FL|CC 2012 March Newsletter

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The Florida Compact

CHRONICLE CONGRATULATIONS To the 18 FL|CC member campuses recognized on the President’s National Honor Roll for Community Service!

Save the Date Awards Gala 2 STEM Day Institutes-Register Now page 3 pages 4-5 Conferences & Institutes pages 6-7 Grant & Award Opportunities Volunteer Opportunity page 7 page 8 AmeriCorps VISTA Recruitment page

Webinars 9 pages 9-10 Student Opportunities page

Attention Community Service & Service-Learning Directors...

Save the Dates!

Honor Roll with Distinction Florida Gulf Coast University Florida Southern College

Honor Roll Barry University Brevard Community College Eckerd College Florida Atlantic University Florida Institute of Technology Florida International University Florida State University Miami Dade College

Palm Beach Atlantic University Ringling College of Art and Design Rollins College Stetson University The University of Tampa University of Central Florida University of North Florida University of South Florida

See The President’s National Honor Roll List www.nationalservice.gov/about/initiatives/honorroll.asp

Mark your calendars for our annual Professional Development and Planning Retreat!

Nov. 7-9, 2012 Tampa, FL For more information, visit www.csd.floridacompact.org

Re-Energize Your Course! FACULTY REGISTER NOW!

2012 STEM Day Institutes

Events are FREE to participants!

From Seed to STEM: Cultivating Community Health April 12-13, 2012 Fort Pierce, FL Indian River State College


Building Capacity for Incorporating Academic Service-Learning in STEM Course Development May 14-15, 2012 DeLand, FL Stetson University

REGISTER NOW! Stipends available! Apply to become a STEM Fellow. Faculty may be eligible for a stipend for implementing service-learning into their courses. Contact Ryan Rogers at Ryan@floridacompact.org or at 850-488-7782 for more information.

Conferences & Institutes IMPACT National Conference 2012

Service-Learning, the Course and Beyond, and for Higher Purposes presented by Dr. Robert Franco

March 29-April 1, 2012 Stetson University DeLand, FL

April 13, 2012 Gateway Technical College Sturtevant, WI

The IMPACT Conference is historically the largest gathering in the country focused on the civic engagement of college students in community service, service-learning, community-based research, advocacy and other forms of social action. Building on the rich 26-year tradition of the COOL Conference and the Idealist Campus Conference, IMPACT is the one time during the year when students, administrators, faculty, AmeriCorps members and VISTAs, and nonprofit professionals gather together to share resources and exchange stories.

Dr. Franco will engage the participants (faculty, staff, students, community partners) in developing servicelearning as a high impact pedagogical practice that supports institutional attainment of essential student engagement, learning, and achievement goals, as well key community development goals, just when our communities need us most.

For more information, visit www.impactconference.org

The 15th Annual Continuums of Service Conference Creating the New Vision for Higher Education April 11-13, 2012 Seattle, WA

General registration is open through March 26, 2012

Late registration begins March 27, 2012 and incurs a $50 late fee. The civic engagement/service-learning field is wellpoised to help create a new vision for higher education and during the 2012 COS. They will facilitate roundtable discussions that explore diverse perspectives, create public spaces to share ideas, and have keynote speakers who will challenge our thinking. By the end of the conference, they intend to integrate collective ideas into a new vision that participants can take back to their colleges, universities, and communities. For more information, visit www.wacampuscompact. org/cosconference/index.shtml

The national Service-Learning Conference & youthrive Peacejam Leadership Conference April 11-14, 2012

Minneapolis Convention Center and Hilton Minneapolis Minneapolis, MN Historically, this conference has emphasized service-learning in K-12. However, presentations may be of interest to broader audiences.

Join the National Youth Leadership Council and youthrive, the Upper Midwest Affiliate of PeaceJam International for a comprehensive service-learning professional development opportunity! For more information, visit nslc.nylc.org page 4

For more information, visit www.wicampuscompact.org/

AFC Annual Conference May 16-18, 2012 DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando, FL

Deadline to submit a presenter proposal is Friday, March 30, 2012 Call for Presenters!

You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for a concurrent session presentation at the Association of Florida Colleges Student Development Commission 45th annual conference! All concurrent session presentations will be held on Thursday, May 17, 2012. Each concurrent session will last one hour and you should plan for a maximum of 50 attendees per session. For more information, visit www.afcsdc.org/call-forpresenters.html

CCNCCE 2012 Annual National Conference May 23-25, 2012 DoubleTree Paradise Valley Resort Scottsdale, AZ Sponsored by the Community College National Center for Community Engagement (CCNCCE), the theme of this year’s conference is: Leaders Leading Leaders in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement. Keynote speakers and workshops presenters will assist us by sharing their knowledge, research, challenges and solutions on how they are developing and implementing successful leadership strategies at their educational institutions and in their communities to ensure we have the best leaders leading us into the future. For more information, visit www.mesacc.edu/other/


Upper Midwest Civic Engagement Summit June 5-6, 2012 Macalester College St. Paul, MN Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin Campus Compacts invite you to present and join us for the inaugural Upper Midwest Civic Engagement Summit, June 5-6, 2012 at Macalester College in St. Paul Minnesota. The Summit will provide opportunities for faculty, professional staff, student and community leaders interested in higher education civic engagement activities to network and learn from one another while engaging in skill-building sessions as well as discussing challenging issues facing our communities and campuses.

The IARSLCE annual research conference is targeted to scholars, practitioners, students, and community partners interested in research on service-learning, community-based research, campuscommunity partnerships, and civic learning outcomes in P-20 education. Attendees include faculty, administrators, and scholarpractitioners in higher education, community partners, educators in K-12, and professionals and leaders in educational policy and community development. For more information, visit www.researchslce.org/conferences/

Save the Date!

For more information, visit www. iacampuscompact.org/upper-midwest-civicengagement-summit.html

National Conference on Volunteering and Service June 18-20, 2012 2301 S. Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL A program of Points of Light, this annual event provides attendees with an opportunity to learn, connect and be inspired through a wide range of exciting and informative plenary sessions, workshops, special events, service projects, exhibits, specialized corporate tracks and more.

Register Online: associations.missouristate.edu/heartland/ Call for Proposals! Deadline for submitting a concurrent session proposal is 6:00 p.m. EST on May 4, 2012.

RFP Information: www.floridacompact.org/ email/2012RFP_HeartlandConference.pdf

Attendees typically include: • Volunteer coordinators and supervisors • AmeriCorps and Senior Corps program members • AmeriCorps Alums • HandsOn Network Action Centers • Non-profit professionals • Nonprofit and government volunteer leaders • Workplace volunteer managers • Leaders in corporate social responsibility • Corporate partners • Social entrepreneurs • Funders and philanthropists For more information, visit www.volunteeringandservice.org/

2012 Annual IARSLCE Conference September 23-25, 2012 Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel Baltimore, MD

Session proposals are due March 30, 2012 The theme for the 12th annual conference is the generative power of connections and relationships in research on service-learning and community engagement.

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Call for Proposals! Deadline for submission is April 1, 2012 Call for proposal information here: www.ricompact. org/uploads/5/4/8/7/5487836/callforproposalsercc.pdf Proposal form here: www.ricompact.org/ uploads/5/4/8/7/5487836/erccproposalform.pdf

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Grant & Award Opportunities The Pearson Prize for Higher Education Application deadline is Wednesday, March 28, 2012 The Pearson Foundation is proud to present the Pearson Prize for Higher Education, an award that identifies students who are giving back to the community. The Pearson Prize recognizes students who have: • Completed at least one year of college • Demonstrated leadership in community service • Been attending a two- or four-year school For more information about this award, visit www.pearsonfoundation.org/pearsonprize/

The Thomas Ehrlich Award Application materials deadline is midnight (EST) Friday, March 30, 2012 The Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award recognizes one senior faculty member (posttenure or middle-to-late career at institutions without tenure) each year. Honorees (who must be affiliated with a Campus Compact member institution) are recognized for exemplary engaged scholarship, including leadership in advancing students’ civic learning, conducting community-based research, fostering reciprocal community partnerships, building institutional commitments to servicelearning and civic engagement, and other means of enhancing higher education’s contributions to the public good. The award — previously known as the Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service-Learning — is named in honor of Thomas Ehrlich, former chair of the Campus Compact board of directors and president emeritus of Indiana University. The award winner will be granted $2,000 and the opportunity to conduct a session at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Annual Conference 2013. Four finalists will also be featured in a panel presentation at the conference.

2012 ICSLTE Service-Learning Awards Nomination materials due Saturday, March 31, 2012 The International Center for Service-Learning in Teacher Education (ICSLTE) announces the Service-Learning Awards for 2012. Four awards for service-learning excellence in teacher education will be given. • Service-Learning Individual Educator Award (U.S.A.) • Service-Learning Individual Educator Award (International) • Service-Learning Program Award (U.S.A.) • Service-Learning Program Award (International) For nomination packets and details about the awards, visit educationprogram.duke.edu/icslte/about-rtparea-duke/awards

Gateway to College Initial application process will close on Monday, April 30, 2012 Gateway to College National Network (GtCNN) has funds available for partnerships between colleges and K-12 school districts to implement the Gateway to College dropout recovery program. In the fall of 2012, GtCNN will select up to ten college/K-12 partnerships for multi-year contracts worth between $325,000 and $440,000. In addition to start-up funds, successful applicants will receive training, technical assistance, professional development opportunities, and program evaluation—from the initial year of planning and training, through program implementation, and for as long as the program remains a member of the network, which currently includes programs at thirty-five colleges in twenty states. To register, visit www.gatewaytocollege.org/start.asp

The recipient will be announced on May 18, 2012 on www.compact.org, the Campus Compact website. Nominations will be accepted from colleagues, community partners, college presidents, provosts, or through self-nomination. For more information about this award, visit www.compact.org/initiatives/campus-compactawards-programs/the-thomas-ehrlich-civicallyengaged-faculty-award/ page 6

Applications for the 2012 FL|CC Awards will be released soon!

Lynton Award Call for Nominations Application deadline is Friday, April 27, 2012 NERCHE’s annual Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty recognizes a faculty member who is pretenure at tenure-granting campuses and early career (i.e., within the first six years) at campuses with long-term contracts and who connects his or her teaching, research, and service to community engagement. The Lynton Award emphasizes communitybased scholarly work across faculty roles. The scholarship of engagement (also known as outreach scholarship, public scholarship, scholarship for the common good, community-based scholarship, and community-engaged scholarship) represents an integrated view of the faculty role in which teaching, research/creative activity, and service overlap and are mutually reinforcing, is characterized by scholarly work tied to a faculty member’s expertise, is of benefit to the external community, is visible and shared with community stakeholders, and reflects the mission of the institution. For more information, visit www.nerche.org/index.php?option=com_ content&view=article&id=585:2012-lyntonaward-call-for-nominations&catid=25:lyntonaward&Itemid=143

State Farm Youth Advisory Board Grants Application deadline is Friday, May 4, 2012 If you are involved with an organization or school and have a great idea for a service-learning project to impact student achievement in YOUR community, apply for a State Farm YAB National Grant! The State Farm Youth Advisory Board is currently accepting applications for service-learning projects between $25,000 and $100,000 that address the root cause of the following issue areas: • • • • •

Access to Higher Education / Closing the Achievement Gap Financial Literacy Community Safety and Natural Disaster Preparedness Social Health & Wellness Issues Environmental Responsibility

The President’s Volunteer Service Award The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals, families, and groups that have achieved a certain standard – measured by the number of hours of service over a 12-month period or cumulative hours earned over the course of a lifetime. To date, the President’s Council has partnered with more than 80 Leadership Organizations and more than 28,000 Certifying Organizations to bestow more than 1.5 million awards to the Nation’s deserving volunteers. The following are the eligibility requirements for each age group: • Kids: Age 5-14 • Young Adults: Individual Age 15-25 • Adults: Individual Age 26 + For more information, visit www.presidentialserviceawards.gov/?sf3541288=1

Volunteer Opportunity Celebrating Earth Day April 21-22, 2012 Support Earth Day 2012 by providing your time or resources to our 160 Florida State Parks. From the installation of solar panels to beach clean-ups and giving persons with disabilities access to our environment, your support will have a meaningful impact on our community for years to come. Register yourself, family, group or employees as eco-Volunteers or enjoy a ‘green’ event. See a list of celebrations and volunteer opportunities visit www.eco-Volunteerusa.org

To apply for this grant, visit www.statefarmyab.com/apply/

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Student Opportunities PeaceJam Conference College Student Participants 1) Introduction to Corporate Giving (FREE) Thursday, March 29 at 1:00pm EST Seeking to target companies that might fund your organization? Finding it hard to get information? Need to get beyond the Yellow Pages? This Foundation Center webinar will offer an introduction to the world of corporate support for nonprofits and funding research tools to help you identify corporate prospects. We’ll answer such questions as: What are the motivations behind corporate giving? What is the difference between a direct corporate giving program and a company-sponsored foundation and how does it affect my approach to research? What are the different pathways to partnership with a company? How can I match my organization’s needs with the interests of a corporation? How can I use the Foundation Center’s resources to locate corporate funders? Register at grantspace.org/Classroom/Training-Calendar/ Live-Webinars/Introduction-to-Corporate-Giving-201203-29-Webinar

2) Service-Learning in Graduate Professional Education ($60) Thursday, April 5 at 3:00pm EST Are you interested in implementing a service-learning curriculum in a graduate professional education setting, but the challenges seem daunting? This webinar will explore the challenges and opportunities involved in implementing service-learning in a graduate professional education setting. We will discuss ways of overcoming challenges and tips for success. We will describe a few examples of existing curricula at UCSF, including learner and community partner perspectives. Register at slgraduateeducation.eventbrite.com/

3) Warriors and Survivors: Service-Learning in Indian Country ($60) Wednesday, April 18 at 4:00pm EST Please join the discussion regarding service-learning in the diverse and vibrant world of tribal colleges and Native American communities. Learn about the richness of tribal colleges and the issues pertinent to quality service projects and programming. Explore strategies for effective teaching and practice. And, share your experiences, challenges, and opportunities with colleagues.

March 31 - April 1, 2012 Florida State University Tallahassee, FL

PeaceJam Southeast is offering to undergraduate and graduate students from throughout our region the opportunity to attend the PeaceJam Conference as a COLLEGE STUDENT PARTICIPANT. This would allow college students that could not participate as conference Mentors to share the PeaceJam experience. This opportunity is open to FSU students for $35 and non-FSU college students for $50. For more information, visit fsu.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_5iHZrQts9rlEcEA

Campus Vote Project Campus Vote Project is a campaign to empower students with the information and tools they need to participate in the voting process on their college campuses. The Campus Vote Project is working with national partners, student governments, college administrators, and other campus organizations to identify institutional best practices to encourage student voting and overcome student-identified barriers such as residency laws, registration deadlines and strict voter ID requirements. For the toolkit and additional information, visit www.campusvoteproject.org/

Register at tribal.eventbrite.com/ page 9

Pearson Education Internship Program Pearson Education is looking for qualified candidates graduating between January 2010 - June 2014 for the Pearson Education Internship Program (PEIP). PEIP is a full-time, competitively compensated summer internship program designed to challenge and enrich individuals with a strong desire to launch a post graduate career with Pearson. This program is an exceptional learning opportunity for students and recent graduates who have established a track record of excellence and demonstrated passion for education.

refereed, multi-disciplinary, online undergraduate journal open to all undergraduate students in the U.S. and across the globe. The journal is dedicated to publishing the intellectual and reflective work by undergraduates on service learning, community-based research, and all related curriculum- and/or researchbased public community engagement activities. For detailed information about the journal’s content and submission guidelines, please visit www.bk.psu.edu/Academics/33679.htm.

For more information, visit www.pearsonstudents.com/internships.shtml

Bring A Nourish Chapter to Your Campus

A Crucible Moment: College Learning & Democracy’s Future

Nourish International is a non-profit student organization that seeks to eradicate poverty through social entrepreneurship, engaging students, and empowering communities. They are located on 24 U.S. college campuses and are now accepting applications to expand. Nourish Chapters raise money on campus during the school year to fund international development projects. This past summer, UNC-Chapel Hill students invested in diversified land plots for rural communities in Honduras. By planting various fruit trees, the students helped the farmers increase soil fertility so that communities would have access to a more nutritious variety of crops. Students also held computer literacy workshops to share skills in typing, accessing the Internet, and how to use the keyboard and mouse.

A Call to Action and Report from The National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement View the full report: www.aacu.org/civic_learning/crucible/

By founding a Nourish Chapter, you could have a similar impact. Here’s how to get started: • Apply to start a Nourish Chapter: Until April 11, 2012 Nourish will accept applications for its Chapter Founders Program. Chapter Founders will receive professional training, support and $500 start-up capital. • Tell a friend: Know someone who would make a great Chapter Founder? Tell them about Nourish! Visit www.nourish.org for highlights of past development projects and to apply to start a Nourish Chapter.

Call for Submissions! Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research The submission deadline is Sunday, June 3, 2012 The editorial team at the Undergraduate Journal of ServiceLearning and Community-Based Research seeks submissions from undergraduates for the publication. Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research is a page 10

Winter 2012 Issue of Science Education and Civic Engagement One of the largest issues to date, the publication reflects the growth of high-quality scholarly work on teaching science within the context of important social and civic issues. You are invited to explore the articles published in this issue of the Journal by visiting seceij.net. Comments are encouraged on this issue and on past issues.

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