February 13th, 2013

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FEBRUARY 13, 2013 · VOL. 27 · NO. 6 · FREE

Zombie  Prom Hear ts Seek Bra in

s on Valentine’s

Jonathan Richman Bringing the Bruised, Romantic Side of Rock  p. 17

Day  p. 15

Vagina Monologues A Diverse Cast and a Four-Day Run at the Chapel  p. 18

Park & Ride? p. 7 · Grub Notes p. 11 · White Violet p. 18 · Holopaw p. 18 · Shade p. 18

 



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pub notes

p. 4

Eulogy for Bucky Redwine Bucky Redwine’s death has brought him back to life for us, rolling our mental movies of Bucky, remembering him and recalling stories about him. I can’t escape casting him in the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. He was considerably more handsome than Jimmy Stewart, but he lived out the plot of the boy whose brother goes off to war while he stays home and helps everybody buy their homes and start their businesses, and he saves the town from old Mr. Potter, except that Bucky changed the script. He himself was the dashing war-hero pilot, and then he came home after the war and went to work in the bank, and I guess you could say he worked for Mr. Potter, but he still saved the town, because he was also its guardian angel and he was so much funnier and wilder than Jimmy Stewart. You know, the point of that movie is the difference a life makes, and we cannot calculate what Athens would be like today had Bucky not lived here, what our own lives would be like. He was so completely at home here, so much a part of his town, of its culture, so comfortable with its values: banker, Methodist, family man, businessman. He could have been a success anywhere, but why would he live elsewhere when he had so many friends here and so many family relations?

RECYCLE your paper. p. 7

p. 18

Good boy.


Bucky as a 21-year-old fighter pilot on Iwo Jima. Away from the office, he was always on the go, dropping by to see somebody, hanging out with his dogs, gardening, building that brick retaining wall behind the house, planting trees, cooking, grocery shopping, Scouting, coaching Little League, going to meetings of all his civic endeavors. What gives this “wonderful life” its punch is that, while Bucky was a tobacco-chewing, wise-cracking, iconoclast of a banker, he was also a true friend, filled with loving devotion to his family. He represented Athens Federal and gave it a quirky, human face. He knew his town and appreciated its past, making him a forceful advocate for preserving what was best about Athens and helping to keep it on the right track for the future. He was the self-appointed president of the Redneck Club, but that only made him better able to run interference for those who could see clearly what a treasure Athens is. In Bucky they found an unlikely and invaluable ally—an angel in disguise. The Athenian Oath, inscribed on our statue of Athena, concludes with these words: “We will strive unceasingly to quicken the public’s sense of civic duty. Thus, in all these ways, we will transmit this City not only, not less, but greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.” That’s Bucky, all right, and he had a wonderful life being an Athenian. Pete McCommons editor@flagpole.com This column is excerpted from a eulogy given at Bucky Redwine’s funeral. For the fuller version and for Morgan R. Redwine, Jr.’s obituary, go to flagpole.com.

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National Institutes of Health

city dope The Senate Race Is Officially On BROUN’S IN: As expected, U.S. Rep. Paul Broun confirmed last week that he’s running for Senate. But it wasn’t the Krazy Korner guy who made the announcement at a Buckhead hotel. Broun, whose slogan is “In Defense of Our Constitution,” (except all the amendments after the 16th) talked about nothing but reining in out-of-control federal spending. For maybe the first time ever, he made it through a whole speech without comparing President Obama to a mass-murdering dictator or ridiculing a proven scientific concept. My colleague in Atlanta, Tom Crawford, thinks Broun is the frontrunner in the GOP primary. We don’t know who all’s going to run yet—Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle and Reps. Tom Price, Phil Gingrey and Jack Kingston are strong possibilities—but I don’t think Broun can go through an 18-month campaign without making national headlines for multiple gaffes. And while rural Northeast Georgia conservatives might lap it up, establishment Republicans in north metro Atlanta won’t. Anyway, it’s going to be fun to watch. DOMINOES STILL FALLING: Because he’s running for Congress, Broun’s congressional seat will open up in 2014. State Sen. Bill Cowsert (R-Athens) has already expressed interest, and the Athens Banner-Herald reported last week that a Columbia County man named Brian Slowinski is interested, too. Former state Rep. Doug McKillip—whose University Drive house, incidentally, was foreclosed on last week—is looking at Cowsert’s seat, as is Stuart Cofer, a longtime local plant nursery owner who’s considering running as a Republican. NANCY’S NOT GREEN: About four years ago, then-Mayor Heidi Davison asked the ACC Planning Department to draft stronger buffer requirements for lakes, ponds and wetlands, possibly bumping them up from 25 feet to 50 or 75. Instead, planners and Mayor Nancy Denson want to do the exact opposite. According to planners, buffers greater than 25 feet around lakes and ponds don’t improve water quality much, and wetland buffers are


difficult to regulate because they’re constantly shifting. The Upper Oconee Watershed Network disagrees and is pushing for 50-foot buffers around ponds, lakes and wetlands. The Planning Department proposal—put on hold by the commission Feb. 5 for further study—would remove almost all local protections for lakes, ponds and wetlands, instead relying on the state’s 25-foot buffer. A judge ruled last month in a case involving an artificial lake in Grady County that wetlands are state waters, thus the buffer applies. But that ruling could be appealed and overturned. Denson called buffers “a taking of property” if they prevent people from building, and said that having stronger environmental laws than what the state requires (which isn’t much) is bad for economic development. “If we have 50- or 75-foot buffers and our adjacent counties don’t have those, we’re going to be bypassed,” she said. Yeah, because Athens really wants to be more like Jackson County. If I were running for mayor in 2014, I’d slap that quote on a mailer and send it to every Democratic voter in the city. Not to mention the fact that Davison’s proposal for a green building code is still on hold, and ACC’s environmental coordinator position, which Denson tried to eliminate last year, remains unfilled. GINN’S GUN BILL: Anyone who’s licensed to carry a gun in any other state could carry one in Georgia under a bill sponsored by state Sen. Frank Ginn, R-Danielsville. So if, say, Montana decided to let mentally ill convicted felons walk around with assault rifles, they could do it in Georgia, too. Ginn said he’s been working on the bill with the National Rifle Association and a member of the South Carolina legislature since last year. “If they’ve got a carry permit in their state, we’ll recognize it and hopefully, we can get them to do the same,” he said. Oddly enough, Senate Bill 101 would also make it illegal for housing authorities to restrict guns in the projects. Ginn couldn’t name any housing authorities that ban guns,


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The AIDS quilt, shown here in Washington, D.C., is coming to Athens next week. but said the issue came up during debate on a similar bill last year. Residents and guests who have the proper permits can have a gun on Athens Housing Authority property, spokeswoman Marilyn Appleby said, but firearms can’t be concealed, nor can they be used, according to the leases tenants sign. UGA VP LEAVING: The University of Georgia has yet another leadership position to fill. Since the Board of Regents promoted Jere Morehead to president, he’ll have to hire a new provost. And Vice President for Student Affairs Rodney Bennett is leaving to become the president at the University of Southern Mississippi. Morehead appointed Libby Morris as interim provost on Monday and says he plans to name permanent replacements for himself and Bennett by Jan. 1. CLASSIC CENTER: In addition to its expansion’s grand opening Saturday, Feb. 16, the Classic Center is hosting a panel discussion on “Nest,” Maureen Kelly’s art installation hanging in the new atrium, at 2 p.m. Sunday. Panelists include Kelly, SPLOST committee chairman Bill Douglas, Athens-Clarke Commissioner Andy Herod, SPLOST Program Administrator Don Martin, Classic Center Executive Director Paul Cramer, Athens Cultural

Affairs Commission member Laura Nehf and Alex Sams, a member of the artist selection panel. There was some grumbling about hiring an out-of-towner (Kelly is from St. Louis, MO) to make the Classic Center’s public art. Personally, I think “Nest” turned out great, although a local artist would have been preferable. The ACAC is looking to hire Athens artists for public art projects at the library and the new Rocksprings Park pool. AIDS QUILT: And come back to the Classic Center sometime between Feb. 18–20 to take a peek at the AIDS Memorial Quilt. More than 600 panels from the 54-ton, handmade memorial to 94,000 people who’ve died due to AIDS will be on display in the new Grand Hall. An opening ceremony is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday. During the closing ceremony at 5:30 p.m. next Wednesday, people can give new panels to the NAMES Project Foundation, the quilt’s custodian. The quilt’s coming to town as part of AIDS Athens’ 25th anniversary. The nonprofit offers HIV testing and services like health care and housing to area residents who are HIV positive. Blake Aued news@flagpole.com

capitol impact Paul Broun Speaks For Himself Paul Broun made it official last week by announcing he will run for Saxby Chambliss’ Senate seat in 2014. The outspoken congressman and biblical scholar is already placing ads on political websites. Regardless of how Broun performs in the Republican primary, he guarantees it will be one of the most entertaining political campaigns this state has seen in a long time. He is the kind of politician for whom the word “colorful� was invented. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane. In 2008, shortly after Barack Obama was elected president, Broun said this about Obama’s proposal to establish a national service corps: “That’s exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany, and it’s exactly what the Soviet Union did. When he’s proposing to have a national security force that’s answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he’s showing me signs of being Marxist.� More recently, Broun told a reporter: “I think the only constitution that Barack Obama upholds is the Soviet constitution, not this one. He has no concept of this one, though he claimed to be a constitutional lawyer.� I’ll leave it to my readers to figure out how a president can be a Nazi and a Marxist at the same time. My brain isn’t capable of handling that calculation. In 2009, Broun continued to express concerns that Obama was setting up a dictatorship: “He has the three things that are necessary to establish an authoritarian government [referring to a national police force, gun control and control over the press]. And so we need to be ever-vigilant, because freedom is precious.� During a town hall meeting in 2011, one of Broun’s constituents posed the question: “Who is going to shoot Obama?� Broun was sympathetic to the call for an assassination. “The thing is, I know there’s a lot of frustration with this president,� he replied. “We’re

going to have an election next year. Hopefully, we’ll elect somebody that’s going to be a conservative, limited-government president that will take a smaller‌ who will sign a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.â€? Thanks to the wonders of YouTube, more than 100,000 people have viewed a videotape of Broun telling a church meeting last fall: “All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell. And it’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior.â€? Broun will continue to make colorful comments like those in the upcoming primary. He will be running against Republicans who could include such figures as Tom Price, Jack Kingston, Phil Gingrey, Herman Cain or Tom Graves. To hold off someone like Broun in a primary dominated by tea party voters, the other candidates are going to have to position themselves as being even more conservative. They will have to figure out how they can get to the right of Paul Broun—which is no easy task. You can bet that the GOP primary will feature a never-ending series of outrageous remarks and explosive allegations from candidates who are all trying to prove that they, and not Paul Broun, are the “true conservativeâ€? in the race. This means that the eventual Republican nominee is either going to be Paul Broun, or someone whose expressed views are so similar to Broun’s that it really doesn’t make any difference. Even if Paul Broun loses, he will have pushed the Republican field so far to the right that he’s really the winner. There are some establishment Republicans like Karl Rove who are upset by that possibility, but I don’t think Broun will lose a minute of sleep over it. Tom Crawford tcrawford@gareport.com








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Under the Bridge

Homeless Camp Destroyed by Fire A

bout a dozen people who lived under the North Avenue bridge are homeless—again. For years, homeless people have camped underneath the bridge crossing the North Oconee River. After a late-night argument with two roommates on Jan. 29, police say Carol Rayeanne Childers-Queen, 43, lit a boot on fire and threw it at a mattress. The blaze spread. Flames reached to the underside of the bridge, rupturing a gas line in her home’s ceiling, according to police. Everything under the bridge on the river’s east bank was destroyed. The following week—after giving residents and homeless advocates notice to clear out any remaining belongings—police sealed off the area underneath bridge and cleared out whatever was left. They found coolers, bikes, tables, chairs and bedding—some burned, some intact. “There were items you would normally find in a home,� Athens-Clarke Police Chief Jack Lumpkin said.

the North Oconee River Greenway or somewhere else in the woods. Even if some people live outdoors by choice, many have no choice. Athens-Clarke County and nonprofit social workers visit known camps, shelters, soup kitchens and other places homeless people gather on one day in late January each year to count as many as they can. This year’s findings haven’t been released yet, but they usually find about 500, and the majority have nowhere to go. Athens doesn’t have enough shelter beds for even half. Bigger Vision expanded last year, moving into a permanent home in a former warehouse after years of moving around among various churches. It used to open only in winter, but now stays open year-round. They’re at capacity almost every night, Andersen said. “Somebody needs to step up and give [Andersen] a bigger building,� said Michael Durr, who added that he’s thankful for the

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Police clear out a former homeless camp under the North Avenue bridge that was destroyed by fire last month.

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The night of the fire, police took the 10 or 15 people living under the bridge across the street to the Bigger Vision shelter at the corner of North Avenue and Willow Street. They had lost what little home they had, but the shelter isn’t a permanent solution. As with most nights when the weather is bad, its 35 beds were already taken. “We had a full house,� said Barbara Andersen, 80, who cofounded the shelter at a different location 15 years ago with her late husband, Richard. “They stayed downstairs [in the kitchen], on tables or on the floor,� Andersen said. “We had blankets but no mats, but at least they were in the warmth. It was a nasty night.� Not all homeless people want to stay in a shelter. Many chafe at the rules—lights out early, waking up early, no drugs or drinking. Some are addicted. Some are mentally ill. “Some of them don’t want to be in a shelter,� Lumpkin said. “You can’t force them to, really.� People staying at Bigger Vision last week said many of the bridge-dwellers had scattered. Many of them moved to other spots on

place to stay. “She’s only one person. There’s only so much she can do. And if somebody did, what happened under the bridge wouldn’t have happened, because nobody would’ve been under that bridge.� For a decade, police left the people under the bridge alone; they generally didn’t bother anyone. But now a “no trespassing� sign is posted there, and for safety reasons, officers plan on removing anyone who sets up camp. Police worked with nonprofits to find other living arrangements for bridge residents, and some are transitioning into apartments, Lumpkin said. But police had no choice but to clear folks out from under the bridge, he said. The fire could have knocked out power in wide swaths of Clarke and Madison counties or sparked an explosion that destroyed the bridge—not to mention anyone driving or walking on it at the time, he said. “If we’d have moved them out per se for the Greenway, we would have moved them a decade ago,� Lumpkin said. Blake Aued news@flagpole.com

Parking Lot to Nowhere

Blake Aued


an a parking lot have an existential crisis? If it were a sentient being— like a introverted philosophy major, for example—the new park-andride lot on Oconee Street at the Loop would surely feel unwanted, unloved and lacking any purpose in life. It threw a party, and nobody came. It’s only been open for three weeks but, so far, the $2.4 million lot is a boondoggle to rival the Alaskan “Bridge to Nowhere” that Sen. John McCain once held up as the poster child for federal pork-barrel spending. Spot checks found just a couple of cars, sometimes even none, parked in the 223-space lot during office hours on weekdays. Still, Athens-Clarke County officials are optimistic that it will catch on. “It has not taken off yet,” Athens Transit Director Butch McDuffie says. “I’m hoping as word gets out, it’ll catch on. It’ll take a while.” No one really wanted the lot to begin with. In 2003, when Congress was working on a massive transportation bill, then-Rep. Max Burns asked ACC officials for projects they’d like funded. The top priority locally was a rails-to-trails project. Instead, Burns inexplicably got Athens funding for a park-and-ride lot, which was far down the list. (His successor, John Barrow, later secured funding for the rail-trail.) When the federal bureaucracy finally released the grant money in 2006, local officials first looked to the bypass interchange at College Station Road. Several county commissioners and Eastside residents objected to that location, though, because they thought it was too close to the University of Georgia, and it would increase congestion and make a gateway into town uglier. The commission later considered sites at property owned by First Assembly of God, College Station Road Shopping Center and Willowood Shopping Center, but the grant was for construction

only; it didn’t cover land acquisition. and employees will begin to use it, he That left the Oconee Street cloverthinks. leaf, which the state Department of A key to the lot’s success is a new Transportation was willing to let ACC shuttle that runs every 20 minutes have for free. from 7–9 a.m. and 3:30-5:30 p.m. on The lot was so unpopular that comweekdays, stopping at Brooks Hall and missioners briefly considered returning the Arch. Three regular hourly lines the federal grant. “Rather than give serve the lot from 7 a.m.–10 p.m. everybody this amount of heartburn, every day but Sunday. The shuttle will just give the money back and move cost about $70,000 a year to run, at on,” Commissioner Harry Sims said in least a third of which McDuffie wants 2007. to recapture at the fare box. “In the But the lure of free money won out, big picture, that’s not much,” he says. and commissioners also reasoned that But to keep the shuttle running, a new lot for UGA commuters would cut people have to use it. “This is a trial down on students and staff parking in service right now,” McDuffie says. “If residential neighborhoods. They voted folks aren’t using it, say, six months to approve the Oconee Street location or a year from now, we’ll re-evaluate in 2008, and work finally started last whether we need to be spending that spring. It officially opened Jan. 24. money.” At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, ACC Commissioner Allison Wright is Mayor Nancy Denson said the lot could calling for better signage to direct peoimprove traffic at one of the most ple into the lot. Drivers coming from backed-up rush-hour intersections in the Eastside or Oglethorpe County have the city by taking cars off the road. to pass the lot, then make a U-turn Athens Transit Director Butch McDuffie greets ACC Planning Director “We hope it’s going to relieve a lot of and come back to enter it. Leaving Brad Griffin at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the park-and-ride lot. the congestion coming down here on and going downtown, they have to Oak Street,” Denson said. The lot has turn right out of the lot and also make other green features as well, such as porous On a recent afternoon, the sole car in the a U-turn, but that’s illegal at some intersecpavement, rain gardens and solar-powered lot belonged to Michelle Green, who works in tions. “Getting that straight so people can streetlights. accounts payable at UGA. She says she’s savmake a U-turn and not get a ticket is going to And McDuffie predicted that it would ing $40 a month by parking in the free lot and help get people in there,” Wright says. improve the parking situation downtown and scanning her UGA card to board Athens Transit The lot includes a driveway leading to the on campus by giving commuters the option without paying. (UGA reimburses the county.) Loop off-ramp for buses only, allowing them to park short of their destination, then take “It’s great to be able to park here, get straight to turn left at the light to head downtown, a bus the rest of the way. “We’re hoping this on the bus and go to work,” Green says. and McDuffie says he’s trying to convince lot, the 230 spaces here, will hopefully free up It’s folks like Green who are paying to park GDOT to let cars use it, as well. GDOT is also some spots downtown and in the campus area downtown or at UGA who will eventually fill building a full cloverleaf at the interchange, for other cars,” he said. the lot, McDuffie says. But right now, most which should help improve traffic flow, too. It hasn’t happened yet. No more than four of those commuters are locked into parking But for now, the lot sits empty, alone and cars have been parked in the lot at any given contracts. “If you’re already paying for a parkforlorn. “It’s going to take time for it to catch time, McDuffie says. But it did see a 50 pering pass, you’re not going to give it up to on,” McDuffie says. cent spike in use. “We went from two to three ride the bus,” he says. This fall, though, when vehicles,” he jokes. the next school year starts, UGA students Blake Aued news@flagpole.com



comment Car Buyers: Expect Sticker Shock at Tag Office Many readers will remember the long lines and long wait at their local tag offices just to obtain the renewal decal for their vehicle license plate. In the 1980s and early ‘90s, it meant standing in one line to have a form typed, another line to have the fees calculated and yet another to finally pay the taxes and fees to acquire the renewal decal. Usually, by the time the taxpayer walked out of the tag office on Lexington Road, he had not seen the light of day for several hours. Often, a victory dance immediately ensued. Eventually, the long lines and the time-consuming process to renew vehicle registrations prompted the General Assembly to find a way to improve the system and reduce the time their constituents had to invest in obtaining a renewal decal. House Bill 379 of the 1995 legislative session changed everything and created what has become known as the “birthday tax.� This law required local tag offices to convert to a year-round renewal system that mandates vehicle registration and payment of taxes on or before the owner’s birthday. The birthday tax law allows vehicle owners to pay taxes and fees 60 days before the deadline, but there is something in the human genome that screams “Put it off until the last minute!� Of course, in this case, that’s the vehicle owner’s birthday. By listening to the dark side of our conscience, we often postpone payment until the deadline and resent having to pay taxes on our birthday. On the bright side, vehicle owners no longer had to spend hours standing in line to buy a renewal decal. So, the legislation was effective in reducing the long lines at local tag office and provided for a more consistent flow of tax revenue from vehicle registration.

Anti-birthday tax sentiment led the General Assembly to pass House Bill 386 in 2012. It becomes effective this Mar. 1. Upon Gov. Nathan Deal’s signature, the cry from the Gold Dome was “Death to the birthday tax!� Many news outlets and legislators have echoed that same declaration. Is that really what happens on Mar. 1? No. The new law is complicated and comprehensive, but it does not eliminate the birthday tax as many Georgia citizens have been led to believe. One positive aspect of the legislation is that sales tax on vehicles purchased from a retail outlet—new and used car dealers—will no longer be collected. In essence, the sales tax is being replaced with the new Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT). The legislation sets the TAVT rate at 6.5 percent of the vehicle’s value in 2013, 6.75 percent in 2014, and 7 percent in 2015. It also allows the state to raise the rate to as much as 9 percent beginning in 2016. Most title transfers will be assessed the TAVT, whether purchased from a dealership or from an individual. There are two ways for the TAVT to be paid: either by the dealership where the vehicle was purchased or by the taxpayer when the title is transferred at his local county tag office. For individuals who purchase cars from dealers, the transition will essentially be transparent, with most of the required paperwork and fees being collected and remitted to local tax commissioners without any inconvenience to the vehicle owner. Customers are still required to pay a tag renewal fee each year on or before their birthday, but no ad valorem taxes will be due. What concerns me most is the unsuspecting citizen who purchases used cars from private individuals, such as neighbors

or friends. Currently, the fee required to transfer a vehicle between private parties is typically $38, regardless of the vehicle value. However, under the new program, vehicles purchased from private parties will be subject to the TAVT when the title and tag is issued at the tag office. The TAVT rate on Mar. 1 will be 6.5 percent and is calculated based on the value of the vehicle as determined by the Department of Revenue’s Motor Vehicle Division. Customers who fall under the new system will not pay ad valorem taxes on their birthday each year as long as they own the vehicle, but they will need to be prepared to pay considerably more for their first tag. Though no annual tax will be collected on the vehicle, the TAVT will be assessed again before a subsequent owner can obtain a tag and title. Georgia residents who purchase vehicles from an out-ofstate dealer will pay the TAVT to their local county tag agent when the title is transferred. New residents to Georgia will be required to pay a minimum of 50 percent of their TAVT when the vehicle is registered and will pay the remaining 50 percent within 12 months. As long as the total TAVT has been paid by the original owner as required, no additional taxes will be due. If you recently purchased a vehicle, you might be saying to yourself, “I wish I’d waited a few more months before buying my new car; I could have avoided paying birthday taxes forever.� Fortunately, the General Assembly provided an opt-in clause in the legislation just for that circumstance. If you purchased a vehicle from a Georgia dealer or an individual on or after Jan. 1, 2012, you may qualify for the opt-in provision and be eligible for birthday tax exemption. The rules for opting in are varied, so I recommend you visit our website at www. athensclarkecounty.com/tc for additional information. As I am sure you’ve been able to surmise, the new legislation only applies to vehicles being acquired and titled, or transferred from out-of-state on or after Mar. 1, with the exception of vehicles that qualify under the opt-in program. So, what happens to the vehicle I currently own and renew every year? Nothing, you’ll continue to register the car and pay birthday tax annually. So much for the death of the birthday tax! Mitch Schrader Schrader is the Clarke County tax commissioner.


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Nonprofits and Residents Craft Plan for Neighborhood L ess than a mile from downtown Athens, Marion Taylor has a piece of waterfront property. Taylor doesn’t live along the North Oconee River, which winds through downtown. His home is a stone’s throw from grocery stores, a hospital, schools and the University of Georgia campus, in a neighborhood defined by narrow, winding streets and small, older homes. “I love this neighborhood,� says Taylor, who has lived on Benning Street since 1995. The creek that runs along his property and dead-end street used to flood, he says, but city improvements put a stop to that years ago. Today, “it’s nice and quiet,� he says. “Everyone minds their own business.� But to ensure this part of the Hancock Corridor—bounded by South Rocksprings, Magnolia, West Broad and Baxter streets— remains a quiet enclave in the midst of downtown’s sprawl, the Athens Land Trust recently launched an effort to create a master plan for the area. Thanks to a $25,000 grant from the Atlanta-based Enterprise Foundation, the plan would reflect residents’ desires as the land trust, Habitat for Humanity and Athens Area Housing Authority continue to build affordable infill housing.

Anything that’s going to cause taxes to go up on a person’s property—those are some of the things we have to keep in mind as we improve our community.� The neighborhood itself evokes a starkly different feel from the commercial corridors that surround it. Streets not much wider than one lane twist and turn and dead-end against the creek that runs through it. The homes are mainly one-story cottages decorated with found objects and small gardens. But the neighborhood does have its share of blight, and while crime has decreased since the Athens-Clarke Police substation moved in on Baxter Street, the neighborhood has its share of squatters in burned-out houses. Sheats also notes a lack of streetlights, pointing out the new, ornamental streetlights installed on Baxter Street near the older ones. Those older streetlights could be repurposed in the nearby neighborhood, he says. Another resident, Sean Wessling, agrees there could be more streetlights, although his house benefitted from the lights installed at the nearby H.T. Edwards school complex on Dearing Extension. In the 10 years he’s lived in the neighborhood, Wessling says it’s improved and gotten safer, but there is still


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An abandoned house on Carter Street. Residents say squatters and burned-out homes are an issue in the area. The first public meeting took place Feb. 2, with about 75 residents and nonprofit workers brainstorming ways to envision the future of the neighborhood. “We talk about the stuff we’re doing over there pretty regularly,â€? says Heather Benham, Athens Land Trust’s director of operations. “One of the things we wondered about it, when you’re doing infill and redevelopment, you think, ‘Should there be sidewalks? Should these streets be made one way?’ So, we decided we needed to just ask the neighborhood what they need.â€? At the meeting, discussions ranged from clearing out partly burned houses to better access to public transportation. On the positive side, residents noted the proximity to the library, schools, St. Mary’s Hospital, grocery stores and a new pool at Rocksprings Park. The master plan could be a positive step for the neighborhood, says Alvin Sheats, executive director of the Hancock Community Development Corporation. “It’s very fine for the neighborhood, as long as the projects that come away from it benefit the community that’s here,â€? he says. “The main thing is we don’t want to create situations and challenges for our citizens to live in the community‌

work to be done. Drivers will drop trash out their car windows and onto the streets, he says. After years of participating in a cleanup of the creek that runs through the neighborhood, he eventually got frustrated. “We’d pull out three TVs one year, and come back the next year and pull out three more,� he says. But, recent construction by Habitat for Humanity and the Athens Land Trust is a welcome addition. “They’re doing a good job and building good houses,� Wessling says. “So, part of me thinks it’s really good, but it’s hard living in a poor community.� Benham says all the residents’ ideas gathered at the recent public input session will be part of a charrette involving UGA students Feb. 22–24. The final product may be ready not long after another public meeting in March to go over the charrette’s findings. The final master plan will serve as a guidebook for the nonprofits working in the neighborhood. “One of my concerns is that it could be under threat at some point,� she says. “We just want to get it to a stable, healthy place.�

M U B AL 6


Kristen Morales




wth? athens

Just the Facts, Ma’am

Neighborhood Watch

Detectives arrested a 45-year-old homeless man in connection with several burglaries at downtown bars. The man is suspected of taking $2,177 worth of liquor from Boar’s Head Lounge last month, as well as $1,166 worth of liquor from Dirty Birds between Jan. 28–Feb. 1.

Saxon Woods Standoff A man was charged with aggravated assault, terroristic threats, battery and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon after a standoff with police Feb. 9 on Saxon Woods Drive. The man had assaulted a woman and refused to meet or talk with officers, but eventually turned himself in without incident.

It Was a Good Day Officers patrolling Clarke Gardens on Feb. 8 saw a man loitering in the apartment complex. They smelled marijuana. The man let them search him, and they found an AK-47 rifle in his car. He was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

East Athens Drug Sting Responding to citizen complaints, the Drug Task Force executed a search warrant on Northcrest Drive Feb. 7, seizing marijuana, a handgun, a scale and cash. One man was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and another man was arrested on outstanding warrants from Madison County. The Community Protection Division also cited the lease holder for ordinance violations.

Everything But the Kitchen Sink An officer stopped at a vacant Boley Drive residence Feb. 6 because he saw a car in the driveway. As he approached the residence, a man walked out the door carrying several items. The man had taken paper towels, a phone charger, pliers, a screw driver, a bass drum pedal, a record player, a turntable, a drum set, a music stand, a jewelry box and jewelry from the residence. The 52-year-old man was arrested and charged with burglary.

Not My Moped A 30-year-old Atlanta man was arrested Feb. 4 for driving a stolen moped. Police pulled him over for not stopping at a stop sign at College Avenue and Cleveland Avenue. He didn’t have a license, and a check of the vehicle identification number showed the moped had been reported stolen in South Carolina.

He Must’ve Had a Headache A Jackson woman was taking medicine while sitting in her car at a Commerce Road convenience store Feb. 4. A man approached her and asked her to give or sell him some of the medication. She said no. He walked away, went to a light brown or beige truck, came back and pointed a gun at her. He reached into her car and took her purse, which contained the medication, then drove away headed north on Commerce Road.

Thefts and Break-Ins • A turkey fryer, air compressor and padlock worth $360 were stolen Feb. 6 from a storage shed on Hull Road. • A blue 2005 Yamaha Chappy scooter worth $2,000 was stolen from a Strickland Avenue residence between Jan. 31–Feb. 6. • A Bethlehem woman put her $20,000 watch in a locker Feb. 5 at a Prince Avenue doctor’s office while she had a test done. She forgot it, and the next day it was gone. • $300 was stolen from the Al Hud Islamic Center on South Milledge Avenue Feb. 5. All information taken from Athens-Clarke County police reports.



“Twister, Jam, Midnight, King.” Mary Howington unclasps her hands and picks at the oilcloth. “But Midnight was the worst.” I’ve come to ask Ms. Howington about the crosses in her front yard. There are quite a few of them, maybe 10. They are crudely made, just sticks tied together with twine. I first noticed them years ago, while walking to my car from my office in the Chicopee building. Back then, it wasn’t quite clear what their purpose was. They were arranged somewhat randomly on a little hillock in the corner of the yard closest to the street. There were big ones and small ones; some were clustered together in little groups, and some were placed further apart from the others. It was likely that these crosses marked the graves of many somethings, but I wasn’t sure. The fact that they were arranged so close to the street, where everyone could see them, made me wonder whether there was some other reason for them. Maybe this was an art installation, or some kind of metastasized Mount of Calvary display. And if these were graves, why so many of them? Vetstreet, a website for animal enthusiasts, reveals that the average American family has 1.83 dogs and 1.57 cats, for a total of 3.40 pets per family. So, according to these statistics, it’s clear that most American families have parts of pets lying around their households. But however many pets or bits of pets may be owned by a typical U.S. family, it’s nowhere near close to the number hypothetically buried in this particular front yard. Ms. Howington sighs, remembering Midnight. I’m sitting with her and her mother, Evelyn Brooks, at their kitchen table, in the house they’ve lived in at least since Ms. Howington was born in 1954. In those 59 years, they’ve had time for a lot of pets, and this explains why there are so many graves collected at the edge of the yard. “My Pop-Pop [grandfather], he bought this Mary Howington with Topper house we’re in now. He was the boss of the mill,” Ms. Howington says, pointing in the direction of Chicopee. “Back when it was Johnson & Johnson.” That would have been around 1958, back when calling Athens the “Manchester of the South” made people think of textiles, not music. In those days, Ms. Howington spent her time swimming in a Trail Creek that was blue not from a giant Ty-D-Bol leak, but from the reflection of the sky. When the young Ms. Howington buried her first pet, a dog named Twister, in her family’s yard, it wouldn’t have been on the highly visible corner of two well traveled roads. It would have been an almost rural location, far more private and pastoral. Ms. Howington continued to care for a menagerie of animals as the mill closed and the neighborhood changed around her. In the 1970s and ‘80s, she watched the mill workers move away, replaced by African-Americans from other parts of Athens. These were families driven by high taxes from communities like Allenville to Ms. Howington’s neighborhood, commonly known as Chicopee-Dudley. Ms. Howington describes relationships with her neighbors almost as close as the ones with her pets. “We’d keep an eye on each other,” she says. “There was Daisy and Darlin’ Thornton, who lived in that pink house across the street. They were farmers. That parking lot across the street from Chicopee? That was their garden, a huge one. They’d walk uptown every now and then and sell their jams and vegetables to the Mayflower Restaurant.” What did the neighbors think of her pet cemetery? “They’d come by and bring flowers, and we’d sing hymns and say prayers.”

These days, the neighborhood has changed yet again. The old families have died or moved, replaced by artists and students looking for cheap, conveniently located housing. The response to her pet cemetery has also changed. “One time, someone tore up the crosses. I think they were drunk, because they left behind a beer bottle. It was probably just one of those students, trying to be a smarty pants. Another time, somebody called the police on me. They thought I was out there burying a body.” “A body?” I ask, confused. “Yeah, that was Midnight,” she says. “He was so big that we had to bury him in a lawnmower box. “But mostly, I get people pulling over in cars, asking what’s wrong. They don’t understand that I’m digging a grave. I tell them what I’m doing, and they just look at me funny, like, ‘Why are you going to all that trouble?’ I guess they think we should just dump ‘em, or something. But I love animals because they keep you company. You can depend on them. They don’t talk back, and they cheer you up when you’re down. I think this [burying them] is the last good thing you can do for them, after what they’ve done for you.” ROBIN WHETSTONE

Booze Burglaries Solved

Ms. Howington has over 30 pets buried in the corner of her yard. They include not only cats and dogs, but also birds, rabbits and even fish. “We’ve got a lot of fish out there,” Ms. Howington confides. “We bury them on top of each other.” Ms. Howington says that she doesn’t have any pets now, and doesn’t plan to get any more. “We don’t want to go through what we went through when Midnight died. It hurt us so bad.” Instead, she borrows her neighbor’s cat, Topper, who’s been purring on the kitchen table through our whole conversation. Ms. Howington agrees that the neighborhood is very different from the days when the mill made the diapers she wore, but she’d never consider moving. “My mother and her sister got married in this house. In the living room, right in front of the heater. You take away my house, you take away my life.” On the way out the door, I mention that I have an 18-yearold cat with diabetes who surely, surely won’t be around much longer. Would there be a place for Pete in her well tended graveyard? She’s standing on the porch of the house she was born in and will likely grow old in, and when she replies, I’m not sure whether she’s talking about her pet cemetery or the neighborhood she’s been a part of for nearly 60 years. “I’m sorry,” she says, “but we only bury our own here. You’ll have to find your own place.” Robin Whetstone What makes you say “WTH?” Send ideas to news@flagpole.com.

grub notes East vs. West New Coat of Paint: The last time I went to Chonell’s (now at 1080 Baxter St.), it was probably five years ago. The restaurant’s previous location probably started out better than it ended up, when the shopping center on Broad that now contains the Omni Club had a Kroger in it. The work-out crowd just doesn’t overlap all that much with the fried chicken crowd these days. So, the move to Baxter Street a couple of months ago, into the building that was most recently Gnat’s Landing, made decent sense. The interior feels like the same old Chonell’s that’s been in business for 17 years, complete with the maroon plasticseated chairs and a generally spartan sense of decorating. Gnat’s Landing had a full bar, but Chonell’s doesn’t swing that way, so the bar serves as a place to take orders and sit if you’re dining solo, watching “CNN Headline News.� A board with the day’s items and specials hangs opposite the cash register, promising more meats most days than many another comparable eatery and a few vegetables that you don’t see turn up too often either (rutabagas, yams). My impression is that much is made to order. The food doesn’t feel like it’s been sitting under a heat lamp, but it also isn’t exactly ready in a flash for take-out.

New Digs: When Siri Thai first opened in Athens, in the Bottleworks on Prince Avenue, where its original location remains in business, it gave away little prizes with the meals. I still have an ornate bottle opener that came with the check when I ate there some years ago. Now well established, it feels no need to do the same with its second operation, open in the Ansonborough mixed-use development (1040 Gaines School Rd.) since December. When you’re in the back of the development, it’s easy to feel that you’re not in Athens at all, and the restaurant is so shiny, new and immaculate that it contributes to that impression. The space is large, open, carpeted and quiet, with some greenery sprinkled about and a large flatscreen that plays travel programs on Thailand. I’ve found Siri’s offerings reliable and well executed, considering our location in the Southeast. Even in Atlanta, it can be hard to find more adventurous Thai cuisine, let alone Athens, and Siri’s menu is pretty familiar stuff. That said, the tom yum soup is fresh and fragrant, the fried spring roll that comes with the combos is flavorful, the pad thai not too full of palm sugar, and the general quality fairly high. Unless you order your food on the hotter side (they’re serious about spicing), nothing will knock your socks off. The flavor



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Siri Thai Chonell’s is known for its fried chicken and its desserts and rightfully so. The dark-meat chicken is well-cooked, tender, juicy, flavorful and better than the white-meat version, although when you lick your fingers you may detect a sugary taste to the batter that is otherwise imperceptible. The strawberry shortcake is nice, too, nothing fancy but made with care and not overly sweet. Collards, lima beans, potato salad and black-eyed peas acquit themselves fine, but nothing is a stand-out. The country-fried steak, despite the restaurant’s current emphasis on health, is hard to locate under an impressive amount of white gravy. The prices are excellent ($6.60, for example, for a mixed dark-and-white fried chicken plate with bread and two vegetables), and the people are nice. Chonell’s doesn’t transcend what it is, but it doesn’t disappoint either. The restaurant is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and noon to 3 p.m. weekends, although the sign says those hours aren’t necessarily permanent. It does take-out, takes credit cards and posts menus on Facebook.

profiles of many of the dishes are similar, and the same vegetables appear repeatedly, albeit not cooked into oblivion and well balanced. Consistency can be a worthy trait, despite not being as exciting as innovation, and the restaurant does further diversify the culinary array on the Eastside. It’s open for lunch and dinner (closing in between except for Sunday) every day but Tuesday, does take-out, takes credit cards and has Thai desserts. What Up?: Herschel’s Famous 34 Pub & Grill is open in the former Chango’s on East Clayton downtown. Los Coyotes, with Mexican food, is open on Mitchell Bridge Road in the big blue development. Cook-Out Restaurant is opening a branch on Epps Bridge Pkwy., near Kohl’s. If you’re looking for something a little different from the usual V-Day routine, White Tiger is doing comfort food, with steak or tofu, mashed potatoes, green beans and a box of chocolates. You can even get it to go. Hillary Brown food@flagpole.com


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movie dope Some releases may not be showing locally this week. • indicates new review ANNA KARENINA (R) Joe Wright reunites with his Pride & Prejudice and Atonement star Keira Knightley for what could be another Oscar heavyweight. Acclaimed playwright Tom Stoppard (Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead) adapted Leo Tolstoy’s acclaimed novel about the titular aristocrat (Knightley) who embarks on an affair with young Count Vronsky (Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Kick-Ass). (UGA Tate Theatre) ARGO (R) Ben Affleck’s career revival continues with his best directing effort yet, despite his snub by the Academy. Revealing the once classified story of how the CIA rescued six American hostages in the midst of the Iranian Revolution, Golden Globe winner and Academy Award nominee Argo is both an intriguing modern history lesson, a compelling, old-fashioned Hollywood thriller. (Ciné) BEAUTIFUL CREATURES (PG-13) Comparisons to HBO’s “True Blood,” Twilight and Harry Potter haunt this adaptation of the first novel in Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl’s YA Caster Chronicles series. Ethan Wate (Alden Ehrenreich) wants to get out of his small southern town until he meets mysterious new girl Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert). BULLET TO THE HEAD (R) Director Walter Hill’s first movie since 2002’s Undisputed (starring Wesley Snipes and Ving Rhames in case you missed it) does not rank up there with his stylish best (The Warriors, naturally), but Bullet to the Head embarrasses neither Hill nor aging action icon Sylvester Stallone. Sly, as a veteran hitman seeking revenge for his partner’s death, actually delivers one of his best recent performances in what would otherwise be a pretty forgettable feature. CRUEL INTENTIONS (R) 1999. Oh the trashy ‘90s. Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon go slumming in writer-director Roger Kumble’s adaptation of Dangerous Liaisons. (UGA Tate Theatre) DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) Not many auteurs can take an academic cinematic exercise and turn it into one of the year’s most entertaining spectacles like Quentin Tarantino can. Slave Django (Jamie Foxx) is freed by dentistturned-bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Golden Globe nominee Christoph Waltz, the single greatest gift QT has given American movie audiences). Together the duo hunts bad guys and seeks Django’s wife, Broomhilda (Kerry

Washington), who belongs to plantation owner Calvin Candie (Golden Globe nominee Leonardo DiCaprio). For a critically acclaimed award nominee, Django Unchained is an ultraviolent blast. ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH (NR) More animated adventure hits the big screen to please kids and bore adults. On the planet Baab, astronaut Scorch Supernova (v. Brendan Fraser) is famed for his daring rescues, while his nerdy brother, Gary (v. Rob Corddry), heads mission control at BASA. When Scorch is caught in a trap on an alien planet, it’s up to Gary to save him. FLIGHT (R) Robert Zemeckis returns to live action movies for adults (since 2000’s Cast Away) with this Denzel Washington-starring, after-work special about alcoholism dressed up as an airplane crash drama. Captain Whip Whitaker (Washington) may be a great pilot, but he’s not such a great guy. Yet while hungover, still drunk and high on coke, Whitaker saves most of the 102 souls on flight 227 after a mechanical failure requires him to pull off an unconventional crash landing. GANGSTER SQUAD (R) For anybody lamenting about a lack of Dick Tracy meets The Untouchables period mob flicks, Gangster Squad will fill that rather peculiar hole in your life. Former boxer turned mob kingpin Mickey Cohen (an almost out-of-control Sean Penn) is trying to take control of Los Angeles. Police Chief Parker (Nick Nolte) enlists several officers, led by Sergeant John O’Mara (Josh Brolin), to fight fire with criminal fire. k A GLIMPSE INSIDE THE MIND OF CHARLES SWAN III (R) Roman Coppola follows up his stylish debut feature, CQ, with this comedy starring Charlie Sheen (ugh), Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, Katheryn Winnick (a strange little flick called Satan’s Little Helper), Patricia Arquette, Aubrey Plaza (so great on “Parks and Recreation”), Dermot Mulroney and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Sheen (ugh) stars as graphic designer Charles Swan III, whose wonderful life falls apart after his girlfriend, Ivana (Winnick), breaks up with him. Nominated for the Golden Marc’Aurelio Award at the Rome Film Fest. A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R) Will audiences find Bruce Willis’ New York Detective John McClane running into trouble for a fifth time, in Russia, with

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his CIA operative son (Jack Reacher’s Jai Courtney), believable? Will it matter? Maybe. HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS (R) Wondering how Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters made it to theaters is a far more interesting way to spend the action fairy tale’s sub90-minute runtime. The fabled origin of Hansel and Gretel is well-known. Two kids are left alone in the forest and stumble upon a witch’s candy house; the kids kill the witch. Dead Snow’s Tommy Wirkola imagines what happens next, as Hansel and Gretel (Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton) grow up to be traveling hunters of deadly witches. A HAUNTED HOUSE (R) Marlon Wayans can be a pretty funny guy, and we already know from Requiem for a Dream that he can act when he’s trying. Found footage spoof, A Haunted House, occasionally works, mostly because Wayans acts like a normal, albeit egregiously silly guy. Wayans’ Malcolm invites his girlfriend, Kisha

visit from the King and Queen of England (Samuel West and Olivia Colman). Director Roger Michell previously helmed Notting Hill, Changing Lanes, Venus and 2010’s Morning Glory; this film looks like it could be better than all of those combined. With Rushmore’s Olivia Williams as Eleanor Roosevelt. (Ciné) • IDENTITY THIEF (R) Unfortunately, stars Melissa McCarthy (an Oscar nominee for Bridesmaids) and Jason Bateman are better than this moreannoying-than-funny odd couple road comedy. With two kids and another on the way, Sandy Patterson (Bateman) is struggling to make ends meet. Having his identity stolen by friendless Diana (McCarthy) only further aggravates his financial distress. In desperation, Sandy travels to Florida to bring his tormentor to justice. LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Golden Globe winner for best musical, Les Miserables harks back to the 1960s, when colossal musical adaptations were the rule, not the exception.

I’m cray-cray for feeling so lonely… (Essence Atkins), to move in with him. Unfortunately, Kisha brings a ghostly presence with her, eventually becoming possessed. THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13) How comforting it is to return to Middle-earth, especially with Peter Jackson (he replaced original director Guillermo del Toro, who retained a co-writing credit with Lord of the Rings Oscar winners Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens). Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman, the BBC “Office” star, a master of reactionary mugging) is asked by the wizard Gandalf the Grey (Ian McKellan) to join a company of Dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage). HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) Unlike the superior ParaNorman, which was a genuinely, safely frightening family horror flick, Hotel Transylvania is an amusing, run-of-the-mill animated family movie where the main characters are harmless monsters. (The lesson that monsters aren’t dangerous is a terrible, hazardous message to teach children.) To protect monsters and his daughter, Mavis, from their dreaded enemies, humans, Dracula (genially voiced by Adam Sandler) sets up a hotel in the safe confines of Transylvania. HYDE PARK ON HUDSON (R) The surprisingly versatile Bill Murray looks to make a fine 32nd president in this Oscar hopeful. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s love affair with his cousin, Margaret Stuckley (Laura Linney), becomes the focus of a 1939 weekend

Parolee Jean Valjean (Golden Globe winner Hugh Jackman) attempts to make up for his past crimes by raising Cosette (Amanda Seyfried), the daughter of a fallen young woman named Fantine, another Golden Globe winner, Anne Hathaway. LIKE SOMEONE IN LOVE (NR) Abbas Kiarostami received his fifth Palme d’Or nomination for his latest film, which some critics feel to be a letdown from the filmmaker’s previous effort, Certified Copy, which led to his fourth Palme d’Or nomination. In Like Someone in Love, the Iranian Kiarostami tells the Japanese-language story of a Japanese student who pays for her education through prostitution. Nominated for the Chicago International Film Festival’s Gold Hugo for Best International Feature. LINCOLN (PG-13) Historical biopics do not come much more perfect than Steven Spielberg’s take on our 16th president’s struggle to end slavery by way of the 13th Amendment. Rather than tell Abraham Lincoln’s life story, screenwriter Tony Kushner chose the ideal, earth-shattering month upon which to focus. The film will be remembered and lauded as another platform from which Daniel Day-Lewis can solidify his claim to the title of greatest living actor. MAMA (PG-13) As much of a horror movie fan as yours truly is, the ghostly stories often favored by Spanish filmmakers are not my subgenre of choice. In Mama, produced by Guillermo del Toro and based on a short expanded by

writer-director Andrés Muschietti, two young girls are found in a cabin, where they have lived alone for five years. Unfortunately, when Annabel and Lucas (Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain and Nicolaj Coster-Waldau) get Victoria and Lily home, they discover the two girls were not alone in the woods, and they’ve brought their rather angry “Mama” with them. NO (R) In 1988 Chile, ad exec Rene Saavedra (Y Tu Mama Tambien’s Gael Garcia Bernal) plots to defeat Augusto Pinochet. Larrain’s previous features, Fuga, Tony Manero and Post Mortem, have yet to break through in the United States; this Oscar nominee could be it. OSCAR SHORTS (NR) The Oscar nominated Live Action and Animated Shorts Programs return to Ciné. This year’s Live Action nominees include South Africa’s “Asad,” Afghanistan’s “Buzkashi Boys,” USA’s “Curfew,” Belgium/France’s “Death of a Shadow” and Canada’s “Henry.” The Animated Short Film nominees are “Head Over Heels,” “The Longest Daycare” featuring Maggie Simpson, Disney’s “Paperman,” “Fresh Guacamole” and “Adam and Dog.” (Ciné) PARENTAL GUIDANCE (PG) Billy Crystal and Bette Midler star as oldschool grandparents forced to care for their decidedly 21st-century grandchildren. Director Andy Fickman’s filmography is more weak (The Game Plan, Race to Witch Mountain) than bad (You Again); I did enjoy his Amanda Bynes cross-dressing comedy, She’s the Man. Splash Academy Award nominees Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel are credited with the rewrite. With Marisa Tomei, Bailee Madison (the young Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark star is a boon) and Tom Everett Scott. PARKER (R) This umpteenth big screen version of Richard Stark nee Donald E. Westlake’s popular, amoral thief adapts the novel Flashfire, in which Parker plots to steal jewels in West Palm Beach. After being left for dead by his partners (led by Michael Chiklis) in Ohio, Parker, who has a strong, if messed up, sense of honor, seeks vengeance in Florida with the assistance of a down on her luck realtor (Jennifer Lopez). ROMAN HOLIDAY (NR) 1953. The Georgia Museum of Art’s Americans in Italy Film Series continues with William Wyler’s romantic comedy starring Audrey Hepburn as a bored princess and Gregory Peck as the American newsman with whom she falls in love on the streets of Rome. (GMOA) RUST AND BONE (R) Ali (Matthias Schoenaerts) departs Belgium for Antibes with his young son. While living with his sister and her family, he bonds with Stephanie (Cotillard), a killer whale trainer who suffers an awful accident. Audiard’s film was nominated for Cannes’ Palme d’Or. (Ciné) SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) Hollywood again adapts Nicholas Sparks for the big screen. A young woman, Katie (Julianne Hough), escaping her past winds up in coastal North Carolina where she and a widower father, Alex (Josh Duhamel), fall in love. Naturally, her past catches up with her. I get a distinctive, sappy Sleeping with the Enemy vibe from the trailer. Multiple Oscar nominee Lasse Hallstrom (My Life as a Dog and The Cider House Rules) directs. With David Lyons and Cobie Smulders.

• SIDE EFFECTS (R) Acclaimed filmmaker Steven Soderbergh has intimated that Side Effects is his final film, which is a shame. The Academy Award winning director would be going out at the top of his game, but with a movie that feels more good than great. However, Side Effects, written by Soderbergh’s writing collaborator on The Informant! and Contagion, is hard to talk about without spoiling any of the many entertaining twists. SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK (R) Besides I Heart Huckabees (which deserves reevaluation) and Russell’s infamous tirade, The Fighter, the filmmaker has one of the strongest filmographies of any of the acclaimed auteurs first discovered in the 1990s. Silver Linings Playbook has an awkward edge that makes even the smallest successes so much sweeter. Silver Linings Playbook should not be missed. SKYFALL (PG-13) The middle third of Daniel Craig’s third outing as James Bond is the best 007 adventure in 20, maybe even 30, years. Too bad director Sam Mendes (American Beauty) and his team of scripters won’t just let Bond be Bond for the entirety of the film. Skyfall almost completely unravels before the opening credits. STREET SOLDIERS (NR) 1991. Bad Movie Night returns to showcase more of the worst movies ever. In Street Soldiers, two rival street gangs (don’t start imagining West Side Story), the Tigers and the JPs, are at war. Recently released from prison, JP leader Priest (Jeff Rector) learns his high school girlfriend is now hooking up with a Tiger. Fortunately, before the big showdown, the Tigers learn kung fu. (Ciné) THIS IS 40 (R) Sure, This Is 40 will provide viewers with more laughs than any of its contemporary comedic peers, but it should; it’s at least one sitcom episode longer than a typical comedy. Writer-director Judd Apatow, of whom I am a big fan, could definitely benefit from some stronger criticisms of overstuffed, raunch-filled dramedies. WARM BODIES (PG-13) Having witnessed many a zombie apocalypse, I can say with complete assuredness that Warm Bodies is not your usual end of the world via the flesh-eating living dead flick. This zomrom stars X-Men: First Class’ Nicholas Hoult (poised for a big year with March’s Jack the Giant Slayer) as R, who is not your typical zombie. Blessed (or cursed) with a rather rich inner life, R still munches brains but he’s conflicted about it, especially after meeting Julie (Teresa Palmer, Take Me Tonight). THE WHALE (NR) 2011. The Animal Voices Film Festival, sponsored by Speak Out for Species (S.O.S.), continues with The Whale. Narrated by Ryan Reynolds, Suzanne Chisholm and Michael Parfit’s documentary about a young killer whale, Luna, that attempts to befriend people off the coast of Vancouver Island. The discussion will be held by Sara Beresford, director of the EcoFocus Film Festival. (UGA MLC, Room 101) WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) In Disney’s latest, Wreck-It Ralph (v. John C. Reilly), the bad guy from popular arcade game Fix-It Felix Jr., decides he wants to be a good guy. Leaving the safety of his own regenerating world, Ralph enters a Halo-ish first-person shooter named Hero’s Duty in search of a medal. Too bad Ralph is better at wrecking things than fixing them. (UGA Tate Theatre) ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) Academy Award winner Kathryn Bigelow and her Oscar winning collaborator, screenwriter Mark Boal follow up The Hurt Locker with this controversial, excellently crafted military thriller documenting the decade-long search for Osama bin Laden. Drew Wheeler

movie pick Weight of the World HYDE PARK ON HUDSON (R) There was always 1939, just a few months before the outbreak a frustrated dramatic actor struggling to get of World War II. The United States has no out of Bill Murray. In 1984, after his postplans to get involved in a war with Germany, ”Saturday Night Live” stint and during his but England is preparing to enter the fray heyday with audiences starring in Stripes and and would like the Yanks to join in. The royal Ghostbusters, Murray co-wrote and starred in a monarchs, stuttering King George VI (Samuel screen adaptation of W. Somerset Maugham’s West) and Queen Elizabeth (Olivia Coleman), The Razor’s Edge. It was a misguided, selfvisit FDR to convince him that standing up consciously “serious” affair, and the funnyman to Hitler’s Nazi regime is the only choice. leapt back into overt comedic performances Meanwhile, the president’s sixth cousin, for several years. In the late 1990s, however, Margaret Suckley (Laura Linney), spends time Murray started taking with him and eventually character roles in movbecomes his mistress. ies like Wes Anderson’s Nelson’s screenplay Rushmore and, later, mainly focuses on in Sofia Coppola’s Lost Suckley and Roosevelt’s in Translation and Jim intimate relationship, Jarmusch’s Broken superbly handled by Flowers. The work was Linney and Murray, but still ostensibly comedic, it also examines how but these smaller movpersonalities in private ies allowed Murray the subtly nudge political opportunity to deepen policy with charisma his performances with Olivia Williams, Laura Linney and Bill Murray conjoined with intellia world-weary physicalgence, humor and much ity and line delivery. Though Murray doesn’t patience. Hyde Park on Hudson is not a work disappear into character here like Daniel Dayof great depth, but there is plenty of insight Lewis does, he is nevertheless a revelation. into human nature here, and all of the smaller You don’t go to a movie like Hyde Park performances (particularly West, Coleman on Hudson for the direction, supplied here and Olivia Williams as Eleanor Roosevelt) are in workman-like fashion by Roger Michell excellent. Who knew that extraordinary people (Notting Hill). You go to watch the actors and at an extraordinary moment in time eating hot for the writing. Richard Nelson’s screenplay is dogs could have such importance for all of us? set at President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (Murray) country estate in New York in June Derek Hill



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the reader Best Intentions Unit I love a good police procedural, that subgenre of detective story that follows cops through an investigation from crime scene to arrest, with all the forensics and legwork and case-building involved. It’s one of the most pedantic and plodding of genres, but I’ve always found it fascinating. The master of the genre was Ed McBain (aka Evan Hunter, author of The Blackboard Jungle among others), whose long-running 87th Precinct series was a collection of veritable textbooks for writing workaday cops on the job, and I gobbled them up voraciously. I’ll watch two of the “CSIâ€?s (not the one with David Caruso), one of the “NCISâ€?es and every damn episode of “Dragnetâ€? without a smidge of irony. And I will watch me some “Law & Order.â€? In the ‘90s creator/producer Dick Wolf brought down lightning from Olympus to bestow upon NBC with his ridiculously simple concept for a TV show: the first half follows a police investigation, and the second half follows the prosecution as they build and make the case. Though personalities were meant to be secondary to the case in each episode, Wolf’s shows introduced two fascinating characters to the pantheon of TV detectives. One was Lennie Briscoe, played by Jerry Orbach, whose aging, honestbut-tarnished cop was considered so dead-on a character that Orbach drank for free in cop bars for the rest of his life. The other was Robert Goren, the quirky and cerebral profiler played by Vincent D’Onofrio on the spinoff “Law & Order: Criminal Intent,â€? who was Briscoe’s opposite, a Sherlock Holmes-ian freak to whom no one could possibly relate. Powerful characters. The reason I’m discussing TV cops in a book column is that in the wake of the “L&Oâ€? franchise’s demise, Dick Wolf has turned author and his subject is yet another elite unit of the NYPD. In The Intercept (HarperCollins, 2013), Wolf has created a new series featuring another world-class detective, only this time he does so without the intermediary factors of writers and directors and actors and the limitations of format television to skew his vision. His cop can be anything Wolf wants him to be. So, why isn’t he better? Detective Jeremy Fisk works in the NYPD’s clandestine Intel division, a Brooklyn-based mini-CIA formed in the aftermath of 9/11 and charged with anti-terrorist information-gathering within the five boroughs. Fed by networks of surveillance cameras, cellphone taps and undercover operatives, Intel analyzes tons of data in search of potential terror suspects, and its mission is to shut down threats before they happen, particularly threats of the Islamist variety. Fisk is one of Intel’s up-and-comers, a good detective with fluency in Arabic and an eye for detail. His sometime partner, and secretly his lover, is Krina Gersten, an ambitious young cop from a family of cops. And‌ that’s it. Fisk likes music. Gersten jogs. Sometimes they screw. Not much more to tell.

The rest of the novel happens while you’re waiting for character development. The week before New York is overrun by the Fourth of July weekend and a ceremony at Ground Zero, a flight attendant and five passengers attack and overcome a would-be al-Qaeda hijacker before he can plow another jet into the middle of the city. Immediately dubbed “The Sixâ€? and hailed as heroes, they are thrown into the city’s celebratory mix and herded from press-op to talk show to a meeting with the president. Gersten is assigned to their security detail, while Fisk, who interrogated the hijacker, smells a rat. The hijacker carried a detonator but no bomb, and acted alone, leading Fisk to suspect that the attempted takeover was a distraction away from a larger plot, one designed to live up to Osama bin Laden’s goal of hitting symbolic targets for maximum impact. Fisk’s attention is drawn to a second Muslim passenger, one who stepped calmly off the plane with the other passengers and has disappeared into the heart of the city. Our POV shifts between Fisk’s suspect, gathering the bits and pieces of his weapon of terror, and Fisk, combing desperately through hours of street-camera footage and informant reports, trying to spot one Middle-Easterner in a city containing millions and figure out his quarry’s purpose. One thing begins to become apparent, however: the fake hijacking had more to do with the terror plot than simply providing cover. Fisk, Gersten and the terrorist’s paths are all converging toward The Six, and The Six are meeting with the president of the United States‌ Heady thriller stuff, yes, and Wolf handles it ably. He’s a better writer than most authors who handle this sort of thing (looking at you, Brad Thor, if that is your real name), and he creates the appropriate tension in the appropriate places. He has an easy style and superb pacing. If you want a decent novel about the fight against post-9/11 terror, this is it. If you want a solid police novel, however, this isn’t the book for you. Except that it should be. It’s Dick Wolf. It’s the first book in a series about NYPD cops and it should star the detective character Wolf’s been dying to create for over 20 years. Instead, it’s a book about Jeremy Fisk. Detective. Cypher. A Name That Does Things. Maybe Wolf is pacing himself, doling out bits of Fisk’s personality the way his shows did, little by little and always secondary to the case until Fisk is a Briscoe or a Goren himself, but novels are not hourlong dramas, and book series are not TV series. Wolf should be selling Fisk from page one, letting us get to know him without the aid of an actor’s interpretation, with a face we have to envision ourselves. The Intercept is a great third or fourth novel. As a first novel, not so much. John G. Nettles


jonathan richman p. 17 threats & promises p. 18

Heart MeeT s BRAins

Zombie Prom and Indie South Fair TeamUp


started with Chelsea [Lea] organizing zombie parades on Christmas Day when we were in high school,” explains Zombie Prom co-conspirator Ian Guthrie. “We took that idea, combined with a lack of costume parties in town, and ran with it. I mean, everyone loves zombies and hates Valentine’s Day—what a great party!” What began as kooky, debaucherous revelry among friends— first in a Winterville farmhouse and then in the dearly departed DIY space The Hangar—has steadily grown with time. “One year, we pulled in a fabulous old car [known as the ‘makeout car’] into The Hangar and we projected classic zombie movies,” Guthrie recalls. “Another year, everything was frozen over. Everyone had to walk through the snow—I did, in heels—to an equally freezing party. Everyone was so dedicated until someone slipped, and it took us a minute to realize the blood wasn’t fake.” Kicking off the lineup of live (dead?) entertainment for this year’s sixth annual Zombie Prom is Monsoon, a newly formed local group of zealous teenagers that debuted its set of melodically driven post-punk at the 40 Watt Club’s Femme Fatale showcase last month. Providing easily the most horror-centric entertainment of the evening, The De Lux Interiors (pictured above) cover the sleazy, surfy garage-punk songs of psychobilly forefathers The Cramps, complete with backing dancers: bikini girls with machine guns, of course. The Humms, who recently made their 2010 album Lemonland available for free on Bandcamp, will follow with a set of tunes: raw, eerie garage rock with spooky swirls of psychedelia. To close out the night with what will likely be a sweaty, bloody mess of a dance party, Will Donaldson, AKA DJ ChamberMusic, will spin a set of what folks lovingly refer to as “booty beats.” Attendees are encouraged to don their most atrocious attire, but no one will be turned away for lack of blood. In the prom tradition, the titles of king and queen, among others, will be awarded. “We started making horrifying trophies for ridiculous categories, such as ‘Best Dressed to Depress’ or ‘Most Skanky,’” says Guthrie. “George Washington zombie? We’ve had it. Mother zombie birthing fetal zombie? Prize winner.” And what will organizer Guthrie be wearing? “My Old Faithful dress,” he says. “I found it in the road with a $250 price tag on it. I’ll be accessorizing with face gashes, bruises,

a swamp-themed fascinator and the highest damn heels in the room. Prom Queen might be a ladyboy this year. Trust.” In sync with Zombie Prom’s DIY spirit, Indie South Fair will host “Handmade Lovers: A Valentine’s Affair” immediately preceding the creepshow, from 4–9 p.m. In a fortuitous opportunity to shake off any sentiment of cynicism towards the questionably contrived holiday, those in search of a meaningful last-minute gift for their lucky Valentine (or themselves) can take comfort in knowing that this market focuses on items created with tender, loving care by local artists. Gifts include cards and screenprinted items by Double Dutch Press, earrings by Earchitecture, handcrafted goods by Gypsies Tramps & Thieves and Rachel Cabaniss, herbal body care products by Madiscents and rare vintage finds curated by Strange Magick Vintage. Other services, including massages, hairstyling by Honey’s Salon, professional make-up by a MAC artist, caricature portraits, a vintage-inspired photo booth and Tarot readings by Autumn Weaver, are intended to be incorporated into date night pre-gaming or simply self-pampering. DJ ZZ Ryder will provide the aural backdrop to the artists’ market, spinning love-themed underground rock, oldies and soul. “Handmade Lovers” is the first of what will hopefully develop into a series of more frequent, smaller-scale events organized by Indie South Fair (formerly Athens Indie Craftstravaganzaa), which currently hosts two of the largest biannual artists’ markets in town. “The fact that we are segueing into Zombie Prom is cool to me because it sort of pokes fun at the whole idea of a perfect date night and traditional notions of beauty, and gives people a reason to dress up and be silly and not worry about their relationship status,” says organizer Serra Ferguson. “But there’s something in it for people no matter what approach they take.” Jessica Smith

WHAT: Zombie Prom featuring The De Lux Interiors, The Humms, Monsoon, DJ ChamberMusic WHERE: Little Kings Shuffle Club WHEN: Thursday, February 14 HOW MUCH: $3

Four More Musical Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day There are infinite other ways to spend Feb. 14 with the one you love (or the one you’re hoping to love, if you catch my drift). But why would you want to do anything besides catch a concert? Here are five other possibilities for your V-Day night.

1. Merle Haggard @ Classic Center What song says “I love you” better than “Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down?” The answer, of course, is most songs. Still, don’t miss your chance to see the country music legend in the flesh, and at one of the grandest venues in town.

2. The Powder Room, Vincas, Shaved Christ, Muuy Biien @ 40 Watt Club A “4 on the Floor” for those who’d rather shove a fat middle finger in Cupid’s stupid face. Ideal for single dudes and grungy ladies, or folks simply looking to subvert the Hallmark machine.

3. Ponderosa, Party Dolls, Blue Blood @ Caledonia Lounge In addition to the stellar, Southern-rocking headliner, witness the debut of local supergroup Party Dolls (members of The District Attorneys, The Breaks and more). Hunter Morris’ promising new group Blue Blood, also just getting its feet wet, opens.

4. The Athens A-Train Band @ Melting Point If you’re into a more typically romantic sort of Valentine’s Day. Plus, if you’re feeling randy, there are rooms available right next door. Gabe Vodicka



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1.25 High Life Draft 3.00 Fireball $ 1.25 High Life Draft Tuesdays: $ 3.00 Tullamore Dew Wednesdays: $1.50 Off All Pitchers $ 2.50 Lone Star Tall Boys $ 3.50 Bell’s Beers $ 2.50 Stella Artois Thursdays: $ 3.00 Absolut

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continued to shed aesthetic weight in unexpected places. First on the chopping block was volume. Richman famously requested that the Lovers’ drummer, David Robinson, reduce his set to a snare drum covered with a towel. (Robinson demurred, quit and joined The Cars.) Then, on 1983’s Jonathan Sings!, Richman offered up a mission statement of sorts, beginning with the breezy, open-hearted opening track “That Summer Feeling.� On that song and others, Richman’s songwriting thrived because of a playfulness that might be cloying if it wasn’t so bold. (A YouTube clip of an early live performance of “I’m a Little Dinosaur� displays a young Richman behaving as a cross between Bruce Springsteen and a Muppet Baby.) Thirty years later, witness the way Jonathan Richman has honed the expression of his restless heart. Now, when he performs live, he is a man unburdened by the past and unconcerned with the future. His approach is often improvisatory; aided by his trusty drummer, Tommy Larkin (always given equal billing on the marquee), Richman goes off on joyful tangents, slips into verses of Spanish or Italian and slings his guitar to the side and simply dances. Women swoon. He even brings his own PA mixer onstage. “I don’t like sound check,� he says on the song “You Can Have a Cell Phone That’s OK but Not Me.� Instead, he enjoys the autonomy that comes with existing in his own moment, dancing by himself. It’s a perfect expression from an artist who has managed to become the most focused version of himself while appearing lighter than air and as carefree as any summer-loving teen dreamer. He’s no longer a young man, but Jonathan Richman’s restlessness has served him well. Jeff Tobias

WHO: Jonathan Richman featuring Tommy Larkin WHERE: 40 Watt Club WHEN: Friday, February 15 HOW MUCH: $12




peak of the mountain that is American music is festooned with flags claiming ownership. To whom does this music belong? Who can lay claim to it with authority? Who’s in charge here? There are vast swaths of this territory that have been claimed exclusively for the young. It’s a young man’s game, a young man’s world, the bastion solely of the under-30 set, those who are slain before they get too old. But it’s not necessarily about the young, strictly. This is too big to be contained by time and age. It’s actually about a feeling. That feeling is called restlessness. Jonathan Richman runs on this restless feeling. He was running on it when, in 1970, he formed The Modern Lovers. If the music journo clichĂŠ that every person who heard the Velvet Underground started a band is true, then it’s also true that The Modern Lovers were among the most important of those followers, if not the most studious. Richman’s songwriting with his group embraced the bruised, romantic side of Lou Reed, and the band’s first recording was produced, in part, by John Cale. Richman would later write a song about the Velvet Underground called, simply, “Velvet Underground.â€? The Modern Lovers’ music cruised on the cool, controlled rock rhythms that the Velvets pioneered, and the group would later be credited as having laid the groundwork for punk rock. Hello, context: In 1979, the Sex Pistols would record their own version of the Lovers’ “Roadrunner.â€? The real fuel for the music, though, was the exposed rock and roll heart that lived on Richman’s neatly untorn sleeve. Simultaneously classic and clean-cut, with a teen idol’s baritone and refreshingly direct in a very new kind of way, Richman fused dreamy sincerity with a this-is-who-I-am punk attitude and, in the process, unwittingly bore the seeds of twee-pop. Like all punk music, The Modern Lovers were predicated on the idea that simplicity was a necessary trope in the quest for immediacy—the vehicle had to be light in order to move fast. But Richman’s restlessness wouldn’t let him alone. And so, in the waning years of The Modern Lovers’ brief existence, he

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Restlessness and Jonathan Richman




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threats & promises calendar picks Music News And Gossip

Pencils Up: The UGA Law School and the Music Business Program at UGA will host the third annual Protect Athens Music Conference on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at the Melting Point. The event takes place from 3–7 p.m. and features three panel discussions: “Legal Careers in Entertainment,” “The Business of Music” and “The Artists Panel: Writing, Recording and Touring.” Moderators for each, respectively, are law professor David Shipley, Bertis Downs and David Barbe. Panelists include lawyers John Seay (an erstwhile Flagpole scribe), John Strohm (Blake Babies), Liz Wheeler and Shawn Nolan, as well as Alyssa DeHayes (Team Clermont), Peniece LeGall (SESAC), Patterson Hood, Dottie Alexander (of Montreal), Julian Dorio (The Whigs), Ryan Engelberger (Reptar) and Dead Confederate manager Dawson Morris. I can say without hyperbole that this event is going to draw a sizable audience, and if you’re interested in attending, just temporar-

maybe you’ll be able to grab one of Morales’ very limited-edition cassette tapes that just came out. For everything else, see facebook. com/partypartypartners. Go Lefty: Lefty Hathaway formally recognized the existence of the 21st century and started a Facebook page at facebook.com/ LeftyHathaway. In other news, the band is working on a new album, Fleas, Flies & Fodder, which is being recorded at Full Moon Studios with engineer Jay Rodgers. By the way, Lefty Hathaway is both the stage name for band member Paul Karjian and for the band itself. Confused? Don’t be. Just let it go. Namaste. What’s Five Bucks, Anyway?: The debut album from Dana Swimmer came out on Feb. 1. It’s titled Veloce, which can only be read in this context as intentionally ironic, due to the nine-track album’s mid-tempo pace. Its release comes courtesy of label This Is American

MUSIC | Wednesday, Feb. 13

Holopaw, Brothers, Moths, Todd Killings Farm 255 · 11 p.m. · FREE!

John Michael Boling

Fellow aging hipsters may hear hints of mid-2000s Athens/Atlanta band Morning State in Holopaw, the band led by former Ugly Casanova collaborator John Orth. Recorded in Holopaw’s home state of Florida, where the group shacked up together in a beach house, the countrytinged Academy Songs, Volume 1 sounds tight, confident and intimate. But the album doesn’t retain much of the bright warmth of the Sunshine State. Set in an all-boys prep school, the record charts the exploration and line-stepping that comes with adolescence. As the film adaptation of The Perks of Being a Wallflower proved, playing with such themes can be a little limiting, and Academy Songs sticks mainly to one emotional note, but Orth’s wellcrafted songs are sure to make for a good, if somber, live set. [Rachel Bailey] THEATRE | Thursday, Feb. 14–Sunday, Feb. 17

The Vagina Monologues UGA Chapel · 8 p.m. · $15 Marisa Castengera

Project Safe, a local nonprofit organization that works to end domestic violence, presents the 12 annual production of Eve Ensler’s awardwinning play, The Vagina Monologues, but this year brings some changes. “Director Dawn Garland is making a concerted effort to switch things up this year with a diverse cast, some fresh ideas for the standard monologues and the addition of previously unused monologues to the production,” says cast member Marisa Castengera. The production is in honor of V-Day, an international movement that works to raise awareness about violence against women. All proceeds raised will benefit Project Safe’s programs. Tickets can be purchased at the door, at the Project Safe Thrift Store on Hawthorne Avenue and at P.S. Too on Gaines School Road. Call 706-549-0922 or visit www.project-safe. org. [Christina Cotter]

Javier Morales ily forget that you’re an Athens musician and plan to show up on time. Early, even. For more information, drop a line to protectathensmusic@gmail.com or see facebook.com/ ProtectAthensMusic. Data Dump: It’s been a while since I mentioned anything about the Oompa Loompas over at Party Party Partners, but suffice it to say that Mercer West and company have been steadily pumping out the new jams. To wit, a long-dormant and recently re-energized YouTube channel at youtube.com/user/ partypartypartners now features previews of new records by Bubbly Mommy Gun and Lord Scrummage as well as some plain old curiosities. There are also a bunch of tracks, old and new, from various associated acts over at soundcloud.com/partypartypartners. But what I really want to focus on is the mastery of Javier Morales, also known as The Dream Scene. Find tunes at soundcloud.com/ thedreamscene, and don’t be surprised when you stream everything and start searching for more—for example, the handful of videos over at vimeo.com/thedreamscene. Morales writes pop music for twilight sleep and futuristic Olympic games. Find The Dream Scene directly via facebook.com/TheDreamScene and




Music, and you can stream it all over at danaswimmer.bandcamp.com. Man, I dunno. For all the lip service the band’s bio gives to such iconic cultural touchstones as Elvis Presley, skateboarding and Patsy Cline, this sure sounds like pretty run-of-the-mill Dad rock to me. But the group does a fine job of aping Reptar’s vocal style, and the brightly colored album artwork is suitably 21st-century indie, so there’s a fighting chance this record will slip past the discernment chamber of casual listeners and sell a few copies. A Mean Twitch: Totally legit country-blues quintet The Darnell Boys released the video for a tune from an upcoming album, which will soon be out on Orange Twin Records. The song, “You Got the Devil,” slipped out late last year, but the video just hit the streets a couple weeks ago. It was shot on the Orange Twin Conservation Community property and directed by Jeff Reynolds. Truth be told, I’m not crazy about the masks and face paint, but I gotta admit there’s something really unsettling about the whole thing. Which is, most likely, the point. Catch it at themdarnellboys. blogspot.com. Gordon Lamb threatsandpromises@flagpole.com

PERFORMANCE | Friday, Feb. 15–Sunday, Feb. 17

The Magic Flute UGA Fine Arts Theatre · 8 p.m. (3 p.m. matinees) · $5 (w/student ID), $18. The UGA Opera Theater and the UGA Symphony Orchestra are combining forces for an exciting performance of Mozart’s masterpiece The Magic Flute. Since its premiere in 1791, the opera has delighted audiences with its tale of a young prince, Tamino, who uses his magical flute in a race to rescue his love, Pamina, from the evil sorcerer Sarastro. The story is said to be an allegory for the education of mankind, progressing from chaos through

religious superstition to rationalistic enlightenment. The opera will be performed in German with English supertitles provided by Stage Director Carroll Freeman. Visit www.pac.uga.edu or call 706-5424400 for more info and tickets. [C.C.] MUSIC | Saturday, Feb. 16

White Violet, Thayer Sarrano & The Glass Ashes, Ryan Gray Moore Caledonia Lounge · 10 p.m. · $5–$7 Local songwriter Nate Nelson has never been one to stay still for too long. Since the release late last summer of the aching, earnest Hiding, Mingling (Flagpole’s sixth favorite album of 2012), Nelson’s newish roots-pop band White Violet has been busy touring, recording and contemplating its future, among other endeavors. Nelson tells Flagpole to expect an Andy LeMasterrecorded 7-inch featuring the new, solidified White Violet lineup at the beginning of March, after which the group will hit the road to SXSW, where it is an official performer. Then, a new full-length. Before all that, though, the band will share the stage with local songstress Thayer Sarrano and her new band, as well as Brothers’ Ryan Gray Moore, whose sun-dappled solo music evokes a warped haze similar to that

The Vagina Monologues

of Canadian indie fixture Chad VanGaalen. [Gabe Vodicka] MUSIC | Tuesday, Feb. 19

PC Worship, Shade, Bubbly Mommy Gun, The Dream Scene, Wild of Night Farm 255 · 11 p.m. · FREE! Brooklyn’s PC Worship is just about the most Brooklyn band to come out of Brooklyn since Brooklyn became a thing, all lethargic psychedelia and crummy-loftlivin’ attitude. But albums like last year’s Toxic Love have outperformed expectations, beating the recent slew of flash-in-the-pan Siltbreeze bands at their own half-assed game. Expect PC Worship’s live show to be an expo of don’t-give-a-shit anti-punk, a muddled meld of guitar noise and tape trash topped with a heaping helping of implied drug use. Don’t miss the other locals on the roster: post-punk trio Shade, and Bubbly Mommy Gun and The Dream Scene, both of which keep getting better, and weirder, with age. [GV]


Deadline for getting listed in the Calendar is every FRIDAY at 5 p.m. for the print issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Online listings are updated daily. Email calendar@flagpole.com.

Tuesday 12 CLASSES: Square Dance Lessons (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens) Square dance instruction for all levels. No partner or experience necessary. 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706201-9073 CLASSES: Adult DIY Craft Night (Treehouse Kid and Craft) Every second Tuesday of the month. 7:30-9:30 p.m. $25. www.treehousekidandcraft. com EVENTS: Fat Tuesday Celebration (NONA) Celebrate Mardi Gras with special menu items. Meet the new Mardi Gras King and Queen. All day. www.neworleansnathens.com EVENTS: Fat Tuesday (Blind Pig Tavern, Both locations) Mardi Gras party featuring poboys, gumbo, jambalaya, fried shrimp, oysters and more. 10 a.m.–10 p.m. www.blindpigtavern.com EVENTS: 2nd Tuesday Tastings: Romantic Reds (Heirloom Cafe and Fresh Market) Sample five red wines in celebration of Valentine’s Day. 7 p.m. 706-354-7901 GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your beer and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:309:30 p.m. 706-354-1515 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside, Eastside and Harris St.) feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! www.locosgrill.com GAMES: Trivia (Fuzzy’s Taco Shop) Compete for prizes and giveaways. Every Tuesday. 9–11 p.m. 706353-0305 PERFORMANCE: UGA Philharmonia Performance (UGA Memorial Hall) The UGA Philharmonia is part of the Hugh Hodgson School of Music and is open to students from across the university. 8 p.m. FREE! www.music. uga.edu

Wednesday 13 ART: Life Drawing Open Studio (UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries, Room S370) An opportunity to draw or paint the human figure from life. No instruction provided. 5:30–8:30 p.m. $8. www. art.uga.edu ART: Tour at Two (Georgia Museum of Art) Meet docents in the lobby for a tour of highlights from the museum’s collection. 2 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org CLASSES: Jewelry Workshop (Athena Jewelers) Learn how to use a jeweler’s saw, solder, set stones and more. Bring found objects to incorporate into a bird necklace. Light snacks and drinks provided. 6:30–8:30 p.m. $15/hr. 706-5496869, www.athenajewelers.com

CLASSES: SALSAthens (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Cuban-style salsa dance classes with SALSAthens. Every Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 p.m. (intermediate), 7:30-8:30 p.m. (beginners). $8 (incl. $3.50 drink). 6:60–8:30. $8. 706-338-6613 CLASSES: Spicy Salsa Dancing (Jerzee’s Sports Bar) Learn how to Salsa. Every Wednesday. 9–10 p.m. (lesson), 10 p.m.–1 a.m. (dancing). $3, $5 (under 21). dg2003@yahoo. com CLASSES: How to Take Great Kids Photos (Treehouse Kid and Craft) Photographer Kate Skogen teaches how to take better family photographs. 7–9 p.m. $35. www. treehoueskidandcraft.com, www. jetkatphoto.com EVENTS: petHarmony: Pet Speed Dating (Ciné Barcafé) Find the perfect pet with petHarmony. Humans can spend a few minutes with cats and dogs to find a good match, and spend extra time with their favorites. Features dessert, a raffle and a dance party after. 6–10 p.m. FREE! (speed dating), $5 (dessert), $10 (dance party). amanda@athenshumanesociety.org, www.athenshumanesociety. org EVENTS: Rabbit Box 9 (The Melting Point) Listen as seven pairs of Athenians share true stories from their lives. For adult ears. 7–9 p.m. $5. www.rabbitbox.org EVENTS: For the Love of Records (UGA Records Center and Map Library) The UGA Records Center hosts an open house. 3–6 p.m. FREE! 706-369-5926 GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Trivia with a DJ! Every Wednesday. 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706548-1920 GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102 GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Test your sports knowledge every Wednesday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Every Wednesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-613-0892 GAMES: Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? Test your knowledge every Wednesday night. 8 p.m. Broad St. location. 706-5483442 GAMES: Trivia (Choo Choo Japanese Korean Grill Express) Jump on the trivia train! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. www.choochoorestaurants.com GAMES: Trivia (Your Pie, Five Points location) Open your pie-hole for a chance to win! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-7424 GAMES: Crows Nest Trivia (Dirty Birds) Every Wednesday in the Crows Nest. 8 p.m. FREE! 706546-7050 KIDSTUFF: You Pick Movie Day (Oconee County Library) Kids can cast their vote on the library’s

Facebook page for either Brave or The Pirates! Band of Misfits. 10:30 a.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ OCLCS KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime (ACC Library) Stories for toddlers. 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-6133650 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Barnes & Noble) For all ages. Children receive a free treat from the cafe. 11 a.m. FREE! 706-354-1195 KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Storytime (Madison County Library) Includes stories, fingerpuppet plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. For ages 2–5. Every Wednesday. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 KIDSTUFF: Anime Club (Oconee County Library) All dedicated fans and new fans of anime and manga are invited. Ages 13–18. 6–8 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Fun and Messy Art Play (Rocksprings Community Center) Explore your creative side with paint, sand, bubbles and other crafty basics. For ages 3–5. 10–11:30 a.m. $3. www.athensclarkecounty.com/rocksprings KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 LECTURES & LIT: History Lecture: Ari Levine (UGA Jackson St. Building, Room 123) UGA Associate Professor of History Ari Levine is a cultural historian of early modern China. He speaks about “Read-Write Memory: How to Translate Images of Early Modern Chinese Cityscapes into Texts (and Back Again.)” 4 p.m. FREE! www.willson.uga.edu MEETINGS: Buddha Book Study (Healing Arts Centre) A discussion group that supports utilizing Buddha’s teaching to end suffering in all areas of life. 6 p.m. Donations accepted. 706-351-6024 MEETINGS: Athens Area Chapter of AARP (Athens Bank and Trust Building) Monthly meeting of the American Association of Retired Persons. Open to the public. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-340-9418 PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) Soo Jung Jeon performs on piano. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Bassoon Recital (Hugh Hodgson School of Music) Darrel Hale performs on bassoon. 8 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu

Thursday 14 CLASSES: One Billion Rising with Dancefx (UGA Tate Student Center) A free hip-hop class to celebrate One Billion Rising, a dance movement created to end violence against women. All donations benefit

The English Concert performs at the UGA Hodgson Concert Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 19. Project Safe. 11:30 a.m. FREE! www. dancefx.org CLASSES: Scottish Country Dance Classes (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens) Social dancing at its liveliest with jigs, reels and strathspeys. Bring your dancing shoes. Every Thursday, 7–9 p.m. $3. dabmillier@google.com CLASSES: Genealogy 101: The Basics (Oconee County Library) Learn how to begin family history research with tips and techniques on how to start. 12:30–2 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 EVENTS: Days of Wine & Ciné: Valentine’s Wine Tasting (Ciné Barcafé) Join local independent film maker and wine sommelier Dan Jordan for a romantic wine tasting event, which features four pours from a light sparkling white to a complex, dry red. Tickets include admission a choice of films screening that night. 6:30 & 8:30 p.m. $25 (single), $45 (couple). www. athenscine.com EVENTS: Handmade Lovers: A Valentine’s Affair (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Indie South Fair presents a market of handcrafted gifts by local artists, hairstyling by Honeys, date night makeup by MAC artists, massages, Tarot readings and a vintage-inspired photobooth. Music by DJ ZZ Ryder. Zombie Prom will follow. See story on p. 15. 4–9 p.m. FREE! indiesouthfair@gmail.com EVENTS: Nature Ramblers (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Learn more about the flora and fauna of the garden while making new friends and enjoying fresh air and inspirational readings. Ramblers are encouraged to bring their own nature writings or favorite poems and essays to share with the group. Every Thursday. 8:30–10 a.m. FREE! www.botgarden.uga.edu EVENTS: Reiki Circle (Healing Arts Centre) A Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation and healing. Every Thursday. 7–8 p.m. Donations accepted. 706-338-6843 EVENTS: Tour de l’Amour (Terrapin Beer Co.) A love-fest featuring specialty glassware, love songs by Tre Powell, treats from Bee’s Knees Bakery & Gifts, flowers from Athens Florist and a pourings of Moo-Hoo infused with tart cherries. 5:30–7:30 p.m. www.terrapinbeer.com FILM: Cruel Intentions (UGA Tate Student Center) Sarah Michelle Gellar stars as Kathryn in this

romantic-thriller adaptation of Les Liaisons Dangereuses. 8 p.m. $1–2. www.tate.uga.edu/movies FILM: Americans in Italy Film Series (Georgia Museum of Art) Roman Holiday is the story of a rebellious princess who explores Rome with a handsome stranger for a few days incognito. 7 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org GAMES: Dirty Singles Night (Dirty Birds) Spend Valentines’ Day the dirty way with an optional secret Valentine’s match-making game. 6 p.m. FREE! 706-546-7050 GAMES: Trivia (The Volstead) Every Thursday! 7:30-9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-354-5300 GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your Coors Light and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. 706354-1515 KIDSTUFF: Big Hearts and Lots of Love Valentine Treasure Hunt (Rocksprings Community Center) Find clues, solve riddles and look for sweet treasures hidden within the park. For ages 6–12. Call to register. 4–5:30 p.m. $3. 706-6133602, www.athensclarkecounty.com/ rocksprings KIDSTUFF: Birthday Party for Bear Hollow Zoo’s Bears (Memorial Park) Celebrate the birthdays of DJ, Athena and Yonah making party hats, taking a turn at the pinata and watching the bears dive into their birthday enrichment cakes. 4–5 p.m. FREE! 706-6133616, www.athensclarkecounty.com/ bearhollow KIDSTUFF: Toddlerobics (Oconee County Library) Active storytime full of dancing, stretching, jumping and stories for little ones to enjoy books on the move. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Family Dinner Night (Earth Fare Café) Kids eat free every Thursday with one $5 adult purchase of prepared foods. Good for up to six kids, ages 12 & under. 4–8 p.m. $5. 706-227-1717 LECTURES & LIT: Film Lecture: Ana Vivancos (UGA Jackson St. Building, Room 123) Ana Vivancos, assistant professor of Spanish culture, literature and film, speaks about “From the Mouth of Babes: Images of Children in Spanish Film.” The aim of the project is to analyze how the images of innocence (or perversion) of children in Spanish cinema

from the 1970s to the early 2000s serve as a metaphor for the limits imposed by social codes. 4 p.m. FREE! www.willson.uga.edu MEETINGS: Athens Area Newcomers Club (Central Presbyterian Church) UGA Professor Quint Newcomer has developed a new study program for undergraduate students in Costa Rica. Attendees may learn more about the country and decide whether to take the class. 9:30 a.m. FREE! 706-850-7463 PERFORMANCE: Second Thursday Scholarship Concert: On the Road with the UGA Wind Ensemble (UGA Memorial Hall) The group will present selections from its upcoming performance at the American Bandmasters Association. 8 p.m. $5–18. www.music.uga.edu THEATRE: The Vagina Monologues (UGA Chapel) The play featuring monologues from many different women raises funds for Project Safe. See Calendar Pick on p. 18. Feb. 14–17, 8 p.m. $15. www.project-safe.org THEATRE: A Few Good Men (Town and Gown Players) Aaron Sorkin’s 1989 play tells the story of military lawyers at a court-martial who uncover a high-level conspiracy when a rookie Navy lawyer is assigned to defend two Marines on trial for the murder of one of their platoon members. Feb. 14–16, 8 p.m. Feb. 17, 2 p.m. $12–15. www. showclix.com

Friday 15 EVENTS: 7th Annual Valentine’s Dinner (The Melting Point) Led by executive chef Steve Vining, the Melting Point’s culinary team presents a three-course meal for hopeless romantics. Live music by Francine Reed, who performs jazz standards such as Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald and Billy Holiday. 6 p.m. $145. www.meltingpointathens.com EVENTS: Southern Garden Heritage Conference: Heirloom Fruits and Vegetables (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) The 2013 Southern Garden Heritage Conference is a day-long learning experience for gardeners, cooks, landscape architects, preservationists and plant lovers of all levels of expertise who want to know more k continued on next page



THE CALENDAR! Eat. Drink. Listen Closely.



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about finding, sharing and growing heirloom fruits and vegetables, as well as exploring the rich gardening traditions in the South. Call or visit website to register. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $105 (includes lunch). 706-5426156, www.botgarden.uga.edu EVENTS: UGA Vet Benefit Auction (UGA Tate Student Center) Dinner, a live and silent auction and other activities raise funds for the student chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association and veterinary students pursuing advanced degrees at the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine. 7 p.m. $25-30. avkeenan@uga.edu FILM: Anna Karenina (UGA Tate Student Center) Anna Karenina enters into a life-changing affair with the affluent Count Vronsky in this bold and energetic adaptation of Tolstoy’s classic romance. Feb. 15–17, 3, 6 & 9 p.m. $1–2. www. tate.uga.edu/movies KIDSTUFF: Owl Prowl (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Participants will learn about and search for owls who inhabit the woods during an evening hike. Call to pre-register by Feb. 13. 4–5 p.m. or 6:30–8 p.m. $7-10. 706-613-3615, www.athensclarkecounty.com/sandycreeknaturecenter LECTURES & LIT: Robert B. Brandom Philosophy Lecture (UGA Peabody Hall) Professor Robert B. Brandom is one of the most prominent American philosophers of today, whose publications are regularly taught and contested in contemporary philosophical literature around the world. 3:30 p.m. FREE! www.willson.uga.edu LECTURES & LIT: Geography Lecture (UGA Geography and Geology, Room 200C) “Constructing Non-Capitalism but Reproducing Capitalism? Colombian Lessons on Economic and Socio-Cultural Activism,� Brian Burke, postdoctoral researcher for the Cowetta Listening Project. 3:30 p.m. FREE! 706-542-2425 OUTDOORS: Arbor Day Celebration (State Botanical Garden, Shade Garden Arbor) In 1872, an industrious newspaper editor and political leader, J. Sterling Morton, began a campaign to plant trees on Nebraska’s treeless prairie. The first Arbor Day observance was on Morton’s birthday, Apr. 10, of that same year, and by 1894 every state participated in Arbor Day celebrations. Join Linda Chafin to learn about and celebrate the trees at the Garden. 2–3 p.m. FREE! www. botgarden.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: The Magic Flute (UGA Fine Arts Building) UGA Opera Theater and the UGA Symphony Orchestra perform Mozart’s masterpiece, The Magic Flute, the 1791 opera about young Prince Tamino who uses his magical flute in a race to rescue his love, Pamina, from the evil Sarastro. See Calendar Pick on p. 18. Feb. 15 & 16, 8 p.m. & Feb. 17, 3 p.m. $5 (w/student ID), $18. www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Burlesque Beta (Go Bar) What a tease! Open-mic variety show featuring singers, dancers, musicians and comics in the vaudeville tradition. 10 p.m. $3. 706-546-5609 THEATRE: A Few Good Men (Town and Gown Players) See Thursday listing for full description Feb. 14–16, 8 p.m. Feb. 17, 2 p.m. $12–15. www.showclix.com THEATRE: The Vagina Monologues (UGA Chapel) See Thursday listing for full description Feb. 14–17, 8 p.m. $15. www. project-safe.org

Friday, Feb. 15 continued from p. 19

Saturday 16 ART: Artist Talk & Performance (ATHICA) “And I Feel Fine� participating artist Zachary Fabri discusses his works. 7 p.m. $5 (suggested donation). www.athica.org ART: Farewell Strand Art Closing (Strand Hair Studio) Strand sadly closes its doors after 33 years of service. Featuring artwork by the late William E. Joyce. 2–4 p.m. FREE! 706-549-8074 CLASSES: Partner Yoga Workshop (Healing Arts Centre, Sangha Yoga Studio) SJ Ursery and Meghan Burke lead a workshop benefiting Project Safe. No experience or partner necessary. 2–4 p.m. $20 (suggested donation). www. healingartscentre.net CLASSES: Natural History of Georgia Plants (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Part of the Certificate in Native Plants core, this course will introduce the diverse

EVENTS: Fight Night IV (Manor) A night of fighting from experienced MMA fighters. 6:30–10:30 p.m. $18-30. www.manorathens.com EVENTS: Book Sale (Piedmont College Recreation Center) Proceeds from books on sale support Team 6 (Charlie Maddox & Barb Benson) of Dancing With the Athens Stars, a fundraiser for Project Safe. All types of books will be on sale. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. bbenson@piedmont.edu EVENTS: Taste 10K (Athens, GA) Kicking off the Taste of Athens Weekend, this run through downtown Athens is a Peachtree Qualifier. Proceeds benefit Community Connection of Northeast Georgia. Meets at City Hall. 8 a.m. $30–35. www.tasteofathens.com EVENTS: Athens Cabaret Showgirls (Go Bar) A unique drag show featuring performances by local drag artists. 10 p.m. $5. 706546-5609 EVENTS: Athens AfricanAmerican History Tour (Athens Welcome Center) Tour guide Rosa Thurmond will cover poignant moments in the transition of schools

KIDSTUFF: Mustache Crafts (Madison County Library) Make silly mustache straws and more. 2 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 OUTDOORS: Naturalist Walk (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Join the SCNC staff for a walk around the property. Bring a camera or binoculars. All ages. Call to register. 10–11 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3615 PERFORMANCE: The Magic Flute (UGA Fine Arts Building) See Friday listing for full description Feb. 15 & 16, 8 p.m. & Feb. 17, 3 p.m. $5 (w/student ID), $18. www.music. uga.edu PERFORMANCE: HerSelf Rising (Canopy Studio) This aerial dance show, by performers from the New England Center for Circus Arts, with guest Susan Murphy, is an examination of the roles that women play in their own and each other’s lives. Feb. 16, 8 p.m. & Feb. 17, 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. $15. www.canopystudio.com THEATRE: A Few Good Men (Town and Gown Players) See Thursday listing for full description Feb. 14–16, 8 p.m. Feb. 17, 2 p.m. $12–15. www.showclix.com

Holopaw plays Farm 255 on Wednesday, Feb. 13. See Calendar Pick on p. 18. natural vegetation of Georgia, emphasizing ecological principles of plant distribution, prehistoric and contemporary influences on Georgia vegetation, major vegetation types in Georgia and common plant species that characterize each vegetation type. 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. $105 (includes lunch). www.botgarden. uga.edu EVENTS: Classic Center Open House (The Classic Center) All are invited to celebrate the opening of The Classic Center expansion. The “Big Time under the Big Top� features trapeze artists, unicyclists, face painters, live music, an unveiling of the new public art installation and an artist market. 2–6 p.m. FREE! (ticket required) www.classiccenter.com EVENTS: Filipino Culture Night (UGA Tate Student Center) Traditional dance performances and classic Filipino food, including chicken adobo, pancit, lumpia and flan for dessert. 7-10 p.m. gabgalon@uga.edu EVENTS: Bulldawg Brawl (Georgia Theatre) Amateur boxers brawl for a cause, along with student group performances. Proceeds benefit UGA Heroes. 6 p.m. $10. www.georgiatheatre.com

during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, sharing stories about community spirit and the leaders who shaped Athens as it is today. Call to make a reservation. 2–4 p.m. $20. 706-353-1820 FILM: Anna Karenina (UGA Tate Student Center) See Friday listing for full description Feb. 15–17, 3, 6 & 9 p.m. $1–2. www.tate.uga.edu/ movies KIDSTUFF: No More Bullies and No More Bullets (The Hull Firm, LLC) A workshop for middle schoolers to address the problems of bullying and discuss how to resolve conflicts without violence. Bring a sack lunch. Email to register. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. FREE! nicole@thehullfirmllc.com, www.thehullfirmllc.com KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Barnes & Noble) For all ages. Children receive a free treat from the cafe. 11 a.m. FREE! 706-354-1195 KIDSTUFF: Family Day: From Savanna to Savannah (Georgia Museum of Art) Learn about African art and culture from this exciting and diverse collection of African objects, then head to the Mary and Michael Erlanger classroom to create your own mask. 10 a.m. FREE! www. georgiamuseum.org

THEATRE: The Vagina Monologues (UGA Chapel) See Thursday listing for full description Feb. 14–17, 8 p.m. $15. www. project-safe.org

Sunday 17 ART: Spotlight Tour (Georgia Museum of Art) Meet docents in the lobby for a tour of highlights from the permanent collection. 3 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org EVENTS: Frog Hop 5K Road Race (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Run or walk the 5K to raise money for Sandy Creek. A one-mile Tadpole Fun Run will precede the 5K. 2 p.m. $15–20. www.athensclarkecounty. com/sandycreeknaturecenter EVENTS: A Taste of Athens (The Classic Center) Sample food and drinks from over 50 local restaurant and beverage vendors. A silent auction will feature local art, sports and music memorabilia, professional services and travel packages. 4:30 p.m. (VIP) 5–8 p.m. $50–90. www. tasteofathens.com EVENTS: Cupid Shuffle 5K (UGA Intramural Fields) UGA 5K course benefitting the charity Project Hope.

Includes a T-shirt and breakfast the morning of the race. Email to register. Feb. 17, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. $25. cjwalker122@gmail.com FILM: Anna Karenina (UGA Tate Student Center) See Friday listing for full description Feb. 15–17, 3, 6 & 9 p.m. $1–2. www.tate.uga.edu/ movies GAMES: Trivia (The Capital Room) Every Sunday! Hosted by Evan Delany. First place wins $50 and second place wins $25. 8 p.m. FREE! www.thecapitalroom.com GAMES: Trivia (Buffalo’s Café) “Brewer’s Inquisition,” trivia hosted by Chris Brewer every Sunday. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-354-6655, www. buffaloscafe.com/athens GAMES: Trivia Sundays (Blind Pig Tavern) At the West Broad location. 6 p.m. 706-208-7979 LECTURES & LIT: A Behind the Scenes View of How the “Nest” Was Born (The Classic Center, Olympia Room) Maureen Kelly, creator of the “Nest,” the new public art installation in the Classic Center expansion, discusses the piece along with other panelists involved in the public art selection process. 2-3:30 p.m. FREE! www.classiccenter.com PERFORMANCE: The Music of the Night (The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Greensboro) Broadway performers Ron Raines, Debbie Gravitte and Don Pippin perform famous love songs from Broadway musicals. 8:30 p.m. 706-999-1518, www.opas.org PERFORMANCE: The Magic Flute (UGA Fine Arts Building) See Friday listing for full description Feb. 15 & 16, 8 p.m. & Feb. 17, 3 p.m. $5 (w/student ID), $18. www.music. uga.edu THEATRE: The Vagina Monologues (UGA Chapel) See Thursday listing for full description Feb. 14–17, 8 p.m. $15. www. project-safe.org THEATRE: A Few Good Men (Town and Gown Players) See Thursday listing for full description Feb. 14–16, 8 p.m. Feb. 17, 2 p.m. $12–15. www.showclix.com

Monday 18 ART: AIDS Quilt Opening Ceremony (The Classic Center) AIDS Athens hosts portions of the AIDS Memorial Quilt as part of AIDS Athens 25th anniversary. The AIDS quilt features over 48,000 panels dedicated to those who have died from HIV/AIDS. 6–7:30 p.m. FREE! www.aidsathens.org FILM: The Whale (Miller Learning Center, Room 101) The true story of Luna, a young, wild killer whale who tries to befriend people after he gets separated from his family on the rugged coast of Vancouver Island. Part of Animal Voices Film Festival series. 7:30-9:30 p.m. FREE! sos@ uga.edu GAMES: Rock and Roll Trivia (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Get a team together and show off your extensive music knowledge every Monday! Hosted by Jonathan Thompson. 9 p.m. FREE! www.myspace.com/littlekingsshuffleclub GAMES: Team Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Win house cash and prizes! Every Monday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia (Highwire Lounge) Athens’ toughest trivia. $100 grand prize every week! All ages. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-543-8997 KIDSTUFF: Out of School Workshop: Happy Valentine’s Clay (Good Dirt) Kids can get busy on their day off by playing in the clay. Call to register. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $55/day. 706-355-3161

KIDSTUFF: Bedtime Stories (ACC Library) Stories before bedtime; pajamas encouraged. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Active Climbing Day Camp (Active Climbing) Spend President’s Day scaling great heights. For ages 6 & above. Bring a lunch and dress for climbing. All levels welcome. 9 a.m.–2 p.m. $40. www.activeclimbing.com KIDSTUFF: School Day Off Program (Memorial Park) “Once Upon a Time” features fairy tales, games, crafts, snacks and a visit to Bear Hollow Zoo. Bring a sack lunch. 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. $15–23. www.athensclarkecounty.com/ memorial KIDSTUFF: Calling All Presidents Birthday Bash (Rocksprings Community Center) Participants play presidential trivia and celebrate Presidents’ Day. For ages 6–13. 4 p.m. FREE! www.athensclarkecounty. com/rocksprings LECTURES & LIT: Disability Issues Presentation (UGA Tate Student Center) Mike Galifianakis, statewide ADA Coordinator, will discuss disability issues. The seminar is targeted to persons who are responsible for recognizing and responding to accessibility and accommodation issues in their units and classrooms. Email to RSVP by Feb. 14. 10 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! mlecroy@uga.edu LECTURES & LIT: Willson Center Lecture: Bertis Downs (UGA Chapel) Former manager of R.E.M. Bertis Downs gives a lecture entitled, “Don’t Get Me Started: On Athens, Music Lessons and of Course, Good Schools for All Kids.” 4 p.m. FREE! www.willson.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: UGA Symphonic Band and Concert Winds (UGA Performing Arts Center) Music majors and non-majors perform classic wind band repertoire. Conductors Michael Robinson and Scott Jones lead. 8 p.m. FREE! www. pac.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) Jillian Baxter presents a percussion recital. 3:35 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: A Visit from the Cat in the Hat (Oconee County Library) Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Reuben Haller performs his “Cat in the Hat” show, full of puppetry, juggling and music. All ages. 7-8 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950

Tuesday 19 ART: Life Drawing Open Studio (UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries) See Wednesday listing for full description 5:30–8:30 p.m. $8. www.art.uga.edu ART: AIDS Quilt on Display (The Classic Center) AIDS Athens hosts portions of the AIDS Memorial Quilt as part of AIDS Athens 25th anniversary. The AIDS quilt features over 48,000 panels dedicated to those who have died from HIV/ AIDS. 9 a.m.–6:30 p.m. FREE! www. aidsathens.com EVENTS: Relay for Life Date Auction (40 Watt Club) Are you lovesick? Cures go to the highest bidders. Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. 8 p.m. $3. www.40watt.com EVENTS: Make It an Evening: The English Concert (Georgia Museum of Art) Enjoy coffee, dessert and gallery tours at the museum before The English Concert’s performance in Hodgson Hall. Hailed as one of the finest chamber orchestras in the world, the London-based ensemble will perform a program that includes k continued on next page


Entertainment Lawyer; Adjunct Professor, Actively Retired; R.E.M. Advisor since earliest times

“Bertis Downs in Conversation: Don’t Get Me Started — on Athens, Music Lessons, and of Course, Good Schools for All Kids…” Bringing the World to Georgia and Georgia to the World


Monday, February 18 at 4pm UGA Chapel

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Handel’s Water Music. Pierre Daura Curator of European Art Lynn Boland will lead a tour of “Water Music,â€? an exhibition related to Handel’s masterpiece. 6–8 p.m. FREE! $5 (coffee & dessert). www.pac.uga.edu FILM: Bad Movie Night (CinĂŠ BarcafĂŠ) Teenage street gangs clash over turf and true love in the violent and over-the-top Street Soldiers. 8 p.m. FREE! www.athenscine.com FILM: Trust: Second Acts in Young Lives (Madison Morgan Cultural Center) Screening of a film of Chicago’s Albany Park Theater Project performing the traumatic story of 18-year-old Honduran immigrant, Marlin. 7 p.m. $7. 706342-4743 GAMES: Trivia (Fuzzy’s Taco Shop) Compete for prizes and giveaways. Every Tuesday. 9–11 p.m. 706353-0305 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) All three Athens locations of Locos Grill and Pub (Westside, Eastside and Harris St.) feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! www.locosgrill.com GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your Coors Light and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. 706354-1515 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime (ACC Library) Stories for toddlers. 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-6133650 LECTURES & LIT: Special Collections Tour (Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries) Tour the exhibit galleries of the Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection, the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library and the Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies. 2 p.m. FREE! www.libs.uga.edu/scl LECTURES & LIT: Environmental Lecture (Miller Learning Center, Reading Room) UGA alumnus and naturalist/environmental educator Mark Warren will read from and discuss his book, Two Winters in a Tipi: My Search for the Soul of the Forest. Warren’s book will be available for sale before and after the reading. Light refreshments served. 3 p.m. FREE! lnessel@uga.edu LECTURES & LIT: Guest Lecture (Georgia Center Hotel, Masters Hall) “Finding Joy in Diverse Backgrounds: The Role of the Universityâ€? Sonia Nieto, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 6–7 p.m. FREE! mfalter@uga.edu PERFORMANCE: The English Concert (Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall) The English Concert is recognized as one of the finest chamber orchestras in the world, specializing in performances of Baroque and Classical music. Artistic director Harry Bicket, opera and concert conductor and virtuoso harpsichord player, will conduct the orchestra in a program featuring Handel’s Water Music, along with concertos by Bach and Telemann. 8 p.m. $20–39. www. pac.uga.edu

Wednesday 20 ART: AIDS Quilt Closing Ceremony (The Classic Center) AIDS Athens hosts portions of the AIDS Memorial Quilt as part of AIDS

Tuesday, Feb. 19 continued from p. 21

Athens 25th anniversary. The AIDS quilt features over 48,000 panels dedicated to those who have died from HIV/AIDS. 5:30–6:30 p.m. FREE! www.aidsathens.com CLASSES: Spicy Salsa Dancing (Jerzee’s Sports Bar) Learn how to Salsa. Wednesdays. 9–10 p.m. (lesson), 10 p.m.–1 a.m. (dancing). $3, $5 (under 21). dg2003@yahoo.com CLASSES: SALSAthens (Little Kings Shuffle Club) See Array listing for full description 6:60–8:30. $8. 706338-6613 CLASSES: Flower Arranging Unit 3: Designs for Dining Tables (State Botanical Garden) Celia McQuaid Brown teaches about dining table arrangements. Participants will be provided with a list of materials to bring. Bring a bag lunch. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $45. www.botgarden. uga.edu GAMES: Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? Test your knowledge every Wednesday night. 8 p.m. Broad St. location. 706-5483442

KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Barnes & Noble) For all ages. Children receive a free treat from the cafe. 11 a.m. FREE! 706-354-1195 KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Storytime (Madison County Library) Includes stories, fingerpuppet plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 LECTURES & LIT: Willson Center Lecture (Miller Learning Center, Room 148) Cynthia Turner Camp delivers a lecture on “The Historiographic Affordance of Undecayed Flesh in Middle English Saints’ Lives.� 4 p.m. FREE! www. willson.uga.edu LECTURES & LIT: Talking About Books (ACC Library) This month’s title is Thirteen Moons by Charles Frazier. 10:30 a.m. 706-613-3650 PERFORMANCE: Wind Symphony (UGA Memorial Hall) The Hugh Hodgson School of Music Wind Symphony performs a concert. 8 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) Adam Smith performs on oboe. 3:35 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu

SHANE PRUITT BAND Jam band from Spartanburg, SC. LINGO Blending soul, profound lyrics and some Latin grooves in an original set. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 WOWSER BOWSER Electro/dancerock band from Atlanta. THE RODNEY KINGS Scuzzed-out local garage-punk trio. Green Room 6 p.m. FREE! www.greenroomathens. com KENOSHA KID Centered around the instru-improv jazz compositions of guitarist Dan Nettles, Kenosha Kid also features bassist Robby Handley and drummer Marlon Patton. The group is packed with music, mischief, general mayhem, and offers a sound far from the middle of the road. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com JOE CAT Local Americana singersongwriter. Julia Allen


White Violet plays Caledonia Lounge on Saturday, Feb. 16. See Calendar Pick on p. 18. GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102 GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Test your sports knowledge. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Trivia with a DJ! 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706-548-1920 GAMES: Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Every Wednesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-613-0892 GAMES: Trivia (Your Pie, Five Points location) Open your pie-hole for a chance to win! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-7424 GAMES: Crows Nest Trivia (Dirty Birds) Every Wednesday in the Crows Nest. 8 p.m. FREE! 706546-7050 GAMES: Trivia (Choo Choo Japanese Korean Grill Express) Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. www.choochoorestaurants.com GAMES: Movie Trivia (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Hosted by Jeremy Dyson. 9 p.m. www.facebook.com/ lkshuffleclub KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime (ACC Library) Stories for toddlers. 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-6133650

LIVE MUSIC Tuesday 12 Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $12 (21+), $15 (18+). www. caledonialounge.com THE WEDDING PRESENT The longrunning British indie-rock band will perform its album The Hit Parade in its entirety, plus other tunes. TATERZANDRA Local band playing angular, often dissonant but catchy grunge. GRASS GIRAFFES Psychedelic and anthemic guitar-rock dance party. Cutters Pub 10 p.m. FREE! 706-353-9800 IMMUZIKATION High-energy electro and rock. Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar. com NATALIE RICCIO NYC-based singersongwriter and pianist plays a set of original compositions borrowing from jazz, folk and cabaret. Georgia Theatre Fat Tuesday Party! 8 p.m. $12. www. georgiatheatre.com THE NEW MASTERSOUNDS Fourpiece British funk band.

The Melting Point 8 p.m. $10 (adv or w/ UGA ID), $13 (door). www.meltingpointathens.com IKE’S MARDI GRAS BAND Local Hammond B3 legend Ike Stubblefield leads a band featuring June Yamagashi (“Treme�) and others. HALF DOZEN BRASS BAND Authentic local New Orleans-style brass band. Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 THE MAIN SQUEEZE Jam-rock band from Bloomington, IN. The Volstead 9 p.m.–1:30 a.m. 706-354-5300 KARAOKE Every Tuesday! WUOG 90.5 FM Live in the Lobby. 8 p.m. FREE! www. wuog.org QUIET HOURS Atlanta-based rock band that displays R.E.M.-style jangle-pop and shoegaze influences.

Wednesday 13 40 Watt Club 7:30 p.m. $5. www.40watt.com BATTLE OF THE BANDS Night one of the UGA Music Business Program’s third annual battle. Featuring Faun Dew, Swamp, Jonny & Shim, The Kinky

Aphrodesiacs and Entropic Constant. Boar’s Head Lounge 11 p.m. FREE! 706-369-3040 OPEN MIC NIGHT Showcase your talent. Every Wednesday! Farm 255 8–10 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com DIAL INDICATORS Local jazz act featuring Jeremy Roberts on guitar and George Davidson on tenor saxophone. 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com HOLOPAW Long-running Gainesville, FL-based indie band led by talented songwriter John Orth. See Calendar Pick on p. 18. BROTHERS Local trio plays swirling folky tunes that are rich with strings, twisted overdubs and haunting vocals. MOTHS Jacob Morris plays a mostly acoustic sort of ‘70s folk-rock with a pop sensibility and an inevitable psychedelic tinge. TODD KILLINGS Group fronted by former Dead Dog guitarist John McLean. Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. www.flickertheatreandbar.com SLAW AND ORDER Local drum and keys duo performs tambourine-rich pop tracks. GLASSCRAFTS Fuzzed-out pop-punk tunes from the members of Grass Giraffes. EVER ENDING KICKS Experimental pop group from Washington state. Green Room 7 p.m. FREE! www.greenroomathens. com IKE STUBBLEFIELD & FRIENDS Soulful R&B artist Ike Stubblefield is a Hammond B3 virtuoso who cut his teeth backing Motown legends like Marvin Gaye. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com WOMEN FOLK Local singer-songwriter Emily Jackson presents this series featuring local female artists. Featuring Norma Rae and Kate Wright. Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 ANDREW KAHRS This UGA grad has a silky smooth voice and soulful style that is reminiscent of John Mayer or Jack Johnson. The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke! Porterhouse Grill 7 p.m. FREE! 706-369-0990 JAZZ NIGHT Join drummer Nicholas Wiles with bassist Drew Hart and pianist Steve Key for an evening of improv and standards. Tapped 9 p.m. FREE! 706-850-6277 KARAOKE Every Wednesday! Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com THE LAST TYCOON Local dark-folk/ Americana outfit.

Thursday 14 40 Watt Club 4 on the Floor. 9 p.m. $4. www.40watt. com MUUY BIIEN Local band plays ‘80sstyle punk rock that’s equal parts Minor Threat and The Fall. THE POWDER ROOM New scuzzy, noisy, heavy, loud trio featuring

ex-members of Manray and Pride Parade. VINCAS Energetic, erratic garage punk with growling guitars, howling vocals and a bit of rockabilly swagger. SHAVED CHRIST Local punk band featuring members of American Cheeseburger, Witches, Dark Meat and Hot New Mexicans. Barbeque Shack 7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-6752 OPEN BLUEGRASS JAM All pickers welcome! Every Thursday! Buffalo’s Café 7 p.m. www.buffaloscafe.com/athens DAVID PRINCE This Athens staple and one-time member of The Jesters plays your favorite love songs for Valentine’s Day. Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+) $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com PONDEROSA Atlanta-based Southern rock quintet fronted by songwriter Kalen Nash. PARTY DOLLS New local supergroup featuring members of The District Attorneys, Crooked Fingers and The Breaks. BLUE BLOOD New psych-rock project from Hunter Morris (Gift Horse), Hank Sullivant (Kuroma) and J.J. Bower (Dead Confederate).


hair studio

FAREWELL STRAND ART CLOSING Saturday, February 16 2–4pm Featuring Artwork by the late William E. Joyce

We are now seeking vendor applications for the 2013 Season.

5 Points



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2013 AFM Season will kick off on Saturday, April 6 at Bishop Park. See you there!!!

Talk About It

The Classic Center 7:30 p.m. $45-$52. www.classiccenter. com MERLE HAGGARD Legendary forerunner of modern country music.

If you have a friend you think may be in an abusive relationship, talk with her or him about it. Don’t ignore the problem; it will not go away. You can make a difference by starting a conversation with your friend or coworker. You don’t have to be an expert to talk about abuse, you just need to be a friend. Listen to and believe what your friend is telling you. Our hotline advocates are here to help if you have questions about how to start the conversation.

Crow’s Nest 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-7050 GRAY BRANTLEY Singer-songwriter. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com BURT BACHARACH Burt Bacharach covers. MAGNETIC FIELDS Local cover band plays selections from the band’s classic 69 Love Songs. DJ VACATION + DJ JOE POP Spinning love tunes. Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $10. www.georgiatheatre.com PAPDOSIO Asheville-based electrorock band. DOPAPOD Jam-funk band from Brooklyn.


Hotline, 24 hours/day

Linea de crisis, las 24 horas del dia

Go Bar 11 p.m. 706-546-5609 KARAOKE Hosted by karaoke fanatic John “Dr. Fred” Bowers. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com LOBO MARINO Jameson Price and Laney Sullivan make original music that reflects their travels. RAHASYA Kirtan-inspired music. Little Kings Shuffle Club Zombie Prom! 9 p.m. $3. www.facebook.com/lkshuffleclub THE HUMMS A raunchy, grooving blend of psychedelic garage rock. MONSOON Female-fronted local post-punk band. DE LUX INTERIORS Local Cramps cover band featuring members of Cars Can Be Blue and Los Meesfits. See story on p. 15. The Melting Point An Evening of Sweetheart Jazz. 8 p.m. $9 (adv.) $12 (door). www.meltingpointathens.com ATHENS A-TRAIN BAND Instrumental group performing traditional jazz standards, swing, latin, ballads, blues and boogie. k continued on next page




THE CALENDAR! Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 JUICE BOX Funky, groove-laden rock from Athens.

a benefit for Nuçi’s Space


Saturday, Feb. 23rd at the 40 Watt Club

­ÓnÎÊ7°Ê7>à }Ì Ê-Ì°ÊUÊ Ü Ì Ü Ê Ì i î $

5 Cover = 5 Votes for your Favorite Band

Go to athensbusinessrocks.com to vote for your favorite band now! 8pm: Doors Open 8:30: Ruby Sue Graphics (King Cotton & the Sweaty T’s) 9:00: State Botanical Garden of Georgia (BotJam) 9:30: The Red Zone (The Double Oh Zone presents: Shaken, Not Stirred) 2013 ABR FINALIST 10:00: Jimmy Johns (Super-Proof!) 10:30: TSAV (Punch List) 2013 ABR FINALIST 11:00: Partner Software (Kneel Before Diamond) 2013 CROWD FAVORITE 11:30: The 40 Watt Club (40 Cent) 2013 ABR FINALIST 12:00: Nuçi’s Space (Çitlin’ Southern Soul Revue) 12:45: Announce Winner!


www.athensbusinessrocks.com 24


The Office Lounge Blues Night. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-5460840 THE SHADOW EXECUTIVES Get your fill of straight-up, authentic blues covers from this skilled Athens five-piece. This is an open jam! Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com TRE POWELL Bluesy acoustic tunes with soulful vocals. WUOG 90.5 FM Live in the Lobby. 8 p.m. FREE! www. wuog.org WIEUCA Local alt-country band with a slack-rock vibe.

Friday 15 40 Watt Club 8 p.m. $12. www.40watt.com JONATHAN RICHMAN The former Modern Lovers frontman known for his playful, evocative lyricism returns to town. See story on p. 17. Amici 11 p.m. FREE! 706-353-0000 WATER SEED Soulful funk group out of New Orleans featuring layered vocal harmonies and a strong horn section. Buffalo’s Café 7:30 p.m. 706-354-6655 ELVIS Local musician Chris Shupe performs a tribute. Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $6 (21+), $8 (18+). www.caledonialounge.com BIT BRIGADE Local supergroup plays the soundtrack to various vintage video games while Noah McCarthy plays—and beats—the game onstage. VELVETEEN PINK This quartet of funksters (including DJ Alfredo of Immuzikation) plays electrobased, groove-laden, upbeat stuff in the Prince, Stevie Wonder and Jamiroquai style. Crow’s Nest 9 p.m. 706-546-7050 THE ELECTRIC SONS Indie/electronic duo from Atlanta. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com LIL’ CHARLES AND THE MUSTANGS Members of Common People Band perform as this “seasonal cover band.” Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. www.flickertheatreandbar.com FOUR EYES Ukulele strummer Erin Lovett plays sweet poppy folk. LOBO MARINA Originally from Richmond, VA, Jameson Price and Laney Sullivan make original music that reflects their travels. BRANDON NELSON MCCOY Local folk songer-songwriter. Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $17. www.georgiatheatre.com SISTER HAZEL Florida-based altrock band known for its radio staple “All For You.” Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 TWIN POWERS DJ Dan Geller (The Gold Party, The Agenda) and friends spin late-night glam rock, new wave, Top 40, punk and Britpop.

Thursday, Feb. 14 continued from p. 23

Highwire Lounge “Friday Night Jazz.” 8–11 p.m. FREE! www.highwirelounge.com RAND LINES Original compositions of pianist Rand Lines with drummer Ben Williams and bassist Carl Lindberg. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ lkshuffleclub DJ MAHOGANY Popular local DJ spins freaky funk, sultry soul, righteous R&B and a whole lotta unexpected faves. Manor 9 p.m. www.manorathens.com HUDA HUDIA Atlanta-based DJ “with an unbelievable ability to spin explosive sounds.” Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 THE GREAT BARRIER REEFS Steel pan-led funk/jazz group based in Nashville. The Office Lounge 10 p.m. 706-546-0840 CAROLINE AIKEN One of Atlanta’s most talented and respected performing songwriters. Her bluesy voice and masterful technique guarantee a hypnotic performance. Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com THE GREAT BARRIER REEFS Steel pan-led funk/jazz group based in Nashville. The World Famous 8 p.m. $10. www.theworldfamousathens.com MADELINE Bell-voiced songwriter Madeline Adams plays endearing songs of smalltown loves, hopes and other assorted torments and joys. EMPTY WELLS Stripped down version of Athens’ favorite swamp-folk band, The Darnell Boys. The Rialto Room 7 p.m. $20. www.indigoathens.com SONGWRITERS IN THE ROUND Featuring Nashville songwriters Mike Dekle, Pat Alger, Byron Hill and Wayland Holyfield.

Saturday 16 40 Watt Club 8 p.m. $13 (adv.), $15 (door). www.40watt.com DREW HOLCOMB AND THE NEIGHBORS Popular Americana band from Nashville. EMILY HEARN Young, fast-rising local singer-songwriter. Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+) $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com WHITE VIOLET Local group playing haunting, brooding, atmospheric indie-pop. See Calendar Pick on p. 18. THAYER SARRANO & THE GLASS ASHES Local group playing hazy, Southern-inspired shoegaze tunes that create desolate musical environments. RYAN GRAY MOORE Solo set from the lead singer of local band Brothers. Crow’s Nest 9 p.m. 706-546-7050 OLD YOU Jazz-funk/rock band from Charleston, SC. COTTER PEN Local quartet plays jammy rockand roll with blues and soul.

Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com HEYROCCO Charleston-based indie rock that plays with dynamics and sound. KOKO BEWARE Local lo-fi, upbeat summery indie-surf rock. SAD DADS Local band featuring members of Blue Division, Velocirapture and The Rodney Kings. The group tells Flagpole it sounds like “shitty Pavement.” Flicker Theatre & Bar 10 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar.com THE HUMMS Local three-piece known for its loud and energetic shows and a raunchy, grooving blend of psychedelic garage rock. THE RODNEY KINGS Scuzzed-out local garage-punk trio. VELOCIRAPTURE Loud and brash local rock group that names Velvet Underground and Stooges among its influences. FAUX FEROCIOUS Nashville-based sloppy, lo-fi rock band with pop sensibilities. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 DJ MAHOGANY Popular local DJ spins freaky funk, sultry soul, righteous R&B and a whole lotta unexpected faves. Green Room 10 p.m. $5. www.greenroomathens. com THE CORDUROY ROAD Rooted in classic Americana, with lots of foot-stomping, banjo-plucking and pedal steel. HAVE GUN, WILL TRAVEL Infectious singalong choruses are the signature of this poppy Americana act. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com BETWEEN NAYBORS Local trio playing a variety of folk-based music that ranges from ‘60s coffeehouse to Richard and Linda Thompson-esque duets to Tom Waits-y rants. Hilltop Grille 7 p.m. FREE! 706-353-7667 CHRIS ENGHAUSER TRIO Local “hillbilly swing” outfit featuring Enghauser, Leah Calvert and Jason Kenney. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ lkshuffleclub IMMUZIKATION Dance party featuring high-energy electro and rock. KEN SWEAT Spinning “24-karat joints from the golden age of rap.” Z-DOGG Loveable local DJ spins top-40 hits, old-school hip-hop, high-energy rock and other danceable favorites. Manor 11 p.m. FREE! www.manorathens.com FERAL YOUTH Banging electro house, dubstep, with a dash of top-40 remixes backed by video projections. The Melting Point 8:30 p.m. $10 (adv.), $13 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com SONS OF SAILORS The CD release party for this Jimmy Buffet cover band. Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 LOWDIVE Local ska/reggae band. The Office Lounge 10 p.m. 706-546-0840 RICK FOWLER Original guitar-driven blues-rock.

Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com RYAN BOSS Atlanta-based singersongwriter. The World Famous 8 p.m. $18 (adv), $20 (door), +$5 for under 21. www.theworldfamousathens.com HOWIE DAY Dark, emotionally raw songs, accompanied live by samplers and effect pedals.

Sunday 17 Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com KLEZMER LOCAL 42 Specializing in Jewish and gypsy music. The Melting Point 7:30 p.m. $12 (adv.), $15 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com ED ROLAND AND THE SWEET TEA PROJECT Collective Soul’s frontman sets up shop for a residency at

UTAH Heavy, downtuned local rock band.

Wednesday 20

Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. FREE! www.hendershotscoffee. com OPEN MIC Local songstress Kyshona Armstrong hosts every Monday!

40 Watt Club 7:30 p.m. $5. www.40watt.com BATTLE OF THE BANDS Night two of the UGA Music Business Program’s third annual battle. Featuring Raptorcat, Kharmaceuticals, Street Rhythm & Rhyme, Will Entrekin and T.S. Woodward.

Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 JAZZ FUNK JAM WITH DREW HART Local musician and Juice Box bassist leads a jam session.

Tuesday 19 Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com PC WORSHIP Brooklyn-based psychrock. See Calendar Pick on p. 18. SHADE Dissonant, groove-oriented local post-punk band. BUBBLY MOMMY GUN Local experimental pop band that plays idiosyncratic, psychedelic tunes.


Boar’s Head Lounge 11 p.m. FREE! 706-369-3040 OPEN MIC NIGHT Showcase your talent. Every Wednesday!


Emily Jackson presents

Women Folk

Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+) $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com THE LOVE IS LOUD!! Soul-inflected post-punk from Milwaukee. ROOT SPIRITS Local two-piece blues-rock outfit draws from American roots music and psychedelia to create an absorbing experience.


Norma Rae & Kate Wright THURSDAY, FEB 14TH

Lobo Marino Rahasya FRIDAY, FEB 15TH

Private Event 7:30-9:30 Drink Specials 9:30-Closing SATURDAY, FEB 16TH

Between Naybors CD Release Party MONDAY, FEB 18TH

Open Mic with


hendershotscoffee.com 1560 oglethorpe ave. 706.353.3050

WILD OF NIGHT New band featuring members of Bubbly Mommy Gun. THE DREAM SCENE Javier Morales’ lo-fi avant-garde pop project.

Ten Pins Tavern 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-546-8090 SUNDAY NIGHT AT THE BOWLING ALLEY BLUES BAND Featuring locals Paul Scales, Randy Durham, John Straw, Dave Herndon and Scott Sanders playing blues jams.

Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $20. www.georgiatheatre.com THE RINGERS Rock, funk, jazz, blues and African music brought together into a unified sound. EDDIE AND THE PUBLIC SPEAKERS Local power trio delivers an energetic show.

The World Famous 7 p.m. $10 (adv), $15 (door). www. theworldfamousathens.com BAIN MATTOX AND SHOT FROM GUNS Rare reunion show from this folk-rock group, playing acoustic music filled out with accordion and mandolin.

Monday 18 Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+) $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com GRIM PICKINS AND THE BASTARD CONGREGATION Southern blues-metal with a tinge of darkness. DARSOMBRA Heavy drone-rock band from Batimore.

The Melting Point Terrapin Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. $5. www. meltingpointathens.com MONKEY GRASS JUG BAND Local roots music crew. Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 FORMER CHAMPIONS High-energy, groove-based music spanning rock, funk, world-beat and nu-jazz.

BAXTER AND THE BASICS Local folk-inspired indie rock band. T.S. WOODWARD Psychedelic, piano-centric pop from this local singer-songwriter. The Melting Point 8 p.m. $5. www.meltingpointathens. com ISAAC BRAMBLETT BAND Southern soul singer with a rootsrock band who has performed with Ike Stubblefield, Sunny Ortiz and Randall Bramblett, to name a few. ADAM EZRA GROUP Pop tunes with a roots vibe. The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn! Porterhouse Grill 7 p.m. FREE! 706-369-0990 JAZZ NIGHT An evening of original music, improv and standards.

The Volstead 9 p.m.–1:30 a.m. 706-354-5300 KARAOKE Every Tuesday!

Tapped 9 p.m. FREE! 706-850-6277 KARAOKE Every Wednesday!

WUOG 90.5 FM Live in the Lobby. 8 p.m. FREE! www. wuog.org MOOD RINGS Dream-pop.

Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com LEAVING COUNTRIES Local group led by guitarist Louis Phillip Pelot.

FEB. 18-20 2013

Opening Ceremony is Feb. 18, 6:00–7:30p.m.

Complete event info at www.aidsathens.org


Made possible by a grant from the


the Melting Point every Sunday from Jan. 13 to Feb. 17. His new project features “new music and a wonderful collection of guest musicians.”


PC Worship plays Farm 255 on Tuesday, Feb. 19. See Calendar Pick on p. 18.


AIDS Athens Since 1987



bulletin board DO SOMETHING; GET INVOLVED! Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board is every THURSDAY at 12 p.m. for the print issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Online listings are updated daily. Email calendar@flagpole.com.

ART “My_Athens� Exhibit (Athens, GA) Instagram users are invited to tag their photos of Athens, GA with the hashtag “#my_athens� to be considered for an exhibit in April. Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity. Visit website for details. www.myathensis.com Call for Artists (OCAF) Seeking submissions for the 18th annual Southworks Juried Art Exhibition, held Apr. 12–May 17. Cash prizes. Visit website for application. Deadline Feb. 16. $25-35. www.ocaf.com Call for Artists (Rocksprings Community Center) The Athens Cultural Affairs Commission invites Athens area artists and art teams to submit proposals for a public art project at Rocksprings Pool and Community Center. Middle and high school students will help with the creation of the art piece. Apply by Feb. 25. Visit website for details. www.athensculturalaffairs.org Call for Artists (The World Famous) The World Famous is looking to display local works of art. The restaurant and live music venue is scheduled to open soon. Interested artists working in any media are encouraged to submit works for consideration. athensmuzik@ hotmail.com Call for Artists (Eco Art Lab) Seeking artists whose works relate to climate change for an exhibit running Mar. 17–Apr. 27. ecoartlaboratory@gmail.com, ecoartlab. wordpress.com Call for Arts & Crafts Vendors (Washington Farms) For Washington Farms’ 3rd Annual Strawberry Festival on Apr. 27. Deadline Mar. 1. See website for

children and adults hand-building methods every Sunday from 2–4 p.m. $20. 706-355-3161, www.gooddirt.net Computer Classes (Madison County Library) Introduction to the Internet. Call to register for a spot. Tuesdays, 2:30–3:30 p.m. or 6:30–7:30 p.m. FREE! Call 706795-5597 Computer Classes (ACC Library) The library also offers online computer classes as well as in-library classes and one-onone instruction. Topics include in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, eBooks and more. Call for times and to register. 706-613-3650 Computer Classes (Oconee County Library) Advanced to beginner computer classes offered by appointment and in scheduled classes. Subjects include email for beginners, Google Earth, Windows and more. Call to register. 706-7693950, watkinsville@athenslibrary. org Dance Classes (Dancefx) Ballet, tap, hip-hop, Zumba, contemporary, foxtrot, Western dancing, strip aerobics, ballroom dancing, salsa, pilates and more. Check website for schedule. 706-355-3078, www.dancefx.org Garden Geology (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Dan Williams, Forest Manager at the UGA Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, teaches about Georgia’s six geologic provinces; how they were formed, how to identify them and how they affect plants, animals and people. Participants will make their own collection of Georgia rocks and receive a copy of Rocks of Georgia, a companion to the sessions. Wednesdays through Feb. 27, 4-6 p.m. $45. www.botgarden. uga.edu

details. $65–115. www.washington farms.net/festival-information Seeking Artists and Performers (Athens, GA) Makers and artists of all stripes, as well as demonstrators, circus performers, puppeteers, acrobats, nonprofits and local school art clubs are invited to apply to be a part of the Lovely Spring Day show on May 4. Deadline Mar. 24. $15 (application fee), $80 (booth). indiesouthfair@ gmail.com, www.indiesouthfair.com The Art Rocks Athens Foundation (Athens, GA) Seeking artists who were creating art in, or related to, Athens between 1975–1985 for a major retrospective exhibition at Lamar Dodd May 23–July 31, 2014. The retrospective will explore the relationship between visual arts and the birth of the Athens music scene. www.artrocks athens.com

AUDITIONS Chorale Auditions (Athens Master Chorale) Now accepting auditions for alto, tenor and bass voice parts. Contact Joseph Napoli for information and scheduling. 706546-0023, evenings only.

CLASSES Arrow Yoga Classes (Arrow) Arrow offers ongoing prenatal yoga classes and mama/baby yoga classes. No pre-registration necessary. Visit website for details. www.ourarrow.com Clay Classes (Good Dirt) Weekly “Try Clay� classes ($20/person) introduce participants to the potter’s wheel every Friday from 7–9 p.m. “Family Try Clay� classes show



Open every day except Wednesday 10am-4pm Two small golden Terriers below, both friendly and confident and not neutered so they probably got lost while looking for lady dogs. The one on the left is a Norfolk Terrier mix and the more groomed-looking one is a Norwich Terrier mix. Both weigh about 14 pounds.

1/31 to 2/6







The two above were found together and are obviously pals. The smaller black and tan Chihuahua is Boss Dog and the slightly larger Basenji mix is the easygoing sidekick. Both are calm young males, trusting and fine with being handled. Cute Hound pup has six toes on his back feet! Happy-go-lucky and loves other dogs. Great family dog in the making.

ACC ANIMAL CONTROL more local adoptable cats and dogs at 16 Dogs Received, 18 Dogs Placed! 9 Cats Received, 1 Cat Placed athenspets.net ATHENS AREA HUMANE SOCIETY 14 Animals Received, 3 Animals Placed, 0 Healthy Adoptable Animals Euthanized


Lola Brooks’ metalwork designs are on display at the Lamar Dodd School of Art through Mar. 7. Gentle Flow Yoga (Athens Five Points Yoga Studio) Lunchtime flow yoga at a slower pace. Prenatal or beginners welcome. Every Tuesday, 12 p.m. $14. 706-355-3114, info@5pointsyoga.com Gentle Hatha Integral Yoga (St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church) All levels welcome. Tuesdays, 5:30–7 p.m. $9/class. 706-543-0162, mfhealy@bellsouth.net, www.mindfuliving.org Healing Circle (Healing Arts Centre) A combination of reiki, chant and other forms of holistic and spiritual healing modalities to assist with healing the body/mind duality. 6 p.m. Fridays. 706-351-6024 Mobile Computer Classes (Madison County Library) Mobile Computer Labs are held in vans fully outfitted with computer equipment and a trainer. 90-minute classes include computer basics, Internet and email, e-readers, Microsoft Office programs and social networking. Call to make reservation. Classes held Wednesdays, 10 a.m. in The Comer Learning Center and 1:30 p.m. in the Sanford Community Center. FREE! 706-795-5597. Printmaking Workshops (Double Dutch Press) Workshops in creating valentines, one color or multicolor screenprint, reductive woodcut, stampmaking, relief printmaking, one color linocut and stationery. Call or check website for ongoing dates and all prices. 706546-0994, www.doubledutchpress. com Readers’ Theatre Workshop (Memorial Park, Quinn Hall) Athens Creative Theatre conducts a program for teens and adults using scripts so that the characterization occurs solely through the actor’s voice and expressions. Mondays, Feb. 18–Mar. 25, 6–8 p.m. $50–75. 706613-3628, www.athensclarkecounty. com/act Transformational Doll Workshop(Call for Location) Local artist Barbara Odil leads a two-day experiential workshop in creating dolls that reflect pivotal life events. Feb. 23, 9:30 a.m.–6 p.m. & Feb. 24, 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. $250, $125 advance deposit. 706-546-5601 Yoga Teacher Training (Whole: Mind. Body. Art.) Yoga Allianceregistered 200-hour yoga teacher training. Journey more deeply into your own practice while learning technical skills necessary to become a stellar yoga instructor. Every Saturday, through May 11, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. $1,450. www.yogafulday.com

Yoga Teacher Training (Athens Five Points Yoga Studio) Yoga Alliance-registered 200-hour yoga teacher training. Journey more deeply into your own practice while learning technical skills necessary to become a stellar yoga instructor. Every Saturday through July 20, 12 p.m. $1,900. www.athensfivepoints yoga.com Yoga and Bellydancing Classes (Healing Arts Centre) Several types of ongoing classes are offered for all levels, including ashtanga, therapeutic, vinyasa and power lunch yoga, pilates and yoga teacher training, as well as beginner bellydancing. Visit website for details. www.healingartscentre.net Zumba (Athens Latino Center for Education and Services (ALCES)) Instructed by Maricela Delgado. Every Monday, 7:30–8:30 p.m. and Tuesday, 6–7 p.m. & 7:15–8:15 p.m. $5 (1 class), $8 (for both Tues. classes). 706-540-0591 Zumba at the Garden (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves comprise this dynamic fitness program. Wednesdays, 5:30–6:30 p.m. $10/class, $70/session. www.uga. edu/botgarden Zumba(r) with Ingrid (Casa de Amistad) A dance fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music. Fridays, 6–7 p.m. $5. zumbathens@gmail.com

HELP OUT BikeAthens Bike Recycling Program (BikeAthens) BikeAthens seeks volunteers to recondition bikes for Athenians underserved by private and public transportation. First-time volunteers begin with a commitment of 10 hours, or four work sessions, and should come on a Wednesday for an orientation session. Mondays & Wednesdays, 6–8:30 p.m. & Sundays, 2–4:30 p.m. Women’s night, Tuesdays, 6–8:30 p.m. www.bikeathens.com Seeking Farming Volunteers (Athens, GA) Hungry Gnome Gardenscapes is a for-profit organization dedicated to empowering people to grow their own food through design and installation of edible landscapes following permaculture principles and ethics. Email to volunteer. maggie@hungrygnome.org, www.hungrygnome.org Volunteers Needed (Homestead Hospice) Help patients and their families living with terminal illness.

706-548-8444, www.homestead hospice.net/volunteers.html

KIDSTUFF Arts in the Afternoon (East Athens Community Center) Afterschool program teaches arts and crafts and allows children to create original artwork. For children ages 6–15. Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3593 Drop-in Crafting for Kids (Madison County Library) All-day drop-in crafting for kids. Feb. 15–18. 10 a.m.–6 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597 Fantastic Fridays (Bishop Park, Gym) Various obstacle courses and activities for ages 10 months–4 years and their parents. Call to register. 10–11:30 a.m. $5. 7:30. 706-613-3589 Kids’ Craft Classes (Treehouse Kid and Craft) Mama/Papa & Me craft class for ages 1–3 (Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. & Saturdays, 10 a.m.), Craft Club for ages 6–8 (Wednesdays, 4 p.m.) and ages 3–5 (Thursdays, 4 p.m.) and Family Crafterdays (Saturdays, 11 a.m.). $10/class, $30/4 classes. 706-8508226, www.treehousekidandcraft. com New Mamas & Babies Group (Arrow) Meet other new parents and their pre-crawling little ones. Caregivers Jean Anderson and Rebecca Espana host. Thursdays, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. $5, $30 (8 visits). www.ourarrow.com Pop-In Playtime (Pump It Up) Children ages 11 & under can bounce around and have a jumping good time in a safe, indoor environment. Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30 p.m. $3 (ages 2 & under), $6 (ages 2 & up). 706-613-5676 Shared Nanny Sessions (Arrow) Caregiving with a child ratio of 1 to 3. For ages 6 months–4 years. Registration required. Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m. $30–125. ourarrow@gmail.com, www.our arrow.com Sirius Athletics Track Club (Lay Park) Kids ages 6–12 of all athletic abilities can learn proper technique and sportsmanship in a safe and encouraging environment. Events include sprint and distance running, relays, softball throw, shot put and high jump. Tuesdays & Thursdays, Feb. 16–May 14, 3:30–5:30 p.m. $100. www.sirius athletics.org

Spanish Lessons for Tots (Arrow) Spanish lessons with music, dancing and fun surprises led by Sarah Ehlers. For ages 2.5–4 years old. Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $10. ourarrow@gmail.com StoryTubes Contest (ACC Library) Kids are invited to create two-minute videos featuring their favorite book or series for a chance to win prizes. For ages 5–18. Deadline Feb. 24, 10 p.m. www.storytubes.info Yoga Sprouts Family Yoga (Athens Five Points Yoga Studio) For children ages 2 & older with an adult. Sundays. 1–1:45 p.m. $60. yogasprouts@gmail.com, www.athensfivepointsyoga.com

SUPPORT Alcoholics Anonymous (Athens, GA) If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. 706-389-4164, www.athensaa.com Chronic Illness Support Group (Oasis Counseling Center) Six-week group meetings for individuals dealing with fibromyalgia, arthritis, lupus, cancer, severe injuries and other chronic medical conditions. One-hour intake appointment required. Every Wednesday, 1:30–3 p.m. through

Feb. 27. $50 (appointment), $15/ session. 706-543-3522, info@ oasisconselingcenter.com Domestic Violence Support Group (Athens, GA) Support, healing and dinner for survivors of domestic violence. Tuesdays, 6–8 p.m., in Clarke County. First and Third Mondays, 6:30–8 p.m., in Madison County. Childcare provided. 706-543-3331 (hotline), 706-613-3357, ext. 771. Emotional Abuse Support Group (Athens, GA) Demeaning behavior and hateful words can be just as harmful as punches and kicks. Childcare provided. Call for location. Every Wednesday. 6:30–8 p.m. FREE! 706-543-3331 (hotline), 706-613-3357, ext. 771. Emotions Anonymous (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens) A 12-step program open to anyone with a desire to become well emotionally. Sundays, 4–5 p.m. 706-202-7463, www.emotions anonymous.org Women’s Empowerment Group (Oasis Counseling Center) A small therapeutic group for women to work on vulnerability, setting boundaries, assertiveness, self-care and more. Sign up for individual or all sessions. Every Wednesday, Feb. 20–Apr. 10. 5:30–7 p.m. $50 (intake appointment), $15/session. 706-543-3522

ART AROUND TOWN A LA FERA (2440 W. Broad St.) Mixed media with naturalistic scenes by Taylor Bryant. Through February. AMICI ITALIAN CAFÉ (233 E. Clayton St.) Musician portraits and patterns in oil and acrylics by Lauren Dellaria. Through February. ANTIQUES & JEWELS ART GALLERY (290 N. Milledge Ave.) Paintings by Mary Porter, Christine Shockley, Dortha Jacobson, Lana Mitchell, John Gholson, Greg Benson and Ainhoa Bilbao Canup. Art quilt by Elizabeth Barton and handmade jewelry by various artists. ART ON THE SIDE GALLERY AND GIFTS (1011B Industrial Blvd., Watkinsville) A gallery featuring works by various artists in media including ceramics, paintings and fused glass. ARTINI’S ART LOUNGE (296 W. Broad St.) “Into the Wind,” flowing figurative paintings by Ainhoa Canup. Through February. ATHENS ACADEMY (1281 Spartan Lane) In the Myers Gallery, “The Spirit Show,” featuring works by Ana Anest, Barbara Odil, Claire Dunphy, Mary Padgelek, Father Anthony Salzman, Wendy Ortel and Scott Pope. In the Bertelsmann Gallery, artwork by Gary Grossman and Stanley Bermudez. Through Feb. 22. ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART (ATHICA, 160 Tracy St.) “And I Feel Fine” includes works by Paul Pfeiffer, Caitlin Foster, Liz Fuller, Maya Hayuk, Zachary Fabri, David Mazure, Suko Presseau and Anthony Wislar that celebrate the artist as an optimist in the wake of worldwide calamity. Through Mar. 10. THE BRANDED BUTCHER (225 N. Lumpkin St.) Paintings and drawings by Sanithna Phansavanh. BROAD STREET COFFEE (1660 W. Broad St.) Still-life oil paintings by Kim Shockley-Karelson. CINÉ BARCAFÉ (234 W. Hancock Ave.) “TV Dinners” by Paul Thomas. Through Feb. 18. CIRCLE GALLERY (285 S. Jackson St.) “Discrete Aperture: The Work of Nils Folke Anderson.” Through Feb. 15. THE CLASSIC CENTER (300 N. Thomas St.) The AIDS Quilt features over 600 panels. Opening reception Feb. 18. Closing reception Feb. 20. EARTH FARE (1689 S. Lumpkin St.) Paintings by Mary Porter. FARMINGTON DEPOT GALLERY (1011 Salem Rd., Farmington) Owned and staffed by 16 artists, the gallery exhibits paintings, sculpture, folk art, ceramics and fine furniture. Permanent collection artists include John Weber, Suzanna Antonez-Edens, Diane Perry, John Cleaveland and more. FLICKER THEATRE & BAR (263 W. Washington St.) Artwork by Annie Marcum. Through February. FRONTIER (193 E. Clayton St.) An installation by Kassie Arcate. GALLERY@HOTEL INDIGO (500 College Ave.) “Wish” features photography by Thom Houser and Jason Thrasher, jewelry by Mary Hallam Pearse, textiles by Jennifer Crenshaw, paintings by Joshua Beinko, Claire Joyce and Margaret Morrison, and a work by the Paper Cut Project duo Nikki Nye and Amy Flurry. Through Mar. 21. • In the Glass Cube, a new piece by Martijn van Wagtendonk. Through Mar. 21. GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART (90 Carlton St.) “John Haley: Berkeley School Abstract Expressionist.” Through Mar. 3. • “Minna Citron: The Uncharted Course from Realism to Abstraction.” Through Mar. 3. • “Water Music” combines visual perspectives on the theme of water and the idea of water music. Through Mar. 10. • “From Savanna to Savannah: African Art from the Collection of Don Kole. Through Apr. 14. • “Americans in Italy.” Through Apr. 21. • “Defiant Beauty: The Work of Chakaia Booker” consists of large-scale sculptures created from tires. Through Apr. 30.

ON THE STREET Beat the Heat: Cat Spaying and Neutering (Athens Area Humane Society) The Athens Area Humane Society offers a special spay/neuter rate during February and March. Mention the promotion when scheduling a procedure. $35-45. 706-769-9155, www.athenshumane society.org Faith & Citizenship: Religion in the Public Square Conference (The Classic Center) Barbara Brown Taylor keynotes the conference exploring the role of faith in the public square, with special attention to the ethics of political engagement. Three meals included. Friday evening at The Classic Center and Saturday at Piedmont College. Feb. 22, 5 p.m.–Feb. 23, 3:30 p.m. $150–175. 706-369-6833, jkidd@ piedmont.edu Feb. 22, 5 p.m.–Feb. 23, 3:30 p.m. $150–175. 706-3696833, jkidd@piedmont.edu Mandala Journal (Athens, GA) An online, multicultural visual and literary arts journal seeking fiction, nonfiction, poetry and art. Deadline is Feb. 14. mandala.uga.edu Pet First Aid and CPR Course (Athens Area Humane Society) Learn how to administer immediate care to a pet who is injured or ill. Class covers restraining an ill or injured pet,

CPR and rescue breathing, bleeding injuries, heat and cold injuries, snake/insect bites, bandaging and more. Visit website to register. Feb. 23, Mar. 2 & Apr. 13, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. $50. www.athenshumanesociety.org Senior Trip to Lavonia (ACC Council on Aging) Adults ages 50 and older are invited to a guided tour along the “Quilt Trail” that tells the story of Lavonia, and to visit the recently restored Burgess Historical Cemetery. Lunch and shopping to follow. Call to pre-register by Feb. 14. Feb. 22, 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. $12. 706-613-3580 Tax Preparation Help(Multiple Locations) Free federal and tax preparation and e-filing offered by AARP Tax-Aide Program available through Apr. 13. Please bring 2012 tax documents, supporting information and a copy of a 2011 tax return. Monday, 1–4:30 p.m. at Oconee Co. Library. Wednesday–Saturday, 9 am.–1 p.m. at Epps Bridge Pkwy. Kroger. Tuesday, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. at Oglethorpe Library. Valentine’s Raffle (Athens, GA) The Athens Area Humane Society is offering a Valentine’s raffle worth over $1,000. The raffle includes gifts from Hotel Indigo, Model Citizen Salon, Flirt Fashions, Big City Bread and more. Visit website to purchase a raffle ticket through Feb. 13. $25. www.athenshumanesociety.org f

Valentine’s Day Thursday,February 14 6 pm

Dirty Singles Night

(Optional Secret Valentine Match Making Game) 6 Wings and a Premium Draft $6 Bottles of champagne $5 Pitchers of House Margaritas $10

10 pm

Free Concert

with Gray Brantley Upstairs at The Crow’s Nest

*() <8JK N8J?@E> K FE JK% .'-$,+-$.','

THE GRIT (199 Prince Ave.) Photography by Forrest Aguar. Through February. • Paintings by Andy Cherewick. Opens Feb. 17. HEIRLOOM CAFE AND FRESH MARKET (815 N. Chase St.) Paintings by Kristine Leschper. Through March. HENDERSHOT’S COFFEE BAR (1560 Oglethorpe Dr.) “Wrestler Series” by Dan Smith aka SeeDanPaint. Through Mar. 2. HIGHWIRE LOUNGE (269 N. Hull St.) Local fashion designer Alexandra Parsons showcases fashion illustrations. Through Feb. 23. JITTERY JOE’S ALPS (1480 Baxter St.) Photography by Adrina Ray. JITTERY JOE’S DOWNTOWN (297 E. Broad St.) “Ballet Life” features photographs of ballerinas in unusual places by Chris Scredon. JITTERY JOE’S FIVE POINTS (1230 S. Milledge Ave.) Photography by Jamie deRevere. JUST PHO (1063 Baxter St.) Drawings and paintings by Michele Chidester. KRIMSON KAFE (40 Greensboro Hwy., Watkinsville) Acrylic paintings by Megan Bennett. Through February. KUMQUAT MAE (18 Barnett Shoals Rd., Watkinsville) Photography by Craig Gun. Through February. LAMAR DODD SCHOOL OF ART (270 River Rd.) Metalwork by Lola Brooks. Through Mar. 7. LOFT GALLERY AT CHOPS & HOPS (2 S. Main St., Watkinsville) Artwork by Jessica “Cobra” McVey. LYNDON HOUSE ARTS CENTER (293 Hoyt St.) “Period Decorative Arts Collection (1840–1890)” includes artifacts related to the historic house. MADISON COUNTY LIBRARY (3151 Hwy. 98 W, Danielsville) Two mixed media pieces made from reclaimed materials, found objects and carefully altered natural sources by Ronald E. Moran. MADISON MORGAN CULTURAL CENTER (424 S. Main St., Madison) “Consequences of War” features “Flight,” an exhibit of lithographs by 12 mid-century masters. Through Feb. 24. MAMA’S BOY (197 Oak St.) Photographs of the restaurant’s staff as babies and children. Through February. OCONEE COUNTY LIBRARY (1080 Experiment Station Rd.) Works by lacemaker Caroline Ingle. Through February. OCONEE CULTURAL ARTS FOUNDATION (OCAF, 34 School St., Watkinsville) “Material Wonders” showcases works by current UGA graduate students. Through Feb. 15. PERK AVENUE (111. W. Jefferson St., Madison) “Point of Origin,” works by Katharine Wibell. Through March. SEWCIAL STUDIO (160 Tracy St.) Hand-dyed art quilts by Anita Heady and rust and over-dyed fabric on canvas by Bill Heady. STATE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF GEORGIA (2450 S. Milledge Ave.) “Women on Paper,” works by Lauren Kerbelis, Gail Smith, Caroline Swanson, Nancy Schultz, Karen Banker, Lillie Morris and Ingrid Hofer. Through March 3. STRAND HAIR STUDIO (1625 S. Lumpkin St.) “The Last Art Show” at Strand features oil paintings by the late William Joyce, father of Strand owner Mike Joyce. Through February. SURGERY CENTER OF ATHENS (2142 W. Broad St.) Oil paintings by Dortha Jacobson. Through February. TOWN 220 (220 W. Washington St., Madison) “Earthly Abstraction” features works using natural materials by Jack Kehoe, Kipley Meyer, Brian Rust and Dwight Smith. Through Apr. 28. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH GEORGIA OCONEE CAMPUS (1201 Bishop Farms Pkwy.) “Otros Soñadores” includes works by Stanley Bermudez, Nestor Armando Gil, Groana Melendez and Mabi Ponce. Through Feb. 13. WHITE TIGER (217 Hiawassee Ave.) Colorful paintings of scenes in Athens by Mary Porter.




Buy It, Sell It, Rent It, Use It! Place an ad anytime at flagpole.com  Indicates images available at flagpole.com

Real Estate Apartments for Rent 1BR/1BA. All elec. Nice apt. Water provided. On bus line. Single pref. Avail now! (706) 543-4271. 1, 2 & 3BR units avail. all in 5 Pts. area. Rent beginning for 1BR units at $500/mo. 2BR units begin at $700/mo. Call (706) 546-0300 for additional info or to schedule a time to view. I heart Flagpole Classifieds! Apts. on great in–town streets. Grady & Boulevard. Walk everywhere! Water & garbage paid. $495–$750/ mo. Check out w w w. boulevardproperty management.com or call (706) 548-9797.

2BR apts. Tile, W/D f u r n i s h e d , a i r. D w n t n . & b u s ro u t e . S e c u r i t y provided. Certified references. $500/mo. No dep. Call Louis, (706) 338-3126. College Station. 2BR/2BA on bus line. All appls. + W/D, FP, extra closet space, water/ garbage incl. $550/mo. Owner/Agent, (706) 3402450. Now pre-leasing for Fall 2013. Baldwin Village, across street from UGA, 2 blocks from Dwntn. Spring or summer move-in. 1, 2 & 3 BR apts., water incl., on-site laundry, on-call maint., free parking, no pets. $475-700/mo. On-site mgr., 9-1 M-F or by appt. (706) 3544261.

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Half off rent 1st 2 mos. when you mention this ad! 2BR/2BA apts. a few blocks from Dwntn. off North Ave. Pet friendly! Dep. only $250. Rent from $625-675/mo. incl. trash. (706) 548-2522, www. dovetailmanagement.com.

Commercial Property Chase Park Paint Artist Studios. Historic Blvd. a r t i s t c o m m u n i t y. 1 6 0 Tracy St. Rent 300 sf., $150 mo. 400 sf., $200/mo. (706) 546-1615 or www. a t h e n s t o w n p ro p e r t i e s . com. Eastside offices, 1060 Gaines School Rd. Rent 750 sf. $900/mo., 400 sf. $600/mo. (706) 546-1615 or athenstownproperties. com. Tu r n t o F L A G P O L E CLASSIFIEDS to find roommates, apartments, houses, etc. Prince Ave. near Daily G ro c e r y, 2 n d f l o o r, 4 huge offices w/ lobby & kitchen. Super nice. $1200/mo. Call Cole, (706) 202-2733. www. boulevardproperty management.com.


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• Deadline to place ads is 11:00 a.m. every Monday for the following Wednesday issue • All ads must be prepaid • Set up an account to review your placement history or replace old ads at flagpole.com




Call for Location and Availability.

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Condos for Rent Houses for Rent Gigantic 5BR/3BA. End of Lumpkin. 2500 sf. 2 LRs, huge laundry rm., DR, FP, big deck. DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. $1600/ mo. (706) 338-9173.

Duplexes For Rent 2BR/1BA duplex. Ver y nice, HWflrs., quiet area in Hull near Ingles. $495/mo. +$450 dep. 1 yr. lease. No pets. Call (706) 6124943. 2BR/1BA newly renovated apt. w/ private deck only minutes from campus for $600/mo. New fridge, range, WD. W a t e r, l a n d s c a p e incl. Call (404) 8193506, (706) 207-1825 or pulkitg1@yahoo. com. Read online 24/7 at: classifieds.flagpole.com Brick duplex, 2BR/1BA, very clean. Just 2 mi. to campus on nor th side Athens. 2 units avail. Pets OK. Grad. students & professionals welcome. $500/mo. + dep. (706) 351-3074. F i v e P t s . , a c ro s s f ro m Memorial Park. 2BR/1BA. W/D incl. CHAC, all new carpet, ceiling fans. Quiet & private. No dogs. $600/mo. 706202-9805

JAMESTOWN 2BR/2.5BA Townhouse In Five Points

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TOWNHOUSES IN 5 POINTS, EAST SIDE AND WEST SIDE Call today Prices range from $ to view! 750-$1000

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001



Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

2BR/2.5BA townhouse. Incl. W/D, fridge, microwave, oven & DW. Located Mallard Creek subdivision at Loop 10 & Oglethorpe. No Pets. $750/mo. $750 dep. Call Bob, (770) 617-6612. 2BR/2BA near mall. FP, screened porch, walk-in closet. W/D, water/trash incl. Short or long term lease. Pets welcome. Super convenient! Only $800/mo. Aaron, (706) 207-2957. 3BR/2BA in Normaltown. Avail. now! HWflrs., CHAC, quiet street. Grad students pref’d. Rent negotiable. (706) 372-1505. 3BR/2BA, 2077 S. Lumpkin, $1200/mo. W/D., DW, sec. sys. & ceiling fans. 3BR/2BA, 2071 Lumpkin, $1000/mo. incl. water, lawn maint. & garbage. W/D, DW. (706) 546-0300. 3BR/3BA newer houses, Dwntn. Walk everywhere! Walk-in closets, stainless, private BA, porches, deck. W/D incl., pre-leasing for fall. $1500/mo. Aaron, (706) 207-2957. 3BR/2BA house Dwntn. Walk ever ywhere! W/D incl. Fenced backyard. Pets OK. Avail 1/1/13. Short or long term lease option. Only $1000/mo. Aaron, (706) 207-2957. 4BR/4BA newer houses, Dwntn. Walk everywhere! Walk-in closets, stainless, private BA, porches, deck. W/D incl., pre-leasing for fall. $1900/mo. Aaron, (706) 207-2957. 5 Pts. 2BR/1BA. Great location. Great for grad student. Walk to campus. W/D, CHAC, nice patio. Pets OK. $650-$700/mo. Avail. 8/1. Call (706) 3389173.



Some units include fireplaces and Washer & Dryers. $550-$600/mo. Call Today to view.

Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Awesome 3BR/2BA, close to campus. New master BA w/ double sink. HWflrs., fenced backyard. W/D, DW, CHAC. Avail. 8/1. $1200/mo. (706) 3389173. Country Cottage, 15 mi. north of Athens. 1BR + office, spotless interior, berber carpet, cherry cabinets, W/D. Screen porch w/ view of fields & horses. Trees, garden spot, storage shed. 1 mi. to stores, restaurant. Perfect for grad student, writer, etc. No cats or dogs, but bunnies, chickens ok. $575/mo. + dep. Phone (678) 7737039. Fall leasing: 1, 2, 3 & 4 BR houses & apts. 5 Pts. & Dwntn. See at www. bondrealestate.org. Owner Broker Herber t Bond Realty & Investment. Lic. #H13552. (706) 2248002. Great 4BR/4BA house. 1/2 mi. from campus. Front porch, back deck, nice yd., DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. Special! $1550/mo. (706) 3389173. House on Lexington Rd. Located on bus line. 3BR/2BA w/ garage apt. & sm. yd. W/D, DW, CHAC. $595/mo. (706) 549-9456. S p a c i o u s 4 B R / 2 BA brick home on Milledge Ave. Close to everything. HW & tile flrs., CHAC, W/D, lg. LR, den, screened porch, fenced yd., lots of storage. $1000/mo. or $300 per. room (404) 808-2351.

Parking & Storage Parking places for rent across from UGA. $30/mo. (706) 354-4261.

Pre-Leasing Best rentals in Athens! 1–5BR houses, apts., condos. In the heart of UGA/Dwntn./5 Pts. Avail. Aug. 1. Going fast, call today! (706) 338-9173 for more info.




1BR in 3BR house. Shared BA, 2 male housemates: 1 student, 1 graduate. S. Milledge & Parkway. $295/ mo. + utils. & internet. Av a i l n o w. ( 7 0 6 ) 3 8 0 2806.

Nuçi’s Space needs your old instruments & music gear! All donations are taxdeductible. Call (706) 2271515 or come by Nuçi’s Space, 396 Oconee St.

Professional Psychic. Your life in the present is a result of your decisions from past. Make better decisions for your future relationships & money. (706) 548-8598.

Now available: Roommate needed immediately for house off Pulaski St. Screened porch, W/D. Only a 10 min. walk from Dwntn. Only $250/mo. Calls only: (706) 5489744.

Sub-lease I am looking for an apt. to sublease in Five Pts. area from mid-May to beginning of Aug. I have a dog & am a senior at UGA. Call Samuel Sutlive, (706) 7171714.

For Sale Miscellaneous Come to Cillies, 175 E. Clayton St. for vintage Louis Vuitton. 20% off single purchase of clothing, boots and jewelry (excl. J. Crew). 1/ person. Instant cash is now being paid for good vinyl records & CDs in fine condition. Wuxtry Records, at corner of Clayton & College downtown. (706) 3699428.

Yard Sales Cleveland Road Elementary School fundraiser, 1700 Cleveland Rd., Bogart. Sat., Feb. 16, 7 am-noon, Indoors. Furniture, clothes, toys, books, jewelry, kitchen items & much more. Cash only.

Music Announcements You know what? Flagpole needs you. We’ve been here for 25 years & that is a damn big deal, but it’s only because all of you are so talented & interesting to read & write about! To c e l e b r a t e o u r a n n i v e r s a r y, w e ’ r e looking for musicians t o c re a t e a t h e m e song about Flagpole. Really let loose! Email submissions to themesong@flagpole. com by Feb. 28. Winners will record their song in a professional studio, perform it at the 2013 Flagpole Music Awards & win PRIZES!

Instruction Athens School of M u s i c . Instruction in g u i t a r, b a s s , d r u m s , piano, voice, brass, woodwinds, strings, banjo, mandolin, fiddle & more. From beginner to expert. Instrument repairs avail. Visit www. AthensSchoolofMusic. com, (706) 543-5800. Music Go Round buys musical instruments & equipment ever y day! Guitars, cymbals, basses, banjos, microphones & more. (770) 931-9190, www.musicgoroundlilburn. com. Huge, online inventory. We love trades! Come visit us soon... we’re open everyday!

Music Services Fret Shop. Professional guitar repairs & modifications, setups, e l e c t ro n i c s , p re c i s i o n fretwork. Previous clients incl. R.E.M., Widespread P a n i c , C r a c k e r, B o b Mould, John Berry, Abbey Road Live!, Squat. (706) 549-1567. Do you want to make $$$ with your music related business? Are you advertising in Flagpole? Call (706) 549-0301 for details. Wedding bands. Quality, professional bands. Weddings, parties. Rock, jazz, etc. Call Classic City Entertainment. (706) 549-1567. www. classiccityentertainment. com. Featuring The Magictones - Athens’ premiere wedding & party band. www.themagictones. com.

Services Cleaning Home cleaning. Earth & pet friendly. Easy on the budget. Text/ call Nick, (706) 8 51 - 90 8 7. Fo l low m e o n Tw i t t e r @ homeathens.

Misc. Services Rose Alternations moved to 50 Gaines School Rd, in the little shopping center next to McDonald’s, from S. Milledge Ave. 20% off before 3/31/13! (706) 3510552.

Jobs Full-time Blind Pig Tavern is hiring experienced line cooks. Apply in person at 485 Baldwin St. C a l l c e n t e r representative. Join established Athens company calling CEOs & CFOs of major corporations generating sales leads for tech companies. $9/ hr. BOS Staffing, www. bostemps.com, (706) 3533030. FT or PT hair stylist position at Rocket Salon. Fun, laid back. Must have GA license. Commission. Apply in person or at rocketsalon@gmail.com. The Spa at Foundry Park Inn is currently searching for excellent massage therapists. To apply, visit us at www.foundryparkinn. com/careers.

Jobs Wanted Nice, Christian lady in her 40s seeking a job as a nanny. Experienced, reasonable rates. References avail. Safety & well-being, #1 priority. Dwntn., Normaltown, GA Sq. Mall areas. Leave message for Emily Newton. (706) 316-3990.

Opportunities Seeking women ages 30-65 for an 8-week study examining the effects of a protein or carbohydrate diet and/or an interval training exercise program on metabolic syndrome risk factors. Participants can earn up to $100 and a free 3 mo. trial membership at the UGA Fitness Center w/ successful completion of all testing. Contact Rachelle Acitelli at (706) 389-0272, or ephitstudy@gmail. com.

The Body Composition and Metabolism Lab in the Department of Kinesiology is seeking women ages 25–45 for a supervised walking study. Females sought for a 9-week study to examine the behavioral changes that occur in response to a structured exercise program. Participants will receive a free diet & body composition assessment as well as monetary compensation. Contact: Dr. Michael Schmidt at uga. project.pace@gmail.com.


Part-time Fantasy World! Hiring private lingerie models. No exp. necessary. We train. Flexible scheduling. Call (706) 613-8986 or visit 1050 Baxter St., Athens. NEED A JOB? FullTime and Part-Time opportunities are listed weekly in the Flagpole Classifieds.

Notices Messages I’m trying to find the woman I saw in Thai Spoon Wednesday 2/6/13 between 6:30–7 p.m. Long, dark brown hair w/ bangs, jeans, boots & furry vest. Girlfriend had long l i g h t e r b r o w n h a i r, glasses & braces. I was across the aisle from you: long black hair & gray/white beard. If you see this, write rockdoc91254@yahoo. The Body Composition and Metabolism Lab is seeking breast cancer survivors, ages 4 5 - 6 5 , for a research study examining p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y, physical function, health re l a t e d q u a l i t y o f l i f e and thermal sensitivity. Please email uga.bcml@ gmail.com or call (706) 389-4272. Happy Valentine’s Day! XOXO Lose your puppy? Need a date? Want to find that guy you saw at the bar last weekend? Place your ad here.


Located on Broad & Clayton Streets

PRELEASE NOW for Fall 2013! Live across from the UGA Arch & above your favorite downtown hangouts!



Curated by Hope Hilton with Jen Holt


FEBRUARY 16 ARTIST TALK & PERFORMANCE: by visiting artist Zachary Fabri. 7pm.

Athens Institute for Contemporary Art 160 Tracy St., Unit 4, Athens, GA 30601 www.athica.org 706.208.1613

Week of 2/11/13 - 2/17/13

The Weekly Crossword 1















16 18







24 27


25 28

29 32

31 34


by Margie E. Burke 8








46 50









48 52

33 35

51 54


55 59

61 62


ACROSS 1 Ran a credit card 7 Out like a light 13 Bravo follower 14 Ladies' man 16 Peruses anew 17 Eric Clapton song that repeats "she don't lie" 18 Organ with a canal 19 Eighth planet 21 One of the Bobbsey Twins 22 Greek portico 24 Poker ploy 25 Constrained, with "up" 26 Flip-flop 28 Winter driving hazard 29 Cut a rug 30 Workshop 32 Farm alarm 34 Cut, as grass 35 Knack for comebacks 36 Milky Way ingredient 40 Let loose 44 Tickle pink 45 Nile viper

Copyright 2013 by The Puzzle Syndicate

47 Southwest plant 48 Icy covering 49 Soft shoe material 51 Lowly laborer 52 Little rascal 53 Part of CPU 55 Clothe 56 Where sailors go 58 Create a stir 60 Down greedily 61 Fill-in worker 62 Part of TLC 63 Sawbuck, to a Brit

12 Sinner's punishment 13 Reaches a peak 15 Lease signer 20 Nervous twitch 23 Bring to life 25 Old-school publishing technique 27 Garden decoration 29 Frilly mat 31 Fill with wonder 33 Part of BYOB 36 Shade of red 37 Sustenance 38 Destructive spree DOWN 39 Do the wash 1 Put away, as a 40 Skyward air sword current 2 Strategic 41 Transparent planning place overlay 3 Anger 42 Moped's cousin 4 Architect's 43 Closet drawing accessory 5 Pillow filling 46 Volleyball action 6 Hopeless feeling 49 Suit fabric 7 Whistle blower 50 Scout rank 8 Stood out 53 Jack, for one 9 Wedding dress 54 MGM mascot trim 57 Took the gold 10 Historical period 59 Sunbather's goal 11 Renowned

Crossword puzzle answers are available at www.flagpole.com/crossword




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3/8/12 10:50 AM

reality check Matters Of The Heart And Loins My boyfriend is pretty much awesome, except for the one time that he cheated on me while tripping with his female friend. This sucked and was horrible, but we decided our relationship was too good to chuck away over one mistake. I wanted him to stop this friendship, but he won’t take the request. I think that it is a simple way of showing that he cares about my feelings and has no feelings for his friend. It hurts me that he does this. Plus, she always comes into my work and pretends like she doesn’t know me; the three of us hung out all the time before. I’m literally taking her order at the register and she mumbles, slides cash across the counter and slinks to a booth. Then he comes home and tells me what an awesome day they had and how she has nothing but respect for me… I didn’t do anything, but I keep getting punished. Should I get out of this relationship? I feel like I’ve spelled it out for him as clearly as I can, but it’s not getting through. This town is too small for these awkward run-ins and weird interactions. I just want my sweet boyfriend back and for her to stop showing up during my shifts. Too Much to Ask? So, your boyfriend is awesome, except for the cheating, the hurting your feelings, the inability to choose you over her and his insistence that she, like, totally respects you? Wow. I can see why you’re reluctant to let go. You’re going to have to either break up with him or live with the fact that he doesn’t really care how you feel. Your choice, of course, but I know what I would do. I have been single for almost four years. The last guy I dated I thought I was going to marry. We were together for a couple of years, mostly long distance due to various circumstances that were temporary. These circumstances never got the chance to change, though, because we ended up breaking up before we could live in the same place. I have gone on a couple of dates, but I am really shy and am terrible at making first impressions. My friends think I’m hopeless, but they keep trying to set me up anyway. The thing is, every once in awhile my ex will get in touch. Things will seem great; there will be flirting and calls and letters and plans start forming to make a visit. Then they never materialize. He always ends up backing out. And just so you know, all of the circumstances from before are over. There is no reason why he couldn’t come here if he really wanted to. I have been disappointed by this guy so many times, and I know better than to believe him, but then something happens that makes me think of him or whatever, and I drift back into old patterns. I know that I should just erase

him from my life, but part of me thinks that maybe he really was The One and that he got away. Why is this happening? What can I do? Wallflower It is common practice to fall back on the last relationship you had when you are having trouble finding a new one, Wallflower. The problem is that, in the face of loneliness and sexlessness, even the crappiest former partner or lover starts to seem really attractive in retrospect. I think it’s easy to forget a lot of the bad stuff because most people have memorized all of the good stuff down to the last detail. At least, that’s what we should be doing. Think about it: When things are good, do you find yourself just stepping back and savoring the moment, remembering the details? And often when things are bad there’s either blind rage or a form of denial or self-preservation kicking in, so later the details become kind of fuzzy? This guy is not good for you, W. That is clear. He isn’t The One; he’s just One of the Many Who Might Have Been. And the longer this goes on, the worse it is. The only way to deal with it is to not deal with him at all. No calls, no texts, no sneaking a peek at his damned Facebook status. The best thing to do, really, is erase him: “unfriend” him in real life as well as on line. It’s the only way you will ever move forward. Then, put yourself in a position to meet more people with your interests that will not involve trying to make a good quick first impression. Take a class, volunteer, join a sports or dart league, etc. I know I say this all the time, but it is especially important if you are awkward in forced social situations. Whether we think of it this way or not, standard social settings are like speed dating. It is very rare that you will be able to get comfortable and get much across to a potential date (or discover much about them) while you’re standing in the kitchen at a party, or shouting pleasantries over the ambient noise at a bar. If you pursue things that are interesting to you, you will naturally find yourself among other people with similar interests. And once you take the pressure off of yourself to find somebody, it is much more likely that you will. Confidential to Gringo: I don’t think her family is as big an issue as the distance. If you really want to try to make this relationship work, then you have to be there with her. Her family is probably just trying to protect her from what they see as an inevitable and painful breakup. Why not just go there and see if you can make it work? Give yourself at least a few months. Maybe if you get to know them better, they will work with you rather than trying to convince her to dump you.

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