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APRIL 3, 2013 · VOL. 27 · NO. 13 · FREE

p. 14

Modern Skirts After a Decade, the Band Quietly Calls It Quits p. 17


It’s Time for the Mini-Comics Festival Showcase p. 20

New Library Expansion p. 9 · Theatre Notes p. 10 · “My_Athens” p. 11 · “The World All Around” p. 20



pub notes

p. 9

Stage Fright, Pt. 1 We were trapped… No way out… And then the sarcophagus began to emit a deadly green light that knocked us out of our pith helmets… Yes, it was the terrifying climax of The Mummy’s Curse, Greensboro High’s one-act play in the Georgia High School Association literary meet, starring some of us football players as tomb-robbers. We failed to score, and that was the end of my acting career, except for the equally ill-fated production the next year of Submerged, when we were trapped inside a sunken sub, and… Those entrapments inoculated me against the lure of the theater and allowed me to enjoy it from the audience, without getting involved, except as the number-one fan of my actor wife, Gay. Now, she has lured me behind the lights, and it is just as I feared: an awful lot of work, including manual labor in addition to all the memorization and the trepidation over whether I can actually act. In spite of being so close to the theater all these years, I never could understand why a guy like, say, Allen Rowell, who is directing this play, would work all day at a real job then grab some supper and head for the theater for another two or three hours a night and much more on weekends for no pay, meanwhile learning lines every waking moment. If you saw Allen as the composer Salieri in the recent, brilliant Town & Gown Players production of Amadeus that Terrell Austin directed, you get an inkling of just what mental work a play can entail. He was on stage the whole play, delivering non-stop monologues. But that’s just when he’s acting. When he’s directing (and even when he’s not) he’s also building the set—I mean converting a bare stage into three or four rooms of a house, engineering it all to support the action of the play

p. 11

p. 18

Five Points Bottle Shop





The director uses the tools of his trade. and then building it out of lumber and plywood. And his crew by and large are the same people who are also learning their lines so that they can portray the characters in the play (unless they’re local artist Larry Forte, who’s not even in the play but shows up to lend his carpentry tools and skills). And of course all these people have their own jobs and families and classes to juggle day and night. Maybe it’s the same impulse, whether building a character or a set—to mess around with reality, to reshape it the way you want it to be, perhaps to leave a lasting effect on somebody. Allen says it has to do with creating something, and he says that’s why actors want to direct, so you can create the whole thing, instead of just one role. Anyway, this particular play is the Pulitzer Prize winner, August: Osage County. Allen’s direction is as strong as his setbuilding, and there are a lot of good actors with great lines to sling. It’s about a large, complicated family with secrets, and it will make you laugh and cringe. It opens Friday, Apr. 12 at the Athens Community Theatre behind the Taylor-Grady House and runs that weekend and the next. I’ve got a plum of a part, but it’s brief, and even if I mess it up, just remember that I put down the base coat on a lot of that set. Pete McCommons editor@flagpole.com

EDITOR & PUBLISHER Pete McCommons ADVERTISING DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Alicia Nickles PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Larry Tenner MANAGING EDITOR Christina Cotter ADVERTISING SALES Anita Aubrey, Dede Giddens, Jessica Pritchard Mangum MUSIC EDITOR Gabe Vodicka CITY EDITOR Blake Aued CLASSIFIEDS, DISTRIBUTION & OFFICE MANAGER Jessica Smith ASSISTANT OFFICE MANAGER Sydney Slotkin AD DESIGNERS Kelly Hart, Cindy Jerrell CARTOONISTS Lee Gatlin, Missy Kulik, David Mack, Jeremy Long, Clint McElroy ADOPT ME Special Agent Cindy Jerrell CONTRIBUTORS Christopher Benton, Tom Crawford, Chris Hassiotis, Derek Hill, Jyl Inov, Gordon Lamb, Jodi Murphy, John G. Nettles, Pam O’Dell, Jessica Smith, Stella Smith, Drew Wheeler CIRCULATION Charles Greenleaf, Will Donaldson, Matt Shirley, Emily Armond, Jessica Smith WEB DESIGNER Kelly Hart CALENDAR Jessica Smith ADVERTISING INTERNS Charlotte Hawkins, CD Skehan MUSIC INTERN Will Guerin COVER PHOTOGRAPH by Kaden Shallat with members of Cult of Riggonia, I Come to Shanghai, Quiet Evenings and Future Ape Tapes. See story on p. 14. STREET ADDRESS: 112 Foundry St., Athens, GA 30601 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1027, Athens, GA 30603 EDITORIAL: 706-549-9523 · ADVERTISING: 706-549-0301 · FAX: 706-548-8981 ADVERTISING: ads@flagpole.com CALENDAR: calendar@flagpole.com COMICS: comics@flagpole.com EDITORIAL: editor@flagpole.com

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letters LET US VOTE ON BUENA VISTA When Blake Aued says, “We don’t really know for sure how widespread support for the historic district is among Buena Vista homeowners,� [City Dope, Mar. 13] he sums up the whole problem with the historic district in one sentence. The original mailing from the Planning Department sent out 224 surveys to owners and residents, but received a response from just 37 households. The results of the survey showed that 17 owners representing 32 properties were opposed, while only 13 owners representing 13 properties were in support of the proposition; however, this lack of response was not seen as a problem. As the debate continued within the community the number of owners opposed to the designation was documented at 31 encompassing over half (53) of the original 100 properties. That the process was flawed is clearly supported by the amount of controversy that has surrounded the issue of historic designation from the beginning. The implication of the initial mailing from the Planning Department is that the residents and owners as a whole would get to decide whether or not they wanted to designate their neighborhood as historic. Alas, this was not to be. No one defined a neutral third party to determine first: Who could vote? Then: How do we determine how they have voted? Should it be a majority of owners, a majority of neighborhood residents, a majority of owner occupied residents or a majority of ACC residents? This lack of resolution on how to make a decision allowed both proponents and opponents of the plan to lobby commissioners in order to achieve personal goals, which is how we arrived at the plan we are now debating. I spoke at the Mar. 5 meeting and asked that I and a number of my neighbors be excluded from the plan, which Commissioner Doug Lowry noted was within the power of the Mayor and Commission to effect. The Mayor and Commission declined to act on this and also declined to wait 40 additional days for further input. Also, the residents of Buena Vista received no notice that the plan had been changed from the original, nor a

CONTACT US AT P.O. BOX 1027, ATHENS, GA 30603 OR EMAIL US AT LETTERS@FLAGPOLE.COM is: to show how dangerous it is to be a pedescopy of the revised plan. In my opinion, the trian or cyclist on roadways that are made for plan that Commissioner Kelly Girtz designed automobiles (and certainly so in a town full of was really based on avoiding a lawsuit and drunk drivers). little else. The hurried and secretive nature The Georgia Code [see O.C.G.A. § 40-6-96] of its creation was simply the most expediclearly states that, in most instances, pedesent way to attempt putting this issue to rest; trians (“persons standing, walking, jogging, it most certainly was not based on what the running, or otherwise on footâ€?) must stay off residents and property owners wanted in their of the roads and streets. Again, these roadneighborhood. ways were made for automobiles: wheeled After having spoken with Commissioner traffic. So, if a pedestrian is trying to cross Kathy Hoard, I never perceived any hesitathe street where there is no crosswalk they are tion that approving the district was the right not only putting themselves at risk but are in thing to do, and so I was surprised to see violation of the law. If they are on the street Commissioner Hoard quoted in the Flagpole for some other reason, and there is a vehicle as saying the she wasn’t comfortable with the original preservation report. If she really feels within 300 meters or so, they are putting this way, then why would she be a proponent themselves at risk and in violation of the law. of this legislation? You cannot produce good Many are the times I have been driving legislation without good information. down my own street and have seen runners That said, I would propose that anyone running down the middle of the roadway who doesn’t want to be in the historic district where there is clearly an available sidewalk. should be allowed to opt out. There is no Aside from the fact that this is unlawful, it is legitimate reason why certain people were dangerous, not only to the runner, but to the given the opportudriver. One runner nity to have their who was doing this property excluded banged on my car as BUMPERSTICKER OF THE WEEK: and others were not. I slowly and carefully Additionally, I would passed, shouting, It Takes a Viking to Raze a Village. propose that any “Share the road! We Thanks, Kaija. Send your sticker-sightings such proposal should pay taxes for it, too!â€? to letters@flagpole.com. be voted on by the I’m sure this is true. residents and homHowever, we all pay eowners. The process taxes for the sidewe have just been through was not remotely walks as well, and I, for one, most certainly democratic and thus has no legitimacy at all. do not drive on the sidewalk. As painful as it may be, this entire process In fact, John Huie makes a really good needs to be started over. You do not implepoint of this in his article. This is part of what the article really seems to emphasize: that the ment legislation by a flawed process and then streets are not safe, we need more pathways concede to say that “next time we do this, we that are specifically laid out for pedestrians will do in a more professional manner.â€? You and cyclists, and there are a lot of drunk drivfirst must fix the process and then implement ers out there. Surely, all three of these things the legislation. Dorian Zevos are plain as day to most Athenians. As Mr. Huie points out, things are slowly Athens changing. Now, I have never been opposed to civil disobedience. It’s an old American tradition and a damn good one. But this is not the place for it. Walking and running in the middle “Are Athens’ Streets Safe Enough for of the streets and roads where large vehicles Walkers and Cyclists?â€? [Mar. 13] is a well-writare traveling is nothing but dangerous. This is ten article, but it’s quite clear what the intent why the law doesn’t want you to do it.



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It’s not some kind of an oil company/ automobile manufacturer conspiracy, although I’m quite sure that they are quite happy with the law as it stands. It’s just that right here, right now, we have to remain safe and healthy so we can keep pushing the lawmakers to build us some safe pathways for alternative modes of transportation. So, let’s be careful out there. Rob Veal Athens

OUTLAW DANGEROUS DOGS Two headlines from my local paper, just this month: “Pit bull dogs attack man, 70, in wheelchair� and “8-year-old boy mauled, critically injured by dog at Athens home.� God help us. When will we pass laws making dog owners accountable for what their dogs do to people? That will put an end to people wanting to own these monsters. No matter how good an owner is, they can’t control what their dog does 100 percent, and that’s why we shouldn’t have pets that are so powerful. Ask Siegfried and Roy! In general, law enforcement treats dog attacks as “acts of nature.� It’s hell to get a strong response from them no matter how necessary. I lived for years with a neighbor dog that was big and strong and aggressive enough to kill me if it wanted to, and it acted like it did want to. On three occasions, the dog got loose and came into my yard and cornered me. Once, I barely got back into the house with the dog on my heels. Two other times, I had to fend him off with a stick and a hammer. I almost fainted from the fear and exhaustion of these attacks. The best the ACC attorney could do was fine the college-kid owner. There should be a law whereby the dog was taken from the negligent owner. I knew two people killed by dogs outside of Athens a few years ago. The dog owner got a slap on the wrist. We’ve had three children killed by dogs in recent years in Georgia. I hope our city and state representatives will read this and do something about it. Chip Shirley Athens

city dope

)T´S 3PRING Break free to the Foundry Spa this week!

Keep Your Colt Off Campus Sine Die: The General Assembly wrapped up for the year last Thursday without passing a sweeping gun bill that would have allowed firearms on college campuses. Nor did it pass a bill that environmentalists said would have robbed South Georgians of their water to benefit Florida and metro Atlanta. (See Capitol Impact on p. 6 for more details.) An ethics bill with a loophole big enough to drive a Brink’s truck full of football tickets through did pass the legislature on the session’s last day. Brokered by Gov. Nathan Deal—an unlikely arbitrator, given his own well-documented ethical troubles—it includes a $75 lobbyist gift cap that’s a compromise between the Senate’s $100 cap and the House’s total ban. But that $75 cap is per gift—a lobbyist can buy a legislator a $75 breakfast, a $75 lunch and a $75 dinner. Meals for caucuses and committees are exempt. And it doesn’t apply to travel expenses, so golf junkets to St. Simons Island are still on. Sweet! A bill also passed that would let Athens-Clarke County lift a state ban on retail beer and wine sales within 100 yards of the University of Georgia campus, with a Senate revision to ensure it applies only to grocery stores, not package stores. Thanks Thomas Wheatley

Spotted at the state Capitol: an homage to a certain Democrat-turnedRepublican-turned-unemployed state lawmaker. to our local delegation—namely Ginn and Reps. Spencer Frye (D-Athens), Chuck Williams (R-Watkinsville) and Regina Quick (R-Athens)—for setting certain previous legislators’ partisanship and anti-Athens sentiment aside. Assuming Deal signs it and the ACC Commission does lift the ban (and it’s already passed a resolution in support of the bill), a grocery store could locate in the proposed development in the SunTrust parking lot at Hull and Broad streets. At press time, the Dope was still sifting through all the dopey things the legislature did, so look for more in the coming weeks. Kiddie Chateaus: You may have wondered what’s going on with the construction on East Broad Street in front of the Multimodal Center. It’s Eclipse on Broad, a 32-unit, 128-bed apartment complex that Atlanta-based developer Chance Partners promises will be the “most exclusive student housing” and “the most high-end in the marketplace.” Great, just what we need, more luxury apartments downtown. The developer’s description—granite countertops, designer lighting and cabinets, 42-inch flatscreens, surround sound, a freakin’ water park—sounds more like a resort than a college crash pad. The rents start “in the $600s per bed, per month,” as much as a lot of people’s mortgages and the same

amount my roommates and I paid for a five-bedroom house in Oxford, MS, lo these many years ago (11, to be exact). Granted, the trend of students living closer to downtown and campus, rather than on Barnett Shoals Road or Macon Highway, is good for public safety, the environment, traffic, parking and downtown businesses. That is, assuming they actually do leave their SUVs at home and walk four blocks to campus or the bar and are willing to try something local instead of frequenting the same franchises they have in Cobb County. But most permanent Athens residents want other kinds of development downtown. When asked “what type of residential development should be encouraged,” 44 percent of those surveyed for the downtown master plan said “urban professional.” Twenty percent said “family,” 19 percent said “workforce,” (read: affordable) and 13 percent said “empty nester.” Just 3 percent said “student.” At least until students move on to the most new, even most-er high-end thing, developers can make massive profits by renting individual bedrooms to affluent parents at outrageous prices. A big part of the push for a downtown master plan, as well as the discarded river district proposal, was to put in place the kind of development we want before downtown was overrun with nothing but student housing. With Eclipse on Broad joining 909 Broad and The Standard at Thomas and Dougherty streets, is it already too late? Downtown Director: The search for a new Athens Downtown Development Authority executive director is underway. How transparent that search will be remains to be seen. The ADDA board has called a meeting for Thursday to go behind closed doors and begin sifting through, at last count, about 85 resumés for the position. About 30 or so of those resumés warrant consideration, search committee chairman Brian Brodrick told the rest of the board last month. Brodrick would not reveal any information about who has applied, how many applicants are local and how many are from out of town, or what kinds of qualifications they have. And the board hasn’t decided whether to make any finalists public before making a decision. Under state law, the board is allowed to keep the process under wraps, and there are valid privacy concerns with conducting it out in the open. But the public deserves a chance to scrutinize at least the finalists before someone is hired. Meanwhile, the ADDA board filled the vacant parking director’s position by hiring Chuck Horton, a former UGA police chief who’d been doing the job on an interim basis. Horton has been on a booting spree since starting in January in an effort to convince scofflaws to pay their overdue tickets and use a parking deck next time. “You do some enforcement, but you try to do some teaching, too, to get them to go where you want them to go,” he said. Buena Vista: And so it begins. Just weeks after the ACC Commission approved a Buena Vista Historic District that was smaller than originally proposed, homebuilder Jared York has filed an application to demolish the house at 167 Park Ave., one of the properties that was removed from the district. Public Art: By the time you’re reading this, the Athens-Clarke Commission probably already approved public art for the $1.4 million SPLOST-funded Rocksprings Park pool renovation, scheduled to open in late April. The Athens Cultural Affairs Commission recommended hiring noted local sculptor Harold Rittenberry (a lifelong Rocksprings resident), working with another respected local artist, Robert Clements, and a group of neighborhood children, to design and install a steel bench and panel on Henderson Extension. Rittenberry’s benches are very cool, and it sure beats hiring an out-of-towner. But still… $9,820 for a bench. After the jail art debacle and all the grumbling over “Nest” at the Classic Center, maybe we should revisit our public art ordinance. Paul Broun Ate a Lion: True story. See the In the Loop blog at Flagpole.com to read it.

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Sometimes, It’s Better to Do Nothing This year’s General Assembly session was noteworthy as much for the bills that did not pass as for the ones that did. On the final night of the session, as exhausted lobbyists worked the rope lines one last time talking to lawmakers, major legislation involving water rights, abortion, and gun carry laws failed to reach final passage. The biggest environmental battle of the session involved the Flint River, a major source of water in Southwest Georgia, particularly for farmers who need the water for crop irrigation. Sen. Ross Tolleson (R-Perry) introduced SB 213 to update the Flint River drought protection act that was implemented more than a decade ago. SB 213 would have allowed the state to invest in augmentation projects where extra water is pumped into underground aquifers that would later be released back into the Flint River during a drought period to increase downstream flows. Critics of the bill protested that augmentation would contaminate the aquifers. They also argued that SB 213 would give the state or a private company ownership of the stored water and threaten the rights of downstream residents by prohibiting them from withdrawing any of those augmented water flows. There was a furious lobbying effort by business groups who saw the bill as a way to secure more water for metro Atlanta developers and businesses. Environmental organizations lobbied just as strongly against it. Shortly before midnight Thursday, as the House was preparing to wind down the session, Speaker David Ralston, who appeared to be dead serious, asked the House clerk to read SB 213, presumably as a prelude to a floor vote. Ralston smiled and said, “Just kidding.� The Flint River was safe for another year. An attempt by ultraconservative members of the Georgia Senate to restrict abortions

was itself terminated on the final day. The Senate took a routine bill involving the Georgia World Congress Center Authority’s flex benefits plan and amended it to prohibit the use of state tax funds to pay for abortions through the State Health Benefits Plan, which provides health insurance for teachers and state employees. The bill had to go back to the House for agreement, but Ralston never called it up for a vote and the bill died. Gov. Nathan Deal has indicated he may issue an executive order that would prohibit the State Health Benefits Plan from covering abortion procedures. SB 101 was a controversial measure to legalize the carrying of firearms in more public places and to allow persons treated for mental illness to obtain a gun license. The House version of SB 101 would have allowed license holders to carry firearms in courthouses, government buildings, bars, college campuses, K-12 schools and churches. This was favored by the state organization Georgia Carry. The Senate passed a more cautious version that was supported by the NRA. Rep. Alan Powell (R-Hartwell), whose Public Safety Committee crafted a bill combining elements of the House and Senate gun bills, told his colleagues that the bill was dead and blamed the measure’s defeat on the Senate leadership and the Board of Regents. “The Board of Regents has been opposed from Day One and yes, they’re the fourth branch of government,� Powell said. The University System’s lobbying team worked quietly but effectively to holster that particular provision. But this is an issue that will keep coming up in future legislative sessions, of course. “I want to say what a great session it’s been and all I can say is, take your pistol, Powell said.� Tom Crawford tcrawford@gareport.com

athens rising Lay Your Hands on Athens April is one of the busiest months in Athens. There’s so much to do: BrewFest, G-Day, Twilight. However, one of my favorite April activities is Hands On Athens. The Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation provides free maintenance, repairs and landscaping improvements for low-income homeowners in historic neighborhoods. Hands On Athens will take place Apr. 5–7 and is open to volunteers of all skill levels. Hands On Athens plans to work on a dozen houses, doing everything from basic maintenance, such as painting, to more advanced repairs like roof replacement, porch repair, window and door repair and much more. While the volunteer program is the main force behind Hands On Athens, a Community Development Block Grant provided by Athens-Clarke County Human and Economic

custom, historically accurate trim crafted by Lickliter. Other repairs will be carried out at this house during the HOA weekend, as well. Beyond improving the appearance of this house and providing better insulation, HOA Administrator John Kissane believes “this effort is important because it will, we hope, demonstrate the possibilities of removing artificial siding and then properly painting the exterior of a house. It will also help us point out that covering the original siding can be detrimental to the original, historic materials. And that painting is better for the house and can, in many cases, be more cost-effective.� Keep in mind that Hands On Athens operates under the aegis of the ACHF, and while their primary concern is providing home repairs for deserving folks, maintaining the historic integrity of Athens is a major part of

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Development and sponsorships from local businesses are used to hire contractors for the skilled tasks of electrical work, plumbing and roofing. For the first time, workers and volunteers will be removing non-historic siding this year, starting with the house at 170 Lyndon Ave.— the home of Jaclyn Mattox, her daughter and her grandchildren—in the Boulevard Historic District. Since this project is too much for one weekend, a team of University of Georgia historic preservation students led by UGA historic preservation planner Scott Messer and carpenter Tosh Lickliter (who is always bouncing around doing a juggling act with many HOA houses) began work on the project two weekends ago. A team led by Ben Liverman will resume work on the home during the official Hands On Athens weekend. (Full disclosure: I’m on the team and very excited.) The historic Mattox residence was covered in asphalt and fiberboard siding to insulate it at a time when installing insulation was not an option. Times change, and insulating a house is not as difficult as it used to be. Lickliter says the process involves drilling several holes in the walls and pumping in insulation. The newly insulated home is then ready to undergo siding removal to expose the original historic weatherboard siding underneath. Once exposed, Liverman’s team will then prep the original siding for painting. In addition to restored siding, the home is also receiving

their mission. Restoring the historic integrity and accuracy of 170 Lyndon Ave. adds value not only to the home but to the Boulevard neighborhood, while only blocks away, the titanic rear addition to 321 DuBose Ave. is having the opposite effect. While on the topic of maintaining historic integrity, the ACHF is seeking nominations for its 2013 Preservation Awards, including Outstanding Rehabilitation, Excellence in Community Revitalization, Grassroots Preservation Efforts and more. Submit nominations at www.achfonline.org; they’re due Saturday, Apr. 20. I’m not sure what my nominations will be yet, although if there were a prize for worst demolition, it would go to the ranch house at 232 University Dr., unless someone decides to front the cost of removal. Winning projects will be showcased June 3 at the 44th Annual Preservation Awards at the Morton Theatre. Projects that have been or will be completed between June 1, 2012 and June 1, 2013 are eligible. So, get off your barstool, look around Athens and nominate some great architecture for the ACHF Preservation Awards. And take some time this weekend to volunteer for Hands On Athens. It’s three days and six shifts, so even if you can only manage one shift, it would be beneficial to both you and a deserving homeowner around town. Stella Smith


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Bringing Back Bethel Stream Spill Bill

Effort to Improve State Representative Wants to Crack Down on EPD Projects Revived A B

Blake Aued

extent. According to police, crime is down at Bethel, and it’s stayed out of the blotter lately. “Praise the Lord for the way it’s coming along,” said James Lawson, pastor of Greater Bethel AME Church. Then, residents—mostly single mothers and their children—need help to them get jobs or better jobs and move to better quarters. “Don’t nobody want to stay here the rest of our lives,” Joyner said. “Get some skills and resources so each one can move on.” Bethel is not run by the Athens Housing Authority, which has a waiting list and requires strict background checks to weed out criminals. But H.R. Russell does have a partnership with AHA to provide a summer camp. The school district remains engaged, too. When redistricting moved about 90 Bethel children to Barrow Elementary School, other parents feared they would bring down test scores and Barrow wouldn’t make adequate yearly progress under No Child Left Behind, Thornton said. That didn’t come to pass— test scores actually rose, Johnson said. Ovita Thornton (left) and Marissa Joyner discuss ways to improve life at Other programs, though, Bethel Midtown Village. fell by the wayside. Three residents got their GEDs at Like many low-income housing projects Bethel, Thornton said, but then the classes of that era, it went downhill. In 2009, the moved to the nearby Athens Latino Center Athens Banner-Herald called Bethel the most for Education and Services (which has since dangerous neighborhood in Athens. The invesmoved to Jefferson Road). Classes are still tigation led residents and community leaders available at the H.T. Edwards school complex to come together to try to improve life at the in Rocksprings and Athens Tech, but for many low-income apartment complex. Bethel residents, transportation is an issue They made some progress. Police stepped because they don’t have cars and can’t afford up patrols. Management company H.R. Russell bus passes. added a gate (frequently broken), lighting and Residents don’t always take advantage of security cameras to deter crime. Clarke County what programs are available on-site, either. School District officials singled out Bethel For example, Barrow Elementary provides residents for special attention, donating commeals and transportation for struggling stuputers and offering rides to parent-teacher dents to be tutored on weekends, principal conferences. A neighborhood association Ellen Sabatini said. “We’re not getting kids on formed. GED classes started. the bus on Saturdays,” she said. But last year, the effort flagged. As Ovita Simply publicizing services would go a long Thornton, CCSD board member and director way, Thornton said. “I don’t know if we should of the nonprofit Georgia Clients Council, put put up a kiosk with blinking lights like you’re it: “We did take a gap. You burn out; you get going to the movies,” she said. back on it. That’s where we are now.” The neighborhood association will start And so, four years after residents, pastors, meeting regularly again, according to Joyner, social workers, police and school officials who wants to start a newsletter to keep other first gathered in the basement that serves as residents apprised of its actions. Bethel’s community center, many of the same Other ideas were kicked around. Linda people—plus some newcomers—found themLloyd, president of the Economic Justice selves in the same room saying many of the Coalition, mentioned the EJC’s worker-owned same things. landscaping and housecleaning business. Thornton and Tim Johnson, executive Thornton mentioned financial literacy prodirector of the nonprofit Family Connection/ grams to help people get tax refunds and save Communities in Schools, called a meeting last money. There was talk of a Facebook page, a week to get back on track. What do residents substance abuse program, groups to deal with need, they asked, to lift themselves and their depression and training building captains. children out of poverty? School and nonprofit officials plan to meet The top priority, neighborhood association next month for more discussion. “I’m glad to president Marissa Joyner said, is “to provide see this back on the road again,” Lawson said. a safe environment for our children.” That’s been accomplished, at least to a certain Blake Aued news@flagpole.com



state representative filed a bill last month attempting to force Georgia Environmental Protection Divisions to do what it should already be doing: responding to toxic spills in Georgia’s rivers. Fast. Rep. Jon Burns (R-Newington) who represents Screven County, testified in a subcommittee meeting at the Capitol last week that a toxic spill on the Ogeechee River is not an anomaly, but one of many incidents in the state in which a significant spill has not met with a timely response by EPD. Burns cited poor communication with local and state agencies, the need for additional specialized training and a general lack of governmental coordination as fundamental problems that have endangered water resources and public health. Citizen witnesses from across the state told remarkably similar stories about spills that devastated their river communities. Large, preventable spills. Patrick Lord, who lives on Briar Creek, which runs parallel to the Ogeechee, told members of the subcommittee, “If you want

noticeably vague. Perhaps that’s because the bill is merely intended to send a message. Burns is serious about getting to the root of a problem that routinely results in lawsuits, not policy changes. Upbeat and polite, Burns told noticeably concerned committee members he wanted the bill to be comprehensive. At the capitol, this is legislative speak for: “Get your act together over the summer or we’ll legislate your problem out of existence next legislative session. We’ll be watching y’all.” Kevin McGrath, advocacy chairman of Trout Unlimited, alluded to the festering frustrations of many, reminding those in attendance that, although King America Finishing, the company allegedly responsible for the Ogeechee River spill, was never given a discharge permit by EPD, the agency still allows the company to discharge into the river. The incident, which occurred in May of 2011, killed an estimated 34,000 fish, resulted in $1 million fine. The same day of the committee meeting, Spalding County Superior Court Judge Christopher C. Edwards found that EPD Director Judson Turner “acted reasonably

Krysia Haag

elieve it or not, Bethel Midtown Village was once the nicest place an AfricanAmerican could live in Athens. Under the federal Urban Renewal program in the late 1960s, a working-class black neighborhood of shotgun houses called The Bottom was torn down to make way for modern housing. Bethel had air conditioning and indoor plumbing—amenities most housing available to African-Americans during segregation lacked.

A chemical spill in Trail Creek in 2010 turned the creek blue and killed 15,000 fish. to bring your kid to fish, don’t come to Briar Creek. There’s no fish there now.” He recounted his horror the day that the water suddenly turned white, changing his backyard paradise within minutes. “The stench is something I will never forget.” The spill, later attributed to a kaolin facility, resulted in a fish kill of over 12,000 in January 2012. In Athens, a fire at a chemical plant spilled toilet cleaner into Trail Creek in July 2010, killing an estimated 15,000 fish and other wildlife. Former state Rep. Keith Heard (D-Athens) led an investigation into EPD’s response, and EPD’s then-director Allen Barnes admitted to a lack of coordination during a hearing and promised to correct the problem. The legislative session ended last week, but House Bill 549 can be resurrected when the legislature convenes again next January. The bill, which requires EPD to investigate an incident within a 42 hours and notify other agencies and the public of any health risks subsequent to that investigation, is otherwise

under the circumstances and consistent with the provisions of the Georgia Water Quality Control Act” when he allowed KAF to continue to discharge without a permit. Hutton Brown, attorney for Green Law, a public interest environmental law firm involved in the case, disagreed with the court’s decision. Brown cited a requirement within the federal Clean Water Act as evidence that KAF should have been required to have a permit and should not be allowed to continue polluting the river with effluent (thought to be an ingredient of chemical flame retardant) without a permit. “The law is quite clear that you can’t pollute the water without a permit,” Brown said. Otherwise, you and I could go down to the river and dump chemicals without consequence. But the law is worthless if the enforcing agency—here the Georgia EPD—does not mandate compliance.” Pam O’Dell

Blake Aued

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Blake Aued

ne day, we’ll tell our children—probably by telepaConfounded by the newfangled technology? The library thy through their Google brain implants—about offers classes on how to email, browse the Internet and set up the old days when people cut down trees, turned and operate digital devices. The reference desk is now staffed them into books, and had to go to a building to by IT professionals, in addition to librarians. borrow or buy one. We walked uphill in the snow, both ways, Not all the improvements are digital: The Heritage Room, and our reading glasses didn’t even have the Internet! where people can research local history and genealogy, is The Athens-Clarke County Library is getting ready for that a third larger, with space to display local art, e.g., retired day. University of Georgia professor Bill Paul’s pottery collection. A $6.5 million expansion—virtually completed and set to Focus groups said they wanted larger meeting spaces, so the be dedicated Sunday, Apr. 7 at 4 p.m.—includes a number expansion includes a meeting room that can hold 300 or be of new spaces and features that will help the library and its partitioned into three smaller rooms. Vending machines sell patrons transition into an era when books are electrons runsodas, snacks and (soon) office supplies like flash drives and ning through a wire or waves in earbuds. A gift shop offers more the air, not ink on a page. It even local art, toys and used books. The has a room, empty for now, where Appleton Auditorium was refurKathryn Ames, director of the bished with new seats and a better Athens Regional Library System, sound system. More parking was hopes to house 3D printing, an added. emerging technology that allows Technology is also freeing up people to print out three-dimenlibrary staff by handling menial sional objects, not just text or tasks. When patrons want to check pictures. out a book, they do it themselves. “That’s the future,” Ames says. When they bring it back, they “That’s on the horizon. Of course, drop it onto a conveyor belt that books are still our lifeblood.” automatically sorts books into The expansion, which added the proper bin to be put up—to more than 20,000 square feet to the delight of children who watch the formerly 63,000 square-foot through glass. library, includes 25 percent more “One of my goals is to get staff shelf space. It also has more wireout from behind the desk and interless access, more electrical outlets, acting with the public,” Ames says. more computers and more classes Local sales taxes and a state to teach people how to use them. grant funded the expansion’s Upstairs is a 90-computer lab construction, but they don’t pay for adults that’s almost always full for operating expenses. Ames and of people sending emails and filling board chairman Dennis Hopper out job applications, according to asked the Athens-Clarke Commission Ames. The number of people using for a small increase in funding to library computers continues to grow cover rising costs for employee A new children’s room features a starry sky ceiling and as cash-strapped patrons give up benefits and higher utilities for the computers loaded with educational games for kids who are Internet service, she says. Many larger space, but the library is stafftoo young to read. users are regulars who know which ing its bigger new building with the machines are the fastest. same number of employees. They “It really shows the digital divide in the community, I won’t know until June whether they got it. A cut, on the other think,” Ames says. hand, would force them to close the East Athens, Lay Park and Downstairs are more computers for children that have Pinewoods branches, they told the commission. more restrictive filtering software. (The library just recently As they wait to hear about funding for fiscal 2014, library unblocked Facebook.) Some are loaded with educational games employees are breathing easy—literally, given all the dust for children who are too young to read. And, of course, there in the air—now that the two-year construction project is are still old-fashioned toys, a storytelling room and a puppet over. They expect to get busier soon, not that patronage ever theater. suffered. Even though e-books don’t exist in physical form, you can “Actually, our usage went up this year, even with all the still borrow one from the library. On its website (clarke.public. construction and chaos,” Ames says. “I expect library use to lib.ga.us), a program called Georgia Download Destination continue to go up.” allows library members to download e-books and audio books by punching in their library card numbers. Blake Aued news@flagpole.com

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theatre notes Black Hearts and Revolution

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Time to Break Out the Black and Shiny: If you didn’t make the Carnivale of Black Hearts on Apr. 1, some of the same performers will be appearing in the third installment of Insurrection Ball, this time called “The Thin Black Line.� Staged by the folks at the alternative arts collectives Sirens of Sin and Beatmatched Hearts, this gathering will feature the usual fetish/cabaret performances, danceable darkwave spinning and light spanking, but expect more variety and visuals this time around as the bimonthly party expands. Attendees are encouraged (though not required) to pull out their best leather/ vinyl/PVC wear, goth fashion, or at least formal dress for the occasion. “Insurrection Ball v3: The Thin Black Line� happens Saturday, Apr. 6, at 10 p.m. at Go Bar. Admission is free but 21+. If You Like Your Darkness Without So Much Dancing: The UGA Theatre company will stage Macbeth, William Shakespeare’s bloody tragedy about murder, madness and the throne of Scotland, as a Main Stage production, which means this will be an all-out spectacle with maximum toil and trouble and SFX by the UGA Interactive Performance Lab. As an added bonus, it’s the play that cast and crew cannot reference by name lest a 400-year-old curse plague the production. It’s the Voldemort of all plays. This is very exciting.

earth. This is a fun play and family-friendly, well worth the evening out. 1776 runs Saturday, Apr. 6, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Apr. 7, at 3 p.m., at the Morton Theatre. Tickets are $17, $16 for seniors, $5 for students and kids. Call 706-613-3771 or visit mortontheatre.tix.com. Speaking of Broadway Musicals Made into Movies: Athens Creative Theatre showcases a bunch of them in Live Art: Broadway at the Movies, a musical revue that features 28 songs presented as “playbills come to life.� It’ll be interesting to see how ACT pulls it off. This should be fun for showtune fans. The show runs Friday and Saturday, Apr. 12 & 13, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Apr. 14 at 2 p.m. at Quinn Hall in Memorial Park. Tickets are $15, $12 for seniors and students and kids and may be reserved by calling 706-613-3628 or at mortontheatre.tix.com. Break a Leg, Pete: The Town & Gown Players will stage Tracy Letts’ harrowing 2007 play August: Osage County beginning Friday, Apr. 12. The play deals with a dysfunctional Oklahoma family who come together in the wake of a tragedy and proceed to make things worse as old and new secrets come out. It’s a situation to which most of us can relate, though perhaps not to the degree of high drama enacted here—at least I hope not. If


WUGA is a broadcast service of the University of Georgia





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The Town & Gown Players will stage Tracy Letts’ harrowing 2007 play August: Osage County beginning Friday, Apr. 12. Macbeth runs Thursday–Saturday, Apr. 11–13 and Wednesday–Sunday, Apr. 17–21 in the UGA Fine Arts Theatre. All shows are at 8 p.m., except Sunday’s, which is at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $16, $12 for students. Call 706542-4400 or visit pac.uga.edu. For Those Whose Tastes Run More Red, White and Blue: Savannah River Productions will present the 1969 patriotic musical 1776 by Sherman Edwards and Peter Stone at the historic Morton Theatre. This Tony Award-winner follows John Adams, with Ben Franklin in tow, as he attempts to persuade the rest of the Founding Fathers to, well, found. I’ve never seen the play, but I’ve seen the faithful 1972 film adaptation and while a musical about the signing of the Declaration of Independence looks dry on paper, the songs are lively and the play does a great job of bringing the towering figures of American history down to

this production is faithful, there is some drug use and some unpleasant sexual content central to the plot, so be aware that a babysitter may be in order. On the other hand, the cast looks strong and director Allen Rowell is a good choice to helm this powerful show. (In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that Flagpole’s Grand Poobah Pete McCommons is among the players in this show, but the fact that he signs my paycheck has nothing to do with this plug. True story.) August: Osage County runs Friday–Sunday, Apr. 12–14, and Thursday–Sunday, Apr. 18–21, at Athens Community Theatre. Showtimes are 8 p.m. Thursday–Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $15, $12 for seniors and students, and $8 for students on Thursday the 18th, and may be purchased by calling 706208-8696 or online at www.showclix.com. John G. Nettles

art notes Our Town Work It: Curated by Katherine McQueen, “Worked”—on display at ATHICA through May 12—explores the processes involved in creating art through exhibiting pieces that are labor-intensive or revolve around issues of class and labor. The three-dimensional, mixed-media installations by Laura Tanner Graham, embroidered collages on animal hide by David Ross Harper and repetitive graphite patterns by Leslie Snipes are all extremely detail-oriented and meticulously constructed. In “Chinoiserie (Domestic Tableau),” a wallpaper-like tapestry of people holding slogans from textile worker history, Lauren Adams explores the linked histories of American and Asian factory labor. “Give You My Heart,” a hollow pink-and-gold organ decorated with farm animals playing instruments by Maria Lux, is based on the “pig organ,” an instrument created for

Davis Ross Harper’s artwork is on display at ATHICA through May 12. King Louis XI in which pigs of various sizes were inhumanely utilized for their varying pitches of squeals. Elizabeth Barton’s hand-dyed, contemporary quilts of surreal industrial landscapes and Scott Ingram’s urethane foam cinder blocks are both reflections on mankind’s construction of environments. Special events include an “Artists Talk” with Elizabeth Barton, Ted Kuhn and Leslie Snipes on Tuesday, Apr. 9, at 7 p.m., two installments of Ted Kuhn’s performance series “Give the People What They Want” on Thursday, Apr. 18, at 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 4, at 6 p.m., and an afternoon gallery tour and art project for kids on Sunday, May 11, at 2 p.m. Worldly Wonders: “Climate Change: Conveying Realities”— currently on display through Apr. 27 in the eco*art*lab— features works by over 30 visual, sound and video artists attempting to communicate issues surrounding global warming, climate change and ecological stress. Curated by Chris Cuomo, UGA Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies, the exhibit balances informative, literal pieces with more conceptually driven works such as the soothing sound file “Sonification of Global Temperatures, 1850–Aug. 2012” by Scott Lindroth and “Tidings of Great Things,” an interactive video installation by Chris Cassidy in which visual and audio footage of an incoming tide is programmed to react to participants’ sound levels. The eco*art*lab space itself, a new pop-up environmental art gallery within The Bottleworks building located at 297 Prince

Ave., contains several intimate, windowed rooms that allow for multiple sound and video installations to play privately and simultaneously without muddling the acoustics of the entire space—a rare feat for a gallery. The show is open 11 a.m.–6 p.m. on Thursdays, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. on Sundays and 11 a.m.–4 p.m. on remaining days, excluding Monday. For more information, check out www.ecoartlab.wordpress.com or email ecoartlaboratory@gmail.com. Snapshot Spotlight: Modeled after a similar #WeLoveAtl project, “My_Athens”—an exhibit of Instagram photos also displayed within the Bottleworks building Apr. 6–20—was conceived as a way to celebrate and visually recognize aspects of local art and culture, while simultaneously creating a means for social media to re-integrate into a live event. While the Internet and social media provide a platform for discourse on topics and the promotion of events that occur in the physical world, it also exists as a self-contained virtual space to “hang out,” often replacing invaluable in-person activities. “Without a doubt, that is one of the most exciting aspects of pulling this event together, which is to say, fostering community in a world that is increasingly driven digitally. The other primary driver was the celebration of the city, of the people and of the things that people are doing in the ‘real world,’ like music, art, food, culture [and] ideas,” explains organizer Greg Gilbert. For the exhibit, Instagram users were invited to tag their locally shot photos with the hashtag #my_athens, and the best 200 out of well over 2,000 submissions were selected; images varying between native flora, iconic landmarks, entertainment and distinctly local experiences. Beginning on Saturday, Apr. 6, prints ($10 for 5”x 5” and $20 for 8”x 8”) will be available for purchase, with all proceeds benefiting the Athens Area Habitat for Humanity. Various events are scheduled in conjunction with the exhibit, including live music on Apr. 10, 12 & 19. To keep up with My_Athens’ future projects, follow @my_athens on Instagram or Twitter, or visit www.myathensis.com. Printing on Pulaski: Smokey Road Press, a letterpress and book bindery that has operated out of owner Margot Ecke’s Winterville home studio for the past three years, has officially opened within the historic Leathers Building, located at 675 Pulaski St. Letterpress has experienced a noticeable renaissance within the past decade, yet printing presses are cost prohibitive for individuals to own. Ecke, who holds a BFA from Cornell with a concentration in printmaking and an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in printmaking, hopes that local book designers, illustrators, artists and poets will be able to take advantage of the shop for their printing needs. “As digital devices become more and more standard, the need for traditional skills and the understanding of these old machines become more important. The introduction of this working museum to the heart of Athens is an important reminder of our basic skills as human beings. To be able to conceive, to design and set-up and to craft at a high level is paramount to the human condition and something to be celebrated. Smokey Road is honored to make this our mission,” she explains. The shop offers custom services for special occasions (weddings, baby announcements, business cards, etc.), contract work for artists seeking someone to print their projects, and access to book arts archives and research materials. Introductory classes in letterpress printing, calligraphy, book repair, various methods of binding and more can be registered for through Etsy or by contacting smokeyroadpress@gmail.com or 315-283-1538.

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movie dope Some releases may not be showing locally this week. • indicates new review k 6 SOULS (R) The trailer for this

stylish flick goes from psychological thriller to serial killer chiller before landing on exorcism scarefest. A forensic psychiatrist (Julianne Moore) treating a patient (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) with multiple personalities discovers each of his identities is a murder victim. Then, apparently, the devil shows up. Directing duo Mans Marlind’s and Bjorn Stein’s subsequent feature, Underworld: Awakening beat this flick into U.S. theaters by over a year. With Jeffrey DeMunn and Frances Conroy. 56 UP (NR) 2012. Michael Apted began documenting the lives of several seven-year-olds in 1964. Every seven years, he returned to update their stories. In this latest entry, these now 56-year-olds discuss their lives, families, work and the series itself. Not having seen any of these films remains one of the bigger failures of my cinematic life; perhaps I can finally correct it. (Ciné) ADMISSION (PG-13) Despite teaming Tina Fey, who unsurprisingly supplies this heartfelt comedy’s biggest laughs, with the preternaturally appealing Paul Rudd, Admission lacks the former’s sharply satirical bite and strands the latter with only his goofy cool comedy to clothe him. ARGO (R) Ben Affleck’s career revival continues with Argo, earning Best Writing and Best Picture Award from the Academy, as well as a Golden Globe. Revealing the once classified story of how the CIA rescued six American hostages in the midst of the Iranian Revolution, Argo is both an intriguing modern history lesson and a compelling, old-fashioned Hollywood thriller. THE BRASS TEAPOT (R) A magical fairy tale for the post-2009, economic meltdown world, The Brass Teapot is going to have to do some serious balancing not to fall off the tightrope upon which it’s walking. A young couple (Michael Angarano and Juno Temple) discover a brass teapot that gives them money when they hurt themselves. Being unemployed with no serious options in the near future, the couple goes into masochistic overdrive. The trailer just keeps trotting out familiar faces whose names you can’t quite remember, and the jokes seem a little too sitcom-y. THE CALL (R) Until a final act that is so predictably out of character for Halle Berry’s heroine, The Call knows exactly

what it is; a pulpy genre thriller; and excels at its sole task of generating as much entertainment as possible via suspense. THE COMPANY YOU KEEP (R) Robert Redford directs Robert Redford in Robert Redford’s latest feature. After a young journalist (an unkempt Shia LaBeouf) interviews the recently captured leader of the Weather Underground (Susan Sarandon), he finds himself on the trail of another suspected member of the long-dormant domestic terrorists. THE CROODS (PG) Despite its underwhelming trailers, The Croods stands out as one of the best non-Pixar animated family films released in the last few years. A family of cavemen— dad Grug (v. Nicolas Cage), mom Ugga (v. Catherine Keener), teen daughter Eep (v. Emma Stone), dumb son Thunk (v. Clarke Duke), feral baby Sandy and grandma (v. Cloris Leachman)—are forced on a cross-country road trip after their cave is destroyed by the impending “end of the world.” DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) Not many auteurs can take an academic cinematic exercise and turn it into one of the year’s most entertaining spectacles like Quentin Tarantino can in this Oscar winner for Best Original Screenplay. Slave Django (Jamie Foxx) is freed by dentist-turned-bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Best Supporting Actor Academy Award winner and Golden Globe nominee Christoph Waltz, the single greatest gift QT has given American movie audiences). Together the duo hunts bad guys and seeks Django’s wife, Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), who belongs to plantation owner Calvin Candie (Golden Globe nominee Leonardo DiCaprio). For a critically acclaimed award nominee, Django Unchained is an ultraviolent blast. EVIL DEAD (R) The buzz generated from the Evil Dead screening at SXSW was deafening on Twitter, leading some fans (me included) to worry about the risk of over-hype. Nevertheless, the trailers for director Fede Alvarez’s update of Sam Raimi’s cult classic are powerfully intense; if the resulting film is even close, this flick could be the new gem for which horror fans have long been dreaming. EVIL DEAD II (R) 1987. With the remake arriving in theaters (and Sam Raimi’s Oz the Great and Powerful blowing up at the box office), there is

C I N E M AS Movie showtimes are not available by our deadline. Please check cinema websites for accurate information. CINÉ • 234 W. Hancock Ave. • 706-353-3343 • www.athenscine.com GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART • (UGA Campus) 90 Carlton St. • 706-542-GMOA • www.uga.edu/gamuseum/calendar/films.html TATE STUDENT CENTER • (UGA Campus) 45 Baxter St. • 706-542-6396 • www.union.uga.edu/movies Beechwood Stadium cinemas 11 • 196 Alps Rd. • 706-546-1011 • www.georgiatheatrecompany.com Carmike 12 • 1570 Lexington Rd. • 706-354-0016 • www.carmike.com Georgia Square value cinemas 5 • 3710 Atlanta Hwy. • 706-548-3426 • www.georgiatheatrecompany.com



no better time to catch up with Bruce Campbell’s groovy, quasi-hero, Ashley “Ash” J. Williams. Raimi and Campbell revisit the cabin in the woods, putting poor Ash through even more deadly calisthenics as he battles evil incarnate and his own hand. If you’ve never seen Evil Dead II, what are you waiting for? Get to Ciné and see it on the big screen. (Ciné) • G.I. JOE: RETALIATION (PG-13) G.I. Joe: Retaliation is everything that G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra was not. The second Joe movie is also the movie for which my inner child has been waiting since 1987. Mostly ignoring Stephen Sommers’ 2009 misfire, this franchise reboot introduces three new lead Joes: Roadblock (Dwayne Johnson), Lady Jaye (Adrianne Palicki) and my childhood favorite, Flint (D.J. Cotrona); Duke (Channing Tatum) and Snake Eyes (Ray Park) are pretty much the only other Joes to reenlist for the sequel. Featured Cobra players— Zartan, who appears as the President

tenant. (How do you know if someone’s possessed? Their icy blue Fahey eyes.) When the invaders implant a soul named Wanderer into the body of Melanie Styder (Saoirse Ronan), Melanie fights back, eventually convincing/leading Wanderer to Melanie’s human family and friends, a group of desert-living rebels led by William Hurt. Once there, Wanda, as the humans call her, falls for one boy, while Melanie continues to love Jared (Max Irons). You knew Meyer would work her love triangle (or in this case, love rectangle?) into the plot somewhere. IDENTITY THIEF (R) Unfortunately, stars Melissa McCarthy (an Oscar nominee for Bridesmaids) and Jason Bateman are better than this moreannoying-than-funny odd couple road comedy. The punch lines lack the subtlety that brings out Bateman’s greatness. Director Seth Gordon (The King of Kong and Horrible Bosses) and his hilarious stars have done and will do comedy better.

Camping is hard. (Jonathan Pryce) for almost the entire movie, Storm Shadow (Byung-hun Lee) and Firefly (Ray Stevenson)—plot to break Cobra Commander, much improved from the first movie, from a super-secret prison. (Sadly, no love is shown for Destro in this prison break.) But the plot is inconsequential. G.I. Joe blows stuff up real good. GIRL RISING (NR) Young girls from around the world tell their stories of arranged marriages, child slavery and other heartbreaking injustices which they work to overcome with education. Each girl’s story was written by an author from her native country. (Georgia Museum of Art) HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS (R) Wondering how Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters made it to theaters is a far more interesting way to spend the action fairy tale’s sub90-minute runtime. The fabled origin of Hansel and Gretel is well-known. Two kids are left alone in the forest and stumble upon a witch’s candy house; the kids kill the witch. Dead Snow’s Tommy Wirkola imagines what happens next, as Hansel and Gretel (Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton) grow up to be traveling hunters of deadly witches. • THE HOST (PG-13) What Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight novels did to horror, she does to science fiction in The Host. (Twilight was horror without the horror; The Host is science fiction without those pesky tropes particular to science fiction.) Alien invaders have conquered Earth. Most of humanity has had their bodies taken over by an extraterrestrial

JACK THE GIANT SLAYER (PG-13) Another reteaming of director Bryan Singer with his Public Access/Usual Suspects/Apt Pupil/Valkryie scripter, Academy Award winner Christopher McQuarrie, should be more exciting, intriguing and lasting than Jack the Giant Slayer. While far from a bad fantasy film, this retooled telling of the classic children’s stories, Jack the Giant Killer and Jack and the Beanstalk, does little to fire the imagination once the credits roll. We all know the story: young Jack (Marcus Hoult, whose romzom Warm Bodies showed loads more creativity) gets some magic beans, from which a giant beanstalk grows. At the top of the leafy, green ladder is a land full of giants who have a taste for human flesh. JURASSIC PARK 3D (PG-13) This once fantastic adventure from Steven Spielberg may not have aged as well as some of the filmmaker’s earlier fare, but let’s see what a third dimension can add. LIFE OF PI (PG) The imaginatively conceived and beautifully told work of art created by Brokeback Mountain Oscar winner Lee, who certainly deserved the award he received this year for Best Director, reminded me of the many, small joys that add up to make the life of Pi. Do not let the underwhelming previews deprive you of one of the year’s most moving, most artistic films of the year. LINCOLN (PG-13) Historical biopics do not come much more perfect than Steven Spielberg’s take on our 16th president’s struggle to end slavery

by way of the Thirteenth Amendment. Academy Award winner Daniel DayLewis can solidify his claim to the title of greatest living actor. He uncannily becomes Lincoln with such ease; he also humanizes a larger-than-life figure we tend to treat far too reverently. (UGA Tate Theatre) OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (R) Olympus Has Fallen feels like a relic from the bygone era of the 1980s, where audiences were satisfied by old-fashioned, bloody, action movies wherein stone-faced heroes faced off against despicable bad guys without obfuscating their violent exploits with frenetic camerawork. Too bad director Antoine Fuqua’s latest flick isn’t the new Die Hard, as this Gerard Butlersaves-the-president actioner easily bests John McClane’s latest misfire. ON THE ROAD (R) Has it really been almost 10 years since Walter Salles’ wonderful Che Guevara biopic, The Motorcycle Diaries? Salles, who also directed Central Station, brings Jack Kerouac’s seminal novel to the big screen, and sadly, most of the buzz revolves around Twilight’s Kristen Stewart’s nude scene. Everyone should be more excited to see Sal Paradise (Sam Riley, Control’s Ian Curtis), Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund) and Marylou (Stewart) cross the country and meet a cast of characters played by Amy Adams, Viggo Mortensen, Steve Buscemi, Kirsten Dunst, Elisabeth Moss, Terrence Howard and more. (Ciné) THE OTHERS (PG-13) 2001. Having only watched The Others once, I remember very little about Alejandro Amenabar’s old-fashioned ghost story. (Though an admitted horror fan, ghost stories aren’t exactly my bag.) Nicole Kidman plays the overprotective mother to her two photosensitive children in Amenabar’s nod to Henry James’ Turn of the Screw. Christopher Eccleston (the Ninth Doctor) appears as the father, absent due to World War II, and Fionnula Flanagan plays the new nanny. Winner of eight Goyas, including Best Film and Best Director. (UGA Tate Theatre) OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG) First and foremost, Sam Raimi’s The Wizard of Oz prequel is no Wizard; it’s not even Return to Oz, the very dark, very underrated 1985 sequel. Disney’s latest family blockbuster reveals the wizard’s own cyclonic entry to Oz. Carnival magician and con man Oscar Diggs (James Franco, whose performance is nothing if not inconsistent) meets three witches—Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) and Glinda (Michelle Williams)—who believe him to be the great wizard whose appearance in Oz was prophesied. In the void left by the recently deceased king, Oscar must determine which witches are wicked and which are good. SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK (R) David O. Russell’s dram-rom-com and multiple Academy Award nominee does everything but disappoint. Pat (Academy Award nominee Bradley Cooper) has just been released from a state mental hospital after a violent incident involving his estranged wife and another man. Maybe too soon after coming home, Pat meets Tiffany (Academy Award and Golden Globe winner Jennifer Lawrence), who lost it after the death of her husband. Instead

of exacerbating each other’s unhealthy flaws, the relationship between these two cracked souls heals both. (Ciné) SPANISH SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (NR) UGA students organized this two-day festival of award-winnng short Spanish films, all with English subtitles. Each night features five or six short films introduced by film professor Dr. Richard Neupert and romance languages professor Dr. Catherine Simpson. (Ciné) SPRING BREAKERS (R) Harmony Korine is a challenging filmmaker. His first script, Kids, became Larry Clarke’s latest cinematic controversy in 1995; then Korine started directing his own critically divisive films like Gummo and Julien Donkey-Boy. His newest film has met with, again, divided critical acclaim and bigger box office glory thanks to the headline grabbing casting of Disney teen queens Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens as half of this bikini-clad criminal quartet. Whether or not Korine has anything important to say about this hedonistic rite of passage, what he does say is wickedly stylized and superiorly captivating. STOKER (R) Best known for Oldboy, Korean filmmaker Park Chan-wook makes his English language debut with an eccentric Highsmith/Hitch-mocktail written by the star of “Prison Break,” Wentworth Miller. A strange teenager, India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska, Alice in Wonderland), has recently lost her father (Dermot Mulroney) in a car accident. The day of the funeral, her prodigal uncle, Charlie (Matthew Goode, Watchmen), appears to live with India and her grieving mother, Evie (Nicole Kidman). But Charlie brings with him secrets, and the more India learns, the more fascinated she becomes… (Ciné) SWITCH (NR) 2012. This documentary takes a non-biased look at what it would take to transition away from oil and coal-based energy to cleaner, more modern energy sources. (UGA Cindy Rooker Fireside Lounge) TRANCE (R) Cool. Academy Award winner Danny Boyle’s latest recalls his grittier, edgier films like Trainspotting, 28 Days Later and Shallow Grave. (Boyle is also reteaming with his Shallow Grave and Trainspotting scripter John Hodge.) An art auctioneer (James McAvoy) goes under hypnosis, courtesy of a pretty doctor lady (Rosario Dawson), to discover what happened to a lost painting. He better come up with an answer fast because criminals played by Vincent Cassel won’t wait forever. Boyle may not always craft a winner, but his films are rarely boring. • TYLER PERRY’S TEMPTATION (PG-13) Is it possible for a filmmaker to “jump the shark?” If so, Tyler Perry’s Temptation might be that point for Atlanta’s multi-hyphenate filmmaker. He cast Kim Kardashian, for goodness’ sake. And wait for Brandy’s climactic reveal. It’s the sort of melodramatic gem that could turn this dreck into popular camp were it less dull. A marriage counselor, Judith (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), who feels neglected by her nice guy, pharmacist husband, Brice (Lance Gross), waltzes off with a handsome, ripped billionaire, Harley (Robbie Jones), after he offers her the good life of shopping, drugs, sex, etc. By the time Judith’s religious mother (Ella Joyce) wanders in to preach at her daughter, it’s too late. WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) In Disney’s latest, Wreck-It Ralph (v. John C. Reilly), the bad guy from popular arcade game Fix-It Felix Jr., decides he wants to be a good guy. Leaving the safety of his own regenerating world, Ralph enters a Halo-ish first-person shooter named Hero’s Duty in search of a medal. Too bad Ralph is better at wrecking things than fixing them. Drew Wheeler

movie pick An Odyssey of Aging 56 UP (NR) In 1964, Canadian director Paul Almond and Britain’s Granada Television presented Seven Up!, a documentary focusing on 14 English school children from different social/economic backgrounds. Every seven years, the filmmakers revisited the children as they aged into their teenage years and adulthood. It’s a simple premise, but the emotional power of it is sometimes extraordinary. Director Michael Apted (who took over the series with the second installment, 7 Plus Seven) delivers another fascinating glimpse into the lives of his subjects with 56 Up, and the results further solidify why this long-running series is one of the greatest documentaries ever made. Even in an era of (un) Peter Davies reality television, 56 Up is able to lift the veil of illusion and give us a glimpse into the richness of everyday life. All documentaries are deceptive and manipulative, but the great ones are those that acknowledge the deception, subsequently bringing us closer to the subjects without pretending that a gulf doesn’t exist. All but one of the participants (Charlie) are back for 56 Up, including ex-teacher Peter, who dropped out of the series after 1984’s 28 Up. Although his reason for returning to the

series is thoroughly mercenary and cynical (he’s promoting his new Americana/country band), Peter’s negativity is nevertheless refreshing, since disguising or tempering it would have gone against the spirit of the documentary. Ambivalence toward the series isn’t relegated to Peter, however. Many of the others likewise express deeply complex feelings about their involvement in this grand adventure, including the idiosyncratic Neil, who was homeless in earlier episodes and later became a politician in Cumbria; Suzy, who has long expressed frustrations about the series; and Nick, who admits frustration over how he’s presented, though succinctly and brilliantly conveys why so many viewers find this series profound. 56 Up is magnificently, movingly poignant at times. Now middle-aged, the group has had plenty of heartbreak and joy permeate their lives. It’s an intimate odyssey of aging—funny, touching, insightful, maddening and always fascinating. In this era of sensationalistic, morbidly narcissistic reality programming that rarely strays from the script, the Up series remains universal must-see viewing.

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Kaden Shallat


Can the New Underground Save Athens from Itself? ROCK AND ROLL IS DEAD


magine that rock and roll is no more in Athens, Georgia, U.S.A. From the void appears an animate and progressive collection of musicians who establish a fundamental new sound. They harness the anarchic power of rock music and divert it down an alternate sonic path. Guitars are burned. Synths and samplers are the new currency. In the real world, rock’s grip on our town, held firm since the days of Stipe and Schneider, will not loosen any time soon. But a creative nebula has recently emerged, a new underground of experimental-minded musicians that is as tight and supportive as it is individualistic and unwieldy. “The way this particular community has come together is really inspiring,” says Donald Whitehead, ringleader of beatcollage crew Future Ape Tapes, “in the sense that everyone has come from different places to do their own thing independently, but in ways that strangely seem to complement each other. In the sense that it’s a ‘scene’ at all really seems to be a happy coincidence.” Chalk it up to serendipity. Rachel Evans, a LaGrange transplant who records and performs solo as Motion Sickness of Time Travel and makes up half of ambient duo Quiet Evenings, recalls that Robert Ashley of I Come to Shanghai—a band that moved to Athens last year from northern California—wrote her with an invitation to play here in town, unaware that she and her husband, Grant Evans (the other half of Quiet Evenings) were then in the process of relocating to nearby Winterville. Says Ashley, “I had written [Rachel], and I was like, ‘Hey, I really like your record. If you ever want to play a show here—I don’t know what to do about that, but I can try.’”

Much of the new underground’s momentum seems to stem from the fact that most of these musicians are newly established Athenians—slates blank, minds open. Also, there is the small matter of necessity. Though there is no shortage of experimental talent in Athens, that community has long been hopelessly fragmented, due largely to the fact that there isn’t an established experimental venue on the downtown landscape. Even the chances these artists do have to showcase their music are met with confusion or, occasionally, outright hostility; a couple well-known members of the local rock community traded snarky verbal high-fives during a recent and particularly out-there Motion Sickness of Time Travel set. Grant Evans, whose solo work is dense, cloudy and often difficult, isn’t surprised at how his work is often received by the bar crowd. “Noise music, by default, is typically an antisocial endeavor,” he says. In fact, “I was instantly drawn to that aesthetic,” he says. “I don’t necessarily harbor any bad feelings towards pop or rock music—depending on who you ask, they’re nothing but noise, too.” Still, it seems counterintuitive, in an open-minded burg like Athens, that so-called “experimental” music would be met with resistance. In many ways, it seems, our creative community is slower to progress than our wider one. While we have shown an ability to enter into a relatively healthy debate about the future of our downtown, and while we drive away the Walmarts that would seek to strip away our cultural identity, we are slower to respond to threats to our musical fabric. We also often neglect to encourage its growth, beyond an unwritten mandate to keep our downtown scene thriving—a




rule ostensibly geared towards bolstering our arts scene but which, like most things, has its roots in money. Locally bred artists continue to emigrate to cities with more inclusive reputations. And still we rock blindly on. “The bar and restaurant dynamic can be counterproductive for artists trying to do anything other than rock and roll,” says Whitehead. “It seems like the challenge now is to find new spaces and ways to make shows or listening experiences more interactive for the audience, and more open towards the community in general.” If it is time for a change, that doesn’t mean everyone has to start listening to strange music, or hang up their guitars. It just means we should share and learn. Because whether or not we all connect with the music, if there is one thing the new underground can really teach us, it is that monotony is death.

SHARING THE STRUGGLE It should be noted that, though there are stylistic similarities to be found and an obvious philosophical connection among many of these musicians, it is unfair to term Athens’ new underground a “scene.” It isn’t about a sound, nor is it a style. An attitude, maybe. Above all, there seems a shared sort of struggle, a desire to go beyond the typical forms of musical discourse, and to do so in a largely unwelcoming environment, both creatively and financially speaking. Grant Evans laments Athens’ party-minded music community. “I know that there is more to Athens than a couple of old bands who were popular with my parents’ generation, he says, “but the fact of the matter is people… come here to party and to have a good time.”

But the new economic reality has inadvertently trimmed some of the fat, says Whitehead, this article’s lone native Athenian: “When I was growing up, I remember it just being so easy to play music. It was quite common to play a show and have nobody there and still get paid. [Now], people are really doing it because they love it, and there’s a lot of friction associated with that that I don’t remember being there in the past.â€? That’s not necessarily bad, he says. “I think it really weeds out a lot of people‌ If [music is] not coming from a pure place, that can be problematic.â€? There is a singularity about these artists’ music, but it takes wildly divergent forms. The confounding Cult of Riggonia, a Macon-born group that takes cues from digital-era performance art, lo-fi bubble-pop and costumed tribalism, has released several good-to-great cassette tapes, each side a 20-minute psychedelic excursion through a different babbling brook. The band maintains a confounding public profile—its website features various untranslatable homemade YouTube clips; its members go by pseudonyms like Raj, Martian and Willie D—but, rather hilariously, in person, they are among the most straightshooting of this article’s wild bunch. “I don’t know if there are even that many commonalities,â€? says the friendly, gregarious Martian, of his newfound community. “It’s more that we can relate about maybe thinking about music a little differently than a lot of other bands in town.â€? Despite the struggle, there is a certain freedom about flying under the radar. “To not be under a microscope is kinda relieving, in a way, for the creative process,â€? says Whitehead.

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A LIVING RELATIONSHIP “Everybody here takes it personal,â€? says Future Ape Tapes’ Thomas Valadez, who also performs as Tom(b) Television. He’s standing in the woods, amid a rather grotesque collection of gnarled and naked tree limbs, in a circle of his colleagues and collaborators. “We’re all trying to do new things,â€? he continues. “We’re interested in the feedback at the end of an album; that’s where we would begin a lot of our stuff. Musically, what we’re doing in Athens—I think it’s important, because it is blatantly personal. We’re playing small shows to each other. I think that’s really a progression of people understanding music‌ making it personal, and realizing it’s not something where it’s about an audience, and [a performer] on a pedestal. It’s more about having a living relationship with it.â€? All of these artists have a living relationship with their music; their music, too, lives. Last week, Future Ape Tapes released Somnambuland, an album a year and a half in the making. It’s an ecstatic thing, full of jumpy, robotic rhythms and processed organic sounds. It’s also surprisingly accessible: guitars dot the record’s jagged landscape, strange but familiar shapes on the horizon, while Valadez’s vocals alight on top of buoyantly melodic lines. The group’s onetime hip-hop focus has all but evaporated, though some of the beats remain. The “living relationshipâ€? concept applies to how these bands interact with one another, too. I Come to Shanghai, a group that marries pop sensibility with synth exploration, found an unexpected home among the new underground, admitting that the Evanses’ highly experimental music, in particular, has influenced the way they approach their work. “Robert and I definitely invest a lot of time in various kinds of rock music—we just happen to enjoy texture and timbre as much as we enjoy lyrics and melody,â€? writes member Sam Frigard in an email. “So, there’s a constant attempt to marry the two. I think when you really explore the possibilities of pop music you can wind up in some very strange, beautiful places.â€? Rachel Evans, too, describes her and her husband’s musical growth as having been encouraged by their new community. “When we started making this kind of music and really pursuing it, we lived in complete isolation,â€? she says. “When we came to Athens, we were expecting our isolated community of two to continue that way, and didn’t really expect any other musicians to reach out to us. Now that they have, and we do feel this connection to other people in town, it’s very strange adjusting to it‌ It’s been really welcoming and almost magical how people, not meaning to‌ we all ended up here at the same time.â€? Cult of Riggonia’s Willie D agrees, and assesses the situation with transcendental simplicity. “It’s there. It’s present. It’s happening.â€? Gabe Vodicka Cult of Riggonia hosts a residency at Flicker Theatre & Bar every Thursday in April. See Calendar for this week’s listing. Hear some sounds from the new underground on Flagpole.com.

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Besides whatever they may have done wrong, the Skirts have spent 10 years living for and from their music—a privilege that none of the four take lightly. “I realize that my life now—the friends that I have and the relationships that I’ve had, everything I know and use musically now, everything that I do now that I enjoy—my life would be absolutely different if we hadn’t had that experience,” says Glidewell. “Everything I’m doing now is a direct result of the last 10 years of the band being Modern Skirts.” And the band has had exceptional experiences, making it far past the point of most bands, from Athens and elsewhere. In the summer of 2008 while touring with R.E.M. in Europe, Glidewell recalls that he and singerguitarist Gulley dashed through the streets of London. As they were running through a busy intersection, one yelled to the other that they should be careful not to get killed two days before their Amsterdam show. For Glidewell, this memory seems surreal compared to the time the band spends together now on the streets of Athens. These days, members run into each other in their quiet neighborhood and discuss meeting up for potluck dinners. It may not be the same as sharing a European dinner table with Thom Yorke and Michael Stipe—another surreal memory—but they have freedom that fame would have hindered. And without the burden of building a name, the members of Modern Skirts are enjoying the last of their shows. “I’m really happy that we’re doing these shows,” says Glidewell, “We just get to play and have the pure enjoyment of doing it without the heaviness of, ‘Are we making it for ourselves? Are we failing? Are we succeeding?’” Sending out the recent announcement declaring the band’s breakup elicited an unexpectedly emotional response from Glidewell, who says he was torn between relief and regret. He was further surprised by how many people responded to let him know that the Skirts will be missed. They will certainly be remembered, too, as Athens looks forward to what John, Jay, Phillip and JoJo do next.




early 10 years ago, a four-piece band with no official name was asked to play a show at Speakeasy. The Athens Visitors’ Center was courting travel writers and needed someone to perform for the sake of local tourism. The band knew the crowd would also contain many local music moguls. The guys—Jay Gulley, JoJo Glidewell, Phillip Brantley and John Swint—named themselves Modern Skirts, purchased a piano from a thrift store and prepared for the concert. “It was neat and exciting,” says pianist, guitarist and vocalist Glidewell. “It made us feel like grown-ups, instead of playing for drunk people who might throw up in your lap later.” From modest beginnings, the band quickly garnered momentum at the persistence of its first manager, Troy Aubrey. Within months, it was the talk of AthFest and catching on across the country. The group’s first full-length album, Catalogue of Generous Men, was listed at No. 11 on Paste magazine’s Top-50 Albums of 2005. The Skirts grew a passionate following and threatened to become the next big Athens breakout. Now, four albums and a decade later, the band is calling it quits. The break-up comes on amicable terms. “It was nice to do it on our own terms when we’re all still friends, instead of somebody cheating [with] somebody else’s girlfriend or, like, drug problems,” says Glidewell. “We’ll just sidestep all of that.” If it wasn’t rehab or relationships gone awry that eventually put an end to Modern Skirts, perhaps it was just time. “It just got to where we weren’t moving forward anymore,” says Glidewell, “and it seemed to be taking a lot of effort to push things forward at all.” To be clear, this isn’t a break-up-thenmake-up situation. Rather, it’s a conclusion that seemed obvious for the band and even many of its fans. The men have each been pursuing their own musical projects and to press on as Modern Skirts would only have constrained creativity. They considered a change in name to go along with a change in sound, but even that route seemed too forced. “I think Modern Skirts should be the music that we’ve done,” says Glidewell, “and we’ll leave it at that.” Even with a positive perspective, Glidewell is not without regret. The group needed a thicker skin, he says. Criticism led bandmembers to point fingers at anyone but themselves, which was a missed opportunity to evolve. Performance anxiety caused lash-outs between bandmates, exhausted by the draining monotony of life on tour. And maybe they never got that Internet thing quite right.

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Jodi Murphy

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threats & promises Music News And Gossip The Vinyl Frontier: Classic guitar-pop longdistance runners The Vinyl Strangers have been gigging more regularly after a six-month break, during which guitarist Reid Howland celebrated his newest release: a baby daughter. The group is currently working up a fulllength album to be recorded with engineer Matt Yelton at Full Moon Studio later this spring, and has recently done a few out-oftown dates. The band’s next Athens show is Monday, Apr. 8 at the Melting Point pavilion, where it will perform as part of the Hoot, the monthly show produced by the Athens Folk Music & Dance Society, and shares the bill with The Solstice Sisters, Bear on the Square, Paul Lombard and host Susan Staley. It’s free and runs from 8-10 p.m. In other news, Strangers member Joe Guerzo is putting together a tribute band combining his twin adoration for The Archies and the FX cartoon “Archer,� named The Sterling Archies. He reports that he’s “still looking for a Betty and Veronica.� If this is your bag, drop him a line at vinylstrangers@ yahoo.com. Into the Light: After several years, a handful of releases and a few lineup configurations, I feel confident saying that Twin Tigers finally sounds like itself. That is, the fuzzy doom and shadowy shoegaze—brands that earmarked the group’s past—have receded from direct influence into mere inspiration. The group’s most recent Twin Tigers shows have been the most satisfying ones I’ve seen from it in years. All of which leads me to telling you that Twin Tigers is releasing a new full-length on Apr. 9. Death Wish comes courtesy of Brooklyn label Old Flame Records, which also released the group’s 2010 album, Gray Waves. Twin Tigers will kick off a five-week spring tour with a show at the Caledonia Lounge on Saturday, Apr. 6. After this run of shows—through the East Coast, Midwest and deep South—the band has plans for another outing with Dead Confederate. Watch this space for updates. For other info, see thetwintigers.com.

spoken word machine that is Athens Boys Choir released a new album back in January titled Heartstrings and Hamstrings. The performer known simply as Katz is the act’s sole member, and has been for so long that his name and Athens Boys Choir are practically interchangeable. The new album features 15 new tracks of his raw (politically, emotionally and otherwise) word-smithery. There’s minimal backing on most of the tracks, but a new remix of the Choir’s standard dance jam “Fagette� closes the whole thing out on a high note. Katz is seemingly always on tour but rarely plays locally—the closest to Athens he will perform in the near future is at UNCAsheville on Friday, Apr. 5. But you can grab the new album over at athensboyschoir.bandcamp.com and stay up to date at facebook. com/AthensBoysChoirYeah. Mystery Date: Athens Montessori will celebrate its 35th anniversary with the AMS Rocks musical event and auction Saturday,


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7 -AIN 3T s ,EXINGTON '! 706-743-7777

Everyone Is on His Own: One of my favorite diamonds in the rough of Athens music, Junker, just released its album Somewhere in These Transmissions for free via junkerband. bandcamp.com. Led by songwriter Stephen Brooks, Junker trades in apocalyptic visions and down-home emptiness so real you can almost see the footprints across its back. I’d hesitate to call this simply Americana, as it’s really humana-cana, if you will. Everything on the record was done live, except for some organ parts played by Derek Almstead, who can be forgiven for tracking it later, because a man can’t do everything at once. Brooks reports that he already has another album’s worth of songs under his belt for Junker’s next record, tentatively titled Monsooner. Follow along at facebook.com/junkerband. Preach!: Although not really nailed to the Athens music scene anymore, the transsexual

Apr. 6. It runs from 5–10 p.m. at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church (3195 Barnett Shoals Rd.), with local musicians playing in the background during the silent auction portion early on and then doing proper performances between 7 and 8 p.m. The tunes take a break for the live-auction portion—hosted by local artist Cap Man—and the night ends with a dance party from DJ Brant Rackley. There are reportedly four acts performing, but zero have been announced. Hold your breath! Auction items include packages from R.E.M., Drive-By Truckers, AthFest, a hand-painted guitar courtesy of artist Jamie Calkin and instrument donor Megan Adams, and more non-musical items. Individual tickets are $20—remember, this is a fundraiser—and special patron packages are priced appropriately higher. For more info, see amsrocks.org. Read ‘Em and Weep: The next installment of the literature and music series New Town Revue, hosted by Avid Bookshop (493 Prince Ave.), will happen Friday, Apr. 5 and feature writer John Pence, poet Julia Maher and songwriter Jacob Morris. With his newest album, Moths—a name he also performs under—released a few months ago via Cloud Recordings, Morris is developing a growing audience with his gentle vocals and alternately salt-of-the-earth/angel-from-heaven songs. It all starts at 6:30 p.m., so don’t let the sun catch you crying if you’re late. Gordon Lamb threatsandpromises@flagpole.com


Deadline for getting listed in the Calendar is every FRIDAY at 5 p.m. for the print issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Online listings are updated daily. Email calendar@flagpole.com.

Tuesday 2 COMEDY: OpenTOAD Comedy Open Mic (Flicker Theatre & Bar) This comedy show allows locals to watch quality comedy or perform themselves. Email to perform. First and third Tuesday of every month! 9 p.m. FREE! (performers), $5. calebsynan@yahoo.com, www.flickertheatreandbar.com GAMES: Trivia (The Office Lounge) Compete for prizes! Every Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. www.facebook.com/ officeathens GAMES: Trivia (Fuzzy’s Taco Shop) Compete for prizes and giveaways. Every Tuesday. 9–11 p.m. 706353-0305 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) Westside and Eastside locations of Locos Grill and Pub feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! www.locosgrill.com GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your Coors Light and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. 706354-1515 GAMES: Movie Quotes Trivia (Max) With host Cora Jane every Tuesday. Everyone’s a winner. 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-254-3392 PERFORMANCE: George Li (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) The 17-year-old, award-winning pianist performs works by Liszt, Chopin and Beethoven, including Beethoven’s “Moonlight” sonata. 8 p.m. FREE! (w/ student ID), $27. www.pac. uga.edu

Wednesday 3 ART: Opening Reception (UNG Oconee Campus) For the inaugural “Graduating Art Students & Scholarship Award Winners Exhibit.” 5:30 p.m. FREE! gallery@ung.edu CLASSES: Jewelry Class (Athena Jewelers) Learn how to use a jeweler’s saw, solder, set stones and more. Light snacks and drinks provided. 6:30–8:30 p.m. 706-5496869, www.athenajewelers.com GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102 GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Trivia with a DJ! 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706-548-1920 GAMES: Trivia (Your Pie, Five Points location) Open your pie-hole for a chance to win! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-7424 GAMES: Trivia (Choo Choo Japanese Korean Grill Express) Jump on the trivia train! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. www.choochoorestaurants.com GAMES: Movie Trivia (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Hosted by Jeremy Dyson. 9 p.m. www.facebook.com/ lkshuffleclub

GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Test your sports knowledge every Wednesday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Full Contact Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? Test your knowledge every Wednesday night. 8 p.m. Both locations. 706-548-3442 GAMES: Crows Nest Trivia (Dirty Birds) Every Wednesday in the Crows Nest. 8 p.m. FREE! 706546-7050 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Dr. Who Trivia Night (Oconee County Library) Play a round of trivia after watching a fan favorite episode. Snacks provided. For ages 11–18. 6–8 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Terrific Tubes (Oconee County Library) Create a racetrack, marble run, tower and more using cardboard tubes. 1–4 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Barnes & Noble) For all ages. Children receive a free treat from the cafe. 11 a.m. FREE! 706-354-1195 KIDSTUFF: Steampunk Crafting (ACC Library) Create fashionable jewelry and pocket watches. British accents optional. For ages 11–18. 4 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ acclyoungadult LECTURES & LIT: Word of Mouth (The Globe) Monthly open poetry reading. Ralph LaCharity and Ben Gulyas will be the featured readers. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-353-4721 LECTURES & LIT: Origins from Embryos (UGA Chapel) Nancy Manley discusses the surprising similarities and important differences between embryos from species across the animal kingdom. 7 p.m. FREE! www.originslectures. uga.edu LECTURES & LIT: Clueless Book Discussion (Oconee County Library) The Yard by Alex Grecian will be discussed. All mystery book lovers are invited. 7 p.m. FREE! 706769-3950 LECTURES & LIT: Immigration Lecture (UGA Park Hall) Panel discussion about for-profit detention centers in Georgia and their effects on immigrants. 6:30–8 p.m. FREE! kerrysteinberg@gmail.com LECTURES & LIT: Meet the Author (Avid Bookshop) Brent Hendricks signs copies of his newly published memoir, A Long Day at the End of the World. 6:30–7:30 p.m. FREE! www.avidbookshop.com PERFORMANCE: UGA Opera Theater (Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall) Frederick Burchinal directs selected scenes from opera’s most beloved works. 8 p.m. FREE! www. pac.uga.edu

Thursday 4 ART: Artist Reception (Gallery @ Hotel Indigo–Athens) For the show “The World All Around,” featuring large scale photographs, paintings, collage works and video. See Calendar Pick on p. 20. 6:30–8:30 p.m. FREE! www.indigoathens.com ART: Opening Reception (UGA Jackson St. Building) For “Drawn from the Garden,” an exhibit celebrating the Founders Memorial Garden’s 75th anniversary occurring in 2014. 4:30-6:30 p.m. FREE! mtufts@uga.edu CLASSES: Scottish Country Dance Classes (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens) Social dancing at its liveliest with jigs, reels and strathspeys. Every Thursday, 7–9 p.m. $3. dabmillier@google.com EVENTS: GLOBES Social Mixer (Georgia Center Hotel, Dawg House Bar & Grill) Meet members of UGA’s LGBTQ group. A special guest from GA Benefits Counsel will be present. 6–8 p.m. FREE! www.globes.uga.edu EVENTS: Drinking Liberally (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Calling all lefties: beer and political talk. 7 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/groups/ athensdl EVENTS: Thinking About Tomorrow Fundraiser (Terrapin Beer Co.) Pizza from Your Pie, live music by Seth Winters and more. Proceeds benefit Thinking About Tomorrow, a new local nonprofit dedicated to helping at-risk kids. 5:30–7:30 p.m. FREE! $10 (tour). www.thinkingabouttomorrow.com FILM: The Others (UGA Tate Student Center, Tate Theatre) In this psychological horror film, Grace Stewart (Nicole Kidman) must discover what is haunting her family’s home. 8 p.m. $1–2. www.union.uga.edu FILM: iFilms: Desk Set (ACC Library) In this 1957 office comedy, a mysterious man hanging around a TV network proves to be engineer Richard Sumner, who’s been ordered to keep his real purpose secret: computerizing the office. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 GAMES: Trivia (The Volstead) Every Thursday! 7:30-9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-354-5300 GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your beer and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:309:30 p.m. 706-354-1515 KIDSTUFF: Library Crew (Oconee County Library) The library is seeking volunteers ages 9-12 to help take care of the library. Call to register. 4–5 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Book Jammers (ACC Library) This month’s theme is mythology. Listen to stories about Greek gods and goddesses and make your own clay sculpture. Ages 8-11. 4:30 p.m. FREE! 706-6133650

Pianist Hyung-ki Joo and violinist Aleksey Igudesman perform together at the UGA Hodgson Concert Hall on Thursday, Apr. 7. KIDSTUFF: Family Dinner Night (Earth Fare Café) Kids eat free every Thursday with one $5 adult purchase of prepared foods. Good for up to six kids, ages 12 & under. 4–8 p.m. $5. 706-227-1717 LECTURES & LIT: AGAS Lecture (UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries) Dr. Elizabeth Rodini speaks about “Renaissance Venice and Today.” 5:30–7 p.m. FREE! www.art.uga.edu LECTURES & LIT: Reading by Coleman Barks (UGA Chapel) Internationally acclaimed poet Barks reads from his new book of poetry, Hummingbird Sleep: Poems, 20092011. A reception and reading at the Founders Memorial Garden House will follow. See Calendar Pick on p. 20. 7 p.m. FREE! www.garev.uga.edu MEETINGS: Oconee Rivers Audubon Society (Sandy Creek Nature Center) The coordinator of Audubon’s Important Bird Areas (IBA) program will demonstrate the critical need for establishing and protecting areas for wild birds. 7 p.m. FREE! www.oconeeriversaudubon.org PERFORMANCE: UGA Jazz Concert (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) UGA’s first Jazz Studio Orchestra has a 15-piece big band and a 10-piece string section. 8 p.m. FREE! ddangelo@uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Master’s Recital (UGA Robert G. Edge Recital Hall) Master’s candidate Peter Riggs performs on French horn. 6:30 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Spring Dance Concert (UGA New Dance Theatre) Presented by the UGA Department of Dance. Apr. 4–6, 8 p.m. & Apr. 7, 2:30 p.m. $15. www.ugadance@ uga.edu

Friday 5 EVENTS: Line Dancing (Bootleggers Country & Western Bar) Countrywestern-style line dance lessons.

Every Friday. And come ride Pandemonium, the mechanical bull! 8–10 p.m. 706-254-7338 EVENTS: Let’s Talk Seniors: Volunteer Opportunities (Iris Place) Members of the community, especially seniors, and their pets are invited to learn about volunteer opportunities and activities. Refreshments provided. 5 p.m. FREE! www.irisplace.com EVENTS: Brewhaha 2013 (Aromas) A special night of dark beer tasting called “Dark and Sexy,” featuring Bell’s Hopslam, Founder’s Kentucky Breakfast Stout and more. 6 p.m. www.aromascraftworks.com EVENTS: Take Back the Night (College Square) An event to raise awareness of sexual and domestic violence in the Athens area features live music from Incendiaries and Emily Armond, as well as speakers. Proceeds benefit The Cottage and Project Safe. 6–10 p.m. FREE! www. facebook.com/takebackthenightathens EVENTS: 28th Annual Insect Zoo (UGA Miller Plant Sciences) A hands-on event featuring live bug exhibits, a photo booth, roach races, a butterfly release, kids’ crafts, giveaways and more. 10 a.m.–3 p.m. FREE! entomolo@uga.edu EVENTS: A Walk with Grace (Clarke Central High School, Track & Field) This walk-a-thon will help raise funds for the recovery of Grace Byrne, who suffered a traumatic brain injury. Live music by Tealvox, Stone Kids, A Barrel of Monkeys, Athens, The Flamethrower Surf Band and Simone Zaccaria-Jeffers. 6–10 p.m. $5. 706-395-5083, http://bit.ly/ WalkWithGrace FILM: Lincoln (UGA Tate Student Center, Tate Theatre) A historical drama that focuses on the 16th president’s tumultuous final months in office. 2:30, 6 & 9:30 p.m. $1–2. www.union.uga.edu/movies KIDSTUFF: Froggie Spring Fling (Sandy Creek Nature Center) Families are invited to learn about

amphibians and search for newts, salamanders and frogs. 7–9 p.m. $7–10/family. 706-613-3615 KIDSTUFF: Friday Night Paddles (Sandy Creek Park) Experience the moon over Lake Chapman as you paddle around in a canoe or kayak. For ages 12 & older. Pre-registration required. 8:30–10:30 p.m. $8–12. 706-613-3631, www.athensclarkecounty.com/sandycreekpark LECTURES & LIT: New Town Revue (Avid Bookshop) This installment of the monthly quiet variety show features Julia Maher reading poetry, John Pence sharing prose and Jacob Morris playing music. 6:30–7:30 p.m. FREE! www. avidbookshop.com PERFORMANCE: The UGA Trombone Choir and Ensemble (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) The ensembles present their annual spring concert under the direction of professor Josh Bynum. 6 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: UGA Men’s & Women’s Glee Clubs (Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall) Spring semester concert conducted by Dr. Daniel Bara and Jason Vodicka. 8 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: The Southern Winds (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) A graduate student chamber ensemble perform a variety of works for flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon and French horn. 3:30 p.m. FREE! www. music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Spring Dance Concert (UGA New Dance Theatre) See Thursday listing for full description Apr. 4–6, 8 p.m. & Apr. 7, 2:30 p.m. $15. www.ugadance@uga.edu PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Robert G. Edge Recital Hall) Paul Futer performs on trumpet. 5 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Athens Showgirl Cabaret (Little Kings Shuffle Club) A unique drag show featuring performances by local drag artists. 10:30 p.m. $5. 706-369-3144

k continued on p. 21




calendar picks


W E D N E S D AY, A P R I L 3 R D



Bill Hart Band



Old Skool Trio


Scarlett Stitch


Kate Morrissey with Joe and Fiona SUNDAY, APRIL 7TH

Free Mountain MONDAY, APRIL 8TH

Open Mic with Kyshona Armstrong TUESDAY, APRIL 9TH

Hannah Fairlight UPCOMING: APRIL 10TH


hendershotscoffee.com 1560 oglethorpe ave. 706.353.3050

T H U R S D AY, A P R I L 4 T H



S AT U R D AY, A P R I L 6 T H


.PO 4BU QN BN (Kitchen open ’til 2am) 4VOEBZ QN BN (Kitchen open ’til midnight) )BQQZ )PVS QN %BJMZ $7 Buckets of Beer 1/2 off Bottles of Wine FOOD


ART | Thursday, Apr. 4

Opening Reception for “The World All Aroundâ€? Gallery @ Hotel Indigo ¡ 6:30 p.m. ¡ FREE! The new exhibition “The World All Aroundâ€? includes artists’ work that examines our relationship to the environment, both natural and manufactured, and features large-scale photographic works by Michael Marshall, Jim Fiscus and Chris Bilheimer, paintings by Atlanta artist Meg Aubrey, drawn works by Alex Murawski and Atlanta artist Robert Walden, collage works by Atlanta artist Dayna Thacker and video by Adriane Colburn, Justin Plakas and Michael Oliveri. There will be a cash bar and light hors d’oeuvres provided. Also on view in the hotel’s GlassCube is “Landscape for the Night,â€? a kinetic sculpture by Martijn van Dan Wagtendonk, which is in motion from 6–11 p.m. every night. [Christina Cotter]

FLUKE! Mini-Comics Festival 40 Watt Club ¡ 11 a.m.–6 p.m. ¡ $2 It’s time for FLUKE!, the annual festival showcase for mini-comics, zines and smallpress publications to get together and flaunt their colorful, hilarious, witty and always zany creations. The exhibitors list this year is over 65 artists strong, including such local faves as David Mack, Dan Smith and Eleanor Davis. As always, FLUKE! is not a merch-saturated comics convention but a forum for artists, publishers and


Reading by Coleman Barks UGA Chapel ¡ 7 p.m. ¡ FREE!

The Georgia Review and the University of Georgia Press present a reading from Athens’ own Coleman Barks, a retired UGA English professor, internationally acclaimed poet and translator of the 13th-century Sufi poet Jalal al-Din Rumi. Barks will read from his new book of poetry, Hummingbird Sleep: Poems, 2009–2011, which will be available for purchase at the event. Afterward, the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics and Writers will sponsor a reading and reception at the Founders Memorial Garden House on 325 S. Lumpkin St. The readers include Julie E. Bloemeke, Brian J. Buchanan, Nail Chiodo, David Curzon, George Economou, Ari Lieberman, Ben Mazer, Elise Partridge, Brian Abel Ragen, Peter Selgin, Sassan Tabatabai, Tess Taylor, John Wallen and William Walsh. [C.C.]

Lazer/Wulf, Papier Tigre, Nurture Caledonia Lounge ¡ 9:30 p.m. ¡ $5 (21+), $7 (18-20) The most diverse musical lineup of the week also makes a weird sort of sense, when you consider it: All three bands look to the previous decade for inspiration. Anchoring Thursday night’s showcase is the speedy, geometric thrash of former locals Lazer/Wulf, whose rapturous live show is a thing that one must see to comprehend. The scintillating music of Nantes, France-based rock group Papier Tigre conjures up memories of our city’s mid-aughts math-rock obsession, fragmented and weirdly pop-centric (fans of Les Savy Fav will enjoy). Gripping local upstart Nurture opens and is arguably the most essential band on the bill; its recent


EVENT | Saturday, Apr. 6

LECTURES & LIT | Thursday, Apr. 4

MUSIC | Thursday, Apr. 4


EP In the Middle of Everything showed that post-hardcore is very much still alive and screaming, underwhelming At the Drive-In reunion be damned. [Gabe Vodicka]

enthusiasts to share and exchange ideas. The official sponsors of the event include Bizzaro-Wuxtry, Flagpole magazine and freelance illustrator Anthony Fisher. Find out more details at www.flukeisawesome. blogspot.com. [C.C.] MUSIC | Tuesday, Apr. 9

William Tyler, Hand Sand Hands Green Room ¡ 9 p.m. ¡ $5

As a backing guitarist in both Lambchop’s and Silver Jews’ touring ensembles, William Tyler added atmosphere. His new record Impossible Truth is a follow-up to 2010’s solo debut, Behold the Spirit, and it’s a rich and meditative compilation of eight tracks that pulls from atmospheric rock and traditional fingerpicked guitar—a little Richard Thompson, a little Reggie Young, with a splash of Robby Krieger’s trippy Doors work. It sounds like Midwestern drives and Western sunsets (sunrises, too). Tyler says the recordings were inspired by two books about Los Angeles: Barney Hoskyns’ Hotel California and Mike Davis’ Ecology of Fear. Melodic and lush, Impossible Truth conjures sun-spattered nostalgia as much as ominous apocalypticism. Tyler isn’t afraid to bring in backing instruments when necessary, and his tunes are warm, lovely and accessible. [Chris Hassiotis]


Saturday 6 ART: Fourth Annual Bulldog Inn Art Show (Bulldog Inn) Over 20 artists adopt rooms in the Bulldog Inn for one-night-only art installations, including video projections, sculpture and performances. 8 p.m. FREE! www.bulldoginnartshow.tumblr.com ART: Pets Are People Too (Iris Place) An exhibit of pet art and photography by local artists. Donations of unopened pet food accepted. Proceeds benefit the Athens Area Humane Society. 2–4 p.m. FREE! www.athensareahumanesociety.org ART: Opening Reception (Heirloom Cafe and Fresh Market) For the photographs of six-year-old Carmen Tong. The reception is a family happy hour, featuring kid-centric live music, a photo-themed craft for kids and a photo booth. 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! www.heirloomathens.com ART: Opening Reception (The Bottleworks) For the photographs from the “My_Athens” Instagram show. Over 200 local and iconic shots. Print sales benefit Habitat for Humanity. 7 p.m. FREE! www. myathensis.com CLASSES: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Yoga(Athens, GA) An introductory and integrative workshop mixing yoga and ACT experiential exercises. Email for reservations and location. 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. $90. athensactgroup@gmail.com CLASSES: Create Fantasy Fabric and Notebook Cover (Sewcial Studio) Learn how to create fabric and other embellishments to make into a notebook cover. Preregistration required. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $39. www.sewcialsudio.com CLASSES: Small Scale Glass Fusing Workshop (Studio Mod Glass) Local jewelry artist Annette Paskiewicz teaches the basics of glass fusing in her studio. Materials included. Visit website for register. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. $100. modglassgirl@gmail.com, www.studiomodglass.com EVENTS: First Saturday Contra Dance (Lay Park) Beginner instruction at 7:15 p.m. Andrew Levin and the Clemson Contra Band performs. With caller Jennie Wakefield. No experience or partner necessary. 7:30–10:30 p.m. $4–8. www.contradanceathens.com EVENTS: AMS Rocks (St. Gregory Episcopal Church) Athens Montessori fundraiser featuring TBA local musicians playing during a silent auction with memorabilia from R.E.M., the Drive-By Truckers, and much more. Also, a DJ set by Brant Rackley. 5–10 p.m. $20. www. amsrocks.org EVENTS: International Street Festival (Broad St. & College Ave.) International Student Life at UGA presents a festival showcasing student groups and community organizations through cultural displays, music and dance performances. 12–5 p.m. FREE! www.uga.edu/isl EVENTS: UGA GLOBES Day of Service (Brooklyn Cemetery) GLOBES hosts a clean-up day of the Brooklyn Cemetery, a historic burial site for African Americans established in 1882. 9 a.m.–12 p.m. www. globes.uga.edu, www.brooklyncemetery1.wix.com/brooklyncemetery EVENTS: Let’s Talk Seniors: Pet Care Tips (Iris Place) Members of the community, especially seniors, and their pets are invited to learn about pet care tips. Refreshments provided. 8 a.m. FREE! www.irisplace.com

continued from p. 19

EVENTS: Plantapalooza(Various Locations) Plant sales at The Trial Gardens at UGA, UGA’s Hort Club at the Riverbend Greenhouses and at the State Botanical Garden. 8 a.m.–2 p.m. contact@ugatrialgardens.com EVENTS: Terrapin 5K & One More Mile (Terrapin Beer Co.) Terrapin Beer Co. and One More Mile, LLC team up for a 4.1 mile run. 2 p.m. www.active.com EVENTS: “Insurrection Ball: The Thin Black Line” (Go Bar) Alternative collectives Sirens of Sin and Beatmatched Hearts collaborate on an evening of fetish/cabaret performances, darkwave music and more. 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-5609 EVENTS: Fight Night VIII (Manor) A night of fighting from experienced MMA fighters. 7–10:30 p.m. $15. www.manorathens.com EVENTS: 16th Annual Seed Swap (Grove Creek Farm) A celebration of heirloom seeds and old-time agriculture. Features include kids’ activities, a mule-drawn plowing, seeding

live music by Kathleen Dailey, Mark Day, Pure Sun Project and Conner Pledger. Proceeds benefit long-time Athenian Pat Boobas. 4–10 p.m. $10. 706-548-7803 EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Bishop Park) Opening day! Demo with Chef Whitney Otawka of Farm 255. Local and sustainable produce, meats, eggs, dairy, baked goods, prepared foods and crafts. 8 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! www.athensfarmersmarket.net EVENTS: Big Gay Cookout (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens) Kid-friendly event open to everyone and hosted by sapph.fire. 1–3 p.m. FREE! rickyrob@uga.edu KIDSTUFF: Family Fun Day (ACC Library) The library celebrates its 100th birthday with crafts projects, naturalists from Sandy Creek Nature Center, a junior safari petting zoo and a puppetry performance. 10 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 KIDSTUFF: ‘Rents and Tots: Relief Printmaking (Double Dutch Press) Learn the basics of relief printmaking. 2–4 p.m. $50. www.doubledutchpress.com

Sunday 7 EVENTS: 18th Annual Classic City Brew Fest (The Melting Point) Sample from over 300 beers and 15 one-off cask ales. Live music by Tropical Breeze. 2–6 p.m. $40. www. brewfest.net EVENTS: WrestleMania 29 (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Watch professional wrestling matches produced by World Wrestling Entertainment on the big screen. 7 p.m. $5. 706-8501916 GAMES: Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern, Broad Street location) What do you really know? 6 p.m. 706-548-3442 GAMES: Trivia (Buffalo’s Café) “Brewer’s Inquisition,” trivia hosted by Chris Brewer every Sunday. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-354-6655, www. buffaloscafe.com/athens GAMES: Trivia (Amici) Test your skills. 9 p.m. 706-353-0000 GAMES: Trivia (The Capital Room) Every Sunday! Hosted by Evan Delany. First place wins $50 and second place wins $25. 8 p.m. FREE! www.thecapitalroom.com KIDSTUFF: Read to Rover (ACC Library) Beginning readers can practice by reading aloud to a furry friend. First come, first served. 3–4 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650 PERFORMANCE: Classic City Band (Cedar Shoals High School) A selection of Italian works by Gabrieli, Cavallini, Verdi and Respighi. 3 p.m. www.classiccityband.org PERFORMANCE: Igudesman and Joo (Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall) Violinist Aleksey Igudesman and pianist Hyung-ki Joo combine humor with classical music and popular culture in a never-ending quest to turn the world’s most esteemed concerts halls into standing-room only comedy clubs. The duo will perform their show, A Little Nightmare Music. 3 p.m. $39. www.pac.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Spring Dance Concert (UGA New Dance Theatre) See Thursday listing for full description Apr. 4–6, 8 p.m. & Apr. 7, 2:30 p.m. $15. www.ugadance@uga.edu THEATRE: 1776 (Morton Theatre) See Saturday listing for full description Apr. 6, 7:30 p.m. & Apr. 7, 3 p.m. $5–17. www.mortontheatre. com

Monday 8 The art exhibit “The World All Around” opens at the Gallery@Hotel Indigo Thursday, Apr. 4. See Calendar Pick on p. 20. demonstrations, wagon rides, live music and food. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. www.grovecreekfarm.org EVENTS: 12th Annual Fluke MiniComics Festival (40 Watt Club) Mini-comics, zines and independent publications by comic artists. See Calendar Pick on p. 20. 11 a.m.–6 p.m. $2. www.flukeathens.com EVENTS: 35th Annual Human Race (UGA Catholic Center) 5k race, food and prizes. Proceeds benefit local Franciscan Outreach Ministries. 8:30-11 a.m. $15–18. www.cc.uga.edu EVENTS: 3rd Annual Festifool (Farmington Depot Gallery) Artists’ market, food, hayrides and live music featuring Kyshona Armstrong, Chris Nekvinda, Dylan Sheppard and more. 10 a.m.–7 p.m. FREE! www. farmingtondepotgallery.com EVENTS: Boobs for Boobas (Locos Grill & Pub, Harris St. location) All you can eat BBQ, a silent auction of gift baskets, a bake sale, raffle and

KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Barnes & Noble) Children receive a free treat. 11 a.m. FREE! 706-354-1195 OUTDOORS: Spring Bird Ramble (Sandy Creek Park) Look for spring migrant birds. 8 a.m. FREE! www. oconeeriversaudubon.org PERFORMANCE: Spring Dance Concert (UGA New Dance Theatre) See Thursday listing for full description. Apr. 4–6, 8 p.m. & Apr. 7, 2:30 p.m. $15. www.ugadance@uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Mat Levore (The World Famous) Sophisticated visual magic, mind-reading and hypnosis are this magician’s tricks of choice. 7:30 p.m. $20–25. www.theworldfamousathens.com THEATRE: 1776 (Morton Theatre) 1776 is a musical comedy about the summer of 1776. The nation is ready to declare independence if the founding fathers can sway the votes of the second Continental Congress. 3 p.m. $5–17. Visit www.mortontheatre.com

GAMES: Team Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Win house cash and prizes! Every Monday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia (Highwire Lounge) Athens’ toughest trivia. $100 grand prize every week! All ages. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-543-8997 GAMES: Rock and Roll Trivia (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Get a team together and show off your extensive music knowledge every Monday! Hosted by Jonathan Thompson. 9 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/lkshuffleclub KIDSTUFF: Teen Advisory Board (Oconee County Library) If you want to make the library a better place for teens, this is your chance to be involved. Creativity and leadership traits are necessary. Ages 11–18. Registration required. 7-8 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Infant Storytime (ACC Library) Parents assist their children in movements and actions while playing. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Bedtime Stories (ACC Library) Stories before bedtime; pajamas encouraged. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650



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k continued on next page



THE CALENDAR! LECTURES & LIT: Author Reading (Oconee County Library) Denise Weimer reads excerpts from her historical fiction novel, Sautee Shadows. Refreshments provided. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 LECTURES & LIT: Global Health Lecture (UGA Chapel) Carol Etherington, a nurse who traveled the world for three decades assisting people devastated by war and natural disaster, speaks about her experiences and perspective in the final installment of Voices from the Vanguard Series. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.grady.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: Master’s Recital (UGA Robert G. Edge Recital Hall) Brendan McQuay performs on tuba. 6:30 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Robert G. Edge Recital Hall) Recent winner of UGA’s orchestra concerto competition Kristin Holritz performs. 8 p.m. FREE! www.music. uga.edu PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) Julie Kang Harvey gives a recital. 3:35 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu

ART: Opening Reception (ARTini’s Open Art Studio, Gallery & Lounge) For “Virtual Landscapes” by Brian Macbeth. 5:30–8:30 p.m. FREE! www.artinisartlounge.com ART: Artist Talks (Athens Institute for Contemporary Art (ATHICA)) Elizabeth Barton, Ted Kuhn and Leslie Snipes will present images of their work while discussing their processes and portfolios. Part of the current exhibit, “Worked.” 7 p.m. www.athica.org CLASSES: Adult DIY Craft Night (Treehouse Kid and Craft) Every second Tuesday of the month. 7:30-9:30 p.m. $25. www.treehousekidandcraft. com COMEDY: Bill Burr (Georgia Theatre) Comedian Burr has made appearances in Stand Up Guys, The Heat and “Breaking Bad.” 6 p.m. $30. www.georgiatheatre.com EVENTS: 2nd Tuesday Tastings: Rosés on the Patio (Heirloom Cafe and Fresh Market) Sample rosé wines in celebration of warmer weather. 6 p.m. 706-354-7901 FILM: Switch (Cindy Rooker Fireside Lounge, UGA East Campus Village) A documentary that moves past the politics to deliver the straights facts on energy. 7–9 p.m. FREE! www. switchenergyproject.com GAMES: Movie Quotes Trivia (Max) With host Cora Jane every Tuesday. Everyone’s a winner. 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-254-3392 GAMES: Trivia (Fuzzy’s Taco Shop) Compete for prizes and giveaways. Every Tuesday. 9–11 p.m. 706353-0305 GAMES: Trivia (The Office Lounge) Compete for prizes! Every Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. www.facebook.com/ officeathens GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your Coors Light and compete! Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. 706354-1515 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) Westside and Eastside locations of Locos Grill and Pub feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! www.locosgrill.com KIDSTUFF: Magic Tree House Book Club (Madison County Library) For children at a second to third grade reading level. 4–5 p.m. FREE! 706-795-5597


KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids ages 2–5 and their caregivers. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 LECTURES & LIT: Meet the Author: Jamie Quatro (Avid Bookshop) To celebrate her first collection of short stories, I Want to Show You More, Jamie Quatro speaks and signs copies of her book. 6–7:30 p.m. FREE! www.avidbookshop.com LECTURES & LIT: Special Collections Tour (Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries) Tour the exhibit galleries. 2 p.m. FREE! www.libs.uga.edu/scl PERFORMANCE: University Chorus (Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall) The spring concert features performances by a wide variety of UGA students. 8 p.m. FREE! www. pac.uga.edu PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) Anderson Romero performs on trumpet. 6 p.m. FREE! www.music. uga.edu PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Robert G. Edge Recital Hall) Ellis Wright presents a classical guitar recital. 3:35 p.m. FREE! www. music.uga.edu SPORTS: Recreational Disc Golf Doubles Night (Sandy Creek Park) All skill levels of disc players are welcome. Discs provided. May bring a partner or be paired up. 6–8 p.m. FREE! (w/ $3 admission). www. athensdiscgolf.com

Green Room 9 p.m. FREE! www.greenroomathens. com BEN MILLER BAND Bluegrassinfused folk band from Joplin, MO.

Farm 255 8 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com CALEB DARNELL Member of The Darnell Boys and Bellyache sings the blues.

Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com SONGWRITERS SERIES Local singer-songwriters open their hearts.

Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. www.flickertheatreandbar.com THE VIKING PROGRESS Patrick Morales has a lovely, tender voice that sings gentle, indie/folk ballads about love, death and isolation inspired by his time at sea. T.S. WOODWARD Psychedelic, piano-centric pop from this local singer-songwriter. ON THE WATER Philly-based folk collective led by 25-year-old songwriter Fletcher VanVliet.

The Melting Point 8:30 p.m. $15 (adv.), $18 (door), $10 (w/ UGA ID). www.meltingpointathens.com REVEREND HORTON HEAT Longrunning Texas-based punkabilly. Mirko Pasta 6 p.m. FREE! 706-850-5641 (Gaines School Road location) LEAVING COUNTRIES Louis Phillip Pelot performs folk and country. Nowhere Bar Tuesday Night Confessional. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 FESTER HAGOOD This local songwriter sings in a soft drawl that accents his simple, plucked country songs.

Georgia Theatre On the Rooftop. 5 p.m. FREE! www. georgiatheatre.com KINKY WAIKIKI Relaxing, steel guitar-driven band following the traditions of Hawaiian music. 8 p.m. $8. www.georgiatheatre.com THE LAST WALTZ ENSEMBLE Tribute band performing the music of Bob Dylan and The Band. REVIVAL Allman Brothers Band tribute group.

Nate Geslin

Tuesday 9

chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102 GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Test your sports knowledge every Wednesday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Crows Nest Trivia (Dirty Birds) Every Wednesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-546-7050 GAMES: Full Contact Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? Test your knowledge. 8 p.m. Both locations. 706-548-3442 KIDSTUFF: Anime Club (Oconee County Library) All dedicated fans and new fans of anime and manga are invited. Ages 13–18. 6–8 p.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 KIDSTUFF: Superhero T-Shirts (ACC Library) Travel back in time to make an awesome retro-style shirt using fabric paint and freezer paper. Bring your own shirt to decorate. For ages 11–18. 4–5:30 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/acclyoungadult KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Barnes & Noble) For all ages. Children receive a free treat from the cafe. 11 a.m. FREE! 706-354-1195 KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Enjoy a morning of stories, songs and crafts. For kids

Monday, Apr. 8 continued from p. 21


Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 TREEHOUSE Sublime-inspired band from South Carolina. The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke! Porterhouse Grill 7 p.m. FREE! 706-369-0990 JAZZ NIGHT An evening of original music, improv and standards. Tapped 9 p.m. FREE! 706-850-6277 KARAOKE Every Wednesday! Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com TRE POWELL Bluesy acoustic tunes with soulful vocals. The World Famous Wednesday Roots Night. 7 p.m. $7. www.theworldfamousathens.com THE MURPHY BEDS Irish folk band from New York, led by songwriter Eamon O’Leary. PAUL MCHUGH Pilgrim frontman plays a solo set. AUSTIN COLEMAN No info available.

Thursday 4 40 Watt Club 8:30 p.m. $10 (adv.), $12 (door). www.40watt.com NATHAN ANGELO Atlanta transplanted singer-songwriter with a soulful voice that pairs elements of gospel and lyrical storytelling. SAM HEILIG Georgia-based singersongwriter influenced heavily by Top 40 pop. WILL ENTREKIN Local singersongwriter.

Wednesday 10 ART: Life Drawing Open Studio (UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art Galleries) See Tuesday listing for full description 5:30–8:30 p.m. $8. www.art.uga.edu CLASSES: Jewelry Class (Athena Jewelers) Learn how to use a jeweler’s saw, solder, set stones and more. Light snacks and drinks provided. 6:30–8:30 p.m. 706-5496869, www.athenajewelers.com EVENTS: East Georgia Cancer Coalition Strike Out Cancer Bowling Tournament (Ten Pins Tavern) Teams of four will compete in a bowling tournament, featuring live music, a silent auction and food. Proceeds benefit cancer prevention and education. Call or email to register. 6–10 p.m. $25 (individual), $100 (team). 706-540-6127, morganjokelley@gmail.com EVENTS: Rabbit Box 11 (Sandy Creek Park) Listen as eight Athenians share true stories from their lives. This month’s theme is “Into the Wild.” For adult ears. 7–9 p.m. $2. www.rabbitbox.org EVENTS: Atlantic Archipelagos Research Project Conference (Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries) Famed poet and novelist Ciaran Carson from Belfast, Ireland, will kick off the three-day conference. Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served. 7 p.m. FREE! www.willson.uga.edu GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Trivia with a DJ! 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706-548-1920 GAMES: Trivia (Choo Choo Japanese Korean Grill Express) Jump on the trivia train! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. www.choochoorestaurants.com GAMES: Trivia (Your Pie, Five Points location) Open your pie-hole for a chance to win! Every Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-7424 GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia

ALPHA DATA Alter ego of glitchy, Minneapolis-based DJ James Ristvedt.

Amici 9 p.m. FREE! 706-353-0000 OPEN MIC NIGHT Showcase your talent! Email amiciopenmic@gmail. com to get a spot.

Buildings play Caledonia Lounge on Tuesday, Apr. 9. ages 2–5 and their caregivers. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 & 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 LECTURES & LIT: Speaking Pages: A Spoken Word Event (Avid Bookshop) A monthly gathering for writers and performers. Storytelling, prose, essays, poetry and spoken word performances welcome. 6:30–7:30 p.m. FREE! www. avidbookshop.com PERFORMANCE: DMA Recital (UGA Ramsey Concert Hall) Andrew Peeks performs on saxophone. 3:35 p.m. FREE! www.music.uga.edu

LAURIE RIDER Singer songwriter from Waycross, GA playing in the style of Neko Case. DANA SWIMMER A montage of garage rock with sweet undertones. ED ROLAND AND THE SWEET TEA PROJECT Collective Soul frontman’s side project featuring a variety of talented guests.


The Volstead 9 p.m.–1:30 a.m. 706-354-5300 KARAOKE Every Tuesday!

Tuesday 2

WUOG 90.5 FM Live in the Lobby. 8 p.m. FREE! www. wuog.org DUDE MAGNETS Local band plays noisy, chaotic rock and roll.

Georgia Theatre 9 p.m. $10. www.georgiatheatre.com NAIVE MELODIES Talking Heads tribute band. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 DJ FOG JUICE Spinning Euro/Italo/ space-disco, new wave, R&B and current and classic dance hits.

Sundown Saloon 8 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1180 AVERY DYLAN’S OPEN MIC NIGHT All musicians, singers, songwriters and/or bands welcome!

Wednesday 3 Amici 10 p.m. FREE! 706-353-0000 LIVE BAND KARAOKE Sing your faves as a live band backs you up.

Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 KADE KAHL Literate local singersongwriter. JOHNNY MONTARELLA No info available. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com BILL HART BAND Atlanta-based jazz group that plays with a funky groove and a touch of rock. The Melting Point 8 p.m. $5 (adv.), $8 (door). www.meltingpointathens.com DR. DAN MATRAZZO & THE LOOTERS Heavy space-funk and jazz from a member of Aquarium Rescue Unit. CD release party! LORD KITCHENER’S VALET BAND No info available. New Earth Music Hall 9:30 p.m. $8. www.newearthmusichall. com ROBOTIC PIRATE MONKEY Electronic bass crew from Boulder, CO. KICKS N LICKS San Diego-based electronic duo with dubstep and drum ‘n’ bass leanings.

Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+) $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com LAZER/WULF This avant-metal instrumental trio mixes in prog, thrash as well as more eclectic influences for a high-energy and highly entertaining live show. PAPIER TIGRE Post-hardcore band from Nantes, France playing self described “art-punk.” NURTURE Local post-hardcore trio featuring screamed vocals, chunky guitar and explosive rhythms. See Calendar Pick on p. 20. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com MOTHER THE CAR Local hard rock/ blues band playing fierce and heavy tunes. GHOST LIGHTS Psychedelic punkrock from Atlanta, GA. KILL KILL BUFFALO Grungy, hardrock duo based in Athens featuring Kara Kildare’s powerful, seductive vocals. Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. www.flickertheatreandbar.com CULT OF RIGGONIA Experimental soundscapes with tribal, world music beats and ornate instrumentation. See story on p. 14. MOONTRASH Macon-based, femalefronted post-punk/trash-rock band. TIMMY & THE TUMBLERS Tim Schreiber (Dark Meat, The LickitySplits) howls and spasms and

literally tumbles over garage-y rock-anthems and retro-inspired pop songs. LITTLE SPOON Experimental pop band from Boston.

Sr. Sol 6 p.m. FREE! 706-850-7112 (W. Broad St. location) MARIACHI NIGHT Live Mariachi band, every other Thursday!

Georgia Bar 11 p.m. FREE! 706-546-9884 THE REIVERS Local rock and roll band.

Walker’s Coffee & Pub 9 p.m. FREE! 706-543-1433 KARAOKE Every Thursday!

Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $15. www.georgiatheatre.com THE BLACK ANGELS Heavy psychedelic rock band from Austin, TX that borrows elements of garage rock. ALLAH-LAS Los Angeles band evoking the old-school California electrified folk sound, heavy on harmonies and the jangle of the tambourine. See online Calendar Pick. ELEPHANT STONE Montreal sitarist Rishi Dhir’s psychedelic project. Go Bar 11 p.m. 706-546-5609 KARAOKE Hosted by karaoke fanatic John “Dr. Fred” Bowers and featuring a large assortment of pop, rock, indie and more. Green Room 5 p.m. SOLD OUT! www.greenroomathens.com PERPETUAL GROOVE A special early, acoustic show from these revered local jam-rockers. Green Room 9:30 p.m. $5. www.greenroomathens. com NEW MADRID Echoing and atmospheric music, with folky vocals and swift, proficient guitar plucks. GLASSCRAFTS Power-pop-punk project featuring Grass Giraffes’ Steven Trimmer and Robby Casso. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. FREE! www.hendershotscoffee. com OLD SKOOL TRIO Funk, blues, and jazz featuring Carl Lindberg on bass, Seth Hendershot on drums and Jason Fuller on keys. Playing original compositions and the music of The Funky Meters, Dr. John, War, Sly and the Family Stone, Billy Preston, Stevie Wonder, Funkadelic and more. The Melting Point 7:45 p.m. $17 (adv.), $22 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com TAB BENOIT Guitarist native to Louisiana combining a variety of blues styles including Delta, swamp and Chicago blues. DANGERMUFFIN South Carolina trio that shifts between Southern rock, beach grooves and Americana. Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 THE GREAT BARRIER REEFS Steel pan-led funk/jazz group based in Nashville. The Office Lounge Blues Night. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-5460840 THE SHADOW EXECUTIVES Get your fill of straight-up, authentic blues covers from this skilled Athens five-piece. This is an open jam and guests are welcome! The Pub at Gameday 10 p.m. 706-353-2831 LEAVING COUNTRIES AND FRIENDS Local singer-songwriter Louis Phillip Pelot hosts this weekly jam. This week’s showcase features Ken Will Morton, The Dry Humps, Tre Powell, Chris and Veronica Nekvinda, The Southern Folk Coalition and Bethanee Davis.

The World Famous 7:30 p.m. $7. www.theworldfamousathens.com EFREN Acoustic set from this local roots-rock band. ADAM PAYNE Payne writes songs with a lot of heart, the kind that can either make you tear up or laugh out loud.

Friday 5 40 Watt Club 8:30 p.m. $11 (adv.) $13 (door). www.40watt.com MODERN SKIRTS One of Athens’ favorite pop acts is playing its farewell show. See story on p. 17. GLASSCRAFTS Power-pop-punk project featuring Grass Giraffes’ Steven Trimmer and Robby Casso. Amici 11 p.m. FREE! 706-353-0000 WEAVING THE FATE Hard rock from Columbia, SC incorporating elements of reggae, funk and metal. Buffalo’s Café 9 p.m. $5. www.buffaloscafe.com/ athens ROLLIN’ HOME Local Southern rock band. CD release show! Butt Hutt Bar-B-Q 8 p.m. FREE! www.butthuttbarbecue. com SONS OF SAILORS Local Jimmy Buffet cover band. Caledonia Lounge New Metal Order Presents. 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www.caledonialounge.com AMERICAN LESION Hard-rocking band from Atlanta. IN THE LURCH Local three-piece that cranks out crunchy guitar riffs and sinister basslines, citing Primus and Tool as influences. VERTICALLY CHALLENGED Metal band from Winder. Cutters Pub 10 p.m. FREE! 706-353-9800 IMMUZIKATION Celebrated local DJ Alfredo Lapuz, Jr. hosts a dance party featuring high-energy electro and rock. Farm 255 PPP Pop-Up Record Store! 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com WOWCASE Featuring Bubbly Mommy Gun, Quiet Hooves, The Dream Scene, Stupid Idiots, Inept Catering Co., Salsa Chest, Bong Marley Song System, Half Acid, Rene Le Conte and Charlie Key.

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Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar. com FORCES No information available. CRAPPY DRACULA Quirky sludgepunk with a humor akin to the Residents from Milwaukee, WI. MONSOON Female-fronted local post-punk band. Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. $20. www.georgiatheatre.com PERPETUAL GROOVE This group has been stirring crowds into a frenzy around the Southeast with its exciting jams. k continued on next page

;;; *0%+430) '31 APRIL 3, 2013 · FLAGPOLE.COM


THE CALENDAR! GHOST OWL Local band featuring former members of Perpetual Groove that diverges from their old sound.

Eat. Drink. Listen Closely.





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TIKE H��� @ 1:30pm 5K @ 2pm 10K @ 3pm Star�/Fin�sh at S�ndy Cre�k Nature C�nter and wil� b� on pave� trails from Sandy Cre�k Nature C�nter �o Dudley Park.

R E G I S T E R O N L I N E AT W W W . A C T I V E . C O M



The Globe 10:30 p.m. 706-353-4721 MONSOON Female-fronted local post-punk band. THE RODNEY KINGS Scuzzed-out local garage-punk trio. SBG No info available. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 DJ MAHOGANY Popular local DJ spins freaky funk, sultry soul, righteous R&B and a whole lotta unexpected faves.

Friday, Apr. 5 continued from p. 23

THAYER SARRANO Local songwriter playing hazy, Southern-inspired shoegaze tunes that create desolate musical environments. Farm 255 11 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com ‘80s REWIND Playing the hits of the ‘80s. Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. www.flickertheatreandbar.com COPPERMOUTH New rock/ Americana band featuring Christopher Henderson, Ron Winders (Dusty Lightswitch), Mike

and her conversational live shows come with offbeat humor. JOE AND FIONA No information.

Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com RAPANUI Jam-funk band.

Little Kings Shuffle Club DJ Mahogany’s Birthday Dance Party! 10 p.m. FREE! www.facebook.com/ lkshuffleclub DJ MAHOGANY Righteous R&B and a whole lotta unexpected faves.

Sunday 7

Locos Grill & Pub Boobs for Boobas! 5 p.m. FREE! 706548-7803 (Harris Street location) CONNOR PLEDGER Folk-inspired pop songwriter akin to John Mayer. PURE SUN PROJECT Soulful local rock band featuring the strong vocals of Dawne Norris.

Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com FREE MOUNTAIN Local hard-rock supergroup featuring members of Hayride and The HEAP. Ten Pins Tavern 7:30 p.m. FREE! 706-546-8090 BACK ALLEY BLUES BAND Featuring locals Paul Scales, Randy Durham, John Straw, Dave Herndon

Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com SCARLET STITCH Straight-up rock and roll! Highwire Lounge Friday Night Jazz. 8–11 p.m. FREE! www.highwirelounge.com JORG ENZ German guitarist is joined by Italian bassist Luca Lombardi and local drummer Louis Romanos for an evening of jazz. Manor 10 p.m. www.manorathens.com DJ MAYS Spinning unique blends & remixes of hip-hop, dance, rock and electro. The Melting Point 8 p.m. $12 (adv.), $15 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com SCRAPOMATIC Innovative bluesroots duo featuring Mike Mattison, singer of the Derek Trucks Band. New Earth Music Hall 9:30 p.m. $10. www.newearthmusichall.com EL TEN ELEVEN Experimental postrock duo from Los Angeles. Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 DOMINO EFFECT Multifaceted reggae, dub, funk and fusion quartet from Savannah. The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke! Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com LILY AND THE TIGERS Gothic Americana outfit from Atlanta.

Saturday 6 40 Watt Club 8 p.m. $8 (adv). $10 (door). www.40watt.com THE RATTLERS Local,strong Southern influenced rock and roll band recently reunited after a hiatus. WOODY HUGHES No info available. Butt Hutt Bar-B-Q 8 p.m. FREE! www.butthuttbarbecue. com LAUGHLIN Male-female country duo. Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com TWIN TIGERS Loud and lush at the same time, this local rock band combines jarring guitar riffs with sweeping melodies and heavy percussion. Album release show! BROTHERS Local trio plays swirling folky tunes that are rich with strings, twisted overdubs and haunting vocals.

The Black Lillies play Melting Point on Tuesday, Apr. 9. Gavrieldes (Splinterbelly, Sweet Knievel) and Ethan Davis. BRAYSON WERTZ Local singersongwriter backed by cello and mandolin. Front Porch Book Store 6 p.m. FREE! 706-372-1236 DODD FERRELLE Longtime local songwriter performs a set of his worn-in Americana tunes. CLAY LEVERETT Local treasure Leverett (Lona, The Chasers) is a country-minded rocker whose songs are both tough and tender. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 TWIN POWERS DJ Dan Geller (The Gold Party, The Agenda) and friends spin late-night glam rock, new wave, Top 40, punk and Britpop. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com KATE MORRISSEY Best known for her dark velvet voice, Morrissey’s songwriting is literate and sincere,

MARK DAY No information available. KATHLEEN DAILEY Local singersongwriter. Manor 10:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $10 (18-20). www.manorathens.com DJ UNK Atlanta-based hip-hop DJ best known for his smash hit “Walk It Out.� Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 RICK FOWLER BAND Original guitar-driven blues-rock. The Office Lounge Fourth Anniversary Party! 6 p.m. 706546-0840 DWIGHT WILSON AND THE CLASSIC CITY SOUL Famous for Motown and R&B sound, this group offers soulful R&B. Food will be served. Sundown Saloon 9 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1177 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke!

and Scott Sanders playing blues jams.

Monday 8 Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com MOTHS Jacob Morris plays a mostly acoustic sort of ‘70s folk-rock with a pop sensibility. DANIEL MARKHAM Lo-fi rock featuring slow churning, crunchy guitar riffs and emotionally raw vocals. RTB2 Energetic garage rock that incorporates elements of ‘60s R&B, folk rock and Captain Beefheart. THE NICE MACHINE Instrumental local surf-rock group. Georgia Theatre On the Rooftop. 10 p.m. FREE! www. georgiatheatre.com ON AN ON Electronic indie-pop with dream-washed, folky melodies reminiscent of The Modern Skirts. SAVIOR ADORE Brooklyn dreampop duo.

Green Room 10 p.m. $2. www.greenroomathens. com SORNE Ethereal, electronic backdrops provide the backdrop for strong, pop-inspired vocals. QURIOUS Atlanta duo featuring sirenlike vocals and ethereal synths. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. FREE! www.hendershotscoffee. com OPEN MIC Local songstress Kyshona Armstrong hosts this open mic!

Nowhere Bar Tuesday Night Confessional. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 FESTER HAGOOD This local songwriter sings in a soft drawl that accents his simple country songs. DREW MARLER Americana rock and roll with a blend of Flannery O’ Connor-style storytelling. KEN WILL MORTON With his gritty, soulful rasp, Morton trudges through Americana’s roots. LEAVING COUNTRIES Louis Phillip Pelot performs folk and country, solo or with the help of some friends.

The Melting Point On the Pavilion. 8 p.m. FREE! www. meltingpointathens.com THE HOOT Monthly showcase put on by the Athens Folk Music & Dance Society. Tonight’s show will feature live music from The Vinyl Strangers, new songs from The Solstice Sisters and blues from Paul Lombard. Susan Staley opens and hosts.

The Volstead 9 p.m.–1:30 a.m. 706-354-5300 KARAOKE Every Tuesday!

The Melting Point 8 p.m. $18 (adv.), $22 (door). www. meltingpointathens.com OVER THE RHINE Folky Americana from a husband-and-wife duo. BEN SOLLEE Cellist and singersongwriter known for his innovative playing style.

The Bottleworks “My_Athens�. 7 p.m. www.myathensis. com DAVID RICHT Christian-influenced local singer-songwriter (and son of UGA head football coach Mark Richt.

Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 BO HEMBREE Guitarist from the band The Gypsys does a solo set. The Office Lounge 7:30 p.m. $5. 706-546-0840 DJ LADY LOV Learn the beginner’s Electric Slide, Good Times, Biker’s Shuffle and other line dances.

Tuesday 9 Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. caledonialounge.com PALE PROPHET Heavy trio incorporating metal, hardcore and crust. BUILDINGS Minneapolis-based three-piece drawing on the aggressive ghost of The Jesus Lizard. UTAH Heavy, downtuned rock band. Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. www.flickertheatreandbar.com NANCY KAYE Folky psych-rock tunes from this local songwriter. ALLEN COTE Milwaukee-based multiinstrumentalist and artist. Green Room 10 p.m. $5. www.greenroomathens. com WILLIAM TYLER Intricate, Appalachian guitar arrangements with drone and ambient noise. See Calendar Pick on p. 20. HAND SAND HANDS Looping, psychedelic ramblings. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com HANNAH FAIRLIGHT Singersongwriter crafting intensely personal and cutting pop songs. The Melting Point 7 p.m. $5 (adv.), $7 (door). www.meltingpointathens.com THE BLACK LILLIES Knoxville, TN-based Appalachian folk. JAMES JUSTIN & CO. Indie rootsrock trio from Virginia. Mirko Pasta 6 p.m. FREE! 706-850-5641 (Gaines School Road location) LEAVING COUNTRIES Louis Phillip Pelot performs folk and country, solo or with the help of some friends.

Wednesday 10 Amici 10 p.m. FREE! 706-353-0000 LIVE BAND KARAOKE Sing your faves as a live band backs you up.

Farm 255 8–10 p.m. FREE! www.farm255.com DIAL INDICATORS Local jazz act featuring George Davidson on sax. Georgia Theatre On the Rooftop. 5 p.m. FREE! www. georgiatheatre.com KINKY WAIKIKI Relaxing, steel guitar-driven band following the traditions of Hawaiian music. 8 p.m. $10. www.georgiatheatre.com JOSH ABBOTT BAND Passionate, tension-filled country music. BRENT COBB Folk and rock-influenced singer-songwriter. Green Room 9 p.m. FREE! www.greenroomathens. com JGBCB Members of Sweet Knievel and friends pay tribute to The Jerry Garcia Band. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. www.hendershotscoffee.com THE HONEYCUTTERS Americana act from Asheville, NC. Nowhere Bar 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 SETH WINTERS Mainstream songwriting with a guitar-driven sound. CD release show!


OPENING DAY Saturday, April 6

RECYCLE your paper. Good boy.

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OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 8am-Noon at Bishop Park .', Jlej\k ;i`m\

285 W. Washington St. Athens, GA • Call 706-549-7871 for Show Updates


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Porterhouse Grill 7 p.m. FREE! 706-369-0990 JAZZ NIGHT An evening of original music, improv and standards.

Terrapin Beer Co. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.terrapinbeer.com JOHNNY AWESOME Alt-rock band from Cumming. The World Famous 8 p.m. $5. www.theworldfamousathens. com SPACE TRUCKS Afro-kraut-beat ensemble led by Bryan Poole (The Late B.P. Helium, of Montreal). ADRON The strong, fluttering voice of Atlanta’s Adrienne McCann meanders through her blend of mellow Tropicalia and low-key jazz.



The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn!

Tapped 9 p.m. FREE! 706-850-6277 KARAOKE Every Wednesday!

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bulletin board DO SOMETHING; GET INVOLVED! Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board is every THURSDAY at 12 p.m. for the print issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Online listings are updated daily. Email calendar@flagpole.com.

ART Call for Artists (Oglethorpe Senior Center) Seeking vendors for an arts and crafts show. Apply by Apr. 12. Show Apr. 20, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. $40-60. 706-743-8848 Call for Public Art Proposals (Athens, GA) The Athens Cultural Affairs Commission is seeking proposals from local artists for a public art installation at the newly renovated ACC Library. $25,000 budget. Deadline Apr. 15. www.athensculturalaffairs.org Renewal Art Festival (SeneyStovall Chapel) Seeking artists to sell their creations at a festival on Apr. 20 & 21. Proceeds benefit Clarke County art teachers. 706353-8530, athensart4schools@ gmail.com, www.facebook.com/ athensart4schools The Art Rocks Athens Foundation (Athens, GA) Seeking artists who were creating art in, or related to, Athens music between 1975–1985 for a major retrospective exhibition at Lamar Dodd May 23–July 31, 2014. www.artrocksathens.com

CLASSES Bellydancing (Floorspace) Sulukule Dance and Music presents classes in bellydancing, Bollywood dance, fire dancing, yoga, theatrical “bellyesque,” burlesque and Middle Eastern drumming. See www.floorspaceathens.com for schedule. Clay Classes (Good Dirt) Weekly “Try Clay” classes ($20/person) introduce participants to the potter’s wheel every Friday from 7–9 p.m. “Family Try Clay” classes show children and adults hand-building

methods every Sunday from 2–4 p.m. $20. 706-355-3161, www.gooddirt.net Feldenkrais Method (Leathers Building) A class promoting awareness through gentle body movement. Wednesdays through Apr. 24, 5:30-6:30 p.m. $10. fieldcircle54@ gmail.com GED Classes (Action Ministries) Open enrollment. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. FREE! www.actionministries.net Mac Workshops (PeachMac) Introductionary courses to Mac, iPad and iPhoto and “Let’s Talk iCloud.” Call for dates. FREE! 706-208-9990, www.peachmac.com Mobile Computer Classes (Madison County Library) 90-minute classes include computer basics, Internet and email, e-readers, Microsoft Office programs and social networking. Call to make reservation. Classes held Wednesdays, 10 a.m. in The Comer Learning Center and 1:30 p.m. in the Sanford Community Center. FREE! 706-795-5597 Needle Felting Workshop for Adults (Lyndon Hous) Learn how to turn wool fiber/roving into three-dimensional soft sculptures like owls, fortune cookies and felted soap. Saturdays, Apr. 13 & 20, 1–3 p.m. $48–62. 706-613-3623, www.athensclarkecounty.com/ lyndonhouse Painting Workshop (Lyndon House Arts Center) Armand Cabrera teaches the fundamentals of alla prima painting in oil and acrylic through a four-day plein air and studio workshop. All levels welcome. Apr. 17–20. $395. 706-351-0457, www.armandcabrera.com Prenatal Yoga (Baby Belly Yoga) Prenatal yoga and mom & baby yoga with instructor Krista Jones, as well

as labor and birth workshops and doula services. Check website for schedule. www.babybellyyoga.com Qi Gong (5 Points Acupuncture) Integrate physical posture, breathing techniques and breathing intention. Saturdays, 9:30–10:30 a.m. $10. www.5pointsacupuncture.com Spring Classes (OCAF) Offerings include watercolor, sculpting, clay arts, paper making, self-publishing and more. Visit website for online registration. www.ocaf.com Yoga Classes (Thrive) Tai Chi, QiGong and yoga classes, including basic, vinyasa and samaritan yoga. Visit website for class schedule. 706-850-2000, www.thrivespace.net Yoga for Health & Relaxation (Athens Regional Medical Center) Six weeks of class beginning Apr. 11, 6–8 p.m. $75. 706-475-7330, mbiprograms@ armc.org

HELP OUT 14th Annual Hands On Athens (Athens, GA) Volunteers needed for repair and maintenance work on several local homes. Apr. 5–7, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. 706-3531801, hoathens@bellsouth.net, www.achfonline.org/handsonathens BikeAthens Bike Recycling Program (BikeAthens) Seeks volunteers to recondition bikes for Athenians underserved by private and public transportation. Mondays & Wednesdays, 6–8:30 p.m. & Sundays, 2–4:30 p.m. Women’s night, Tuesdays, 6–8:30 p.m. www.bikeathens.com Volunteers Needed (Homestead Hospice) Help patients and their families living with terminal illness. 706-548-8444, www.homestead hospice.net/volunteers.html

Athens Area Humane Society

Attention cat lovers (and understanders): Blueberry and Lucy REALLY need homes very soon because they are both a little depressed about living in a public kennel. Inside Pet Supplies Plus at Alps Shopping Ctr. • 706.353.2287 They are sweet and affectionate with the staff but becoming uncomfortable with strangers who visit the Adoption Center, which does not help their cause! Spayed, chipped, vaccinated and ready to go because they were previously adopted from AAHS but their owner passed away. Fine with other cats and small dogs, (though Lucy does not want to live with children) and they do not have to be adopted together. Blueberry is a quiet Lynx Sealpoint with pretty blue eyes and Lucy is a lively, smart girl with a glossy black and white coat. Both are pining for a forever home.


3/21 to 3/27





ATHENS AREA HUMANE SOCIETY 18 Animal Received! 3 Animals Placed, 0 Healthy Adoptable Animals Euthanized ACC ANIMAL CONTROL more pets can be seen online at 29 Dogs Received, 15 Dogs Placed athenshumanesociety.org 12 Cats Received, 9 Cats Placed


Alex Murawski’s work “Wild Game Board” is on display at the Gallery @ Hotel Indigo through June 9.

KIDSTUFF ACC Summer Camps (Athens, GA) Registration for ACC summer camps is open. Camps are for kids ages 6–12 and include zoo camp, sports camps, theater camp and more. Visit website for complete schedule. 706613-3616, www.athensclarkecounty. com/camps Arts in the Afternoon (East Athens Community Center) Afterschool program teaches arts and crafts and allows children to create original artwork. Ages 6–15. Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30– 5:30 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3593 Book Babies (Oconee County Library) Nurture language skills with stories, songs and play time. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 Fantastic Fridays (Bishop Park, Gym) Various obstacle courses and activities for ages 10 months–4 years and their parents. Call to register. 10–11:30 a.m. $5. 706-613-3589 Kids’ Craft Classes (Treehouse Kid and Craft) Mama/Papa & Me craft class for ages 1–3 (Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. & Saturdays, 10 a.m.), Craft Club for ages 6–10 (Wednesdays, 4 p.m.) and ages 3–5 (Thursdays, 4 p.m.) and Family Crafterdays (Saturdays, 11 a.m.). $10/class, $30/4 classes. www.treehousekidandcraft.com New Mamas & Babies Group (Arrow) Meet other new parents and their pre-crawling little ones. Thursdays, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. $5, $30 (8 visits). www.ourarrow.com Pop-In Playtime (Pump It Up) Children ages 11 & under can bounce around and have a jumping good time. Wednesdays, 3:30-5:30 p.m. $3 (ages 2 & under), $6 (ages 2 & up). 706-613-5676 Spanish Lessons for Tots (Arrow) Spanish lessons with music, dancing and fun surprises led by Sarah Ehlers. For ages 2.5–4 years old. Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.–12 p.m. $10. ourarrow@gmail.com Summer Camps (Good Dirt) Good Dirt summer camps begin May 20 for ages 4–6, 7–10 and 11–18. Visit website to register. www.gooddirt.net

Summer Theater Camps (Athens Little Playhouse) Camps focusing on improvisation, games and problem solving. Multiple week-long sessions available. www.athenslittleplayhouse.net Treehouse Summer Camps (Treehouse Kid and Craft) Space camp, collage & creative writing, natural crafting, woodland fairy themed, sewing, folk art, superherothemed, photography, puppetry, fiber & textiles and DIY crafts. Check website for dates, costs and age requirements. www.treehousekid andcraft.com UGA Summer Camps(Athens, GA) UGA offers summer camps for kids ages 3–18 that include day camps and overnight stays. Visit websites for more information. www.georgia center.uga.edu, www.georgiadogs. com, www.fanning.uga.edu, www. terry.uga.edu, www.summercamp. uga.edu, www.botgarden.uga.edu, www.students.caes.uga.edu, www.georgiamuseum.com Yoga Sprouts Family Yoga (Athens Five Points Yoga Studio) For children ages 2 & older with an adult. Sundays. 1–1:45 p.m. $60. yogasprouts@gmail.com, www.athensfivepointsyoga.com Young Naturalists Camp (Jackson Eco Farm) A spring break program featuring bio-diversity hikes, animal tracks examination and plant identification. Ages 6–8. Apr. 4 & 5, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 706-2025901, rachelparr@yahoo.com, www.jacksonecofarm.org

SUPPORT Alcoholics Anonymous (Athens, GA) If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. 706-389-4164, www.athensaa.com Chronic Illness Support Group (Oasis Counseling Center) Six-week group meetings for individuals dealing with chronic medical conditions. Call to reserve spot. Every Wednesday, 1:30–3 p.m. through Apr. 10. $15/session. 706-543-3522, info@oasis counselingcenter.com

Domestic Violence Support Group (Athens, GA) Tuesdays, 6–8 p.m., in Clarke County. First and Third Mondays, 6:30–8 p.m., in Madison County. Childcare provided. 706-543-3331 (hotline), 706-613-3357, ext. 771 Emotional Abuse Support Group (Athens, GA) Demeaning behavior and hateful words can be just as harmful as punches and kicks. Childcare provided. Call for location. Every Wednesday. 6:30–8 p.m. FREE! 706-543-3331 (hotline), 706-613-3357, ext. 771. Emotions Anonymous (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens) A 12-step program. Sundays, 4–5 p.m. 706-202-7463, www.emotionsanonymous.org Women’s Empowerment Group (Oasis Counseling Center) A small therapeutic group for women. Call to reserve spot. Every Wednesday through Apr. 10, 5:30–7 p.m. $15/session. 706-543-3522

ON THE STREET 24 Hour-ish Scavenger Hunt (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Film teams receive a prop, piece of dialogue and a secret third requirement at 12 p.m. on Apr. 21. They then have 24 hours to create a short film under 7 minutes. Cash prizes. Register by Apr. 18. Films screened on Apr. 26. 24hourish@gmail.com, www.face book.com/24HourishFilm 5th Annual Antebellum Trail Pilgrimage A wide array of heritage events, tours and attractions providing a window into 19th-century Georgia homes and lifestyles. The 100-mile trail spans between Athens and Macon. Apr. 18–21. $25. See www.atpilgrimage. com 8th Annual Sprockets Music Video Competition (Athens, GA) Film Athens is currently selecting music video submissions. Selected videos will be screened at the Flagpole Music Awards Show in June. Visit website for entry form. Deadline Apr. 15. $25–35. sprockets@filmathens.net, www.filmathens.net

AthFest Filmfest Call for Entries (Ciné Barcafé) The AthFest Film Committee is accepting submissions for original short films Entries must be 20 minutes long or less and must be produced in Georgia or by a Georgian. Submit by May 1. Visit website for details. www.athfest.com/music-festival/film AthHalf Registration Open (Athens, GA) Registration is now open and continues until Oct. 18, with discounts for early registration. Race is on Oct. 20, at 7:30 a.m. info@athhalf.com, or visit www. athhalf.com

Athens Human Rights Fest Battle of the Bands (Nuçi’s Space) The music act with the most votes or selected as the “Judge’s Pick” will receive a spot to play at the festival. Battle of the Bands will be held Apr. 27, 6 p.m. ahrf.battleofthebands@gmail.com, www.athenshumanrightsfest.org Board Members (Morton Theatre) The Morton Theatre Corporation is currently seeking qualified candidates for 3-year volunteer board positions beginning in July. Deadline Apr. 12. Visit www.morton theatre.com for application.

ART AROUND TOWN A LA FERA (2440 W. Broad St.) Artwork by Cap Man. Through April. AMICI’S (233 E. Clayton St.) Live music photography. Through April. ANTIQUES & JEWELS ART GALLERY (290 N. Milledge Ave.) Paintings by Mary Porter, Christine Shockley, Dortha Jacobson, Lana Mitchell, John Gholson, Greg Benson and Ainhoa Bilbao Canup. Art quilt by Elizabeth Barton and handmade jewelry by various artists. ART ON THE SIDE GALLERY AND GIFTS (1011B Industrial Blvd., Watkinsville) A gallery featuring works by various artists in media including ceramics, paintings and fused glass. ARTINI’S ART LOUNGE (296 W. Broad St.) “Virtual Landscapes,” by Brian Macbeth, are iridescent paintings by influenced by cosplay, street art and graphics imaging. Opening reception Apr. 9. ATHENA JEWELERS (228 E. Clayton St.) “Reality Remixed Collection,” photography by Bob Brussack. ATHENS ACADEMY (1281 Spartan Lane) In the Myer’s Gallery, “Color & Clay: Art in Harmony” includes works by painter Charles Warnock and ceramist/ photographer Cindy Lou Farley. Through Apr. 17. • “Adornment” includes jewelry and metalworks by Barbara Allen, Kay Gray and Sylvia Dawe. Through Apr. 17. ATHENS FORD (4260 Atlanta Hwy., Bogart) Works by Larry Forte, Holly Brown, Dana Johns and Claire Clements. ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART (ATHICA) (160 Tracy St.) “Worked” explores the labor required to create art. Pieces by Lauren Adams, Elizabeth Barton, Laura Tanner Graham, David Ross Harper, Scott Ingram, Ted Kuhn, Maria Lux and Leslie Snipes. Through May 12. THE BRANDED BUTCHER (225 N. Lumpkin St.) Paintings and drawings by Sanithna Phansavanh. BROAD STREET COFFEE (1660 W. Broad St.) Still life oil paintings by Kim Shockley-Karelson. CINÉ BARCAFÉ (234 W. Hancock Ave.) “The Last Party,” photos by Mike Landers. Through Apr. 16. THE CLASSIC CENTER (300 N. Thomas St.) “Here & There” includes photography by Thom Houser, Michael Marshall, Jim Fiscus and Chris Bilheimer, Rinne Allen, Michael Lachowski and Michael Oliveri. • “Inhabit” features paintings by Jennifer Hartley, Hooper Turner, Claire Dunphy and Art Rosenbaum. EARTH FARE (1689 S. Lumpkin St.) Paintings by Jamie Calkin. Through April. ECO*ART*LAB (297 Prince Ave.) “Climate Change: Conveying Realities” includes works by over 20 visual, sound and video artists from across the country. Through Apr. 27. FARMINGTON DEPOT GALLERY (1011 Salem Rd., Farmington) Owned and staffed by 16 artists, the gallery exhibits paintings, sculpture, folk art, ceramics and fine furniture. Permanent collection artists include John Cleaveland, Leigh Ellis, Matt Alston, Michael Pierce and more. • In the lower gallery, cartoonish paintings by Dan Smith. Through April. FLASHBACK GAMES (162 W. Clayton St.) An exhibit of over 40 video game inspired works by local artists. FLICKER THEATRE & BAR (263 W. Washington St.) Artwork by Erin Boydstun. Through April. GALLERY@INDIGO (500 College Ave.) “The World All Around” includes works by Michael Marshall, Jim Fiscus and Chris Bilheimer, Meg Aubrey, Alex Murawski, Robert Walden, Dayna Thacker, Adriane Colburn, Justin Plaskas and Michael Oliveri. Opening Apr. 4. • In the GlassCube, “Landscape for the Night,” an installation by Martijn van Wangtendonk. GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART (90 Carlton St.) “From Savanna to Savannah: African Art from the Collection of Don Kole. Through Apr. 14. • “Americans in Italy.” Through Apr. 21. • “Master of Fine Arts Degree

Compost Sale (ACC Landfill) Start a flowerbed or replenish the soils in your yard. May 6–11, 8 a.m.–3 p.m. $6/cubic yard. www.athensclarke county.com Tax Preparation Help (Multiple Locations) Free federal and state tax preparation and e-filing offered through Apr. 13. Bring 2012 tax docs, supporting info and a copy of a 2011 return. Monday, 1–4:30 p.m. at Oconee Co. Library. Wednesday– Saturday, 9 am.–1 p.m. at Epps Bridge Pkwy. Kroger. Tuesday, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. at Oglethorpe Library. Gayle Horne, 706-369-1245 f

Candidates Exhibition.” Through Apr. 22. • “Defiant Beauty: The Work of Chakaia Booker” consists of large-scale sculptures created from tires. Through Apr. 30. • “William H. Johnson: An American Modern.” Through May 12. THE GRIT (199 Prince Ave.) Artwork by children attending Barrow Elementary School. HEIRLOOM CAFE AND FRESH MARKET (815 N. Chase St.) Photographs by six-year-old Carmen Tong. Through May. HENDERSHOT’S COFFEE BAR (1560 Oglethorpe Ave.) “Mixed Messages,” images by Bob Brussack and Caoimhe Nace. HIGHWIRE LOUNGE (269 N. Hull St.) Art by Tess Strickland. Through Apr. 16. IRIS PLACE (755 Epps Bridge Pkwy.) “Pets are People, Too,” pet related artwork and photo portraits, is an exhibit benefiting the Athens Area Humane Society. Opening reception Apr. 6. Through April. JITTERY JOE’S ALPS (1480 Baxter St.) Black and white prints of pop culture by Valerie Hamilton. JITTERY JOE’S DOWNTOWN (297 E. Broad St.) “Ballet Life” features photographs of ballerinas in unusual places by Chris Scredon. Through April. JITTERY JOE’S FIVE POINTS (1230 S. Milledge Ave.) Paintings by Sarah Cook. Through April. KRIMSON KAFE (40 Greensboro Hwy., Watkinsville) Paintings by Sandy Ellis. Through April. LAMAR DODD SCHOOL OF ART (270 River Rd.) “Painting Fellow Exhibition,” featuring works by Nathan Sapio. • BFA/MS Science and Medical Illustration Juried Exhibition. LOFT GALLERY AT CHOPS & HOPS (2 S. Main St., Watkinsville) Quilts, paintings, pottery, sculpture and more by various artists. Through April. LYNDON HOUSE ARTS CENTER (293 Hoyt St.) “Period Decorative Arts Collection (1840–1890)” includes artifacts related to the historic house. • The 38th Juried Exhibition features 185 pieces by local artists selected by juror Mark Sloan. Through May 4. MADISON COUNTY LIBRARY (1315 Hwy. 98 W., Danielsville) Handmade cornhusk dolls by Beth Kelly Zorbanos. Through April. MADISON MORGAN CULTURAL CENTER (434 S. Main St., Madison) Thomas Gonzalez’s illustrations from “14 Cows for America,” “The House on Dirty Third” and “Ghandi: March to the Sea.” Reception Apr. 12. Through July 28. OCONEE COUNTY LIBRARY (1080 Experiment Station Rd.) Watercolor paintings by Radha Murthy, Cindy Malota and Judith DeJoy. Through April. PERK AVENUE (111. W. Jefferson St., Madison) “France: City and Country,” photography by Livy Scholly. Opening reception Apr. 11. Through July. SEWCIAL STUDIO (160 Tracy St.) Hand-dyed art quilts by Anita Heady and rust and over-dyed fabric on canvas by Bill Heady. TECH STOP COMPUTERS (390 Atlanta Hwy.) Abstract expressionist acrylic paintings by Frances Jemini. Through June. TOWN 220 (220 W. Washington St., Madison) “Earthly Abstraction” features works using natural materials by Jack Kehoe, Kipley Meyer, Brian Rust and Dwight Smith. Through Apr. 28. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH GEORGIA OCONEE CAMPUS (1201 Bishop Farms Pkwy, Watkinsville) “Graduating Art Students & Scholarship Awards Exhibit.” Through Apr. 26. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF ATHENS (780 Timothy Rd.) Oil paintings by Dortha Jacobson. Through May. WALKER’S COFFEE AND PUB (128 College Ave.) Artwork by Cricket Burwell. Through April. WHITE TIGER (217 Hiawassee Ave.) Paintings by Mary Porter. Through April. THE WORLD FAMOUS (351 Hull St.) “Motherboard” by Frances Jemini is a large mixed-media piece constructed from mosaic-cut museum-board tiles layered with sheet vinyl. Through April.

Festifool! Artist Market This is a don’t-miss all day indoor/outdoor art event with

Music! Fun! Food! It’s a pretty drive, so come on out




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lots lots of ART!

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Buy It, Sell It, Rent It, Use It! Place an ad anytime at flagpole.com ď‚ľ Indicates images available at flagpole.com

Real Estate Apartments for Rent $480/mo. Huge 1BR apt., HWflrs., walk-in closet, on-site laundry facilities, 18-unit complex off N. Milledge. (706) 389-9987, www.leaseathens. com to view proper ties. Lease Athens, LLC. 1BR/1BA. All elec. Nice apt. Water provided. On bus line. Single pref. Avail now! (706) 543-4271.


1BRs in 5 Pts. Pre-lease now for Fall! Furnished & unfurnished. On UGA & city busline. On-site laundry & pool. Carousel Village Apartments, (706) 548-1132, www.carouselvillage.net. 1BR apts. starting at $424/ mo. 2BR, $493! Price is for entire apt. Pre-leasing for August. Pets welcome, on busline. Call us today! (706) 549-6254.

1, 2 & 3BR units avail. all in 5 Pts. area. Rent beginning for 1BR units at $500/mo. 2BR units begin at $700/mo. Call (706) 546-0300 for additional info or to schedule a time to view. 2BR units close to UGA & busline. Pre-leasing & avail. now. Call Vince, (706) 207-0539 or vlowpropertymanagement. com. Tu r n t o F L A G P O L E CLASSIFIEDS to find ro o m m a t e s , a p a r t m e n t s , houses, etc. 2BR apts. Tile, W/D furnished, air. Dwntn. & bus route. Security provided. $525/mo. Call Louis, (706) 338-3126. Available Fall. Apts. on great in–town streets. Grady & Boulevard. Walk everywhere! Water & garbage paid. $495–$750/mo. Check out w w w. b o u l e v a r d propertymanagement. com or call (706) 5489797.

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Eastside quadraplex, 2BR/2BA, $500/mo. & 2BR/1BA, $475/mo. Eastside duplex, 2BR/1BA & FP, $525/ mo. 3BR/2BA & FP, $700/mo. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 353-2700 or cell, (706) 5401529. E ff i c i e n c y a p a r t m e n t i n Normaltown. 2nd story rear unit in private home. Kitchenette, full BA, nice yard w/ shared vegetable garden. $400/mo. + $100 utils. (678) 491-2825. LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO LIVE? Turn to FLAGPOLE CLASSIFIEDS to find roommates, apartments, houses, etc. To place an ad call 706-5490301. Half off rent 1st 2 mos. when you mention this ad! 2BR/2BA apts. a few blocks from Dwntn. off North Ave. Pet friendly! Dep. only $250. Rent reduced from $675 to $650/ mo. incl. trash. Limited avail. at price. (706) 548-2522, www.dovetailmanagement. com. Leasing going quickly for Fall. A few 1BRs. Baldwin Village, adjacent to UGA, walk to class. Keith, (706) 354-4261.

Bloomfield Terrace & The Springdale s 0OINTS s "2 "! s "2 "! s (ARDWOOD &LOORS s 7ALK TO $OWNTOWN AND 5'! s !VAILABLE .OW 0RE ,EASING FOR &ALL s $/. 4 -)33 /54 C.Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Commercial Property Bank owned: Chase St. Park Condo Ph. 2, Unit 4. 6840 sf. E-O zoning (employment office limited residential) $278,000 ($40/sf). Call J.R. Smith w/ Southern Land Exchange, cell: (706) 207-0152, office: (706) 549-5050. 1800 +/- sf. commercial retail space for rent. Prominent Dwntn. Athens location. $2800/mo. No bars, no restaurants. Contact drew@athensddc. com. Eastside offices, 1060 Gaines School Rd. Rent 750 sf. $900/mo., 400 sf. $600/mo. (706) 546-1615 or athenstownproper ties. com.

Condos for Rent $1400/mo. 5BR/3BA S. Lumpkin condo. W/D, DW, new lg. deck, 2 LRs. FP, laundry room, Pets OK. 2500 sf. Avail. 8/1. (706) 207-4953. 2BR condo. Walking distance to UGA campus. Gated, pool, fitness center. Excellent condition. Avail. 6/1. Pete Brown at Upchurch Realty. $700/mo. (706) 255-3781.

+ ' 3 + + 1 & 2 BR IN 5 POINTS ON-SITE LAUNDRY Available Now / Pre-Leasing for >Â?Â?ĂŠĂ“ä£ĂŽĂŠUĂŠ œ˜½ĂŒĂŠ ÂˆĂƒĂƒĂŠ"Ă•ĂŒt C. Hamilton & Associates

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Pre-Leasing for Fall 2013

C.Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

2BRs & studios Dwntn. across from campus and 4BR at Urban Lofts for Fall semester. 2 B R a v a i l . i m m e d i a t e l y. ( 4 0 4 ) 5 5 7 - 5 2 0 3 , w w w. downtownathensrentals. weebly.com.

3BR/2BA, 2077 S. Lumpkin, $1200/mo. W/D, DW, sec. sys. & ceiling fans. 3BR/2BA, 2071 Lumpkin, $1000/mo. incl. water, lawn maint. & garbage. W/D, DW. (706) 546-0300.

Just reduced! Investor’s West-side condo. 2BR/2BA, F P, 1 5 0 0 s f . , g r e a t investment, lease 12 mos. at $575/mo. Price in $40s. For more info, call McWaters Realty at (706) 353-2700 or (706) 540-1529.

3BR/2BA Dwntn. off Oconee St. Newly renovated throughout. 2 LRs. Huge yd. Pets welcome. W/D incl. Avail. Aug. 1. Only $1200/mo.! Aaron (706) 207-2957.

Duplexes For Rent 2BR/1BA newly renovated apt. w/ private deck only minutes from campus for $600/ mo. New fridge, range, W/D. Water, landscape i ncl . C al l ( 404) 8193506, (706) 207-1825 or pulkitg1@yahoo.com. Brick duplex, 2BR/1BA, ver y clean. Just 2 mi. to campus on north side Athens. 2 units avail. Pets OK. Grad. students & professionals welcome. $500/mo. + dep. (706) 3513074.

Houses for Rent $675/mo. 2BR/1BA. Spacious LR/DR & kitchen, stack W/D. HW throughout. Near Normaltown & close to Campus. Most pets OK w/ non-refundable pet dep. Rent inc. lawn maintenance & pest control. Avail. Aug. 2013. Lease runs Aug. 2013July 2014. (706) 3559961. $550/mo. Blocks from UGA & Dwntn. 2BR/1BA, W/D. Avail. 8/1/13. 2 blocks from Oconee River Greenway, pet friendly. 505 Willow St., Owner/Agent, Call Robin, (770) 265-6509. 3BR/1BA, close to campus, HWflrs., DW, W/D, HVAC, fenced back yd., pets OK, $1000/mo., call (706) 338-9173 until 10 p.m.


3 BR/3 BA Pre-Leasing for August 2013

Quiet Wooded Setting on the Oconee River Granite Countertops - Some with Unfinished Basements and Garages C.Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

3BR/2BA house Dwntn. Walk everywhere! W/D incl. Fenced backyard. Pets OK. Short or long term lease option. Only $1000/mo. Aaron, (706) 2072957. 3BR in Boulevard historic district. Large open living space w/ HWflrs. Back deck & large fenced in yd. Check out www.rentcollegetown. com or call (706) 8507740. 3BR houses avail. for Aug.! 156 Athens Ave., 340 Barber, 734 Barber, 247 Boulevard Heights, 150 & 160 Easy St. $930-1750. www.boulevard propertymanagement.com, (706) 548-9797. 3BR/1BA. Perfect grad or young professional house. Quiet n’hood, HWflrs. w/ separate garage/ workshop. Nice yd. w/ large dog pen. $800/mo. Avail. 8/1. Call (706) 3389173. 4BR/4BA newer houses, Dwntn. Walk everywhere! Walk-in closets, stainless, private BA, porches, deck. W/D incl., pre-leasing for Fall. $1800/mo. Aaron, (706) 2072957. 5BR/2BA Ski Lodge. Split-level on Cloverhurst Ave., between 5 Pts. & UGA. HWflrs., interior brick walls, fireplace. Must see. Avail. Aug. $460 per BR/ mo. No pets, please. (706) 247-1963. Awesome 3BR/2BA, close to campus. New master BA w/ double sink. HWflrs., fenced backyard. W/D, DW, CHAC. Avail. 8/1. $1150/mo. Call (706) 338-9173 until 10 p.m. Avail. June 1. 2BR/1BA duplexes in 5 Pts. HWflrs., W/D, short walk to campus. ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 8 - 9 7 9 7 . w w w. boulevardproperties.com.

Avail. Fall. Neat 2BR house blocks from Dwntn. & UGA. Pet friendly w/ fenced yd. $750/mo. 163 Inglewood Ave. Owner/broker Herbert Bond Realty, (706) 224-8002. www. bondrealestate.org. Avail. Apr. 1st. 4BR/3BA. Newly renovated house in heart of 5 Pts. HWflrs., CHAC, spacious basement, woodsy yd. (706) 548-9797. www. boulevardproperties.com. Available Fall. 1, 2, 3 & 4BR houses. Beautiful, recently renovated intown proper ties in the Boulevard and surrounding n’hoods. (706) 5489 7 9 7 , w w w. b o u l e v a r d propertymanagement.com. Brand new 3 & 4BR houses now pre-leasing for fall! Private BAs, walk-ins, lots of upgrades, walk to campus! ( 7 0 6 ) 7 1 3 - 0 6 2 6 , w w w. newageproper tiesathens. com. C e d a r C re e k : 4 B R / 2 B A , partially fenced yd., $950/mo. 5 Pts.: Eastside: 5BR/2BA, large lot, $1000/mo. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 3532700, (706) 540-1529. Cute cottage 5 mi. north of Dwntn. Athens Tech area. 1000 sf. 2BR/1BA, W/D, all elec., fenced area. $530/mo. dep. Avail. Apr. 1. (706) 4241571. Great 4BR/4BA house. 1/2 mi. from campus. Front porch, back deck, nice yd., DW, W/D, CHAC. Pets OK. Avail. 8/1. Special! $1450/ mo. Call (706) 338-9173 until 10 p.m.

Parking & Storage Parking places for rent across from UGA. $30/mo. (706) 354-4261.

Roommates Roommate needed for 853 Reese St. 5BR/2BA. $240/ mo. Historic house walking distance from Dwntn. 12 mo. lease begins Aug. 10. Call (678) 570-6268.

Rooms for Rent Dashiell Cottages. Move–in for $75/wk.! (706) 8500491. Private entrance, all amenities, WiFi, long distance. Enjoy our river community, 5 blocks to UGA. Enjoy wildlife observation.

For Sale Miscellaneous Come to Cillies, 175 E. Clayton St. for vintage Louis Vu i t t o n . 2 0 % o ff s i n g l e purchase of clothing, boots and jewelry (excl. J. Crew). 1/ person. Closing bookstore. 100s of good used books. Many different categories & 1st eds. Located in Athens Antique Mall (unit 7), 4615 Atlanta Hwy. Silent bids for entire stock accepted til 5:30 pm, Apr. 12. Bid forms available.

Instant cash is now being paid for good vinyl records & CDs in fine condition. Wuxtry Records, at corner of Clayton & College Dwntn. (706) 369-9428.

Pets Free Shetland pony, “Lil Francie�, to great home. 8 yr., saddle broken, lesson pony, great with kids. Call or text (404) 483-8795. Ask for Esteban.

Yard Sales Sat. 4/6: 9 a.m.–1 p.m. 234 S. Billups. Infants’ & kids’ clothing, women’s & men’s clothing, gear, natural toys, vintage, furniture, kitchen stuff, art, instruments, DVDs & more.

Music Equipment 6x6x12 Hallmark trailer & equipment for sale, together or separate. 2 full PA systems & accessories. $6000 OBO package deal! Too much to list! (706) 491-8853. Do you want to use a logo, graphic or border in your c l a s s i f i e d a d ? Yo u c a n with Classified Display Advertising!!! Call 706-5490301 for more information. Nuçi’s Space needs your old instruments & music gear! All donations are tax-deductible. Call (706) 227-1515 or come by Nuçi’s Space, 396 Oconee St.

Instruction Athens School of Music. Instruction in guitar, bass, drums, piano, voice, brass, woodwinds, strings, banjo, mandolin, fiddle & m o re . F ro m b e g i n n e r to expert. Instrument repairs avail. Visit www. AthensSchoolofMusic. com, (706) 543-5800. Do you want to make $$$ with your music related business? Are you advertising in Flagpole? Call 706-5490301 for details. Music Go Round buys musical instruments & equipment every day! Guitars, cymbals, basses, b a n j o s , m i c ro p h o n e s & more. (770) 931-9190, www. musicgoroundlilburn.com. Huge, online inventory. We love trades! Come visit us soon... we’re open everyday!

Music Services Fret Shop. Professional guitar repairs & modifications, setups, electronics, precision fretwork. Previous clients incl. R.E.M., Widespread Panic, Cracker, Bob Mould, John Berry, Abbey Road Live!, Squat. (706) 549-1567.

.PSUPO 4RVBSF 2BR/2BA Behind the Wafe House in 5 Points Available Now/Pre-Leasing for Fall 2013 Ask About Our Renovated Units! DON’T MISS OUT!

C.Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Wedding bands. Quality, professional bands. Weddings, parties. Rock, jazz, etc. Call Classic City Entertainment. ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 9 - 1 5 6 7 . w w w. classiccityenter tainment. com. Featuring The Magictones - Athens’ premiere wedding & party band. www.themagictones. com.

Services Cleaning She said, “The house was a wreck today.� I said, “That’s what I do.� She said, “Thanks Nick.� Earth, pet & “people� friendly house cleaning. Text or call Nick, (706) 851-9087. twitter.com/homeathens.

Misc. Services Michael, owner of Strand Hair Studio, will be working at Karma Salon on Mons, Weds & Sats. Call (706) 549-8074 to schedule your appt!

Jobs Full-time Account Executive. Comcast Spotlight is seeking a self-starting, outgoing & motivated sales professional for a business development ( c o l d - c a l l i n g ) ro l e . T h e account executive will sell cable & online ads to Athensarea businesses. EOE/ Affirmative Action/Drug-Free workplace. Apply Online: www.ecentralmetrics.com/ url/?u=18341598607-87. I heart Flagpole Classifieds! C a l l c e n t e r representative. Join established Athens company calling CEOs & CFOs of major corporations generating sales leads for tech companies. $9/hr. BOS Staffing, www. bostemps.com, (706) 3533030. Etienne Brasserie is looking for FT experienced bartenders, servers & dishwashers. Please no phone calls; apply in person Mon.–Thurs. between 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. Bring resume. 311 E. Broad St. FT or PT hair stylist position at Rocket Salon. Fun, laid back. Must have GA license. Commission. Apply in person or at rocketsalon@ gmail.com.


Call for Location and Availability.

C. Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001



Some units include ďŹ replaces and Washer & Dryers. $550-$600/mo. Call Today to view.

C. Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001

Modern Age is hiring again! PT/FT positions avail. Bring resume into Modern Age. No phone calls. Now hiring shipping/ receiving clerk. Experience w / p re p a r i n g s h i p m e n t s preferred. Please call at (706) 353-2223 or email resume to info@florahydroponics.com. P o s i t i o n a v a i l . f o r F T, licensed stylist. Contact Beth at Shenanigans Salon. (706) 548-1115 or beth@ shenaniganssalon.com. Servers & cooks needed. Apply in person, no phone calls. George’s Lowcountry Table. 2095 S. Milledge Ave. The Spa at Foundry Park Inn is currently searching for excellent massage therapists. To apply, visit us at www.foundryparkinn.com/ careers.

Jobs Wanted Woman, 50 yrs. old (Bulgarian) seeking a job as nanny. Can care for the elderly or help as maid in-house. Experienced. No driving. Leave message for Suezhana, suezhanadikova@ yahoo.com.

Part-time Fantasy World! Hiring private lingerie models. No exp. necessary. We train. Flexible scheduling. Call (706) 6138986 or visit 1050 Baxter St., Athens.

Notices Lost and Found Lost items can be found with Flagpole classifieds! Post listings for lost and found pets, valuable items or items w/ sentimental value. Call (706) 5490301 or visit classifieds. flagpole.com.

MESSAGES Happy 1st Anniversary, Will! I love you so much! Love, Kelly M Lose your puppy? Need a date? Want to find that guy you saw at the bar last weekend? Place your ad here.

Live ln-Town with Parking and Amenities


Week of 4/1/13 - 4/7/13

The Weekly Crossword 1























19 23






34 38 40

39 41





48 54

9 16



by Margie E. Burke



24 27







51 57







ACROSS 1 Show shock 5 Crime scene barrier 9 Make thirsty 14 Do ___ others... 15 Pop the cork 16 "La Boheme", for one 17 Castle, in chess 18 At all 20 Remove, in a way 22 Wicker material 23 Not quite right 24 Nine-to-five grind 26 Sly stratagem 27 Elmer, to Bugs 30 1996 film starring Geoffrey Rush 31 100 bani, in Romania 32 Chicken Little, notably 34 Campus speaker 37 Beretta or Browning 38 Old-time anesthetic 39 Lethargic 40 Writer's bottom line? 41 Kyoto cash

Copyright 2013 by The Puzzle Syndicate

42 Renter's document 43 Auction signal 44 Slinky shape 46 Merlin's forte 48 Hosiery mishap 49 Trade-show setup 50 Exigencies 54 Soon 57 One way to run? 58 Unhappy look 59 Enthusiasm 60 A or B, on a 45 61 Rigatoni relative 62 Rip apart 63 Think, old-style

12 Words to live by 13 Start of a Kramden laugh 19 Get the picture 21 Major pipeline 25 Bronze finish? 26 Popular pie nut 27 Off one's rocker 28 Spicy stew 29 Throwing a fit 31 Stand for 34-across 33 Fight off 34 Like pocket change 35 Well aware of 36 Swamp stalk 38 Carriage driver 40 Good for DOWN growing, as soil 1 Wise one 42 Unlawful 2 Soon, to a bard opportunist 3 Knock it off 44 Fresh, as 4 Maverick's game lettuce 5 Auto club 45 Prevention service amount? 6 Pithy saying 46 Instant lawn 7 Kind of blouse 47 Brewer's supply 8 Draw in 49 Tree trunk 9 Like a church 51 Bahrain big shot mouse 52 Bygone bird 10 Pal of Tarzan 53 Distort, in a way 11 Billy Burke sci-fi 55 Part of MYOB series 56 Football position

Crossword puzzle answers are available at www.flagpole.com/crossword





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reality check

+%+ +%/ +%0 +%(' +%((

Matters Of The Heart And Loins Are you really ORT? Only in my dreams (and once on an undercover assignment in Brussels). I try to write a message of decent length via email/Facebook/what-have-you when I do pick up with someone again. Usually, I write only to people with whom I have had vivid memories but, sometimes, I do send random, positive outbursts to people whom I remember fondly‌ but I don’t expect anything deep from the latter. I have tried to tend the gardens as best as I could with good friends over the years but find that fewer and fewer people care to write back or are interested. Also, I simply wonder why anyone doesn’t write me in a similar fashion. It seems that the only time I communicate with anyone is if I am the initiating force. I suppose I just feel heartbroken that the people I knew were/are not interested in forming memories with me. I feel that the memories I do possess to have been reduced to fill a little, broken tin box with warped hinges, just a chipped-up and dusty collection of marbles, insects and coins that bears no connection to anyone anymore‌ but, I guess, at least those memories still exist. I suppose in the realm of reality, though, my expectations are unrealistic, hypersensitive and unfair. People will not do anything that forces them to diverge from routine and as time passes; people become absorbed in their own lives, making the lives of others a cursory concern. I should continue on the road of optimism, though, even if this damn weltschmerz gets me down sometimes. It’s a floating world, yeah? Late-’20s Fitzwilliam Lament (set to the tune of Charles Bradley’s “Since Our Last Goodbyeâ€?) Do you really wonder why nobody writes you in a similar fashion? I mean, REALLY? Because I don’t. Maybe you could focus less on being clever and poetic, and more on actual communication? I don’t know. We’ve been through this before, Fitz, and I think back then I told you that you should try making new friends if the old ones aren’t staying in touch. Now I’m starting to think that you’re just trying to get published, in which case you might be better off scrawling your thoughts on a random bathroom wall to increase your audience. While you’re there, have a look in the mirror and see what self-absorption looks like. Life is a series of comings and goings, Fitz. Nothing is permanent and nobody owes you staying in touch. I know it’s difficult for an old softie like yourself, but you’re going to have to buck up and move on. After reading “Cut your Lossesâ€? (Mar. 13 Reality Check), I know what business you were talking about. Let’s say the initials are [redacted]. If so, here’s what I know about the situation that the other person seemed to leave

out: An expensive meal was ordered; the owner asked the patron while eating how the meal was (and was given a positive answer); the meal was entirely eaten; and then the patron wanted a refund for lack of some topping. The patrons didn’t seem to be entirely present at the time; an employee nicely said that the patron had said they liked the food and eaten it all, and it didn’t seem like a refund was necessary; the patron called the employee a pussy and started threatening him (to which the employee did respond “Who are you, the mayor?�); the patron crossed into the kitchen and tried to fight the employees; employees had to say they were going to call the cops before they could get the guy out of the kitchen; employee did call the cops and file a report. I wasn’t there, but I got a call the night it happened because my brother (the owner) thought it was so crazy. Since I wasn’t there, something different might have transpired, but that would be a weird lie to make up and call to tell your sister, and you can probably check on a police report. Anyway, I thought since you printed the story you might want to hear more about the situation. Guess I’ll tell my brother that he’s made the paper this week. And, of course, this is all assuming we’re both talking about [redacted]. Name Also Redacted This is exactly why I didn’t print the name of the business when I got that letter, NAR. As much as I enjoy reading complaints from customers about a particular business (almost as much as an ear infection or having my teeth drilled, for the record), this column is not exactly the proper forum. I suspect that my disgruntled diner friend probably wrote a letter to the editor, too. I didn’t ask, so I can’t be sure. Anyway, there are always at least two sides to a story. In relationships, there is more often than not a bit of truth in each. But as a nearly lifelong service-industry slave, I know damned well that the old “customer is always right� adage is a pile of crap. I also know that a business owner (especially a small business owner, especially in this economy) is not very likely to side with his or her employees in front of a customer if it means the customer may not come back. There are some exceptions, to be sure. But if this guy was acting like enough of a jackass that the owner in question was not going to back down or even attempt to appease him, then he probably needs to take a hard look at how he behaved. And if he is the kind of person who goes to the trouble to write to me even after having had time to cool down, and tries to pull me into his drama and get me on his side, then I suspect that he is probably making a big deal out of nothing. Which is no concern of yours, mine, or the unfortunate employees of the restaurant, because karma may not be instant but it is real, and that guy is coming back as a toilet brush. Jyl Inov

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G •A •M •E •D •A •Y CLAYTON ST. NEXT TO SHOKITINI • 706-850-3300 Thursday: Leaving Countries, Ken Will Morton & the Southern Coalition

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