Flaw Issue 1

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OCTOBER 2017 Hello, Welcome to the first issue of FLAW. Initially, FLAW was an just an idea that I was playing around with, not really knowing where to start. I am beyond thankful to everyone who helped to bring it to life. I wish you a Happy Halloween. - Antonina CONTRIBUTORS @officialprojectperiod @daniel.fabara @bellabartonmusic @lilyetong @gothwangg @janninengesang @tacokaat Finn Ramsay/Sarcoline

Brendon Jen

SOCIAL INSTAGRAM: @flaw.zine ISSUU: www.issuu.com/flawzine


CONTENTS 1-2 Project Period 3-6 Masculinity/Femininity - Daniel Fabara 7 Bella Barton 8 Lily Tong 9-14 Ophelia 15-16 What Is Drag? - Sarcoline

Insta: @officialprojectpeiod

Left: Kibera, the slum Project Period are working with to provide young girls with menstural cups. Kibera is the largest urban slum in Africa and does not have support form the Kenyan Gov-


Right: The Project Period team in order from left to right: Eirinn Carroll Ruby Dollner Tara Tijani Susanna Odedina Nina Cassells Sera Mustafa

This summer I did a global leadership course in Italy which consisted of several workshops over 12 days. In one of them we had to reinact the different economic class systems. What really shocked me was that to be a part of the 30% in the wealthiest economic band, you needed a car, a house and to go on holiday once a year. Finding this out changed the way I view myself. Knowing this now, I feel a huge responsibility to make the spread of money more equal. How is it my whole social circle is part of that band without even realising? So that’s why I decided to start this project. Because it’s too easy for us to sit back and think someone richer should be making change when we are lucky enough to be in that 30%.

I think education is one of the key ways of getting out of poverty and in april when I made a film for an education charity called SpurAfrika, I found kids in schools are still facing difficulties - periods being one of them. These girls need sustainable solutions to staying in school, not quick fixes. And something so natural shouldn’t be the thing to hold them back from making a better future for themselves. That’s why I think a menstrual cup could really work. ~ Nina Cassells




An exploration into the balance of masculinity and femininity. Like Yin & Yang, they are interdependent, and the embracement of both traits can lead you to a newfound freedom and peace, ridding yourself of stereotypes and roles. - @daniel.fabara




Within Me Within me, there is fear! Fire flourishes, all I hear Is something from afar Coming near, coming near, Coming here. Without you, there is fear; Body slightly above the ground, Shaking now, panic setting in, Dampening skin, widening half-covered eyes Looking in. And I don’t know how to escape it, The stale taste on my tongue twisted, You’re twisted! They would say, You’re going insane, They would say. But there it is again, here, Do you hear? Tapping, there, Do you care? Within me, there is no one, There is nothing, Yet there is fear: Bent and crippled beneath my thoughts, And only now as I look around, I see empty space, but There is constantly and endlessly that sound, Trapped, stuck within me! Poem: Bella Barton Free me! Free me! Free me 7


Artwork: Lily Tong @lilyetong








Jozie Summons

Art & Visu @goth Photog @jannin

ual Design by hwangg grpahy by nengesang


I feel like drag is such a hard thing to define, because it means so many things to so many different people. There are so many different kinds of drag; club kids, bio queens, fishy queens, drag kings, pageant queens and list just goes on. It’s such an open, loving community to so many different kinds of people, and all their expressions of gender and art. Even though it’s so different to every person, it’s still just as wonderful to each one. You can be overwhelmingly beautiful or totally disgusting and loved all the same, because everyone knows it’s your own individual art form you create for yourself. In my experience with drag, it’s honestly changed my life. I’ve met so many people and made such amazing friends through the drag community.




It’s s confid could this c trans up to artist those they partic She’s woma being queen she d is for etc. an Sa queer way o mean Finn


such a cliche, but I’ve gained so much more dence and made so many connections I never d have dreamed of if I was never involved with community. Particularly for myself being a sgender man, being a drag queen opens myself o express my femininity and appreciation of the try of makeup without being judged and having e gender binaries forced on me so harshly like are on most trans- people. One queen who is a cularly huge inspiration to me is Imp Queen. s a club kid from Cali, and is also a transgender an. She’s upped drag’s relevance to the world, g one of social media’s biggest up and rising ns. She rebels against gender with everything does, and is a remarkable example of how drag r everyone; man, woman, neither, cis, trans, anyone. As everyone’s favourite drag-historiasha Velour says, “Drag is the artform of the r imagination”, and I believe that is a terrific of wording what drag is. That is what drag ns to me. Ramsay / Sarcoline

Issue 1 October 31st

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