noMad | Prototypes

Page 1

an assembly system of behavioural fabrication



noMad a




a design proposal by: dmytro oleksandrovych aranchii | paul clemens bart | iris yuqiu jiang | flavia ghirotto santos developed at the architectural association school of architecture aadrl design research lab 2014/2015 in theodore spyropoulos’ studio. tutored by mostafa el sayed collected research and work of phase 1.

noMad | content





noMad | design thesis thesis statement urban scenario

10 12 18


prototyping agenda | unit design fabrication & actuation joints interlocking topography

26 28 40 58


behaviour prototyping | communication unit self-awareness unit to unit communication

66 68 78


collective behaviour | deployment lattice behaviour & growth build up sequence structural evaluation

92 94 114 130

noMad | introduction

‘noMad’, a design proposal on behavioural based assembly, was developed at the Architectural Association School of Architecture’s Design Research Laboratory,a 16-month post-professional design programme. AADRL Design Research Lab | Organised as an open-source design studio dedicated to a systematic exploration of new design tools, systems and discourses, targeting design innovations in architecture and urbanism, the AADRL actively investigates and develops design skills with which to capture, control and shape a continuous flow of information across the distributed electronic networks of today’s rapidly-evolving digital design disciplines. Pursued by self-organised design teams, the studio is collectively addressing an overall design research agenda - ‘Behavioural Complexity’ through shared information- based diagrams, data, models and scripts.

Behavioural Complexity V.1 | Behavioural Complexity will investigate architecture as an instrument engaging both material and social forms of interaction. Social scenarios will be coupled with material life-cycles as a way of speculating on how we live and the role architecture can play. Behavioural, parametric and generative methodologies of computational design are coupled with physical computing and analogue experiments to create dynamic and reflexive feedback processes. New forms of spatial organisation are explored that are neither type- nor site-dependent, but instead evolve as ecologies and environments seeking adaptive and hyper-specific features. This performance-driven approach seeks to develop novel design proposals concerned with the everyday. The iterative methodologies focus on investigations of spatial, structural and material organisation, engaging in contemporary discourses of architecture and urbanism.

noMad | design thesis

design thesis | thesis statement

design thesis | fields of research Ma ch B ic in v eha



Fields of

Machinic Behaviour | noMad’s research is concerned with the system’s machinic behaviour, including aspects of fabrication and simulation of material and physical behaviour of our system. Due to its space-packing, self-structuring and kinetic requirements, the system is grounded in the world of polyhedra and synergetics, the study of systems in transformation. The research deals with geometrical explorations, especially transformational geometry, their spatial configuration, reconfiguration and locomotion and the common aim of making. The central focus of making aims to develop demonstratable prototypes within a streamlined process of fabrication. The physical design-proposal of a unit is tested with various approaches of embedded mechanics and constructions in order to activate and realiably control the systems movement. Digital simulations of global system behaviour resp. impact of local transformation on physical and mechanical behaviour are developed to catalogue emergent phenoma, both under space-making and structural - ‘static’ criteria as well as ‘dynamic’ properties, i.e. reconfigurability, flexibility and mobility.

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 14

Comm u

nic at io




ur avio h e



Communication based Behaviour | In order to define the system’s internal motivation or performative criteria, particular problem-solving, goal oriented simulations are developed, emulating behavioural and communicational aspects of the system. A computational abstraction model of physical geometry is utilized to emulate the behavioural and communicational aspects of the system. In these automated, goal oriented movement sequences, the communication between multiple bodies is driver for decision making. These simulations are driven by individual scenarios and situational responses. Bevavioural based simulations are conducted within a minimal framework of constraints like its reference to the groundplane. In course of the experiments, the system creates a self-imposed context to react to (such as maximum number of possibly arrayed passives without active unit or self-interlocking) to achieve a specific goal (finding another, reaching or avoiding an area of poential settlement, building up etc), As we are proposing to create a system that can self-regulate and adapt, but is not closed in itself but can also react to outside influences and demands, the research seeks to define both internal and external stimuli, encouraging both interaction and communication.

page 15

design thesis | fields of research

how? G e o me t r i c

al E

lo xp on rati Spatial Con fig

on ati ur on

Reconfigu rat i

& LocoMotion


Geometrical Exploration & Transformation | Grounded in the world of polyhedra and transformational geometry, the research engages with their specific space-packing, self-structuring and kinetic properties. Based on the theory of synergetics, the study of systems in transformation, the system seeks to explore the relation between platonic solids and fosters their highly specific geometrical attributes.

Spatial Configuration | Through the development of different computational models, the system’s space making abilities were tested and evaluated by means of different growth and branching logic of spatial collectives. The tests follow specific, simple goals - i.e. a bridge, a vault, a pillar, - or properties i.e. porosity, stability, efficiency - to perform compression based aggregations due to the component based nature of the system.

Reconfiguration & Locomotion | When studied in a collective scenario, the system’stransformational and geometrical specifics show emergent behaviour, enabling the system to create flexible, adaptive spaces and re-position itself by means of locomotion. Both a taxonomoy of creature-like bodyplans with specific mechanical behaviour as well as the assembly process of larger settlements is developed.


t tua Ac ion noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 16

Fabrication & Actuation | Different mechanisms of activation are developed to automatize the unit to enable its control over its faces and transformational mechanism. Main aims are the ability to autonomously (dis-)connect and communicate to the system and a simple movement activation embedded within a streamlined fabrication process.


why? Be hav iour

Autonomous Behaviour | Automated, goal oriented movement sequences and communication between multiple bodies is simulated within a computational abstraction model of physical geometry. Emulating the behavioural and communicational aspects of the system, bodies autonomously continue or re-calculate their individual movement pattern.

Autom ate d

Adap tiv e

viour ha Be

Adaptation & Localized Decision Making | Adaptive aspects of the system are enabled through localized decision making, through simple embedded intelligence and simple goals. A body autonomously adjusts and optimizes its own movement sequence according to new goals or environmental change. Colle

cti ve hav Be


Collective Simulation | Simulation of larger populations is focused on the communication between units and therefore the development of rules of communication and interaction. These rulesets aim to control the crowd behaviour in goal-oriented self-organization - resulting in ‘negotiated space’, a hybrid of both bottom up and top down systems.. Sens

m ste Sy

Sensory System | In order to fabricate demonstratable prototypes, the mechanicly actuated models are provided with a sensory system,. The use of micro-controlling and sensoric like proximity- and light sensoric enables the set of rules to execute physical commands and decisions.


page 17

design thesis | urban scenario

urban scenario | system lifecycle

system lifecycle | The system goes through 3 phases of operational modi, an everyday hub, a mobility Mode and an urban intervention mode of architectural deployment. Everyday Mode - a passive mode of different energy harvesting models works as a distribution hub for other functions of urban scanning and intervention. Within their vicinity a hub sends out mobile nomadic bodies to explore - scouts - with main agenda of data mining, scanning and evaluating the city using open source data infrastructure and an internal sensory system


harvesting mode everyday energy collecting

0100110 1010100 1101101 1011010 1010100 2.2. data mining

2.1. send out scout 2.3. report back

2 distribution hub

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 20

awareness mode

01000 00100 11101 01010 00100

When a site for deployment is identified according to potential for building or urgency for intervention they report back to their hub to send of units on demand to migrate on site where the assembly and construction part as urban intervention - for required period of time - takes place. After usage, the system disintegrates and migrates back to its distribution hub or other interventions.


intervention mode 3.2.architectural implementation

3.1.on site deployment 3.3. re-distribution after intervention

page 21

urban scenario | digital layer

real life data personal demands // environmental demands


real life geometry context // environmental awareness

real time communication

environmental cloud environmental awareness communication awareness

data mining global environmental data mining organization awareness

real time data real mining time environmental communication communication awareness

cloud real time cloud data mining communication communication communication

global cloud globalreal time organization communication organization communication

global cloud organization communication

the digital layer of the city | Main research focus has been development of different mobile body-plans and their unique movement patterns. Linking this behavior to the usage of real-life input, i.e. real time environment and real time data by giving the nomadic body a sensory system, both through environmental awareness and mining of urban data as well as the ability to communicate this data with another By using open source platforms to harvest the digital layer of the city - the internet of things - the parts of the city and urban infrastructure that already openly talk to us,such as the tower bridge twittering its status of open and closeness, inform the and get into the conversation with our system to communicate the state of the city. A parametric map of London is used to live trace areas of interest for the system to deploy according to specific urban constraints - for example open spaces - and dynamic constraints - high convergence of people - to capture urban temporality. Collected data from the city (weather stations, participatory sensing of people and internet feeds) are made available in open source platforms like open street maps and xively and can be directly linked to urban analysis and direct input to both behavioural simulations and prototypes To improve the nomadics bodies ability to explore the city and learn from their environment, different models of global organization were tested that are environmental awarene and capable of real-time communication.



data mining

open source infrastructure


int e

treet ns



t feeds



noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 22

op e

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her at

partic i pa

02 | tower bridge twitter

01 | urban incident

03 | urban navigation simulation


real time implementation

pa c


beha vio


p ed



mulatio al si ns ur





ac t u at

page 23

urban scenario | infrastructural intervention

nomadic urbanism | Having experienced London as a ‘pop up’ city that already responds to this urban temporality with the phenomen of pop-up everythings (shops / galleries) and markets; showing that parts of the city have adapted to nomadic lifestyles, moving in the city, only popping up when needed to create a temporary communal event. noMad’s scale of operation is therefore the urban neighborhood, for a nomadic body to autonomously move in the city and report to its distribution hub. Neighborhoods work as starting point to set up individual hubs with their own parameters. London having a strong communal sense and identification within buroughs which can be seen in emerging neighborhood cooperatives (food coops etc) and strong support of local products (micro-breweries etc). Different neighborhoods and context generate different parameters and rules of population that are translated into simulations of architectural and spatial deployment. These rules deployed depend on the input our nomadic bodies collect and data collected and and their inherent internal rules of behaviour and communication. Possible architectural intervention scenario for include emergencies such as a black-out scenario in a denser urban area, clusters utlize their harvested energy in two adaptive case-study configurations: specific clusters as street lighting system and emergency power supplies and storage harvesting additional waste and water from their surrounding buildings as a power source. Architectural deployments use the systems kinetic properties to reach spatial and climatic demands and facilitate adaptive qualities such as: shelter from weather, use outer surface layer to havest energy while core remains closed, open up to allow air filtration and circulation and sunlight. scale of operation | neighborhood vicinity of

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 24




scenario | kinetic properties to facilitate adaptive qualities o2


mode 01 | shelter


mode 02 | energy harvesting charging

mode 03 | air filtration & circulation air purification / filtration / circulation

microclimate //

mode 04 | microclimate - projection & cooling mist energy storage x projection / media facade water core x cooling mist system

harvest in bui rom ldings gf

cluster A | harvesting energy generation & storage store energy / matter

rain water collection x water filtration thin film solar cells x energy storage

media facade / projection release energy / light

cluster B | intervention urban lighting system & media projection media facade / projection release energy / light

page 25

prototyping agenda | unit design

unit design | fabrication & actuation

ert inv

p ac k i n g



d faces

que unit


noco mo


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v1 .2



al connection s

etra faces ta-t

ed joints bedd em


ern int

v1 .1 v0 .1

v1 .2 v1 .1 v0 .2

rapid prototyping p ac k i n g

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 30

volumetric faces ert inv

initial formfinding

unit design | fabrication & actuation evolution of prototypes | v0 .3

v1 .0


-patterne d

na l a

ned faces


tter pa

o ag di



u lt

a iple


unit autonomy

a rl

uble do

table faces nfla Bi .0

e in


face actuation

ct rnal a ivation v2 .2 _l v2 v1 .3

v2 .1 v2 .0 v1 .3

xte _e


uated faces act

xa p he



soft faces

evolutionary prototyping taxonomy

v2 .3 _ v1 .3

v3 .0 _

page 31

unit design | fabrication & actuation

prototyping agenda | Key limitations in fabrication was the finding of an appropriate mechanism to let the unit transform. Different mechanisms tested for actuation of faces and unit transformation were relying on the use of linear actuators, stepper motors, suspended servos, inflatables and light and color sensors. Corresponding to the two fields of research, the prototyping goal is following the agenda of communication and mechanical behaviour by developing a demonstrative unit with improved build quality, reliable mechanism to perform in a plug’n’play manner and to enable unit to unit communication by an embedded sensory system. The results of the physical prototyping feed back into development of deployment logics for space-packing, self-structuring and kinetic requirements.

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page 33

unit design | fabrication & actuation

double rotation mechanism | The smooth and full transofrmation of the units mechanism is based on two staggered rotational axis triggered by two opposing servos and two rotational hinges on each of the axis connected to four of the unit’s corner-joints. Since virtually every face or reference plan changes both orientation, relative distance and location, there is no fixed plane for the internal servos, but they are suspended from the unit’s joints, putting the center of gravity in the unit’s center. internal mechanism |

axis 1




top view | rotational joints

rotation al

a xi s suspended servo

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 34

page 35

unit design | fabrication & actuation

mechanism geometrical principle | The units activation relies on one planar expanding surface connecting four opposing corners, each describing four identical arcs in two opposing directions.

top view | 0º/ 120º 60º


0º/ 120º

0º/ 120º



0º/ 120º top view |

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 36

activation principles

front view |

page 37

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page 39

unit design | joints

unit design | joints

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 42

rotational joints

page 43

unit design | joints

structural joints | The fixing of a unit’s mechanism is directly build in one piece with the joints. Hereby, these take a self-structuring function, to support the bearing of a unit’s faces through expanded surface area and to prevent deformation of the unit when external force (additional units) are applied. The tapered design of the joints allows the unit to close the gap-less as extra support in the unit’s corners in its closed state.

front view |

top view |

joint evolution |


struc ints

n jo otatio uble r

do s

l joint


noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 44


structural joints

page 45

unit design | joints

unit performance | In performance tests for energy efficiency and strengths of the unit, the goal was the reducement of friction and deformation of the unit at the same time by optimizing the unit with structural joints and the use of teflon layers and roller bearings.

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ahedron ct

ahedron os







02_ ic

page 47

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page 49

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page 51

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page 53

unit design | joints

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rotational joints

page 55

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page 57

unit design | interlocking topography

unit design | interlocking topography

unit to unit interface | Looking for a plug’n’play mechanism to connect multiple units, the units faces serve as interface with structural function. All flat-faced experiments with magnets proved strong in direct horizontal contact but break under shearing force, esp. while lifting and cantilevering. Positive-negative shapes applied to all faces work interlocking geometry, hindering shearing movement by strongly interweave two units and their connecting forces. The principle of interlocking is not only used from unit to unit but also from face to face within a uni for a more stable structure in closed state.

interlocking topography

- + +



map of polarity / curvature:

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 60

full unit simulation | top view

page 61

unit design | interlocking topography

catalogue of face iterations | Design of the face topography was driven by three main performance criteria: the reduction of the total volume of the faces to reduce size and weight of the unit and time for fabrication; while remaining high depth of interlocking and steep angles for efficiency of the mechanism. The edges of the unit were treated in different manners: while a truncation of the units corners proofed necessary to allow a full rotation without interlocking with the structural joints on the way, the face-to-face edges were truncated or faceted not only to reduce volume but to allow a stable stand of units on their edge.


• total volume [edge = a] • depth of interlocking • treatment of edges


90a3 a/5 truncated edge

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 62

95a3 a/8 faceted edge

unit aggregation | orientation on truncated edge


80a3 a/5 truncated corner


75a3 a/6 filleted edge


80a3 a/4 truncated corner

page 63

unit design | interlocking topography

face to face | unit to unit interlocking

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 64

edge to edge | face interlocking

page 65

behaviour prototyping | communication

communication | unit self-awareness

communication | unit self-awareness

behaviour prototyping | In order to start to understand and emulate the behavior and communication of our units, we developed simulations of autonomous behavior in a digital environment, creating a framework for our simulations and prototype to work together, from physical to digital syncing their behaviour both for us to control and visualize its self-awareness, where units would search for and specific goal, with the ability of adapting and making local decisions to achieve that. The main goal is to develop strategies for collective behaviour.

physical to digital self-awareness

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 70


state indication and recognition

Units are capable of indicating their state by color coding, and also recognize it’s neighbour state and localization in the bodyplan via RGB color sensors, that are located in each face of the unit



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page 71

communication | unit self-awareness

sensor - sensor

sensor - human

By face to face communication units are capable to re-construct their bodyplan like “chinese whispers�, each identifying the states and position of their neighbours

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 72


bodyplan awareness

environmental awareness real time communication

data mining cloud communication

rea com

page 73

communication | unit self-awareness

build up sequence | Testing the ability of the system to transport itself and build up by attaching and dis-attaching units from a cluster. The development of this research will be the implementation of a plug - and - play system, with the addtition of “smart� faces that could connect and disconnect when necessary, with the use of electro magnets and a totpography to prevent it from sliding. While high population superstructures lose the complete mobile qualities of its nomadic components, they utilize its transformational abilites for recombinatorial structuring, optimization or for temporary scaffolds during its own build-up process. Extensions and outer parts of the structure can lift another up, or temporarilty reposition to allow another body to get in place.

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 74

bodyplan reconfiguration

temporary scaffolding self-assembling non finite

state01_ recombinatorial configuration

state02_ temporary scaffolding page 75

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page 77

communication | unit to unit communication

generative communication To introduce the idea of generative communication and decision making we developed an algorithm based in the C.A. logics, that allows units to respond to neighbours behaviors. The signal is passed from unit to unit, triggering a chain reaction of relational unit movement, by changing the state and consequent behaviour of the next one (i.e. “state +1�). The idea of a generative communication system explicitated the need of a greater understanding and subsequent control of the units behaviour. Specific sequences of movements could generate different patterns of movement, which led to a more specific study of these patterns, that could later be translated into constrains for the system. The units respond to specific sequence of states that translates in to a coreography in orer to achieve movement in different directions, like directional movement, rotation, spiraling.

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page 81

communication | unit to unit communication unit communication | generative responding

• sequence of communication:


+1 step2







• signal gets passed on to neighboring unit and determines their behavior, e.g. “state +1” • triggers chain reaction of relational unit movement

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generative communication

page 83

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page 85

communication | unit to unit communication

unit communication | controlled movement


different sequences of communication led to varied movement in the x-y plane

sequence 01 configuration 02 x

movement diagonal movement sequence

unit 01>0 / unit 02>180 unit 01>180 unit 02>0 unit 01>0 unit 02>180 unit 01>180 unit 02>0 ...

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 86


sequences of communication

sequence 02 configuration 02 x

movement straight line sequence

unit 01>0 / unit 02>0 unit 01>180 unit 02>180 unit 01>0 unit 02>0 unit 01>180 unit 02>180 ...

page 87


communication | unit to unit communication

sequence 03 configuration 03 x

movement diagonal (right) sequence

unit 01>0 / unit 02>0 / unit 03>0 unit 01>180 unit 03>180 unit 02>90 unit 01>0 / unit 03>0 unit 02>180 unit 01>180 unit 02>180 unit 02>90 unit 01>0 / unit 03>0 unit 02>0 ...

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 88


sequences of communication

sequence 04 configuration 03 x

movement diagonal (left) sequence

unit 01>0 / unit 02>0 / unit 03>0 unit 01>180 unit 02>180 unit 02>180 unit 01>0 unit 02>0 unit 02>0 ...

page 89

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page 91

collective behaviour| deployment

deployment | lattice behaviour & growth

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

lattice behaviour and growth | When looking at systems of growth - following the idea of lattice and scaffolding the system is looking at ways of deployment that are not fully packed to avoid interlocking. In order to keep the systems kinetic qualities and flexibility by leaving gaps, different growth and branching logics were adapted to fit the criteria of the unit’s base geometry, using the transformational abilites to reconfigure its overall organization. Due to the physically limited lifting capabilities of a single unit only the outer layer of an acclomeration is used to re-direct growth or generating temporary scaffolds during its own build-up process.

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page 97

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

description | asymmetrical binary tree asymetrical tree can work solely to achieve directed spacial goal or follow the conductor branching in emerging direction

parameters |

iteration 0

iteration 4

iteration 1

iteration 5

iteration 2

iteration 6

iteration 3

iteration 7

branch | 2-2-2 symmetry: asymetrical faces connection: 4-6 [vertical-diagonal] incrementation: double overlapping: none

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 98

binary trees description | symmetrical binary tree symetrical tree constructs looping scaffolding which represents repeatable rigid diagrid that in turn grows steadily in all directions

parameters |

iteration 0

iteration 4

iteration 1

iteration 5

iteration 2

iteration 6

iteration 3

iteration 7

branch | 2-2-2 symmetry: symetrical faces connection: 5-6 [diagonal-diagonal] incrementation: double overlapping: none diagrid: hexagonal circles

page 99

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 4 iterations | 9 faces connections | 3-5 branches rotation | 0-0 structure is flat wall-like grid has rigid nodes cell consists of 4 edges medium density

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 100

growth catalogue

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 4 iterations | 7 faces connections | 4-6 branches rotation | 1-0 widespread and not explicitly rigid grid’s cells low density

page 101

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 4 iterations | 7 faces connections | 4-6 branches rotation | 1-0 widespread and not explicitly rigid grid’s cells low density

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 102

growth catalogue

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 4 iterations | 9 faces connections | 4-7 branches rotation | 0-0 grid’s cell has 4 edges rotated structure is stable structure is dense

page 103

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 4 iterations | 7 faces connections | 4-6 branches rotation | 1-0 widespread and not explicitly rigid grid’s cells low density

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 104

growth catalogue

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 4 iterations | 9 faces connections | 5-6 branches rotation | 1-1 pyramid-like structures that can stand stable on one of its faces spacial grid’s shell has 6 edges [branches] medium density

page 105

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 4 iterations | 7 faces connections | 4-6 branches rotation | 1-0 widespread and not explicitly rigid grid’s cells low density

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 106

growth catalogue

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 4 iterations | 9 faces connections | 5-6 branches rotation | 1-1 pyramid-like structures that can stand stable on one of its faces spacial grid’s shell has 6 edges [branches] medium density

page 107

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 5 iterations | 9 faces connections | 3-5 branches rotation | 0-0 absence of common nodes unstable wide grid with engagements of branches’ loops

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 108

growth catalogue

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 5 iterations | 9 faces connections | 4-5 branches rotation | 1-0 absence of dense grid unconnected unstable

page 109

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 5 iterations | 9 faces connections | 4-6 branches rotation | 1-0 common nodes needs adjustments to avoid overlapping

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 110

growth catalogue

growth sequence |

iteration 2

iteration 4

iteration 6

iteration 7

number of units in branch | 5 iterations | 9 faces connections | 5-6 branches rotation | 0-0 low density rigid pentagon structure

page 111

deployment | lattice behaviour and growth

length of cantilever | 1

length of cantilever | 3

resolution of deployment | The results of physical prototypes and their lifting capability feeds into the length of cantilever and deployed branches, drastically changing scale and porosity of aggregation swhen comparing the same sequence of growth with different lengths of cantilevering.

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 112

resolution of deployment

length of cantilever | 5

length of cantilever | 9

page 113

deployment | build up sequence

deployment | build up sequence

unrolling of spatial structure | Observation in branching results and their generation of planar planes of reference led to a re-orientation of the grid - units being oriented on their edge. Able to form a grid starting from the ground, both as initial position for its build up process and as a remaining fundament for cantilevering and vertical aggregations. Single bodies are coming together in a 2d unfolded version of their final structural grid on the ground, then using their transformational abilites to lift and build up to its spatial organization, resp reconfigure during its already half-build up sequence.

• re-orientation of the grid

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page 117

deployment | build up sequence

01 planar deployment | unrolled structure second branch

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• existing structure

• active unit

page 119

deployment | build up sequence

02 lift up sequence | build up structure first branch

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• existing structure

• active unit

page 121

deployment | build up sequence

03 planar deployment | unrolled structure second branch

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• existing structure

• active unit

page 123

deployment | build up sequence

04 lift up sequence | build up structure second branch

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• existing structure

• active unit

page 125

deployment | build up sequence

05 restructuring | reconfiguration and -orientation of structure

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• existing structure

• active unit

page 127

deployment | build up sequence

06 deployment and build up | extending of structure

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• existing structure

• active unit

page 129

deployment | structural evaluation

deployment | structural evaluation

structural evaluation | Following the first, global build up cycle a cycle of evaluation and optimization is introduced. When analyzing an initial deployment for its structural weak-points, structural simulations are looking for units with maximum deformation, longest route or connection to the ground and maximum cantilever and areas of highest force, i.e. nodes of branching or center of rotation.

normal force |

areas of stability |

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 132

fix point of reference

max force !


no force

max cantilever !


connection to ground

page 133

deployment | structural evaluation

incremental rotation | To compensate ares of high stress, the idea of incremental rotation was intoduced to utilize the combined strength of multiple units, compensating for one single rotation. By incrimentally increasing, smaller movements the the center of gravity is shifted closer to the center of rotation.

traditional movement | one active unit

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 134

distribution of force | multiple units

incremental rotation front view |

top view |

page 135

deployment | structural evaluation

local reinforcement | Following the cycle of evaluation and identifying of weak spots, transportation along existing structure is used for local interventions and reconfigurations. Using the existing structure as climbing frame to move freely and reach area of weakness units of reinforcement are being lifted among the levels or shifted linear along the grid, with two expanding units compensating one to shift on axis.

unit indication |

• mobile body

• existing structure

• active unit shifting the grid |

•to expanding units compensate one to shift along axis

noMad - behavioural fabrication | page 136

local reinforcemnt • free movement within existing structure

page 137

deployment | structural evaluation

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local reinforcemnt

page 139

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| pa

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tto santos | iris yu hiro qiu g ia ji a v ng fla


dmy tro

ns b me cle a rt

noMad smart brick system of behavioural fabrication

page 141

architectural association school of architecture aadrl design research lab 2014/2015

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