City-offered programs to assist businesses and individuals impacted by COVID-19 32%
Suspended or deferred rent and/or fees for municipally owned property Administering or partnering in a food distribution program March 2020 Survey
Annual Survey Offers Insights Show Florida’s diverse cities share a common goal by Wade Burkley Florida League of Cities
lorida is more than a home to millions; it is a unique tapestry of communities. To some people, Florida represents sandy white beaches. Others see the state as a bustling metropolis with the best amusement parks and entertainment districts in the world. Some prefer the unique landscapes covered in nature trails and awe-inspiring wildlife. Still others are drawn to the world-class universities and businesses producing cutting-edge research and innovation. No matter where you are in Florida, each city has its own unique welcoming atmosphere for the 21 million people who call the Sunshine State home. Every city plays a major role in making Florida the most diverse state in the country, and their communities are the driving force behind what makes Florida so remarkable. Each city has a different perspective on how to most effectively and efficiently
serve their communities, and Home Rule gives cities the ability to provide services, address issues and maintain an excellent standard of living for their citizens based on their individual needs. To best serve and advocate for every city in the state, the Florida League of Cities aims to know each municipality better than anyone else. The League’s Center for Municipal Research conducts the annual CityStats survey to collect data from municipalities to better its efforts in understanding Florida’s cities, protecting Home Rule and serving as the top resource for local governments. The results from the CityStats survey and supplementary MiniSurveys throughout the year are used to create the annual CityStats Report. The annual CityStats survey is the main process by which the FLC can provide up-to-date information for its members and staff to carry out their mission. Much of the data collected