Featuring: Emily Elmore, flute; JT Holdbrooks, bassoon; Thomas LaMon, cello; Mengyuan Li, piano; David Ma, flute; Elena Minko, piano; and Haoying Wu, piano.
$20 - Adults | $3 - UGA student with valid ID
Featuring: Emily Elmore, flute; JT Holdbrooks, bassoon; Thomas LaMon, cello; Mengyuan Li, piano; David Ma, flute; Elena Minko, piano; and Haoying Wu, piano.
$20 - Adults | $3 - UGA student with valid ID
From classical to contemporary, from kitty cats to sports commentators, this concert combines great music with comedy and joy. It’s truly the best of all possible worlds!
$20 - Adults | $3 - UGA student with valid ID
Eugenia Moliner, flute (Spain) Denis Azabagic, guitar (Bosnia)
Larry Tenner
ADVERTISING SALES Libba Beaucham, Dave Martin CITY EDITOR Blake Aued
CLASSIFIEDS Jennifer Keene
AD DESIGNERS Chris McNeal, Cody Robinson
CONTRIBUTORS Gordon Lamb, Rebecca McCarthy, Lee Shearer
CARTOONISTS Missy Kulik, David Mack, Klon Waldrip, Joey Weiser
CIRCULATION Jennifer Bray, Charles Greenleaf, Joe Rowe
By Blake Aued and Rebecca McCarthy news@flagpole.com
Several Athens- Clarke County commissioners took the opportunity of a rezoning request for a North Avenue apartment complex to vent last week about student housing.
The proposal for eight buildings with a total of 88 apartments and 228 bedrooms breezed through the ACC Planning Commission last month, with particular praise for its architecture. But commissioners Tiffany Taylor, Stephanie Johnson and Ovita Thornton raised broader objections to the number of apartment complexes the commission has been approving.
“My question is, exactly how many more apartment complexes like this are we going to approve [until] there is absolutely no place for Athenians to live in?” Taylor said at the Jan. 23 agenda- setting meeting. She questioned county officials on the vacancy rate for recently approved apartments aimed at students. Commissioner Carol Myers had similar questions.
“I don’t see the benefit for residents because… I’m pretty sure they’re not going to be able to afford a lot of these,” Taylor said.
Obtaining accurate occupancy rates is difficult, Planning Director Bruce Lonnee explained, because “a lot of times it’s not in their best interests to provide information to say they’re unoccupied.” Planners are working with the Public Utilities Department to obtain data based on water bills, he said. Economists with the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business recently pegged the local vacancy rate for multifamily housing at just 4% (see p. 6 for more).
Johnson wondered if any children will ever be able to grow up in Athens again. “Commississioner Taylor hit it on the head. You don’t understand unless you grew up here,” Johnson said. “I predict that in 10 years, no one will be able to say ‘I grew up in
Athens.’ I see Athens changing.”
Commissioner Melissa Link called the proposal “a really creative approach” to developing a parcel with challenging topography and a power line easement. The land is currently zoned for commercial use.
“Effectively, the only thing that could go there by right is a strip mall facing Strickland Avenue with a couple stories of apartments on top,” Link said.
She contended that the development would attract a variety of people, not just college students, and that to the extent students do live there, it will keep them out of single- family neighborhoods.
The 4.5-acre parcel has been a mobile home park for generations, grandfathered into the current zoning code that bars mobile homes in most areas. Over the years, though, the property has transitioned from mobile homes—which are not actually very mobile, and can become difficult or impossible to move as they age—to RVs or trailers. The property owner is working with the handful of remaining residents to relocate them.
Link called for loosening regulations on trailers, manufactured homes and tiny houses—currently banned in Athens— through a special-use permitting process as a way to alleviate a housing shortage that is driving up costs. “It is increasingly a very common and desirable way to live,” she said.
Thornton initially agreed with Link that the owner could sell the property for byright development that the commission would have no control over. “I think this is an excellent proposal,” she said.
But Thornton then went on to say she agreed with Taylor and Johnson’s objections. “When that land use plan was created 25 years ago, I do believe it was very discriminatory,” Thornton said. “I do believe
we were cut out, low income [people], back then. You have zoning laws that are racist.”
With the county currently crafting a new land use plan, “Some folks want to get rid of single [family] dwellings,” Thornton said. “Correct me if I’m lying, but that’s what I was told.”
Lonnee provided additional context at an already scheduled mini-retreat—more like a slightly extended work session—on Jan. 24 at the Bobby Snipes Water Resource Center in Athens. “This is not zoning,” he said of the land use map. Rather, it’s a broad guide for future growth, as opposed to the nitty-gritty of the zoning code.
Addressing some of commissioners’ concerns from the previous night—Thornton skipped the retreat—Lonnee told them that about 11,000 multifamily units with 22,000 bedrooms had been proposed, permitted or built over the last two years. About 5,000 single- family homes with an estimated 15,000 beds have been proposed, permitted or built. But communities nationwide are still playing catchup from the 2008 housing crash, and not all developments that are proposed or approved actually come to fruition. Rents and home prices for long- term residents face upward pressure from UGA’s lack of on- campus housing (see p. 6).
At a recent meeting, the committee the mayor and commission appointed to oversee a draft of the map did discuss consolidating single- family and multi- family into one category for the purpose of allowing transitions like quadruplexes around the edges of single- family neighborhoods. “It’s not to take single- family zoning out of the code. Never, ever,” Lonnee said. “What you’re going to see is single- family zoning is going to stay on the map.”
The land use map is based on five principles, Lonnee said in what was essentially a rerun of a work session presentation he gave the commission last year. Those include: redeveloping areas ripe for transformation, such as aging corridors where the infrastructure can handle more growth; minimizing expensive and potentially environmentally hazardous sewer expansion; spreading growth equally in all areas served by sewer; reducing travel distances by putting residents closer to work and shopping; and growing in an environmentally and eco-
nomically sustainable way.
Making the case for additional density, Lonnee pointed to a study done by Asheville, NC-based consultants Urban3 that calculated what individual properties bring in from tax revenue. Suburban singlefamily homes and big box developments like Walmart don’t pay their own way. But they’re subsidized by the types of buildings seen in neighborhoods like Normaltown and Five Points that are worth seven or eight figures per acre, up to the nearly 1:40 ratio in downtown, which makes up 0.2% of the land in Athens but generates 8% of the revenue.
“A two- to- three story building on a relatively small piece of land is punching above its weight,” Lonnee said.
Under the current proposal, the committee has recognized that downtown is unique, but Georgia Square Mall would be designated an “urban center” similar to a second downtown. Other major nodes— Normaltown, Five Points, Beechwood, some intersections on the Eastside—would be designated as neighborhood centers. Examples of the type of development allowed there would include the Bottleworks or the Cotton Exchange.
“Just because single- family doesn’t cover expenses doesn’t mean you don’t build it,” Lonnee said. “You have to balance your portfolio.”
Overall, only about 11% of Athens’ land is likely to see its category change, Lonnee said. That includes areas in the rural “green belt,” but only to reflect what development is already on the ground, not to encourage future growth there.
Sometime this spring, a draft map will go out for a fifth round of public comment, then come before the planning commission for a recommendation, then the mayor and commission for approval. In 2026, work will start on ACC’s state-mandated 2028 comprehensive plan, which will be an opportunity for tweaks, Lonnee said. He asked commissioners for help spreading the word and explaining a complex endeavor to their constituents.
“Sometimes people get lost in the sauce,” he said. “This is not the kind of project people are talking about over the fence or in the checkout line at Kroger.” [Blake Aued]
His paternal grandparents were sharecroppers, so Demetrius Jordan said he knows what home ownership can mean to those who have never owned a house. Not only does it build generational wealth, it also stabilizes a family, a neighborhood and a community.
The chance to help provide affordable housing is one of several reasons Jordan wanted to be the new executive director of the Athens Land Trust. He described himself as a “business guy who worked with nonprofits and who wants to do missiondriven work.”
A graduate of Morehouse College, Jordan grew up in Southwest Atlanta, where his father worked for Delta and his mother worked for Bell Labs. After he graduated, a Morehouse connection led Jordan to the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs in Washington, which sent him to Cambodia.
He and his wife, Maryam, lived for three years in Japan, where they taught English before returning to Atlanta. They currently live in Gwinnett County, but plan to move to Athens after their youngest child graduates from high school in the spring.
Jordan has worked for the United Way of Gwinnett and the United Way of Greater Atlanta. He has co-owned Inside Gwinnett Magazine. And he’s done private consulting with a variety of public and private groups that focus on leadership, strategic planning and executive coaching.
Trust “has stood the test of time, and people involved with it are passionate about the work of land conservation and affordable housing.”
One of his first tasks, he said, is to listen to the land trust’s many stakeholders— elected officials, donors, people living in the community—to find out what people want and what they need.
“I think Demetrius really has a servant’s heart,” said Dave Williams, senior vice president for public policy and talent at the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. The two men met years ago through Leadership Gwinnett and have followed each other’s careers. “He’s compassionate, very thoughtful and very smart. He listens and learns. I think he’s going to listen to people and then build trust.” [Rebecca McCarthy]
The Athens Regional Library System has hired Beth McIntyre, currently the director of the neighboring Piedmont Regional Library System, as its new executive director, replacing Valerie Bell, who retired in December.
“He’s a great person, super engaged with the community,” said Nick Masino, CEO of the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce. “I’ve hired him as a consultant and have had him on retainer at times. He’ll be great in that job.”
According to Jordan, the Athens Land
McIntyre has 34 years of library experience and has led the Piedmont system since 2011, according to a news release. The ARLS Board of Trustees approved her hiring on Jan. 16. She will start work on Mar. 17.
“I truly love serving as a public library director in Georgia,” said McIntyre. “Surveys show that most people immediately think of books when they think of libraries. I think of people. I believe that a strong library is essential for fostering a vibrant community.”
Under her leadership, the PRLS became one of Georgia’s first fines- free libraries, secured funding for staffing increases and electronic resources, and launched a Pop-Up Rolling Library that visits festivals, daycares, senior centers and prisons. [BA] f
By Lee Shearer news@flagpole.com
The U.S. economy will cool this year, according to the University of Georgia Terry College of Business’s Selig Center for Economic Growth, but Georgia’s economy will grow faster than the nation’s, and the Athens economy will grow even more than the state average.
The chance of a recession is about 25%, Terry College Dean Ben Ayers told a crowd in Athens’ Classic Center on Jan. 23.
“We are expecting continuing robust growth in our state,” Ayers told perhaps two- thirds of the 500 people originally expected on Jan. 22, before wintry weather forced the event to be rescheduled a day later.
Each year, the business school tours the state with its economic forecast, stopping at each of Georgia’s major cities. Athens’ turn was last week.
U.S. economic output, measured as gross domestic product, is expected to grow by about 1.6%, down from 2.5% in 2024, Ayers said. Georgia’s GDP is predicted to grow by 2.4% in 2025, down from 3.1% in 2024.
Much of the state’s growth will be because of manufacturing and other big projects already in planning or coming online now, such as the huge Hyundai manufacturing plant in Bryan County. The outlook is good for some Georgia economic sectors such as logistics, cybersecurity, healthcare, manufacturing and data centers, not so good for some others, including banking and commercial real estate, according to the Selig analysis.
ployment rate is projected to rise from 3.7% to 4%, while the U.S. rate will move from 4.1% to 4.3%, he said.
After inflation rates of 8% in 2022, 4% in 2023 and 3% in 2024, inflation is likely to remain steady around 3% this year, according to the Selig Center.
2024, the price of a house is up by about 53% nationwide, up 65% in Georgia and 72% in Athens.
A number of things could push growth rates up or down, Ayers told the crowd. More consumer spending could drive growth up, for example, while possibilities including an expanding federal budget deficit, a stock market crash, bank failures or expanding military conflict—all unlikely, Ayers said—could do the opposite.
“Growth will slow but will not stop,” said Jeff Humphreys, director of the Selig Center and author of the forecast.
Humphreys paid particular attention to the Athens economy as he spoke to the Classic Center crowd. Mainly because of
Athens is successful compared to other cities its size in attracting economic development, Humphreys said, citing among other examples life sciences manufacturer Meissner Corporation, bringing 1,700 jobs over eight years, and RWCD International, founded at a UGA innovation lab, now adding 200 jobs. “A cluster of biotech industries with links to UGA has developed a critical mass,” and UGA’s decade-old engineering school and new medical school will help bring more jobs with good pay to the Athens area, according to Humphreys.
Health services and entertainment are also prospering in the Athens area. The new Akins Ford Arena will have a $33 million annual economic impact, Humphreys said. But Athens growth faces a dark cloud—increasingly unaffordable housing. “Because Athens is a college town and UGA does not have enough oncampus housing, renters play an outsized role in the area’s housing market,” according to Humphreys. “This in turn leads to a shortage of existing singlefamily homes and subsequently drives high demand/prices for new homes.”
Higher housing costs have helped push the cost of living in Athens up to now about 97% of the national average. Among other effects, high prices could discourage retirees and creative types from settling here, he said.
About 41% of Athens housing units are renter-occupied—one of the highest rates among American cities—and the vacancy rate here is about 4%, less than half the 10% state rate.
Jobs growth will slow, and unemployment will rise, Ayers said. Georgia’s unem-
Housing prices will hold steady or increase only slightly statewide, although they may continue their upward flight in Athens, where house prices grew by 7% just in the past year, according to the Selig Center. Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic in late 2019 to the middle of
the University of Georgia, the Athens economy and many of its jobs are dependent on state spending. That’s both good and bad, Humphreys said—state funding tends to be stable, less dependent on global cycles than others, but when the state does cut its budget, Athens can suffer.
“High mortgage rates and the recent run-up in home prices will be a headwind for single- family housing, but the ever-expanding student population will be a tailwind for multi-unit housing,” according to Humphreys.
The University of Georgia’s enrollment grew by 1,531 students last fall over the previous year—enough to fill several apartment buildings—to reach 43,146. f
The Awe of Ordinary Labors: 20thCentury Paintings from Ukraine
Through June 1
Beyond the Medici: The Haukohl Family Collection
February 1 – May 18
| THU, JAN. 30
Normal Bar • 7 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show) • $10
Brand new local psychedelic Cumbia band Yumbo Tron came into being in August of 2023 when Gregory Sanders was on the road with Klezmer Local 42 bandmate Philip Kohnen and shared with him Chicha, a Peruvian subgenre of Cumbia. Kohnen was inspired after hearing just a few songs, recalling an immediate excitement that he would finally get the opportunity to incorporate electric guitar into a Latin band. Soon the duo added on Oliver Domingo, Brent Hedrick, Sarah Zúñiga, Adriana Thomas and Michael Merva, making Yumbo Tron a local supergroup featuring members from Pylon Reenactment Society, Bichos Vivos and Organically Programmed Orchestra. Together the still-growing combo promises to add a dose of Athens weirdness to Cumbia. The show, which marks the band’s debut, will feature opening sets from CGI Joe and Micro Trak. [Mary Beth Bryan]
| FRI, JAN. 31
is deeply influenced by his personal connection to the Byzantine Empire through the Orthodox Church, and combines his interest in the aesthetics of an empire and his fascination with the philosophy of paradox throughout much of his creative practice. Visitors at the closing reception will be able to meet Salzman and see his works before the exhibit closes on Feb. 2. [MB]
Morton Theatre • 7 p.m. • $15–25
By Gordon Lamb threatsandpromises@flagpole.com
REST IN PEACE: The Athens heavy metal and hard rock scene was dealt a substantial blow with the sudden death of guitarist Tiler Kuykendall the week before last. For years Tiler was an active participant, composer and band member in the Athens music scene, and gathered scores of friends along the way. At the time of his death he had just celebrated his birthday. This is not an exhaustive list of projects he was involved with over the years, but Tiler was a member of A Bitter Fight Against Nothing, Kill LeBaron, Sholfrost, Devour The Corpse, The Sundering Seas, Korrothia and Maha Pralaya. A show honoring Tiler’s memory is scheduled for Mar. 29 at Flicker Theatre & Bar with Nihilus, Sacred Bull, Jet Engine Dragons and The Flesh That Binds. Tiler was 37 years old.
for no real compelling reason. Anyway, a handful of months ago the inscrutable and mysterious Guatemalan Iguana Models released the 12- track album $lump Barrette, and everything here sounds like a springboard to something else, something imagined. Generally speaking, the album is full of solid dance beats, electronic manipulations, samples, etc. It flows, but in a way that almost feels accidental. Also, while digitally released, the album notes that tracks 1–7 are “Side A” and 8–12 are “Side
40 Watt Club • 7 p.m. (doors) • SOLD OUT!
The indie rock world is abuzz in the wake of Manning Fireworks, the newest release from Asheville musician MJ Lenderman. The album has been hailed for its folkish approach to lyricism—replete with “pure losers, divorcés, badgering or self-effacing romantics,” as Jeremy D. Larson writes for Pitchfork—and its possession of a certain slacker country je ne sais quoi. Everything seems to be injected with a humorous, lackadaisical charm, a cohesiveness reflected in the fact that Lenderman plays almost every instrument on the record. Though amusing lyrical jabs like “I’ve got a houseboat docked at the Himbo Dome” and “He’s just a jerk who flirts with the clergy nurse ’til it burns” are in abundance on Manning Fireworks, Lenderman is doing more than poking fun, cutting things with disguised jabs of earnestness at every turn. MJ Lenderman is also known for his work in twangy indie rock band Wednesday, which played a soldout show at 40 Watt Club last February.
ART | FRI, JAN. 31
Creature Comforts • 6 p.m. • FREE!
“Domicile Imperium” is a series of nine prints and drawings that imagine a world where a belief in paradox influences the art, culture and identity of an empire. Artist Maximos Salzman explores the way a fictional empire’s identity and beliefs would manifest visually in its art while also referencing the real imagery of empires like the Byzantine, Roman and Japanese. Salzman
On the heels of a recent sync of the original Nosferatu with the music of Radiohead, Blue Starlight Entertainment’s next project is soundtracking Buster Keaton’s silent comedy, Sherlock Jr., with the music of seminal Athens band R.E.M. Songs from Monsters and New Adventures in Hi-Fi will accompany the story of a movie projectionist/wannabe detective who is framed for a crime. Co- founder of R.E.M. Peter Buck has given the sync his stamp of approval, stating, “I’m honored that in some small way R.E.M. is collaborating with [Keaton] from beyond the grave.” This showing marks the world premiere of Sherlock Jr. x R.E.M., with another showing to follow at Ciné. Syncs planned for later this year include music from Pearl Jam, Pixies and They Might Be Giants. [MB]
Steffen Thomas Museum of Art • 4 p.m. • $20
Exploring humans’ relationship to the natural world—whether as a part of it or something outside of it—is the central premise of “Touch Grass,” a collaborative exhibition by Georgia Writers Museum and the Steffan Thomas Museum of Art. The title, a popular internet saying, implies a sense of disconnection from the real world in an increasingly technological society. The exhibition’s combination of nature and art is inspired by studies that have shown viewing art in person to be as impactful as viewing nature in person, much more so than viewing either on a screen. Featured artists include Raven Waters, who uses a variety of mediums to depict people, animals and birds in their environments, contemporary clay artist Senora Lynch of the HaliwaSaponi Tribe and the late Steffan Thomas. An additional special exhibition spotlights Alex Huynh, a young visual artist, photographer and children’s book creator from Atlanta. [MB] f
THE CHECK’S IN THE MAIL: Pre-orders are open now for the hotly anticipated upcoming album by Drive By Truckers’ frontman Patterson Hood. Arriving courtesy of ATO Records, this new album, Hood’s fourth solo outing, is named Exploding Trees & Airplane Screams. The second single from the album, “Pool House,” is out now, with its video directed by visual artist Frances Thrasher. She delivered a stunning accompaniment to the song, which, according to a press release, was “originally inspired by a night [Hood] spent at a creepy rental… A literal pool house for an apartment complex that [Hood] rented cheap for the night during a solo tour.” Thrasher also contributed the shockingly violent cover art for the album as well. The album is released officially on Feb. 21, and you can place your orders over at atorecords.com. For all other information, please see pattersonhood.com.
FESTIVAL OF DEAD DEER: New on the hardcore scene is Spoil, and it has just released a debut calling card in the form of the new six- song EP Rotten To The Core. Heavily influenced by metal-hardcore crossover, not to mention straight-up metal-hardcore hybrid, as well as the late ’90s/early 2000s screamo scene, these songs navigate a path between the comfortably familiar and clever twists on old themes. Specifically strong tracks here are “Swallow,” “Smart Tips (for the Successful Submachine Gun Shooter)” and “Nostalgia Tour ’99-’00.” The lyrics of the last of these are particularly poignant and deliver just the right amount of comeuppance (“They tried to sell you a culture/ They tried to sell you a T- shirt/ They tried to sell you back/ Your youth before everything hurt”). Spoil still has a little way to go as it develops its personality, but you can hear all this over at spoilhc.bandcamp.com.
LAST YEAR’S MODEL: I’ve kept this next record in my back pocket for far too long and
B,” so take note if that’s meaningful to you. I enjoyed this thoroughly, which has been the case with most everything from label Blunk Value so far. Find it at blunkvalue. bandcamp.com.
SUMMER’S COMING UP: The first new music from Astral Summer in nearly a year and half came out a week before last. The duo, musician Dave Martin and vocalist David Ferguson, have crafted a track named “The Bigger Person” that’s lyrically pointed with appropriate levels of both pettiness and justification that I’ll let you explore on your own. The tune itself is raw and demo-level, but is a nicely written mid-1980s melody that wouldn’t sound out of place on any number of adult contemporary albums of that era. All that said, the superstar here— and no big surprise at that—is Ferguson’s vocals. I have loved this man’s voice for decades, and could probably listen to him sing the phone book. Find this song and a whole lot more over at astralsummer.bandcamp.com.
ARRIVE WITHOUT TRAVELING: The irrepressibly creative Zeke Sayer (Gypsy Farm Records, The Ice Creams, The Humms, et al) has entered the chat where we all talk about experimental/ambient music and contributed his first foray into such. He’s just released a single- track album titled Amusement Machines, and its sole item is the nearly 26-minute long “AM AB 011825.” Sayer specifically intends for this music to be in your background and notes that “it does not demand nor require your attention.” That’s all true and good, but a little attention wouldn’t hurt either, as there’s some real special moments here. Enjoy it at your leisure over at gypsyfarmrecords. bandcamp.com. f
By Sam Lipkin editorial@flagpole.com
Drawing from the storytelling roots of hip hop and embracing a classic sound, Athens-born rapper Chris Elder has been making music under the name Eli Eternal for a decade. He’s been a regular performer at community events like the annual Hot Corner Festival despite a few starts and stops with projects over the years, but it’s all come together for a proper introduction with the EP Eli Eternal: The Experience, to be released Jan. 30.
Gravitating toward music as a source of peace, Elder has been immersed in hip hop his entire life. From birth, he’s overcome tremendous odds and carries a survivor mentality of not giving up and not letting life knock him down. Listening to 2Pac since he was in the womb, both 2Pac and Nipsey Hussle have had a big impact on Elder’s style and motivations. 2Pac provided the inspiration that no matter what you go through in life, you can still be somebody. He relates to Nipsey as a figure that was overlooked and unnoticed despite hard work but still pushed to create something bigger.
quite some time, including the previous single “Fundamentals” that’s on all streaming platforms. The result is a collection of songs that flow well together and align with a purpose, something that Elder often brings up when speaking about his music.
“No matter what sound it is that you use, no matter how much you may try to keep up with the times, the reality of the truth is going to be the same. And I feel like the words that I say and the message that I give out, I just feel like it’s pure and it’s the truth,” says Elder.
There is a genuineness to Elder as a person and an artist, someone who’s not afraid to share vulnerable things about themself or portray themself authentically.
The first two singles released from this project, “In The Presence Of God” and “Eternal Ride,” are heavily steeped in religious imagery and tones. But Elder says that it’s not him painting a persona; it’s just him being true to who he is with pure intentions. The message is meant to spread motivation to follow your dreams and be your best self, the spiritual side is just where he draws inspiration himself.
“This project means everything to me because of the journey I’ve had so far. You know, in my career, a lot of ups and downs and start all over and turn around. So this project represents going through every emotion that you’re going to go through, but still finding strength to make your dreams happen to accomplish what you’re trying to do,” says Elder. “I would want anybody listening to this project to be inspired and understand that whatever it is that they’re going through in the moment, they’re going to get past it.”
Although the eight- track EP The Experience is Elder’s first official release, he’s been in and out of studio’s recording music for
“What this project taught me was that you can be who you are. Connect with any group of people, and it’ll still be received the same way. You can take the same song and perform it in a club, and you take the same type of music and perform in a church. You can take the same type of music and perform it for people that’s not even religious, and it’s still received the same way because it’s just good music, you know,” says Elder. “It’s not me trying to force somebody to see things the way I see it. It just comes off like somebody with a story that been through some things.”
Back in the beginning of December, Elder released a music video to the single “In The Presence Of God.” There’s an emphasis on the stark contrast between black and white color schemes, with a final pop of color at the end as Elder looks through a book about 2Pac he’s holding earlier in the video. Elder says it was his first time filming an idea, but it came out exactly as envisioned. Even in this process, motivation and inspiration is always at the forefront of his mind.
“When you actually really do it, you realize how easy it is,” says Elder. “So the experience taught me that. Don’t overthink it. If it’s an idea that you got and if it’s something that you want to do, just do it.” f
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Tell us your favorite in each category and we’ll let everyone know what Athens locals like most about our great town.
Flicker Theatre & Bar
Primordial Void Presents. 8 p.m. $10. www.flickertheatreandbar.com
DJ LUCAS Rapper from western Massachusetts best known for his track “Game Warden.”
PAPO2OO4 Rapper from New Jersey best known for his track “Easy Bread.”
ONESKIP Rap artist.
SOUB 200 Rapper from Georgia. Normal Bar
8–11 p.m. FREE! booking@rudy montayremusic.com
OPEN MIC All musicians welcome. Every Tuesday.
Nowhere Bar
8 p.m. $10. www.facebook.com/ NowhereBarAthens
FAWNEY RIG Irish folk rock project with members of Hope for Agoldensummer, Beat Up and Sasha Stray hosting an open session. Players welcome.
Ramsey Hall
7:30 p.m. FREE! music.uga.edu
MEGUMI KANDA Principal trombone of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra since 2002, internationally acclaimed performer, teacher and author.
Athentic Brewing Co.
7–10 p.m. www.athenticbrewing.com
El Paso Tacos & Tequila
6–10 p.m. www.instagram.com/ elpasoathenss
Flicker Theatre & Bar
9 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreand bar.com
DR. FRED’S KARAOKE Featuring a large assortment of pop, rock, indie and more.
8 p.m. www.hendershotsathens.com
BIG BAND ATHENS 18-member Athens band whose swinging tunes consist of cover music from the ’40s to the ’70s. Porterhouse Grill
7 p.m. www.porterhousegrillathens. com
JAZZ NIGHT Longest running jazz gig in Athens featuring a rotating cast of familiar faces performing American songbook, bossa nova classics and crossover hits.
Ramsey Hall
7:30 p.m. FREE! music.uga.edu
CAVATINA DUO Spanish flutist Eugenia Moliner and Bosnian guitarist Denis Azabagic perform.
40 Watt Club
7 p.m. (doors). $10 (adv.), $12. www.40watt.com
SWING THEORY Local jazz collective playing classic straight-ahead and other styles of jazz.
OLSON Percussionist Louis Romanos and pianist Erik Olson perform. Earth Fare
2 p.m. www.earthfare.com
RC OUTLAW COWBOY Country and gospel singer with over four decades of experience.
Flicker Theatre & Bar
8 p.m. (doors). $10. www.flicker theatreandbar.com
MARS HILL Three-piece indie rock band with a killer grunge and garage sound.
MOONROOF Philadelphia-based band that plays upbeat, catchy indie rock and alt-pop.
THE DOWNSTAIRS Alt-rock band made up of five UGA students whose goal is to communicate raw emotion.
TATTOO LOGIC Five-piece funk punk band from Athens fronted by Mia Hill and Swathi Ramaswamy.
Hendershot’s 8 p.m. www.hendershotsathens.com
GMEA JAZZ JAM Georgia Music
Educators Association and Georgia Jazz Educators host a jazz jam with performers from across the state.
Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall
7:30 p.m. $3 (w/ UGA ID), $20. pac. uga.edu
WINNERS The soloists performing
Rialto Club
7 p.m. SOLD OUT! www.facebook. com/AubreyEntertainmentAthensGA
KEVN KINNEY & FRIENDS The Drivin N Cryin frontman performs a set of his solo material for a monthly residency. Tonight’s special guests are Peter Buck and David Barbe. VFW Post 3910
7–11 p.m. Donations accepted. terryj6344@yahoo.com
KARAOKE AT THE VFW Enjoy singing and dancing. All levels welcome. Every Thursday.
40 Watt Club
7 p.m. (doors). SOLD OUT! www.40watt.com
MJ LENDERMAN & THE WIND Asheville-based musician known for his unique concoction of altcountry and indie rock, as well as his guitar work in Wednesday. WILD PINK Contemplative indie rock from New York.
VFW Post 2872
7 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show). $10. www.facebook.com/vfwpost2872
DAVID LONG BAND Country artist with line dancing during the breaks.
Chibugan Cafe
2 p.m. 706-424-4286
RC OUTLAW COWBOY Country and gospel singer with over four decades of experience.
The Foundry
6 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show). $15 (adv.), $20. bit.ly/DirtyDoorsAthens
THE DIRTY DOORS Atlanta-based tribute act playing hits by The Doors, such as “Light My Fire” and “Riders on the Storm.”
Georgia Museum of Art Elegant Salute XVIII: Rock Me Amadeus Dance Party. 9 p.m. $75–95. www.georgiamuseum.org
DJ MAHOGANY Dance to support student programs at the museum. Black tie or cocktail attire, but
in this concert are selected after advancing through a rigorous competition process judged by faculty within the Hugh Hodgson School of Music.
One of the Hugh Hodgson School of Music’s premier performing ensembles, showcasing some of the university’s finest players performing traditional orchestral repertoire in a series of dynamic concerts.
Normal Bar
Attaboy Presents. 7 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show). $10. www.instagram. com/normal_bar_athens
YUMBO TRON New electric guitardriven, psychedelic Cumbia band featuring members of Pylon Reenactment Society, Bichos Vivos and Organically Programmed.
CGI JOE The skewed pop project of Joe Kubler, formerly known as Rene LeConte.
MICRO TRAK New project of Oliver Domingo (Organically Programmed Orchestra).
Nowhere Bar 9:30 p.m. www.facebook.com/ NowhereBarAthens
DARLING MACHINE Atlanta act blending the best of old school goth and punk with modern pop sensibility.
Athentic Brewing Co.
6–8:30 p.m. www.athenticbrewing. com
SEEKING APPROVAL Athensbased psych-funk band performing a mix of originals and covers.
Georgia Theatre
7 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show). $25–30. www.georgiatheatre.com
PERPETUAL GROOVE Rock band formed in Savannah in 1997 that mixes traditional Southern rock, funk, jazzy improvisation, indie rock and synth loops.
8 p.m. SOLD OUT! www.hendershots athens.com
NOAH GUNDERSEN Seattle-based indie folk singer-songwriter. Nowhere Bar
9:30 p.m. www.facebook.com/ NowhereBarAthens
MERCYLAND Revitalized postpunk band originally formed in 1985 and fronted by David Barbe. PERVERT Brilliantly wrecked, inner core-heavy rock.
Oak House Distillery
7 p.m. FREE! www.oakhousedistillery. com
OPEN MIC Every Friday. The Root
8 p.m. FREE! www.therootathens.com
WADE HUDSON The original rockin’ real estate agent.
HEFFNER Indie rock band whose genre influences include power pop, post-punk and ’70s glam.
MCKENDRICK BEARDEN Athensbased alternative-rock artist whose music depicts the negatives and positives we all experience in life.
The Root 8 p.m. www.therootathens.com
ALTWAVE Seasoned musicians covering rock, alternative and new wave tunes from the ’60s–’90s.
ACC Library
Live at the Library. 3 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org
JOSEY Local indie pop artist, incorporating audience participation and off-kilter comedy into her sets. Athens First UMC
3 p.m. FREE! www.athensfirstumc.org
Reverberations: 40th Anniversary
Handbell Concert features a program of sacred music, popular favorites, handbell classics and a world premiere by guest composer and conductor Matthew Compton, commissioned for the Athens First Ringers on their 40th anniversary. Hendershot’s
7 p.m. www.hendershotsathens.com
KIN COPASET Atlanta-based world jazz powerhouse. Hugh Hodgson Concert Hall
3 p.m. $59–79. pac.uga.edu
ANTHONY MCGILL AND EMANUEL AX Clarinetist Anthony McGill and pianist Emanuel Ax team up for a performance featuring music by Schubert, Florence Price, James Lee III and Leonard Bernstein. Terrapin Beer Co.
3–5 p.m. www.terrapinbeer.com
JIM COOK High-energy solo blues, classic rock and roots music. Every first Sunday.
powdered wigs and/or 1980s finery encouraged.
3 p.m. www.hendershotsathens.com
CLASSICAL REVOLUTION Classical music performed by Athens musicians.
Arcade Disco Dance Party. 10 p.m.–1 a.m. www.hendershotsathens.com
DJ into trance, ambient, synth pop, new wave, deep house and more.
Live Wire
10 Year Anniversary Party. 7 p.m. $20. www.livewireathens.com
F.O.R. Trio of Neal Fountain, Erik Olson and Jeff Reilly. THE GRATEFUL BROTHERS Tribute band combining the catalogs of The Grateful Dead and The Allman Brothers Band.
Normal Bar
Attaboy Presents. 7 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show). $10. www.instagram. com/normal_bar_Athens
TREVOR MCKENZIE Old-time bluegrass musician from Boone, NC.
KEILAN ALPIN Old-time folk singer-songwriter.
Nowhere Bar
8 p.m. (doors), 9 p.m. (show). FREE! www.facebook.com/NowhereBar Athens
KENOSHA KID Entering its 20th year, the brainchild of guitarist Dan Nettles performs two sets of new music from his ever-expanding catalog that exists “somewhere in the Schrödinger’s nexus of jazz, postrock and improvised music.”
Normal Bar 8–11 p.m. FREE! booking@rudy montayremusic.com
OPEN MIC All musicians welcome. Every Tuesday. Nuçi’s Space
But For Now We Are Young: A Night of Literature and Music. 6 p.m. $10 suggested donation. www.nuci.org FLEET MACHINE Electronic pop rock.
CICADA RHYTHM Captivating Athens act playing melodic, rootsinfluenced folk-rock.
Ramsey Hall
7:30 p.m. FREE! music.uga.edu
FACULTY ARTIST SERIES Featuring James Kim, assistant professor of cello who was praised in The New York Times for possessing “admirable purity of tone and accuracy.”
Athentic Brewing Co.
7–10 p.m. www.athenticbrewing.com
7 p.m. (doors), 8 p.m. (show). $15. www.athenscine.com
FREEDY JOHNSTON NYC-based singer-songwriter who enjoyed modern-rock radio success in the ’90s with songs like “Bad Reputation” and “This Perfect World.” NIGHT PALACE Ethereal dreampop group fronted by Avery Draut. El Paso Tacos & Tequila 6–10 p.m. www.instagram.com/ elpasoathenss
KARAOKE WITH DJ D00MSDAY Every Wednesday. Flicker Theatre & Bar
8 p.m. www.flickertheatreandbar.com
Flicker Theatre & Bar
8 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreand bar.com
BLUE MOMDAY De La Luna and DJ Charlieflower spin new wave, post-punk, remixes, goth and Italo disco for this ’80s dance party. Madison-Morgan Cultural Center
The Hall on Foster. 7 p.m. FREE! (performers), $5. www.mmcc-arts.org
OPEN MIC NIGHT New open mic series for music, spoken word, comedy, poetry and everything in between. Held the first Monday of each month.
Porterhouse Grill
7 p.m. www.porterhousegrillathens. com
JAZZ NIGHT Longest running jazz gig in Athens performing American songbook, bossa nova classics and crossover hits.
8 p.m. FREE! www.athenscine.com
KARAOKE WITH THE KING Show off your pipes to the world. Every first, third and fifth Tuesday. Hendershot’s No Phone Party. 7 p.m. www.hendershotsathens.com
LA SÉCURITÉ Montreal-based collective at the fringes of punk, new wave and krautrock.
The Foundry
6 p.m. (doors), 7 p.m. (show). $20 (adv.), $25. bit.ly/ArcadianWild Athens
THE ARCADIAN WILD Genrebending trio from Nashville drawing on everything from country and classical to pop and choral music. OH JEREMIAH Former Athenian, husband-and-wife singer-songwriter duo now based in Nashville. Porterhouse Grill
7 p.m. www.porterhousegrillathens. com
JAZZ NIGHT Longest running jazz gig in Athens performing American songbook, bossa nova classics and crossover hits.
2/06 RC Outlaw Cowboy (Earth Fare)
2/06 Lakeview, Jason Cross (Georgia Theatre)
2/06 Athens Middle East Orchestra, pondgorl, North Georgia All Stars, Marie Marie (Flicker Theatre & Bar)
2/06 Willow Avalon, The Pink Stones, Zandi Holup (40 Watt Club) 2/06 Faculty Recital (Ramsey Hall)
2/06 The Jazz Legacy Project (Festival Hall) f
ART: Artist Reception (Buvez) Painter and artist Erica Ellison will have art on view with hors d’oeuvres served. 7–9 p.m. FREE! www. instagram.com/buvez_athens
CLASSES: Casa de Amistad ESL Class (ACC Library) Strengthen your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills for adults of all nationalities. Registration required. 11:30 a.m. FREE! athensamistad@ gmail.com
CLASSES: ESOL (Bogart Library) Learn or polish your English skills using Mango languages online and in-person conversation. 12 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
CLASSES: Intro to Sanborn Maps (ACC Library) Join Archives & Special Collections staff who will review how to access these maps for historical property research. 5 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org
FILM: Athentic Movie Night (Athentic Brewing Co.) Screening of John Carpenter’s cult classic The Thing 7 p.m. FREE! www.athenticbrewing. com
GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (Eddie’s Calzones) Test your trivia knowledge with host TJ Wayt. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddogathens
GAMES: Lunch & Learn (Tyche’s Games) Bring your lunch and learn new games. 11:30 a.m. FREE! www. tychesgames.com
GAMES: Not Rocket Science Trivia (Trappeze Pub) Test your trivia knowledge. Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. www.notrocketsciencetrivia.com
GAMES: UnPhiltered Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Test your trivia knowledge with host Phil. 7 p.m. www. facebook.com/MellowMushroom
GAMES: Singo! (Beef O’Brady’s) Win gift certificates and prizes at this music bingo night. Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. www.beefobradys.com/athens
KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Drop in and join Ms. Jera for rhymes, songs, movement, a story and a craft. Ages 5 & under. 11 a.m. & 12 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee
KIDSTUFF: Crafternoon (Oconee County Library) Drop in for a craft or two. Supplies Provided. All ages. Tuesdays, 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee
LECTURES & LIT: Mystery Book Club (Bogart Library) Pick up a copy of Indian Bride by Karin Fossum and discuss it with the group. 5:30–6:30 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/bogart
MEETINGS: Content Creator’s Meetup (ATHICA) AthensGATV invites creatives for a monthly meetup, this month presenting on “Engaging Students via Content Creation.” 7–9 p.m. FREE! www. athica.org
PERFORMANCE: Rabbit Box Storytelling (VFW Post 2872) This month’s storytelling theme is “Some Body to Love” with eight people sharing how we perceive and feel about bodies. 7–9 p.m. $10. www.rabbitbox.org
PERFORMANCE: Next Act Cabaret (Hendershot’s) UGA’s student-run musical theatre group will put on a performance. 7 p.m. www.hendershotsathens.com
SPORTS: Classic City Pétanque Club (Lay Park) New players
welcome. Scheduled days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 1:30 p.m. info@petanque.org, www.athenspetanque.org
ART: Tour At Two (Georgia Museum of Art) These drop-in public tours feature highlights of the permanent collection. 2 p.m. FREE! www.georgiamuseum.org
ART: Artist Reception (Ramsey Hall) Painter Benjamin Britton’s “surface potential,” a collection of four canvases over 7 feet tall, will be on view. 5 p.m. FREE! pac.uga.edu
COMEDY: Gorgeous George’s Improv League (Buvez) Townie improv that invites you to bring suggestions. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. $5 suggested donation. www.flying squidcomedy.com
EVENTS: SenseAbility Community Showcase (Multiple Choices Center for Independent Living) Participants will be given 5–10 minutes to showcase their products and/or services. 10 a.m.–1 p.m. jtoney@ multiplechoices.us
FILM: Flicker Film Society (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Screening of Stanley Kubrick’s 1956 The Killing. 7 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar.com
GAMES: Shih Tzu Not Trivia (South Main Brewing) Test your general trivia knowledge. Wednesdays, 6 p.m. www.instagram.com/shihtzu nottrivia
GAMES: Shih Tzu Not Trivia (La Fiesta) Test your general trivia knowledge. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. www.instagram.com/shihtzunottrivia
GAMES: Girl Power Music BINGO (B&B Theatres) Join in for musicthemed BINGO. 7:30 p.m. www. bbtheatres.com
GAMES: Not Rocket Science Trivia (Locos Grill and Pub Eastside) Test your trivia knowledge with host Michael. Wednesdays, 8 p.m. www. notrocketsciencetrivia.com
KIDSTUFF: Busy Bee Toddler Time (Bogart Library) Join Ms. Donna for rhymes, songs, puppets and a story. 10 a.m. & 11 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
KIDSTUFF: LEGO Mania (Bogart Library) Drop in to free build and create. All ages. 3–5 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
KIDSTUFF: Lunar New Year Crafternoon (ACC Library) Drop in for crafts to celebrate the Year of the Snake. 3 p.m. FREE! www.athens library.org
MEETINGS: Film Athens (Flicker Theatre & Bar) Meet and network with others in the filmmaking community (actors, directors, etc.) during happy hour. 5 p.m. FREE! www.flickertheatreandbar.com
CLASSES: New Moon Cacao Ceremony & Sound Bath (Shakti Power Yoga) Enjoy a cacao ceremony and a sound bath. $25. 7:15 p.m. www.shaktiyogaathens.com
COMEDY: Tom Segura (Akins Ford Arena) The actor, comedian and writer known for several Netflix specials is on his “Come Together” tour. 7:30 p.m. $31.50–101.50. www.classiccenter.com
COMEDY: Flying Squid Open Improv Jam (150 Fritz Mar Lane)
Improvisors of all skill levels are invited to practice and play together. 8 p.m. $5 suggested donation. www.flyingsquidcomedy. com
GAMES: Shih Tzu Not Trivia (Terrapin Beer Co.) Test your general trivia knowledge. Thursdays, 6 p.m. www.instagram.com/shihtzunottrivia
GAMES: BINGO (VFW Post 2872) Join in to play this weekly game of chance. Thursdays, 6 p.m. (doors). FREE! www.facebook.com/vfw2872
GAMES: Thursday Trivia (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza) Test your trivia knowledge with host Todd Henderson. 6:30 p.m. www.johnnys pizza.com
GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (The Foundry) Test your trivia knowledge
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 1:30 p.m. info@petanque.org, www.athenspetanque.org
ART: Closing Reception (Creature Comforts Brewery) Maximos Salzman’s “Domicile Imperium” presents nine prints and drawings influenced by imagery found in historical empires and fictional empires of pop culture. 6–8 p.m. www.creaturecomfortsbeer.com
COMEDY: Flying Squid Features (Flying Squid Comedy) Enjoy four feature standup sets by a variety of regional comics. 8 p.m. $12. www. flyingsquidcomedy.com
masterworks from the classical and neoclassical canons alongside contemporary works. Performances for Young People. 10 a.m. $3 (students), $5 (adult chaperones). pac.uga.edu
PERFORMANCE: American Ballet Theatre Studio Company (UGA Fine Arts Theatre) Dancers between the ages of 17 and 21 perform masterworks from the classical and neoclassical canons alongside contemporary works. Jan. 31, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 1, 2 p.m. $39–79. pac. uga.edu
SPORTS: UGA Ice Dawgs vs Farmingdale State College (Akins Ford Arena) Cheer on the home team in this hockey match. 5:30 p.m. www.classiccenter.com
with host TJ Wayt. Thursdays, 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddog athens
GAMES: ’90s Music Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Test your trivia knowledge with host Phil. 7 p.m. www. facebook.com/MellowMushroom Athens
KIDSTUFF: Open Play (Oconee County Library) Drop in for playtime that’s focused on encouraging early literacy and brain building. Ages 5 & under. 11 a.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/oconee
KIDSTUFF: LEGO Club (Oconee County Library) Drop in to free build and create, or do one of the fun LEGO challenges. Ages 5–12. Thursdays, 3:30–5:30. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/oconee
KIDSTUFF: The Hobbit Escape (Bogart Library) A Lord of the Rings-themed escape room event for tweens and teens. Registration required. 4 p.m. & 6 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
LECTURES & LIT: American Ballet Theatre Studio Company (UGA Fine Arts Theatre) Take a look inside the world of ballet at this informative lecture and demonstration. 5 p.m. FREE! pac.uga.edu
MEETINGS: KnitLits Knitting Group (Bogart Library) Knitters of all levels are invited to have fun, share craft ideas and knit to their hearts’ content. Thursdays, 6 p.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/bogart
SPORTS: Classic City Pétanque Club (Lay Park) New players welcome. Scheduled days are
GAMES: Chess Club (Winterville Cultural Center) Join others for a weekly chess competition. Fridays, 6–10 p.m. FREE! www.winterville center.com
GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (Soldier of the Sea Distillery) Test your trivia knowledge with host Miles Bunch. Fridays, 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/ baddogathens
KIDSTUFF: Fantastic Friday (Bishop Park) An instructor supervises while a parent/caregiver leads their little ones through obstacle courses. Ages 1–4 years. Register online. 10–11:30 a.m. $7.50 (ACC residents), $11.25 (non-ACC residents). www.accgovga.myrec.com
KIDSTUFF: Meet & Play (Bogart Library) Drop in for facilitated open play with age-appropriate toys. Best for ages 6 & under. Fridays, 10:30 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/ bogart
KIDSTUFF: Nerf Wars (Lay Park) Bring your best game face and your personal (single shot/non-auto) Nerf gun. 6 p.m. (ages 5–8). 7 p.m. (ages 9–12). www.accgovga. myrec.com
LECTURES & LIT: Author Talk & Book Signing (Oconee County Library) Award-winning reporter, journalist and former WSB-TV news anchor John Pruitt will discuss his new book Tell It True. 12 p.m. FREE! www.oconeecountylibraryfriends.org
PERFORMANCE: American Ballet Theatre Studio Company (UGA Fine Arts Theatre) Dancers between the ages of 17 and 21 perform
featuring featuring LeeAnn Peppers, Bradley Bazzle and Matt House. 8 p.m. $10. xmatthouse@gmail.com
COMEDY: Patrick Warburton (Marigold Auditorium for Arts and Culture) The actor and comedian known for his roles in Seinfeld Family Guy and The Tick will perform his stand-up comedy act. 8 p.m. $30. www.marigoldauditorium.com
EVENTS: African American Genealogy Shared Interest Group (ACC Library) Learn and share research stories, problemsolving techniques, and tools that are focused on African American genealogy. 10 a.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org
EVENTS: FOL Jewelry and Book Sale (#3 Railroad Street) Vintage costume jewelry and a large selection of books will be for sale in benefit of the Friends of the Oglethorpe County Library. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. www.oglethorpefol.org
FILM: Sherlock Jr. Synced with R.E.M. (Morton Theatre) Classic silent cinema set to rock music featuring Buster Keaton’s 1924 film Sherlock Jr. synced with R.E.M.’s Monster and New Adventures in Hi-Fi albums. $15–25. 7 p.m. www. bit.ly/MTCSilents
KIDSTUFF: Busy Bee Toddler Time (Bogart Library) Join Ms. Donna for rhymes, songs, puppets and a story. 10:30 a.m. FREE! www. athenslibrary.org/bogart
KIDSTUFF: Lego Mania (Bogart Library) Drop in to free build and create. All ages. 2–4 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
SPORTS: Athens Rock Lobsters vs. Baton Rouge Zydeco (Akins Ford Arena) Cheer on the home team in this hockey match. 7 p.m. $20–43. www.classiccenter.com
ART: Cocktails & Canvas (Oak House Distillery) View works by local artists Megan Bennett, Sonja Delaplane and Lisa Freeman, meet the artists and enjoy curated cocktails for purchase. 2–6 p.m. www. oakhousedistillery.com
ART: Opening Reception (Steffen Thomas Museum of Art) The exhibition “Touch Grass” features the art of painter Raven Waters, ceramicist Senora Lynch and Steffen Thomas. 4–6 p.m. $20. www.steffenthomas.
ART: Opening Reception and Dance Party (Georgia Museum of Art) Celebrate the opening of the exhibition “Beyond the Medici: The Haukohl Family Collection” with hors d’oeuvres and an endof-night dance party. Ticketed event. 6:30 p.m.– 12 a.m. www. georgiamuseum.org
CLASSES: Independent Podcasting Workshop (The Lightroom) Learn how to harness the power of podcasting to grow a brand, connect with an audience, and more. 11 a.m. $150. www.thelightroom-ath.com
COMEDY: The Hothouse (work. shop) True-to-life improv comedy inspired by audience suggestions
PERFORMANCE: American Ballet Theatre Studio Company (UGA Fine Arts Theatre) Dancers between the ages of 17 and 21 perform masterworks from the classical and neoclassical canons alongside contemporary works. Jan. 31, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 1, 2 p.m. $39–79. pac.uga.edu
PERFORMANCE: Brew Revue Variety Show (Athentic Brewing Co.) A variety of local talents take the stage to perform. 7 p.m. FREE! www. athenticbrewing.com
SPORTS: UGA Ice Dawgs vs Farmingdale State College (Akins Ford Arena) Cheer on the home team in this hockey match. 5 p.m. www.classiccenter.com
SPORTS: Athens Rock Lobsters vs. Baton Rouge Zydeco (Akins Ford Arena) Cheer on the home team in this hockey match. 7 p.m. $20–43. www.classiccenter.com
CLASSES: Sound Healing (Healing Arts Centre) Kennedy Oneself leads participants through a voyage with vibration as they lay down and relax. 7 p.m. $30–50. www.healingarts centre.net
COMEDY: Comedy Open Mic (MaiKai Kava Lounge) Show up and go up with your stand-up material. 6–8 p.m. FREE! www.instagram. com/bulaatmaikai
EVENTS: Market and Mingle (The Globe) A Valentine’s Day themed vendor market with locally made gifts, DIY card station and more. 1 –6 p.m. www.globetavern.com
FILM: Movies by Moonlight (Morton Theatre) Indoor screening of Groundhog Day with complimentary popcorn. 4 p.m. FREE! www. accgov.com
GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (The Globe) Test your trivia knowledge with host TJ Wayt. Sundays, 6 p.m. www. facebook.com/baddogathens
GAMES: Trivia Night (Cheba Hut) Test your trivia knowledge. 7:30 p.m. www.instagram.com/chebahut
SPORTS: UGA Ice Dawgs vs Farmingdale State College (Akins Ford Arena) Cheer on the home team in this hockey match. 11:30 a.m. www.classiccenter.com
SPORTS: Athens Rock Lobsters vs. Baton Rouge Zydeco (Akins Ford Arena) Cheer on the home team in this hockey match. 4 p.m. $20–43. www.classiccenter.com
CLASSES: Laughter Yoga (Healing Arts Centre) Rebecca Shah leads participants through a class that promotes good physical and mental health. 5:30 p.m. FREE! www.healingartscentre.net
GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (LumberJaxe) Test your trivia knowledge with host TJ Wayt. Mondays, 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddogathens
GAMES: General Trivia (Athentic Brewing Co.) Test your trivia knowledge. Mondays, 7–9 p.m. FREE! www.athenticbrewing.com
KIDSTUFF: Monday Funday (Bogart Library) Join Ms. Donna for songs, fingerplays, storytelling and STEAM activities. Ages 3–7 years. Registration suggested. 10:30 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
MEETINGS: Classic City Rotary (1430 N Chase St) The local chapter meets weekly. Mondays, 11:30 a.m. FREE! www.classiccityrotary.org
CLASSES: Casa de Amistad ESL Class (ACC Library) Strengthen your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills for adults of all nationalities. Registration required. 11:30 a.m. FREE! athensamistad@ gmail.com
CLASSES: ESOL (Bogart Library) Learn or polish your English skills using Mango languages online and in-person conversation. 12 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
GAMES: Bad Dog Trivia (Eddie’s Calzones) Test your trivia knowledge with host TJ Wayt. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. www.facebook.com/baddog athens
GAMES: Lunch & Learn (Tyche’s Games) Bring your lunch and learn new games. 11:30 a.m. FREE! www. tychesgames.com
GAMES: Not Rocket Science Trivia (Trappeze Pub) Test your trivia knowledge. Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. www.notrocketsciencetrivia.com
GAMES: UnPhiltered Trivia (Mellow Mushroom) Test your trivia knowledge with host Phil. 7 p.m. www. facebook.com/MellowMushroom Athens
GAMES: Singo! (Beef O’Brady’s) Win gift certificates and prizes at this music bingo night. Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. www.beefobradys.com/athens
KIDSTUFF: Storytime (Oconee County Library) Drop in and join Ms. Jera for rhymes, songs, movement, a story and a craft. Ages 5 & under. 11 a.m. & 12 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee
KIDSTUFF: Crafternoon (Oconee County Library) Drop in for a craft or two. Supplies Provided. All ages. Tuesdays, 3:30–5:30 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/oconee
LECTURES & LIT: Historic Athens History Hour (Lyndon House Arts Center) Learn about “The Untold Stories of Brooklyn Cemetery” with the Friends of the Brooklyn
Cemetery. 12 p.m. FREE! www. historicathens.com
LECTURES & LIT: Bogart Bookies (Bogart Library) Pick up a copy of Hill Women by Cassie Chambers and discuss it with the group. 1 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/ bogart
LECTURES & LIT: Book Launch (Nuçi’s Space) Celebrate the release of the anthology And One Day We Will Die: Strange Stories Inspired by the Music of Neutral Milk Hotel with readings and live music. 6–9 p.m. $10 suggested donation. www.nuci.org
LECTURES & LIT: Silent Book Club (Tapped Athens Wine Market) Settle in with some food and beverages, then enjoy an hour of quiet reading time. 6:30–8 p.m. FREE! www. tappedathens.com
ART: Curator Talk (Georgia Museum of Art) Shawnya Harris will give a gallery talk on the latest installation of works by African American artists. 2 p.m. FREE! www.georgia museum.org
COMEDY: Gorgeous George’s Improv League (Buvez) Townie improv that invites you to bring suggestions. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. $5 suggested donation. www.flying squidcomedy.com
GAMES: Shih Tzu Not Trivia (South Main Brewing) Test your general trivia knowledge. Wednesdays, 6 p.m. www.instagram.com/shihtzu nottrivia
GAMES: Shih Tzu Not Trivia (La Fiesta) Test your general trivia knowledge. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. www.instagram.com/shihtzunottrivia
GAMES: General Trivia (B&B Theatres) Test your trivia knowledge. 7:30 p.m. www.bbtheatres.com
GAMES: Not Rocket Science Trivia (Locos Grill and Pub Eastside) Test your trivia knowledge with host Michael. Wednesdays, 8 p.m. www. notrocketsciencetrivia.com
KIDSTUFF: Busy Bee Toddler Time (Bogart Library) Join Ms. Donna for rhymes, songs, puppets and a story. 10 a.m. & 11 a.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
KIDSTUFF: LEGO Mania (Bogart Library) Drop in to free build and create. All ages. 3–5 p.m. FREE! www.athenslibrary.org/bogart
LECTURES & LIT: Avid Writers’ Collective (Avid Bookshop) Members critique each others’ pre-submitted writing of all forms. First Wednesdays, 6:15 p.m. FREE! events@avidbookshop.com
SPORTS: Athens Rock Lobsters vs. Columbus River Dragons (Akins Ford Arena) Cheer on the home team in this hockey match. 7 p.m. $20–43. www.classiccenter.com
2/06 Open Play (Oconee County Library)
2/06 LEGO Club (Oconee County Library)
2/06 Shih Tzu Not Trivia (Terrapin Beer Co.)
2/06 Lines and Wines (Tapped Athens Wine Market)
2/06 BINGO (VFW Post 2872)
2/06 KnitLits Knitting Group (Bogart Library)
2/06 Thursday Trivia (Johnny’s New York Style Pizza)
2/06 Bad Dog Trivia (The Foundry)
2/06 Moms Unhinged (Morton Theatre)
2/06 Love.Craft Bingo Night (Athentic Brewing Co.)
2/06 The Vagina Monologues (The Winterville Auditorium) f
By Jessica Smith arts@flagpole.com
Painted by Florida-based muralist Steven Teller, “A Blossoming Ode to Georgia’s Musical History” depicts several of the state’s most influential artists singing and creating sound in unison. Recently completed in the lobby of the new Akins Ford Arena at the Classic Center, the mural pays homage to luminaries who have paved the way for the musical landscape that exists today.
Facilitated by the Athens- Clarke County Leisure Services Arts Division, the mural is a public artwork that was funded by the ACC Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST). Teller was one of 122 artists who applied to a nationwide call, and his design was chosen by a community panel using a blind selection process. His proposal was approved by the ACC Mayor and Commission in September 2023 alongside two other artworks for the arena: a mural named “Architecture of Imagination” by Kate Lewis and an outdoor sculpture of an upright bass by Christopher Weed.
“I remember seeing that the mural call was for Georgia music history, and I was super stoked seeing that because you don’t always find something that’s so focused on what you love to do,” says Teller.
As an artist who has traveled far and wide for commissions, Teller specializes in painting large- scale murals that strengthen a sense of place by paying homage to notable figures and native flora. In 2022, he completed a mural on the exterior wall of Macon’s H&H Soul Food that depicts the Allman Brothers Band eating at the restaurant alongside portraits of original owners Mama Hill and Mama Louise. Later that year in Johnson City, TN, he created “Traditions of Appalachia,” a mural that combines bluegrass and old- time musical instruments with regional quilt patterns.
After experimenting with different monochromatic schemes, he gravitated towards harmonious colors that can be found in nature. His color palette also gives a nod to poster and album art of psychedelic rock bands from the ’60s, such as Cream’s Disraeli Gears
Teller explains that the colors naturally become a value scale on their own, where red is dark, yellow is light and orange is somewhere in between. With this tonality shift, his portraits appear almost as if they are bathed in the light of the golden hour.
“I wanted my work to kind of be psychedelic and sort of something that takes you out of your space but feels really good and is a moment of raw, new perception,” says Teller. “Something you recognize, but maybe it triggers a little bit of a new pattern, new thought, new perspective, new doorway kind of vibe.”
Working off of photo references, Teller used AI sharpening tools when necessary to dial in extra detail within grainy images. To scale up his design and get the proportions just right, he began by making a grid of measured dots across the massive wall.
“A Blossoming Ode to Georgia’s Musical History” recognizes several of the state’s most influential artists. Choosing who to represent such an expansive history was a major challenge, but Teller approached the task by finding a balance between genre, time period and city.
“Number one, right away, I decided on Duane Allman no matter what, because I love the Allman Brothers more than most things in life,” says Teller.
While gathering input for the project, Teller discovered that most people seemed to immediately think of Ray Charles and his iconic song “Georgia on My Mind,” so he became the central focal point of the design. With Macon and Albany both represented, Teller added funk pioneer James Brown, who spent formative years in both Augusta and Toccoa, and Cindy Wilson of Athens new wave band
The B-52s. Hip-hop legends OutKast and “Empress of Soul” Gladys Knight both represent Atlanta.
One of the most distinctive elements of Teller’s work is his warm color palette of red, orange, yellow, fuchsia and purple. A graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design, Teller learned how to paint very realistic images, yet sought a way to infuse a subtly psychedelic undertone.
“I was searching for something that felt like that really amazing feeling when you are visiting a national park or something really beautiful,” says Teller. “You’re feeling a connection to it humanly, but there’s just something otherworldly to it.”
“When you go up close to it, which is a really fun part of it, it’s extremely painterly,” says Teller. “Some of it’s dusty, some of it’s fuzzy, some of it’s sharp. It’s got very painterly, expressive-like movements when you’re up close, but when you back up the perception really comes together.”
Teller credits his chosen medium, spray paint, for the ability to produce a high level of detail from the macro down to the micro.
“The colors are super potent,” says Teller. “You can create some really soft contrast and some really strong contrast. You can get all sorts of metallic looking textures, skin textures and clothing textures. It’s really just an amazing medium for working on projects exactly like this.”
“A Blossoming Ode to Georgia’s Musical History” is prominently displayed alongside the Georgia Music Collections, an array of artifacts, instruments and memorabilia from the UGA Special Collections Libraries. Several parallels can be found between the two projects. The inclusion of Duane Allman’s SG in the Georgia Music Collections was particularly fortuitous, as Teller was able to take photographs and superimpose the guitar into his mural. Cindy Wilson’s iconic beehive wig from the mural can be seen in real life right around the corner, too.
“I think it’s important to learn about everything that’s come before so you know what you’re listening to these days and why,” says Teller. “That’s a big part of my work— paying homage to the things that came before.” f
Deadline for getting listed in Bulletin Board is every THURSDAY at 5 p.m. for the print issue that comes out the following Wednesday. Online listings are updated daily. Email calendar@flagpole.com.
AAAC QUARTERLY GRANT (Athens, GA) The Athens Area Arts Council offers $500 grants to visual and performing artists in any medium to support specific projects that enrich the culture of Athens. Rolling deadlines are Mar. 15, June 15, Sept. 15 and Dec. 15. Apply online. www. athensarts.org/support
(Lyndon House Arts Center) The AIR Program provides participants with a semi-private workspace, access to the center’s seven open studios and a $250 stipend. Rising professional and studio-based artists are invited to apply. Artists will be expected to present their work in a workshop or artist talk and will be invited to take part in a group exhibition with other AIR Program alumni. Applications are reviewed Apr. 20 for residencies beginning July 1 and Sept. 20 for residencies beginning Jan. 1. www.accgov. com/lyndonhouse
(Athens, GA) The ACD is a platform to connect creatives with patrons. Visual artists, musicians, actors, writers and other creatives are encouraged to create a free listing. athenscreatives@gmail.com, www. athenscreatives.directory
ATHFEST ARTIST MARKET (Downtown Athens) The AthFest Music & Arts Festival Artist Market is now accepting applications. Deadline Apr. 1. Email examples of work to art@athfesteducates.org and fill out online form. bit.ly/42hQJKq
BIPOC ARTIST/CURATOR PROJECT OPEN CALL (Lyndon House Arts Center) Seeking BIPOC individuals residing in Georgia to develop an art exhibition to be on display for 6–8 weeks at the LHAC. A stipend of $1,500 is provided. www.accgov. com/9799/ArtistCurator
CALL FOR ART (Amici at The Falls)
Amici is seeking artists to share artwork in monthly exhibitions. Email an introduction and a few examples of work. careywelsh20@gmail.com
CALL FOR ART (Winterville Library)
Apply to be a featured local artist in the Front Room Gallery. The library accepts all 2D mediums such as watercolor, acrylic, collage, textile, photography, digital and multi-media. Email swatson@ athenslibrary.org
CALL FOR COLLECTORS (Lyndon House Arts Center) The LHAC’s “Collections from our Community” series features unique collections of objects found in the closets, cabinets and shelves of Athenians. Email if interested in displaying your collection. shelby.little@accgov.com
The annual Members’ Showcase spotlights artists who support the gallery through memberships. New and existing members are invited to submit an original work of their choosing in any media. See website for specifications. Deadline Feb. 9. Drop-off on Feb. 10, 4–6 p.m. Opening Reception Feb. 15. Exhibition on view through Mar. 16. www.athica.org/updates/call-2025showcase
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS (Lyndon House Arts Center) The 50th Juried
AMICI AT THE FALLS (8851 Macon Hwy., Suite 501) Paintings by Marissa Mustard. Through Feb. 13.
ARTS + ATHLETICS (Contact for Address) “Raised Bed” features works on paper and sculptural works by Sara Hess, co-founder of printmaking studio Two Parts Press. Closing Reception Feb. 22, 4–6 p.m. Open by appointment through Feb. 22.
ATHENAEUM (287 W. Broad St.) Brooklyn-based artist Matt Keegan’s sculptures, collage and paintings in “Realia” are based on double-sided image-based flash cards his mother made to teach English. Through Mar. 22. ATHENS-CLARKE COUNTY LIBRARY BOGUE GALLERY (2025 Baxter St.) Library staff members share their creations. Through Feb. 23.
ATHENS INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART: ATHICA (675 Pulaski St.) “Plantronics” presents the collaborative conceptual works of Wendy DesChene and Jeff Schmuki, environmental science artists who operate under the guise of “PlantBot Genetics,” a parody of Big Agricultural Firms who skillfully manipulate current food production and distribution systems. Artist Talk and Closing Reception Feb. 9, 3 p.m. UGA Digital Printmaking Student Wheat Paste Mural Collaboration Feb. 10–17.
ATHICA@CINÉ GALLERY (234 W. Hancock Ave.) R.B. Pruett’s solo exhibition includes visceral “cannibalized” paintings that involve a process of cutting up and collaging fragments of other paintings. Reception Feb. 6, 6–8 p.m. Currently on view through Feb. 25.
CLASSIC CENTER (300 N. Thomas St.) On view in Classic Gallery I, “Legendary Georgia Musicians in Watercolor” is Jackie Dorsey’s homage to musicians who have called Georgia their home. • In Classic Gallery II, “Linnentown Then and Now: The Johnsons” includes portraits by Caroline Ford Coleman.
CREATURE COMFORTS BREWING CO. (271 W. Hancock Ave.) An exploration of paradox through imperial art, Maximos Salzman’s “Domicile Imperium” presents nine prints and drawings influenced by imagery found in historical empires as well as fictional empires of pop culture. Closing Reception Jan. 31, 6–8 p.m. Currently on view through Feb. 2.
Exhibition will be juried by Michael Rooks, Wieland Family Senior Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the High Museum in Atlanta. Artists living in Athens or surrounding counties may submit up to three entries. Submissions accepted through Jan. 24, 11:59 p.m. Exhibition on view Mar. 13–May 10. $35/ entry fee. accgov.com/lyndonhouse JOKERJOKERTV CALL FOR ARTISTS (Online) JOKERJOKERtv is actively accepting proposals for collaboration from visual, musical and video artists and curators living in Athens. Artists worldwide can also submit music videos, short films, skits and ideas to share with a weekly livestream audience. www. jokerjokertv.com/submit
OPEN STUDIOS (Lyndon House Arts Center) Studio members have access to spaces for painting, printmaking, photography, ceramics, jewelry, fiber and woodworking. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. $65/month. www. accgov.com/7350/Open-StudioMembership
(Athens GA) The Athens Cultural Affairs Commission is seeking community members to participate in upcoming public art selection panels. Panels review, evaluate and select from submitted proposals for ACC-funded public art commissions. www.accgov.com/9656/ Public-Art-Selection-Panels
SEEKING NEW MEMBERS (Athens, GA) The Athens Cultural Affairs Commission is seeking two candidates to fill three-year volunteer positions. Meetings held
the second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. Application deadline Feb. 23, 11:59 p.m. www.accgov. com/4161/Athens-Cultural-AffairsCommission
ANGEL STREET (GASLIGHT) (Elberton Arts Center) Encore Productions hosts auditions seeking two adult men and three adult women. Auditions held Feb. 17–18, 6–8 p.m. Performances held May 2–4, 9–11. 706-213-3109, tking@ cityofelberton.net
A COURSE OF LOVE (Unity Athens Church) Learn a positive path for spiritual living based on A Course in Miracles. Wednesdays, 10–11:30 a.m. FREE! www.unity athens.com
ACCENT REDUCTION CLASS (Covenant Presbyterian Church) Improve your American English pronunciation skills. For ages 18 and up. Tuesdays, 12 p.m. FREE! marjoriemiller@gmail.com
ART CLASSES (K.A. Artist Shop) The shop offers a range of fine art classes and workshops for adults, private classes and parties, summer camps, and art clubs for youth. Register online. www.kaartist.com
BLACKSMITHING CLASSES (Greenhow Handmade Ironworks, Washington) A variety of blacksmithing classes include “First Time at the Forge: Three Hook Rack” (Feb. 8), “Crash Course in Artistic Blacksmithing” (Feb. 9–10, $250) and “Forging Basic Tongs” (Feb. 15). Classes run 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $150/ class. www.greenhowhandmade. com/blacksmith-classes
DODD GALLERIES (270 River Rd.) “Bookmarked: One Hundred Images” investigates numerous styles of visual languages and translates them into book form. Through Feb. 28.
EARTH FARE (1689 S. Lumpkin St.) Susan Pelham’s collages are inspired by Magic Realism, Surrealism, nursery rhymes, fables and more. Through January.
FLICKER THEATRE & BAR (263 W. Washington St.) Colorful and unusual paintings by Mark Dalling. Through January.
GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART (90 Carlton St.) Shot through the windows from inside Waffle House restaurants across the Southeast, Micah Cash’s photographs in “Waffle House Vistas” contemplate the built and natural environments. Through June 1. • “The Awe of Ordinary Labors: 20th-Century Paintings from Ukraine” exemplifies socialist realism, a style of art promoted by the government of the Soviet Union. Through June 1. • “Beyond the Medici: The Haukohl Family Collection” is one of the most extensive holdings of Florentine baroque art in private hands outside of Italy. Feb. 1–May 18.
GLASSCUBE@INDIGO (500 College Ave.) Zane Cochran presents “Aurora,” a sculptural interpretation of the aurora borealis using 3D geometric figures and lights.
LYNDON HOUSE ARTS CENTER (211 Hoyt St.) The Window Works series presents a site-specific artwork by Atlanta artist Michael Reese that questions the perception of the Black Body against cyanotype photography popular with architectural blueprints. Through spring 2025. • “fast tracks, ski masks, plaid slacks” by Tim Root includes playful wooden constructions drawn from a comic book aesthetic and DIY ethos. Through Feb. 8. • “Twist” features paintings by Carol John full of pop colors and vibrating repetitions of dots, lines and shapes. Studio Visit Feb. 22. Through Mar. 15.
• “Distillations” features drawings on paper and wall-bound constructions by Johntimothy Pizzuto and Patti Roberts-Pizzuto. Studio Visit Mar. 1, 1–4 p.m. Through Mar. 15.
MAGALLERY (125 W. Jefferson St., Madison) In “Branching Out,” Barbara Odil presents mixed media sculptures that elevate nature and its process of decay to unprecedented artistic levels. Through Mar. 8.
OCONEE CULTURAL ARTS FOUNDATION (34 School St., Watkinsville) “Winter Respite” features photographs by Glenn Galau. Through Feb. 28.
CANOPY CLASSES & SCHOLARSHIPS (Canopy Studio) Canopy offers a variety of trapeze and aerial arts classes for children and adults. Scholarships and financial aid are available. outreach@canopystudio. org, www.canopystudio.org/ outreach/scholarships
CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS (Athens, GA) The Athens Land Trust hosts a variety of virtual and in-person classes. Topics include “Credit Reports & Scores” (Feb. 10, 5:30 p.m.), “Homebuyer Education” (Feb. 22, 9:30 a.m.) and “Using Credit Cards” (Feb. 24, 5:30 p.m.). Visit website for full list. www.athens landtrust.org/classes-events
DANCE CLASSES (East Athens Educational Dance Center) The center offers classes in ballet, hip hop, jazz, modern and tap. Lunch time classes are available for adults including “Pilates & Dance Conditioning” on Wednesdays at noon. www.accgov.com/myrec
CUBAN SALSA CLASSES (UGA Dance Building) TIMBAthens offers multiple classes for different skill levels. Follows UGA closures. Sundays, 3 p.m. (Level 1) and 4 p.m. (Level 2). $10 drop-in. timb athens@gmail.com, www.timb athens.com
CUBAN SALSA LESSONS (El Carretonero) SALSAthens offers multiple classes for different skill levels. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. (advanced) and 7:30 p.m. (beginner/intermediate). $10 drop-in. www.SALS AthensDancing@gmail.com
IMPROV ACTING (work.shop) This five-week course covers the basics of improvement and comedy acting taught by Matt House. Begins Feb. 2, 4–5:30 p.m. $120. xmatt house@gmail.com
PÉTANQUE CLUB OF ATHENS (5 Alumni Dr.) Learn to play Pétanque. RSVP for a free Wednesday introduction. athenspetanqueclub@ gmail.com, www.athenspetanque club.wixsite.com/play
TRADITIONAL MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES (Live Oak Martial Arts) Traditional and modern-style Taekwondo, self-defense, grappling and weapons classes are offered for all ages. Classes in Jodo, the
art of the Japanese staff and sword, are held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 p.m. Visit the website for a full schedule. liveoak martialarts@gmail.com, www.live oakmartialarts.com
YOGA AND MORE (Revolution Therapy and Yoga) Revolution is a multipurpose mind-body wellness studio offering yoga and therapy with an emphasis on trauma-informed practices. Check website for upcoming classes and programs. www.revolutiontherapyandyoga.com
YOGA CLASSES (Highland Yoga) Classes are offered seven days a week. Intro offer includes 30 days for $30. www.highland-yoga.com
YOGA CLASSES (Let It Be Yoga Studio, Watkinsville) Classes are offered in Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, beginner, gentle and other styles. Check online calendar for weekly offerings. www.letitbeyoga.org
YOGA CLASSES (Shakti Yoga Athens) This body-neutral and traumainformed space in Normaltown offers heated and unheated classes. Classes are offered in Power Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Yin and Restorative Yoga. New student offer: four weeks of unlimited yoga for $40. shakti yogaathens.com
ATHENS REPAIR CAFE (Solid Waste Office) The repair cafe is seeking volunteers comfortable fixing any of the following: clothing, pillows, small appliances, lamps, electronics, computers, bikes, small engines, clocks, knives, tools. The repair cafe is held the fourth Sunday of every month. reuse@accgov. com, www.accgov.com/RepairCafe MULTIPLE CHOICES VOLUNTEERS (Multiple Choices Center for Independent Living) Seeking volunteers to assist a nonprofit agency that serves individuals living with disabilities throughout a 10-country area of Northeastern Georgia. Contact Daniel Myers at 706-850-4025 or dmyers@multiplechoices.us PET FOOD PANTRY (Animal Services Adoption Center) The Animal Services community pet food pantry
Two new collections celebrating the connection between art and nature include a complete Jasperware tea set from Wedgewood in England and a series of hand-carved coconut vessels.
STEFFEN THOMAS MUSEUM OF ART (4200 Bethany Rd., Buckhead) Developed in collaboration with the Georgia Writers Museum in Eatonton, “Touch Grass: Steffen Thomas, Senora Lynch, Raven Waters” is an environmentally-focused exhibition that explores humanity’s place in the natural world. Opening Reception Feb. 1, 4–6 p.m. Currently on view through June 28. • Alexandra Huynh presents “From Tears to the Sea and Other Works.” Through June 28.
UGA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIES (300 S. Hull St.) “Bulldog Olympians” celebrates over 200 UGA athletes who have competed for Team USA or their home countries through photographs and artifacts. Through January. • “Precious, Almost Sacred: Voting Rights in America” features photos, pamphlets, newspaper reports, letters and more from the Russell Library archives to illustrate the expansion of voter access in Georgia. Through May.
TAYLOR-GRADY HOUSE (634 Prince Ave.) “Warrior Women” is a collection of 60 ceramic torsos by Alice Woodruff that celebrate real-life heroines from American history, contemporary society and across the globe. Artist Talk Feb. 20, 7 p.m. Through Feb. 21.
UGA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER LOBBY GALLERY (230 River Rd.) Benjamin Britton, an associate professor at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, presents “surface potential,” a collection of four abstract paintings over 7 feet tall. Through Aug. 8.
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF ATHENS CLEMENTS GALLERY (780 Timothy Rd.) “Family Val-hues” by Broderick Flanigan focuses on the faces of the Athens-born painter and muralist’s family members. Through March.
WINTERVILLE LIBRARY (115 Marigold Ln., Winterville) “Our Resilient Community Art Show” features oil and acrylic paintings, multimedia narrative pieces, traditional and digital drawings, and 3D interactive sculptures by students from Our Resilient Community, an agile learning center in Winterville. Reception Jan. 28, 5 p.m. Through Feb. 7.
provides pet food to ACC residents at no cost. Donations always welcome. Monday–Saturday, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Sundays, 12–3 p.m. www.accgov.com/adoptioncenter
SEEKING BOARD MEMBERS (Bigger Vision of Athens) The nonprofit homeless shelter Bigger Vision of Athens, Inc. is seeking new members for its board of directors. The application is available online. the biggervisionshelter@gmail.com, www.bvoa.org/boardmember
SEEKING VOLUNTEERS (TaylorGrady House) Seeking volunteers to work as greeters during open hours for “Warrior Women: An Exhibition of Ceramic Sculptures” by Alice Woodruff. Thursdays, 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Through Feb. 21. Email for volunteer sign-up form. director@taylorgrady.com
children. Topics include birth and breastfeeding, prenatal and parent-baby yoga, instrument play, maternal mental health and more. Check website for a schedule. www. reblossomathens.com
LIBRARY STORYTIMES (ACC Library) Storytime for preschool aged children and their caregivers is offered every Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. www.athens library.org
AL-ANON 12 STEP (Multiple Locations) Recovery for people affected by someone else’s drinking. Free daytime and evening meetings are held several times throughout the week in Athens. www.ga-al-anon. org/meetings
(Chase Park Warehouses) A peerled support group of people who understand the depth of love and grief for animal companions. Meets every second and fourth Wednesday. Next meeting Feb. 12, 6:30–8 p.m. FREE! vibrantbeing.net/griefsupport
(Revolution Therapy and Yoga) This open support group for adults practicing or considering polyamory or nonmonogamy discusses navigating jealousy, polysaturation, relationships with metamours and polyamorous parenting. Thursdays, 6:30–7:30 p.m. $10 donation. www.revolutiontherapyandyoga.com
FOR WOMEN (Loran Smith Center for Cancer Support) Women ages 18–50 who have been diagnosed
TOWELS FOR ANIMALS (ACCGov Animal Services Adoption Center)
Seeking donations of gently used bath towels and hand rags for bathing animals and cleaning kennels. Donations can be dropped off at the door if it’s after hours. www.accgov. com/animalservices
Draw, paint, collage and create your own collection of art cards. Materials provided. Fridays, 6–7:30 p.m. $28/drop-in, $200 (10 classes). www.kaartist.com
BRELLA ACTIVITIES (‘Brella Studio) After-school art lessons for ages 6–11 include drawing and mixed media activities and are held Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Family Playgroups are for ages 0–5 and their caregivers. Check website for descriptions and meeting times. www.brellastudio.com/events
CREATIVE CLASSES (Treehouse Kid & Craft) Treehouse offers a variety of art-centric activities for children, such as “Art School,” “Toddler/ Baby Process Art,” “Digital Art Designer,” “Open Studio,” “Art School Junior,” “Saturday Morning Crafts” and more. Check website for schedule and details. www. treehousekidandcraft.com
(Various Locations) ACC Leisure Services offers programs on Clarke County School District’s student holiday. Programs include Cupid’s Day of Play at Lay Park, Funny Valentine Day Day of School Camp at Howard Park and Wild Hearts at Sandy Creek Nature Center on Feb. 14, plus Ready, Set, Go at Lay Park on Feb. 17. 706-613-3800
GROUPS AT REBLOSSOM (ReBlossom) A variety of classes, playgroups and support groups are offered for parents and young
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (Athens, GA) If you think you have a problem with alcohol, call the AA hotline or visit the website for a schedule of meetings in Barrow, Clarke, Jackson and Oconee Counties. 706-389-4164, www. athensaa.org
ATHENS COUNCIL OF THE BLIND (Athens, GA) Open to people of all ages with vision impairments, their families and friends. Topics include adaptive equipment, recreational and social opportunities, and advocacy. 706-424-2794, dlwahlers@ gmail.com
BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP (St. Mary’s Hospital, 5th Floor Therapy Room) This support group for survivors of traumatic head injury, their families, friends and caregivers offers friendship, information about resources and opportunities for advocacy. Every third Monday, 4:30–6 p.m. Contact Floretta Johnson, 706-353-1892, floretta. johnson@stmarysathens.org
NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP (Oconee Presbyterian Church) Peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Second Monday of the month, 6:30–8 p.m. FREE! joannehnamihallga@gmail.com
NEW PARENTS AND INFANT FEEDING SUPPORT GROUP (BYL Family Resource Center) Come as you are for community, snacks and feeding advice from professionals. Babies and children of all ages are welcome. Second and fourth Wednesdays, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. FREE! www.byyourleave.org
(First Baptist Church) This group is to encourage, support and share information with fellow sojourners who manage the challenges of Parkinson’s disease or other movement disorders. Second Friday of the month, 1 p.m. gpnoblet@ bellsouth.net
with tools, an air pump and a QR code for quick guides on basic bike repairs. Visit the website for participating locations. www.accgov. com/10584/Bike-Repair-Stations FILM LOCATION DIRECTORY
(Athens, GA) The Athens Film Office, part of the ACCGov Communications Department, recently launched a new database to showcase potential local sites that could be considered for film, TV or other production projects. Residents and business owners can add photos and information. www.athensgafilm office.com
RABBIT BOX (Athens VFW 2872) Rabbit Box presents true short stories shared by community members. Upcoming themes include “Open Theme Show” on Feb. 25, “In the Wrong Place, at the Wrong Time” on Mar. 25, “Road Trip!” on Apr. 22 and “Soundtrack of My Life” on May 27. Submit story ideas online. www.rabbitbox.org/tell
RABBIT HOLE EVENTS (Rabbit Hole Studios) Weekly events include Open Mic (Tuesdays, 7–11 p.m.), Acoustic Song Circle (Thursdays, 7–11 p.m.) and Drumming and Song Circle (Sundays, 3–5 p.m.). Wednesday Yoga (5 p.m.) is followed by Meditation and Integration (6 p.m.). Events are free or donation based. www.rabbitholestudios.org/ calendar
SEVENTH GENERATION (Healing Path Farm) Seventh Generation Native American Church hosts gatherings on Sundays at 11 a.m., Men’s Group on Tuesdays at 6 p.m., and Women’s Circle every second and fourth Wednesday at 6 p.m. www.seventhgeneration nativeamericanchurch.org
with a genetic mutation for breast cancer (but not diagnosed with cancer) can gather for peer support, discuss education and risk management, and share unique challenges. Third Thursdays, 5:30–7:30 p.m. 706-465-4900, loransmithcenter@ piedmont.org
PROJECT SAFE (Family Protection Center) Project Safe hosts a support group for survivors of domestic violence. Mondays, 6:30–8 p.m. www. project-safe.org
RECOVERY DHARMA (Athens Addiction Recovery Center) This peer-led support group offers a Buddhist-inspired path to recovery from any addiction. Visit the website for details. Thursdays, 7 p.m. www.athensrecoverydharma.org
SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS (Athens, GA) Athens Downtown SAA offers a message of hope to anyone who suffers from a compulsive sexual behavior. Contact for location. athensdowntownsaa@gmail.com
SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE (Nuçi’s Space) SOS is a support group for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide. Meets the third Wednesday of every month, 5:30–7:30 p.m. www.nuci.org
ATHENS ON ICE (440 Foundry Pavilion) Outdoor ice skating is currently available through February. Tickets include skate rental and 75 minutes on the ice. $15. www.classiccenter. com/iceskating
ATHFEST MUSICIAN APPLICATIONS (Downtown Athens) The 2025 AthFest Music & Arts Festival, held June 20–22, is seeking applications from musicians to perform. Fill out the online form. Deadline Mar. 7. www.athfest.com/athfestmusician-applications
BIKE REPAIR STATIONS (Multiple Locations) Over 15 free bike repair stations are located across Athens
SPRING PROGRAM REGISTRATION (Athens, GA) The Leisure Services Department offers a diverse selection of activities highlighting the arts, environmental science, recreation, sports and holiday events for both adults and children. Registration begins Feb 1, 9 a.m. (residents) or Feb. 3, 12 p.m. (nonresidents). www.accgov.com/myrec
SOUTHERN MAN CONTEST (VFW Post 2872) Southern Exposure Radio presents a contest to recognize ordinary men who go above and beyond in their communities and families. Seeking nominations. Winner will be recognized at an event on Feb. 15. 706-988-4061, www.southernman.info
VIC CHESNUTT SONGWRITER OF THE YEAR AWARDS (Athens, GA) Classic City Rotary is now accepting nominations. Songs must have a public release date during 2024, and songwriters must reside in Athens-Clarke County or a contiguous county. All genres welcome. Winner receives $1,500 cash prize, recording time from Amplify at Nuçi’s Space, a photo shoot with Jason Thrasher and a Team Clermont promotional package. Finalists receive $250 cash prizes. Deadline Mar. 20. www.vicchesnutt award.com
Brad Staples (of the Athens GA Live Music crew) is seeking previously recorded concerts and events on VHS, VHSC, Hi8, MiniDV and DVDs to digitize and archive on his YouTube channel, vhsordie (@ vhsordie3030). Live music recordings will be archived to the Athens GA Live Music channel courtesy of Gregory Frederick. Original recordings will be returned, and credits and dates will be included in the online video description. Digitization services are free. Contact for details and to coordinate shipping. bradley.staples88@gmail.com, vhsordie.com f
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3BR/2BA house in Normaltown, quiet interior street. Central heat/air. Furnished. Hwd floors. Washer/dryer. Driveway/on- street parking. No smokers, pets. Calls only! 706-372-1505
Bogart area. Furnished. Incl. private bath, all utils., internet, W/D. $600 per month plus deposit. Call 678-227-2704.
Single, retired professional seeking an Athens area ADU or guest house for a longterm rental.Move-in April 30. Not a pet owner. Willing to provide property management when owner is absent. Contact: mr11344@gmail. com
Moving Sale : Feb. 1, 10a.m. Ashley Furniture, rugs, retro fridge, lamps, tables, art. 700 Sunset Dr. Ste. 302, Athens, GA. Cash & Carry.
Moving: Traditional furniture sale with bedroom, living, dining and home office. Home theater equipment, oriental rugs, lighting, wall art, decorative items and kitchen appliances also. Contact: mr11344@gmail.com for images and pricing.
Business Water Solutions offers the cleanest drinking water available through innovative bottle- less water coolers and ice machines. 706- 248- 6761 or business watersolutions.com to set up a consultation.
Athens School of Music. Now offering in-person and online instruction in guitar, bass, drums, piano, voice, brass, woodwinds, strings, banjo, mandolin and more. From beginner to expert, all styles. Visit www.athensschoolof music.com. 706-543-5800
Sell your musical instruments in the Flagpole Classifieds!
Two Mint 2018 Guitars. Fender MIM Strat $650 and Epi LP Trad $550. Includes new hardcases. No mods. Contact: mr11344@gmail. com.
Instant cash is now being paid for good vinyl records & CDs in fine condition. Wuxtry Records at corner of Clayton & College Dwntn. 706-369-9428
Local Bookkeeper available. Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisor & Gusto Partner. Limited availability for 2025. Email thebeeskneesbook keeper@gmail.com or text 706.386.0281
Black Pearl Landscaping keeps yards thriving year round! Its prime time for winter pruning, mulching, and clearing overgrowth. Free consultations call/text 510705-2181.
Advertise your service in the Flagpole Classifieds!
Get ready for spring! Woman-Run Gardening Services: We offer garden clean- up/ maintenance, invasive plant removal, raised beds, personalized native/edible gardens for home/business and more! Call/Text: 706-395-5321.
Now accepting new massage clients! Relieve pain, reduce stress, and feel amazing. Book your personalized session today: 706-207-4796 or www.soulful serenitymassage.com.
Perfectly Polished offers professional editing services for all types of documents, including dissertations, articles, and more. Please call/ text Glenda at 706-395-8519 or email polished125@gmail. com for inquiries.
Dog walker / sitter available. Flexible schedule. Reasonable rates. Experience with a variety of breeds. References upon request. Call/text: 706338-9408.
Need old papers for your garden? We have plenty here at Flagpole! Call 706- 5490301 for more information.
following Wednesday issue
Part 107 Licensed Drone Pilot offering 4K Aerial Photography/Videography services. $150+ depending on project. Contact Matt via athensdrone pilot@gmail.com with inquiries. IG: @athensdronepilot
Join a diverse, inclusive workplace and get paid to type! 12–40 hours, Mon–Fri. NEVER be called in for a shift you didn’t sign up for. Must type 65+ wpm. Make your own schedule and work independently with no customer interaction. Starts at $13 with automatic increases. www. ctscribes.com
Happy Birthday Sap! Love, Sap.
VFW Post 2872. Join us for weekly Bingo nights, live music, yoga, and more at VFW Post 2872 at 835 Sunset Drive in Athens!
Become a Juvenile Offender Advocate to compassionately and effectively transform the lives of young people in need of mentorship and rehabilitation. juvenileoffenderadvocate inc.org
Call for Artists: Spring Fling Art & Oddities Pop- Up at Farmington Train Depot. Event is March 21- 23 from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Email zigzag hjh@gmail.com for information.
If you are in crisis due to domestic violence, call Project Safe for help 706-5433331. project-safe.org
Northeast Health District offers free or low- cost services to all people within our area and to promote healthy lifestyles among all members. northeasthealthdistrict.org
The Food Bank of Northeast Georgia accepts food donations between 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Mon-Fri. Volunteer opportunities available! foodbanknega. org
The Lightroom Athens offers affordable professional studio and equipment rentals for photo, video, podcasting, and more! Right next to Puma Yu’s. thelightroom-ath.com Flagpole ♥s our adverftisers.
Students who turn 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025 are eligible. In-person appointments for assistance available Monday-Friday February 10-21 from 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
*No appointments available February 17*
2025-26 Pre-K Lottery Early Registration from February 7-21, 2025 2025-26 K-12 Registration Beginning Februrary 7, 2025
Students who turn 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 are eligible.
Placement after lottery will be based on availability.
Registration for new students and students returning from other school districts.