Florida Campus Compact Chronicle Feb. 2015

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Florida Civic Advance Network

Summer Internship



Page 3 Carnegie Classification

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Selections Announced

MLK Day of Service


Save the Date! Join us in Newark, New Jersey October 14-16, 2015 5th Annual Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference Moving Us Forward Mark your calendars for the 2015 ERCC Conference! The conference will be held October 14-16, 2015 in Newark, New Jersey, with host partners Essex County Community College, New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers University- Newark. Look for more details and registration information coming to ercc.floridacompact.org soon!


MILLENNIUM CAMPUS NETWORK Planning for the seventh annual Millennium Campus Conference is underway! Hosted by the Millenium Campus Network, the conference is a youth summit on global development, and is scheduled to take place at the United Nations headquarters in New York City in August, 2015. Historically, the summit has brought together 1,000+ student leaders from over 50 countries worldwide. World-renowned speakers and leaders in global development will provide insight and inspiration to reduce extreme poverty, and build social entrepreneurship throughout the world. Over 100 NGOs and companies will convene to network and create partnerships with student leaders. At the conclusion of the weekend, a global youth research survey will be presented to high level officials at the United Nations, US State Department, & USAID. >>>Keep an eye out for registration information coming soon to www.mcnpartners.org

THE FLORIDA CIVIC ADVANCE NETWORK SUMMIT February 22-23, 2015 Hilton, Orlando-Altamonte Springs This first Summit will provide an exciting, informative and interactive launch of the Florida Civic Advance network. FCA collaborating organizations are sending representatives to share their experience and expertise in the effort to improve civic life in Florida’s communities and help shape the future path for the Florida Civic Advance. Examples of innovative civic thinking, strategies and practices and collaborative leadership in Florida’s communities and nationally will be shared. This will be an opportunity to shape and refine a roadmap for the Florida Civic Advance going forward. Click here for registration information >>> http://iog.ucf.edu/CourseStatus.awp?&course=015-0222-1

Service Year + Higher Ed Innovation Challenge JOIN THE CHALLENGE Create a service year for your students that will channel learning and change lives! The Franklin Project at the Aspen Institute and the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) are inviting all higher education faculty and administration to participate in a competition running from January - April 2015. Each university or college entrant will compete for a prize to support the planning and creation of new education-affiliated service year positions. Building on the promise of before college or after graduation structures from early adopters, the competition seeks to gain further innovation on integrating learning and service during the college experience itself. This prize pool will be spread across three categories -- community colleges, public institutions, and private institutions -- with each category winner receiving $30,000. There will be an opportunity to win an additional $10,000 for an Audience Choice award. To be eligible, institutions must design a service year program that will result in academic credit, meet Service Year exchange certification criteria, designed for sustainability, have the support of the institution’s leadership, and provide a model for other similar post-secondary institutions. Finalists will be invited to present their program concepts in person to a panel of judges, including potential funders, during an all-day event in Washington, D.C. For challenge details and online application tp participate, visit >>> http://www.sychallenge.org/


Nominations Now Open for the 2015 Newman Civic Fellows Nominations are open for the 2015 Newman Civic Fellows! The online nomination process is simple and the application can be found at compact.org. Nominations will be accepted until March 4, 2015. Click the link to nominate a deserving student leader >>> http://campuscompact.formstack.com/forms/newman_civic_fellows_award_2015 The Newman Civic Fellows Award honors inspiring college student leaders who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country. Through service, research, and advocacy, Newman Civic Fellows are making the most of their college experiences to better understand themselves, the root causes of social issues, and effective mechanisms for creating lasting change. These students represent the next generation of public problem solvers and civic leaders. They serve as national examples of the role that higher education can—and does—play in building a better world. The Newman Civic Fellows Awards are made possible through the generous support of the KPMG Foundation.

Save the Date! Florida Campus Compact Annual Conference November 4-6, 2015 Boca Raton Florida Campus Compact Annual Awards Gala Thursday, November 5 Lynn University Boca Raton

Information coming soon to floridacompact.org

Campus Compact In The News

below to read the latest exciting news! Program Helps TCC Students Persevere >>>Click here to read the article at tallahassee.com University Engagement Networks Go Global >>>Click here to read the artcle at Dr. Jim Murdaugh, President, Tallahassee Community College

>>>Click here to read the article at aacu.org

The Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education: December 2014 >>>Click here to read the latest issue of The Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education http://openjournals.libs.uga.edu/index.php/jheoe/index

Of the 240 colleges and universities receiving the 2015 classification nationwide, 83% are Campus Compact members. Campus Compact supported members throughout the classification process through an online learning community.

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Campus Compact and our member

Connect2Complete: Linking Student Success with Civic Engagement

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has announced the U.S. colleges and universities selected to receive its 2015 Community Engagement Classification. Among those institutions that have received either renewal or first time Carnegie Classification in Community Engagement, are 14 Florida Campus Compact members.

Congratulations to the following institutions for earning the prestigious Carnegie Community Engagement Classification!

institutions are making headlines! Click on the links


Carnegie Engagement Classification Selections Announced

Barry University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida International University Florida State University Miami Dade College Nova Southeastern University Rollins College Stetson University University of Central Florida University of Miami University of North Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida at St. Petersburg University of West Florida

“The importance of this elective classification is borne out by the response of so many campuses that have demonstrated their deep engagement with local, regional, national, and global communities,” said John Saltmarsh, Director of the New England Resource Center for Higher Education. “These are campuses that are improving teaching and learning, producing research that makes a difference in communities, and revitalizing their civic and academic missions.” >>To read the full press release, CLICK HERE: http://www.carnegiefoundation.org/newsroom/ news-releases/carnegie-selects-collegesuniversities-2015-community-engagementclassification/


Summer Internship Opportunities LIVE. LEARN. INTERN. SERVE. Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service www.DCinternships.org/IPVS Summer 2015 ~ Two program options: 4-week or 8-week Priority Application Deadline: February 10 The Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service is offering some exciting internship opportunities this summer for students looking to make a difference! APPLY NOW Visit www.DCinternships/IPVS.org to begin an online application. Students are encouraged to apply by the priority deadline of February 10 in order to receive priority admissions and scholarship consideration. **Campus Compact students automatically receive special scholarship consideration, in recognition of their demonstrated commitment to service! Questions may be directed to IPVS Program Manager Jesse Schaefer, at jschaefer@tfas.org or 202.986.0384.

Carnegie 2015: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead Thursday, February 26, 2015 2:30-3:30pm EST Make plans to attend a special webinar for Campus Compact members ONLY about the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2015 Community Engagement Classification. Dr. John Saltmarsh, Director of the New England Resource Center for Higher Education, will discuss key findings from the 2015 Classification and look ahead to the future of the Classification. >>>Register HERE! https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eag6gapud27fc172&oseq=&c=&ch= Please be advised that space is limited and registration is on a first come, first served basis. The discussion will be recorded.

Florida Engagement Academy and Introductory Institute Congratulations to these Florida Institutions who completed the Florida Engagement Events! The Florida Introductory Engagement Institute, was held Wednesday through Friday, January 28-30, 2015 at the Plantation on Crystal River Inn and Conference Center in Crystal River, Florida. The Institute was led by Dr. Barbara Holland and Florida Campus Compact Staff. These institutions developed a plan for engagement across their institutions. Daytona State College Edward Waters College Florida A&M University Florida State College at Jacksonville Lake Sumter State College

Palm Beach State College Pasco Hernando State College Pensacola State College Polk State College Seminole State College

The Florida Engagement Academy, was held Sunday through Wednesday, February 1-4, 2015 also at the Plantation on Crystal River Inn and Conference Center. The Florida Engagement Academy was led by the internationally recognized faculty including Dr. Barbara Holland, Dr. Lorilee Sandmann, Dr. Judith Ramaley, and Dr. David Weerts. The Academy was designed for institutions with a well-developed campus culture of engagement including recipients of the Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement, the President’s Honor Roll for Community Service, or winners of the Florida Campus Compact Engaged Campus Award. Congratulations to these participating institutions! College of Central Florida Florida Atlantic University Florida Gulf Coast University Indian River State College Miami Dade College Rollins College


St. Thomas University Tallahassee Community College University of Central Florida University of North Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee

MLK DAY OF SERVICE “ A Day On, Not A Day Off ” In keeping with Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy of service, thousands joined together on MLK Day to give back to their


communities. Service projects were held across the country in honor of Dr. King. Among those who spent the holiday serving others were many of FL|CC’s AmeriCorps VISTA Members.

FL|CC’s AmeriCorps VISTA Members and VISTA Leader engaged over 1,000 volunteers who completed over 5,500 volunteer hours on January 19th, 2015.


“Our VISTA Members take pride in serving their communities because they believe in Dr. King’s dream. Their dedication was demonstrated by waking up as early as 5:30 am on their day off to continue building Dr. King’s beloved community,” said Ker Lor, FL|CC’s AmeriCorps VISTA Member, who participated in service projects in Tallahassee.


Projects included sorting food at the local pantry, community beautification, restoration and landscaping, invasive species removal, and advocacy leadership training.

We thank the FL|CC VISTA Members at Miami Dade College, Pensacola State College, University of Florida, Florida International University, Stetson University, Barry University,



Florida Campus Compact, Ringling College, and Florida State University for their commitment.

Photo 1: Pensacola State University students help sort food at a local food pantry. Photos 2 : FIU students participated in the MLK Day parade, among other activities. Photo 3: University of Florida students preformed a variety of services for local nonprofits. Photos 4: FL|CC AmeriCorps VISTA Leader Jazmine Hudson and FL|CC AmeriCorps VISTA Member Ker Lor joined TCC students for service projects in Tallahasseee. Photo 5: Ringling College of Art and Design students take part in a beautification project at Orange Blossom Community Gardens.


Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence The winner of the $1 Million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence will be announced in March. The prize, awarded every two years, recognizes community colleges’ excellence in performance and improvements in student learning, graduation, workforce outcomes, and equitable outcomes for all students, including minority and low-income students. In September, The Aspen Institute named the following 10 community college finalists for the prestigious Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. Two Florida Campus Compact member institutions, Indian River State College and Santa Fe College, were named finalists from an original pool of more than 1,000 community colleges. The full list of finalists includes: •Brazosport College in Lake Jackson, TX •City Colleges of Chicago – Kennedy-King in Chicago, IL •CUNY Hostos Community College in the Bronx, NY • El Paso Community College in El Paso, TX • Indian River State College in Fort Pierce, FL • Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown, SD • Olympic College in Bremerton, WA • Renton Technical College in Renton, WA • Santa Fe College in Gainesville, FL • West Kentucky Community and Technical College in Paducah, KY Congratulations and best of luck to Indian River State College and Santa Fe College!

Florida Campus Compact Regional Meetings NORTH-EAST FLORIDA Wednesday, February 18 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon University of North Florida, Jacksonville RSVP by Friday, February 13 to Mark Falbo at UNF

SOUTH FLORIDA Friday, February 20 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach RSVP by Friday, February 13 by following this link >>>Click Here to RSVP by Friday, February 13 https://docs.google.com

CENTRAL FLORIDA Monday, June 1 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM Valencia College, Orlando Registration Information Coming Soon

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GKSR7tROXPd7THBXQVlM-S3_YnQ9loQS07Xgk73bbKo/ viewform

1801 MIC C OS U K E E CO M M O NS DR. , S UI T E 2 0 0 , TA LLA H A S S E E , FL O RI DA 3 2 3 0 8

******Information contained in this newsletter is provided for general information purposes only and does not serve as an endorsement by Florida Campus Compact or its staff. Every effort is made to be sure that information is balanced and correct, however readers are encouraged to make further inquiries before making a decision to participate in an event or conference referenced in this publication.

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