-3161

Services: Hotel

Hotel Indigo 500 College Ave. · 706-546-0430

Runner Up

Foundry Park Inn and Spa

295 E. Dougherty St. · 706-549-7020

Zoom Works has the photographic power to make the memories of your wedding stand out even more than the occasion itself, and that’s what good photography is all about. You’re not getting pictures made; you’re creating the story of your wedding or your party or other special occasion. Maybe it’s like designing your own dream: you write the plot line; Zoom Works produces the visuals, starring you. (Winner: Favorite Photography Studio)

Massage Therapist

Place to Get Fit

Kim Lisenbee

Bodyplex Fitness Adventure

115 Hampton Park Dr. · 706-613-0467

Runner Up

Jill Caudill at Classic Hair & Spa 1528 Prince Ave. · 706-227-1669

Photography Studio

Zoom Works Photography 585 White Circle · 706-227-3777

Runner Up

Twin Hearts Photography

160 Tracy St., Mercury Air · 706-254-8813

Republic Salon 312 E. Broad St. · 706-208-5222

Runner Up

Rocket Salon

163 N. Jackson St. · 706-353-0500


Tattoo Studio

Pain and Wonder Tattoo Studio

Creative Class

Runner Up

Runner Up

285 W. Washington St. · 706-208-9588

Walk the Line Tattoo Co.

Lyric Bellotte at Republic Salon 312 E. Broad St. · 706-208-5222

Runner Up

Shayne McBride at City Salon and Spa 100 Athens Town Blvd. · 706-552-1515

Canopy Studio 160 Tracy St. · 706-549-8501

Good Dirt

510 N. Thomas St. · 706-355-3161

Yoga Studio

Car Repair Shop

Rubber Soul

Tires Plus

675 Pulaski St. · www.rubbersoulyoga.com

Runner Up

Athens Five Points Yoga

1687 S. Lumpkin St. · 706-355-3114


Runner Up

Wow! Boot Camp

364 E. Broad St. · 706-369-9424

Hair Salon

196 Alps Rd. · 706-548-3481

1425 College Station Rd. · 706-208-9918 1181 Jennings Mill Pkwy. · 706-549-5583 275 Collins Industrial Blvd. · 706-549-6816

Runner Up

Auto Tech of Athens

170 Coile Dr. · 706-549-3316


Urban Sanctuary Spa 810 N. Chase St. · 706-613-3947

Runner Up

Spa at Foundry Park Inn

295 E. Dougherty St. · 706-425-9700

Stuff Around Town: Local Heroes

Cindy Jerrell

Russell Edwards www.peopleforabetterathens.org

Hotel Indigo had the audacity to come right into downtown Athens with a cool, affordable, friendly, supermodern, sleek, comfortable hotel attuned to music and art. They knew exactly what they were up to, and they quickly made Hotel Indigo a part of the scene. It’s the kind of place where you want to stop by for a drink or to hear live music, whether or not you’re staying there, though even local people stay there from time to time, just for the fun of it. (Winner: Favorite Hotel)

Officer Elmer “Buddy” Christian www.buddychristiantrust.com

Non-profit / Charity

Nuçi’s Space www.nuci.org

Runner Up

Project Safe


Festival / Event

AthFest: Music, Arts, Film and Kids Festival www.athfest.com

Runner Up

Twilight Criterium www.athenstwilight.com



grub notes Thank You for Smoking BBQ Beat: After the last column’s report on Butt Hutt, I’m sure some of you drove past its old spot on Baxter, next to Jimbo’s, and saw the sign for Runt’s BBQ (699 Baxter St.), which now occupies the itty-bitty space. Word is that Runt’s has some ownership in common with Butt Hutt, and the menu is very similar, with a lot of options for sides. You will, however, notice a difference, especially if you go to both places within a couple of weeks. The pork at Runt’s, for example, is chopped, rather than pulled, and it doesn’t have the same flavor as that at Butt Hutt, even though it’s fine and makes a good sandwich. The ribs are huge with a good texture and nice color (with plenty of pink to show the smoke), but they still don’t live up to their predecessor’s. Compared to other cue joints around town, Runt’s would come out ahead. The chicken, available as breast or “hot legg,” is pretty tasty stuff, and I might recommend you order it, which I usually don’t when there is pork to be found. Brisket is promised for the near future. The corn nuggets are great. The mull is the thickest and smoothest I have found, more of a cream than the usual somewhat chunky chicken soup. The stew isn’t so hot, with a funky taste at the end that smacks of artificial flavoring. The baked beans, though, get two thumbs up, incorporating limas and plenty of meat. The dudes who run the place are exceedingly friendly and enthusiastic in particular about their “sweet-hot” sauce. I usually prefer a simple vinegar-based condiment, but they’re right that it’s out of the ordinary and it’s not too sweet. One reason you should defi…plenty of nitely go by Runt’s, even if you’re picky pink to show about BBQ or a vegetarian, is its strawberry lemonade, highlighted on the menu the smoke… as “made special.” Indeed it is, with a real strawberry purée, complete with chunks of fruit, supplying the flavor. Runt’s doesn’t do breakfast, but it keeps late hours for a BBQ place, being open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday. It takes credit cards, does take-out and is available for delivery. Brunch: White Tiger Gourmet (217 Hiawassee Ave.) has been branching out a lot over the past few years, so its recent addition of Sunday brunch, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. isn’t surprising, but it sure is nice. For $12 (which includes tax and a drink), you get all you can eat off a table piled high with different options: bacon, sausage patties, little fritters of egg and peas that seem vaguely Indian, peppery grits, biscuits, not-toosweet French toast made with good bread, fruit salad, a plate of cookies you may want to screen from your kids, Spanish tortilla that could use a bit more salt but with loads of veggies, nice little pancakes and more. It is a serious spread. Coffee and orange juice are on the counter and bringing your own champagne for mimosas is recommended. The rumored taking of credit cards is a reality, as the girl at the register will swipe your card through the attachment on her phone and email you a receipt—very 21st century. What Up?: Graze Burgers & Salads on Prince and La Fiesta on Hawthorne have closed. Skogies, a seafood place out of Gainesville, has opened on Baxter Street, where the second location of Big Easy Café was until recently… Hubee D’s, a chicken-tender-oriented franchise out of Charleston, is indeed coming to where the Marble Slab was on Lumpkin. Tim Peacock tells us that “there is a Striplings General Store going up at the intersection of U.S. 78 and GA 53. They are rumored to have excellent sausages, hams, hoop cheese, etc.” The store isn’t scheduled to open until the fall… Copper Creek Brewing Company in downtown Athens recently added lunch with all entrees costing $8, Monday through Saturday, from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., including a “liquid lunch,” which is not entirely beer but does include a pint… Square One Fish Co. is also doing lunch Thursday–Sunday, from 11 a.m, and Amici has a new $8 lunch menu… Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, the franchise with a location out in Watkinsville, is going into what was Allen’s on Hawthorne… Something called The Branded Butcher, rumored to be a farm-to-table restaurant with an emphasis on meat, should be going into what was Flight, on Lumpkin Street downtown, next to the Georgia Theatre. Ike & Jane’s OK is now open downtown, as is Sip Espresso Cafe in Normaltown. Hillary Brown food@flagpole.com




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movie dope Some releases may not be showing locally this week. • indicates new review • ACT OF VALOR (R) At times, Act of Valor betrays its humble origins as a military recruiting tool (think of the National Guard/Three Doors Down video for “Citizen Soldier” expanded to feature length), but at its high-octane best, this action experiment rivals its bigger-budgeted, star-laden competitors. What really sets Act of Valor apart from its action brethren is its non-professional acting troupe, an elite team of active duty Navy SEALs playing an elite team of Navy SEALs. Understanding the soldiers’ dramatic limitations, the movie tends to focus on the military tasks at which they excel, and it is rare for an action movie to feel as real. THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN (PG) Herge’s Belgian globetrotter, Tintin, and Captain Haddock are in search of sunken ship in this MoCap’d CGI adventure. The directing of Steven Spielberg and producing of Peter Jackson (who has signed on to direct a sequel) is nearly as exciting as a script by Stephen Moffat (“Doctor Who”), Edgar Wright and hot newcomer Joe Cornish, whose Attack the Block was one of my favorite surprises of 2011. AELITA: THE QUEEN OF MARS (NR) 1924. This silent Russian film claims to be the first full-length feature about space travel. A Russian engineer builds a rocket and travels to Mars where he falls in love with the Martian queen. Yakov Protazanov directs this adaptation of a story by Aleksei Tolstoy, Leo’s distant kin. The screening will be introduced by Charles Byrd, a lecturer in the Russian, Germanic and Slavic studies department at UGA and is sponsored by GMOA and UGA Parents and Families. ALBERT NOBBS (R) Glenn Close earned Golden Globe and Academy Award nominations for her portrayal of a woman passing as a man to work and survive in 19th-century Ireland. The only thing holding her back might be her television veteran director, Rodrigo Garcia, who has some feature film experience, though his last film, Mother and Child, did not make much of a stir. ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: CHIPWRECKED (G) Come on, Fox! If you’re going to keep releasing new Chipmunks entries each holiday season, the least you can do is make a Christmas-themed movie featuring the furry trio’s classic holiday tunes. Instead, Alvin, Simon, Theodore, the Chipettes and Dave (poor, paycheckcashing Jason Lee) start out on a cruise ship and wind up on a deserted island. AMERICAN TEACHER (NR) Filmmakers Vanessa Roth and Brian McGinn tackle the modern educational system and the 3.2 million teachers that keep it running by intercutting the lives of four teachers with interviews with policy experts. This film holds a particular professional interest for me and would make an intriguing companion piece to Davis Guggenheim’s Waiting for Superman, which was most certainly not very kind to the American teacher. The doc is based on a book cowritten by Dave Eggers and narrated by Matt Damon. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion. THE ARTIST (PG-13) Films today do not come as precious or charming


as Michel Hazanavicius’ Best Picture winner. A silent film that is all about talking, The Artist of title refers to matinee idol George Valentin (Academy Award winner Jean Dujardin), who finds it difficult to transition from silent films to talkies, unlike rising star Peppy Miller (Academy Award nominee Bérénice Bejo). But Miller has a crush on Valentin that predates her stardom and will do everything she can to help the despondent, one-time star. Like an unearthed gem, a long-lost silent relic, The Artist is at once wholly familiar yet completely foreign. CHRONICLE (PG-13) What seems to be heading toward Carrie horror territory winds up being more of a supervillain origin story, and it’s brilliant. Chronicle watches like a fantastic comic book miniseries (think something from the Millarverse), telling a fresh origin story via intelligent filmmaking tricks. First time feature director Josh Trank does some fun cinematic tricks with the overdone found footage gambit, and Max “Son of John” Landis provides a crackerjack script that never gets too clever with its high concept. CONTRABAND (R) How much cooler would this flick have been had it recounted the tale of Bill and Lance, two lonely, shirtless soldiers blasting their way to the Alien’s lair to the sounds of Cinemechanica? Much, much cooler. Alas, Contraband is merely a standard, occasionally thrilling heist flick starring the “always reliable for this sort of action” Mark Wahlberg. As Chris Farraday, a former master smuggler gone legit, Wahlberg calmly muscles his way from New Orleans to Panama in order to get his brother-in-law (X-Men: First Class’s Caleb Landry Jones) out of trouble with a small time crook (Giovanni Ribisi). If Chris fails, his pretty wife (Kate Beckinsale) and two little boys may pay the price. DEATH BY ALCOHOL: THE SAM SPADY STORY (NR) This documentary sheds light on the dangers of alcohol poisoning, a topic about which every young college student should be aware. Nineteen-year-old Samantha Spady was a popular student at Colorado State University whose life was cut tragically short on Sept. 5, 2004, due to alcohol poisoning from too many shots of vanilla vodka. The film and subsequent discussion with a panel that includes UGA head football coach Mark Richt can prevent other young people from repeating Sam’s fatal mistake. THE DESCENDANTS (R) Is The Descendants the best film of last year? If not, the bittersweet dramedy starring Academy Award nominee George Clooney is among the top two or three. Filmmaker Alexander Payne sure took his time following up his 2004 Oscar winning smash, but the delay was worth it. After a tragic accident leaves his wife in a coma, lawyer and owner of the last parcel of virgin land in Hawaii, Matt King (Clooney), struggles to raise his two daughters, come to peace with revelations about his dying wife and decide what to do with his important land. Clooney is this generation’s Paul Newman, a cool cat who can pull off anything he’s asked to do on screen.


THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY (PG-13) Now when you first read/hear a description of Diving Bell, your initial inclination will be to stay far, far away from it, but director Julian Schnabel has made two hours trapped in someone else’s paralyzed body heartbreakingly painless. Most of Diving Bell is narrated from the perspective of Jean-Dominique Bauby, the editor of Elle who wrote his memoir by blinking his left eye, the only body part left unparalyzed by a stroke. DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX (PG) To win the affections of the girl of his dreams, a young boy must seek the story of the world’s grumpy, charming protector, the Lorax. The voice cast is high-profile (Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Betty White and Ed Helms), and judging from the trailers, Danny DeVito is the perfect Lorax. The Lorax’s filmmakers knocked it out of the park with their previous animated feature, Despicable Me. Is it safe to assume they can do the same with Seuss?

Wakefield (Thandie Newton), on the virtual eve of his wedding. Naturally, his relationship with Lindsey and her cute daughter, Ariel, awaken the spark of life that’s been lying dormant in Deeds for the bulk of his adult life, a course charted by his domineering mother (Phylicia Rashad). Perry has two tonal modes: the headspinning comic/dramatic combo of his Madea movies and the grindingly humorless melodrama of his non-Madea flicks. Good Deeds is planted squarely in the latter camp. Lighter moments are so hard to come by you will yearn for Madea to drop in to say “hur-lo.” Good Deeds is duller than most of the 11 movies directed by Perry since 2006 (!); it’s also superior to the bulk of them. • GONE (PG-13) Gone, a serial killer thriller starring large-eyed beauty Amanda Seyfried, is not even bad enough to be fun. Seyfried stars as Jill Conway, who was abducted and placed in a hole in the woods surrounding

It’s Friday! Roofies for everyone! THE EDUCATION OF SHELBY KNOX—SEX, LIES AND EDUCATION (NR) 2005. A teenager growing up in a conservative small town fights for sex education and gay rights. Shelby Knox transforms from a 15-year-old Southern Baptist to a liberal crusader in her hometown of Lubbock, Texas. This screening is part of the Women’s History Month Film Festival sponsored by the Institute for Women’s Studies at UGA. GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE (PG-13) Marvel’s Neveldine/Taylor experiment might have gone better had the company had the guts to release another R-rated flick a la their two Punisher flops. The Crank duo brings their frenetic, non-stop visual style, but those wicked paeans to hedonism had a narrative need to never slow down (its lead character would die). Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance must pump the brakes occasionally to let the “story” catch up, and Neveldine/ Taylor never seem as comfortable when the movie’s not rocketing along at 100 miles an hour. They also don’t keep a tight enough rein on their star; Nic Cage is allowed to unleash every one of his worst acting instincts as Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider, tasked with saving a young boy from the Devil (Ciaran Hinds). • GOOD DEEDS (PG-13) Good Deeds is another average melodrama from the entertainment juggernaut that is Atlanta’s Tyler Perry. Perry stars as Wesley Deeds, the uptight CEO of a software company who befriends a struggling widowed mother, Lindsey

Portland, Oregon. (Note: Portland’s tourism bureau needs to step it up; television, books and movies imply the city is ground zero for serial killing.) Somehow, she escapes, but a year later, her sister, Molly, disappears. Jill suspects her abductor is behind her sister’s disappearance, but the cops (including cold-eyed Wes Bentley, who just screams red herring at this point in his career) don’t believe her, due to her stint in a mental hospital following her alleged abduction. Don’t be fooled by my description; it’s much more entertaining than the actual movie. THE GREY (R) February is ending; it must be time for another Liam Neeson actioner. The formerly acclaimed actor has almost completed his transformation into an English Denzel Washington, whose filmography is filling up with inconsequential paychecks jobs. At least Joe Carnahan (Narc, The A-Team) is writing and directing this tale of an Alaskan drilling team struggling to defeat a pack of wolves hunting them after their plane crashes in the wilderness. With Dermot Mulroney and James Badge Dale (“The Pacific”). HUGO (PG) Despite its near perfection, this 3D family film—Martin Scorsese’s first—may be the loveliest wide release to struggle to find its audience this year. Yet it’s no wonder Scorsese, himself a film historian as well as a film lover, decided to adapt Brian Selznick’s The Invention of Hugo Cabret, whose central mystery revolves around an early cinematic master. Parisian orphan Hugo (Asa Butterfield), who lives inside the clocktower of the

train station, seeks the answer to a mysterious automaton, left unsolved by his late father and clockmaker (Jude Law), with the help of a toymaker named Georges (Ben Kingsley) and his charge, Isabelle (Chloe Grace Moretz). JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND (PG) Sean (Josh Hutcherson, soon to be Peeta in The Hunger Games) and his future stepdad, Hank (the always appealing Johnson), travel to the mysterious island to find Sean’s granddad (Michael Caine). l PROJECT X (R) The Hangover director Todd Phillips is in producer mode for this look into youth today. Three high school seniors document their name-making party as it goes off the track. Director Nima Nourizadeh makes the leap from commercials to features. I genuinely hope this flick is better than 2010’s repellant The Virginity Hit. The cast of mostly unknowns and newcomers includes Miles Teller (Rabbit Hole), Thomas Mann (It’s Kind of a Funny Story), Oliver Cooper and Jonathan Daniel Brown. SAFE HOUSE (R) For Safe House’s target fans of Denzel Washington, whizzing bullets and car chases, the action flick is critically bulletproof; for me, it was competently boring. Former CIA operative turned rogue asset, Tobin Frost (Washington), goes on the run with green agent Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds, in the thankless role anyone could have filled) hot on his heels. Washington remains the laziest talent in Hollywood. What draws him to waste his chops on these action-filled scripts with such obvious plot trajectories? THE SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY (G) In an era when most animated features are brash, loud commercials for action figures with fast food tie-ins, Studio Ghibli releases a quiet, thoughtful, humorous cartoon adaptation of Mary Norton’s The Borrowers. A young boy, Shawn (v. David Henrie), is sent to recuperate in the solitude of his aunt’s home. There he meets a tiny family of “Borrowers”—father Pod (v. Will Arnett, who does surprisingly well in a non-comedic role), mother Homily (v. Amy Poehler) and Arrietty (v. Bridgit Mendler)—and protects them from the nosy housekeeper, Hara (v. Carol Burnett). SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS (PG-13) Much like its 2009 predecessor, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows is a perfectly forgettable crowdpleaser. Robert Downey, Jr. revisits his hyper-bordering-on-manic, streetfighting master sleuth, this time tasked with defeating his literary archnemesis, Professor James Moriarty (the appropriate Jared Harris of AMC’s “Mad Men”). THE SITTER (R) Jonah Hill’s Noah Griffith is a lot nicer of a dude than he or the trailer let on, and that likability saves the movie from descending into the Danny McBride-ian depths of comic self-loathing and assholeishness. Tasked with babysitting three miserable kids—anxiety-ridden Slater (Max Records of Where the Wild Things Are), makeup-drenched, celebworshipper Blithe (Landry Bender) and Salvadoran foster kid Rodrigo (Kevin Hernandez)—this irresponsible slacker goes on a big-city adventure just to get laid. Director David Gordon Green, Hill, the kids and the rock-solid Sam

Rockwell, keep the concept and gags, most of which expired in 1990, fresh for the flick’s 80 brief minutes, while the quirky references (Gymkata, Alyssa Milano’s workout video, etc.) and sweet electronic score evoke the ‘80s action vibe that The Sitter’s target audience grew up on. STAR WARS: EPISODE I—THE PHANTOM MENACE 3D (PG) At nearly 13 years old, George Lucas’ return to that galaxy far, far away has not gotten better with age. Adding more dimensions has not helped either. The bad far outweighs the good as the prequels begin amid a trade dispute between the greedy Trade Federation and the tiny planet of Naboo. I dozed off just typing that synopsis. THIS MEANS WAR (PG-13) Two of the CIA’s top agents/besties, FDR (Chris Pine) and Tuck (Tom Hardy), wind up dating the same girl, Lauren Scott (Reese Witherspoon). You know the drill. FDR and Tuck’s friendship is tested, as both fall for Lauren, but it’s more important that the player of the duo falls in love than the already sensitive one with a kid. Poorly edited early on, This Means War never really finds a groove. This action romcom hybrid has a few fleeting moments, thanks to the bromantic chemistry between beefcake stars Pine and Hardy. Unfortunately, neither man shares that same spark with third lead, Witherspoon. THE VOW (PG-13) Nicholas Sparks has to be kicking himself for not coming up with this plot first. A young couple, Paige and Leo Collins (Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum), struggle to fall in love again after a car accident erases all of Paige’s memories of Leo and their marriage. As these plots are wont to do, Paige’s rich parents (Sam Neill and Jessica Lange) and her ex-lover (Scott Speedman) use her tabula rasa to rewrite their past wrongs, while Leo must cope with the realization that his wife might never remember him. • WANDERLUST (R) Easily 2012’s funniest movie to date, Wanderlust smartly plays to its stars’ comedic strengths. George and Linda (Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston) must trade New York City for Georgia after George loses his job in high finance, but working for his douchebag brother, expertly played by cowriter Ken Marino, is not the solution. Having mistakenly wound up on an “intentional community” their first night in the state, George and Linda choose to become permanent residents of Elysium. Wanderlust may not be groundbreaking comedy, but its riff-filled script, written by Marino and director David Wain, two alums of MTV’s much beloved “The State,” perfectly matches its assembled comedic ensemble. WE BOUGHT A ZOO (PG) This movie just generates some odd feelings. A movie directed by Cameron Crowe and starring Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson and Thomas Haden Church sounds like a serious winner, but then there’s the title. A dad (Damon) moves his family to Southern California to renovate a struggling zoo. The Devil Wears Prada scripter Aline Brosh McKenna and Crowe relocate Benjamin Mee’s memoir from England to SoCal. THE WOMAN IN BLACK (PG-13) Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, sporting tremendously manicured sideburns, stars as lawyer Arthur Kipps, a widower struggling to raise his young son. To save his job, Kipps must travel to a small, isolated village and tidy up the affairs at an abandoned old house. Like something out of Lovecraft, the locals aren’t very welcoming to this strange newcomer. Director James Watkins chills his ‘aunted ‘ouse with creepy dolls, dead children and the titular black-clad woman. Drew Wheeler

movie pick Disguised as Ourselves ALBERT NOBBS (R) A hotel waiter in 19ththe performances. Close’s mannered acting century Dublin, Albert Nobbs (Glenn Close), (she was nominated for an Oscar this year for a woman, has long lived a life of deception it) may have once convinced onstage, but here and subterfuge by pretending to be a man in she borders on the grotesque, looking bizarrely order to work. Her life is blind-sided when a unnatural when acting opposite more natural house painter, Hubert (Janet McTeer), workperformers. This contrast in styles could have ing at the hotel for a brief time, discovers made for something interesting with a strong Albert’s secret. Hubert also has a secret of his director behind the camera, but García seems own. Meanwhile, Albert yearns for the comtone deaf through much of it, unable to figure panionship of a maid at the hotel, Helen (Mia out whether to draw out poignancy or humor Wasikowska), hoping in a scene, such as the that she will marry him. moment when Albert But Helen has eyes for and Hubert don dresses an uncouth Irish lad, Joe and walk through the (Aaron Johnson), who streets as women. One promises to take her to can’t help but wonder America with him. what kind of insight Albert Nobbs is a stiff. and true craftsmanship Based on a short story James Ivory and Ismael by George Moore and a Merchant (Howard’s End, subsequent play, Albert Remains of the Day) Nobbs theoretically could have brought to has all of the dramatic this in their heyday. The ingredients to make Aaron Johnson and Glenn Close movie raises the quesfor a brilliant movie. tion: Why was this made Close originally played the character of Nobbs for the big screen in the first place? There’s on stage in 1982 and long wanted to bring not a cinematic bone in its long, starchy 113 the production to the big screen. Outside of minutes. When a transition whip pan makes some strong performances by the supportfor the biggest movie moment, you’re in trouing cast—Wasikowska, McTeer and Brendan ble. It would have made a better fit for the Gleeson—Albert Nobbs never coalesces into small screen. Then again, dramatic television the first-class prestige drama it was undoubthasn’t come off as bloodless as this in over a edly designed to be. Director Rodrigo García, decade. son of novelist Gabriel García Márquez, never feels sure of himself with the material or with Derek Hill



theatre notes In Like an All-Star Cast of Lions The coming of spring makes everyone frisky, and it’s getting to be time to come out of hibernation and hit the live venues again. March brings an embarrassment of theatergoing riches, enough to satisfy the live-performance jones no matter how deep the itch. Seriously, this month the theater community just throws up all over us.

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Chi-Town Laughs: The landmark comedyimprov troupe Second City Company rolls into Hodgson Hall at the UGA Performing Arts Center Mar. 2 & 3. This is huge. Based out of Chicago (there’s also a troupe in Toronto), Second City was instrumental in launching the careers of Alan Arkin, John Belushi, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, Stephen Colbert, Dan Castellaneta, Steve Carell, Tina Fey and on and on. Audiences can expect some top-drawer

Frank to the Morton Theatre Mar. 1–3. For those of you—and I can’t imagine how many that could possibly be—who didn’t read the book in school, it is a harrowing true story of a Jewish family hidden in an Amsterdam attic in hopes of escaping Nazi internment, seen through the eyes of 13-year-old Anne. The 1956 play is powerful, and this production promises to be something worth seeing. Showtimes are Thursday–Saturday, Mar. 1–3, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for children and students with ID. For more information, visit www.circleensembletheatre.com. Fruit Roll-Up: The Rose of Athens Theatre will present James and the Giant Peach, Roald Dahl’s beloved story about a boy, his insect friends and a gigantic flying piece of


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comedy from performers who are likely to be household names within a few years, so look forward to scoring at the water-cooler when you casually mention that you saw them before they were on television. Showtimes are at 8 p.m., Friday, Mar. 2 & Saturday, Mar. 3. Tickets are $39, with special discounts for UGA students. Tickets can be purchased online at pac.uga.edu or by calling the Performing Arts Center box office at (706)542-4400. Artistic Visions: University Theatre continues its run of Hidden Man, by Pamela Turner, Feb. 29–Mar. 4 in the Cellar Theatre of the UGA Fine Arts Building. Set in the early 1980s, the play explores an unusual friendship that develops between a young gay nihilist and Reverend Howard Finster, the North Georgia folk artist known for his raw, discursive paintings based upon prophetic visions and for the album covers he did for R.E.M. and Talking Heads. This looks to be a fascinating show about the meeting of two radically different minds, and certainly worth checking out. Showtimes are 8 p.m., Wednesday– Saturday, Feb. 29–Mar. 3, and 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Mar. 4. Tickets are $15 and $12 for students. To purchase tickets, see drama.uga. edu/events/productions.php, call (706) 5424400 or buy tickets at the door before the show. For more info, see www.drama.uga.edu. A Classic Revisited: The Circle Ensemble Theatre Company brings The Diary of Anne

pre-cobbler, directed by Lisa Cesnik Ferguson. Like most Rose of Athens shows, this one will show for school-age audiences before a limited public run at Seney-Stovall Chapel, Mar. 2 & 3 and 9 & 10. Also like most Rose of Athens shows, it looks to be a lot of fun. Showtimes are Friday, Mar. 2, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Mar. 3, at 2 & 7 p.m.; Friday, Mar. 9, at 7 p.m.; and Saturday, Mar. 10, at 2 & 7 p.m.. Tickets are $16 for adults, $12 for students and $8 for children. Call the Rose of Athens Theatre box office at (706) 340-9181 or visit www.roseofathens.org. Have a Green Beer and Leer: Looking for something to do on St. Patrick’s Day? OK, looking for something to do in addition to getting swacked? Effie’s Club Follies presents March’s installment of Burlesque Beta on Saturday, Mar. 17, or as they’re calling it “St. Pasties Day.” The monthly variety show has gotten more popular and a lot racier since it started a few months ago, so this one is not to be missed. As always, it’s at Go Bar, starts at 10 p.m., and there’s a $3 cover. If I Were a Rich Man: For those who like their theater Broadway-musical-style, Saturday, Mar. 24 brings the current touring company of Fiddler on the Roof, a family-friendly classic, to the Classic Center. Showtime is 8 p.m. Tickets are $10–$65 and available at www. classiccenter.com. John G. Nettles

threats & promises Music News And Gossip These Are Nice Boys: I know that most of y’all bought tickets to the Camper Van Beethoven Camp-In (40 Watt, Mar. 1–3) simply for the pleasure of catching Matt Hudgins and His Shit-Hot Country Band opening the second night of events. But did you know they’ll also be playing Highwire Lounge for free every Tuesday in March? Since the band is trying to raise money to release a record in April, they’ll probably be mighty thankful for any donations made at these free shows. And they would more than likely be over the moon if you headed over to www.hudginscountry.com and checked out their new assortment of merchandise, including shirts and silk-screened posters as well as their first album. If you’re on the fence, which is unlikely, you can stream it first. This Film Is On: Film Athens, the organization behind the popular Sprockets Music Video Competition, has sent out its call for entries for this year’s event. Now in its seventh year, this annual competitive showcase is a highlight for musicians, filmmakers and those who love them. The early deadline is Apr. 15, and the late deadline is Apr. 30. What’s the dif­

their Waka Winter Classic Tour in search of regional talent. At each stop, a handful of bands will perform, and, based on audience reaction, one from each showcase will get to play the big festival held at Blueberry Mountain. The tour reaches New Earth Music Hall on Friday, Mar. 2, and the Athens showcase will feature performances from Dank Sinatra, Sumilan, Radioluscent, Noise [Org] and Betsy Franck & the Bareknuckle Band. More information on what you’ll be helping these folks get into can be found at www. wakarusa.com. Short Takes: Athens label The Mylene Sheath launched a new website complete with a new webstore, in-depth artist info, etc. Visit them at www.mylenesheath.com… Two-time national banjo champion Charles Wood brings his combo Nitrograss to Terrapin brewery on Friday, Mar. 2, 5:30–7:30 p.m… Terrapin will also host this year’s BreastFest, the annual benefit to support the battle against breast cancer, on Mar. 24. Full details to come… Tunabunny will return this week from its first U.K. tour. Let’s hope they come back with slight accents and new cuss words. Follow

Drive-By Truckers • Deerhunter •Bright Eyes •REM Widespread Panic • Hope for agoldensummer • Toro y Moi The Whigs • Kelly Hogan • Bob Mould •Cracker Rock*a*teens • Bloodkin • Dodd Ferrelle • The Futurebirds The Dexateens • Dead Confederate • The Music Tapes Amy Ray • The GlandsThanks, • Harvey Milk for •Azure Ray • Ill Ease Athens, entrusting us with your forStar 15 years Elf Power • Don Chambers and music Goat • Room Boys Hal Al Shedad • Heart in the Hornet’s Nest • Booker T David Barbe Alex Kroh Spring Tigers • Pacific UV • The Woggles • West End Motel LeMaster Joel Hatstat Native KidAndy • Second Sons • Mr. Falcon • Macha • Hidden Spots • Bo Bedingfield and the Wydelles •Clint Maul • Starry Drew Vandenberg Bennett Moon Crowns • Perpetual Groove • Thomas The Olivia Tremor Control Tom Lewis Johnson Band of Horses • The Tom Collins David • Haroula Rose • Bettye Matt Tuttle Lowery LaVette • Kuroma • Maria Taylor • Animal Collective Chase Park Transduction - Recording. Mixing. Mastering. Mobile. Modern Skirts • Gift Horse • Bambara • Thayer Sarrano Twin Tigers •chaseparktransduction.com Kenosha Kid • Orenda Fink • Vic Chesnutt Dr••West 706End 227 0680 Of Montreal160 • LayWinston Down Mains Motel • Jerry Joseph

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Quiet Hooves ference? Glad you asked. The submission fee is $25 until Apr. 15 and $35 from then until Apr. 30. The videos in this year’s competition will be screened at the Sprockets Music Video Show on June 16, and the winners announced at the Flagpole Athens Music Awards on June 21. All relevant information, entry forms and information can be found at www.filmathens. net/sprockets. If you have any specific questions not answered here, just drop a line to sprockets@filmathens.net. Blow Your Allowance: There hasn’t been anywhere on the east side of Athens to buy records since Vinyl & Videos closed down several years ago. Now there is. The Record Booth just opened inside the Weekend A’Fair shop (located at the Charmar Antique Mall at 790 Gaines School Rd.) and is open Wednesday–Saturday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Specializing in only used records, they’re selling all LPs for $3 and all 7-inches for a buck. They’ve got posters, songbooks and other ephemera, too. Drop them a line at olderecord@yahoo.com if you’ve got any questions, or check out www.therecordbooth.com. Or if you really want to speak with someone about all this, just call 706-850-5945. Gotta Raise a Little Hell: The folks behind the Ozark, AR Wakarusa Festival have been traveling around the country hosting

the action intermittently via www.facebook. com/tunabunny.… Reptar’s debut release for Vagrant Records will come out May 1… Pretty Bird released a virtual 7-inch this week—meaning it’s digital for now with vinyl hopefully later—named Tower, and it’s a solid step further into the sonic psychedelic sitting room they’ve built. Go grab it at www.thebirdhouse.bandcamp.com. And while you’re there, spend some time digging around into the other releases from The Birdhouse Collection. They’re worth your time.

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Mercer Goes West: It’s tour diary time, boys and girls. Last week Quiet Hooves departed on a national tour with Reptar that will take them all across the country over the course of two months. Mercer West will be blogging from every city, posting words and photos about their travels at the (new and improved) Flagpole.com. [Michelle Gilzenrat]


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Free Music: Organizer Melissa Link says The Rally for a Better Athens at 3 p.m. Saturday Mar. 3 on the steps of City Hall will have The Better Athens String Band. “Joe Willey wrote some awesome traditional-style protest songs, plus there’s Timi Conley with his Hendrix-style rendition of ‘The Star Spangled Banner… ’” [Pete McCommons] Gordon Lamb threatsandpromises@flagpole.com

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ategorizing the California Guitar Trio in a single musical category can be a challenge. The mostly acoustic guitarbased group—guitarists Paul Richards, Bert Lams and Hideyo Moriya—dabble in a little bit of everything. Their repertoire ranges from Bach to The Beatles. They can easily render a sophisticated version of Ennio Morricone’s cinematic music and then switch gears into a cheerful cover of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Their original material can be just as eclectic. More than 20 years after forming, the California Guitar Trio still value their reputation for versatility. “We have so many different influences that we are now beginning to focus on certain aspects of our style,” says Richards. “For example, we just released a recording called Masterworks, which features only classical music. Our next project will likely be another project focussed on one aspect, maybe an album of surf-guitar music.” Richards, a native of Salt Lake City, was first attracted to studying and playing the guitar because his two older brothers played. He remembers as a child having guitars around the house and always being intrigued by them. “I loved everything about them,” he says, “the wood, the sound, the guitar culture and, of course, the music that was produced by the guitar.” Richards started playing seriously around the age of 13. His first instructor took him to a Rush concert, which turned out to be a lifechanging experience. “From that moment on, I knew without a doubt that I would be a guitar player,” Richards remembers. “Throughout junior high and high school, my two favorite bands were Rush and Led Zeppelin. By ear, I learned to play along with all of their albums, note by note.” From the complex and energetic classicrock riffage of Rush, Richards soon dove into the jazzy and more experimental works of John McLaughlin, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Bill Frisell. He stretched into classical and baroque music as well. Richards and his two current bandmates first met in England in 1987 while studying with revered guitarist Robert Fripp (of British prog-rock band King Crimson). Lams hailed from Belgium, while Moriya was from Japan. After touring together as part of Fripp’s ground-breaking League of Crafty Guitarists and Robert Fripp String Quintet, the three guitarists relocated to Los Angeles where they formed the California Guitar Trio. The lessons learned during their time with Fripp helped shape their style as an all-guitar group. “Robert Fripp is a great instructor because he really knows how to share his profound

VELOCIRAPTURE experience with music,” he says. “He taught us to recognize the qualities of music and to recognize and nurture exciting musical ideas.” As the sole American in the group, Richards naturally offered plenty of ideas informed by classic pop, rock, blues and roots music, but Bert Lams and Hideyo Moriya brought their own ideas and influences to the mix. “Each of us has a very different musical background due to the fact that we were born in three very different countries,” Richards says. “Being from Europe, Bert has a more traditional classical background. Hideyo is very much influenced by traditional Japanese music, but always had a love for California surf-guitar music like The Ventures. Bert is really the best overall player in the band. I’m still in awe of his beautiful playing. Hideyo is the fastest player of the three of us. He has a very strong sense of rhythm. It’s hard for me to describe my own playing, but coming from a primarily rock background, I suppose I bring some of that visceral energy to the group. And I have the ability to play in just about any style with a fair amount of competency.” Last year, the California Guitar Trio celebrated its 20th anniversary with the release of a new album of original pieces titled Andromeda. “The album title comes from the piece with the same name,” Richards says. “That piece has a very spacey quality to it. I’ve always had an interest in astronomy, NASA and images from the Hubble space telescope, so it all seemed quite fitting when a friend of ours suggested the title after hearing us perform the piece live.” Andromeda features guest performances by drummer Eric Slick (Dr. Dog, Adrian Belew), keyboardist Tyler Trotter and bassists Tony Levin (King Crimson), Julie Slick (Stewart Copeland, Adrian Belew) and Tom Griesgraber (who also plays in a duo with Lams). It’s an impressive collaboration. “With each recording, we have been striving to achieve the best of acoustic analog recording techniques blended with the use of electronic guitar effects and digital processing,” Richards says. “With Andromeda, we have achieved a new level of the acoustic/ electric blend.”

Saturday, March 3


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OF MONTREAL Paralytic Stalks Polyvinyl Coming off the critically shrugged (and guest-laden) pop piece False Priest, local heroes of Montreal return with their most adventurous material yet. Experimental and often atonal, of Montreal’s 11th is a difficult record that is sure to polarize many, while delighting those who take a more considered listen. Split into two distinct halves, Paralytic Stalks combines the sort of warped pop-synth-psych bric-abrac that fans will find familiar with another side of frenetic, discordant and frequently formless freak-outs in the seven- to 14-minute range. It’s a knotty, noisy mess; but it somehow—almost impossibly—comes off as cohesive and well produced. Big props go out to new hires Drew Vandenberg, producer; woodwind worker Zac Colwell; and string-theory everything player Kishi Bashi for making it work. In many ways, Paralytic Stalks is a refinement of late-era of Montreal histrionics. Skeletal Lamping’s schizoid attention span is more seamless. Hissing Fauna’s dark confession-booth bop is even more insular. Frontman Kevin Barnes even discards his daisy chain gang of alter egos and merry pranksters. It makes for an exhilarating listen. By boldly experimenting with new sounds, keeping what works and trimming the fat, of Montreal has built its best record in years: a bitter, angry and yet frequently transcendent sound poem to the Eames-chair shrink. Christopher Benton

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For those of you who didn’t pay attention in high school geography, Mali is a landlocked country in Western Africa that, until 1960, was controlled by France. About half of the population of the Republic of Mali lives on less than $1.25 a day. As is evident by Adam Klein’s latest treat, Dugu Wolo, the country is also the perfect spot to compose a world folk record. Dugu Wolo is essentially an album 10 years in the making. Klein first visited Mali in 2002, where he penned multiple songs—many of which found their way onto his previously released albums. To date, however, this record

is considered his first full delve into world music—and it’s damn good. Recorded in Bamako, Mali, in early 2010, this album is a rustic collection of tunes that fuses together rootsy Americana with traditional West African Mande—an ancient style passed down through the generations by way of griots (traveling musicians, poets and storytellers). The resulting sound is clean, intimate and thoroughly inclusive—a work that transcends not only genre, but also geography and culture. Dugu Wolo would fit comfortably as background music in a coffee shop in Athens, GA or a marketplace in Tombouctou, Mali. In addition to combining both North American and West African stylings and instrumentation, the tracks of Dugu Wolo are sung in both English and in Bambara. It’s evident that Klein truly connected with the Malian musicians with whom he collaborates on this record because, regardless of language, the themes conveyed in each track are universal: love, loss, pain and celebration. Although both American and West-African folk music are based in simplicity, this particular marriage of genres is multi-dimensional. In other words, if you’re just looking for another “flavor of the week” indie-folk record, this one ain’t it. Carrie Dagenhard

DUBCONSCIOUS These Days EP 1320 Records DubConscious, elder statesmen of the festival circuit and deans of the Athens electronica scene, are back in the studio. With a vengeance. Though officially an EP, at eight tracks These Days feels closer to a full album. And while DubConscious has already announced the band will be dropping a 14-track long-player in the fall, it’s clear from the myriad ideas bursting out of the seams of this preview octet that these guys were itching to get their new material laid down. The enticingly chill opener “Ecclesiastes” is a classic dub jam that beckons the listener into DubConscious’ world by way of friendly, ambling bass and bright, colorful sunspots of synth before a bubbly, staccato guitar fans out into exploratory flights of fancy. “Home 1” is a muscular, psychedelic organ workout with a dank, moonlit glow. Haunting, groupwailed vocals cry out from the depths of some murky, misty, miles-deep cavern and comingle with a downtempo dance groove that will make you want to twist slowly into the floor like a corkscrew, and then stay there all night. Equally exciting is the album’s closer “2’r,” in which DubConscious taps out a funky, slick beat in the squelchy language of analog synthesizers, before employing a pugnacious, space-eating trombone solo that blasts the listener out the door with a hearty slap on the back and a note pinned to his shirt: We’re Just Gettin’ Started. David Fitzgerald

JIM WHITE Where It Hits You Yep Roc “On the best of days, still there’s hell to pay,” sings Jim White on “Epilogue to a Marriage,” the penultimate track off his terrific new album Where It Hits You. The tune’s a duet with Caroline Herring, and one of the more moving tracks on an album packed with emotional heft and melodic melancholy. It’s no Here, My Dear, but Where It Hits You bears clear lyrical influence from White’s recent personal tribulations—his marriage fell apart during the recording of the disc, and if there’s a sound of a midslumber arm reaching over to an empty side of the bed, this album comes close to capturing the complexities of that moment. White moved to Athens about five years ago in the wake of acclaim for his album and documentary Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus. The wry Southern charm of that album and others hasn’t faded, but it’s a little more sober, a little grayer at the temples. Sometimes pared down to guitar and vocals, at other times filled out with a handful of local and national players, White’s arrangements this time around convey an ease with folk traditions and a willingness to stray from orthodoxy. What hasn’t changed is White’s observational acumen—check out “State of Grace,” for instance, which suggests the “cockeyed state of grace” that applies to Southern geography can apply to a Southern man, too. Chris Hassiotis

THE WOODGRAINS From Marshall, To Venita Independent Release The Woodgrains are a throwback to the days of psychedelic rock when the guitars were fuzzy, the vocals wailing, and the keyboard was played in an utterly non-ironic manner. In fact, The Woodgrains’ keys are one of the most appealing elements of their sound, along with their sweet harmonies and the banjo twang. The distorted mix of guitar and keys keeps them from getting too bogged down in the jam-iness of psych and allows the good parts to shine like the craziest of diamonds. The trio bills themselves as a mix of folk, psychedelic and soul. For the most part, that’s accurate. Naturally, the psych-rock elements are most apparent, but every now and then The Woodgrains throw in a folksy sliding

guitar that shouldn’t work, but just does. The harmonies are pure soul, however. “Tuscaloosa” sounds like a Hendrix B-side, down to the smooth spoken vocals and dripping guitar notebending spree. It’s also one of the few times that The Woodgrains allow the vocal melody and song structure to get in the way of the actual music. The stop/start nature snaps you out of whatever groove you were in, but manages to grab you again just in time for the song to end. It’s pretty much the only problem song on the record, the rest being a smooth, colorful romp through psych-rock done right. The Woodgrains manage to avoid wandering too far into nostalgia by updating that ‘60s sound just enough to make it truly their own. Jordan Stepp

SUMILAN Natural Selection Independent Release Mild, manageable dyslexia led me to believe the band to be named for that Sultan of the Ottoman Empire generally described as “magnificent.” Best I can tell, the word Sumilan is pronounced sue-mah-lahn and means nothing. Combining the most harmless and approachable jazz, adult contemporary and metal(ish) influences, the local quintet specializes in a unique brand of easy listening. Sumilan has obviously decided on hypnosis as a means of making said brand a household name. The album opens with 25 seconds of subliminal message-conducting quivering ambience called “Prokaryote,” named for free-floating nucleus-free organisms more fascinating than this track, to be sure. The dreamy vibe seamlessly sequences into curiously titled “Search Party,” where monotonous steady tension builds, then, the only lyrics: “Never found a way/ Never found a way from home,” are repeated until a decidedly rock and roll flourish puts an end to wondering: “Why the search party if you never left the house?” Trippy. Album centerpiece “Shishka” best places the band’s shape-shifting prowess (or weakness, depending upon your tolerance for abrupt genre change within a song) on display, but the once again hypnotic delivery of “How Now Does It Feel” makes it the most compelling listen on Natural Selection—like a Bon Iver meets Lotus mash-up kept simple, made clean and repeatedly listenable. David Eduardo Also Released This Month: Jay Gonzalez–Mess of Happiness • Vincas–Blood Bleeds • Savagist– Domestic Becoming Feral • Betsy Kingston and the Crowns–Blue Laws • El Hollín–Pleasure-Puncher • Joshua Daniels and the Dangerous–Nothing but My Soul to Lose • Still, Small Voice and the Joyful Noise–Plain As Day • Whiff Trophy–End of End More reviews at www.flagpole.com.


World Travel and

Electronic Excursions hile it’s true that any artist’s work cannot be anything less than the latticework of his/her experiences, it’s ideal if it’s also something beyond that as well. Philadelphia-based sound-pop act Grandchildren strives for— and groks, powerfully—this ideal. “I grew up in the military, so I traveled all over the place,” says main man Aleks Martray. “I was born in Germany, grew up in West Point in the military academy and would travel to Broadway all the time. I grew up watching musicals and things like that.” In addition to touring with Grandchildren, Martray has spent the last several summers in Nicaragua under the employ of Maryland Institute College of Art’s “Art of Solidarity” program, building connections between the communities of the Americas, both South and North. “I think when I got older, it was just natural that I would be traveling and going to different places. I just really connect with Latin America, I’m not sure why. To me, making any kind of art has a lot to do with different perspectives, so for me, traveling is the normal state.” Martray’s work in Grandchildren doesn’t speak to an assimilation of the sounds rattling around his memory banks so much as the kinetic sum of energy built up through a lifetime of forward momentum. It doesn’t hurt that Grandchildren essentially annexed one of Philadelphia’s most spastically buoyant indie-punk bands, Rad Racket. “It really took shape when I eventually moved to Philly, to the Danger Danger House,” Martray says, speaking of one of Philadelphia’s more active DIY spots. “And at the time, I lived with everybody [in the band], and we were throwing shows, so I was exposed to a lot of different music.” The Rad Racket guys—Tris Palazzolo, Adam Katz, John Vogel, Russell Brodie and the gregarious and oft-mohawked Roman Salcic—were at the center of that community, eventually outgrowing their basement and moving into the more legit—and always all-ages—Danger Danger Gallery. Grandchildren and Rad Racket grew to contain many, if not quite all, of the same members. “There was a period in which we were touring as two different bands, a sort of Venn Diagram of people,” says Mantray. “Eventually, it just made sense for us to focus on one project. I’d moved to Philly to solidify the band, and I ended up doing a solo project, because I was getting a lot more interested in recording and writing through the recording process—doing a lot of sampling and using the technology that I had to really develop the music in a way that I hadn’t been able to before when I was doing more singer/ songwriter-based stuff.” Grandchildren set about the task of taking these electronic excursions and determining how to pull them off live, emerging as a rotating cast of multi-instrumentalists. The results are percussive and lively, with a live sound that pops beyond the hard-drive origins of the source material. The band is working at the moment with producer Bill Moriarty (Dr. Dog) to finish crafting the follow-up to its previous LP, Everlasting. In the meantime, Grandchildren is touring the East Coast and garnering more experiences, which makes for bigger music.


Jeff Tobias

WHO: Dinosaur Feathers, Grandchildren, Cottonmouth, Tree Spirit WHERE: Caledonia Lounge WHEN: Tuesday, Mar. 6, 9:30 p.m. HOW MUCH: $5 (21+), $7 (18+)

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Inaugural Camp-In


brief history: Camper Van Beethoven like, ‘Oh, this band is whacky’… but that’s not formed in 1983, garnering some comreally the way our fans understand us.” mercial success along the way. The He points to writers like Thomas Pynchon band split in 1990, and soon thereafter vocaland Kurt Vonnegut as influences. Although ist/guitarist/songwriter David Lowery formed “they are regarded as serious writers,” says the band Cracker. Camper reunited in ‘99, and Lowery, “they didn’t just write in this dreary, since then, Lowery’s two bands have sporadimatter-of-fact prose.” Musically, both Cracker cally played bills together. and Camper are wildly and proudly eclectic. According to Lowery, the upcoming “Camper and Cracker have always taken a three-day Camp-In is something of a “family little of this and a little of that and mixed it reunion” for the bands and the fans. He also with rock music,” says Lowery. “The difference hopes the series of shows will serve as an inbetween the bands is that they’re choosing depth exploration of the artists’ careers. different thises and thats.” “We call our thing a ‘fanfest,’” says Lowery, But from where does this eclecticism “because we dive down into the Cracker and come? Lowery provides a historical explanaCamper oeuvre. We first show people how tion: “Both the bands formed in this area of these bands are related—why Camper sounds Southern California that was known as ‘The like this and Cracker sounds like that—and Inland Empire.’ People in L.A. talk about The sort of break it apart into its components Inland Empire in sort of the same way that and then put it all back together. I think people in New York talk about New Jersey. every band has to be understood in its own [The Inland Empire] is sort of the land of environment.” big hair, rednecks, While Lowery immigrants—it’s not insists that his songs a very nice term. But don’t necessarily what they’re getting 40 Watt Club have “something to at is also what influsay,” he does point enced our music… night 1: Thursday, Mar. 1, 8 p.m. $10 to a common lyrical it’s this weird melting Cracker Duo, Ponderosa, Jonny theme shared by both pot—almost a meltCorndawg bands. ing pot of misfits “A lot of [the and undesirables— night 2: Friday, Mar. 2, 8 p.m. $20 songwriting] revolves that was its reputaCamper Van Beethoven, Matt around this notion tion. So, in a lot Hudgins & His Shit-Hot Country that most people are of ways, Camper Band, T. Hardy Morris & the Outfit full of shit,” he says, Van Beethoven and “and that the conCracker grew up night 3: Saturday, Mar. 3, 8 p.m. $20 ventional wisdom is with this polyglot Cracker, Shonna Tucker, Clint Maul wrong. This is sort of of American culture an egalitarian version all mixed together. Three-day passes on sale for $50 at www.40watt.com. of that… I try to be And a lot of the sort of an egalitarian bands that came from misanthrope.” The Inland Empire Many younger folks were likely introduced reflected that in their music… That’s how I to Camper Van Beethoven through the docuthink we found that eclecticism that’s part of mentary Bowling for Columbine, which featured our milieu… It’s almost like we didn’t have the CVB song “Take the Skinheads Bowling.” home-grown culture, so we mixed all the stuff The track comes across as humorously nontogether.” sensical. However, the song essentially makes Last year, Lowery became a lecturer for a statement by saying nothing, satirizing the UGA’s Music Business program. Since he seloverly serious artistic climate of the early dom has the chance to speak about the nature 1980s. of the business as a mere artist, Lowery is “The song doesn’t mean anything other excited to “have the university under [his] than ‘take the skinheads bowling,’” says name,” which enables him to emphasize the Lowery. “It has absolutely no depth to it… unpredictability and hypocrisy of the business. Every time you thought it was going to mean “A lot of my success and a lot of my peers’ something, the next line would follow and not success always seemed to be driven by a lot of really lead anywhere… We wrote that song in luck, weird flukes or random things that just 1983, when all the other bands really seemed happened,” he says. “Everybody in the music to have something to say.” In a sense, CVB business talks as if they’re ‘highly skilled’—as fought bullshit with bullshit. if the things they do matter more than they Lowery has often used his unique, tongueactually do. Part of my mission is to point out in-cheek humor as a storytelling device, insist- that we’re all kind of full of shit.” ing that you don’t have to be serious to share Can we get an amen? a serious story. “You can use tools like irony, humor, absurdity,” he says. “People are often Kevin Craig

Camp-In Schedule

Danny Clinch

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Deadline for getting listed in the Calendar is every FRIDAY at 5 p.m. for the issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Email calendar@flagpole.com.

Tuesday 28 EVENTS: Couture A-La-Cart (UGA Dawson Hall) A store created by students with a pop-up retail concept featuring locally designed women’s apparel and accessories. 10:30 a.m.–3:35 p.m. 757-897-6292, www.facebook.com/pages/Couturea-la-cart EVENTS: Italian Film Series (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 148) A screening of Federico Fellini’s Lo Sceicoo Bianco (1952). First of four films in the Italian Film Series. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-542-8057 EVENTS: Jam in the Garden (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Musicians are welcome to come together to play their instruments. 5:30–8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-5421244 PERFORMANCE: God Save the Queens and Kings (UGA Tate Center) Drag show put on by UGA Lambda Alliance. 7 p.m. $3–6. uga. lambda@gmail.com KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. Every Tuesday and Wednesday. 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime (ACC Library) For children ages 18 months to 5 years. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Josefina Baez (UGA Miller Learning Center) Josefina Báez is a performer-writer-

educator-director whose work explores the present and its encounters with the past and future from the perspective of a black, working-class migrant woman living in New York. 4 p.m. FREE! lorgiag@uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: ICE Seminar: Art and Social Practice (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 214) An interdisciplinary panel of faculty from anthropology, psychology, social work and sociology share their reactions to some “classic” examples of relational art. 5:30–7 p.m. FREE! 706-542-7270 LECTURES & LIT.: Lunchtime Learning (ACC Library) “Important Medicare Updates and Senior/ Disbaility Resources in Your Community,” presented by Jessica Bankston of GeorgiaCares and Alan Densen of NE GA Area Agency on Aging. Feel free to bring a lunch. 12:15–1 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Panel Discussion (UGA Memorial Hall) “We Have Issues: Representations of African-American Women in Contemporary Media.” A look at contemporary images of African Diaspora women in music videos, reality TV and films. Part of Black History Month. 7–8:30 p.m. FREE! cymoon@uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: Race, Class, Place and Outcomes Speaker Series (UGA Aderhold) “Racialized Identities: Conceptualizing Race, Learning & Schooling,” by Na’ilah Nasir of University of CaliforniaBerkley. 1 p.m. FREE! sgary@uga. edu

LECTURES & LIT.: Workshop: Library 101 (UGA Miller Learning Center) Learn about GIL and GALILEO and how to find articles and books available through the UGA libraries. 4:30 p.m. FREE! ccason@uga.edu GAMES: Flicker Poker Night (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Last Tuesday of every month! 8:30 p.m. www. flickertheatreandbar.com GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside, Eastside and Harris St.) feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! www.locosgrill.com GAMES: Trivia (Shane’s Rib Shack, College Station) Every Tuesday! 7 p.m. 706-543-0050 GAMES: Trivia (Chango’s Asian Kitchen) Learn facts, eat noodles. Every Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706546-0015 GAMES: Trivia (Fuzzy’s Taco Shop) Compete for prizes and giveaways. Every Tuesday. 9–11 p.m. 706353-0305 GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your Coors Light and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. 706354-1515

Wednesday 29 EVENTS: Canine Cocktail Hour (Hotel Indigo, Madison Bar & Bistro Courtyard) Drink and food specials for you and your (well-behaved,


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Second City Company performs at UGA’s Ramsey Concert Hall on Friday, Mar. 2 and Saturday, Mar. 3. non-aggressive, vaccinated) dog! This week: salty dogs and greyhounds. Every Wednesday. 5-7 p.m. www.indigoathens.com EVENTS: Get Exposed! (Ciné Bar Cafe) Film Athens hosts a networking event to meet industry professionals and supporters of local film and commercial production. 6–8:30 p.m. FREE! www.filmathens.net EVENTS: Lunches for Literacy (Ciné Bar Cafe) Bring your sweetheart to lunch! Athens authors Loran and Myrna Smith will discuss and sign copies of their cookbook, Let the Big Dawg Eat…Again! A Collection of Tailgating Recipes. In conjunction with the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Book Club and catered by Lindsey’s Culinary Market. Preregistration required. 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. $15. www.athensliteracy.org/ lunches-for-literacy ART: Artist Happy Hour (Hotel Indigo) Meet the artists behind the “Look for Light” and “DRAWN: From Athens” exhibits. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.indigoathens.com ART: Life Drawing Open Studio (Lamar Dodd School of Art, Rms. S370 and S380) Ages 18 & up.

5:30–8:30 p.m. scientificillustrationclub@gmail.com ART: Opening Reception (Heirloom Cafe and Fresh Market) For photography by Holly Brown. 5–6 p.m. FREE! 706-354-7901 ART: Tour at Two (Georgia Museum of Art) Meet docents in the lobby for a tour of highlights from the permanent collection. 2 p.m. FREE! www. georgiamuseum.org PERFORMANCE: CORE Concert Dance Company (UGA New Dance Theatre) “Awe-Wakening,” an aerial and dance concert. 8 p.m. $10–15. 706-542-8579 THEATRE: Hidden Man (UGA Fine Arts Building) A Southern Gothic coming-of-age story about artist Robert Sherer and his relationship with Reverend Howard Finster, whose Paradise Gardens are located on three acres in Chattooga County, GA. Feb. 29 & Mar. 1–3, 8 p.m. Mar. 4, 2:30 p.m. $12–25. www.drama. uga.edu KIDSTUFF: Crawlers’ Playgroup (Full Bloom Center) Playtime for sitting and scooting babies and their parents. Wednesdays. 10 a.m. $3. 706-353-3373, www.fullbloomparent.com



KIDSTUFF: Dr. Seuss Storytime (Madison County Library) Could you read books in a box? With a fox? With no socks? 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Full Bloom Storytime (Full Bloom Center) Interactive storytime led by local storytellers who love reading to children. Open to all ages. Wednesdays. 4 p.m. $3 (suggested donation). 706-353-3373, www.fullbloomparent.com KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Storytime (Madison County Library) Includes stories, fingerpuppet plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. For ages 2–5. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime (ACC Library) For children ages 18 months to 5 years. Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Wildcard Wednesday (ACC Library) This week: Leap Day. Celebrate Leap Day with frog

k continued on next page



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THE CALENDAR! origami, cubees and felties. For ages 11–18. 4–5 p.m. FREE! 706613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: English Literature Colloquium (UGA Main Library, Room 285) J. Paul Hunter presents “Unheard Melodies: Silent Poetic Reading and Imagined Performance.” 5 p.m. FREE! www. cencl.uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: Gender Transcender (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 245) Bulldawg Drag Race: A discussion-based program focusing on gender through the lens of drag. 6:30 p.m. FREE! www. lgbtcenter.uga.edu LECTURES & LIT.: “Live Below the Line” (UGA Main Library) The Global Poverty Project encourages participants to live below the poverty line and spend $1.50 a day for five days on food and drink. The presentation will include facts about global poverty and ways to help. 7 p.m. FREE! www.globalpovertyproject.com LECTURES & LIT.: Oconee Democrats Book Group (Piccolo’s Italian Steak House) Discussing Georgia Odyssey, a history of Georgia from its charter in 1732 to the 1996 Olympics and beyond, written by UGA history professor James Cobb. 6:30 p.m. FREE! patricia.priest@yahoo.com GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Test your sports knowledge every Wednesday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? Wednesdays, 8 p.m. (Baldwin St. & Broad St. locations). 706-548-3442 GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102 GAMES: Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Every Wednesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-613-0892 GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Trivia with a DJ! Every Wednesday. 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706548-1920 GAMES: Trivia (Your Pie, 5 Points) Open your pie-hole for a chance to win! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.yourpie.com

Thursday 1

ReadeR Picks



EVENTS: Film Screening (Georgia Museum of Art) Yakov Protazanov’s film Aelita: The Queen of Mars is a 1924 silent film and the first full-length motion picture to feature space travel. 7 p.m. FREE! georgiamuseum.org EVENTS: Movie Night (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) Screening of The World’s Smallest Airport, by local filmmakers Grady Thrasher and Matt DeGennaro. Proceeds benefit Project Safe. 6 p.m. $10 (suggested donation) www.buffaloscafe.com/athens EVENTS: The Videographers’ Hella-Big Show (Ciné Bar Cafe) A showcase for amateur, aspiring and professional filmmakers. A 30-minute Directors’ Mixer will precede the 10 p.m. screenings. 9:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenscine.com EVENTS: Wine Dinner (Porterhouse Grill) Five selections of red wine from the Buil & Giné winery carefully paired with menu items. Call to make reservations. 6 p.m. $50. 706-369-0990 ART: Opening Reception (OCAF) For Youth Art Appreciation Month, a collection of work from over 180 students from the Oconee County school district. 4–6 p.m. FREE! www.ocaf.com

Wednesday, Feb. 29 continued from p. 27

ART: Opening Reception (Artini’s Art Lounge) For “Peculiar Children,” a selection of children’s portraits by Lisa Freeman. 5:30 p.m. FREE! 706353-8530 ART: Opening Reception (MadisonMorgan Cultural Center) For “A Funky Little Art Thing,” the fourth annual art show featuring selected student works from grades K–12 in the Morgan County school system. Live music by the Morgan County Middle and High School jazz bands. 3:30–6:30 p.m. FREE! 706-3424743 PERFORMANCE: Athens Cabaret Showgirls (Go Bar) A unique drag show featuring performances by local drag artists. 10 p.m. 706546-5609 PERFORMANCE: CORE Concert Dance Company (UGA New Dance Theatre) “Awe-Wakening,” an aerial and dance concert. 8 p.m. $10–15. 706-542-8579 THEATRE: Alice in Wonderland (The Classic Center) Kids of all ages will love this adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s classic tale. 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. $6. www.classiccenter.com THEATRE: The Diary of Anne Frank (Morton Theatre) The Circle Ensemble Theatre’s production is based on Wendy Kesselman’s recent adaptation of the original Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett play. 7 p.m. $10-15. 706-613-3771 THEATRE: Hidden Man (UGA Fine Arts Building) A Southern Gothic coming-of-age story about artist Robert Sherer and his relationship with Reverend Howard Finster, whose Paradise Gardens and Museum are located on three acres in Chattooga County, GA. Feb. 29 & Mar. 1–3, 8 p.m. Mar. 4, 2:30 p.m. $12–25. www.drama.uga.edu KIDSTUFF: Library Crew (Oconee County Library) The library is seeking volunteers ages 9-12 to assist with craft projects, help take care of the library and have a good time! First Thursday of the month. 4–5 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Yoga Bonding: Crawlers (Full Bloom Center) For crawling babies until they begin walking (about 8–18 months age) and their parent. Thursdays, 12:30 p.m. $60 (6 classes). 706-4757329, www.fullbloomparent.com LECTURES & LIT.: Art Lecture (Lamar Dodd School of Art, Room S150) Dr. Gary Vikan presents “Holy People, Place and Thing in Byzantium and Beyond.” 5 p.m. FREE! art.uga.edu MEETINGS: Green Drinks Athens (Hotel Indigo) An informal mixer for green-minded folks to discuss building, transportation and sustainability issues in the Athens area. 5:30–7:30 p.m. FREE! www.athensgreendrinks.org MEETINGS: New Mamas Group (Full Bloom Center) Meet other new moms and get non-judgmental support and reassurance. Babies welcome. 10 a.m. FREE! 706-353-3373, www.fullbloomparent.com MEETINGS: Oconee Rivers Audubon Society (Sandy Creek Nature Center, ENSAT) Learn about wildlife and bird happenings. Newcomers welcome. 7 p.m. FREE! president@oconeeriversaudubon. org GAMES: Trivia (Gnat’s Landing) Trivia every Thursday! 7–9 p.m. www.gnatslanding.net GAMES: Trivia (The Volstead) Every Thursday! 7:30–9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-354-5300 GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your Coors

Light and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. 706354-1515

Friday 2 EVENTS: African Night (Oconee County Civic Center) An evening of African drama, dancing and fashion. 7–10 p.m. $5 (w/ UGA ID), $7. 706248-0178 EVENTS: Dance Dance Party Party (Whole: Mind. Body. Art.) A ladies-only freestyle dance party session. Every Tuesday.7:30–8:30 p.m. $5. www.wholemindbodyart. com EVENTS: UGA Law School Conferences (The Melting Point) The seventh annual Working in the Public Interest Law Conference Kick-Off and the 27th annual Equal Justice Foundation Auction will feature keynote speaker Jan R. Schlichtmann and an auction. 6:30–10 p.m. FREE! www.law.uga. edu/news/13079 ART: Folk to Fine Arts Festival and Expo (Downtown Commerce) Featuring over 65 artists showcasing a wide variety of art. Mar. 2, 5-10 p.m., Mar. 3, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Mar. 4, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $7–15. 706335-2954 PERFORMANCE: CORE Concert Dance Company (UGA New Dance Theatre) “Awe-Wakening,” an aerial and dance concert. 8 p.m. $10–15. 706-542-8579 PERFORMANCE: Second City Company (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) The legendary comedy troupe presents “Laugh Out Loud,” a show featuring some of the best sketches, songs and improvisations from the troupe’s 50-year history. 8 p.m. $39. 706-542-4400, pac.uga.edu THEATRE: The Diary of Anne Frank (Morton Theatre) The Circle Ensemble Theatre’s production of the classic is based on Wendy Kesselman’s recent adaptation of the original Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett play. 7 p.m. $10-15. 706-613-3771 THEATRE: Hidden Man (UGA Fine Arts Building) A Southern Gothic coming-of-age story about artist Robert Sherer and his relationship with Reverend Howard Finster, whose Paradise Gardens and Museum are located on three acres in Chattooga County, GA. Feb. 29 & Mar. 1–3, 8 p.m. Mar. 4, 2:30 p.m. $12–25. www.drama.uga.edu THEATRE: James & the Giant Peach (Rose of Athens Theatre) Enjoy Roald Dahl’s whimsical story of an orphan who escapes his terrible aunts and befriends bugs while living in a giant peach. Mar. 2, 7 p.m., Mar. 3, 2 & 7 p.m., Mar 9, 7 p.m. & Mar. 10, 2 & 7 p.m. $8–16. www.roseofathens.org KIDSTUFF: Read Across America (ACC Library) Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday with a special storytime featuring Dr. Seuss books. 4:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Back to the Future: Global Perspectives on the Future of IP Law in the Next Decade (UGA Dean Rusk Center) Conference covering copyright law, trademark law and patent law, focusing on the perspectives of the European Union and the United States. 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. FREE! www.law.uga.edu/news/13078 MEETINGS: Friends First Friday (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Gather at a made-from-scratch breakfast to meet other folks and listen to Dr. Wilf Nicholls, Director of the Garden, make the case for conservation of plant species. 9–10:30 a.m. $12. 706-542-6156, www.uga. edu/botgarden

Saturday 3 EVENTS: Blind Pig Westside Turns 1 (Blind Pig Tavern West Side) Happy birthday to Blind Pig! Live music from The Big Don Band, Don Spurlin’s band delivering “workingman’s blues from a country perspective” with a catalog of Southern blues covers and originals, and Midnight Sun, an acoustic duo playing a mix of covers and originals. 4 p.m. FREE! 706-208-7979 EVENTS: Contra Dance (Lay Park) Live music by Joe Willey and Friends. George Snyder is calling. Free lesson beginning at 7:15 p.m. 7:30–10:30 p.m. FREE! (under 18), $7 (adults). www.contradanceathens.com EVENTS: Handmade for the Hungry (Good Dirt) Sample and vote for your favorite soup, view handmade stoneware bowls and silent auction pieces, enjoy live music and let kids play in the clay. All proceeds benefit the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia. 12–3 p.m. www. foodbank.nega.org EVENTS: Pancake Breakfast (Fatz Café) A hotspot for hotcakes benefiting the Cedar Shoals High School Concert Choir’s trip to sing at Carnegie Hall. 7:30–10:30 a.m. $7. moonli@clarke.k12.ga.us EVENTS: Rally for a Better Athens (Athens City Hall) Speakers will address issues of poverty, economic justice, fair labor, benefits of local businesses and the power of protest against plans to build a Walmart in downtown Athens. Featuring live music from Joe Wiley and the Better Athens String Band, Timi Conley and others. 3 p.m. FREE! www.peopleforabetterathens.org EVENTS: Resource Fair and Step Show (The Classic Center) Ninth annual College Recruitment and Resource Fair (11 a.m.) and Youth Scholarship Step Show (5 p.m.) organized by Project safe. $12 (adv.) $15 (door). www.athensalumininphc. com EVENTS: Screening: American Teacher (UGA Tate Center) Documentary that chronicles the stories of four teachers who work in disparate areas of the country. Panel discussion to follow. 12 p.m. FREE! monaqrobinson@me.com EVENTS: ugaMiracle Dance Marathon (UGA Tate Center, Grand Hall) 24-hour-long marathon filled with concerts, games and food benefiting Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta through Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. 10 a.m. $10. www.ugamiracle.org ART: Art Workshop (The Loft Art Supplies) Stuart McCall Libby teaches a workshop on creating oils on paper and mono prints. All materials included. 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. $30. 706-201-9598 ART: Folk to Fine Arts Festival and Expo (Downtown Commerce) Featuring over 65 artists showcasing a wide variety of art. Mar. 2, 5-10 p.m., Mar. 3, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Mar. 4, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $7–15. 706335-2954 PERFORMANCE: CORE Concert Dance Company (UGA New Dance Theatre) “Awe-Wakening,” an aerial and dance concert. 8 p.m. $10–15. 706-542-8579 PERFORMANCE: Second City Company (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) The legendary comedy troupe presents “Laugh Out Loud,” a show featuring some of the best sketches, from their 50-year history. 8 p.m. $39. 706-542-4400, pac.uga.edu THEATRE: The Diary of Anne Frank (Morton Theatre) The Circle Ensemble Theatre’s production is based on Wendy Kesselman’s recent

adaptation of the original Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett play. 7 p.m. $10-15. 706-613-3771 THEATRE: Hidden Man (UGA Fine Arts Building) A Southern Gothic coming-of-age story about artist Robert Sherer and his relationship with Reverend Howard Finster. Feb. 29 & Mar. 1–3, 8 p.m. Mar. 4, 2:30 p.m. $12–25. www.drama.uga.edu THEATRE: James & the Giant Peach (Rose of Athens Theatre) Enjoy Roald Dahl’s whimsical story of an orphan who escapes his terrible aunts and befriends bugs while living in a giant peach. Mar. 2, 7 p.m., Mar. 3, 2 & 7 p.m., Mar 9, 7 p.m. & Mar. 10, 2 & 7 p.m. $8–16. www.roseofathens.org KIDSTUFF: Storytime & Craft (Treehouse Kid and Craft) Make a craft inspired by the book. For ages 2–5. Saturdays, 10–11 a.m. $10. 706-850-8226 www.treehousekidandcraft.com MEETINGS: Informational Coffee Hour (The Body Shop of Athens) Join Clarke DFCS for coffee, refreshments, door prizes and information about foster care and adoption. 10 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! 706-227-7040

Sunday 4 ART: Closing Day (Athens Institute for Contemporary Art (ATHICA)) Panel discussion with the curator and artists of “Southern” and a lecture by Curator Judith McWillie on the Saint Paul Spiritual Holy Temple of Memphis, TN. 3–6 p.m. FREE! www.athica.org ART: Folk to Fine Arts Festival and Expo (Downtown Commerce) Featuring over 65 artists showcasing a wide variety of art. Mar. 2, 5-10 p.m., Mar. 3, 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Mar. 4, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $7–15. 706335-2954 ART: Opening Reception (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) For various works from members of the Athens Art Association. 2–4 p.m. FREE! 706-542-1244 THEATRE: Hidden Man (UGA Fine Arts Building) A Southern Gothic coming-of-age story about artist Robert Sherer and his relationship with Reverend Howard Finster, whose Paradise Gardens and Museum are located on three acres in Chattooga County, GA. Feb. 29 & Mar. 1–3, 8 p.m. Mar. 4, 2:30 p.m. $12–25. www.drama.uga.edu GAMES: Trivia (Buffalo’s Southwest Café) “Brewer’s Inquisition,” trivia hosted by Chris Brewer every Sunday. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-3546655, www.buffaloscafe.com/athens GAMES: Trivia (Capital Room) Every Sunday! First place wins $50 and second place wins $25. 8 p.m. FREE! www.thecapitalroom.com GAMES: Trivia Sundays (Blind Pig Tavern) At the West Broad location. 6 p.m. 706-208-7979

Monday 5 EVENTS: An Evening with Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison (Madison-Morgan Cultural Center) President James Madison and President Thomas Jefferson invite you to join them for an authentic supper to celebrate the MadisonMorgan Cultural Center’s 35th Anniversary. Price includes the meal, a ticket to the performance of A Conversation with Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison and more. Call to make reservations. 7 p.m. $135. 706-342-4743 EVENTS: Film and Panel Discussion (UGA Tate Center, Tate Theatre) A screening of the documentary Death by Alcohol: The Sam

Spady Story, followed by a panel discussion with Mark Richt, Robert Ross and Betria Stinson on the dangers of binge drinking. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-542-7774 EVENTS: Film Screening (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 248) The Education of Shelby Knox: Sex, Lies and Education is the tale of one girl’s mission to bring sex education to schools in her ultra-conservative hometown of Lubbock, TX. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-542-2846 KIDSTUFF: Infant Storytime (ACC Library) Nurture language skills. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Offutt’s Epic Environmental Adventure (Oconee County Library) Andy Offutt Irwin, Teller in Residence at the International Storytelling Center, wades all the way down the creek to the Atlantic Ocean to learn about pollution, recycling, the food chain and the interdependence of life. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 MEETINGS: 34th Annual Athens Human Rights Festival Planning Meeting (Nuçi’s Space) Open to anyone who would like to participate in planning the May event. Every Monday. 7 p.m. FREE! www.athenshumanrightsfest.org GAMES: Team Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Win house cash and prizes! Every Monday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916

Tuesday 6 EVENTS: Italian Film Screening (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 148) Mario Monicelli’s I Soliti Ignoti. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-542-8057 EVENTS: Jam in the Garden (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) 5:30– 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-542-1244 EVENTS: Wine and Cheese Tasting (Heirloom Cafe and Fresh Market) With cheese from Nature’s Harmony Farm. Stay for dinner and receive 10 percent off. Call to make reservations. 6–7 p.m. $15. 706354-7901 PERFORMANCE: Christina and Michelle Naughton (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) Twin sisters and duo piano players whose performance is being recorded for American Public Media’s “Performance Today.” 8 p.m. FREE! (students), $25. pac.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Open TOAD Comedy (Flicker Theatre & Bar) A unique open mic experience. The audience gets to pelt the performers who go over their six-minute time limit with foam rocks. 8 p.m. FREE! (performers), $5. www.myspace. com/flickerbar THEATRE: A Conversation with Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison (Madison-Morgan Cultural Center) Eavesdrop on a conversation between two great minds and founding fathers of our country, taking place in The President’s House (later known as The White House) in 1810. 7:30 p.m. $20. www.mmcc-arts.org KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Teen Painting Club (Lyndon House Arts Center) An informal gathering of teens meets twice a month to paint. No instruction provided. Bring your own project and materials. Ages 14-19. 5:30–7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3623 LECTURES & LIT.: “Let’s Talk About It!: This Land Is My Land” (UGA Miller Learning Center, Room 214) Discussion of how policies regarding immigration affect LGBT individuals. 6:30–8 p.m. FREE! jmiracle@uga.edu

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LECTURES & LIT.: Online Computer Class: Introduction to Microsofot Word (ACC Library, Educational Technology Center) Call to register. 10–11:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650, ext. 354 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside, Eastside and Harris St.) feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! www.locosgrill.com GAMES: Trivia (Chango’s Asian Kitchen) Learn facts, eat noodles. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-546-0015 GAMES: Trivia (Fuzzy’s Taco Shop) 9–11 p.m. 706-353-0305 GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your Coors Light and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. 706354-1515

Wednesday 7 EVENTS: Canine Cocktail Hour (Hotel Indigo, Madison Bar & Bistro Courtyard) Drink and food specials for you and your (well-behaved, non-aggressive, vaccinated) dog! This week: salty dogs and greyhounds. Every Wednesday. 5-7 p.m. www.indigoathens.com EVENTS: Spring Pottery Sale (Lamar Dodd School of Art) This two-day sale, hosted by the Ceramic Student Organization, features small sculptures, flower pots, jewelry, housewares and more, made by ceramic students or faculty. Proceeds benefit student educational field trips and visiting artist lectures. 9 a.m–5 p.m. Tsaupe@uga.edu ART: “6X6”: Ayers Occupies Cine (Ciné Bar Cafe) Jeremy Ayers will share slides from his photos and talk about the Occupy movement in NYC. 8 p.m. FREE! www.athenscine.com PERFORMANCE: Nordwest Deutsche Philharmonic (UGA Hodgson Hall) One of Germany’s leading orchestras will perform Grieg’s “Peer Gynt Suite No. 1,” Brahms’ “Symphony No. 1” and Victor Herbert’s “Cello Concerto No. 2” with cellist Amit Peled under principal conductor Eugene Tzigane. 8 p.m. $20–44. pac.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Henry Rollins (40 Watt Club) Part motivational speaker, part armchair political scientist, part comedian, part punk rock Renaissance man, Henry Rollins performs his one-man politically motivated spoken word show. 7 p.m. $21 (adv). www.40watt.com KIDSTUFF: Crawlers’ Playgroup (Full Bloom Center) For sitting and scooting babies and their parents. Wednesdays. 10 a.m. $3. 706-3533373, www.fullbloomparent.com KIDSTUFF: Full Bloom Storytime (Full Bloom Center) Interactive storytime led by local storytellers who love reading to children. Open to all ages. Wednesdays. 4 p.m. $3 (suggested donation). 706-353-3373, www.fullbloomparent.com KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Storytime (Madison County Library) Includes stories, fingerpuppet plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. For ages 2–5. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: YouTube Night (Oconee County Library) Choose videos to share with each other. Popcorn and other snacks provided. 6–8 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950

Tuesday, Mar. 6 continued from p. 29

LECTURES & LIT.: “The Genealogical Benefits of Bureaucracy: Government Records” Genealogy Class (ACC Library) Center for Active Learning presents a class on types of government records and how to use and where to find them at local, state and federal levels. Participants may sign up for one or all classes. 1–2:30 p.m. FREE! (CAL members), $25 (CAL membership fee). 706613-3650 LECTURES & LIT.: Clueless: Book Discussion (Oconee County Library) Mystery book discussion group. This month’s featured book is Die a Little by Megan Abbott. Stop by the library before the discussion group to check out a copy. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 LECTURES & LIT.: Poetry Reading (Ciné Bar Cafe) The UGA Creative Writing Program presents a reading by award winning poet David Wojhan. 6 p.m. FREE! www. athenscine.com GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Test your sports knowledge every Wednesday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? Wednesdays, 8 p.m. (Baldwin St. & Broad St. locations). 706-548-3442 GAMES: Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Every Wednesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-613-0892 GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Every Wednesday. 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706-548-1920

Down the Line KIDSTUFF: Second Saturday Storytime 3/10 (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Join the SCNC staff for stories about the woods and its resident creatures. 2:30–3 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3615, www. athensclarkecounty.com/sandycreeknaturecenter EVENTS: Thrift Sale 3/16 (OCAF) Proceeds benefit art and art education at OCAF. Prices doubled on first day, prices as marked second day. Mar. 16, 6–9 p.m., $5. Mar. 17, 8 a.m.2 p.m. FREE! www.ocaf.com OUTDOORS: Spring Bird Ramble 3/24 (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Join the Oconee Rivers Audubon Society for a morning bird walk. All birding levels are welcome. Ages 13 & up. 8 a.m. FREE! www. oconeeriversaudubon.org THEATRE: Charlotte’s Web 3/30 (Quinn Hall) Kids will delight in Joseph Robinette’s adaptation of E.B. White’s classic tale of Wilbur and his talented, spindly friend, Charlotte. Mar. 30 & 31, 3 & 7 p.m. $12–15. 706-613-3628 EVENTS: “Starry, Starry Night” 3/31 (Athens Country Club) The 20th annual celebration to benefit Prevent Child Abuse Athens will feature Wheel of Fortune, dinner, both a silent and live auction and other surprises. 6:30 p.m. $100. 706-5469713, www.pcaathens.org ART: Opening Gala and Reception 4/6 (OCAF) For the 17th Annual Southworks Juried Art Exhibition. 6–8 p.m. FREE! www.ocaf.com EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market 4/7 (Bishop Park) The first market of the year! Buy fresh, locally grown organic produce, locally crafted goods and freshly baked breads. Every Saturday. 8 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! www.athensfarmersmarket.net EVENTS: International Street Festival 4/7 (Downtown Athens) Annual festival featuring cultural displays, traditional costumes, dances

and international bands. 12–5 p.m. FREE! 706-542-5867, www.uga. edu/isl EVENTS: Piedmont Gardeners’ 19th Annual Tour of Gardens 4/21 (Various Locations) Southern charm and innovation delight in five beautifully cultivated private local gardens. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $15 (adv.), $20. www.piedmontgardeners.org EVENTS: The Miss Black A-CC Teen Pageant 4/22 (Morton Theatre) Contestants compete for awards in community service and academia in this 37th annual pageant. 5 p.m. $10 (adv.), $15. 706613-3771, www.mortontheatre.com

Live Music Tuesday 28 Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www.caledonialounge.com CATHERINE KIMBRO Insightful acoustic country music with heart. CASEY WOOD Rustic, acoustic country from Nashville. YOUNG AMERICA Upbeat, bouncy alt-country accented by strings. 40 Watt Club 8 p.m. $16 (adv). www.40watt.com THE LEMONHEADS A punk-rock band that has seen radical changes in line-up since its creation in 1986. Tonight Evan Dando and friends perform their 1992 album, It’s a Shame About Ray, in its entirety. MEREDITH SHELDON Former member of the Ben Taylor Band and Family of the Year plays dreamy, layered alternative rock. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.hendershotscoffee. com IKE STUBBLEFIELD AND FRIENDS Soulful R&B artist Ike Stubblefield is a Hammond B3 virtuoso who cut his teeth backing Motown legends like the Four Tops, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye. Featuring Seth Hendershot on drums. Every Tuesday! The Melting Point 7:30 p.m. $5. www.meltingpointathens. com SMOKEY’S FARMLAND BAND This Atlanta band plays a fun mixture of bluegrass, funk, reggae, Eastern European tunes and acoustic jazz.

Farm 255 8 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com CALEB DARNELL Member of The Darnell Boys and Bellyache sings the blues. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar.com BIG C AND THE RINGERS Local bluesman and UGA grad Clarence Cameron takes inspiration from artists like B.B. King, Muddy Waters and Buddy Guy. THE HEAP Funky local indie-soul band based here in Athens with a killer horn section and fronted by Bryan Howard’s low, bass growl. Playing Flicker every Wednesday in February! 40 Watt Club 8 p.m. $14 (adv). www.40watt.com BLIND PILOT An indie/folk group on the rise from Portland, OR. COTTON JONES Indie folk-pop band from Maryland playing charming lofi with vivid imagery and a gorgeous vocal harmony. Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $8. www.georgiatheatre.com BADFISH Three-piece band plays tribute to Sublime. SCOTTY DON’T The veteran musicians behind Badfish play a set of their reggae-tinged, alt-rock originals. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 BOBBY BE GOOD Local acoustic group. TOM EISENBRAUN From-the-heart acoustic ballads from this local artist call to mind the works of Nick Drake, M. Ward or Andrew Bird. THE SKIPPERDEES Charming local acoustic duo with rich, folky vocal harmonies and a sense of humor. TIGERBIRD New local band. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. $3. www.hendershotscoffee.com HUMPDAY HOOKERS Ty Manning and Mark Durfield, both of The Bearfoot Hookers, will play an acoustic set at Hendershot’s every Wednesday night in February. Each week the duo will be joined by different special guests.

Wednesday 29

Little Kings Shuffle Club 8 p.m. $5 (21+). www.facebook.com/ lkshuffleclub ADAM PAYNE This local musician’s impressively versatile tenor is somewhat reminiscent of Neil Young. 9 p.m. $3. Facebook.com/lkshuffleclub DANGFLY Local rock band featuring an all-star lineup including Americana notables Adam Payne, Shawn Johnson, Jay Rodgers, Scotty Nicholson, Adam Poulin and more. NOT A PLANET Rock and roll trio channeling the sounds of Led Zeppelin and The Who with their high-energy originals. SWEET KNIEVEL This band’s brand of melodic, psychedelic rock showscases an appreciation of Syd Barrett and The Beatles.

Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18+). www. caledonialounge.com ANDROCLES AND THE LION This local band plays airy indie-rock with lots of warm acoustic guitar, melodic harmonies and folk undertones. SLEEPY EYE GIANT Indie pop from Charleston with some shoegaze tendencies. THE WINTER SOUNDS New wave, punk and synth-pop melded into well crafted and lyrically inspiring songs.

The Melting Point 7:30 p.m. $15 (adv), $17 (door). $10 (door w/student ID). www.meltingpointathens.com CALIFORNIA GUITAR TRIO Virtuosic instrumental band that fuses classical, rock, blues, jazz, world music, progressive, as well as the quintessential California musical genre: surf music. See story on p. 23. JEFF ABELES Atlanta-based guitarist mixing classical and progressive finger-picking styles.

No Where Bar 8 p.m. $2. 706-546-4742 THE REAL NASTY Funky rock band from San Fran featuring upright bass, guitar and cajon (an Afrocuban box drum). Musical touchstones include Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash and Pixies. The Volstead 9 p.m.–1:30 a.m. 706-354-5300 KARAOKE Every Tuesday!

Page White

Thursday, March 1

Moon Taxi, The Apache Relay, Tealvox

do your thing, then do our thing

Georgia Theatre Tealvox is one of those bands you see on marquees around town and wonder when they’ll finally get the recognition they deserve. Athens has the tendency to overlook its wonderful Tealvox pop-rock acts in favor of more unusual fare. Perhaps Tealvox will be the band to finally overcome this strange barrier with its fun stage antics and polished yet exuberant tunes. This time around, they’ll also have the stage at the Georgia Theatre on which to showcase their talents. Crafting the perfect pop song is harder than it sounds. Stray too far into lyrical standbys, and you’re a joke; focus too much on the rock elements, and you’ve lost the freespirited heart of the song. Tealvox, however, straddles that line with ease by creating unnervingly good rock and roll. The band’s shows are never less than insanely energetic, bolstered by blistering guitars, steady bass, howling vocals and creative drumming. They work hard, and it shows. Bassist Adam West recently dropped hints that the band may be ready to explore new directions, both in business and musically. In order to get ready for their opening slot at the Theatre, the bandmembers are camping out in the studio, working up new material for longtime fans and newcomers alike. On Thursday, Tealvox will warm the stage for eclectic and lyrically driven jam-rock headliners Moon Taxi. The Nashville band has built a strong grassroots following and was confirmed for Bonnaroo recently. Their soulful new release, Cabaret, features a special guest appearance by Matisyahu. Also on the bill at the Georgia Theatre will be the sweet, understated Americana of The Apache Relay. So, if you want to catch Tealvox, make sure to get there before 9 p.m. [Jordan Stepp]

The Office Lounge 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke! Porterhouse Grill 9 p.m. FREE! 706-369-0990 JAKE MOWRER QUARTET Premier jazz-guitarist and his quartet. Walker’s Coffee & Pub 9 p.m. 706-543-1433 LIVE JAZZ Every Wednesday! Featuring The Downstairs Jazz Quartet.

Thursday 1 Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com CHELSEA CROWELL Singer/songwriter from Nashville, TN. MOTHS Featuring Jacob Morris of Ham1, Moths plays a mostly acoustic sort of ‘70s folk-rock with a pop sensibility and a psychedelic tinge. OLD SMOKEY New band featuring members of Ham1 doing spaghetti western-style numbers. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com FOUR THIEVES This local band offers up folky “thrash-grass.” Check out their brand new, self-titled EP! Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar. com SINGER-SONGWRITER LINEUP Hear some of this town’s best upand-coming songwriters on the intimate Flicker stage. 40 Watt Club “Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven Inaugural Camp-In Night 1.” 8 p.m. $10. www.40watt.com CRACKER DUO Childhood friends and co-founders of the iconic altrock band Cracker, David Lowery

and Johnny Hickman play a stripped down set of Cracker songs tonight. JONNY CORNDAWG Off-kilter, country-flavored, tongue-in-cheek ballads. PONDEROSA Quartet fronted by Kalen Nash (ex-Gabriel Young) blasts through fiery classic rock, drawing heavily from blues-influenced Texas rock. Georgia Bar 10:30 p.m. 706-546-9884 ACQUAVIVA PRESENTS “VALLEY OF DREAMS” A rock Odyssey featuring Johnathan ‘The Fury’ Walker, Ivey ‘Soul Pocket’ Hughes and Nathan Thomas O’Rourke.

No Where Bar 11 p.m. $3. 706-546-4742 EVAN BARBER & THE DEAD GAMBLERS Southern rock from Albany, GA with a soulful vibe. The Office Lounge 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 Blues Night The Shadow Executives host an open blues jam, kicking it off with a set of their own originals. Sign up at 8 p.m. Your Pie 8 p.m.–12 a.m. FREE! 706-850-5675 LOUIS PHILLIP PELOT The guitarist/vocalist from folk rock group Leaving Countries plays a solo set.

Go Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-5609 DR. FRED’S KARAOKE Featuring a mix of pop, rock, indie and more.

Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com GRASS GIRAFFES Featuring Eddie “the Wheel” Whelan, this Athens band crafts minimalist bedroom pop. TWIN TIGERS This local rock band combines jarring guitar riffs with sweeping melodies. WHITE VIOLET Singer-songwriter Nate Nelson’s new band features sweet, heartfelt indie-pop melodies for which he is known.

The Melting Point 8 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com IKE STUBBLEFIELD AND FRIENDS Soulful R&B artist Ike Stubblefield is a Hammond B3 virtuoso who cut



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2nd Place Live Music Venue (Under 200 capacity)

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his teeth backing Motown legends like the Four Tops and Marvin Gaye. Tonight’s show features special guests Grant Green, Jr., Lil’ John Roberts and Count M’Butu.

Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $10. www.georgiatheatre.com APACHE RELAY This indie-roots, alt-country band from Nashville performs “jump up and down” energetic shows. MOON TAXI Progressive, psychedelic rock band from Nashville. Expect a good dose of improvisational folk, jazz and jam. TEALVOX Alternative rock band with a hint of classic British rock. See Calendar Pick on this page.

Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. $3. www.hendershotscoffee.com THE KAMIKASE DALI Jeremy Wells leads this bluesy folk band with his rich, soulful vocals. Featuring Darrin Cook on bass and Jamie DeRevere on drums.

all proceeds to charity open past 1 am


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Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com FREE TOMORROW Sophisticated, high-energy live hip-hop band utilizing multiple genres to create a party k continued on next page

Thursday, March 1


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THE CALENDAR! vibe. The band is driven by keys, synths, bass and drums accented by the unique sound of a five-string electric violin.

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california guitar trio jeff abeles

TIX $15 adv, $17 door, $10 door with UGA ID

thu·march·1 ike stubblefield & friends featuring grant green jr., lil’ john roberts, count m’butu

TIX $10 adv, $12 door

fri·march·2 27th Annual

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tue·march·6 Terrapin Tuesday featuring

roxie watson TIX $5, $2 Terrapin Pints All Night!

fri·march·9 Foundry Entertainment & Music Matters present

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TIX $15 adv., $17 at the door UPCOMING EVENTS____________________ 3.7 3.8

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3.28 3.30 4.6 4.7 4.11 4.15 4.18 4.19 4.24 4.27 5.11 6.15

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Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar. com DEAD DOG Local band delivers frenetic, spunky lo-fi punk with a pop smile. GNARX Howling bluesy punk featuring the fierce growl of Chelsea Ray Lea, Christopher Ingham on guitar and Dain Marx on drums. SHELLSHAG With a simple, standup drumkit (Shag) and guitar (Shell), this band blows out pop-hookinspired raw rock and roll. 40 Watt Club “Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven Inaugural Camp-In.” 8 p.m. $20. www.40watt.com CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN Alt-rock band featuring David Lowery, currently a professor in the UGA Music Business Program. He played in Camper before forming Cracker. This eclectic group combines elements of pop, ska, punk, fok and alt-country. See story on p. 26. MATT HUDGINS & HIS SHIT-HOT COUNTRY BAND Local band playing “songs about drinking, jail, love and death, all done in the popular ‘country and western’ musical style.” T. HARDY MORRIS AND THE OUTFIT Come see the softer side of Hardy Morris, frontman for Dead Confederate. The Outfit plays reverby, haunting Americana and minor-key rock led by Morris’ distinctive vocals. Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $8. www.georgiatheatre.com ANGEL SNOW This songwriter with a lovely, achey alto, brings together contemporary folk, ambient and rock stylings. THE DIRTY GUV’NAHS Knoxville natives play roots-rock with a wailing Hammond organ and ‘60s-style soul vocals. LERA LYNN This local songwriter has a haunting, smoky voice that glides over tender, original Americana tunes. Celebrating the release of her new 7-inch EP! See Calendar Pick on p. 35. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 THE GREAT NOSTALGIC Austinbased indie band compared to “early, folk-damaged Bowie and Arcade Fire.” IMMUZIKATION Celebrated local DJ Alfredo Lapuz, Jr. hosts a dance party featuring high-energy electro and rock. JEREMY WHEATLEY You may have seen Wheatley behind the drums with Thomas Hardy and White Violet, but tonight he’s front and center, sharing his warm, endearing ballads accompanied by guitar. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. $5. www.hendershotscoffee.com JOEL HAMILTON AND THE MECHANICAL RIVER Multiinstrumentalist Joel Hamilton writes an eclectic mix of haunting, layered folk ballads and indie rock. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. $5. Facebook.com/lkshuffleclub THE ADAMS FAMILY COUNTRY BAND Playing everying from Hank to Dolly, this group of seasoned musicians captivates audiences with a twist on country standards.

Friday, Mar. 2 continued from p. 31

BRAD HELLER & THE FUSTICS Wilmington, NC Americana rock band. KEN WILL MORTON The local Americana singer-songwriter achieved great critical acclaim for his sixth studio album, Contenders. New Earth Music Hall Wakarusa Music Festival Competition. 8 p.m. $7. www.newearthmusichall. com BETSY FRANCK & THE BAREKNUCKLE BAND Soulful, brassy Southern rock and country. DANK SINATRA Improvisation-heavy electronica mixed with elements of jazz, rock and reggae. NOISE [ORG} Lush electronic soundscapes. RADIOLUCENT Popular local band falling somewhere between bluesy Southern rock and the poppier side of alt-country. SUMILAN Technically proficient musicians playing jam rock. Nuçi’s Space 8:30 p.m. $5. www.nuci.org (All ages welcome!) FIVE EIGHT This local band known for its energetic live performance has toured with R.E.M. JOSH DANIELS AND THE DANGEROUS Buttery smooth, Southern singer-songwriter acoustipop with warm piano backing. CD release show! VELOCIRAPTURE Loud and brash local rock duo that names Stooges among its influences. The Office Lounge 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn. Omega Bar 6 p.m. $5–10. www.theomegabar.com THE SEGAR JAZZ AFFAIR Two sets of smooth jazz tunes that provide a casual, relaxing atmosphere. Hosted by DJ Segar. Every Friday! Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30–7:30 p.m. $10 (Glass). www.terrapinbeer.com NITROGRASS Fiercely exciting bluegrass band featuring two-time national banjo champ Chalres Wood.

Saturday 3 Amici Italian Café 11 p.m. FREE! 706-353-0000 JAY LEE BAND Brand new band! Check out their debut show. Blind Pig Tavern, Westside Birthday Party Bash. 4 p.m. FREE! 706208-7979 The Big Don Band Don Spurlin’s band delivers “workingman’s blues from a country perspective” with a catalog of Southern blues covers and originals. Midnight Sun An acoustic duo playing covers and originals. Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. www.caledonialounge.com BIG JESUS Alternative post-punk band from Las Vegas. HOT BREATH Intense thrash trio featuring members of Savagist and Rectanglers. MANRAY Local band plays what Flagpole’s Gordon Lamb has coined “complicated-core.” Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com NEW MADRID Echoing, Americana vocals and swift, proficient guitar plucks.

Flicker Theatre & Bar 6 p.m. www.flickertheatreandbar.com JONATHAN SEGEL Born in France and raised in California, this composer, performer and multiinstrumentalist plays swirling, avant garde rock that’s frequently accented by strings. You may also recognize him from Camper Van Beethoven. 8:30 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar. com JUSTIN EVANS Local musician with a rich, deep voice who sings about hard drinkin’, fast women and country roads. Evans incorporates elements of old-time fiddle, New Orleans jazz, blues and Americana. WALKER HOWLE Guitarist for Dead Confederate takes a turn at the mic with his own acoustic Americana and rock numbers. PAUL MCHUGH Member of local band Pilgrim with a soulful, energetic voice and a bluesy guitar style. 40 Watt Club “Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven Inaugural Camp-In.” 8 p.m. $20, $50 (3-day pass). www.40watt.com CRACKER Perhaps best known for their big radio hit, “Low,” these altrock icons are celebrating the 20th anniversary of their debut album. CLINT MAUL Local alt-country singer-songwriter with a set of accessible, engaging tunes. SHONNA TUCKER Former bassist of the Drive-By Truckers makes her solo debut. Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $17. www.georgiatheatre.com LOTUS This quintet combines studiostyle electronic music with a more organic jam-rock element. THE MALAH South Carolina trio plays slow-paced psych jams. The Globe 9 p.m. $5. 706-353-4721 THE HOBOHEMIANS Local sixpiece group playing American and European roots music: a mix of proto-jazz, blues and folk music of the 1910s, ‘20s and ‘30s. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 GEORGE WASHINGTON’S HORSE Lyrical, lo-fi acoustic indie rock with dreamy, hushed vocals. MATT KABUS This Atlanta-based singer-songwriter has a sweet pop voice and delivers heartfelt acoustic ballads. KELLY HOYLE FULLER Acoustic Americana rocker often seen playing locally with Mark Cunningham & The Nationals and The Burning Angels. TWIN POWERS DJ Dan Geller (Gold Party, The Agenda) and friends spin late-night glam rock, new wave, Top 40, punk and Britpop. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. $3. www.hendershotscoffee.com ANDREW KAHRS This UGA grad has a silky smooth voice and soulful style that is reminiscent of John Mayer or Jack Johnson. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. $5. Facebook.com/lkshuffleclub THE KNOCKOUTS This local group of all-star musicians plays original tunes that pack all the punch of punk rock with diverse, worldly melodies that draw on polka, bluegrass, Cajun and Irish folk music. The Melting Point 1 p.m. $12 (adv.), $15 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com LAUGHING PIZZA A family band performing original pop songs for all ages.

8:30 p.m. $10 (adv.), $13 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com DIRK HOWELL BAND Party band featuring ‘60s-style R&B, disco and beach music. New Earth Music Hall 9:30 p.m. $5. www.newearthmusichall. com PAPADOSIO A combination of eclectic musical traditions with modern electronica. PHFACTOR A fusion of styles from jazz, rock, progressive, funk, jam and nuances of sound yet to be classified. Nuçi’s Space 8:30 p.m. $5. www.nuci.org (All ages welcome!) ATHENS Young local rockers with classic rock influences and a super energetic live show. BLIND BY SIGHT Local Christian grunge band with raspy vocals and crunchy guitar. TEALVOX Local alternative rock band influenced by classic British rock and roll.

Sunday 4 Buffalo’s Southwest Café 5 p.m. $5. 706-354-6655 THE SEGAR JAZZ AFFAIR Two sets of smooth jazz tunes that provide a casual, relaxing atmosphere. Hosted by DJ Segar. Every Sunday evening!

Monday 5 Buffalo’s Southwest Café 6–10 p.m. $5. 706-613-5386, www. buffaloscafe.com/athens SHAG NIGHT Bring your dancing shoes for shag dancing in the BBR. Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com LITTLE TYBEE Dreamy soundscapes with lush violin and tropical indiefolk melodies. RIVER WHYLESS Brooding folk rock band from the mountains of North Carolina formerly known as Do It to Julia. The group cites Dave Matthews, Phish and Bright Eyes as influences. SLEEP DANCE A combination of acoustic rock, jazz and indie rock featuring ambient soundcapes, intricate guitar work and complex percussion. THE VIKING PROGRESS Patrick Morales has a lovely, tender voice that sings gentle, indie/folk ballads about love, death and isolation inspired by his time at sea. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar.com CHRIS BELL Electric cello swerves and jumps around beat boxing and electric piano in this quirky pop artist’s songs. CAPTAIN #1 This band spins grand tales of death, love and life through low-key acoustic pop. GREY MILK This edgy folk-rock outfit recently relocated to the Classic City from New England. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 9 p.m. FREE! www.hendershotscoffee. com OPEN MIC Local songstress Kyshona Armstrong hosts this open mic night every Monday! k continued on p. 35

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Tuesday 6 Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com COTTONMOUTH New local band featuring members of Pretty Bird. Expect lots of fuzzy, heavy drums and bass. DINOSAUR FEATHERS Warm avantpop from Brooklyn. GRANDCHILDREN Subtle, rhythmic post-rock from Philly, with a hint of electronica for fans of Animal Collective. See story on p. 25. TREE SPIRIT Another Pretty Bird offshoot. This band features looped vocals and they call “functional, three-dimensional poetry.” 40 Watt Club 8:30 p.m. $10. www.40watt.com THE FEATURES Tennessee band that ignores its Southern roots in favor of a British-invasion-meets-synthpop sound. J RODDY WALSTON & THE BUSINESS This Baltimore band comes across like an off-kilter version of The Band in the late ‘60s, combining Southern rock, McCartney pop and scruffy piano blues. One of the most energetic live shows you’ll ever see. THE KINGSTON SPRINGS Poppy alt-rock from Nashville that is at turns ragged and raw and blissfully sweet. The group has been compared to a “young Black Keys.” Georgia Theatre 9 p.m. $8. www.georgiatheatre.com BROCK BUTLER Perpetual Groove frontman weaves complex, inspired, loop-based soul jams.

continued from p. 32

CONSIDER THE SOURCE Brooklyn trio influenced by travels to India and the Middle East and the fundamental styles of traditional Eastern music. KUNG FU This sextet from Connecticut plays a fusion of jazz and funk-rock. THE WERKS Psychedelic dance rock. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 BOYCYCLE Brand-new local band featuring Andre Ducote, Ashley Floyd, Austin Williams and Bryson Blumenstock playing dreamy, inventive tunes driven by various percussive instruments and synth. PREE Spacey indie-folk from D.C. with quirky, captivating vocals. YOUNG BENJAMIN Solo project of guitarist/banjoist Matt Whitaker (The Premonitions, Emergent Heart). Featuring swirling, looping guitars and lush layers of moody melodies. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.hendershotscoffee. com IKE STUBBLEFIELD AND FRIENDS Soulful R&B artist Ike Stubblefield is a Hammond B3 virtuoso who cut his teeth backing Motown legends like the Four Tops, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye. Featuring Seth Hendershot on drums. Every Tuesday! Highwire Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! www.highwirelounge. com MATT HUDGINS AND HIS SHITHOT COUNTRY BAND Local band playing “songs about drinking, jail, love and death, all done in the

popular ‘country and western’ musical style.” Playing every Tuesday in March! Also, the band is saving up money to release an album in April, so throw a few bucks in the donation jar or buy a shit-hot shirt or poster. Max 10 p.m. FREE! 706-254-3392 HOLY LIARS Gritty, whiskey poundin’, law breakin’, Southern rock band. NAKED GODS From the mountains of Boone, NC, Naked Gods bring a warm, hook-laden blend of indie altcountry and rock and roll. The Melting Point Terrapin Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. $5. www. meltingpointathens.com ROXIE WATSON Five-piece “alternagrass” string band from Decatur, GA. Look for their new album this month! No Where Bar 10 p.m. $2. 706-546-4742 NICK JOHNSON AND THE WORLD CLASS EGGS New side project from Atlanta guitarist Nick Johnson. You’ve seen him play with Col. Bruce Hampton, Atlanta Funk Society and, most recently, Lingo. The World Class Eggs play a mix of funk, blues and soul jazz. The Volstead 9 p.m.–1:30 a.m. 706-354-5300 KARAOKE Every Tuesday!

Wednesday 7 Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com DIAMOND CENTER Shoegaze band originally from Richmond, VA whose horizons have been expanded by the adoption of members from Lubbock, TX and Athens, GA.

Friday, March 2

Lera Lynn, The Dirty Guv’nahs, Angel Snow Georgia Theatre After a year of monumental successes, including a victory at the prestigious Chris Austin Songwriting Contest at Merlefest and her first full-length LP climbing the Americana radio charts, it is hard to imagine that any fan of Athens music has not met Lera Lynn. With a beautiful balance of simplicity in Lera Lynn sound and complexity in lyrics, Lynn’s music feels fresh and current, even while drawing from classic country and Americana songwriters. For her latest recording, Lynn gives an extra nod to those old-school influences, opting to release it as a 7-inch vinyl record. While thematically appropriate, this choice also stems from a sincere interest in production quality. “Everyone knows that vinyl sounds better,” Lynn says, “and it’s a piece of art for you to hold and put on your shelf.” The 7-inch features “Ring of Fire,” a cover of the classic tune written by June Carter and made famous by Johnny Cash, as well as an original B-side. Lynn is celebrating the release with a show at the Georgia Theatre on Mar. 2, which will feature a lot of new elements and surprises. “We are constructing an installation for the stage, and that’s pretty exciting because we’ve never done that before,” says Lynn. “We’ve also got some new material that we’re debuting, and we have a new bass player that I’m excited about: Ben Wills.” As it stands, the vinyl will be available for purchase only at her shows; however, individual tracks will be available also for download online. The excitement continues as her upcoming tour includes stops at South by Southwest, Austin City Limits and several summer festivals in England, all leading to the release of a second full-length in the fall. [Jodi Murphy]

Katie Bell Moore


MATT HUDGINS An Athens favorite among songwriters, the frontman of Matt Hudgins & His Shit-Hot Country Band and a member of Diamond Center. VINCAS Energetic, erratic garage punk with growling guitars, howling vocals and a bit of rockabilly blues swagger. Flicker Theatre & Bar 8:30 p.m. $5. www.flickertheatreandbar. com DAVE MARR The former Star Room Boys singer with a deep and resonant country twang plays a solo set. THE MASTERSONS This Austin duo plays rootsy, melodic, twangy pop songs. JEREMY WHEATLEY You may have seen Wheatley behind the drums with Thomas Hardy and White Violet, but tonight he’s front and center, sharing his warm, endearing ballads accompanied by guitar. Georgia Theatre 9 p.m. $7. www.georgiatheatre.com. On the rooftop! CAVEMAN Dark, dreamy pop with soaring four-part harmonies, spaced-out guitars, synthesizers and booming drums. TUMBLEWEED STAMPEDE Local band plays uplifting, melodic indie pop with influences ranging from Afro-Caribbean pop to old-school Southern soul. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 KOKO BEWARE Surf rock outfit from Augusta. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. FREE! www.hendershotscoffeebar.com KENOSHA KID Centered around the instru-improv jazz compositions of guitarist Dan Nettles, Kenosha Kid also features Robby Handley (bass) and Marlon Patton (drums). The Melting Point “We’re Hear For You Fundraiser.” 6 p.m. $5. www.meltingpointathens. com BROCK BUTLER Perpetual Groove frontman weaves complex, inspired, loop-based soul jams. We’re Hear For You is a local charitable organization whose mission is to increase the awareness of noise-induced hearing loss. New Earth Music Hall 9:30 p.m. $1. www.newearthmusichall. com OPEN DJ NIGHT The dance party where you are in control! Bring your laptop or turntables and take a turn spinning. Featuring dubstep, house, glitch, trance, drum&bass and electro. The Office Lounge 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke!

Down the Line 3/8 Pretty Bird (Farm 255) 3/8 Adrian “Hardkor” Krygowski / Eric Sommer / Kara Kildare (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 3/8 Native Run / Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers (The Melting Point) 3/8 Louis Phillip Pelot (Your Pie) 3/9 The Kamikase Dali (Farm 255) 3/9 Kate Morrissey / Moths / Mouser / You Won’t (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 3/9 Holman Autry Band (Georgia Theatre) 3/9 The Segar Jazz Affair (Omega Bar) 3/9 Wet Willie (The Melting Point)

285 W. Washington St. Athens, GA • Call 706-549-7871 for Show Updates




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bulletin board DO SOMETHING; GET INVOLVED! Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board and Art Around Town is every THURSDAY at 12 p.m. Email calendar@flagpole.com. Listings are printed based on available space; more listings are online.

ART Seeking Artist Vendors (Athens, Ga) The Five Points Art Fest is accepting applications for artists to set up booths and sell original art and wares. Email for application and more information. Apply by Mar. 24. May 5, 11 a.m.–7 p.m. (festival). $75 (booth fee). 5pointsartfest@ gmail.com Seeking Artists (Athens, Ga) The Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa is now taking applications for arts and crafts vendors for the Apr. 28 & 29 weekend craft fair. Apply by Mar. 5. www.athensindiecraftstravaganzaa. com

CLASSES Zumba at the Garden (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves comprise this dynamic fitness program. Wednesdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m. $10/class, $80/session. www.uga. edu/botgarden

SALSAthens (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Cuban-style salsa dance classes. Every Wednesday. 6:30– 7:30 p.m. (intermediate), 7:30–8:30 p.m. (beginners). $8 (incl. $3.50 drink). 706-338-6613 Ladies’ Non-Contact Cardio Boxing (Lay Park) Build muscle strength, endurance, balance, agility and coordination. Call for more information. BYOGloves. Wednesdays through Apr. 23, 7–8 p.m. $10. 706613-3596, www.athensclarkecounty. com/lay Spring Classes (OCAF) Now registering for classes in oil painting, watercolor, writing, pottery, papermaking and more. View website for details. 706-769-4565, www.ocaf.com Spring Classes (Good Dirt) Now registering for clay classes including wheel throwing, handbuilding and sculpture. Classes begin Mar. 18. 706-355-3161, www.gooddirt.net Painting with Charles (Lyndon House Arts Center) Bring in your oil or acrylic masterpieces-in-progress to receive easel-side assistance from instructor Charles. Call to

Athens Area Humane Society


Inside Pet Supplies Plus at Alps Shopping Ctr. • 706.353.2287 Arnold is shaped like a small tank of a teddy bear. He loves attention and is a friendly easy-going fellow who loves hanging out with folks.

Pretty Adeline looks like the “dramatic chipmunk” in this photo with her mesmerizing eyes. She wants to be The Perfect Lap Kitty and is quite the cuddler.

register. Tuesdays, Mar. 20–May 8. 3:30–5:30 p.m. or 6:30–8:30 p.m. 706-613-3623, www.accleisure services.com/leisure Tuesday Night Food School (Gymnopedie) Learn how to use a chef’s knife, bake bread and brew good coffee. Pre-register in person. Mar. 20, 27 & Apr. 4. 6–8 p.m. $60 (three classes). happydunning@ gmail.com Beekeeping for Beginners (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) The second half of a six-part series that covers every aspect of backyard beekeeping. Attendance at first unit is not required. Call to register. Mar. 17–18, Apr. 14–15 and June 9–10. 9 a.m.–12 p.m. $95. www.uga.edu/ botgarden Face and jug Sculpting (OCAF) Taught by folk artist Mark “The Other Brother” Williams. Thursdays, Mar. 8–29, 6–8 p.m. 706-769-4565, www.ocaf.com Fly Tying (Sandy Creek Park) A weekend course offering the basics of tying fly fishing lures. Call to register. Mar. 3 & 4. 12–5 p.m. $30 (ACC residents), $45. 706-613-

Luke is a young adult tuxedo kitty on the lookout for fun and adventure. Confident, playful and glad to meet you. Once you are pals, you’ll find he is a big lover and soaks up affection rapturously. Velvety brown bunny is outgoing, curious and loves toys.





ATHENS AREA HUMANE SOCIETY 8 Animals Received, 7 Animals Placed, 0 Adoptable Animals Euthanized ACC ANIMAL CONTROL 25 Dogs and 27 Cats Received, 6 Dogs and 7 Cats Placed

LUKE more pets can be seen online at


Judy Rushin’s work “Bent Line” is on display at ATHICA through Mar. 4. 3631, www.athensclarkecounty.com/ leisure Oil Painting Workshop (OCAF) This three-session workshop focuses on accurately depicting a photograph in oils. Students of all levels welcome. Call for details. Mar. 10, 17 & 24, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $175. 706-769-4565 Intermediate Fantasy Illustration Class (Lyndon House Arts Center) Mark Helwig takes adult students through the process of producing a monochromatic fantasy illustration using traditional materials. The introduction class is a prerequisite. Thursdays, Mar. 22–Apr. 26. 6:30–8:30 p.m. $83. 706-613-3623, www.accleisure services.com/lyndonhouse Continuing Diabetes Education (Hodgson’s Pharmacy) A four-week class for diabetes patients and their families. Preregistration requested. Saturdays, Mar. 31–Apr. 21. 2–4 p.m. 706-5437368, rabun.hodgsons@gmail.com Watercolor Classes (Lyndon House Arts Center) Learn watercolor techniques such as cover wash methods, glazes and brushstrokes. For beginners and intermediates. Thursdays, Mar. 22–Apr. 26. 1–3 p.m. $83 (ACC residents), $125. 706-613-3623 Clay Classes (Good Dirt) Weekly “Try Clay” classes ($20/person) introduce participants to the potter’s wheel every Friday from 7-9 p.m. “Family Try Clay” classes show children and adults hand-building methods every Sunday from 2-4 p.m. $20. 706-355-3161, www.gooddirt.net Zumba (Fitness at Five) Latin rhythm fitness program. Mondays. 7:15 p.m. $5. www.georgiazumba.com

Yoga: Gentle Hatha Drop-In (St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church) From certified instructor Mike Healy. Tuesdays, 5:30–7 p.m. $9. 706-5430162, www.mindfuliving.org

HELP OUT Call for Donations (OCAF) OCAF is seeking new or used items for its annual thrift sale Mar. 16 & 17. Proceeds benefit art programs and art education at OCAF. Check website for drop-off times. www.ocaf.com Record-a-Thon (Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic) Volunteers are invited to come read a story aloud during National Read Across America Week to make a recording for Learning Ally, a program designed for blind and dyslexic readers. 706-549-1313, www.learning ally.com March for Meals 5K (Athens Community Council on Aging) Join the ACCA to help end senior hunger in Northeast Georgia and to support Meals on Wheels. Register online. Mar. 10, 9 a.m. $20–25. www.acc aging.org/m4m5k

KIDSTUFF Crawlers’ Playgroup (Full Bloom Center) For sitting and scooting babies and their parents. Wednesday mornings. 10 a.m. $3. 706-353-3373, www.fullbloom parent.com Arts in the Afternoon (East Athens Community Center) Afterschool program teaches arts and crafts and allows children to create original artwork. Ages 6–15.

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ReadeR Picks


Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30– 5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3593 Full Bloom Storytime (Full Bloom Center) Interactive storytime led by local storytellers who love reading to children. Open to all age levels. Wednesday afternoons. 4 p.m. $3 (suggested donation). 706-353-3373, www.fullbloom parent.com Teen Girls Club (East Athens Community Center) This program encourages cooperation, teamwork, good behavior and self-esteem in young women ages 10–18. Wednesdays, 4:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3593, www.athensclarke county.com/eastathens Yoga Sprouts (Memorial Park) Fun, playful yoga and crafts for kids ages 2 & up. Call for more information. Register by Mar. 14. Tuesdays, Mar. 22–May 17. 706-613-3580 Wildlife Art Contest (Memorial Park) All students are invited to submit original, handdrawn wildlife art for annual spring contest. Deadline Mar. 9 at 5 p.m. Call for more information. $5 (ACC resident), $8. 706-613-3580, www. athensclarkecounty.com/bearhollow Summer Camps (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Now registering for Garden Earth Nature Camp, Garden Explorers’ Camp and Sweet Pea Club Camp. Visit website for more details. www.botgarden.uga. edu Summer Camps (Athens, Ga) ACC Leisure Services has a total of 45 summer camps for children and teens, ranging from traditional day camps to arts, sports, theater and even a zoo camp. Check online for complete list and registration info. 706-613-3625, www.athensclarke county.com/camps

Spring Programs (East Athens Community Center) Sports, homework help, teen groups and more are going on now and throughout the spring. Register now to enroll your child. Call for more information. 706-613-3593 Spring Break Mini-Camp (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Each day participants will explore nature, make crafts and share a snack in this three-day program. Call to register. Mar. 14–16, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

$20. 706-613-3615, www.athens clarkecounty.com/camps Spring Break Camp (Rocksprings Community Center) Kids’ activities will include all things spring. Participants will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, and be engaged in making crafts, playing on an obstacle course and going on field trips. For children ages 6–12. Call to register and for more information. Mar. 12–16, 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. $20–28. 706-613-3602

ART AROUND TOWN Amici Italian Café (233 E. Clayton St.) Metaphoric and exaggerated portraits by Ainhoa Canup. Through February. • Paintings by Lauren Dellaria. Through March. Antiques and Jewels (290 N. Milledge) Paintings by Elizabeth Barton, Greg Benson, Ainhoa Canup and others. Art on the Side Gallery and Gifts (1011B Industrial Blvd., Watkinsville) A gallery featuring works by various artists in media including ceramics, paintings and fused glass. Artini’s Art Lounge (296 W. Broad St.) “Peculiar Children” features children’s portraits on canvas by Lisa Freeman. Through March. • A selection of oil paintings entitled “Ripe,” by Manda McKay. Through February. ArtLand Gallery (2 S. Main St., Watkinsville) Tiny representational paintings by Meredith Lachin on recycled New York subway cards. Through March. Athens Academy (1281 Spartan Dr.) Artwork by landscape painters David Dunlop and Frank Walker in the Myers Gallery. In the Bertelsmann Gallery, an International Studies Show and an Athens Academy Photography exhibit. Through Apr. 20. Athens Institute for Contemporary Art (ATHICA) (160 Tracy St.) “Southern” features work from Rodrecas Davis, Hope Hilton, Michael Lachowski, Sam Seawright, James Perry Walker and more. Through April 1. Aurum Studios (125 E. Clayton St.) Artwork by local Elementary School students. Through March. • Paintings, pastels and silk hangings by Margaret Agner. Through February. Big City Bread Cafe (393 N. Finley St.) Matthew Scott displays his abstract paintings. Through February. Ciné Bar Cafe (234 W. Hancock Ave.) Jeremy Ayers’ “OCCUPY!” is a collection of photos taken during the first six weeks of Occupy Wall Street. Through Mar. 6. Etienne Brasserie (311 E. Broad St.) Paintings by UGA art professor and LDSOA curator Jeffrey Whittle. Through March. Farmington Depot Gallery (1011 Salem Rd., Farmington) Owned and staffed by 16 artists, the gallery exhibits paintings, sculpture, folk art, ceramics, fine furniture and more. Permanent collection artists include John Weber, John Cleaveland, Alice Pruitt, Leigh Ellis and more. Five Star Day Café (229 E. Broad St.) Paintings by Lisa Tantillo. Flicker Theatre & Bar (263 W. Washington St.) Artwork by Cricket Burwell. Through March.• Artwork by Emmanuel Taati and Chris Denny. Through February. Gainesville State College Oconee Campus (1201 Bishop Farms Pkwy.) A selection of artwork by seniors at Athens Academy in honor of Youth Art Appreciation Month. Through March. Georgia Museum of Art (90 Carlton St.) “All Creatures Great and Small” features works depicting animals created by self-taught American artists. Through Apr. 20. • “Georgia Bellflowers” is devoted to antique dealer and furniture maker Henry Eugene Thomas. Through Apr. 15. • “Introduction to the Centers” is a small, daily exhibition introducing the Henry D. Green Center for the Study of the Decorative Arts, one of the four new units of the museum. Through Mar. 4. • “Lycett China” contains 30 painted porcelain pieces by Edward Lycett. Through Mar. 4. • “To Make a World” includes 47 paintings by George Ault and his contemporaries. Through Apr. 16. • Pastel drawings by Will Henry Stevens, who used naturalism and geometric abstraction. Through Mar. 25. Georgia Museum of Natural History (East Campus Road) A collection of mounted game animals featuring lynxes, African leopards, Alaskan bears, water buffalo and elk, as well as live corn snakes, tarantulas, and other live animals.

Spring Break Art Break (Lyndon House Arts Center) Children ages 6-12 will enjoy art activities, including art exploration with a guest artist and the creation of their own artwork. Call to register. Mar. 13 or 15, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $50 (materials included). 706-613-3623, www.athensclarkecounty.com/leisure Plein Air Painting (Lyndon House Arts Center) Drawing and painting outside. For ages 7–10. Tuesdays, Mar. 20–Apr. 24. 4–5

The Grit (199 Prince Ave.) New mixed-media work by Mimms Cross. Through Mar. 10. Heirloom Cafe and Fresh Market (815 N. Chase St.) Photography by Holly Brown. Opening reception Feb. 29. Through March. • Artwork by Tatiana Veneruso. Through February. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar (1560 Oglethorope Ave.) The rust-dyed art of Russ Heady. Through March. Highwire Lounge (269 N. Hull St.) Photographs by BFA candidate Jimmy Rowalt. Through February. Jittery Joe’s Coffee (297 E. Broad St.) Large portraits by Lea Purvis and a collection of works by several local potters. Jittery Joe’s Coffee (1230 S. Milledge Ave.) Hand-dyed silk paintings by Rene Shoemaker. Just Pho…and More (1063 Baxter St.) Artwork by Robert Lowery. Through March. Kumquat Mae Bakery Café (18 Barnett Shoals Rd., Watkinsville) Paintings by Greg Benson. Through February. • Paintings by Johnny Gordon. Closing reception Apr. 1. Through March. Lamar Dodd School of Art (270 River Rd.) “The 21 Days Show,” by Kristen Morgin. Closing reception Mar. 8. Through Mar. 9. • “Drawing Across Borders” by Diane Edison and Ekaterina Russinova. Closing reception Mar. 8. Through Mar. 9. Last Resort Grill (184 W. Clayton St.) Abstract expressionist paintings with symbolic imagery by Claudia Campbell. Through February. • Landscapes, portraits and still lifes by Lauren Nossett. Through March. Lyndon House Arts Center (293 Hoyt St.) The 37th Annual Juried Exhibition of 175 original works by local artists. Through April 21. Madison-Morgan Cultural Center (434 S. Main St., Madison) “A Funky Little Art Thing” is the fourth annual art show featuring selected student works from grades K–12 in the Morgan County school system. Through Mar. 3. Mama’s Boy (197 Oak St.) New artwork from the Convergence Artist Collection by Anthony “Garbo” Garan and Frank Registrato. Through February. OCAF (34 School St., Watkinsville) “Sapelo Glow” is a collection of art by local artists in various media based on a weekend spent on Sapelo Island. Through Mar. 23. • A collection of artwork by over 180 students from the Oconee County school district. Through March. Oconee County Library (1080 Experiment Station Rd.) Jewelry by Sylvia Dawe. Through February. • Watercolors by Mindy Mendelsohn. Through March. State Botanical Garden of Georgia (2450 S. Milledge Ave.) Various works from members of the Athens Art Association exhibited in the garden. Opening reception Mar. 4. Through Apr. 29. Strand Hair Salon (1625 S. Lumpkin St.) Paintings by Peter Thompson. Through March. Transmetropolitan (145 E. Clayton St.) “Heart You” includes works by Mike Groves, Keith P. Rein, Lea Purvis, Laurin Ramsey, David Mack, Ashley Wills, Graham Bradford and Joe Havasy. UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries (270 River Rd.) A collection of artwork by over 180 students from the Clarke County school district. Through March. UGA Tate Center (45 Baxter St.) Black History Month display on the wall space between Tate I and Tate II. Through February. • (Art Wall) The IDEA Society presents a historical exhibition of photos commemorating 700 years of Jewish-Turkish history. Through Mar. 24. Visionary Growth Gallery (2400 Booger Hill Rd., Danielsville) “Drawing Pretty Pictures Is a Way to Meet God in the World Like It Is” features works by Lois Curtis, Carter Wellborn, Peter Loose, Alpha Andrews, Betty Wansley and Annie Wellborn. Through April. Walker’s Coffee & Pub (128 College Ave.) Photographs of acrylic paintings on skin by Lydia Hunt. Through March.

p.m. $41 (ACC residents), $58. 706-613-3623 Kids’ Sewing (Treehouse Kid and Craft) Ages 6 & up. Call for more information. Fridays, Mar. 2–30. $80. 706-850-8226 22nd Annual “Give Wildlife a Chance” Poster Contest (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Artwork must portray Georgia nongame (not legally hunted, trapped or fished) wildlife and plants. Any student in grades K-5 is eligible to participate. Call for more info. Entries due by Mar. 28. 706-5426156, www.georgiawildlife.com, www.uga.edu/botgarden Art Time (Lyndon House Arts Center) Students will explore art techniques, creativity, color and texture using books, images and other artists as inspiration. Ages 4–6. Session 1: Tuesdays, Mar. 20–Apr. 24, 4–5 p.m. Session 2: Thursdays, Mar. 22–Apr. 26, 3:30–4:30 p.m. $41 (ACC residents), $59. 706-613-3623 Field Trip: Friday Funday! (Memorial Park) Finish the week with bowling, pizza and an afternoon movie. Elementary school kids only. Register by Mar. 2. Mar. 16, 9 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. $20. 706-613-3580 Field Trip: Down on the Farm (Memorial Park) Travel to Shields-Ethridge Heritage Farm to see how a working farm operated in the 1800s. Elementary school kids only. Register by Mar. 2. Mar. 16, 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. $15. 706-613-3580 Baton Twirling (Bishop Park) Dance-twirling, strutting, marching techniques and more, taught by the Classic City Majorettes for ages 5 & up. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in community performances. Tuesdays, Mar. 6–May 15, 5:45–6:45 p.m. $65. 706-613-3589, www.athens clarkecounty.com/bishop Exploring the Art of Georgia O’Keeffe (Lyndon House Arts Center) Explore the beautiful flower and stark desert scenes of Georgia O’Keeffe. Students will paint flowers and other O’Keeffeinspired subjects. Ages 7–10. Thursdays, Mar. 22–Apr. 26, 4-5 p.m. $41 (ACC residents), $59. 706-613-3623

On March 8,

DOC ELDRIDGE is in the HOT SEAT The Clarke County Democratic Committee

2012 ROAST of Doc Eldridge Lawton Stephens, Master of Ceremonies Special Guests: Patrick Haggard, Michael Thurmond, Gwen O’Looney, Pete McCommons, Barbara Dooley and more! Tickets $50 • Available at www.CLARKEDEMOCRATS.com or call 706.546.7075 A portion of the proceeds goes to Doc’s cause of choice: The Clarke County Mentor Program For further information, contact Clarke County Democratic Committee : ccdc.communications@gmail.com or 706.546.7075 Paid for by the Clarke County Democratic Committee

ON THE STREET Heroes’ Breakfast (Red Cross Donor Center) The Red Cross seeks to recognize local heroes who have made a difference in other people’s lives in the past year. Nominate a friend, family member or anyone else by Mar. 15. Breakfast will be held on May 16. Email for nomination form. 706-353-4701, mrward@ uga.edu Antebellum Trail Pilgrimage (Athens, Ga) A 100-mile journey through seven communities. Visit historic homes, experience authentic battle sites, view impressive architecture and tour museums. Tickets can be purchased at the Athens Welcome Center or online. Apr. 19–22. $25. www.atpilgrimage.com March Moving for Montessori 5K/10K (Athens Montessori School) The races benefit the expansion of the school’s fitness path to encourage students to stay fit and active. Some proceeds also benefit UNICEF. Pre-registration required. Mar. 31, 8 a.m. (5K), 8:45 a.m. (10K). $15-50. www.athens montessori.com Tax Assistance (Oconee County Library) The AARP offers free help to all adults regardless of age or AARP affiliation. Mondays through Apr. 9, 1–4:30 p.m. 706-769-3950 f

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miscellany Get Your ATH Together Calling All Hitchcocks: Athens’ only quarterly film event, VHS: Videographer’s Hella-Big Show, will hold its first festival of the year with “The Luck of the VHS” at 10 p.m. on Thursday, Mar. 1 at Ciné. Aiming to showcase the best (and likely worst, too) of local filmmaking, VHS creates an opportunity for both amateur and professional filmmak­ ers to see their work up on the big screen. A Directors’ Mixer, beginning a half-hour before the screenings, will provide a casual setting for aspiring directors and actors to interact with attendees, receive feedback from critics and link up with makeup artists, wardrobe designers, set creators and the like for future projects. Guest judges from the UGA film stud-

performed by The Athens Band, and the overall “Best Music Video” was awarded to Lovett’s “The Fear,” directed by David Bruckner. Think you’ve got what it takes to beat out the rest this year? Fill out an entry form at http:// filmathens.net/sprockets and mail it in with a $25 entry fee, DVD and production photo by Apr. 15. All inquiries can be directed to sprockets@filmathens.net. Pursuit of Happiness: From marriage inequality and workplace discrimination to rampant homophobia and bullying, the LGBTQ community faces what many consider to be today’s fight for civil rights. In an effort to raise awareness of these issues, de-stigmatize non-heterosexuality and eliminate prejudice, NYC-based artist, writer and filmmaker iO Tillett Wright has launched a project called Self Evident Truths, a series of single portraits and a handful of film vignettes that capture the character and stories of people she meets during her travels through different cities. The photos, shot in simple black-and-white with no makeup or styling added to the subjects, intend to humanize the varied faces of gays in America and emphasize that sexual orientation and gender identity are often blind to race, class, biological sex and cultural background. Anyone who falls any­ where within the LGBTQ spectrum by identifying as anything other than “100-percent straight” is invited to participate in the project by posing for a portrait when the Self Evident Truths Project makes its way to Athens on Thursday, Mar. 8 during its two-week tour through the heart of the South. Email selfevident2011@gmail.com to make an appointment or visit www.selfevidentproject.com for details.


iO Tillet Wright brings her photography project Self Evident Truths to Athens on Thursday, Mar. 8. ies and journalism programs will award trophies for “Best Picture” and “People’s Choice Award,” as well as to the “greenest outfit” in the audience. To watch champion films from the past, visit www.vimeo.com/thevhs, and to participate in future screenings, email vhs. athens@gmail.com. Keep the Reels Rolling: Film Athens, a local nonprofit working to support the production and exhibition of film, video and digital media arts in the community, is now taking submissions for the seventh annual Sprockets Music Video Competition, a showcase of regional talents initiated in 2004 as an added component to the AthFest Music and Arts Festival. A screening of all accepted videos will be presented at the 40 Watt Club on Saturday, June 16, with the “Best Music Video” selected by a board of five judges and an “Audience Choice” winner determined by ballots distributed that night. The winning videos will be revealed and awarded at the Flagpole Music Awards Show on Thursday, June 21 at the historic Morton Theatre. Although ranging in budget, attitude and message, the videos, which span across several genres, are generally very well executed. Last year’s competition included videos from two dozen bands, with the “Audience Choice Award” going to “Animals (Mama Said),” directed by Benson Greene and

Bowls Half Full: The Food Bank of Northeast Georgia’s 14th Annual Empty Bowl Luncheon will continue its tradition of serving a simple lunch of sandwiches and soup to raise awareness of hunger and poverty in the community on Wednesday, Mar. 14, 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., at the Classic Center. For $20, attendees can sample soups from eight local restaurants and caterers— The Royal Peasant, The Hilltop Grille, The Last Resort, Center Stage Catering, Harry’s Pig Shop, Brett’s Casual American Restaurant, Epting Events and Fresh Inspiration Café—and peruse a silent auction featuring bowls created by local potters. A smaller preview party called Handmade for the Hungry will be held in advance at Good Dirt on Saturday, Mar. 3 from 12–3 p.m., giving attendees an early chance to vote for their favorite soups (for $1 per vote), bid on silent auction items, watch demonstrations by the Classic City Woodturners and purchase locally made bowls for $20 each. The studio will also have sta­ tions set up for children to play with clay. All proceeds will assist the Food Bank in its mission to provide hunger relief to foodinsecure community members through its multitude of programs, including the Mobile Pantry, Food 2 Kids, Feeding A Family, Brown Bag Program, and Stock the Pantry. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.foodbanknega.org.


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Jessica Smith misc@flagpole.com




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Real Estate Apartments for Rent

3 beautiful 1 or 2 BR/1BA apts. off Route 78. Private entrances, HWflrs., free parking, fenced property, 3 acres, NS. $550-700 + dep. (770) 207-0087, manchudge@aol.com.

1 BR across the st. from UGA at Baldwin Village Apts. 475 Baldwin St. No pets. Avail. now. Free parking. Water and pest incl. $475/mo. (706) 354-4261.

Available Fall. 2BR/1BA. DeVille o n G r a d y. C H A C , W / D , D W, pool. Great in-town n’hood. Walk everywhere. Water & garbage paid. $680–750/mo. boulevard propertymanagement.com or call (706) 548-9797.

1BR/1BA apt. All electric. Carports, close to 5 Pts. Pet friendly. $485/ mo. (706) 424-0770. 2BR/2BA flat, corner of College & Willow in the historic Art Mill District near UGA & town. Gated courtyd., on Greenway, bamboo woods, pets OK. Avail. March 1. $700/mo. (706) 714-7600.

Baldwin Village Apts., 475 Baldwin St, Athens, GA, 30605. Offering 1, 2 and 3 BR units. Will begin confirming availability by Mar. for Aug. 1, 2012 move-in. No application fee. Across street from UGA. Free parking, laundr y on premises, hot water, on-call maint., on-site mgr. Microwave & DW. HWflrs. $475 to $1200/ mo. Contact (706) 354-4261. Office hours, 10-2, Mon.–Fri.

200 Cloverhurst. 2BR/1BA. Walking distance to campus. W/D, DW, CHAC, all electric. 1 of the best 5 Pts. locations avail.! $850/ mo. (706) 548-9797, boulevard propertymanagement.com. 235 Hill St. 2BR/2BA. Beautiful l g . a p t . i n Vi c t o r i a n h o u s e . HWflrs., high ceilings, 2 blocks to everything, located in Cobbham. Avail. March, $1100. (706) 548-9797, boulevard propertymanagement.com.

Turn to FLAGPOLE CLASSIFIEDS to find roommates, apartments, houses, etc. To place an ad call 706549-0301.

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Eastside quadraplex, 2BR/2BA, $500/mo. & 2BR/1BA, $475/mo. Eastside duplex, 2BR/1BA & FP, $475/mo. 3BR/2BA & FP, $650/ mo. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 353-2700 or cell, (706) 5401529. H a l f o ff re n t 1 s t 2 m o s . when you mention this ad! 2BR/2BA apts. a few blocks from Dwntn. off North Ave. Pet friendly & no pet fee! Dep. only $150. Rent from $625-675/mo. incl. trash. (706) 548-2522, www. dovetailmanagement.com.

Commercial Property Creative workspace. $600/mo. 680 sf. New BR w/ shower, HVAC, concrete floors. 6 mo. min. lease. Sec. deposit req. If interested, contact Matt, (323) 304-0720, mfpproductions@gmail.com. Eastside offices, 1060 Gaines School Rd. Rent 750 sf. $900/mo., 400 sf. $600/mo. (706) 546-1615 or athenstownproperties.com. I heart Flagpole Classifieds. For Lease. Prime commercial s t re e t l e v e l s p a c e i n D w n t n . Athens. 2500 sf. avail. in Jan. (706) 296-7413. Retail space for lease. 1241 sf., $17/sf. High vaulted c e i l i n gs , l a r g e w i n d o w s , ample storage space. Retail re a d y. Av a i l . n o w ! E m a i l 1059BaxterStreet@gmail. com if interested.


Call for Location and Availability.

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001



Gigantic 5BR/3BA. End of Lumpkin. 2500 sf. 2 LRs, huge laundry rm., DR, FP, big deck. DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $1500/mo. (706) 369-2908.

Condos For Sale Just reduced! Investor’s Westside condo. 2BR/2BA, FP, 1500 sf., great investment, lease 12 mos. at $550/mo. Price in $40s. For more info, call McWaters Realty at (706) 353-2700 or (706) 540-1529.

Duplexes For Rent 2BR Westside duplex. Immaculate, friendly, convenient, wooded, FP. W/D, $550/mo. (706) 207-9436. 4BR/2BA duplex off S. Milledge. Avail. now or pre-lease, full size W/D, ceiling fans in all rooms, DW, microwave, total electric. $850/mo. Hank, (706) 207-6361. Brick duplex, 2BR/2BA, very clean, all extras. Just 2 mi. to campus on north side Athens. 2 units avail. Pets OK. $500/mo. + dep. Call Sharon at (706) 201-9093.

Houses for Rent 305 Conrad Dr. 4BR/3BA, open kitchen & LR, lg. BRs, walk-in closets, covered porches, nice yd. Avail. Aug. 1. (706) 713-0626, newagepropertiesathens.com. 145 Woodcrest Dr. 3BR/2BA. Avail. now! CHAC, fenced yd., pets OK, no pet fees! Nice, quiet area. $825/mo. (706) 372-6813. 2BR/1BA house w/ lg. LR & small fenced-in back yd. 688 Pulaski St. 1/4 mile from Dwntn. $700/ mo. + $400 dep. Avail. March. Call (706) 208-1035, (678) 4819426.

Prelease Now for Fall

SCOTT PROPERTIES 706-425-4048 • 706-296-1863 www.facebook.com/scottproperties 2BD/1BD Apts. • Clayton St. 4BD House • Peabody St. 2BD Apartments • FTX

2 Bedroom / 1 Bath Cottage Available on Milledge Avenue $600/Month CALL TODAY!

• Deadline to place ads is 11:00 a.m. every Monday for the following Wednesday issue • All ads must be prepaid • Set up an account to review your placement history or replace old ads at flagpole.com

Condos for Rent

3BR/2BA house on 3 acres. Quiet country location just 9 mi. from Dwntn. Athens. Big kitchen, LR w/ FP. W/D hookup. $925/mo. (706) 540-8461. 3BR/1.5BA at 106 Vine Circle. W/D, lg. den & LR, kitchen w/ appls., CHAC, driveway, front porch, back deck. Avail. now! $700/mo. (706) 546-6426 or (706) 207-2344. 3BR/2BA completely remodeled house Dwntn. Walk to campus, Dwntn. & Greenway. W/D incl. Avail. Aug. 1. Pre-leasing for Fall. Only $1400/mo. Aaron, (706) 207-2957, AtlasRealEstateAdvisors.com.



Cedar Creek: 4BR/2BA, lg. fenced yd., $950/mo. 5 Pts.: Off Baxter St., 4BR/2BA, $1200/mo. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 353-2700, (706) 540-1529. Entrepreneurs! Avail. now. Close to town/busline. 2BR/2BA + 2 office/ studio. W/D, CHAC, big kitchen & LR. $900/mo. 395 Oak St. Call Josh at (706) 613-8525.

340 B Ruth St. 2BR/1BA, Hardwood & tile flrs., covered porch, sm. fenced yd., 1/2 mi. to Dwntn., $800/ mo. Avail. Aug. 1, (706) 713-0626 & newagepropertiesathens.com.

Great 4BR/4BA house. 1/2 mi. from campus. Front porch, back deck, nice yd., DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. Special! $1500/mo. (706) 369-2908.

4BR/2BA Victorian home, renovated. 1/2 mi. from campus. Pre-leasing. W/D, DW, fenced yd., HW. $1650/⁣mo. Huge rms.! Lots of character. Avail. 8/1. Pets OK. (706) 369-2908.

Huge 3BR/2BA renovated Victorian house. HW, high ceilings, front porch, back deck, nice yard. Pets OK. W/D, Dishwasher, HVAC. Avail. 8/1. $1275/mo. (706) 3692908.

4BR/4BA new Dwntn. Private baths, double porches, walk-in closets, hardwoods. Walk everywhere! W/D & lawn maint. incl. Pre-leasing for Fall. Only $1900/mo. Aaron, (706) 207-2957. AtlasRealEstateAdvisors. com.

Lovely new house. 4BR/3BA. Half mi. to campus. Big rms., HWflrs., DW, W/D, CHAC, pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $1750/mo. Call (706) 3692908.

5 Pts. 3BR/3BA. CHAC, HWflrs., decks, FP, new granite & stainless kitchen, family room. 5 min. to UGA. Big yard, quiet street, no dogs. Professionals preferred. $1250/mo. (706) 202-9805. 5 Pts. 2BR/1BA. Great location. Great for grad student. Walk to campus. W/D, CHAC, nice patio. Pets OK. $650-$700/mo. Avail 8/1. Call (706) 369-2908. 6BR/4BA. Complete renovation for Aug. 2 full, new kitchens. Closest location in Athens to heart of Normaltown. Lg. private BRs. (706) 546-6900. View at ValerioProperties. com. $3000/mo. Awesome 3BR/2BA, close to campus. New master BA w/ double sink. HWflrs., fenced backyard. W/D, DW, CHAC. Avail. 8/1. $1200/ mo. (706) 369-2908.

TOWNHOUSES IN 5 POINTS, EAST SIDE AND WEST SIDE Call today Prices range from $ to view! 750-$1000

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Luxury Condos

by Hamilton & Associates


Downtown, secured parking, fully furnished, 2br/2ba $1,450/mo. • Available Now


C. Hamilton & Associates

B o u l e v a rd n ’ h o o d , 3 B R / 2 B A . H W f l r s . , c e n t r a l a i r, m o d e r n k i tchen, bi g cl os ets , l aundr y hookups, stunning view, Avail. now! $1200/mo. Call to see, (706) 352-9491.

Gated community of Epps Bridge, upscale living, 2br/2.5ba $1,000/mo. • Available Now www.athens-ga-rental.com • 706-613-9001

Micro farm in Athens. 2BR/1BA, CHAC, HWflrs., W/D. 1100 sf. on 2.5 acres, all fenced. 7 min. to town. $900/mo. Pets welcome! Contact Adam, (276) 920-7228. New 4BR/3BA cottages Dwntn. Walk to campus, hardwood & tile flrs., walk-in closets, sec. & sound systems, covered porches & parking, Avail Aug. 1. $2000/ mo. (706)713-0626.

Nice 1BR, 132 Arch St. Walk to Dwntn. Hardwoods, wood stove, CHAC, DW, W/D, fenced yd. Avail. Mar. 1. Flexible lease. $650/ mo. Call Jon, (775) 420-2456. Rent your properties w/ Flagpole Classifieds! Give us a call at (706) 5490301 or go to www.flagpole. com/Classifieds to place an ad.

Short-term lease on newer 4BR/4BA for only $1000/mo.! Dwntn. W/D & lawn maint. incl. Pets OK. Avail. now! Super cheap! Aaron, (706) 207-2957, AtlasRealEstateAdvisors.com. Westside 3BR/1.5BA, nearly 1700 sf. w/ screened porch & tons of updates. $900/mo. Owner/Agent, (706) 206-5282, (706) 613-6040, HeatherMcElroy. com.

Parking & Storage Parking places for rent across from UGA. $30/mo. (706) 3544261.



Call for Availability

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Pre-Leasing 2BR/1BA, 129 Riverdale (June 1), 2 0 M i l l e d g e C t . , 2 3 0 O ’ F a r re l l (Aug. 1). All have HWflrs., tile BA, W/D. Great locations in Five Points! $650/ mo. (706) 548-9797 or boulevard propertymanagement.com. Available Fall. 2 & 3 BR hous e s. 1 5 6 A t h e n s Av e . : 3BR/2BA, screened porch, deck, CHAC, W/D, DW. 235 #2 H i l l S t . : 2BR/2BA, beautiful apt. in Victorian house, $1150. 247 Boulevard Heights: 3BR/2BA, high ceilings, HWflrs., $1350. 3 4 0 B a r b e r St.: Amazing house, $1725. (706) 548-9797, boulevard propertymanagement.com. Best rentals in Athens! 1–5BR houses, apts., condos. In the heart of UGA/Dwntn./5 Pts. Avail. Aug. 1. Going fast, call today! (706) 369-2908 for more info. Fall leasing: 1, 2, 3 & 4 BR houses & apts. 5 Pts. & Dwntn. See at www.bondrealestate.org. Owner Broker Herbert Bond Realty & Investment. Lic. #H13552. Live in town! Sought after Blvd., Normaltown, 5 Pts., Cobbham & Dwntn. locations. Lease for Fall, starting now. Call (706) 546-6900 or email valerioproperties@gmail. com.

Roommates 1 roommate needed. 4BR/2BA at University Apts. Currently 2 guys, 1 girl. $395/mo. covers everything. Individual lease. Bike or ride #12 to campus. Amenities. (704) 779-2432. 2 roommates needed. 2 story 3BR/3BA in The Woodlands, $425/ mo./renter OR $375/each/mo. if 2 renters sign together! Gated community + amenities near UGA. Email: ashleycleary@gmail.com.

Rooms for Rent Huge room for rent w/ private entry. $400/mo. Pay weekly or monthly. W/D, utils. incl. Bigger than master BR. (678) 698-4260. Mature students only. Spacious, f u r n i s h e d B R . Quiet, near campus, kitchen, laundry privileges. Shared BA, priv. entrance, Internet access. No pets. $275/mo. incl. utils. (706) 353-0227.

For Sale Miscellaneous Bidders Buy Auction. New & used items, collectables, & antiques. Auctions every Fri. & Sat. 1459 Hargrove Lake Rd. in Winterville. Visit www.biddersbuyauctions.com or call (706) 742-2205 for more info. Go to Agora! Awesome! Affordable! The ultimate store! Specializing in retro everything: antiques, furniture, clothes, bikes, records & players! 260 W. Clayton St., (706) 316-0130. Instant cash is now being paid for good vinyl records & CDs in fine condition. Wuxtry Records, at corner of Clayton & College downtown. (706) 369-9428.

Pets Blue Heeler, female. Free to good home! 5 yrs. old, shots, great dog! (706) 401-0880, customerservice@ postoakfarms.com.

Music Equipment We buy musical instruments & equipment every day! Guitars, drums, pro-sound & more. (770) 9319190, www.musicgoroundlilburn. com. Huge, online inventory. We love trades! Come visit Music Go Round soon...

Nuçi’s Space needs your old instruments & music gear! All donations are tax-deductible. Call (706) 227-1515 or come by Nuçi’s Space, 396 Oconee St.

Instruction Athens School of Music. I n s t r u c t i o n i n g u i t a r, b a s s , drums, piano, voice, brass, woodwinds, strings, banjo, mandolin, fiddle & more. From beginner to expert. Instrument repairs avail. Visit http://www. AthensSchoolofMusic.com, (706) 543-5800. Boulevard Piano Studio. Piano lessons taught by local jazz musician Rand Lines. $40/ hr. boulevardpianostudio@gmail. com or (706) 363-0328.

Music Services Eady Guitars, Guitar Building & Repair. Qualified repair man offering professional set ups, f re t w o r k , w i r i n g , f i n i s h i n g & restorations. Exp. incl. Gibson & Benedetto Guitars. Appt. o n l y. ( 6 1 5 ) 7 1 4 - 9 7 2 2 , w w w. eadyguitars.com. Fret Shop. Professional guitar repairs & modifications, setups, electronics, precision fretwork. P re v i o u s c l i e n t s i n c l . R . E . M . , Widespread Panic, Cracker, Bob Mould, John Berry, Abbey Road Live!, Squat. (706) 549-1567. W e d d i n g b a n d s . Q u a l i t y, professional bands. Weddings, parties. Rock, jazz, etc. Call Classic City Entertainment. (706) 549-1567. www.classiccityentertainment.com. Featuring The Magictones - Athens’ premiere wedding & party band. www.themagictones.com.

Musicians Wanted Talented drummer & bass player looking for a guitarist and/or vocalist for a Christian rock band. Influences include The Almost, Paramore, Taking Back Sunday, etc. Email or Call Adam @ adam. renfroe@gmail.com, (478) 9559963. U p c o m i n g s i n g e r- s o n g w r i t e r seeking dedicated percussionist & guitar player to perform in trio. Contact emily.jackson71@gmail. com, (678) 988-5310.

Services Cleaning S h e s a i d , “ O h Ye a h ” House Cleaning that m a k e s y o u f e e l re a l l y good. Reliable, pet & Earth friendly. 2BR/1BA, $40. Regular or one t i m e . Te x t / c a l l N i c k , (706) 851-9087. Local references on request. Email: Nick@goodworld. biz.

Health Pregnant? Considering a d o p t i o n ? Ta l k w / c a r i n g agency specializing in matching birthmothers w/ families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Call 24/7. Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions, (866) 413-6293 (AAN CAN).

Massage Relaxing bodywork, 1/2 & full hr. sessions. Call Tina, (706) 2018651.

Tutors Stressed about your GRE, ACT, or SAT? Let Meridian Tutors help you decrease that stress w h i l e i n c re a s i n g y o u r s c o re ! Local, in-person tutoring w/ flexible scheduling. References a l w a y s p ro v i d e d ! w w w. M e r i d i a n Tu t o r s . c o m / Tu t o r i n g , (608) 217-0498.

Jobs Full-time Call center representative. Join established Athens company calling CEOs & CFOs of major corporations generating sales leads for tech companies. $9/hr. BOS Staffing, www.bostemps.com, (706) 353-3030. Hairstylists! You deserve more than 40%! Do you have a local base clientele? Come talk to us about chair rental. Strand in 5 Pts. (706) 549-8074.

Opportunities Are you currently receiving mental health treatment? If so, call (706) 341-3765 for information about a UGA research study. Earn $30 for 3 hrs. of participation. Actors/movie extras needed immediately for upcoming rules. $150–300/day depending on job requirements. No exp., all looks. (800) 560-8672, A-109 for casting times/locations. Disclaimer! Flagpole does its best to scout out scams but we cannot guarantee. Be careful giving out personal information. Call to report scams, (706) 549-0301. Do you or someone you know have a strange addiction? A Major TV Network is offering professional help for all participants. Call (312) 4678679 or email 20wcasting@gmail. com. Dependable person needed during the evening hrs. helping a young man confined to a wheelchair. In exchange for free rent in apt., food, utils. & other amenities. Call (706) 316-2798 or (706) 549-9456. Help wanted. Earn extra income assembling CD cases from home. No experience necessary. Call our live operators now. (800) 405-7619 ext. 2450 www.easyworkjobs.com (AAN CAN). Mystery shoppers earn up to $100/day. Undercover shoppers needed to judge retail & dining establishments. No exp. req’d. (888) 729-6151. Paid in adv.! Make $1K/wk. mailing bro c h u re s f ro m h o m e ! G u a r. income! Free supplies! No exp. req’d. Start immediately! www. homemailerprogram.net (AAN CAN). Struggling w/ debt? Let us help you recover. Personal & small business loans avail. starting from $2,500– $100,000. Interest rates start at 6% & up. Good & bad credit accepted. To apply, call 1-877-405-3330. Call 24 hrs./day.

Part-time Field trip instructor. Lead K-12 environmental education field trips at State Botanical Garden Tues.–Fri. mornings March–May. Send resume to abiscegl@uga.edu.



Some units include fireplaces and Washer & Dryers. $550-$600/mo. Call Today to view.

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Busy Dwntn. salon seeks a p p l i c a n t s f o r P T f ro n t d e s k position. Must have flexible availability (incl. Sat.). Apply inside, 132 College Ave. Please bring resume. No phone calls, please.


Now hiring discreet private lingerie models. Flexible schedules, no exp. needed, good working environment, upscale clientele. Unlimited earning potential. Call for info, (706) 613-8986.

Vehicles Misc. Vehicles Cash for cars: any car/truck. Running or not! Top $ paid. We come to you! Call for instant offer, (888) 420-3808, www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN).



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Lost and Found

Follow Buy Local Athens on Facebook and email us at athensbuylocal@gmail.com to join the We Are Athens organization.

Lost and found pets can be advertised in Flagpole classifieds. Call (706) 5490301 or visit www.flagpole. com/Classifieds to return them home.

Messages Do you want to stop drinking alcohol? We are conducting a study on a medication for treating alcohol problems. Par ticipation incl. 5 in-person assessments, incl. 4 sessions of individual outpatient treatment. There is no cost for treatment. Yo u w i l l b e a s k e d t o t a k e a medication or placebo on 2 occasions. Call (706) 542-8350 for more info. Need to find a good place to eat and something to do when Mom/Dad/ b ro / f r i e n d s c o m e i n t o town? The Flagpole Guide to Athens lists every single restaurant and venue in Athens, along with reviews and price points. You can pick one up for free in stores, hotels and news racks all over the city. Get outta that rut and out on the town.

Week of 2/27/12 - 3/4/12

The Weekly Crossword 1














15 17





19 24 27

28 31

30 33 37


23 26



by Margie E. Burke 6



32 35




40 46


48 52 57




47 50




51 54


55 59

61 62


Copyright 2012 by The Puzzle Syndicate

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ACROSS 1 Liquor purchase 49 Daily drudgery 6 Postpone 51 Bringing up the 11 Mosque tower rear 13 1987 Toni 52 Pub pint Morrison novel 53 Piece of advice 15 Catch in a trap 55 Afternoon social 16 Oval-shaped 56 Twisting wind instrument 58 Skater's hangout 17 Lab animal 60 Three-syllable 18 Seaplane part poetic foot 20 Morning moisture 61 Marching chant 21 Pesky bug 62 Forest clearing 23 Like a bad 63 Skier's stopover muffler 24 Raunchy DOWN 25 Brilliant success 1 Bankroll 27 Hoopster's target 2 Put into service 28 Important exam 3 Type of club 29 What Rolaids 4 Critter catcher 5 Wading bird spells? 31 Colonize again 6 Fake drake 33 Dragon's home 7 Ardor 35 Bad-mannered 8 In favor of 36 School term 9 Plain to see 40 Fast food item 10 Library 44 Group of three transaction 45 Fairytale legume 11 Corporate 47 Analyze, marriage 12 Mortise's mate grammatically 48 Tear to pieces 13 Rocket stage

14 Dilly-dally 19 Wedding cake section 22 Final part 24 Like some translations 26 Poke fun 28 At one's limit 30 Temper tantrum 32 Temp. teacher 34 Go back to press 36 Rock layers 37 Soon, in poetry 38 Quartz, for one 39 Rider's strap 41 Annoying 42 Heart of the matter 43 Shoot again, on a movie set 46 Shenanigan 49 "Duck, duck" follower 50 Model stick-on 53 Like Hamelin's piper 54 Decorate again 57 Restful resort 59 Wine choice

Crossword puzzle answers are available at www.flagpole.com



Resource Fair and Step Show Come and Get Your Love!

Kicking It for Education and Project Safe

Thank You

for voting us one of your

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Favorite Downhome/Southern Restaurants!

ReadeR Picks


Do You Want to Change Your Drinking Habits?




tomp, clap! Stomp, clap! The rhythm of a step dance performance can shake the stage and infect a crowd with excitement. It’s something you can experience yourself at the Classic Center this weekend. The ninth annual College Recruitment and Resource Fair and Youth Scholarship Step Show will be held Saturday, Mar. 3 starting at 11 a.m. with the resource fair, followed by the step show at 5 p.m. The fair is organized by the local nonprofit Project Safe, which fights against domestic abuse through education, prevention, intervention and advocacy, and the Athens chapter of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, which is composed of the nine historically black sororities and fraternities. But Marvin Nunnally, chairman of the Athens Alumni NPHC Scholarship Committee and an alumnus of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity of the University of Georgia, says the college resource fair is not just for black students: it’s for everyone looking to go to college. Nunnally is excited about the fair because it gives young people the tools to achieve their post-high school goals—and it‘s also a fun way for kids to show off their step-dance moves with some friendly competition. “This is not geared toward black kids; it’s geared to kids, period,” he says. Nunnally says it’s part of the NPHC’s mission to give back to communities and to help youths attain college degrees. He himself was aided by an NPHC scholarship, and feels a duty to pay it forward. “Somebody helped me along the way,” he says. “And, of course, it’s the right thing to do. Giving back to the community has been a passion of mine all my life.” The fair will feature workshops on the HOPE Scholarship and financial aid, as well as ACT and SAT preparation, staying healthy and understanding the impact of domestic abuse. Recruiters from colleges, technical schools, trade schools and the Armed Forces will be there to talk with students. But the highlight for many people will come in the evening with the step show and competition. Beverly Ford is a resource teacher at J.J. Harris Elementary Charter School in Athens and also the step advisor for the school. She was introduced to step as a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority in

college and thinks the annual step show is an excellent opportunity for young people to better themselves. “I think it was a wonderful idea that started nine years ago,” she says, “that gives children the opportunity to work on teamwork, coordination, self-confidence and working with other kids.” She says her students thrive in step club because it gives them a reason to want to do well in academic classes (they must maintain their grades to stay eligible for the team). It also teaches them to live up to positive expectations of behavior from their coaches, teachers and parents. “It’s definitely positive for a lot of kids that are on step team,” she says. “They are expected to have positive behavior within the classroom and the community, so the students are focusing not just on step, but also on grades.” For J.J. Harris student Karmen Hill, 11, the step show will be her first chance to compete. “I’m excited because I like to step,” she says. “It’s fun.” She likes step club because it’s easy to learn, so anyone can get into it. Plus, it’s not something you have to work on all day to get good at, so she doesn’t get bored. The students will compete for a trophy and bragging rights for best step performance in various age categories. There will also be guest exhibition teams from Project Safe and from Saint Mary’s Hospital. Before the fair, at 8:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn at 197 E. Broad St., there will be an “empowerment breakfast” featuring author, educator and motivational speaker Mychal Wynn, who will discuss strategies for strengthening partnerships between faith-based institutions and local schools, and how those partnerships can help children achieve success from primary school through college. Tickets to the breakfast are $15. Karen P. Chynoweth The College Resource Fair runs from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. and is free. Tickets for the step show are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Proceeds benefit the Athens Alumni NPHC Scholarship Fund and Project Safe. To purchase tickets or for more information about the resource fair and the National Pan-Hellenic Council, go to www.athensalumninphc.com.

Canopy Studio

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DOORS 8:00pm • SHOW 9:00pm




DOORS 8:00pm • SHOW 9:00pm





Talk About It

ReadeR Picks


Thank you for voting us an Athens Favorite 2 years in a row

If you have a friend you think may be in an abusive relationship, talk with her or him about it. Don’t ignore the problem; it will not go away. You can make a difference by starting a conversation with your friend or coworker. You don’t have to be an expert to talk about abuse, you just need to be a friend. Listen to and believe what your friend is telling you. Our hotline advocates are here to help if you have questions about how to start the conversation.


Hotline, 24 hours/day

Linea de crisis, las 24 horas del dia



DOORS 8:00pm • SHOW 9:00pm







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Wells, Shooters, Wine chers & Miller Lite Drafts $2 Pints & $7 Pit



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