Fivehead Village Newsletter April 2013

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Fivehead Village Newsletter No. 154



Parish Council Chairman









































Forthcoming Village Events Weekly Mon

Short Mat Bowls


Parish Council Meeting



1st Mon






30th Annual Parish Meeting



24th Newsletter Deadline

Quiz Night 8.00pm.


The Crown Inn Tel: 01460 281919 Email: Web: Hi all, I am sorry to say that we have to start this update with some bad news. Having tried our best, we have to announce that we will not be building the shop. We have been through all the figures with our accountants and have decided that this will not be a viable venture for us to invest in. The main contributing factor in this decision is the fact that the Post Office will not talk to us and, looking at the support we are not getting from the majority of the villagers, we feel that without the Post Office services the level of support will not be sufficient to cover the running costs. We are quite happy to keep providing the services and products that are in place. So, unfortunately the person, whoever it was, who wrote to us at the beginning of this venture saying that they would actively promote to people to not use the shop have got their desired result. We thank all of you who are supporting us and look forward to servicing your needs in the future. Steve &Jacqui

. .

Items for the next Newsletter should reach the Editor Mrs Pat Price, 7 Ganges Close, Fivehead (01460) 281573 by FRIDAY 24th May: for distribution early JUNE ‘13 The editor cannot be responsible for any errors/omissions. Email me on

First as Clerk let me apologise for the need to change the date of the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. It has been rescheduled for Tuesday 30th April, still at 8pm with the same speaker, the Head of Planning at SSDC. The date has been changed because Council was informed that the new vicar for the churches in our benefice is being licensed on the original date which would have led to a conflict of priorities for a number of parishioners.

The village is looking for a volunteer willing to undertake occasional strimming around Rights of Way "furniture" i.e. stiles and pedestrian gates and along the a couple of narrow footpaths which are under trees so there is minimal undergrowth. A strimmer, the fuel and training is provided by the County Council. The person will be required to sign up to the Parish Paths Scheme so that insurance will be in place. If you think you could possibly help please contact the Clerk, 281341, who will give further information and encouragement. All our paths are already monitored by signed up volunteers so there would be no extra jobs thrown at you and it is not very onerous says the outgoing strimmer king.

Attention has been drawn to the fact that yet again we have a resident who is not picking up after his dog. This is very antisocial behaviour. The evidence is apparent on the road to the Crown and in the grazing fields behind the phone box. Please respect the communal environment and the private fields over which you have a right to cross.

Apologies to those of you without computers but of the information received recently the following may be interest to some of you. www.thegreatcrane You may be aware that cranes were successfully released onto "our" levels a year or so ago and their progress is being carefully monitored. These birds even have their own magazine.

Take a if you are interested in "our" helicopters then there is information available on this website. is one for those of you interested in wild plants in the environment.

Lastly we hope you are appreciating the bulbs flowering around the public areas. They were provided by SSDC and planted by volunteers assisted by SSDC's workmen.

In February we all enjoyed a good lunch at the Village Hall. At our March meeting the talk was on "Incorrect Political Correctness". On 2nd April we will be entertained by the Summertones, a barbershop harmony group. On Tuesday 14th May we will make a half day trip to Oakham Treasures, where the past comes to life, followed by a visit to Weston-Super-Mare. The coach will leave Fivehead at 11-00am and return at approximately 6-00pm. Non members are welcome to enjoy this day with us We are considering a three day, two night holiday from 26th November to the Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Markets, staying at the Britannia Royal Court Hotel, Coventry. The holiday price includes all coach travel, dinner bed and breakfast, en suite rooms with colour TV and tea making facilities. A 99p Bar operates for three hours each evening. The three days, two nights cost ÂŁ79-99 plus travel insurance, single supplement ÂŁ30-00. This holiday would be organised by the Club, acting as your Agents through Majestic Tours Ltd. Non members are welcome to enjoy this trip with us. Early expressions of interest would be helpful. For further details and booking of both trips contact:Derek Mason on 01460 281622 or John Taylor on 01460 281424. For all other information contact Bruce Whittle, Club Chairman, on. 01460 281892'

Having rounded off a successful Pantomime in January our thoughts turn to the rest of the year. It has been decided that next years Panto will be Dick Whittington and we will be casting in the summer.

We are always on the look out for new blood so if anyone is interested in joining the group please let us know. It need not be to appear on stage we need back stage people to help with scenery props and above all someone to assist as Wardrobe Mistress. Anybody interested please let us know:

by phone 01460281573. or E-Mail

This year’s fundraising events have begun with a fantastic evening at the races on 16th March. Although we were few in number, we all agreed that it was a really fun evening out. We had a couple of extremely lucky (or maybe they’d really studied the form card!!) people who managed to pick the winner almost every race! Well done to them and we hope they enjoy spending their winnings.

Our next event is our quiz night which will take place on Friday 12th April. Tickets cost £6.00 per person and the price includes a hot dog or a vegetarian alternative. Teams consist of six players but please don’t be put off if you don't have a complete team. This can all be arranged on the night. A licensed bar will be available throughout the evening but those attending are also invited to bring along their own drinks. These evenings are always very popular so to book your places please contact Richard Hadfield on 281904.

Finally planning has started for this year’s summer fair. It will be held on Saturday 10th August from 1 - 5pm. Please do get this date in your diary as this year’s event proves to be bigger and better than before. We have a country fair as our theme and this year you’ll have the opportunity to try clay pigeon shooting and archery to name but a few. We are in the very early stages of planning at this time but we have plenty of other ideas up our sleeves that promise to make this summer one to remember. 100 Club Winners:

February: 1st M Corns (13) March:

2nd B Harvey (23)

1st J Loveridge (72) 2nd H Price (52)

(First Prize £50, Second £25, Third £10)

3rd R Leighton (86) 3rd M Trowbridge (82)

I hope that as you read this it will be rather more like Spring than the conditions outside as I write! New life and growth is very much a part of the season and there is already evidence of this with some of the hardier plant life in the garden. It is always amazing to see how plants like the daffodil die back: we cut off their spent blooms and leaves and they seem to disappear, forgotten, but then they rise up bright and stronger than ever with a promise of warmer, longer days.

New life is at the heart of the Easter story, which we will have remembered at the end of March. A story, where Jesus’ death would have felt like a catastrophe for those around him, but He knew that He had to die so that He could rise to new life and signal that we can have that too.

It is my desire that there will always be signs of new life being lived out in the church too. I am looking forward to getting to know and working with Rev. Scott Patterson when he takes up his post as Vicar of the parishes of Fivehead, Swell and Curry Rivel. I trust that there will be ways that we can work together to enable more signs of new life to be evident.

I hope that one tangible sense of new life is in the way that The Stable seeks to serve the village as a meeting place – a place of welcome. We are excited to be embarking on a new offering from Thursday 18 April. We are going to open The Stable doors from 7.30pm until 9.00pm to offer a place for anyone aged 13-19. The plan is to offer drinks and eats at a reduced rate so that this is not a burden on pockets and for it to be a place to just come and be with friends. Please spread the word!

At the same time we want to re-focus the youth group to cater more specifically for those who are a bit younger – roughly 7-12. We hope that this will run from 6.00pm until 7.15pm. (We are just finalising the plans and so the timings may change slightly!). If you would like more information about these things or would like to get involved in some way, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Rev Andy Graham, Pastor, Fivehead Baptist Church. 01460 281122

visits Fivehead on Tuesdays – every 4 weeks. Dates: April 16th May 14th Jun 11th St, Martin’s Close

2.50 - 3.05

Orchard Rise

3.10 - 3.25

Ganges Close

3.30 - 3.40


3.45 - 4.00

We would like to thank all those who came to the Easter bingo—a very enjoyable evening, but we were a bit disappointed that more people didn’t join us.

Bad weather has meant that we have postponed the planting of two commemorative trees until November, by which time we should have made good progress with improving the bottom end of the field.

We are looking forward to the Summer Fete on 10th August and planning is well advanced in conjunction with the Village Hall Committee. Watch out for details nearer the time and fingers crossed for a sunny day!

Meanwhile, now that the lighter evenings are here, it’s a great opportunity to make the most of our acclaimed children’s playground and the multi-use games facility. Don’t forget you can borrow a big selection of games equipment for free just collect the key from one of the committee members whose details are on the storage box adjacent to the M.U.G.A.

Stowey Road




Langport Town Hall 10.30

Langport Shopping Precinct 12.06 approx.


Stowey Road



Your Police and Crime Commissioner – Sue Mountstevens Independent Sue Mountstevens recorded a landslide victory to become Avon and Somerset’s first Police and Crime Commissioner. Sue received the highest mandate in the country, with 125,000 votes, higher than any other PCC in England and Wales. Previously Sue was an Independent member of the Police Authority for two years and was Lead member for major crime. Before that she was Vice-Chair of the Independent Monitoring Board for Bristol Prison and a Magistrate in Bristol for 15 years. Professionally, she was Director of Mountstevens Bakeries for 20-years before it was sold in 1998. Sue Mountstevens believes that everyone has the right to be safe and feel safe in your community and in setting her priorities is pledging to: Reduce the impact that anti-social behaviour has in our communities, Prevent and reduced violence, particularly violence towards women and girls, Prevent and reduce crime in your area, particularly burglary offences, Ensure victims are at the heart of the criminal justice system. For more information about the PCC and her priorities please visit Remember When reporting a crime or an incident Please call the following numbers: 101 - In case of emergency 999 - CRIME STOPPERS on 0800 555 111 - Your call cannot be traced and you will not be asked your name Further ways of contacting the police in your area: by Booking an appointment with your local neighbourhood team—101. emergency text number 80999 non emergency text number 81003.Non emergency Textphone: 18001 followed by 0845 456 7000.—local details are on the ‘in your area’ pages of our website. For more information and for more advice on all the above and much more please visit

It is your responsibility to clean up after your dogs and leave the verges clean for walkers. Not only is it unsightly and dangerous to leave dog doo-doos, it is also unreasonable to expect others, especially children, to pick their way around it. Hazel Tree Lane (back of Millers Orchard) is DISGUSTING. It costs little in time and energy to keep the village clean and safe.

Monday 7.30 PM Village Hall Cost is ÂŁ2.00 per session plus ÂŁ2.50 membership fee p.a. ( if you wish to continue). Go on come and give it a try you might even enjoy it For more information contact Heather on 01460 281995 At half time we have a tea and biscuit break.

This edition features a fascinating interview with His Excellency MarkCapes, Governor of the British Overseas Territory of St Helena, Ascension Island and Tristan de Cunha, and many other articles which are designed to be interesting, yet also convey useful crime prevention and social improvement advice to the growing older adult population:

The Senior Siren is the quarterly publication of the award-winning Senior Citizen Liaison Team (SCLT). Visit the website for previous copies of the

Did you know you can watch some great films about our fantastic British countryside online? Take a look at our films page - its now bigger and better, with features on species, habitats, conservation, education work & fundraising. Find out more about the RSPB and what we are really all about. We are so much more than just birds. Now our thoughts are turning to spring with mid-March seeing the first sand martin and wheatear at Greylake as well as singing chiffchaff heralding the beginning of spring. Greylake during the spring is a great place to view returning breeding lapwing and redshank and to enjoy their amazing display flights and calls. The spring is a crucial time at the reserves when we see if all the hard work managing habitats has paid off for the breeding birds. And as Spring is in the air, bring the family along to Swell Wood to see the Herons at Easter and try out our new Wildlife Detective Trail through the woods. Or join us on an Evening Moorland Wildlife Stroll (Fri/Sat 19/20 and 26/27 April) or a Dawn Chorus Walk (Sunday 6 May) on International Dawn Chorus Day. To book please phone 07774 620879 or email Details of all our forthcoming Spring/Summer guided walks for 2013 at Swell Wood, Greylake, West Sedgemoor and Ham Wall can be found at our website reserves.

Trish Harper - Administrator

This is a new group based in Fivehead, to encourage people to enjoy leisurely cycling in the local area.

Unsure about cycling-cycled before and lost your confidence? There really is no reason that anyone cannot cycle, please feel free to get in touch to discuss any concerns, if you can walk, you can cycle. The plan is to build confidence without any pressure of competitiveness This is such a great area for cycling, you can cover as great or as little distance as you like, with plenty of places to stop for a rest. It is easy to choose routes avoiding strenuous hills, unless or until you feel inspired to give them a go,

Contact details: Phil Fouracre, Westfield, Ganges Hill, Fivehead—Tel (01460 281130 Mobile 07850 216464 - email

St. Martin’s Church, Fivehead And St. Catherine’s Church, Swell Newsletter

St. Martin’s Church, Fivehead and St. Catherine’s Church, Swell

Introducing Reverend Scott Patterson (from an interview in Curry Rivel News) A lot has been happening in the Christian Church recently with the inauguration of the new Pope and the installation of the Archbishop of Canterbury and so, not to be left out of these religious celebrations, St Andrews Church in Curry Rivel will be the venue for the licensing ceremony of the new Priest-in-Charge of Curry Rivel, Fivehead and Swell. The Reverend Scott Patterson comes to us from Devon where he has been curate of a group of small rural parishes. His appointment to the Benefice marks a return to his roots for Scott, born in Wedmore, a mere 17 miles from where he will now be living in the Rectory with his wife, Rowan and two daughters, Imogen 4 and Amy 2. Educated at Millfield and Trinity College of music, where his specialisms were the trombone and singing, Scott subsequently joined the RAF as an instrumentalist. After seven years with the military, Scott decided on a major career change and started to pursue the calling to become a priest. Curry Rivel News asked what attracted him to the job in Somerset; his surprising response was, ‘The first line of the advert which read, “We are praying for……..”. The size of the village and the warm, friendly welcome he received during his two day interview contributed to his decision to accept the job offer with enthusiasm. As Priest-in-Charge he describes his mission to spread the good news of the gospel through evangelism and witness to the Christian way of life. Scott hopes to become involved in as broad a range of activities within the villages as time allows. He will automatically become an ex-officio school governor and looks forward to getting to know the children and parents at Curry Rivel school, where he himself will be a parent.


THERE ARE CELEBRATIONS OF HOLY COMMUNION (BCP) AT 10.30 am EVERY THURSDAY, USUALLY IN THE NORTH CHAPEL AT CURRY RIVEL. ( Please note that for the time being this service is being held in the Old School Room behind the church.) BCP = Book of Common Prayer CW = Common Worship LACT= Langport Area Christians Together

APRIL Friday

5th 7th



Second Sunday of Easter 10.00am All Age Worship at Fivehead followed by 11.00am Short Holy Communion (CW) 6.00pm Evening Prayer (CW) at Curry Rivel

Third Sunday of Easter 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) at Curry Rivel 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) at Swell 11.00am Holy Communion (CW) at Curry Rivel 6.00pm Evening Prayer (CW) at Fivehead

15th 21st


3.30pm MESSY CHURCH at Curry Rivel School

Fourth Sunday of Easter 9.30am Holy Communion (CW) at Fivehead 10.00am All Age Worship at Curry Rivel followed by 11.00am Short Holy Communion (CW)



7.00pm Licensing Service of Rev Scott Patterson as Priest in Charge of the Benefice



7.30pm Annual Parish Meetings in Fivehead Church



Fifth Sunday of Easter 9.30am Morning Prayer (CW) at Fivehead 11.00am Holy Communion (CW) at Curry Rivel 6.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP) at Swell


7.00pm Annual Parish Meetings at Swell (at the home of Mrs Senga Westwater)

MAY 3rd

Friday 5th


Sixth Sunday of Easter 10.00am All Age Worship at Fivehead followed by 11.00am Short Holy Communion (CW) 6.00pm Evening Prayer (CW) at Curry Rivel

Thursday 9th ASCENSION DAY 7.30pm United Benefice Holy Communion (CW) at Curry Rivel 12th

Seventh Sunday of Easter 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) at Curry Rivel 9.30am Holy Communion (BCP) at Swell 11.00am Holy Communion (CW) at Curry Rivel 6.00pm Evening Prayer (CW) at Fivehead

12th to 18th 19th

DAY of PENTECOST (Whit Sunday) 10.00am United Benefice Holy Communion (CW) at Curry Rivel

Monday 20th 26th


3.30pm MESSY CHURCH at Curry Rivel School TRINITY SUNDAY 9.30am Morning Prayer (CW) at Fivehead 11.00am Holy Communion (CW) at Curry Rivel 6.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP) at Swell

JUNE 2nd



First Sunday after Trinity 10.00am All Age Worship at Fivehead followed by 11.00am Short Holy Communion (CW) 6.00pm Evening Prayer (CW) at Curry Rivel 10.30am PRAYERS & BEARS at FIVEHEAD

UNITED BENEFICE OF CURRY RIVEL, FIVEHEAD AND SWELL Rector :- This post has been vacant for some time and will be filled on April 23rd when Rev Scott Patterson is licensed by the Bishop as our Priest-in-Charge. Meanwhile all contact should be to one of the following. Temporary Assistant Priest :- Rev. John Tyler, Tel: 01460 281574 (until April 23rd) Reader :-

Margaret Smith, Tel: 01460 281555

Churchwardens :Fivehead :-

Meg Tyler, Tel: 01460 281574 Robert Leighton, Tel: 01460 281623

Swell :

Anna Rees, Tel: 01458 253067

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