Message from the President A Message from the President Contact Rachel Dear Colleagues and Friends of FLC, The 2018-2019 academic year was a period of great progress and growth for Folsom Lake College as the landscape of public higher education continued to evolve. Guided Pathways has transformed the way we approach our role in helping students reach their educational goals and we are now diligently exploring our processes and services through a fresh lens of equity and efficiency. This past year, FLC rose to one of the biggest challenges for our system to date, the implementation of California Assembly Bill AB 705, which mandated that all college students need to be provided with the opportunity to take transfer-level English and math during their first year of study. Thanks to work by our instructional faculty in collaboration with our Student Services faculty and staff, we have made great strides in this area in a short period of time. For data comparing the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years, we have seen a 66% increase in new students who took and successfully passed transfer-level English, and a 36% increase for those who took and successfully passed transfer-level math. We fully expect to see these numbers climb as we continue our focused efforts. In another area of growth, student demand for online classes has dramatically increased over the past few years. Districtwide data shows that there has been a 12.4% increase in students taking only online classes. This is an opportunity for Folsom Lake College and Los Rios to become the leaders regionally in this high demand teaching modality. As we have increased the number of fully online course sections we offer by 69%, we are actively redefining the best practices for the virtual classroom. As an example, FLC’s Communication Studies department is pioneering the teaching of Introduction to Public Speaking (COMM 301), which is a critical general education course for most majors, in a fully online format. This course could be the linchpin in allowing FLC to offer our students fully online degree programs. As we continue to grow, keep the wise words of legendary 60 Minutes broadcaster Andy Rooney in mind: “Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all of the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.” So while we remain focused on where we want to go, don’t forget to enjoy the climb.
Whitney Yamamura, President
JULY 2018
Falcon's Eye Theatre, the production arm of FLC's Theatre & Cinema Arts department, was nominated for 13 Elly awards from the Sacramento Area Regional Theatre Alliance (SARTA) for their 2017-18 productions of Marat/Sade and HAIR.
History Professor Richard Mowrer led an immersive 5-week Los Rios Study Abroad trip to Paris, France. Students studied the history of France from the Roman Empire to present, and outside the classroom, visited the sites where this history happened. Intel’s John Pierron, Samer Batarseh, and Eric Hanson toured the Innovation Center makerspace to see how an Intel donation was being used and to propose additional ways the global innovator could support students through internships, guest speakers, and mentorships.
The Rancho Cordova Center hosted a kickoff event for the second group of students who were accepted into the Rancho Cordova Promise program. Representatives from the Rancho Cordova City Council and Folsom Cordova Unified School District, along with college and district leadership, were on hand to wish some of the students, accompanied by their families, a great start to their freshman year.
The El Dorado Center unveiled a wall mural in the Student Lounge, which depicts El Dorado County's rich historic past and infamous landmarks, including the El Dorado Center. The project was spearheaded by the EDC Student Activities Club and Visual Arts Professor Eunyoung Hwang. Mathematics major Teresa Rexin received two scholarships, a $1,500 scholarship from the Simon Youth Foundation and the Folsom Premium Outlets and the FLC Office of Philanthropy's Style Media - Sharon and Digger Williams Scholarship for $500 towards her college career. FLC’s makerspace initiatives were featured at the International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces (ISAM) held at Stanford. The Innovation Center’s Zack Dowell presented a paper he co-authored that showcased examples of FLC’s maker curriculum being incorporated into courses that traditionally do not have a STEM component.
The FLC Speaker Series welcomed IBM Master Inventor Andy Stanford-Clark, who discussed how the Internet of Things (IoT) will shape our future in amazing new ways, and Grammy winner Linda Ronstadt, who recounted her four-decade career in the music industry, to the Harris Center for the Arts.
The El Dorado Center's Community Observatory saw a huge turnout for the Watch Party for the Perseid meteor shower. The campus welcomed over 1,000 community members for a series of activities, including a lecture by guest speaker Jim Hansen from Aerojet Rocketdyne. 90 students (shattering last year's enrollment record of 33) participated in FLC's Summer Bridge program. As part of the four-day college readiness program facilitated by the FLC Student Ambassadors, students learned how to strongly transition from high school to college and what it takes to be a successful college student.
Over 600 prospective and current students and their families attended Spotlight Night, which highlighted FLC’s career education programs and college support services.
ASFLC's Club and Events Board (CAEB) presented the 2nd Annual Folsom Lake College Spirit Week with members of the college community joining in for daily College Hour relay races and the requisite pieing of its losers, impromptu dance parties in front of the Falcon's Roost, and a pre-game tailgate party leading into the women's soccer home match.
As part of FLC's annual Transfer Day, students had the chance to speak with representatives from colleges in the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems, private colleges from across California, as well as schools recruiting from out of state. The El Dorado Center hosted its annual welcome to autumn, the EDC Fall Festival, with a lively day of pumpkin painting, lasso practice, live music, a pie eating contest, and a friendly competition of corn hole. FLC student Kamea Pascua was interviewed on Capital Public Radio's Insight with Beth Ruyak to discuss her memoir story of domestic abuse, "Keep Your Mouth Shut," which was featured in the Sacramento literary series, Stories on Stage. Kamea has used writing and meditation as a path to healing. The EDC Tutoring Center formally dedicated “Celina's Science Corner" in honor of student and tutor Celina Alexandre who passed away in a car accident in April 2016. The corner is equipped with resources for anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and medical students. Celina’s family even donated some of her old notes to assist other students with their studies.
Innovation Center student staff members CJ Costa, Brett Gable, Max Hall, and Clarity Mitrisin designed and created a fashionforward outfit that was named "Best Team Fashion Design" for a local recycled materials fashion show, Reinvent the Runway, sponsored by the Arts Council of Placer County. The Innovation Center showcased the college's Modern Making programs through a variety of interactive projects, including a tetris table, to the enthusiastic makers in the making at the 4th Annual Rocklin Mini Maker Faire held at Sierra College.
FLC's Public Information Services Office (PISO) won five 2018 National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR) Medallion Awards for their work on college publications and marketing collateral. The U.S. Department of Education awarded a college consortium led by UC Davis, which included FLC, a $4.9 million grant to develop a free, open textbook pilot program in targeted subjects. The 12 college consortium was tasked with creating open textbooks focused on high-enrollment courses like chemistry, as well as career education fields. The El Dorado Center Library hosted a special art exhibition with works by students in Visual Arts Professor Heike Schmid's ART 332 Oil Painting class.
Cast members from the Falcon's Eye production of Macbeth, including Ryan Pullen (Macbeth) and Stephanie Hodson (Lady Macbeth), appeared on FOX40’s Studio40 Live to promote the college’s wellreviewed adaptation of the classic play.
NOVEMBER 2018 Field trip time! Biology/Zoology Professor Dr. Fran Keller and her BIOL 420 Principles of Zoology and BIOL 350/ENVT 304 Environmental Biology students traveled to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to study sea life. Geosciences Professor Jason Pittman and his GEOG 390 Field Studies students explored the American River Canyon with a field trip to Bridal Veil Falls, Echo Lake, the Forebay Reservoir, and the Folsom and Nimbus Dams. Early Childhood Education Professor Marsha Peralta had a book published by Teachers College Press, Infant and Toddler Development from Conception to Age 3: What Babies Ask of Us, coauthored with American River College's Mary Jane Maguire-Fong. Each chapter taps a distinct area of research to shed light on babies’ biological expectations for care and their amazing competence as active participants in that care.
Engineering major Brandon Steinlein designed a lobby sign for the college's career education department, FLC Works, in conjunction with the Innovation Center and Technical Theatre departments as a studentdriven project. Computer Information Science Professor Caleb Fowler was presented with a certificate in Effective College Instruction by the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE). Caleb was one of 50 faculty selected from across the state to participate in an online course designed to align teaching skills with the needs and aspirations of today’s students. Folsom Lake College hosted the Los Rios Board of Trustees' meeting, which included an engaging presentation on the college's dance program by Dance Professor Debi Worth, along with student Robert Taylor and alumna Devon Marchant.
Men's soccer were named co-champions of the Big 8 Conference for the 2nd consecutive year and qualified for the state playoffs along with women's soccer and women's volleyball, who also had strong seasons of their own. The women’s basketball team brought home the first basketball trophy for the Falcon Hall of Fame for placing 3rd in the Modesto Tournament. The El Dorado County Veterans Alliance and the Serrano Salute to Valor Committee presented the Office of Philanthropy with a check for $10,000, a portion of the proceeds from their annual golf tournament held in El Dorado Hills in September, to support FLC's veterans’ success programs and El Dorado County veterans.
Students, faculty, and staff from Folsom Lake College's El Dorado Center and the EDC Student Activities Club participated in Placerville's 40th Christmas Parade bringing some teal to the red, white, and blue theme: Christmas in America. The 18th Annual Folsom Lake College Visual Arts Faculty Exhibition was on display at the Harris Center‘s Bank of America Gallery, providing students, colleagues, and visitors a glimpse into the creative and professional work of the Folsom Lake College Visual Arts department faculty. Brian Hayes
FLC’s Work Experience & Internship Program expanded their volunteer program for students in the medical field to include Kaiser Permanente Roseville's Emergency Department, providing valuable, real-life experiences for use on their resume and transfer applications.
The Community Observatory at the El Dorado Center was featured on an episode of Rob on the Road, airing on the local PBS station, KVIE. Each week, host Rob Stewart explores the stories that capture Northern California's spectacular beauty, rich history, and fascinating people and places.
FEBRUARY 2019 Folsom Lake College and the Diversity & Equity Committee commemorated Black History Month and Social Justice Spring with activities celebrating diversity, equity, and equality. The lineup included film screenings, thoughtful discussions, and student performances, including the well-attended, “A Celebration of African & African-American Music.” Members of FLC's Muslim Student Association and Alliance (MSA&A) club volunteered with the Sacramento Tree Foundation to plant valley oaks, pines, and other shade trees at Southwoods Park in Sacramento County.
The Folsom Lake College Speaker Series welcomed two special guests in the spring to the Harris Center for the Arts: threetime presidential candidate and author Dr. Ron Paul and actor, producer, and humanitarian Danny Glover. FLC's Work Experience & Internship Program hosted a series of 21st Century Workplace Skills workshops exploring communication and selfawareness to enhance a student’s employability and resume. Participants were eligible to take assessments to earn a digital badge in these areas.
MARCH 2019
APRIL 2019
The redesigned Folsom Lake College website launched, as the pilot for a new coordinated approach for Los Rios websites. In addition to the visual overhaul, the site included a wide array of new features to optimize the student and prospective student user experience.
Student Alyssa Vargas was selected by the Folsom Lake College Visual Arts department as the Kingsley Merit Award Scholarship recipient. Alyssa was honored at a reception at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, where her artwork was on display.
FLC's Asian Pacific Islander (API) club collaborated with the Innovation Center on a special project, making prototypes of a Japanese dyeing process call Katazome, which uses hot wax over a laser-cut stencil placed on top of blue dyed fabric. The wax is later removed to reveal the intricate design.
History Professor Paul Baltimore was presented with the 2019 Margaret Quan Part-Time Faculty Advocate of the Year Award on behalf of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC). The award is presented to a part-time community college faculty member for excellence in statewide advocacy.
Six electric vehicle charging stations were made available for faculty/ staff and student use at the Main Folsom campus as part of Los Rios' commitment to reducing energy use and "going green." Special thanks to SMUD who subsidized the equipment purchase through a rebate program.
Student Rene Martinez Reyes was named a semifinalist for the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Foundation's Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship, selected from a pool of nearly 1,500 applicants attending 369 schools in 45 states and the District of Columbia.
The Falcon's Eye Theatre presented Lewis Carroll's fairy tale of the absurd, Alice in Wonderland, in an exuberant, funny, and strikingly pertinent production meant for curious audience members of all ages. As always, Falcon’s Eye put its own unique and exciting twist on the classics, this time with original music compositions, Indonesian-inspired shadow puppetry, and the incorporation of animation technology. Student interns in FLC's Innovation Center worked in teams to solve a business challenge as part of the CCC Maker Makermatic program, an opportunity for students to propose real-world solutions for business challenges in partnership with Solid Ground Brewing, a local brewery and restaurant. The FLC Business Association presented "Leadership and Management Success Strategies" with guest speaker Omid Ghamami, an adjunct business professor at FLC, who has also worked as a Procurement Executive at Intel for over 18 years, is a published author, and trains and consults with Fortune 500 companies in 25 countries.
MAY 2019
Current students and alumni turned out for the 4th Annual Folsom Lake College Internship & Job Fair at the Main Folsom campus to introduce themselves and their resume to employers from throughout the region.
FLC welcomed students, faculty, and staff to the opening of the college's new Equity Center. This space will serve as a supportive environment for all members of the college community, particularly those from historically disadvantaged and marginalized backgrounds, to provide opportunities to fully participate and engage both academically and socially with the campus.
Student and Innovation Center staffer Nicole Shuman was featured in an article by Dale Dougherty, the founder of Make: Magazine and the annual Maker Faire Bay Area event, celebrating Maker Faire and "makers." Nicole was pictured with her prototype of an interactive periodic table.
The Men's Golf team clinched the program’s 6th overall conference championship title and continued their outstanding season with a 3rd place finish in the NorCal Regional Championship and 4th place finish in the State Championship. Golfers Brandon Kelly, Max Menconi, Ethan Serrano, and Krishton Trimp were also named to the Big 8 All-Conference team. The FLC Business Association Club hosted a presentation by Work Experience Professor Jaisha White on job opportunities with the State of California. Jaisha provided background information on the hiring process and walked attendees through how to apply for student assistant positions.
FLC's Public Information Services Office received additional accolades as the team won two silver 2018 Paragon Awards on behalf of the National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR), which recognizes outstanding achievement in design and communication at community and technical colleges across the United States and Canada, as well as two 3rd place 2019 PRO Awards from the state-wide organization, Community College Public Relations Organization (CCPRO).
Newly tenured faculty from across the district, including fifteen from FLC, were recognized at the Annual Los Rios Faculty Tenure Reception at Arden Hills Club in Sacramento.
FLC’s continued the beloved tradition, the annual Students vs. Faculty/Staff softball game and potluck BBQ, and the Faculty/Staff team continued their winning streak with a final score of 44-8.
MAY 2019
JUNE 2019
FLC Music Department held its 3rd Annual Music Fest with performances featuring the FLC Orchestra and World Music Ensemble, known as Afro-Caribbean Funk, under the direction of Professor Philip Angove, as well as the FLC Jazz Choir under the direction of Professor Reggie Graham, and the FLC Commercial Music Ensemble under the direction of Professor Michael Dale.
Two members of the Falcons Baseball lineup were named to the Big 8 All-Conference team, freshman shortstop Isaiah Lissade and freshman catcher Alex Schroeder.
Visual Art Professors Margaret Welty and Aleris Hart were selected as the esteemed judges for the Banners on Parade public art project to promote the arts and tourism on Placerville’s historic Main Street.
Folsom Lake College held its 16th Annual Commencement Ceremony at the Harris Center for the Arts celebrating one of its largest graduating classes to date. FLC’s Class of 2019 included 761 graduates earning 1,050 degrees and 620 certificates. Valedictorian Kristina Greene, the daughter of FLC Mathematics Professor Calvin Greene, was selected to give the student address as part of the ceremony. The FLC Athletics department honored its outstanding studentathletes with a special awards night. Among the honorees: the Women’s Soccer team won the Scholar Team Award, Katie Thompson (Women’s Softball) received the Fighting Falcon Award, Caitlin Dillon (Women’s Volleyball) and Zethan Dumpson (Men’s Basketball) were named the Female and Male Athlete of the Year, and Riley Spitzer (Women’s Soccer) was presented with the Bruce Werner Falcon of the Year Award.
Folsom Lake College, the Community Observatory, and KVIE partnered to present a special community event at the El Dorado Center in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first Moon landing. 100 local space enthusiasts were treated to a preview of the PBS documentary, Chasing the Moon, along with a behind-the-scenes take by Sacramento’s own rocket men, guest speakers Don Brincka and Richard Serrano. The collaborative event concluded with docent-led stargazing at the on-campus Community Observatory. The Sacramento Business Journal featured the college’s new viticulture degree program in small vineyard and winery management, created in partnership with the El Dorado Winery Association and industry leaders like Lava Cap Winery.
EDUCATION & REHABILITATION FOLSOM LAKE COLLEGE I N M AT E E D U C AT I O N Since launching in Spring 2016, FLC’s prison education program has held 60 courses at Mule Creek State Prison (MCSP), Folsom State Prison, and Folsom Women’s Facility, with a total of over 750 under-served students participating. In July 2018, Creekside Adult School at Mule Creek State Prison held a special ceremony for the first group of 25 incarcerated students who completed FLC's Social Work/Human Services certificate program. As part of the internship portion of the program, the group was tasked with creating programs aimed to improve the quality of life for other inmates at MCSP. During the ceremony, the students gave final presentations of these projects to members of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, MCSP administrators, and proud FLC faculty and managers. In February 2019, Social Work/Human Services Professor Kalinda Jones was also featured with her students from the C Yard at Mule Creek on the cover of the California Community Colleges 2018 report to Governor Newsom, "Inmate Education: Encouraging Results from Pilot Program." The program is estimated to have removed over 2,600 hours from sentences, at an estimated savings of $2.5 million to taxpayers. FLC is currently developing a mentor program for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students to support reentry and reintegration into college and the workforce.
1,050 Degrees awarded +76% Since 2011-2012 620 Certificates awarded +168% Since 2011-2012 Course success rate 73.7% State average: 71.2%
22 301 +2,636% 366 567 97 417 $28,980 $14,736
Associate Degrees for Transfer offered Associate Degrees for Transfer earned Since First Offered in 2011-2012
FLC students identified as “transfer ready”
Spring 2019 via TransferNet program
Transfers in 2017-2018 Transfers to UC
Transfers to CSU
Cost savings if attending FLC 2 years prior to UC Cost savings if attending FLC 2 years prior to CSU 2017-18 data, except where noted
FALL 2008
9,456 9,033
FALL 2009
FALL 2010
Students by Location: 8,753
FALL 2011
FALL 2012
8,713 8,229
FALL 2013
128 198 18 121
FALL 2014
FALL 2015
FALL 2016
FALL 2017
FALL 2018
Main Folsom Campus
El Dorado Center
Rancho Cordova Center
Associate degree 12% Vocational/ job skills 7%
Part-time Faculty Administrators
Undecided 4% Other 6%
Classified Staff
Some students report multiple goals
6 - 11 units
Receive 48% Students California College Promise Grant
Students Do Not Receive California College Promise Grant
12 or more units (full-time)
Full-time Faculty
1% 56%
erican River
. Pollock Pines
Folsom Lake
Plea sant Va l ley Rd.
UC Santa Barbara UCLA UC Irvine
Up to 5.9 units
C o. . rado E l D o m e n to C o a S acr
Sacramento State UC Berkeley San Francisco State UC Santa Cruz
6% 1%
UC Davis
Multi-Race Native American
Humboldt State
Sunrise Blvd.
• Folsom (Folsom Cordova USD) • Cordova (Folsom Cordova USD) • Vista del Lago (Folsom Cordova USD) • Oak Ridge (El Dorado Union HSD) • Ponderosa (El Dorado Union HSD) • El Dorado (El Dorado Union HSD) • Union Mine (El Dorado Union HSD) • Bella Vista (San Juan USD)
African-American Asian/Filipino/ Pac. Islander
E l Dor ad A ma d o C o . or Co .
3.1 3.1
GYM PE 2.1
BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE FOLSOM LAKE COLLEGE'S FACILITIES MASTER PLAN This past year, Folsom Lake College finalized its Facilities Master Plan, which provides a solid foundation for addressing the longterm facility needs of the college. This plan represents our priority list with regard to all things facilities – upgrades, improvements, modernizations, and new construction – for the next decade. By guiding and shaping where our students learn, it will have a meaningful impact on how and what they learn, and provide for an enhanced learning experience by creating usable, flexible spaces. Highlights from the Facilities Master Plan at FLC include a significant expansion of our college, as well as a number of other upgrades to better prepare students for technical and other high-demand fields, improve resources for our students in need, and build modern learning environments to align with changing educational and career needs.
• Main Folsom campus – Additional instructional space, including the new science building (pictured upper right); expansion and centralization of Student Services; as well as other transportation, access, and parking improvements • El Dorado Center – HVAC system upgrades and renovation of science labs • Rancho Cordova Center – New Phase 2 instructional building (pictured lower right)
The Harris Center for the Arts reached a momentous milestone during this year marking its eighth season - its one millionth ticket sold! Patron Cindy Schreier bought two tickets (numbers 1,000,000 and 1,000,001) to Danny Carmo's Mathematical Mysteries from the Harris Center Ticket Office on December 9, 2018. “One million” is a number that certainly stands out, but there are other equally impressive numbers when it comes to the Harris Center. Since opening in February 2011, it has been home to over 3,000 events, featuring artists from over 50 countries, and generating over $40 million in ticket sales. The college's regional visual and performing arts center hosts over 400 events and 150,000 attendees each season. The Center also has an annual economic impact of $10 million to the local economy in related spending, including restaurants and hotels.
Number of events in 2018-19 season
Total 2018-19 event attendance
2018-19 sales through Ticket Office
Number of volunteers
Number of volunteer hours donated since opening in 2011
Another notable number: as of June 30, 2019, over 1,740 volunteers have donated a total of 283,700 hours in support of Center operations — that’s around 35,000 hours a year! Executive Director Dave Pier notes, “The Harris Center has nestled into the community quite comfortably, becoming part of the fabric of everyday life. It’s hard to imagine that it wasn’t always here, even though we’re still less than a decade old. Our future is quite bright.”
Facts & Figures
Students served by 2018-19 ClassACTS! school matinee series
The Harris Center for the Arts contributes
$10 MILLION The Harris Center for the Arts sold its one millionth ticket in December of 2018 to patron Cindy Schreier.
annual economic impact to the local economy.
Remember when you give, we give back! The Folsom Lake College Office of Philanthropy is continually inspired by how passionate and driven our students are to succeed academically in order to make their future dreams come true. This year, the Folsom Lake College Office of Philanthropy proudly raised over $800,000 for scholarships and college enrichment programs.
Kathleen Leavitt Madroña Vineyards
FIRST VICE CHAIR Dr. Anthony Retodo, MD Kaiser Permanente
Phil Braverman Community Member Craig Burnett Community Member Terry Carroll Style Media Group
Harry Elliott Elliott Homes, Inc.
Bryan Byrd California Earthquake Authority
John Knight Los Rios Trustee
Ed Manansala El Dorado County Office of Education Iain Marshall Edward Jones
Don Pearson Inductive Automation Marlyn Pino-Jones Community Member
Robert McGarvey City of Rancho Cordova
Paul Plemmons Sierra Nevada Corporation
Mick Neshek Kikkoman Foods, Inc.
Randy Ross Mercy Folsom
Evert Palmer City of Folsom
Chris Thompson Wells Fargo
raised for the Rancho Cordova Promise Program
raised for student scholarships
raised for Innovation Center Makerspace raised for veterans programs
raised for faculty & staff mini-grants
Brian Hoey
Barbara Peters
John Alexander
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Lucia Piedra
Broadstone Racquet Club
Inductive Automation
Rapinoe SC, LLC
Kaiser Permanente
Dr. Rachel Rosenthal
Bryan Byrd Hugh & Hazel Campbell Cimaroli Family Trust
raised to support our intercollegiate teams
raised in Harris Center direct support through Annual Membership
raised in planned giving
Dr. Gwynn Akin
raised for Youth Arts Programs
City of Folsom City of Rancho Cordova Easton Development Company El Dorado Winery Association
Kikkoman Foods Foundation, Inc Kathleen Kirklin Bill Koponen Donald & Loretta Lawson Susan Lorimer & Bob Bruns Los Rios Supervisors Association
Sharon Ross Dr. BJ Snowden Sam Spiegel & Catherine Siino Cara Taylor The Harry C. & Deborah L. Elliott Foundation
Richard & Karol McCormac
The Robert S. and Star Pepper Foundation, Inc.
Mayor Robert McGarvey
Wounded Veteran Run
Brice & Barbara Harris
Katherine Mollet Osher
Patricia Yaeger
J. Heiland
Dr. Monica Pactol
Whitney Yamamura
Folsom Chamber of Commerce Friends of the Veterans Monument/ El Dorado County Vets Alliance
Keith Clayton
Mary Hansen
Greg McCormac
Dr. Molly Senecal
Sarah Aldea
Cindy Cleveland
Joany Harman
Richard McCormac
Dr. Christina Aldrich
Kristi Coffman
Dr. Brice Harris
Romilda McWatters
John Alexander
Julie Collier
Kathleen Hart
John Mehrshahi
Lisa Allen
Kathleen Cooper
Kristy Hart
Karen Molano
Kosha Corrigan
Paula Haug
Ali Mollet
Allie Arciniaga
Valerie Cox
J. Heiland
Katherine Mollet
Alyssa Argueta
Jane Crandell
Nancy Helm
Joan Mullen
Kimberly Armbrust
Carolyn Dansby
Richard Hobbie
Sirdon Navarro
Laura Atkinson
Brian Davis
Mishkat Hussein
Barbara Nelson
Dr. Danielle Beck
Kathy Degn
Molly Jacques
Patrick O'Meara
Michelle Beese
James den Dulk
Dr. Monica Pactol
Sharon Bellb
Rose Dolorian
Jewish Community Foundation of the West
Christopher Boley
Paul Dorn
Dr. Kalinda Jones
Dr. Mariko Peshon McGarry
Susan Brackenhoff
Zack Dowell
Dustin Jordan
Barbara Peters
Dr. Jill Bradshaw
Lucia Piedra
Jamie Britt
The Harry C. & Deborah L. Elliott Foundation
Spencer Kimmel Kathleen Kirklin
Marlyn Pino-Jones
Dr. Davin Brown
Carol Eschelman
John Knight
Donna Powell
Dipali Buch
Barbra Fink
Bill Koponen
Michael Raasch
Sally Buchanan
Francis Fletcher
Brittany Kovach
Queen Randall
Craig Burnett
Folsom Lake Community Concert Association
David Lacy
Rapinoe SC, LLC
Michelle Laird
Samuel Raskin
Folsom Rotary Annes
Kathleen Leavitt
Teresa Rauschkolb
Rochelle Franco
Douglas Leisz
Sandra Reis
Dorothy Fuller
Jeff Lewis
Carolyn Reisner
Thomas Garcia
Barbara Lindsey
Brian Robinson
Tom Gardiner
Dr. Susan Lorimer
Dr. Rachel Rosenthal
Vonnie Shane Nikki Silveira-Bergen Dr. Genevieve Siwabessy Deborah Smith-McNair Hedda Smithson Dr. BJ Snowden Soroptimist International of Cameron Park & El Dorado Hills Sam Spiegel Linda Stack Diana Stevers Deborah Swanson Mary Swanson Kathleen Switzer Cara Taylor Jacquelyn Toton Debra Transue Linda Turek Joanne Valentine Wenda Vander Werf Pat Vessels Eric Wada Anne Ward Terrie Ward Melissa Williams
Terry Carroll
Teddie Gasper
Christine Lovett
Jean Rumiano
Celina Marie Alexandre Memorial Scholarship Fund
Talver Germany
Michelle Madden
Julie Sauls
Dr. Dominik Green
Jake Manfredi
Schools Financial Credit Union
Augustine Chavez
Richard Gregory
Lupe Martinez
Bryin Schouten
Denise Christmann
Kristin Gunn
Vicky Maryatt
Gloria Sears
Lisa Burrage Bryan Byrd Ronda Callaway Hugh & Hazel Campbell Lindsey Campbell Colleen Caprara
Donald Pearson
Andrew Williamson Matthew Wright Patricia Yaeger Whitney Yamamura Zachary Zweber
Frank & Billie Shoemaker
Jim Dykes & Jacq Barnes
Jeff & LeAnn Robinson
Kathleen & Patrick Kirklin
Phil & Alison Braverman Nola Brech Michelle & Jean Brown Paul & Susan Candalino Roger & Linette Collins Eric & Judi Disbrow Judy M. Eberlein Ernie Farrington Owen Ficke & Mary Margosian Pat & Gail Geary Linda & David Gordon Carl & Stacy Gould David J. Grenier The Haukedalen Family Pat Hill Greg & Barbara Houck William & Janice Latham Al & Genie Lord Ed & Betty Manoyan Foundation The Marshall Family Trust Lee & Linda McDoniels Glenn & Colleen McWilliams Carole F. Merchant Allen & Susan Miglore Barbara Peters Marlyn Pino-Jones
Ron & Diane Smith Dr. Kenneth T. Sumida WK Sumida Marilyn Szulman-Jones & Michael Szulman Heather & Clay Taft Paul & Cara Taylor Bonnie M. Wachter & Roger L. Wachter Allyson Warr & Ken Poole Duane & Lori Wattelet Richard Weiss Whitney Yamamura
The Eichhorn Family Electronic Systems Architects Michael & Karen Ernst Tom & Tina Farmer Jim & Janine Fox Gary & Joan Grootveld The Gunther Haggblade Family Kathy Hart Joe & Julia Heideman Richard Hobbie & Gayle Heslop Michael & Michele Hosken Tim Hudson & Pris Zink Karmere Vineyards John & Diane Kingston Russell & Virginia Krodell Ada & Steve Krumm Pam & Mike McAtee Mary McKinnon & Greg Krekelberg Tammy Montgomery & Greg Warzecka The Moore Family James & Melissa Netzel Alvin Newman Dr. Randy & Mrs. Kelly Nordell Bruce Notareus & Diana Polainer George Parrott
Wayne & Ann Schindler Carolyn Scroggin In Memory of Linda Shuken Peter & Nadia Stamos Linda & Jay Stirling Herb & Gail Stone Karen Stroth Jim & Kathleen Switzer Emanuel & Lisa Vargas Mike & Margarita Vasquez Gary & Phyllis Vecchiarelli Las Vegas Thomas & Linda West Sandra & Barry Wold Anson & Marien Wong
Irwin Parrotte Dave & Patricia Segoviano de Pier Ernest & Marie Pineda Clare & Kathy Poe Lorraine & Robert Rinker
Carol Barnes Michael & Deb Basham Jerry Beckett & Peggy Blair Abbey Bell Chris & Deborah Ben
PRODUCER The Robert S. & Star Pepper Foundation
DESIGNER Fred & Karen Bookey Dick Droese & Diane Reck Art & Linda Grix Eric Mentzer
COMPOSER Dan & Misty Dailey Carol & Louis Damerval Pam & Steve Eskildsen Dr. & Mrs. Brice W. Harris MarQueen Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Group Karol & Rich McCormac
ADVOCATE Don & Loretta Lawson Mike & Rene' Lemberg Sue & Carl Miller Sue Solger Sam Spiegel & Catherine Siino
SUPPORTER Roger & Diane Aamodt Russ & Linda Abraham Judi Alexander
Cliff Popejoy & Antonia Vorster Jared & Kristen Quinton Christeen Reeg Pat & Tony Richards Drs. Jill & Mitchel Ruffman
ASSOCIATE Jeffery & Ivy Applebaum Wes & Patti Ball Robin Bernhard Shiv & Meena Bhat Jane & Robert Blum Barbara Brunson & Karen De'Caussin Craig & Dianne Burnett Robert & Beverly Burns James Cimino Claudia J. Cummings Kathy Cunningham Fred & Ginger DeGregory Carol Des Voigne Richard Dilbeck & Shirley Churchill David & Lisa Dixon Marc & Ila Dubin
PATRON John & Marilyn Abercrombie Kathleen Ahrens & Thomas Russ In Memory of Albert & Jeanne Dyana Anderly Anonymous The Antal Family Robert & Elaine Austerman Rochelle L. Babb Bill Bandes & Lise St. Andre
Harris Center for the Arts Member Donors continued
HARRIS CENTER FOR THE ARTS MEMBER DONORS (CONTINUED) Larry & Jamie Beutler Norm & Karen Biane Barbara Bills & Ernest Wolf Gene & Jody Bisson Jo Ann Blommer Nancy Bohnsack Katherine Bohr Rich & Joice Burrill Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Bydalek Bryan & Janet Byrd California House Michael & Marie Carter Leslie Castellino Claudia Charter & Robert Smith John Y. Cho Tom & Judy Chrisman In Memory of Christine Clough Charles & Kathleen Cooper Pamela Creedon & Robert Sorrels Brandy Croteau Bob & Marcy Crowley Terry Crownover Robert & Susan DeBruin Denis & Joanrae DeLuchi Dr. Asha Desai Heather Dockter Ed & Ellen Doller Katherine Dona & Michael Lorton Barbara & Dennis Driscoll Nick & Ann Econome Charles Eichbaum Julie & Kevin Ellingson Robert Elliott & Kaye Christensen
Mark Espinosa & Stephen Twitchell Joyce Evans Carl & Olga Fischer Patty Fitzgerald Barbara & Terry Fitzwater Richard & Susan Fox Don Gamache Mark P. Glinowiecki & Daniel J. Howard Lori & Ed Goldman Jeff & Mary Ann Goodwin Dave & Carey Haake John & Rebecca Hall Dean & Jayne Hamilton Kathie Hanna Dianna Hansen Mary Hansen Larry & Kathryn Hanson Art & Luann Hawkins John & Joyce Hejlik Beverley Hendrickson Zheyla Henriksen Deanna & John Hogg Pamela J. Holmes & Wayne Bentley Sandy Hunsaker M. Hunt Terre & Vinny Ilardi Joanne C. Jackson Ejner & Judy Jacobsen Don Jarrell & Jona Milo Heath & Rachel Jenkins JHJ Mr. & Mrs. Byron Jodar
Judy & Mel Johnson Russell & Marsha Jones Michael & Sheryl Kays Andrew Lagosh Gary & Carey Landrith Dr. Bob & Jean LaPerriere Regina & Michael Levison Ken & Charlene Loveland Cynthia P. Macdonald Ted Machado Jim & Elizabeth Maddox Paul L. Manfredi Douglas & Carol McBride Ron & Cindy McDaniel Zoe Ann Meegan Bill & Loni Mellerup Merino Computer Concepts, Joseph & Beth Merino Stacey Mitchell & Chuck Weir Mr. & Mrs. Teruo Mizutani Roger A. Moore James Morehouse & Linda Ruben Stephen & Jo Morrison Terry & Olivia Mulligan Dan & Lori Mullin Bob & Carol Murdock Steve & Doreen Mykytyn Jeannine Neves Malvina & Eugene Nisman Linda Nugent Russ & Cathy O'Brien Michael & Janet O'Connell Robert O'Reilly
Lynn & Gene Oliphant John & Nancy Owen Frank Pajerski Dr. & Mrs. Chris Palkowski Nick & Patty Palmer Marci Pelka The Petro Family Dr. Michael J. Petrucci, DDS Gayle Piper Glen & Jane Price Lola & Gordon Purdy Douglas & Susanne Quayle Buzz & Cindy Raley Toni Raney Dorothy Raun Leslie & Ted Reed Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rennau Judi & Roger Reynolds Christopher & Yolanda Rhodes William & Wanda Rhoe Joanne & Ed Rice Steve & Caroline Roberts Arlene Rose Larry Savidge Eugene & JoAnn Scherzer Paul Schierenberg Marilyn Schiveley & Andrew Bucchiere Allen Schmeltz Carol Shaneen Stephanie Shurilla Marylee Silverman Cherryl & Steve Simms
Jeff & Carol Skoien Pete & Jeanette Sorrell Style Magazine Paula Summers Eva Tak Larry & Marilyn Taylor Cindy & Steve Templeton Jan & Randy Terk Rosanna Trevisan & Geoff Maxey Carla Turoff Mark & Melissa Tuttle Judy & Clarence Ueda Rich & Kaaryn Van Buskirk William & Kathryn Vetter Mr. & Mrs. L. L. Victorino Kathleen & Gregory Villegas Marsha von Dessonneck Estelle & Vincent Wagg Micheal & Loesje Wagner Pat & Don Wagner Gail White Kelly Wilkinson Sandra & Barry Wold Anne Wolfe Alicia & Jim Zimmerman The Zychalski Family
FRIEND Carolyn Andres Anonymous Ann Arneill Joyce Nina Auteri
HARRIS CENTER FOR THE ARTS MEMBER DONORS (CONTINUED) Christina & Scot Bailey Robert & Barbara Baker Boyce & Darlene Baldwin Bill Bandes & Lise St. Andre Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Barrett Clyde & Ann Barrow Greg & Lynn Baugher Sally Bennett Shawn Bennett Steve & Diane Bennett Manni & Ricki Bergado Hazel Berman Alison Berry Chuck & Peggy Bidondo Sandra Biren Tom & Brandy Blythe Anita Bodiford Mary & Oliver Bohlman Jim & Phyllis Bolden Dave & Sue Boucke Susan & Ken Brackenhoff Janice Brial & Gerri Wigglesworth Ken & Roberta Brooks Bruce Brown & Judy Hunt-Brown Judy & Gary Brown Peggy & Craig Brown Jeff & Carole Browne Susan Browning Susan Bryant Carol & Don Buchanan Sally & Dr. Jon Buchanan
Drs. Thomas & Marylou Bullen Carol Burger & James Vanhouten John F. Burke Kathleen M. Burne Lisa & Mike Burrage Maggie & Paul Bush Paul Buttner Cecelia & Ron Byrd Aida Calindas M. Calvo Kimberly Campbell John & Beth Canton Donna Carey Stephanie Carlson & Rita Timewell Judith Carmel Michael & Jan Casterton Ron & Linda Chaix Art & Marilyn Champ James & Teresa Chandler Glenda R. Claremon The Clark Family Dan & Lynne Clawson Patricia Coburn Joanne Coffrini Mark & Kathy Cohen Clint & Yoko Patrick Condran & Ann Chambers Ellen Covairt & Bernie Kalscheuer James H. & Louisa R. Coyne Gary & Nancy Cramer
Bonnie & Curt Croco Janice Crossman Ron Culver Tom & Julia Curtis Muriel Davenport Janet Davidson Chris & Mynra DeBortoli Robert & Victoria Dell Andrea & Jim den Dulk Carol Dependahl Ripperda Ross & Shirlee Deter Rosalind A. Deutsch The Diffley Family Marian Dilley Victoria Dillingham Sherry Dorithy Theresa & Scott Dunagan Pat & Nancy Dyer Sylvia & Joseph Easley Marilyn Econome Helene & Elliott Eisenbud Patricia Ekelund Debbie Emery & Bill O'Brien Denise Epes Margaret Ervin Barbara Espinosa Richard D. Farshler The Felix Family David & Dorothy Ferencik Nick & Lisa Ferrari Lamoine Field & Norma Bumbaca James & Marie Fierro Rex Fortune III
Robert W. Gant Jamie Garcia Bob & Sue Garmston The Garnett Family Don & Pat Garrett Casey & Cindy Garten Michele & Reese Gary Lura Geil Richard & Jude Gervais Gino & Therese Giannelli Doris Gibson Michael & Selina Girard John R. Glass Sr. Larry Goldsmith Raul & Judy Gonzalez Ilene Goodwoman & Robert Wagoner The Gorton Family Barry & Claire Goss Don & Sue Haislet Bob Hall Peter & Mary Ann Hall Richard & Ann Halsey The Hamilton Family MaryEtta & Hashim Hamzawi Kenneth Hansen Mary Harris Tom Hatam Tom & Lise Heberer Jon & Judy Hecox David Hess & Donna Ayerst Greg & Maria Hibdon David Hill
Steve & Cheri Hill Debby & Tim Holcomb John & Susan Holder Jordan Holmes Don & Genevieve Huegel Phyllis & Norm Jacobs John & Elizabeth Janus Donald & Marilyn Jassowski Dennis Johnston & Linda Hill Marcia Joiner Jerry & Cydney Jones Mark, Debbie, & Jacqueline Joyce Jim & Dolores Juarros William & Carol Jurkovich Teresa M. Kahl Jim & Marge Karling Jeannie & Bob Kegley Carol Kendrick Gary & Susan Kieser Kent & Nancy Kilborn Lorraine King Denise & Joel Kmetz Matt & Deborah Knowles Joy & John Krahn Marilyn & Paul Krow Sherrill & Ted Kulp The Kupcho-Hawksworth Trust Laurie & Jim Kurttila Mary Lagomarsino Gene & Shirley Lakey Frank & Pam Lanza James & Barbara Lawrence Dennis Leary
HARRIS CENTER FOR THE ARTS MEMBER DONORS (CONTINUED) Kathleen Leavitt Crystal LeClerq Sondra Lee & Bill Kuhn Wesley & Elizabeth Lee Edward Lehman Lenahan Law Firm Carol Leong John Leung Bob Lew & Marion Franck Debbie Lichtman & Steven Ladd Drew & Barbara Liebert Cynthia & Rick Linkert Steve & Jeanne Loe Stuart & Vana Lott James Louch & Family Jim & Ruth Loughridge Janeene Lowis Mark & Dana Lutzo Duane Lyons Janice English Machen Michael & Robyn MacKenzie Karen Majewski Elliot & Trudy Mazer Marvin McArthur Ginny McClane Mr. & Mrs. Danny McDaniel Sam & Jane McGee Susan & Greig McGinness Paul & Kathy McKenna The McQuillan Family Jere & Carolyn Meek John Mehrshahi Lance & Tracy Messineo
Carolyn Meza Leslie Michaels & Susan Katt Tony & Joyce Mihanovich Milan John & Jackie Miller Ken Miller & Enid Morris Mr. & Mrs. Teruo Mizutani Jim & Marie Moore Garry & Miki Morck James Morehouse & Linda Ruben Brad & Janet Morris Linda Mottet & Dwight Mukuno Scott Nagy & Valeska Wise JB & Susan Neethling Brian & Betty Neil Gary & Lynda Nield Brett & Darci Norberry Burt Olhiser Barbara & Mark Oliver James E. Oliver & Rosemary Hernandez Jennifer Oloriz Celia Orona & Tom Anderson In Memory of Neil Ostrander Richard & Johanne Owens Madeline Pace G. Pack Mary Palamidessi Melanie & Jason Park Aziza & Markie Parker Ken Payne The Pedroza Family Carrie Penaloza
Sylvia & Mike Perscheid James & Carol Peterson In Loving Memory of John Petrovich Diana & David Phillips George & Jeniffer Phillips Pat Pilas Jana & Ray Pingle Gordon & Mary Pipkin Dee Pisani Helen Power Jerome & Carolyn Preston Jane & Roger Price Robert & Carol Prinzo Jess & Maria Ramirez Bruce Rapport & Karen Mondragon Sue Rauzy Sandi Reis Bob Remen & Allison Branscombe Tim & Anne Riley The Robards Family Bruce & Carol Robeck Linda Robinson Evelyn Rogers Robin & Lynne Rogers Edward & Roseann Roman Pat & Deb Rooney Cary & Sharon Ross Sherry Rossi Jo Roughton Robin & Marlene Rutherford Tamra & Bob Ruxin Tome Kathryn Ryan
Laura Ryman George & Jane Samaniego Art & Priscilla Schroeder Phyllis Schwartz Karen & Rick Scott Mark & Karen Scott Winnie Seto The Kenneth Sherer Family Tim & Michelle Shestek Mike & Betty Simpson Amrik Singh Lee & Debbie Slupianek Candace Smallwood Roger & Barbara Smith Marion Speed Linda & Charlie Stack Steven Starr Eryn Stevens In Memory of CSUS Professor Leigh Stephens Susan & Larry Stieber Dale & Rose Stone Rosemary Tanfani Angela Tavares Elleene Tessier Sandra Thein Mary Ellen Towner Mike & Karen Tucker Neal & Janie Vandendriesche Augustin & Barbara Vega Gordon & Renee Vicini James & Joyce von Bergen Tom Weborg & Sandra Singer
Linda Welpton Janet & Les Wheeler Craig & Kimberly Whichard Ken & Jayne Williams Tom & Mary Ann Williams David & Carol Williamson David & Evelyn Willmott Jim & Jennifer Wood Phyllis J. Wright Suzanne Yackey Bentley & Bug Yaryan Bill Yeates Ron & Carol Yelton Ralph & Dodie Yerxa Ray & Shirley Yu Carole Yuhnke & James Herod Loretta Zermani Lynn and Stan Zumbiel
DONORS Dr. Gwynn Akin Phil & Alison Braverman Richard Droese & Diane Reck Intel Volunteer Grant Program Donald & Loretta Lawsom Robert & Barbara Leidigh Douglas & Susanne Quayle Paul & Beth Rees Cary & Sharon Ross Names listed are changes, updates, and corrections to the current 2019-2020 Annual Members as of July 22, 2019.
GOALS FOR 2019-2020 • Establish effective pathways that optimize student access and success. • Ensure equitable academic achievement across all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender groups. • Provide exemplary teaching and learning opportunities. • Lead the region in workforce development. • Foster an outstanding working and learning environment.
Board of Trustees Pamela Haynes Dustin Johnson Robert Jones John Knight Tami Nelson Deborah Ortiz Ruth Scribner
Dr. Brian King, Chancellor
OUR VISION Folsom Lake College opens minds and doors through the power of education, inspiring all students to become socially responsible global citizens.
OUR MISSION Folsom Lake College enriches and empowers all students to strengthen our community by bridging knowledge, experience, and innovation. Folsom Lake College, serving the diverse communities of eastern Sacramento and western El Dorado counties, offers educational opportunities and support for students to transfer to four-year institutions, to improve foundational skills, to achieve career goals, and to earn associate degrees or certificates.
OUR COMMITMENT TO EQUITY Education should belong to everyone. To nourish this inclusion, FLC champions equity, diversity, social justice, and environmental sustainability as foundational to academic, campus, and community life. We work with the communities we serve toward just and fair inclusion into society in which all people can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential. We commit to equity driven decision-making, planning, and reflective processes that are responsive to the diverse identities and experiences in our community. We seek to empower marginalized voices, nurture our many identities and social circumstances, foster cultural responsiveness, and stand against all manifestations of discrimination, including (but not limited to) those based on: ability statuses, age, ancestry, body size, citizenship/immigration status, economic status, educational status, employment status, ethnicity, food/housing insecurity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, incarceration experience, language, marital/partner status, military/veteran status, national origin, neurodiversity, political affiliation, pregnancy/reproductive status, race/racial identity, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.