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Meet Greg Ross
FLC Second Vice President, Mayor of Cooper City
At the Florida League of Cities (FLC) 2021 Annual Conference, Cooper City Mayor Greg Ross was elected by the membership to serve as the League’s Second Vice President. Ross expressed gratitude to his fellow city officials. “I truly do thank everyone here for the opportunity. It is such an honor,” he said. “It is a show of confidence in me. I will not let you down. I will not disappoint.”
Ross, who grew up in Brooklyn, NY, relocated to Florida in 1977 to attend law school in Fort Lauderdale. After earning his juris doctor, he became Broward County Assistant State Attorney from 1980 until he opened his Fort Lauderdale law practice in 1984.
His involvement with city government began in 2002 when he was appointed to the Cooper City Planning and Zoning Board. He served for seven years, including the last year as Chair. From 2006-2012, Ross served as Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Coordinator for the City and Vice-Chair of Broward County CERT Coordinators. Ross was appointed the City’s Special Magistrate in 2009 and elected to the City Commission as Mayor of Cooper City in 2012.
Since his election, Ross has dedicated his time, service and leadership in multiple roles. He is an active member of the Broward League of Cities and previously served as President and Secretary. Ross has served on the FLC Board of Directors since 2015 and is Chair of the Federal Action Strike Team Committee. He previously served as a Director on the Florida League of Mayors Board and Vice Chair of FLC’s Urban Administration Legislative Policy Committee. Ross works tirelessly to protect the Home Rule powers of Florida’s cities and has been honored with FLC’s Home Rule Hero Award every year since 2015.
When asked how it feels to be Second Vice President, Ross said, “Humbled and honored. I look forward to working not only with the Executive Board but with every one of the 411 cities.”

FLC Second Vice President Greg Ross