mlK dAy of sErviCE rECAp page 2
5th iNtErNAtioNAl CoNfErENCE oN CoNfliCt rEsolutioN EduCAtioN (CrE) page 3 impACt NAtioNAl CoNfErENCE 2012 page 3 CoNtiNuums of sErviCE page 4 CCNCCE NAtioNAl CoNfErENCE page 4 E AstErN rEgioN CoNfErENCE page 4 AwArd opportuNitiEs page 5-6
Introducing Connect2Complete Connect2Complete
Florida Campus Compact launches with Tallahassee Community College, Broward College, and Miami Dade College. Through a competitive application process, Campus Compact, a grantee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, awarded these funds to help community college students overcome obstacles to graduation. We will join other state Compacts and community colleges in Ohio and Washington to pilot and develop a national model. Learn more at
Spring 2012 STEM Day Institutes Bridging Community-Based Learning and STEM: Integrated Course Redesign for Eective Learning
February 24-25, 2012 Jacksonville, FL University of North Florida
REGISTER NOW! Additional information and schedule: From Seed to STEM: Cultivating Community Health
April 12-13, 2012 Fort Pierce, FL Indian River State College Registration open soon Building Capacity for Incorporating Academic Service-Learning in STEM Course Development
May 14-15, 2012 DeLand, FL Stetson University Registration open soon
MLK Day of Service Recap This year’s MLK Day of Service event was an experience that the Florida Campus Compact AmeriCorps team will cherish for a lifetime. Florida Campus Compact partnered with Jumpstart and Jacob Chapel Baptist Church to host a service event that catered to the needs of both the youth and the elderly communities. There were many festive activities at Joe Louis Community Park such as basketball, volleyball, face painting, and other various types of activities that were really engaged to the younger people. There was a live DJ who kept the crowd pumped with great music and everyone joined together to remember the awesome work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
On the other side of town, Jacob Chapel held an awesome youth event that featured their choir, mime, and dance fine arts ministries. There were two students that gave speeches on “What it means to be a dream catcher” both from Godby High, and both were well prepared and focused. After the services were finished, both sites (Joe Louis and Jacob Chapel) did an outreach effort and were able to deliver over 300 toiletry gift baskets to the elderly community. The communities served were Bethel Towers, Casa Calderon, Miracle Hill, and Miracle Village. It was a day that will not be forgotten.
COnFerenCes & institutes
impACt NAtioNAl CoNfErENCE 2012
5th iNtErNAtioNAl CoNfErENCE oN CoNfliCt rEsolutioN EduCAtioN (CrE)
March 29-April 1, 2012 Stetson University DeLand, FL
Developing Global Citizens in Schools, Higher Education, and the Community March 14-19, 2012 Cleveland, OH The 5th International Conference on CRE is an opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration and research on issues related to the development of infrastructure in CRE. Presentations will focus on innovations in the fields that are making broad impacts in local, state, national, and international communities. Participants will exchange best practices, evaluation methodology, creation of policy implementation structures, consideration of obstacles to success, and new and innovative use of training, resources and technology.
The IMPACT Conference is historically the largest gathering in the country focused on the civic engagement of college students in community service, service-learning, community-based research, advocacy and other forms of social action. Building on the rich 26-year tradition of the COOL Conference and the Idealist Campus Conference, IMPACT is the one time during the year when students, administrators, faculty, AmeriCorps members and VISTAs, and nonprofit professionals gather together to share resources and exchange stories. For more information, visit
For more information about this conference, visit htt p:// global_network/5th_intl_cre_summit_2012/
thE gulf-south summit oN sErviCE-lEArNiNg ANd CiviC ENgAgEmENt through highEr EduCAtioN March 21-23, 2012 Lake Terrace Convention Center Hattiesburg, MS The mission of the Gulf-South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education is to promote networking among practitioners, research, ethical practices, reciprocal campus-community partnerships, sustainable programs, and a culture of engagement and public awareness through service-learning and other forms of civic engagement. For more information about this conference, visit
page 3
The 15th Annual Continuums of Service Conference
for faculty, professional staff, student and community leaders interested in higher education civic engagement activities to network and learn from one another while engaging in skill-building sessions as well as discussing challenging issues facing our communities and campuses.
Creating the New Vision for Higher Education April 11-13, 2012 Seattle, WA
For more information, visit http://www.
General registration is open through March 26, 2012
Please consider submitting a proposal to present a session viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dHdmNDY3WUN NeWkybW9ad29DeURZRVE6MQ#gid=0
The civic engagement/service-learning field is well-poised to help create a new vision for higher education and during the 2012 COS. They will facilitate roundtable discussions that explore diverse perspectives, create public spaces to share ideas, and have keynote speakers who will challenge our thinking. By the end of the conference, they intend to integrate collective ideas into a new vision that participants can take back to their colleges, universities, and communities.
National Conference on Volunteering and Service June 18-20, 2012 2301 S. Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL
For more information about this conference, please visit index.shtml
2012 is a decisive year not only for the service sector, but also for the world at large. Challenges to our economy, environment, education system and emergency response demand unprecedented action.
CCNCCE 2012 Annual National Conference
This year marks a turning point in our history. Across the world’s stage, economic instability is putting more pressure on governments, businesses and other organizations to do more with less. In the United States, the 2012 elections will influence the next four years of policy decisions, including the future of national service.
May 23-25, 2012 DoubleTree Paradise Valley Resort Scottsdale, AZ
Session proposals are due March 9, 2012 Sponsored by the Community College National Center for Community Engagement (CCNCCE), the theme of this year’s conference is: Leaders Leading Leaders in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement. Keynote speakers and workshops presenters will assist us by sharing their knowledge, research, challenges and solutions on how they are developing and implementing successful leadership strategies at their educational institutions and in their communities to ensure we have the best leaders leading us into the future. For more information about this conference, visit
Upper Midwest Civic Engagement Summit June 5-6, 2012 Macalester College St. Paul, MN
Session Proposals are due February 24, 2012 Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin Campus Compacts invite you to present and join us for the inaugural Upper Midwest Civic Engagement Summit, June 5-6, 2012 at Macalester College in St. Paul Minnesota. The Summit will provide opportunities page 4
For more information about this conference, visit
Miami Dade College President Wins Friends of National Service Award President Eduardo Padrón of Miami Dade College has been awarded the 2012 Citizen Service Award from Voices for National Service. Maureen Curley and Dee Dee Rasmussen nominated Dr. Padrón for the award based on his work in the South Florida region and his overall commitment to National Service. He is currently the co-chair of the Florida Campus Compact Board of Directors and a former National Board Member. The awards are presented annually by Voices as a way to honor elected officials and community leaders who have committed themselves to advancing and expanding national service. Eduardo Padrón is the first college president to receive such an honor. Dr. Padrón will be honored at a reception on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 in Washington, DC.
A National Call to Action
Award Opportunities
A Crucible Moment: College Learning & Democracy’s Future
$5K Sillerman Prize
A new report was released by the National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement, which was commissioned by the Department of Education and supported by the AAC&U. View the report at The report is a call for a reinvigoration of civic learning in higher education, particularly as it connects to democratic engagement and collaborative problem-solving, all critical topics to communication scholars and students. Here is the short explanation of the report from AAC&U: This report from the National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement calls on the nation to reclaim higher education’s civic mission. Commissioned by the Department of Education and released at a White House convening in January 2012, the report pushes back against a prevailing national dialogue that limits the mission of higher education to workforce preparation and training while marginalizing disciplines basic to democracy. The Task Force calls on educators and public leaders to advance a 21st century vision of college learning for all students-a vision with civic learning and democratic engagement an expected part of every student’s college education. The report documents the nation’s anemic civic health and includes recommendations for action that address campus culture, general education, and civic inquiry as part of major and career fields as well as hands-on civic problem solving across differences. A Crucible Moment was prepared at the invitation of the U.S. Department of Education under the leadership of the Global Perspective Institute, Inc. (GPI) and AAC&U. The publication was developed with input from a series of national roundtables involving leaders from all parts of the higher education and civic renewal communities, including Campus Compact. The Compact will continue its involvement by sitting on the leadership committee to implement the recommendations.
Letter of Intent deadline is Friday, February 3, 2012 Applications deadline is Friday, March 2, 2012 The purpose of this competition is to identify innovative strategies for advancing philanthropy on University campuses. Both the creation of programs to increase the awareness of university students about their personal philanthropy, or strategies used for developing philanthropic values which last through-out a lifetime are subjects of interest. The Sillerman Center’s goal of increasing knowledge about and motivation to engage in philanthropy is both 1) consistent with the underpinnings of social justice and 2) vital at this moment in history when the scale of need is mounting as is the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Download the application at
Jenzabar Foundation Invites Nominations The deadline to apply is February 20, 2012 The Jenzabar Foundation has opened the nomination process for its fifth annual Student Leadership Awards, which recognize student groups that have made a difference in the world through service and philanthropic activities at the local, national, and international levels. The awards will honor ten student-led campus groups or activities that have made a significant impact beyond their own institution. Nominations are open for students enrolled in any accredited institution of higher education. Nominations are invited from individuals, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, and religious organizations. Self-nominations from students for community service or humanitarian efforts performed during the 2010-11 or 2011-12 academic years are also eligible. Each award includes a $5,000 grant to support the student or group’s future humanitarian endeavors. For more information, visit rfp/rfp_item.jhtml?id=363400016 page 5
Newman Civic Fellows Award Recommendations deadline is Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Recommendations are open for 2012 Newman Civic Fellows! The award honors the late Frank Newman, a tireless advocate for the civic engagement of higher education and one of Campus Compact’s founders. Campus Compact member presidents are invited to nominate one student leader on each campus. These outstanding student leaders should be individuals who engage in efforts to create systemic change in communities throughout the country through service, research, and advocacy. To learn more and recommend a student, visit
Do Something Awards Application deadline is Thursday, March 1, 2012 Since 1996, has honored the nation’s best young world-changers, 25 and under*. Do Something Award nominees and winners represent the pivotal “do-ers” in their field, cause, or issue. In 2012 (up to) five finalists will appear on the Do Something Awards on Vh1 and be rewarded with a community grant, media coverage and continued support from The grand prize winner will receive $100,000 during the broadcast. For more information, visit
The Thomas Ehrlich Award Application materials deadline is by midnight (EST) Friday, March 30, 2012 The Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award recognizes one senior faculty member (posttenure or middle-to-late career at institutions without tenure) each year. Honorees (who must be affiliated with a Campus Compact member institution) are recognized for exemplary engaged scholarship, including leadership in advancing students’ civic learning, conducting community-based research, fostering reciprocal community partnerships, building institutional commitments to servicelearning and civic engagement, and other means of enhancing higher education’s contributions to the public good. The award — previously known as the Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service-Learning — is named in honor of Thomas Ehrlich, former chair of the Campus Compact board of directors and president emeritus of Indiana University. page 6
The award winner will be granted $2,000 and the opportunity to conduct a session at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Annual Conference 2013. Four finalists will also be featured in a panel presentation at the conference. The recipient will be announced on May 18, 2012 on, the Campus Compact website. Nominations will be accepted from colleagues, community partners, college presidents, provosts, or through self-nomination. For more information about this award, visit
Lynton Award Call for Nominations Application deadline is Friday, April 27, 2012 NERCHE’s annual Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty recognizes a faculty member who is pretenure at tenure-granting campuses and early career (i.e., within the first six years) at campuses with long-term contracts and who connects his or her teaching, research, and service to community engagement. The Lynton Award emphasizes communitybased scholarly work across faculty roles. The scholarship of engagement (also known as outreach scholarship, public scholarship, scholarship for the common good, community-based scholarship, and community-engaged scholarship) represents an integrated view of the faculty role in which teaching, research/creative activity, and service overlap and are mutually reinforcing, is characterized by scholarly work tied to a faculty member’s expertise, is of benefit to the external community, is visible and shared with community stakeholders, and reflects the mission of the institution. For more information on this award, please visit content&view=article&id=585:2012-lyntonaward-call-for-nominations&catid=25:lyntonaward&Itemid=143 NERCHE is now accepting nominations for the 2012 Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty.