Frameables Great Outdoors
City Lights
Animal Kingdom
Deyrolle French Botanical Art
My Louvre
Pascaline Boucharinc A collection of landscapes and representations of nature from the tropical paradise of Le Douanier Rousseau’s jungle to Monet’s water lilies. PB, 44 pp.,21 illustrations UK ISBN: 978-2-08-020451-6; 24 × 30 cm US ISBN: 978-2-08-020439-4; 9 × 12 in. US $24.95 / Can. $33.50 / £16.95 / 19.90 €
Pascaline Boucharinc Nightscapes that range from a fireworks display in Rome, to the Louvre from across a Parisian bridge to a moonlit New York street lamp by Georgia O’Keeffe. PB, 44 pp., 21 illus. UK ISBN: 978-2-08-020452-3; 24 × 30 cm US ISBN: 978-2-08-020441-7; 9 × 12 in. US $24.95 / Can. $33.50 / £16.95 / 19.90 €
Pascaline Boucharinc Plays on light and color from Japanese woodblock prints to Rothko’s white cloud on a brilliant orange background. PB, 44 pp., 21 illus. UK ISBN: 978-2-08-020450-9; 24 × 30 cm US ISBN: 978-2-08-020440-0; US $24.95 / Can. $33.50 / £16.95 / 19.90 €
and display!
-page prints) artful interior
French Botanical Art 21 nature prints for a picture-perfect home
These iconic paintings from the Louvre allow you to curate your own private fine art gallery at home. PB, 44 pp., 21 color illus. 24 × 30 cm ISBN: 978-2-08-020697-8 £12.95 / 14.90 € Not available in North and Latin America
Foreword by Dominique de Font-Réaulx
21 prints for a picture-perfect home
Foreword by Louis Albert de Broglie
£16.95 / €19.90 ISBN: 978-2-08-152206-0
9 782081 522060 Printed in Belgium by Graphius
Création Studio Flammarion
text on the back of each print standing and appreciating these itable homage to the plant Prince” Louis Albert de Broglie— known for his long-standing y, sustainable agriculture, on—contributes a foreword.
My Louvre
DEYROLLE French Botanical Art
ch Botanical Art
arisian establishment dedicated on—shares twenty-one devoted to trees, fruit, rom its archives, the earliest round 1871 by the “Deyrolle m the majestic oak to m colorful exotic fruit to this selection of high-quality, ints showcases the charm
21 Nature Prints for a PicturePerfect Home Foreword by Louis Albert de Broglie Vintage prints from the legendary Parisian boutique’s archives. PB, 44 pp., 21 illus. 24 × 30 cm ISBN: 978-2-08-152206-0 £16.95 / 19.90 € Not available in North and Latin America
Cindy Lermite A veritable cabinet of curiosities from the natural world including remarkable animal drawings, from giraffes to parrots. PB, 44 pp., 21 illus. UK ISBN: 978-2-08-020449-3; 24 × 30 cm US ISBN: 978-2-08-020442-4; 9 × 12 in. US $24.95 / Can. $33.50 / £16.95 / 19.90 €
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