MAY 21, 2014 · VOL. 28 · NO. 20 · FREE
How Artists Made Music and Musicians Made Art in Athens p. 14
City Gardens
Small, Intown Lots are Growing Food to Feed Those in Need p. 7
The Reunited Wordsmiths Could Teach Shakespeare a Word or 2 p. 12
Bethel Better? p. 8 · Experimental Music p. 13 · Hubbard, Hudgins & Baxendale p. 16 · Robot Fu? p. 16
Buy a
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CONSOLIDATED PLAN COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT MEETINGS The Athens-Clarke County Unified Government’s Housing and Community Development Department will hold a series of community assessment meetings for citizens to discuss community needs and resources. The information gathered at these meetings will be used to guide the next three years of local CDBG and other funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. CDBG is the Community Development Block Grant which provides about $1.2 million to Athens programs each year. Residents are invited and encouraged to attend and par ticipate in the discussions
Saturday May 31 4pm - 10pm
Kumquat Mae Bakery & Cafe 18 S. Barnett Shoals Rd · Watkinsville, GA 706-769-1105
The meetings will be held:
Thursday, May 22, 2014 at 4:00pm in the Bishop Park Meeting Room Friday, May 23, 2014 at 10:00am in the Bobby M. Snipes Water Resources Center Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 10:00am in the Satula Avenue Governmental Building Training Room Monday, June 2, 2014 at 6:00pm in the offices at the East Athens Development Corporation at the Miriam Moore Center Community Room Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 5:00pm in the Athens Regional Library Multipurpose Room B Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 3:00pm in the Satula Avenue Governmental Building Training Room
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pub notes
Cleaning for local neighbors by local neighbors
Help Stop Violence “Conflict is inevitable. Violence is not.” This simple statement is the motto of Georgia Conflict Center, a local group dedicated to teaching people how to resolve conflicts without violence. That sounds like an impossible task, but the center knows proven techniques that can be taught to individuals and groups who are in situations where disagreements can lead to violence: schools, jails, workplaces—just about anywhere, even churches. They are talking not only about physical violence but emotional and verbal violence, too. The center is led by a man, Executive Director John Lash, who has had deep personal experience with violence and its consequences and has evolved into a leader who understands the problems faced by the people taught by the Center. Though most of us are unaware of this effort in our midst, you may know somebody at school or work who has benefited from the help of this group. Actually, we all benefit from their efforts to teach in our community the principle that violence is not the answer. Georgia Conflict Center is currently conducting a fundraising campaign to raise the money that supports its programs. An anonymous donor has pledged to match all donations given during this campaign through the end of June. This means that if you can make a donation to this courageous and vital effort of tamping down conflict in our individual and community lives, your gift will automatically double. That’s a great incentive for supporting Georgia Conflict Center now during this allimportant fundraising effort. They’ve made it simple. Just go online to and make a contribution by Paypal, where, of course, you can also use a credit card. If that’s too high-tech, you can find their mailing address on the website and just mail them a check. While you’re on the website, read around and familiarize yourself with the great work this small group is doing here in Athens and beyond. They’re not just sitting around bemoaning violence in our society. They’re out helping people see that human conflict is going to happen but there are rational ways to resolve it instead of escalating it through violent confrontation. The Georgia Conflict Center proves every day that there is a better way and that people can learn it. They just need our assistance to continue helping people manage conflict.
See and Be Seen on Prince Saturday, May 17 proved to be a nice, cool day for See and Be Seen on Prince, with a variety of events and a nice group of strolling folks, many of them with children. We threw together some last-minute activities for kids and enjoyed visiting with them and their parents and other friends, strangers, politicians and interested folks who dropped by. We proudly gave impromptu tours of our new office for those who wanted to see it. The day was just another reminder of the vitality of life along Prince Avenue and the dangers. A car hit a bike earlier in the day, and people as usual had to exercise extreme caution getting across the fast thoroughfare, where not even a baby carriage is enough to grab the attention of some drivers. Reports filtered down from up the street that people were enjoying the photo booth, the book readings, the bike-repair and the general strolling and visiting. Tony Eubanks put it all together, and a lot of people jumped in to help.
Politics Withdrawal Even with no idea who wins in any of the races, one can only point out again how the Republicans took Jared Bailey’s voter strength out of his District 5 and threw it into District 3, pitting Cobbham and Boulevard against the black voters left over in District 3. The Republican gerrymandering that has so violently skewed voting all over the country, herding blacks and liberals into ghetto-districts, finally happened here: Blacks and white liberals crammed into District 3. District 5 neutered. District 4 (not up for election this time) spread all over. District 7 no longer the Five Points district and not even contested this time. Unless there are some happy surprises, we can look forward to four more years of unimaginative resistance to any attempts to tackle any of our problems. It could be the end of Athens as we know it, and a lot of folks think that’s just fine. Pete McCommons
A&E Cleaning Services Offices s Homes Free Estimates
Elf Power
Adilene Valencia & Epifania Nava
from the blogs IN THE LOOP: Get the scoop on all the latebreaking election news, including, like, who won and stuff. HOMEDRONE: Hear an exclusive stream of this year’s AthFest compilation album, featuring Drive-By Truckers, New Madrid, Elf Power and more. GRUB NOTES: Alton Brown’s coming to town, and the Westside Transmetropolitan will reopen as the local pizza joint’s first franchise location.
athens power rankings: MAY 19–25 1. Mayor Denson 2. ACC voters 3. I Am the World Trade Center 4. Prince Avenue 5. UGA baseball
7gkW PkcXW _i Yec_d] je
Ages: 18+ Dates: Saturdays starting May 31st August 2nd Time: 10:30am Fee: $5 per person for each session
Ages: 18+ Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday May 27-August 1 Time: 6:30-7:30am & 11:30-12:30pm Fee: $55 ACC Resident, $83 Non-Resident Location: Bishop Park Pool
No pre-registration required. Register on the day of the class.
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Athens Power Rankings are posted each Monday on the In the Loop blog on
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“I don’t think Transmet will work well there again (too much baggage), but I guess we’ll see.” — James Gray Comments are up and running on! Play nice.
EDITOR & PUBLISHER Pete McCommons ADVERTISING DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Alicia Nickles PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Larry Tenner ADVERTISING SALES Anita Aubrey, Jessica Pritchard Mangum MUSIC EDITOR Gabe Vodicka CITY EDITOR Blake Aued ARTS EDITOR & DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Jessica Smith CLASSIFIEDS & OFFICE MANAGER Sarah Temple Stevenson AD DESIGNER Kelly Hart CARTOONISTS Lee Gatlin, Missy Kulik, David Mack, Jeremy Long, Clint McElroy ADOPT ME Special Agent Cindy Jerrell CONTRIBUTORS Tom Crawford, Jack Crowley, Gregory Davis, Chris Hassiotis, Derek Hill, Gordon Lamb, Kristen Morales, Rhonda, Jeff Tobias, Jeff Warren, Drew Wheeler CIRCULATION Charles Greenleaf, Emily Armond, Will Donaldson, Matt Shirley WEB DESIGNER Kelly Hart ADVERTISING INTERN Maria Stojanovic MUSIC INTERNS Chris Schultz, Nathan Kerce NEWS INTERN Erica Techo PHOTO INTERN Joshua L. Jones COVER PAINTING by Cindy Wilson (see feature story on p. 14) STREET ADDRESS: 220 Prince Ave., Athens, GA 30601 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1027, Athens, GA 30603 EDITORIAL: 706-549-9523 · ADVERTISING: 706-549-0301 · FAX: 706-548-8981 CLASSIFIED ADS: ADVERTISING: CALENDAR: EDITORIAL:
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HedchdgZY Wn i]Z CVi^dcVa >chi^ijiZ dc 9gj\ 6WjhZ
city dope Denson Wins Mayor’s Race Which Denson? I don’t know. Flagpole goes to press on Tuesdays, so we couldn’t get election results in the paper. Whip out your phone and type “” into the browser of your choice.
method would take and the safety of transporting heavy kegs that way. (My advice? Hire Matthew Stafford.) Downtown Trash: Another perennial issue is downtown’s funk, and I ain’t talking about The HEAP. Officials think they have an answer for that, too. ACC Solid Waste currently picks up downtown trash three times a day—once in the afternoon, once after restaurants close and again after bars close. While customers aren’t supposed to put trash bags out more than an hour before pickup, they often do, so those bags sit out in the sun leaking an unholy mixture of beer backwash and Lord knows what else onto the sidewalk. As with deliveries, Athens’ lack of alleys comes into play here, too—there is nowhere to put rollcarts. Solid Waste proposed “trash corrals” on downtown street corners last year, but commissioners quickly rejected the idea. Department director Jim Corley is now recommending continuous pickup downtown. He wants to buy two minigarbage trucks that could easily navigate downtown streets and run them throughout the area constantly. The trucks and two compactors would cost $315,000, which Corley asked commissioners last week to include in ACC’s fiscal 2015 budget. (That budget, incidentally, will be discussed at the commission’s Thursday, May 22 agenda-setting meeting.) Of course, bags would still be lying out for some period of time, leading Commissioner Andy Herod to ask whether we should use stronger bags. The ones we use now are very high quality, Corley responded—not that it makes a difference. “When you have a busted
Downtown Deliveries: Athens Downtown Development Authority officials think they’ve found a solution to the delivery trucks that clog up Clayton and Washington streets because downtown Athens lacks alleys. After hearing from business owners, beer distributors and county officials Tuesday, May 13, they’re leaning toward restricting deliveries to 3 a.m.–11 a.m. and setting up loading zones on less-busy Jackson Street and College Avenue for when deliveries have to be made at other times. The idea of requiring deliveries to be made in the morning has been floated before, but bar owners opposed it because they or their managers would have to wake up just a few hours after closing to accept the deliveries. However, local beer distributors have said they’re willing to deliver right after the bars close, according to ADDA Executive Director Pamela Thompson. No bar owners came to the work session, although Thompson said they were notified. She and parking director Chuck Horton will issue a report in June that Mayor Nancy Denson will then pass along to the Athens-Clarke County Commission. So, bar owners, you might want to take note and go to the next ADDA meeting. Downtown master plan czar Jack Crowley has suggested a staging area near the Classic Center where trucks could unload onto golf carts to make deliveries, but distributors raised concerns about the time that delivery
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There can be only one Mayor Denson. beer bottle in the bag, it doesn’t matter how strong it is, it’ll tear,” he said. Downtown Master Plan: Jack Crowley’s master plan calls for infill development on surface parking lots and vacant property. (See p. 9 for an example of what he wants someone to do with the lot next to City Hall.) The ADDA is taking the first step toward developing underutilized land by asking developers to submit plans for county-owned land downtown. Crowley has suggested offering developers long-term leases, rather than selling public property outright, which would allow us to be very picky about finding just the right project while also providing a steady revenue stream. Affordable Housing: The ACC Commission is set to award the Athens Land Trust $274,650 in federal HOME grants to renovate six houses on Waddell Street to rent out to low-income tenants and build another house that will be sold to a first-time homebuyer. Commissioners George Maxwell and Kathy Hoard, who represent that area, praised the land trust for revitalizing a neighborhood scarred by burnedout buildings, vacant lots and vagrants. “The Athens Land Trust is changing the face of that neighborhood for the better,” Hoard said. Interim director Rob Trevena seems to be righting the ship at the ACC Housing and Community Development Department. The East Athens Development Corporation, which
has had other issues in the past and recently defaulted on a grant, leading to a slap on the wrist from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, is no longer an approved recipient for HOME grants. And HCD is finally spending $187,000 in grants that it had been sitting on for years and would lose if they’re not committed by July. Smile!: Another issue the commission will be considering at its Thursday, May 22 agendasetting meeting is adding more video cameras downtown. Currently, downtown has 16 surveillance cameras that are monitored from 11 p.m.–4 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays. The cameras record images 24/7 (the tapes are purged after five days). Since downtown has grown with all the new student housing developments, police want to spend $150,000 on more cameras, which Chief Jack Lumpkin describes as a “force multiplier” that helps identify witnesses and suspects without hiring additional officers. Surveillance cameras are ubiquitous in pretty much every city these days, but it wouldn’t surprise me if someone raised privacy issues. ACCTV: Charter cable is switching to an alldigital format, so effective June 10, the government-access station will be moving from channel 7 to 180. Blake Aued
I was taught early that you shouldn’t cut off your nose to spite your face. In other words, don’t engage in destructive action just because you’re angry at someone, because you usually end up hurting yourself more than the other person. I wish our elected leadership had remembered that during their consideration of whether the state should accept billions of dollars from the federal government to expand Medicaid coverage for low-income families. This expansion of Medicaid is a key provision of the Affordable Care Act, known more familiarly as Obamacare. The law provides that for three years, beginning in 2014, the federal government must pay 100 percent of a state’s costs of expanding Medicaid so that more people who can’t afford health insurance will have access to medical care. After that three-year period, the federal government is required to continue paying 90 percent of the costs associated with expanded Medicaid, while the state picks up the other 10 percent. States can choose whether to accept that federal money. If Gov. Nathan Deal said yes to the offer, it would result in more than $3 billion in federal funds flowing into Georgia this year. Deal has refused to accept the money to expand coverage, even though such health care groups as the Medical Association of Georgia and the Georgia Hospital Association support expansion. A new law transfers the authority for that decision from his office to the General Assembly, which means the state likely will never take the money. Other governors have accepted the federal funds, including such Republican chief executives as Rick Snyder of Michigan, Jan Brewer of Arizona, Chris Christie of New Jersey and Terry Branstad of Iowa. Brewer, who probably dislikes President Obama as much as any Republican governor does, had to browbeat a GOP-controlled legislature to get approval for
the federal funds, but after she succeeded she remarked, “It was a win, win, win all the way around.� When Christie made the decision to accept federal money for New Jersey, he said, “We are putting people first. Which is why, after considerable discussion and research, I have decided to participate in the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act.� Deal and the legislative leadership in Georgia have taken the opposite course, and I think a large factor in their decision is political spite towards a Democratic president. What better way to express that spite than to slap the hand offering you billions of dollars? The widespread media coverage of the Obamacare implementation has prompted thousands of people to step forward to sign up for Medicaid coverage. In many cases, these are people who were already eligible for Medicaid coverage but were not aware of it—so they will get health care coverage even if their state does not participate in the Obamacare-funded expansion. Health care experts call this the “woodwork effect,� because these people have figuratively come out of the woodwork to sign up for Medicaid. A recent study indicates that nearly 100,000 people in Georgia who had been eligible for Medicaid coverage all along signed up for the program as Obamacare was being rolled out in recent months. They will require the state to pay an estimated $90 million a year more for Medicaid expenses. That is where our elected leadership has put us. The state refuses to take more than $3 billion in federal funds for Medicaid expansion, but it is on the hook to pay another $90 million in Medicaid costs anyway. That doesn’t sound like a smart deal to me, but that’s what happens when your decisions are influenced by personal spite instead of logic and reasoning.
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Tom Crawford
The Annual Flagpole Athens Music Awards Show is designed to honor and celebrate those who make Athens, GA a center of musical creativity, enjoyment & accomplishment. The show kicks off AthFest, Athensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; annual music and arts festival, and will be held on Thursday, June 19. You, the local music fan, will choose the local performers you wish to recognize by filling out this ballot. All awards are decided by a majority peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s choice vote, so YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT. A panel of local music judges has selected this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finalists; just check the box next to your choice and fill in the blank for Band of the Year. You do not need to vote in every category.
VOTE ONLINE: musicawards.ďŹ&#x201A; ( 88 m m m m m
Carl Lindberg Craig Waters & the Flood Kenosha Kid Mary Sigalas Old Skool Trio
5-0*" m m m m m
Athens Tango Project Gro/Conscious Kinky Waikiki Lowdive Quiabo de Chapeau
.-. m m m m m
Casper and the Cookies Four Eyes Kishi Bashi Ruby the RabbitFoot The New Sound of Numbers
+#0'! , m m m m m m m m m m
Don Chambers Ken Will Morton Old Smokey Packway Handle Band Scott Low Shonna Tucker & Eye Candy T. Hardy Morris The Darnell Boys The Skipperdees Vespolina
( + $3,) m Funk Brotherhood m Ghost Owl m JuBee and the Morning m m m m
After Lazy Locomotive Lefty Hathaway Universal Sigh Velveteen Pink
#6.#0'+#,2 * m m m m m m
Crazy Hoarse Gyps Hand Sand Hands Scab Queen Terminals Tunabunny
0-!) m m m m m m m m m m
Brothers Cars Can Be Blue Dana Swimmer Elf Power Little Gold Monsoon New Madrid Shade The Powder Room The Woodgrains
.3,) & 0"!-0# m m m m m m
Burns Like Fire KatĂŤr Mass Motherfucker Muuy Biien Nurture Shaved Christ
&'. &-. m m m m m m m m
Big Body Big Breezey Miss Unyque Stack Boyz The Swank Tony B Versatyle tha Wildchyld Yung N Restless
#*#!20-,'! m m m m m
D:RC Flashbomb murk daddy flex Will Weber Yip Deceiver
!-4#0 02
"( m m m m m m
DJ Mahogany DJ Quincy Mob Knarly Robbie Dude Tyler Glenn Z-Dog
3.12 02 m m m m m m m m m m
Andy Bruh Chrismis Family and Friends Faster Circuits Futo Harsh Words Mothers New Wives Programs Wild of Night
*'4# m m m m m m m m m
Dip Muuy Biien Shaved Christ The Darnell Boys Tia Madre Timmy and the Tumblers Tony B Velveteen Pink Yip Deceiver
!-4#0 ," m m m m m
Bit Brigade Gimme Hendrix Heavy Petty Nairvana Straight No Chaser
Covers can be viewed on
m Elf Power: Sunlight on the Moon m Honeychild: American Beach m Jack Logan & Scott Baxendale:
Bones in the Desert m Muuy Biien: DYI m Rene LeConte: Young and Dumb m T. Hardy Morris: Audition Tapes
+31'! 4'"#-
Videos can be viewed on
Elf Power: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Darkest Waveâ&#x20AC;? Four Eyes: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our Insidesâ&#x20AC;? Like Totally: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Veggie Wrapâ&#x20AC;? T. Hardy Morris: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Places in Perilâ&#x20AC;? series m Yip Deceiver: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Loverâ&#x20AC;? m m m m
* 3+ -$ 2&# 7# 0 m Elf Power: Sunlight on the Moon m Faster Circuits: Tunes of Glory m Jack Logan & Scott Baxendale: m m m m m m m m m
Bones in the Desert KatĂŤr Mass: Circles murk daddy flex: MDF Muuy Biien: DYI New Madrid: Sunswimmer Old Smokey: Wester Easter Shade: Pipe Dream T. Hardy Morris: Audition Tapes Versatyle tha Wildchyld: S.M.A.S.H. Yip Deceiver: Medallius
02'12 -$ 2&# 7# 0
;DG<:II I=>H ________________________________ E6
Your Name ________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ Email ________________________________ Phone ________________
No photocopied ballots allowed. Ballots will be accepted ONLY if they include name, address, phone number and email address. Only one vote per category. Only one ballot per person.
FLAGPOLE.COM â&#x2C6;&#x2122; MAY 21, 2014
Feeding the Hungry Community Gardens Help Out T
Jeff Warren
his planting season has seen at least two local commuNot every renter who reserved a box was present that A church lawn vegetable garden is maybe like a collard nity gardens sprout skyward—one in Winterville and the Saturday. “Some people couldn’t come out today, of course,” patch beside the governor’s mansion: disarming and refreshother off Prince Avenue. Scott said. “All they have to do is call us, and we’ll get them set ing at the same time. The garden at Chase and Prince includes Tomato plants, okra seeds and various other veggies found up with planting and water and irrigation.” Planters saturated collards for one-third of a row. “We want everybody to feel a new place in the sun Saturday, Apr. 26, as participants at box contents, using a long garden hose and watering wand, comfortable here,” Floyd said. “We don’t want people who are Pittard Park delved into dirt work that initiated the Winterville before dipping divots in the surface to accept small plants. agnostic or go to church somewhere else to think that they are community garden’s first growing season. The project serves That first planting day, volunteers installed irrigation drip not welcome here or can’t be a part of this community.” two purposes: It provides a place for neighbors to combine lines as plants met dirt. Activity drew in the curious—passThe garden’s first year saw a half dozen participants. The labor, as in an old-time barn-raising, with the goal of producersby wanting to know the purpose of the project and the way second year, a church women’s group upped money to add ing fresh, unprocessed vegetables for the town’s needy. The to become involved. “We have 80 boxes, and we’re looking to more garden boxes. This year brought something of an epiphproject also provides garden spaces for rent, where renters can rent about 70,” Scott said. any: Young Harris Pastor David Wofford entered talks with Erin plant and tend within a chemical-free growing environment to Barger, director of Action Ministries, the group that operates supply their own tables. the Athens soup kitchen Our Daily Bread at First Baptist Church “We have people who are patrons of Landscape architect Josh Koons, who is working with the downtown. “David and Erin started talking about how we could City of Winterville to design Pittard Park improvements, laid Our Daily Bread who eat lunch at the soup work together to use that garden to provide fresh fruits and out the garden as one parkland enhancement. Koons’ design vegetables for Our Daily Bread,” Floyd said. kitchen and come out and work with us.” includes drip irrigation for each garden box and timer-conNext, Wofford applied for a Methodist grant called Peace trolled watering in the morning and evening. The Winterville with Justice. “We got $1,000,” Floyd said. “We were able to till City Council has backed the project with SPLOST funding for Box rent is $15 per season. Participation is not restricted to and buy seed. We installed a drip irrigation system. And a sign, materials and design. Winterville residents. “Everybody’s welcome,” Scott said. “The ‘One Community Garden.’” As soon as most of the irrigation system became operational more, the merrier.” Application forms and garden rules can be The sign emphasizes inclusiveness, Floyd said. “Churched last month, word went out for a first planting the next day. downloaded from by following the comand un-churched; rich and poor—we wanted a name that said “I sent emails and phone calls yesterday,” Barry Scott said munity garden link in the left margin of the webpage. that. We wanted people in Cobbham to feel comfortable here on the Saturday morning that planting began. Scott and Traci Into its third planting in as many springs, the community and people from Our Daily Bread. We have people who are O’Brien co-chair the steering committee that organized the garden at Young Harris Memorial United Methodist Church in patrons of Our Daily Bread who eat lunch at the soup kitchen garden project. Scott’s Friday communication brought out Athens occupies the same site as the earliest garden club in and come out and work with us.” several place renters, most with tomato plants raring for pay the United States. A state historical marker at the corner of Under the newly established cooperative, Floyd represents dirt. “Our first planter today was Jack Hanes,” Scott said. “I Chase Street and Prince Avenue (one corner of the expansive the church, and Drew Hooks represents the soup kitchen. Hooks think he was here about 9:30 works for Action Ministries. He [a.m.] And he was ready to knows about growing vegetables plant.” Hanes placed his Better and about what is needed at the Boy-variety tomatoes where they kitchen, Floyd said. “It wouldn’t could stretch out and grow. make sense for us to grow a Patsy Hinson planted beans, whole lot of something that they zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, couldn’t use then,” she pointed spinach and an Irish potato out. brought from her cupboard. Her The expanded effort has also goal, she said, is a naturallymoved the project outside the grown table supply, free of the box. The bulk of planting this chemicals commercial growers season is in freshly tilled ground apply. Linda Russell concentrated laid off in crop rows, not in on tomatoes in her space, half raised garden beds. “We rented of a growing bed shared with a a tiller at Lowes,” Floyd said. “It friend. Athens resident Donald took us two or three times to Fowler had tomatoes, okra, find the one that would dig deep onions, squash and cucumbers enough.” in mind for his patch. “And one Hooks manned the plow marigold,” he added. More than handles with help from garden pretty, a marigold planted near volunteer Mike McLaughlin. a tomato helps discourage a bug They tilled to a depth of nearly from biting into your harvest one-and-a-half feet, McLaughlin before you can. Planter Brenda said. Compost and manure from King put in beets, arugula, basil, a church member’s horse farm onions and some sweet banana added soil nutrients. Hay atop peppers—all of that in addition mounded rows protects some to two kinds of heirloom tomato: vegetable sprouts just emerging. Homestead and Mr. Stripey. King The first harvest for use at also planted a plastic pinwheel, Our Daily Bread was radishes something to identify her plantpicked Saturday morning, May 3, ing box amid the sea of similar by volunteer Julia Jones. Those boxes. will store in a church refrigerator Volunteer Julia Jones shows off a radish, rooted up in the first harvest of fresh vegetables bound from One Community Garden to Our Daily Bread. until Hooks transports them to This garden in boxes— about 80 altogether—covers the soup kitchen, Floyd said. most of an acre beside Winterville’s downtown firehouse and church campus) places that earlier meeting of soil-amending The garden invites participants to donate labor in the rows recycling center. Soon, gravel topped with mulch will cover minds around 1891. “A few of us kept looking at that sign that feed the soup kitchen in exchange for a spot in a garden paths between boxes. A three-rail wood fence ultimately will and thinking, ‘Well, there’s nothing that grows there now but box, where they can grow their own vegetables. To participate enclose the garden space, backed with fence wire to discourage grass’,” recounted Allison Floyd, on staff at the church. or for more information, email ground-level varmints. Floyd spearheaded the church’s community garden in 2012 As Floyd weeded a box with volunteer Nancee Tomlinson, Volunteers christened the feed-the-hungry boxes with with UGA agriculture student Daniel Tinsley. A group of church she schemed toward a shared harvest of arugula and cucumnumerous plantings on the same day as the rented boxes. men built wooden boxes that year to house a raised garden. bers. Was there ever such faith in a benevolent future as where Volunteer JoAnn Snow furnished several tomato plants started “We built the little garden and invited people from the neighfingers poke seeds into freshly turned earth? “The way I feel from seed. Snow also provided pepper plants—some hot, some borhood to come garden,” Floyd recalled. The idea, she said, about it is the plants are beautiful,” Floyd said, “But the mild. Don’t plant the two varieties close, came the instruction, was to make productive some otherwise fallow land. The garden experiences, the company, gardening together is what it’s all or the mild ones go hot as well. That is by cross-pollination, would also serve as an access point, she explained, a way to about.” not peer pressure, it was explained. The things you can learn in dispel any members-only aura from the church campus, a seta garden. ting of wide lawns and massive buildings. Jeff Warren
Safety First
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9LCC;F> At h e n s B i g St at i o n
espite upgrades coming to Clayton Street, a proposed downtown master plan and new student housing going up, there is one section of downtown that wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be changing anytime soon, according to its owners. At a recent meeting, the president of H.J. Russell, the Atlanta-based company that owns Bethel Midtown Village, said he has no plans to make changes to the dated apartment complex off College Avenue. Speaking to the Bethel Stakeholders, a group of community activists, local officials and residents, Jerome Russell said recent debt reorganization on the property made through the federal Housing and Urban Development Department will prevent any changes to the propertyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; not that anything was necessarily planned
she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Instead, they read in the paper that Bethel is the problem, but there are issues throughout downtown.â&#x20AC;? ACCPD officers at the meeting noted that, through regular meetings with ACC Manager Alan Reddish, the city is recognizing the decrease in crime. And members of the residentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; association have formed committees not only to organize events and an official â&#x20AC;&#x153;get out the voteâ&#x20AC;? effort, but also to help publicize the positive things coming out of Bethel. The residents association has been working with UGAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fanning Institute to develop leadership skills, recruit more members and create more committees. Russell, at the stakeholders meeting, said money was available to support the residents in their efforts. Kristen Morales
Residents, Management Work to Improve Bethel
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Children play on the playground at Bethel Midtown Village, where one year ago a residents association formed to work with management to make the property safe and clean. anyway. H.J. Russell has owned the apartment complex since the 1960s, specifically serving low-income tenants as required by HUD, which funded its construction during the Urban Renewal era. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not anything immediate,â&#x20AC;? Russell said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We always are looking at assets, but right now we just did a refinancing, so that locked us in for the next three-to-five years.â&#x20AC;? The recently completed Downtown Master Plan, recognizing that Bethel is privately owned, does not recommend redeveloping the complex, although it does propose infill development and redevelopment at Athens Housing Authority properties near downtown. Russellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appearance at the monthly meeting was unusual, yet welcome, as recent management changes at the apartments have not only helped residents feel more empowered to make changes at the property but also have helped stem crime. Athens-Clarke County police officers attending the March and April meetings also noted a decrease in crime in and around the complex. Delene Porter, president of the Athens Area Community Foundation, noted that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one thing for arrests to be downâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;there were five at Bethel last month, according to ACCPD officers at the meeting, with the majority of arrests stemming from warrants or trespassing charges for non-residentsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but the next step is getting word to to the community. â&#x20AC;&#x153;How can we engage everyone that Bethel is safe?â&#x20AC;?
Russell also asked about early childhood education programs, noting itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something the company supports from a charitable aspect. As residents head into another summer looking for positive programs for the kids who live there, the next task residents and the management team face is putting together either a summer camp or a structured reading program. Members of the stakeholders group also have been working with the UGA Athletic Department to organize a visit from athletes and mascot Hairy Dawg in conjunction with a summer reading program. The trouble area, several at the meeting noted, was with middle and high school students, who can benefit the most from simply finding a summer job to keep them occupied and out of trouble. Police, schools and the residents association offered a more personal view of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been going on at Bethel. While the exterior of the buildings may not change, whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been going on inside has seen a turnaround, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s filtering down to the residents as a better quality of life. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very pleasing for me to see, as the owner of this property, everyone working together and the incidents [of crime] going down,â&#x20AC;? Russell said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can tellâ&#x20AC;Ś there is a sense of stability. We recently did a refinancing of our debt; when there is volatility in the financing, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s volatility in the property.â&#x20AC;? Kristen Morales
The Downtown Master Plan Pt. 9: THE COOKBOOK
This is the ninth installment in a series of articles by University of Georgia College of Environment and Design professor Jack Crowley. In this series, Crowley explains the downtown Athens master plan that his team has generated to guide development downtown.
thens’ already vibrant downtown is complex. Thousands gave us input on their visions to make it even better, and the plan has a large number of suggested ideas and projects. Hopefully these visions for improvement will get adopted, but complex plans for a complex downtown can find themselves stored on dusty shelves. The goal is to keep these ideas in front of the many who are in positions to implement them on behalf of the public or private sectors, or both in partnership. All of the aspirations of the 2030 master plan won’t get done. Some will change, but each one that is completed will bring us an increment of added downtown quality. One of the implementation methods I developed for the Downtown Tulsa Master Plan (completed in 2009) was dubbed the “cookbook.” Hundreds of million dollars in projects have been completed there. A master plan, even one covering only 10 to 20 years, is necessarily general. A cookbook takes a vision or project that is timely and critical and develops a more specific plan on how it might look and how it might get built.
Schools get short shrift
the surrounding buildings, perhaps reserved during the day for government workers. The park and festival space on top is shown with an outside roof covering the space. With electrical outlets on outside building walls and all-weather roof protection, this is a particularly suitable space for farmers markets and festivals. It can provide self-contained space for small festivals and extension space for larger events, such as AthFest and the Twilight Criterium. The land rent paid to the government is usually calculated as a small percentage of the rent charged by the building owner, who is solely responsible for the costs to build the facility. The term of the land lease is long enough to make economic sense for the owner. A project like this would tend to need a lease term of between 45–60 years. The income derived by the public could be earmarked in part for the maintenance, enhancement and management of the park and festival space. This is just one example of how parts of the downtown plan can be implemented using, in this case, both the vehicles of a public/private partnership and land leasing. This doesn’t preclude the government from being the building’s office tenant.
Do Athens voters support the Clarke County school board replacing paper textbooks with electronic notebooks next year for grades 3–10? Do Athens voters support the continued Ombudsman program for students who grossly disrupt the regular school setting? Do voters support the continued emphasis of the Career Academy over the offering of career, technical and agricultural education classes at the high schools? Do voters support establishing a charter school that will function in the early evenings for older teens who are on the verge of dropping out of school? Do voters support the distribution of surplus school district computers to county residents for a nominal charge? The silence is deafening. As a voter, I support some of these actions and have questions as to the details of others. As the newly-elected school board member for District 1, the lack of interest on the part of county residents is disheartening. Though the education of our children rates very high-interest in national opinion polls, this interest does not translate to the local level. This lack of community interest in local schools hit home when I tried to get myself invited to the candidates forum sponsored by the Athens-Clarke County Federation of Neighborhoods. In an emailed response, I was told, “We have produced this event with just enough time for the candidates running for mayor and county commission to address the audience. We do not have anyone running for the Board of Education in the program, but I would encourage you to attend and network at the event.” On May 20, county voters went to the polls to elect the mayor, five county commissioners and five school board members. One commissioner, one commission candidate, four incumbent school board members and I, the lone candidate in school board District 1, ran unopposed. All five people running for school board had no opposition. In a recent interview sponsored by The Light 1470 AM, a high school student asked me why there is so little interest in the school board. I coughed and stammered through that one. When I started my teaching career in 1989 at Burke County High School, I was already a parent. As an assembly line worker on overtime at Ford Motor Company, I had no time to follow actions of the local school board. I was working hard enough just trying to keep my teenage stepson in school. But when I became a high school teacher, I saw involvement slightly differently. I gained administration support for holding swap days where the parent could replace the student at school. I also gained support for organizing many parent and administrator breakfasts and parenting classes. Involving parents on a school level continued when I became a middle school counselor in Augusta. It was when I was hired in 2008 as Clarke County School District Family Engagement and Equality Specialist that I began to see parent involvement in a still larger context. Bringing school staff into neighborhoods and parents into the schools for decision-making purposes became an important part of my job description. Now that I am elected to the school board, I will be an advocate for community involvement. What that means is that as a candidate, I want to be queried as to who I am, what my beliefs about education are, and what my positions are on current issues facing the board. I want to be held accountable. I also want to hold the school board accountable for going into the community and explaining the decisions it is making. There are many good decisions being made by school district administrators. There are also decisions being made that need more input and further thought. I am realistic in the knowledge that most parents in District 1 will not hold me accountable for my votes on the school board, because their limited time will be spent focused on motivating their children to do right. I am realistic in knowing that most of those who are too young or too old to have children in public school have other community concerns that they see as more pressing. What I do expect is for the printed and electronic media to hold me accountable. What I do expect is for community-based organizations to hold me accountable. What I do hope for is a small group of citizenry who will serve as watchdogs of the school board. May it be so.
Jack Crowley
Gregory Davis
This was a great chance to implement part of a plan before it was adopted. A detailed cookbook plan was quickly put together and advanced to the decision-makers, which allowed for improvements to be made on the block that would fit with what would later be called for in the plan. The open space/park portion of the block was presented in an earlier article. The western end of the same block was also covered in the cookbook and is shown here as an example. The site is the open southwest corner of the block, where there is a surface parking lot across from the Washington Street Parking Deck. The cookbook illustrated a scenario where this underutilized area is infilled by the private sector on land owned by the unified government. The government, using the cookbook plan as a general development guideline, puts out a request for proposals (RFP) to develop the site. The plan suggests a three- to four-level commercial building with a floor area of approximately 6,000 square feet be erected at the corner adjacent to a repositioned parking lot on Lumpkin Street. Although it’s up to the developer, the building likely would house office space on the upper levels and a restaurant on the street. A planned plaza that covers the parking lot creates a hardscape that is level with the adjacent City Hall Park and expands it. The cookbook diagrams included with this article show a covered parking level with direct access to all four of
Jack Crowley
First, there is a picture of what a project can look like, just as you might view an elegant cake in a cookbook. It expresses a clear end-product to get you excited about getting started. The cookbook includes ingredients like parking, streetscapes and a mix of developed uses. The “baking” instructions include the likely participants, such as a public/private partnership, development incentives and funding methods. Like preparing food, a project that would appear to be complex can be clearly explained and separated into easy-to-understand development pieces. The cookbook is developed over time, when particular projects have windows of implementation opportunity. Such was the instance involving the City Hall block, for which the first recipe in the cookbook was prepared. Many participants in the planning process advocated for a family-friendly park in the downtown. By taking the parking lot in the center of the City Hall block and replacing it with a park, this goal would be met both historically and in green space. Athens-Clarke County was about to spend SPLOST money on the very same block, but not with the solution that had evolved in the master plan in mind. To complicate matters further, the plan wasn’t finished and certainly not yet adopted.
movie dope drew’s review GODZILLA (PG-13) The King of Monsters has recovered from his
1998 trip stateside with this extremely satisfying entry in Toho’s long-
running kaiju franchise. The filmmakers—Monsters director Gareth Edwards, screenwriter Max Borenstein and Dave Callaham —make several smart decisions with their Hollywood reboot of Godzilla. They go ahead and start with good-Zilla. The giant radioactive lizard is a much more intriguing character when it’s a force for neutral good. Big G must do battle with two MUTOs (massive unidentified terrestrial organisms), one of which bears more than a passing resemblance to series fave Mothra. The monster design and FX is superb, even if the two-hour film takes its sweet time putting it to full use. Edwards clings too long to his “less is more” Monsters aesthetic. The marginal cost of the teasing outweighs its marginal benefit in the third act. Even with a cast that includes Bryan Cranston, Juliette Binoche, Ken Watanabe, Sally Hawkins, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen and David Strathairn, the humans do not matter. It’s Godzilla that audiences are paying to see. Fortunately, the film ends at its strongest, a knockdown dragout between the monsters that does not disappoint. MILLION DOLLAR ARM (PG) Kudos to director Craig Gillespie (Lars and the Real Girl) and excellent screenwriter Thomas McCarthy (The Station Agent, The Visitor and Win Win) for taking what could have been another sappy, inspirational Disney sports movie and turning out a mostly satisfying retelling of the true recruitment of Major League Baseball’s first Indian players. Struggling sports agent J.B. Bernstein (Jon Hamm) needs a big hit to stay in the game. His unconventional idea leads him to India looking for a baseball pitcher amongst cricket bowlers. But bringing young Rinku (Life of Pi’s Suraj Sharma) and Dinesh (Madhur Mittal, Slumdog Millionaire) back to the States is only the first half of the game. Now confirmed bachelor J.B. must father his alternative family to victory. Luckily, a pretty young doctor, Brenda (Lake Bell), lives out back to provide advice and romance. Despite its major flaw, predictability, Million Dollar Arm succeeds. Hamm could not be more roguishly charming, and Bell is an underrated comedienne and actress. Sharma, Mittal and Pitobash—who plays the most comic of the Indian characters—never resort to mere stereotype. The film does drag in its Murphy’s Law-sponsored middle innings, but credit the cast and crew with a win.
also playing THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 (PG-13) Despite abundant reasons for applause, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 sabotages itself with the most dreadfully deadening second act unleashed in a major superhero movie. Andrew Garfield returns as Peter Parker/SpiderMan and has much more control of the role in his second appearance. He channels the comic’s wisecracking webslinger, especially in the smart, campy opening fight with a very Russian criminal inexplicably played by Paul Giamatti. In his second attempt, director Marc Webb supplies the franchise’s best action setpieces; both of Spidey’s fights with Jamie Foxx’s blueheaded Electro are kinetically exciting, if a bit too computer animated. But the fightless sequence after Spider-Man first defeats Electro, during which Peter reunites with old pal Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) and searches for the answer to his OsCorp scientist father’s (Campbell Scott) disappearance, absolutely kills the movie’s silly momentum, despite Martin Csokas’ German mad Dr. Kafka. Bookending the boring are two great acts. The first could be the most charmingly innocent cinematic superhero action since Superman ’78, even if it is more Lester than Donner; the action-packed finale jams three supervillains into what can’t be more than 20 minutes. Make sure you wake up for it. BELLE (PG) In this historical drama, Dido Elizabeth Belle (Gugu MbathaRaw), the illegitimate mixed race daughter of a Royal Navy officer, is raised by her great-uncle, William Murray (Tom Wilkinson), the first Earl of Masfield and Lord Chief Justice.
Director Amma Asante, who previously helmed A Way of Life, won the SIGNIS Award from the Miami Film Festival and the Directors to Watch Award from the Palm Springs International Film Festival. With Miranda Richardson, Matthew Goode and Emily Watson. (Ciné) BLENDED (PG-13) Ten years after 50 First Dates, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore reunite as single parents who, after meeting on a bad blind date, fall for each other on an African safari with their kids. Sandler invited his Wedding Singer, Waterboy, and Click pal and director Frank Coraci for the sure-to-be critically reviled, financially successful family flick. The supporting cast is fairly expected (Kevin Nealon, Allen Covert, Shaq, Dan Patrick, etc.), but Terry Crews, Wendi McClendonCovey and Joel McHale are reliably funny. BLUE RUIN (R) See Movie Pick. (Ciné) CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER (PG-13) Cap (Chris Evans) returns in his second solo outing, and it’s a slight improvement over the first, a definitively middle-of-the-pack Marvel movie. As an agent of SHIELD, Captain America, aka Steve Rogers, must adjust to his new reality and save the world, regularly. When seeds of distrust are sewn amongst members of SHIELD, Cap has to figure out if he can trust anyone, including Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) or new pal Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie). Cap’s transition to the modern world gets even more complicated once a new enemy, the Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), turns out to be an old acquaintance. Captain America: The Winter Soldier redefines the Marvel Universe more
than any of the previous features. Its effects will be felt from Avengers: Age of Ultron to ABC’s “Agents of Shield.” Credit new directors Anthony and Joe Russo (“Community”) with a lighter, more action-oriented Cap, but this series will always lack the vivacious spark Robert Downey Jr. brings to Iron Man. Kicking off the summer season earlier than ever, a big, more-fun-thannot comic book movie is what we’ve been waiting all winter for, right? COLD IN JULY If you have yet to hear of Jim Mickle, mark down this moment. After genre success with Stake Land and the excellent remake of We Are What We Are, Mickle is on the verge of mainstream recognition. His latest stars Michael C. Hall (recently released from “Dexter”) as one of two feuding fathers who must team up to solve a darker, complex crime. The film is based on a novel by Joe R. Lansdale (Bubba Ho-Tep). With Sam Shepard, Don Johnson and cowriter Nick Damici (Stake Land’s Mister). DRAFT DAY (PG-13) Are you missing football? Kevin Costner has just the movie for you. KCost stars as Sonny Weaver Jr., the general manager of
Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara), but Allen’s pretty toxic right now. Winner of the Audience Award for Best Feature at the Miami Film Festival. GOD’S NOT DEAD (PG) In this Christian feature, a college student, Josh Wheaton (Shane Harper), has his faith challenged by a philosophy professor (Kevin Sorbo) who does not believe in the existence of God. Dean Cain costars, while Christian popsters Newsboys and two of “Duck Dynasty”’s Robertsons, Willie and Korie, provide cameos. Director Harold Cronk’s three previous features (Ever heard of The Adventures of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Treasure? Me neither.) sound pretty small-screen. THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (R) Wes Anderson’s latest stars Ralph Fiennes as Gustave H., legendary concierge at the famous hotel, who memorably mentors lobby boy, Zero Moustafa (Tony Revolori, The Perfect Game). The cast is huge—F. Murray Abraham, Mathieu Amalic, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Jude Law, Bill Murray, Edward Norton, Saoirse Ronan, Jason Schwartzman, Tilda Swinton and Owen Wilson.
Denson lost! the NFL’s downtrodden Cleveland Browns. On the morning of draft day, he receives the chance to select first, an opportunity that brings with it a season’s worth of controversy and drama. Should he draft the surefire quarterback (Josh Pence) from Wisconsin, the swell linebacker (Chadwick Boseman) from Ohio State or the Florida State running back (Houston Texans player Arian Foster) who recently had a run-in with the law? Everyone from his head coach (Denis Leary) to his team owner (Frank Langella) to his mom (Ellen Burstyn) knows what Sonny should do. To top it all off, the pretty young coworker (Jennifer Garner) he’s dating is pregnant. In a movie where most of the interactions take place via phone, Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman is forced to get creative and winds up with his most enjoyable movie since, very arguably, 2001’s Evolution. The actors interact more like they’re on stage than on screen, and the football acumen of a few is questionable. Nevertheless, it’s hard to lose with Costner on your sports movie team. FADING GIGOLO (R) John Turturro wrote, directed and stars in this comedy about a guy, Fiorovante, who decides to become a professional Don Juan (is that the same thing as a professional Casanova?). Fiorovante hopes to help out his buddy, Murray (Woody Allen), who is in need of some cash. The cast is good (Liev Schreiber,
HEAVEN IS FOR REAL (PG) Good for you, Hollywood. You’re as capable of pandering to faith-based audiences as to any other. Money’s money, am I right? Based on the bestselling account written by Reverend Todd Burpo about his four-year-old son’s trip to heaven, the movie feels as real as any paranormal movie purported to be based on a true story. Todd (Greg Kinnear) works several jobs to keep his family afloat but almost loses everything, including his faith, after news of his son’s experience gets out. Sweet little Colton (cute Connor Corum) tells his dad about singing angels, Jesus and his Technicolor horse and the sister that was never born. The movie gets by as far and as long as it can on its talented cast, including Kinnear, Kelly Reilly (Flight), Thomas Haden Church and Margo Martindale. Writer-director Randall Wallace (an Oscar nominee for Braveheart) can’t help the treacly material, almost entirely dependent upon a very young child actor, with which he’s saddled. It’s hard to imagine Heaven will resonate with crossover audiences, even with its actual Hollywood stars. LEGENDS OF OZ: DOROTHY’S RETURN (PG) An unimpressively animated sequel to The Wizard of Oz, based on a children’s book written by L. Frank Baum’s grandson, Legends of Oz is so outdated it features Dan Aykroyd, Kelsey Grammer and Jim Belushi as the voices of the Scarecrow,
Tin Man and Cowardly Lion, with Martin Short pulling double duty as the villain in Oz and back in Kansas. “Glee”’s Lea Michele provides Dorothy with her Frozen pipes. With that voice cast, one knows they’re not in Pixar or DreamWorks anymore. The imagery is oddly inconsistent. Candy County’s denizens are cutely childish, while the population of Dainty China Country borders on Return to Oz freakishness. If in need of an Oz-quel, stick with Walter Murch’s darkly fascinating 1985 update. MOMS’ NIGHT OUT (PG) Allyson (Sarah Drew, “Grey’s Anatomy”) and her girlfriends want a night out without the kids. Can their husbands (including Sean Astin) handle the kids for one measly evening? According to the trailer for this family friendly, kind of faith-based movie, the men cannot. Country star Trace Adkins shows up as a bike-riding tattoo artist. Birmingham, AL, natives Jon and Andrew Erwin direct their highest profile picture yet. NEIGHBORS (R) The smartest move made by the year’s funniest comedy (to date) was to spread the guilt and the sympathy between the family (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) and the frat bros (led by Zac Efron and Dave Franco). When a fraternity moves in next door to new parents, Mac and Kelly Radner, a war breaks out after Mac calls the cops on one of the frat’s first parties. Though both sides trade early victories, no one really wins when these neighbors attempt a game of real estate chicken. Who will move first? My fear going into the movie was that Efron’s frat president, Teddy, would be so brah-ish he’d lack any sympathy, but the High School Musical alumnus imbues the pretty boy with unexpected likability. He’s simply a nice guy, as is his VP, Pete (Franco, proving he’s more than James’ little bro). The movie spends equal time with both families, dividing the laughs and the commiseration. Director Nicholas Stoller finally figures out the whole comedy runtime, delivering good, hard R gags. THE OTHER WOMAN (PG-13) It takes way too long for Kate Upton to pop up in this intermittently funny and shrill female buddy comedy. Powerful professional woman, Carly Whitten (Cameron Diaz), finds out her wonderful new boyfriend, Mark (Nicolaj Coster-Waldau, “Game of Thrones”), is married. Carly and the wronged wife, Kate (Leslie Mann), team up for revenge with Mark’s other
other woman, Amber (Upton). Diaz and Mann are showcased, and the results are mixed. As many laughs as Mann generates, she spends equally as much time crying and whining. Diaz continues to age gracefully, though one of the movie’s best gags might be the comedienne’s reaction to being upstaged by Upton, whose initial bikini-clad appearance doesn’t occur until an hour into the movie. The Other Woman is neither a total disaster nor a riotous female comedy. We’re not achieving Bridesmaids heights here. THE RAILWAY MAN (R) Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman and Stellan Skarsgard star in a true story of World War II from The Weinstein Company, and it didn’t receive an awards-eligible release. That’s worrying. During WWII, Eric Lomax (Jeremy Irvine) was a tortured Japanese POW on the “Death Railway.” Years later, Lomax (now played by Firth) attempts to exorcise his demons by confronting a Japanese officer (Hiroyuki Sanada). Director Jonathan Teplitzky’s film is based on the autobiography written by Lomax. RIO 2 (G) Blu (v. Jesse Eisenberg), Jewel (v. Anne Hathaway) and the three kids leave the wilds of Rio de Janeiro for the real wilds of the Amazon, where Blu must battle his father-in-law (v. Andy Garcia). I don’t recall caring that much for the first trip to Rio, though it could have been worse. The voices of, Jamie Foxx, George Lopez, Tracy Morgan, Jemaine Clement, Leslie Mann, Rodrigo Santoro and Jake T. Austin return, while Garcia and Bruno Mars headline the newcomers. WORDS AND PICTURES (PG-13) Clive Owen and Juliette Binoche starr as teachers (one teaches art, the other writing) who are in love and in competition over whether words or images matter more That idea sounds sublime. Director Fred Schepesi is best known for The Devil’s Playground, Roxanne and The Russia House; writer Gerald Di Pego is best known for Phenomenon (and its television sequel), Message in a Bottle and Instinct. Owen and Binoche are joined by Bruce Davison and Amy Brenneman. l X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST (PG-13) X-Men 5 borrows the title of one of several memorable events from the Chris Claremont/John Byrne run on Uncanny X-Men. In the filmed version (credited to a story at least cowritten by X-Men: First Class’ Matthew Vaughn), Wolverine (again played by Hugh Jackman) must travel to the past and convince a feuding Professor X (young: James McAvoy; old: Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (young: Michael Fassbender; old: Ian McKellan) to work together, lest the mutant population be destroyed by Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) and his Sentinels. The return of director Bryan Singer has definitely been dampened by recent legal allegations. Drew Wheeler
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WHAT BULLETS DO action movie based on the theme of righteous bloodshed. Blue Ruin is remarkable, because it takes place in our world, not the faux-realism of Hollywood with its can-do, chiseled muscle men who can always rise to every action occasion. With his shaggy, unkempt appearance and hangdog eyes, Dwight is out of his league when he decides to embrace revenge. When heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wily enough to break into a truck to obtain a firearm, what happens next to him is one of the movieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s great absurdist moments. His inexperience in meting out violent justice plays out in a variety of shocking and funny ways and makes for much of Blue Ruinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unbearably suspenseful sequences. Although filmed on a low budget and starring a cast of mostly unknownsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Eve â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jan Bradyâ&#x20AC;? Plum does figure in a small yet pivotal roleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Blue Ruin shames the majority of big Hollywood thrillers. This is a finely crafted achievement and one that should be seen on the big screen for maximum impact. Fans of the Coen brothersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; crime work and movies like Reservoir Dogs, One False Move and Shotgun Stories will find much to love here. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s damn near perfect. Derek Hill
Randall Bramblett & Geoff Achison advanced tickets available online
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BLUE RUIN (R) The plot is straightforward and economical: A convicted murderer is released from prison, and the son of the two victims, Dwight (Macon Blair), exacts revenge. Movies about vengeance are efficient, classic and lazy, but filmmakers keep returning to the theme because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inherently dramatic and gripping. Directors such as Sergio Leone, John Woo and Quentin Tarantino (as well as countless exploitation filmmakers) based much of their careers on storylines about revenge, and stars like Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson forged their fame in the blood of Old Testament-style narrative comeuppance. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth make for box office bonanzas. Director/writer/ cinematographer Jeremy Saulnier, Macon Blair however, tries for something different in his take on the theme and succeeds brilliantly. Blue Ruin is a stunner from the first frame and never lets up until the credits roll. Even after that point, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll still be shaken by the fierceness of what transpires in the movieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tightly-wound 90-minute running time. Blue Ruin is assured from its opening moments and steadily rewards the viewer with scenes that never play out the way you think they will, even though the incidents are familiar to anyone whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ever watched an
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music Conscious Craftsmen Blackalicious is Back with a Vengeance
he smartest craftsmen don’t just use their tools—they learn from them. Veteran hip hop duo Blackalicious exemplifies this lifelong act of self-education. Chief Xcel isn’t just a beatmaker; he’s a vinyl obsessive whose diabolical crate-digging has allowed him to amass several storage spaces of wax in the group’s Bay Area headquarters. And rapper Gift of Gab has developed a vocabulary that,
according to a recent infographic that hit the Internet only a few weeks ago, surpasses even that of William Shakespeare’s. “Yeah, I got that email last week,” says Gab from his home on the West Coast. “If you’re an emcee, you’re a wordsmith. So I think it’s very important to have a wide vocabulary for your arsenal. “I started rhyming when I was 12,” he continues. “As soon as I heard ‘Rapper’s Delight’
Five Great Gift of Gab Verses “Artificial amateurs aren’t at all amazing/ Analytically, I assault, animate things/ Broken barriers bounded by the bomb beat/ Buildings are broken, basically I’m bombarding/ Casually create catastrophes, casualties/ Canceling cats, got their canopies collapsing/ Detonate a dime of dank daily doin’ dough/ Demonstrations, Don Dada on the down low” — “Alphabet Aerobics” (A2G, 1999) “Schizophrenic, you’re panicked, running from my epilogue/ Rap is like an insect crushed that I be steppin’ on/ Lethal weapon armed, deafen all y’all heads/ Up to the point of where you’re nervous, smoking Pall Mall reds/ I’m coming at ya, busting at ya like a sawed off bit/ You feel the horror of the slaughter/ Then you’re hauled off wrecked” — “Trouble (Eve of Destruction)” (Nia, 2000) “Free: like a bird out in the wind in the night/ Like a 747 to L.A. that’s in flight/ Free: like a garden flourishing in the wind/ Like a student bout to do it when he’s graduatin’/ Free: from any of the energy perception/ Can never be defined create the definition within/ Free: just lovin’ life itself and never pretend to be/ Anything other than the man I was meant to be/ Travel through time and get a glimpse of the centuries” — “First in Flight” (Blazing Arrow, 2002) “Leave your city burnin’ like Gamera/ Stamina, blaze up your space, plus I got it on camera/ And I’m a animal, animator landin’ a blow/ Cleaning clocks, nothing left for the janitor/ Punching through your granite, a goodwill ambassador/ From another planet, I could kill and smash ya up/ And it won’t stop, and I can’t stop/ Can erupt and it does/ Had enough, amateur?” — “Paragraph President” (Blazing Arrow, 2002) “Vision but no division is vivid we livin’ inside/ Vicious vindictive and mental prisons from within the mind/ I sit and find stillness from minutes is written the rhyme/ Getting’ you smitten with it, particularly if you’re a prime/ Listener, listen up, twist it up like the lyrics was lime/ Vintage is instant, so give it up when you hear it recited/ Recite it at attention, relivin’ tension and bendin’ your spine/ Sendin’ you signals to get your internal system aligned” — “My Pen and Pad” (The Craft, 2005) Hear these songs at
and Kurtis Blow’s ‘The Breaks,’ I was pretty much hooked.” Gab met Xcel not too long after he’d penned his first verses—the two shared an economics class in high school. “It was a rival thing at first. He was from Northern California; I was from Southern California,” says Gab. “So, we used to argue over who was better—Ice-T or Too $hort.” An alliance was reached after the two were able to agree on their mutual appreciation of Audio Two’s “Top Billin.’” In 1994, Blackalicious released the first in a series of EPs, the recently re-released Melodica. The group’s aesthetic was established early on: a potent juxtaposition of Gab’s commanding, loquacious lyricism with Xcel’s soul-flecked, Golden Age beats. The duo stood as a traditionalist bulwark in the Bay Area rap scene, which has produced strong but highly idiosyncratic artists ranging from Del the Funky Homosapien to Keak da Sneak. The group had hit a certain stride by the time it issued its now-classic second LP, 2002’s Blazing Arrow. It was on Blazing Arrow that the members of Blackalicious reached an uncanny ability to match one another in terms of thematic content. On “First in Flight,” a defiantly uplifting beat is bolstered further by Gab’s seemingly unending verbal excursion through the idea of freedom. He doesn’t explore the meaning of the word “free”—he gets inside it. Elsewhere on that same album, the group gives a real gift in “Make You Feel That Way,” which would be a perfect song in any genre. Writing about one’s troubles is easy; writing about the joy of life without slipping into goopy sentimentality is much harder. These songs simultaneously sum up the duo’s commitment to the work and its refusal to be quicksanded in negativity. Today, Blackalicious is synonymous with the uplifting movement of so-called “conscious” rap. Which isn’t to say that Gab hasn’t consistently prioritized keeping his lyrical sword sharp. “More than anything, it was a competitive thing,” says Gab, speaking of his salad days in hip hop. “I started out as a battle emcee. Not in the sense of today—back then, whoever had the freshest rhyme won. It wasn’t about
insulting your competitor and all of that. It was just about who had the freshest rhyme.” Gab is blessed with a distinctive voice, capable of warm empathy and ferocious dexterity, but he’s also a student of style. “I’ve always been into groups like De La [Soul], Freestyle Fellowship, KRS-One, Kool Keith—emcees that have different cadences, that approach the beat in different ways,” he says. “When I first heard 3 Feet High and Rising, I was completely blown away. Because in terms of style, that album is still ahead of its time. I’ve always been interested in how you approach the beat, and how you find the pocket, rhythmically. I’ve always been into doing that in a unique way, different from everybody else.” Blackalicious followed up Blazing Arrow in 2005 with the aptly named The Craft. Following that, Gab and Xcel took some time to focus on solo material and to work with other members of their expansive Quannum crew, which includes Lateef the Truthspeaker and DJ Shadow. Now, nine years later, the group is poised to finally release what Gab calls “some of my favorite work that we’ve ever done”—a new album, Emoni, a Swahili word meaning “faith.” The time spent apart allowed the pair to return with the renewed vigor it needed. “It’s definitely one of the most focused records that we’ve ever done,” says Gab, his voice displaying palpable enthusiasm. “A lot of times, we’ll make a record and it’ll take a minute before everything can come together. But this time we just went in, and it was really focused. You’ve just gotta hear it, man. I’m really proud of it.” Jeff Tobias
WHO: Blackalicious, Blacknerdninja, Versatyle tha Wildchyld WHERE: Melting Point WHEN: Wednesday, May 21, 8 p.m. HOW MUCH: $12 (adv.), $15 (door), $10 (w/ college ID)
The 19th Brood
E x pl o d i n g Unde r gr ound
Catching Up on Local Experimental Sounds E
ven within the realm of “experimental” music, the work of Pedestrian Deposit is hard to categorize. Over the course of its nearly 15-year existence, Jonathan Borges and Shannon Kennedy’s electro-acoustic project has spanned the entirety of the outer-music spectrum, from tape collage and harsh noise to modern classical and drone. The Los Angeles-based group, known for death-defying live shows that often incorporate saws and other manipulated metal objects, plays New Earth Friday, May 23. It will be supported by a cast of locals, including tape destroyer Grant Evans; guitarcentric experimenters the 19th Brood, which features erstwhile Athens folk fixture Don Chambers; Mother’s Arms, a new collaboration between Sam Frigard and Robert Ashley, known for their synth-pop project I Come to Shanghai; and Lock, a new duo featuring Leslie Grove of free-jazz group Rainy Taxi and Rachel Evans of Motion Sickness of Time Travel. The local acts on the bill represent a shift that has increased in speed and purpose over the course of the past year. A Flagpole cover story from last April examined Athens’ “new underground,” a loose collective of forwardthinking musicians who aimed to redefine the Classic City as something other than just an indie rock mecca. “I don’t know if there are even that many [musical] commonalities,” Martian, the leader of psych-worldbeat outfit Cult of Riggonia, was quoted as saying. “It’s more that we can relate about maybe thinking about music a little differently than a lot of other bands in town.” Since that time, Athens’ experimental scene has grown and flourished. An ongoing monthly series at Prince Avenue coffeehouse Hendershot’s has showcased established acts like Motion Sickness of Time Travel, Scab Queen and Angel Brown. At Hull Street bar and restaurant The World Famous, the “Experimental Mondays” series cast a wider net in April, incorporating local avant-pop groups like Wild of Night and touring artists like loop-heavy Asheville, NC duo Doom Ribbons. These events are united by their stated focus and departure from the sounds that typically characterize Athens’ bar scene, but the content is wildly divergent. Many local acts embrace cool, crystalline drone (see: Aprotag, Gyps, Terminals) while others skew toward glitchy, beat-damaged or otherwise purposefully fragmented sounds (Hand Sand Hands, Scab Queen). Still others, like longtime sound explorer Killick Hinds, who has thrilled and perplexed local audiences for years with his homemade instruments and painstakingly cerebral compositions, take a more organic, acoustic approach.
But when it comes to moving Athens beyond its college-rock fixation, not everyone is convinced this vastness and variety indicates true progress. Grant Evans, the co-founder of underground label Hooker Vision—a fixture in the international tape-trading community—says he feels “conflicted” about the development. (In addition to Hooker Vision, Evans runs VAALD, a tape imprint focused on the darker side of noise and drone that continues to churn out quality minimalist releases, including Terminals’ self-titled debut, a downcast selection of synth tones, and a “raw, hateful” upcoming demo from new local black metal project Negative Crown.) “On the one hand, it’s great that some of the younger generation is exploring this style of music, and it’s always nice to meet like-minded individuals,” says Evans. “But I also feel like there’s a big divide between two schools of thought. You have the kids who like to party, and this is just a new means to that end for them. On the other hand, you have people who aren’t interested in the social aspects at all, who would rather work on recordings at home. “It does seem like more people are being a bit more open-minded about this kind of shit, though,” Evans adds. “When [wife Rachel and I] played some of our first shows in town, I think a lot of people were confused or just turned off by seeing a guy surrounded by tape players making weird non-music… I’m curious to see how it develops further, and I hope that the people with a newfound interest in this kind of thing don’t stop searching for weirder, more confusing noise.” Other key figures in Athens’ experimental renaissance have a more rosy take on the resurgence. “Athens is a sum of its parts,” says Madeline Hassett, a UGA Music Business student and WUOG DJ and the curator of last month’s Experimental Mondays series. “There are a lot of really cool sounds being made, and it’s really wonderful to know that people are listening for growth,” she says. “These sounds and shapes and dreams from some of the more odd creators in town offer something rock or pop can’t touch.” Gabe Vodicka Hear a selection of local experimental sounds at
WHO: Pedestrian Deposit, Grant Evans, The 19th Brood, Mother’s Arms, Lock WHERE: New Earth Athens WHEN: Friday, May 23, 8 p.m. HOW MUCH: $5
threats & promises Music News And Gossip Um, What?: The Georgia Music Awards, now in its third year, takes place at Atlanta’s Buckhead Theatre Saturday, June 16. Founded by North Carolina entrepreneur Omar McCallop, the GMAs follow in the footsteps of the Carolina Music Awards, and will be followed by the Florida Music Awards later this year and the Tennessee Music Awards in 2015 or ’16. Basically, it’s like a diploma mill for bands and artists no one has ever heard of. Nominees for the awards are submitted by fans (a.k.a. family and friends), and far be it from us at Flagpole to impugn a system where fans have an effect on the outcome of a music awards show. That said, the GMAs’ web presence is as unnavigable as its sense of purpose is blurry. I got a headache just checking it out. Try for yourself over at awardshownow. com/gamusicawards. While you’re there, con-
Scarlet Stitch sider throwing a vote to Athens hard-rockers Scarlet Stitch (, who are nominated in the “Best Rock Band” category, and/or The Athens Band, nominated in the “Youth Rock Band” category, even though half of the group’s members are of voting age. Both bands were nominated for the same awards last year, too. So, you know, fingers crossed and all that, right? Swap ‘til You Drop: This year, Athens joins the growing number of cities—including Portland, OR, Lafayette, LA and Charleston, SC—that participate in BandSwap, a program that pairs up-and-coming bands from each host city with a group from the organization’s home base of Fort Collins, CO for a blowout show in the band’s hometown. In our case, said show will happen at the 40 Watt Club in September. In addition, participating bands will travel expenses-paid to Colorado for the BandSwap Homecoming festival this fall. Throughout the process, BandSwap will provide networking and educational opportunities, as well as marketing materials for each event and a sizable stipend for each band member. Flagpole has been tasked with choosing this year’s Athens BandSwap band. To throw your group’s name into the ring, visit the Homedrone blog at, where you’ll find further details on how to apply. [Gabe Vodicka] Pool It: The Hut on Baxter Street, along with the Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services department, is hosting a special Memorial Day show at Memorial Park. (Where else, right?) Featured performers are the Kate Morrissey Band with guest Louis Phillip Pelot. They will play next to the swimming pool from noon–3 p.m. (the pool itself will open from 12:30–5:30 p.m.). It’s free to attend and $1 if
you want to swim, and take some more cash, too, for concessions provided by The Hut. For more info, drop a line to coordinator Mo Lutz at Step Right Up: Athens band Gumshoe released its debut album earlier this month after spending two years recording and undertaking a successful fundraising campaign in April to manufacture it. It’s titled The Bad Route Down, and is reported to contain the work of “23 of Athens’ finest musicians.” It very well may, but since there’s no credits listed at, I can’t tell you who they are. The core of the group, though, is Andy Dixon, Paul McHugh, Rob Kelleher, Aaron Phillips and Jamie Coulter. While the CD and digital download versions are available as we speak, the vinyl LP has reportedly been delayed until July. Musically, the record spreads itself thin over a schizophrenic landscape of troubadour-ish, country and western (with a particularly Southwestern flavor) and carnivalbarker rhythms. Basically, it’s so full of split personality that Tom Waits seems reasonable in comparison. There is, however, one song that is undeniably great. Head to the link above and listen to “I Have Been Drinking” before anything else. Southern Hostility: For the Vulture will play a special show in tribute to ANTiSEEN guitarist Joe Young at the Caledonia Lounge Saturday, May 24, when the band will only play songs by ANTiSEEN. Special for this show, For the Vulture is expanding its lineup to include Forest Hetland on bass. The rest of the band is composed of Zack Hembree, Chris Duran, Will Eskridge and Andy Hollingsworth. ANTiSEEN began in 1983 in Charlotte, NC and Young was a founding member. He passed on Apr. 30 at age 54. If there’s any band in town ready and capable to pay fitting tribute to Young’s relentless buzzsaw guitar sound and ANTiSEEN’s aggressive, no-holds-barred demeanor and presentation, it’s For the Vulture. Also on the bill this night are Utah— playing its final show—and Savagist. Song(s) For a Future Generation: The live rock shows coordinated as part of the Art Rocks Athens retrospective series of events happen this weekend (other events are covered in our cover story on p. 14), Friday, May 23 and Saturday, May 24. The first show is at the 40 Watt and features The B-53’s, Vanessa Hay (Pylon), Michael Guthrie, Kevin Dunn and a very special reunion by Is/Ought Gap. Saturday’s show happens at the Georgia Theatre and will feature Ola Moon (which features Cindy Wilson of The B-52’s and Dana Downs), Armistead Wellford & Friends, Oh-OK, The Squalls and David Barbe & Friends. Doors open at 8 p.m. each night. For more information, see Gordon Lamb
Art RocKs A thens DocumeNts ClaSsic CIty CreativITy
nitially, Art Rocks Athens’ banner calling was to showcase art and music, in that order. But even as it is undeniable that visual art was key to the spirit that gave rise to the famed Athens music scene between 1975– 1985—or “as we think of it,” to steal a phrase from Ort—the consensus is that without the music itself, we might not be looking back at all. The local nonprofit was conceived two years ago, but its vision comes to fruition with a series of exhibits and events this month at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, the Georgia Museum of Art, the UGA Special Collections Library, the 40 Watt Club, the Georgia Theatre and more. Would there be this type of retrospective attention on the work coming out of Lamar Dodd at the time if the Athens music scene hadn’t risen from it? “No,” says former Pylon bassist and current Georgia Museum of Art Public Relations Specialist Michael Lachowski. “The whole impulse, you could say, is one of trying to correct the record—or at least trying to point a finger back toward another era of rampant creativity. Initially, they were just one and the same. Then, as the music scene took off, it did become its own thing, and the ‘origin story’ wasn’t known by everybody and wasn’t part of their… experience.” Through his role at the GMOA, and certainly given his position in the history of Athens art and music, Lachowski has been one of the most important consultants for the Art Rocks project. But the idea for the multi-faceted, many-venued retrospective first sprang from the minds of its executive committee: Maureen McLaughlin, Heli Montgomery, Blair Dorminey and Leslie Michel. What is it, exactly, about the period in the early-to-mid 1970s that fostered Athens’ sense of imagination, which eventually worked itself into a fever pitch of nonstop creativity? Project organizers give much of the credit to Lamar Dodd faculty. At the time, there were a handful of professors actively encouraging students to break the rules, so to speak, and butting heads with the administration in the process, including art department chairman Lamar Dodd himself.
One of these professors, Robert Croker, is the curator for the Lamar Dodd exhibition “Between Rock and an Art Place.” A story that ran in The Red & Black Oct. 30, 1974 may have inadvertently reflected this attitude. When a massive fire began to
“She Caught My Eye” by Jake Pollard, 1973. Two-color screen print.
gut the building housing the Athens Fish & Oyster Company, the paper reported, art students hurried to the corner of Jackson and Broad streets to sketch the scene. In the article, Croker is reported as remarking, “I didn’t ‘let my class out’ to come here. We are having class. This is better than anything we could have done in the classroom.” Some instructors are comfortable having students sketch nature scenes and buildings in the sunny springtime. Croker, however, was enthused to have his students capture the immediacy of destruction as winter set in, to have them grab a moment by its throat because it wouldn’t ever happen exactly the same way again. Croker left the university in 1978, just on the cusp of the Athens music explosion. His perspective is therefore unique in that his experience of this time in Athens is unmixed with the more popular—or, at least, accessible—forms into which so much creativity wound up being funneled. “Along with Croker, there was Bob Nielsen, [Richard] “Ole” Olsen, Jerry Chappelle, Jim Herbert and Judith McWillie,” says organizer McLaughlin. “Croker was the main firing pin, although I must say that every professor had his or her own methods for firing up their classes and taking them in new directions… Judging from the amount of sketches from that day [of the fire] in the Art Rocks database, that was an important day for a lot of people. “Nielsen had people in his class turn off the lights and draw in the dark, which is where the name for the band Art in the Dark came from,” she continues. “Herbert’s critiques could leave people in ecstasy, or running from the building in tears. McWillie was the only woman professor in the art school, and the women students especially valued her guidance and encouragement. In Olsen’s drawing class, students were expected to make a drawing seven days a week, and turn them all in for evaluation. These professors set a very high bar for their students.” All of the above-named professors are involved in Art Rocks Athens in one way or another, and McLaughlin reports that many are represented in the Dodd exhibition.
“Oh-OK,” original gelatin silver print c. 1982 © Ann States
Origin Stories
In addition to commemorating and celebrating the era in question, the organizers of Art Rocks Athens say they are thinking in terms of historic preservation, too. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In 1975, there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t anything going on. The B-52â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s started in 1977. By â&#x20AC;&#x2122;85, [the music scene] was kind of a selfsustaining thing,â&#x20AC;? says Chris Rasmussen, curator of the Athens music exhibit at the Special Collections Library. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The idea is not just to celebrate this period but [also] sort of document what [was] going on. As we see more and more people are passing or losing their memory, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s try to collect some of those.â&#x20AC;? The stories and remembrances of such a large groupâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;at last count, there were over 50 people involved in Art Rocks Athens at various levelsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;nearly 40 years removed from the subject at hand and spread out over so many events, are impossible to distill into one neat summary. Indeed, it seems the only real way to truly feel whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on with Art Rocks Athens is to do what the scene has always required for those who seek the way-out way of living: get out there and engage it.
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All Art Rocks events, save the shows at 40 Watt Club and Georgia Theatre, are free and open to the public. Tickets for the concerts are available at each venue the nights of the performances. For the full schedule, see the Flagpole Calendar or visit
Art RocKs HighLights
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Between Rock and an Art Placeâ&#x20AC;? opens Friday, May 23 at 7 p.m., and the celebration continues into the night at the 40 Watt Club. That nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s show will feature The B-53â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (a B-52â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tribute band), a special reunion by obscure rockers Is/Ought Gap, Vanessa Hay of Pylon, Michael Guthrie and Kevin Dunn. â&#x20AC;˘ The GMOA exhibit â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shapes That Talk to Meâ&#x20AC;? will be open 10 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. Saturday, May 24. That evening, the Clear the Floor dance retrospective will happen at the UGA New Dance Theatre, with a reception at 6:30 p.m. and a curtain time of 7 p.m. Live music continues Saturday at the Georgia Theatre with performances by Ola Moon (featuring Cindy Wilson and Dana Downs), Oh-OK, The Squalls, David Barbe and Armistead â&#x20AC;&#x153;Armyâ&#x20AC;? Wellford & Friends. â&#x20AC;˘ The Sean Bourne-curated graphic arts exhibition, the cleverly titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paper Covers Rock,â&#x20AC;? opens Sunday, May 25 at 3 p.m. at the Lyndon House Arts Center.
285 W. Washington St. Athens, GA â&#x20AC;˘ Call 706-549-7871 for Show Updates
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Athens Polaroid Portraitsâ&#x20AC;? by Robert Nielsen. Polaroid SX-70.
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Gordon Lamb
WHAT: Art Rocks Athens Opening Weekend WHERE: Multiple Venues WHEN: Friday, May 23â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sunday, May 25 HOW MUCH: FREE! (exhibits), $10 (40 Watt Club & Georgia Theatre)
calendar picks MUSIC | Wednesday, May 21
Emperor X, WereWyatt, Busman’s Holiday, Titans of Filth, Kill the Messenger
Flicker Theatre & Bar · 9 p.m. · $5 Few musicians embody the beer-soaked spirit of the DIY underground like Chad Matheny, the force behind long-running noise-folk outfit Emperor X. The Floridaborn, L.A.-based Matheny’s hooky tunes are delivered in the singer’s high-pitched, over-enunciative drawl and explore in aching detail the inevitable highs and lows that come with a lifetime spent on the road. Indiana duo Busman’s Holiday, composed of brothers Lewis and Addison Rogers, plays lo-fi, orchestral pop that incorporates odd instruments and oldtimey vocal harmonies. But there is a subtle punk spirit that runs throughout the music of all the acts playing Wednesday’s so-called “Horse Fest,” including Werewolves frontman Wyatt Strother and Titans of Filth’s Sam Grindstaff, both of whom will play solo sets of their hiccupy, endearing folk-punk. [Gabe Vodicka] ART | Thursday, May 22
“The Eclectic Works of Aaron Fu”
10 "( &
ARTini’s Art Lounge · 7–9 p.m. · FREE! Multi-talented local artist Aaron Fu’s works range from meticulously executed embroidery, textbook-ready biological illustrations and whimsical Asianinspired ink drawings. “Sometimes it’s hard to believe that a human hand has created his works,” says curator Nance Daniels. “In terms of art, if the contest is human vs. machine, Aaron wins, because his work is as precise as any machine could be and yet driven by the hand, mind and soul of an imaginative human. Maybe that’s the bottom line for me in art. I want to detect some of the artist’s soul in the work.” Performances include live music by the Darnell Boys and readings by members of the Athens Writers Association, who will share pre-existing pieces that fit the perception of Fu’s art as well as new works inspired by the pieces. The exhibit will be on view through Friday, June 20. [Jessica Smith] MUSIC | Friday, May 23
BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet
Melting Point · 8 p.m. · $17 (adv.), $20 (door) There are a number of American places that can claim a culture both rich and distinct: Miami, Charleston, New Orleans. (Maybe good food is a part of the equation.) That last one is where BeauSoleil
hails from, taking advantage of its musical roots while creating a melange of American styles all its own. Founded almost 40 years ago by brothers Michael (vocals, fiddle) and David Doucet (vocals, guitar), BeauSoleil has a repertoire of tunes numbering in the hundreds, from Cajun, Zydeco and jazz to blues, bluegrass, Texas country, folk and more. Last year’s album, From Bamako to Carencro, maps the musical kinship between West Africa and Louisiana, engaging in lively explorations of overlapping heritage. The Melting Point is clearing out the tables it usually has in front of the stage to create a dance floor, so don’t make ‘em move the furniture for nothing. [Chris Hassiotis] EVENTS | Saturday, May 24
Family Fun & Art Day
ACC Library · 10 a.m. · FREE! In celebration of this year’s summer reading program for children, “Fizz, Boom, READ!;” the ACC Library is hosting an afternoon of family-friendly activities. A dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. for “The Muse of Learning,” a 15-foot high metal sculpture by UGA emeritus professor Robert Clements. Clements’ sculpture and the 60-foot mural by Nick Napoletano decorating the wall along Baxter Street were selected by the Athens Cultural Affairs Commission as public art installaAaron Fu tions. Highlights for children include animals from Sam’s Path Petting Zoo, sidewalk chalk, bubbles and crafts courtesy of ATHICA, Treehouse Kid & Craft and Arrow. Peter Hart of Atlanta Puppet and his marionettes will close out the event at 12 p.m. with a show featuring polka dancing, singing unicorns and bluegrass fiddling. [JS] MUSIC | Sunday, May 25
Ray Wylie Hubbard, Matt Hudgins & Scott Baxendale
Melting Point · 7:30 p.m. · $15 (adv.), $18 (door) “I learned that songwriting is pretty much inspiration and craft. You might be inspired by an idea and then put it to some music, but craft can trigger the inspiration, whether you get a groove or a lick or something like that.” Ray Wylie Hubbard said these words to Flagpole in advance of his August 2012 show at the Melting Point, where he returns for a gig Sunday. They encapsulate the cowpunk legend’s lifelong approach to his work. Too cerebral for the Nashville mainstream and not self-destructive enough to truly fit the “outlaw” mold, Hubbard continues to quietly ply his trade with terrific LPs like 2012’s The Grifter’s Hymnal, a solid collection of rural rockers. Anyone skeptical of the state of country music would do well to check out this show. [GV]
Memorial Day Deadline: The deadline for getting listed in The Calendar will be Thursday, May 22 at 5 p.m. for the issue of May 28. Online listings are updated daily. Email
Tuesday 20 CLASSES: Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement (Thrive) Gentle lessons for the brain and body. Learn to move smarter and easier. 6:30 p.m. $10–14. 706850-2000, CLASSES: Getting Started with Genealogy (ACC Library) This class will help you get started with your family research. This is a pre-beginning genealogy class. Preregistration required. 2 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650, www.athenslibrary. org CLASSES: Computer Class: Free eBooks and Audiobooks (ACC Library) In the computer training room. Register by calling. 10–11:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650, www. EVENTS: Tuesday Farmers Market (West Broad Market Garden) Fresh produce, cooked foods and children’s activities. Offers double dollars for EBT shoppers. Held every Tuesday. 4–7 p.m. 706-613-0122, EVENTS: Rachel Watkins Election Party (Hi-Lo Lounge) Meet District 3 Commissioner candidate Rachel Watkins. 7 p.m. FREE! EVENTS: Tim for Athens Take-ItHome Party (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Join mayoral candidate Tim Denson for karaoke with The King, a set from DJ Mahogany, food from Dawg Gone Good BBQ, a cornhole tournament with prizes, and kids’ activities. 7 p.m. FREE! EVENTS: Oconee Farmers Market (First Christian Church, Watkinsville) Locally grown produce, meats, grains, flowers, soaps, birdhouses, gourds and more. 4–7 p.m. EVENTS: Celebrating Emily Dickinson (State Botanical Garden) Celebrate spring and wildflowers as Greg Wagstaff and guests read poems and discuss Emily Dickinson, who loved nature and gardens. 6 p.m. $5. EVENTS: Conservation Work Day (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Dress for gardening. RSVP by email. 9 a.m. FREE!, www. GAMES: Trivia (Hi-Lo Lounge) General trivia with host Caitlin Wilson. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-850-8561 GAMES: Trivia (Four Brothers Sports Tavern) How much do you really know? 7 p.m. FREE! 706-850-3020 GAMES: Trivia (Choo Choo Japanese Korean Grill Express) Jump on the trivia train! Win house cash prizes with host Todd Kelly. 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.choochoorestaurants. com GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Throw a lime in your Coors Light
and compete! Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. & Thursdays, 8 p.m. 706-354-1515 GAMES: Entertainment Trivia (Fuzzy’s Taco Shop) Compete for prizes and giveaways. Presented by Dirty South Trivia. Every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-353-0305 GAMES: Trivia at the Rail (The Rail Athens) Trivia hosted by Todd Kelly every Tuesday. 10:30 p.m. FREE! 706-354-7289 GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) Westside and Eastside locations of Locos Grill and Pub feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime (ACC Library) Children ages 2–5 are invited to join in an interactive storytime. Every Tuesday and Wednesday. 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706613-3650 KIDSTUFF: Lego Club (ACC Library) Join us for Lego art and Lego-based games and activities. No need to bring your own Legos. For ages 8–18. 4:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! LECTURES & LIT: Cassandra King Book Signing (Avid Bookshop) Based on the commencement address she delivered to her alma mater, The University of Montavallo, Cassandra King’s book Same Sweet Girls Guide to Life is full of instructions for life through her satirical turn on the word “sweet.” 6:30–7:30 p.m. FREE!
Wednesday 21 ART: Tour at Two (Georgia Museum of Art) Docents lead a tour of highlights from the permanent collection. 2 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum. org CLASSES: Crochet 1 Class (Revival Yarns) Get acquainted with the tools and craft of crochet. The class is free with the purchase of materials. RSVP. 11 a.m. FREE! 706-850-1354, EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Athens City Hall) Local and sustainable produce, meats, eggs, dairy, baked goods, prepared foods, crafts and live music. 4–7 p.m. FREE! EVENTS: Wildflower Walk (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Meet under the shade arbor beside the Callaway parking lot. 4:15 p.m. FREE! EVENTS: Athens Science Cafe (Terrapin Beer Co.) The theme is “Taproom Science: Beer Brewing and Culture.” 7:30 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102 GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Trivia with a DJ! Every Wednesday. 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706548-1920
GAMES: Trivia with a DJ (Your Pie, Eastside location) Open your pie hole for a chance to win cash prizes. 7 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll Trivia (Jerzee’s Sports Bar) Hosted by Dirty South Trivia. House cash prizes. 10 p.m. FREE! www. GAMES: Entertainment Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Dirty South Trivia offers house cash prizes. Every Wednesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-6130892 GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Test your sports knowledge every Wednesday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Full Contact Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? Test your knowledge every Wednesday night. 8 p.m. Both locations. 706-548-3442 KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Story Time (Madison County Library, Danielsville) Story time includes stories, finger plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. For ages 2–5. 10:30 a.m. FREE! www. LECTURES & LIT: Talking About Books (ACC Library) This month’s title is River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey by Candice Millard. Newcomers welcome. 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706-6133650,
Thursday 22 ART: Opening Reception (ARTini’s Open Art Studio, Gallery & Lounge) “The Eclectic Works of Aaron Fu” features embroidery, ink drawings and biological illustrations. See Calendar Pick on p. 16. 7–9 p.m. FREE! ART: Opening Reception (Steffen Thomas Museum of Art, Buckhead) “Modern Mud: Potters on the Edge” includes works by five Madison Artists Guild potters, Elizabeth Colins, Diane Davies, Rosemary Griggs, Chuck Hanes and Carolyn Simmons. 7 p.m. FREE! ART: Drawing in the Galleries (Georgia Museum of Art) Open hours for visitors to sketch in the galleries using graphite or colored pencils. 5–8 p.m. FREE! CLASSES: One-On-One Computer Tutorial (ACC Library) Personalized instruction available for various computer topics. 9–9:45 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650, ext. 354 CLASSES: Vegan Cooking Class & Dinner (Mama Bird’s Granola) Create several go-to meals to add to your cooking repertoire. 6:30 p.m. $20 (single), $30 (pair). CLASSES: Knit 1 Class (Revival Yarns) Get acquainted with the tools and craft of knitting. Learn cast-on
Paintings by Brock Gordon are included in the group show “Living Room,” currently on display at the Gallery@ Hotel Indigo through Sunday, June 15. stitches and the knit stitch. The class is free with the purchase of materials. RSVP. 6 p.m. FREE! 706-8501354, EVENTS: Veterans Career Expo (The Classic Center) The Georgia Department of Labor and the Veterans of Foreign Wars co-sponsor an expo for veterans and job seekers. Over 70 employers will be on hand to discuss employment opportunities and offer resources. Bring resumes. 9 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! 706-5832550, EVENTS: MaMa JaM Magnolia Miracle Fundraiser (New Earth Athens) Proceeds go towards creating a smartphone app and expanding Magnolia Miracle into a non-profit organization. MM is a platform that helps people exchange event tickets at face value or less. Live music by Andy Bruh, The Kinky Aphrodisiacs and Stellar Shores. 9:30 p.m. $10. EVENTS: Nature Ramblers (State Botanical Garden of Georgia) Learn more about the flora and fauna of the garden while enjoying fresh air and inspirational readings. Ramblers are encouraged to bring their own nature writings or favorite poems and essays to share with the group. 8:30–10 a.m. FREE! www.botgarden. GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) See Tuesday listing for full description Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. & Thursdays, 8 p.m. 706-354-1515 GAMES: Trivia (El Azteca) Win prizes with host Todd Kelly. Every Thursday. 7:30–9 p.m. FREE! 706549-2639 GAMES: Trivia (Amici) Every Thursday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-3530000 KIDSTUFF: Curiosity Shop: Comic Book Drawing Workshop (ACC Library) Robert Brown of BizzaroWuxtry leads a comic book drawing workshop in celebration of the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past. 2–3:30 p.m. FREE! 70-6133650, KIDSTUFF: Teen Studio (Georgia Museum of Art) Teens can participate in an art workshop and gallery tour of the exhibition “Women, Art
and Social Change: The Newcomb Pottery Enterprise.” Includes pizza. 5:30 p.m. FREE! KIDSTUFF: Library Crew Orientation (Oconee County Library) The library is seeking volunteers ages 9-12 to assist with craft projects, help take care of the library and have a good time! Call to register. May 22, 3 p.m. or May 29, 11 a.m. FREE! 706-769-3950 MEETINGS: Community Needs Assessment (Bishop Park, Meeting Room) The Community Assessment looks at social services, affordable housing and shelter, small and micro-business assistance, public infrastructure and more. 4 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3155 PERFORMANCE: Georgia Clay String Quartet (Lexington Presbyterian Church, Lexington) Hear works by MendelssohnBartholdy, Debussey and Piazzolla in the historic church, which was constructed in 1893. 7:30 p.m. $10. 706-783-4911 PERFORMANCE: Flying Trapeze Show (Leap Trapeze) A super heros and villains-themed flying trapeze show features student fliers performing acrobatic tricks and soaring through the air. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs. This show was rescheduled from May 18 due to bad weather. 8 p.m. FREE! www. PERFORMANCE: All Hands Productions Puppet Show (Oconee County Library) The Adventures of the Gingerbread Man was originally created for the Center for Puppetry Arts in 2003. For all ages. 10:30 a.m. FREE!
Friday 23 ART: Art Rocks Athens Opening Reception (Lamar Dodd School of Art) “Between Rock and an Art Place: Art Rocks Athens Fine Arts Exhibition” includes artworks in every medium by renowned and unknown artists alike. See story on p. 14. 7–9 p.m. FREE!
KIDSTUFF: SRP Kick-Off: TEENapalooza! (Oconee County Library) Kick off summer with music, art, food and games. For ages 11–18. 3–5 p.m. FREE! MEETINGS: Community Needs Assessment (Snipes Water Resources Center) The Community Assessment looks at social services, affordable housing and shelter, small and micro-business assistance, public infrastructure and more. 10 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3155
Saturday 24 CLASSES: Saturday at the Rock: Canning and Food Preservation (Rock Eagle 4H Center, Eatonton) Learn how to can and preserve your own food. 9:30–11:30 a.m. $10. 706-484-2881, www.rockeagle4h. org EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Bishop Park) Local and sustainable produce, meats, eggs, dairy, baked goods, prepared foods, crafts and live music. Live music by Kilkenny Hills and Solstice Sisters. This week features a seedling club educational activity. 8 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! www. EVENTS: West Broad Farmers Market (West Broad Market Garden) Featuring fresh produce, meats, honey, eggs, crafts, soaps, baked goods, cooking demos, children’s activities and more. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. EVENTS: Zumba After Dark (40 Watt Club) Zumba fever continues. 7 p.m. $10. EVENTS: Oconee Farmers Market (Oconee County Courthouse, Watkinsville) Locally grown produce, meats, grains, flowers, soaps, birdhouses, gourds and more. 8 a.m.–1 p.m. GAMES: Magic: the Gathering (Tyche’s Games) Journey into Nyx game day. Standard tournament format. 12 p.m. KIDSTUFF: Family Fun & Art Day (ACC Library) Kick off the library’s summer reading program with a puppet show, crafts and a special k continued on next page
THE CALENDAR! public art dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the library’s two new public art installations: a sculpture created by Bob Clements and a mural by Nick Napoletano. See Calendar Pick on p. 16. 10 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3650, www. LECTURES & LIT: Author Visit & Book Signing (Old Fire Hall #2) In celebration of her new book Learning to Walk in the Dark, author Barbara Brown Taylor will be signing and sharing from her book. 6:30–7:30 p.m. FREE! PERFORMANCE: Clear the Floor (UGA New Dance Theatre) “Clear the Floor: A Retrospective Dance Concert Featuring Original Choreography Created in Athens, Georgia, 1975–85.” Prior to the dance peror-
Saturday, May 24 continued from p. 17
GAMES: Trivia (Amici) Test your skills. 9 p.m. 706-353-0000 GAMES: Trivia (Buffalo’s Café) “Brewer’s Inquisition,” trivia hosted by Chris Brewer every Sunday. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-354-6655, www. PERFORMANCE: Classic City Band (Cedar Shoals High School) Georgia’s oldest continuouslyoperating community band presents a Memorial Day concert featuring patriotic tunes and marches. 3 p.m. FREE!
Monday 26 EVENTS: Running with the Dawgs 5K (The Classic Center) The AthensOconee Junior Women’s Club
spoken word and musical performances. 5:30–7:30 p.m. FREE! www. CLASSES: Computer Class: Digital Photography (ACC Library) In the computer training room. Call to register. 10–11:30 a.m. FREE! 706-613-3650, www. COMEDY: Casual Comedy (Hendershot’s Coffee Bar) Host Dave Weiglein brings together comics from both Atlanta and the Classic City. This month’s installment includes headliner Ben Evans and Josh Chudnovsky, Daniel Weeks, Jake Brannon, Paul Gallois and others. 9-11 p.m. FREE! EVENTS: Tuesday Farmers Market (West Broad Market Garden) See Tuesday listing for full description 4–7 p.m. 706-613-0122,
invited to join in an interactive storytime. Every Tuesday and Wednesday. 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. FREE! 706613-3650
Wednesday 28 ART: Artful Conversation (Georgia Museum of Art) Join Carissa DiCindio, curator of education, for an in-depth discussion of Romare Bearden’s “Mecklenburg, County, Lamp at Midnight.” 4 p.m. FREE! CLASSES: Knit 2 Class (Revival Yarns) Review casting on, the knit stitch, the purl stitch, stockinette and garter stitch patterns. RSVP. 11 a.m.–1 p.m. $30. 706-850-1354, EVENTS: Athens Farmers Market (Athens City Hall) Local and sustainable produce, meats, eggs, dairy,
Photography by Ryan Meyers is currently on display at Amici through May. mance, a reception will be held for an exhibition of dance photography by L. David Dwinnell. Part of Art Rocks Athens. See story on p. 14. 6:30 p.m.
Sunday 25
ART: Art Rocks Athens Opening Reception (Lyndon House Arts Center) “Paper Covers Rock: Graphic Arts in Athens, GA, 1975–85” includes posters, flyers, album artwork, magazine covers and more. Feel free to bring an instrument for an acoustic jam on the porch. See story on p. 14. 3–5 p.m. FREE! www. CLASSES: Bring Your Own Project Class (Revival Yarns) BYOP is for beginner through advanced knitters looking for help starting a new project. A teacher will help get you started or work through a more challenging section. RSVP. 3 p.m. $30. 706-850-1354, EVENTS: Meditative Soundscapes (Thrive) Todd Mueller and Brian Smith present an afternoon of meditative sound and music featuring various world percussion instruments alongside the guitar. These unique soundscapes are intended to bring listeners on a meditative journey inward. Held the last Sunday of each month. 2–3 p.m. Donations accepted.
celebrates its 11th anniversary with a run through downtown Athens that passes the fiberglass bulldog statues. Prizes include tabletop bulldog statues. 7 a.m. (registration), 8 a.m. (race). $20–25. GAMES: Team Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Win house cash and prizes! Every Monday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Rock and Roll Trivia (Little Kings Shuffle Club) Get a team together and show off your extensive music knowledge! Hosted by Jonathan Thompson. 9 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Poker (Four Brothers Sports Tavern) Play to win. 7 p.m. FREE! 706-850-3020 GAMES: Dirty South Trivia: Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll (Grindhouse Killer Burgers) Team trivia contests with house cash prizes every Monday night. 8 p.m. FREE! KIDSTUFF: Memorial Day in Memorial Park (Memorial Park) Inflatables, music, face painting, games and more. 12–3 p.m. FREE! 706-613-3580
Tuesday 27 ART: AAAC Annual Meeting (Go Bar) Meet the Athens Area Arts Council’s new members and offer input into upcoming projects. This event includes live poetry readings,
EVENTS: Oconee Farmers Market (First Christian Church, Watkinsville) Locally grown produce, meats, grains, flowers, soaps, birdhouses, gourds and more. 4–7 p.m. GAMES: Trivia at the Rail (The Rail Athens) Trivia hosted by Todd Kelly every Tuesday. 10:30 p.m. FREE! 706-354-7289 GAMES: Trivia with a Twist (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) See Tuesday listing for full description Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. & Thursdays, 8 p.m. 706-354-1515 GAMES: Trivia (Four Brothers Sports Tavern) How much do you really know? 7 p.m. FREE! 706-850-3020 GAMES: Trivia (Hi-Lo Lounge) See Tuesday listing for full description 9 p.m. FREE! 706-850-8561 GAMES: Entertainment Trivia (Fuzzy’s Taco Shop) Compete for prizes and giveaways. Presented by Dirty South Trivia. Every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-353-0305 GAMES: Trivia (Choo Choo Japanese Korean Grill Express) Jump on the trivia train! Win house cash prizes with host Todd Kelly. 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.choochoorestaurants. com GAMES: Locos Trivia (Locos Grill & Pub) Westside and Eastside locations of Locos Grill and Pub feature trivia night every Tuesday. 8 p.m. FREE! KIDSTUFF: Toddler Storytime (ACC Library) Children ages 2–5 are
baked goods, prepared foods, crafts and live music. 4–7 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Trivia (Willy’s Mexicana Grill) Trivia with a DJ! Every Wednesday. 8–10 p.m. FREE! 706548-1920 GAMES: Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll Trivia (Jerzee’s Sports Bar) Hosted by Dirty South Trivia. House cash prizes. 10 p.m. FREE! www. GAMES: Sports Trivia (Beef ‘O’ Brady’s) Test your sports knowledge every Wednesday night. 8:30 p.m. FREE! 706-850-1916 GAMES: Trivia with a DJ (Your Pie, Eastside location) Open your pie hole for a chance to win cash prizes. 7 p.m. FREE! GAMES: Trivia (Copper Creek Brewing Company) Test your trivia chops for prizes! Every Wednesday. 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-1102 GAMES: Entertainment Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Dirty South Trivia offers house cash prizes. Every Wednesday. 8 p.m. FREE! 706-6130892 GAMES: Full Contact Trivia (Blind Pig Tavern) Think you know it all? Test your knowledge every Wednesday night. 8 p.m. Both locations. 706-548-3442 KIDSTUFF: The Magical Mr. McClure (Oconee County Library) Mr. McClure performs a magic show. 3 p.m. FREE!
SAILORS AND SHIP Local singer-songwriter Jeremy Wheatley (Crooked Fingers, Ruby the RabbitFoot) plays a set of strippeddown folk tunes.
Blue Sky 5 p.m. FREE! 706-850-3153 VINYL WEDNESDAYS Bring your own records and spin them!
Tuesday 20 Caledonia Lounge 9 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. SUPER HOOLIGAN Local band plays â&#x20AC;&#x153;energetic garage-rock anthems packed with big hooks and infectious choruses.â&#x20AC;? BREE Rock and roll outfit led by Bree, a â&#x20AC;&#x153;24-year-old Christian cult castaway from Harrisburg, OR.â&#x20AC;? BY SMALL RUIN Local alternative rock band. Georgia Theatre 8 p.m. BRANTLEY GILBERT Country superstar playing a special intimate show close to his home of Jefferson, GA. Tickets only available at the venue box office.
Green Room 8 p.m. ADAM KLEIN & THE WILD FIRES Local songwriter playing a rustic blend of country, folk and Americana. JOHN MORELAND Singer-songwriter from Oklahoma.
The Melting Point Terrapin Tuesday. 7 p.m. $5. www. MRJORDANMRTONKS Collaboration between longtime Athens musicians Tommy Jordan and William Tonks, featuring rootsy guitar picking and paired vocal melodies. ANNE RICHMOND BOSTON The frontwoman of seminal new wave outfit The Swimming Pool Qâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performs a solo set. Nowhere Bar 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 TUESDAY NIGHT CONFESSIONAL Host Fester Hagood presents this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s showcase of singer-songwriter talent, featuring Alexis Vear, Dylan Sheppard and Stephen â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blues Dudeâ&#x20AC;? Duncan.
Wednesday 21 Boarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Head Lounge 10 p.m. FREE! 706-369-3040 LEAVING COUNTRIES SINGERSONGWRITER SHOWCASE Rock out every Wednesday at this open mic. Contact louisphillippelot@ for booking. Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. WEREWYATT Local songwriter Wyatt Strother pays quirky lo-fi rock with bright, bouncy flourishes, unique instrumentation and emotive lyrics. See Calendar Pick on p. 16. EMPEROR X Hard-touring, eccentric noise-pop alter ego of Florida musician Chad Matheny. KILL THE MESSENGER Local folksinger Michael Copeland performs. TITANS OF FILTH Quirky local indiepop band anchored by the droll vocal delivery of songwriter Sam Grindstaff. BUSMANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOLIDAY Singersongwriter duo from Bloomington, IN. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 BAD NUDES Benjamin Taylor performing â&#x20AC;&#x153;three songs of tech-yes and bass picks-ups, no drops.â&#x20AC;? BONG MARLEY â&#x20AC;&#x153;VHS-funkâ&#x20AC;? from a member of Basshunter64. THEREPY New experimental band featuring members of k i d s. MANNY AND THE DEEPTHROATS Local experimental sound/video artist Manny Lage explores concepts in performative culture. Green Room 8 p.m. KYLIE DEVARON Hip hop artist from Rome, GA. RUDY LOVE JR. Kansas-based pianist and songwriter who has acquired a reputation for writing and producing warm, heartfelt, infectious music. k continued on next page
/QPFC[ (TKFC[ ,WPG QT ,WPG â&#x20AC;&#x153;Swingersâ&#x20AC;? Tennis Camp (Ages 5-6) 9:00-10:00am Per week: $50 for ACC residents or $75 for non-residents
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Smashers/Rising Starsâ&#x20AC;? Tennis Camp (Ages 7-16) 10:30am-1:00pm Per week: $60 for ACC residents or $90 for non-residents
you spoke, we listened:
open till at least 12am Monday-Saturday Indulge. Study. Chill. '3&& 8J GJ p CSFBLGBTU BMM EBZ p CFTU DPPLJFT p GSFTIFTU OVHT
Research Study on Obesity â&#x20AC;˘ Participation will include one in-person survey-based assessment session.
â&#x20AC;˘ You will be compensated $36 for approximately three hours of participation.
Call (706) 542-6881 or email for more information This study is being conducted by the Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia.
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Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 HOLY HOLY VINE Asheville, NC-based experimental folk duo. ADRIANNE LENKER & BUCK MEEK Talented singer-songwriter Lenker teams up with guitarist Meek for a set of wrenching folk. TOM VISIONS Post-mystical, electronic, psychedelic folk music from the artist formerly known as Tom(b) Television. MOTHERS Local songwriter Kristine Leschper performs gorgeous, haunting folk tunes. JO RB JONES Local experimental acoustic pop songwriter performs with her new live band. LOGAN SASHA No information available.
Little Kings Shuffle Club Tim for Athens Party. 7 p.m. FREE! DJ MAHOGANY Popular local DJ spins freaky funk, sultry soul, righteous R&B and a whole lotta unexpected faves. KARAOKE WITH THE KING Sing your guts out.
)#/' 5'6 /#6%* %#/2
KIDSTUFF: 2014 Summer Reading Program Kickoff (Madison County Library, Danielsville) Magician Keith will bring his exciting show to kick off the summer of fun science and reading. 2 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary. org/madison KIDSTUFF: DIY Galaxy Shirts (Oconee County Library) All materials provided. Registration required by May 27. For ages 11â&#x20AC;&#x201C;18. 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 p.m. FREE! oconee KIDSTUFF: Preschool & Toddler Story Time (Madison County Library, Danielsville) Story time includes stories, finger plays, songs and crafts for literacy-based fun. For ages 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5. 10:30 a.m. FREE! www. LECTURES & LIT: Oconee Democrats Book Group (Chops and Hops) This monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book is Gerald Sternâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Buffalo Creek Disaster, a non-fiction book about the collapse of a coal-slurry dam in 1972 that left more than 125 people dead and thousands homeless in West Virginia. 7 p.m. FREE! patricia. LECTURES & LIT: Johnny Mercer, Southern Songwriter for the World (Richard B. Russell Building Special Collections Libraries) Glenn T. Eskew, author of a biography on Johnny Mercer, discusses the popular lyricist in a multi-media presentation. Followed by a book signing and reception. 4 p.m. FREE!
(706) 208-9588 285 W. Washington St.
Athens, GA 30601 MAY 21, 2014 ¡ FLAGPOLE.COM
THE CALENDAR! Hi-Lo Lounge 10 p.m. FREE! 706-850-8561 KARAOKE WITH THE KING Sing your guts out every Wednesday! Little Kings Shuffle Club 6 p.m. FREE! lkshuffleclub DJ OSMOSE Internationally touring vinyl-only DK drops silky, funky pitched-down disco and boogie goodness for sexy, after-work vibes. The Melting Point 8 p.m. $12 (adv.), $15 (door). www. BLACKALICIOUS Legendary hip hop duo from Sacramento, CA featuring MC Gift of Gab and DJ Chief Xcel. See story on p. 12. BLACKNERDNINJA Eugene Willis delivers bookish, explosive rhymes over organic, high-energy beats. VERSATYLE THA WILDCHILD The local MC and leader of the Wild Wolf Pack performs. Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 COLD COLD SWEATS Melodic, Southern-inspired alternative rock band from Florence, AL. The Office Lounge 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE With your host Lynn, the Queen of Karaoke!
Wednesday, May 21 continued from p. 19
Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 KARAOKE Hosted by karaoke fanatic John “Dr. Fred” Bowers and featuring a large assortment of pop, rock, indie and more. Green Room 9 p.m. FREE! www.greenroomathens. com GASLIGHT STREET Charleston, SC-based roots-rock band. GUILT RIDDEN TROUBADOUR Alternative-country band from South Carolina. Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. RANDALL BRAMBLETT This established Georgia singer-songwriter’s Southern-tinged music pulls from a variety of influences. Tonight, he’s teaming up with Australian blues guitarist Geoff Achison and his band for a collaborative set. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. $5. lkshuffleclub GRASSLAND STRING BAND New local traditional and progressive bluegrass group.
New Earth Athens MaMa JaM Magnolia Miracle Benefit. 9:30 p.m. $10. THE FRESHTONES Local progressive jam-influenced band. THE KINKY APHRODISIACS Southern progressive rock trio. STELLAR SHORES The bass-forward production alias for local DJ Will Weber. DJ ANDY BRUH Local DJ Andy Herrington spins and mixes dubstep, EDM and bass music.
COTTONMOUTH Local group featuring members of Pretty Bird and Muuy Biien. Expect lots of fuzzy, heavy drums and bass. THE HERNIES Local indie rock band led by Henry Barbe. Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. GINKO Edgar Lopez’s fuzzy, beatdriven experimental hip hop project. MARIE DAVON Powerkompany frontwoman performs a solo set.
The Office Lounge 9 p.m. 706-546-0840 OPEN MIC Join host Wes Irwin for this weekly open mic showcase.
40 Watt Club Art Rocks Athens. 8 p.m. $10. IS/OUGHT GAP Experimental rock/ post-punk project of songwriter Bryan Cook (Time Toy), started in Athens in the 1980s. See story on p. 14. THE B-53’S Local B-52’s tribute band. KEVIN DUNN Legendary guitarist and songwriter, a fixture on the Southern new wave scene of the 1970s and ‘80s. MICHAEL GUTHRIE Local singer-songwriter whose sound is a melding of folk, jazz, pop, blues, flamenco, country and rock.
Troubadour Bar & Grill 8 p.m. FREE! 706-850-8188 KARAOKE Sing your heart out, every Thursday!
Georgia Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-9884 JOHN BOYLE Singer-songwriter in the vein of Willie Nelson, John Prine
New Earth Athens 7 p.m. FREE! www.newearthmusichall. com HART SAWYER AND THE LOVE PROJECT Upbeat folk-pop from this local, female-fronted band. Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 BROTHERS FROM ANOTHER MOTHER No info available.
Hendershot’s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. DREW KOHL Original singer-songwriter who plays bluegrass-inspired folk music. BRIAN DINIZIO Guitarist and singersongwriter who plays simple, uplifting folk. MATT TEMPLETON Athens-based folk singer. Highwire Lounge 8 p.m. FREE! LIVE JAZZ Jeremy Raj is bringing together the best that Athens jazz has to offer. A trio of incredibly talented musicians play to a great crowd every weekend. Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. FREE! lkshuffleclub DJ REINDEER GAMES Athens DJ mixes trap, hip hop, moombahton, ‘90s hits and indie dance tunes. Max 10 p.m. 706-254-3392 GLORY No info available. CAPITAL WILL New local quintet founded in hardcore punk but with strong metal influences. HARSH WORDS Fast hardcore group featuring members of Shaved Christ and Gripe.
The Volstead 6 p.m. FREE! 706-354-5300 TRE POWELL Bluesy acoustic tunes with soulful vocals.
Thursday 22
The Office Lounge 6 p.m. 706-546-0840 REV. CONNER MACK TRIBBLE Newly relocated back to his old stomping grounds of Athens, Tribble is a Georgia rock and roll fixture. 8:30 p.m. 706-546-0840 RICK FOWLER BAND Original guitar-driven blues-rock. GASOLINE BROTHERS The band says they are the “loud kings of Hipster-billy rawk.”
Saturday 24 Bishop Park Athens Farmers Market. 8 a.m. FREE! KILKENNY HILLS No info available. (8 a.m.) THE SOLSTICE SISTERS Old-time country ballads, traditional folk and ‘40s-style swing with sweet, warm harmonies. (10 a.m.)
Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar. com DUST FROM 1000 YEARS Longrunning experimental folk act from Bloomington, IN. HAND SAND HANDS Experimental, highly psychedelic sounds from Jonathan Miller. SLEEPY COMPANY New experimental project from musician Chase Merritt. MANNY AND THE DEEPTHROATS Local experimental sound/video artist Manny Lage explores concepts in performative culture.
Boar’s Head Lounge 10 p.m. 706-369-3040 LEAVING COUNTRIES Local singersongwriter Louis Phillip Pelot and company play a “mind-boggling wall of organic sound with upbeat, traveldriven lyrics.” FUNKASAURUS WREX Formerly known as Weaver D’s Funk Revival, this local band plays “Southern psychedelic funk.”
Tauk plays the Georgia Theatre on Tuesday, May 27. CLAY LEVERETT AND FRIENDS Some of Athens’ finest country music!
Flicker Theatre & Bar 9 p.m. NICE MACHINE Surf-punk band. SPIRIT HAIR Combining elements of psychedelic rock, power-pop, blues, jam and Americana.
Max 10 p.m. 706-254-3392 BAGHOUSE Long-dormant experimental group that spends time exploring instrumental jazz, ambient and post-rock. THE ELECTRIC NATURE Psychrock/electro duo from Athens.
Georgia Theatre On the Rooftop. 6 p.m. FREE! www. KINKY WAIKIKI Relaxing, steel guitar-driven band following the traditions of Hawaiian music. 11 p.m. FREE! THE DAWN DRAPES Avant-garde folk group from the D.C. area who now specialize in heavy indie rock.
The Melting Point 8 p.m. $5. www.meltingpointathens. com ROLLING NOWHERE “Psychedelic junkyard folk” band from Hickory Flat, GA. FESTER HAGOOD This local songwriter sings in a soft drawl that accents his simple, plucked country songs.
Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 HERITAGE No info available.
Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. FOR THE VULTURE Local band featuring members of The Dumps and Bastard Congregation. This will be an ANTiSEEN tribute set. SAVAGIST Heavy-hitting local metal band. UTAH Heavy, downtuned local rock band. IN THE LURCH Local three-piece that cranks out crunchy guitar riffs and sinister basslines.
Porterhouse Grill 7 p.m. FREE! 706-369-0990 JAZZ NIGHT Join Nicholas Wiles, Drew Hart and Steve Key for an evening of original music, improv and standards.
Caledonia Lounge 9:30 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. ROSHAMBEAUX Rock sensibilities influenced by the likes of The Drifters and Aretha Franklin. KICK THE ROBOT Power-pop trio from Atlanta with infectious energy. ADAM KADMON Singer-songwriter and Dahlonega native playing soulful, indie-pop tunes. THE SUMMER SONICS Local alternative rock band.
dark electronics to create unsettling soundscapes. MOTHER’S ARMS New local psych duo whose music is preoccupied with flooded tropical landscapes and slowly sinking ships. THE 19TH BROOD New noise/drone project from local musicians Don Chambers and Lucas Kane.
Walker’s Coffee & Pub 9 p.m. FREE! 706-543-1433 KARAOKE Every Thursday! Come sing your heaet out!
Friday 23 Butt Hutt Bar-B-Q 8 p.m. FREE! www.butthuttbarbecue. com JAKE DAVIS Member of the band Southfire plays a solo set. Caledonia Lounge 10 p.m. $5 (21+), $7 (18-20). www. WOODFANGS Loud, psychedelic, guitar-driven rock. Album release show! RITVALS Loud, rumbling junk-rock band with a bad attitude and a retooled lineup.
and Bob Dylan. He’ll be joined by Adam Poulin. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 LAS POYITAS New local acoustic mariachi group. DJ MAHOGANY Popular local DJ spins freaky funk, sultry soul, righteous R&B and a whole lotta unexpected faves. Green Room 9 p.m. KYLE ANDREWS Electro-pop singersongwriter from Nashville, TN. DANIEL ELLSWORTH & THE GREAT LAKES High-energy indie rock band from Nashville. GOD A GO-GO New local ensemble featuring members of Free Associates, Sex BBQ and The HUMMS.
The Melting Point 8 p.m. $17 (adv.), $20 (door). www. BEAUSOLEIL Long-running zydeco band from Lafayette, LA featuring singer Michael Doucet. See Calendar Pick on p. 16. New Earth Athens 8 p.m. $5. www.newearthmusichall. com PEDESTRIAN DEPOSIT Underground noise duo from Los Angeles that draws on electronics, tape loops, sampling, field recording, feedback, contact mics, manipulated metal objects and more. See story on p. 13. GRANT EVANS Evans uses tape loops and electronics to create expansive, rumbling soundscapes. LOCK Leslie Grove and Rachel Evans use manipulated percussion and
Georgia Theatre Art Rocks Athens. 8 p.m. $10. www. OLA MOON Old-school Athens rock from legendary local musicians Dana Downs and Cindy Wilson. See story on p. 14. ARMY WELLIFORD & FRIENDS A set composed entirely of Love Tractor songs from one of its earliest members. OH-OK Stripped-down pop group that formed in Athens in the early ‘80s. SQUALLS Bob Hay’s guitar-pop band that also formed in Athens in the early ‘80s. DAVID BARBE & FRIENDS Athens favorite prolific musician/producer/ professor/baseball coach plays the songs of Mercyland, Bar-B-Q Killers and Kilkenny Cats. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 LEE ANN PEPPERS Local singersongwriter playing an acoustic set with a mix of covers and originals.
CORTEZ GARZA Local singer-songwriter pushes the envelope with his unique blend of indie/Americana. JOSH DANIELS Fort Knoxâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Josh Daniels plays a solo set. DJS TAINT & HOT WAX Members of Muuy Biien and The Rodney Kings spin punk and new wave. Hendershotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. HEIDI HENSLEY AND FRIENDS Local folk-rock singer performs with a group of collaborators. Highwire Lounge 8 p.m. FREE! LIVE JAZZ Jeremy Raj is bringing together the best that Athens jazz has to offer. A trio of incredibly talented musicians play every weekend.
come â&#x20AC;&#x153;singers, writers, films, jokers, weirdoes, players, magic, noodlers, doodlers, idea guys, fake TED talkersâ&#x20AC;? and more. Hendershotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coffee Bar 8 p.m. FREE! www.hendershotscoffee. com OPEN MIC Showcase your talent at this open mic night every Monday. Memorial Park 12 p.m. FREE! KATE MORRISSEY Best known for her dark velvet voice, Morrisseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songwriting is literate and sincere,
music that nods to the traditions of saloon jazz, country swing, early rockabilly and New Orleans second line. JOE CAT Local troubadour whose influences range from Steve Earle and Townes Van Zant to Johnny Cash. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be joined by Brad Morgan and Andy Liechty. Nowhere Bar 9 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 TUESDAY NIGHT CONFESSIONAL Host Adam Payne presents this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s showcase of singersongwriter talent, featuring Josh Perkins, Jordan Armstrong and Holly Belle.
The Office Lounge 9:30 p.m. 706-546-0840 THE GEORGIA HEALERS Athensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; premier blues band for 25 years!
Sunday 25 The Melting Point 7:30 p.m. $15 (adv.), $18 (door). www. RAY WYLIE HUBBARD The Texas cowpunk/country legend performs a career-spanning set of songs. See Calendar Pick on p. 16. MATT HUDGINS & SCOTT BAXENDALE Two local singersongwriters and guitarists team up for a colaborative set of roots music.
Monday 26 Georgia Theatre Americana Mondays. On the Rooftop. 7:30 p.m. FREE! www.georgiatheatre. com CRYING WOLF Americana and bluegrass duo out of Vermont. SCOTT LOW Solo set from the Efren frontman. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 GOPEN MIC NIGHT Every Monday, show off your skills. Organizers wel-
Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 CLASSIC CITY ALLSTARS No info available.
Porterhouse Grill 7 p.m. FREE! 706-369-0990 JAZZ NIGHT The longest standing weekly music gig in Athens! Join drummer Nicholas Wiles with bassist Drew Hart and pianist Steve Key for an evening of original music, improv and standards.
Max 10 p.m. 706-254-3392 THUNDERCHIEF Local act with a West Coast punk sound influenced by classic rock. GRAWKS New local rock and roll band.
Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 JIVE MOTHER MARY Rollicking Southern rock band from Burlington, NC.
Max 10 p.m. 706-254-3392 POCKETFUL OF CLAPTONITE Experimental jazz ensemble led by Killick Hinds. THE MOON Brooklyn, NY-based experimental free-jazz/psychedelic duo of guitarist Adam Caine and drummer Federico Ughi.
The Office Lounge 9 p.m. FREE! 706-549-0840 KARAOKE See Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s listing for full description
Little Kings Shuffle Club 10 p.m. FREE! lkshuffleclub DJ THE KING One of Little Kingsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; beloved staffers spins your faves, from the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;80s to the present.
The Melting Point Memorial Day Celebration. 4 p.m. $7 (adv.), $10 (door). SAINT FRANCIS Local rootsrock band led by Scott Baston (Moonshine Still). DANNY HUTCHENS Bloodkin guitarist plays a solo set of wrenching, rocking soul-folk. BETSY FRANCK Soulful, brassy Southern rock and country songs rooted in tradition, but with a modern sensibility. MARK DYKES AND HARRIS CULLEY Members of local jam band Sumilan play a stripped-down set.
Hi-Lo Lounge 10 p.m. FREE! 706-850-8561 KARAOKE WITH THE KING See Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s listing for full description
Eat. Drink. Listen Closely. 7(55$3,1 78(6'$< $0(5,&$1$ 6(5,(6 :,7+
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Kyle Andrews plays Green Room on Friday, May 23. and her conversational live shows come punctuated with an offbeat sense of humor. LOUIS PHILLIP PELOT Local singer-songwriter plays a â&#x20AC;&#x153;mindboggling wall of organic sound with upbeat, travel-driven lyrics.â&#x20AC;?
Wednesday 28
Nowhere Bar 10 p.m. FREE! 706-546-4742 ZACH STONE AND FRIENDS Nashville-based country-rocker does his thing with a selection of talented backers.
Boarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Head Lounge 10 p.m. FREE! 706-369-3040 LEAVING COUNTRIES SINGERSONGWRITER SHOWCASE Rock out every Wednesday at this open mic. Contact louisphillippelot@ for booking.
Tuesday 27 Georgia Theatre On the Rooftop. 9 p.m. FREE! www. TAUK Jammy, instrumental rockfusion band from NYC. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 THE HERNIES Local indie rock band led by Henry Barbe. SWAMP No info available. DUDE MAGNETS Noisy indie-rock chaos. REMEMBER WHEN WE TRASHED THE GOLF COURSE Oakland, CA-based folk-punk band. The Melting Point Terrapin Tuesday. 7 p.m. $5. www. MISS TESS AND THE TALKBACKS Brooklyn-based singer and her band make grooving modern vintage
Blue Sky 5 p.m. FREE! 706-850-3153 VINYL WEDNESDAYS Bring your own records and spin them!
Georgia Theatre On the Rooftop. 8 p.m. FREE! www. BLUE BLOOD Melodic psych-pop project from Hunter Morris, formerly of Gift Horse. THAYER SARRANO AND THE LIVING Local songwriter playing hazy, desolate, Southern-inspired rock tunes. Go Bar 10 p.m. 706-546-5609 KATTERWAUL Bluesy garage-rock band from Tucson, AZ. FUTURE APE TAPES Local group creating psychedelic, experimental music driven by loops, beats, guitars and synths. RAZZI KING AND THE KOKUA BAND No info available. MANNY AND THE DEEPTHROATS Local experimental sound/video artist Manny Lage explores concepts in performative culture.
5/29 LEAVING COUNTRIES / FUNKASAURUS WREX (Boarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Head Lounge) 5/29 DEEP STATE / HERETICKS / VELOCIRAPTURE / MOTHERS (Caledonia Lounge) 5/29 OTTERCAKES / NATE AND THE NIGHTMARES (40 Watt Club) 5/29 KINKY WAIKIKI (Georgia Theatre) 5/29 OLD SKOOL TRIO (Georgia Theatre Rooftop) 5/29 MOTHS / THE SHOAL CREEK STRANGLERS / PIPES YOU SEE, PIPES YOU DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T (Green Room) 5/29 KENOSHA KID (Hendershotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coffee Bar) 5/29 DANGFLY / THE WOODGRAINS (The Melting Point) 5/29 CONCORD AMERICA / CHIEF SCOUT / HEYROCCO / WIEUCA (New Earth Athens) 5/29 YANKEE SLICKERS (Nowhere Bar) 5/30 SHADE / HARSH WORDS / STRICTLY RICKLI (Caledonia Lounge) 5/30 CLAIRE CAMPBELL / BEN TRICKEY / THE VIKING PROGRESS (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 5/30 THE JESTERS (Georgia Theatre) 5/30 SHEHEHE / LITHUANIA / MEA CULPA / ANCHOR BENDS (Green Room) 5/30 DJ MAHOGANY / KARAOKE WITH THE KING (Little Kings Shuffle Club) 5/30 THE COMMON PEOPLE BAND (The Melting Point) 5/30 THE SALT FLATS (Nowhere Bar) 5/31 TRE POWELL / THE GREEN FLAG BAND (Bishop Park) 5/31 ISAAC BRAMBLETT BAND (Bootleggers Country & Western Bar) 5/31 TATERZANDRA / THE CRYPTIDES / TAMBOR / MONSOON (Caledonia Lounge) 5/31 TIA MADRE / PADRE (Flicker Theatre & Bar) 5/31 COLONEL BRUCE HAMPTON (Hendershotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coffee Bar)
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bulletin board DO SOMETHING; GET INVOLVED! Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board is every THURSDAY at 5 p.m. for the print issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Online listings are updated daily. Email
ART Call for Artists (Multiple Locations) AthensHasArt! has spaces of various sizes and shapes around town in which to display artwork, including ARTiniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Art Lounge., Call for Entries (OCAF, Watkinsville) The annual Membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Exhibit is open to OCAF members and showcases a wide range of artwork. Members can submit up to three pieces of work, and at least one piece is guaranteed to be accepted. Drop off on May 24, 10 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. Exhibit opens May 30. FREE! Hot Corner Festival Artist Market (Athens, GA) Artists interested in participating in the Hot Corner Festival Artist Market on North Hull Street should submit samples of work to David Parajon. Deadline May 25. Festival on June 14.
AUDITIONS Romeo and Juliet (New Earth Athens) The Circle Ensemble Theatre Company presents a production directed by Farley Richmond. May 30, 6:30 p.m. & May 31, 1 p.m. Callbacks on June 1. Email for appointment. circleensemble@
CLASSES Aqua Zumba (Bishop Park) Get in shape while dancing in the pool. For adults. Saturdays, May 31â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Aug. 2, 10:30 a.m. $5/class. 706-613-3589
Aquatic Aerobics (Memorial Park) Low impact exercise. Begins May 27. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7 p.m. Saturdays, 10â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11 a.m. $5. 706-613-3580 Beginner Yoga (M.R.S. Physical Therapy and Wellness Center, Winterville) Join a certified and experienced yoga instructor who will walk you through basic poses and techniques. Tuesdays, 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7 p.m. $30 (includes three classes). 706-742-0082, bstephensonmrspt@ Beyond Memoir Writing Class (OCAF, Watkinsville) Focus on the facts of your life to create stories, poems and essays which move beyond merely recording family stories. For all writing levels. June 21 & 28, 9 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12 p.m. $125. Bikram Hot Yoga (Bikram Yoga Athens) Classes in hot yoga are offered seven days a week. 706-3539642, Clay Classes (Good Dirt) Weekly â&#x20AC;&#x153;Try Clayâ&#x20AC;? classes ($20/person) introduce participants to the potterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wheel every Friday from 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Family Try Clayâ&#x20AC;? classes show children and adults hand-building methods every Sunday from 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. $20. 706-355-3161, www. Cooking with Kids Series (Mama Birdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Granola) Mina Kim gives tips on cooking with kids. Ages 8â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12: July 8 & 10, 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. Ages 5â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8: July 15 & 17, 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. Ages 3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5: July 22 & 24, 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. $8â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12. www.mamabirdsshared Dance Classes (Dancefx) Classes offered in creative movement, ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, breakdance, acrobatics and more. Register online. 706-355-3078,
Garden Academy Workshops (Jackson ECO Farm) This two-day workshop for educators provides lessons that utilize the school garden. July 17â&#x20AC;&#x201C;18, 8 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1 p.m. or Aug. 22, 8 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3 p.m. & Aug. 23, 9 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12 p.m. $140. www.secretsin Letterpress & More (Smokey Road Press) â&#x20AC;&#x153;An Evening of Paper and Pork.â&#x20AC;? May 30, 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9 p.m. $95. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Letterpress for Kids.â&#x20AC;? May 31, 9 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12 p.m. or 1â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. $40. Mac Workshops (PeachMac) Frequent introductionary courses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Intro to iPad.â&#x20AC;? May 21, 26 & 31. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Intro to Mac.â&#x20AC;? May 28. See website for schedule. FREE! 706-208-9990, Martial Arts Classes (Live Oak Martial Arts, Bogart) Traditional and modern-style Taekwondo, selfdefense, grappling and weapons classes for all ages. Visit website for full class schedule. www.liveoak Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Workshop (Athens Regional Medical Center) Ancient wisdom and modern science are blended in this four-session workshop focused on reducing stress. Begins June 2, 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8. $75. 706-475-7330, Printmaking Workshops (Double Dutch Press) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Posters! Two Color Screenprinting.â&#x20AC;? May 24, 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;3 p.m. & May 31, 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4:30 p.m. $75. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stampmaking.â&#x20AC;? June 4, 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 p.m. or July 12, 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. $35. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Totes! One Color Screenprinting.â&#x20AC;? June 7 or Aug. 23, 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6 p.m. $50. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Custom Stationery: One Color Screenprinting.â&#x20AC;? June 28, 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5 p.m. $45. Check website for full descriptions and to register. www.
by Cindy Jerrell
6WLU L]LY` KH` L_JLW[ >LKULZKH` HT WT Wow, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s handsome! Lotsa spots and plenty of energy. One year-old Dalmation that would love for you to be his exercise partner. Soft velvety coat.
No, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not supposed to have dreadlocks. Poor little guy is a matted mess, but heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chubby and cheerful, loves to play, and is housebroken. Maltipoo will need regular grooming.
Just a happy-go-lucky, mischievous ball of joy. Lab mix puppy. Loves other dogs. 40822
4/17 to 4/23
ACC ANIMAL CONTROL ACC CONTROL 7 Adopted, 4 Reclaimed, 4 to Rescue Groups 21ANIMAL Dogs Received, 16 Dogs Received, 7 Adopted, 3 Reclaimed, 2 to Rescue Groups 24 Cats Received, 6 Adopted, 0 Reclaimed, 4 to Rescue Group 12 Cats Received, 2 Adopted, 0 Reclaimed, 10 to Rescue Groups
4/24 to 4/30
see more animals online at
FLAGPOLE.COM â&#x2C6;&#x2122; MAY 21, 2014
This lamp by decorator Esther Huger Ellior and potter Joseph Meyer is featured in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Women, Art and Social Change: The Newcomb Pottery Enterprise,â&#x20AC;? on view at the Georgia Museum of Art through Sunday, Aug. 31. Salsa Classes (Dancefx) Learn how to salsa dance. No partner required. Wednesdays, 7:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8:15 p.m. (beginner), 8:15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9 p.m. (intermediate and advanced). natalie@, Sunday Morning Pilates (Thrive) With instructor Lisa Yaconelli. Every Sunday, 9â&#x20AC;&#x201C;10 a.m. 706-850-2000, Tai Chi (Thrive) This class aims to provide a strong foundation of alignment of posture, relaxation, opening of energy centers and energy circulation. Wednesdays, 6:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7:30 p.m. $14/drop-in, $60/five classes. 706850-2000, Traditional Karate Training (Athens Yoshukai Karate) Learn traditional Okinawan hard style karate in a positive atmosphere. See website for schedule of free classes. Tumbling (Bishop Park) Registration is underway for teen and adult tumbling. Teen classes are held Mondays, June 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 28, 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8:25 p.m. Adult classes are Wednesdays, June 4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;June 30, 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8:25 p.m. $10 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;15. www.athens Video Production Workshop (Film Athens Film Lab) This two-day workshop will shoot on location and conduct hands-on camera and lighting exercises. Students will learn practical use of a camera, how to light a subject and how to record the proper sound. May 31 & June 1, 10 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2 p.m. $150. www. Wheel Throwing for Beginners (OCAF, Watkinsville) This six-week class in wheel throwing covers cups, bowls, saucers and other utilitarian forms. Thursdays, July 10â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Aug. 14, 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9 p.m. $140150.
Yoga & Meditation (Rubber Soul Yoga) Ongoing classes in Kundalini, Hatha and restorative yoga as well as guided meditation. The Athens Zen Group, which includes Dharma talks concerning Zen Buddhism, meets every Sunday morning. Check website for schedule. Donation based.,
HELP OUT Donate Blood Give the gift of blood! Check website for donor locations. 1-800-RED CROSS, Smart Lunch, Smart Kid (Milledge Avenue Baptist Church) Volunteers are needed to help provide and deliver sack lunches and educational enrichment activities to children ages 3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;18 who are eligible for free or reduced priced lunch. Summer meals begin May 27 and end Aug. 8. 478-494-7717,,
KIDSTUFF â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spark a Reactionâ&#x20AC;? Photo Contest (Oconee County Library) Submit a photo on Instagram that best represents the phrase â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spark a Reaction.â&#x20AC;? Tag @oclteens and hashtag #oclsparkareaction. Contest runs May 24â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 31. All photos will be uploaded to Facebook for public voting. www.athenslibrary. org/oconee ACC Summer Camps (Various Locations) Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services offers camps in theater performance, gymnastics, tennis, British soccer, cheerleading,
skating, art and more. Visit website for dates and details. 706-613-3589, Dungeons & Dragons Summer Day Camp (Waseca Montessori School) Campers will use imagination, creativity and team work to explore fantastic gaming worlds while playing table top roleplaying games in small groups. For kids ages 11â&#x20AC;&#x201C;16. Weekly sessions begin May 19 and run through July 28, 8:30 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5 p.m. $165/week., www. Free Lunch (Multiple Locations) Free lunch is available for children during summer at H.B. Stroud Elementary School, Whitehead Road Elementary School and Barnett Shoals Elementary School. May 27â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 25, 11 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1 p.m. FREE! (kids), $3 (adults). jimenezan@ Mosaic Class (The Smiling Robin) Make cement planters using marbles, glass, broken china and other objects. For ages 8â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12. June 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6, 3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6:30 p.m. 706-372-4786, www. New Moon Summer Adventure Camp (Athens, GA) Now accepting registration for a summer camp that travels to different locations daily. Activities include hiking, swimming and boating as well as trips to museums, zoos and farms. Fee includes all activities and travel expenses. For ages 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12. Weeks of June 16 & 23 and July 14 & 21. $175/wk. 706-310-0013 Performing Arts Summer Workshop (YMCA) Enigma Center for Performing Arts hosts this workshop for kids ages 6-16. Class offerings include dance lessons, acting lessons, vocal coaching, cheerleading, baton twirling and
SUPPORT Alanon 12 Step (Little White House) For family and friends of alcoholics and drug addicts. Meets every Tuesday 7:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8:30 p.m. www. Alcoholics Anonymous (Athens, GA) If you want to drink, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. 706-389-4164,
ART AROUND TOWN AMICI (233 E. Clayton St.) Photography by Ryan Myers. Through May. ANTIQUES & JEWELS ART GALLERY (290 N. Milledge Ave.) Paintings by Mary Porter, Greg Benson, Dortha Jacobson and others. Art quilts by Elizabeth Barton and handmade jewelry by various artists. ART ON THE SIDE GALLERY AND GIFTS (17 N. Main St., Watkinsville) A gallery featuring works by various artists in media including ceramics, paintings and fused glass. ARTINIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ART LOUNGE (296 W. Broad St.) Curated by AthensHasArt!, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Eclectic Works of Aaron Fuâ&#x20AC;? includes embroidery, ink drawings and biological illustrations. Opening reception May 22. Through June 20. ATHENS ACADEMY (1281 Spartan Lane) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Steffen Thomas: A Retrospectiveâ&#x20AC;? features over 50 pieces by the German-American expressionist. Through May. ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART (ATHICA) (160 Tracy St.) The 2nd annual ATHICA Mystery Triennial contains 100 5â&#x20AC;?x7â&#x20AC;? works hung anonymously. The identity of each artist is revealed only when the piece is purchased. Through June 15. BIG CITY BREAD (393 N. Finley St.) Photography by James Calemine. Through May. CINĂ&#x2030; BARCAFĂ&#x2030; (234 W. Hancock Ave.) Paintings by Claire Clements and Robert Clements. Through June 3. THE CLASSIC CENTER (300 N. Thomas St.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Terrain: Painting the Southâ&#x20AC;? features landscape paintings by June Ball, Andy Cherewick, Robert Clements and Philip Juras. Through Sept. 15. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Homeâ&#x20AC;? features works by Melissa Harshman, Mary Porter and Jeffrey Whittle. Through Sept. 15. EARTH FARE (1689 S. Lumpkin St.) Mixed media works by Greg Harmon. FARMINGTON DEPOT GALLERY (1011 Salem Rd., Farmington) Owned and staffed by 14 artists, the gallery exhibits paintings, sculpture, folk art, ceramics and fine furniture. Permanent collection artists include Larry Hamilton, Cheri Wranosky, Chris Hubbard and more. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paintings, Sculpture & Objects of Artâ&#x20AC;? includes works by Michael Pierce. Through June. FLICKER THEATRE & BAR (263 W. Washington St.) Photography by Anne Yarbrough. Through May. GALLERY@HOTEL INDIGO (500 College Ave.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Living Roomâ&#x20AC;? includes works that consider the home environment by Benjamin Britton, Patrick Brien, Andy Cherewick, Rachel Cox, Brock Gordon, Emily Hadland, Carol John and Erin McIntosh. Through June 15. GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART (90 Carlton St.) Strata #4 by Quayola is an immersive video installation that reworks classical masterworks into contemporary abstractions. Through June 20. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Selections in the Decorative Arts.â&#x20AC;? Through June 29. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Lithographs of Carroll Cloar.â&#x20AC;? Through Aug. 10. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Women, Art and Social Change: The Newcomb Pottery Enterprise.â&#x20AC;? Through Aug. 31. â&#x20AC;˘ Tristan Perichâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Machine Drawingâ&#x20AC;? will create itself over the course of six months. Through Sept. 21. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shapes That Talk to Me: The Athens Scene, 1975â&#x20AC;&#x201C;85.â&#x20AC;? May 24â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Oct. 19. THE GEORGIA THEATRE (215 N. Lumpkin St.) My Athens presents a gallery full of Instagram photos taken of the Classic City. Through May. THE GRIT (199 Prince Ave.) Paintings by Hannah Jones. Through June 1. HEIRLOOM CAFE AND FRESH MARKET (815 N. Chase St.) Works by the Athens Plein Aire Artists. Through June. HENDERSHOTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S COFFEE BAR (237 Prince Ave.) Images by Bob Brussack
Domestic Violence Support Group (Athens, GA) Support, healing and dinner for survivors of domestic violence. Tuesdays, 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 p.m., in Clarke County. First and third Mondays, 6:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 p.m., in Madison County. Child care provided. 706-543-3331 (hotline), 706-613-3357, ext. 771 Emotions Anonymous (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens) A 12-step program open to anyone with a desire to become well emotionally. Meets Sundays, 4â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5 p.m. 706-202-7463, www.emotions GRASP (Call for Location) Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing is a group for those who have lost a friend or loved one to drugs or alcohol. 706-248-7715, grasp_athens@, Life After Diagnosis (Oasis Counseling Center) A support group for those with chronic or life-threatening diseases. Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m. $15/session. 706-543-3522, www. Project Safe Emotional Abuse Support Group (Athens, GA) Demeaning behavior and hateful words can be just as harmful as punches and kicks. Child care provided. Call for location. Every Wednesday, 6:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 p.m. FREE! 706-543-3331 (hotline), 706-613-3357, ext. 771 Reiki (Athens Regional Medical Center, Loran Smith Center for Cancer Support) Experience the
healing energy of Reiki, an ancient form of healing touch used for stress reduction and relaxation. For cancer patients, their families and caregivers. Call for an appointment. Sessions held on Wednesdays, 6 p.m. & 7 p.m. FREE! 706-475-4900 Stress Management Support Group (Oasis Counseling Center) Learn to identify stressors and reduce overall stress through a variety of techniques. Thursdays, 6:30â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 p.m. 706-543-3522, www. Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Empowerment Group (Oasis Counseling Center) A therapeutic group for women to work on setting boundaries, assertiveness, self-care and more. Eight-week sessions. $15/session. 706-543-3522,
8 * /2014/ & 3
Camp,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fairy Camp,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Outer Space Campâ&#x20AC;? and more. Check website for full descriptions and dates. www. Summer Theater Camps (Athens Little Playhouse) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Who Dunnit? Campâ&#x20AC;? runs June 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;6. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mother Goose Campâ&#x20AC;? runs June 9â&#x20AC;&#x201C;13. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Shakespeareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Comedy Campâ&#x20AC;? runs June 16â&#x20AC;&#x201C;20. Visit website for registration form. www. Swim School (Bishop Park & Lay Park) Swim school is for ages 3 & up. Multiple sessions available. $33â&#x20AC;&#x201C;50. Check website for dates. aquatics Youth Police Academy (ACCPD Headquarters) Students ages 13-17 will learn about the functions of law enforcement and the criminal justice system as a whole. Applications due by June 18 at 5 p.m. Academy runs June 26â&#x20AC;&#x201C;27, 10 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;4 p.m. www.
ATHENSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; FAVORITE
ON THE STREET Dog Obedience Training (Southeast Clarke Park) Puppies and dogs will learn basic skills such as stay, sit, heel, come when called, walk nicely on a leash and more. Mondays, June 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 1, 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 p.m. or Saturdays, June 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;July 12, 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;8 p.m. $100â&#x20AC;&#x201C;120. 706-613-3871 Wise Woman Circle (Womanspace) Juneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s theme is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grace.â&#x20AC;? Circles are held the first Friday of the month. June 6, 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;7:30 p.m. $10. www.holdingwomanspace. com f
and Caoimhe Nace. Through May. JITTERY JOEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ALPS (1480 Baxter St.) Photography by Emily Cheney. Through June 9. LAMAR DODD SCHOOL OF ART (270 River Rd.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Between Rock and an Art Place: Art Rocks Athens Fine Arts Exhibition.â&#x20AC;? Opening reception May 23. Through July 19. LAST RESORT GRILL (174 Clayton St.) Each card in ATHICAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deck of playing cards, â&#x20AC;&#x153;ATHICARDS,â&#x20AC;? was designed by a different local artist. Arkive. Art & Frame custom framed selected cards. LEATHERS BUILDING (675 Pulaski St.) Works by Andy Cherewick. Through summer. LYNDON HOUSE ARTS CENTER (293 Hoyt St.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paper Covers Rock,â&#x20AC;? held in partnership with Art Rocks Athens, is an exhibition of graphic and fine arts like posters, flyers and album covers. Opening reception May 25. Through July 26. MADISON MORGAN CULTURAL CENTER (434 S. Main St., Madison) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Three Pathsâ&#x20AC;? exhibits works by Don Cooper that were influenced by his studies, observations and experimentations while traveling through Asia. Through Aug. 17. MAMA BIRDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GRANOLA (909 E. Broad St.) Artwork by Cameron Bliss Ferrelle, Bob Brussack, Caoimhe Nace, James Fields, Barbara Bendzunas and Annette Paskiewicz. MAMAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BOY (197 Oak St.) Artwork by David Hough. Through May. MINI GALLERY (261 W. Washington St.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Follow the White Rabbitâ&#x20AC;? features bunny-inspired works by 13 artists. Through June 5. OCONEE COUNTY LIBRARY (1080 Experiment Station Rd.) Wildlife photography by Karl Enter. Through May. REPUBLIC SALON (312 E. Broad St.) The paintings of Cody Murray explore the duality of man. RICHARD B. RUSSELL JR. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIES (300 S. Hull St.) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Choosing to Participateâ&#x20AC;? contains 11 posters presenting the experiences of individuals and communities.Through Aug. 30. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;&#x153;ARTifacts Rock Athens: Relics from the Athens Music Scene, 1975â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1985).â&#x20AC;? Through December. SEWCIAL STUDIO (160 Tracy St.) Hand-dyed art quilts by Anita Heady. Rust and over-dyed fabric on canvas by Bill Heady. THE SURGERY CENTER (2142 W. Broad St.) Paintings by Susie Burch. Through May. TECH STOP COMPUTERS (1860 Barnett Shoals Rd.) Abstract and highlytextured paintings by Frances Jemini. Through July. TECH STOP COMPUTERS (3690 Atlanta Hwy.) Abstract acrylic paintings and works made from reused and found materials by Frances Jemini. Through July. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF ATHENS (780 Timothy Rd.) The Athens Plein Aire Artists draw inspiration from landscapes, woods and meadows to create paintings, photographs and sculptures. Through May. VIVA! ARGENTINE CUISINE (247 Prince Ave.) Artwork by Rita Rogers Marks and Amanda Stevens. WALKERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S COFFEE AND PUB (128 College Ave.) Artwork by Walkerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s employees. Through May. WHITE TIGER (217 Hiawassee Ave.) Vintage art curated by Dynamite Clothing. Through May. THE WORLD FAMOUS (351 N. Hull St.) Whimsical character illustrations by Leslie Dallion. Through May.
step dancing. Classes begin June 2. Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m. or 7:45-8:45 p.m. 706-308-8881, exclusivemindz@ Print Camp (Double Dutch Press) This introduction to different types of printmaking (monotype, linoleum block prints, paper relief and screenprinting) culminates in a handbound book of prints. For ages 11 & up. June 9â&#x20AC;&#x201C;13 or July 14â&#x20AC;&#x201C;18, 10 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2 p.m. $225. www.doubledutchpress. com Relate and Create Workshops for Teens (OCAF, Watkinsville) Week-long camps for ages 12â&#x20AC;&#x201C;18. Drawing workshop: July 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11. Sculpture workshop: July 14â&#x20AC;&#x201C;18. Painting workshop: July 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;25. $150â&#x20AC;&#x201C;160/ camp. Report Card Rewards Program (Bishop Park) Students in kindergarten through 12th grade can receive a free summer pool pass or tickets for free swims by demonstrating exceptional grades. Bring your report card to the ACC Aquatics Office. 706-613-3589, www.athens Summer Art Camp (MAGallery) The Madison Artists Guild hosts a summer art camp for children ages 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12. June 23â&#x20AC;&#x201C;27, 9 a.m.â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1 p.m. 770-367-1203 Summer Camps (Treehouse Kid and Craft) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Craft Inc. Business Camp,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dr. Seuss 3D Building Camp,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Drawing, Printing and Zine
% #,!94/. 34 s 706.353.0000 !-)#)n#!&% #/-
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ď&#x201A;ľ Indicates images available at Baldwin Village across the street from UGA. Now pre-leasing for Fall 2014. 1BR $520-540/mo. 475 Baldwin St. 30605. Manager Keith, (706) 3544261.
Real Estate Apartments for Rent
Fall pre-lease special: first month rent free. 1BR & studio apts. avail for rent. Located off S. Milledge Ave., on both UGA & Athens Transit bus lines. Furnished & unfurnished options avail. Call (706) 353-1111 or visit www.Argo-Athens. com.
1BR/1BA. All elec. Nice apt. Water provided. On bus line. Single pref. Avail now! $450/mo. (706) 338-7262. 2BRs Dwntn. across from campus avail. for Fall semester. (404) 5575203, www.downtownathensrentals.
Over 1200 affordable intown rental units to choose from with professional 24/7 management. Visit for pictures and addresses. Or call (706) 389-1700 for more info.
2BR apartments available August in the best neighborhood in town. $685â&#x20AC;&#x201C;710/mo. includes water and garbage. (706) 548-9797. www.
S . M i l l e d g e d u p l e x . Ve n i t a D r. 4BR/2BA, W/D, DW, fenced back yd.! Close to everything yet private. $999/ mo., negotiable. (404) 558-3218, or Electronic flyers avail.
2BR apts. Completely remodeled. W/D included, air. Dwntn. & bus route. $500/mo. Call Louis, (706) 338-3126. A t t n . G r a d S t u d e n t s : Royal O a k s To w n h o m e s . S m a l l , q u i e t community. 46 units, 2BR/2.5BA townhomes. $685/mo. Pet friendly. August 1 move ins. Joiner M a n a g e m e n t (706) 353-6868.
Steps to UGA, avail. now. Spacious 2BR/1BA apt. Great, quiet location on S. Milledge. CHAC, DW, W/D, HWflrs. $725/mo. (706) 202-9905. The Flagpole office will be closed Monday, May 26! Happy Memorial Day!
Eastside quadraplex, 2BR/2BA, $500/ mo. & 2BR/1BA, $475/mo. Eastside duplex, 2BR/1BA & FP, $525/mo. 3BR/2BA & FP, $700/mo. 2BR/2BA condo, Westside, 1200 sf., $600/mo. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 353-2700 or cell, (706) 540-1529.
Wilkerson Street studio & 1 BR available for Fall. Older units in Historic District from $300â&#x20AC;&#x201C;700/mo. Walk Downtown. (706) 395-1400.
flagpole classifieds Reach Over 30,000 Readers Every Week! Business Services Real Estate Music For Sale BASIC
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Commercial Property Do you work from home? Join us at The Quad co-working space in the Bottleworks. Desks on a monthly basis starting at $100/mo. Includes access to conference room, phone booth, fiber internet, & the most creative professionals in Athens! E-mail for a tour. Eastside Offices for Lease. 1060 Gaines School Road 750 sf. $900/ mo., 400 sf. $600/mo., 150 sf. $300/mo. (706) 202-2246 or
Condos for Rent 2BR condo. Walking distance to UGA campus. Gated, pool, fitness center. Excellent condition. Avail. 8/1. $650/ mo. (706) 206-2347. Just reduced! Investorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s West-side condo. 2BR/2BA, FP, 1500 sf., great investment, lease 12 mos. at $575/ mo. Price in $40s. For more info, call McWaters Realty at (706) 353-2700 or (706) 540-1529. Pre-lease for Fall. Beautiful 2BR/2.5BA condo. Quiet neighborhood w/ lots of green space and river walk. Large LR, kitchen, BRs and BAs. DW, CHAC, W/D hookup. $650-800/mo. Pets ok w/ deposit. Call (706) 202-9905.
C. Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001
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â&#x20AC;˘ Deadline to place ads is 11:00 a.m. every Monday for the following Wednesday issue â&#x20AC;˘ All ads must be prepaid â&#x20AC;˘ Set up an account to review your placement history or replace old ads at
Want to live in 5 Pts? Howard Properties has the following locations: 5BR/3BA house $2000/mo., 1BR/1BA apt. $500/mo., 2BR/2BA house $850/ mo., 2BR/2BA condo $700-800/mo., 2BR/1BA apt. $550/mo. and 3BR/3BA condo $945â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1125/mo. Please call (706) 546-0300 for more info and to view these properties.
FLAGPOLE.COM â&#x2C6;&#x2122; MAY 21, 2014
02% ,%!3).' &/2 &!,,
The Springdale & Bloomfield Terrace ,)6% ). 0/).43 s s s s
C.Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001
Condos For Sale
3 or 4BR/3BA house w/ HWflrs. lg. front porch. Big yd. and deck. W/D, DW, all electric. Dogs okay. Near Waffle House. $1150/mo. Boulevard Property Management (706) 5489797.
3BD/2BA unit in gated west-side community. Pool, lake, upscale finishes. Recently reduced to $124,900! Contact Pat Hallow at Coldwell Banker Upchurch Realty (706) 424-2182 or (706) 543-4000.
3BR/2BA University Heights. CHAC, HWflrs., All appliances, fenced back yd. Great for professional or grad student. No pets or smoking. Avail. July 15. (910) 409-0769.
Spacious, pool side 2BR/2BA condo flat. Close to UGA, on busline. CHAC, DW, W/D, big fridge and patio. 290 Appleby Dr. #165. $698/mo. Avail. now! Call (706) 714-1100.
3BR/1.5BA CHAC, HWflrs., carport, W/D included. Lg. fenced backyard, basement suitable for workshop/ band space. Quiet cul-de-sac located off Oglethorpe Ave.7 min. to Dwntwn. 5 min. to Normaltown. 5 min. to Beechwood. 2 min. to YMCA. 2 min. from Bishop Park. 2 min. from the bypass. Avail. June 1, $850/mo., $850 sec. dep. Pets OK with additional dep. Contact Jared at (706) 338-9019, or jaredhbailey1@
Urban Lofts end unit. Mad Men meets Architectural Digest. 2BR/2.5BA $205,000. Or for rent $1300/mo. Donna Smith Fee, (706) 296-5717 c Keller Williams Athens, (706) 3162900
Duplexes For Rent 5 Pts. duplex, Memorial Park. 2BR/1BA. Renovated, CHAC, W/D included. No pets. Avail. now. $650/ mo. (706) 202-9805.
3BR/2BA charming & spacious 100 year old far mhouse. CHAC, D W, W / D , f r o n t p o r c h , g i a n t back deck, huge yard, pets OK. $870/mo. (706) 548-9797, www.
Advertise your properties in Flagpole Classifieds! Photos and long-term specials available. Call (706) 5490301!
3BR/1.5BA 135 Garden Ct. $870/mo. Call for appointments ( 7 0 6 ) 5 4 8 - 9 7 9 7 o r w w w.
Half off rent 1st month when you mention this ad! 2BR/2BA & 3BR/2BA duplexes off HWY 441. Pet friendly! Dep. only $250. Rent from $650-750/ mo. (706) 548-2522.
3BR/1.5BA. 460 Whitehead Rd. HWflrs., carpet, CHAC, attic fan, tiled kitchen, garbage disposal, DW, fenced yd., pecan trees. $800/mo. & $800 dep. Call (706) 254-2936.
Houses for Rent Beautiful spacious home. Pre-lease for fall. First month free! 5BR/3BA house w/ great S. Milledge Ave. location. Sits on a huge lot, close to campus and the 5 Pts. area. Easy access to UGA & Athens bus routes. Great for football weekends! Large fully-equipped kitchen w/ DW, HWflrs., tile floors. CHAC, large BRs. W/D included. Pets OK with deposit. Call (706) 202-9905. 2-4BR houses available August in the best neighborhood in town. $870â&#x20AC;&#x201C;1150/mo. (706) 548-9797. www.
2BR/1BA. Near UGA, LR, DR, den, HWflrs., all appls., fenced yd., garbage p/u, carport, elec. AC, gas heat, no pets. $550/mo. 117 Johnson Dr. Owner/Agent Stan, (706) 543-5352. 2BR/1BA House. 285 Savannah Ave. CHAC, W/D. Call (678) 698-7613. 3BR/2BA in Normaltown. HWflrs., CHAC, quiet street. Grad students prefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Rent negotiable. (706) 3721505.
+ 8',%
0 . 02+#,21
4 '* *# ,-5 1 BR/1 BA at TALL OAKS (off of Bloomfield) New Carpet! Rent Special $650/month
1 BR/1BA at WHITEHALL MILL LOFTS Live on the Oconee River! $1200/Month
C. Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001
Pre-Leasing for Fall! MORTON SQUARE & OAKWOOD APARTMENTS in 5 Points
C.Hamilton & Associates
4BR, private BAs for each BR. 1 block from Brumby. Walk to calss. W/D, DW, spacious screened porch w/ swing. 194B Talmage St. (Off Bloomfield). $450 per BR, $1800/mo. Avail 8/1. Call (706) 714-1100. 4BR house available Fall. 130 Appleby Drive, near Dwntwn. 2 Master suites. Like new. $1500/mo. Call Owner/Broker Herbert Bond Realty & Investment (706) 224-8002. 4BR/2BA Full renovation. Walk to campus/Dwntwn. W/D, DW, lawncare, pest control inc. Huge fenced yd. w/ new deck. $1500/mo. (706) 546-7814 or 5BR/3BA Cottage available for Fall 2014. Great living area and spacious bedrooms. Large back deck. On bus line. $299/mo. per person ($1495/mo. total) (706) 395-1400. 5 Pts. off Baxter St. 4BR/2BA, $1200/ mo. 5 Pts. off Lumpkin. 2 stor y condo, 2BR/2.5BA, $650/mo. Call McWaters Realty, (706) 353-2700, (706) 540-1529.
DOWNTOWN OFFICE FOR LEASE Historic building with approximately 2900 sq. ft. On site parking available
3BR/2BA house in Green Acres. Woodbur ning stove, fenced yd., pets OK. W/D incl. Walk to shopping, busline, close to UGA. $1050/mo. Avail. Aug. 1! $100 off first monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rent. (706) 201-7004.
Call Staci @ 706-296-1863
C. Hamilton & Associates 706-613-9001
13& -&"4& #: .":
45 .0/5) 4 3&/5
5BR/1BA house ($1000/mo.) CHAC, W/D. 12 ft. celings, HWflrs. Need handyman to work off rent. 353 Oak St. Walk to UGA. (706) 548-4819, (706) 319-1846.
Boulevard Neighborhood. 3BR/2BA. HWflrs., CHAC, DW, W/D. Great front porch. Available in August. $1299/mo. (706) 338-3304 B o u l e v a rd A re a . 135 Cohen St. 2BR/1BA. Front & rear porches. HWflrs., nice yd., W/D, DW, some pets OK w/ fee. Lease, deposit and references required. Avail. Aug. $825/ mo. Call (706) 540-4752. Large 3,000 sf. townhome available for Fall 2014. 3-5BR/4BA, $1300/mo. W/D, trash & pest control included, pet friendly. (706) 395-1400. Sweet, secluded cottage. 1BR, 2 office spaces. Glass porch. FP w/ logs, laundry room, CHAC. Very close to medical school. Many extras. References, lease & dep. reqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Avail. now. (706) 340-1073. Watkinsville. Spacious and clean 3BR/2BA, lg. rooms, garage, lots of storage. CHAC, FP, W/D, pets negotiable. $850/mo. Available June 1. (706) 202-7802,
Houses for Sale Two houses on Eastside close to Vet School for sale! 160 Snapfinger (3BR, HWflrs., private back yd.), $155,000. 135 Woodberry (all-brick split level, 3BR, two additional living spaces, party shed), $121,000. Want best energy efficient house in Athens? See 820 Jefferson River (only 6 years old, berm house, faces due south, super private). Great houses at great deals! Kiss your landlord goodbye. Donna Fee Realty, (706) 296-5717, Keller Williams Realty (706) 216-2900.
Parking & Storage Parking places for rent across from UGA. $30/mo. (706) 354-4261
Roommates Male & Female roommate matching available for fall with rates starting at $275 per person. Private bathroom options as well as on the bus line and close to campus. www. (706) 395-1400.
Rooms for Rent $350/mo. + 1/2 utils. Separate bathroom. 5-10 min. to campus/ grocery store. Walking distance to bus line. High speed WiFi, W/D. Quiet nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;hood. Avail. June 1. (704) 877-7928. Dashiell Cottages. Aspiring National Park Service. Wildlife observation, environmental conservation property. Near university. All amenities, all private entrances. Move in $75/wk. (706) 850-0491. Mature student for fully furnished 1BR/1BA, LR, kitchen. Private drive, entrance. Incl. everything: utils., cable. Quiet, safe, near Dwntn./UGA. No smoking, drinking or pets. (706) 296-6957. Mature students only. Spacious, furnished BR. Avail. immediately.Quiet, near campus, kitchen, laundry privileges. Shared BA, priv. entrance, cable, Internet access. No pets. $300/mo. incl. utils. (706) 353-0227.
For Sale Miscellaneous Archipelago Antiques 24 y e a r s o f a n t i q u e a n d re t ro a r t , furnishings, religiosa and unique, decorative treasures of the past. 1676 S. Lumpkin St. (706) 3544297.
Caregivers needed for disabled person in Athens, GA. Current CPR, FA, TB screen required. Call 1 (800) 425-4195.
Go to Agora! Awesome! A ff o rd a b l e ! T h e u l t i m a t e s t o re ! Specializing in retro everything: antiques, furniture, clothes, bikes, records & players! 260 W. Clayton St., (706) 316-0130.
Line/Prep Cooks Needed. The Georgia Center has several positions available 20â&#x20AC;&#x201C;40 hrs./week. Pay DOE/ Minimum 3 years in full service restaurant. Email resumes to robh@
Subscribe today and have your weekly Flagpole sent to you! $40 for 6 months, $70 for a year! Call (706) 5490301 for more information.
Equipment N u ç i â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s S p a c e n e e d s y o u r o l d instruments & music gear! All donations are tax-deductible. Call (706) 227-1515 or come by Nuçiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Space, 396 Oconee St.
UberPrints is hiring! Par ttime and full-time positions, weekdays, nights, and weekends available in our Order Fulfillment and Customer Service departments. View current openings and apply online at
Athens School of Music. Instruction in guitar, bass, drums, piano, voice, brass, woodwinds, strings, banjo, mandolin, fiddle & more. From beginner to exper t. Instrument repairs avail. Visit www., (706) 543-5800.
The Body Composition and Metabolism Lab in the Department of Kinesiology is seeking 18â&#x20AC;&#x201C;24 year female students for a research study examining food intake and physical activity. Overweight female participants are needed for an 8 week exercise training study examining the effect of structured exercise on body composition, food intake, and physical activity. All testing will be performed at the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Georgia or University Health Center. Participants will be asked to complete confidential body composition and blood analysis, as well as surveys regarding food intake, and physical activity. Sensitive questions including body image, depression, and alcohol and drug use will be asked. If you are interested in participating, please contact Michael Fedewa at uga.project.spindawgs@
Musicians Wanted Bass and drums needed for high energy post-punk/alt rock band. At the Drive-In, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Duke Spirit. Demos available.
Services Cleaning She said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;My house is a wreck.â&#x20AC;? I said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what I do!â&#x20AC;? House cleaning, help with organizing, pet mess. Local, Independent and Earth Friendly. Text or Call Nick for quote, (706) 851-9087.
Misc. Services Instant cash is now being paid for good vinyl records & CDs in fine condition. Wuxtry Records, at corner of Clayton & College Dwntn. (706) 369-9428.
Jobs Full-time
Experienced Grill C o o k s n e e d e d ! We start at $10.25 per hour, with room for advancement. Must have resume with current references. Full and part time positions available. Must be clean, organized, and an outgoing personality. Creativity a p l u s ! C L O C K ED ! 2 5 9 W.Washington St., Athens, GA, Downtown.
Have you seen our website? Check it out today! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the easiest way to submit your ad. Earn $40-$180 by participating in UGA research! Are you age 18-60 and eligible to have MRIs? 2. Are you age 18-60 and diagnosed with Schizophrenia? If you meet EITHER of these criteria, please contact the Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at (706) 542-3128 for more information.
Part-time Get paid to type! SBSA is a financial transcription company offering PT positions. Create your own schedule. Competitive production-based pay. Close to campus! Must be able to touch-type 65 wpm & have excellent English grammar/comprehension skills. Visit our website to apply: www.
UGAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Georgia Center is hiring banquet servers. Multiple shifts avail. starting at 6 a.m. Free meal w/ each shift. Email resumes to kcona@
Vespa ET-2 Motor Scooter, 2003, virgin, only 61 miles, kept in a garage. Recently serviced, runs great, baby blue, electric start, matching Vespa helmet, tie down cables for trailering, rain cover. Make an offer. (706) 255-4541,
Notices Messages Flagpole will be closed M o n d a y, M a y 2 6 f o r Memorial Day. Classifieds deadline for the May 28th issue is Friday, May 23 at noon. Be sure to get your ad in early! Give your loved ones a special treat! Give them a shout out here in the Flagpole Classifieds! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fun way to brighten their day! Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc.
ADS@FLAGPOLE.COM Week of 5/19/14 - 5/25/14
The Weekly Crossword 1
by Margie E. Burke
29 32 38
33 40
30 34
49 57
pool/Fitness/business center walk to campus & downtown
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Downtown Space for the Human Raceâ&#x20AC;?
Downtown Lofts Available PRELEASE NOW For Fall!
Call Staci at
Prelease Now for Fall
25 31
(706) 851-9087
17 20
32 unique FLOOR PLANS
1 to 4 BR lofts & Flats
01&/ )064& 4"563%":4
WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5 P.M. or TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 2â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5 P.M.
1BD Deluxe next to campus/bus route (only 1 left!) 2BD Standard 11/2 blocks from campus/bus route
Wanted social networking tutor. Author/speaker needs PT tutor for Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, YouTube. Technical experience reqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. Hourly pay negotiable. Call (706) 395-6223 after 6 p.m.
Looking for individuals to install flagpoles & flags throughout the United States of America. Must have own pickup truck & tools. Experience is reqâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d. $100/day. Call (800) 4266235. Lilaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hair Solon in Bogart is looking for experienced hairdressers and nail technicians. 2 mi. from the mall on Atlanta Hwy. Call (770) 725-7811.
Modern Age is hiring again! PT/FT positions avail. Bring resumes into Modern Age. No phone calls.
Super close to Dwntn., campus, mulitmodal. CHAC, W/D, DW. Quiet, safe. $450/mo. + 1/2 utils. Lease begins Aug. 1, but avail. immediately. (706) 338-4230.
Call center representative. Join established Athens company calling CEOs & CFOs of major corporations generating sales leads for tech companies. $9â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11/hr. BOS Staffing,, (706) 353-3030.
59 63
ACROSS 1 Cold-shoulder 5 End of a threat 9 Barfly's perch 14 Fine-tune 15 New driver, usually 16 Reprimand 17 Leave out 18 Fiction genre originated in the '20s 20 Is in the past? 21 Philanthropic gift 22 Boastful person 24 In theory only 28 Concerning the kidneys 29 Be in hock 31 Greek vowel 32 Feel bad about 34 Show the ropes to 37 High school class 40 Kind of bed 42 Most common English word 43 Something to tie up 45 Small-dog sound 47 Eye 48 Turn red, maybe 50 Mountain goat feature
Copyright 2014 by The Puzzle Syndicate
54 Handkerchief fabric 57 Wind lazily 59 Grade of silver 61 Playing card 62 Military leader 65 Like fine wine 66 TV studio sign 67 Kaput 68 Fight site 69 Canterbury coins 70 Like spoiled meat 71 Tiny bit
21 23 25 26
DOWN 1 "Psycho" scene setting 2 Respectful tribute 3 What a choir often sings in 4 Bottom line 5 Community spirit 6 Primitive shelter 7 Hospital fluids 8 In a tight row 9 Inside story 10 Feature of high summits 11 Furnace fuel 12 Laudatory verse 13 Headed up 19 Storage spot
39 41
27 30 33 35 36 37 38
44 46 49 51 52 53 55 56 58 60 62 63 64 65
Water down Paving material Sulky look Make an impression? Fixed charge Weather forecast Before, poetically Underhanded Pekoe packet Lumpish mass Meditative exercise Shed feathers Caped cartoon canine Earth-shaking Slammer "Lose Yourself" rapper Slowly, in music Fairly new Dig (up), as information Rubberneck Half a score Contest form Kilauea output Whistle blower? Small bill Chess piece Hand holder?
Crossword puzzle answers are available at
Come join us for the 35th Annual
nake D at
Live Snakes 205 Old Commerce Road Athens Programs Exhibits Saturday, Games June 7, 2014 Crafts Noon to 4 p.m. Food for purchase provided by Shanes Rib Shack and HipPops!
$3/ACC Resident $5/Non-resident For more information call 706-613-3615 x 0. SCNC is a facility of the Athens-Clarke County Department of Leisure Services
Join Our Team Plasma Donors Needed Now
Please help us help those coping with rare, chronic, genetic diseases. New donors can receive $30 today and $70 this week! Ask about our Specialty Programs! Must be 18 years or older, have valid I.D. along with proof of SS# and local residency. Walk-ins Welcome. Wireless Internet Available. LIN E NT O N OINTM P P A M R O OU ASM A .C BO O K Y T E ST P L AT: BIO
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Biotest Plasma Center 233 West Hancock Ave. Athens, GA 30601 706-354-3898
3/8/12 10:50 AM
help me, rhonda
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Advice for Life’s Persistent Questions Group Dynamic I need help coping with an annoying person whom I cannot avoid. I am a graduate student here in Athens, and all the students in my program tend to hang out together. I really appreciate the camaraderie, but there is one other person in my program whom I find really annoying. Kind of arrogant and self-absorbed; not a major a-hole, but just someone I would avoid in other circumstances. In group situations, she always ends up dominating the conversation with dramatic stories of her daily life. If I try to lighten the mood or change the subject, she always finds a way to bring it back to her, or to take offense to my levity. The thing is, though, our program is pretty small, and we have already established a group dynamic to socializing. It would be pretty weird and obvious if I arranged a lunch date with the few people minus this one annoying person. Is there anything you recommend that I could do between the two extremes of confronting her directly about her annoying habits and avoiding all social events with my fellow graduate students? Annoyed in Athens
It sounds like you’ve arrived at a hard point: Your conscience doesn’t want you to pay your rent in cash. I suggest you write her a check the next time the rent is due and give it to her without comment. She knows she’s already asked you for cash; by ignoring her request, you’re sending an unspoken message that you don’t want to do that. If she asks for cash again, you can tell her that paying cash isn’t convenient for you. If she persists, ask if cash payment is a condition of living there. This will force her hand a little. Any suggestion that you would move out over this will end it. Finding and vetting a roommate is a hassle. The time when a new roommate is moving in, getting settled, and the roommates are getting used to each other is also a hassle. You have the upper hand here—you’re paying her money she clearly wants and needs, and since you’re already moved in, inertia is on your side.
How Rude
Lee Gatlin
Background: My mom is 85 and lives alone in Atlanta. She’s very independent, but she’s definitely elderly. Since my dad died You’re right—the two extremes you mention are both losthree years ago, she’s become increasingly timid. Small, everyday things—like a problem with the TV that necessitates calling ing situations for you. You don’t want to forfeit the camaraderie and networking among your cohort, and confronting her the cable company—almost overwhelm her. The thing is, she’s directly would cause unnecessary drama. It would also make actually very capable, but the thought of having to deal with you look like the bad guy. stuff like that intimidates her. I know it’s There are two things you can do to because my dad handled so much of that work around this girl. First, invite one stuff, so it’s kind of new to her. I think it’s other person from your program to hang also difficult for her because having to do out. Then you’re not specifically excluding this stuff underscores my dad’s absence. Last week, my mom went to the store this girl; instead, you’re building individoperated by her cell phone provider (one ual relationships with the other students. of their own stores, not an authorized If your program is big enough, you could even invite two people out. You can do provider) because her phone is old, and needed to be replaced and upgraded. At the this as many times as you want, with as store, the salesman she ended up with was many of the other students as you want; really rude to her. Not just rude, but dismisjust make sure it’s a very small group each sive and impatient. Several times while he time. was “helping” her, he walked away and got The second thing you can do is wait it into a conversation with his coworkers. My out. The behavior you described doesn’t mom had to approach him each time to usually go unnoticed. Other people will finish her transaction. After she had purpick up on it and have some degree of chased a new phone, she asked if he could aversion to it as well. As time goes on, transfer her contacts for her (a service I stronger friendships will naturally develop have had done every single time I’ve gotten among some of the people in your group. a new phone). He initially said it couldn’t As that starts to happen, you will have be done, then backtracked and said it more opportunities to spend time with Please send your questions to could, but it would take “too long,” so he’d smaller groups of people, hopefully minus or only transfer five contacts for her. this girl. Rhonda, I don’t want to interfere where One thing you must not do is give in it’s not warranted, and I don’t want to to the temptation to talk badly about this make my mom upset or dependent on me, girl among your cohort. You will be very but I’m having trouble letting this go. It simultaneously breaks tempted to mention, casually, that Annoying Girl always seems my heart and makes me furious to think of someone acting this to have a crazy or dramatic story and see if your complaint way. I think it really bothered her, too. She almost never comgets any traction. Don’t do it. Other people might try to start plains about this kind of thing, but she’s mentioned it several that conversation and see if you bite. Don’t. You will only times since it happened and I think her feelings were hurt by it. come off looking bad. A month from now you’ll be reading a Should I confront this guy? Let it go? Hire a hit man? letter in this column about the girl in the program who always A Caring Daughter stirs the pot and talks trash about the other students.
Cash Money I just moved here, and I am renting a room month-to-month from a woman who accepted the first month’s rent as a check, but for the second month she asked me to pay cash. She said she needed to keep her traceable income low, so that she could qualify for higher subsidies on her (exchange-based) health insurance premiums. This makes me uncomfortable, and I’m not sure how to respond. Honest Abe Heeding that feeling of discomfort any time you have it is a good rule for life. Don’t try to silence that discomfort, and don’t let anyone else silence it. Other people—like your landlord—will say things like, “it doesn’t matter” or “no one else will find out” or “all the other tenants have done this.” None of those things are relevant, and none will carry any weight if St. Peter or the IRS confront you about your actions. You can’t go wrong following your own conscience.
Man, I hate this guy already. His job is to assist people in the store. Some customers need a lot of assistance on a particular day and that’s why he’s there. His behavior sounds dismissive, unhelpful and lazy. I’m not sure he quite deserves to be assassinated for it, though. Confronting him will almost certainly not bring you the satisfaction you’re looking for, and it carries the risk of transforming you into a crazy, screaming person. I’d suggest a detailed letter to the manager of the store. The letter should be factual and specific but not emotional. It’s an emotional situation for you and your mom—and rightfully so—but that won’t carry the day with the store manager. Hearing the specifics of the employee’s rude behavior and how reluctant either of you will be to use the store again will be more effective. And, of course, let him know you’re anticipating a reply. The good thing about a big company is there’s always someone higher up you can appeal to if you don’t get a satisfactory response. Rhonda
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