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‘If I Were Elected Mayor’ Essay Contest Winners
Contest encourages civic engagement among middle school students
by Scott Dudley, Florida League of Cities
Three middle school students were recently recognized for their winning submissions in the “If I Were Elected Mayor” statewide essay contest. The contest is sponsored by the Florida League of Cities and Florida League of Mayors (FLM) to foster civic engagement and community pride among sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students. Civics education is taught in Florida public schools as a vital tool to encourage public participation.
Students participating in the contest were required to submit a single-page essay of no more than 250 words that began with the statement “If I were elected mayor ...” and described how they would make a difference in their city if they were elected mayor. The students were also asked to include information on how Home Rule helps make their municipality a great place to live.
More than 450 submissions were received. Each student who submitted an essay received a certificate of participation, and the winners received gift cards and a joint resolution from FLC and FLM.
The 2021 contest winners are:
‣ First place: Layla McLaren, eighth grade, Seaside Community Charter, Jacksonville
‣ Second place: Indira Yengera, seventh grade, Dunedin Highland Middle School, Dunedin
‣ Third place: Lia Avidan, seventh grade, Aventura City of Excellence School, Aventura.
The first place presentation for Layla took place at Seaside Charter School in Jacksonville. Since Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry was unable to attend the presentation, Atlantic Beach Mayor Ellen Glasser offered to facilitate and preside over the presentation, given the proximity to Atlantic Beach and the strong beach connection. The second place presentation for Indira took place at the City of Dunedin’s Commission meeting. The third-place presentation for Lia took place at the City of Aventura’s Commission meeting.
The League and the FLM plan to hold this contest again during the next school year. Look for more information to be available this September.
Scott Dudley is the Director of Field Advocacy and Federal Affairs at the Florida League of Cities, and he serves as Executive Director of the Florida League of Mayors.
Essay Contest Winners
Layla McLaren, eighth grade, Seaside Community Charter Jacksonville
If I were elected mayor, I would focus on projects that would be the most impactful on the community. Highlighting topics such as early childhood education, and parenting classes for at-risk mothers, has proven effective in reducing poverty. Subsequently, leading to less crime, improved community standards and quality of life.
I would start by offering quality childcare and education to citizens that show a desire to improve their education. The Abecedarian Early Intervention Project, a 40-plus-year study, showed that by providing high-quality intervention to low-income families, the chances that they would graduate from universities increased four times, they were five times less likely to use public assistance, and showed a reduction in criminal activity. I would also supply struggling students with private tutoring and provide schools with adequate funding.
Statistically, when people have opportunities, they are less likely to commit crimes. Most crimes are committed due to drugs, desperation caused by poverty, mental health issues, and lack of education. By providing private counseling to students struggling with these issues, it creates safe spaces within communities and increases social awareness.

First-place winner Layla McLaren and Scott Dudley
Photo courtesy of City of Atlantic Beach
Indira Yengera, seventh grade Dunedin Highland Middle School Dunedin
If I were Mayor, I would create a “Clearwater Community Voices” task force to help identify priorities for the city and implement effective programs that channel resources to address them. The “Voices” task force will be made up of members of Clearwater’s business, technology, education, health care, parks and recreation, culture and entertainment, environmental resources and law enforcement/security communities. I would meet with this task force once each quarter to discuss concerns and develop a list of priorities. In addition, we would meet regularly to review progress, and all residents will be given the opportunity to represent an interest area and present new ideas.
Home Rule is essential for the success of any city. The people who are given the responsibility to determine the most critical needs and find solutions must be invested in the community. If I were Mayor, I can only do my best if I live and work in the same place as the people who voted for me. These are the same people who are affected by my decisions as Mayor. They are also at the heart of any success!
By building “Clearwater Community Voices,” I would be able to realize the strengths of Home Rule by serving as a true partner to the people.

Second–place winner Indira Yengera.
Photo courtesy of Sheryl Yengera
Lia Avidan, seventh grade Aventura City of Excellence School Aventura
If I were elected mayor of Aventura, I will put forth my best effort to assist our city and its residents. During my term, I would ensure Aventura’s reputation of a safe and exceptional city is upheld. Aventura residents will be my top priority as I wish to maintain school safeness – leading to a top-notch education for all. Therefore, the implementation of additional police officers during school hours and the monitoring of campuses will occur immediately. As of now, Aventura is approximately 20 percent safer than other Floridian cities and I will ensure this comparison rate will rise ever more. Along with school safety, neighborhood safety is another top priority during my mayoral candidacy.
Currently, climate change is also a pressing issue which must be solved promptly. To do so, I will encourage the process of going green – funding energy-efficient products, promoting bike usage, and so much more. Furthermore, I will constantly update Aventura residents with reliable information via yearly announcements to the city council. By using Home Rule as a form of governance during my term, I would be an effective leader by implementing methods of citizens voicing their thoughts (such as in monthly city meetings I will start).

Third-place winner Lia Avidan and Scott Dudley.
Photo courtesy of Jennifer Avidan