$29.95 USD
688pages• Hardcover Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary 9 inH | 6 in W
$19.95 USD
234pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
$24.95 USD
432pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
WelcometoBlackthorneFaire, aplaceof wild musicand unbridled, boisterousdance!Of theatreand pageantry!Of deadly duelsand rapier-fastquips! Ofroastingturkey legs and boisterousdrinkingbouts!
WelcometoBlackthorneFaire, aplaceof whispered rumors of unexplaineddisappearances. Ofmyst...
$19.95 USD
322pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
SpookySouth: TalesofHauntings,Strange Happenings,andOtherLocalLore
A collection of43 folktaleshighlighting famous and not-sofamousSouthernghosts, mysterioushappenings, powers ofdarkness, andwondersoftheinvisibleworld.
SpookyAppalachia: TalesofHauntings,Strange Happenings,andOtherLocalLore
Tales of hauntings, strangehappeningsand otherlocal lore throughoutAppalachia.
$21.95 USD
200pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South 8.3 in H| 5.6
SavannahFoodCrawls: Touringthe NeighborhoodsOneBiteandLibationataTime
Savannah Food Crawlsisan exciting culinarytour through on of Georgia's mostbeautiful cities. Each crawl isthe completerecipefortheperfecttouristday, anew way to experienceyour own city, or simply food porn andgreat storiestoenjoy from home. Puton yourwalking shoes and your stretchy...
WhentheSouthernLightsWentDark: The LighthouseEstablishmentduringtheCivilWar
TheConfederacy extinguished the lightsinall the lighthouses itcontrolled long before any shotswerefired at FortSumter. WhentheSouthern Lights WentDark:The LighthouseEstablishmentDuringtheCivil Wartellsthe story ofthemen whoassumedthedaunting task of finding thelensesandlamps...
$26.95 USD 232pages• Hardcover Social Science/ Cultural & EthnicStudies/ American
LiesaboutBlackPeople: HowtoCombatRacist StereotypesandWhyItMatters
Inthis honestand welcoming book, diversity and inclusion expert, professor, and award-winning speakerDr. OmekongoDibingaarguesthatwe mustembark ona massiveundertakingtore-educateourselves on the stereotypesthathaveproven harmful, and toooften deadly,totheblack community.
CoastalKitchen: NourishingSeafoodRecipesfor EverydayCooking
WelcometoCoastal Kitchen. If youarealover of seafood, the ocean, and all things coastal living, you’vecometothe rightplace. Coastal Kitchen unlocksthemystery ofthe sea–– takingthe guesswork outofseafood. Jenny Shea Rawn makesit easierforyoutoselect,prepareand cook seafood soth...
StreetwiseAtlantaMap: LaminatedCityCenter MapofAtlanta,Georgia
StreetwiseAtlantaMap- LaminatedCity CenterStreet Map of Atlanta, Georgia- Foldingpocketsizetravel map withintegrated Martalines& stations
Thismapcoversthefollowingareas: MMain AtlantaMap 1:33,000
AtlantaAreaMap 1:170,000
Downtown AtlantaMap
Known asthecapital oftheSouth, Atlanta...
$34.95 USD
432pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
TheBigBookofCivilWarSites: FromFort SumtertoAppomattox,aVisitor'sGuidetothe History,Personalities,andPlacesofAmerica's Battlefields
The Big Book of Civil War Sites istheconsummatetravel referenceforAmerica'sCivil War battlefields. Whether exploringthe SouthernstatesortheEasterntheater, history-focused travelersandCivil Warbuffsfinally have ready accesstoin-depth and thoroughlistingsof all major sites, includi...
$16.95 USD 196pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
HauntedSavannah: MacabreMansions, SouthernSpirits,andBone-ChillingBurialGrounds
Morethantwodozen tales ofghosts, unexplained phenomena, and other spooky happeningsin Savannah, GA, the city oflegendary ghosts. Includesinformation so readers can check outthespiritsthemselves-- if they dare.
21 easy tointermediatepatterns for relaxing knittingand everyday wear: shawls, cowls, hats, sweaters, mitts, and more. These versatilepieces easilydress up ordownand pairwell with itemsalready in yourwardrobe. Easy, breezy, knits!
$24.95 USD
ForagingWildEdiblePlantsofNorth America: Morethan150DeliciousRecipesUsing Nature'sEdibles
A full-colorfield and feastguide with imagestothemost common ediblewild plants, completewith recipesand folklore
The 50GreatestPlayersin BravesHistory examinesthe careersofthe 50 men who madethegreatestimpact on oneofMajorLeague Baseball’s oldestand mosticonic franchises.Quotesfrom opposingplayers andformer teammates areprovidedalong theway, asaresummaries ofeachplayer’sgreatest seas...
$14.95 USD 152pages• Hardcover Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American
9.1 in H| 6.9 in W | 0.9 inT| 0.9 lb Wt
Sonsof Baseball isfull ofpersonal storiesfrom sonsof majorleaguebaseball playerswhotalk aboutwhatitwas likegrowing upwith afamousfather. Alongtheway, we geta rareglimpseof theballplayersthemselves, not as pitchers, hitters, managers, and coaches, butasdadsand granddads.
CampingGeorgia: AComprehensiveGuideto theState'sBestCampgrounds
Looking for theideal spottopitch yourtentorpark your RV? Camping Georgiawilltakeyou there. This comprehensiveguidebook givesdetailed descriptions of morethan 100 public campgroundsthroughoutGeorgia–from themountainstotheplainstothecoastal areas. Easy-to-use maps and chartswil...
All-Time-FavoriteRecipesfromGeorgia Cooks
GeorgiaCookssharetheir recipesthataredear totheir hearts.
$34.95 USD
400pages• Hardcover withdustjacket History / African American & Black 9.1 in H| 6.4 in W | 1.1
$29.95 USD
280pages• Hardcover Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)
$14.00 USD
256pages•Trade Paperback Biography & Autobiography / African American & Black
$18.95 USD
208pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
UnsungPatriots: AfricanAmericansinAmerica's Wars
AfricanAmerican soldiershavemadesignificant contributionstodefending their country in every war throughoutAmerican history. The story of their serviceis vital notonly for military history, butfor all of American history. AndGene Betitdoes itcareful, excitingjusticein Unsung Patriots.
$34.95 USD 176pages• Hardcover Sports& Recreation / Fishing
CutFlowers,FoliageandFruitsofthe Southeast: FourSeasonsofFloralDesign
Nativeplants arethe natural centerpiecesofthe Southeastern landscape, sowhy shouldn’tthey bethe centerpieceoftheSoutherntable? From themountainsof Southern Appalachia, intothePiedmontPlateauand allthe way downtotheAtlanticand GulfCoastal Plains, native plantsprovidean abunda...
$19.95 USD 128pages•Trade Paperback Travel / United States/ South 8.7
TacticsforBassandOtherWarmwater Species: TacticsforBassandOtherWarmwater Species
Tim Jacobscoverstechniques, rigs, and fly patterns for largemouth and smallmouth bass, panfish, pike, and other speciescommon in lakesaroundthecountry.
LighthousesoftheSouthernStates: From ChesapeakeBaytoCapeFlorida
Lighthousesof theSouthern Statesistheclassicguideto the mostsignificantlighthousesinthe Carolinas,Georgia, and Florida. Through stirringhistoricaccounts and stunning colorand archival photographs, the storiesof morethan thirty-fivelighthousescomealivein vividdetail. Each light–...
LettheLawCatchUp: ThurgoodMarshallinHis OwnWords
In 1954,theUS Supreme Courtruled thatracial segregation in public schoolsviolated the civil rightsof Black schoolchildren.Thebrilliant and courageouslawyer behindthat ruling, Thurgood Marshall, becametheCourt's first Black justicein 1967 and continuestoinspiredecades later.Thisacce...
$19.95 USD
250pages•Trade Paperback Performing Arts/ Film
GoneWiththeWind: 1939DaybyDay
Gone With theWind: 1939 Day by Day chroniclesthe production,premieresand reception oftheiconicfilm from January 1, 1939 toDecember 31, 1939. Engaging, daily behind-the-scenesentriesprovideasnapshot ofwhatwas happening on and offtheset. Sidebars sprinkled throughoutthemonthsprovide...
HauntedLighthouses: PhantomKeepers, GhostlyShipwrecks,andSinisterCallsfromthe Deep
Lighthousesandghostsaretwopopularpassions. Melded togetherby master storytellerand lighthouseexpertRay Jones, thesetalesofspirited lightsareguaranteedtograb the attention ofall readers. Asanadded bonus, practical informationisgivenforthose whowish tovisitthe featured light...
$35.00 USD
224pages• Hardcover Travel / United States/ South
10.4 in H| 8.4 in W | 0.8 inT| 2 lb Wt
NaturallyGeorgia: FromtheMountainstothe Coast
A visual showcaseofthe uniquebeauty foundwithin the state of Georgia. Explorethe state throughoutthe various seasons, highlighting locationsthatareboth extraordinary and often overlooked. Featuring over 200 spectacular imagesyouwill soak in thelush landscapesand picturesqueviewsthatG...
BlakeShelton: HappyAnywhere
With fifty personalphotosfrom theauthor'scollection and a close connectiontoBlakeShelton, Carol Cash Large presentsawarm, detailed account of one of country music'sbiggeststarsofalltime.
$15.95 USD
JuvenileFiction/ Historical
Ages 9to11, Grades4 to
$29.95 USD
336pages•Trade Paperback
DiscoveringtheAppalachianTrail: AGuideto theTrail'sGreatestHikes
From beginnerstothru-hikers, Discoveringthe Appalachian Trail hassomething foranyonethatwantsa connection withthe nation’slongestmarked footpath at approximately 2,181 miles. LetJoshuaNivenand Amber Adamsguideyouacrossthebesttrailsthatthe Appalachian Trail hastooffer. Complet...
HikingWaterfallsGeorgiaandSouth Carolina: AGuidetotheStates'BestWaterfall Hikes
A beautiful, full-colorguidebooktomorethan 50 of the bestwaterfall hikesin South Carolinaand Georgia. Many ofthehikesand waterfallsare located along theborder betweenthetwostates, within easy accessofeach other.
$8.95 USD 40pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Activity Books/ Coloring Ages 8to11, Grades3 to
$27.95 USD
384pages• Hardcover
Social Science/ Slavery
LandscapesofExclusion: StateParksandJim CrowintheAmericanSouth
Duringthe1930s, thestatepark movementandthe National Park Service expandedpublicaccesstoscenic American places, especially duringtheeraoftheNew Deal. However, under severe Jim Crow restrictionsin the South, African Americanswere routinely and officially denied entrancetothesesupp...
$8.95 USD 12pages•Pamphlet
On arocky island outpost offthecoastof Maine, a young girl once keptthelighthouselampsburning fordayswhile her father washeld on themainlandby a violent storm. Thisheroicincidentformsthebasis of ArielleNorthOlson’s dramatic story aboutyoung Mirandaand herfamily.They haverece...
AtlanticCoastFishesYouCanColor!: Coloring BookandGuide
Over25,000 fish speciesliveintheworld. The Atlantic coastlineishometoafew hundred of these.The seventeen species illustrated and described in thisbook are commonly found betweenthe“Capes”:CapeCodin Massachusetts andCapeHatterasinNorth Carolina, but the rangesforsomeare much g...
Marse: APsychologicalPortraitoftheSouthern SlaveMasterandHisLegacyofWhiteSupremacy
Marse: A Psychological Portrait oftheSouthernSlave Master andHisLegacy of WhiteSupremacy focuseson the whitemenwhocomposedtheantebellum southern planter classin theperiod of 1830-1861. Thisbook isa psychological autopsy ofthemindsand behaviorsof enslaversthathelpsexplainthe e...
GeorgiaFreshwaterFishes: AWaterproof FoldingGuidetoNativeandIntroducedSpecies
GeorgiaFreshwaterFishesisaportablereferenceguideto 80 native speciesoffreshwaterfish thatinhabitGeorgia's lakesand rivers. Theillustrated, waterproof 12-panel foldingguidefeaturesawatershed maptowhicheach speciesis keyed, andprovidesdescriptionsof anatomy and distinguishing...
$8.95 USD
Nature/ Regional
8.3 in H| 4.1 in W | 0.8 inT| 0.08lbWt
$7.95 USD
Nature/ Birdwatching Guides
$7.95 USD
AtlantaTrees: AFoldingPocketGuidetoNative& OtherDistinctiveSpecies
Atlantaparksare hometothousandsofmaturetreesthat provide crucial shadeand airquality benefits fortheentire city. Inthisbeautifully detailed guide, withfull-color illustrations, over 140 familiarAtlantaspeciesare highlighted. AtlantaTrees isthe essential referenceguide fornature...
$7.95 USD
Nature/ Animals/ Wildlife 8.1 in H| 4.2 in W | 0.1 inT| 0.08lbWt
AtlantaWildlife: AFoldingPocketGuideto FamiliarAnimals
Featuring approximately 80 commonspecies, thisportable guideislightweightandlaminated fordurability. A perfect resource for educators, naturalistsand anyonewhowants to learnmore aboutAtlanta'snatural areasandfauna. Madein the USA.
EasternCoastalBirds: AWaterproofFolding GuidetoFamiliarSpecies
EasternCoastal Birdsistheideal guidefor the seasonal visitor orresidenttoidentify commonly seen birds. This beautifully illustrated guidehighlightsover140 familiar speciesand amap featuringbirding hotspots.Printedon waterproofpaperfordurability,thispocketguideisideal for use...
| 0.1
SaltwaterGameFishofNorthAmerica: An IllustratedFoldingPocketGuidetoFamiliarSpecies
This12 panel folding, waterproofguidefeaturesthemost common species of saltwater gamefishthat arefound off the coast ofNorthAmerica. Beautifully illustrated, itguides speciesidentification and offersquick facts aboutthefish behavior. A musthavefor both noviceand pro saltwater fishe...
Nature/ Animals/ Fish
8.3 in H| 3.8 in W |
$7.95 USD
12pages•Pamphlet Nature/ Seashells
Seashells: AWaterproofFoldingGuidetoFamiliar NorthAmericanSpecies
ThisguidetoSeashellsisthe ideal introduction tothemost familiar and uniquetypes of seashellsfound in themarine eco-regionsofNorth America. Thisbeautifully illustrated guidehighlightsover 85 speciesand includesamarine ecoregion map. Onwaterproof paper fordurability, this 12-panel ...
$7.95 USD 12pages•Pamphlet
Nature/ Animals/ Fish
SaltwaterFishes: AWaterproofFoldingGuideto FamiliarNorthAmericanSpecies
Saltwater Fishesisanideal, simplified referencetothe mostcommonNorth American saltwaterspecies. This beautifully illustrated guidehighlightsover120 species organizedby family toallow foreasy comparison of similar species. On waterproofpaper for durability, thispocket guideisideal f...
$7.95 USD 12pages•Pamphlet
Nature/ Animals/ Butterflies& Moths
Ages 0to17, GradesPto 12
$7.95 USD
Nature/ Seashells
8.3 in H| 3.8 in W | 0.1 inT| 0.07lbWt
Butterflies&Pollinators: AFoldingPocket GuidetoFamiliarSpecies
A handy tool forthosewishing todeepentheir understanding of butterfliesand other colorful pollinators, thisguidefeaturesbeautiful illustrations of 70 familiar butterflies and mothsaswell assomeespecially common larvaeand pupae. Alsoincluded are notesonlifecycles and other commonpol...
EasternSeashoreLife: AWaterproofFolding GuidetoFamiliarAnimals&Plants
Thisbeautifully illustrated 12-panel waterproof folding guidetoEastern Seashore Life highlightsover 140 species of seashorebirds, mammals, seashore creatures, seashells, nearshorefishes andplantsand includesatidal zone map.
$7.95 USD
Nature/ Animals/ Wildlife
8.3 in H| 3.8 in W | 0.1 inT| 0.09lbWt
$7.95 USD
Nature/ Sky Observation
Ages 10 And Up
8.3 in H| 3.8 in W | 0.2 inT| 0.08
$7.95 USD
Nature/ Plants/ Trees
Ages 10 And Up
8.3 in H| 3.8 in W | 0.1 inT| 0.09lbWt
$7.95 USD
Nature/ Birdwatching Guides Ages
LifeoftheSoutheasternUSA: A FoldingPocketGuidetoFamiliar
Featuring 140 common and familiarmammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, plants, butterflies, and other invertebrates, thisbeautifully illustrated reference includes amap showing someof thetop naturehotspots across Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, andFlor...
$17.95 USD 36pages
Nature/ Animals/ Wildlife
Ages 10 And Up 9.3 in H| 4.3 in W |
TheNightSky: AFoldingPocketGuidetothe Moon,Stars,PlanetsandCelestialEvents
50wordsor lessdescription oftheproduct
Learnaboutstars, ourmoon, planets(visiblewith the naked eye), eclipses, meteorshowers, and other celestial eventswith thisportableguideTheNightSky, which includesglow-in-the-dark summerand winter star charts. Laminatedfordurability, thislig...
Trees&Wildflowers: AFoldingPocket GuidetoFamiliarPlants
50wordsor lessdescription oftheproduct
TheportableguideGeorgiaTrees and Wildflowersisa beautifully illustrated collection ofthe140 mostfamiliar speciesof trees, shrubs, andwildflowersthatincludesan ecoregion map showing over 20botanical sanctuariesand learning sites. Laminated fo...
$9.95 USD
Nature/ Birdwatching Guides
Ages 10 And Up 8.3 in H| 3.8 in W
$7.95 USD
Nature/ Animals/ Wildlife
Ages 10 And Up
in H| 3.8 in W | 0.1
GeorgiaNatureSet: FieldGuidestoWildlife, Birds,Trees&WildflowersofGeorgia
Includedinthisnaturesetarethreeportable references —Birds, Trees& Wildflowers, and Wildlife—packaged in an attractive acetatebag. Each guidefeaturesbeautiful illustrationsof over100 common species, aswell as an ecoregion map showing top bird-finding, botanical, or wildlife-viewing hotsp...
FeederBirdsoftheSoutheast: AFolding PocketGuidetoCommonBackyard
Featuring beautifully illustrated profilesof40 familiar feeder birdsofthe Southeast, each annotated with notes on species' habitatsandbehaviors, this resourcealsoincludes an overview offeedertypesandrecommendedfoodsfor attracting each species. Laminated for durability, this lightweight...
GeorgiaWildlife: AFoldingPocketGuideto FamiliarAnimals
Thebeautifully illustratedGeorgia Wildlife features140 common and familiarmammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, butterflies, otherinsects, and seashore creaturesaswell asan ecoregion mapshowing over 20 topwildlife-viewing and learning sites. Laminated for durability, this12-panel ...
GeorgiaBirds: AFoldingPocketGuidetoFamiliar Species
WithGeorgia’sdiverseassemblageof bird species, it helpsto haveaportablereferencetothemost familiar species. Inthebeautifully illustrated GeorgiaBirds, 140 common species arefeatured along withan ecoregion map showing over20 bird-viewing hotspots. Laminated fordurability, this12-...
$6.95 USD 32pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileNonfiction/ Activity Books
Ages 4to14, GradesPto
Designed for kids8- 12, this Activity Book featuresdozens of nature-related games, quizzes and classroom activities thatencourageinterestand engagechildren innatureand the natural sciences.
ToLiveandPlayinDixie: ProFootball'sEntry intotheJimCrowSouth
Inpost–World War II America, when professional football owners scheduledexhibitiongamesin theSouthandlater placed franchises,they simply overlooked Jim Crow conditions endured by African Americanplayers. To Live and Play in Dixieisan oral history from theplayers themselvesonhowthey ba...
GeorgiaOfftheBeatenPath®: DiscoverYour Fun
Whether you’reavisitor oralocal lookingforsomething different, GeorgiaOffthe Beaten Path showsyouthe Peach Statewithnewperspectives on timeless destinationsand introduces you tothose you neverknew existed––from the bestinlocal dining toquirky cultural tidbitstohidden attractions...
SECFootball'sGreatestGames: TheLegendary Players,Last-MinutePrayers,andChampionship Moments
A stunningtime-tripthroughcollegefootball’sgreatest conferenceand its mostimportant, heated, and astonishinggames.
$29.95 USD
288pages• Hardcover withdustjacket History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
$16.95 USD 168pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
$24.95 USD 232pages•Trade
HikingGeorgia: AGuidetotheState’sGreatest HikingAdventures
Hiking Georgia, 5th edition features some of thebest trekkingadventuresthePeach Statehastooffer. Whether thetrailsarein the highmountains of north Georgia, on coastal barrierislands, orinfertilePiedmont river valleys, the flora, fauna, and scenery are spectacular.Themore than 70 hik...
$22.95 USD 232pages•Trade Paperback
MarchingforUnion: ACivilWarSoldier'sWalk acrosstheReconstructionSouth
Marching for Union, thestory of Unionveteran Gilbert Bates, recountsthehopeand courageof aformersoldier whobelieved strongly inthe bondsofUnionand Lincoln’s “mysticchordsofmemory” ashe carriedthe flag ofthe United Statesacrossthe ruinsofthepost–Civil WarSouth.
HauntedU.S.Battlefields: Ghosts,Hauntings, andEerieEventsfromAmerica'sFieldsofHonor
Summing uptheeerie essenceof wartimescenesacross America—many ofwhich today hostpopular ghosttours— HauntedU.S.Battlefields isamustfor studentsofthe paranormal, Civil Warbuffs, and all othersinterested in a spine-chilling realm of military history thatthe history booksdon'tdarete...
GeorgiaDiscovered: ExploringtheBestofthe PeachState
From the mountainstothe coast, city streetstoexpansive farmland, modern skyscrapersto charming antebellum homes, authorand photographerChrisGreerhas exploredthevibrantstate ofGeorgiatobring youthevery bestlocations. Thebook includesatremendous variety of destinationsand activit...
TheUltimateBookofScavengerHunts: 42 OutdoorAdventurestoConquerwithYourFamily
It’shard toresistascavenger hunt. Givekidsalistof thingstofind, and they naturally wanttoturnitintoa gameand start checkingthingsoff. Add inan outdoorand naturetwist, andthegameis elevatedtoawholenew level—and whatan amazing opportunity to engagekids and familieswith n...
$26.95 USD
264pages• Hardcover Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American
9.4 in H| 7.3 in W | 0.7 inT| 1.7 lb Wt
$16.95 USD 200pages•Trade Paperback History / United States
$16.95 USD
216pages•Trade Paperback Reference/ Quotations
8.5 in H| 5.5
OldSouthernCookery: MaryRandolph's RecipesfromAmerica’sFirstRegionalCookbook AdaptedforToday’sKitchen
Old SouthernCookery: Mary Randolph'sRecipes from America’sFirstRegionalCookbook Adapted for Today’s Kitchen givesnew lifetoabelovedbook that hasspanned two centuries. Using the historicrecipesfrom Mary Randolph’s 1824 bestselling cookbook,TheVirginia House-Wife or Methodical Cook (con...
ItHappenedinGeorgia: StoriesofEventsand PeoplethatShapedPeachStateHistory
From prehistoricharvestrituals celebrated by early Native AmericanstotheterribleFlood of 1994, ItHappenedin Georgialooksatintriguingpeople andepisodes from the history of thePeach State.
$27.95 USD 240pages• Hardcover History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
9.5 in H| 6.2 in W | 0.8
$29.95 USD
Learnaboutthefirstuseofa “miraclegas” thatmade surgical procedurespainless. Find outwhy hu...
TheQuotableSoutherner: CenturiesofWitand Wisdom
Southernershave alwayshad something to say. Focusing ontheuniquequalitiesofboththelandscape andpeople, QuotableSouthernershowcasesthelinguisticinsightof the region’s native andadopted sonsand daughters. Sometimesinsightful, sometimeshilarious, thesequotes will have readerssmili...
SouthernCunning: FolkloricWitchcraftInThe AmericanSouth
AndersonvilleRaiders: YankeeversusYankeein theCivilWar’sMostNotoriousPrisonCamp
Here, forthe firsttimein acentury anda half, isthereal story oftheAndersonvilleRaiders. Relying on military records, diaries, memoirs, anda recently discoveredtrial transcript, author Gary Morgan hasdiscovereda version of eventsthatis markedly differentfrom the versiontoldin later...
Intoday’sSouth, wherefinegardeningisatradition, many homeownersand professional gardeners arediscovering a vast“new” paletteof plantmaterials—nativeplants. They are realizing thatthese nativewildflowers, trees, shrubs, groundcovers, vines, and grassesarefarbettersuited, and theref...
248pages•Trade Paperback
Gardening/ Regional / South(AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN,
$24.95 USD 176pages• Hardcover History / United States/ State &Local 9.4 in H| 7.2 in W
AtlantaUnderground: HistoryfromBelow
AtlantaUnderground presentsacity history through the lens of itsburied and paved-over urbanlandscape. Contemporary photosofthisurban spelunking landscape will illustratethistelling ofAtlanta’s history: how it cameto bewhereitis, howitacquireditsunique name, and how itscolliding s...
SavannahinHistory: AGuidetoMoreThan75 SitesinHistoricalContext
Savannah in History featuresover75 sitesinSavannah, Georgia,presented organized by historical era, with over 100 colorphotos.Thispresentation isespecially important foracity with along and varied history likeSavannah, wherecolonial sitesare virtually nextdoortoantebellum, Civil War...
DayTrips®fromAtlanta: GetawayIdeasfor theLocalTraveler
Rediscover the simplepleasures ofaday tripwith Day Tripsfrom Atlanta. Thisguideispacked withhundreds of excitingthingsfor localsand vacationerstodo, see, and discover withinatwo-hourdriveofthe Atlantametroarea.
$19.95 USD
pages•Trade Paperback
/ United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
TheYoungLions: ConfederateCadetsatWar
Focusing ontheSouth’sfourmajormilitary colleges—the VirginiaMilitary Institute(VMI), the South CarolinaMilitary Academy (laterTheCitadel),theGeorgiaMilitary Institute, and the University ofAlabama—TheYoung Lionsisthe story of young Confederatemilitary cadetsatwar. From the openin...
PaddlingGeorgia: AGuidetotheState's GreatestPaddlingAdventures
Georgia’swatershold awealth of riches, and Paddling Georgiafeaturesthebestriverand coastal tripsforavid paddlers, floaters, and anglers. Inthe northeast,the ChattoogaRiverformsthe crownjewel of Blue Ridge paddlingdestinationswhilethe 410-mile-long ChattahoocheeflowstotheAlabam...
$26.95 USD 368pages•Trade Paperback Travel /
ThisIsMySouth: TheEssentialTravelGuideto theSouthernStates 9781493032914
A stunningtime-tripthroughcollegefootball’sgreatest conferenceand its mostimportant, heated, and astonishinggames. SECFootball'sGreatestGames: TheLegendary Players,Last-MinutePrayers,andChampionship Moments
$24.95 USD 232pages•Trade Paperback
Hello,Sugar!: ClassicSouthernSweets
Hello, Sugar has all ofthe nostalgia of classic, homemade dessertsfrom yourgrandma’s kitchen,butwithfresh and modern updatesto old-fashionedand store-bought ingredients. Inthisbook, you’ll find funtwistson beloved Southern recipes, following currentfood trends andfads. These recipesta...
$27.95 USD 566pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
You may think you knowtheSouth foritsfood, itspeople, itspast, anditsstories, butif there’sonethingthat’s certain, it’sthattheregion tellsfar morethan onetale. Itis ever-evolving, opentointerpretation, steeped in history and tradition, yetdefineddifferently based on whoyou as...
BestHikesAtlanta: TheGreatestViews,Wildlife, andHistoricSites
BestHikesAtlantaintroducesnearly forty distinctoutdoor hiking destinationsacrossthemetropolitanarea, from the foothillsoftheAppalachian Mountains inthenorthtothe rolling, heavily forested Piedmontfoothillsin thesouth. Itis anessential addition tothelibrary of all whowishtoe...
“Thelasttrain forthe north leaveshere tomorrow morning, Our soldiersare scattered alongtherailroad as hundred milesnorth, and assoon asthattrainpasses,the work of destruction will commence. Therailroadwill be completely destroyed andeverybridgeburned. Thenboth armies(the armies o...
$9.95 USD
32pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Science & Nature/ Environment
Ages 8to12, Grades3 to
AndtheTideComesIn...: ExploringaCoastal SaltMarsh
Inthisbook, ayoung girl showsher visiting friend acoastal saltmarsh.They make theirway throughtall marshgrass, slip and slide on marshmud, discover clusters of ribbed musselsatthebase of thegrass, and watch asfiddler crabsskitteraroundtheedgeofa creek. Coastal salt marshes are...
$24.95 USD 160pages• Hardcover
AtMama'sKnee: MothersandRaceinBlackand White
AtMama’sKnee looksat raceand racerelationsthrough the lessonsthatmotherstransmittotheir children. Through the stories of mothersfrom Hillary Clinton to SybrinaFulton, weare reminded thatattitudeschange from onegeneration tothenextand one child atatime.
GeneralsSouth,GeneralsNorth: The CommandersoftheCivilWarReconsidered
GeneralsSouth, GeneralsNorth highlightstwenty-four commanders—twelveeachfrom theConfederacy and the Union. Best-selling authorand military historianAlan Axelrodpresentsabiography of each, narratesthemajor engagementsin which each fought(emphasizing tactical leadership and outcomeprod...
$16.95 USD 224pages•Trade
$14.95 USD
GeorgiaMythsandLegends: TheTrueStories BehindHistory’sMysteries
Georgia Mythsand Legendsexploresunusual phenomena, strangeevents, and mysteriesin Georgia’s history. Each episode included inthebook isastory unto itself, andthetoneand style of thebook islively andeasy to read for ageneral audienceinterested inGeorgia history.
HikingGeorgia:Atlanta: AGuideto30Great HikesClosetoTown
HikingNear Atlantaoffers30 trailsof varyingdifficulty in and aroundgreater Atlanta. Completewithup-to-datetrail informationand maps, GPS coordinatesfor trailheads, and photosthroughout, thisbook isperfectforpeople ofall agesand skill levels.
$12.95 USD 192pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Animals Ages 13to22,Grades8 to 17
$21.95 USD 304pages•Trade Paperback Cooking / Regional & Cultural / American
Georgia'sRemarkableWomen: Daughters, Wives,Sisters,andMothersWhoShapedHistory
Georgia'sRemarkableWomen: Daughters, Wives, Sisters, and MothersWho Shaped History recognizesthe women whohelpedto shapethePeach State. Femaleteachers, writers, entrepreneurs, andartistsfrom acrossthestate are illuminated through shortbiographies andarchival photographsandpaintings.
ScatsandTracksoftheSoutheast: AField GuidetotheSignsof70WildlifeSpecies
Thisrevised andupdated edition featuresthetracks, scats, and signsofthe speciesofthe Southeast.
Beans,Greens&SweetGeorgiaPeaches: TheSouthernWayofCookingFruitsand Vegetables
$40.00 USD
312pages• Hardcover
Architecture/ Landscape
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.5 inT|
1 lb Wt
$10.95 USD
140pages•Trade Paperback
Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends& Mythology
$12.95 USD
208pages•Trade Paperback Body, Mind &Spirit/ Supernatural (incl. Ghosts)
$15.95 USD 264pages•Trade Paperback
ArthurA.Shurcliff: Design,Preservation,andthe CreationoftheColonialWilliamsburgLandscape
In 1928, Arthur A. Shurcliff(1870–1957) began what became one ofthemostimportant examples ofthe American Colonial Revival landscape—Colonial Williamsburg, aprojectthatstretched intothe1940sand included town and highway planning aswell asresidential and institutional gardens. ElizabethH...
$15.95 USD 32pages•Hardcover Picture Book
JuvenileFiction/ Science & Nature/ Environment
Ages 8to12, Grades3 to
Tales of Savannah’smany ghosts. You’ll find outwhy an exorcism had tobeconducted attheHampton-Lillibridge House, abouttheghostcatattheDavenportHouse,the rowdy ghostsatPirate’sHousewho can beheard demanding moretodrink, and thefemalespiritof the KehoeHouse. You’llbe surprise...
$14.95 USD
206pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Fantasy & Magic
Ages 15to18,GradesP
AndtheTideComesIn...: ExploringaGeorgia SaltMarsh
Inthisbook, ayoung girl showsher visiting cousin a Georgia coastal salt marsh. They maketheirway through tall marsh grass, slipand slide on marsh mud, discover clusters of ribbed musselsatthebase ofthegrass, and watch asfiddlercrabs skitteraround the edgeof acreek. The Georgiacoast...
Victor has spentmore of hislifedead thanalive. Justas purgatory becomestoomuchforhim, he learnsofa HooDoopriestessin Georgiawho couldgranthim life again, butat aprice. Beforeshecangranthis wish, he must collectthefivemostinfamous soulsofSavannah. It won'tbe an easy job, ...
SpookyGeorgia: TalesOfHauntings,Strange Happenings,AndOtherLocalLore
Pull up achair orgather roundthecampfire andget ready forcreepy talesof ghostly hauntings, eeriehappenings, and other strange occurrencesin thePeach State. Whether read around thecampfire on adark and stormy nightorfrom thebackseat ofthefamily van on theway to grandma's, thisis a...
$18.95 USD 432pages•Trade Paperback History / Americas (North, Central, South, WestIndies)
MargaretMitchell'sGoneWiththeWind: A Bestseller'sOdysseyfromAtlantatoHollywood
Thisbook presentsthefirstcomprehensiveoverview of howthisiconicnovel becamean international phenomenon thathas managedtosustainthepublic's interestfor 75 years. Ittellshow Mitchell'sbook was developed, marketed,distributed, and otherwisegroomed forsuccessinthe1930s—and the sa...
TwoWintersinaTipi: MySearchForTheSoul OfTheForest
The inspirational adventureofa manwhowentback to the land toshow us how wecan rediscover and reconnect withthewildernessaround us.
$14.95 USD 208pages•Trade Paperback History / United States 9 inH | 6 in W | 0.6 lb Wt
ItHappenedinAtlanta: RemarkableEvents ThatShapedHistory
Thisbookoffersaninsidelookatover30interestingandunusualepisodesthat shapedthehistoryofAtlanta.
LostSoulsofSavannah: MoreAdventuresof Flagler'sFew,GhostHunters9781561644971
With simple organization,thisguidetellstheindividual stories of 213 shelled mollusksusing descriptiveaccounts, distribution maps, and color photographs. Accounts featureglimpsesofeach seashell’s former lifeasaliving creature. The organization and descriptionsaswell asthe photographs...
$14.95 USD
$9.95 USD
pages•Trade Paperback
BestEasy Day Hikes Atlantaincludesconcisedescriptions ofthebest shorthikesinthearea, with detailedmapsof the routes. The 20 hikesinthisguidearegenerally short, easy tofollow, and guaranteedtoplease. BestEasyDayHikesAtlanta
$16.95 USD 256pages•Trade
MidnightinSavannah: SexualIndiscretionsin theDeepSouth
Midnightin Savannahisthedeliberately more explicit, and more entertaining alternativetothe John Berendt/ Clint Eastwood Midnightin theGarden of Good andEvil. For morethan ayearafter itsappearance in 2000, itwasone ofthebest-sellingGLBTbooksin theDeepSouth. Midnight inSavannah...
$35.00 USD
RoadBiking™Georgia: AGuideToTheGreatest BicycleRidesInGeorgia
Detailed descriptions andmaps offorty ofthebestbicycle ridesin Georgia, from easy afternoon jauntstomulti-day tours.
ItHappenedintheOldSouth: Remarkable EventsThatShapedHistory
ThisbooktellsthirtystoriesofVirginia,NorthCarolina,SouthCarolina, Florida,Georgia,Alabama, Mississippi,Louisiana,Tennessee,andKentucky—fromearlyEuropean explorationtotheendoftheCivilWar.
OntheBeatenPath: AnAppalachianPilgrimage
An eloquent,wise, and witty account of how oneman's six-month, end-to-end hike oftheAppalachian Trail led him back home.
AboutThemDawgs!: GeorgiaFootball's MemorableTeamsandPlayers
On January 30, 1892, the University of Georgiaplayed its first football game, beating Mercer College, 50-0. Since thisauspiciousbeginning, Georgiafootball hascaptivated the heartsand minds of fansformorethan acentury. Beginning with the 1896 season,Patrick Garbinrecounts the mostmemorab...
Mostpreviouspublished worksaboutTy Cobb,thefirst player inducted intotheNational Baseball Hall of Fame, painthim asamuch hatedathleteand lonely, oldman. Ty Cobb: Safe AtHomeoffersadeeper insightintohisprivate lifein Augusta, Georgia. TyCobb: SafeAtHome
$10.95 USD
144pages•Trade Paperback
Body, Mind &Spirit/ UnexplainedPhenomena 8.3 in H| 5.5 in W | 0.4
$9.95 USD 112pages•Trade Paperback History / United States
9 inH | 6 in W | 0.3 inT| 0.4 lb Wt
$14.95 USD
192pages•Trade Paperback
JuvenileFiction/ Action & Adventure
Ages 9 And Up, Grades4
HauntedGeorgia: GhostsandStrange PhenomenaofthePeachState
From AtlantatotheCoastalPlain, Georgiaisrichwithtales ofthesupernatural drawn from the state's historicpast.
$19.95 USD 384pages•Trade Paperback
Sports& Recreation / Fishing
FishingGeorgia: AnAngler'sGuideToMoreThan 100Fresh-AndSaltwaterFishingSpots
Morethan 100 of thebestfishing sitesinThePeachState.
YouKnowYou'reinGeorgiaWhen...: 101 QuintessentialPlaces,People,Events,Customs, Lingo,AndEatsOfThePeachState
An entertaining collection of 101 quintessential places, people, events, customs, lingo, andeatsthathelp define thepersonality ofthe PeachState.
$25.95 USD 592pages•Trade Paperback Nature/ Fungi & Mushrooms 9 inH | 6 in W | 2.4
NorthAmericanMushrooms: AFieldGuideTo EdibleAndInedibleFungi
North American Mushrooms isafield guideto morethan 600 edibleandinediblemushroomsthatcanbe found acrossthe United StatesandCanada. Filled with full color photographs, detailed identificationinformation, and illustrated keysand glossariestoassistwith identification, thisbook alsof...
Thisfifth volumein W.C. Jameson'sBuriedTreasureseries contains38talesand legendsaboutNativeAmerican Indian hoards, Civil War caches, lostmines, androbbery stashes. Jamesonincludesclassictreasure storieslike “The LostTreasureofPirateWilliam Kirk” (Virginia), “Chief Sontechee'sSi...
$19.95 USD 288pages•Trade Paperback
History / United States/ Civil WarPeriod (1850-1877)
Coversraidsfrom J.E. B. Stuart's1862 ridearound McClellan'sarmy toJamesWilson's crashingraidsin Alabamaand Georgiain 1865.
PaynesPrairie: TheGreatSavanna:AHistory andGuide
Thisnew paperback edition ofPaynesPrairiestill offersthe sweeping history of the shallow-bowl basin in themiddleof Florida, justsouth of Gainesville, butnow addsaguideto outdooractivitiesthatcan beenjoyed in the statepreserve theretoday, along with mapsoftrailsforbiking, hiking...
$12.95 USD 162pages•Trade Paperback
Inthisbook, you'll find plenty of evidencethatthe supernatural isalivein the Golden Isles. Crumbling slave cabins, plantation homesand grand mansions, ancient forts, even ahospital thatoncecared for thefive hundred slaves of RetreatPlantation —all havetheirownaura, createdby thosel...
$14.95 USD
142pages•Trade Paperback History / United States/ State &Local 11in H| 8.5in W| 0.3 in
$18.90 USD
233pages•Trade Paperback Fiction / Humorous 8.5
Georgia'sLighthousesandHistoricCoastal Sites
Thoughthe Georgiacoastisamere 110 mileslong, a wealth ofhistoricbeauty—natural and manmade—lies betweentheSavannah andSt. Mary'sRivers. The last-settled and poorestofthe originalthirteen coloniesof the United States, Georgiaisa uniquecombination of war-torn history and genteel cha...
$21.95 USD
400pages•Trade Paperback Sports& Recreation / Hiking 7 inH | 5 in W | 0.5 inT|
ExploringtheAppalachianTrail:Hikesinthe SouthernAppalachians
32 hikesin Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Completewith elevationprofiles, topo maps, itineraries.
Longstreet’sgood-natured narratorspaintalively picture oftheGeorgiafrontier—hilariously contrasting rural and village lifeandthe clash ofthe vernacularand genteel cultures. Southern ClassicsSeries.