JOIN US FALL FLEX DAYS AUGUST 2015 The Professional Development Committee and the Academic Senate proudly present Fall 2015 Flex Week designed and conducted by your fellow faculty and staff. Join your colleagues and fulfill the college’s professional development strategic goals. A special recognition and thank you should go out to the faculty and staff hosting the many workshops; otherwise this event would not be possible. Sincerely, Carlos Lopez, Academic Senate President David Lagala, Professional Development Co-chair David Williams, Professional Development Administration Liaison And the faculty and staff of the FLEX subcommittee: Linda Abraham, Elvia Macias-Perez, Angela Prelip, Genevieve Siwabessy, and Gerry Tryhane
All full-time and some part-time faculty members owe Flex hours as part of their professional development obligation. The Tentative Contract for Services (TCS) states the Flex obligation. Full-time faculty members are obligated for 24 hours for the academic year PLUS the number of minutes identified on their overload Tentative Contract for Services (TCS). Faculty members who teach overload classes held on the same day as a Flex Day have an additional Flex obligation equaling the total number of hours they would have taught. For full time faculty, the Flex obligation must be completed within the academic year, July 1 to June 30. Friday, August 21st is the only MANDATORY Flex day for full-time faculty. Full-time faculty are required to attend a minimum of 6 hours of professional development activities scheduled for that day, and adjunct faculty and classified staff are encouraged to attend.
Schedule at a Glance Tuesday, August 18, 2015 (@ the Rancho Cordova Center) Time 9:00am - 11:00am
Workshop Rancho Cordova Center Faculty Open Orientation
Presenter Center Staff
Location Rancho Cordova Center
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 (@ multiple sites) Time 9:00am - 10:20am
Creating Your Meaningful Work Statement
Aspen Hall room FL1-204
Assistive Technology and Students with Disabilities
Aspen Hall room FL1-204
Reading Across the Curriculum
Aspen Hall room FL1-08
Rancho Cordova Center Faculty Open Orientation
Center Staff
Rancho Cordova Center
Safe Space Training
Aspen Hall room FL1-08
10:30am - 11:50am
1:00pm - 2:20pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Thursday, August 20, 2015 (@ the Folsom campus) Time 9:00am - 10:20am
On Course Mentoring for Faculty Small Tweaks for Big Gains in Learning: The New Science of Student Success To Succeed or Not Succeed: That is the Question
Aspen Hall room FL1-204
Aspen Hall room FL1-208
Gibson and Dixon
Aspen Hall room FL1-109
(1) Freshman Composition Norming Session and (2) Writing Prompt Suggestions
Fletcher and Sapra
Cypress Hall room FL2-239 (Reading & Writing Center)
Safety Through Preparedness
Aspen Hall room FL1-08
9:00am - 11:00am
9:00am - 11:50am
Thursday, August 20, 2015 - continued (@ the Folsom campus) Time 10:30am - 11:50am
Incorporating On Course Principles in Your Academic Toolbox Habits for Productivity + Happiness Building Cultural Competency at FLC: A Resource Awakens The Academic Senate and Participatory Governance Social Connections
On Course Conference Attendees
Aspen Hall room FL1-204
Aspen Hall room FL1-208
Aspen Hall room FL1-207
Cypress Hall room FL2-157 Cypress Hall room | FL2-207
Culturally Competent Classrooms: Students Share Experiences and Needs
Aspen Hall room FL1-08
Equity Rep Training
Equity Officer
Perkins Prep School
Large-Scale Interventions for Improving Student Success: A College-wide Experiment
Cypress Hall room FL2-211 Cypress Hall room FL2-157 Aspen Hall room FL1-208
Psychological Disabilities in the Classroom: Beyond Stereotypes Introduction to Web Programming Science Center: Plusses and Wishes Large-Scale Interventions for Improving Student Success: A College-wide Experiment
McHargue, Roberge, Hansen, Garrett
Aspen Hall room FL1-08
Prelip and Fowler
Cypress Hall room FL2-240 Dogwood Hall room FL4-136 Aspen Hall room FL1-208
The Rachel Hour Authentic SLO Assessment
Rosenthal Aldrich
Safe Space Training
Adjunct Dinner: Orientation, Information, Networking, and the Nuts and Bolts of FLC
LRCFT Reps & Pactol
12:00pm - 12:50pm
1:00pm - 2:20pm
2:30pm - 3:50pm
Abraham, Oberth, MacLean Fannon
4:00pm - 5:20 pm Aspen Hall room FL1-08 Dogwood Hall room FL4-136 Dogwood Hall room FL4-132
5:00pm - 7:00pm Falcon’s Roost Peregrine Room
Friday, August 21, 2015 (@ the Folsom campus)
Show your Falcon pride by wearing teal, black, or purple on Friday.
Time 8:30am - 9:50am
Dean Mash-up
Aspen Hall room FL1-20 (Community Room)
Department Meetings
Department Chairs
See description
The Business of Faculty
Aspen Hall room FL1-20 (Community Room)
Convocation & Chancellor’s Report
Rosenthal, King
Harris Center, Stage 2
10:00am - 10:50am 11:00am - 12:50pm
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Tuesday, August 18, 2015 9:00am - 11:00am Rancho Cordova Center Faculty Open Orientation Room: Rancho Cordova Center Come and go during this open house session. Faculty teaching at the Rancho Cordova Center – whether new or returning – are invited to visit the center and explore the classrooms, staff workroom, and parking layout. Meet the staff and find out how they can help you be successful. Learn about the resources available at the center such as mailboxes, the copier, safety measures, and media carts. Hosted by the RCC Staff Team: Lollie Hernandez, John Zschokke, and Joyce Heiland. Meets State Professional Development Guideline D: Student personnel services; Guideline E: Learning resource services; and Guideline H: Other duties as assigned by the district.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:00am - 10:20am Creating Your Meaningful Work Statement Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-204 What motivates you, drives and inspires you? When do you feel incredibly useful, powerful, and excited? Who do you want to serve? As full time professionals we don’t often get the chance to stop and reflect on the work we are doing and how we can make it more meaningful and in alignment with our top values. This workshop will help you pause and delve into some of the above questions and, hopefully, connect you to your ideal work. We will use material from Bill Johnson, known as “The Dream Dean” at UNC Greensboro. Hosted by Julie Collier. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. 10:30am - 11:50am Assistive Technology and Students with Disabilities Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-204 An overview of how students with disabilities access academic information and study. Discussion of why and how students with disabilities use technology to access information through alternative means. Updates on new learning systems available through DSPS Alternate Media. Hosted by Chris Wilson. Meets State Professional Development Guideline D: Student personnel services. 1:00pm - 2:20pm Reading Across the Curriculum Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-08 This hands-on workshop provides an overview of the importance of rigorous textbook reading to get students to interact in academic ways with academic language in college courses. Included in the workshop are ways to get students to engage the text by annotating, thinking aloud, uncovering golden lines, creating evidence/ interpretation T-charts, completing worksheets, and engaging in group analysis. Both print and electronic textbook choices are addressed. Also included are ways instructors can guide instruction to prompt, reiterate, and clarify text concepts that keep students engaged and on track. Hosted by Christy Haeuptle. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation; Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement; and Guideline C: Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation. 1:00pm - 3:00pm Rancho Cordova Center Faculty Open Orientation Room: Rancho Cordova Center Come and go during this open house session. Faculty teaching at the Rancho Cordova Center – whether new or returning – are invited to visit the center and explore the classrooms, staff workroom, and parking layout. Meet the staff and find out how they can help you be successful. Learn about the resources available at the center such as mailboxes, the copier, safety measures, and media carts. Hosted by the RCC Staff Team: Lollie Hernandez, John Zschokke, and Joyce Heiland. Meets State Professional Development Guideline D: Student personnel services; Guideline E: Learning resource services; and Guideline H: Other duties as assigned by the district.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 (continued) 2:30pm - 4:00pm Safe Space Training Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-08 Take the Safe Space training and learn how to be an Ally to students (and employees) who feel harassed, unsafe or unwelcome on our campus.You will learn the history of Safe Space programs, about power and privilege, and what you can do to facilitate a positive change in our campus climate. Hosted by Marjorie Samples. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity.
Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:00am – 10:20am On Course Mentoring for Faculty Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-204 There will be a brief informational presentation on the program and then a panel presentation of colleagues who have completed or are in the midst of completing the On Course Mentoring Program. Panel members will present the benefits of participating in the program and answer audience questions regarding the program. Hosted by Tracy Rauschkolb and Panel of Mentors. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation and Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. OR Small Tweaks for Big Gains in Learning: The New Science of Student Success Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-208 From short email messages that boost motivation to quiz schedules that optimize recall, recent research has shown that small changes in how we teach can have a big impact on students’ achievement. Discover easy tweaks to your own courses that can enhance student learning and help remove psychological barriers to success. Hosted by Sean Fannon. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation; Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement; and Guideline E: Learning resource services. OR To Succeed Or Not Succeed:That is the Question Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-109 We have heard a lot about Student Success over the past couple years.The Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) and Student Equity (SE) are at the forefront of many conversations within California Community Colleges, but many still do not understand the relevance to the institution, classroom and students. Come to hear about what FLC has done thus far with SSSP and SE funds to change educational outcomes for students.We will highlight instruction and Student Services collaborations, funded faculty projects and the timeline for SSSP/SE updates. We will share how departments might benefit from the resources associated with SSSP/SE initiatives. We encourage you to come with ideas that would benefit our students as it relates to retention, persistence and completion. We also encourage you to bring any questions you may have about SSSP/SE initiatives. Hosted by Bernard Gibson and Melanie Dixon. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation; Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement; Guideline D: Student personnel services; Guideline E: Learning resource services; and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity.
Thursday, August 20, 2015 (continued) 9:00am – 11:00am (1) Freshman Composition Norming Session and (2) Writing Prompt Suggestions Room: Cypress Hall room FL2-239 (Reading & Writing Center) This presentation will be divided into two parts:The first part will be a norming session for freshman composition (ENGWR 300). This norming session will review the grading rubric that is supposed to be used for all ENGWR 300 sections offered at FLC. After the rubric is reviewed, sample essays will be analyzed to show how the rubric applies to each essay in determining the essay’s grade. Afterwards, participants in the session will read two or three essays and will use the rubric to determine which grade each essay should receive. The second part will be a general review of writing prompts. This review will offer suggestions on what to include in prompts to try to make assignments clear to students and to tutors working with them in the Reading and Writing Center. This review will also consider ensuring that assignments are appropriate to the course level based on SLO objectives. While the norming session will primarily focus on freshman composition, faculty members from all disciplines are invited. The presentation on prompts will cover a variety of levels, not just freshman level composition. The whole flex presentation (both parts) will be of particular interest to anyone who gives writing assignments that involve analysis, argument, and research. Hosted by Francis Fletcher and Lisa Sapra. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation; Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement; and Guideline C: Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation. OR 9:00am – 11:50am Safety Through Preparedness Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-08 Come and join your colleagues for a comprehensive three hour instruction on safety. Topics that we will cover include active shooters, how to shelter in place, and verbal de-escalation. The workshop will finish with an open forum allowing faculty and staff to discuss situations that they have personally encounters and how similar situation can be managed in the future. Hosted by Officer Dustin Poore. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. 10:30am – 11:50am Incorporating On Course Principles in Your Academic Toolbox
Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-204 There will be a brief informational presentation on the program and then a panel presentation of colleagues who have completed or are in the midst of completing the On Course Mentoring Program. Panel members will present the benefits of participating in the program and answer audience questions regarding the program. Hosted by On Course Conference Attendees:Vonnie Bielefield, Ted Foster, Mary Hansen, Kelly McGhee-Pane, Jill Morrison,Tracy Rauschkolb, and Tina Royer. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation and Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. OR Habits for Productivity + Happiness Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-208 This presentation explains how habits are formed, how to kick bad ones and fine-tune the good habits from a cognitive behavioral perspective. As an Adjunct Counselor/Coordinator for DSPS at EDC, I consult with students to help them understand how habits can foster or hinder their academic progress. Participants will have an opportunity to apply this intervention approach to their own lives for practice. The presenter is a former School Psychologist who has collaborated with many teachers to develop behavior support plans for students with problems and is also a Licensed Educational Psychologist who writes Behavior Intervention Plans for adults with severe disabilities at a day training program in Sacramento. Hosted by Calvin Wong. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement andGuideline D: Student personnel services. OR
Thursday, August 20, 2015 (continued) Building Cultural Competency at FLC: A Resource Awakens Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-207 Come check out a new website resource for exploring and understanding cultural competency, proficiency, and responsiveness. What are some of the things we can do as educators and as an institution to support our students and the identities and experiences they bring to campus? This website has interactive aspects and will grow with your participation, questions, and ideas. Hosted by Diane Carlson. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation; Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement; and Guideline C: Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation. OR The Academic Senate and Participatory Governance Room: Cypress Hall room FL2-157 This presentation will cover faculty rights and responsibilities with relation to SB 1725 and the Academic Senate. Time will be dedicated to review important college documents that are guided by SB 1725 like the College Governance Agreement, the Collegial Consultation Document and the Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws. Hosted by Carlos Lopez. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement and Guideline H: Other duties as assigned by the district. OR Social Connections Room: Cypress Hall room FL2-207 Will students feel more compelled to attend and perform if they know others, and feel that you know them? In person, or on D2l we can create an environment where students can use social learning as a superpower (based on research by Matthew Lieberman, UCLA). Hosted by Camille Snow. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation and Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. 12:00pm – 12:50pm Culturally Competent Classrooms: Students Share Experiences and Needs Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-08 A panel of FLC students and alumni will discuss the on-going need for cultural competency and diversity training for instructors.These students will share their own experiences and other observances of classroom interactions, language, and curriculum that can impact student success and outcomes. Please recognize the courage it takes for students to share these experiences with us, especially in the context of such power differences. Students will also offer instructors specific ideas about creating culturally competent classrooms that support the success of all students. Hosted by Diane Carlson and the Student Diversity Club. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation; Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement; Guideline C: Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation; and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity. 1:00pm – 2:20pm Equity Rep Training Room: Cypress Hall room FL2-211 The college is committed to attracting and hiring a qualified and diverse workforce, and hiring committees play a crucial role in the process. Whether or not you plan to serve as an equity representative, this training will help everyone recognize bias, appreciate the value of diversity, and understand the unique policies of the Los Rios system. This training is for both new and renewal equity reps. Hosted by the college Equity Officer. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity. OR
Thursday, August 20, 2015 (continued) Perkins Prep School Room: Cypress Hall room FL2-157 Are you receiving Perkins IV Grant funds this year? Then this workshop is a must for you! Come learn about the intent of the Perkins IV Grant, how the college’s allocation is determined, how you can improve upon your “core indicators” and more! You will receive a faculty handbook outlining eligibility for funding, responsibilities of grant recipients, timeline for reporting and a host of new acronyms to dazzle and amaze your friends! Hosted by Dr. Kim Harrell, Dean of Workforce Development and Perkins IV Grant Project Administrator. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation and Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. OR Large-Scale Interventions for Improving Student Success: A College-wide Experiment (and a plea for help) Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-208 Recent studies have shown how brief interventions designed to reshape maladaptive beliefs can dramatically improve academic success for students most at risk of failure. We’ve developed web-based versions of these that can be easily deployed on a large scale and we’re testing them at FLC this semester - but we need your help to make the project a success! Please come and learn about this exciting experiment and how you can help. Hosted by Sean Fannon Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity. 2:30pm – 3:50pm Psychological Disabilities in the Classroom: Beyond Stereotypes Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-08 As our culture begins to move past its stereotypes and stigma regarding people with psychological disabilities, some misinformation and anxiety have remained with us. This panel/workshop will explore these inaccuracies, stereotypes and feelings. It will also present information on the realities of psychological disabilities; how to determine whether a student may need to be referred to counseling; and how to refer these students for additional assistance. The panel will include Mary Hansen (Nurse), Mark Garrett (Counselor) Tim McHargue (DSPS) Andrea Roberge (DSPS) and others. Hosted by Tim McHargue, Andrea Roberge, Mary Hansen, and Mark Garrett Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement; Guideline D: Student personnel services; Guideline E: Learning resource services; and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity. OR Introduction to Web Programming Room: Cypress Hall room FL2-240 This presentation will teach you the basics of creating html webpages and provide hands on practice in creating your own webpage(s). Furthermore, we will also discuss some ways you may be able to integrate this technology into your classroom. Hosted by Angela Prelip and Caleb Fowler. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. OR Science Center: Plusses and Wishes Room: Dogwood Hall room FL4-136 Science Center was launched in Spring 2015 semester. We will discuss what was achieved in our pilot study and where we are heading. We hope science faculty will stop by to contribute their ideas. Hosted by Linda Abraham, Christa Oberth, and Jill MacLean. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. OR
Thursday, August 20, 2015 (continued) Large-Scale Interventions for Improving Student Success: A College-wide Experiment (and a plea for help) Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-208 Recent studies have shown how brief interventions designed to reshape maladaptive beliefs can dramatically improve academic success for students most at risk of failure. We’ve developed web-based versions of these that can be easily deployed on a large scale and we’re testing them at FLC this semester - but we need your help to make the project a success! Please come and learn about this exciting experiment and how you can help. Hosted by Sean Fannon. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity. 4:00pm – 5:20pm The Rachel Hour Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-08 Join President Rachel Rosenthal for an informal chat forum. Hosted by President Rachel Rosenthal. Meets State Professional Development Guideline H: Other duties as assigned by the district. OR Authentic SLO Assessment Room: Dogwood Hall room FL4-136 An overview of how to effectively engage in authentic assessment of course SLOs will be provided. The course will also review the revised SLO assessment form and what the SLO committee is looking for to verify that authentic assessment has taken place. Hosted by Christina Aldrich. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation; Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement; and Guideline C: Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation. OR Safe Space Training Room: Dogwood Hall room FL4-132 Take the Safe Space training and learn how to be an Ally to students (and employees) who feel harassed, unsafe or unwelcome on our campus.You will learn the history of Safe Space programs, about power and privilege, and what you can do to facilitate a positive change in our campus climate. Hosted by Marjorie Samples. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity. 5:00pm – 7:00pm Adjunct Dinner: Orientation, Information, Networking, and the Nuts and Bolts of FLC Room: Falcon’s Roost Peregrine Room Adjunct faculty are invited to dinner and conversation with the Los Rios College Federation of Teachers - FLC representatives. This meal and mixer provides a casual environment for faculty to ask questions and receive answers about workplace issues, including scheduling, hiring preference, performance review, benefits, professional development, and much more. Understanding the contract empowers all faculty to fully participate in college activities and to develop the resources needed to become better educators. Not sure what the abbreviations ADP and SEP are? Have you ever asked, “What are student’s rights and responsibilities?” Socrates who, what? We will be joined by the Vice President of Instruction. Attend this special evening event and have these questions and many more answered. Hosted by LRCFT and Monica Pactol,Vice President of Instruction. Meets State Professional Development Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation; Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement.; Guideline D: Student personnel services; Guideline E: Learning resource services; Guideline G: Departmental or division meetings (during Flex Days only), conferences, and workshops, and institutional research; and Guideline H: Other duties as assigned by the district;
Friday, August 21, 2015 Show your Falcon pride by wearing teal, black, or purple on Friday.
8:30am – 9:50am Dean Mash-up Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-20 (Community Room) Continental Breakfast beginning at 8:30 and Combined Area Meeting. Join us for another all-college conversation. This is your chance to meet interdepartmentally, ask questions and get answers. Put the Deans on the spot. Get to know each department and get to know them as individuals (we’re all in this together!). Did we mention that there will be food? Hosted by the FLC Deans. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement and Guideline D: Student personnel services. 10:00am – 10:50am Department Meetings Join your department in kicking off fall semester with its’ first department meeting. Anthropology: Aspen Hall room FL1-203 Art: Harris Center room PAC-1063 Business: Aspen Hall room FL1-149 (break room) BUSTEC: TBA Chemistry: Aspen Hall room FL1-08 Communication: Cypress Hall room FL2-153 Computer Information Science: Lilac Hall room FL5-011 Counseling: Aspen Hall room FL1-204 Dance: Physical Education room PE-203 ECE/FCS/NUTR: Dogwood Hall room FL4-135 English: Cypress Hall room FL2-239 (Reading, Writing, & Math Center) English as a Second Language: Cypress Hall room FL2-232 Geosciences: Cypress Hall room FL2-212 History: Lilac Hall room FL5-113 Humanities, Philosophy: Lilac Hall room FL5-112 Kinesiology, Health and Athletics: Physical Education room PE-112 Learning Skills: Aspen Hall room FL1-113 Library/Innovation Center: Aspen Hall room FL1-35 Library Technical Services: Aspen Hall room FL1-26 Life Sciences: Cypress Hall room FL2-119 Math: Aspen Hall room FL1-104 Music: Dogwood Hall room FL4-239 Nutrition: Dogwood Hall room FL4-128 Physical Sciences: Cypress Hall room FL2-208 Political Science: Dogwood Hall room FL4-136 Psychology: Dogwood Hall room FL4-121 Public Safety Education: Lilac Hall room FL5-211 Sign Language Studies: Cypress Hall room FL2-134 Sociology: Dogwood Hall FL4-227
Rooms: See below
Friday August 21, 2015 (continued) Spanish: Cypress Hall room FL2-246 Theater Arts: Harris Center room PAC-1172 (Scene Shop) Meets State Professional Development Guideline G: Departmental or division meetings (during Flex Days only), conferences, and workshops, and institutional research 11:00am – 12:50pm The Business of Faculty Room: Aspen Hall room FL1-20 (Community Room) Join our academic senate president and LRCFT representative for an update while eating lunch. Following the update you will be presented with a workshop, “The Power of Thought” hosted by Elvia Macias-Perez, Mary Hansen, Michelle Coykendall, and Tom Goff. This workshop is an essential guide to the strategic use of mind for individual and relational development. More than 50,000 “automatic” thoughts a day direct state of mind and behavior. The collective population remains unaware, with sub-proficiency in controlling the affect of thought. This blocks optimal realization in educational roles, relationships and campus climate. The workshop will bring awareness to thought and mind. It will offer effective tools of application for awareness and development of successful individual and collective campus relationships. Hosted by Carlos Lopez and KC Boylan. Meets State Professional Development Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement and Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity. 1:00pm – 2:30pm Convocation & Chancellor’s Report Room: Harris Center, Stage 2 Come and join the faculty and staff as we get inspired and receive the latest district and college information. Meets State Professional Development Guideline G: Departmental or division meetings (during Flex Days only), conferences, and workshops, and institutional research.
Flex Criteria These are the criteria for acceptable flex activities as outlined in the Ed Code. Guideline A: Course instruction and evaluation. Guideline B: Staff development, in-service training, and instructional improvement. Guideline C: Program and course curriculum or learning resource development and evaluation. Guideline D: Student personnel services. Guideline E: Learning resource services. Guideline F: Related activities, such as student advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, and student, faculty, and staff diversity. Guideline G: Departmental or division meetings (during Flex Days only), conferences, and workshops, and institutional research. Guideline H: Other duties as assigned by the district. The Flex activities planned for this week meet the following specific items from Folsom Lake College’s Strategic Plan: I: Program Development & Currency – The Programs II: Program Development & Currency – Course Offerings III: Student Success – All Students IV: Student Success – Basic Skills V: Leadership VII: Civic Engagement
For questions or comments about the schedule, contact David Lagala at
Folsom Lake College Vision & Mission Statements Our Vision
Folsom Lake College inspires excellence and provides educational opportunities to enrich and empower students.
Our Mission
Folsom Lake College, an open access institution, serves the diverse communities of eastern Sacramento and western El Dorado counties, cultivating in its students the ability to think critically, and to communicate purposefully and persuasively so that they may be engaged and informed global citizens. In order to engender such citizenship, Folsom Lake College provides: Programs: Rigorous academic programs for completion and transfer; training to enhance employment and career skills; preparatory programs for student success; and opportunities for lifelong learning and enrichment. Support Services: Comprehensive support services to promote the success of all students. Opportunities: Opportunities for leadership; professional development; and involvement in the college and community. Environment: A collaborative and innovative environment that promotes personal interaction as the foundation of learning; honors diversity; cultivates sustainability; and encourages civic engagement. Approved by the LRCCD Board of Trustees on June 11, 2014.
12 Athletic Complex
11 Campus Services Custodial Maintenance Printing/Mail Receiving
10 Harris Center for the Arts
9 College Administration Business Services Public Information Services Office
8 Gymnasium (under construction)
7 Physical Education
6 Falcon’s Roost Cafeteria Career & Tranfer Services Center College Police College Store Java City Coffee Cart Student Government Student Life
5 Lilac Hall/FL5
4 Dogwood Hall/FL4
3 Buckeye Hall/FL3 Large Lecture Hall (FL3-173)
2 Cypress Hall/FL2 Reading and Writing Center (FL2-239)
1 Aspen Hall/FL1 Admissions & Records Assessment Center (FL1-107) Community Room (FL1-20) Computer Lab Counseling DSPS EOP&S Financial Aid Innovation Center Library Tutoring Center (FL1-108) Veterans Resource Center
$ Daily parking permits sold here
Parking Lot D
5 2
V Visitor parking Handicapped parking Motorcycle parking
East Bidwell Street
College Parkway
Parking Lot C
Parking Lot B
$ Parking permits B Bus stop Bike racks
Daily parking permits sold here
Parking Lot A
Scholar Way
Daily parking permits sold here
Highway 50 Emergency telephones Designated smoking area
Cavitt Drive
Public Transit Note: Folsom Stage Line and El Dorado Transit both make regular stops at the Folsom campus. The bus stop is located near the Physical Education building, near the flagpoles.
Parking is available throughout the campus ($2 daily parking pass).
From the Roseville area, heading east on Douglas Blvd., turn right onto Folsom Auburn Rd. Continue south 4.4 miles and turn left on Greenback Lane. Follow Greenback Lane, which becomes Riley St., as you pass through Old Folsom and just past Sutter Middle School turn left on East Bidwell St. Continue southeast for 3.5 miles, passing Oak Avenue Parkway, and turn left at College Parkway at the signal.
From the Lake Tahoe area, take Highway 50 west toward Sacramento. Take the East Bidwell Street/Scott Road exit and turn right at the end of the exit ramp. Proceed north on East Bidwell for 1.6 miles. Turn right at College Parkway at the signal.
From the Sacramento area, take Highway 50 east toward Lake Tahoe. Take the East Bidwell Street/Scott Road exit and turn left at the end of the exit ramp. Proceed north on East Bidwell for 1.6 miles. Turn right at College Parkway at the signal.
6699 Campus Drive, Placerville, CA 95667 530-642-5644 Sherwood Demonstration Garden UCCE Master Gardeners of El Dorado County
Cameron Park Rotary Club Community Observatory
$ North Campus Road
Lot C
ary Libr
oad us R
p Cam
Building A
Lot B Building C S
Center Campus Road
Campus Services
S $ $ S V
Lot A Emergency telephone
Designated Smoking Area South Campus Road
Public Transit Note: El Dorado Transit buses make regular stops at the El Dorado Center
El Dorado Center Legend Building A Classrooms A-101 through A-214 Library Building B First Floor Admissions Assessment (B-125) Campus Police (B-132) College Store (B-126) DSPS Office (B-122) Financial Aid (B-120) Student Government (B-143) Student Lounge Student Services Offices Second Floor College Administration Faculty Offices
Building C Classrooms C-101 through C-217 Assessment Testing Room (C-217) Community Room (C-102) EDCFC Fitness Center Campus Services Custodial Facilities Management/Grounds Maintenance Receiving
Directions From the Sacramento area, take Highway 50 east towards Placerville. Take the El Dorado Road exit and turn left at the first stop sign off the highway. Continue on this road for 1.3 miles. Turn left at the first traffic signal (this is Missouri Flat Road). Continue on Missouri Flat Road (which becomes Green Valley Road) for 1.5 miles. Turn right on Campus Drive, which is just past the El Dorado County Office of Education and Elementary School. From the Lake Tahoe area, take Highway 50 west towards Sacramento. Take the El Dorado Road exit and turn right at the first stop sign off the highway. Continue on this road for 1.3 miles. Turn left at the first traffic signal (this is Missouri Flat Road). Continue on Missouri Flat Road (which becomes Green Valley Road) for 1.5 miles. Turn right on Campus Drive, which is just past the El Dorado County Office of Education and Elementary School. Parking is available throughout the campus ($2 daily parking pass). 01/23/15
Rancho Cordova Center 10378 Rockingham Drive 916-255-0717 Office
Student Lounge Office
RCC 11 RCC 13
RCC 15
RCC 12
RCC 14
DIRECTIONS From the Sacramento area, take Highway 50 east towards Folsom. Take the Mather Field Road exit. Turn right at the first traffic signal off the highway. Turn right at the first traffic signal (Rockingham Drive). Get in the left lane on Rockingham for 0.2 miles. Turn left into the shopping center on your left just before the first traffic signal. The Center entrance is in the last building on the left.
From the Lake Tahoe area, take Highway 50 west towards Sacramento. Take the Mather Field Road exit. Turn left at the first traffic signal off the highway. Go over the highway and get in the right lane. Turn right at the second traffic signal (Rockingham Drive). Continue on Rockingham for 0.2 miles. Turn into the shopping center on your left just before the first traffic signal. The Center entrance is in the last building on the left.
TRANSIT NOTE: Regional Transit serves the Rancho Cordova Center with bus routes 72 and 75; also, the Mather/Mills Light Rail Station is about 3/4 of a mile from the Center. Los Rios Community College District
Board of Trustees Dustin Johnson, President Deborah Ortiz,Vice President Kay Albiani Pamela Haynes Robert Jones John Knight Ruth Scribner Cameron Weaver, Student Trustee Dr. Brian King, Chancellor
Your bridge to success.