The Florida Compact
CHRONICLE Attention Community Service & Service-Learning Directors...
Save the Dates!
Mark your calendars for our annual Professional Development and Planning Retreat!
Nov. 7-9, 2012 Tampa, FL For more information, visit
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FL|CC Award Applications! Save the Date Awards Gala Calls for Submissions! Conferences & Institutes Grants & Awards Student Opportunity Webinars
WEBINAR on Florida Election Laws: Presented by The Fair Elections Legal Network Campus Vote Project
Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 10:30am EST
This webinar is not partisan or political. It contains important information especially designed for those who will be working with students to encourage civic participation in this election season. You must pre-register for the webinar by visiting, https://attendee. and entering your name and email address. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to join. The webinar is being facilitated by The Fair Elections Legal Network Campus Vote Project which is located in Washington, DC. The webinar facilitaor and staff attorney is a graduate of the University of Florida and an expert in Florida election law.
2010-2011 Florida Campus Compact Membership Survey Summary Comparative Results for Florida in a National Context
To APPLY, please visit: Florida Campus Compact is pleased to invite
nominations and applications for our annual awards, recognizing excellence in the scholarship of engagement across Florida. Join the FL|CC community in celebration by submitting an application for one or more of the following competitive awards:
Community Engagement Educator Award
Recognizes and honors one outstanding individual in each of the three higher education sectors for significant contributions to the institutionalization of community engagement by inspiring a vision for service on the campus and supporting faculty, students, and/or campus-community partnerships.
Service-Learning Faculty Award
Recognizes and honors one faculty member in each of the three higher education sectors for contributing to the integration of service-learning into the curriculum.
Engaged Scholarship Research Award
Recognizes and honors for outstanding research in the field of service-learning and engaged scholarship.
Graham-Frey Civic Award
Named for the extraordinary civic contributions made by U.S. Senator Bob Graham and Congressman Lou Frey, this award recognizes outstanding commitment to the development of civic learning and engagement in sustaining our participatory democracy.
AmeriCorps Member Recognition
Recognizes an outstanding member who has demonstrated great success in addressing the needs of low-income or underserved individuals or communities while advancing the mission of FL|CC.
Campus-Community Partnership Award
Recognizes one outstanding campus-community partnership that produces measurable improvements in a societal issue and for community life enhancing higher education.
Engaged Campus Award
Honors one institution of higher education in each of the three sectors, as well as the overall Engaged Campus of the Year, for advancing the civic purposes of higher education, deepening its ability to improve community life, and educating students for civic and social responsibility.
Calls for Submissions! Cross-Cultural Health Care Conference: Collaborative And Multidisciplinary Interventions Deadline for Submissions is June 30, 2012 February 8-9, 2013 Ala Moana Hotel Honolulu, Hawaii
Conference organizers are providing two FREE registrations for students. Submit your name and contact info to Maria Chun at mariachu@HAWAII.EDU by June 30, 2012 and she will inform those selected in the random drawing by Aug 31, 2012. This conference aims to assess the potential challenges healthcare practitioners and researchers face when working with diverse populations, identify the strengths and limitations of existing tools and measures that assess cultural competency / humility, and develop opportunities to collaborate with researchers and/or practitioners across disciplines who share an interest in cross-cultural healthcare. For more information, visit:
Lessons from the Field: Weaving CommunityEngaged Learning and Peer Mentoring into Developmental Education Article submission deadline due July 1, 2012 For this web-based publication, Campus Compact – Connect2Complete (C2C) and the Community College National Center for Community Engagement (CCNCCE) seek to encourage academic research and discussion that bridges the fields of developmental education, communityengaged learning and peer advocacy and mentoring. While article submissions are welcome from all faculty and practitioners in developmental education, communityengaged learning, or peer mentoring, preference will be given to those submitted by community colleges. For more information, visit:
The Quality Of U.S. Degrees: Innovations, Efficiencies, and Disruptions—To What Ends?
Proposals Due July 16, 2012 January 23-26, 2013 Atlanta, Georgia
The Association of American Colleges and Universities invites you and your colleagues to submit a proposal for our 2013 Annual Meeting —“The Quality of U.S. Degrees: Innovations, Efficiencies, and Disruptions—To What Ends?” page 4
Individuals and institutions are negotiating the complex, interconnected challenges of globalization, demographic change, rapid technological advancement, and renegotiated political and economic relationships. For more information, visit:
Student Success and The Quality Agenda Proposals Due July 18, 2012 April 4-6, 2013 Miami, Florida
AAC&U invites proposals that examine the new contexts for student learning and explore evidence-based, student-centered strategies that seek to align the multiple definitions of and practices in student success with the end goal of providing all students, especially those from traditionally underserved groups, with a quality education. We also invite proposals that describe frameworks that bring all campus practitioners together within a single campus and/or with other campuses to support innovation and leadership, and strengthen students’ abilities to integrate, transfer, and apply their knowledge for the sake of their own lives and the common good. For more information, visit:
Community College Conference on Learning Assessment First review of submissions is July 18, 2012
February 17-19, 2013 Rosen Shingle Creek 9939 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, Florida Valencia College invites colleagues responsible for learning assessment, faculty development, student development, curriculum, institutional effectiveness and regional and program-specific accreditation to Orlando February 17-19, 2013 to network and learn about effectively meeting the learning assessment needs and challenges faced by faculty, staff and administrators in community and technical colleges. For more information, visit:
Conferences & Institutes Events are posted for informational purposes and are not necessarily endorsed or screened by FL|CC.
2012 National Forum on Education Policy
Eastern Regional Campus Compact Conference-Moving us Forward: Community Impact and Social Responsibility October 11-12, 2012 Hanover, New Hampshire Dartmouth College
July 9-11, 2012 Atlanta, Georiga
The National Education Commission of the States helps you forge relationships with peers from your state and in parallel roles across the country. This meeting of leaders is not an echo chamber for any particular point of view. Attendees include Bill Gates, Sandra Day O’Connor and more! For more information, visit: page?pageid=a1S70000000XhwYEAS
2012 Annual IARSLCE Conference
September 23-25, 2012 Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel Baltimore, MD The theme for the 12th annual conference is the generative power of connections and relationships in research on service-learning and community engagement.
The IARSLCE Annual Research Conference is targeted to scholars, practitioners, students, and community partners interested in research on service-learning, communitybased research, campus-community partnerships, and civic learning outcomes in P-20 education. For more information, visit:
Next Generation STEM Learning: Investigate, Innovate, Inspire
Registration is now open for 2nd Annual Eastern Regional Campus Compact Conference -- Moving Us Forward: Community Impact and Social Responsibility. The mission of this conference is to advance institutional engagement while helping our member institutions strengthen their ability to meet the standards of the Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement. Leaders in higher education will participate in workshops on campus-community reciprocity and impact, institutional change, and engaged scholarship. For more information visit:
Conference Goals • • • • • • • •
Demonstrate evidence of effectiveness for student and community outcomes; Celebrate successes, rejuvenating, and connecting to the broader service community; Enhance practical service-learning skills and deepening philosophical understanding of participants; Explore engaged scholarship and community-based research; Communicate ideas and practical solutions to service-learning challenges; Offer provocative, inclusive and interactive conference sessions; Provide time for informal discussions and networking; and Build a regional network of service-learning colleagues.
Register Online:
Register by September 26, 2012 for best conference rates November 8-10, 2012 Kansas City, Missouri
AAC&U and Project Kaleidoscope invite you to attend Next Generation STEM Learning: Investigate, Innovate, Inspire to learn about how colleges, community colleges, and universities of all types can articulate, expand, and track what works to advance students’ achievement of key learning outcomes, emphasizing real world learning, scientific literacy, and STEM student success throughout the K-16 continuum. For more information, visit:
Registration Opening Soon! FL|CC CSD Retreat & Gala November 7-9, 2012 Tampa, Florida
More information, visit: and
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Grants & Awards
Student Opportunity
Credit When It’s Due: Recognizing the Value of Quality Associate Degrees
Pearson Education Internship Program
Application deadline is June 27, 2012 The Kresge Foundation and the Lumina Foundation are pleased to offer a new national grant opportunity that involves the recognition of students’ accumulated learning and helps establish credential equivalency. Credit When It’s Due will help increase the practice of awarding associate degrees to students who transfer early from community colleges at the state or public higher education system level. To apply for this grant, visit:
Pearson Education is looking for qualified candidates graduating between January 2010 June 2014 for the Pearson Education Internship Program (PEIP). PEIP is a full-time, competitively compensated summer internship program designed to challenge and enrich individuals with a strong desire to launch a post graduate career with Pearson. For more information, visit:
IES Education Research Grant Programs
The Institute of Education Sciences has established 10 longterm programs of research under its Education Research Grant Programs. Each of these research programs accepts applications twice a year.
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Florida Campus Compact and
Grant Progams listing:
Florida Campus Compact AmeriCorps*VISTA Initiative
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The President’s Volunteer Service Award The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals, families, and groups that have achieved a certain standard – measured by the number of hours of service over a 12-month period or cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime.
A Crucible Moment: College Learning & Democracy’s Future
The following are the eligibility requirements for each age group: • Kids: Age 5-14 • Young Adults: Individual Age 15-25 • Adults: Individual Age 26 + For more information, visit:
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A Call to Action and Report from The National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement View the full report:
Webinars are posted for informational purposes and are not necessarily endorsed or screened by FL|CC.
1.) Effective Strategic Planning Part 2: Getting Results (FREE) Wednesday, June 20, 1:00pm EST This Nonprofit Webinars session will look at how a nonprofit can infuse its mission into the daily activity of staff and board through a straightforward, rigorous, and even morale-building process. It will offer both a structure and tools for planning. Takeaways include: A framework and process for planning; How to structure a mission-driven plan; How to create an effective action plan; What to share with whom and how. Register at 2.) Proposal Budgeting Basics (FREE) Thursday, June 21, 1:00pm EST Learn to prepare and present a budget in a grant proposal. This Foundation Center webinar, geared to the novice grantseeker, will cover such topics as: What is included under the “personnel” section and how to calculate it? What level of detail do you need to include for non-personnel expenses? How do you determine reasonable costs? What types of expenses are considered “overhead”? What other financial documents will funders want to see? Register at Proposal-Budgeting-Basics-2012-06-21-Webinar 3.) Learn, Serve, Succeed: Tools and Techniques for Youth Service-Learning (FREE) Friday, June 29 at 1:00pm EST Learn about Director of Project Service Leadership Kate McPherson’s Learn, Serve, Succeed: Tools and Techniques for Youth Service-Learning guide. Register at page 7