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AUGUST 4, 2021 · VOL. 35 · NO. 31 · FREE

Annie Leeth

Session Violinist and Audio Engineer Releases an Album of Her Own  p. 14

Haley Paulk, Realtor 706-201-7047

Jarrett Martin, Realtor 229-869-5734

Carol Bitner, Associate Broker 706-202-9358





this week’s issue



event volunteers needed!!! August 19-21

Leslie Kimbell’s Four Old Broads opens Aug. 12 at Town & Gown. (front l–r) Elinor Hasty, Lucy Haskill, Mir Kamin, Vicki Wrobel; (back l–r) Geneviève Esquivié, Kelly McGlaun-Fields, Emily Bryant, Bryn Adamson, Ken Johnston, Cassandra Morning, Lora Hogan, Skip Hulett. (p. 8)

Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Delta Variant Brings Devastating Developments

Guest Pub Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hey, Bonita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

NEWS: Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Leslie Kimbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Back to School, Back to Masks

Art Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

NEWS: Street Scribe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Annie Leeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Haunting Memories of Nagasaki

Record Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

MUSIC: Threats & Promises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Joe Cat’s Friendly Shadows

Art Around Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Adopt Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

register online by: Fri. Aug 20



COVER PHOTOGRAPH of Annie Leeth by Alec Stanley (see story on p. 14)


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Sudoku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


ADVERTISING DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER Alicia Nickles EDITOR & PUBLISHER Pete McCommons PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Larry Tenner ADVERTISING SALES Anita Aubrey, Jessica Pritchard Mangum CITY EDITOR Blake Aued ARTS & MUSIC EDITOR Jessica Smith EDITORIAL COORDINATOR Sam Lipkin OFFICE MANAGER & DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Zaria Gholston CLASSIFIEDS Zaria Gholston AD DESIGNERS Chris McNeal, Cody Robinson CARTOONISTS Lee Gatlin, Missy Kulik, Jeremy Long, David Mack PHOTOGRAPHER Adria Carpenter PROOFREADER Jessica Freeman CONTRIBUTORS Bonita Applebum, Bryant Barnes, Violet Calkin, Kathleen Hurlock, Gordon Lamb, Lauren Leathers, Doug Monroe, Justin Simpson. Ed Tant, Alejandra Villegas, John Cole Vodicka CIRCULATION Charles Greenleaf, Carrie Harden, Mike Merva

Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

25+ categories to choose from!

NEWS: City Dope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


This Modern World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


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comments section “We can only hope people will do the right thing without a mandate since Athens is in the ‘substantial risk’ category.” — Kathryn Sproull From “Mayor Girtz: No Renewed Mask Mandate—for Now” at flagpole.com.




or email class@flagpole.com




city dope

Mask Up and Get the Shot THE COVID PANDEMIC IS BACK WITH A VENGEANCE By Blake Aued news@flagpole.com Our Hot Townie Summer is over. One than to let Georgia burn.” In her weekly month ago, COVID-19 had been virtually newsletter, Schmidtke described how wiped out in Clarke County, with fewer unvaccinated people with the Delta variant than two cases reported per day. Thanks are filling up hospitals across the South, and to vaccines, life had started to return to how children are more susceptible to the normal. Delta variant than previous strains: Then the Delta variant hit. Now cases “So when this starts to happen in a have increased tenfold, and they’re still risbigger way in Georgia, and kids who were ing, with K-12 classes starting up this week, previously healthy are on ventilators, I tens of thousands of unvaccinated Univerdon’t want school superintendents to claim sity of Georgia students poised to move that there was no way this could have been back to town and football season looming. predicted. We have plenty of warning that “Unfortunately, we can expect COVID the situation in 2021 is more dangerous numbers to keep growing. People who are than a year ago for children. Willingly unvaccinated or skip their second dose of choosing to endanger children by not doing vaccine are targets for infection,” Kathleen the bare minimum of disease control and Toomey, commissioner of the Georgia prevention should be treated the same way Department of Public Health, said last week as knowingly allowing someone drunk to as cases spiked statewide and across the drive a school bus, and organizations that nation. do so should be held to account. They don’t As of July 30, the seven-day rolling aver- get to push the blame to someone else age for Clarke County stood at 23 new cases after they dismiss CDC guidance. Georgia per day. Under another widely used metric children are going to end up in the hospital to measure spread, Clarke County had seen or worse. In addition, they will go home to 184 new cases per 100,000 people over the families where they spread the disease to past two weeks. That figure had been well others, some of whom may be immunocombelow 100 for most of the summer, leading promised [think pregnant moms—it’s more Athens-Clarke County officials to allow common than you think], older grandparthe city’s mask mandate to lapse back in ents and others with underlying medical May. The actual figures are probably much conditions. The liability alone would scare higher—the positive test rate is 10.4%, and me enough as a superintendent to enact a anything higher than mask mandate at the 5% indicates that not elementary level at the People who are enough testing is being very minimum where unvaccinated or skip none of the kids are elidone, so cases are going uncounted. for a vaccine.” their second dose of vaccine gible “Our mask mandate The Clarke County was tied to having more are targets for infection. School District has than 100 new cases per shifted course on masks 100,000 in population in a two-week winseveral times, and last week announced dow,” Mayor Kelly Girtz said on July 26, in that everyone—all students, staff and response to Savannah reinstating its mask visitors, regardless of vaccination status— order. Fortunately, we have been under is required to wear a mask while inside that threshold for more than two months, schools (see p.6 for more). But other area though our numbers have tripled in the last school districts are not requiring masks. month from the low point late this spring. The hospital situation is not yet dire in “I will be making a continued push Athens, as 83% of intensive care beds were for residents, including new-to-campus in use as of last weekend. But the number students, to get vaccinated,” he said. “It’s of COVID patients is rising, from 10 three quick, easy and can save your life or that of weeks ago to 35 two weeks ago to 64 last those around you.” week. And the city is adding tens of thouAt that time, cases per 100,000 over the sands of people to its population, not to past 14 days stood at 108. But Girtz said mention the 100,000 or so who will be visthe mask mandate did not automatically iting for the weekend this fall. go back into effect. By the end of the week, Nor is the situation quite as dire as it commissioners were discussing restoring was this time last year. On July 30, 2020, it, and they planned to put it on the agenda Clarke County had an average of 34 new for their Aug. 3 voting meeting, according cases per day. At the time, UGA had the to Commissioner Russell Edwards. The third-most COVID cases of any university commission also plans to vote on a resoluin the country—before classes had even tion instructing Manager Blaine Williams started. What followed, once UGA resumed to come up with a plan to require all ACC in-person classes, was a month-long surge employees to get vaccinated. of historic proportions. By Sept. 6, Clarke However, don’t expect any action from County was averaging 156 new cases per the state government, in spite of public day. health experts like Toomey’s expectation Meanwhile, the University of Georgia that the current surge will get worse. “Geor- is doing little to ensure that incoming stugia will not lock down or impose statedents are vaccinated. President Jere Morewide mask mandates,” Gov. Brian Kemp head and other top administrators sent a announced on social media last week. mass email to students, staff and faculty That led Amber Schmidtke, a microurging them to “contemplate this matter biologist who’s tracking the pandemic in very carefully.” The university is also giving Georgia, to say Kemp “has no other strategy away a free T-shirt and $20 gift card to stu-



in the hospital.” Contrary to previous evidence, though, new research is emerging that breakthrough cases are more common than previously thought, and that vaccinated people can spread the virus. That’s because the Delta variant is over 1,000 times more contagious than previous strains. It’s been compared to chickenpox (and readers who grew up before the chickenpox vaccine dents who are vaccinated at the University surely remember how quickly it could rip Health Center. through a classroom). Other public universities are doing far On the July 27 edition of the New York more—even others in Republican-run Times podcast “The Daily,” during a discusstates, not just blue states like California, sion about breakthrough cases, hosts briefly Maryland and New Jersey. Indiana Univermentioned a fully vaccinated family that sity is requiring students to be vaccinated, traveled to Athens for a family reunion, although the state legislature has prohiband all five became infected. Two days ited requiring proof. Auburn University is later, the Washington Post published CDC entering vaccinated students into a lottery documents revealing alarming new data for prizes like $1,000 off tuition, unlimited that led the agency to once again advise meal plans and premium parking passes. wearing a mask indoors—even the vacciPeople in their 20s often feel invincible, nated. One study found that three-quarters and they’re among the least likely to get of people who became infected during an vaccinated. Evidence is emerging, however, outbreak at a Massachusetts beach town that the Delta variant is more serious for were vaccinated. They gathered in “densely younger people, with packed indoor and emergency room phyoutdoor events that It’s going to be the sicians all over the included bars, restaucountry reporting that most serious virus that rants, guest houses and they’re seeing younger, rental homes.” Sound healthier patients than they get in their lifetime in familiar? in previous waves, The good news is terms of the risk of putting when the seriously that very few of those them in the hospital. ill were primarily the people were hospitalelderly and people with ized. It remains true underlying medical conditions. Most people that, even against Delta, vaccines are highly over 65 are fully vaccinated, and people effective at preventing serious illness and aged 18-49 now make up the largest demodeath. Almost all breakthrough cases are graphic hospitalized for COVID-19. asymptomatic or mild. Will that still be the Almost all of those patients are unvaccase for Epsilon or Zeta, though? As long as cinated. In Georgia, just 0.3% of the 9,000 fewer than 50% of Americans (and just 40% residents who’ve died of COVID in the past of Athenians) are vaccinated, the pandemic seven months were vaccinated, Georgia is going to drag on. Public Broadcasting reported. On the Disney+ show “Loki,” which “Most people will either get vaccinated, involves “variants” of the Marvel character or have been previously infected, or they from alternate universes, the villain pulling will get this Delta variant,” Scott Gottlieb, the puppet strings argues that, if he’s killed, former head of the Food and Drug Adminan even more evil variant will take his place. istration, told CBS. “And for most people When it comes to Delta, the challenge is who get this Delta variant, it’s going to be going to be getting enough people vaccithe most serious virus that they get in their nated quickly enough to stop something lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them worse from emerging. f




guest pub notes

Pay to Play at UGA




By Various Authors news@flagpole.com

By John Cole Vodicka news@flagpole.com mittee submitted two proposals to Tech’s former president that resulted in the Board of Regents (BOR) incorporating a portion of the fee into tuition, thereby reducing it for graduate students. The relative shortcomings of UGA’s committee represent the larger problems with UGA administrators’ lackluster advocacy for graduate workers. There are also important communication problems between the UGA administration and graduate workers. Although [graduate school dean Ron] Walcott initially replied to the UCWGA’s Graduate Committee in late 2019, he did not respond to subsequent emails that raised equally important questions and concerns. Additionally, GSA passed a resolution calling for the SIF’s elimination in spring 2020. Despite this being the official UGA graduate student governance body, the graduate school and all other UGA administrators failed to contact GSA’s Student Advocacy Committee, who wrote the resolution. Whether it concerns the SIF or UGA’s response to COVID-19, graduate workers have regularly expressed frustration with UGA’s lack of consideration and attention. It is time for graduate workers to be respected as an integral component of UGA’s workforce. Finally, the stipend increase fails to address a fundamental problem with the SIF. As it stands, graduate workers, who otherwise pay little to no tuition to the university, must pay back a portion of their hard-earned stipends for a fee that serves as tuition by another name. No worker should have to pay to work. The above problems reveal why the stipend increase is only the first step in addressing our concerns. In an attempt to continue improving graduate student life, we issue the following demands: • Review all departments to determine which graduate students did not receive enough of a stipend increase to completely offset the SIF. Institute another stipend increase to completely offset the SIF for these departments during the next fiscal year. • Increase graduate student representation on the MSFA committee. • Increase the number of MSFA committee meetings throughout the year. • Improve communication with graduate students. Such improvement includes not only better dissemination of ideas, but also more opportunities for graduate students to share their concerns with administrators, especially when making policy changes that affect graduate students. • Actively advocate for the repeal of the SIF to the BOR by working with students to provide a model for phasing out the SIF in 5 years. • Request greater funding from the BOR. We look forward to receiving a response by Aug. 18. f This letter was written by Bryant Barnes, Kathleen Hurlock, Justin Simpson and Alejandra Villegas, who are members of the UGA Graduate Student Association and the Graduate Committee of the UCWGA.

Nancy Little Gallagher is dead. She died a in the courtroom gallery observing other horrible death sometime this past week, State Court cases, Fleenor motioned for me most likely between Tuesday and Thursday. to come to the prosecutor’s table. There, he On Thursday afternoon her body was quietly indicated he wanted to speak with discovered at the Walton County transfer me and Simpson. We approached the bench. station. That is the landfill. That is the “I don’t know any other way to say this,” garbage dump. She had been transported Fleenor began, “but Nancy Gallagher is to the dump, apparently compacted in a dead. I just talked with someone in Walton garbage truck. Her body was discovered County, and they found her body at a transmid-afternoon on Thursday. Nancy Little fer station in Monroe.” Gallagher—homeless, mentally ill, jailed Simpson gasped. I think I groaned, “Oh last month for two weeks on misdemeanor no!” Simpson looked as though she would charges because she couldn’t afford a $33 cry. All three of us stood stunned. The judge cash bond—has been disposed of: literally thanked me for my advocacy on Gallagher’s disposed of. She was 54 years old. behalf. Fleenor told me how sorry he was to I wrote about Gallagher in the July 14 have to be the bearer of such awful news. issue of Flagpole. If you will, go back and Numb and distraught, I returned to read that story. The picture with this presmy seat in the courtroom gallery and ent story shows attempted to take Gallagher smiling notes as other at the camera while defendants’ hearstanding outside ings continued. the Family Dollar on Thankfully, court Hawthorne Avenue watcher Jean Dixen on Saturday afterwas observing on noon, July 10. It was Friday, and she prothe last time I spoke vided me with a genwith her. It had been tle listening ear and two weeks since I some impromptu bonded her out of grief counseling. jail. She told me she A few minutes was OK, sleeping in later, Fleenor asked Bishop Park, spendme to step out to ing that Saturday the fifth floor lobby. walking up and back “This gets worse,” he along Hawthorne. warned me. “Nancy It was 90 degrees. Gallagher’s body had I reminded her she been in a garbage had a court date on truck, compacted,” Nancy Little Gallagher July 23, and that it he said. “The GBI is was important that now investigating. she be present at her arraignment. I gave They found an ATM receipt on her person her a few dollars, and we hugged. I watched which helped to identify her. The receipt her walk into the store to spend her newly was dated July 16.” Fleenor told me that acquired cash. It was the last time I talked every garbage truck that enters the landwith Nancy Little Gallagher. fill has to “report its route,” so it might be After the July 10 encounter, I spent possible to find out when and where Nancy some time searching for her in the days Gallagher’s body was tossed into the trash leading up to her scheduled July 23 court truck. Fleenor again told me how sorry he appearance. I couldn’t find her. Last week, was to have to share with me such tragic I talked with her public defender, Ryan news. Ignatius, and with Chief Assistant Solicitor As you can imagine, I’ve had a difficult Will Fleenor to warn them that the odds couple of days. Since learning of Nancy weren’t good if we expected Gallagher to Gallagher’s unexpected death, I’ve initishow up for her arraignment. The solicitor ated telephone calls to the Monroe police sympathized and indicated he would not department and to the area field office of seek a bench warrant for her arrest if she the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to let was a no-show. Her lawyer encouraged me them know of my “connection” to Gallagher to “just have Ms. Gallagher call me” when I over the last month. I hope that the GBI next saw her on the street. investigation will be thorough. My fear is On last Friday morning, July 23, Nancy that because Gallagher had no standing in Gallagher’s name appeared on the State our community, her death will be of little or Court’s docket, and I was present in the no importance to officialdom. I also reached courtroom to offer what support I could out to the Walton County Coroner’s office, should she miraculously appear for her in an attempt to make sure that should arraignment. Her case was called, and Nancy Gallagher’s body go unclaimed after Fleenor told Judge Ethelyn Simpson that he the GBI investigation is closed, she can be did not want Gallagher arrested, and that given a proper, dignified burial. She should he’d asked the police to keep an eye out for not be neglected and spurned as she was her to make sure she was safe. Simpson did during so much of her life. f not issue a bench warrant and graciously John Cole Vodicka is a volunteer with the Athens rescheduled her arraignment for Aug. 6. Area Courtwatch Project. A short while later, while I was sitting JOHN COLE VODICKA

Dear President Morehead, Provost Hu, Vice Provost Walcott and Vice President Nesbit, Over the past two years, members of the Graduate Student Association (GSA) and the UGA Graduate Committee of the United Campus Workers of Georgia (UCWGA) have worked persistently to eliminate the Special Institutional Fee (SIF) to improve the graduate workers’ precarious financial situation. We want to thank the UGA administration and graduate school for hearing our calls and taking the first step to address this issue. Although the fee still exists, the 4–5% stipend raise announced last spring will reduce the financial burden of the SIF. This reduction will improve graduate students’ performance in research and teaching, and ultimately help us live better, healthier and more secure lives with less stress. It is nice to know that the UGA administration cares enough about its employees to address our concerns. While we are sincerely grateful for the stipend increase, there are problems with this solution to the SIF. If the stipend increase was truly intended to offset the SIF, as updated 2020-2021 contracts for graduate students in several departments indicate, it should have been a flat, equivalent amount instead of a percentage increase. Due to the stipend increase being percentage-based, some graduate students will not receive enough to completely offset the SIF, while others will receive more than the SIF. Additionally, some graduate students received a 5% raise, while others received only a 4% raise, further demonstrating the inequity of this solution. This solution thus fails to reflect how each graduate student contributes equally to the success and operation of UGA. Moreover, it reveals the administration’s troubling misunderstanding of the root problem and the sometimes vast discrepancies in graduate worker stipends. Relatedly, UGA ascribes much discussion of mandatory student fees to a Mandatory Student Fee Advisory (MSFA) Committee. Due to its infrequent meetings, the makeup of the committee itself and its supposed inability to discuss the SIF, the committee has little real power to address problems with fees. This committee currently meets only once a year and consists of three undergraduate students, one graduate student and four UGA staff members. Last spring, members of the committee received a 50-page packet of information with intricate financial details three days before the meeting. This short time frame and lack of guidance is inappropriate for students unfamiliar with these issues, provides no time to seek feedback from their respective governing bodies and demonstrates the superficial role of students on this committee. A similar committee at the Georgia Institute of Technology highlights the UGA committee’s failures. Their committee consists of four undergraduate students, four graduate students and four staff members who met six times over the course of the 2020-21 school year and publicly posted recordings of the meetings online. The com-





CCSD Masks Up SCHOOL YEAR STARTS AS COVID-19 SPIKES By Violet Calkin news@flagpole.com



always, back-to-school season means notebooks flying off Target shelves, navigating new hallways and brushing the cobwebs off backpacks. After a year of virtual learning fraught with unparalleled challenges, Clarke County School District students and staff are gearing up for a much-anticipated return to in-person instruction on Aug. 4. The CCSD administration changed its mask policy multiple times over the summer, but under the current rules, masks are required for all students, staff and visitors for all grades, regardless of vaccination status. In addition to rising COVID-19 cases in Clarke County and lagging youth vaccination rates, Superintendent Xernona Thomas cited three positive tests among staff last week in her July 26 announcement to CCSD. “Safety is our top priority, and we are determined to keep all schools open for in-person instruction. Requiring masks for everyone exponentially increases our ability to safely remain open for in-person learning, which is a top priority for the 2021-22 school year,” the letter reads. Clarke Middle School Principal Chris Pendley is happy to enforce any precaution that allows his students to stay in the building. A CCSD parent as well, Pendley says he understands that policy shifts are frustrating, but they are imperative. “Even if we’re being overly cautious right now, if it means we get to stay in school and don’t have to go back to virtual, I support that decision 100%,” Pendley says. “I applaud our leadership for watching the data and being willing to change. A lot of times it’s easy to make a decision like that early on, see the data come in, and be afraid to change because of what people are going to say.” Prior to a mask requirement for staff, vaccinated teach-

ers had a nuanced decision to make. A K-8 teacher and CCSD parent, who requested anonymity to protect their job, says they grappled with whether to wear a mask in solidarity with their students or go maskless for the benefit of their instructional ability—important communication through facial expressions, voice projection and emotional connection is hindered by masks, they say. The mandate eliminated stress and made the right choice clear. “Students aren’t vaccinated, and they need to be wearing masks. As much as I don’t want to, I know that I need to, and the choice being made for me so that I don’t have a choice makes it easier,” the teacher says. “I don’t have to worry about whether I will, or my coworkers will, or my kid’s teacher’s will.”

The staff mandate also allows mask wearing to be demonstrated, the teacher says, which is essential in encouraging student mask compliance. “I can’t expect the kids in my class to wear a mask if I’m not wearing one,” they say. “That modeling is very important and that would be difficult if a teacher, or any staff member, wasn’t wearing one and was asking the kids to.” Additionally, a mask mandate avoids potential animosity between teachers and parents. “If you’re very worried about your child and you really

think masks are important and then your child’s teacher is not wearing one that can cause a lot of anxiety, but also distrust and relationship problems between the parent and teacher,” the teacher says. Cedar Shoals senior La’Kayla Massey questions whether other high school students will consider COVID-19 a risk or be willing to wear masks this school year. “I just don’t think people are worried about a mask, especially when Athens has lifted restrictions. You can go in the mall without a mask, you can go just about anywhere without wearing a mask. You’re not going to think ‘Oh, let me put on my mask when I go into the school building,’” she says. In addition, Massey wants decisions made for the coming school year to accommodate circumstances that may be left in the shadows. “I hope they think about the kids that don’t have insurance to go to the doctor to get stuff done,” she says. “I hope that they bring more than one nurse into schools full of so many kids. I hope for our special needs kids, they’re giving them everything they need to make sure they can stay in the school building.” Barnett Shoals Elementary fourth grader Sylvia Smith also has considered that some students may not comply. She has a plan if a classmate takes off their mask: “I’ll tell them to put their mask on, because it’s not safe for them to have their mask off because they might get sick and have COVID.” Concern over back-to-school safety is amplified by the alarming statistics recently reported: the seven-day moving average of COVID-19 cases rose from less than two new cases a day in Clarke County a month ago to more than 20, with merely one in every five eligible children and 39% of ACC’s total population fully vaccinated. Caution is urged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health officials, but efforts to transition back into normalcy with in-person instruction pose unignorable benefits for students and their communities. “I don’t think we’re going to be done with COVID anytime soon,” says Sylvia’s mother, Natalie Smith. “I don’t think it’s going to be like, we all got vaccinated now COVID is gone. But we do have to move on with our lives. This year is going to be a step toward how we move on with our lives, being the safest we can, but also still moving forward.” f

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street scribe


hey, bonita…

Entering the Atomic Age

Help! I’m Shallow



By Ed Tant news@flagpole.com

By Bonita Applebum advice@flagpole.com

With a blinding flash and a deafening roar, to realize the baby was headless. I saw one the Atomic Age began over the Japanese woman scream for her mother, then fall city of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, when an over dead. People were scorched black like American B-29 bomber dropped the first charcoal, people without arms or legs. No nuclear weapon to be used in warfare. pen, no poet, no genius could put on paper Three days later, another U.S. plane what I saw that day.” dropped a second atomic bomb on Yamaguchi was scarred for life by severe Nagasaki, Japan. Those two explosions are burns that required 13 skin grafts and the only times that atomic weapons have months of hospitalization. His despair led been used against civilian populations— him to attempt suicide in the 1950s. He so far. Japan surrendered just days after told me that, after the bombing, he at first tens of thousands died in the two nuclear had hated the United States because of his attacks, and World War plight, but he added II finally ended after as he became A gigantic flash knocked that, six long and bloody a peace activist, he me out. When I awoke years of conflict that instead grew angry began with the Nazi Japan’s wartime and looked around, the sight with invasion of Poland in fascism, militarism 1939. A world war that was beyond imagination. and suppression of ended with nuclear fire dissent. Yamaguchi soon became a “Cold War” as the United saw nuclear war as both a personal injury States and the Soviet Union increased their and a worldwide threat. “I am determined atomic arsenals to thousands of nuclear that this thing should never happen again,” warheads on each side. he said. Senji Yamaguchi was just 14 years old During the early days of the Cold War, when the second nuclear bomb did its only the United States, Russia, Great deadly work on his hometown of Nagasaki Britain and France had atomic weapons. 76 years ago. As a young journalist in 1980, China soon joined the “nuclear club”—a I talked with him when he visited the club that became much less exclusive as India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea also became members. Like millions of Americans in the postwar era, I was both frightened and fascinated by “The Bomb.” As a child in 1952, I watched the first live television coverage of a nuclear test that was both eerie and ominous even on a small screen black and white TV. Ten years later, I worried along with millions of other Americans as the Cuban Missile Crisis played out on the nation’s TV screens. The early Atomic Age was fodUnited States as part of an international der for books like Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank peace tour. When the bomb dropped on and Tomorrow by Philip Wylie. Hollywood Nagasaki in 1945, Yamaguchi was just a depicted nuclear Armageddon with movies mile from “Ground Zero” but somehow he like the mordantly satirical Dr. Strangelove survived—though he carried physical and and the deadly serious Fail-Safe. On teleemotional scars that stayed with him until vision, writer Rod Serling’s “The Twilight his death in 2013. Recalling that dark day Zone” chilled viewers in 1961 with a story of his youth, Yamaguchi described a hellish called “The Shelter” that showed friendly scene in the aftermath of the bombing. neighbors becoming savages as the specter “A gigantic flash knocked me out,” he of nuclear war threatened to turn their recalled. “When I awoke and looked around, suburbia into a radioactive hellscape. It the sight was beyond imagination. Many has been 76 years since nuclear weapons dead were on the ground. Survivors were were used in warfare, and today’s young groaning and crying for water. By evening Americans have no memory of the Cold they had died. I crossed a river filled with War, but the words that World War II Army the bodies of humans and horses. I met a General Omar Bradley spoke in 1948 still young woman along the way carrying the ring true today on this imperiled Planet headless body of her baby. She was quite Earth: “Ours is a world of nuclear giants mad with fear and grief and didn’t seem and ethical infants.” f

Bonita, I’m shallow af, and I need your help! I do not know how to unlearn or fix my worldview regarding looks and weight. I was raised in a very image conscious household, and it has always affected me. Up until recently I thought I was doing OK, but I’ve found myself thinking scary, negative thoughts about other people based on their bodies. It makes me feel bad, and it’s keeping me from having new people in my life. Example: I meet someone good looking and nice at work and they friend me on a social media site, I go through their pics and notice that they used to be much bigger and dressed very messily, and I’m automatically turned off knowing they were once heavy and messy. Or I meet someone great romantically or friend-wise, they show me family photos, and I see that their family doesn’t look like the


hot person sitting in front of me, I start making mental judgments about people letting themselves go and not having any self restraint (or eyebrows or teeth or whatever), and then I find that person less appealing and assume they come from a weird family with tons of problems. (I know, I know, I’m the one from the weird family with tons of problems.) I know how messed up this is. Also, I keep ruling out friends or partners based on not only looks but mutual connections. Look, this is a small community, everybody knows everybody through somebody, but I’ll match with someone on Tinder and realize their sister was a mutual friend from 15 years ago, and I’ll remember her as being really rude or embarrassing me in a crowd as a joke, and I’ll be disgusted with my Tinder match for meaningless behavior that his sister exhibited pretty much a zillion years ago. And then I see that someone’s a mutual friend with someone I hate, so I assume they are hateable as well. Is this a social media problem? A lot of insane beauty standards were pushed on me as a child way before social media, so it can’t be that alone–I’m just at a loss here. How can I stop judging people and myself about stupid, meaningless, petty, shallow stuff? Sincerely, Drowning in the Shallow End

Hey there Drowning, Sit down and tuck in, because you are about to pursue an undertaking that can last for years and, honestly, probably won’t ever end. Unlearning lifelong paradigms that we’ve always held dear takes constant mindfulness of our own thoughts and intentions. You’ve already tackled a big part of the problem, which is just acknowledging that you are focused on appearance to a problematic degree. You already know that this is not kind or loving behavior, and beyond that, you seem to also be aware of the fact that people’s looks have pretty much nothing to do with their quality as a human being. I bet you could think of all kinds of gorgeous people in the world who are absolute garbage humans (I certainly can), so assuming that

ugly people are bad makes as much sense as assuming that hot people are good. It may help to start with yourself by thinking of all of the less-than-hot people that you love. If you have grandparents, I’m sure they don’t look like Robert Redford and Helen Mirren. Your mom and dad may be sweet little butterballs that you love dearly, and you may just have a cousin or lifelong friend who has spread out over the years. Imagine someone refusing to acknowledge their humanity or worthiness because of their looks. Also, don’t forget that beauty is totally subjective and that there are definitely people in the world who think that you—YES, YOU—are ugly. Beauty is defined by the individual, and remembering that may help you to wrestle your own beauty standards away from the mass-media definition. Instead of focusing on an aspect of a person that you deem unattractive, keep in mind that they do not exist to please you and actually owe you nothing in terms of aesthetics. There’s tons of media out there that tackles the problem of the beauty standard and how it harms our relationships with others, so get to Googling. f Email advice@flagpole.com, or use our anonymous online form at flagpole.com/get-advice.



arts & culture


A Series of Fortunate Events LESLIE KIMBELL BRINGS HER FOUR OLD BROADS TO TOWN & GOWN By Doug Monroe arts@flagpole.com


own and Gown Players, the venerable community such venues as Mandalay Bay and the Tropicana in Las theater in Athens, seemed to vanish into a silent fog Vegas, Kimbell retired to Georgia at 39 with her husband, of precaution when the pandemic hit last year. Scott, and two sons. They now live in Winder, where she Now, rising like Brigadoon, T&G reopens on Aug. 12 got involved as an actor and director at the Winder-Barrow with a two-week run of Four Old Broads, a brassy comedy Community Theatre about 15 years ago and also expanded set in a Georgia assisted-living facility. Written and directed her horizons to appearing in TV shows and movies. by Leslie Kimbell, of nearby Winder, the play is being perIn 2015, she was at dinner with an older theater friend, formed at community theaters throughout the country–10 Billie Nye-Muller, who was “so prim and proper” yet told at last count. In November, it will be staged at Georgia’s “the funniest off-color joke.” Kimbell wrote it down and Blue Ridge Theater. A reviewer for Carolina Curtain Call placed it on her desk. “I thought, ‘Gosh, that would be a wrote: “If ‘Golden Girls’ was funny line in a play.’ I wrote rebooted today, it would some ideas and then walked look much like Four Old away from it for six weeks. Broads, a clever geriatric For my New Year’s resocomedy.” lution, I said I’m going to Kimbell, who was born write a play, and it’s going in Chattanooga and gradto be funny and awesome.” uated from high school in She sat down and wrote for Dalton, attended Kennesaw four straight months. State University for a few She already was a fan of semesters but dropped out. salty elder Southern humor Now 55, she didn’t start after listening to her grandwriting her first play until mother, Joyce “Nannie” 2015. DeVries, and great-aunt Through what she calls Sissie carry on hilariously a “series of fortunate when together. DeVries, events,” Kimbell landed 92, will attend the show in her first attempt at playAthens. The play is dediwriting with Samuel cated to her. French, the 188-year-old Kimbell sent her first play and musical licensor, draft to her sister, Joy which represents August Smith, in Brooklyn. Smith Leslie Kimbell does it all: playwright, director, actor. Wilson, Arthur Miller, sent it to an actor friend. Andrew Lloyd Weber and He liked it. He had a readmany other greats. French published her play in 2017. A ing, then a workshop. Kimbell invited representatives from year later, French was purchased by Concord Theatricals, a Samuel French to see the workshop at The Cherry Lane gigantic conglomerate that now represents Kimbell. That’s Theatre in Greenwich Village. She also entered the play in sort of like hitting a home run in your first major league theatrical contests, winning in Knoxville, TN, Victoria, TX at-bat during the World Series. A friend in New York told and Greenville, SC. Two weeks after the reading in New Kimbell there were playwrights with writing degrees who York, Samuel French asked her to submit the script. “Four would “crawl naked across broken glass to get where you’ve months later, out of the blue, I got an email that they would gotten.” publish it. I screamed and ran around the house all by After a 22-year career as a traveling burlesque dancer, myself. I’m a lucky, lucky girl.” emcee and model, performing as a headliner and host at Since then, she has written three more plays, two of

them sequels to Four Old Broads. Her newest play, The Miss Magnolia Senior Citizen Beauty Pageant, will premiere at the Winder-Barrow Community Theatre in October. Kimbell found a well respected mentor online, Del Shores, a successful playwright and screenwriter in California, who helped her along the way. “Leslie Kimbell is a much needed voice in theatre, writing these ‘old broads’ with authenticity, pathos and humor,” Shores says. “Audiences eat them up! Four Old Broads is laugh-out-loud hysterical, with a whole lot of heart.” Writers are always told to “write what you know.” So, the lead character in Four Old Broads is Beatrice (portrayed by Elinor Hasty), a retired burlesque queen who danced under the name “Bang Bang la Dish… The Best Guns in the West!” Beatrice acknowledges,“I was a stripper, and I am not ashamed!” As Kimbell puts it, “‘Burlesque is a genteel way of saying ‘stripper.’” I asked if she had a festive stage name like Beatrice’s. She laughed and said, “I don’t talk about that.” But Kimbell does talk about her golden ticket to theatrical success: creating characters who can still find humor in their lives—and talk a little dirty—despite the humbling indignities of age. As a result, older patrons flock to theaters to see her plays—driving ticket sales that mean survival after the pandemic wipeout. And the plays offer artistic salvation to aging actors with the type of juicy, hilarious, sexy roles that left them behind as the years rolled on. “Not a lot of plays have a cast of senior citizens,” Kimbell says. “And actors have told me, ‘Thank you for the funny, sassy, vital senior characters.’” In FOB, Beatrice is trying to drum up companions for a cruise, where she hopes to meet a “silver fox” who can give her a “pickle tickle.” But first they must unravel the mystery of the sudden slide into apparent dementia of Imogene (played by Mir Kamin), so she won’t be sent to the “dark side” of the facility. And they begin to suspect something amiss with a cruel new nurse (Bryn Adamson). But the laughs keep coming as the script gets darker. Playwriting has not showered Kimbell with riches yet. “I am getting some nice royalty checks, but I’m certainly not rich,” she says. She works several days a week at Petals on Prince, which she has found to be a happy alternative to the solitary writer’s life “crawling the walls at home.” She remains the salty, gutsy, ambitious woman who danced across America. “My dream is that someone will see the play and see that it would be a great movie. I keep my fingers crossed on that. I’m putting it into the universe. Call me. I’ll make it into a movie!” All tickets for the eight performances will be sold online at townandgownplayers.org. The theater is following CDC guidelines and requests all audience members and staff wear masks while in the building. Seating has been reduced for safety. f

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arts & culture

art notes

Graduate Hotels Launches Sweet Dreams Society PLUS, A NEW PUBLIC ARTWORK, PODCAST, DOCUMENTARY AND TEXTILE SHOP By Jessica Smith arts@flagpole.com RAINBOW FOREST: Located on the North Oconee River


Greenway, “Rainbow Forest” is a grid of brightly colored columns that resemble an unusual formation within the natural landscape. The new public art installation was created by Andrew Kovacs, a Los Angeles-based architectural designer and educator whose recent work includes a large-scale installation called “Colossal Cacti” at the 2019 Coachella Valley Arts and Music Festival. Funded by the Athens Cultural Affairs Commission, Kovacs’ design was selected from a pool of 34 proposals submitted by 32 artists, two of whom were local. Installation began Aug. 2, and Kovacs is being assisted by Elinor Saragoussi and Patrick Sprague, whose paid positions were created to engage and educate local artists in the public art process. Kovacs will discuss his inspirations, creative process and history designing public art works during an Artist in Community discussion on Aug. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Lyndon House Arts Center. An official dedication, ribbon cutting and meet-and-greet with the artist will be held onsite on Aug. 19 at 6 p.m. “Rainbow Forest” is located near the greenway entrance located at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and Ruth Drive. Visit athensculturalaffairs.org.

able clothing label and boutique Community touches on how to correctly price items and how to evaluate creativity in a monetary way. In Episode 3, contract negotiator (and former Flagpole music editor) Michelle Davis covers the basics of protecting intellectual property through copyright, trademark and patent law. Upcoming episodes will feature entertainment lawyer Bertis Downs, Shil Patel of

SWEET DREAMS SOCIETY: Aiming to connect artists with the time, space and resources they need to thrive, the Graduate Sweet Dreams Society is a new three-month artist residency program launched by Graduate Hotels and Grammy Award-winning writer and producer DJ White Shadow (aka Paul Blair). Graduate Athens recently served as one of three pilot locations—with local musician and engineer Henry Barbe as its inaugural resident—and will continue alongside nine other cities across the country for the next round. Residents will receive a dedicated studio space, mentorship, lessons on branding and monetizing art, and a stipend to support their work. Musicians, DJs, podcasters, painters, sculptors, designers, filmmakers and other creatives are encouraged to apply. Applications are currently being accepted on a rolling basis through Aug. 25. Visit graduatesweetdreams. com for details. BARBAR: Founded by Barbette Houser, BARBAR

Sweet Dreams Society selected local musician Henry Barbe for its pilot program.

THE CLOCKED IN CREATIVE: Focusing on business

aspects behind the creative economy, “The Clocked In Creative” is a new podcast, developed by students of UGA’s MBA program, that seeks to equip artists with insight for launching or maintaining their own sustainable business model. Hosted by Seth Hendershot, musician and owner of Hendershot’s Coffee, the half-hour episodes spotlight local entrepreneurs working in a variety of fields and share their invaluable first-hand experiences. “The Clocked in Creative” launched on July 1 with the first half of a two-part series on “Knowing and Showing Your Business’ Value.” Using her personal experience of growing seasonal artist markets into a full-time career, Serra Jagger of handmade shop Indie South speaks on how to build a brand that reflects the ethos of your company and how to find the confidence to take risks while pursuing your passions. In Episode 2, Sanni Baumgartner of sustain-

tiple covers performed by the likes of Saturday Looks Good to Me, Folklore and Elekibass—will be screened during a YouTube watch party on Aug. 6 at 8 p.m. This sneak peek will only be available online for five days, after which fans will have to wait until the film’s official release slated for this fall. Watch the trailer and join the viewing party by searching for the film’s title on YouTube, and stay tuned to therealizedfilm.tumblr.com for updates.

Tiger Bomb Promo, Rashe Malcom of Rashe’s Cuisine and Nick Canada of Satisfactory Design & Printing. Check out theclockedincreative.com to listen along. DUSK AT CUBIST CASTLE: Twenty-five years ago, Olivia Tremor Control released its debut studio album, Music from the Unrealized Film Script: Dusk at Cubist Castle, contributing not only to the Elephant 6 collective’s musical mythology, but to the national conversation surrounding psychedelic, indie and art rock genres. The Realized Film: Dusk at Cubist Castle is an upcoming fan-made, band-approved and self-described lo-fi documentary that weaves together unseen archival footage, session recordings, interviews and covers by over 20 different artists. In celebration of the album’s 25th anniversary, a 20-minute portion of the film—along with videos of mul-

Vintage Textiles and Home is a newly opened shop that offers textiles, antiques and handcrafted items from artisans across the globe. A writer and former Flagpole contributor, Houser taught for several years after graduating from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in fiber arts. In addition to collecting textiles from near and far over the years, she has also produced many of her own. Her geometric quilts add bright pops of color to the room and are meticulously sewn. In addition to stocking tactile treasures, Houser intends to utilize the space for frequent art exhibitions. Currently on view through Aug. 15, “Come Home” is a series of oil paintings by Kendal Jacques that depict antique objects associated with domesticity. On Aug. 19 at 7 p.m., Donna Hardy will speak about the use and history of indigo in textiles around the world. Kicking off with a reception on Sept. 16 from 7–9 p.m., Helen Kuykendall will share a monthlong exhibition of paintings. BARBAR is located in a sage green Craftsman cottage at 1354 S. Milledge Ave. and is open Wednesdays–Sundays from 12–6 p.m. Go to barbarvintagetextilesandhome.com to see what’s in store. f


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Annie Leeth Breaks Barriers

Classically-Trained, Indie Pop Musician to Release Less Traveled By Lauren Leathers arts@flagpole.com


nnie Leeth, an Atlanta-based producer and violinist, left Richmond, VA to pursue an undergraduate degree in music at the University of Georgia. While there, she became fascinated by the world of composition, production and technology. As an undergraduate student, she came to a crossroads. She didn’t quite fit the mold of classical musician, instead being entranced by the meshing of classic violin with modern technology. She found solace in David Barbe, director of UGA’s music business program and owner of Chase Park Transduction. “Before I went to school, my mom told me that there was going to be one class that changed my trajectory on everything,” she says. “And that was Barbe’s class for me.” Since then, Leeth has self-produced two records, 2018’s Recurrence and 2019’s Mortal, and is gearing up to release a third. Set to release on Aug. 5, the seven songs that make up Less Traveled are an outpour of emotions. Written during the height of COVID-19, Leeth explores the topics of loneliness, anxiety and fear that seemed to unite humankind during an unprecedented time. “It is the darkest album that I’ve made so far,” she says. “In a way, I’m pretty excited to release it—both physically and mentally—from my head. This is the most that I have put my negative emotions into something before.” Leeth is well-known for creating textured, unique dream pop music that eases the anxieties of daily life. But with Less Traveled, there is no escape. Listeners travel with Leeth through her darkest thoughts during the height of the pandemic. Songs like “Tired Eyes” sum up the pandemic in a few lyrics: “In the end / there are two different ways to cope / with how your life has changed.” While tracks like “Alone (Anyway)” dig deep into the anxieties Leeth has, previously masked through work. “It was written during a time when I had drastically less


work than usual,” she said in a previous interview. “In this worst-case scenario, I’m hoping to remind artists and creatives to take care of themselves, even if our society doesn’t always encourage it.” Of note is the track “Free Dog,” which is the most stripped down song on the EP. Because of this, we’re able to identify Leeth’s true vocal prowess. “I wanted to write a song about a dog running away and it be a metaphor for leaving town to go to college,” she says. While the COVID lockdown presented a lonely time, Leeth found ways to collaborate. The final track of the EP, “All We Are,” features LeeAnn Peppers’ narrative poetry placed in the forefront. Over a phone call, we hear Peppers speak softly but surely, “You are different/ you are the same/ meaningless words we pick in life and mortar into place/ closing ourselves in” layered over Leeth’s whimsical voice. As Leeth’s third album, Less Traveled provides a more experimental sound. Part of this, Leeth says, is because she recorded the album at Atlanta’s Maze Studios. There, she had access to several studio synths, and the possibilities were endless. “Also, I was in a space alone,” she says. “It was a lot more of an isolated event, instead of being more sporadic and writing when I could.” Leeth recently relocated to Atlanta from Athens after cutting her teeth as a session violinist and producer at Chase Park Transduction in 2018. She’s appeared on several records, including those of Faye Webster, Lo Talker, Future Lives, Bloodkin, Drew Beskin, Serena Scibelli, Lane Marie, Maximo Park and more. Being a session violinist, Leeth is exposed to several different production styles. She enters each session with an open mind and patience, often working long hours to ensure the end product is best fitting for the band she’s working with. “It was a freeing thing when I started to do session violin because I realized that there is a way to be successful play-


ing violin without fitting into the classical mold that I had been trying to fit into for so long,” she says. “It was never classical music that I was playing at Chase Park. Other musicians I was playing with wanted more ambience and more as a band member than as an orchestra member.” Currently, she works as the house engineer at Maze Studios, under the tutelage of producer Ben Allen (Animal Collective, Deerhunter, Washed Out). Her understanding of the classical world has been a driving force behind a lot of her success as an audio engineer. “Most of the time, there’s a language barrier between the engineer and the classically trained musicians,” she says. “For me, that’s common ground. I get to defy those language barriers. It’s a way to propel classical music into the future.” Being an experienced audio engineer has provided Leeth with a sense of independence. She’s able to create her sound exactly to her liking and complete a project at her own pace—something she hopes more women musicians will experience. “I’ve been told only three percent of the total sound engineer population is women,” she says. “It’s really easy to get squished, which I think might be part of the culture of it all that needs to change.” Like many STEM-oriented fields, music production and sound engineering are dominated by men—though that’s very slowly changing thanks to organizations like Women’s Audio Mission, a San Francisco/Oakland-based nonprofit and the only professional recording studio in the world built and run by women and gender non-conforming individuals. Women in audio often face challenges that come from working within a cross-section of two traditionally male-dominated fields. Because of the technical nature of their jobs, many women experience issues such as struggling for respect and being second-guessed by their peers. “I think that more women need to be encouraged to choose sound engineering as a career because of the impact of women in the studio,” Leeth says. “It’s incredibly empathetic to be a good producer.” f




threats & promises

Joe Cat’s Friendly Shadows





All Shows 18 and up

By Gordon Lamb threatsandpromises@flagpole.com YEAR OF THE CAT: Accurately self-described Americana/roots/

gritty/blue-collar artist Joe Cat released his latest album Friendly Shadows this past spring, but it slipped through the cracks in my desk, so here I am to tell you about it now. He wrote, performed and recorded everything himself at his Cabin In The Sky Studio, but you’d never know there wasn’t a full band on this. Its sound doesn’t lack for anything. (He does report, however, that his live band now includes the crack team of Jim Wilson (drums), Ivan Strunin (fiddle) and Scott Baxendale (guitar).) Friendly Shadows’ length of 10 songs is pretty perfect because this is a heavy one. Tonally and emotionally Joe Cat reaches down into the dark, and the last time I was struck so immediately by an album of this type was a few years ago, when Athens-area band Junker was still playing regularly. Opening song “A Blink & A Breath” is a resigned sigh of a statement that is more matterof-fact than anguished, sort of like your dad telling you an old, sad story that he’s already sat with for a while. In the anguish department, though, Cat delivers it thoroughly on the song that shares the name of his studio when he sings, “Won’t you please pray for me at night, my sweet angel/ ‘Cause I need all the help that a man can get tonight.” The only lesser offering here is the politically charged “No Pardon,” and it’s not the subject matter that’s weak, but the tune itself, which is way too close Joe Cat to U2’s “God Part II” to sell me on its originality. The smooth, driving blues groove of “Cold In My Bones” is worth revisiting a few times, though, as is the rest of the record. This is available as a stream and download, and there are CD copies available at Wuxtry Records downtown, too. Get up to speed on all things Joe Cat over at joecatmusic.com and find this directly at joecatmusic.bandcamp.com.

OUT NOW: Were you among the faithful who preordered the LP of Don Chambers’ new album The Lowering when it went on sale back in April? Well, you should have either received yours by now or it’s on its way to you. For all you others, it’s now available downtown at Wuxtry Records as well as online at donchambersmusic.com. It’s a limited-edition run of only 100, so if you want it, go get it. IT MIGHT GET LOUD: The organizers behind the monthly

Shadebeast Sunday showcases happening in town have been steadily getting Athens accustomed to heavy live shows again. The next one is this Friday, Aug. 6 at the Flicker Theatre & Bar and will feature Atlanta’s Guillotine, as well as The Sundering Seas and

+$2 for Under 21

Parathion, which are each from Athens. It’ll cost you eight bucks to get in and probably a few months, minimum, off your hearing. The show starts at 9 p.m. These bills are organized pretty much by having one out-of-town band, a local with some name recognition and an up-and-coming band. This is a great way to split bills and a nice way to give a leg up to those starting out. For more information please see facebook.com/shadebeastpresents, facebook.com/shadebeastofficial and shadebeast.com. ADD IT UP: You’ve likely seen the posters around town, or






some of the multiple social media posts, but there’s been a new addition to the lineup of this year’s Wildwood Revival. Joining an already pretty jaw-dropping lineup is Birmingham, AL’s St. Paul & The Broken Bones. And if you’ve not gotten the scoop yet, the already-announced lineup includes Jenny Lewis, Sharon Van Etten, John Moreland, Hiss Golden Messenger, White Denim, Bones of J.R. Jones, Tre Burt, Elizabeth Cook, Early James, Suzanne Santo, Packway Handle Band and The Pink Stones. This year’s event happens Oct. 8–10 at the revival’s longtime home of Cloverleaf Farm which is just outside of Athens in Arnoldsville. General admission three-day passes are $112, and there are no single-day passes or individual show tickets. I know that might rub some of you the wrong way, but this price, while high as an initial expenditure, is pretty damn cheap for this lineup. There are lots of other things at Wildwood to spend your money on, too, from food to fancy camping and more. All joking aside, though, kudos to these organizers for plowing headlong into an extremely high-risk venture while the world is still veering—seemingly week to week—on the cusp of uncertainty. They get nothing but respect on my end. For all relevant information and tickets please see wildwoodrevival.com. COMING THROUGH: Nuclear Tourism is a little sloppy and

285 W. Washington Steet • Athens, GA 30601 706-549-7871 • Ticket info at www.40watt.com

a little goofy but also incredibly amiable and seemingly well-adjusted. Self-described as a surf punk band, and they mostly are, they’re also a pop punk band, and I mean that in the best possible way. The group’s new single and video “Sick of It” is out now, and the video is an especially nice touch because it’s full of what will surely one day be archival footage of downtown Athens. Check this out and then tell the band how much you love them and can’t live without them when they play Flicker Theatre & Bar this Saturday, Aug. 7. Get up to speed via pulpswim.com/nucleartourism and facebook.com/nucleartourism. f






















record review Cassie Chantel: RICCH AUNTIE (Tribe House Records) Making the most of this year as an MTC Defiance Awards recipient, Vic Chesnutt Songwriter of the Year Award winner and regularly hitting stages this summer, Cassie Chantel has proven her prowess over and over again as an Athens’ hip-hop heavy hitter. Chantel’s newest 10-track album RICCH AUNTIE is proclaimed to set the tone for what her label Tribe House Records has to come, an expectation set from the first track “Signed Myself.” The establishment of her go-getter brand and style, influenced by her own “RICCH” aunt, can be felt in the bouncing beats and velvet flows intertwined with oozing confidence. There is a luxurious vibe delivered throughout RICCH AUNTIE that sounds as expensive as the name. “Extreme,” “Festival” and the bombshell last track “Yeah Yeah!” transport you to the middle of an Atlanta club surrounded by arms waving and people saying “ayyy!” as you can’t help but nod your head. “Merrygo” and “Vibes’’ have a wavy, poolside ambiance with upbeat tempos and catchy singing that switch up the mood. It’s a short, digestible listen at under 30 minutes, with just enough depth and a whole lot of energy to play through again. [Sam Lipkin]

Residential • Office • Construction • Move In • Move Out

Enjoy your summer and let us keep your house clean! Adilene Valencia 706-424-9810




bulletin board Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board is every THURSDAY at 5 p.m. for the print issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Online listings are updated daily. Email calendar@flagpole.com.

Art ATHENS CREATIVE DIRECTORY (Athens, GA) The ACD is a new platform to connect creatives with patrons. Visual artists, musicians, actors, writers and other creatives are encouraged to create a free listing. athenscreatives@gmail.com, athenscreatives.directory ATHFEST EDUCATES GRANT APPLICATIONS (Athens, GA) Grants are provided to teachers and community educators from nonprofit organizations, public schools or local or state government agencies serving Athens-Clarke County youth in grades K-12. Grants can be used for music and arts based non-consumable equipment, such as musical instruments and audio/visual equipment, all types of programs and experiences that are music and arts focused, and music and arts-based professional development for educators or youth development specialists. Deadline Aug. 25, 5 p.m. Awards announced Sept. 27. director@athfesteducates.org, www.athfesteducates.org CALL FOR ARTISTS (Creature Comforts Brewing Co.) Local artists and curators can submit proposals for the CCVC Gallery throughout 2021. getartistic@ccbeerco.com, www.getcurious.com/get-artistic/ call-for-artists CALL FOR PHOTOS (Athens, GA) Submit photos of water or nature scenes for the fifth edition of a stormwater calendar organized by ACC Stormwater. Email images with a description of when, where and why it was taken. Deadline Sept. 30. stormwater@accgov.com CREATIVE DRAWING WITH WATERCOLOR (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) In this workshop,

students will explore the unique use of watercolor combined with drawing elements like lines, texture and perspective. Aug. 12, 19, 26 and Sept. 2; Sept. 9, 16, 23 and 30; or Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28, 6–8 p.m. $100–135. www.ocaf.com CUT & PASTE: THE ART OF COLLAGE AND ASSEMBLAGE (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) Artists may submit up to three images of original 2D or 3D collage and assemblage works that include mediums specifically but not limited to found objects, recycled materials, paper, wood and metals. Must be hanging, free-standing or pedestal ready. Deadline Aug. 13 at 11:59 p.m. Exhibition runs Oct. 8– Nov. 19. www.ocaf.com/call-for-art GRADUATE SWEET DREAMS SOCIETY (Graduate Athens) Graduate Hotels and DJ White Shadow have introduced a new artist residency and incubator program that offers local creatives the space to develop and strengthen their craft with additional resources. The three-month residency includes a studio space and materials stipend. Application deadline Aug. 15. www. graduatesweetdreams.com JOKERJOKERTV CALL FOR ARTISTS (Online) JOKERJOKERtv is open to ideas and actively accepting proposals for collaboration from visual/musical/video artists and curators living in Athens. Artists worldwide can also submit music videos, short films, skits and ideas to share with a weekly livestream audience. www.jokerjokertv.com/ submit OPEN STUDIOS (Lyndon House Arts Center) Studio members have access to spaces for painting, printmaking, photography, ceramics, jewelry, fiber and woodworking. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10

art around town ACC LIBRARY (2025 Baxter St.) On view in the Quiet Gallery, “Stories Told” features collages by Susan Pelham, who is influenced by Magic Realism, nursery rhymes, children’s camp songs, limericks, haiku poems, the Renaissance and 20th-century folk art. Through Aug. 29. ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART: ATHICA (675 Pulaski St., Suite 1200) “TRIO: Austen Brown, Kate Burke and Xiaopue Pu” brings together works by artists from Atlanta, Chicago and Beijing that convey a common theme of space, isolation, hidden messages and bleakness. Through Aug. 8. ATHICA@CINÉ GALLERY (234 W. Hancock Ave.) Greg Benson creates painterly landscapes and seasonal views of locations around Georgia and his native state of Pennsylvania. Through Aug. 25. BARBAR VINTAGE TEXTILES AND HOME (1354 S. Milledge Ave.) Kendal Jacques’ “Come Home” includes oil paintings of antique objects and other still lifes of items associated with domesticity. Through Aug. 15. DODD GALLERIES (270 River Rd.) “Art Rosenbaum: ‘Adamham Town,’ ‘The Grey Rabbit Trilogy’ and Other Recent Paintings” presents works by Wheatley Professor in Fine Arts Emeritus, Art Rosenbaum. Through Aug. 19. FLICKER THEATRE & BAR (263 W. Washington St.) Jason Griffin presents 25 years of flyers for punk shows. Opening reception with Weaponized Flesh and Multiple Migs on Aug. 5 at 8 p.m. Through August. GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART (90 Carlton St.) “Rediscovering the Art of Victoria Hutson Huntley” shares approximately 30 lithographs inspired by landscape, human figures and the natural world. Through Aug. 15. • “Echoes from Abroad: American Art from the Collection of Barbara Guillaume.” Through Aug. 15. • “Hands and Earth: Perspectives on Japanese Contemporary Ceramics” includes works by some of 20th-


a.m.–6 p.m. $65/month. nicholas. daglis@accgov.com QUARTERLY ARTIST GRANTS (Athens, GA) The Athens Area Arts Council offers quarterly grants of $500 to local organizations, artists and events that connect the arts to the community in meaningful and sustainable ways. Deadlines are Sept. 15, Dec. 15 and Mar. 15. www.athensarts.org/grants

Auditions BACK TO BROADWAY (Online) Town & Gown Players host auditions seeking singers of all types for a musical revue. Auditions will be held via video submission. Record one minute of a musical theater song and submit it to auditions@ townandgownplayers.org. Deadline Aug. 12. Rehearsals begin mid-August. Performances held Sept. 24–26, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1–3. CAMELOT (Memorial Park, Quinn Hall) Athens Creative Theatre will hold auditions for all ages and all skill levels to participate in a production of Lerner & Loewe’s Camelot. Aug. 9–10. 706-6133628, act@accgov.com

Classes ACTING FOR CAMERA AND STAGE (Work.Shop) Learn how to act with professional actor and coach Jayson Warner Smith (“The Walking Dead,” “The Vampire Diaries,” “Outer Banks”). Saturdays, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. $400/12 sessions. kwsclass inquiry@jaysonsmith.com, www. jaysonsmith.com/teacher BLACKSMITHING CLASSES (Greenhow Handmade Ironworks, Comer) “Forge a Fire Poker with Decorative

Handle” is held Aug. 14, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $150. “Forge a Bottle Opener” is held Aug. 21, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $150. “Forge Grilling Forks” is held Aug. 28, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $150. greenhowhandmade@gmail.com, www.greenhowhandmade.com CLAY CLASSES (Good Dirt) Registration opens on the 15th of every month for the following month’s classes and workshop. Classes range from wheel, unique handles, hand building sculpture and more. Studio membership is included in class price. www.gooddirt.net COMMUNITY MEDITATION (Rabbit Hole Studios) Jasey Jones leads a guided meditation suitable for all levels that incorporates music, gentle movement and silence. Wednesdays, 6–7 p.m. jaseyjones@gmail. com CREATIVE WRITING & POETRY CLASS (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) Heidi Lynn Nilsson leads a workshop on developing your poetic voice through guided writing exercises and written responses to work. Aug. 25–Sept. 29, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. or 5–8 p.m. $160–180. www.ocaf.com DEDICATED MINDFULNESS PRACTITIONERS (Online) Weekly Zoom meditations are offered every Saturday at 8:30–9:30 a.m. Email for details. richardshoe@gmail.com LINE DANCE (Bogart Community Center) For beginners and beyond. Aug. 5, 6:30–8 p.m. $7. ljoyner1722@att.net MINDFULNESS PRACTICE EVENINGS (Online) Discuss and practice how to change your relationship with difficult thoughts and emotions. Email for the Zoom link. Second Friday of the month, 6–7 p.m. FREE! mfhealy@bellsouth.net POTTERY HANDBUILDING AND WHEEL-THROWING (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) During the handbuilding classes, Forrest Gard teaches on how to pinch, build with coils and slab build. Thursdays, Sept. 2–Oct. 7, 5:30–8:30 p.m. During the wheel throwing

and 21st-century Japan’s most important artists. Through Aug. 15. • “Contemporary Japanese Ceramics from the Horvitz Collection” represents three generations of artists dating from the 1940s. Through Sept. 26. • “Modernism Foretold: The Nadler Collection of Late Antique Art from Egypt.” Through Sept. 26. • “Power and Piety in 17th-Century Spanish Art.” Through Nov. 28. • “In Dialogue: Artists, Mentors, Friends: Ronald Lockett and Thornton Dial Sr.” focuses on one work by each artist to examine their friendship and compare their creative approaches. Through Nov. 28. • “Kota Ezawa: The Crime of Art” pays homage to the objects stolen during the Gardner Museum heist in 1990 through light boxes, color-blocked graphics and video animation. Through Dec. 5. • “Neo-Abstraction: Celebrating a Gift of Contemporary Art from John and Sara Shlesinger.” Through Dec. 5. • “Whitman, Alabama” features 23 of 52 films from journalist, photographer and filmmaker Jennifer Crandall’s ongoing documentary project of the same name. Through Dec. 12. HEIRLOOM CAFE (815 N. Chase St.) “Summer Dream” features paintings by Susie Burch. Through Aug. 23. LYNDON HOUSE ARTS CENTER (211 Hoyt St.) AJ Aremu presents a largescale installation for “Window Works,” a site-specific series that utilizes the building’s front entrance windows for outdoor art viewing. • “Collections from our Community: Oscar’s Godzillas” shares Godzilla memorabilia collected by Oscar Justus. • “Inside Out: Expressing the Inner World” presents abstract paintings by a group of women artists working in the Southeast. Through Oct. 23. • “Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You” presents works by Brian Hitselberger and Julie Willis. Through Oct. 16. • “Modernist Sculptures from the Legacy of Loyd Florence.” Through Oct. 23. • “i vs me” features paintings by Andy Cherewick and Jeffrey Whittle. Through Oct. 15. MASON-SCHARFENSTEIN MUSEUM OF ART (567 Georgia Street, Demorest) “Michael Ross: Foothills” features lush depictions of forests, fields, wetlands, birds and people. Closing reception Aug. 19 from 5–7 p.m.


classes, Gard teaches the basic techniques of throwing to make cups, bowls, bottles and vases, as well as surface techniques like brushing on slip, stencils, sgraffito and mishima/inlay. Thursdays, Oct. 14–Nov. 18, 5:30–8:30 p.m. $215–245. www.ocaf.com SPANISH CLASSES (Athens, GA) For adults, couples and children. Learn from experts with years of professional experience. Contact for details. 706-372-4349, marina bilbao75@gmail.com, www.marina-spain-2020.squarespace.com YOGA CLASSES (Revolution Therapy and Yoga) In-person classes include outdoor yoga with Kate Morrissey Stahl (Mondays at 5:30 p.m.), Miles Brunch (Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m.) and Nicole Bechill (Thursdays at 5:30 p.m.). Online classes include “Trauma Conscious Yoga with Crystal” Thursdays at 6 p.m. and “Yoga for Wellbeing with Nicole Bechill” on Saturdays at 10:45 a.m. Visit website to register. www.revolutiontherapyandyoga.com ZOOM YOGA (Online) Rev. Elizabeth Alder offers “Off the Floor Yoga” (chair and standing) on Mondays at 1:30 p.m. and “Easy on the Mat” yoga classes on Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. Ongoing classes are $5/class or $18/month. 706-612-8077, ommmever@yahoo.com

Events ART EVENTS (Georgia Museum of Art) “Curator Talk: Rediscovering the Art of Victoria Hutson Huntley” is held Aug. 4. “Drawing in the Galleries” is held Aug. 8. “Family Day To-Go: Neo Abstraction” is held Aug. 12–15. “Artful Conversation: Mika Tajima” is held Aug. 18 at 2 p.m. “Yoga in the Galleries” is held Aug. 19 at 6 p.m. “Sunday Spotlight Tour” is held Aug. 22 at 3 p.m. www.georgiamuseum.org ATHENS FARMERS MARKET (Multiple Locations) Saturday markets are held at Bishop Park from 8 a.m.–12 p.m. Wednesday markets are held at Creature Comforts Brewery from 5–7 p.m. Both markets offer fresh produce, flowers, eggs, meats, prepared foods, a variety of arts and crafts, and live music. Additionally, AFM doubles SNAP dollars spent at the market. www. athensfarmersmarket.net

ATHENS-OCONEE CASA HYBRID INFORMATION SESSION (Children First, 693 N. Pope St.) Learn how to support children in foster care. In-person and streaming options available. Aug. 11, 12:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. www.athens oconeecasa.org BACK TO SCHOOL IN STYLE (Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation) Celebrate the beginning of a new school year by designing and decorating pencil bags, lunch bags, book totes and keychains. Aug. 14, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. $25–30. ocaf.com BIKE NIGHT (Akademia Brewing Co.) Grab a beer with the Athens Litas Women’s Motorcycle Collective. All bikes and people welcome. First Thursday of every month, 6–9 p.m. www.akademiabc.com BOGART LIBRARY EVENTS (Bogart Library) KnitLits Knitting Group is held every Thursday at 6 p.m. “Virtual Booktalks” features picture books on Aug. 6 and chapter books on Aug. 13 at 2 p.m. “Bogart Bookies Adult Book Club” discusses The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan on Aug. 10 at 1 p.m. www.athens library.org BOOK SALE (No. 3 Railroad St., Arnoldsville) Friends of Oglethorpe Co. Library host a one-day book sale of hardbacks, paperbacks and vinyl albums. Most items are $2 or less. Aug. 7, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. fologlethorpe@gmail.com CINÉ DRIVE-IN (General Time Athens) Ciné will host weekly drive-in movies on Tuesdays with food trucks and concessions. Check website for weekly announcements of films. www.athenscine.com COMMUNITY CRAFT (Love.Craft Athens) Make a hand built pottery piece led by Love.Craft’s crew. August features hand built vases and food from Marti’s at Midday. Held the third Thursday of the month. Aug. 19, 6–8 p.m. $40. www.lovecraftathens.org CONVERSATION WITH EDITORIAL CARTOONIST MIKE LUCKOVICH (Special Collections Library) The Russell Library hosts Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial cartoonist Mike Luckovich in conjunction with the traveling exhibition “Lines with Power and Purpose: Editorial Cartoons.” Sept. 28, 5:30 p.m. FREE! washnock@uga.edu GRAND OPENING OF ATH|BNB’S RUSHMORE (ATH|BNB’s The

OCONEE COUNTY LIBRARY (1080 Experiment Station Rd., Watkinsville) Paintings by Broderick Flanigan. Through August. STATE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF GEORGIA (2450 S. Milledge Ave.) Susie Criswell presents a collection of botanical paintings, “Pitcher Plants and Other Natural Wonders.” Through Aug. 5. UGA MAIN LIBRARY (320 S. Jackson St.) “Georgia Trailblazers: Honoring the 60th Anniversary of Desegregation at UGA” chronicles the historic events of 1961 when Hamilton Holmes and Charlene Hunter became the first African American students admitted to the university. UGA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIES (300 S. Hull St.) “The Hargrett Hours: Exploring Medieval Manuscripts” presents original items from the collections, dating back centuries, as well as findings from students’ indepth studies. Through Aug. 26. • The new Ted Turner Exhibition Hall and Gallery showcases CNN founder and environmentalist Ted Turner’s life and legacy through memorabilia, photographs and other items. • “New Again: Selections from the Rare Book Vault” includes examples of handmade tomes dating back centuries, as well as contemporary books that combine centuries-old techniques with a modern aesthetic. Through Aug. 27. WHEN IN ATHENS (Multiple Locations) Organized by The Humid with support from an Arts in Community Award from the Athens Cultural Affairs Commission, “When In Athens” is a city-wide public art exhibition of images by over 100 photographers made in every Athens. Photographs are installed in the windows of street-facing businesses. Participating locations include Creature Comforts, Georgia Theatre, The Grit, Hi-Lo Lounge, Trappeze Pub and many others. Visit the humid.com for a full list of participating venues. WILLSON CENTER FOR THE HUMANITIES AND ARTS (Online) As part of UGA’s Spotlight on the Arts, the Willson Center presents “Shelter Projects,” a virtual exhibition of over 30 projects created by graduate students or community practitioners who reflect pandemic experiences through the arts. Visit willson.uga.edu.

Rushmore) ATH|BNB, an innovative new lifestyle and accommodation concept, hosts a grand opening for The Rushmore, a luxury, modern bed and breakfast decorated by Athens design firm Metal + Petal. Aug. 5, 1:30–4 p.m. FREE! www. stayathbnb.com MARIGOLD MARKET (Pittard Park, Winterville) Vendors offer local produce, prepared and baked goods, and arts and crafts. Season runs every Saturday through Dec. 11, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. marigoldmarket winterville@gmail.com MILAN ART CONFERENCE 2021: THE POWER OF THE BREAKTHROUGH (Milan Art Institute Campus, Statham) This three-day conference is the grand reopening of the new Georgia campus. Highlights include keynote sessions, technique demonstrations and live artist battles. Aug. 27–29, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. $350. www.milanart institute.com/milanartconference 2021 MURDER MYSTERY DINNER FUNDRAISER (Trumps Catering) YWCO presents a murder mystery dinner theater. Guests may be victims, suspects, witnesses or sleuths as a murder is discovered and a crime must be solved. Includes a meal, interactive performance, cash bar and silent auction. Proceeds benefit Girls Club, a summer camp for low-income girls. Aug. 13, 7 p.m. $75, $300/table of four, $600/ table of eight. www.ywco.org/events OCONEE CO. LIBRARY EVENTS (Oconee Co. Library) Third Monday Book Club meets Aug. 16 at 7 p.m. “Trek & Connect” is an all-ages light trek at a local park. The group meets Aug. 9 at Harris Shoals Park, Sept. 13 at Watkinsville Woods and Oct. 11 at Oconee Veteran’s Park. www.athenslibrary.org ONE BOOK ATHENS (ACC Library) This in-person community discussion is called “Forms of Black Power in Stamped: From the March on Washington to the Juneteenth National Holiday and Beyond: Plotting the New Road Ahead,” and will focus on section five of Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi. Aug. 5, 6 p.m. www.athenslibrary. org/athens QUEER ABOLITIONIST DRIVE-IN FILM SERIES (Rabbit Hole Studios) “(Black) Future” on Aug. 20 presents Watermelon Woman and Moonlight. Films begin at 8 p.m. Free, but registration required. athensmutualaid.net RACE 2 BEAT CANCER (Athens Medical Specialty Park) Participate in a 5K or 10K to raise funds for the Cancer Foundation of Northeast Georgia. Register, volunteer or sponsor by visiting the website. Aug. 28. www.cfnega.org RAINBOW FOREST (Multiple Locations) “Rainbow Forest” is a new public art piece by Andrew Kovacs, located on the Greenway. Kovacs will discuss his inspiration and creative process on Aug. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Lyndon House Arts Center. A public art dedication and ribbon cutting will be held Aug. 19 at 6 p.m. www.athensculturalaffairs.org REALLY, REALLY FREE MARKET (Reese & Pope Park) Just like a yard sale, but everything is free. Bring what you can, take what you need. Second Saturday of every month, 12–2 p.m. reallyreallyfree marketathens@gmail.com SHOWDOWN AT THE EQUATOR (Flicker Theatre and Bar) A kung-fu master and an unrepentant playboy must team up to stop the spread of a sperm-killing drug in Challenge of the Tiger. Aug. 9, 8 p.m. www.facebook.com/showdownattheequator

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (Athens, GA) If you think you have a problem with alcohol, call the AA hotline or visit the website for a schedule of meetings in Barrow, Clarke, Jackson and Oconee Counties. 706-389-4164, www. athensaa.org LGBTQIA+ VIRTUAL ALPHABET FAMILY GATHERING (Online) This is a safe space for anyone on the LGBTQIA+/TGQNB spectrum. Fourth Sunday of every month, 6–8 p.m. uuathensga.org/justice/ welcoming-congregation PEER SUPPORT GROUP FOR POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH (Nuçi’s Space) Open to anyone needing peer support for depression/anxiety. Aug. 17, 31, 4–6 p.m. 706-227-

ing, etc. for creatives. Episodes will feature Serra Jagger of Indie South, Sanni Baumgartner of Community, Michelle Davis, Bertis Downs, Shil Patel of Tiger Bomb Promo, Rashe Malcolm of Rashe’s Cuisine and Nick Canada of Satisfactory. Check it out at @theclockedincreative on Instagram CORNHOLEATL FALL REGISTRATION (Southern Brewing Co. & Terrapin Beer Co.) The fall league offers four different divisions of play to accommodate all levels. Seven-week season begins in SepATHENS FARMERS MARKET tember. Register by Aug. 23. www. (Bishop Park) Performances are cornholeatl.com held every Saturday at 8 a.m. and FALL LEISURE ACTIVITIES (Ath10 a.m. www.athensfarmersmarket. ens, GA) ACC Leisure Services net will offer a diverse selection of activities highlighting the arts, environmental science, recreation, sports and holiday events for adults and children. Programs include tai chi, baton, youth cooking classes, gymnastics, nature programs, theater and more. Registration opens Aug. 7. www.acc gov.com/myrec FREE COVID-19 VACCINES (Clarke County Health Department) Vaccines are available by appointment or walk-in. No insurance or ID required. Vaccines are also offered during National Night Out at Bishop Park on Aug. 7 from 12:30–2:30 p.m. www. publichealthisfor everyone. com HEALTH CLINICS (Nuçi’s Space) Free health clinics are available for uninsured musicians and their friends and family. Doctors can diagnose, treat and refer. Call to make an appointment. Aug. 16 & 23; Oct. 4, 11 & 25; Nov. 1, 15 & 29. 706227-1515 OLLI MEMBERSHIP (Athens, GA) Join OLLI@UGA, a dynamic learning and social HOMESCHOOL ART community for adults 50 THURSDAYS (Oconee and up that offers classes, David Froetschel’s solo exhibition, “A Lot More Than It Seems,” will open at the Lyndon House Arts Center on Aug. 7. Froetschel Cultural Arts Foundation) shared interest groups, social won the 2021 Arts Center Choice Award at this year’s Juried Exhibition. Classes are designed activities and events. www. ATHENTIC BREWING COMPANY to stimulate interest, improve 1515, lesley@nuci.org, www. INNOVATION AMPHITHEATER olli.uga.edu (108 Park Ave.) Liquid Vinyl DJ concentration, improve creative nuci.org (Winder) Skynfolks and Across POP-UP PARK (Athens, GA) ACC Series is held Aug. 5 and Aug. 12 expression and introduce students RECOVERY DHARMA (Recovery the Wide play Aug. 20. Interstellar Leisure Services has a new bus, from 6–9 p.m. Comin’ Home plays to a variety of art styles. Sessions Dharma) This peer-led support Echoes and The Mad Hatters play decorated by Eli Saragoussi, that Aug. 7 at 7 p.m. Volumes Hip Hop run Thursdays, Aug. 17–Sept. 23 group offers a Buddhist-inspired Sept. 10. Vintage Vixens play Sept. serves as a mobile recreation unit is held Aug. 13 at 8 p.m. www. or Sept. 28–Nov. 4. Classes are path to recovery from any addic24. www.innovationamphitheater. to take free activities and equipment athenticbrewing.com held 10 a.m.–12 p.m. or 1–3 p.m. tion. Visit the website for details. com to public community events, festiFLICKER THEATRE AND BAR (263 $230–250. www.ocaf.com Thursdays, 6–7 p.m. FREE! www. NOWHERE BAR (240 N. Lumpkin vals and school programs. Request W. Washington St.) Dr. Fred’s KaraMAKING DANCES (Work.Shop) This athensrecoverydharma.org St.) The Dictatortots play Aug. 13. the bus using an online form. www. oke is held every other Wednesday alternative dance class teaches SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS (Email Doors at 7 p.m., shows at 8 p.m. accgov.com/9961/Athens-Pop-Up(Aug. 4, 18, etc.). CribbsFest with improvisation and choreography for Location) Athens Downtown SAA www.nowherebarlive.com Park DJ Hemmy is held Aug. 3. Multiple techniques. For ages 10–14. Taught offers a message of hope to anyone OH JEREMIAH (The Lewis Room SUPPORT FOR SENIORS WITH Miggs and Weaponized Flesh by Lisa Yaconelli. Begins Aug. who suffers from a compulsive sexat Tweed Recording) Local band PETS (Athens, GA) The Athens play Aug. 5. Shadebeast presents 17, 6:15–7:30 p.m. $60/month, ual behavior. www.athensdowntown Oh Jeremiah share the stage with Area Humane Society and Athens Guillotine, Sundering Seas and $210/14 weeks. lisayaconelli@ saa.com Valley Maker from South Carolina. Community Council on Aging have Parathion on Aug. 6. Nuclear Tourgmail.com, www.lisayaconelli.com Aug. 13, 7 p.m. $10–12. www. partnered to offer support services ism, Aldente, Kadillak and Cheese NATURE EDUCATION PROGRAMS lewisroom.com to seniors enrolled in ACCA proDream play Aug. 7. www.flicker (Sandy Creek Nature Center) “NatPORTERHOUSE GRILL (459 E. grams. This includes emergency theatreandbar.com uralist’s Walk” is held Aug. 7 from Broad St.) Enjoy dinner and some pet fostering, affordable wellness ART FOR ATHENS (Online) The Red 40 WATT CLUB (285 W. Washington 10–11 a.m. “Nature’s Trading Post” smooth jazz. Wednesdays, 6–9 care, pet health workshops and pet & Black hosts Art for Athens to supSt.) The Wydelles, LONA and Dave is held Aug. 7 from 11 a.m.–12 p.m. www.porterhouseathens.com training. www.accaging.org port Nuçi’s Space. Donated work by Marr play Aug. 4. Zumba After Dark p.m. www.accgov.com/myrec SOUTHERN BREWING CO. (231 TOUR DE COOP, CHICKEN COOP artists is sold and shipped through is held Aug. 5. Wieuca, Well Kept OCONEE CO. LIBRARY EVENTS Collins Industrial Blvd.) Sunday TOUR OF HOMES (Online) Sweet the publication’s online store. Parand Fishbug play Aug. 6. Larry’s (Oconee Co. Library) “Tails & Trivia with Solo Entertainment SunOlive Farm hosts a virtual selfticipating artists include R. Wood, Homework, Hayride and Akerri play Tales! Summer Reading Program” days at 5 p.m. Dancefx performance guided tour of eight local chicken Maria Dondero, Jamie Calkin, Aug. 7, Jameson Tank, Fun Room runs through Aug. 4. “Let’s Chill: Aug. 5. Josh Purgason, Dangfly!, coops. Now available through sumJames Burns and Chris Robinson. and The Asymptomatics play Aug. Ice Cream Social” for grades 6–12 The Royal Velvet and Ty Manning & mer. $15. www.sweetolivefarm.org/ www.redandblack.com/store 12. Riley Downing, The Kernal is held Aug. 4 at 6 p.m. “Let’s Play: The Slawdog Biscuits play Aug. 6. products/tdc CLASSIC CITY TOASTMASTERS and Cotton Clifton play Aug. 13. Among Us In the Library” is held Trey Odum plays Aug. 7. Klezmer VIRTUAL INK WRITERS GROUP (Zoom) This is an encouraging www.40watt.com Aug. 11 from 6–8 p.m. “Dungeons Local 42 and the Hobohemians play (Online) This creative writing group group for individuals who want to GEORGIA LEGENDS CONCERT & Dragons” meets Aug. 16 from Aug. 8. www.sobrewco.com is open for adults to share work, develop their communication and (John W. Swails Center Auditorium, 6–8 p.m. “Button Making” for give suggestions and support each public speaking skills. Meetings are Royston) Glen Templeton performs. grades 6–12 is held Aug. 18 at 6 other. Meets the third Wednesday held 2–3 times a month on ThursAug. 28, 7–10 p.m., $25–35. www. p.m. www.athenslibrary.org of every month at 8 p.m. via Google day evenings. 706-202-7566 legendsconcert.org TEEN CLUBS (Lyndon House Arts Meets. Register by email. jmitchell AL-ANON 12 STEP (Multiple LocaTHE CLOCKED IN CREATIVE GEORGIA THEATRE (215 N. LumpCenter) “Teen Media Arts Club” @athenslibrary.org tions) Recovery for people affected PODCAST (Athens, GA) Hosted by kin St.) Tommy Prine plays Aug. 6. covers how to make and edit videos. WILD RUMPUS BOARD (Athens, by someone else’s drinking. Visit Seth Hendershot, a new podcast Jerry Joseph, Eric Carter and Eric Tuesdays, 5–7 p.m. “Teen Fashion GA) The Wild Rumpus Parade & the website for a calendar of eleccalled “The Clocked In Creative” Martinez play on the rooftop Aug. Design/Sewing Club” is led by local Spectacle is seeking new members tronic meetings held throughout the will touch on entrepreneurship, 18. Magic City Hippies play Aug. designer Tabitha Fielteau. Tuesdays, for its volunteer board of directors. week. www.ga-al-anon.org business models, IP rights, brand19. Ray Wylie Hubbard and Brock 5:30–7:30 p.m. “Teen Cartoon/ Apply online. bit.ly/3vJn6O9 f SOUTHERN STAR STUDIO OPEN GALLERY (Southern Star Studio) Southern Star Studio is a working, collective ceramics studio, established by Maria Dondero in 2016. The gallery contains members’ work, primarily pottery. Every Saturday, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. www.southern starstudioathens.com SUNDAY FUNDAY (Rabbit Hole Studios) Every Sunday from 5-7 p.m., join the White Rabbit Collective for a free drum circle outside of Ben and Jerry’s on College Avenue. Some instruments are provided but guests are encouraged to bring their own drums and rattles! An afterparty at Rabbit Hole Studios from 7:30 p.m.–12 a.m. offers space for playing drums, singing songs, playing ping pong and board games, reading books, doing yoga, making art and more. Donations accepted. Memberships offering access to the musical museum and private lounge are also available for $16/month. www. rabbithole studios.org TWILIGHT (Downtown Athens) Cyclists come from near and far to race. Other activities include a food court, joy ride, expo and live music. Check website for race schedule. Aug. 20–21. www.athens twilight.com WEST BROAD FARMERS MARKET (300 S. Rocksprings St.) The market is open for shopping each week from Sunday at 5 p.m. to Thursday at 1 p.m., with a drive-through (or walk/bike-through) pick-up on Saturdays from 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. wbfm.locallygrown.net

Illustrator’s Club” covers drawing techniques, storytelling, anime and more. Thursdays, 5:30–7:30 p.m. www.accgov.com/myrec TUTORING (Online) The Athens Regional Library System is now offering free, live online tutoring via tutor.com for students K-12, plus college students and adult learners. Daily, 2–9 p.m. www.athenslibrary. org

Live Music

Gonyea play Aug. 20. www.georgia theatre.com HAYSFEST (Live Wire Athens) Celebrate the life of Paul Hays. Live music by Ken Will Morton, Jordan Youngquist, Garden Variety and Hunter Blalock & the Sad Machine. Sam’s House BBQ will provide BBQ sandwiches and chips to advance ticket holders. Aug. 7, 8 p.m. $15 (adv.), $20. www.livewireathens. com HOPE GALA “MASK”QUERADE BALL (Rialto Room) Presented by the Ashton Hope Keegan Foundation, the fourth annual Hope Gala includes dinner, drinks, live music, a silent auction and a raffle. Aug. 14, 6–9 p.m. www.ashtonhopekeeganfoundation.networkforgood.com


Word on the Street

Support Groups



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Workshop available to all performing artists and filmmakers. Artist/students rates from $7–10/hr. Visit lisayaconelli. com/work-shop for more info. 160 Winston Dr. #9

Athens School of Music. Now offering in-person and online instruction in guitar, bass, drums, piano, voice, brass, woodwinds, strings, banjo, mandolin and more. From beginner to expert, all styles. Visit www.athensschoolof music.com, 706-543-5800.


HOUSES FOR RENT Available August 1st. 3BR/2BA in Normaltown. HWflrs., CHAC, quiet street. Grad students preferred or couples plus one. Rent negotiable. Also furnished apartment for rent. (706) 372-1505.

VOICE LESSONS: Experienced teacher (25+ years) retired from day job, ready to expand studio. Ages 12–90+, all genres. Contact stacie. court@gmail.com or 706-4249516.



In Search of Affordable Historic House! Small family, with an age two toddler, in search of affordable 2–3 bedroom, 1-2 bathroom historic house in town. Having a hard time, getting outbid repeatedly by Airbnb’ers and investors, yet determined to find a home. In search of anyone looking to sell in Normaltown, Newtown, Boulevard and Hancock Corridor. Please contact us at berweyn@ gmail.com

Instant cash is now being paid for good vinyl records & CDs in fine condition. Wuxtry Records, at corner of Clayton & College Dwntn. 706369-9428. Get Flagpole delivered straight to your mailbox! $50 for six months or $90 for one year. Call 706-549-0301 or email frontdesk@flagpole. com.

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JOBS FULL-TIME BOS Security is hiring SECURITY OFFICERS. FT & PT opportunities. $14/hr. if you have stable work history and enjoy the public. Apply online at www.bossecurity.com Em’s Kitchen is hiring! Back of house: food prep, light cooking, making orders and cleanup. Front of house: taking orders, food prep, making orders and cleanup. Full-time/ part-time available. Hours are Mon–Fri., 7 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Apply at emskitchen975@ gmail.com Junk South Junk Removal Hiring PT/FT starting at $13/hr. Hardworking, dependable and professional. Growth opportunities. Call 706-540-5975 or email info@junksouth.com

Join the nation’s leading mobile dictation service and learn to be a transcriptionist! No customer interaction! Work independently, set your own weekday schedule (16–40 hours weekly). We have a relaxed, casual, safe space environment. Compensation automatically increases as you gain proficiency. Extremely flexible time-off arrangements with advance notice. Experience our eight-tiered training program with bonuses after each tier. So your starting compensation will range from $9.25 to $10.80 hourly based on individual performance. After approx. three-month training, your compensation should exceed training pay and you’ll receive automatic increases for tenure with the company, efficiency, etc. Show proof of vaccination at hire. www.ctscribes.com Line cooks needed! Big City Bread Cafe & Little City Diner are now hiring line cooks for daytime hours. Experienced preferred but not required. Stop by after lunch to fill out an application or drop off a resume. No phone calls, please. UberPrints is now hiring for multiple positions! Both full and part-time positions available. For more information and applications, go to uberprints. com/company/jobs Flagpole ♥s our advertisers.

MAD Hospitality, LLC, a new Hospitality organization headquartered and operating in Madison, GA, is currently accepting applications for culinary team members, servers, hosts/hostesses, bartenders and baristas at multiple food and beverage outlets. MAD Hospitality is focused on excellent customer service and superior food and beverage offerings in unique and inviting venues. We are offering the following to our team members: Better-than-competitive hourly wages plus tips for servers/ bartenders/baristas, 100% employee health insurance coverage (full-time staff), 401K w/ matching funds, flexible schedules, opportunity for advancement, $250 sign-on bonus (90 days after hire), $250 referral bonus (90 days after referral hire). MAD Hospitality is an equal opportunity employer. Please forward a resume indicating the position for which you are applying to info@mad-hospitality.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

PART-TIME Viva Argentine is looking for a few nice hardworking folks to be part of the team! Competitive hourly wages for all positions. $10/hr. training, $12/hr. hosting and kitchen, $5/hr. + tips servers (must be 18+). Please email resumes to vivaargentinecuisine@gmail. com


Visit athenspets.net to view all the cats and dogs available at the shelter

$10 per week $14 per week $16 per week $40 per 12 weeks $5 per week

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PLACE AN AD • Call our Classifieds Dept. 706-549-0301 • Email us at class@flagpole.com

Bad (55804)

This sweet guy isn’t really bad, he just means business! Bad and his pal Boujee are pretty stressed out at the shelter, so a quiet, loving home would definitely make their lives easier.

Stan (55708)

Stan’s the man with a plan to get adopted! He’s a kitten with plenty of personality to keep you entertained and he loves to cuddle and play with other kitties (and dogs too!)

Boujee (55805)

If she’s snooty it’s only because she knows what she deserves– a furever home! Boujee really values peace and relaxation so a home where she and Bad can chill would be ideal.

These pets and many others are available for adoption at: • Deadline to place ads is 11:00 a.m. every Monday for the following Wednesday issue • All ads must be prepaid



Athens-Clarke County Animal Services 125 Buddy Christian Way · 706-613-3540 Call for appointment

ACC Leisure Services is seeking a Technical Assistant for the Morton Theatre. Position assists with coordination of front of house, stage and backstage technical production related to operation, maintenance and public use of the Morton. Vocational/technical diploma in a related discipline with two years experience required. Part-time, varied schedule (includes nights/ weekends). For more info/to apply, visit: www.accgov.com/ jobs Experienced kitchen help needed. Bring resume or fill out an application at George’s Lowcountry Table. No phone calls please. 420 Macon Hwy. Athens, GA 30606 Find employees by advertising job openings in the Flagpole Classifieds! Call 706-549-0301 or email class@flagpole.com to place your ad today!

NOTICES MESSAGES All Georgians over the age of 12 are eligible to be vaccinated! Call 888457-0186 or go to www.publichealthathens.com for more information. COVID testing in Athens available at 3500 Atlanta Hwy. Athens, GA 30606. (Old Fire Station in the corner of Atlanta Hwy. & Mitchell Bridge Rd. near Aldi and Publix.) Mon–Fri. 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. To register, call 844-625-6522 or go to www. publichealthathens.com Mobile Food Pantry @ General Time Athens! Athens Terrapin Beer Co. alongside Food Bank of Northeast Georgia and various local sponsors will host a drive-thru food pantry on the 3rd Monday of each month thru 2021. All ACC residents that meet income requirements may attend. First come, first served. This event will take place outside rain or shine. 100 Newton Bridge Rd. 10 a.m.–12 p.m. www.terrapinbeer.com Need old newspapers for your garden? An art project? Your new puppy? Well, they’re free at the Flagpole office! Call ahead, then come grab an armful. Please leave current issues on stands. 706-5490301.


Edited by Margie E. Burke

Difficulty: Easy



5 9

1 9

3 6

8 6

8 6

3 2 5 8 2 4 3 1 7 5 4 7 7 3 5

f l a g p o l e Brand New Building! • 1/2 off first two months rent c o 1006 Virgil Langford Rd. EppsBridgeStorage.com m

Copyright 2021 by The Puzzle Syndicate


Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9; and each set of 3 by 3 boxes must contain the of numbers 9. Week 8/2/211- to 8/8/21

The Weekly Crossword 1










8 3 1 9 7 5 50 2 4 6

1 9 3 5 6 45 8 4 7 2

7 5 9 2 3 4 230 8 1 316 636 8 5 377 4 141 442 7 6 8 9 3 2 5 1 2 7 3 4 9 5 6 1 8 517 3 1 6 539 2 8 958 4 3 5







25 28

38 43 46

39 44









ACROSS 1 Zero in (on) 6 Word after big or buck 10 Swit's sitcom 14 End early 15 Denver's co-star 16 "Do ___ others..." 17 Thanksgiving centerpiece 19 Seating section 20 Royal flush card 21 Charades and such 23 One of the Spice Girls 25 Cantankerous 26 Wedding hiree 28 Eliot or Frost 29 Track shape 30 Flower cluster 32 Seek election 35 Atlanta-based airline 37 Here-there link 38 "One of ___ days...." 40 Biblical boat 41 Housefly larva 44 Many moons 45 Coniferous tree



Solution 23 24 to Sudoku:

6 5 9 2 4 1 49 3 8 7









4 7 29 2 35 3 40 8 6 48 9 52 5 57 1





by Margie E. Burke

Copyright 2021 by The Puzzle Syndicate

46 Turn off and on again, say 48 Confront boldly 51 Gait between trot and gallop 52 Risk taker 54 "CSI" evidence 57 Yellowfin, e.g. 58 Annoyance 60 Lysol target 61 Building toy 62 It takes two to do it 63 Monthly check 64 Butcher's cut 65 Vacuum tube gas DOWN 1 "Is that a ____?" 2 Reedy instrument 3 Plant with ears 4 Coffee holder 5 Foggy state 6 Like some missiles 7 By chance 8 Mixed dish 9 Pekoe place 10 Part of "TMNT" 11 Japanese cartoons 12 Range rover

13 Merry-go-round figure, to a child 18 One using T.L.C. 22 Receive at the door 24 Trapper's ware 26 Last part, in music 27 Formally state 28 Lofty speech 31 Gear tooth 32 With respect to 33 "Ruse" anagram 34 Twiggy digs 36 Off the mark 39 Can't stand 42 Aardvark's paradise 43 Basic belief 45 Warhol piece, e.g. 47 Rock layers 48 Someone in a cast 49 Unrefined 50 Big name in cameras 51 Short-legged dog 53 Nabisco favorite 55 Aborted mission 56 Auth. unknown 59 Black gunk

Puzzle answers are available at www.flagpole.com/puzzles



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