$24.95 USD
176pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South
8.5 in H| 5.5 in W
$29.95 USD
120pages• Hardcover
Travel / United States/ South
8.5 in H| 11in W
$27.95 USD TradePaperback
Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)
$29.95 USD
224pages• Hardcover Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
9 inH | 6 in W
HistoricPalmBeach: Walking,Bikingand DrivingTours
Thisbook introducesthreetoursthatrevealthehistory of Palm Beach through itsbuildings. Thetoursarein chronological order andhavehistorical photosfrom the Historical Society ofPalm BeachCounty. Thefirsttourisa drivethatshowsyouthehistory ofPalm Beachfrom the PioneerEratot...
$32.95 USD 256pages• Hardcover withdustjacket Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
KeyWest: ParadiseFound
Asthe ultimategetawaydestination in thecountry, Key Westoffersvisitorspicturesque lodging, spas, dining, shopping, andbeach and seaadventuresyear-round. Whilethelocalshaveplenty charmsand quirkstobe celebrated, Ellen T. White’sPicturesque KeyWestisforthe visitors. Thosewholon...
$24.95 USD 196pages•Trade Paperback History / Women 9 inH | 6 in W
Hemingway'sPassions: HisWomen,HisWars, andHisWriting
Hemingway scholarNancy Sindelar capturesErnest Hemingway'slifeand romantic adventures, revealing his own feelingsabout hisrelationshipsandthewayshis experienceswith thewomen heloved appearin hisliterary works. Much hasbeen written aboutHemingway, butto date nobook has linkedthe w...
These Floridataleswill explorekey femaletrailblazers; someFloridanativeswith flying exploitsintheir home statealong with femalepilotsfrom elsewherewhomade their exceptional mark inaviation history in theSunshine State. TheseselectFlorida stories ofground-breaking femaleaviatorsw...
SustainableSouthFloridaGardening: BeautifulYardswithNativePlants
Sustainablegardeningisbecoming moreimportanttoour planet, communities, and our health. Partofsustainability ismaintaining our natural habitatsand maintaininga key balance with nonnative species. In herdebutbook, seasoned gardening writer Kim Frisbieaimstoeducate SouthFloridagardene...
$21.95 USD 176pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Hiking 9 inH | 6 in W
HikingCentralFlorida: AGuidetotheArea's GreatestHikingAdventures
Hiking Central Floridadescribes40 hikesdesignedto highlight some ofthebestnatural areasthroughoutthe region.
TheodorePratt: AFloridaWriter'sLife
Thisbiography bringsauthor TheodorePratt’slife and careertoFloridaenthusiasts, educators, the youngwriters hetargeted, and literary scholarswhofocuson southern literature, Floridaliterature, and middlebrow twentiethcentury American film and literature. Writtenasanarrative in reader-...
$19.95 USD
322pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
SpookySouth: TalesofHauntings,Strange Happenings,andOtherLocalLore
A collection of43 folktaleshighlighting famous and not-sofamousSouthernghosts, mysterioushappenings, powers ofdarkness, andwondersoftheinvisibleworld.
SheSoars: TrailblazingFemalePilotsinFlorida9781683343561
OurSeaTurtles: APracticalGuidefortheAtlantic andGulf,fromCanadatoMexico
Our SeaTurtlesisthestory ofunderstanding, experiencing, and saving the seaturtleand helpingthem thrivein ouroceans. Now in its secondedition, Blairand DawnWitherington’siconicbook includes updatedfacts and figures, new photos, and new callstoaction for saving theturtles. Well-orga...
Thequintessential source ofinformation aboutthe University of Central Florida, one ofthenation'slargestand fastest-growing universities, withmorethan 650 questions (and answers!), perfectfor currentand prospective students, alumni, andlocals.
$14.95 USD 106pages•Trade Paperback
$26.95 USD
280pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Animal Sports/ Horse Racing
$26.95 USD
224pages• Hardcover withdustjacket Biography & Autobiography / Artists, Architects, Photographers
TheKingmaker: HowNorthernDancerFounded aRacingDynasty
Respected pedigreeauthority AvalynHunter exploreshow Northern Dancerand hissonshaveestablisheda royal dynasty thathasprofoundly dominated theinternational bloodstock market.
$24.95 USD 248pages•Trade Paperback
/ United States/ State &Local
TheCondominiumConcept: APracticalGuide forOfficers,Owners,Realtors,Attorneys,and DirectorsofFloridaCondominiums
A practical and popular guidetooperating asuccessful condominium association in Florida. Workingtool with formsandreferencestothe latestFloridaStatutes. For officers, owners, realtors, attorneysanddirectors. Nowin its17th edition, TheCondominium Conceptbrings updated lawsand newson...
BestEasy Day Hikes Jacksonvilleincludesconcise descriptions ofthebestshort hikesin thearea, with detailedmaps oftheroutes.The20 hikesinthisguideare generally short, easy tofollow, andguaranteed toplease.
ThreeRinglingCircus: AHistoryofSarasota, Florida,andtheFamousRinglingBrothers
ThreeRinglingCircus will focusonthe history ofthisfamily and willbring tolife(and light)theirpast andpresent impact on Sarasota’suniqueartistic, historical and cultural scene, ararity inFlorida,wheremuch oftheeconomy is drivenby tourism and theretirementindustry.
AddisonMizner: APalmBeachMemoir
Iconic architectAddison Mizner’s unfiltered first-person accountofPalm Beach’sformativeyearsfrom 1918 until 1924, entitledAddison Mizner: A Palm Beach Memoir, isan upcomingpublication by theHistorical Society ofPalm Beach County. Focused ontheperiodwhen Mizner and sewing-machine heirP...
$25.95 USD 312pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Mindfulness& Meditation
8.5 in H| 5.5 in W | 0.8
OurEternalExistence: AMetaphysical PerspectiveofReality
Channeledentities, like Seth and Michael, maintainthat yourinnerconsciousnessutilizes expectationstocreate yourlife.
$29.95 USD
152pages•Trade Paperback Photography / Subjects & Themes/ Plants& Animals
$24.95 USD
128pages•Trade Paperback
| 0.4
$29.95 USD
304pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American
10in H|
$29.95 USD
256pages• Hardcover withdustjacket Sports& Recreation / Fishing 9
FloridaBirds: ABirdwatcherDiscoversthe SunshineState
Wading birds, raptors,waterfowl,pelicans, gulls& terns, shorebirds, and songbirds.Thesearethetypes ofbirds Floridabirdwatcherscan seeand learn aboutin Ken Janes’ stunning photobook FloridaBirds: A Birdwatcher Discovers the Sunshine State. With all original photography by Janes and infor...
$21.95 USD 500pages•Trade Paperback Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
MythbustingHemingway: Debunking HemingwayMythsandCelebratingthe ExtraordinaryStoriesofHisLife
DidErnestHemingway kill 122 Nazisduring WorldWarII? Did hereally fightchampion GeneTunney? Did he have very particularthoughtsabouthair? Mythbusting Hemingway answerstheselongstandingquestionsand more. It’sfitting treatment foran authorwhowon both thePulitzerand Nobelprizes, su...
Makebeautiful feltflowerarrangementsthatmatch any space, mood, or season! Thisbeginner-friendly book has lessonsforcreating felt flowersandplantsthat suit summer, fall, winter, and spring. MakeFeltFlowers: FourSeasonsofCrafting ModernPlants&Flowers
$21.95 USD 256pages•Trade Paperback Travel / Europe/ Italy 7.5 in H| 4.1 in W
SecretNaples: Aguidetotheunusualand unfamiliar
An indispensableguideforthosewhothink they are familiar with Naples or whowanttodiscover another side ofthecity.
FloridaKeysCookbook: Recipes&Foodwaysof Paradise
Now initsthird edition, VictoriaShearer’s successful cookbook isbeing takentothe nextlevel with over60 new recipesand even morearchivalphotos. A perfectguidefor homecooksofall levelsofcooking, FloridaKeysCookbook invitesreaderstoexperiencethe culinary excellenceand cultural ...
$24.95 USD
432pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
WhentheSouthernLightsWentDark: The LighthouseEstablishmentduringtheCivilWar
TheConfederacy extinguished the lightsinall the lighthouses itcontrolled long before any shotswerefired at FortSumter. WhentheSouthern Lights WentDark:The LighthouseEstablishmentDuringtheCivil Wartellsthe story ofthemen whoassumedthedaunting task of finding thelensesandlamps...
ThePower of PositiveFishing isan emotional journey interspersed withhumoron how twoindividualsfinally found their full potential, and caughtsomefishalong the way. ThePowerofPositiveFishing: AStoryof FriendshipandtheQuestforHappiness
$24.95 USD 168pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/ Lakes,Ponds& Swamps
TheSpringsofFlorida: ANaturalHistoryand UnderwaterFieldGuideforDivers,Snorkelers, Paddlers,andVisitors
Now initsfourth edition,TheSprings of Floridabrings updated research and discussiontoreadersinterested not only intheecosystem and environment,butalsoin preservingthespringsand the creaturesthatresidethere. Doug Stamm, prominentvoiceintheFloridasprings community andprofessio...
$24.95 USD
288pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Plants
8.8 in H| 6 in W| 0.6 in T| 1.2 lb Wt
$17.95 USD 204pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American 8.3 in
$35.00 USD
ForagingFlorida: Finding,Identifying,and PreparingEdibleandMedicinalWildFoodsin Florida
Paleo-Indianslivedmore than 14,000 yearsagointhe landwe now call Florida, and later cametribes of indigenouspeopleknown asthe Ais, Calusa, Mayaimi, Tequesta, Timucua, and others. Still later came the Seminole and Miccosukee.Thesepeoplewerehunterfisher-gathererswholived off thebount...
FloridaRecipes: CenturiesofGood EatingintheSunshineState
Thislittlecookbook is afavoriteof many Floridians. For morethan tenyears, LowisCarltontraveled Florida, collecting andtesting recipesfoundtobepopular with differentculturesinall the regionsof thestate. Iconic recipesincludeGreek lamb kabobsfrom Tarpon Springs, fried Catfish from...
$34.95 USD 440pages• Hardcover History / United States/ Colonial Period (1600-1775)
9.1 in H| 6.3 in W | 1.2
$40.00 USD 256pages• Hardcover Architecture/ Landscape 10in H| 8.9in W| 0.9 in T| 2.6
LaFlorida: Catholics,Conquistadores,andOther AmericanOriginStories
LaFloridaexploresaSpanishthread toearly American historythatis unfamiliar oreven unknown to most Americans. Asthisbook uncovers, itwasSpanish influence, and notEnglish, whichdrove America’s early history. By focusing onAmerica’sSpanish heritage, this collection of storiescomplicate...
Nature,Design,andHealth: Explorationsofa LandscapeArchitect
Nature, Design, andHealth isinternationally renowned landscapearchitectDavid Kamp'spersonal narrative of his innovativeand influential design philosophy and practice.Throughout hiscareer, David Kamp hassoughtto putpeopleof all agesintouchwith nature, regardlessof their capabilities—fr...
CoastalKitchen: NourishingSeafoodRecipesfor EverydayCooking
WelcometoCoastal Kitchen. If youarealover of seafood, the ocean, and all things coastal living, you’vecometothe rightplace. Coastal Kitchen unlocksthemystery ofthe sea–– takingthe guesswork outofseafood. Jenny Shea Rawn makesit easierforyoutoselect,prepareand cook seafood soth...
TransformingFloridaYards: ARegionalFood ForestGuide
TransformingFloridaYards offersreadersaway toeasily grow edibleplantsby creatinga natural ecosystem. All one needstosuccessfully begin theirfood forestisalawn and thisbook! Knowing whichplantsgrow in eachpartof the state(north, central, and south) simplifiesstepsto createa fl...
$34.95 USD 432pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
TheBigBookofCivilWarSites: FromFort SumtertoAppomattox,aVisitor'sGuidetothe History,Personalities,andPlacesofAmerica's Battlefields
The Big Book of Civil War Sites istheconsummatetravel referenceforAmerica'sCivil War battlefields. Whether exploringthe SouthernstatesortheEasterntheater, history-focused travelersandCivil Warbuffsfinally have ready accesstoin-depth and thoroughlistingsof all major sites, includi...
CozyCoastalKnits: 21Shawls,Sweaters, PonchosandMore
21 easy tointermediatepatterns for relaxing knittingand everyday wear: shawls, cowls, hats, sweaters, mitts, and more. These versatilepieces easilydress up ordownand pairwell with itemsalready in yourwardrobe. Easy, breezy, knits!
$11.95 USD
24pages•Board Book
JuvenileNonfiction/ Concepts/ Size& Shape
Ages 2to7, GradesPto 2
$12.95 USD
24pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/ Dogs
Ages 5to7, GradesKto
Winter, spring, summer, and fall… discoverthespheres that surround usall! Introducetheearly math concept of three-dimensional shapesthrough abilingual (English/Spanish) tour ofthefourseasons. Invierno, primavera, veranoy otoño... ¡descubrelasesferasquenos rodean atodos! Introduce el ...
$21.95 USD 152pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Environmental Conservation& Protection
Everglades: ExploringaWetlandLikeNoOther
In Everglades: Exploring aWetland LikeNoOther, author AnneE. Akediscussescrucial facts, figures, anddetails aboutthegladeswhile alsoenlightening readers on key informationregarding conservation and restoration. This book coversimportanttopicssuchas
Theprevalentwater level issuesthe...
Join littleSkipper, acuriouspuppy in an orangelife preserver, asshemeetsagalaxy of seadogsfrom past and present. Inspiredby the exhibitSeaDogs! GreatTails oftheSeaatMysticSeaport, WhatIsaSeaDog? combinespoetry, history, and fun in acelebration ofthe many dogswholovethew...
Hardcover House &Home/ Decorating & Furnishings
KeyWestCottagesandGardens: Inspiration fromAmerica'sSpecialTropicalIsland
Key Westishome toayear-roundpopulation of about 35,000 with over onemillion travelersvisiting throughout the year. Leslie’s intimateinterviewswith residentsallow readersapeek intowhatKey West cottageliving isreally like, even some of thepotential challenges.Theinterviews and photo...
ForagingWildEdiblePlantsofNorth America: Morethan150DeliciousRecipesUsing Nature'sEdibles
A full-colorfield and feastguide with imagestothemost common ediblewild plants, completewith recipesand folklore
Recapturethegolden era of American golfwiththese wonderful, historictalesaboutthegreatestgameever invented!
SecretsoftheManatee: AnInsider'sGuideto Florida’sMostIconicMarineMammal
Secretsof theManateeoffersafascinating look atFlorida’s mostmysteriousmarine creature. Floatingjustbelowthe surface of thewater, manateeshave remainedlargely unknownand misunderstood by humans. Now, their very survival depends on adelicatebalancebetween human interference and conse...
DiscoveringFlorida'sCoast: FromtheEmerald NorthwesttoMiami'sBiscayneJewelandBeyond
Doug Alderson, popularFloridawriterand successful Pineapple Pressauthor,delvesintowhatmakeseach section ofthestate’s coastdifferentin Discovering Florida’s Coast. From theemeraldwatersof Pensacolatothe man-madeislands andamazing skylineofMiami’s BiscayneBay, readers interested...
SouthFlorida'sFishingParadise: Early AdventuresfromLakeWorthtoFloridaBaytoBoca GrandeandBack
Jim Stenson chronicleshisfishingadventuresfrom Sanibel tothetarpon capital ofthe world—BocaGrande—to rivers likethe Manatee andtheMyakka. Inaddition tobeing an immensely entertaining read with acolorful castof characters,thebook hasastrong environmental message.
$24.95 USD 336pages•Trade Paperback
& Autobiography / Artists, Architects, Photographers
$29.95 USD 188pages• Hardcover Cooking / Beverages/ Alcoholic
9.1 in
| 7.1
$12.95 USD 120pages•Trade Paperback
Addison Mizner’s Mediterranean-style mansionsare much-admiredFloridaicons, whereeven today you can find many homesmodeled with stuccowalls andtiled roofs. In thepaperback release of BocaRococo, Caroline Seebohm’ssuccessful biography onthe flamboyant architectismoreaccessible now thane...
$19.95 USD 256pages•Trade Paperback
TheFlower-InfusedCocktail: Flowers,witha Twist
Infusing thetaste of over60differentedible flowers, weaving folklorewith flavor!
The Flower-Infused Cocktail: Flowers, with aTwististhe flower-lover'sfavoritebook,with afreshtakeontraditional mixology, infusingthetasteofover 60 differentedible flowerswith history and folklore.
$11.95 USD 24pages•Board Book JuvenileNonfiction/ Concepts/ Seasons Ages 2to4, GradesPto 2
Species: TacticsforBassandOtherWarmwater Species
Tim Jacobscoverstechniques, rigs, and fly patterns for largemouth and smallmouth bass, panfish, pike, and other speciescommon in lakesaroundthecountry.
SimplyBeMore: TimePreservedWisdom throughFreshEyes
Timepreservedwisdom encapsulatedinbeautiful, inspiring images helping youtosimply bemore.
$65.00 USD 224pages• Hardcover Architecture/ Buildings/ Residential 11in H| 9 in W | 1.1inT | 3 lb Wt
TheWatersBetweenUs: ABoy,aFather, OutdoorMisadventures,andtheHealingPowerof Nature
A charming anddelightful reminiscence ofgrowing up loving thewoods andwatersand fieldsand faunaof Massachusettsby Michael Tougias,NewYork Times bestselling authorofThe FinestHours, Overboard!, and Fatal Forecast.
Thisbilingual book introduceschildrentothemany ways the Sunaffects our world—from small thingstotheway our entire solar system functions. In thisbook,theSun truly shines!
Estelibrobilingüeles enseñaalos niñoslasmuchas formas en lasque el Sol afectaanuestromundo– desdelascos...
HomesforCollectors: InteriorsofArtand DesignLovers
•Twenty artanddesign collectorswelcome you totheir homes
• An inexhaustiblesourceof inspirationforall thosewho loveartand design
• Stunningcollections, withbeautiful furniture andart
•Thesecondbook in theHomesforseries
Collectorsdesigntheir homeswith theirprized objectsin mind....
$19.95 USD
128pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South 8.7 in H| 7.1 in W | 0.3
$29.95 USD 424pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Seashells
9.3 in H| 6.2 in W | 0.9 inT| 1.8
$29.95 USD
176pages• Hardcover Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American 10.1
$22.95 USD 112pages•Trade Paperback
LighthousesoftheSouthernStates: From ChesapeakeBaytoCapeFlorida
Lighthousesof theSouthern Statesistheclassicguideto the mostsignificantlighthousesinthe Carolinas,Georgia, and Florida. Through stirringhistoricaccounts and stunning colorand archival photographs, the storiesof morethan thirty-fivelighthousescomealivein vividdetail. Each light–...
$29.95 USD
272pages• Hardcover History / Expeditions& Discoveries
9.1 in H| 6.3 in W | 0.8 inT| 1.4 lb Wt
HuntforGold: SunkenGalleonsInTheNew World
Huntfor Gold: Sunken GalleonsintheNew World isthe engagingtaleofthe legendary oceanic explorersBob “Frogfoot” Weller and hiswifeMargaret. TheWellerslives are atale of secrettreasurehunts, adventurousdives, and under-waterexplorations, all whilelayingthefoundation forFlorida’st...
LivingBeachesoftheGulfCoast: A BeachcombersGuideincludingTexas,Louisiana, Mississippi,AlabamaandFlorida'sPanhandle
Includesbeachanatomy, phenomena,beachanimals, plants, minerals. Alsoincludesman-madestructures(i.e. lighthouses and otherhistorical structures), andbeachart. Suggestedbeach scavenger huntsand hintsfor success. Thereis asection on conservation. Finally, there isa section on resources...
$29.95 USD
208pages• Hardcover Photography / Subjects & Themes/ Landscapes
8.1 in H
FloridaKeys&KeyWestChef'sTable: ExtraordinaryRecipesfromtheConchRepublic
Surrounded by water,theFloridaKeysyieldsabounty that easily couldqualify astheeighth wonderofthe world. The Keyscan confidently boastthatnowhereelsein the continental US will you find fresher, moreinnovatively prepared fish and seafood. Special natural resources, from stone crabsan...
$21.95 USD
190pages•Trade Paperback Travel / Special Interest/ Bicycling
Florida'sCarnivorousPlants: Understanding, Identifying,andCultivatingtheState'sNative Species
LearnaboutFlorida'sendemiccarnivorousplantsin this excitingbook written for thebuddingnaturalistand hobbyist. Floridahasdozensof nativespecies of carnivorousplants––morethanany otherstateinthe United States—including sundews,butterworts, bladderworts, and pitcher plants. Thesep...
$24.95 USD
Sunrise: APhotographicJourneyofComfort, Healing,andInspiration
Itisthe unvarnishedtruththat all ofMark Potter’sbright and colorful sunrisephotographsbegan from tragedy and grief, andweretaken in memory of hiswife whodied from cancer. Butasmiraclessometimeshaveit, the images turnedouttobethe exactopposite of theway they began.They areupb...
Florida’sCoast-to-CoastTrailGuide: 250-Miles ofC2CBicycleRidesandWalks-TitusvilletoSt. Petersburg
Florida'sCoast-to-CoastTrail Guideis aguidebook designed specifically forthe 250-milededicated bicycle/pedestriantrail thatprovidesan uninterrupted cross-Floridatrail from TitusvilletoSt. Petersburg. This book providesreaderswithabroadbackground of the communitiesthroughwhich they...
NostalgicFlorida: IconicVintageArtofthe SunshineState
Using iconicimagesand many notsowell-known illustrations, Nostalgic Floridaisapictorial history ofall that hascometo representFloridain printmedia. Chapters laden with vintageimagesexplorethemyths and reality of Floridaasatropical Eden. Sections on romantic Florida, Florida’sbath...
$22.95 USD
210pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Historical
9.1 in H| 6 in W| 0.5 in T| 0.8 lb Wt
$18.95 USD
208pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
ForgottenFlorida: AnEngagingStoryofthe BuildingofTallahassee,theEstablishmentofKey West,andtheSettlementofSanibelIsland
Forgotten Floridatellsthestory oftheFloridapeninsula from theAdams-OnisTreaty in 1819 tothebeginningof the Second SeminoleWar in 1835.Thestory istold from theperspectiveof well-documented menwhotook partin thedevelopmentofthe Gulf coastal areasfrom Pensacola to Key Westand i...
$24.95 USD 282pages•Trade Paperback Nature
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.9 inT| 0.9 lb Wt
DeathintheEverglades: Accidents, Foolhardiness,andMayheminSouthFlorida
Hidden inthetall grassesand shallow watersofthe Florida Everglades aretruetalesof mysteriousdeaths, clandestine crime, and disasters, both natural and manmade. Desperados fled here after escapingfrom prison, rum runnersgunned down their enemies, and killers slipped their prey intocanals ...
HauntedLighthouses: PhantomKeepers, GhostlyShipwrecks,andSinisterCallsfromthe Deep
Lighthousesandghostsaretwopopularpassions. Melded togetherby master storytellerand lighthouseexpertRay Jones, thesetalesofspirited lightsareguaranteedtograb the attention ofall readers. Asanadded bonus, practical informationisgivenforthose whowish tovisitthe featured light...
GhostsoftheGreenSwamp: ACracker Western
Tate Barkley isback setting outtothe vast and ominous swampland westofOrlando. Tate meetsupwiththeodd and ornery littlebald “perfessor" named Monk, whosells elixirsfrom his odd contraption of awagon. Tateand Monk—and an odd assortmentof other characters—follow atrail thatdrawsthem
GreatAmericanFishingStories: LyonsPress Classics
Unforgettable andtimelesstalesforanglersby someof America’sbestwriters.
$18.95 USD
Ninety-MilePrairie: ACrackerWestern
PeekTillman hasgrown up inthe Floridabackcountry and knowsthatashedoeshisjob of herding cattleto marketacrossthebigprairietotheeastoftheGulf's CharlotteHarbor, hehastobeonthelookoutforwild beastsandpoisonousreptiles—aswell aspredators ofthe human variety. Butth...
TrailfromSt.Augustine: ACrackerWestern
Inthespring of1771, John MacKenzie arrivesin British-ruled St. Augustine after ayear of furtrapping.He isquickly drawn intoan adventure thatinvolvesdefending ayoungwoman indenturedtothepowerful and treacherousJamesTyrone. MacKenzie andBecky Campbell setoutacrosstheuntamed Flor...
RidersoftheSuwannee: ACrackerWestern
Tate Barkley returnsto1870s Floridaafterten yearson the Western frontier. He'sthe kind of mantroublejust naturally seemstofind, and totell thetruth, he'sgotten sortof used toitby now. ButBigBill Catonand histhree dozen renegadesare moretroublethan Tatefigured on. Before hisr...
WildlifeofFlorida'sSprings: AnIllustratedField GuidetoOver150Species
Floridaishometonofewerthan 700 freshwater springs, morethan any placeinthe world! From thefamed manateetotheobscure freshwater jellyfish, the springs provide sustenancetoanabundanceofwild, marineand insectlife. Thisbeautiful guidefeaturesover150 species, over 130 original ill...
$15.95 USD 32pages•Hardcover
JuvenileFiction/ Historical Ages 9to11, Grades4 to
WildflowersoftheFloridaKeys: AFieldGuide totheWildflowers,Trees,Shrubs,andWoody VinesoftheRegion
Fully revised and updated, Wildflowersof theFloridaKeys istheultimatefieldguidetowildflowers, trees, and shrubs oftheecoregion thatextendsfrom SoldierKey toKey West. Whether you arelooking for theendemic BigPine PartridgePea, theelusive KeysPassionflower, orthe fragrantPrincew...
CastingOnward: FishingAdventuresinSearchof America'sNativeGamefish
In writing Casting Onward, author SteveRamireztraveled thousandsof milesby plane, motorvehicle,boat, and foot. The focusistheauthor’sextension ofCasting Forward by fishing for native fish withintheiroriginal habitats, and telling the story in partthroughtheeyes ofthepeoplewho have...
$8.95 USD
40pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Activity Books/ Coloring Ages 8to11, Grades3 to
PalmBeach: TheEssentialGuidetoAmerica’s LegendaryResortTown
WelcometoPalm Beach, America’sfirst resortdestination, whereleisureis alwaysin style. Completely revisedand updated, thissecond edition of Rick Rose’sbestselling guide offersin-the-know advicetomakethe mostofavisit toPalm Beach—America’s firstresortdestination! •Peek inside histo...
On arocky island outpost offthecoastof Maine, a young girl once keptthelighthouselampsburning fordayswhile her father washeld on themainlandby a violent storm. Thisheroicincidentformsthebasis of ArielleNorthOlson’s dramatic story aboutyoung Mirandaand herfamily.They haverece...
AtlanticCoastFishesYouCanColor!: Coloring BookandGuide
Over25,000 fish speciesliveintheworld. The Atlantic coastlineishometoafew hundred of these.The seventeen species illustrated and described in thisbook are commonly found betweenthe“Capes”:CapeCodin Massachusetts andCapeHatterasinNorth Carolina, but the rangesforsomeare much g...
LandscapesofExclusion: StateParksandJim CrowintheAmericanSouth
Duringthe1930s, thestatepark movementandthe National Park Service expandedpublicaccesstoscenic American places, especially duringtheeraoftheNew Deal. However, under severe Jim Crow restrictionsin the South, African Americanswere routinely and officially denied entrancetothesesupp...
A practical and popular guidetooperating asuccessful homeownersassociation in Florida.
Writtenby alocal andtrueinsider, Insiders'Guideto FloridaKeys& Key Westistheessential source for in-depthtravel and relocationinformation. Eachguide is packed with useful tips on placestostay, restaurants, events, attractions, fun thingstodowith the kids, nightlife, recreation, sh...
CathedralsofWar: Florida'sCoastalForts
CathedralsofWar tellsthe story ofFlorida’scoastal fortificationsfrom AmeliaIsland onthe Florida/Georgia border, toKey West,theDry Tortugas, an atoll midway between Key Westand Havana,Cubaand Pensacolaon Florida’swestcoast. Coveringthecolonial eratotheCivil Wartothe late 1880s,...
$29.95 USD 446pages•Trade Paperback Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
AdaptingLandUseandWaterManagement PlanstoaChangingClimateinMiami-Dade andBrowardCounties,Florida
Thisreportaddressesthe vulnerability toflooding, saltwaterintrusion, and related issuesinSoutheastFlorida and describesamodel anddecision supporttool tohelp regional planners anddecisionmakersbetter focusonthe mostvulnerableareas.
$19.95 USD 304pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South
TheEverglades: StoriesofGritandSpiritfrom theMangroveWilderness
EvergladesNationalPark’s mangrove ecosystem, extending over 230,000 acresof south Florida, isthemost expansiveinthewestern hemisphereand thelargest continuoussystem of mangrovesinthe world. Most ofthis mangroveareaisremote, accessible onlyby boat, complex anddifficultto navigate....
Some ofthegreatestwritersin the history ofthe art-Hart Crane,ErnestHemingway, Jerzy Kosinski, SylviaPlath, AnneSexton, and Virginia Woolf-all choseto silence themselvesby suicide, leavingtheir familiesand friends with heartbreak andtheworld of literaturewithgaping holes. Their reaso...
ToLiveandPlayinDixie: ProFootball'sEntry intotheJimCrowSouth
Inpost–World War II America, when professional football owners scheduledexhibitiongamesin theSouthandlater placed franchises,they simply overlooked Jim Crow conditions endured by African Americanplayers. To Live and Play in Dixieisan oral history from theplayers themselvesonhowthey ba...
VisitingSmall-TownFlorida: AGuideto79of Florida'sMostInterestingSmallTowns
Thisnew edition of BruceHunt'spopular guiderevealsthe real, old-timeFloridastill tobefound ontheback roads of the Sunshine statein littletownsthatlure you inwiththeir quaintnessand keep you therefor aspell with their friendly occupants. Thetowns featured all have a population of...
Before 1947, when Marjory Stoneman Douglasnamed TheEvergladesa"river of grass," mostpeopleconsidered the areaworthless. Shebroughttheworld's attention to the needtopreserveTheEverglades. IntheAfterword, Michael Grunwaldtellsuswhathashappenedtothem sincethen. Grunwald pointso...
TheArtofFlorida: AGuidetotheSunshine State'sMuseums,Galleries,ArtsDistrictsand Colonies
A visual guidetoapproximately 20 Floridaartcoloniesand districts. Thebook will discussesin detail avariety of towns inFloridarenownedas“ArtColonies,” togetherwith several “ArtsDistricts” inboth small townsand largercitiesthat havebeen designated by thelocal governmentand/orby
TomBrady: ACelebrationofGreatnessonthe Gridiron
Author David Fischer celebratesTom Brady's unparalleled football career with passionateand vivid prose, supreme photographicimages, call-outquotes, and boxed features. In addition,dozensofpersonal anecdotesandrecollections aboutBrady from prominentmembersoftheNFL community enhancethe...
$29.95 USD
288pages• Hardcover withdustjacket History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
$18.95 USD 224pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Historical 9.1 in
| 0.7
MarchingforUnion: ACivilWarSoldier'sWalk acrosstheReconstructionSouth
Marching for Union, thestory of Unionveteran Gilbert Bates, recountsthehopeand courageof aformersoldier whobelieved strongly inthe bondsofUnionand Lincoln’s “mysticchordsofmemory” ashe carriedthe flag ofthe United Statesacrossthe ruinsofthepost–Civil WarSouth.
TheRiverIsHome: ANovel
Poorinmaterial possessions, Skeeter'skinfolk arerich in their appreciation oftheirbeautiful natural surroundings. The river onwhich they live—with its food supply, steamboats, andfloods—figures strongly intheirlives as the source of life, change, and death.Thoughtheirlife isa simpleon...
The riversin Floridaaresteepedina rich natural and cultural history. They areavenuesthroughtime, allowing ustowrap ourselvesinarich historical tapestry, andthey are showcasesforwildlifeand natural beauty. On some rivers, idyllicscenes arerevealedbendafterbend for miles and somet...
Florida'sRivers: ACelebrationofOver40ofthe SunshineState'sDynamicWaterways 9781493052226
TravelingFlorida’sSeminoleTrail: AComplete GuidetoSeminoleIndianHistoricandCultural Sites
Whether you startyourjourney down theSeminoleTrail asan armchair adventureror seek to visitthe sitesin person,thisunique guidewill give greaterunderstanding totheprominent role of SeminoleIndiansin theplace we call Florida. Visitthe oldNegroFortsiteinthePanhandle, the Alachua...
$17.95 USD 256pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
$29.95 USD 384pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Birdwatching Guides
9.1 in H| 6 in W| 0.8 in
SpookyFlorida: TalesofHauntings,Strange Happenings,andOtherLocalLore
Tales of hauntings, strangehappeningsand otherlocal lore throughouttheSunshine state!
BirdingFlorida: AFieldGuidetotheBirdsof Florida
Birdwatchingisforeveryone. No otheroutdoorpursuit yieldssomuch knowledge of nature’swayswith solittle effort—ifoneknowswhattolook for. Birding Floridaopens the world of birding tothenoviceand expertinthis completeguidetogettingthe most outof birding in Florida. Birding Flor...
$24.95 USD
232pages•Trade Paperback
Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN,
$18.95 USD
208pages•Trade Paperback
$21.95 USD 160pages• Hardcover
$16.95 USD 112pages•Trade
Florida'sBestFruitingPlants: NativeandExotic Trees,Shrubs,andVines
A comprehensiveguidetofruit-bearing plantsthatthrivein the Florida environment. Discussesexotics andnative species, familiarplantsand dozensof rareand obscure plantsandtrees.
$18.95 USD
192pages•Trade Paperback
/ Historical
AngelCity: ANovel
After leavingtheir failed farm in WestVirginia, Jared Teeter and hisfamily maketheirway toFlorida, with dreams of fishing, going tothebeach, and runningtheirown roadsideproducestand. Whatthey find instead is a nightmarein amigrantlabor camp, wheretheybecome the indenturedservants...
Allapattah: ANovel
The story of Toby Tiger, a young Seminolein the Evergladeswhois indespairat having toliveinthewhite man’sworld. “Allapattah” meansalligator orcrocodile, a creature whichbecomesToby Tiger’sobsession, andhe mustwrestleitto sethimselffree.
$26.95 USD 232pages•Trade Paperback
Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN,
Florida'sBestHerbsandSpices: Nativeand ExoticPlantsGrownforScentandFlavor
From unusual tropical spicestotemperate herbsto native species, thisguidecoversplantsthatwill succeed inevery region of the state with afocusonplantswith culinary uses.
HemingwayandMe: Letters,Anecdotes,and MemoriesofaLife-ChangingFriendship
When ErnestHemingway died on July 2, 1961, Mary Hemingway askedtheHemingway’sgood friend, journalistLeonard Lyons,toannouncethedeath of the Nobel Prize-winner tostunned readersand admirer everywhere. BothHemingwaysadmired Lyonsfor his fidelitytothetruth, that“he would getthe story...
$16.95 USD 136pages•Trade Paperback
Fiction / Historical Ages 0to17, Grades6 to 8
Inspiredby the author’sown experiences and stories passeddown, WillieSawgrasstakesplaceinthe wilderness of SouthwestFloridain theearly 1900s, when the cattleand fishingindustrieswerestrongbutrum running wasmore lucrative. Willieisn’tsure how old heis when hisignorantand abusiv...
A timelesscollectionofpirate stories from Floridaoriginally written in thelate1950s,thisbook includesstoriesof well-known and lesserknown piratesandbuccaneersand thetreasurethey leftbehind.
$9.95 USD 106pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Fungi & Mushrooms 9 inH | 6 in W |
A guide tofinding, using, and eating Florida's native edible plants.
StormOverKeyWest: TheCivilWarandthe CallofFreedom
A few weeksaftertheEmancipation Proclamationtook effect, James Montgomery sailedintoKey WestHarbor looking forblack men todraftintothe Union army. Eager to obligehim, themilitary commanderintown ordered every black manfrom fifteen tofifty toreporttothe courthouse, “theretounder...
Tiredofthesame old touristtraps?
Whether you’reavisitor oralocal lookingforsomething different, FloridaOff theBeaten Path showsyouthe SunshineStatewith new perspectiveson timeless destinationsand introduces you tothose you neverknew existed––from the bestinlocal dining toquirky...
$24.95 USD
128pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends& Mythology
$16.95 USD 200pages•Trade Paperback History / United
Lateat nightaroundthecampfires, Seminole children safely tucked intomosquito nets used tolisten tothe elders retelling theold stories andlegends. Thepriceless talesof mischievousRabbit,theCorn Lady, the Deer Girl, and the creatures oftheEvergladesareall written down and collected h...
$29.95 USD 184pages• Hardcover
$22.95 USD
200pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South 9.1 in H|
SecretsoftheSprings: WarmMineralSprings andLittleSaltSpring
Thistale of twodeep springsin Floridathatbegan as sinkholesabout13,000 yearsagoand thestory ofthe preciouswaterthey contained, revealsthe recentand prehistoricstory ofwhatisnowtheSunshineStateand the importanceof its natural resourcestoitspeople.
From the wreck of the USS Alligatortothemystery of the marooned dolphins, ItHappened in theFloridaKeyslooks atintriguingpeopleand episodesfrom the history of this island chain. ItHappenedintheFloridaKeys: Storiesof EventsandPeoplethatShapedHistory
$19.95 USD 256pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Football 8.9 in H| 5.7 in W | 0.7
AnIllustratedHistoryofPalmBeach: How PalmBeachEvolvedover150yearsfrom WildernesstoWonderland
An IllustratedHistory ofPalm Beachisanostalgicjourney throughthe history ofthetown ofPalm Beach astold throughthephotographic collection of theHistorical Society ofPalm BeachCounty. From an early pioneer community, Palm Beach evolved overthepast150 years intotoday's sophisticated...
ANewGuidetoOldFloridaAttractions: From MermaidstoSingingTowers
A New GuidetoOld FloridaAttractions, 2ndeditionisa nostalgicjourney through old Floridawheremermaids still perform in thewatersofWeeki WacheeSpringsand the carillon bellsofthe BokTowers continuetoechoacross Iron Mountain near LakeWales. Monstrousreptiles are everabundantatGa...
A stunningtime-tripthroughcollegefootball’sgreatest conferenceand its mostimportant, heated, and astonishinggames. SECFootball'sGreatestGames: TheLegendary Players,Last-MinutePrayers,andChampionship Moments
$16.95 USD 200pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Westerns
8.8 in H| 6 in W| 0.6 in T| 0.7 lb Wt
$16.95 USD 184pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Ghost
8.7 in H| 6 in W| 0.4 in T| 0.6
When TateBarkley meetupwitha manwhocalls himself “Gator” hedoesn’tknow he’sthebossofagang of “plumers” – men who kill thousandsofbirdsin the evergladessotheirpuescan adorn fashionableladies’ hats. In fact, hedoesn’teven know whata“plumer” is. Buthe learnsquick enough, and ...
$19.95 USD 64pages•Hardcover Art/ History
8.9 in H| 11.4 in W | 0.5 inT| 1.2 lb Wt
St.Augustine: ASketchbook
St. Augustine, Florida, istheoldest continuously occupied settlement ofEuropeanorigin in theUnited States, foundedin 1565. Throughthe use of watercolor andblack and white drawingsand evocative, informativetext, St. Augustine: A Sketchbook takesthereader on ajourney throughthe historica...
SpookyStoriesfromtheSwamp: Talesfrom theFloridaBackCountry
Florida's famous swamps—from theEvergladesto MosquitoLagoontoTate's Hell—serveasfittingbackdrops forthese chilling original stories. Maybe it'sbecausethey are oftenwet, shadowy placesofwildbeauty wherefew peopledaretopenetrate. They are havensfor snakes, alligators, black bears, ...
$34.95 USD
352pages•Trade Paperback
8.3 in H| 10in W| 0.7 in T| 2.3 lb Wt
WalksofaLifetimeinAmerica'sNational Parks: ExtraordinaryHikesinExceptionalPlaces
2020 Foreword Indie Book ofthe Year Winner – Nature Walks of aLifetimein America’sNational Parks: Extraordinary HikesinExceptional PlacesWalk thenational parksand findoutfor yourself why they’re“America’sbest idea” andwhy walking isthe richestway toexperience and appreciatetheseic...
Cracker Justiceexploresthetruestory oftheSara Sota VigilanceCommitteewhich wasagroup, made up of prominentranchersand businessmen thatresortedto violenttacticsto evictsquattersand farmers from the open range. Thisnovel aboutFlorida’soutlaw history includesacaseof murder, sto...
$12.95 USD 120pages•Trade Paperback
Thisinformativeguidemakesiteasy toidentify birdsin a backyard, favoriteparks, and wildlifeareas.
PaddlingEvergladesandBiscayneNational Parks: AGuidetotheBestPaddlingAdventures
PaddlingEverglades andBiscayneNational Parksdetailsat least40 of the very bestpaddlesthroughouttheNational Parks, providing routesforevery typeofpaddler.
User-friendly formatwith informativemaps throughout Informative at-a-glancepaddle specsforevery route
$26.95 USD
pages• Hardcover Cooking / Regional & Cultural /
OldSouthernCookery: MaryRandolph's RecipesfromAmerica’sFirstRegionalCookbook AdaptedforToday’sKitchen
Old SouthernCookery: Mary Randolph'sRecipes from America’sFirstRegionalCookbook Adapted for Today’s Kitchen givesnew lifetoabelovedbook that hasspanned two centuries. Using the historicrecipesfrom Mary Randolph’s 1824 bestselling cookbook,TheVirginia House-Wife or Methodical Cook (con...
AttheEdgeofHonor, which wasawardedthe2003 Patrick D. Smith Literary Award for BestHistorical Novel of Florida, issetin 1863Civil WarFloridaandtheBritish Bahamasduringthedesperate coastal conflictbetween the U.S. Navy andConfederateblockade-runners.Peter Wake, aveteran Massachu...
America'sAlligator: APopularHistoryofOur MostCelebratedReptile
Peoplehavelongbeen fascinated by theAmerican alligator. Ever sincehumans arrived onthe continentmore than 15,000 years ago, the American alligatorhasbeen bothfeared and revered, celebratedand scorned, and often huntedforfood andhide.
Oncetourism began totake hold in the South asa rea...
TheGreatestFishingStoriesEverTold: Twenty-EightUnforgettableFishingTales
The GreatestFishing StoriesEverTold contains28 ofthe bestfishingtaleseverputonpaper, including storiesby ZaneGrey,Ed Zern, Nick Lyons, EarnestHemingway, and many others.
TallahasseeinHistory: AGuidetoMorethan 100SitesinHistoricalContext
Thisuniqueguidebook, organized in chronological order, is arichly illustrated description of morethan100 sitesin and aroundTallahassee, Florida, thattogetherreveal theplace ofthecity and region in history. Thebook detailsawide variety of plantations, forts, homes, churches, streetscap...
$16.95 USD
32pages•Hardcover JuvenileFiction/ Animals / Reptiles& Amphibians
Ages 5to9, GradesKto 4
$29.95 USD
248pages•Trade Paperback
Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN,
$26.95 USD
The historiesof Florida’slighthousesby differentauthors, each an authority on aparticularlighthouse. Thisbook includesfactsnot covered in otherbookson Florida lighthouses such asdatesof construction and operation, foundationmaterials, lighting equipment. Includesa prefaceby WayneWhe... TheFloridaLighthouseTrail
PythonCatchers: SavingtheEverglades
InvasivePythonshavebecomea seriousissueinFloridain recentyears, and astoldthroughtheeyesof aclever wood stork and curiousmarsh rabbitin this illustrated volumeforchildren,theplightof nativespeciesand their habitatscomesalivefor younger readers. Aneasy-to-read, colorful, a...
Intoday’sSouth, wherefinegardeningisatradition, many homeownersand professional gardeners arediscovering a vast“new” paletteof plantmaterials—nativeplants. They are realizing thatthese nativewildflowers, trees, shrubs, groundcovers, vines, and grassesarefarbettersuited, and theref...
AmericanLighthouses: AComprehensiveGuide ToExploringOurNationalCoastalTreasures
For morethan two centuries, lighthouses have helped sailorsfind theirwaythroughtreacherouswaters, guiding them homeortakingthem safely throughpassages on their way toadventure.Thesehistorictowersand houses form asparkling chain of lights along our coasts, a reminder ofthepastechoi...
All-Time-FavoriteRecipesFromFlorida Cooks
Recipessubmitted from Floridacooks' kitchens.
$16.95 USD 184pages•Trade Paperback
$21.95 USD
232pages•Trade Paperback Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN,
Floridaishometoan entirelibrary of nativeplantsthat evolved tothrive in its range of climateregions. Native PlantsforFloridaGardensprofiles 100 Floridanative wildflowers, shrubs, vines andtreesthatcantransform typical Floridalandscapes. Striking colorphotography showcasesspecies...
$8.95 USD 128pages• Spiral Bound Cooking / Specific Ingredients/ Fish & Seafood
Whiletheplotdescribedinthisnovel isfiction, itis completely plausiblein the view oftheauthor. Spain and England wereatwarfrom 1796to1802, and aseaborne invasion of theFloridashad seemed imminent. During this timethereactually was aminor invasion by Creek Indians underthedirec...
OurFavoriteFish&SeafoodRecipes Cookbook
Morethan 60 of ourbestseafoodand fish recipes and simpletipsand shortcutsto makedinnertimeabreeze!
ThePeopleoftheGreatCircle: Prehistoric Mound
TheEuropeanexplorerswerethe firsttofind theevidence ofearlier civilizationswhobuiltmonumental earthwork mounds, ceremonial complexesand citiesinthe Mississippi and OhioRiverValleys. Speculations wentwild aboutwhobuiltthese incrediblecenters. Thisfascination over themysterious ...
$19.95 USD 152pages•
LatetothePartyintheRoaringTwenties andThatTropicalParadiseCalledFlorida
Millions of dollarswere flooding intoFlorida'seconomy in the RoaringTwenties. By 1925, real estatetransactions weretakingplace fasterthan county clerks couldrecord them. Land saleshad virtually eclipsedtourism and farming asthe state's source ofastoundingeconomic growth. Itwasnodiff...
$35.00 USD
MoreShipwrecksofFlorida: AComprehensive Listing
MoreShipwrecksof Floridaisa sequel toShipwrecks of Florida, 2nd edition.Thisnewbook with all new content addsover 1,500 shipwreckstotheguide, and includes additional informationon hundredsof previously listed shipwrecks, all organizedby year. Italsoincludesmore GPS coordinates, as...
TheSeminoleStruggle: AHistoryofAmerica's LongestIndianWar
When wepublished ourinitial work onthe SeminoleWars in2004, we lamentedthefactthat such an important series of eventswaswidely unknowntotheAmerican public ingeneral andtothemajority ofFloridians. Notthat we should havebeen surprised: Thewar wasfoughtin onesmall cornerofthe ...
WheretoRetire: America'sBest&Most AffordablePlaces
WheretoRetireoffersthebestadvice notonly onwhere to relocatein the retirementyears, butwhy people should pick up andmove justaslifeissettlingdownand provides well-researched and completely revisedand updated informationon how tofind theideal homebase forthe retirement years.
PioneersinParadise: WestPalmBeach-the First100
Little morethan 100 years ago, WestPalm Beach wasa nameless stretch of scrub and swamp dottedby afew settlements. Then Henry Flagler arrived. In amatterof months, the Standard Oil tycoon turned Palm Beach intoa world-renowned resort. And acrossLakeWorthfrom his fancy paradise, he fashione...
TheFloridaNightSky: AGuidetoObserving fromDuskTillDawn
The Florida nightsky isasourceoffascination, inspiration, and enjoyment. Whetheryouraim isacasual appreciation oftheheavensoraseriousstudy of astronomy, The FloridaNightSkywill getyou started ona rewarding journey of cosmicdiscovery, beginningwith how the known universeis orga...
$17.95 USD 120pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Water Sports
TheVoyagesofPirate: 55,000OceanMilesona ClassicSwan
Withgreatgood humor and aWagnerian sense ofthe majesty in an ocean crossing, Juan Corradi makeshis sailboatthestar of thenarrative, and inspiresanyoneto taketoseain asmall sailing vessel, and seetheWorld from thedeck of asailboat. Hegivesdetailsof herdesign and build, her strin...
CampingFlorida: AComprehensiveGuideTo HundredsOfCampgrounds
Floridahosts some six million campersannually, and many ofthem stay atthestate’spubliccampgroundsand campsites—for reliability, affordability, and theirbeautiful locationsin remotenooksand crannies ofthestate.This revised edition ofCampingFloridaisthemost comprehensiveguideavai...
BoatSense: LessonsandYarnsfromaMarine Writer'sLifeAfloat
Well-known author and sailor, Doug Logan, setsdown his rare commonsenseapproach tobeing on thewater, with hisaccumulationof smarttricksfrom alifetimeof devotion toboating and sailing. Inthewarm voiceof adeeply knowledgeable friend, Dougdescribesthethoughtsof an experienced boatop...
StormoftheCentury: TheLaborDayHurricane of1935
In 1934, hundredsof joblessWorld War Iveteranswere senttotheremoteFloridaKeystobuild ahighway from Miami toKey West. TheRoosevelt Administration was makingagenuine efforttohelpthesedown-and-outvets, many ofwhom suffered from whatis knowntoday as post-traumaticstressdisorder...
$26.95 USD 544pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ 20ThCentury
DearHarry: LetterstoPresidentTruman
PresidentHarry Truman hadan unquenchablethirstfor what his“everyday Americans” werethinking, yet distrustedopinionpolls. Forhim, thedaily stack ofmail providedthenextbestpoll afterthe voting booth. Dear Harry includesarobust cross section of thethousandsof messages senttoTruman...
$14.95 USD
152pages•Trade Paperback
Religion / Paganism & Neo-Paganism
8.5 in H| 5.6 in W | 0.6
$24.95 USD
216pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local 10.9 in H| 8.5 in W | 0.6
$12.95 USD
SouthernCunning: FolkloricWitchcraftInThe AmericanSouth
Modern witchcraftwith aSouthern flair.
$19.95 USD 344pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ State &Local
Long beforethefirstEuropean explorerssetfooton Florida soil, numerousNative Americantribeshunted, honored their gods, builtburial mounds, and coexisted with one anotherinpocketsof settlementsacrossthe state. This book explorestheimportanceofarchaeology in preserving thepastfor f...
$14.95 USD 136pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ State &Local 9 inH |
AfricanAmericans have risen from the slaveplantationsof nineteenth-century Floridatobecomethe heads of corporationsand members of congressin thetwenty-first century. THey haveplayed an importantroleinmaking Floridathe successful stateitistoday. Thisbooktakesyou on atour through ...
TheThreeMarjories: MarjoryStoneman Douglas,MarjorieKinnanRawlings,MarjorieHarris CarrandtheirContributionstoFlorida
152pages•Trade Paperback Young AdultNonfiction / Biography & Autobiography / Social Douglasis knownasthe "Mother oftheEverglades". Rawlingssetherfamousbooks in FloridaandCarr fought to savetheOcklawahaRiverby stopping theCross Florida BargeCanal.
$29.95 USD
368pages•Trade Paperback
$16.95 USD
240pages•Trade Paperback
Fiction / Thrillers/ Suspense
A comprehensiveguidetothebonefish, andtothetackle, flies, skillsand techniquesneeded tocatchit.
$24.95 USD 240pages• Hardcover withdustjacket
Sports& Recreation / Fishing 8.8 in H| 5.8 in W | 0.9
SavannahinHistory: AGuidetoMoreThan75 SitesinHistoricalContext
Savannah in History featuresover75 sitesinSavannah, Georgia,presented organized by historical era, with over 100 colorphotos.Thispresentation isespecially important foracity with along and varied history likeSavannah, wherecolonial sitesare virtually nextdoortoantebellum, Civil War...
A vacationtothehistoriccity of St. Augustine, Florida, quickly turnsdeadly forbrothers Jon and Michael Rickner asan antiquitiesdealer isbrutally murdered in his shop justminutesafter meetingwiththem. Momentslater, Jon and Michael discover an original Edison wax cylinder recording in th...
FishingThroughtheApocalypse: AnAngler's Adventuresinthe21stCentury
FishingThrough theApocalypsemaybethemost importantfishing book you readthisyear! It'saboutthe future of fishing.
$18.95 USD 192pages•Trade Paperback
in H| 5.5 in W | 0.6
$24.95 USD
376pages•Trade Paperback
Architecture/ Buildings/ Landmarks& Monuments
$9.99 USD
256pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Regional &
/ Caribbean & WestIndian
OntheWater: AFishingMemoir
From the acclaimed authorofFragranceof Grasscomesa meditation on water and nature, fishing and growing older.
$8.95 USD 22pages•Board Book
JuvenileFiction/ Fantasy & Magic
Ages 0to4, Grades GradeP
A classic compendium ofPalm Beach's landmark buildings by an experienced preservationist, including over400 vintagephotosandbriefdescriptions ofthearchitecture.
$16.00 USD 264pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Baseball / Essays& Writings
Everyone knowsfairiesarehardworkerswholook after the flowersand othergrowingthings. Butitcan’tbe all work and noplay. Dothey ever getavacation?How do they enjoy their favoriteseason, summer?
Beloved fairy writerLizaGardner Walshexploresthe matterin acharming picturebook of rh...
GREATAMERICAN BASEBALLSTORIES includes twenty-two ofthegreatest,quirkiest, andmost entertaining classic storiesintheannals ofbaseball. GreatAmericanBaseballStories: LyonsPress Classics
TheCaribbean,Central&SouthAmerican Cookbook: TropicalCuisinesSteepedInHistory: AllTheIngredientsAndTechniquesAnd150 SensationalStep-By-StepRecipes
The vibranttastes oftheCentral and Southern Americas explored in flavour-packed recipes, photographed throughout.
$29.95 USD 208pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats
10in H| 8 in W | 0.4
Will'scareerin New YorkCity politicshasfizzled out. When a connected colleagueand an ambitiousrestaurateur ask forhishelpfounding afarm in aneglectedpartof Brooklyn, heseesan opportunity toreinvent himselflikeall thepicklers, beekeepers, and kombuchabrewershe’s been reading abo...
$32.95 USD 152pages•Trade Paperback Travel / Parks& Campgrounds
MakeaHomeforWildlife: CreatingHabitaton YourLandBackyardtoManyAcres
MakeaHomefor Wildlifehelpsyou seeyourproperty in new ways andisthe resource you need toimprovethe quality of your land. Focusing on the easternUS,thisbook describesbasic habitattypes, from foreststowetlands, and highlightsnative and introducedtrees, shrubs, and plantsthatyou ca...
BuildingEden: TheBeginningofMiami-Dade County'sVisionaryParkSystem
BuildingEden:TheBeginning of Miami-Dad County's Visionary Park System isaconciseand evocative introduction tothetwomen mostresponsiblefor the developmentof South Florida'searliestparksandtheir beginningsas roadside improvementstowhatistodaythe nation'sthirdlargest county park...
ThisIsMySouth: TheEssentialTravelGuideto theSouthernStates
You may think you knowtheSouth foritsfood, itspeople, itspast, anditsstories, butif there’sonethingthat’s certain, it’sthattheregion tellsfar morethan onetale. Itis ever-evolving, opentointerpretation, steeped in history and tradition, yetdefineddifferently based on whoyou as...
ForSale--AmericanParadise: HowOurNation WasSoldanImpossibleDreaminFlorida
Silver Medal Winner of the IndependentPublisherBook AwardsforBestRegional NonfictionintheSoutheast
The story of how Floridabecameentwined with Americans’ 20th-century hopes,dreamsand expectations, and howitwasthesite of massdelusion, real estate collapses, and catastrophichurricanes...
$9.99 USD
256pages• Hardcover Cooking / Specific Ingredients/ Fish & Seafood
11.7 in H| 9in W
TheWorldEncyclopediaofFish&Shellfish: IllustratedDirectoryContainsEverythingYouNeed ToKnowAboutTheFruitsOfTheRivers,LakesAnd Seas;IncludesSoups,Starters,Pates,Terrines, Salads,TastyMainCourses,LightAndHealthy Meals,AndElegantDishesForEntertaining; Step-By-StepCookingInstructionPlusAllThe EssentialCoo
Makemore of nutritiousseafood with thisguidetotypes and howtouse them.
IlluminationintheFlatwoods: ASeasonLiving AmongtheWildTurkey
An unforgettablestory aboutthe fascinatingbehavior of the mostelusive ofwildgamebirds.
When JoeHuttobegan hisexperimentinimprinting two dozenwildturkey—inthetradition ofthegreatanimal behaviorist, Konrad Lorenz—he hadnoideathatitwould changehislife. Told with skill andhumor...
SECFootball'sGreatestGames: TheLegendary Players,Last-MinutePrayers,andChampionship Moments
A stunningtime-tripthroughcollegefootball’sgreatest conferenceand its mostimportant, heated, and astonishinggames.
$21.95 USD 128pages•Trade Paperback History / Wars &Conflicts / World War II
$27.95 USD 184pages• Hardcover Paper overboards Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American 9.3 in H| 7.3
$15.95 USD
32pages•Hardcover Picture Book
JuvenileFiction/ Girls& Women
Ages 4to8, GradesPto
TheEasternFront: TheGermansandSovietsat WarinWorldWarII
Stackpole’sBattleBriefingsseries offersaccessibleand insightful summaries of compelling military history topics. Thisvolume coverstheepicclash betweentheGermans and Soviets on theEastern FrontduringWW II. Throughoutareaccounts from the men whofought, often hand-to-hand, in the snow,...
Hello,Sugar!: ClassicSouthernSweets
Hello, Sugar has all ofthe nostalgia of classic, homemade dessertsfrom yourgrandma’s kitchen,butwithfresh and modern updatesto old-fashionedand store-bought ingredients. Inthisbook, you’ll find funtwistson beloved Southern recipes, following currentfood trends andfads. These recipesta...
DoPrincessesspendthewholeday attheshore? Thebeachisamarvelousplacetoexplore.
A not-so-ordinary princessand herfamily find awhole new world waiting forthem attheseashore. From sea turtlestosandcastles, purpleseahorses, andmermaids, their adventures are markedby non-stop fun,d...
Firstpublished in 1976,the40thanniversary edition ofThe CompleteBook of SeaKayaking isacomprehensiveguide forthebeginnerand an invaluablereferencebook forthe experienced seakayaker. Itdescribes equipment, basic and advanced techniques,weather and navigation, andis illustratedthr...
$14.95 USD
Nature'sSteward: AHistoryoftheConservancy ofSouthwestFlorida
TheConservancy ofSouthwestFloridawill celebrateits 50th anniversary in 2014. The book will documenthow the organizationgrew landacquisition intoregional advocacy and education, and howit adapteditsstructure, strategy, andtacticstothe changing environmental climate in Tallahasseeand W...
$14.95 USD
320pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Comics & GraphicNovels/ Classic Adaptation
ThisgraphicnovelversionofALandRemembered, thebestsellingnovelbyPatrickD.Smith,covers threegenerationsoftheMacIveyfamilyinthe Floridafrontierfromthe1850stothe1960s.
In A LandRemembered, Patrick Smithtellsthestory ofa Floridafamily whobattlethehardshipsof thefront...
$17.95 USD 32pages•Hardcover Picture Book JuvenileFiction
Ages 3to7, GradesPto 2
$16.95 USD 160pages•Trade Paperback Travel /
ForGod,GoldandGlory: deSoto'sJourneyto theHeartofLaFlorida
Between 1539 and1543 Hernandode Sotoledanarmy of six hundred armoredmen on adesperatejourney of almostfourthousandmilesthroughthewilds of LaFlorida, whatisnow thesoutheastern United States, facing the problemsof hostilenatives, inadequatesupplies, andthe harsh elements, asthey...
Everyone knowsfairiesarehardworkerswholook after the flowersand othergrowingthings. Butitcan’tbe all work and noplay. Dothey ever getavacation?How do they enjoy their favoriteseason, summer? HowDoFairiesHaveFunintheSun?
BeyondtheSunshine: ATimelineofFlorida's Past
From the timethe firsthumansreachedtheFlorida peninsulamorethan12,000 years agothrough today's complex anddiversestate, thistimeline narrativesets Florida's fascinating history againstthebackdrop ofworld events. Learn how early nativepeoples, European exploration,wars, andtransfor...
$29.95 USD 240pages• Hardcover withdustjacket
Thisengagingandcolorfulguidebookbringsalive themanylighthousesoftheSunshineState. Somethirty Floridalighthousesguide ships southfrom the St. MarysRivertothetip of the Keys, thennorthto PensacolaBay. They comprisesomeofFlorida’s oldestand mosthistoric structuresandreprese...
Mastering Sporting Claysisaperfectguidefor all levels of sporting claysshooters, from recreationaltocompetitor. Beginnerand noviceshooterslearn essential first steps, whileadvanced shooters, including competitive shooters, will benefitfrom target-specifictactics, allowing them to focus...
$29.95 USD
/ Plants/ Flowers
CompleteGuidetoFloridaWildflowers: Over 600WildflowersoftheSunshineStateincluding NationalParks,Forests,Preserves,andMorethan 160StateParks
Thisguidefeatures stunning colorphotographsof more than 600 common wildflowersofFlorida. Detailed descriptions andfull-colorphotosaidthe readerin identifyingplantsin the field.
$21.95 USD
pages•Trade Paperback
AnIllustratedHistoryofSiestaKey: TheStory ofAmerica'sBestBeach
Reviewingthepastcentury of SiestaKey developmentin the contextof Florida‘sancientand recentemergence, this book explainshow one small Gulf coastbarrierisland has become world famousas“#1 Beach in the USA."
Beginning with Amerindian settlers,the“FirstFloridians," all of the seminal p...
AddisonMizner: TheArchitectWhoseGenius DefinedPalmBeach
A first-evervisual tributetooneofAmerica's most influential architectural legends. Addison Mizner transformedPalm BeachandSouthFloridawithhis visionary architecture. Hedesigned, among many others, the landmark EvergladesClub in Palm Beach andtheBoca Raton Resort andClub in BocaRaton...
Thisguidetositesin theTampaBay Region,presentsthe sitesin historical/chronological order: from pre-Columbian NativeAmerican cultures,through Spanish exploration, American settlement, Seminole Wars, theCivil War, growth withrailroads, cigars, and sponges, throughthe Spanish American War...
$29.95 USD
256pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Animals/ Dinosaurs&Prehistoric Creatures
From the lavishparties, theyachts, and theinnovative architecturetothe sultry summerdays,themosquito bites, andthe hurricanes, Muriel Murrell capturesina series of charming vignettestheearly daysofMiami. Her remembrancesarepopulated with afascinatingmix of eccentricmillionaires, ...
$15.95 USD 32pages•Hardcover withdustjacket JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Environmental
SubmergedHistory: UnderwaterArchaeologyin Florida
Thisheavilyillustratedbookiswrittenbytop archaeologistswhostudyFlorida'ssunkenheritage inuniqueunderwatersites.
Learnfrom them the secretsatthebottom of springsand rivers, discoverdrowned prehistoricwaterfront neighborhoods, paddleintothepaston ancientcanoes, swim across wr...
Nobody's Heroisatrueadventureof an American soldier whorefusedtodie, in spite ofterriblewoundsthatwould havestopped alesser man. Frank Laumerhasused historical documents, including Clark'sownbriefaccount, and, asLaumer explains, “takenthebonesof factandput uponthem thefles...
When Annieandherbrother Bradley learnthatpesticides and fertilizersare hurtingthestream in their Massachusetts neighborhood, they work withtheir neighbor Ms. Carson, an aquaticecologist, tostarta campaigntoreducefertilizer use and SaveOur Stream.
$14.95 USD
144pages• Hardcover Paper overboards Pets/ Dogs
6.8 in H| 6.2 in W | 0.6 inT| 0.7 lb Wt
$14.95 USD
290pages•Trade Paperback
Fiction / Mystery & Detective/ Amateur Sleuth
DoggiePaddlin'Theperfectgiftfor thedog-lover in yourlifeProfessional photographer David Mullally capturesadog’sloveof being onthewaterthrough aseries ofbreathtaking, awe-inspiring, and hilariousimages. Author LindaMullally providespractical and sound need-to-know information to help you getyour...
$18.95 USD 210pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.4 inT|
Michael Biehl'sfirsttwonovels, mysteriesfeaturing medical law, were highly critically acclaimed. Now heenters new territory withanintensely introspective mystery, so finely written thatSeven MileBridge transcendsthegenre—but still keeps you turning pagestofind outwho, ifanyone, did it...
$16.95 USD
212pages•Trade Paperback
Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
A collection ofstoriesofpeopleand eventsin theFlorida Keysextendingfrom thetime theKeyswerefirstoccupied by humans, through theSecond Seminole War, the coming of theOverseasRailway, and finallytheopening of the firstOverseasHighway in 1927. Thetalestell of American Indians, Cub...
$30.95 USD 176pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Fishing
MichelinUSADeepSouthIncludingFlorida Map177
Michelin USA DeepSouth Map 177, including Florida (scale: 1:1,267,000)—partof Michelin'sbrand-new US regional map serieswith brightgreen covers—zoomsin close for comprehensivecoverage of six Southernstates: Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, with part...
Florida—land ofperpetual sunshine, open spaces, and endlessblue skiesperfectfor flying. Blimps, hotair balloons, bi-wings, jets, space shuttles-you nameit: ifyou can fly it, you can fly ithere, and many aviatorshave. From the launch of AmeliaEarhart'sfinal flighttothe worldsfirstsched...
InfluencingHemingway: PeopleandPlaces ThatShaped
Influencing Hemingway documentstheplaces, people, and activitiesthatinfluenced and intrigued theliterary great. Arranged chronologically andpunctuated with photographs, thisbooktracesHemingway’s encounters and reflectson how they impacted and influenced his decisions, actions,philosophy o...
TheSaltwaterEdge: TipsandTacticsfor SaltwaterFlyFishing
Inthisbook,Nick Curcione covershisentiresaltwater system (knots, rigging, tackle, approach) with detailed informationon shooting heads, sinkinglines, and two-handed rodsforthe salt, which have notbeen coveredthoroughly in any other book. Includesthe author’s favoritefliesand clearill...
FloridaDisasters: TrueStoriesofTragedyand Survival
From the GreatCitrus Freeze of 1895andtidal waveof 1935 tothe Apollofire of 1967 and Challenger disaster of 1986, Floridahasbeenthe siteof someofthe nation's mostdramaticmoments. Each accountin thisbook revealsnot only thecircumstances surroundingthe disaster andthemagnitudeof...
$34.95 USD
132pages•Trade Paperback Reference/ Atlases, Gazetteers& Maps
11in H| 8.4in W| 0.3 in
$24.95 USD 400pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Reference
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT| 1 lb Wt
$18.95 USD
A detailed coloratlas oftheFloridaKeysfrom Key Largoto Key Westdesignedforkayakersand other water enthusiastsinterested in shallow water exploration.
$9.95 USD 96pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Animals/ Marine Life
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT|
Florida'sSeashells: ABeachcomber'sGuide
A newly updated edition of thebestsellingguidetoFlorida's seashells, with identification of 287 species, over400 full-colorimages, and 175 rangemaps.
Florida'sLivingBeaches: AGuideforthe CuriousBeachcomber
A newly updated edition of thecomprehensivebestselling guidetoall things found on Florida's700 milesof sandy beaches.Over 1400 identified beach features, animals, shells,plants, minerals, and manmade objects, with over 1300 full-color imagesand over 500 mapsand 400 pages.
$29.95 USD 296pages• Hardcover History / Military/ United States
SuncoastEmpire: BerthaHonorePalmer,Her Family,andtheRiseofSarasota,1910-1982
BerthaPalmer, one oftherichest andmostfamous socialitesin theearly 20th century, cametoabackwater areaof southwest Floridaand triedher handatagriculture and cattle raising. SheturnedSarasotathe small settlement ofSarasotaintoathrivingtown.
$14.95 USD
260pages•Trade Paperback Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
HemingwayandBimini: TheBirthofSport Fishingat"TheEndoftheWorld"
Follow ErnestHemingway's exploitson the Bahamian island ofBimini from 1935 to1937, the very momentin timewhen the International Game FishAssociation(under the author'sco-leadership) was emerging. Covers Hemingway'sroleinthe formation oftheIGFA, his underappreciated seminal writing abou...
$17.95 USD 384pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ Colonial Period (1600-1775)
$26.95 USD 405pages• Hardcover Fiction / SeaStories 9.3 in H| 6.4 in W | 1.3 inT| 1.6 lb Wt
CallSign:Lightning: InsidetheRowdyWorld andRiskyMissionsoftheMarines'EliteANGLICOs
The U.S. MarineCorps' AirNaval Gunfire Liaison Companies--usually referredtoasANGLICOs--arethe unsung heroes oftheU.S. military. Small squadsofthese marinesare inserted deepbehind enemy linestoidentify targetsand directfire from aircraft, ground artillery, and naval guns. They aream...
WashingtonandCornwallis: TheBattlefor America,1775-1783
Patterson chroniclesthebattleswagedbetween Washingtonand Cornwallis, examinestheir methods of command andtheir controversial military decisions, and ultimately bringsintofocusthepersonalitiesofthesetwo pivotal revolutionary Wargenerals.
AnHonorableWar: TheSpanish-AmericanWar Begins
Politics, love, and war swirl aroundCaptainPeter Wake (USN) in Havanawhen the USS Maine explodes on aquiet eveningin February 1898. Workingwith Assistant Secretary of theNavy TheodoreRooseveltin thetense prewar days, carrying outaperilousespionage mission insideCuba, and leading adisa...
$13.99 USD
256pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Specific Ingredients
8.7 in H| 6.6 in W
$6.95 USD 24pages•Board Book JuvenileFiction/ Animals / Fish
Ages 4to6, GradesPto 12
$18.95 USD 240pages•Trade Paperback
Lemons,Limes&Oranges:150Citrus Recipes: AGuideToZestyFruitsAndHowTo CookWithThem,ShownIn600Photographs
A guide tocitrusfrom orangestougli,limestolimequatsand deliciously zingy recipes.
$14.95 USD 224pages•Trade Paperback Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
Hemingway'sCats: RevisedCubaEdition
The 2ndedition--now with more storiesabout Hemingway'sCuban dogs.
OrangeFish and Green Fish mightbe opposites, butwhen they’retogether, they surehavefun! LindaKranz celebratesour differenceswith herbrightand merry rock fish in this lively book ofopposites. OrangeFish,GreenFish
$16.95 USD 144pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Plants
Packupyourcoloredpencilsandcomealongtoa triptoparadise!
You'll finddolphins, turtles, herons, and moreas you travel throughnatural Floridawiththisbeautiful selection of drawingsby JulieBurch. Each illustration featuressomeof Florida's mostfascinating plantsand animals, with ab...
$14.95 USD 164pages•Trade Paperback
ExpertsLutherand Benzing show how toidentify the speciesof nativebromeliadsand reveal howthey and the otherepiphyticbromeliadspursuetheiraerial, unconventional, bizarre, orstrange lifestyle. NativeBromeliadsofFlorida
Thisnewly updatedguide hasadestinationtosuit every interest. See Floridathroughtheeyes ofthenatives, pioneers, artists, statesmen, and writerswhohavelived here. Visitcountry stores, one-room schoolhouses, coquinaforts, and churches, aswell as mansions, theaters, artgalleries, and g...
TheCompleteGuidetoEdibleWildPlants, Mushrooms,Fruits,andNuts: Finding, Identifying,andCooking
An illustrated fieldguidetothemostcommon ediblewild plants, completewith recipesand folklore.
$12.95 USD 192pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Historical / United States
Ages 10to14,GradesP
At13, Pedroand Miguel aretooyoungtofight,butthey realizethey must sneak behind enemy linestohelp, orthe town of St. Augustinemay perish duringthesiege of 1702.
$22.95 USD
PaddlingSouthernFlorida: AGuidetothe Area'sGreatestPaddlingAdventures
Thisguideincludes53 tripsscouted by renowned kayaker Nigel Fosterin thewildlife-rich marine habitats of southern Florida. Featuresthorough descriptionsofthe routes, including prominentlandmarksand pointsof special interest; detailed maps; and overviewsof southern Florida's weather, tide...
$6.95 USD
24pages•Board Book
JuvenileFiction/ Animals / Fish Ages 4to12, GradesPto 12
When oneyellowfish meetsonetriangle fishthe adventurebegins. LindaKranzdelights, yetagain, with her colorful rock fishinthischeerful counting book aboutthe joy of making friends. OneYellowFish
$14.95 USD 118pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Native American Ages 9to14, GradesPto
An in-depth guidetomorethan 50 sitesin and around Charleston, South Carolina, placing the city and region againsteventsof each era.
$22.95 USD 232pages•Trade Paperback Travel / Essays& Travelogues 8.6 in H| 5.5
CentralFloridaWildflowers: AFieldGuideto WildflowersoftheLakeWalesRidge,Ocala NationalForest,DisneyWildernessPreserve,and Morethan60StateParksandPreserves
Thisguidefeatures stunning colorphotographsof more than 300 common wildflowersfrom OcalaNational Forest, Lake WalesRidge, Merritt IslandNational Wildlife Refuge, the Disney WildernessPreserve, and Archbold Biological Station. Detailed descriptionsand full-color photosaid the reader in ide...
$19.95 USD 2 pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ State &Local
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT|
SeafoodLover'sFlorida: Restaurants,Markets, Recipes&Traditions
Seafood Lover's Florida coversthe culture of seafoodinthe SunshineState andfeaturesthehistory of the cuisine, recipesboth original and contributed by restaurants, and wheretofind, and mostimportantly consume,thebestof thebestlocal offerings.
Twoworldscollidein 1875 when14-year-old CallieCrump meets 9-year-old Akhah, aPlainsIndiangirl imprisoned withtherestof her tribein St. Augustine. PaintbrushesandArrows: AStoryofSt. Augustine
Re-examiningthestrangeand ordinary world of airtravel, oneflightatatime.
From the Pleistocenetotoday—from vastprairieswhere shovel-tusked elephants roamed tovastorangegroves interlaced with highways—Floridacontinuesto evolve.
IncrediblePirateTales: NineteenClassicStories OfThe
From Long JohnSilvertoCaptain Hook, Blackbeard to CaptainKidd, piratesarethestuffoflegend. Storylines havebeen based on theseterribly charismaticcutthroats fordecades, withvarying degreesoffactthrown in. IncrediblePirateTalescapturesthemostaudacioustalesof actual andfiction...
$26.95 USD
336pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/Coastal Regions& Shorelines
AtlanticSeashoreFieldGuide: Floridato Canada
A photographicguidetothecommon plants andanimals thatinhabittheintertidal zone--theareacovered by water athigh tide andexposed duringlow tide--on theAtlantic coastfrom CapeCanaveral, Florida, toCapeBreton, Canada.
$19.95 USD
224pages•Trade Paperback Architecture/ Buildings/ Landmarks& Monuments
$24.95 USD
224pages• Hardcover History / United States
Addison Mizner wasoneof themostinfluential 20th Century Americanarchitects, theleading lightofthe remarkablegroup of visionariesthattransformed Palm Beach intoamagnetfortherichand powerful. Frank E. Geisler’s180photographsof Mizner'sdesignscapture the fantasy andbeauty ofthe...
TheRunner-UpPresidency: TheElectionsThat DefiedAmerica'sPopularWill(andHowOur DemocracyRemainsinDanger)
An entertaining and importantaccountof presidential electionsinwhichthe winnerofthepopular votelostor camealltoo close tolosing, focusing on theConstitutional Conventionin 1787, thedisputed elections of 1876 and 2000, thedeadlocksof 1800 and1824 (whenthe electionswerethrownto...
BarrierIslandsoftheFloridaGulfCoast Peninsula
Thisrichly illustratedbook, featuring hundredsof illustrationsand color photographs, coversthe 30 barrier islandsalong200-mileGulf coastofthe Floridapeninsula.
$10.99 USD 256pages• Hardcover Cooking / Regional & Cultural / Caribbean & WestIndian 8.8 in H| 7 in W| 0.9 in
Thisisthethird andfinal volume of thePineapple Anthology FloridaWriters. Thesecontain essays, poems, and proseaboutFlorida, featuring thework of 30 writers--from the1500stothebestsellersoftoday. PineappleAnthologyofFloridaWriters
$14.95 USD 196pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ 19ThCentury 9 inH | 6 in W
TheFoodandCookingoftheCaribbean, CentralandSouthAmerica: TropicalTraditions, TechniquesAndIngredients,WithOver150 SuperbStep-By-StepRecipes
Vibrantrecipesfrom an exoticcuisine- explore ingredients, techniquesand sizzlingdishes, with 500 photographs.
GuidetoFloridaPioneerSites: Exploringthe CrackerHeritage
Thisguidebook providesatour of morethan twenty of Florida's historicpioneer and cracker villages. With more than 50photographs, itisan indispensableguide for touristsaswell asfor parents andteachers looking fora meaningful glimpseofthevanishing lifestyles of Florida's pioneers.
$19.95 USD 328pages•Trade Paperback Transportation/ Railroads / History
8.8 in H| 6 in W| 0.8 in
Florida’ssizeand shape meantalargely remoteinterior until shortly beforetheCivil War. The catalystsforblasting throughthatanonymity builtrailroadslinking easttowest and northtosouth:Their iron horsestransported people—richNortherntourists, rural settlers, slaves, and hired hands...
$11.95 USD
184pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Science Fiction
Ages 1to17, GradesPto
Ifthirteen-year-old Michael May passesabattery of tests, he couldbethefirst child onthe moon!
SouthernEscapades: OntheRoadsLess Travelled
A classic roadtrip withadifference. Asanencoreto her recentcross-country ride, Zoë calls on her loyal road dog friendtojoin herforpartof a2000 mileodyssey on two British retromotorbikes. Zig-zaggingalong thetropical Gulf of Mexicoand Atlanticcoastin Florida, through the forgotten...
ItHappenedinMiami,theMagicCity: AnOral History
Miami, called “The MagicCity” because of its rapid growth over thelastonehundred years, isnotonly known forits artdecoarchitecture andpopulation ofCuban émigrés, butalsoasamajor international and cultural center. This oral history includesinterviewswith some oftheleading figureso...
$22.95 USD
256pages•Trade Paperback
HikingtheGulfCoast: AGuidetotheArea's GreatestHikingAdventures
HikingtheGulfCoasthighlightsthebest40 hikesinthe region, from easy tomoremoderateanddifficult.The book spansAlabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Full-colorand mapsthroughout.
$12.95 USD 192pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Animals Ages 13to22,Grades8 to 17
7: TheMickeyMantleNovel
InPeter Golenbock’s shocking and revealing firstnovel, Mickey Mantle tellsthe hidden story of hislifeasabaseball hero.
ExploringEvergladesNationalParkandthe SurroundingArea: AGuidetoHiking,Biking, Paddling,andViewingWildlifeintheRegion
Thisistheultimate guidetodiscoveringthevast"River of Grass" ecoregionofthesouthernFloridamainland.Packed withphotographs, maps, andinformativetext, thisguide will help outdoorenthusiastsappreciatethe landscapeand varied floraand faunaofthiswatershed whetherthey haveaday ...
ScatsandTracksoftheSoutheast: AField GuidetotheSignsof70WildlifeSpecies
Thisrevised andupdated edition featuresthetracks, scats, and signsofthe speciesofthe Southeast.
If you'relooking tospend sometimechasing oneofthe Atlantic'smostpopular sportfish,thisbook can help make ittime well spent.ChicoFernándezsharesalifetime of expertise andexperiencesfly fishing for redfish up and downthe AtlanticCoast, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico.
NoExperienceNecessary: TheCulinary
Long considered aculinary renegadeandapioneering chef, Norman Van Aken is an American original who chopped and charred hisway to cooking stardom with no formal training. Thisbook ishisjoyride ofa memoir —spanning twenty-plusyearsand nearly asmany jobs—including thejobadvertisementfora...
$16.95 USD
$16.95 USD 392pages•Trade Paperback
HonorBound: ANovelofCmdr.PeterWake, U.S.N.
RobertMacomber’sHonor seriesof naval fictionfollowsthe lifeand careerofPeter Wakein the U.S. Navy during the tumultuousyearsfrom 1863to1901. In this, the ninth in the series, itis1888 and Commander PeterWake, U.S. naval intelligenceagent, meetsawomanfrom hispast whobegshim to...
$18.95 USD 376pages•Trade Paperback
/ SeaStories
TheDarkestShadeofHonor: ANovelofCmdr. PeterWake,U.S.N.
RobertMacomber’sHonor seriesof naval fictionfollowsthe lifeand careerofPeter Wakein the U.S. Navy during the tumultuousyearsfrom 1863to1901. In thisone, the eighth in theseries, itis1886 and Wakeisassignedto uncoverCuban revolutionary activitiesbetween Florida and Cuba.
In 1892,CommanderPeter Wakehaslefttheworld of espionagebehindand isback intheseagoing navy. But duty hascalled him from hisnew Spanishloverback to Key Westtoinvestigate an assassination andprevent another one—all of which leadshim tooldGerman foesin Mexicoaswell asSpanishon...
Thetenth book in RobertMacomber’sHonor seriesof naval fiction. In Septemberof1888, Commander Peter Wakehas fivedaystorescuehistwocaptured operatives from adungeonin Spanish colonial Havana. But hisplan quickly fallsapartwhen the head of Spanish counterintelligence springsadeadly ...
Atthebeginning ofthisfifth novel in RobertN. Macomber's award-winningHonor series, itisDecember 1873 and Lt. Peter Wakeistheexecutive officer oftheUSS Omaha on drearypatrol in the West Indies. Lonely forhisfamily, heis looking forward to returning hometoPensacolain afew monthsa...
The eleventhbook intheHonor series of naval fiction is set in1889. ThistimePeterWake, Office of Naval Intelligence, issenttothe SouthPacifictowork hiscovertmagicto avertawarwiththeGermans.
$18.95 USD 2 pages•Trade Paperback
TropicalSurge: AHistoryofAmbitionand DisasterontheFloridaShore
An engaging historical narrativecovering many significant eventsin the history of south Florida, Tropical Surge includesthe majordevelopments and setbacksin theearly years of Miami and Key West, aswell as an in-depth look atHenry Flagler'samazingOverseasRailway. This well-written history ...
ThoughtsontheRoad: Wrenching,Riding,& Reflecting
Thisisa collection of storiesresulting from theauthor's journey intomotorcycling thathe started when hefirst sighted a1968CB350 under apile ofjunk in thedusty back cornerofa storagebay. The chaptersaredivided into threesectionswith storiesofWrenching (workingon motorcycles), Ri...
$14.95 USD
200pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Mystery & Detective/ Women Sleuths
$14.95 USD
64pages•Trade Paperback
A mystery setonanisland offthe FloridaPanhandle featuring hair stylistsleuth, LaRuePanther, a part-Seminole single mom whoknowsthe secretsof almosteveryonein her small islandtown.
Breathtakingphotosof Florida'sbeaches,dunes, coastal strand, andmarshes
$10.95 USD 125pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Action & Adventure
Ages 0to17, GradesPto
$27.95 USD 272pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Hiking
9 inH | 6 in
$14.95 USD
64pages•Trade Paperback
It's1879, and Lt.Cmdr. PeterWake, U.S.N., ison special assignmentastheofficial American neutral naval observer totheWar of thePacificraging along thewest coastof SouthAmerica. Chile, having invaded Bolivia, hasgone on to overrun Peru and controlstheentiresoutheastern Pacific region...
Forthesechildrengrowing up on apristinebarrierisland fourmiles offFlorida'sGulf Coast, theirdaysarespent swimming, soaking upthesun, and lookingforadventure underthe watchful eyesof thelighthousekeeperand Old Neb, aremarkablehorsewithamind of hisown.
TouringtheSpringsofFlorida: AGuidetothe State'sBestSprings
Featuring the state’sfinestcold springs, Touringthe Springsof Floridafeaturesfull-color photosofeach site and in-depthdescriptions of thesprings and surrounding areas. Whether you’retubing, paddling, hiking,diving, or sightseeing,detailed maps, GPS coordinates, and thorough driving dire...
Breathtakingphotosof Florida'ssprings, caves, aquifers, sinkholes, rivers, lakes,bogs, and wet savannas.
Photosand shorttext of Florida'suplands, forests, and prairies
$16.95 USD
pages•Trade Paperback
$12.95 USD 108pages•Trade Paperback JuvenileNonfiction/ Biography & Autobiography / Historical
JoseMarti: Cuba'sGreatestHero
A young adultbiography ofthefamousCuban revolutionary, writer, and martyr, JoséMartí.
$18.95 USD 136pages•Trade Paperback
PalmBeach: ANovel
Thisvintagenovel by one of theVanderbiltsprovidesa unique entréeintotheglamorouslifeofsocialitesin Prohibition Palm Beach.
ExaminesAlachuaCounty anditsimmediatesurroundings from achronological perspective.
BeachesinSpaceandTime: AGlobalLookat theBeachEnvironmentandHowWeUseIt
Learnhowbeachesoriginate, whatthey are made of, and how wind, waves, tides, storms, sea-level changes, and human developmentaffectthem inthisbeautiful book that hasnearly 200 illustrations.
$28.95 USD 256pages•Trade Paperback
Thebonesof extinctgiantssuchasmammoths, mastodons, giantground sloths, and saber-toothed cats havebeen found acrossthe southern United States. These fossils help scientistsunderstand whatlifewaslike more than 10,000 years ago. IceAgeGiantsoftheSouth
Thisguidefeatures stunning colorphotographsof 300 common wildflowers from EvergladesNational Park and the Corkscrew, BigCypress, and FakahatcheeSwamps. Detailed descriptions andlineartaid the readerin identifyingplantsin the field.
EvergladesWildflowers: AFieldGuideto WildflowersoftheHistoricEverglades,including BigCypress,Corkscrew,andFakahatcheeSwamps 9781561647934
DiscoveringVintageMiami: AGuidetothe City'sTimelessShops,Hotels,Restaurants&More
Discovering VintageMiamitakesyouback in timetoall of thetimelessclassicspotsthis city hastooffer. Thebook spotlightsthecharmingstoriesthattell you whateach placeislikenow and howitgotthatway from classic restaurantstoshopstootherestablishmentslikehotels that still th...
$25.95 USD
352pages• Hardcover
Sports& Recreation / Coaching / Football
9.3 in H| 6.4 in W | 1.1 inT| 0.08lbWt
$12.95 USD
32pages•Hardcover Picture Book
JuvenileFiction/ Family / Parents
Ages 3to6, GradesPto
$10.95 USD
168pages•Trade Paperback
Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends& Mythology
$24.95 USD 176pages•Trade Paperback
Spurrier: HowTheBallCoachTaughttheSouthto PlayFootball
Spurrier isthe biography oftheBall Coachwhohas forever changed collegefootball—and itsimpacton our culture.
$12.95 USD 32pages•Hardcover Picture Book
JuvenileFiction/ Social Themes
Ages 4to6, GradesPto
Adri'smamaandpapasharewiththeir eager son some of the wisdom they havegainedthroughthe years. Their words, simple andpowerful, aremeantto comfortand guidehim ashegoesaboutexploringtheworld. Kranz’s uniquely painted rockfish and honestinsightswill inspire parentsand children of...
The only collection of ghoststoriesfrom theentireGulf coastof Floridafrom PensacolatoKey West.
$16.95 USD 400pages•Trade Paperback
Taken from the earlierbook Priceless Florida (and modified forastand-alonebook), thisvolumediscussesthe well-drained areas of Florida, including highpine grasslands, flatwoodsand prairies, interiorscrub, hardwood hammocks, rocklandsand caves, andbeach dunes.
$24.95 USD
178pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/ Lakes,Ponds& Swamps
When Adri setsoutto explorethe ocean, hehasnoidea how colorful the world is. Hequickly discoversthatthere are all kindsoffish in thedeepbluesea—big and tiny, smoothand spiny, colorful andplain, differentandthe same. Join Adri ashetravelstheever changingcurrents of the oceanan...
Resident-OwnedCommunityGuidefor FloridaCooperatives
A helpful and practical tool forleadersof residential cooperativesinFlorida.
TheHonoredDead: ANovelofLt.Cmdr.Peter Wake,U.S.N.inFrenchIndochina,1883
Cmdr.Peter Wake,OfficeofNaval Intelligence, isin French Indochinain 1883 on asecretmission forPresident ChesterArthur. The novel openswith Wakeaboarda riverboatontheMekong River. Themission sounded simplein Washington: deliverthe Americanpresident's reply toaconfidential naval ...
Taken from the earlierbook Priceless Florida (and modified forastand-alonebook), thisvolumediscussesFlorida's wetlands, includinginteriorwetlands, seepage wetlands, marshes, flowing-water swamps, beachesand marine marshes, and mangroveswamps.
$19.95 USD 258pages•Trade Paperback
/ Thrillers/ Crime 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT| 1 lb Wt
$12.99 USD
64pages•Hardcover JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/ Birds
Ages 3to8, GradesPto 3
Third in themystery Secretstrilogy setin the Florida Panhandle, featuringOld DocBerber assleuth.
$29.95 USD 272pages•Trade Paperback
& Recreation / Fishing 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT|
UltimateGuidetoFishingSouthFloridaon Foot
From a veteranSouthFloridaangler comesthe firstfly and lighttackledo-it-yourself guidetothe region, focusing on fishing opportunitiesthatdon'trequireaboat.
ExploringNature:Parrots&RainforestBirds: Macaws,Hummingbirds,Flamingos,ToucansAnd OtherExoticSpecies,AllShownInMoreThan180 Pictures
The rainforestsand tropicsareall full ofbeautiful birdsand thisfantasticinformation-packed book revealsall aspectsoftheir lives. With focusfeatures, did-you-know factsand morethan 180 photographsandillustrations, thisbook will appeal toall young natural history enthusiasts.
SnookonaFly: Tackle,Tactics,andTipsfor CatchingtheGreatSaltwaterGamefish
Withtheirvoraciousfeeding habitsandspectacular aerial antics, snook may be saltwater fly fishing'smost exciting gamefish. These elegantcreaturescanbe elusive, but once they'rehooked,they strike hard, run far, andjump high. In Snook on aFly, Zeigler introducesthethrillsoffly fishing ...
$6.95 USD
36pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Environmental
Thisbookletcoversthe only coral reefsin North America and explainstheirimportance in Florida'secosystem.
$12.99 USD 64pages•Hardcover
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Zoology
Ages 8to12, Grades3 to
$26.00 USD 328pages• Hardcover Travel / Special Interest/ Adventure 1.3 lb Wt
$11.95 USD
36pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Environmental Science &
ExploringNature:Whales&Dolphins: Dive IntotheWateryWorldofWhales,Dolphins, NarwhalsandRorquals,AllShownin190 SpectacularImages
Coversall aspects of cetaceanlifeand biology,including anatomy, survival, hunting and feeding, intelligence, sounds and song, breeding, conservation, and much more - with stunningphotographsand illustrations,this fact-packedbook isperfectfor8- to12-year-oldsat home or school.
IntheShadowsoftheMorning: EssaysOn WildLands,WildWaters,AndAFewUntamed People(SignedByTheAuthor)
Captivatingessayson exoticadventuresby one of America'smostcritically acclaimedauthors. With new material from thePulitzer Prize-winning author.
ThisbookletexplainstheimportanceofFlorida'swetlands inthewater cycle and highlightsthe uniqueEverglades.
$6.95 USD
36pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Experiments&Projects
$6.95 USD
36pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Environmental Science &
$19.95 USD
240pages•Trade Paperback
Thiseducational bookletexploresFlorida's1,100-mile-long coastlineand introduceschildren totheplantsand animals thatlivealong the shore.
$6.95 USD 20pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ State &Local 11in H| 2.9in W| 0.08
Thisbookletintroduces kidstothestaggeringabundance and variety of seacreaturesthatlivein thewaters surrounding Florida.
$17.95 USD 204pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Girls& Women
Ages 9to12, GradesPto
TheStreetsofKeyWest: AHistoryThrough StreetNames
Simonton, Duval, Eaton, Whitehead, Southard, Truman—ifyoudiscoverhowtheseKey West streets, and all theothers, came by theirnames, you will know much ofthehistory ofthislittleisland atthe nethermostend of the continental United States. Youwill learn oftheriseand fall and riseagain ...
$16.95 USD 160pages•Trade Paperback History / Essays
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT| 1 lb Wt
A guidebook thatstandsapartfrom all others,thisbook presentsthehistory of St. Augustine, America's oldestcity, by historical period, introducing readerstospecificsites that representeach period. StAugustineinHistory
$13.95 USD 72pages•Hardcover JuvenileNonfiction/ Biography & Autobiography / Literary Ages 9to12, GradesPto
$7.95 USD 112pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Ghost 9.1 in H| 5.9 in W | 0.3 inT| 0.4 lb Wt
Overthe centuries, seamen have feared the watersoff North Carolina'sOuter Banks. Thisbook chroniclesthe mostfamous shipwrecksand rescuesinthe "Graveyard of the Atlantic." Shipwrecks,DisastersandRescuesofthe GraveyardoftheAtlanticandCapeFear
Thirteen-year-old Bellawantstobe alector likeher grandfather,whoreadstotheworkersin acigarfactory in Tampa, Florida. Butwill Bellabeabletogetthe education sheneedsduring theDepression?
ZoraNealeHurston wasanovelist, anthropologist, folklorist, andplaywrightwho captured thetrue essence of African-Americansin theearly twentieth century. Although her career wasshortlived and shediedpennilessand forgotten, Hurston is remembered today as one of America'sgreatestwriters....
Feel ashiver down yourspineasyou read scary stories aboutthemany residentghosts of St. Augustine, America's oldestcity. Thetextis enhanced by Dianne Jacoby'seerieandappealing illustrations.
$14.95 USD
144pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Water Sports/ Kayaking 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT|
$12.95 USD
304pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Girls& Women
Ages 8to11, GradesPto
pages• Hardcover
BasicIllustrated Kayaking isaguidetorecreational, flatwater kayaking aimedatbothbeginners and casual paddlers.
$18.95 USD 64pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Places/ UnitedStates Ages 9to12, GradesPto
From Alligator toZephyrhills, thereismoreinformation on Floridapacked in this alphabetthanyou canimagine. Crammedintothe26lettersare almost200 detailed facts aboutFloridapersonalities, history, geography, nature, and culture. Thisbook isfun andaccurateall atonce.
InthesequeltoOliviaBrophieandthePearl ofTagelus, Olivia'slifeisinturmoil ever sincesheaccidentally frozeall oftheearth'swater and herauntand unclewere kidnappedby the Wardenclyffethugs. With the help of a black bear namedHoolie, she musttravel acrossAmerica to undothedam...
$19.95 USD 208pages•Trade Paperback
Transportation/ Railroads / History
The story of theKey WestExtension of Henry Flagler’s FloridaEastCoastRailway. Thebuilding ofthisrailroad over water from 1905 to1916 wasstriumph of engineering andlogistics. The Keyswereremoteand with littlemeans of communication. Themassiveamountsof materialshadtobemoved with...
EssentialsofSouthernCooking: Techniques AndFlavorsOfAClassicAmericanCuisine
An authentic collection of recipes celebrating Southern traditions.
Southern cooking asmostpeoplethink of itdoesn’texist. After all, there areas many waystomakereal cornbread, gumboor fried chicken asthereare cooks. Instead of dwelling on conventional notions of authenticity, Essentials
$24.95 USD
RandyWayneWhite'sGulfCoastCookbook: WithMemoriesAndPhotosOfSanibelIsland
Randy Wayne White'sthirteen yearsasafull-time, lighttacklefishingguide atTarpon Bay Marina, Sanibel Island, on Florida'sGulfCoast, inspired many of the characters and storiesinhisNew York Timesbest-selling DocFord series. Thesecond edition of RandyWayneWhite'sGulf CoastCookbook p...
$16.95 USD
232pages•Trade Paperback
Biography & Autobiography /Criminals & Outlaws
$16.95 USD 224pages•Trade Paperback History / United States
9 inH | 6.1 in W| 0.5 in T| 0.7 lb Wt
SpeakingIlloftheDead:JerksinFlorida History
The livesofnotoriousbadguys,perpetrators of mischief, visionary–if misunderstood–thinkers, and other colorful antiheroes, jerks, andevildoers from history all gettheir dueintheshortessays featured intheseenlightening, informative,books.
New paperback edition of original hardback publishedby CraneHill in 1997. A record of thememoriesand storiesof America’slighthousekeepers. Descriptionsof daily lifeat a lighthouse.
The story of Charlie Jumper, an old Seminole Indian who clingstotheancientways andteachesthem tohis grandson. Whentheirsimpleswamp existenceis threatenedby development, Charliedecidestofightback. ForeverIsland
$14.95 USD 2 pages•Trade Paperback
/ Mystery & Detective/ Women Sleuths
A mystery novel in the KarenHayesseries, previously published in hardcover by Bridgeworks, now in paperback. Hospital attorney Karen Hayes, introduced inthe previous DoctoredEvidence, iscalled todefendthehospital CEO againstaclaim ofsexual harassment, but soon findsshe mustalsodefend h...
$14.95 USD 288pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Mystery & Detective/ Women Sleuths
BirdBrains: InsideTheStrangeMindsOfOurFine FeatheredFriends
Bird Brains: InsidetheMinds of OurFineFeathered Friendstaps intothepassion ofbirders with storiesand stunning photography.
Second in the “Secrets” trilogy. Firstwas Secretsof San Blas, publishedby Pineapple Press lastyear.
$29.95 USD
SoulStories: NarrativeSculpture
Teresa’sbeautiful “narrative sculptures” tell deep, often visceral andarchetypal storiesinbronze—storiesoflife passages, spiritual awakenings, mature reflections. Some draw from mythsorlegends. Somediscover new voices forcontemporary experiences. Herimagesweave a languageof symbolsthat...
$12.95 USD 346pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Horror Ages 0to17, GradesPto 12
In Nursing aGrudge, thethird mystery in the Karen Hayes series, an elderly nursing homeresident, whowas oncean Olympicchampion swimmer with amurky background in the German army, drownsinalakebehindthehome. Doesanyoneknow how it happened?Doesanyone care?
Hospital attorney Karen Hayes...
FeatherBrain: Developing,Testing,&Improving SaltwaterFlyPatterns
Step by steptying instructionsandexplanationsof how the authordesigned 14 winning saltwater flies.
A young exorcistmustunravel themystery of ghostsand faceshatteringtruthstosave hisdead sister.
$12.95 USD
208pages•Trade Paperback Games& Activities/ Travel Games Ages 6 And Up
$29.95 USD 288pages•Trade Paperback
/ United States/
$21.95 USD
216pages•Trade Paperback
Hereare75 simple, engaginggamesyou and your family can play on the shore
$14.95 USD 136pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Ghost
Florida'sFirstPeople: 12,000YearsofHuman History
The earlypeople whoinhabited Floridadeveloped diverse, hardy, and complex societies. Dramaticarchaeological advancesinmethodsofexcavation, preservation, and analysisarebringingtolightawealth of new information aboutthesepeopleand theirlifestyles. Florida's First Peoplecombinescon...
$14.95 USD 272pages•Trade Paperback
For 50 million yearsFloridawashometohordesof strange and wonderful animals. Their remainsaccumulated in rivers, springs, and oceans.Today fossilized bonesand teethwash up along streams, banks, and beachesand lie inlimerock quarries. Thisguideteaches how andwhereto huntfossils--with ...
Thereareapproximately sevenmillionhorsesinthe United States. Hundreds ofthousandsare abused, neglected, or abandoned by callousand irresponsibleowners. Author MelanieBowlestakes some of these horsesintoher sanctuary calledProud Spirit. Here, horsesthatarrive listlessand brokenfind...
$12.95 USD 110pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Historical / Military &Wars
Ages 8to12, GradesPto
$16.95 USD 274pages•Trade Paperback
Biography & Autobiography / Environmentalists&
Republication in paperback andasan ebook of aPineapple hardback originally published in 1989. A historical novel aboutayoung FloridaConfederate soldier’srolein the Lincolnassassination. ACourtforOwls
Based on historical fact, this young adultnoveltellsthe story of Will Cypress, ahalf-Seminoleboy living among his mother'speopleduringtheSecond SeminoleWar. He meetsChiefOsceolaandtravelswith him toSt. Augustine.
StalkingthePlumedSerpentandOther AdventuresinHerpetology
Based on hismore than 40 yearsoffield research, Means, anexpertontheeasterndiamondback rattlesnake, revealsthebiological complexity and beauty ofthe animals he has studied. In Australia, Meanssearchesfor the fiercey, reputed tobethe world’sdeadliestterrestrial snake. InMexico, he s...
$9.95 USD
72pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ History / United States
Ages 9to12, GradesPto
JuanPoncedeLeon wasayoungsoldier in Spainwhen ChristopherColumbusmade hisfirstvoyagetotheNew World. Juan accompanied him on his second voyage, and later becameGovernorofPuertoRico. On voyagesofhis own, heexplored otherislandsanddiscovered an even largerland—Florida. Thisbi...
$12.95 USD
208pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Girls& Women
Ages 8to11, GradesPto
The history ofthePalm Beacharea, theTreasureCoast, and LakeOkeechobeeis one ofturbulence, growth, and especially change. Meetthe visionariesand outlaws, physiciansand poetswhoshapedthisregion of southeast Floridafrom the1690sthroughthe 1990s. Author William McGoun’sstoriesare so...
$14.95 USD 242pages•Trade Paperback
/ United States/ State &Local
SwimmingwithDolphins,TrackingGorillas: HowToHaveTheWorld'sBestWildlifeEncounters
An inspirational guidetocloseencounterswith wildlife in hand-picked destinationsaroundtheworld.
$14.95 USD 208pages•Trade Paperback
/ United States/ State &Local 9 inH |
Part memoir,parthistory, The FragranceofGrass stands asatestamenttoGuy delaValdène’sdeep loveof, and abiding respect for, the natural world and all thatinhabitit. Setinplacesasfarafield as France and Montana, Saskatchewanand Florida, thisis abeautifully written book thatisals...
$18.95 USD 272pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
Young OliviamovestotheFloridascrub and findsmuch morethan sand and scrawny oak trees. Caughtin abattle forthe fateofthe universe, she slipsdown atortoise burrow intothevastFloridan Aquiferwhereancient animalsthrivein amysteriousworld. Shelearnsthe secret ofabrilliantpearl...
TheGreatFloridaSeminoleTrail: Complete GuidetoSeminoleIndianHistoricandCultural Sites
Whether you startyourjourney down theSeminoleTrail asan armchair adventureror seek to visitthe sitesin person,thisunique guidewill give greaterunderstanding totheprominent role of SeminoleIndiansin theplace we call Florida. Visitthe oldNegroFortsiteinthePanhandle, the Alachua...
MythsandMysteriesofFlorida: TrueStoriesOf TheUnsolvedAndUnexplained
Mythsand MysteriesofFlorida revealsthedark and ominouscloud of mysteriesand mythsthathoversover the Sunshine State. Thisbook offersresidents, travelers, historybuffs, andghosthuntersarefreshingingly lively collection of storiesaboutFlorida's unsolved murders, legendary villains, l...
DiscoveringtheCivilWarinFlorida: AReader andGuide
A chronicleofCivil War activity in Florida, bothlandand sea maneuvers. For each engagementtheauthor includes excerptsfrom official governmentreportsby officerson both sidesof thebattlelines. AlsoaguidetoCivil War sites you can visit. Includesphotosand maps. Sitesinclude: FortPick...
A courtroom drama,thistime starring Paul Morganstein, partnerofConflict of Interest’sTed Stevens. Morganstein hasreluctantly taken on thedefenseofalong-timefamily acquaintance for amurdercharge. Ashe investigatesthe casehe uncoversdetailsthatmakehim suspecta connection tothesu...
PresidentsinFlorida: HowthePresidentsHave ShapedFloridaandHowFloridaHasInfluencedthe Presidents
Presidents haveplayed amajorrolein shaping Florida, whetherwagingwars, protecting theenvironment, seeking votes, orjustattracting mediaattention tothe state'sattractions. Presidents andFlorida looksatthe role presidentshave playedinFloridafrom playinggolfto fighting Indians.
$15.95 USD
32pages•Hardcover JuvenileFiction/ Science & Nature/ Environment
Ages 8to12, Grades3 to 7
$8.95 USD
104pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ African American & Black
Ages 8to12, GradesPto
Sigueadoscientíficosquepasan unanoche en los Everglades recogiendo muestrasde agua, fotografiandola vidasilvestrey chapoteandoatravésdepantanosen un intentopor comprendereste ecosistemamisterioso. Los científicos son sometidos alanítidahierbade serrucho, a caimanesy tortugasy...
$15.95 USD 32pages•Hardcover JuvenileFiction/ Science & Nature/ Environment Ages 8to12, Grades3 to 7
$17.95 USD 320pages•Trade
A novel aboutSubotai,theOrlok, theleaderofGenghis Khan’sMongol hordesinthe13th century. Orlok, a nomad, hunter, and herder of beasts, outgeneraledthe powersofthreeempiresto conquer halftheknown world. He conquered or overranmoreterritorythan any other commander in history. And ye...
In 1813 the young daughter of former slave andformer AfricanprincessAnaJai Kingsley facesthePatriots, who wanttoforceSpain out of Floridaand returnher family to slavery.
$9.95 USD
136pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Action & Adventure/ Survival Stories
Follow twoscientistsasthey spend anightinthe Everglades collecting watersamples, photographing wildlife, andsloshing through marshes.Thescientistswant to know whatthe“river of grass” waslikepriorto human settlement. Alongtheway, they deal with razor-sharp sawgrass, alligators, turt...
OrvisGuidetoFlyFishingforCoastal Gamefish
Marine researcher Aaron Adams shareshisknowledge aboutseagrass, mangroves, salt marshes, oysterbars, shorelines,beaches, sandflats, and coral reefsfrom the CaribbeantotheCarolinas, theGulf of Mexicotothe Floridacoast, togive readerswhatthey needtoknowto fish fortropical, subtro...
A daringadventureonHenry Flagler'sOver-SeaRailroad! Twelve-year-old EddieMalone isliving acarefreelife swimmingand fishing intheFloridaKeysin 1912 when suddenly hisworld isturned upsidedown. Hisfather, a worker on Henry Flagler'sOver-SeaRailroad, isthrown intojail for stealing t...
$14.95 USD
256pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Fantasy & Magic
Ages 13to18,GradesP
$14.95 USD
218pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Thrillers/ Suspense
A graphic novel aboutghostsand young ghosthuntersin St. Augustine, Florida, America’s oldestcity. A young man, resistanttoanybelief inghosts, arrivesinatown permeated with ghostlegendsandtoursexploiting them. Heissoon caughtupin encounterswiththe town’sghostly denizens, includ...
$16.95 USD
200pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/ Lakes,Ponds& Swamps
Mosttowns havetheir secrets. In the 1930s, Port St. Joe, ontheGulfinFlorida’spanhandle, had morethan its share. Morphine-addicted old DocBerber, the town’s only general practitioner, thoughthe knew mostofthem. Buta murder outattheCape SanBlaslighthousepulled him intoseriesofint...
Rubble: TheSearchFor
Marquezprovidesapowerful portraitof Haiti—both its beauty and pathos—whilealsotellingatender, emotional story aboutthelifelongbond shecreatedwithan extraordinary young boy.
$40.00 USD 128pages• Hardcover Photography / Subjects & Themes 10.9 in H| 9.5 in W | 0.7 inT| 2.2
FloridaIcons: FiftyClassicViewsOfTheSunshine State
From the GhostOrchid toKey LimePieandthe Everglades to DisneyWorld, residentsand visitorsalikewill find much toponder and enjoy within thesepages, for FloridaIcons is madeup of 50 chaptersfilled with thousandsof factsand morethan ahundred full-colorphotographsof “iconic” people,p...
SnakeintheGrass: AnEvergladesInvasion
The nonnativeBurmesepython, oneofthe largestsnakes ontheplanet, is now reproducing freely in south Florida's River ofGrass.
Fourth in theRiversof Floridaseries(already available (SuwanneeRiverGuidebook, St. JohnsRiverGuidebook, and Hillsborough River Guidebook).TheCaloosahatchee flowsfrom nearLakeOkeechobeefor75 milestoits outlet atFortMyersonthe southwestGulf coastofFlorida. Itsan importantlink ...
: Nature'sExquisiteCreations
JoyceTenneson,sdetailed photographicstudies of luminous seashellsadrift on avelvet-softbackground remind usthatstartlingbeauty existseven in themost ordinary places. These surprising imagesgiveus aunique window intothese secretlivesofthe sea. Shortselected quotesfrom literature...
BotanicalKeystoFlorida'sTrees,Shrubs, andWoodyVines
Thishandy handbook, which can beused independently orasacompaniontoTheTreesof Floridaand The Shrubs and WoodyVines of Florida, makesitpossibleto easily identify all ofFlorida's native andnaturalized woodyplants. Thetextisformatted asatraditional botanical key, offering a series...
FloridaPlaceNames: AlachuatoZolfoSprings
Many namesof Floridaplaces evokefantastic images: Caloosahatchee, Okeechobee, Loxahatchee, Everglades, Miami--tomentiononly afew. Did youknow thatFlorida's placeswere often namedtohonorprominentlocal citizens suchaspostmasters, landowners, orwar heroes? Jacksonville, forexample,was...
PerformanceFlyCasting: AnIllustratedGuide
Coverscommon casting mistakesandtheirsolutions.
ExploringWildSouthFlorida: AGuideto FindingtheNaturalAreasandWildlifeofthe SouthernPeninsulaandtheFloridaKeys
An insider’sguidetothe natural areasof south Florida, from HobeSound in the eastandPuntaGordainthewest downtotheKeysand theDry Tortugas. Includes EvergladesNationalPark, BigCypressNational Preserve, the coral reefsof both BiscayneNational Park and Pennekamp StatePark, and Ding...
KeepsakeCookbook: GatheringDelicious MemoriesOneRecipeAtATime
TheKeepsakeCookbookisastep-by-step,easytofollowguideonhowto makeyourownfamilymemoircookbook.BelindaHulintakesyouthrough thejourneyofcollectingfamilyrecipes(bothoralandwritten),collecting photographsandmemorabilia,andhowtoorganizeyourcookbookina formatthati
TrueStoriesofthePerilousStraits: TheFlorida Keys
Gripping storiesduring the Age ofSail from thetimeof Spanish navigators ofthe16th century totheend ofthe Second Seminole Warin1842. Many died in shipwrecks and attacksby nativesand piratesasthey attemptedto navigate the110-mileseapassagebetween theGulf of MexicoandtheAtlantic...
TheWreckers: TheFloridaKeys 9781561644940
AHistoryofthePioneers: TheFloridaKeys
Well researched, fascinating accounts of early Keyslife.
True stories of Keyswreckers, thedaring seamenwho savedlivesandproperty from shipscastup on the Florida Reef.
TrueCrime:Florida: TheState'sMostNotorious CriminalCases
IncludesJohn Ashley and hisgang ofbank robbersand bootleggersand more.
$21.95 USD 384pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT|
$39.95 USD 528pages• Hardcover withdustjacket Gardening/ Reference
TheEdisonsofFortMyers: Discoveriesofthe Heart
In 1885,ThomasEdison, agethirty-nineand already a world-famousinventor, metthetwogreatlovesofhislife: MinaMillerandFortMyers, Florida. Minasoonbecame his second wife, and FortMyers—aremote, almost inaccessible, villageonFlorida’s southwestcoast—became their winterhome.
A comprehensiveguidetoFlorida’samazing variety of trees, nativeand exotic, from scrub oak tomangroves, from sabalpalm toFlorida yew.
$15.95 USD 264pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT|
$16.95 USD 236pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Fishing
Thedefinitivecollection ofFlorida'sodd, wacky, and most offbeatpeople, places, and things, for Florida residentsand anyoneelsewhoenjoyslocal humor andtriviawitha twist.
Fishing isone themostpopular outdoor activities in Florida. Thiscomprehensive regional guidebook provides anglerswiththeinformation they needtofindthe best placestofish in theSunshineState.
ChroniclesoftheStrangeandUncannyin Florida
Chronicles oftheStrangeand UncannyinFlorida explores the unknown forthosewhowish tolook beyondthe confines of everyday lifetodiscoverthetruly unusual.
$14.95 USD 224pages•Trade Paperback Cooking 8.5 in H| 5.5 in W | 0.04
Sausage: Over100DeliciousRecipesFor SausagesAndSausageDishes
Over100deliciousrecipesfor sausagesand sausage dishes.
BestEasy Day HikesTallahassee includesconcise descriptions ofthebestshort hikesin thearea, with detailedmaps oftheroutes.The20 hikesinthisguideare generally short, easy tofollow, andguaranteed toplease.
100Campeones: LatinoGroundbreakersWho PavedtheWayinSport
100Campeones: LatinoGroundbreakersWhoPavedthe Way in Sportismuch morethan agroup of storiesthat featurethetalents, triumphs, andtempestsof the careers ofLatinosin sport. Itisabook ofliving history, richin cultureand tradition. Itisacollection offirsts, of legends, and ofna...
$9.95 USD
112pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Biography & Autobiography / Historical
$14.95 USD
72pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Biography & Autobiography / Literary
$14.95 USD
168pages•Trade Paperback Biography & Autobiography / Women 9
TheTwoHenrys: HenryPlantandHenryFlagler andTheirRailroads
They shared firstnames. They both first cameto Florida looking for ahealthy placefor theirwives. And they both fell in lovewith theplace andwith itspotential. Henry Plant and Henry Flagleralsosharedpassionsfor railroadsand hotels—and they both ignored the word "impossible."
Henry Plant,...
$14.95 USD
70pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Biography & Autobiography / Literary
MarjoryStonemanDouglasandtheFlorida Everglades
Marjory Stoneman Douglas iscalled "the Grandmother of the Everglades." Read aboutherlifefrom her childhoodup northtoherlongand inspiring lifein south Florida. Shearrived in Miami in 1915 from her native Massachusetts, happytobein thetropical warmth. She begantounderstood theimportan...
MarjorieKinnanRawlingsandtheFlorida Crackers
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings worked hardtobecomea published author, and hereffortsfinally paid off whenshe movedtoCrossCreek andmetthe FloridaCrackers.
$8.95 USD
70pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Biography & Autobiography / Historical
An exciting biography abouttheman who changed Florida's eastcoastwith hishotelsand his FloridaEast CoastRailway.
Henry Morrison Flaglerwas already amillionaire when he first visited Floridain 1878. Heliked whathesaw. He came back and builtrailroadsalongtheeastcoastsothatothers c...
MorethanPetticoats:RemarkableFlorida Women
MorethanPetticoats:RemarkableFloridaWomen,2ndEditioncelebratesthe womenwhoshapedtheSunshineState.Short,illuminatingbiographiesand archivalphotographsandpaintingstellthestoriesofwomenfromacrossthe statewhoservedasteachers,writers,entrepreneurs,andartists.
$12.95 USD 280pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local
PaddlingEvergladesNationalPark: AGuide ToTheBestPaddlingAdventures
Paddling EvergladesNational Park introducespaddlersof all abilitiestonearly fifty of thepark’sbestpaddling routes.
$16.95 USD
The Floridapeninsulahasbeenlikea springboard from which human beings canrocketintospace or divebeneath the surfacesof its nearly surrounding waters. This unique guidebook offersyou timetravel.
$14.95 USD 192pages•Trade Paperback History / United States 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 lb Wt
ItHappenedinFlorida: RemarkableEventsThat ShapedHistory
ItHappened in Floridatakesreaders on abehindthe-scenestour of thirty ofthemostcompelling episodes from theSunshineState'svibrantpast.
$12.95 USD
HonorableMention: TheContinuingExploitsof Lt.PeterWake,UnitedStatesNavy
RobertMacomber'sHonor seriesof naval fiction followsthe lifeand careerofPeter Wakein the U.S. Navy during the tumultuousyearsfrom 1863to1901. HonorableMention isthethird in the series.
It'sthe fall of1864. TheAgeofSail ispassing, and Lt. Peter Wakefindshimselfagainin Key West...
$18.00 USD 254pages•Trade Paperback
/ Folk & Tribal
ItHappenedintheOldSouth: Remarkable EventsThatShapedHistory
ThisbooktellsthirtystoriesofVirginia,NorthCarolina,SouthCarolina, Florida,Georgia,Alabama, Mississippi,Louisiana,Tennessee,andKentucky—fromearlyEuropean explorationtotheendoftheCivilWar.
$16.95 USD 240pages•Trade Paperback
BestEasy Day HikesTampaBayincludesconcise descriptions ofthebestshort hikesin thearea, with detailedmaps oftheroutes.The20 hikesinthisguideare generally short, easy tofollow, andguaranteed toplease.
$11.95 USD
324pages•Trade Paperback
LowcountryVoodoo: Beginner'sGuidetoTales, SpellsandBooHags
When Africanslaveswerebroughttothe AmericanSouth towork theplantations,they broughtwith them their culture,traditions, and religion—including whatcametobe called voodoo. ThisuniqueblendofChristianity, herbalism, and folk magicisstill practiced in South Carolina's Lowcountry. Thoug...
WiseWomen: FromPocahontasToSarah Winnemucca,RemarkableStoriesOfNative AmericanTrailblazers
Illustrated with archival photographs, and encompassing twenty states—from Floridato Washington, Alaskato Maine—and many differenttribes, thisbook brings togetherthe lesser known storiesof theNativeAmerican women whoshaped their culturesand changedthecourse ofAmerican history.
Cracker Westernsarerip-roarin, action-packed, can'tput-'em-downtalessetin thefrontierdaysof Florida. They are full of adventure, real heroes, and vivid, authentic detailsthatbring Florida's history tolife.
With enough shoot-outsand stampedesforany good Western story, Alligator Gold add...
$7.95 USD 32pages•Trade Paperback JuvenileFiction/ Animals / Pigs Ages 4to8, GradesPto
TheThreeLittleJavelinas/LosTres PequenosJabalies: Bilingual
Everyone knowsthe story of thethreelittlepigs,butnow you aregoing to meetthethreelittlejavelinas- wild, southwestern cousins ofpigs. Living in homesofbuilt of tumbleweedsand cacti, the firsttwojavelinas aresoon running from thehungry coyote, who hadhopedtoeat them with red chi...
$16.95 USD 180pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.4 inT|
Completewith travel information andtipsfor those exploringthe areaby water orby land,this comprehensiveguideisall you needtodiscoverthe Suwannee.
Areyouinterestedinwildlifeand the amazing wondersof the oceandeep?Doyou enjoy teaching othersfascinating factsaboutdolphins, whales, saltwater algae, and coral reefs?Maybea career in marineeducation isrightforyou! Inthesepages, youwill learn all aboutthework of marine educator...
$19.95 USD 114pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local
176pages•Trade Paperback
HikingSouthFloridaandtheKeys: AGuideTo 39GreatWalkingAndHikingAdventures
Hiking SouthFloridaand the Keysdescribes39 hikes designed to highlightsome of thebestnatural areas throughouttheregion.
& Recreation / Hiking
$16.50 USD
64pages•Hardcover JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/Endangered Ages 6to9, Grades1 to 4
ThroughEndangeredEyes: APoeticJourney intotheWild
Take ajourney acrossland and seatomeettwenty-one endangered and threatened animals, from the mighty polarbeartothetinyCorroboreefrog, themassive humpback whaletothemysterious snowleopard. Through beautiful paintings andintimatepoems, you will learn aboutthe livesoftheseamazing ...
$24.95 USD
210pages•Trade Paperback Gardening/ Reference
St.AugustineandSt.JohnsCounty: A HistoricalGuide
Some oftheoldest historicsitesin the UnitedStatesare in and aroundSt. Augustine, Florida—theAncientCity. From FortSanDiegoin thenorthtoDixie Highway inthe south, thisbook will guide you toall thebestplaces in mainland St. JohnsCounty—aswell asmany moreonAnastasia Island. And...
HikingNorthFloridaandthePanhandle: A GuideTo30GreatWalkingAndHikingAdventures
Hiking North Floridaand thePanhandle describes30 hikes designed to highlightsome of thebestnatural areas throughouttheregion. The hikesin thisbook fall intofour differentcategories: ShortFamily Walks ranging from 1-3 miles, Day Hikesfrom 3-12 miles, OvernightHikeswith easy walkstop...
Thisreferenceidentifiesmorethan90 speciesoftropical trees foundin south Floridaandthe Virgin Islandsin a full-colortext. TropicalTreesofFloridaandtheVirgin Islands: AGuidetoIdentification,Characteristics andUses
ClassicCracker: Florida'sWood-Frame VernacularArchitecture
Winnerofthe 1993 LoPresti Award for excellence in art publishing Cracker homestakethebestadvantageoftheclimateand terrain of Florida. Thisbook providesa history of Florida wood-frame architecture, from the simplest"single-pen" homesteadstothelatesthomesatSeaside, andincludes sever...
$14.95 USD
238pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/ Wilderness
Discoverthestory oftheland of Myakka. Thisbook takes you into shady hammocksof twisted oaksand up into aerial gardens, downthe wild and scenicriver, and across avariegated canvas ofprairies, piney woods, and wetlandsall located in MyakkaRiver StatePark, thelargest statepark in Florida...
$16.95 USD
240pages•Trade Paperback
Sports& Recreation / Cycling
0.05 lb Wt
$9.95 USD
58pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/Reptiles& Amphibians
$10.95 USD 112pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ UnexplainedPhenomena
$16.95 USD
56pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Games& Activities/ Questions& Answers
RoadBiking™Florida: AGuideToTheGreatest BikeRidesInFlorida
40featured road bike rides, from easy ramblestolong, difficultchallengerides makethis agreatbook for any cyclistinterested in seeing thesunshinestate.
$16.95 USD 272pages•Trade Paperback
0.8 lb Wt
Learnall aboutlizards. They liveall overtheworld and comein many shapes, sizes, and colors. You'll findoutif a lizard canchangecolorsto match its surroundings, if a lizardstail can really growback, whichlizard runsonwater, whetherboy and girl lizardslook the same, why lizards stick...
$10.95 USD 210pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Historical / United States
Ages 9to14, GradesPto
SoOthersMayLive: CoastGuard'sRescue Swimmers:SavingLives,DefyingDeath
Dramatic, compelling, downrightunbelievableaccounts of the CoastGuard'soften unsung heros.
HauntedFlorida: GhostsandStrange PhenomenaoftheSunshineState
Supernatural talesfrom Florida, astate rifewith eerie occurrencesandghostly denizens.
$4.95 USD 24pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Fairy Tales& Folklore/ Adaptations
Twenty questions andanswersaboutmanatees. You'll find outmoreabouttheir behavior, why they'reendangered, and whatyou candotohelp. (5-9)
Fifteenth in theseries of Those AmazingAnimals. Thisfun elephantbook asksand answers 20questions, eachwith anamazingphotoand oneof Steve Weaver...
$9.95 USD
58pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/ Butterflies, Moths &Caterpillars
Young Solomon Freeman, andhisparents, Mosesand Lela, survivetheCivil War, gain their freedom, and gamble their dreams, riskingtheir very existence, on ahomestead intheremote environs of north central Florida.
InPuertoRico, there aremany storiesaboutJuanBobo, a young manwithagood heart, butlittlecommon sense. In thistale, JuanBobo’smothertellshim totakecareof their pig while shegoestochurch. When thepig won’tstop grunting, Juan Bobodecidesthatthepig mustwanttogo to church as...
Thisbook answers20questions aboutbutterflies,their behavior,why they look theway they do, how they communicate, andmuch more.
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$14.99 USD
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/ Marine Life
Ages 9to12, Grades4 to 7
$19.95 USD
Whalesand dolphinsareour closestliving relativesin the underwaterworld. With over 190 colorphotographs, this comprehensiveguideoffersan amazinginsightintothe excitinglivesofthese mysteriousmammals.
$8.95 USD 48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
HoofPrints: MoreStoriesfromProudSpirit
The heartwarming story ofProud SpiritHorseSanctuary continueswith nineteen new storiesof rescued horseswho havegotten asecond chance atlife.
Four fascinatingreptilesarethe subjects ofthenewest titlesin theOur Wild World series. In each book, kidswill find thereal storiesbehind these mysteriouscreatures, and howthey'veearnedtheirdistinct reputations. Each beginswith abrief section on reptile familiesand the differencesa...
Twenty-six hauntingtalesofFlorida'sghosts, from a haunted schoolhouse in Micanopy tothe many spirits lingering in St. Augustine, America's oldestcity.
$12.95 USD 160pages•Trade Paperback
| 0.9
231pages• Hardcover Pets/ Horses 9.2
SeashellsinMyPocket: AMC'sFamilyGuideTo ExploringTheCoastFromMaineToFlorida
Packedwith scoresoffascinating factsand new illustrations, thiscompletely revised and expandededition ofSeashellsin MyPockettellskidsall aboutnaturealong the AtlanticCoast.
Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
$9.95 USD 160pages•Trade Paperback
Florida'sGhostlyLegendsandHaunted Folklore: TheGulfCoastandPensacola
From ancientgraveyards andmonumentstomodern restaurantsand hotels,thisbook offersadelightful collection of uncanny legendsand eeriefolkloreabout Florida'sbeautiful west coast. Walk through the picturesquecity ofPensacolain Florida'sPanhandle, where the spirits of thedead arebeckon...
$8.95 USD 40pages•Trade Paperback JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Earth Sciences
Florida'sFamousAnimals: TrueStoriesOf SunsetSamTheDolphin,SnootyTheManatee,Big GuyThePanther,AndOthers
Thisbookincludestruestoriesofwildanimals(bothnativeandnon-native) andunusualandwell-knownpets(thatforwhateverreasonbecameless personalpetsandmorepublicpetsintheirlifetime).Eachanimalhasan unusualroleintheanimalworldoranamazingstorytotell.
Storm Codespresentsthe sights and sounds of Great Lakesshipping in the late 1960sthrough seven-year-old Katy'sstory ofhopeanddetermination. Asa fierceice storm ripsthrough northern Minnesota, Katy and her mother waitrestlessly for herfather'sshiptoreturn totheir harborinDuluth. St...
$34.95 USD
96pages•Hardcover Crafts& Hobbies/ Carving
8.5 in H| 11in W| 0.1 lb Wt
$24.95 USD
136pages•Trade Paperback
TheGoldenEagle: ABehind-the-ScenesLookat theArtofBirdCarving
Look overtheshoulderofaworld-renownedbird carver as he createshis mostchallengingpiece
$19.95 USD
256pages•Trade Paperback
Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN,
AsFloridaisdeveloped the native florais often replaced with non-nativeplants. Wildlifehabitatisreduced; water, fertilizer and pesticide usage increases; andthe appearance of Floridaisaltered. But you can help reduce thedamagebeingdonetoour ecosystemsby viewing your yard aspart oft...
$16.95 USD
58pages•Trade Paperback JuvenileNonfiction/ Activity Books
Ages 5to9, GradesPto
$12.95 USD
178pages•Trade Paperback
Questionsand answersaboutdolphinsthatwill show you howdelightful they are.
Learnaboutthedifferencebetween adolphin and aporpoise.
Find outhow dolphinsbreathe andwhatthey eat.
How dodolphinscommunicate? Find outhow they make soundsand how well they can hear.
TheGhostOrchidGhost: AndOtherTalesfrom theSwamp
Nothinglikesomegoodghoststorieson acool Florida eveningaround acampfire(orathome in yourfavorite reading chair).
$14.95 USD 208pages•Trade Paperback
Fiction / Anthologies (multiple authors) 9 inH | 6
$24.95 USD
352pages•Trade Paperback History / United States
$21.95 USD
200pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Environmental Science &
TheArtofSouthFloridaGardening: AUnique GuidetoPlanning,Planting,andMakingYour SubtropicalGardenGrow
Gardeners from Key WesttoLakeOkeechobee and on up the coastsknow thatgardening adviceforthe rest ofthe country justdoesn'tapply here. South Floridaisunique, and The ArtofSouth FloridaGardening isuniquely intended for South Floridagardeners, whohavedepended onthesolid advice in t...
Haunted shipsandghoulishpiratesaboundinthisthrilling collection.
TheLightkeepers'Menagerie: Storiesof AnimalsatLighthouses
ElinorDeWire hasbeen writing aboutlighthouses and their keepers since1972. Duringthattime she foundthat hundreds of lighthouse animals wandered intoher researchnotesandphotocollection. Thisbook isthe story ofall these cold-nosed, whiskered, wooly, hoofed, horned, slithery,buzzing, f...
Completely updated new edition.
A treasuretrove of information and suggestionsonwhere and howtolook forFlorida's mostinteresting natural featuresand creatures.
Florida's SpecialPlaces: unique environmentsand habitatssuch astheEverglades, coral reefs, sinkholes, salt marshes, and beaches...
Hereare100beautiful orchidsthatyou can grow in Florida.
These orchidswere chosen for theirbeauty, ease of cultivation, and suitabilitytoFlorida's climate. Whetheryou are an old hand atgrowing orchidsorare abeginner anxioustotry it, youwill find help here choosing theplants thatwill...
From FortPickensin thePanhandletoFortJefferson in the ocean 40 milesbeyond Key West, historical travelerswill find many adventureswaiting forthem inFlorida. In this new updated editiontheauthorpresents74 of his favorites—17 of them are new tothisedition, and the rest havebeen compl...
$11.95 USD 58pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Activity Books
Ages 5to9, GradesPto
$11.95 USD
58pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/Reptiles& Amphibians
DangerousSeaLifeoftheWestAtlantic, Caribbean,andGulfofMexico: AGuidefor AccidentPreventionandFirstAid
How torecognizeand avoid runningafoul ofthe creatures thatbite or sting, arepoisonouswhen eaten, or are otherwisepotentially harmful. A handy referencefor swimmers,boaters, divers, anglers, and water-lovers.
20questions andanswersaboutturtlesthatwill convince youthatthey areterrific! You'll knowthedifference between aturtleand atortoise, and you'll know why they haveshells.You'll know what seaturtlesdrink and how very farthey travel. And you'll understandwhy you shouldntturn onlight...
Learnall aboutalligators—andthey areamazing.Of course, you'll learn thedifferencebetweenalligatorsand crocodiles, and you'll alsofind outhow many teeth they have,why they havebumps, and how fastthey canrun.
You'll meetthewhite alligatorsattheNew OrleansZoo, and even learn how to ...
$4.95 USD
32pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Animals / Frogs &Toads
Ages 4to8, GradesPto
Inthisdelightful Russiantale ofperseveranceand survival, two frog sisterslearn thetruthoftheold sayings, “Itain’t over ‘til it’sover,” or, “Theoperaisn’tover until thefatfrog sinks.”
On thenightofSeptember16, 1928, ahurricaneswung up from PuertoRicoand collided, quiteunexpectedly,with Palm Beach, Florida.Thepowerful windsfrom the storm burstadike and sentatwenty-footwall ofwaterthrough threetowns, killing over 2,000people. RobertMykle showshow the residen...
$9.95 USD 58pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Activity Books
Ages 5to9, GradesPto
Why isitcalledtheBald Eagle? Whatdoeagles eat? How strong areeagles?Howwell can an eagle see?How fast can an eaglefly?Whereinthe world doeagleslive?
$8.95 USD
130pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.4 inT|
$39.95 USD
344pages• Hardcover Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)
$24.95 USD 360pages•Trade Paperback Nature
FloridaBounty: ACelebrationofFloridaCuisine andCulture
Delicious recipesfilled with thetastes of Florida.Native fruits and vegetables, succulentseafood, and tropical drinksareamongthe manydelightsinthis cookbook.
$16.95 USD 192pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Action & Adventure
Ages 9 And Up, Grades4
Explains in step-by-step fashion howtocreate one'sown personal outdoorparadise. Addressing the needs of gardening novices, seasoned hobbyists, and horticulture professionalsalike, Stan DeFreitashas, onceagain, created areferencebookthatnoFloridagardenershould bewithout.
$7.00 USD 63pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Family / Multigenerational
Ages 10to17,GradesP
Thisbook isa collection of morethanthirty storiesabout long lostburiedtreasures andforgotten stashesthatare said tobehiddenalong theAtlanticCoast.
Florida'sBirds: AFieldGuideandReference
Full-colorillustrationsanddetailed descriptionsofeach speciesand coverssuchtopicsasexoticand endangered species; bird conservation and study; finding, attracting, and feedingbirds; birdproblems; and thecareof sick and injuredbirds.
$14.95 USD
128pages•Trade Paperback
TheRightPlantsforDryPlaces: NativePlant LandscapinginCentralFlorida
Thisrevised andexpanded second edition has moreplant speciesand morephotos, andall theinformationyou need to incorporatenativesinto your central Floridagarden.
$8.95 USD 124pages•Trade Paperback
Fiction / Short Stories (singleauthor) 9 inH | 6.1 in W| 0.4 in
$14.95 USD 338pages•Trade Paperback
Fiction / SeaStories
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.8 inT| 1.1 lb Wt
MiddleSchoolTeacherPlansandResources forALandRemembered
Teaching resourcesfor middleschool studentsfor A Land RememberedStudentEdition
Seeall ofthebooksinthisseries
TheLegendoftheLowcountryLiar: AndOther TalesofaTallOrder
A uniquecollection of folktalesfrom theSouth Carolina Lowcountry featuring historical factsand humorousirony.
PointofHonor: TheContinuingExploitsofLt. PeterWakeUnitedStatesNavy
In 1864,Peter Wakeisatthe helm of aschooner, the St. James, searching for desertersin theDry Tortugasand off the coast of Mexico.
$11.95 USD
58pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Zoology
$12.95 USD
306pages•Trade Paperback
Pelicansarepeculiarbirds. Thisbook answers20 questions soyouwill understand whythey aresopeculiar. You'll learntheanswerstoquestionslikethese:
How many kindsofpelicansarethere?
How dopelicans huntforfood?
Dopelicanssteal fish from fishermen?
How highcan apelicanfly?
Winnerofthe ChatauquaSouth Award forFiction
Outof the shotgun housesand deep, shaded porches ofa westFloridamill town comesthisextraordinary novel of loveand redemption astoldby Gabriel Catts. Ontheeve of hisfortieth birthday, Gabeattemptstoreconcileafamily shatteredby hisbetr...
Thisprimer on King Snook and hiswatery realm will teach you:thekindsof habitat snook prefer, tried and true tackle, lures, baitandtechniques, besttimes of day and tidesforSnooking, and thebestplacesin Floridatofind hungry snook. Although habitatlossandoverfishing have putpressure...
Discover Florida, with its uniquegeography and exciting history—from ancientgold tomodern real estate speculation—by journeyingalong its highways. Beginning witha chronology and succinctaccountof Florida's spectaculardevelopment, then an accountof the rise of the major cities, FloridaHisto
$17.95 USD
58pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ NativeAmerican Ages 9to12, GradesPto
$8.25 USD 32pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Environmental Science &
$16.95 USD 138pages• Hardcover Fiction / Short Stories (singleauthor)
$9.95 USD
58pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature/ Zoology
Patchwork: SeminoleandMiccosukeeArtand Activities
FloridaSeminolesand Miccosukeeshavebeen making and wearingpatchwork clothing sincetheearly 1900s, creatingmany beautiful and uniquepatchworkdesigns. They alsomake palmetto-husk dolls, dressed in patchwork clothing. Patchwork isaway fortheseNative Americanstoexpressthemselvesandid...
Before visitorsarrivewiththeir blanketsand radios and suntan lotion, thebeach isawild place. Inthisbook, agirl and herdog explorethenatural landscapein thequietof early morning.They watch seabirdscircling thedunesand the ocean uncurling onthesand,whilegullslaughand a cool b...
NervousWaterandOtherFloridaStories isacollection of six shortstoriesthatexplorethe spiritof fly-fishingtoday. The authorusestalesofstalking fish in Floridatoexamine environmentalism, philosophy, fishing asentertainment, the natureof celebrity, the meaning ofrelationships, and t...
Everwonderaboutthosefunny, big, pink birdsthatstand on one leg and eatupsidedown?Thisbook answers20 questionsaboutflamingostoteach you alotaboutthose bigpink birds.
In addition to finally understanding why they stand on one leg andeatupsidedown, you'll learntheanswersto quest...
$14.95 USD 166pages•Trade Paperback Reference/ Questions& Answers 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.4 inT|
$12.95 USD
192pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
$7.95 USD
32pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Science & Nature
Ages 4to7, GradesPto
$16.95 USD
240pages•Trade Paperback Travel / Special Interest/ Adventure
From themeparkstoballparks, thequirky tothe educational, Miami toTallahassee—every city and county inFloridaare covered in thisnewly expanded edition:
What'sresponsible for morethan 2,800 holesin Palm Beach County?
Which camefirst, St. AugustineorPlymouth Rock?
AncientCityHauntings: MoreGhostsofSt. Augustine
St. AugustineisAmericasoldestcity—andperhapsits mosthaunted. David Lapham's firstvolume, GhostsofSt. Augustine, hasprovenvery popular. Enjoy another twenty-five hair-raising storiesfrom theethereal shadows oftheAncientCity'smurky past. Why is St. Augustine so ghost-ridden, sofille...
$16.95 USD 174pages•Trade Paperback Reference/ Handbooks& Manuals
$19.95 USD 224pages•Trade Paperback Travel / Special Interest/ Adventure 8.4 in H| 5.6 in W |
Little Dolphin learnsthe importantlessonsthatall dolphins must know: Wearesingers. We areracers. Wearefishers. We areprotectors. Weare players. We aredolphins. Sereneartwork andgentletext combinetomakea peaceful bedtimestory thatwill lull little onesintoa magical underwaterwor...
$7.95 USD 112pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Fishing
Information on Single-family Subdivisions, Townhouse and ClusterDevelopments, Mobile Homeowners Associations, and MasterCommunity Associations. A homeownersassociationisdesigned topreservethe common welfareand theproperty values of the community. In aproperly operated community, itdoes. In... TheHomeownersAssociationManual
Thisrevisedguidetoafast-growingwater sportis forboth novicesand experienced kayakers. Whether you wantto fish or justwatch wildlife, seakayaking offers new waysto enjoy Florida'shidden baysand openoceans. You'll find the latestinformation forakayaking adventure: boats, camping, cl...
Where, how, whentofish, whethertobring home your dinner- orlanda fighting gamefish. Tackle, tides, temperature, and other factorsmakethedifference, and knowing the optimum conditionsincreases your chances of success.
FlightOut: TrueTalesOfAdventure,Travel, AndFishing
The authorofBatfishing inthe Rainforesttakes uson his latestadventures.
$10.95 USD
64pages•Hardcover JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 8to11, Grades3 to 6
EverythingDolphin: WhatKidsReallyWantto KnowaboutDolphins
Dolphinscaptivate uswith their intelligence, their chatteringand their amazing jumping! Thesetruly cool animalsarethelatestfocusin thepopular Kids'FAQs(tm) series,basedon real questionsfrom real kids. In addition toprovidingbasic information like habitat, diet, species distinction, a...
$8.95 USD
64pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 8to11, Grades3 to
EverythingDolphin: WhatKidsReallyWantto KnowaboutDolphins
Question-and-answerformatbrings(readers) righttothe topicsthatinterestthemost. Accessible andphoto-packed. —BOOKLISTClear, full-color photosprovide close-up viewsof various species. Thisisa funtreatforbrowsers.
$19.95 USD 200pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local
DorothyParker: InHerOwnWords
Combining through Parker'sstories,poems, articles, reviews, correspondence, and even herrarejournalism and song lyrics, editorBarry Day has selected and arranged passagesthatdescribe her life andits preoccupations-urban living, thetheater and cinema, battleof the sexes, anddeath bydissip...
NativeFloridaPlants: LowMaintenance LandscapingandGardening
Thisbeautiful book advises Floridagardenerson how to selectand careforplantsthatwillthriveinthe environment.
$14.95 USD 88pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ 20ThCentury 11in H| 8.5
Thisupdatedguideprovidesthelatestfindingsaboutthe biology and ecology oftheGulfof Mexico.
Author Kevin McCarthy takes usthrough the history of the bay'ssitesand communities. With vibrantcolorpaintings by William Trotter, ApalachicolaBay will letyou savor some authenticFloridahistory and seewhatmakesthis ""Forgotten Coast"" memorableforresidentsand visitors alike. ApalachicolaBay
Neartheend of the nineteenth century, StandardOil millionaireHenry Morrison Flaglerventured toSt. Augustine, Florida, America'sOldestCity, and transformed itintoan exotictravel destinationforthesocial elite. He raised magnificent, fanciful SpanishRenaissance hotel palacesonwhathad ...
From risksof shark bites, woundsthatwon’t stopbleeding, and electric shock topotentially fatal pufferpoisoning or allergicreactions, thesaltwater environmentiscertainly a place ofdanger. Divers, swimmers, beachcombers, and evenindividualssittingdowntoan elegantmeal of seafood can av...
TheCompleteCollector'sGuidetoShells& Shelling: SeashellsfortheWatersoftheNorth AmericanAtlanticandPacificOceans,Gulfof Mexico,GulfofCalifornia,TheCaribbean,The Bahamas,andHawaii
Thisfield guidefeaturesmorethan450 full-color illustrationsof shellsfor easy identification andprovides completedescriptions, habitats, collecting details, size ranges, and dollar valuesforeach specimen.
$12.95 USD
176pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ State &Local
8.5 in H| 5.6 in W | 0.4
$16.95 USD
64pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Activity Books
Ages 10to14,GradesP
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
Prairie: TheGreatSavanna:AHistory andGuide
Thisnew paperback edition ofPaynesPrairiestill offersthe sweeping history of the shallow-bowl basin in themiddleof Florida, justsouth of Gainesville, butnow addsaguideto outdooractivitiesthatcan beenjoyed in the statepreserve theretoday, along with mapsoftrailsforbiking, hiking...
$14.95 USD
264pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/Coastal Regions& Shorelines
Therewerepeople living all over Floridafortwelve thousandyearsbeforeColumbusgot here. Before hardwarestoresand shopping malls, these people managedtogetfood, make clothing, and cook their meals. In TheCraftsofFlorida'sFirstPeople, RobinBrown asks, How did theydoit?Andtoanswer...
$7.95 USD 48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
Sometimes, adock isn'tjustadock. It'sa habitat, aliving thing. In thetiny fishing community ofPanacea, Florida, the author'sfloatingdock nurturesanabundanceof marine life. Crabs, worms, mollusksandalgaemaketheir homethere, attracting andfeeding fishand other creatureshigher up t...
Alligatorsand Crocodiles, Lizards, Snakes, and Turtleseach providesan exciting opportunity todigdeeperintothe livesof reptiles. Forresearch orenjoyment, young readers
Alligatorsand Crocodiles, Lizards, Snakes, and Turtleseach providesan exciting opportunity todigdeeperintothe livesof reptiles. Forresearch orenjoyment, young readers will turntothese kid-friendly booksagainand again.
$14.95 USD
264pages•Trade Paperback
Science, mythology, and conservation ethicsare interwoven in this captivatingandhighly personal travelogue. It recounts how Jack Rudloe'slifelong fascination with seaturtlesledhim tojourneytoCentral Americaand Malaysiatoinvestigatethe theory that magneticforceshelp guideseaturtles ...
Bringing Shakespearetothe Sunshine State, thisbook gatherstogetheratalentedgroup of teachers, choreographers,directors, setdesigners, musicians, costumers, actors, andartiststodiscusshow they have adapted thebard's monologues in Miami, assassinated JuliusCaesaronthestepsofTallaha...
$7.95 USD 48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
Our well-respected andlong-runningOurWildWorld seriestakes on primates! In these four new titles, kidswill learn whatmakeseach oftheseunique animals so special. Each begins with abrief section onwhatmakes aprimate aprimate, includingtaking acloselook attheiropposable thumbsand t...
$9.95 USD 194pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Short Stories (singleauthor) 8.8 in H| 5.9 in W | 0.6
$24.95 USD
224pages• Hardcover Sports& Recreation / Water Sports/ Boating
$8.95 USD
76pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/Coastal Regions& Shorelines
$19.95 USD
270pages•Trade Paperback History / Europe/ Spain
TalesfromaFloridaFishCamp: AndOther TidbitsofSwampRatPhilosophy
Join Jack Montrose, afish camp regularsince1965, as he reminiscesaboutthegood old daysfishing on theSt. JohnsRiver. Tales fromaFloridaFish Camp capturesthe atmosphere and humor of fish camps, wherefishermen gatheredtotell tall talesof their fishing exploits, play practical jokes, an...
$18.95 USD
256pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Water Sports/ Scuba& Snorkeling
Thisbook exploresthedepthsof the oceans in search of all types of sharks, many speciesofwhich had yettobe discovered.
OceansAreWaiting: AroundtheWorldonthe YachtTigger
NatureofFlorida'sWaterways: Including Dragonflies,Cattails,andMangroveSnapper
Florida's waterwaysarehosttothousandsofland, air and water species. Thisbookdescribessomeof thethings you'll "see, smell, taste, hearand feel" around Florida's waterways. Itincludesaquaticlife mostvisiblefrom bridges, shorelines, piers andboats, and celebratesthe interconnectednes...
The story of theexpeditions of Spanish explorerstold throughthe history ofthe firstAmerican currency: pieces ofeight.
TheSteveSpurrierStory: FromHeismanto HeadBallcoach
The fisrtcomprehensivebiography of oneoffootball's mostvolatile personalities.
$9.95 USD 104pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends& Mythology
$10.95 USD 174pages•Trade Paperback Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
Drawn from Floridahistory, folklore, andfiction, this collection of storiestailor-madefortelling will entertain, inspire, andastoundreadersand listeners of all ages. Cracker Jack isup tohisold tricks: putting oneover on his Yankee schoolteacher; confounding acensustaker; and convincing ...
LearnofHemingway'sdoomed love affairs, hispatriotic activitiesduring World WarII, andhiswriting experiences inan old farmhousein Cuba. Hearfrom Hemingway contemporariesand scholarsaboutthe manandthetown that hemadefamous. Hemingway'sKeyWest
ComingAbout: AFamilyPassageatSea
$11.95 USD 222pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Regional & Cultural / Central American & South
IfIWereAManatee: AColoringandActivity Book
$16.95 USD 44pages•Hardcover JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/ Marine Life
Ages 7to9, Grades2 to 3
Thisbook takesreadersinsidethe mysteriousworld of Loggerhead seaturtles asthey hatch in their nest and head outtowardtheopen sea.
$16.95 USD
288pages• Hardcover JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature
Ages 8to12, Grades3 to 7
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
Wheretheanimal lives, whatiteats, whenit sleeps, how it raisesits young and much more.—Over30 vivid, full color photosand illustration.—Sidebar Fun Facts, an index and alistof InternetSites.
$16.95 USD
176pages• Hardcover Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends& Mythology
Partdeep-South, partsubtropical,partLatin, part everywherethatitsimmigrantshavecomefrom, Floridais unique in its variety. And Florida'skitchens reflectthis deliciousdiversity.
Inthis collection you will findeasy-to-follow recipesthat rangefrom the comforting tothe fantastical. You... TheSunshineStateCookbook
Join Billy as hesearchesfor piratetreasure underthesea. On hisquest,with alittleseahorseforhisguide, Billy makesfriendswith thefish and learnsaboutmarine life. Thisbook isa real treasure for readers of all ages!
MoreFunwithNatureis acompilation of fiveother Take Along Guides. Itincludes: Berries,Nutsand Seeds; Birds, NestsandEggs; Rocks, Fossils andArrowheads; Seashells, Crabsand SeaStars; and Wildflowers, Blooms and Blossoms.
Sandspun: FloridaTalesbyFloridaTellers
Folktalesteach, inform, and heal. Most ofall, they entertain. Here'sacollection oftalesrichwith homespun humor, charm, and wisdom—all toldwith flair by someof Florida'sbestand mostsought-afterstorytellers. Their storieswill makeyou feelpartofthegreat“family" thatis Florida. If i...
$24.95 USD
130pages•Trade Paperback Business&Economics/ NonprofitOrganizations& Charities
$8.95 USD
72pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/Coastal Regions& Shorelines
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 8to11, Grades3 to
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
OrganizingSpecialEventsandConferences: APracticalGuideforBusyVolunteersandStaff
Hereis help for anyone whohastoproduce apublicevent —from achurch social orschool fundraisertoa national conference. Thiscomprehensive andpractical handbook is the firsttoreveal all thetricksand techniquesofthe professional eventorganizer. Packedwith step-by-step instructions, c...
$12.95 USD
160pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Regional & Cultural / Asian 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.4 inT|
Light, delicious, andjuicy, mangoesgowith everything from grilled pork chopstoicecream. A compendium of mangohistory, legend, literature, andlore, "The Mongo MangoCookbook" alsoincludesmouthwatering recipes thatfeaturemangoesin salads, meat and seafood dishes, desserts,drinks, and mor...
$9.95 USD 112pages•Trade Paperback Cooking
9 inH |
Every titlecontains: -Wheretheanimal lives, whatiteats, when itsleeps, howitraisesitsyoung, and muchmore.
-Over30 vivid, full colorphotosand illustrations. -Sidebar 'Fun Facts,' an index and alist of useful InternetSites.
TheGourmetGatorCookbook: Recipesfor PeopleWhoKnowTheirPlaceintheFoodChain
Alligator meatis lean, nutritiousand delicious, but until now it'Âsbeen hard to find recipesfor it. Thiscollection of recipesistruly gourmet--and hasinternational flair!Try Gator Gallejo, Alligator Lasagna, CrocCordon Bleu, Curried Gator Afrikans, SweetandSourGator, Tandoori Gator, Per...
$8.95 USD 48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
Wheretheanimal lives, whatiteats, whenit sleeps, how it raisesits young and much more.—Over30 vivid, full color photosand illustration.—Sidebar Fun Facts, an index and alistof InternetSites.
Wheretheanimal lives, whatiteats, whenit sleeps, how it raisesits young and much more.—Over30 vivid, full color photosand illustration.—Sidebar Fun Facts, an index and alistof InternetSites.
$7.95 USD 48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
Wheretheanimal lives, whatiteats, whenit sleeps, how it raisesits young and much more.—Over30 vivid, full color photosand illustration.—Sidebar Fun Facts, an index and alistof InternetSites.
NatureofFlorida'sBeaches: IncludingSea Beans,LaughingGullsandMermaids'Purses9781586670559
BiminiTwists: AShortFiction
Lifeasafishingguideain'teasy. Justask Skip, the hilarious character developed by Sandy Rodgers.
$14.95 USD
$7.95 USD 64pages•Trade
Thisfield guidefeaturesmorethan150 full-color illustrationsand facing-pagedescriptions ofthe magnificentbirdsthatinhabitthefreshwaterand saltwater areas ofNorth America, including theCaribbean andthe WestIndies. Theeasy-to-useformatmakesthis an ideal guideforbirdwatchersof ...
Spectral visions, footstepsintheattic, thumpsin the night. Whohasn'twitnessed or heard such things and not thought ofghosts?Join yourguide, authorJack Powell, on awildridefrom Pensacolato Jacksonvilleand down toKey West, touring Florida'splaces and history through someof itsbestg...
$7.95 USD 114pages•Trade Paperback
/ United States/ South
inH | 6 in W | 0.3 inT|
$16.95 USD 119pages•Trade Paperback Gardening
FishingAdventuresinFlorida: SportFishing withLightTackle
Isthereacurefor snook fever?
“I'velanded plenty of snook withalightbait-casting outfit. Don'tfish for snook any otherway. You can canepole'em with heavy lines offpiersand bridges, ortroll for'em. ButI liketo scrub thebushesand make'em hittop-water plugs." ThiswashowCal Stone...
OldestGhosts tells of unexplainedexploitsby the spirits dwelling in St. Augustine, theoldestcity of European origin intheUnited States.
JudgeJohnStickney watches from atreelimb abovehis cemetery monument. A Colonial-periodghosthangslaundry ina Spanish courtyard. TheghostofWill Green,...
"BarbaraOehlbeck haslaiditall outforus, in thiseasy to readand understand book, how tomaximizeourpleasure from ournational flower. Using practical and proven methods, shetakesusstep by step from choosing the correctvariety toplanting, careand finally, enjoying the beautiful end pro...
$10.95 USD
168pages•Trade Paperback
Tourists,Retirees,andOtherReasonsto StayinBed
DavidGrimes'shumor column runsthreetimesaweek in the SarasotaHeraldTribune. Davidbeganwritinghis humorcolumn in1985 whenitbecame clear thathehad notalentfor other, moreuseful jobsatthepaper. David hasgleaned alifetimeofwisdom from his25 yearsasa Floridaresidentand off...
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
Whatanimal hasskinny legslikeahorse,big earslikea burro, abeard likeaturkey, and shoulder humpslikea bear?It'samoose, of course! Fredericksdiscussesthe physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, andlifecycleof the comical-looking creature, whoseappearance hides strength, spee...
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
$16.95 USD
206pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ State &Local
Ages 8 And Up
Seaturtles livein all the oceansof theworld, with five speciesfound nearthe United States. ThisOur Wild World book providesthe latestinformation on seaturtlesin an easy-to-readformat, featuring 22 up-closephotosand detailedillustrations. SeaTurtles
$10.95 USD 160pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local
Learn200quick, painlesshistory lessonsin onethoroughly researchedbook. Anindispensableguide for Florida students, newcomers, and old-timersalike.
Floridahasalong and complex andvery interesting history, butfew ofus havetimetoreaditindepth. So here are 200 quick looksatFlorida's...
$8.95 USD
80pages•Trade Paperback
Floridahasits own special way ofcelebratingtheholiday.
Tales of Southern Rivesr recounts Grey'stales of fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, on riversin thejungles foMexico,the FloridaKeys, and inthe Everglades.
Thisisan excellentguidetothefascinatingplantand animal life andthe man-made attractions oftheunique and beautiful Everglades. Tellsthevisitor "wheretogo, whattosee,whattodo" andprovidesan introduction to the wildlife heis likely to seeduring hisstay. Lots ofphotos of sites...
EvergladesLawmen: TrueStoriesofGame WardensintheGlades
From the firstgamewardensintheEvergladesto present-day wildlifeofficers, law enforcementinthewild, untamedEvergladeshas keptpacewith changing times. Today'sgamewardenschase escaped convicts, keep surveillance ondrug runners, and recoverwreckage from planecrashesaswell asarrest...
$19.95 USD 258pages•Trade Paperback Gardening/ Reference Ages 8 And Up 9 inH | 6.1 in W| 0.6 in
Martin and BarbaraMoehavecreated the ultimatemarine aquarium quizbook. Thereare 400 questions: each has fourpossibleanswersthattestyourknowledge, tease yourbrain, andtickleyourfunny bone. The correct answersare onthereverseof eachquestion page and they are loadedwithinformatio...
TheFernsofFlorida: AReferenceandField Guide
All professional or amateurbotanists, plantlovers, and gardenerswill wantthisimportantbook in their libraries.
$18.95 USD
pages•Trade Paperback
/ Landscape
Thiscommon-senseguidewill tell you how to makethe mostof waterused in yourhome landscape. You'll havea greener, moreproductiveyard, fewer failures, andoverall muchlesswateruse.Organicgardeningprinciplesare describedandrecommendedtoprotectgroundwater quality. Animportant, mus...
$14.95 USD
Bring life toyourgarden and experiencethemagic of metamorphosis! Thisbooktellsyou how. Itdescribes23 speciesof butterfliesand showsthem in colorphotosadults, caterpillarsand pupae, aswell asdozensand dozensoflarval and nectar food plants. Complete growing informationisinclude...
$8.95 USD
128pages•Trade Paperback Gardening/ Landscape
8.5 in H| 5.5 in W |
$15.95 USD
240pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Water Sports
8.5 in H| 5.5 in W
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
inSouthernFlorida: TheBestDayTripsAndToursFromSt.Petersburg ToTheFloridaKeys
Nigel Fosterleadskayakerson 40 trips, withmany additional routealternatives, in thewildlife-rich marine habitatsofsouthern Florida. Featuresthorough descriptions oftheroutes, includingprominentlandmarks and pointsof special interest;detailed maps; and overviews of southern Florida'sw...
$22.95 USD
480pages• Hardcover Fiction / Literary 9.3 in H| 6.3 in W | 1.6 inT| 1.9 lb Wt
Drawing on thetalentsofmany ofFlorida's notable writers, StuartKaminsky offers an enticing selection ofFlorida mystery fare. Follow professional investigatorsand amateur sleuths alike asthey steadfastly andpatiently uncover one clue atatimetofinally reveal theidentity of a killer or th...
Seashells,CrabsandSeaStars: Take-Along Guide
An introductiontotheworld ofseashells, crabs, and sea starsincluding identificationinformation, educational activities, andfun facts. Invitesyoung naturaliststo spot wildlife. Safety tips areprovided and interesting activities are suggested.
$14.95 USD 208pages•Trade Paperback Pets/ Horses
8.5 in H| 5.4 in W | 0.6 inT| 0.6 lb Wt
This'littlegreenbook'isclear, concise, well-organizedand comprehensive. MacPerry, aformer horticultural agent, coversitall - howtodesign an attractivelandscape, how to have alush,green lawn, howtokeeppestsandweeds atbay, howtocarefor fruitand shadetrees, improveyour soil, ...
Readersreceived arefreshing introductiontotheSimsand Catts familiesin Owens' firstnovel, My Brother Michael, narratedby the inimitable Gabriel Catts. Heretotell her sideisMyraSims,theapex of alovetrianglethatincludes Gabeand hisbrother, Michael. Myra'sfreshperspective will br...
The FloridaHorseOwnersField Guide describesavailable breeds, howtoselectthe rightbreedfor you and your home, and how toensurethatyourpetstays healthy in Florida, taking into accountthe special challenges of heat, humidity, insects, poisonousplants, andhurricanes. It includesadetai...
Tall talesand historical storiesofFlorida’salligators
$16.95 USD 362pages•Trade Paperback
$21.95 USD
pages• Hardcover
A LandRemembered hasbeen ranked#1 BestFlorida Book eighttimesin annual pollsconductedby Florida Monthly Magazine.
Inthisbest-selling novel, Patrick Smith tellsthestory of threegenerationsofthe MacIveys, aFloridafamily who battlethehardshipsofthe frontierto rise from adirt-poor...
$21.95 USD 400pages•
TheMostlyMulletCookbook: ACulinary CelebrationoftheSouth'sFavoriteFish(andOther GreatSouthernSeafood)
Mulletheadsunite!GrifGriffinisentirely enamored of Mugil cephalus, thestriped orblack mullet. "A pecanwithfins, " he callsit. And he'scompiled here dozens of recipesto celebratethisbullet-headed silvery delicacy.
$14.95 USD
318pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local
With itsextensiveand often turbulenthistory, Floridais a fitting home tosomerestlessspirits. Author JoyceMoore hastraveled around the state andgathered storiesabout strangehappenings andghostlypresences.Notonly historichomes,butalsotheatres, parks, and cultural centersarethefo...
$22.95 USD 224pages•Trade Paperback
Setin1835 in the northern FloridaTerritory, thishistorical novel will transportyoutoatimewhen Floridasettlers werefew and lawswerescarce. Dealing with cattle rustlers and abrewing Seminolewar, Aceand Amaly Dover,their foursons, and their spirited daughter, Marvelous, have their han...
ShipwrecksofFlorida: AComprehensiveListing
Over2,100 shipwrecksfrom the 16th century tothe present; the mostcomprehensivelisting now available. Wrecks arearranged primarily by geographical section of the state. Within sections, wrecksarearranged chronologically.Extensiveand heavily illustrated appendicesofferawealthofinformati...
IndianMoundsYouCanVisit: 165Aboriginal SitesonFlorida'sWestCoast
Imaginemy surprisewhen Idiscovered my home sitson anancientIndian mound. Imagine my surprise whenI found that100,000 Indianswere livingin Floridawhen the Europeans arrived in the 1500s, andthatthey hadbeen herefor12,000 years… and today they aregone-extinct--nodescendants. Ihadt...
From the goldenmouse andmanateetotheFlorida panther andbottle-noseddolphin, thishandbook portrays all 96 facinating mammal speciesknown toinhabit Florida's varied habitats. Packed with intimatedetailsof their makeup and habits, colorphotographs, and cluesfor identification, thisbook e...
$19.95 USD
pages•Trade Paperback
/ United States/ 19ThCentury
$19.95 USD 285pages•Trade Paperback
A new, succinct history of American expansion from the Revolution totheCivil War, showing how an aggressive foreign policy wenthand in handwiththeriseof nationalism. BuildingtheContinentalEmpire: American ExpansionfromtheRevolutiontotheCivilWar
$14.95 USD 272pages•Trade Paperback
/ United States/ State &Local
Florida'sPast,Vol2: PeopleandEventsThat ShapedtheState
Virtually every monthforfourteen years, GeneBurnett wroteahistory pieceunder thetitle"Florida'sPast" for FloridaTrend, Florida'srespected magazine ofbusiness and finance. Thefirstvolumeof collected essaysfrom that seriesprovedsopopularamong book readersthattwo more volumeshave...
BreedingtheOrchidDottyback, PseudochromisFridmani: AnAquarist'sJournal
Thisisapioneer book aboutbreeding marinetropical fish. Itisloaded with tipsandtricksthatareofinteresttoany marine aquarium hobbyist. Theaspiring marinefish breeder andtheprofessional aquaculturistwill beeven more enlightened. Itincludesinformation neverbeforein printaboutc...
Thisbook tellshowtoconstructmonofilamentand nylon nets,both from scratch and using machinemade netting.
$8.95 USD 64pages•Trade Paperback Nature 11in H| 8.6in W| 0.2 in T|
$12.95 USD 168pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends& Mythology
$17.95 USD
Inthis collection of over sixty selected piecesreaderswill recognizetheirboats, their fellow sailorsand themselves.
$9.95 USD 224pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Plants/ Trees
10in H| 8 in W | 0.5inT | 1.1lbWt
TheNatureofFlorida'sNeighborhoods: IncludingBats,ScrubJays,LizardsandWildflowers
It'snature in yourownbackyard! Fascinating factsabout theplants, insects, spiders,birds, mammals, reptilesand amphibiansthatarelikely to share yourpersonal habitat. Lively,detailed drawingsillustratethis charmingguidethat will captivatenatureloversofall ages.
The uniqueand oftenturbulenthistory of St. Augustine, America's oldestcity, has spawnedmorethan four hundred years' worthofghosts.
BigTrees: TheFloridaRegister
Florida's championtreesarethe subjectof thisbook, which containsan inventory ofthelargestexamplesof each speciesofnativeand nonnativetreeinthestate, wherethey areand who ownsthem. Other sections address"giants of yesteryear," common causesofdeath in trees, ratesof growth, ran...
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
$21.95 USD
332pages•Trade Paperback
Describesavariety of berries, nuts, and seedsthatmight befoundon anaturewalk andincludesidentification information.Invites young naturaliststospotwildlife. Safety tipsareprovided and interestingactivitiesare sugested. Color illustrationsenhancethepresentation. —-HORN BOOKS (Track...
$14.95 USD 416pages•Trade Paperback
A LandRemembered hasbeen ranked#1 BestFlorida Book eighttimesin annual pollsconductedby Florida Monthly Magazine.
Inthisbest-selling novel, Patrick Smith tellsthestory of threegenerationsofthe MacIveys, aFloridafamily who battlethehardshipsofthe frontierto rise from adirt-poor...
Stories oftheheroism and fortitude ofthemen and women of the U.S. Lighthouse Service, whokeptvital shippinglanessafefrom 1716 until early inthe20th century. GuardiansoftheLights: StoriesofU.S. LighthouseKeepers
$14.95 USD 280pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local
$14.95 USD
280pages•Trade Paperback
Florida'sPast,Vol1: PeopleandEventsThat ShapedtheState
Virtually every monthforfourteen years, GeneBurnett wroteahistory pieceunder thetitle"Florida'sPast" for FloridaTrend, Florida'srespected magazine ofbusiness and finance. Thisfirstvolume of collectedessaysfrom that seriesprovedsopopularamong book readersthattwo more volumeshav...
$16.95 USD
88pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Plants/ Trees
$3.95 USD
36pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals
Ages 6to8, Grades1 to
Childrenwill follow the moon asittravelsacrossthepages ofthisbook and asthey readaboutthewild animalsthat re seldom seen duringtheday. Asnighttimeanimalshunt, run, anplay underthe starry sky, readerscan learn about their lifestylesand unique habits.
$12.95 USD 96pages•Trade Paperback
Art/ Techniques/ Drawing 11in H| 8.6in W| 0.2 in
Florida'sPast,Vol3: PeopleandEventsThat ShapedtheState
Virtually every monthforfourteen years, GeneBurnett wroteahistory pieceunder thetitle"Florida'sPast" for FloridaTrend, Florida'srespected magazine ofbusiness and finance. Thefirstvolumeof collected essaysfrom that seriesprovedsopopularamong book readersthattwo more volumeshave...
ABookofTreesforFloridaandthe Subtropics
Thisold favoritehasbeen completely revised, with many more north Floridatreesand natives. Itcontainsover 300 lineillustrations of treesseen every day inFlorida's roadsideplantings, parksand residential gardens.You'll recognize some of thetemperate-subtropicaltreesshown, whileothers ...
Whether you'reembellishing fieldnotesor learning anew skill, you'll appreciatetheeasy directions in thisguide. The clearest, easiest method yetforlearning todraw Florida's birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals.
$9.95 USD
106pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Short Stories (singleauthor)
8.9 in H| 6.1 in W | 0.3
$18.00 USD
168pages•Trade Paperback Nature
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT| 0.7 lb Wt
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature
Ages 7to10, Grades2 to
Pull up your favoritechair and afew listenersand start your own storytelling traditionwiththegemsfrom this collection oftall tales, modern fables, nonsensestories, and storiesfrom history—all with aFlorida flavor.
Nextin series> >
Seeall ofthebooksinthisseries
$3.95 USD
24pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/ Frogs& Toads
Ages 6to8, Grades1 to
If you'vetravelled theDeepSouth'shighwaysinthefall, you know how gorgeousitsgrasses can be. Thisbook describes over 100 speciesof nativeand naturalized grasses. Itdiscussesgrassesin history,theorigin ofgrass names,distinctionsbetweengrasses, sedgesand rushes, and grasstaxonomy...
$7.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Science& Nature
Ages 8to12, Grades3 to
An introductiontotheworld ofinsects, caterpillars, and butterflies includingidentification information, educational activities, andfun facts.Invites young naturaliststospot wildlife. Safety tips areprovided and interesting activities are sugested.Colorillustrations enhancethepresentatio...
$24.95 USD
296pages• Hardcover Poetry / Anthologies (multiple authors) 10.2 in
When thePilgrimslanded atPlymouth Rock, St. Augustine was already half acentury old. Foundedin 1565, the city hasbeen continuously inhabitedeversince, and its architectural stylestell storiesof boom and bust, fad and tradition, war andpeace, modernization and historic preservation. Thisaf...
$16.95 USD
270pages•Trade Paperback Fiction
An introductiontotheworld ofinsects, caterpillars, and butterflies includingidentification information, educational activities, andfun facts.Invites young naturaliststospot wildlife. Safety tips areprovided and interesting activities are sugested.Colorillustrations enhancethepresentatio... Trees,Leaves
FloridainPoetry: AHistoryoftheImagination
Long before John Smith setfootin Virginia, Spanish and Frenchpoetswerewriting aboutthelandscape and inhabitants of Florida. Thisisthefirstcomprehensive anthology of Floridapoetry, from someof the earliest European encounters with thepeninsulatothe experiencesof contemporary poets. I...
TheFloridaReader: VisionsofParadise
From early Spanish mythsand Seminole andAfricanAmerican folktalestothelatestdescriptionsof modern Miami, thisanthology includeswritingsby such authorsas Ralph WaldoEmerson, JohnJamesAudubon,ZoraNeale Hurston, ZaneGrey, WallaceStevens, MarjorieKinnan Rawlings, JoseYglesias, and H...
$11.95 USD
298pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Westerns
7 inH | 5 in W | 0.7 inT| 0.7 lb Wt
$14.95 USD 406pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Westerns
7 inH | 5.1 in W| 1 inT| 1
The vastunsettled lands of Floridainthe1850sare a magnetdrawing men and women from all backgrounds toward thepromiseoffresh beginnings. Most ofthem are honest, hard-working citizens. Butthereisanother element, ason any frontier: theviolent, thegreedy, the power-hungry. Will thehones...
$23.95 USD 182pages• Hardcover Nature/ Seashells
8.8 in H| 5.7 in W | 0.8 inT| 1.1 lb Wt
Thisnovel plungesthereaderintothelastagonizing years oftheCivil War. Cattle from the Floridaplainsare needed to saveadesperateSouthfrom starvation. Butquicksand and snake-filled swamps,Yankeeraiders, and vicious outlawsblock thetrailsbetween Florida andthe rest ofthe Confedera...
$19.95 USD
Social Science/ Cultural & EthnicStudies
Learnto identify andgrow 30popular membersofthe palm family. Information on size, color, water, nutritionand soil needswill help youselectone or morefor yourtropical or subtropical landscape.
$19.95 USD 144pages•Trade Paperback Gardening
Neitherrain, sleet, snow, dark of night, 100-degree heat, nor-10wind chill will preventJohn Phillips from crappie fishing. Theauthor has caughtcrappiethroughtheicein Minnesota, in the sizzling sun of Floridaandinmany ofthe statesin between.Phillipshasfished with most ofthe nation’...
$11.95 USD 192pages•Trade Paperback
Sports& Recreation / Water Sports/ Scuba& Snorkeling
Teachers'ManualforAfricanAmericansin Florida
Thisteachers' manual ismeanttoaccompany thetext entitledAfrican Americansin Florida. Themanual includes, foreach chapter, (1) thekey termsthatarebold-faced in thetext anddefined in theglossary, (2) researchquestions forpossiblefurtherwork, (3) discussiontopicsfor the classroom,...
Having it"madeintheshade" canbea challenge, if you're agardener. Lawns, roses, and someflowering plants may notthriveorbloom aswell thereasin full sun. Butthere are many colorful foliageand flowering plantsthat absolutely lovetheshade. Learnwhat you canplantin differentkinds o...
Fish&DiveFloridaandtheKeys: ACandid DestinationGuideBook3
Thiscandid travel destination guideis an honestfishing and divingappraisal of Florida'sfresh watersprings and coastal watersincluding theKeys,Gold Coast, Middle Atlantic, Upper Atlantic, Lower Gulf, and UpperGulf. A detailedindex, numerousphotos, and tourism contacts are included. This c...
$3.95 USD
pages•Trade Paperback
Thisisa coloring book with an environmental message. All oftheFloridacritterspictured hereare endangered, threatened, or"of special concern." Thedrawingsare wonderful andthetexttellskidsthingsthey can do themselvestohelpprotectFlorida'swildlife.
$12.95 USD
HandbookofSaltwaterFishes: Atlantic,Gulf, andCaribbean
Identifiedinthisbook arethefish mostcommonly caught inthewestern AtlanticOcean, theGulf ofMexico, and the Caribbean. Included with thedescription and illustration of each fish is information on its size, color, habits, range, season, best fishing methods, baits, and food value
SpanishPathwaysinFlorida,1492-1992: CaminosEspañolesenLaFlorida,1492-1992
Floridaserved asone of thegreatmeeting groundsofthe planet, aplacewherepeoplesfrom Indian America, Latin America, Africa,theCaribbean and Europe converged. Thisbook featuresessaysinbothSpanish andEnglish on the influence of theSpanish in Florida from the first explorerstothelat...
$12.95 USD
Cooking isfun, and Lonniewill show you how with suggestions for artisticfoodplacement, foodpainting techniques, and more. Sheincludestips on purchasing, preparing, and serving seafood, aswell ashandy informationsuchasthe nutritional value of seafood and howtochoosetherighttoolsand ...
$19.95 USD 130pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local
$19.95 USD 112pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South 11in H| 8.4in W| 0.4 in
$14.95 USD 240pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Fishing 9.1 in H| 6.1 in W | 0.6
LarryLarsen'sGuidetoSouthFloridaBass WatersBook3
Thisbook shouldbe areferencesourcefor all anglerswho fish or wishtofishinthefuture, thewaters of South Florida, Thisregion hasthreeofthe state'sfivelargest lakes. Each chapter focusesonthenamelakesand rivers intheregionthatalmostalwaysproduce good bassfishing and on man...
Thisbook offersthirty ofthemostinteresting shipwrecks—from thetaleof youngFontaneda, tothe story oftheCoastGuard cutterBibb.
Key Westisanarchitectural treasure troveof housesbuilt inthe19th century.
FishFloridaSaltwater: BetterThanLuck—The FoolproofGuidetoFloridaSaltwaterFishing
Thisbook isa uniqueguidetotell you when, where, and howtocatch morethan 35 varietiesofsportfishes.
$4.95 USD
64pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Animals/ Marine Life
9 inH | 5.9 in W| 0.2 in
$22.95 USD
146pages•Trade Paperback
Gardening/ Reference
9 inH | 6.1 in W| 0.3
$3.95 USD 32pages
A completework aboutthe nature, habits, facts, and folkloresurroundingthemysteriousand incredible shark, thisbook includescolorand black and whitephotos and illustrations. Shark
$9.95 USD 144pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Plants/ Trees 11in H| 8.5in W| 0.4 in T| 1 lb Wt
If you can'tgetenough of majestictrees, brightly colored flowers, and anything thatgrowsfrom theground up, you'll lovethisguideto74 outstandingtropical flowering treesthatwill grow in Florida's subtropical climate. From the hugecanopy ofred blossomsonRoyal Poinciana,to the eye-dazz...
$16.95 USD
272pages•Trade Paperback Biography & Autobiography / Literary Figures
FloweringTreesforCentralandSouth FloridaGardens
Add oxygentotheenvironment, shadetoyourpatio, and color andbeautytoyourlife-plantafloweringtree! Forty-eighttreesareillustrated with sketches and30 pagesof colorful blossoms, original paintingsby the author. Givesdescriptions, history, blooming season, water, soil and temperatu...
Born in Minnesotain1890 and raised andeducatedin Massachusetts, Marjory Stoneman Douglas cameto Floridain 1915 towork for her father, whohad just started anewspaper calledtheHerald ina small town called Miami. Inthis "frontier" town, sherecovered from a misjudgedmarriage, learnedtow...
Thisbook tellsthe life story ofthemostwidely recognized seashell, thequeen conch, accompaniedby many color photosand detailedillustrations. Theusesfor, andfishery and farming of, this valuable natural resourceare also discussed. QueenConch
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88pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Specific Ingredients/ Game 8.4 in H| 5.6 in W | 0.3
Floridahasalotgoingforit- and alotofpeople comingto it. If almostconstantsunshine weren'tlureenough, 4500 miles of coastlineisthe clincher!Actually, the straight-line distanceis about1800 miles; some expertssay the coastlineisover8000 milesif you countthe coastlineat every...
$12.95 USD
86pages•Trade Paperback
Nature/ Animals/ Reptiles &Amphibians 11in H| 8.5in W| 0.5
Now that you've caughtit, howdoyou cook it?Thisbook hassometasty suggestions: Redfish Chowder, Flaked Fish CucumberSalad, Perch Jambalaya,TroutalaRusa, Flounderin WineSauce. Ithas avariety of recipesfor22 kindsoffish you may bring home, whether from the lake, the ocean orthesup...
GreatOutdoorsBookofAlligators&Other Crocodilia
VisitorstotheSoutheasthave alwaysbeen fascinated and frightenedby these"moderndragons". Thisbook contains awealthoffacts, mythsand folkloreabout29 kinds crocodilians, includingFloridanativesthealligatorand American crocodile. Bestof all, thisbook isbursting with 'gator cartoon...
$9.95 USD
48pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Seashells
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.2 inT| 0.2 lb Wt
$4.95 USD
64pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Plants/ Flowers
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32pages•Trade Paperback Crafts& Hobbies
Takethiseasy-to-toteguidealongtothebeachtohelp identify your findsamong its 120 shellsand assortmentof otherseashore creatures. Each shell isillustrated witha linedrawing. HandbookofShells: SeaShellsoftheGulfand AtlanticCoasts
$3.95 USD
32pages•Trade Paperback
Pets/ Insects& Spiders 8.2
WorldofTropicalFlowers: Including IdentificationofPoisonousPlants
With full-colorphotographsanddescriptionsofflowering seasons, toxicities, andpropagation methods, thisbook helpsreadersidentify morethan 100 tropical plantsthat are found in theUnited States.
ShellcraftAnimals: ShortTimeProjectsfor Beginners
Shorttimeprojectsfor beginners. In addition tothe identification charts of theshells,thereareprojectstobe made!
$4.50 USD 36pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Animals/ Marine Life
Ages 6to8, Grades1 to
$4.95 USD 44pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Animals/ Birds
Tarantulasaregainingpopularity asexoticpets. Thisbook explainsthebiology, care, andfeeding of tarantulasand includescolorphotos.
WhatHappenstoMeWhenIFishtheSea andaFishCatchesMe
A young boy seessomeunexpectedthingswhen he visits thebottom of the ocean.
A handy-sizedguidetoover110 speciesofwaterside birds, theshowiestinFlorida. Every birdispicturedin color, withan accompanying description whichdetailssize, range, habitat, identifying characteristicsand nameorigin. Truly an uncomplicatedguide for afascinatingpastimeof birdwatch...
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72pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Ecosystems & Habitats/Coastal Regions& Shorelines
A "beachdictionary" of seashoreanimalslikejellyfish, barnacles, seaworms, sanddollars, seacucumbers, starfish, crabsand seahorses.Tells wherethey live,what they do, whatthey look andtastelike.