7 minute read
Department Updates
from Milestone / Q2
UpdatesSafety / Bridge / HR
National Safety Month
June is National Safety Month. To honor this month, our Marketing Intern, Ashlyn Halstead, was able to go out in the field and see just how employees take time for safety.
In our Bloomington area we were able to speak with Tommy Gott about what extra safety precautions they are taking at the Hidden River Tunnel project. We have had some extremely hot days in June! This puts many crews at risk for heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. This job is unique compared to most others in the area, and they have found that with the direct sunlight shining into the tunnel and not much ventilation, the crew is at an even greater risk of heatstroke. Tommy Gott says that with the help of a giant fan from a local fire department and some hydration packets, the crew can keep running smoothly, but without taking the extra time to set up the fan and drink the packets dangerous events could occur. That is why it is important to take time for safety, not only in the month of June but all season. “Everyone should return home the same way they showed up for work that day.” —Gott
Next, we traveled to the Eagleson project. At this sight, we asked Steve Deem what safety precaution is most important to him. Steve says that the most important safety measure to him is the morning meeting to go over the plan for the day. He believes that taking that extra time to go over the plan for the day helps ensure that everyone is on the same page. “Once you get out on the road it’s too late” says Steve. These meetings can help prevent safety accidents all season long!
We commend our own Jason Nickels for keeping safety first.
This month while on the Mount Comfort job, he witnessed a car in the slow lane that had just stalled after hitting the barrier wall. The crash unit on barrier wall and the front of the car were damaged badly. Jason acted quickly, concerned about the safety of those in the car, and ushered the driver and the three children to safety away from traffic. Jason, we THANK YOU for doing the right thing – for stopping work to make sure that everyone was safe.
Area Highlights
We would like to share some info about our most recent acquisition in northern Indiana. Milestone acquired the assets of Northern Indiana Construction (NIC) back in late December of 2021.
NIC was established in 1986 by David Walorski, George Moser, and Dennis Fredrick and was based in Mishawaka, IN. Their primary sources of business are bridge construction, bridge rehabilitation, earth retention and shorting, seawall construction, dam and lake level control structures, and embankment stabilization work. Dave Walorski and his team have already been integrated into our South Bend area and have been instrumental with the performance of work and helping our northern area bridge group get our feet off the ground in South Bend this year.
We apologize for the tardiness but would like to welcome aboard all the former NIC employees! Here is a little information about some of our new employees: From top to bottom: Jeremy Zalas –General Superintendent, Kevin Chupp – Superintendent, David Dudley – Foreman, Danisha Marable – Project Manager/Accountant, David Walorski – General Superintendent
Milestone Company Store Update
This construction season, we’re excited to announce that we have a second version of our company store that is now LIVE and accessible to ALL of our employees and the public! No Milestone email address is needed to represent your favorite heavy highway employer! You’ll simply need to create an account to check out your items. Scan the QR code, or visitshop.milestonelp.com. Happy Shopping!
HR Unemployment Announcement
There have been quite a few changes that have made filing and receiving unemployment benefits more challenging since 2020. Your HR team at Milestone has been working to assist our employees with the challenges they have been facing. There are a few things you can do to make filing your claim more streamlined so you can receive your benefits in a more timely manner.
Review the claimant handbook on the DWD (Department of Workforce Development) website before filing your claim (https://www.in.gov/dwd/indiana-unemployment/). DWD has made several changes this past year that could affect whether or not you receive your benefits.
File your weekly voucher correctly and indicate when there have been changes in your work schedule. For example, if you have returned to work full time, be sure to change the status of your claim to working full time. This will alleviate the potential overpayments that would have to be paid back to the state.
Review the notices and notifications the DWD posts on your portal account. Milestone does not receive the information the DWD sends to you. The DWD will make determinations and decisions based on the information you provide the state. Milestone will only confirm the information you submitted to the state when you file for your unemployment benefits. Milestone does not receive the notifications you receive from the state. If there are time sensitive requests by the DWD, you will need to respond by the deadline, or the state may discontinue your benefits.
Our HR team works diligently to ensure we are responding to requests from the DWD to verify your employment related information when it is requested. However, the decision to approve or deny your individual claim for benefits is entirely in the hands of the DWD, not Milestone. You need to follow the status of your claim to ensure the continuance and eligibility for your unemployment benefits. If you have questions about filing for unemployment benefits or about notices you have received from the DWD, please contact HR at hr@milestonelp.com and we will see if we can help.
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Want to update your Direct Deposit? Need to update your address?
Do it online! Anytime. Even in the off-season.
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Easy: Just scan the code to reach the portal and find your login instructions.
For help: ITSS Help Desk 1-888-845-4357
Inclusion Insights
My dad passed away suddenly in 2015; he experienced a massive heart attack after what was supposed to be a routine surgery. He didn’t want a funeral. His final wishes were very explicit. He wanted a big party: a true celebration of his life.
So, we organized that for him, and hundreds of people showed up. Family, friends, people I went to high school with, people my brother went to high school with, parents of people I went to high school with. People came from out of city and out of state. I was so humbled that so many people who had not seen or spoken to my dad in decades took time to travel and to celebrate his life.
As I made the rounds and thanked people for their attendance, I heard them make the same statement. “Your Dad was really important to me; he always made me feel like I was part of the group, like I belonged.”
That was my dad’s gift; he made everyone feel special. No, that is not quite right. To him, everyone was special, and you felt that way when you interacted with him.
We all need to belong.
Belonging is something I think about often. I reflect on times in my life when I felt like I did not belong, and how painful that truly was. I reflect on times in my life, especially when I was young, when I did belong to a tribe and we left other people out, as young people often do. I am ashamed of that behavior now. I knew in my heart the right thing to do was to be a friend to someone who needed one, but I wasn’t willing to risk my own place in the tribe to do that.
My reflections now are about how I can be a braver and better person today than I was then. I think about what I can do today to make someone’s life better. I think about my dad, his kindness, and how I can let his legacy live on through my own behavior.
We each have our own gifts, and our own way to connect with others. I challenge us all to use those gifts every single day to make someone’s life at work better.