nola family Parent Fearlessly September 2022 67+ Birthday Listings Best Toys to Give as Gifts It's Party Time 4 Planned Parties to Celebrate


4 SEPTEMBER 2022 | NOLAFAMILY.COM nola family SEPTEMBERCONTENTS2022 ON THE COVER Eliza S. is eight years old and attends The Willow TwirlPhotoSchool.byPhotography NOLA FAMILY is published monthly by FAMILY RESOURCE GROUP INC. and distributed free of charge. Subscriptions accepted. Only authorized distributors may deliver and pick up the magazine. We reserve the right to edit, reject, or comment editorially on all materials contributed. We cannot be responsible for the return of any unsolicited material. NOLA FAMILY Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission prohibited. Publisher BRANDON FOREMAN Associate Publisher AMY L. FOREMAN Business Operations LAURIE ACOSTA Director of Operations SARAH MILLER Client Relations Coordinator Editorial AMANDA MILLER Managing Editor EMILY DREZ Assistant Editor SARAH ANTHONYBATROUSBUI Editorial Assistants Art/Production MELODY TAUZIN Senior Graphic Designer TWIRL PHOTOGRAPHY Cover Photography Advertising PATRICK PACHECO Director of Business Development CRYSTAL BARRETT CAMILLE RYNJENNIFERCAVINHOFFMANNWHITESIDE Account Executives Marketing EMILY MANCUSO Director of Marketing MAGGIE SHARP Marketing Assistant Community Development TERI HODGES Director of Community Partnerships ROXANE VOORHIES Community Outreach Publisher Emeritus ANN BOWER HERREN For reprint information, contact Business Office: One Galleria Blvd., Ste. 1900 Metairie, LA 70001 ( 504 ) 866 - 0555 A publication of September 2022 Issue 136 A 6WORDSFEW From Publisherthe 15FEATURES Birthday Party Listing 21 ChildrenDisorderProcessingAuditoryin 24 It's Party Time EDUCATION & 9GUIDANCE CornerParenting 10 Dear Frankie 12 Wiggle Room 20 Hip Grannie IN 8ISSUEEACH From Bookshelfthe 26 Spotlight 27 Mom About Town 28 Out & About 30 Gear to Get


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Our children are officially back in school. While I enjoy our summer breaks (well, I should say the kids have summer breaks because I don’t get two months off to lay around and watch TikTok or play Fortnite), I look forward to the routine again. Something else to celebrate this month? Birthdays! This month, we take a deep dive into helping you prepare for any upcoming celebrations you may have. If you think about it, birthdays and back-to-school time are very similar occasions. They both happen once a year. You plan for the big day, go shopping, and get the decorations out, and you do all this hard work for such a small period of time. While birthday parties do last longer than the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the first day of school, it is over before you know it. I know I am always looking back after the party is over. Did I do enough? Did the kids have fun? What could I have done differently? And finally, how are you already 14 years old? Where has the time gone?
I know the children look forward to getting older each year, but if they only knew life won’t always be rainbows and sunshine when they graduate high school, move on to college, and then get a real job. I tell my daughter to slow her roll and to enjoy the days of no responsibilities because I miss my middle school days. Oh, to go back and hang out in the backyard of a friend's house all day with the boombox playing, tanning and just laughing our butts off. I grew up in the generation before cell phones, so we had disposable cameras. I loved turning in all the cameras at the end of the summer and waiting to see what weOurdid.children are growing up faster these days. Just as one birthday ends, we often begin planning the next. Before we know it, they will be adults just like us and will take over the planning themselves. That’s something to think about! Until that happens, I am going to enjoy celebrating another year with them, planning parties, and being slightly envious of their summer breaks.


Haley Hampton is a youth services librarian at the New Orleans Public Library’s Main Library.
For slightly older readers, If You Had Your Birthday Party on the Moon by Joyce Lapin, is an entertaining and educational journey through anti-gravity. Readers will see normal birthday party staples such as balloons and candles behaving in new ways in the moon’s atmosphere, and learn the science behind why.
For adults looking for a birthday-themed read, Liane Moriarity of Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect Strangers fame has Three Wishes, her debut novel from 2003. Set against a backdrop of family tension and one champagne-soaked birthday, Three Wishes is a fun and dramatic read.
Looking to understand more of what your date of birth says about you? Adults and teens can check out The Birthday Book by Shelley von Strunckel, which discusses astrology in an informative and entertaining way. Younger readers will enjoy Astrological Signs: Facts, Trivia, and Quizzes by Elsie Olsen.
All of these titles have several copies available at the New Orleans Public Library, and many have e-book and audio versions available. Reserve a copy online at, or by calling your Library.
For teenagers wanting to get into some birthday-themed literature, Birthday by Meredith Russo is a young adult LBGTQIA+ romance between two best friends, a transgender girl and a cisgender boy, who share the same birthday. Once Upon a Quinceañera by Monica Gomez-Hira follows Carmen through an unpaid summer internship in Miami leading up to her cousin’s Quinceañera, a fifteenth birthday party celebration.
Last, but not least, if you are in charge of planning a birthday outing, make sure to check out the Library's Culture Pass program. Orleans Parish residents can use their library card for free tickets to the Audubon Zoo, Audubon Aquarium, World War II Museum, and more. Passes must be reserved in advance for entry, and there are limited numbers available every day. Visit for more information.
Your own birthday comes but once a year, but there’s always one to celebrate for a friend or family member.
When it comes to that special day, New Orleans Public Library has you covered–from book recommendations for all ages to free outings with the family. If you have a birthday coming up for a child, reading books about birthdays leading up to their big day can amp up the excitement for them. In When’s My Birthday? author Julie Fogliano, along with award-winning illustrator Christian Robinson, center their story on that very feeling. The young narrator enthusiastically lists what will make this the best birthday ever, including “a big cake....with lots of chocolate.”

2. Ensure the party fits with your child’s eating and nap rou tine. Children thrive on routine, and when it is disrupted, it can create a stressful situation for them. Let’s say your child’s routine is going to the park between 10-11:30 a.m., snack is at 11 a.m., and nap time is at noon. Having the party at the park starting at 10 a.m. and ending at 11:30 a.m., and with the snack being a small birthday cake at 11 a.m. would work. Keeping your child’s nap time at noon continues their routine and can reduce the stress they may experience.
1. Be mindful of who–and the number of people–you plan to invite to the party. Parents want to share the momentous occasion with as many people as possible, even people their child may not be familiar with. This can lead to your child feeling overwhelmed. Having your child’s grandparents and one or two friends they may have regular playdates with can be sufficient. Other friends and family your child is not around regularly could video chat or see your child on a different day. This can help to reduce the stress your child may experience by being introduced to a lot of unknown people all at once. Remember, between 9-18 months old, children can experience fear of new people.
A child’s first birthday is always one that parents remember. Many times, parents go all out for that birthday. There will be a lot of family and friends that the child may not be familiar with, new sights and sounds, possibly a new environment, and a new schedule. That is a lot for a one year old to take in. A parent seeing their child crying more or being clingier may make them wonder what is happening. This is supposed to be a party after all. There are a few things to keep in mind when plan ning and hosting your child’s first birthday to reduce meltdowns.
3. Pay attention to your child’s responses to sensory input. Even at one years old, children give clues to what sensory input they like and don’t like. This is also called their sensory profile. For example, if your child covers their ears, shakes their head “no,” or tries to avoid loud noises, these are clues they do not like it. If they smile and giggle when there is a loud noise, or look in the direction of the noise without distress, they may be letting you know they enjoy it. This can let you know if you should have loud noises at their first birthday party, whether that is singing the birthday song or having loud music.
Monet Somerville is a Parent Educator at The Parenting Center. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Developmental Psychology with a Concentration in Child and Adolescent Development. She is also a licensed Trust Based Relational Intervention Practitioner.
Your child’s first birthday is always a special occasion, but it can be filled with stress for your child and you. Limiting the number of people that are invited, scheduling the party around your child’s eating and nap routine, and being aware of your child’s responses to sensory input can make their first birthday an enjoyable event for all. Happy birthday!
First Birthdays

It’s the Thought That Counts frankiedear
Best, Frankie P.S. The more I think about it, the more I like the horseshoe idea, but it’s your gift, not mine.
Even a riding cap with a pompom on top was super expensive. So, I asked my mom what she thought I should get for a present. She said a gift that was thoughtful and affordable. Do you think Paris will think I am cheap if I don’t bring a present from the horse magazine?
Sincerely, Addie
Dear Frankie, Paris invited me to her birthday party. I was so excited to learn it would be at the barn where she keeps her horse. When I got to the park the next day, everyone was talking about what to get Paris for a birthday present. Olivia showed us a horse magazine and said we could look over the ads and order something a rider might like. I almost fainted when I saw the prices.
Dear Addie, Paris invited you as a friend to celebrate her birthday. She didn’t ask you as a donor to fund her equestrian wardrobe. Remember, it was Olivia’s, not Paris’s, idea to get a gift from the magazine. If you decide to get her a gift related to horses, there are many affordable options. How about a book or a video about a horse, or a coloring book that features horses? Another idea is to make her a beaded bracelet with her horse’s name. For a fun gift, bring an old horseshoe (a symbol for good luck) with a card wishing her a blue ribbon at her next horse show. There is a saying, “It’s the thought that counts.” I’m with your mom. A gift should be more about the thought that went into selecting just the right gift and less about how much it costs.
Frankie is a rescue and a service dog for Geneva Woodruff. Together, they have traveled far and wide. Along the way, Frankie befriended dogs from all walks of life. She thought it would be remiss not to share the many lessons of life she learned from them.


Painting and writing on vertical surfaces promote proper fine motor and pencil grasp development. Large crayons, fat colored pencils. Aquadoodle, water-based writing activity sets. Cooking toys and food sets with utensils. Pretend play with toy foods helps improve fine motor skills and helps kids learn how to use utensils. Kid-sized gardening tools. Gardening is a great sensory experience for children, and garden tools are great to work on upper body strength. Dress-up dolls and costumes. Dressing dolls and putting costumes on and off provide great practice for working on dressing and self-help skills. Wind up toys and fidget toys. Great for fine motor skills and can also be used to help improve focusing when fidgety.
12 SEPTEMBER 2022 | NOLAFAMILY.COM roomwiggle
Classics for kids 6 and up: Simon, Memory, Bop It, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Etch a Sketch, AquaDoodle, Magna Doodle, Lite-Brite, Ants in the Pants, Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Operation, Battleship, and Don’t Break the Ice. At any age: Tents, bean bags, large cushions, tunnels. These types of items are great for setting up a cozy corner at home. Cozy corners can offer the child a safe place to reset, regroup, or relax with a book.
Kimberly Bradley, MS, LOTR, a pediatric occupational therapist, writes the “Wiggle Room” column. She owns Kim4Kids in Metairie and can be reached at
Gross GroceryMotor:baskets. These miniature realistic grocery baskets are more stable than push toys. They are also great to put items in the basket (can even put heavy items in to weigh it down) to push it around and improve gross motor skills and lower body strength.
Plasma car. Great gross motor car that incorporates motor planning and whole body work, and safe indoors. Small trampoline or hippity hop ball. Great for jumping, gross motor skills indoors, and fantastic tools to get the wiggles out, especially on rainy days.
Best Toys to Give as Presents
Infant and toddler toys (under the age of three): Balls of various sizes. Toys that pull apart and push together (like Bristle Blocks, Large Duplos Legos). These types of toys promote use of both hands, gross motor skills, and fine motor strength.
Ages Easel.3-6
Magnetic stacking blocks. Developmentally, children will learn how to knock over blocks before building them, but magnetic blocks help promote stacking skills. They are also another great toy that can be pulled apart to work on bilateral hand use. Shape sorter and large wooden puzzles with large knobs and large coin piggy banks. These toys that require putting items into containers promote fine motor and visual motor skills. Spin Again Spinning Stacker. Placing various sized round gears on a peg gets really fun as they spin round and round down a corkscrew. This is a kid favorite.
Toys with tongs. Tongs are great to improve fine motor skills and an easy way to work on when incorporated already into a game. Fruit Stand Avalanche is a Manyfavorite.ofthese toys are not only for these ages. They can be used across age ranges. Use best judgment as to what the child would like to engage in most. These toys will provide endless fun while also improving so many areas of development.
Kinetic sand, modeling clay, floam, model magic, Play-Doh, slime. Multi-sensory toys that encourage sensory exploration through touch, decrease touch sensitivity, and promote fine motor skills. Art supplies. Pastels, oils, finger paint, dry erase markers and crayons, chalk. The younger the child is, the shorter and fatter the paint brush or art tool should be.
Pound a ball and hammer toys. Toys with tools are an easy and fun way to promote fine motor development.
Mr. Potato Head. A classic toy that is great for fine motor development and teaching body parts. Bath toys. Especially ones that involve pouring water can improve fine motor skills and self help skills. Large foam gym blocks. These large durable blocks are great for encouraging gross motor development by climbing on and over. They are also great to work on stacking, have many uses for pretend play, and allow the child to jump and crash on safely in the home. Musical instruments.
What are some of the best toys to give that can also promote development? Here are some toys used in therapy by therapists that are not only fun but also promote developmental fine motor and gross motor skills.



Elmwood Gymnastics Academy 700 Elmwood Park Blvd., Ste. C, Harahan (504),plus40minutesinthearea.Includespizzaandpunch.
Airline Skate 6711 Airline Drive, Metairie (504) Haveairlineskatecenternola.com733-2248publicorprivateskate parties, bring your own cake and purchase pizza. All Star Gymnastics 2073 Bonn Street, Harvey (504) Aallstargymnola.com328-3838funandsafeenvironment that allows children to run, jump, and play. Parties held on Saturdays and Sundays.
Adventure Quest Laser Tag 1200 Clearview Parkway, Ste. 1106, Harahan (504) Playlasertagnola.com207-4444lasertaginancient Mayan surroundings, as well as cosmic golf and bumper cars under black lights. Plus, arcade parties for younger kids.
Gym Rompers 5212 S.Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans (504) Ourgymrompersfun.com481-0835goalistomakeyour little one’s big day
Birthday Party Listing
Big Easy Sportsplex 800 Webb Street, Jefferson (504) $299bigeasysportsplex.comparties@bigeasysportsplex.com733-0046includes1¾-hoursofindoor field play for up to 25 kids. A game facilitator assists with play, while the host coordinates everything else. Colonial Lanes 6601 Jefferson Highway, Harahan (504) colonialbowling.net737-2400
Two hours of bowling fun, with two or four lanes for your party. Bumper bowling for children ages seven and younger is available, too.

Little Pnuts Party Boutique 400 Harrison Ave., New Orleans (504) Chooselittlepnutstoyshoppe.com267-5083athemeandactivities, and we’ll design your child’s customized party in our boutique. You and the guests just show up! Also featuring a balloon bar, gifts, and party essentials.
Glitter ‘n’ Glitz 601 Behrman Highway, Ste. 7, Terrytown (504) Multipleglitternglitzkids.com701-5268packagesinclude an upscale kids’ spa boutique party, or we bring the party to you on our spa party bus.
Insta-Gator Ranch & Hatchery 74645 Allen Road, Covington (985) Partiesinsta-gatorranch.cominfo@insta-gatorranch.com892-3669includean8x10photo of the birthday child holding a gator, picnic area and soccer field, invitation template, and more.
Pony Tales 156 Bertucci Lane, St. Rose (504) Poniesponytalesnola@aol.componytalesbirthdays.com469-0148deliveredtoyoufor all occasions, or have a pony (or wagon) riding party at the barn.
Luv 2 Play 6851 Veterans Blvd., Metairie (504)
Culinary Kids 915 Marigny Avenue, Mandeville (985) Noculinarykidsns.com727-5553twopartiesareever alike! Enjoy a customizable event that includes a main course, dessert, and activity.
Kidsports Adrenaline Rush Party 1200 S. Clearview Parkway, Harahan (504) course is the original heart-pounding, race to the finish line that appeals to the Olympian in us all.
Nola Kidsground 5700 Citrus Boulevard. Ste. D, Elmwood (504) NOLAnolakidsground.cominfo@nolakidsground.com354-9528Kidsgroundistheplace to celebrate your baby's first birthday, toddler birthdays, and parties for kids through age seven. Our friendly party hosts will take care of all of the details so all you have to do is enjoy the party and make some memories with family and friends.
AudubonPARTIESADVENTURENatureInstitute (504),privatebirthdaypartyneartheZooPlayground.DoaworldgoodforyourlittleanimalloverandtheirspecialdayattheZoo.
CampTREATS,CRAFTS,&MORE)GirlBiz 5200 Highway 22, Ste. 7, Mandeville (985) Allcampgirlbiz.com705-9288partiesaredesigned to suit the birthday boy or girl’s personality, and include a colorful beading necklace activity, dancing, and a fashion show.
Skate Country Westbank 1100 Terry Parkway, Gretna (504) Partyskatecountrywb.com392-2227packagesinclude food, drinks, and skating; extra charge to have the rink to yourself. Online bookings available.
LOOP NOLA 1 Palm Dr., City Park, New Orleans (504) Providingloopnola.orgloopnola@gmail.com330-5369customized events for families and groups, including canoeing and multicourse ropes challenge birthday parties.
Mandeville Sports Complex 23052 Highway 1088, Mandeville (985) partycakes,pizza,includingOfferingmandevillesportscomplex.cominfo@MandevilleSportsComplex.com727-7277fouruniquepartypackages,paperproducts,balloonbouquets,pitchersofunlimitedbeverages,icecream,partyfavors,andhost(s).
Louisiana Children’s Museum 15 Henry Thomas Drive, New Orleans (504) Newlcm.org523-1357Orleans’premier attraction for children, featuring memorable, interactive experiences designed to make learning fun for the whole family. *See website for updated hours.
NOLA Motorsports Park 11075 Nicolle Blvd., Avondale (504) Lookingnolamotor.cominfo@nolamotor.com302-4875forexcitement? Multiple tracks and packages, including junior karts are available for birthday parties and more.
Ochsner Fitness Center Splash Party 1200 S. Clearview Parkway, Ste. 1200, Harahan (504) Aochsnerfitness.comeschott@ochsner.org733-1600personalcertifiedlifeguard is on hand for the entire hour your party swims. Guests spend the last 40 minutes in the party room.
Spirit Professionals 610 Deer Cross Court, Madisonville (985) Greatspiritprofessionals.com888-6565forboysandgirls, parties include inflatables, ninja obstacles, rock climbing wall, and a tire climbing wall. Surge Trampoline 6930 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Metairie (504) 267-3898 (318),fitness, and sports facility featuring a venue for active social outings, intense workouts, and awesome birthday parties.
La Petite Palace 5928 W. Metairie Avenue, Ste. 3, Metairie (504) Multiplelapetitepalacenola.comlapetitepalace@gmail.com457-1608partyoptionsfor girls and boys, include dress-up, games, and teas, a painting party, and an ice cream sundae party.
16 SEPTEMBER 2022 | NOLAFAMILY.COM easy, stress free, happy, and FUN. All Gym Rompers birthday parties are private, with play space access.
Mad Science Serving all of Southeast Louisiana (504)’spartyahuge success with our party packages, add-ons, and goody bags loaded with science-themed toys.
JoJo has been entertaining the Greater New Orleans area for more than 40 years.
– including inflatables, Ferris wheels, and cartoon characters – are the perfect addition to your child’s birthday party
About to Bounce (504) Full-service,abouttobounce.comjoe@abouttobounce.com914-6489inflatableparty rental company, with a variety of games, carnival food machines, and tables and chairs. AF Creations (305) AFasredruby@gmail.com498-4571Creationsspecializes in custom balloon designs for every occasion. Art from the Heart (504) Fourartfromtheheartevents.com416-1430partypackagesofdetailed “cheek art” and full-faced animals, masks, and butterflies, some with added glitter and jewels. FunFlicks (504) and inflatable movie screen rentals for parties and events. GoGoBooth (504) Thisgogo-booth.cominfo@gogobooth.com224-9801photoboothcompany has more than 20 years of experience, providing quality service and designs, with a flair for fun. JoJo the Magician and Clown (504) Wowjojothemagician.comslikjojo@yahoo.com866-4400thekidswithsome amazing magic!
My Fairy Garden Party
Party Teepeezz & Events (985) Individualpartyteepeezz.compartyteepeezz@gmail.com502-5300decoratedteepees, and specialty add-ons including custom balloon packages, party favor bags, and karaoke machines.
Rockin Rollin Video Game Truck of New Orleans
(504) Amusementsnolaamusements.comnolaamusements@gmail.com905-6368andcarnivalrides
Mymyfairygardenparty.comhello@myfairygardenparty.comFairyGardenPartybringsa whimsical, hands-on experience to your event! Sparking both imagination and the joy of planting something and watching it grow, your guests will be guided through creating their very own fairy gardens complete with a fairy, seasonal flower, fairy dust, and more! NOLA Amusements
An indoor playground area for kids of all ages. Celebrate all milestones childhood has to offer–both big and small.
Prytania Theatre 5339 Prytania St., New Orleans (504) Rentinfo@thepyrtania.comtheprytania.com891-2787theUptown,single-screen movie theater for special screenings.
NOLA Pixie Dust (504) Choosepixiedustnola.comnolapixiedust@gmail.com457-1608fromover30magical characters to entertain through speech and song, making your child’s party an unforgettable one.
Petite Princess Company (225) Princessespetiteprincesscompany.com347-1981willcometoyour house with songs, crafts, crowns, and a photoshoot.
Porta-Puppet Players 3141 Michigan Ave., Metairie (504) 669-4159 or (504) 469-7019 Storytellingporta-puppets.comwithpuppet packages, caricaturists, musicians, magicians, and princesses.
Bring(504)neworleans.comrockinrollinvideogametruckof417-4368theultimateinfuntoyour child’s birthday party. And if you want “active,” go for the laser or water tag games. Sparkle & Swag 508 Metairie Road, Metairie (504) Asparkleandswag.com510-5838curatedcollectionof top party supplies fit for any celebration–from birthdays to
NOLA Games On Wheels (504) Bringnolagamesonwheels.comkfjenterprisesllc@gmail.com237-3157theultimategamingexperience to your front door with a luxury, limo-style theater on wheels with seven huge hi-def TVs.
Lafreniere Carousel Gardens 3000 Downs Blvd., Metairie (504) Havelafrenierepark.org838-4389yourpartyat Lafreniere’s Carousel, featuring 34 moving animals. Picnic areas, a play area, and the Spray Park are adjacent.
Longue Vue House and Gardens 7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans (504) Gardenlonguevue.com488-5488birthday celebrations offer children interactive activities that allow imaginative exploration.
Posh Paint Pub 3218 Taft Park, Metairie (504) Greatposhpaintpub.com835-4155pottery,canvas painting, and clay parties–for kids and adults.
FAIR CoquillePARTIES(OUTDOOR)WEATHERParkandRecreation 13505 Highway 1085, Covington (985) Featuringcoquillerec.recdesk.cominfo@coquilerecreation.com892-9829fourspaciousareas to host your next party, including two playground areas and a splash park.
Artisanal Italian gelato & sorbetto, sweet & savory crepes, and espresso coffee drinks.
Nola Party Boutique (504) Balloonnolapartyboutique.com606-5567bouquets,columns, arches, and decor for special events and corporate needs. Over the Top Balloon Decor (504) Balloonoverthetopballoondecor.com249-6985bouquets,arches,photo frames, and more, perfect for any indoor or outdoor celebration. Lagniappe Signs (985) Uniquelagniappesigns.com259-7700yardgreetings specifically for your loved ones. Say it With a Sign (504) Decoratesayitwithasignla.com487-7574yourlawnwith signs for various occasions–perfect for birthdays. SG New Orleans (504) occasion. They handle delivery, set-up, and clean-up.
Plum Street Snoballs 1300 Burdette Street, New Orleans 3000 Downs Boulevard, Metairie This(504)plumstreetsnoball.com866-7996NewOrleanstradition will bring a snoball stand to you year-round.
Cakes,laurelstreetbakery.comcupcakes,andother wonderful goods baked from scratch, using only all-natural ingredients. Nothing Bundt Cakes 1111 Greengate Drive, Ste. D, Covington (985) 888-6555 3131 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Ste. 100, Metairie (504) 645-5499 4839 Prytania Street, New Orleans (504) Celebratenothingbundtcakes.com267-4652life’sspecialmoments with handdecorated cakes adorned with inspired decorations and signature frosting. Sweet Life Bakery 516 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Metairie (504) Enjoynolasweetlife.com371-5153cakesforall occasions–birthdays, baby showers, and more. Choose from 14 flavors and 20 buttercream fillings.
COLD TREATS Creole Creamery 4924 Prytania Street, New Orleans (504) 894-8680 6260 Vicksburg Street, New Orleans (504) 482-2924 2565 Metairie Road, New Orleans (504) Enjoycreolecreamery.com354-8069dozensofgourmet flavors, perfect for a sunny day, and available for catering. Hansen’s Sno-Bliz 4801 Tchoupitoulas Street, New Orleans (504) Belovedsnobliz.com891-9788bygenerations of New Orleanians, Hansen’s classic sno-balls are available in a one-gallon Party-Bliz bucket for sharing! Imperial Woodpecker Sno-Balls 3511 Magazine Street, New Orleans (504) Enjoyiwsnoballs.com264-7170freshsnowballs on-site OR bring the party to you; catering for parties is available.
When You Wish Entertainment (504) authenticProvidingwhenyouwishentertainment.com208-HEROthemostprofessionalandprincesses,superheroes,and fairy tale characters in the Greater New Orleans area. Zoo 2 U (504) Bringzoo2uparties.com756-1501apettingzoo or pony ride to your party for a great way to educate kids about animals while having fun.
The&COOKIES,CAKES,OTHERALLLAGNIAPPE:THATSTUFF!CANDY,PASTRIESCandyBank 201 Carroll Street, Mandeville (985) Enjoythecandybank.com778-2750deliciouscandy and ice cream, including a candy shopping spree. Look at their website for extras you can add to your child’s party. Cookie Dough Bliss 241 W. Harrison Avenue, New Orleans (504) ice cream, sundaes, and shakes! Catering is also available. Gracious Bakery 1000 S Norman Francis Parkway, New 4930(504)Orleans321-6233PrytaniaStreet, New Orleans (504) 300-8135 2854 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans (504) Bakedgraciousbakery.com301-9949goodsandcatering packages for all occasions, including cakes, pastries, sandwiches, and salads. Free delivery for orders of $100 or more. Laurel Street Bakery 2701 S. Broad St., New Orleans (504) 897-0576
CardDECORATIONSMyYardMandeville (985) and graphics - perfect for any celebration. Little Pnuts Balloon Installations (504),balconyoryardwithcolorfulballooninstallation.
NOLA Lawn Candy handpainted signs that feature cupcakes, video game controllers, fish, and footballs.
bachelorette parties and beyond. Lots to enjoy.
Piccola Gelateria 4500 Magazine Street, New Orleans (504) Wepiccolagelateria.com493-5999catertoalltastes.

Rylan, like all the males in our family, couldn’t care less about celebrating a birthday. To the guys, it’s, “Birthday? Whose birthday? Did you say my birthday?” He probably gets this attitude from his grandfather, Papa. Family lore tells that Papa never liked being the center of attention on his birthday. He was an only child who got plenty of attention from his two doting parents and a whole raft of relatives. To him, birthdays were a nuisance. The year he turned five, he opened a present and sighed, “Oh, just what I didn’t want. A book.” Today his favorite present to receive is a gift certificate to the Garden District Book Store. This year, Rylan will turn 16 and he’ll get his driver’s license. Yes, he passed Driver’s Ed with flying colors, so there are no excuses. He’ll be hitting the road ASAP. It will be that great, long-awaited taste of freedom for him. He’ll probably celebrate with his buddies by borrowing his mom’s big white SUV and driving straight to Felipe’s Restaurant for five carnitas tacos. What more could a guy want? One of my many failings as a mother, grandmother, and friend is that I don’t remember birthdays and constantly mess up. A simple calendar works for most sane individuals, but not for me. I need a written calendar and a computer reminder and maybe even a large sledge hammer to knock over my head a day or so before someone’s birthday. And then I’d still screw it up. So for now, I’ll hire Amelia to remind me of whose birthday is when and how he or she would like to celebrate. I’ll even ask her to psyche out some cool gifts for the birthday boy or girl. Heck, I may even hire her to decorate and send out invitations. Yes, that would solve a lot of problems for this family. She will just have to make sure Papa gets a really good book.
PowerLaura Claverie is Nola Family’s Hip Grannie. She is a local mother, grandmother, and writer.
Amelia loves every minute of every birthday. This September she will officially become a teenager, so I’m pretty sure she started planning her party months ago. She has always taken birthdays and parties seriously. No doubt she’s a New Orleans girl. For the first six birthdays of her life, she wanted only a swimming party in our backyard. She’d plan a theme (unicorns one year; Barbie, another). We’d decorate accordingly, order a gooey theme-related cake, and let the kids swim all afternoon. Amelia made a list of possible gifts her parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles could give her, and we’d all do as we were told. Now that she is older, Amelia gravitates toward sleepovers, where the entertainment revolves around make-up, Theo’s pizza, and manis/pedis.
Anyone who created the cliche, “age is just a number,” never had the variety of differences toward birthdays that our family has.

What are some signs of APD?
How is APD diagnosed?
How is APD treated?
“Children with APD can struggle with subjects such as math, reading, and English,” says Dr. Caruso. More specifically, concepts like spelling, phonics, and verbal word problems are harder for students with APD to grasp. Combined with all the signs listed above, these students can find school environments particularly challenging. From classroom discussions, to the noisy lunchroom, playground, and gymnasium, your child may find it difficult to hear their surroundings properly and, as a result, lose their concentration and fall behind on their studies. This is why it’s important to diagnose APD as early as possible.
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is defined as a hearing problem that affects how one processes and understands sounds due to an interruption in the brain when it tries to process these sounds, especially speech. There’s no known cause of it–doctors suspect genetics, traumatic brain injuries, and frequent ear infections may play a role–and it affects about 5 percent of children in school. Some children may have APD their entire lives, while others may grow out of it. Either way, it’s important for your child to get APD treatment as early as possible so they have a lower risk of developing learning and listening problems. Haley Caruso, a clinical audiologist at Woman’s Hospital, explains APD and what to do if your child has it.
Once your child has a diagnosis, it’s important to coordinate with their school so they can receive interventions specific to their needs. APD isn’t technically considered a learning disability in schools (as opposed to those that are more “severe”), but you can still reach out to their teacher and ask for special accommodations. For example, your child with APD may need to sit closer to the front of the classroom so they can hear their teacher, or they may need to record their lessons so they can review the lessons later. Most importantly, your child needs reassurance that they are just as smart and successful as the other students around them; they just need a little extra help in and out of the classroom.
How does it affect students?
Children that have APD hear sounds the exact same way we do. The problem is that APD causes the brain to have difficulty distinguishing between sounds in words, especially in noisy environments. The brain and ears of those with APD don’t coordinate very well, so they struggle with comprehending what they hear. “There are many different types of Auditory Processing Disorder, which means there are many different types of symptoms,” says Dr. Caruso. “The student may have difficulty understanding speech or following conversations. They may misunderstand messages, need things repeated often, have inconsistent or inappropriate responses, have problems localizing sounds, or get distracted easily.”
“These processing tests involve a trained audiologist who will play a sequence of tests and sounds in a sound booth. The patient listens to instructions and responds accordingly. I pinpoint specific areas like binaural integration separation, binaural interaction, auditory closure, temporal patterning, and temporal processing.”
Auditory Processing Disorder in Children
What should I do if I suspect my child has APD? If your child is experiencing APD-like difficulties, they will have to undergo a series of tests to pinpoint their disorder. “APD can mimic other disorders like ADD, ADHD, and dyslexia, so it can’t be diagnosed on symptoms,” Dr. Caruso says. “APD can mimic signs of hearing loss as well, so we always check a child’s hearing before testing for APD.”
By Emily Drez
“In order to be diagnosed with APD, you need normal hearing, a normal IQ, and to be at least seven years old,” says Dr. Caruso. “Once you’re seven years old, your brain is developed enough to be able to do these processing tests. All tests are scored based on age range, which is typically between 7 and 14, though adults can have it, too.
There is no known cure for APD, but there are several strategies that can help someone with APD develop better listening skills. Most children’s auditory systems are fully developed by the time they are 14, which means it is possible they will eventually develop their listening, learning, and communication skills on their own. Otherwise, there is speech language therapy, online training activities, hearing aids with FM systems (also known as a remote microphone system, which emphasizes a speaker’s voice over background noise), and other individualized therapies depending on what areas in which the student with APD is struggling.



UnicornDrinks lemonade: Line the rim of your glasses with icing and sprinkles, then fill the glasses up with pink lemonade. Mix in some edible glitter, and enjoy.
It’s Party Time
If you have a young child, you are probably going to be organizing lots of birthday parties until your child is old enough to do it themselves. Even more planning is required for the parties you host at your own house.
Treasure Chest: Take two Rice Krispies Treats and stack one on top of the other. Then, use chocolate icing to draw two simple, vertical lines down the middle of the treats (set horizontally), and draw a lock between the lines. As a plus, stick some popcorn in between the Treats to make it look like treasure is spilling out the chest.
Unicorn Crispy Treats: Drizzle some candy melt over some Rice Krispies Treats and dust some sprinkles on top. If you want to get extra crafty, you can use icing to decorate the treats with eyes and unicorn horns.
Jell-O Ocean: Buy some blue Jell-O, gummy worms, Swedish Fish candy, and octopus gummy candies. Mix the Jell-O in a bowl and put the candies in the mixture before the Jell-O sets. That way, when the Jell-O does set, it’ll look like you have some tasty sea creatures swimming in an ocean of Jell-O.
SeaDrinksWater: Mix some blue punch, Sprite, and pineapple juice for this sweet, swashbuckling drink. Pirate Punch: This drink calls for red punch, lemonade, and pineapple juice.
Never fear! While a DIY birthday party is an ambitious task, we’re here with suggestions for your child’s next birthday bash. We chose four popular party themes for children. If your child chooses a different theme, the Internet is full of ideas that will make any birthday party memorable.
Unicorn Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt that will have everyone following unicorn tracks and chasing rainbows. Their findings can be party favors, treat bags, or a pinata full of candy.
Games and Crafts
popcorn: This sweet-and-salty treat requires sprinkles, colorful candy melts (pink, purple, blue, and yellow are common “unicorn” colors), and, of course, popcorn. While you’re popping the popcorn, stick the candy melts in the microwave and heat them up for about 30 seconds, or as needed. Lay your popcorn out on a baking sheet, drizzle each color over the popcorn, and cover the popcorn with sprinkles so that they glue themselves into the candy. Reheat the candy melts and drizzle over the popcorn for another layer.
Treasure hunt: The party pirates can search for treasure as a standard scavenger hunt, or they can dig through buckets of sand until they reach the treasure. Pro tip–you can buy toy treasure chests online and fill them with chocolate coins and other goodies.
Games and Crafts Build Your Own Unicorn Horn: Buy some cone-shaped styrofoam pieces from a craft store and decorate them with paint and glitter to create unicorn horns. Then, glue these horns on headbands so every person can be a unicorn.
By Sarah Batrous & Emily Drez
Unicorn water: For a healthier alternative to sugary drinks, you can find some colorful water flavoring drops or powder, mix it into the water, and top it off with a dash of edible glitter. Your guests can even make the unicorn drinks themselves at a special drink-making station.
Rainbow Chocolate-Covered Strawberries: Buy the reddest strawberries in the store and some melting white chocolate. When you get home, melt the chocolate and dip your strawberries in it (but make sure to rinse and dry the strawberries first!). Then, dip the strawberries in some rainbow sprinkles, and lay them out on some wax paper to dry.
Loot: This snack mix for pirates can be anything: pretzels, peanuts, cheese snacks, cereal, and bite-sized candies will be perfect for your pirate party. Mix all these ingredients up in a bowl and leave them on a table so the partygoers can serve themselves.
4 Planned Parties You Can Try

Masquerade Masks: Purchase plain, white half-masks or use a paper template online. As for decorating, decorative ribbon can be hot glued to the edges of the mask along with feathers, sequins, rhinestones or other stick-on jewels, and spray-on glitter.
TeaDrinksParty: Fill Mason jars with pink lemonade, mix in some edible glitter, and include a dainty paper parasol and a slice of lemon on the side for a perfect tea party.
Dino Track Cookies: Use premade dough for sugar cookies or peanut butter cookies. Bake the cookies according to the directions. Once baked, use a plastic dinosaur toy to make footprints on the cookie. Then, for sugar cookies, sprinkle some cinnamon sugar on top for a nice gritty layer of “dirt”. For peanut butter cookies, sprinkle some chocolate chips on top to serve as “meteor bits.”
Water games: With a water balloon fight, water gun battle, and a kiddie pool setup, the pirates can continue their quest (and burn off some energy!).
Mud Cups: Make your chocolate pudding and allow it to cool or use pre-made pudding. Put chocolate sandwich cookies into a gallon-sized Ziplock bag, and use a rolling pin or a can to crush the cookies. In a cup, layer pudding and crushed cookies until the cup is full. On top, sprinkle more crushed cookies and place a gummy dinosaur. Optionally, place popcorn “meteors” by the gummy dinosaur.
Magical Princess Wands: In a microwave, melt almond bark. Dip each pretzel rod halfway into melted bark and allow excess to drip off. Coat with sprinkles and sanding sugar or edible glitter. Place pretzels on waxed paper; let stand until dry. Store in an airtight container.
Save the Princess: In a large bowl, place toys like a crown, plastic glass slipper, princess figurines, and more with water. Freeze the bowls prior to the party and when it’s time, let the children “save the princess” using toy tools to break the ice, freeing the toys.
Crafts and Games Kiss the Frog: This is a spin on the classic party game pin the tail on the donkey. To make this easier, plenty of pre-made kits are available online. Blindfold and spin participants then have them place the lips on the frog.
Games and Crafts Dino Dig: Bury some toy dinosaurs in the sand. You can also fill and bury plastic eggs with candy bones or dinosaur gummies. Let the kids dig for the toys and candy either with their hands or with tools.
Use red Kool-Aid for "lava," or a swamp-green fruit punch complete with pineapple, strawberry, and cherry chunks. Mint leaves could also add more swampy decor and a delicious zing.
Cake Puppy Chow: Pour Chex cereal into a large bowl with a lid. In a separate bowl, combine white cake mix and powdered sugar. Melt candy coating according to directions on the package then pour over Chex cereal. Add sprinkles to the mixture and fold everything together. Pour cake mix and powdered sugar mixture on top of the cereal mixture. Place the lid on the bowl and shake all the ingredients together.
Paper Dinosaurs: Cut paper plates in half. Paint one of the 1/2 plate pieces. Have children paint two clothespin “feet” for each dinosaur. Once the body is dry, draw and cut out the dinosaur’s head, spikes, and tail. Glue the pieces to the back side of the paper plate. Add a smile and googly eye to the head, and attach the clothespins for the feet.

Now that the world is opening back up, Project Butterfly has big plans for the future and their expansion. This begins with restarting in-person events that were paused during the pandemic. One of the resurfacing community events is
Michele Seymour, Associate Director of Project Butterfly NOLA, got her start with the nonprofit by meeting the founder, Dr. Rashida Govan, in college. The two met through College Track New Orleans, an afterschool program to offer sup port to students. The project itself began as a student life workshop providing life skills and a space for young black girls to discuss issues important to them, and it evolved into something much bigger.
Sincegenerationally.theonset of COVID-19, they have successfully been able to pivot virtually, allowing them to offer mentoring to over 50 students. In 2021, they launched Camp Fafanto (fafanto being a word from the Akan people of Ghana meaning “butterfly,” a symbol of care and gentleness), a summer camp where young people are given the space to heal and restore themselves before school be gins. That year they served 10 youth during their four-week program and raised 20-thousand dollars during Give NOLA Day to help fund the program.
“What brought me specifically to this work was my own journey as a black woman growing up in New Orleans. I’ve always had a really strong family support system and really strong black women in my life,” says Seymour. “I know how impactful it is as a young person to have those types of connections, to have someone who has your best interests at heart and who is looking out for you. I wanted to give that back to young people.”
Mama Monologues, where volunteer mentors (called Mamas and Aunties) can give performances offering advice based on their own experiences growing up.
“Since its inception, Project Butterfly has been able to serve over 350 young people, which is a feat in itself, especially considering we are a small organi zation with two staff members and a wonderful network of volunteers but also in the interactions with our young people. When we start their programming in the school year, they are usually one of the most requested workshops each year,” notes Seymour.
Using the experiences of others, Project Butterfly has made a huge difference in the lives of the children they mentor.
A testament to how helpful their programs have been is through their students, who tend to stick around after emerging from their metaphorical cocoons. Most of their butterflies remain with the program throughout their academic careers and join the program as volunteers after graduation.
On top of this wild success, the project set up a direct aid fund for both their current butterflies-in-training but also their alumni. This fund is meant to aid in recovery efforts from the devastating effects of Hurricane Ida.
Project Butterfly: Turning NOLA's Caterpillars into Butterflies
If you are interested in participating in future events or donating, visit their website,
By Sarah Batrous
This year, they plan to serve 15 young people and were able to provide them a beach retreat in August, at no charge to their members or their families.
“As we think about our own journeys as adults, it’s important to think about what was necessary in order for us to transform and that we need to allow and give young people the same grace and love that we want and expect for ourselves,” Seymour shares. “They are not just our future; they’re our present as well, and the way we show up for them is reflected in the way they show up for others in the future.”
To help Project Butterfly continue to succeed, Seymour implores you to volun teer, donate, and participate in events. By volunteering with this nonprofit, you are investing your time, energy, and talents. The effort you put forth is what makes a difference for the children in your community. This is something Sey mour believes will bring positive change in our community through a domino effect of love and care.
After putting on programs and events for the community, the duo decided to register as an official nonprofit organization in 2018. Now official, they could begin growing to better facilitate their project’s mission: to support young people, specifically girls of African descent, on a pathway from adolescence to adulthood. They provide this through leadership development, mentoring, cultural and community connections, and through their work engaging inter
Seymour sees them as future leaders, doctors, educators, mentors, and parents who will pass on the knowledge and experience they gained from this program. She believes that seeing that wonderful, tangible joy in the air from those they serve to be the most motivating factor of their work.

Destin is our beach home away from home and we visit two-three times a year. There is really no place that has the white sand beach and turquoise waters of the Emerald Coast. Our favorite activity is taking a boat cruise to Baytowne, searching for dolphins, and swimming off the coast.
FALL ACTIVITY Fall is my favorite time of year. Of course the cooler, drier weather doesn't hurt especially after our hot humid summers that go on forever. The kids especially enjoy trunk or treat and pumpkin patches. I love the autumn smells and warm spicy beverages during the cooler weather.
Our favorite recent family vacation was to Dixie Dude Ranch in Bandera, TX, the "Cowboy Capital of the World." We enjoyed riding horses twice a day, swimming, and being treated to the best home cooked meals three times a day. Everyone was so friendly, and we look forward to returning in the future. We are in the middle of a move to the Northshore and looking forward to exploring all that Northshore living has to offer. The family is especially looking forward to riding the St. Tammany Trace on bikes and exploring new restaurants (of course!).
The whole family enjoys trying new things. We all have a blast ziplining at Magnolia Ethel,AdventureRidgeParkinLA.
As an owner and Director of Special Events of Annunciation Restaurant, Kristin Sparks’s days are filled with everyday opportunities to learn something new about the culinary and wine world–one of the many things she loves about her work. Along with sharing her passion for good food, Kristin is passionate about motherhood and her family. She’s a mom of three–Makenna, 16; Julius, 13; and Adrian, 11–and she’s happily married to her husband, Tim. PLACE TO SLIP AWAY

Goldring/Woldenberg Great Lawn at 10 a.m. Take a stroll and discover a variety of works from jewelry and ceramics to paintings and woodworks.
6 Tuesday
CHALMETTE BATTLEFIELD: BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS TALK Chalmette Battlefield at 2:45 p.m. Learn about the Battle of New Orleans.
2 Friday PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT Culinary Kids, every Friday at 6 p.m. Drop off the kids for a three-hour, movie-themed dinner, dessert, and pajama party. Ages 5-12.
GRETNA FARMERS MARKET Historic downtown Gretna from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Enjoy fresh local produce and crafts. Rain or shine, under the covered Gretna Market Building.
5 Monday
CHALMETTE BATTLEFIELD SEWING CIRCLE Chalmette Battlefield at noon. Beginners are welcome, no experience needed.
7 Wednesday
MUSIC ON THE BAYOU Wetlands Acadian Cultural Center at 6 p.m. Every Tuesday (weather permitting and no music on federal holidays), discover the wide range of south Louisiana's music: zydeco, gospel, blues, jazz, and Cajun.
BIKE NIGHT NOLA Motorsports Park at 5 p.m. NOLA Motorsports Park, New Orleans’ premier racing facility, is welcoming cyclists of all ages and skill levels to grab their bike and pedal NOLA Motorsports Park’s 2.75 mile FIA grade 2 road course.
8 Thursday
COMEDY GUMBEAUX Howlin' Wolf at 8 p.m. A night of laughs, food, and good fun awaits you. CULINARY KIDS SPECIAL NEEDS CLASS Culinary Kids at 5:30 p.m. Students cook, assemble, and enjoy a different recipe at each class, and dietary restrictions can be accommodated. Ages 10 through adult.
Lafreniere Park at 2 p.m. Recurring weekly on Wednesdays.
BEGINNER COOKING CLASS FOR KIDS Culinary Kids at 5:30 p.m. Local Chefs and cooking instructors take kids through a detailed course of beginner culinary skills.
FREE FAMILY SUNDAY Longue Vue Gardens at 4 p.m. Bring a picnic or purchase snacks, explore the children’s Discovery Garden, and make yourself at home in eight beautiful acres.
12 Mile Limit at 7:30 p.m.
3 Saturday ACADIAN CULTURAL CENTER DULCIMER JAM Acadian Cultural Center at 10 a.m. Join the Cajun Dulcimer Society and its core group, the Lagniappe Dulcimer Society from Baton Rouge, for dulcimer music: Cajun, country, Celtic, folk, and hymns.
INFANT AND CHILD CPR Worley Hall from 6:30-9 p.m. American Heart Association’s “Family and Friends” non-certification class is back in person. Class size is limited. Fee $35/person.
The Southern Food & Beverage Museum at 11 a.m. This is a hands-on cooking class where you will be learning about Creole culture and cooking techniques to make this cuisine in your daily life.
FRENCH QUARTER HISTORY TALK French Quarter Visitor Center of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park & Preserve at 9:30 a.m. Join Rangers to learn about the rich cultural history that makes New Orleans the special place that it is.
September out about&
COOKING CLASS FOR KIDS Culinary Kids at 5:30 p.m. Local Chefs and cooking instructors take older kids through a detailed course of culinary skills.
HISTORIC THIBODAUX WALKING TOUR Wetlands Acadian Cultural Center at 10 a.m. Join a ranger for a stroll through downtown Thibodaux and hear the stories of its past.
4 Sunday ALLSTATE LOUISIANA KICKOFF - LSU VS. FLORIDA STATE Caesars Superdome at 6:30 p.m.
COLORS BY LAVEAU CONTRAIRE Contemporary Art Center New Orleans at 7:30 p.m. Debut of COLORS by CAC artist-in-residence Laveau Contraire.
BARATARIA PRESERVE WETLANDS WALK Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Reserve Visitor Center at 10 a.m. Join a ranger for a guided walk on a boardwalk trail through the Louisiana swamps and marshes of the Barataria Preserve.
The Southern Food & Beverage Museum at 11 a.m. This is a hands-on cooking class where you will be learning about Creole culture and cooking techniques to make this cuisine in your daily life.
Ogden Museum of Southern Art at 12:30 p.m. Join for a participatory gallery tour of Ogden Museum, home to the largest and most comprehensive collection of art from the Southern region of the United States.
UNO Lakefront Arena at 11 a.m. It’s Pirate Day in Adventure Bay and Ryder will need all paws on deck as he and the PAW Patrol discover a secret treasure map while on a mission to rescue Cap’n Turbot from a mysterious cavern.
11 Sunday
Longue Vue House and Garden at 1 p.m. Join Director of Gardens Amy Graham to learn how to make plants with plants.
PELICAN GREENHOUSE PLANT SALE City Park at 8 a.m. Get your green thumbs ready for the Pelican Greenhouse Plant Sale. With hundreds of varieties of plants, there's something everyone will love.
BEIGNET FEST New Orleans City Park Festival Grounds at 10 a.m. Beignet Fest celebrates New Orleans’s most iconic dessert: the beignet.
THE DINNER DETECTIVE DoubleTree by Hilton New Orleans Airport at 6 p.m. Solve a hilarious mystery while you feast on a fantastic dinner.
ZUMBA WITH THE MAYOR TBA. Enjoy Zumba with the Mayor.
22 Thursday ORPHEUM SESSION 2: FOUNTAINS OF ROME & TCHAIKOVSKY 6 Orpheum Theater at 7:30 p.m. The orchestra is led in Tchaikovsky’s final symphony by Music Director of the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, Matt Kraemer.
27 Tuesday
The Saenger Theatre at 7 p.m.
15 Thursday
THE VICTORY BELLS MATINEE LUNCHEON BB's Stage Door Canteen at 11:45 a.m. The music of the 1940s brought hope and joy to our GIs and those on the Home Front alike. The Victory Belles keep that tradition alive in rich, three-part harmony. Join for a short program by the museum's trio with a buffet lunch.
Steve Worley Hall (Children’s Hospital Conference Center) at 6:30 p.m. Practical information about female anatomy. Girls participate with their mother or caregiver. $20 per child.
CALMING YOUR NEW BABY Zoom from 10-11:30 a.m. Learn what to expect during the first few months, also known as “the fourth trimester,” including techniques to quickly calm crying and boost infant sleep from the popular book, Happiest Baby on the Block, by Dr. Harvey Karp.
16 Friday COLUMBIA STREET BLOCK PARTY Columbia Street at 6 p.m. Enjoy a free block party and classic car show on Columbia Street in downtown Covington. Live music, food, and drinks will be available.
Culinary Kids at 5:30 p.m. Learn techniques like cookie painting, lacing, flooding, and shading; and make royal icings, flavored sugar cookies, and drop cookies.
HARRISON AVENUE MARKETPLACE Harrison Avenue at 5 p.m. The Harrison Avenue Marketplace is a great venue for the Lakeview community to enjoy family, friends, food and live entertainment. Free and open to the public.
14 Wednesday
COMEDY BEAST Howlin' Wolf at 8 p.m. Join every Tuesday for the best local and out-of-town comics.
The Orpheum Theater at 7:30 p.m. Experience the cracks of thunder and lightning as Mahler’s “Titan” Symphony anchors the start of the LPO’s 32nd Season.
JASON ALDEAN: ROCK N’ ROLL COWBOY TOUR 2022 Smoothie King Center at 7:30 p.m.
IEP 101 WEBINAR Zoom at 11 a.m.
24 Saturday
ULTIMATE INDOOR GARAGE SALE Elmwood Self Storage & Wine Cellar at 8 a.m. Free admission and door prizes. There will be a face painter for the kids in the morning and concessions sold for charity all day. ARNO will be onsite with adoptable pets.
SWEET POTATO QUEENS Jefferson Performing Arts Society at 7:30 on Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. on Sundays through October 2.
25 Sunday
The National WWII Museum at 1 p.m. The Victory Belles are a delightful vocal trio performing the music of the 1940s.
Caesars Superdome at caesarssuperdome.comnoon.
13 Tuesday
Longue Vue House and Gardens at 6:30 p.m. Sound therapy concert designed to recalibrate the nervous system and cleanse the body energy.
Children’s Hospital Parking Garage, Henry Clay, first floor from 9-11 a.m. Installation by a nationallycertified technician. Free, drop ins welcome, appointments preferred.
Columbia Street Landing at 6 p.m. Be a part of Sunset at the Landing Concert.
BOGUE FALAYA RIVER SWEEP Bogue Falaya Wayside Park and Pavilion at 9 a.m.
The Saenger Theatre at 8 p.m.
Ochsner Medical Center at 8 a.m. The event will kick off with breakfast, and education day, and then end with a Team Hope Walk.
26 Monday
COMEDY BEAST Howlin' Wolf at 8 p.m. Best local and out-of-town comics. 30 Friday COLUMBIA STREET BLOCK PARTY Columbia Street at 6 p.m. Live music, food, and drinks will be available.
FALL FLOWERING ARRANGING WORKSHOP Longue Vue House and Gardens at 1 p.m. Grab a friend and join them for this relaxing cut flower workshop.
30 SEPTEMBER 2022 | NOLAFAMILY.COM 1 2 3 4 Let’s Celebratetogearget Electric Balloon Air Inflator Easily blow up a large number of balloons within minutes. $19.99, Mesh Tent Food Covers Enjoy the outdoor company of guests without uninvited ones like flies, ants, or debris. These see-through covers protect food at picnics, parties, and buffets. $14.99, GlassDispensersBeverage Serve your beverages in style with these dispensers.beautifully-crafted$92.99, BubbleAutomaticBlower Bring endless fun to your next birthday bash or celebration with this automatic bubble blower. $59.99, 3124 Giggle N Go Limbo Game Make an outdoor party fun for the entire family with a few rounds of Limbo! See how low you can go with this fun favor ite. $37.99, 5 5