Florida Campus Compact
JULY 2012 EDITION page 2 Award Applications Now Availble! page page
3 Save the Date - Awards Gala 4 Calls for Submissions!
4 Conferences & Institutes
5 Grants & Awards
5 Student Opportunity
5 Job Listings
6 Webinars & Save the Dates!
Registration Now Open! Registration Opening Soon! FL|CC CSD Retreat
FL|CC Awards Gala
November 7-9, 2012
November 8, 2012
An Award Recognizing Student Civic Engagement during the 2012 Election Season Application Deadline - October 12, 2012
Florida Campus Compact Campus Democracy Project
The Democracy Cup will recognize a Florida institution of higher education for outstanding efforts to increase civic engagement through campus-wide student civic involvement, education and awareness initiatives. As part of Florida Campus Compact’s 2012 Campus Democracy Project, institutions will be recognized for initiatives that increase civic dialogue on candidates and issues, promote student voter initiatives, and encourage student voter participation on Election Day.
FL|CC is supporting an initiative to encourage higher education institutions to educate and empower students and to make the process of engagement easier throughout the often confusing election process.
Award applications will be released to campuses on Wednesday, July 25, 2012.
Tampa, Florida
Tampa, Florida
A Non-Partisan Civic Engagement Initiative
More Information and Online Forum
s n o i t a ! c e i l l b p aila p A Av Now
To Apply, Please Visit: www.awards.floridacompact.org/categories.html
Graham-Frey Civic Award Florida Campus Compact is pleased to invite
nominations and applications for our annual awards, recognizing excellence in the scholarship of engagement across Florida. Join the FL|CC community in celebration by submitting an application for one or more of the following competitive awards:
Community Engagement Educator Award
Recognizes and honors one outstanding individual in each of the three higher education sectors for significant contributions to the institutionalization of community engagement by inspiring a vision for service on the campus and supporting faculty, students, and/or campus-community partnerships.
Service-Learning Faculty Award
Recognizes and honors one faculty member in each of the three higher education sectors for contributing to the integration of service-learning into the curriculum.
Engaged Scholarship Research Award
Recognizes and honors outstanding research in the field of service-learning and engaged scholarship.
Named for the extraordinary civic contributions made by U.S. Senator Bob Graham and Congressman Lou Frey, this award recognizes outstanding commitment to the development of civic learning and engagement in sustaining our participatory democracy.
AmeriCorps Member Recognition
Recognizes an outstanding member who has demonstrated great success in addressing the needs of low-income or underserved individuals or communities while advancing the mission of FL|CC.
Campus-Community Partnership Award
Recognizes one outstanding campus-community partnership that produces measurable improvements in a people’s lives while enhancing higher education.
Engaged Campus Award
Honors one institution of higher education in each of the three sectors, as well as the overall Engaged Campus of the Year, for advancing the civic purposes of higher education, deepening its ability to improve community life, and educating students for civic and social responsibility.
Calls for Submissions! Call for Nominations: The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award Deadline for receipt of materials October 1, 2012
The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award recognizes graduate students who show exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education; whose work reflects a strong emphasis on teaching and learning; and who demonstrate a commitment to developing academic and civic responsibility in themselves and others. The award honors the work of K. Patricia Cross, Professor Emerita of Higher Education at the University of California, Berkeley. For more information, visit: www.aacu.org/meetings/annualmeeting/AM13/ CrossAward.cfm
Conferences & Institutes Events are posted for informational purposes and are not necessarily endorsed or screened by FL|CC.
2012 Annual IARSLCE Conference
September 23-25, 2012 Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel Baltimore, MD The theme for the 12th annual conference is the generative power of connections and relationships in research on service-learning and community engagement.
The IARSLCE Annual Research Conference is targeted to scholars, practitioners, students, and community partners interested in research on service-learning, communitybased research, campus-community partnerships, and civic learning outcomes in P-20 education. For more information, visit: www.researchslce.org/conferences/
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Next Generation STEM Learning: Investigate, Innovate, Inspire
Register by September 26, 2012 for best conference rates November 8-10, 2012 Kansas City, Missouri
AAC&U and Project Kaleidoscope invite you to attend Next Generation STEM Learning: Investigate, Innovate, Inspire to learn about how colleges, community colleges, and universities of all types can articulate, expand, and track what works to advance students’ achievement of key learning outcomes, emphasizing real world learning, scientific literacy, and STEM student success throughout the K-16 continuum. For more information, visit: www.aacu.org/meetings/stem/12/index.cfm
Eastern Regional Campus Compact Conference-Moving us Forward: Community Impact and Social Responsibility October 11-12, 2012 Hanover, New Hampshire Dartmouth College
Registration is now open for 2nd Annual Eastern Regional Campus Compact Conference -- Moving Us Forward: Community Impact and Social Responsibility. The mission of this conference is to advance institutional engagement while helping our member institutions strengthen their ability to meet the standards of the Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement. Leaders in higher education will participate in workshops on campus-community reciprocity and impact, institutional change, and engaged scholarship. For more information visit: http://ercompact.org/?page_id=34
Grants & Awards IES Education Research Grant Programs
The Institute of Education Sciences has established 10 long-term programs of research under its Education Research Grant Programs. Each of these research programs accepts applications twice a year.
Job Listings Service Learning Director
The Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Apply Now: http://bit.ly/SdUDZd
Grant Progams listing: http://ies.ed.gov/funding/ncer_progs.asp
Application deadlines: http://ies.ed.gov/funding/futureComp.asp
Apply Now: http://bit.ly/QfyIUc
Community Based Learning & Research
Executive Director Vermont Campus Compact
The President’s Volunteer Service Award The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals, families, and groups that have achieved a certain standard – measured by the number of hours of service over a 12-month period or cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime.
Apply Now: http://bit.ly/LIfRcR
Program Specialist for Community Service Nazareth College
Apply Now: http://bit.ly/Ojql4D
The following are the eligibility requirements for each age group: • Kids: Age 5-14 • Young Adults: Individual Age 15-25 • Adults: Individual Age 26 +
For more information, visit: www.presidentialserviceawards.gov/?sf3541288=1
Student Opportunity Pearson Education Internship Program Pearson Education is looking for qualified candidates graduating between January 2010 June 2014 for the Pearson Education Internship Program (PEIP). PEIP is a full-time, competitively compensated summer internship program designed to challenge and enrich individuals with a strong desire to launch a post graduate career with Pearson. For more information, visit: www.pearsonstudents.com/internships.shtml
Rollins College President Emerita Rita Bornstein Honored with CASE Distinguished Service Award This award honors individuals who have made a significant and lasting impact on the field of institutional advancement. Full Article Here
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Save the Dates! AAC&U Annual Meeting January 23-26, 2013 http://bit.ly/OlYUbS Webinars are posted for informational purposes and are not necessarily endorsed or screened by FL|CC.
Single Days of Service: Make it Work (FREE) Thursday, July 26, 2:00pm EST Volunteer engagement is changing. More and more volunteers are looking to get involved and make a difference in a single day of service. The political and social climate is further emphasizing this trend. How do you create meaningful work that can be completed in a single day by a large group of diverse volunteers? This VolunteerMatch webinar will walk you through the first steps for incorporating single days of service into your program, and help you begin to think more creatively about volunteer engagement. Register at www1.gotomeeting.com/ register/690027096
National Youth Leadership Council (FREE) Prerecorded The National Youth Leadership Council has archived many of the past year’s webinars on their Youtube channel. Topics range from fundraising to youthvolunteer management. Webinars at www.youtube.com/user/nylcweb
Community College Conference On Learning Assessment February 17-19, 2013 http://bit.ly/MkYMtv General Education and Assessment: A Sea Change in Student Learning February 28-March 2, 2013 http://bit.ly/fi61DA Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit March 2-4, 2013 http://bit.ly/OGYclX Student Success and The Quality Agenda April 4-6, 2013 http://bit.ly/JPnv4h
2010-2011 Florida Campus Compact Membership Survey Summary Comparative Results for Florida in a National Context
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