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Award D s Ga CS Preside la n a l n t o i s s ’ s Dial e f o r ogu P & n t e e m p o G l a l a e Regis Dev tra 5 Page
Presidents and Vice Presidents - Please Join Us For a Rich Dialogue Regarding the New Agenda of Higher Education October 20, 2011 University of Central Florida Alumni Bldg 3:30pm - 5:00pm University and college leaders must clearly communicate the urgency of the new higher education agenda: college completion and capabilities. Current college students need to complete degrees faster, degrees that have marketplace value and prepare students for lives as productive citizens. Liberal arts must be practical and career programs must be infused with creative and critical thinking. Productive employees and citizens need the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to communicate effectively and solve problems in a diversifying and more complex and networked world.
Read Dr. Bob Franco’s Biography >>
Registration Now Open! Sponsorship Levels Gold: $5,000 per table Silver: $3,000 per table Member Campus Special Rate: $2,000 per table Individual Ticket: $275 per person To reserve a table(s) of 8, please visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2011Gala_TableReservations To reserve individual or multiple seats, please visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2011Gala_IndividualSeats For more information, please email info@floridacompact.org or call Mable at 850-488-7782.
Oct 19-21, 2011 Orlando, FL For more information, visit
Student Opportunity
Conferences & Institutes
Best in Class Service Leadership Camp
September 23-25, 2011 Sherman Lakes YMCA Augusta, Michigan A weekend-long training that includes meals, lodging, learning and fun for 200 college students from Campus Compact member campuses and 30 high school seniors from Michigan for the purpose of developing leadership skills and set the tone for the service they will coordinate all year long. For more information and to register for this conference, visit http://micampuscompact.org/camp.aspx College Students - $50 High School Seniors - Free with canned food donation Presenters - $25 (presenters will receive a registration discount code upon proposal acceptance) Non-member rate - $115
October 14-15, 2011 University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida For faculty, administrators, and professional staff to improve the undergraduate research climate at all universities and colleges in Florida. Keynote speaker will be Sandra Gregerman, Director of the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, University of Michigan. For more information, contact the UCF Office of Undergraduate Research at our@ucf.edu or 407-823-3125. To register for this conference, visit http://researchsymposium.ucf.edu Cost: $50 Registration Deadline: September 16, 2011 (TOMORROW)
Pennsylvania Campus Compact’s 2011 Student Engagement Conference October 21-22, 2011 Holiday Inn-East Harrisburg, PA Mark your calendar and plan to attend Pennsylvania Campus Compact’s Student Engagement Conference this fall, October 2122, 2011 in Harrisburg at the Holiday Inn-East. Through a generous grant from the Jenzabar Foundation, PACC is hosting this conference which will offer students a unique leadership training for social change and civic engagement. This conference is designed for students who are deeply involved in civic engagement on their campus, such as Community Fellows, Scholars in Service, AmeriCorps members, or other similar civic leadership programs. For more information, visit http://www.compact. org/events-jobs-grants-more/call-for-proposals/ paccs-2011-student-engagement-conference-call-forworkshop-proposals/16664/
Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference
Moving Us Forward: Recognizing and Rewarding Civic Engagement
October 27-28, 2011 LaGuardia Airport Hotel 100-15 Ditmars Boulevard East Elmhurst, NY 11369 The Eastern Region Campus Compact is a coalition of state Campus Compacts from Maine to Florida. The mission of this conference is to advance institutional engagement. Leaders in higher education will participate in workshops on engaged scholarship, institutional change, and campuscommunity reciprocity. This conference will also include a concurrent institute for faculty teams to focus on institutional strategies for rewarding engaged scholarship in promotion and tenure. For more information on this conference and to register, visit http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/ Default.aspx?EventId=1003433 Participants are invited to join in New York Campus Compact’s 10th Anniversary Celebration immediately following the concurrent sessions on October 28th by registering at www.regonline.com/NYCC10th.
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Volunteer Florida Coordinates September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance On Friday, September 9, 2011 FL|CC AmeriCorps members gathered together to kick-off the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance. AmeriCorps members coordinated hundreds of students at Fairview Middle School, James S. Rickards High School, Amos P. Godby High School, and FAMU Developmental Research School. Our student volunteers made cards to honor wounded and active combat soldiers as well as local firefighters and police officers. AmeriCorps members promoted the value of service, inspiring several of the children to participate in the Adopt a Soldier Program and consider National Service in the future. These students will continue to be involved in volunteerism while enriching the lives of active military service personnel.
The 23rd Annual National ServiceLearning Conference and youthrive PeaceJam Leadership Conference: Our World, Our Future
2011 IARSLCE Annual Conference November 2-4, 2011 Palmer House Hilton Hotel Chicago, Illinois Illinois Campus Compact, DePaul University, National-Louis University, Loyola University Chicago, Columbia College Chicago, Northern Illinois University and the International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement will host the 2011 Conference. The conference will be held November 2-4, 2011 at the historic Palmer House Hilton in the heart of downtown Chicago (“the loop”). The Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago has offered to extend its special conference rate two days before and two days after the conference. Join us for the week and stay for a wonderful Chicago weekend! For more information on the conference, visit http://www.researchslce.org/conferences-awards/ Registration fee $475
Historically, this conference has emphasized service-learning in K-12. However, presentation may be of interest to broader audiences.
April 11-14, 2012 Minneapolis, MN
www.nylc.org/conference This event celebrates service-learning as a force that engages students in their education, builds communities, and strengthens young people and schools. The National Service-Learning Conference is the largest gathering of youth and practitioners involved in service-learning, drawing more than 2,200 attendees from across the United States and many other countries each year. The conference’s multiple day, concurrent session format offers a self-directed, facilitated learning environment with education sessions, discussion groups and interactive workshops designed specifically for all levels of attendees engaged in service-learning and focused on current and emerging issues, best practices and the challenges facing us today. The youthrive PeaceJam Leadership Conference is designed to inspire and engage youth and adults through education, leadership and service to integrate peace making activities into their lives, their communities and the world. The 2012 conference will feature thought-provoking addresses from internationally recognized education leaders, servicelearning professionals, and young people. For more information on conference, visit http://attendesource.com/profile/web/index. cfm?PKwebID=0x21775d15d
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AAC&U’s 2012 Annual Meeting: SHARED FUTURES/DIFFICULT CHOICES Reclaiming a Democratic Vision for College Learning, Global Engagement, and Success January 25-28, 2012 Grand Hyatt Hotel Washington, DC Facing national and global challenges that demanded difficult choices, Commission members sought to reclaim a sense of shared future for a war-torn, nuclear age. If we imagine the educational goals such a Commission might highlight today, we confront a dangerous and potentially disastrous public narrowing of vision. Higher education is currently valued more for its economic and individual benefits than for its contributions to the common good. The resulting focus on market priorities has crowded out longestablished civic commitments. A twenty-firstcentury liberal education cannot afford to be neutral about democratic knowledge and global engagement. Are today’s global challenges less compelling or less urgent than those faced 65 years ago? Is the need to preserve and extend freedom less pressing today than it was then? AAC&U’s 2012 Annual Meeting will explore these questions and showcase examples from institutions that are successfully building upon democratic visions and practices in complex global contexts—visions and practices that are shaping institutional missions, improving undergraduate education, and challenging narrow definitions of success. More information at http://www.aacu.org/ meetings/annualmeeting/index.cfm?utm_ source=meetings&utm_medium=blast&utm_ campaign=am12cfp1
These events are presented for your information and professional development. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of FL|CC or it’s members.
FL|CC is looking for their next Administrative Coordinator! We are looking for someone with their high school diploma and two years of appropriate experience. This person will serve as the fiscal assistant and will provide administrative and technical support to all FL|CC staff and programs. To learn more about this opportunity, please visit https://jobs. fsu.edu and search for Job ID: 33346
Using the Community Capitals Framework to Understand and Measure Community Impact Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:00pm (EST) Do you want to better understand and report the impact that your campus-community partnerships are having on the quality of life in your community? Are you looking for a way to show how individual partnerships complement each other and contribute to plans to achieve greater overall community and institutional goals? Community Capitals is a framework that facilitates planning for and measuring community or organizational change. It is currently used around the world by community development practitioners and by researchers of asset-based development. Cornelia B. Flora, one of the originators of this framework, will present the concepts of natural, cultural, human, social, political, financial and built capital and how they work together to sustain healthy ecosystems, economic security, and social well-being. Cornelia Butler Flora is the Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Agriculture and Sociology at Iowa State University. Previously she was holder of the Endowed Chair in Agricultural Systems at the University of Minnesota, head of the Sociology Department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, a University Distinguished Professor at Kansas State University, and a program officer for the Ford Foundation. She is author and editor of a number of recent books. Her newest book is Rural Communities: Legacy and Change, Second Edition. Her current research addresses alternative strategies of community development and community-based natural resource management in the light of changing sociotechnical regimes and climate change. Her Bachelor of Arts degree is from the University of California at Berkeley in 1965 and her M.S. (1966) and Ph.D. (1970) degrees are from Cornell University. To register, visit http://communitycapitals.eventbrite.com
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