FURNITURE 2013 +44 (0) 7711 774 255
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture
Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and
Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and
Design, England. I intend to make innovative and
Design, England. I intend to make innovative and
original furniture that is both high in quality and vis-
original furniture that is both high in quality and vis-
ually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental im-
ually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental im-
pact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will
pact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will
only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and Design, England. I intend to make innovative and original furniture that is both high in quality and visually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental impact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and Design, England. I intend to make innovative and original furniture that is both high in quality and visually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental impact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and Design, England. I intend to make innovative and original furniture that is both high in quality and visually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental impact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and Design, England. I intend to make innovative and original furniture that is both high in quality and visually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental impact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and Design, England. I intend to make innovative and original furniture that is both high in quality and visually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental impact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and Design, England. I intend to make innovative and original furniture that is both high in quality and visually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental impact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and Design, England. I intend to make innovative and original furniture that is both high in quality and visually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental impact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second
year Furniture Making student study-
year Furniture Making student study-
ing at Leeds College of Art and Design,
ing at Leeds College of Art and Design,
England. I intend to make innovative
England. I intend to make innovative
and original furniture that is both high
and original furniture that is both high
in quality and visually striking.
in quality and visually striking.
I endeavour to keep environmental
I endeavour to keep environmental
impact and issues at the forefront of
impact and issues at the forefront of
my mind, and will only use timber from
my mind, and will only use timber from
sustainable and ethical sources.
sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Fur-
year Furniture Making student study-
niture Making student studying at Leeds College
ing at Leeds College of Art and Design,
of Art and Design, England. I intend to make in-
England. I intend to make innovative and
novative and original furniture that is both high in
original furniture that is both high in qual-
quality and visually striking.
ity and visually striking.
I endeavour to keep environmental impact and
I endeavour to keep environmental im-
issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only
pact and issues at the forefront of my
use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.
My name is Gareth Edwards, a second year Furniture Making student studying at Leeds College of Art and Design, England. I intend to make innovative and origand visually striking. I endeavour to keep environmental impact and issues at the forefront of my mind, and will only use timber from sustainable and ethical sources.