Magic Haiti (June - July 2014)

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JUNE / JULY 2014







le rhum qui étonne. Nos rhums de la meilleure qualité, ont mûri et se sont adoucis dans un esprit de sophistication qui étonne le palais sans cesser de le charmer. Ils sont le résultat parfait de procédés de distillations spéciales, de mélanges et de maturation et d’un assemblage aromatique vraiment unique, élégamment présentés dans un nouvel emballage rouge et bleu, aux couleurs de chez nous. Rhum Vieux Labbé | un pRoduit haïtien pRoduit et embouteiLLé en haïti paR beRLing S.a. berling S.a. | Route nationale #1, Sarthe 57, port-au-prince, haïti | (509) 2949-7999 | email: L’abuS d’aLcooL eSt dangeReux pouR La Santé. à conSommeR aVec modéRation.

Dear Readers,

There is no denying that the temperature spikes drastically up during the summer months. Just as there is no denying that there are so many ways to chill out while soaking in those rays. You’re just a hop, skip and a jump away from being refreshed in a pool, waterfall, river, beach, and even the mountains. Jump in, swim, snorkel, Jet Ski, or lay back on a hammock and enjoy a good book. Sip some fresh coconut water, a prestige, or a mixed drink of Rhum Barbancourt or Vieux Labbé. Just Dive in and simply enjoy. Welcome to Haiti. Welcome to the destination many are getting to know and enjoy. If time allows, venture out and discover the diverse sites that make Haiti so magical. As you peruse this issue of Magic Haiti you will develop a better understanding of the abundance, richness and diversity of Haitian art as you read about an art gallery and innovative designer. You will also meet Haiti’s very own superhero, encounter an engineering mogul who has opted to make Haiti his home, and of course eateries and lodges that will make your visit even more enjoyable. The goal of the magazine is to promote local tourism by encouraging foreigners, Haitians living in the Diaspora as well as locals, to explore and discover the depth and breadth of Haïti. Our country is rich in culture and more specifically in the arts. Haïti is increasingly becoming the island that comes to mind when planning an enchanting Caribbean getaway for rest and relaxation or an adventurous vacation. Upon your return home share your experience, become an ambassador. Pass the word. As you wind up your stay in our slice of the world, I encourage you take a piece of Haiti home with you. Magic Haiti strives to provide you with a variety of enticing possibilities so that you can take the bull by the horn, carpe diem, just go, discover, indulge, and become another ambassador of this magical island. Experience the vibrant colors, unveil numinous places and characters, immerse yourself in our culture, and emerge enamored!!!

Roxane Kerby


JUNE / JULY 2014

Haiti by Design


Spotlight Heirloom Coffee, a Piping Hot Commodity

21 Let’s Talk - Ann Pale 25 Fab 5 7 30

Heartbeat A Rebel on a Mission for Peace

Why Haiti? Kit Miyamoto, A Perfect Fit

Executive Editor Roxane Kerby 509 3492 2289 Copy Editor Angela Galbreath


Djatawo 18 32 16 10 4 22


Artmosphere Les Ateliers Jérôme: A Haven for Art Enthusiasts

Contributors Rachele Viard Kristine Belizaire Christina Jean-Louis Carolyn Desert Regine Theodat Joelle Jouvens Emma Laham Lara Elie-Joseph Clarens Courtois

Graphic Designer

Photographer Ludmillo D. Pierre Jean-Luc Becquerelle Junior Plesius Louis L’ IMPRIMEUR SA

Printed in Haiti by

Lissa Jeannot, Now Exploring Healing Stones

Lamanjay Muncheez, Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Escapade La Source Hôtel Provincial Paradise

Haiti by Design Dominique Carriére Tassy: Creating Bags with Personality Simbi A Remarkable Friendship with an Impressive Ripple Effect

Publisher Le Nouvelliste

509 2816-0224 / 2941-4646


Cover Photo by John Seaton Callahan

product of

Dear Readers, The high season is upon us! This is one of the best times for our ultimate destination to welcome you, visitors from around the world. The changes are now evident. The destination is ready and waiting for you.

Mrs. Stephanie Balmir Villedrouin Minister of Tourism

Indeed, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries of Haiti (MTIC) that I head in conjunction with the private tourism sector, combine our efforts and are making every effort to accommodate you. First and foremost, we have focused on the safety of visitors. Thus, the Tourist Police that has been deployed in the metropolitan area, will be in the Northern metropolis this summer with the same mission to accompany visitors and secure the main attractions of the region. In addition, the overall security situation in the country is stable. ''There is an 88% decrease in cases of insecurity compared to last year,'' according to the National Police of Haiti. On the other hand, many tourist sites across the country have been renovated and are ready to receive visitors. Finally, recent investments in the sector, are expanding the number of hotels. A new asset to welcome visitors.

Chers lecteurs et lectrices, La haute saison arrive ! C’est le moment par excellence pour notre destination de vous accueillir, vous, visiteurs des quatre coins de la planète. Les changements sont maintenant flagrants. La destination est prête et n’attend plus que vous. En effet, le Ministère du Tourisme et des Industries Créatives d’Haïti (MTIC) que je dirige et le secteur privé touristique conjuguent leurs efforts en mettant tout en œuvre pour vous recevoir. En tout premier lieu, nous avons mis l’accent sur la sécurité des visiteurs. Ainsi, la Police Touristique qui était jusqu’ici repartie dans la zone métropolitaine, arrive cet été dans la métropole du Nord avec la même mission d’accompagner les visiteurs et de sécuriser les principaux sites touristiques de la région. De plus, la situation globale du pays en matière de sécurité est stable. ''88% de diminution des cas d'insécurité par rapport à l’an dernier'', selon la Police Nationale d’Haïti. D’autre part, nombreux sites d’attractions touristiques à travers le pays ont été aménagés et sont prêts à recevoir des visiteurs. Enfin, les récents investissements dans le secteur, agrandissent le parc hôtelier. Un nouvel atout pour l’accueil.

All of Haiti’s regions have a unique potential likely to entice you should you want to have a dream vacation during this summer season. The South Coast is full of sublime beaches from Aquin to Port-Salut, passing by the beaches of Gelée and Ozanana in Saint Louis du Sud, superb caves such as Marie-Jeanne in Port-à-Piment. All this and more, promise each and every visitor, the most pleasant stay.

Toutes les régions d’Haïti ont des potentiels uniques, susceptibles de vous retenir si vous pensez avoir des vacances de rêve pour cette saison estivale. La Côte Sud regorge de plages sublimes d’Aquin à Portsalut, en passant par les plages de Gelée et Ozanana à Saint Louis du Sud, et de grottes superbes comme celle de Marie-Jeanne à Port-à-Piment. Tout cela et d'autres encore, promettent à tout visiteur, le plus agréable des séjours.

Well known for the talent of its craftsmen, Jacmel and its neighboring regions with the majestic waterfall of Bassin Blue, satisfy the requirements for you to enjoy a great holiday. The Parc National Historique (Citadelle, Ramiers and SansSouci) contains the main attractions for you to relive some of the important moments of our history as a people.

Très connues pour le talent de leurs artisans, la ville de Jacmel et ses régions périphériques, avec la majestueuse cascade de Bassin bleu, remplissent les conditions pour vous faire passer des vacances réussies. Le Parc National Historique (Citadelle, Ramiers et Sans-souci), contient les principaux attraits pour vous faire revivre certains moments importants de notre historie de peuple.

Major cultural events are in the works. In addition to our traditional fêtes champêtres which take place in various municipalities in the country, for the past two years, the Port-au-Prince Carnaval des Fleurs and the Festival de la Mer in the North have been added to the destination’s calendar of events for the summer vacation. In Port-au-Prince, the best groups of Haitian music and the ingenious works of our artists and artisans, will parade in Champ de Mars on July 27, 28 and 29, 2014. In the North, the third edition of the festival which has garnered success, the Festival de la Mer promises to be more impressive. One wants to find a nook where to spend vacation that we will have lasting impression. If you are still hesitating, this is the moment to select a unique destination. Choose the soul of the Caribbean. Choose Haiti!!! The country awaits you. Come on board, Come live the Experience!

De grands événements culturels s’affichent. Outre nos fêtes champêtres traditionnelles dans diverses communes du pays, ces deux dernières années, le Carnaval des fleurs de Port-au-Prince et le Festival de la Mer dans le Nord ont été ajoutés au menu de la destination pour les vacances estivales. À Port-au-Prince, les meilleurs groupes de la musique haïtienne et les œuvres ingénieuses de nos artisans et artistes, vont se défiler au champ de mars les 27, 28 et 29 juillet 2014. Dans le Nord, la troisième édition du festival à succès, le festival de la Mer s’annonce plus impressionnante que les précédentes. L’on veut un coin où passer des vacances dont on se souviendra longtemps. Si vous hésitez encore, c'est le moment de faire le choix d’une destination unique. Choisissez l’âme des Caraïbes. Choisissez Haïti!! Le pays vous attend. Montez à bord, Venez vivre l’Expérience!

Haiti by Design

Dominique Carriére Tassy

Creating Bags with Personality 4 MAGIC HAITI JUNE / JULY 2014

By Kristine Belizaire Photos by Ludmillo Pierre


n administrator by profession, Dominique Carriére Tassy has recently delved into her longtime passion: designing elegant handbags for women of all ages. “Though I studied and pursued a career in management, I always found style and sketching designs to be irresistible, even at a very young age. “Three years ago, I decided to give into it and it has been very fulfilling,” she recounts. Under the brand name Micou Design, she sketches patterns that she then gives to her employee, Solon, to execute. Having worked with him for 20 years, she credits the artisan for bringing her inspirations to life. “I am constantly awed by the richness of the materials that I find at local stores. The various colors and textures all evoke different images and they sometimes literally transform before me. When I see these images, I put

them down on paper and try to do them justice through their execution.” The primary material used in her handbags is jute, a goldencolored, coarse type of plant fiber that is second only to cotton in the amount produced and its diverse uses. Though it is originally rough in texture, its fine threads can create a light, stylish, and refined item when treated carefully. Some of her bags also include pieces of treated plastic that add their own unique character. Uniqueness is very important to Dominique, and she prides herself on making her work distinctive. “Most women would rather not have the same bag as someone else, so I think it’s important to give every one


Ouvert 7/7 • Open 7/7 • Abierto 7/7 Lun / Mon / Lun-Jeu/ Thr/Jue Ven / Fri / Vie Sam / Sat / Sab Dim / Sun / Dom Fériés / Holidays / Vacaciones

8h a.m. 8h a.m. 10h a.m. 12h a.m. 10h a.m.


4h p.m. 5h p.m 4h p.m 5h p.m 4h p.m

Place des Héros de l'Indépendance, Port-au-Prince, Haïti Tél.:(509) 2943-5194 E-mail:


of them its own personality,” she explains. Looking over her collection, I definitely notice subtle differences in each one, whether in the vibrant colors or the shape of the handles. She makes sure to tell me that her handbags are designed for different looks. For a day accessory, one of her unembellished creations is a must-have. With their simple, clean lines offset with a pop of color from a brightly colored wooden or horn handle, they are sure to garner many appreciative stares. In the evening, a sequinedcovered bag can add a sophisticated touch to any attire. “I would absolutely categorize my items as occasion bags,” Dominique says, “They are not

bags for everyday wear, but rather they should be used for special outings.” She recently showcased a collection at this year’s Femmes, Créations & Production, a trade fair featuring the works of many of Haiti’s female designers. She is also active on social media outlets such as Instagram where pictures of her bags can be found by searching Micou Design. She plans to display her bags in some boutiques in Pétion-Ville and is currently working on adding jute sandals to her fashion line. I look forward to donning my own pair! For ordering information, please contact Dominique Carriére Tassy at



s a diehard reggae fan, I was ecstatic to have a one on one conversation with James Vergneau, better known as Rebel Layonn. On many occasions, I had closed my eyes, put my hands up and danced to his songs. I even hung out with this artist who is always sporting a huge smile a few times. But this was my first chance to delve into his thoughts which he so beautifully converts into music.

By Carolyn Desert | Photos by Ludmillo Pierre Rejwi or “rejoice” is one of my favorite Rebel Layonn songs. It’s a feel good tune that speaks of positivity, gratitude for Mother Nature, and for life overall. I always wondered why the artist chose this particular name, meaning ‘rebellious lion’ in Kreyòl. For me, his songs don’t evoke anything close to a mutinous, belligerent nature. When I told him of my confusion, he laughed genuinely. “Nah, Caro. Not that kind of

rebel, a rebel for the right cause. A rebel for peace, for justice. A rebel against corruption.” His words made me think of Bob Marley; it seems that they have similar views. The 34 year old artist has been expressing himself through music for a while now. Throughout his teenage years in the States, he found himself relating to hip-hop Back then, Public Enemy, Black Sheep reigned and rapping was about

police brutality and injustice. Hip hop artists inspired Layonn as “the civil rights activists of music.” James believes that this genre of music lit a fire that got the blood of a Rebel boiling. The more he listened to hip hop, the more his quest for understanding broadened. Interestingly, his love for the genre did not urge him to perform it. His musical career began with a genre of reggae called, raggamuffin.


Rebel affectionately calls it “gyal” music since admiring women is the primary subject matter. Back in Haiti, Rebel along with a few other artists combined their talents and created Organized Divine Disciples (ODD) or “odd”. ODD was a group of young curious men simply searching. They were investigating their histories, digging for the truth, seeking an identity. Together they produced fusion music, incorporating conscious hip hop, dancehall and acapella. This was an “odd” combination for Haiti, nonetheless people found it remarkable. So remarkable that they captured the attention of international independent label

company, Group Therapy and with their support Organized Divine Disciples released a video for their first song “Jouk Kile”. The relationship with the agents did not last unfortunately, as political turmoil hit Haiti and the members of Group Therapy fled back home. According to Rebel, ODD was the seed and Yzrael became the tree. Rebel created the full band with more organic and mature sounds, and with a more focused message. For seven years, Rebel and cohorts, Zikiki and Ibez pushed on learning as many instruments as possible. And now, the Rebel is exploring his passion with a solo project. His goal? To offer a top


quality album in which he fully expresses artistic freedom while staying true to his nature and the message. Kay Pay Records picked him up and together, they created Rebel Layonn’s latest album, ‘Misyon’. From “What a thing”, an upbeat tune that demands body movement to the adorations of ‘Rejwi’, all 15 tracks of Rebel’s debut effort deliver deep soul as well as uncomplicated optimism. Musically, Rebel Layonn is maturing and he looks forward to making you dance while making you think - “That’s the misyon!’ Check out Rebel Layonn’s album, Misyon, on iTunes and visit facebook/rebel-layonn for tour dates.



La Source Hôtel

Provincial Paradise Article and Photos by Natalia Marques da Silva


hen Richard Beauséjour’s parents decided to move to Port-auPrince from Rosier, a small town west of Port Salut, Richard’s life became increasingly urban. He grew up and remained in the metropolitan capital until attending college in Montreal, and later completed his studies in Marketing and Business Management in Switzerland. The peyizan lifestyle of the Haitian countryside, a rich aspect of his heritage, was lost to him.


The 2010 earthquake changed that forever. The trauma in the capital and the realization of life’s precarious nature prompted a family reunion in Rosier. It allowed Richard to experience firsthand his grandparents’ and other relatives’ way of life. He immersed himself in local experiences, taking time to explore the natural habitat. Eventually the wish to share these experiences with others manifested into the rustic hotel La Source.

ment of such views. It serves well known staples of seaside Haitian cuisine along with a range of other dishes from poulet avek diri to spaghetti or griot sandwiches. The desserts, such as the pain patate (sweet potato cake) and the La Source Cocktail – a surprise drink – can turn dinner into a long and relaxing evening with the sunset as a backdrop. Throughout the day guests may stroll in the gardens that connect the bedrooms and hotel facilities, or lounge by the dockside pool. By partnering with the neighboring community, La Source also connects visitors to offsite excursions. Adventure seekers can explore the Grotte Marie-Jeanne, or canoe against the waves that break

La Source is built on top of an outcropping of dried coral, between a heavily forested area and the ocean. Constructed with tradition in mind, the property incorporates local designs and styles. Each of the twelve rooms boasts the work of the South’s talented artists and craftspeople such as ceramic lamps, hand crafted wood furniture, and colorful paintings in harmony with the brightly hued bed trimmings. Guests enjoy a serene view from virtually any angle and shaded seating areas provide the perfect gazing perches. The outdoor restaurant allows a continuous enjoy-

"Immerse yourself in local experiences, taking time to explore the natural habitat"


the visitors taste the tranquil luxuries of southern Haiti. Visitors are immersed at La Source Hôtel where time is measured in ocean waves and sea breezes. Let the inviting atmosphere embrace you. Relax into the uniquely rich lifestyle of Haiti’s coastal countryside. Leave your wrist watch packed in your bag and risk forgetting what day of the week it is. Go ahead, we dare you!

on the coast. Culture junkies can mount the "500 Marches", a famous catholic and vodou pilgrimage in the area. These experiences, however, are only the beginning. Currently

Richard is working with community members to develop a museum to introduce visitors to the peyisan lifestyle – something that he says is important not just for foreigners but for Haitians who


have since lost their connection to the provinces. This method of encouraging eco-friendly development in the area is a win-win situation: locals enjoy greater economic security while

*La Source was established and briefly opened in July 2013; the rennovated space reopened in June 2014. For reservations visit: or call 4 324 4300 / 4 324 4322

By Regine Theodat

Illustrations courtesy of Anthony Louis-Jeune Djatawo was created by Anthony Louise-Jeune, in May 2013. Anthony is a renaissance man in the true sense of the word. He’s a color-blind visual artist, musician, poet, and hip-hop lyricist. For as long as he can remember drawing has been his passion. He followed his passion to school in the Dominican Republic at Altos de Chavon. He began working on Djatawo there, a Haitian superhero that defends the rights of the Haitian masses. He protects the environment and emanates positive energy to accomplish his goals. His main nemeses seek to damage the environment and the world through mind-control. His dream is that Stan Lee from Marvel comics or DC Comics will take on Djatawo and turn it into a movie. Djatawo comics are in written in both Kreyòl and French. M: Tell us about yourself, what do you do for a living? D: I put life and light into people lives so that I can protect them from harm. M: What is your super power? D: I control space; I can teleport myself and objects by using positive energy. M: Who or What are your nemeses? D: Darkness is my nemesis.

Words in Print



Haiti’s First Comic Book Super Hero, Created by Anthony Louis-Jeune 14 MAGIC HAITI JUNE / JULY 2014

Anthony introduced Magic Haiti to Djatawo for a live face-to-mask interview. M: Thank you for sitting down with us Djatawo, can you tell us how old you are? D: I am as old as the universe.

M: What is the most dangerous situation you’ve confronted? D: At a carnival, a crowd of people were possessed with an evil intent to destroy the environment; I had to save them without hurting the innocent mind controlled population. M: What types of villains do you regularly battle? D: I battle with villains that try to and control people’s minds and seek to harm the environment. M: What is the deal with your light-reflecting mask? D: It allows me to do three things: 1) see the materials inside of the earth; 2) see the energies living beings possess; and 3) project positive energy.

M: Do you have a girlfriend? D: Yes, her name is Tanama which means butterfly in the native Taino language; she is a protector of nature. M: Do you have a sidekick? D: Yes, his name is Kosmo, his super power is super knowledge. He is like the internet; he knows everything but can’t intervene or use force to battle villains. M: Do you have a secret identity? D: Of course I do, but I’m not revealing my secret to you! M: Alright, Djatawo, extra secretive! Do you have any closing words? D: To everyone reading and especially the youth: follow your dreams with passion and love full of determination

with all the positivity you can muster and all of your wishes will come true. You can get Djatawo comic books at any bookstore in Port-au-Prince such as Asterix or La Pleiade. You can also check out Djatawo’s Facebook page at: Djatawo. Anthony is soon co-launching an educational communications application based on Haitian history. To reach Anthony contact him at:, and to hear his musical work visit: https:// anthony-louis-jeune


MON OASIS AU CENTRE-VILLE! 10 rue Capois, Champs de Mars +509 2814-6000 • 2814-6040 w w w. p l a z a h a i t i . co m



Muncheez By Angela Galbreath | Photographs by Ludmillo Pierre and Junior Plesius Louis


he first adjective that comes to mind when I think of Muncheez restaurants is laid-back. This is a place to come as you are, enjoy a healthy serving of barbecued ribs, and lick the homemade sauce off your fingers afterwards if you so desire. And savor every last bit, you just might... It's that good.

Where Everybody Knows Your Name 16 MAGIC HAITI JUNE / JULY 2014

Chef and Co-owner, Gilbert Bailly, certainly won’t mind; he’ll take it as a compliment for his secret recipe. Bailly’s at one of the four locations of the restaurant chain every day of the week greeting his loyal clientele. Although, when it all started, he never dreamed he’d being doing this full time. Muncheez was born of the whims of Gilbert and four pals. They all had day jobs and they wanted to create a place where they could hang out and let loose in the evenings. Thus, in 1997, the Pétion-Ville restaurant sprang into being with a small amount of capital and the simple intention to stay afloat so the guys had a place to chill. “We had no idea that it would be this successful,” remembers Gilbert who now with his remaining co-owner Cliff Duveaux, considers themselves career restaurateurs. It seems that the neighborhood was just as hungry as they were

for a casual, welcoming place. The demand only grew over the years and today Muncheez serves up generous portions at four locations around the Caribbean capital. All four hotspots fill booths and tables with lunch and dinner clients daily. Patrons shake hands and tell jokes before settling in for a satisfying meal and a drink or two. A regular at Muncheez never lacks for companions as there are always familiar faces like Gilbert with an open chair waiting for you. Each Muncheez bears a singular charm. The newest

location in Bon Repos offers all the signature hamburgers, pizzas, and salads to a compaloving crowd. Bois Verna serves up fried chicken suspiciously reminiscent of the Colonel's, while diners follow life on the busy downtown thoroughfare. Muncheez Airport Road provides a lunch buffet for busy professionals in the area. And, the Pétion-Ville Muncheez has deep dish pizza, billiards, and of course, Carnival. We can't do Muncheez restaurants justice without mentioning the pre-carnival Pétion-Ville extravaganza.

" A regular at Muncheez never lacks for companions " Every Sunday leading up to Fat Tuesday, Muncheez embraces a crowd of thousands that spill onto the street in pulsing mobs. The DJ on the terrace keeps things thumping in between

passing musical acts. It's an all night party uniting the neighborhood, so popular, that it renders Gilbert one of the Pétion-Ville's most recognizable personalities. Truly Muncheez has evolved

over the last two decades into an institution. The four locations serve as landmarks in each area, because it's a chain where all are welcome and many frequent. Gilbert says, "When people get used to a place, they’re not going to change easily. They know the people there. They get the same sincere welcome every time." Stop by to introduce yourself today and make yourself at home among Port-au-Prince's friendliest. Muncheez, 2, Rue Rebecca, Pétion-Ville, 3713-1393 2941-1393 / 3693-0622;

Bon Repos, KM 12, Route Nationale #1 (Station SOL), 2811-1334 / 2811-1335; #9 Avenue Lamartiniere, Bois-Verna (after Global) 2813-1528 / 2813-1526; Airport Road, 2813-1398



Les Ateliers


By Rachele Viard | Photos by Ludmillo Pierre

t is a pure moment of pleasure each time I walk through the doors of Ateliers Jérôme an art gallery in the center of PétionVille where lovers of art and novices alike can take in the beautiful pieces of art the gallery houses. It was founded in Haiti, in 1985 by, Jean-René Jérôme and Mireille Pérodin Jérôme, members of the International Association of Art Critics, Caribbean Region (AICA Caraïbes) to afford artists a place to showcase their works as well as a platform where they could interact amongst themselves and with those interested in the arts and culture. It is no surprise that Les Ateliers Jérôme has become a gallery of reference.

Jean-René Jérôme, a renowned Haitian artist, was a very gifted individual who as a young man participated in many artistic activities including dance, painting, singing, theater, and drawing. However, he studied drawing and painting at the Academie des Beaux Arts in Haiti. He and

A Haven for Ar 18 MAGIC HAITI JUNE / JULY 2014

Jérôme Bernard Séjourné a movement improperly named the School of Beauty. Best known for his paintings of beautiful iconic black females, Jérôme founded the gallery during the latest

crackdown of the 1980’s which ended with the dislocation of many artists and writers. The sector needed a meeting place where they could meet as well as exchange ideas. Over the years, Les Ateliers Jérôme has become a cultural hub and has hosted many cultural events and art shows. Some of the well known and respected artists featured in the gallery have been André Pierre, Robert St. Brice, Salnave Philippe, Auguste Alexandre Grégoire, Saint Jacques Smith, as well as Levoy Exil. It is also with great support and commitment that they afforded exposure to up and coming artists. In addition, Les Ateliers Jérôme provides art enthusiasts the

"Les Ateliers Jérôme has become a cultural hub and has hosted many cultural events and art shows" necessary knowledge to enjoy a work of art with an analytical approach. Meandering through the gallery is always an exciting

rt Enthusiasts JUNE / JULY 2014 MAGIC HAITI 19

experience, easy to navigate with folks ready to provide information. It is certainly a place one must visit when first discovering Haitian art, and though you are surrounded by stunning stand out pieces of art

you don’t feel overwhelmed. Its layout allows you to take them in at your own pace. Great care is given to each detail. Art education is powerful, engaging and eye opening about a people, culture and history.


The gallery is very committed in this area. And as a result, the mission of the workshops offered at Les Ateliers Jérôme is to strengthen the links between Haitian artists, collectors, art lovers of all age groups, as

to create an art haven of sorts for the promotion and dissemination of art, poetry, music, and cinema. It has become a great place for those seeking to gain more knowledge on the history of Haitian art. It is especially exciting to visit the gallery when it has been transformed for an exhibit. I highly suggest that you give Les Ateliers Jérôme a try even if you are not ‘artsy’ individual. Take the time to take in each piece of artwork and feel free to ask questions, and maybe even bring back a souvenir. Located at #46, rue Rebecca Pétion-Ville. Call 3705 6825 and visit them on the web at

Let’s Talk!

Ann Pale!

By Christina Jean-Louis | Illustration by Teddy Kesser Mombrun

It’s summer 2014! Welcome to la Perle des Antilles, the Pearl of the Antilles! We would like to be the first to wish you a warm welcome! We encourage you to make yourself at home. Yes this may be a bit different then what you are used to, but let go and go with the flow. Take in the majestic mountain tops, or relax at the beach. If this is your first, second or third visit I am sure you have dozens of questions. Here are a few terms that you may find helpful in Haitian Kreyòl:

Who? / Ki moun?

Which way? / Ki wout? Ki kote?

What? / Ki sa?

How much does this cost? Konbyen sa koute?


Where are you going? Kote ou prale?

Where? / Ki kote? When? / Ki le? Why? / Pouki sa? How? / Kijan?/Kouman? How many / how much? / Konbyen?

I'm lost / Mwen pèdi. How do I get to ____ ? Kouman pou mwen rive ____ ?

Can I exchange euros/dollars/ pounds here? Mwen ka chanje ewo/dola/lib isit? Do you sell ____ ? Èske ou vann ____ ? Where can I buy ____ ? Kote mwen ka achte ____ ? It's too expensive. / Se twò chè. If I give you ____. Si mwen ba ou ____ . OK! / Dakò!

Try these questions and phrases out! We are a friendly people and would love to engage in dialogue with you. Let the colorful current sweep you away. "Ayisyen swiv kouran”.Haitians go with the flow. We encourage you to do the same. Haiti is a wonderful place; we hope you experience unparalleled splendor throughout your trip. Summer 2014, it’s a wonderful time to enjoy Haiti! JUNE / JULY 2014 MAGIC HAITI 21

A Remarkable Friendship with an Impressive Ripple Effect Haiti by Design


aiti is a marvelous Caribbean country where the extraordinary takes place every day. Just open the eyes of your heart and allow yourself to be embraced by the abundance of our jewels, from unique beaches to the grandiose scenery of our mountains, to the charm and warmth of our countryside. Poetry is everywhere on our island, whether shyly hidden in the merchants’ continual chatter, women carrying colorful baskets as they walk nonchalantly to the rhythm of an enchanting sun, or the smell of fresh cut flowers at Place St Pierre, or the waves as they gently kiss the shore. Poetry is all around us, pay attention, dare to look beyond and your heart will never cease to pound. This beautiful island gave birth to a beautiful people. We all chant feelings of hope. Two precious ladies emerge from the crowd and make themselves noticed through the creation of Simbi Inc. A company they named for the vodou goddess of water. Their special friendship has grown into a business


By Lara Elie Joseph Photos by Marc Lee Steed

specializing in hair bracelets and luxury resort wear. Meet Birgit Grossmann Coles and Lorraine Manuel Steed. Birgit, a German-American woman born in New-York, obtained a degree in International Business in Washington, D.C. Upon graduation, she followed her heart to Haiti, that’s to say, she followed the man she loves. One fateful day she decided to attend an expo organized by a Port-au-Prince art gallery. Very casually she meets a woman, Lorraine, who at the time worked at the gallery. The two ladies became friends, but I am sure they had no idea this encounter would forge their destiny. Lorraine has a very different background. She is Haitian and studied art history, graphic design, and fashion illustration in New Jersey, Paris, and New York. A true artist herself, she devoted her life to the promotion of art. Birgit and Lorraine were struck by a powerful lightning bolt of friendship that day at the art gallery. That connection has blossomed into a 15 year relationship, a

complementary coexistence characterized by humor and mutual respect. The idea of going into business together came as the two women dealt with grief post-earthquake. Confronted with the consequences of the disaster, , Lorraine and Birgit wanted to help alleviate the pain. Together they dared to rise from the ashes through a surprising

medium: hair bracelets. Bright and colorful wide elastic bands that double as jewelry. This endeavor began just as hair elastics were emerging as a worldwide trend. Birgit and Lorraine created a hair tie bracelet inspired by our very culture and traditions using vèvè designs and Arawak motifs. They are wearable symbols of unity, both functional and


attractive. This fashionable accessory has greater aspirations. A portion of the profits are used to provide communities access to clean drinking water. Simbi Inc. partners with organizations such as Life Giving Force and Dlo Haiti to install and distribute purified water. Each Simbi hair bracelet sold purifies one gallon of water a day! Today, Simbi sells its bracelets in 1,000 stores in the U.S. including Target. Fashion for a cause, and advertised as such, Simbi has enjoyed rapid success. The bracelet retails for $2.50 in surfing stores, yoga studios and specialty boutiques. But the journey does not stop there.

Birgit, the business mind, and Lorraine the artistic soul launched in July a collection of high end, luxury resort wear. Dresses, pants, shirts, and handbags fashioned out of lightweight materials such as linen and cotton. Handmade and embroidered in the Valley of Jacmel, their delicate pieces do tell a story. The story of an enchanting island, a territory full of elegance and desire. Great workmanship, coupled with great taste and originality, Simbi brand apparel is gaining traction in vacation communities such as the Hamptons in New York and Palm Beach in California. Together Birgit and Lorraine have united with an enterprise

that educates the outside world about Haiti and supplies thousands with potable water. It was a delightful experience to have met these two dynamic women. Special ones they are, sharing Caribbean fashion, Haitian style and flare with the wider world. To learn more about Simbi Inc., check out their website at

L’IMPRIMEUR S.A. Official printer of


FAB Ways to Find out What’s Poppin’ Rachele Viard and Angela Galbreath Looking for a place to take the kids for the weekend, a charming bistro to conduct a work meeting, the hot weekend party, the perfect place for a first date? There are many resources at your disposal showcasing all that Haiti has to offer. These various directories are online, print and in blog form. They bring you the latest and greatest news about what to do in Haiti. Some are even conveniently available an app for your Smartphone. Use them to stay in the know to maximize your experience in magical Haiti.

Haiti Online and in-print, this resource is very similar to a yellow-pages concept. The print magazine is an in-depth directory of all businesses in Haiti from dry cleaners, to lawyers, to dog grooming. You name it you can find it in this handy resource. The print edition is updated and distributed annually. The online version can be found at and on Facbook.


ManMan Pemba keeps track of all the entertainment options in the country. It is both business directory and social calendar. Sign in and browse for Friday night restaurant specials, concerts, happy hour, etc.. It even lists natural touristic sites like waterfalls, caves, and beaches. The name for the service comes from the Kreyòl expression meaning ‘Big Kahuna’.Users can sign up for a weekly email to stay up to date. ManMan Pemba is available as an app for iPhone and android devices. Follow them @ ManManPemba on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Haitian cuisine, sushi, wood fired pizza, Tex-mex, buffets, Mediterranean, the list goes on! The Haitian dining scene explodes with variety these days and can provide you with all the details. is an online directory for all food related establishments, including restaurants, bakeries and caterers. It offers diners the essential info about an eatery at a glance. Find on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.


Need a new place to live, need to go to event, need a job or a place to eat and relax? Or looking to sell some items to make room for your new move? Flash Haiti has it all. Flash Haiti is a dedicated social business directory bringing together product and service providers to local consumers in Haiti. The website acts as a classifieds listing for housing opportunities, jobs and events. You can stay connected on Facebook and Twitter as well.

Created by a bunch of party animals, the website is exactly what you think it would be; a website for people looking for the next big party in Haiti. The website allows those looking for a good time to stay updated by being apprised of different events. The site also features photos and information from past events. You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. JUNE / JULY 2014 MAGIC HAITI 25

D Heirloom Spotlight

Coffee, a Piping Hot Commodity By Angela Galbreath | Photos by Ludmillo Pierre 26 MAGIC HAITI JUNE / JULY 2014

uring the American Civil War, an industrious Polish family left New Orleans behind for the island of Hispaniola. The Wiener family’s destiny took root when adolescent Geo fell in love with an alluring Haitian beauty in the town of Jérémie. He entered her father’s coffee business to seal the deal and simultaneously embarked on an enduring affair with Haiti’s Typica coffee trees. In 1898, he created the coffee and chocolate export company known today by its original name, Geo Wiener S.A. Elsewhere in the Bean Belt

between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, old species of coffee have been supplanted by high-yielding engineered

Can You Taste The Difference? Prepare your own coffee tasting using the Brazilian method. What you will need: boiling water, coffee grinder, clean spoons, two glasses, pencil, paper 1. Choose two coffees from different altitudes (such as Grand Cru Thiotte and Kafe Towo) 2. Empty a few spoonfuls freshly ground beans into a dry glass 3. Inhale the scent and note the color 4. Pour hot water over the grounds and wait while a crust forms

spoon and inhale the aroma 6. Slurp a spoonful into your mouth letting it cover your whole tongue 7. Repeat at will 8. Note: intensity, aroma quality, acidity, bitterness, sweetness, balance, astringency, body, taste quality, persistency 9. Repeat using second sample

5. Break the crust with your

“Most of our growers are continuing in the footsteps of their great-greatgrandfathers.” varieties. Not so in Haiti where Geo Wiener S.A. grains shipped to specialty coffee shops such as La Colombe in New York City

bear the same attributes as the beans Geo himself exported to Europe more than a century ago. Essentially, we have access

to the same coffee as Van Gogh and Beethoven, picked by hand on shaded mountainsides like Haiti’s highest peak, Pic Macaya. The company responsible for the Grand Cru, Selecto, Moka, and Towo brands sources its supply through cooperatives

representing more than 5,000 individual farmers. “Most of our growers are continuing in the footsteps of their great-greatgrandfathers,” offers Douglas Wiener, current Marketing Director and Geo’s greatgrandnephew. Every year from September to March,


saddle bags teaming with red beans descend trodden trails via donkey to coffee processing centers. There, Geo Wiener S.A. purchases the highest quality harvests to bring back to their roasting and packaging plant at Delmas 1, in Port-au-Prince. When the dry beans

arrive at the factory, a staff of 60 men and women are there waiting. The skin is removed in a giant antique huller before the deft hands of sorters toss out imperfect beans. Next, the grains change from green to black in an industrial roaster.The factory houses a state of the art

quality control laboratory where Italian Master Cupper, Diane Nsengiyumva sips and spits, pours and tests. She uses her cultivated palate to maintain the integrity of each product. Diane informs that today's coffee market welcomes diverse taste sensations, but connoisseurs seek acidity. This attribute which sounds off-putting, renders a cup of Joe light and delicate. Grand Cru from the region of Thiotte boasts the highest acidity of the Wiener products. After a few sips, hints of orange peel and cinnamon remain on the tongue in the absence of coffee breath. Towo, on the other hand, coats taste buds with a thick chocolaty flavor. The new Moka blends

burst with added aromas such as hazelnut. Coffeephiles after the perfect cup gravitate towards heirloom varieties like Haiti’s Typica. The genetic makeup of Haiti’s coffee trees differs only slightly from its ancestors in Ethiopia and Sudan. While the tree has all but disappeared on the world market, it grows in abundance in Haiti where fourth generation farmers collaborate with fourth generation traders like the Wiener family to deliver pure, authentic taste. Visit Geo Wiener S.A.’s website at to learn more about excellent Haitian coffee as well as Haitian chocolate.

ATH MEMBERS Abaka Bay Resorts Associated Food Distributors | AFD Agence Citadelle Air Caraïbes Air France Air Transat | Hamaserco S.A. Aldy Hôtel Auberge du Rayon Vert Auberge Inn Avis | Socoprosa Ayiti Linge Services B&B Comfy Inn Ballet Bacoulou d'Haïti BANA Best Western Premier PetionVille Blue Mango Brasserie La Couronne Brasserie Nationale d’Haïti Cap Travel Service Casino El Rancho CERAMEX Châtelain Tours Club Indigo

Coconut Villa Hôtel Coles Distributions S.A. Compagnie Haïtienne d'Hôtellerie Copa Airlines Cormier Plage Delta Air Lines Digicel Telecom Ecolojic Resort and Retreat Center Elite Hôtel Encocha GAIA Galerie Marassa Galerie Monnin Galerie Nader GAMEL S.A. G.G.N Immobiliers Goeland Voyage Habitation Hatt Hotel Habitation Jouissant Habitation Labadie Harmony Tours & Travel Agency Hertz | Dynamic Car Rentals


S.A. Hotel Amiral Killick Hotel Ibolélé Hotel Le Plaza Hotel Lermitage de Pandiassou Hotel Mont Joli Hotel Montana Hotel Xaragua Hotel & Restaurant Supply Haiti | HRSH Idéal Villa Hôtel Insel Air Jardin sur Mer Jet Blue Airways Kaliko Beach Club Karibe Hotel Kinam Hotel La Colline Enchantée S.A. La Lorraine La Réserve Le 3 Decks Le Florville Le Montcel Le Nouvelliste

Le Relais de Chateaublond Le Ritz Le Toit Blanc, Café Restaurant Lojistik SA Maison Henri Deschamps Maxime Boutique Hotel MMY Coordination Mon’Edy Tourism Agency Mosaïques Gardere Moulin sur mer MultiVision Napolitano Travel Service Navette S.A. NH Haiti El Rancho Office Star Ouanga Bay Beach Palm Residence Papaye Restaurant Parc Historique Canne à Sucre Port Morgan Prince Hôtel Quartier Latin Restaurant Bar Rébo Expresso Résidence Talou

Resort & Plages d’Haïti Rêves et Voyages Rhum Barbancourt Rhum Vieux Labbé | Berling SA Royal Oasis by Occidental Sans Souci Agence de Voyage Secom Servotel SirepTours Sogecarte Société Labadie Nord (SOLANO) Speedy Agence de voyages St Georges Hotel & beach Resort Stellar Haiti Sunrise Airways The Backyard The Lodge Uniglobe S.A Villa Therese Visa Lodge Voyages Lumière Wahoo Bay Beach Wall’s International SA


hat do an aspiring NFL football player, an anthropologist, and the CEO of a multinational corporation have in common? Well, if they all walked into a beachside bar at the same time, they would leave just one set of footprints in the sand, those of Haiti resident, Kit Miyamoto. You may have heard of tornado chasers. Mr. Miyamoto is a disaster professional of another breed. Wherever tectonic plates cause the Earth to shake, Kit is there. Hence his appearance in this intriguing territory one week after the major earthquake event of 2010. More than four years later, the Structural Engineer is still here. The inherent climate as well as the business climate transformed Kit’s emergency relief sojourn into a permanent relocation. “I love the sun. I feel at home here,” he says simply, adding that he did not experience those intense gamma rays growing up in Tokyo. He also divulges that he was something of a square peg in Japanese society. “As a kid, I always wanted to play American football for the Dallas Cowboys.” Upon graduation from high school, Kit sped across the Pacific to study anthropology at California State University and played on their Division I football team as halfback. A knee injury kept him from realizing his dream. However, it caused him to shift paths and graduate with a degree in Structural Engineering. A big firm back home in Japan offered him a

Kit Miyamoto, A Perfect Fit Why Haiti ?

By Angela Galbreath

Photos by Jean Luc Becquerelle

“I love the sun. I feel at home here”


position. “I went to the 20th floor to the structural engineering department and saw 500 engineers in suits and ties working with no noise. I thought, Wow if I start working for this company, I’ll probably get fired within one week!” So, back to California it was, although Kit did return to Japan to obtain an advanced degree at Tokyo Tech. In 1997, he became CEO of the California engineering firm now bearing his name, Miyamoto International. He built the enterprise which specializes in anti-seismic construction, on the philosophy: ‘Save lives, impact economies’. With Miyamoto Int. offices in ten countries, two young daughters in California, and earthquakes happening all over the world, Kit’s carry-on luggage logs tens of thousands of miles each year. But where are most of his clothes and fullsized toiletries? He shares that Port-au-Prince has graciously adopted him. “The energy of this place is unbelievable. It just has a kind of mystique feeling about it. The whole country is like that. The light, the smells. This place energizes me. I’m an extrovert. Here, I get even more extroverted, because the people are extroverted.” Miyamoto stays busy professionally with projects ranging from the newly completed Kinam Hotel in Pétion-Ville to the ToussaintLouverture International Airport to pro-bono initiatives through the Miyamoto Relief such as a school renovation in Cité Soleil. Whatever the project, the firm works through local contractors and tradesmen. To date, Kit shares that approximately 7,000 cement

Magnetic allure, professional vocation, and an environment fit for a fun-loving extrovert have enticed this earthquake construction guru to hang his hard hat here for good. Good news for Haiti as the country surges forward stronger and safer.

masons have been trained in anti-seismic construction as well as hundreds of local engineers. It’s practical capacity building with lasting implications. On the personal side, the engineer stays balanced here. He swims nearly two miles a day for exercise and he loves to meet pals at Mosaik for happy hour or dinner in the evenings. The weekends find Kit beachside often at the secluded getaway, Plaj Kokoye, near PetitGoâve where he enjoys going with his daughters. And he relishes local seafood, especially conch. “I think Haitian cuisine is really one of the best in the world,” he gushes.

L’IMPRIMEUR S.A. Official printer of





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Karibe Hotel, Juvenat 7, Haiti (509) 2812 7000 Toll Free: 1-800-615-6377, 1-305-667-2017



Lissa Jeannot L

issa Jeannot is everything but an ordinary woman. Born and raised in Port-auPrince within a family of artisans, later trained in Spain and Italy as a ceramic artist, she is now working on a one-of-a-kind jewelry line using precious stones with healing components. Lissa is a mother, a polyglot, a Reki practitioner, and a renowned artist. Undoubtedly, she carries the artistic legacy of her family with honor. Her grandmother taught drawing and her mother manages an embroidery workshop in Port-au-Prince. After graduating from high school, Lissa received a scholarship to study in Spain where she attended ceramics school and joined Taher Tchurukha, a fashion brand. In Spain, and later in Italy, Lissa was introduced to metal, leather and ceramic jewelry. After spending seven years on the European continent, she came back to her native Ayiti to let her creativity develop and flourish. Lissa first taught ceramics in Port-au-Prince, holding weekly workshops for adults and children with her dear friend Pascale Monnin. She then moved her activities to the bohemian beach town of Kabik, near Jacmel. To-date, this is still where one can find the talented Lissa Jeannot, in her peaceful garden, surrounded

Text and Photos by Lucie Cincinatis

Now Exploring Healing Stones



years ago, I got very sick and started wearing a quark crystal."

by precious beads, handmade pots, and of course, her impressive kiln. While she is most widely known for having a way with clay, Lissa creates remarkable jewelry including earrings, rings, bracelets, charms, and pendants. What is most intriguing about her jewels, are their healing properties. “Don’t be too skeptical,” Lissa tells us. “Eight years ago, I got very sick and started wearing a quark crystal. It exploded, burned me lightly and…a few days later, I was healed. Since then, I have been investigating stones and crystals and their powers. Sickness

is due to a lack of certain elements in one’s system. When you think about it, the stones are inert and contain minerals. Therefore, it is not surprising that they can give us just enough of what our bodies need.” Lissa’s extensive knowledge of crystals and precious stones is astonishing. She not only assembles aesthetically pleasing compositions, but also assures a combination that can provide the best healing action. When questioned about her creative process, Lissa proudly says, “Being Haitian gives you certain predisposition for creation. Here in Haiti, everything has to be done, so you have no choice but to be creative.” Regarding her favorite stones, Lissa enjoys working with the black tourmaline crystal, a powerful

stone said to ward off negative energy of all kinds. The stone not only repairs mental negativity but also protects from vibrations caused by electronics. Finally, one must know that every piece designed by Lissa is unique. “A lot of people come to me for protection, money,or love, but most of this is already there, unfortunately people don’t always see it. When you know what you are after, you get it; the jewelry reinforces your faith and spirituality, the stones reinforce the determination to reach your objectives.” Exciting news, Lissa Jeannot is currently working on a jewelry collection which she expects to exhibit in Haiti at the end of this year. For all inquiries, she can be reached by email at

restaurants 5 Coins

Haitian cuisine Downtown 163, Ave. M. Ambroise and Rue Nicolas PAP #210 Restaurant 5 Coins 29430402 Pétion - Ville 20, Rue Panaméricaine, 29430635 Tabarre 50, Tabarre 36 Carrefour Fleuriot 29430403

Acajou Restaurant & Bar

Haitian/international Cuisine Hotel Montana 38806610 / 29400584 29432445 reservation@suiteshorizon. com

Assiette Créole

Haitian Cuisine 6 Bis, Rue Oge, P-V 509294-00041, 2227-2999 Route de l’Aeroport, -12, Route de l'Aéroport 29400041


Haitian Cuisine 254,Avenue John Brown, 2227-2973

Café Com' Ça

Fusion Complexe Promenade, Angles Rues Gregoire & Moise, P-V 509 2943-2014/3837-0607 / 344-0607

Café Organic

17, Rue Mangones, P-V Tel : 509-2227-7702

Café Place St-Pierre

Fusion 51 Angles Rues Chavannes & Lamarre, P-V Tél: 509-3480-1908

Café Terrasse

Fusion 81, Rue Gregoire, P-V 509-2944-1313/3415-9184 3444-1313

Casa Tua

20 Rte de la Montagne, Montagne Noire 509-3429-5454 / 4450-3760

Celeri Rouge

388, Avenue Panamericaine, P-V 50937199670 `celerirouge

Chicken Fiesta

124, Rue Panamericaine, P-V 509-2813-9866

2230-6103 / 3382-5385 2228-5981


Pavillion 5 Rue des Nimes, Shodecosa, Aeoroport 509-3701-3387 2813-0121

Coin du Chef Restaurant

Rue Jose San Martin (Same road as El Rancho/Villa Creole, Dominican Embassy) Behind Ritz Kinam II Apartments, HT6110 509-3767-8136 / 3445-5722

Domino's Pizza

Fast Food 93, Rue Panamericaine, P-V 509-2813-1446 / 2813-1447

Epi d'Or P-V

Fast Food 24, Rue Faubert, Angle Rue Villate P-V 509 3727 5767

Fior Di Latte

Italian Cuisine Choucoune Plaza, Angle Rue Lamarre et Chavannes, P-V Tel: 509-2813-0445

La Pergola

#7Rue Rigaud, P-V (deriere Parc St Therese) 509-3462-2050 319-5050 `La Pergola Restaurant

HANG Sports Bar & Grill American Cuisine 7, Rue Rigaud, P-V Tel: 509-2942-4264


Fusion 73 Angle Rue Clerveaux et Ogé , P-V 3685 1331, 4746 0707

Kay Atizan

Haitian Cuisine 43, Rue Magny, P-V (Complex Festival Art) 509-3456-6989 /3452-1772

La Coquille

Haitian Cuisine 10, Rue Rebecca, P-V 509-2942-5225 / 3466-3908 3805-0238

La Plantation

French Cuisine Rue Borno, Bois Moquette 22941 6334

La Réserve

Fusion 2, Rue Marcel Toureau, Berthé, PV 509. , 509.

La Souvenance

5 Rue Daniele Brun, Bois Moquette P-V 509 3762 7824 / 3133 4949

Le Coin des Artistes Haitian Cuisine 59, Rue Panaméricaine, P-V 3747 1163

Le Daily Gourmet Cafe

Rue Roumain off Tabarre Parc Canne a Sucre. 3411 5274

Le Florville

Haitian Cuisine Kenscoff 3551 3535 / 3449 6161

Le P'tit Creux

Haitian Cuisine 87, Rue Rebecca, PV 2942 3892 / 2942 3893

Le Paris St Tropez Italian Cuisine 88, route de Kenscoff, Laboule 12 3410 7219

Le Relais de Chateaublond- ATH

Fusion Parc Historique de la Canne à Sucre 3 449-7407

Le Toit Blanc- ATH

Fusion Route du Saut d'eau # 22 3947 0134

Le Villate

12 Rue Villate, PV 3400 1212 / 3 402 1212

Les 3 Decks - ATH

Fusion 3 bis, Fermathe 54, 3418 8511 / 3462 6201

Les Délices Burger Fast Food 97, Rue Grégoire, PV 3646 1600 / 3646 1601


L’Esplanade 2 Rue Darguin, PV 4 412-3138 / 3 781-0012


Mediterranean Cuisine 30, Rue Ogé, P-V 3821-2121 / 3733-2525


Fusion 89, Rue Grégoire, P-V 3701 9576

Mr. Grill


39, Rue Rigaud, PV 509 3114 2524 / 3620 4954


Fast Food 2. Rue Rebecca, PV 2813 1524 / 2813 1530

Plaine 2811 1334 / 2811 1335 Bois Verna, 2813 1526 / 2813 1528

Myabèl Cocktail Bar & Restaurant

#134 Rue Stenio Vincent (Rte Nat’l 3) Croix-des-Bouquets, 509 4863 4054


Boutilliers, Laboule 12 509 4799 5300 / 3454 0118

Océane Bar & Grill Haitian Cuisine 3 bis. Rue Derenoncourt, 2940 2449

Papaye- ATH

Fusion 48. Rue Métellus, P-V 3558 2707 / 3771 3678

Aéroport, 2813 1398 / 2813 1399

travel companion Port-auPrince Allamanda

30, Angle Rues Melus et Ogé, / 39 Rue Melus - HT-6166 Pétion-Ville 509-3671-5603/ 3435-5603

B&B Comfy Inn-ATH

73, Rues Clerveaux et Ogé, HT-6166 Pétion-Ville,Haiti 3813 1212, 2227 0000

Best Western Premier-ATH

50, Angle Rue Loverture & Geffrard Pétion-Ville,Haiti Toll-Free from US: (877)-897-2523 509-2814-2222

Coconut Villa-ATH

Delmas 19 , Rue Berthold,- P-a-P 509-3179-3752

Eucalyptus Guest House

Route National #1 Rue Nezivar #6 , Sarthe 59,Cazeau509-3602-7928/ 509-3142-3142-3716

NH Haiti El Rancho -ATH Rue José Martin,# 5 P-V 509-2815-1000

Habitation Hatt-ATH Delmas 31, Hatt 2 Airport Rd 509-3452-9480/ 2940-0135 2923-2995 International: 954-776-1515

Ibo Lélé-ATH

Motagne Noire, P-V 509-2940-8503/ 2940-8502

Ideal Villa Hôtel-ATH

Delmas 53 # 6, Haiti 509-2943-0470

Karibe Hôtel-ATH

Juvenat 7, P-V 509-2812-7000 / www.karibeho. com

Kinam Hôtel-ATH

Place Saint-Pierre, P-V 509-2944-6000 / 2811 6000

La Reserve Guest House-ATH #2, Rue Marcel Toureau, Berthe, P-V, 509-2940-0190 / 2946-1111 3330-6520 / 3330-65211

Le Montcel-ATH

Route de Kenscoff, Belot ( #83 Rue Capois Administrative Office) 509-3701-4777/ 509-3702-7244


Pizza Garden

The Bookstore Cafe & Wine Bar

Italian Cuisine 36, Rue Chavannes, P-V 2 813 2100 / 2 813 2200

Esperanza Building, 87, Rue Grégoire, P-V 509 3774 6729

Presse Café

The Lodge

Haitian Cuisine 28, Rue Rigaud, PV 3701 0092


Quartier Latin- ATH 10, Rue Goulard Place Boyer, P-V 3460 3326 / 3445 3325

Rebo Expresso- ATH

Fast Food / Coffee 25, Rue Métellus, P-V 2949 0505

Redstone Bar & Grill

36 Rue Magny, P-V 2811-0274

Table de Caius 6 Rue Legitime, Port-au-Prince, Haiti +509 29 40 7227

Le Ritz-ATH

Angle des Panamericane et Jose Saint Martin ,P-V: 509-2943-0303

Le Plaza-ATH

10, Rue Capois, Champs de Mars, Port-au-Prince ` LePlazaHaiti 509-2814-6000

Le Perroquet

29, Rue Lamarre, P-V 509-3880-7777

Montana Suite Horizon-ATH

Bourdon Location : Rue Franck Cardozo, Bourdon, Hotel Montana 50938806610 / 29400584 / 29432445;

Palms Résidence -ATH

Furcy. après Kenscoff 3458 5968 / 2510 9870

The View

Fusion Complexe Le Belvédère. Angle des Rues Chavannes & Clerveaux, PV 3632 7706

Utopia Garden Grill Thomassin 48 Route de Kenscoff 37023924


Creole and bistro cuisine 81 avenue Lamartiniere `vertgalant.boisverna 4629 8659

Prince Hôtel--ATH

Pacot 30, Angle Rue 3 et Avenue N, 509-2944-0422

Royal Oasis-ATH

Rue Panamericaine P-V115 Avenue Panamericaine 509-2248-1105 / 509-2248-1106 / 509-294-06274


Rte De L’Aéroport, Maïs Gaté. 509 2812-7500

The Inn at Villa Bambou 509 2 813-1724

The Lodge-ATH

Furcy 509 3458 1052 / 3458 5968

The Palm Inn

Delmas 31 3, Rue Hatte 3 4446 9969 / 3889 0162

Port-au-Prince 509-3706-7342 / 3454-0053

Visa Lodge-ATH

Paradis des Receptions & Hotel

#13, rue Léon Nau, P-V (509)2816-0605 / (509)2816-2524

Route de Frere #29 Rue Roger Cola 509-3822-7149 509 2813- 0777

Villa Thérese

Côte Caraïbe Abakabay- ATH

Ile à Vache 509-3721-3691/ 3683-6253

Aldy Hôtel- ATH (Aquin)

509-3829-9775, 3741-0532

Auberge du Mont Saint Jean Vallée de Jacmel 509-3702-0510/ 3707-0605/ 34011789

Auberge Davezac Levy Camp Perrin 509-3797-8404

Auberge du Rayon Vert - ATH Section Point Sable,Port Salut 509-3713-9035, 3779-1728

Auberge Inn - ATH

6 Ave, Emile Roumer Bordes / Jérémie 509-3727-9678, 2713-1524/2278-2917

Cap Lamandou (Jacmel)


Cyvadier Plage (Cyvadier- Jacmel) 509 3844-8264 3482-2585 / 3844- 8265

Dan’s creek

Port-Salut 509-3614-8143/ 509-3644-0404

Hôtel du Village (Port-Salut)


Hôtel Villa Ban Yen

Vallue Petit Goave, Hotel Le Montagne 509-3420-2091/ 3231-8871/22285941

Hotel Kabic Beach Club (Jacmel) Ti Mouillage, Jacmel 509-3780-6850

Hotel Florita

Historic District of Jacmel 509-3785-5154/ 4030-1424

Jardin Sur Mer-ATH

Route Nationale # 2, Zanglais, Saint Louis du Sud 509-2270-1051/ 3668-6147


L’Amitié Guest House : Ti Mouillage, Cayes Jacmel (509) 2942-7156 / 3417-7582

La Colline Enchantée-ATH Marigot ( Corail Sud 67 Rue Gregoire PB 3701-9697/ 2274-1464 Manolo Inn

Petite Rivière de Nippes 509-3752-3838

Port Morgan-ATH

Ile a Vache 509-3921-0000/ 3923-0000

Relais du Boucanier

Avenue de la Lertation, Port Salut 509-3720-1144

Le Recul (Camp Perrin) Camp Perrin 509-3454-0027

Villa Nicole (Cayes-Jacmel)

Cayes-Jacmel 509-3387-4500/3389-4500

Côte des Arcadins Kaliko Beach Club -ATH

Cote des Arcadins, Caries 509-2940-4609 / 4640-2223

Wahoo Bay Beach -ATH

Cote des Arcadins, KM 62, Caries 509-3106-7676 / 3735-2536 3735-2831

Moulin Sur Mer -ATH

Route National #1 Mon Trouis -800m after the Mont Trouis ,bridge 509-3701-1918, 2813-1042/ 37021918

Club Indigo -ATH

Route National #1, 18 km from Port-au-Prince Port-au-Prince Office: Rue de Nime #4, Route de L’Aeroport, Enface eco depot 509-3651-1000, 3650-1000, 34411000

Ouanga Bay -ATH

Mont Trouis, Route National #1, KM 63 Caries 509-3756-5212/ 3932-5810

Art Galleries Collection Flamboyant

Côte Atlantique Auberge du Picolet

Cap haitien 509 3438-6357/ 2810-1111

9 Rue Darguin, P-V 509-3909-9231/3555-9398


55 Rue Metellus, P-V 509-3713-0522/ 3602-0232

Festival Arts

Cormier Plage-ATH

Route de Labadie, Cap-Haitien 509-3702-0210 cormier@huges.net3

43 Rue Magny, P-V 509-3551-7311 /3401-3171 3716-0018

Habitation Jouissant -ATH

Galerie Marassa-ATH

202 Habitation Jouissant 509-2227-7799 Email:

115, ave Panaméricaine, P-V, Complexe Oasis 509-4834-2328 | 4630-4545

Hôtel Mont Joli-ATH

Cap Haitien Rue 29 B Carrenage, Cap Haitien 509-2943-1110/ 3942-6975

Galerie Monnin-ATH

19 Rue Lamarre, P-V 509-2257-4430/3680-3240/34468768/3804-8464

Hôtel Beaux Rivages

Cap Haitien 509-3687-2903

Galerie Nader-ATH

50 Rue Gregoire, PV 509-3709-0222

Hostellerie du Roi Christophe

Cap Haitien 509-2709-0556,

L’Atelier Boutique Fondation Theard

Fermathe 59 | 509-2513-9874

Les Ateliers Jerôme

Résidence Royale

68 , Angle des Rue Rebecca & Lamarre, P-V 509 3411-9833

Cap Haitien 509 2942-0540

Centre Hotel l'Ermitage de Pandiassou -ATH

Pandiassou ,Plateau Central Tel: 509-3742-5934 / 3741-8753

Wozo Plaza -ATH

L’IMPRIMEUR S.A. Official printer of

Route National #3, Mirebalais Tel: +509-3614-6035/4832-2320

Xaragua Hotel -ATH

Route National #1, KM 80 509-2200-3680/ 509-2258-4307


Car Rental Avis

20 Rue Mais Gate, Route de L’aeroport 509-2229-6399/509-2941-555

Budget Rent-a-Car

Angle Rue Leonard & Route de L’Aeroport 509-2813-01800

Dollar Rent-a-Car

Airport Road 509 - 2250-1800 / 2514-1800 2813-1800


Airport Road Angle rue louverture et blvd Toussaint louverture 509-2812-5555/ 2812-5556

Hertz -ATH

Airport Road 509-3779-0700 /2816-0700

Secom -ATH

Delmas 564 Route de Delmas 509-2942-2940 / 2942-2941

Airlines American Airlines

Delmas 32 Delimart Plaza, Corner of Rue Lamarre & Chavanne Choucoune Plaza Petion Ville 509-2229-6000 /

Aerolineas Mas

Next to Servotel, at National Gas Station 509-3704-4560

Air Caraïbes - ATH

509-2813-1037 /

Air France - ATH

509-3115-5000 /

Air Transat - ATH

37 Rue Grégoire P-V, 509 3696-2531 / 4801-2416 : Urgence 3940-4632 USA : 954-636-1884 E-mail : Website:

Agence Citadelle – ATH 509 2940 5900 / 3445-5900 Chatelain Tours – ATH 509 3701-4570 Harmony Tours & Travel Agency – ATH 509 2813-0533

Copa Airlines - ATH 509 2941-0110

509-3843-3582 /

Delta Airlines - ATH

509-2943-3582 / 2816-1666

Insel Air International - ATH 509-2813-0403/ 2813-0402

Jet Blue- ATH Aeroport Int. Toussaint Louverture 2229 2570 / 2229 2571 Mission Aviation Fellowship 509-3791-9209 / 2941-9209 / 509-2940-4421 / 2940-4422



Agence Alpha

(509) 3782-8832 , 3643-0994 1-866-847-1112

Spirit Airlines

18, rue Moïse, Pétion-Ville, Haïti Tél : 509-2946-8484 3906-8484

Travel Agencies

Aerogare Guy Malary, Tabarre 2816 0616 / 2816 0615


509-2812-8000/ 2812-8003 2812-8005/ 2812-8006

Turks & Caicos Airways

Multivision Agence de voyage – ATH Mon’Edy Tourism Agency – ATH

73, Rue Nicolas Geffrard, Cayes 509 4707 3571

Napolitano Travel Service – ATH 509 2940-0750 / 2940-1402

Rêves et Voyages – ATH Angle rues Lambert et Aubran Complexe Galeria 509 2940 1428 Sans Souci Agence de voyage – ATH 509 1813-1564

SpeedyServicesVoyages–ATH 129, Rue Faubert, P.V. 509 3944 7922

Uniglobe – ATH

Email: Tél: (509) 3623-1418 / 3428-0770

Transborder Bus Lines Capital Coach Lines 509 2 512 5989 / 3 455 1777

Caribe Tours 509 2 257 9379 /3 785 1946

Terra Bus

Airport Shuttle Service

Airport Express

509 3445 5902 Airport

Navette S.A. - ATH 255, Lalue Ave John Brown 509 3710 9988

Pharmacies Obonsoins

107, Rue Louverture, PV 3800 3737

Pharmacie du Boulevard

1, Angle Blvd. du 15 Octobre & Rue D. Lespinasse, PAP 509 3459 6553 / 3808 9050


12, Rue Ogé, PV | 509 2816 0116

Polyclinique 48

408, Auto Route de Delmas OPEN 24/7 509 2942-0068 / 3694-2078

Receptive Operators Agence Citadelle American Express Travel - ATH 509 2940 5900 / 3445 5900 / 3040 5900

Tour Haiti

31 Rue Casseus Pacot, Port-au-Prince 509 2813 22235

Uniglobe - ATH 509 2941 0742

Voyages Lumière - ATH 509 3607 1321 / 4805 8289

Voyages Plus Cap - ATH Cap Haïtien 509 3443 0823 / 2940 0484



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