Typeface selection For the publication and supporting material, i would like to choose a typeface that will work for the body text aswell as the headers and sub headers, i will be looking at a typeface family so i can use a variety of weights. I am looking at a variety of different sans serif typefaces, as i think they will work well as as a display font for the headers, and will also work for the body copy.
Din black
Helvetica black
Din bold
Helvetica bold
Brinks mat bullion heist Otatquia non explandit
Otatquia non explan-
Din Regular
Helvetica Regular
Ehende aspedis serchit atureped magni blab inulparupit iducid erferem fuga. Officiur aped maximus. Solupta tendae nisquam, consedi gendeli bearcid molorestem vellestenis sintiis quasperum quis ipitat di bea nisim verum qui dolutaquisi ate
OUGD203 Product,range,distrubition
Ehende aspedis serchit atureped magni blab inulparupit iducid erferem fuga. Officiur aped maximus. Solupta tendae nisquam, consedi gendeli bearcid molorestem vellestenis sintiis quasperum quis ipitat di bea nisim verum qui dolutaquisi
News Gothic Black
Bell Gothic Std Black
News gothic regular
Bell Gothic Std Bold
Otatquia non explan-
Otatquia non explandit
Brinks mat bullion heist
James Flanagan
Brinks mat bullion heist
Brinks mat bullion heist