A Publication of the florida association of colleges and universities volume lxxxi, Dec. 2014
Association News
Dear Colleagues:
I consider it an honor and a privilege to serve the Florida Association of Colleges and Universities and our students. I intend to use this platform to impact incentives for institutions to accept the challenge of working with underserved populations. An educated citizenry is becoming increasingly important to our economic success. Benefits include reductions in crime and the need for social services. Additional benefits are increased tax revenue and enhanced civic engagement. The Performance Funding Model, by the Florida Board of Governors and approved by the Florida Legislature, is one of the recent initiatives that could unintentionally but adversely impact access for underserved student populations. Although this model is commendable in some ways, it does not account for variance in students’ preparation for higher education in the State of Florida. While institutions that excel in the BOG’s 10 metric areas should be rewarded, I would also like to see a model that gives equal recognition to Presidents of institutions who are willing to admit students that are less prepared for college success. The difficulty in moving a high performing student from one level to the next is important but could be considered minimal. However, the difficulty in moving a low performing student from one level to the next may represent greater success, even if it requires increased costs for additional student support services. This must be considered in any performance rating of institutional effectiveness. Without this consideration, we compromise student access to higher education. While performance and other outcomes-based strategies tied to state funding can be healthy and appropriate, I want us to work together to ensure that the funding policies, strategies and formulas implemented do not create a disincentive for our colleges and universities to engage the rapidly growing population of deserving and eager students who need some additional support to be successful in college and graduate in to meaningful employment. Sincerely,
Nathaniel Glover M.Ed., Hon. LL.D. President, Edward Waters College FAC&U Vice-President Elect 2014-2015 Dr. Nathaniel Glover was the first African American elected Sheriff in Florida since the end of reconstruction. He served as Sheriff of Duval County from 1995 - 2003. He became the President of Edward Waters College in 2011.
news from across the state barry university
florida association of colleges & universities
On Thursday, Nov. 4, Barry University, represented by President Sister Linda Bevilacqua, OP, PhD, joined President Obama, the First Lady, and Vice President Biden along with approximately 100 college presidents and higher education leaders to announce new actions to help more students prepare for and graduate from college. The White House College Opportunity Day of Action helped to support the President’s commitment to partner with colleges and universities, business leaders, and nonprofits to support students across the country to help America reach its goal of leading the world in college attainment. Chosen for its commitment to increasing retention and completion rates of low-income, women, and underrepresented minority students in the STEM fields, Barry University was the one of the only South Floridacolleges in attendance at Thursday’s events. Barry’s focus on the success rates of its STEM students includes developing a holistic engagement program to provide outreach and opportunity structures that “fill the gap” for students who lack the pre-college academic preparation and developmental and personal experiences necessary for academic and professional success. Participants were asked to commit to new action in one of four areas: building networks of colleges around promoting completion, creating K-16 partnerships around college readiness, investing in high school counselors as part of the First Lady’s Reach Higher initiative, and increasing the number of college graduates in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The President announced new steps on how his administration is helping to support these actions, including announcing $10 million to help promote college completion and a $30 million AmeriCorps program that will improve low-income students’ access to college. The event wass the second College Opportunity Day of Action, and included a progress report on the commitments made at the first day of action on January 14, 2014. According to the administration, expanding opportunity for more students to enroll and succeed in college is vital to building a strong economy and a strong middle class. Today, only 9 percent of those born in the lowest family income quartile attain a bachelor’s degree by age 25, compared to 54 percent in the top quartile. In an effort to expand college access, the Obama Administration has increased Pell scholarships by $1,000 a year, created the new American Opportunity Tax Credit worth up to $10,000 over four years of college, limited student loan payments to 10 percent of income, and laid out an ambitious agenda to reduce college costs and promote innovation and competition. Click here for more information on The White House College Opportunity Day of Action: http:// www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/12/04/college2 opportunity-day-action-ensuring-there-s-nolimit-what-we-can-achieve
FAC&U Officers 2014-2015
Barry University Announces Commitment to Expand College Access at White House Event
FAC&U President John Delaney, JD President, University of North Florida FAC&U Vice- President Eileen Holden, EdD President, Polk State College FAC&U Vice- President Elect Nathaniel Glover, M.Ed., Hon. LL.D. President, Edward Waters College FAC&U Past President Sister Linda Bevilacqua, OP, PhD President, Barry University 2014-2015 FAC&U Board Members Jeffery Albritten, EdD President, Florida SouthWestern State College Judith A. Bense, PhD President, University of West Florida Anthony Catanese, PhD, FAICP President, Florida Institute of Technology George L. Hanbury II, PhD President, Nova Southeastern University James Murdaugh, PhD President. Tallahassee Community College Donal O’Shea, ScD President, New College of Florida Member-At-Large Mr. Andrew Corty Publisher, Florida Trend Ex-Officio Members Marshall Criser, III, JD Chancellor, State University System Randy Hanna, JD Chancellor, Florida College System Edwin Moore, PhD President, Independent Colleges & Universities of Florida Pam Stewart, Florida Commissioner of Education
news from across the state MIAMI DADE COLLEGE
MDC’s Idea Center Launches Partnership with NFTE During Global Entrepreneurship Week More than 100 teen innovators and 30 business coaches descended on Miami Dade College’s (MDC) newly opened Idea Center on Monday, November 17 for the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week to share their ideas in the World Series of Innovation (WSI) competition. The World Series of Innovation (WSI) is an annual event organized by the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) and presented by Microsoft which challenges young people to think creatively and invent new products or services that
address every-day market opportunities. November 17 also marked the formal launch of a partnership between NFTE and the Idea Center. Over the past 8 years, NFTE has been active in more than 30 South Florida public schools instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in young people from low-income communities. By teaching the entrepreneurial mindset, NFTE provides young people with tools and attitudes to overcome adversity and address future personal,
economic, community and global challenges. Through the partnership with the Idea Center, NFTE students will now have the opportunity to continue their entrepreneurial journey once they graduate from high school. The mission of the Idea Center is to serve as a hub for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship for Miami Dade College and our community. At The Idea Center, students from a range of disciplines will have the opportunity to
collaborate and grow their skills and ideas, working with business experts and state-of-the-art resources. The Idea Center will also be home to CREATE Miami, a venture incubator and accelerator to help students move their initiatives forward. Like NFTE, MDC’s primary focus is low-income students, with nearly 70% of students coming from low-income households. To read the complete article, click here>> h t t p : / / w w w. m d c . edu/main/news/articles/2014/11/mdcs_idea_ center_launches_partnership_wi.aspx
What Helps and Hinders Underrepresented Engineering Majors? What does it take for women and minorities to choose an engineering major and stick with it through graduation? What is it in engineering program culture that helps or hinders the process? USF researchers want to know. “Sophomore year seems to be the point where most women, in particular, switch out of engineering,” said USF College of Education Professor Gladis Kersaint, who is serving as principal investigator (PI) on a $1.5 million National Sci-
ence Foundation grant to study this issue. “Overall, high-ability students are opting out. If there are systemic issues, we want to know what they are and do something about them, and not have those things be barriers to success.” Judging from the statistics, women and minorities appear to face great challenges as their numbers do not correlate with those of their percentages in the general
population. According to government statistics in the latest study available from the National Science Foundation (2010), “Women are less likely than men to enroll full time as undergraduates. Un d e r r e p r e sented minorities (blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians) are less likely than whites and Asians to enroll full time.” They enter engineering programs in low numbers and a large percentage switch majors
before graduation. For those women and minorities who successfully earn their engineering degrees, such things as social capital and cultural models of engineering success (CMES) make a contribution. USF’s NSF grant will support research into the ways this is the case and how they interrelate. Click here to read the full article at USF News: http:// news.usf.edu/ar ticle/
news from across the state lynn university
Green Campus Initiatives Showcased Through Exhibits and Displays Lynn University hosted its first-ever Sustainability Day Thursday, Nov. 6, on the grounds of the Mohammed Indimi International Business Center. The event showcased the campus’ Going Green initiatives and its “green” partners. Featured activities relating to consumption, ecology, transportation and recycling highlighted the progress Lynn is making toward the five sustainability objectives it introduced in 2010. From reducing energy use and water consumption to
providing alternative transportation and recycling options, Sustainability Day included displays of green products and services, recycled fashion, a freecycle exchange and water bottle giveaways; plus recycling bin basketball, a recycled art competition and tours of the Benjamin Olewine III Preserve. “Improving operational sustainability is not a fad or a vague concept,” says President Kevin M.
Ross. “It’s an industry best practice that reduces environmental impact while also decreasing fixed costs. Lynn has come a long way over the past four years, and it’s important to take time to celebrate these achievements.” For years the Going Green program has included small and large initiatives tied to recycling, alternative transportation, native landscaping, water preservation and energy sav-
ings: Lynn’s Sustainability Day highlighted Lynn University’s many “green” achievements and provided a platform to educate the Lynn community about its sustainability practices. For more information on Lynn University’s “green” acheivements, click here>> http://www.lynn.edu/ about-lynn/news-andevents/news/first-sustainability-day-at-lynn
college of central florida
CF Dean and Dental Program Receive Florida Champion Award The College of Central Florida Dental Assisting Program and Associate Dean of Health Sciences Deanna Stentiford received the Volunteer Florida Champion of Service Award Dec. 9 in Tallahassee. The award was presented by Gov. Rick Scott at his Florida Cabinet meeting where Volunteer Florida CEO Chester Spellman spoke highly of Stentiford and the Dental Assisting Program’s Outreach Dental Clinic. This is the third honor Stentiford and the Dental Assisting pro-
gram have received this year for the clinic, which is in partnership with the Marion County Health Department. In July, CF and the clinic received one of 22 national Model Practice Awards from the National Association of County and City Health Officials. In October, CF was honored with a Florida College System Chancellor’s Best Practice Award for Innovation and Excellence for its partnership
with the Marion County Health Department. By collaborating with CF, the Marion County Dental Clinic was able to expand from two cramped stations housed at the main Marion County Health Department facility to eight treatment areas, plus room for other services, at the CF Hampton Center, 1501 W. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala. The collaboration gives students in the college’s Dental Assisting
program an opportunity to refine their dental assisting skills while helping treat the area’s underserved population with dental services. “It is a wonderful learning experience for our students that establishes the importance of community service and giving back,” said Deanna Stentiford, CF associate dean of Health Sciences. To learn more about the Dental Assisting program, visit CF.edu.
news from across the state palm beach state college
Student United Way Wins National Award
After just a year and a half of operation, the Palm Beach State College Student United Way has received a national award for logging more than 3,000 community service hours through local volunteer activities in 20132014. United Way Worldwide presented the Student United Way, based at the Lake Worth campus, with the VOLUNTEER Promising Practice Award. It was among only nine Student United Way clubs on college campuses across the United States to receive awards for their “innovative approaches to giving, advocating and volunteering to improve
lives and communities.” Student United Way organizations exist on nearly 80 college campuses around the world and have recently expanded to include some high school clubs. Shona Castillo, volunteer program specialist at Palm Beach State, said the College’s Student United Way, which was established in fall 2012, works closely with the United Way of Palm Beach County. Members volunteer weekly at the Lake Worth Pantry and the Riviera Beach Pantry operated by CROS Ministries. They also volunteer for Special
Olympics Area Games, participate in Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority environmental cleanups and Paint Your Heart Out events, and are involved in numerous other community service activities. Last year, Castillo took eight students to Biloxi, Miss. for the United Way Alternative Spring Break. Instead of spending their week on the beach, students traveled 12 hours by van to work on beautification projects in a community still recovering from Hurricane Katrina. She said they worked with Habitat for Humanity and
the Boys and Girls Clubs. “I’m just incredibly proud of all of our student volunteers,’’ Castillo said. “Palm Beach State College truly embraces what it means to LIVE UNITED, helping to make a positive, lasting change in Palm Beach County,’’ said Donna Pulda, director of volunteer services at the United Way of Palm Beach County. The Student United Way of Palm Beach State received a trophy and certificate, and it received partial funding to help members attend the Student United Way Leadership Retreat in Alexandria, Va., in September.
news from across the state florida atlantic university
FAU Community Health Center: Caring in Action In the heart of West Palm Beach’s Westgate community is a place where all can receive healthcare, regardless of their income or whether they have insurance. Operated by the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, the FAU Community Health Center provides nursing students, part of a patientcentered interprofessional team, with opportunities to broaden their training within the profession while helping poor and underserved individuals in their own community. The Center’s vision is to improve health equity through community-based primary care, grounded in a philosophy of caring. “Everything we do in the College of Nursing centers on caring,” said Center Director Eugenia Millender, Ph.D. “The Community Health Center allows us to take our mission of caring directly to those who need it most.” “It has been really eye opening,” said RN to BSN
student Jennifer Anderson, an emergency room nurse, who completed a clinical assignment at the Center during the fall 2014 semester. “The clinic doesn’t discriminate based on income. I never would have known about community nursing if it wasn’t for my time at the Center.” Services provided include comprehensive primary care, preventative health, mental health services, pediatric services, nutrition services, laboratory work, referrals to specialty care, case management and chronic disease prevention, education and management. RN to BSN student Sara Bierschenk was impressed with the availability of mental health services at the Center during her clinical assignment. “Knowing that services like these exist in the community, we can refer people for mental health counseling and save them
the money, time and the traumatic experience of being involuntarily admitted for psychiatric treatment,” said Bierschenk. “I’ve seen a lot of people helped and given the resources they need to survive.” Many local families use the Center as their medical home. One family that has been greatly impacted by the Center is the Barahona family. Catalina moved to West Palm Beach from Honduras in 1996. Speaking only Spanish, she has worked as a cleaner for nearly 20 years, and is unable to afford health insurance for herself and her children. She was referred to the Center by her son Henry’s former teacher at Westgate Elementary when he was suffering from asthma and obesity-related issues. Though she was hesitant to visit the Center because of the possible language barrier, her fears
were quelled. “The lady at the front of the clinic spoke to me in Spanish!” she said. Henry received treatment from a pulmonary specialist and attended nutritional classes. “My son improved 100 percent. He adheres to the nutritional education and continues to eat proper food portions. He is extremely happy with his new appearance, and he is active in sports.” Catalina’s daughters, Leslie and Telma, have both been treated at the Center, and she herself is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis. “The wonderful ladies at the clinic accepted me and my children, even though we did not have health insurance. We felt accepted, they really wanted to help us, and they did and continue to do so,” she said. To learn more about FAU’s Community Health Center, visit http://www. faucommunityhealthcenter.org
Member institutions should submit content for possible inclusion in the next issue of this electronic newsletter by February 15, 2015. Articles should be 250-300 words in length and sent electronically to news@facuflorida.org. Photos and a current school logo are encouraged. FAC&U is the only organization comprised of all 70 college and university presidents in all three sectors of the non-profit private and public higher educational institutions in Florida; this includes all presidents from the State University System, the Florida College System and the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida.
FAC&U (850) 488-4845 P.O. Box 15587, Tallahassee, Florida 32317 www.facuflorida.org