flexible working news, views and best practice Issue 4 June 2015
different dimension The multi-generational workforce challenge
workplace theatre
The interactive way to tackle organisational issues National Grid in bid to enhance its flexibility offering
Case study: Plantronics on a pioneering flex journey
Rigid ‘command and control’ work culture must be replaced with trust
Pensions minister Ros Altmann on essential flexibility for older workers
Flexible boss buyer’s guide: PART ONE
EDITORIAL Editor: Heather Greig-Smith Phone: 07717 456 339 Email: heather@flexibleboss.com
CONTRIBUTORS Features: Gabriella Józwiak Design: Christian Gilliham Production: Heather Mellis
ADVERTISING For advertising and sponsorship opportunities contact: Commercial director: Adam Cox Phone: 07825 295 222 Email: adam@flexibleboss.com
PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS Flickr: backpackphotography shaunsgrimepics plantronicsgermany 125838394@N07 22746515@N02 the-cbi leehaywood criminalintent
Universal issue Different generations have different workplace needs, but flexibility is a common theme when it comes to managing the multi-generational workforce effectively
e should all be paying close attention to the fate of the multi-generational
workforce and progress towards age diversity. Getting older is universal. Caring for partners, parents, children and grandchildren while keeping working will be an increasingly common challenge. We
will also be working longer to pay for
Flexible Boss is published quarterly by HGS Media. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Flexible Boss takes all care to ensure information is correct at time of publication, but the publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of any information contained in the text or advertisements. Views expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher or editor.
much longer periods of old age, and many of us will relish and embrace that opportunity. Age diversity at work can be effectively tackled with flexibility and
employers be doing to tackle some of
workforce agility. It also offers greater
the challenges and opportunities of
balance to the flexibility debate, for
the age-diverse workforce? Our expert
it is not about a specific group – such
columnists turn their attention to
as the parents of young children – but
that very issue, and on pp16-18
everyone. We are all potentially future
Gabriella Józwiak takes a look at
carers, people who will need to be
some who are leading the field in this
cared for and people who might like
regard, such as Marks & Spencer and
or need to phase their retirement. The
McDonald’s. One size doesn’t fit all and
issue of the ageing population raises
the most successful will need to adapt.
big economic questions for individuals, DISTRIBUTION PARTNERS
On a practical level, what should
businesses and government. In this issue, the new pensions
Also in this issue, we publish part one of the Flexible Boss Buyer’s Guide. Many of you are charged with making
minister Ros Altmann tells us
radical changes and forging new
why flexibility is so important for
paths in your workplaces. The guide is
older workers, the economy and
designed to help shine a light on some
businesses. Previously older workers
of the companies that can help. In this
business champion for the coalition
issue we cover video conferencing,
government, she argued that more
time & attendance and co-working.
cross-departmental support is needed in government for this agenda when
Many thanks to our sponsors and supporters. Enjoy the issue!
she published a report on the subject in March. Now she is in a position to make change happen.
Flexible Boss: June 2015
Heather Greig-Smith Editor, Flexible Boss
Video Conferencing for the Flexible Worker.
Lifesize Cloud video conferencing enables the flexible workforce to be connected to the office everywhere they go, on any device.
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here is plenty of research
and procedures to comply with
for monitoring working hours, lone
published that provides
the new legislation, you will also
worker, absence, holiday, time off in
real insight into improving
need to upgrade your systems. By
lieu, and study leave etc.
productivity and employee motivation.
implementing a flexible working
Benefits include improvements in
system you can adapt your systems as
may claim to offer flexible working,
staff retention, less absenteeism, more
the business evolves, and manage any
a specialist solution like Etarmis
motivated staff, higher productivity,
combination of work patterns, shifts
provides a whole new range of
better customer service levels, and
and rotas.
improved innovation (employee
Etarmis from hfx has been specially
While the mainstream HR systems
Etarmis can be integrated into
developed to help employers stay on
your current HR system (we already
top of new flexible working legislation,
interface to SAP, Oracle, MidlandHR,
(SPL) legislation offers additional
including Shared Parental Leave.
Access, Opera, Ceridian and many
advantages to employers, in that it
Etarmis integrates seamlessly into
more) to enhance your solution in the
better enables them to retain female
your existing HR and Payroll system,
following ways:
employees and provide improved
enabling you to manage SPL requests,
career opportunities for women.
record ‘notice of intention’, ascertain
However, SPL is a highly complex
employee SPL entitlements and
process and qualifying employees have
automatically calculate and administer
the legal right to choose to take it, so
SPL payments.
engagement). The new Shared Parental Leave
there is no way around it. In a recent
As well as keeping line managers up
• Rich additional features, highly customisable to precise requirements • Configurable for any complex workplace requirement • Manage an unlimited number of
survey 80% of employers expressed
to date with their staffing positions,
concern about how to plan for SPL,
so that they are able to plan, Etarmis
which given that most HR and Payroll
provides HR with a system to
calculation, shift working and
systems are not yet equipped to deal
manage all working time legislation
overtime calculation
with it, is not surprising.
compliances proactively, including
As well as updating your policies
WTD, and any other requirements
working patterns • Provides time recording, flexitime
• Enables absence planning and analysis including real-time Bradford Factor calculation and sickness trigger points • Delivers efficiency calculation and workload measurement reporting • Supports Access Control with a wide range of hardware • Enables photo ID security with one card, one system, one solution As many of our customers have seen, Etarmis has been interfaced with HR solutions to provide a solution flexible enough to manage any permutation of working patterns. This provides a platform for flexible working, enabling the organisation to build and support a more diverse workforce.
Flexible Boss: June 2015
Contents This issue: we focus on the multi-generational workforce with features and expert comment on how to cater for employees of all ages. Plus, part one of the Flexible Boss Buyer’s Guide
News Firms must drop outdated views on flexible working, says CBI; Lloyds pilots phased retirement; workplace will be ‘luxury’ in 2040.
Profile: Ros Altmann The newly-appointed pensions minister tells Heather Greig-Smith a flexible workplace will help change attitudes towards older workers and enable them to work for longer.
11 Generation game Modern workforces will have to cope with age diversity and help employees contribute and thrive at all stages of their career. Choice and flexibility are key, finds Gabriella Józwiak.
FB Buyer’s Guide, part one We look at collaborative technology and ask why some firms video conferencing, co-working, and time & attendance sectors.
National Grid has long offered flexibility. Now it plans to power ahead even further.
Opinions Five takes on the impact of age diversity, and how employers should react.
Workplace theatre
Incentives take flight WorkAngel founder Jamie True discusses his game changing approach to staff benefits, peer recognition and corporate social networking.
32 are reluctant to embrace it, plus we highlight suppliers in the
Bosses need diverse teams to go digital; home work can drive down costly commuting; Gen Y not grabbed by work-life balance.
Could this interactive approach solve staff issues and boost team engagement?
Click to subscribe
Feel the (white) noise
Free monthly bulletins
Headset firm Plantronics has mixed its technical expertise with a flexible approach. We hear how plugging staff into smart working has boosted engagement and cut costs.
June 2015: Flexible Boss
‘Outdated views threaten success’ BUSINESSES and government need to
is no longer as important as it was
work together to transform outdated
before. Businesses face an important
views of flexible working, according to
choice: they can work with employees
CBI deputy director-general Katja Hall.
to make the most of flexibility or risk
She called on organisations to
becoming uncompetitive.”
abandon systems of management
However, Hall said it is important for
based on “counting jackets at desks”
individuals and companies to invest in
and instead manage on outcomes.
skills throughout their working lives.
Hall told delegates at last month’s
Working Families chief executive
Working Families annual conference
Sarah Jackson said that the new
that it was “disappointing” that all
government needs to be encouraged to
political parties pitched flexibility as
“talk the talk and walk the walk” when
“win-lose” in the general election. “I reject that. I think flexibility is a
it comes to flexibility. “There is not Katja Hall: CBI
win-win, but it’s not an easy win to harness,” said Hall.
going to be employment legislation. To make it work we’re going to
Hall added that the first step is to
need strong messages from the new
move away from the view that flexible
business ministers and employment
manager resistance and lack of skills.
working is a favour to employees
organisations about the value of
“There are good signs that firms are
and called for bosses to adopt a
flexibility being a two-way street.”
starting to get it, but when it comes
presumption in favour of flexibility at
She added that policies alone are
to implementation, old-fashioned
the stage of advertising for jobs: “Most
not enough to encourage individuals
attitudes die hard. Having a successful
jobs being created are full-time jobs.”
to adopt the flexibility they require.
One of the key issues is that of line
flexible working culture requires
Changes in technology mean the
“When the leaders don’t walk the
managers to have different skills sets
world of work is changing, she said.
walk then people don’t believe what’s
than we have been used to.”
“Having a physical presence at work
available to them.”
Lloyds pilots phased retirement LLOYDS Banking Group is piloting a staged retirement and retired affiliates programme to retain skills in its small business lending department. Speaking at the Working Families annual conference, diversity and inclusion director Fiona Cannon (pictured) said many regional managers in the department are coming to retirement and there is a huge issue of how to replace the expertise of people making lending decisions for businesses of up to £25m. “Customers know and like these people, plus there is a big regulatory pressure on having the right skills in the right jobs – particularly when it comes to lending to SMEs.” Cannon said the department had not defined the problem as an older workers issue, but that the answer has been to offer those close to retiring greater agility. Staged retirement allows managers to job share with younger colleagues to mentor them and pass on skills and experience. Others who are retiring are being recruited to come back on a consultancy basis and fill in at peak times. “We have about 50 people on that programme at the moment,” said Cannon. “It is so incredibly successful. We have already increased our customer service levels and lending. It has been an absolute business benefit as well as increasing employee engagement. “The regional managers couldn’t believe they were being offered this as an
“We have already increased customer service levels and lending”
opportunity. Because of the crash, a lot of them had enough and wanted to go, but this has reinvigorated them.”
Flexible Boss: June 2015
NEWS Movement fights shy of retiring
would be overlooked for promotion.
A collaborative movement dedicated to
said the regulations are a step in the
creating a society without age barriers
right direction, but cultural change is
has produced 22 suggestions for
necessary to make men more confident
immediate action, including six under
about asking for SPL, and that shared
the theme of work and employability.
parental pay will need to increase.
Julie Morris, head of the Slater and Gordon employment department,
She said: “Men clearly want to share
Age of no Retirement is composed of employers, policymakers, innovators,
in parental leave, but many fear that
designers, academics and individuals.
this will have a negative effect on
In April 300 people met in Manchester
their standing in the office or hamper
to work on the 22 ‘prototypes’ which
their career prospects. A stigma is
include suggestions such as toolkits for
likely to exist and a cultural shift will
the multi-generational workforce, age
need to happen for men to not feel
champions, and a ‘Flexifund’ to enable
embarrassed about asking their boss.”
workers to prepare for life transitions.
and Manchester. Voting is now taking
Video technology boosts healthcare
place on which of the prototypes
Healthcare providers in the US and UK
should be prioritised.
are using video technology to increase
In total, 780 people and 300 groups have participated in events in London
the number of patients they can treat
Call for sedentary work to take back seat
for all desk-based workers. Breaking up seated work with standing work
video conferencing provider Polycom,
Employers should encourage office
can be achieved using sit-stand desks
speech therapist Veronica Southern
workers to spend time standing
that change height. However, it notes
said she is using high-quality video
and regularly break up seated
that prolonged standing can also be
links to assess swallowing in post-
work, according to a statement by
harmful and should be avoided.
stroke patients in nursing homes in the
an international group of experts
and the reach of their services.
“The evidence is clearly emerging
Speaking at an event hosted by
north west of England.
published in the British Journal of
that a first ‘behavioural’ step could
Sports Medicine.
be simply to get people standing and
deliver an assessment in 30 minutes,”
moving more frequently as part of
she said. “It would have taken 90
their working day,” it said.
minutes to go out on a home visit.
health is based on observational and
Men reluctant to ask for shared leave
sharing the benefits of that with other
retrospective studies, which make it
Almost a third (31%) of men do
a big impact.”
difficult to prove direct cause.
not think their manager would be
Commissioned by Public Health England and community interest
“We are building capacity and
company Active Working, the statement said much of the evidence that a sedentary lifestyle damages
“We can link with the nurses and
departments, getting podiatry and end-of-life care involved. I anticipate Speaking to Flexible Boss, Southern
understanding if they asked for shared
added that the technology opens up
term intervention studies are required,
parental leave (SPL), research by law
work flexibility to staff members.
the level of consistent evidence
firm Slater and Gordon has said.
However, it added: “While longer-
accumulated, and the public health
In addition, more than 20% of the
Meanwhile, Ed Spencer, director of telepsychiatry at the South Carolina
context of rising chronic diseases,
1,000 men questioned thought their
Department of Health, said using video
suggest initial guidelines are justified.”
colleagues would make fun of them.
is allowing mental health professionals
SPL allows parents to split leave after
to reach isolated areas of the state.
the birth or adoption of a child.
He said in the past five years they
Those working in offices spend 65%75% of their working hours sitting, of which more than 50% is ‘sustained
The research found that 47% of men
have conducted 20,851 long-distance
sitting’. Active Working recommends
wanted to have a quarter share of
consultations, resulting in a 53%
two hours daily of standing and
parental leave and 37% would like to
reduction in the length of hospital stay
light walking during working hours,
share time off equally. However, 21%
and a 48% rate of discharge the same
eventually progressing to four hours
thought doing this would mean they
day, saving $1,400 per episode of care.
Flexible Boss: June 2015
n the past, workplace predictions
in this way. The CIO needs to ensure
interactions. Even when we meet
often focused on the sci-fi and
that video is an equal option within
face-to-face we organise our meeting
fantastical, with images of
the unified communications mix, and
with email, diary invites to our
hover-cars and jet packs. Now, the
that it is incorporated into business
smartphones, content sharing during
proliferation and uptake of modern
processes as voice and email are.
video conferencing and instant
technologies means that the workplace
messaging the last details before the
of the near future can be predicted
The future is not a place
meeting. Beyond this, our physical
much more accurately. Businesses,
Technology is having the biggest
spaces are becoming more connected.
and in particular the CIO, can begin to
impact on our working practices;
We can tap into our networks via
plan for and design their work spaces
particularly technologies that
our physical surroundings through
around future requirements.
can be accessed from anywhere
voice activation and gesture control.
When designing the workplace of
such as cloud. New and improved
By incorporating the digital into the
the future there are five key shifts in
collaboration tools are making it
physical it means that the business can
for CIOs to keep in mind.
possible to conduct ad-hoc meetings
incorporate every interaction into its
anywhere, anytime. The rapid
CRM and ultimately its sales funnel.
Video’s new value
evolution of data networks means that
Phone calls and emails are no longer
the quality of these communications
Data is king
enough to run an efficient and
on smartphones and tablets is more
This is because of the 50 billion
productive operation. Everyone, from
than sufficient for enterprise VoIP and
connected devices and objects in the
your employees to your partners and
video conferencing apps. The meeting
world that digitise every interaction,
customers, is becoming more familiar
room of the future will also no longer
action and reaction. Big data analysis
with a range of communications
necessarily be a physical location.
is reaching the point where this
technologies. The average person uses
data is converted into meaningful
Skype or FaceTime in their personal
The physical and digital are merging
information that people expect to be
life, so they are familiar with the
The way we conduct business is
able to use. In an enterprise context,
benefits of face-to-face communication
now a hybrid of physical and digital
this means your business leaders will expect this information to be delivered to them in a digestible format. The data you harvest from your connected intelligence should become business insight which is fed back into the functions to hone their processes and improve productivity. Problems will be opportunities Technology is going to be the biggest driver of change. Business leaders, particularly the CIO, can and should plan for the future workplace now. By thinking ahead and understanding how emerging technologies can integrate into business process, they will be productive, not disruptive.
Flexible Boss: June 2015
THE RISE OF THE WORKSPACE CONSUMER Introducing a future world of work in 2040 where the next generation of knowledge workers, working in ‘digirati’ organizations, are totally in control of where, how and when they work.
Workplace will be 2040 ‘luxury’ NINA, THE 2040 EMPLOYEE
For Nina and millions of other ‘digirati’ employees, work is something you do, not a place you commute to.
For Nina, no two days are the same…
KNOWLEDGE workers 25 years from now will be in control of how, where and when they work, according to a report by technology and industrial multinational Johnson Controls. Smart Workplace 2040, produced by the company’s Global WorkPlace Solutions (GWS) business, envisages
SMART WORKPLACE 2040 Nina is a workspace consumer: she has a high degree of choice of workspaces and chooses from a complex model of easily accessible locations: @Warp workspace Mobile collaboration: Whilst using comfortable, connected public transport
@Faraday Bistro
Collaboration hub: To drive enterprise competitiveness
Isolation time: Focus space, offline for quiet productivity
@Hive The home enviroment: Winding down and quality time
a world in which personal choice dictates individual working patterns and staff have access to a range of co-working facilities near their homes. It says campus locations that offer a access to a “trophy workplace” will be a “luxury” and “reward” that provides
@pHive Working on the move: Maintaining a high-performance workflow and staying productive as you move
@Eco Workplace The trophy workspace: A highly networked, campus-based HQ
@Smart Workspace
an “outstanding experience”. GWS
Meeting and collaborating: High performance collaboration
predicts most workers will be selfemployed, and facilities will be multipurpose and offer a mix of leisure, work and wellness. The report says a “concerted
are no set hours as long REAL as theESTATE work AND FACILITIES report envisions how this will affect CORPORATE MANAGEMENT WILL is done. “A typical day may the everyday life of an employee NEED TO ADAPT FORinclude THE NEXT GENERATION OF ‘DIGIRATI’ EMPLOYEES a blend of mobile productivity;
and businesses. The findings have
REDEFINE virtual, ADAPT holographic and face-to-face
DIGITIZE for leaders and REDESIGN implications real
response” is required from property,
collaboration; offline time and quality
facilities, workplace and HR functions
time at home,” says the report. they anticipate the way our society Download a full copy of the Smart Workplace 2040 report from on.jci.com/SW2040
to ensure that businesses are fully
The report’s author, GWS director
#SW2040 @GWSworkplace
prepared for the changes ahead.
ofGLOBAL global workplace innovation Dr WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS
Workers will demand adaptable,
Marie Puybaraud, said: “In 2040 we
radical working patterns where there
will consume space, not own it, so the
estate managers around the world as SUPPORT SERVICES
mix of facilities will be the norm, while
and technology is changing and
transforming the way we work.” The report was peer reviewed in US, Europe, and Asia-Pacific workshops.
Men ‘fake’ 80-hour work weeks HIGH-PERFORMING men may be faking 80-hour work weeks, according to research by a Boston academic. Erin Reid, assistant professor of organisation behaviour at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business, interviewed 100 people at a global consulting firm with a strong US presence. She found that 60-80 hour working weeks were commonplace and individuals had little control over when and where they work. Reid said female workers were expected to find balancing work and family difficult and were often given formal accommodations but marginalised in the firm as a result. Writing in the Harvard Business Review, she said: “In contrast, many men found unobtrusive, under-the-radar ways to alter the structure of their work (such as cultivating mostly local clients, or building alliances with other colleagues), such that they could work predictable schedules in the 50 to 60 hour range. In doing so, they were able to work far less than those who fully devoted themselves to work, and had greater control over when and where those hours were worked, yet were able to “pass” as ideal workers, evading penalties for their noncompliance.” Reid added that men who asked for the accommodations offered to women for family reasons found themselves marginalised and penalised.
“Many found under-the-radar ways to alter the structure of work” Flexible Boss: June 2015
Research: latest news Bosses ‘must build digital workplaces’ Businesses must build diverse, digitally savvy teams that can inspire flexible, agile ways of working if they are to become truly digital themselves, Accenture has said. Interviewing 500 European business leaders and surveying 2,500 employees, the consultancy found 78% of business leaders expect their organisations to be digital in the next three years but only one in five would describe their business that way now, and few are taking specific actions to prepare their staff for a digital future. While employee resistance and a lack of digital skills are seen as a barrier, the report said employees are keen to embrace change. “Digital will play to different strengths in different people,” said Céline Laurenceau, managing director, Accenture Strategy. “The millennial generation may be more tech savvy, but older workers may be better attuned to new forms of collaboration, management and the provision of training. Employers need to ensure digital talent strategies take these differences into account as they transform their workforces.”
Home work drives down costly commute Almost a third of UK workers are paying more than 5% of their salary in commuting costs, according to research by flexible workspace provider Regus. It surveyed 4,000 business people across the UK and found that the average proportion of pay spent on commuting is now 4%, a rise from 3% in 2010. Meanwhile, 11% of respondents are spending more than a tenth of their pay on their commute. The cost and the wasted time are leading many to seek flexibility. Richard Morris, Regus UK chief executive, said offering employees the chance to work from home at least one day a week could make a huge difference to their experience of work and enable organisations to retain talented staff for longer. He said: “Businesses that want to retain and attract top talent cannot fail to address the issue of the costly commute. Flexible working can provide a solution. Staff that spend less time stuck in traffic jams or on crowded trains have more time to apply themselves to the job in hand.”
Work-life balance fails to grab Gen Y Millennials do not place high importance on improved work-life balance when considering a new job, according to research by recruiter Robert Walters. It said only 15% of millennial workers feel improving their work-life balance is important, with respondents instead reporting salary (25%), a more fulfilling job (25%) and better career development opportunities (20%) as key drivers. Technology is also important to them, with 53% more likely to accept a job if the employer uses the same technology they do. However, the report said this does not mean that millennials do not value worklife balance. “On the contrary, 90% of millennials surveyed regard policies that encourage a good work-life balance as one of the best things about their job. While good work-life balance is important to ensure job satisfaction among millennials once they are employed, it is not an effective strategy to recruit them.”
Flexible Boss: June 2015
Powerful moves to boost flexibility National Grid has long offered flexible working. Heather Greig-Smith hears how the energy giant plans to fuel improvements
greater work-life satisfaction and more positive views of management, the business and their place within it, than full-time, non-flexible peers. By contrast, those without flexibility – the shift workers – were consistently more negative. “We can see there is a real business benefit [to flexibility],” says Langley. “In the areas where we
he change in legislation last
prohibit flexibility we can definitely
year to allow anyone to request
see a difference in performance.”
flexible working after 26 weeks’
The company is now focusing on
employment service was barely noticed
enhancing agile working in areas that
at gas and electricity operator National
are less obviously open to it. “We are
Grid. “We paid it no attention because
trying to create more flexibility,” he
we’d already said that everybody could
says. “For example, emergency repair
request flexible working,” says Simon
teams. People in the gas business are
Langley, the firm’s UK head of inclusion
doing some very creative thinking
and diversity.
about how they can achieve that.
National Grid employs 9,000 people
“We have a number of posts that
one has asked to work flexibly and I bet it’s not because they don’t want to.
in the UK – many of whom have
I thought couldn’t be done flexibly,
I am monitoring zero request [areas]
formal or informal flexible working
particularly in our operational areas,
because zero requests seems wrong.”
agreements. Flexible workers are
but union reps know some people who
Like many organisations, National
represented across every level of the
are working flexibly there. People come
Grid has to consider multi-generational
business bar field engineers, and of
up with creative solutions – it’s about
diversity, but its high number of older
250 flexible working requests received
giving them permission to do that.”
male engineers means dealing with an
This becomes more important as
ageing workforce is a particular issue.
over a two-year period, 248 have been accepted. The company’s approach
work changes and employees seek
“People are not going to stop working
is a default ‘yes’ to requests – the
more autonomy, Langley says. Cloud
abruptly,” says Langley. “We’re starting
onus being on managers to give valid
computing and collaboration tools
to look at flexible [phased] retirement
reasons for refusal and applicants to
mean virtual teams are commonplace.
and dialling down work – perhaps
build a business case.
This is accompanied by cultural change.
working as a mentor or coach.”
Speaking at the Working Families
“Society is changing. We see a lot more
He believes the single biggest issue
annual conference in May, Langley
democratisation in the workplace.
is talent. “We are facing a really
says the business benefits are clear:
There is less desire to be directed – it is
interesting challenge: our employees
“The evidence is that if you offer
more about [staff] defining how they
are 20 years older than the UK average
flexible working you see an uptick
work for themselves.”
– our average age is 47 and in the
across a whole range of measures.”
Another well-documented issue
field force, just under 50. Many are on
many organisations have to deal
defined benefit pensions and they will
multinational’s employee engagement
with is resistance to flexible working
leave when those pensions kick in –
survey, completed by 20,000 of its
among line managers – something
there is no incentive for them to stay.
25,000 global workers earlier this year.
Langley is determined to tackle. “We
Segmented for part-time, full-time,
have probably allowed too much line
competitive advantage to compete for
flexible and shift workers, it shows
manager discretion in this space. Some
talent? We needed to pull a number
the most positive responses came
managers say no. We know there are
of different levers and this has been a
from flexible workers. They reported
hot spots in the organisation where no-
fundamental part of that change.”
This is neatly demonstrated by the
“What can we do to gain a
June 2015: Flexible Boss
s the coalition
Democrat pensions minister
has certainly been well
saying she had voted for the
Steve Webb lose his seat,
received and has come
party several times in the
business champion
Altmann became pensions
with a huge amount of
past, writing on her blog
minister instead.
expectation from those
that Ed Miliband’s refusal
campaigning for change.
to admit it had overspent
for older workers, in March economist Ros Altmann
It was a development
CBE published her New
described by Stephen
Her pensions expertise is
when in government was “astonishing”.
Vision for Older Workers,
Burke, director of social
longstanding. An adviser to
calling on businesses and
enterprise United for All
the Blair government, she
In her report, Altmann
government to retain,
Ages, as “miraculous”.
campaigned over several
highlighted the key role of
retrain and recruit older
Referring to the situation
years – without payment –
flexibility in keeping older
workers. She argued that
for older workers beyond
for the 140,000 steelworkers
workers in work. Here, post
failure to do so will damage
the focus of pensions, he
who lost their pensions
appointment, she answers
organisations, individuals
added: “I suspect she will
in 2002 when Allied Steel
our questions on the
and the economy.
continue to push the whole
and Wire failed, eventually
agenda.” Indeed, one of
winning at judicial review
general election, David
the recommendations in
in 2007. She has also
How important is flexible
Cameron declared his
Altmann’s older workers
campaigned for Equitable
working in helping people
intention to appoint
report was that government
Life policyholders and for
work for longer?
Altmann to the House
needed more cross-
annuities reform, and will
Everyone now has the right
of Lords and make her
departmental co-ordination
now oversee and continue
to request flexible working.
minister for consumer
and the appointment of
the pensions reforms
As older workers frequently
protection and financial
a champion to drive that.
started by Webb in the last
face barriers to remaining
education if the
Whether an extra person
in work or returning
Conservatives retained
is needed to do that now
power. However, in the
Altmann is in government
social media, Altmann came
responsibilities or health
aftermath of the election,
remains to be seen.
out against Labour in the
issues – flexible working
general election despite
can help them manage
In the lead up to the
which saw Liberal
Her appointment
Active online and in
to work – due to caring
these pressures. Business also benefits by retaining invaluable experience, so
CV May 2015: Appointed to House of Lords and becomes minister for pensions 2014: Appointed business champion for older workers & awarded CBE 2010-2013: Director-general, Saga Group 2002-2007: Spearheads campaign to achieve compensation for workers who lost final salary pensions, leading to establishment of Financial Assistance Scheme & Pension Protection Fund. 1993-2010: Becomes independent consultant specialising in pensions, savings, retirement and investment. Advises UK Treasury on 2001 Myners Review and is policy adviser to Number 10 Policy Unit from 2001-2005 1984-1993: Works in the City for Chase Manhattan, Rothschild Asset Management and Natwest Investment Management Education: University College London, London School of Economics, Harvard University
Flexible Boss: June 2015
it’s a win-win situation. We know flexible working is a popular option for employees, too. A YouGov poll commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions showed that nearly two-thirds of over 50s do not believe that working full-time and then stopping altogether is the best way to retire.
lifetime and could have a
are ingrained in our
more open-minded to
report, I would like to see
pension around 13% larger
culture, so they won’t go
recruiting and training older
a future where every older
to spend for the rest of
away overnight, but we
staff, as well as considering
person who wants to work,
their life.
must continue to challenge
flexible working.
As I outlined in my
out-dated images presented
can work; where flexible
To some extent, of course,
working and phased
What progress have you
to us: road signs which
older workers themselves
retirement are the accepted,
seen on recommendations
show ageing people bent
internalise the social norms
and expected, norm.
in your report?
over a walking stick, and
and write themselves
It has only been 10 weeks
television and newspaper
off because they reach a
Will your older workers
since the report was
pieces presenting pictures
certain age. I would hope
and pensions agendas
released, so it is too early to
of elderly people when
that they will aim to learn
cross over?
tell at this stage. However,
referring to those in
and develop, so their skills
Yes, there is certainly a
this issue remains a priority
their fifties, need to be
remain relevant in the
cross-over. Enabling older
and the new government
workplace. They could also
people to continue working,
will be looking at this
if they wish to, could mean
higher lifetime incomes
Many companies are
consider flexible working,
already recognising the
to accommodate other
business case for retaining
demands in their lives, such as caring for others.
for millions. If individuals
How can you get
older workers. Businesses
work three years longer on
organisations to really
must look at the facts
average earnings of ÂŁ25,000
accept older workers and
and plan for an ageing
What about those who are
a year, they would earn
cater to their needs?
workforce. Increasing
not pursuing the agenda?
an extra ÂŁ75,000 in their
Some of these stereotypes
numbers are becoming
Demographics show that
Flexible Boss: June 2015
PROFILE by 2022, there will be
managers in the importance
3.7 million more people
of retaining older workers’
aged between 50 and state
skills, and the benefits of
pension age, yet 0.7 million
continuing to offer training
fewer people aged 16 to 49.
and development to
So we can’t afford to ignore
employees of all ages. There
our ageing population.
is a potentially negative
Businesses face being
impact on their business
disadvantaged if they don’t
if they do not appreciate
consider their older staff
the wealth of experience
adequately. Not only could
an older worker can bring.
they miss out on the wealth
Encouraging line managers
of experience that older
to think about the ‘3 Rs’ of
workers bring, but they also
retaining, retraining, and
risk losing a large chunk
recruiting older, as well as
of their workforce – and
younger, staff is part of the
valuable skills – over a
short period of time. It is also worth making
How do you avoid
the point that younger
flexibility for older
people’s employment
workers being seen as an
prospects also rise as
employment rates of older
Flexible working and its
people increase. The fallacy
benefits for young families
that older workers steal
are well known, but there is
younger workers’ jobs is
more we can do to promote
harmful to the economy.
its use for older workers.
There is not a fixed number
Evidence shows that
of jobs.
employers who fail to
Keeping more older
retain their older workers
people in work helps to
preparing line managers
some to cope with – and
are losing important skills
increase their incomes and
is key. I recommend that
could affect a woman’s
from their workforce –
gives them more money
all managers should be
performance at work. I
and the premature loss of
to spend – and an increase
trained in supervising older
believe that line-managers
older workers can lead to
in spending power leads
workers and age-diverse
should be trained in dealing
loss of output and higher
to more jobs being created
teams – and promote
with such matters, and
recruitment costs.
overall. Conversely, if more
healthy ageing and flexible
approach all medical issues
older people stop work, they
seriously and sensitively.
people in the workforce
Keeping more older
I dedicate a section to
More support networks
will be crucial to meet
power and ultimately
women, in which I detail
and accommodation for
future labour demand. It
there will be fewer jobs for
the particular impact that
particular needs can help
is therefore important that
younger people.
menopause can have on
women stay in work when
attitudes towards older
will have lower spending
women in the workplace.
they might otherwise feel
workers evolve to meet that
reasons for employing an
This is a health condition
they have to leave.
challenge – and a flexible
age-diverse workforce. For
that can be difficult for
There are sound business
There is a need to educate
example, older workers
workplace is a move in the right direction.
can improve customer satisfaction and appeal to an ageing customer base. What can be done to ensure that line managers are not a barrier? As I outlined in my report,
Flexible Boss: June 2015
It is important that attitudes towards older workers evolve and a flexible workplace is a move in the right direction
Employers can find practical suggestions for effectively managing an older workforce in the recently launched DWP toolkit at ageactionalliance.org/ employer-toolkit
Facing up to the challenges of an ageing workforce
Re tire in o 1 X5 eX6ars y
Over the next decade, the changing age profile of the workforce will be the most significant development in the labour market. By 2020 a third of the UK workforce will be over 50. Health policies, supporting employees’ responsibilities as carers, aspirations as grandparents, flexible working and evolving job roles all need be taken into consideration. To access our helpful resources CLICK on the postits below Join Our R: HR WEBINA
The Ageing ate: Workforce Deb an s of The challenge orce ageing workf h June t 8 1 y a d s r u h T
Download our LATEST RESEARCH What do working carers need & what do employers provide?
o your w e t i v n s for I u n i o j s to carer binar: e w e e our fr reer a C r u & Yo Caring d July n 2 y a Tuesd
he variety of generations
out to map common characteristics
populating the workforce has
of these groups. In January 2012, a
X’, ranging from late 30s to late
never been broader. Almost half
report published by business leaders’
40s. The study describes this sub-
of baby boomers plan to keep working
campaign group The B Team and
section as giving work-life balance
beyond age 65, while 13% want to
charity Virgin Unite summed up the
the highest priority. They like to be
remain employed into their 70s,
most common definitions.
challenged, have responsibility for their own personal development, work
according to professional services firm Deloitte. At the same time, twenty-
The middle group is ‘Generation
Defining priorities
flexibly and are loyal to people, not organisations.
something graduates are entering
Next, the study identified ‘the
employment with different skills,
It described workers aged 70 and
values and habits, forcing employers
above as ‘veterans’ or ‘traditionalists’.
‘millennials’ or ‘Generation Y’. Perhaps
to redesign workspaces and practices.
They want to be rewarded for loyalty
the most talked-about in terms of
Some workplaces now operate through
and experience and will work beyond
their impact on workplace practices, it
a 50-year age range, but is this half-
retirement if they receive more
suggested this group of 20 to 30-year-
century a business opportunity or a
flexible hours. Those in their 50s to
olds blur lines between work and
late 60s, the ‘baby boomers’, want
personal life. They have shaken up
to be rewarded for long hours and
employment structures by demanding
labels to differentiate workforce
prefer workplace authorities to make
empowerment, greater responsibility
cohorts by age. Studies have also set
and more fun. They find traditional
Employment analysts use several
Flexible Boss: June 2015
DIVERSITY benefits packages unattractive, with
crèches, gyms or dry cleaners. But
many staying with employers for less
firms should not expect all employees
than three years.
to relish such investments. “That will really appeal to some people – for
Finally, the report describes first-jobbers in their late teens as
others it’s their idea of a living hell,”
‘Generation Z’ or ‘digital natives’.
she says. “The younger generation
Representing a generation brought
especially want to have more choice
up alongside new technologies,
rather than being told what to do.” Sweeney also advises employers to
they prefer to communicate via social media, want direct access to
design flexible working practices to
decision-makers, and like Gen Y will
suit all age groups. “Younger people
change jobs frequently.
will want to know what level of flexibility they’re going to have in the
The millennials have caught
role before they decide to take it,” she
employers’ attention because they are typically hard to attract
Tanith Dodge: Marks & Spencer
Research published by professional services firm PwC in 2011 argued that although more numerous than the baby boomer generation – millennials will form 50% of the global workforce by 2020 – they also remain in short supply in parts of the world with lower birth rates.
Millennial needs
suggests. “They will want to know what technology is available and how
and retain, but vital for business.
“We will often partner young participants with older, more experienced store members”
they’re going to communicate with friends and colleagues. But you also have to be clear that if people prefer to work a structured nine-to-five at a desk, that’s fine. Flexible working shouldn’t force a different way of working on to everybody.”
Tailored to suit Vodafone UK head of enterprise
PwC partner Michael Rendell, who
going unless you’ve ticked the
services Tony Bailey agrees that
led the research, says pressure is
flexibility box,” he adds.
employers should beware of
rising on employers to respond to
Despite employers’ awareness of age
introducing workplace practices to
millennials’ needs. PwC found they
divisions and stereotypes, inclusion
suit younger staff that may isolate
value work-life balance more than
and diversity expert Charlotte
older workers. “Employers still need
financial reward, and see learning
Sweeney says too few take age and
to attract and retain the best talent,
and development as their first choice
multi-generations seriously. She argues
regardless of generation,” he says. “It
that siloing staff by their date of birth
isn’t about forcing all generations to
is too simplistic, and advises employers
work in the ‘millennial’ way – mobile
customise workplace training and
to take a whole-picture approach to
and hyper-connected – but instead
development to ensure all employees
design workplace procedures that
about implementing ways of working
access the learning they want.
meet everybody’s needs.
that suit your business, customers and
Rendell advises employers to
“Build experiences where people
“We need to think about diversity
can learn at the pace and in the way
in life stages,” says Sweeney. “You can
In 2009 Vodafone managers began
that is most effective for them, as
have somebody at the age of 30 in the
reorganising the company’s physical
we’re used to in our non-working
workplace experiencing being a parent
working environment. “Private offices
life,” he suggests. “You will fail
for the first time, but also have a guy
and permanent workspaces have been
as an organisation if you are not
in his late 50s having a second family.
replaced with shared workspaces and
able to offer a good developmental
It’s not necessarily purely about age.”
informal meeting spaces to foster a
experience for this current
Like Rendell, Sweeney suggests the
more collaborative environment,”
way to manage a diverse workforce is
says Bailey. “Employees are provided
by offering choice. This is particularly
with the tools they need, whether
experience is also more important
important when deciding what
that’s a laptop and/or mobile device,
to millennials than flexible working,
benefits to provide. Sweeney describes
depending on their role and function.”
which they expect as the norm
how larger employers have sought
rather than an extra. “But you never
to encourage work-life balance by
driven by the need to attract and
get the developmental conversation
offering on-site services such as
retain Generation Y employees.
millennial generation.” Rendell says developmental
He says this transition was partly
Flexible Boss: June 2015
DIVERSITY buddies older and younger workers in its employability programme, an initiative that offers people facing barriers to employment a work placement in the company’s stores. “We will often partner young participants with older, more experienced store members,” says Marks & Spencer HR director Tanith Dodge. “It’s great for the young participants as they gain a new perspective and find working with an experienced member of staff a confidence boost.” M&S’s workforce comprises 32% of employees aged over 50, 20% under 25 and 7% older than 61 – a composition that reflects its customer base, says Dodge. She says multi-generational workforces need not be challenging
“Many of our older workers aren’t ready to settle down into retirement ”
as long as employers communicate effectively with all staff: “We tackle this through a number of channels: we run quarterly employee pulse surveys to get feedback on the issues that matter to all our employees and this is
However, the company wanted to
older and younger employees operate
supported by in-store listening groups
make all its employees’ working lives
more efficiently and have a much
and conversations via our internal
“easier”. About half of Vodafone’s
higher customer service satisfaction
social network Yammer.”
workforce are aged between 30 and
rate than other restaurants,” she says.
impact on recruitment. Seb O’Connell,
49. Generation Z and millennials compose about a third, and baby
Generational diversity also has an
Flexibility for all ages
executive vice-president and managing director for Europe with recruitment
boomers and veterans represent 13%. “Our different way of working also
All McDonald’s employees are offered
services company Cielo, says the broad
allows all generations to achieve a
flexible hours, which Jones says
spectrum of employees means his
better work-life balance,” says Bailey.
suits different workers for different
team has changed the way it engages
reasons. For older workers this might
with recruits of different ages.
Bailey admits that implementing the
“People from a baby boomer or
changes was challenging. The remote
be to phase into semi-retirement
nature of work has increased pressure
or continue caring responsibilities.
Generation X really want to talk to
on the company’s IT managers and
For younger workers it could help
people,” he explains. “They may search
data security procedures. However,
with childcare responsibilities. The
and find jobs, but they will have more
the benefits include a 30% reduction
company even has one 90-year-old
of an alignment with dealing with a
in company real estate, 20% increased
employee who does two shifts a week.
recruiter and be talked through a role
workforce productivity, and “millions”
“Many of our older workers aren’t
earlier in the process. Millennials are
saved on property, energy and travel.
ready to settle down into retirement
happier to head a bit further along
and want part-time work to help them
using technology before they actually
heavily weighted towards Generation
earn a little extra cash to spend on
start talking to someone.”
Z and millennials, with about 70% of
their grandchildren,” says Jones.
At McDonald’s, the workforce is
its 100,000-strong staff falling into this
The company encourages transfer
He agrees that offering flexible workplace practices is key for all age
bracket. But HR director Lisa Jones
of skills between the generations, in
groups and urges firms to change their
says the fast-food company is aware
particular when introducing new
policies if they want to attract and
it must appeal to its 1,000 employees
technology and equipment. This
retain top talent. “People are willing
aged 60 and above. “Our research
intergenerational strategy is also
to trade elements of pay to get better
shows the restaurants with a blend of
used by Marks & Spencer, which
flexibility right across the board.”
Flexible Boss: June 2015
Job Design for Flexible Working™ Methodology Progressive organisations are working hard to embed flexible working for their diverse talent and in support of inclusive cultures. The ability to support these organisations in revisiting job design is an essential, foundational step – we need to understand and evaluate whether, and how, flexible working can be successfully implemented. Having a clear understanding of what will viably and realistically work (and what will not) can empower managers to be more open to flexible working and to think more creatively about how work gets done. Drawing on years of experience, Capability Jane Consulting (an Alexander Mann Solutions company) has developed a tried and tested methodology to assess what flexible working patterns are practical and commercially viable. Our approach combines leading practice job design principles with in-depth knowledge on the technicalities and success criteria associated with flexible working. In January 2015, Alexander Mann Solutions acquired the Consulting arm of Capability Jane, specialists in diversity and flexible working consulting and resourcing services. The now combined Alexander Mann Solutions Diversity and Flexible Working Practice, partners with clients globally to make a step change in the diversity of talent acquired, retained and progressed in organisations and to enable sustainable, agile, flexible and part-time/job share working cultures and practices.
The Job Design for Flexible Working Methodology™ has been translated into four core “bite sized” learning modules for HR, Resourcing, Hiring Managers and Employees, plus an online toolkit in support of the modules outlined:
Flexible Working Role Evaluation Methodology
Flexible Working, Messaging and Managing
Evaluating Your Role for Flexible Working
Online Guide to Job Design for Flexible Working
This 90 minute session provides an introduction to the methodology to establish which flexible working patterns will work for a role and which will not. We go through the process step-by-step and delegates will leave with a better understanding of the key factors to be considered when designing a role for flexibility or managing a flexible working request.
This 90 minute session for employees provides an overview of the principles of the methodology to help individuals establish which flexible working patterns will work for their role and which will not. Individuals will leave with a clear concept of the critical factors to be considered when putting together a request for flexible working.
Flexible Working Job Design, Influencing and Implementing
HR and Resourcing Practitioners will spend 90 minutes exploring the common barriers and objections to flexible working and how to overcome them. We consider how best to provide genuine flexible opportunities to attract and retain a more diverse pool of talent. We explore the most effective ways to communicate the methodology internally and maximise the impact for the wider business.
A 90 minute session for hiring managers on how best to communicate and manage flexible working. We identify common misconceptions and objections and how to overcome them, as well as the importance of “positioning” the arrangement successfully within the team. We introduce guiding principles for flexible working and the key considerations for managing expectations and performance.
Guidelines and a pre-recorded webinar, which introduces flexible working and the importance of job design, considers the options available and provides an overview of a step-bystep role evaluation. This is supported by a set of supporting documents including a role evaluation template, step-bystep example and “Top Tips”. This resource is designed to be hosted internally, providing a permanent resource that can be accessed by employees, HR, resourcing and hiring managers as and when the need arises.
For further information please contact Sara Hill, on sara.hill@capabilityjaneconsulting.com or sara.hill@alexmann.com
Agile Working – Matching Resources to Priorities Today, the public sector is facing increasing pressure to do more with less, and specifically to manage with a smaller workforce. These expectations, coupled with the need to offer rewarding career paths for talented staff, have required the Treasury to become more innovative in the way it organises itself and its workforce. Its flexible approach to the deployment of staff has been accompanied and facilitated by the introduction of more flexible IT systems and a move to desk sharing across the entire organisation, both of which are reducing costs and further embedding the culture of flexible working to meet business needs. How the Treasury is responding to the situation specifically Flexible working has brought significant benefits to the Treasury and involves three distinct but interrelated practices: Flexible working within Groups: The Treasury is organised into Director-led groups of around 50-80 people as its main business unit; each group comprises a number of smaller teams, led by Deputy Directors. Within their groups, Directors and Deputy Directors are expected to find flexible solutions to new pressures as they emerge. Directors will then discuss with colleagues to ascertain where resources can sensibly be reprioritised between groups. This flexibility, which does not require any central sign-off or approval beyond the level of the group, may involve a reallocation of staff time for a period of days, weeks or months, and occurs on a regular or ad hoc basis.
Strategic Projects Pool: Around 2% of the workforce belong to a strategic projects pool and are deployed across the organisation to support the delivery of core strategic priorities. This innovation helps the Treasury respond to new pressures (for example: LIBOR reform, responding to the Heseltine Report) and strategic challenges. It also enables the organisation to strengthen project working skills across the department and provides people with an exposure to multiple different parts of the organisation, broadening their skills and knowledge. Crisis contingency: Up to 40 staff belong to a financial crisis contingency reserve, formed of staff who have worked on financial stability and related matters since the start of the financial crisis in 2008 but have since moved on to other areas. In the event of a renewed financial/banking crisis, this gives the Treasury a pool of people it can immediately draw on with relevant skills and expertise to bolster the standing teams – for as short or as long as required. agilefutureforum.co.uk
BU Y ER’S GU I DE Part One
Welcome to the Flexible Boss Buyer’s Guide: Part One Moving to an agile way of working can be a complex and daunting undertaking for organisations of all sizes. Knowing where to start and who can help you is the first step. Here we have singled out three of the areas that companies looking to change their approach may need to consider. Sponsored by
In the pages ahead you’ll find information on vendors in the video conferencing, time & attendance and office space sectors, plus their tips on how to modernise your way of working and ensure your organisation is fit for the future. Special thanks to our section sponsors Polycom, HfX and Neardesk. Heather Greig-Smith, Editor.
he march of millennials into the
conferencing, and screen-sharing and
in the next two years. “As firms change
workplace is being accompanied
web-collaboration technology are vital
the way they work from silos into
by higher expectations of
for their daily work with colleagues
holistic all-encompassing units, so will
collaborative technology – and greater
and clients. The 1,500 knowledge
employee expectations about how they
comfort using it. No longer a novelty
workers polled were aged between
engage and connect with each other,”
or a luxury, seamless collaboration
16 and 55. However, almost four in
says Robert Keenan, Unify’s UK &
is seen as a basic utility. But not all
every five (79%) were experiencing
Ireland head of portfolio management.
organisations are on board with
technology frustrations at work – a
“This isn’t confined to millennials;
this brave new world, and those
figure Unify says shows businesses
employees across the age spectrum are
uncomfortable with video calls and
have a lot further to go in aiding the
striving to find new ways of working
unwilling to embrace communication
productivity of their teams.
and collaborating. It’s up to the enterprise to enable this. If they don’t,
beyond telephone and email may find themselves left behind.
Growing influence
employees will simply circumvent enterprise tools and use consumer
In a recent survey, more than three quarters (77%) of UK employees
UK workers expect the influence of
applications instead, leaving you
told communications software
collaborative technology to grow: 62%
open to security risk and worse, the
provider Unify that tools such as
believe the need for these products
fundamental loss of productivity.”
instant messaging, video links, phone
and services will increase significantly
Flexible Boss: June 2015
Many of those who have been using
TECHNOLOGY collaborative software extensively
marketing for EMEA at video
find it hard to believe others do not
and voice conferencing company
appreciate the benefits.
Polycom, agrees that video is creating amazing transformations in some
“Despite legislative change regarding flexible working, many
industries, such as healthcare, where
organisations are still failing
breastfeeding clinics and diabetic care
to recognise the real value that
are being delivered using tablet and
collaboration tools can provide,”
mobile devices. “That will become
says Lifesize VP for the UK, Ireland
more and more pervasive,” he says.
and Northern Europe Andy Nolan.
“Video is becoming the lowest common
“Completing daily tasks has never
denominator for many organisations.
been more dependent on teams,
Most remote employees have video.” Donald McLaughlin, Cisco’s director
with individuals working with an
of collaboration sales in the UK and
average of 10 colleagues at any one time. Being able to communicate
Richard Ahlstrom: KNPO
device is crucial for any business that wants to be more productive and efficient. Businesses which ignore the value proposition of these tools will only run into communication silos that fail to offer the connected experience needed to fuel competitive advantage.” However, John Eary, director of JEC Professional Services,
Ireland, adds that individuals who resist these changes will be left behind
regardless of time-zone, location or
“There is a cultural dimension to communication as we are not talking in our native language”
and chief information officers need to take the lead in driving change. “We’ll get to the stage where people not using it are the exception and they’ll feel left out – they’re going to be quite lonely if they don’t turn their video camera on,” he says. “People don’t care what you’re wearing. They’re much more accepting of the fact that you have something to contribute.” Calder believes the next frontier in
works extensively with the public
collaboration technology development
sector and says many of the organisations he deals with still
comfortable. What people are often
is the dismantling of traditional
prefer teleconferencing to video
doing is talking about a document
structures and hierarchies in favour of
communication. That doesn’t mean
of some kind. You can share that
an agile and responsive teamworking
audio is replacing physical meetings.
document through the technology, so
environment. “We have pressed and
“The public sector is more 20th
the need to actually see people is not
pressed individual productivity to the
century in its thinking,” he says. “An
that valuable.”
very limit now and where we see the
awful lot of face-to-face meetings are still happening.”
Putting on a show
It’s a controversial point, given
biggest opportunity is in teamwork,”
how far some organisations are
she says. “It’s about bringing people
pushing the use of collaboration
together and making them more
software and video. At the April UC
Expo in London, keynote speaker
“We need to step up how we support
Eary adds that often people are
Marianne Calder, Cisco Systems
the new agile worker. We’ve all
uncomfortable with video when
managing director of collaboration
started using whatever productivity
working remotely, feeling they are
architecture sales for EMEA and
tool we’re most comfortable with and
“on show” and need to be dressed
Russia (pictured, over), highlighted the
have created a number of silos. Unless
to impress. In a recent survey on
example of Nationwide. The building
we are all on the same tool or app,
personality types and agile working
society is rolling out the use of video
we have a big challenge in sharing
for the UK Employers Network for
consultations to agree mortgages
information. We now need to allow
Equality and Inclusion, respondents
with customers – resulting in a 70%
teams to come together to discuss,
reported that video conferencing
increase in sales performance and 66%
create, share and recall.”
was not important to them. The
decrease in sales costs. Likewise, the
exception to this was the ‘influencer’
use of video by Airedale NHS doctors
for IT consultancy Portal, says many
personality type, 22% of whom said
and nurses for consultations with local
organisations are looking for a
video was very important.
care homes has reduced emergency
project-level replacement for email
admissions and trips to A&E.
communication. “Email has been a
“It’s a comfort thing,” says Eary. “If people are on show they are less
Tim Stone, vice-president of
Maria Casu, head of marketing
very effective productivity tool but is
Flexible Boss: June 2015
TECHNOLOGY Jeans, which allows users to connect to its video conferencing service using the platform of their choice. He says ubiquity of access is the key. “We’re seeing CEOs who will have meetings on their iPads in Costa – they know what they’re talking about isn’t that sensitive.” Matthew Finnie, chief technology officer for network and global cloud services platform Interoute, says adoption is all about the ease of simplicity. “There is no reason why anyone should get left behind. If you make it simple, simple, simple, then people won’t use the phone,” he says. Kids Non-profit Organisation (KNPO) uses the Interoute cloud service. The charity’s mission is to improve road safety for children in developing
“We need to step up how we support the new agile worker”
countries by distributing reflective beads for them to wear as bracelets, headbands and bag decorations. Because KNPO works across borders, video is crucial, says chairman and founder Richard Ahlstrom. Based in
also a victim of its own success, with
likely to drive organisations to be
Stockholm and San Francisco, the
email overload and the formality that
more forward-thinking when it comes
charity has partners and workers in
goes with email,” she says.
to technology. “People are not going
developing countries and a production
to want to go backwards if they have
team in China. “Asia is all about video
of ‘conversations’. We see companies
experienced the benefits of these
and there is a cultural dimension to
wanting to use collaboration platforms
really collaborative environments.”
communication as we’re not talking in
“People want to have different kinds
where email is a part of the platform
While video has been a huge success
our native language,” he says, adding there is “much better sound quality”.
but by no means the only thing. [They
for sales and marketing in the past
are looking for] internal blogs, wikis,
decade, she says we have yet to see
forums, informal spontaneous ways of
massive take up of video conferencing.
of telecollaboration systems developer
reaching out to different people.”
“We see the Facebook-style platform
Oblong Industries, has an even more
becoming much more popular, where
radical vision of the future than one in
of social media is creating pressure
people can write a short sentence or
which we embrace video conferencing.
for employers to replicate this in the
two.” However, a range of tools is
He argues that the industry needs to
world of work. “Email works well for
needed. “I can see video becoming
make a “quantum leap” from using
certain types of information but you
more mainstream. People can use
devices on a personal level to screens
get information dead ends. Emails can
their preferred channels.”
and devices offering “the collaboration
She adds that personal enjoyment
humans are capable of when they
be in an inbox for years and useful stuff is lost when someone leaves.”
John Underkoffler, chief executive
Security debate
don’t have computers in the way”. His vision is of large screens that
Whereas five or six years ago the real interest was in sharing files,
One of the most frequently-cited issues
connect and interact with all devices
Casu believes we have moved on. “It’s
with collaborative tools is that of
so that multiple people can work on
much more about sharing knowledge
security, and businesses differ on their
tasks simultaneously. “You should not
and wisdom, such as lessons learned
willingness to move from ‘on premises’
be held to the tyranny of the fixed
or certain expertise.” All of this is
solutions to the cloud. The debate
boundary of the screen,” he says.
tearing down the invisible boundaries
between providers continues.
between offices and geographies. Casu says recruitment needs are
Flexible Boss: June 2015
James Campanini is vice-president and general manager for EMEA at Blue
Perhaps video conferencing is child’s play compared with what may be coming next.
flexible working news, views and best practice
Monthly news by email Register free
Video conferencing: BU Y ER’S GU I DE Part One
sponsored by Unleash the power of collaboration: video, voice and content Polycom solutions help you unleash the power of human collaboration across any distance, device or timeline to help you not only save costs and meet your company objectives, but to create a true Workplace of the Future - today. It’s our sole focus. More than 415,000 companies and institutions worldwide defy distance with secure video, voice and content solutions from Polycom. We help doctors save lives, educators teach students, governments operate more efficiently, managers mentor their colleagues, executives connect with their teams, and product teams bring innovation to market faster - worldwide. By providing you with intuitive collaboration tools that work the way your teams work - and not the other way around - we can help your workforce compete more effectively on a global scale. Customers choose Polycom for four important reasons: › U ser Experience: creating a simple, superior user experience across every solution we develop. › Enterprise Class: With our enterprise-grade quality, we hold more than 850 patents in the area of collaboration and have set the industry standard for secure, high-quality audio, video and contentsharing from any distance. › Ecosystem-friendly: Our deep interoperability and integration benefits extend from Microsoft to BroadSoft and more. We not only co-market but also co-develop with our strategic partners. › Customer Choice: It’s in our DNA to put customers at the center and enable choices that match their business objectives.
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Cloud video solution that meets the needs of managers, IT and staff Connectivity is critical to any business. Flexible working and shared parental leave initiatives champion the right to work from home and accommodate the increasing need to empower staff to work anywhere, anytime and from any device – these needs must be addressed largely through technology. Video conferencing allows employees to engage with colleagues regardless of their location to maintain productivity and a seamless teamwork experience.
“The only product that recognises the needs of all the teams involved: management, IT and employees.”
Lifesize Cloud is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) video conferencing solution subscription service that is available on mobile devices, laptops and in conference rooms. It enables each employee with instant and scheduled calls, direct call and “meet-me”, single and group video, as well as voice calling. You can even join a Lifesize Cloud meeting from Skype for Business or Microsoft® Lync®.
Andy Nolan, VP, UK, Ireland and Northern Europe
Lifesize Cloud is recognises the needs of all the teams involved: management want a flexible, affordable video conferencing option; IT departments want something that’s easy to deploy and maintain; and employees expect to see each other on any device. “It is the most convenient, adaptable and user-friendly collaboration solution on the market,” says Andy Nolan, VP, UK, Ireland and Northern Europe.
For more information please call or email Andy Nolan on +44 7983 225295 or anolan@lifesize.com
iMeet®- Flexible all-in-one collaboration for flexible bosses iMeet all-in-one web, video and audio conferencing gives users the power to meet however and wherever they want - from a single, easy-to-use desktop, web or mobile application, or any telephone device. iMeet was designed to have the industry’s most elegant and appealing user interface, to be the most intuitive and enjoyable way to meet online. › Web, video and audio conferencing – all in one application › Connect and collaborate with up to 125 people › High-definition video – all from the webcam or video conferencing room › No software downloads for guests › Personalised, consistent URL › Start and join meetings with one click › iMeet calls you – no need to remember dial-in numbers and passcodes › Crystal-clear, intuitive file and screen sharing › Personalised bios, pictures and social media networks › Crystal-clear, intuitive file and screen sharing › iMeet DVR records everything in the meeting – notes, chat, IM, video and file sharing › Collaborate everywhere with mobile apps for any device › Easy scheduling with the free iMeet toolbar for Outlook
To learn how the iMeet portfolio can help your team collaborate visit pgi.com/imeet
“iMeet’s engaging user experience drives richer client interactions, which is critical as Vantedge focuses on growing our business.” Read Ziegler, Vantedge Group
Time and attendance: BU Y ER’S GU I DE Part One
sponsored by Enhance HR with flexible working Founded over 40 years ago, hfx has a proven history of developing innovative staff time management solutions. The company introduced the concept of flexible working hours in the 1970s with its Flextime® system, and has continued as a leader in the delivery of flexible working solutions. Its flagship product, Etarmis, with its ‘one card – one solution’, incorporates: › Access control › Photo ID › Time & attendance recording › Flexitime management › Seamless integration with major HR and payroll systems Highly customisable, Etarmis can be configured to meet exact requirements and can support unlimited numbers of work patterns.
“While the mainstream HR systems may claim to offer flexible working, a specialist solution like Etarmis provides a whole new range of capabilities.”
The complex calculations required to manage flexitime, shifts, holiday entitlements, time off in lieu and absence is beyond the capability of most HR solutions. Etarmis fills the gap in the market by interfacing with all the mainstream HR systems (such as Oracle, SAP, PeopleSoft and Northgate), enabling organisations to manage flexible working, while keeping employee data synchronised across HR and payroll systems. hfx services clients across the public and private sectors throughout the UK. High profile customers include the Home Office, Merck, Bentley Motors, Adidas, MoD, Hertsmere Borough Council, North Lanarkshire Council, Met Police & NHS Business Services Authority.
hfx Limited Tel: 0844 335 0230 or email: sales@hfx.co.uk www.hfx.co.uk
hfx: card,enquiries one solution. Forone all sales call (0)1753 723282 or email: enquiries@polycom.com
› Time & Attendance recording › Access control › Photo ID › Flexitime management › Seamless integration with major HR and payroll systems www.hfx.co.uk
IQTimecard solution blends scheduling, time & attendance and payroll tools IQTimecard’s Electronic Call Monitoring solution is a unique blend of time and attendance software, scheduling tools and payroll integration. This makes it the ideal tool for businesses operating in the remote working sector; such as Home Care and Contract Cleaners. It helps to monitor the location of employees and ensure that they’re attending all client calls without the need for any equipment to be installed at the sites, as well as ensuring they’re only paid for the hours they have worked. The automated system simplifies many time-consuming admin tasks, which can also facilitate great savings for businesses. Find more benefits here.
“We’ve been able to double the number of caregivers we employ without worrying about the huge increase in back office costs.” Sally Clough, owner, Home Instead Sutton Coldfield
We already work with a wide range of clients across the country, including an award winning national homecare franchise that has been able to remove all paper timesheets and drastically reduce administration for over 3,000 members of staff. For the many companies already working with us, the main cost benefits they have found by using our system are that all payroll costs are exact and the cost implications of overpayments of income tax and NIC when an employee leaves the company have been eradicated.
Contact: David Lynes david.lynes@uniqueiq.co.uk 0800 88 6868 www.iqtimecard.com
Mitrefinch – HR systems and much more! Mitrefinch offers a cost-effective route to bigger profits through better business efficiency. Our solutions are fully customised to accommodate the working patterns and work rules of your business. Mitrefinch TMS (Time management system) will save you vital management time and reduce administration costs – giving your business a razor sharp competitive edge. Mitrefinch specialise in the development of Workforce Management and Time and Attendance Solutions. Our solutions enable organisations to better measure, analyse and manage employees’ working time and deploy human resources more effectively. Used by over 4,000 organisations around the world, across a broad range of industries, our clients are benefiting every day from improvements to HR operations powered by Mitrefinch. The companies we help benefit from improved payroll accuracy, reduced payroll costs, more efficient payroll administration, superior planning and control of employee schedules and jobs, plus accurate on-site reporting for Workplace Health & Safety requirements. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and see how Mitrefinch can help you save time and money in your company.
For more information: 0845 619 0070, www.mitrefinch.co.uk sales@mitrefinch.co.uk
“Both your Time & Attendance and HR systems have helped reduce our paperwork greatly.” Walkers Shortbread
Co-working: BU Y ER’S GU I DE Part One
sponsored by Scrap the commute with pay-as-you-go hot desks and meeting spaces NearDesk provides access to hot desks and meeting rooms at hundreds of locations across the UK. Finding a space near you is easy with the NearDesk App and, using a contactless payment NearDesk card, just tap in and tap out to only pay for what you use. Our “who’s here now” software lets you see and connect with other NearDesk users in the same space, adding valuable networking opportunities to your day. A simple solution for companies and individuals when working at home or in public spaces is not the answer to being at your most productive:
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The ultimate work experience Uber Office is the shared working environment for entrepreneurs and small teams. Situated a 2 minute walk from London Victoria Station, we have worked tirelessly to build a strong sense of community between our members and always encourage collaboration. Working as a team is key! With smaller businesses and startups in mind, we spent £300,000 kitting-out the space to provide everything needed to enjoy working. Themed communal areas inspire creativity and encourage networking, while background tunes keep the office upbeat. UberOffice.com is THE space to launch your startup or build your business. State of the art facilities combine with chic spaces and furnishings for the ultimate workplace experience.
“Uber office has professional appeal, yet also expresses great creative personality, which always seems to excite my clients.” N Carter, Appy Monkey
› All members of the space get Internet access and VoIP phone calls through a leased and dedicated line (with a fallback infrastructure). › Meeting rooms have all the equipment to make a presentation or teleconference go smoothly. › Our facilities are fully stocked with organic tea and coffee. › Every member is equipped with a key-card and lockable storage. We invite you to view the space - it has a great energy and will change the way you think about coming into work.
UberOffice.com Lizzie Rae: lizzie@uberoffice.com 0203 397 7975
Regus business lounges offer global reach Regus is the world’s largest provider of flexible workspace with a global footprint spanning 104 countries. Regus business lounges can be accessed by purchasing pay-as-you-go access priced at £5 per hour or £10 per day or by purchasing Regus Businessworld membership. Businessworld is the world’s largest membership programme giving access to flexible workspace. Businessworld Gold membership gives unlimited drop-in business lounge access for just £49 per month nationally. Business lounges are used by business travellers, those who need to fit in some work whilst on the move and local, flexible or home-based workers seeking a more professional option to working from home or in a coffee shop. Typical features of a Regus business lounge include free wifi, free refreshments, individual workstations with privacy screens (called Thinkpods), comfy seats with laptop rests, a ‘business bar’ with iMac and phone chargers. Business Stations within the lounges offer selfservice paid-for services such as cloud-based printing and scanning, and other admin services are available from reception. The company is also rolling out Regus Express, a new generation of workplaces designed for co-working and productive meetings outside of a traditional office environment, such as in motorway service areas or retail parks. Access is included in Businessworld membership.
For more information visit www.regus.co.uk
“Businessworld is the world’s largest membership programme giving access to flexible workspace.”
Childcare support pays off Sarah Jackson, chief executive Working Families
espite a series of
childcare can offer real
with work. Supporting
welcome political
benefits for employers in
staff childcare needs can
initiatives and
terms of both productivity
reduce the conflict between
considerable public
and engagement, which
work and family: research
investment, too many
we explore in our new
by Working Families and
working parents find their
publication Employers
the relationship guidance
decision about whether to
Guide to Childcare,
charity OnePlusOne
work, and for how many
produced with nursery
showed that those who
hours, constrained or
network Bright Horizons.
reported higher personal
even dictated by the local
Some form of childcare
availability of affordable
support offered as part of
also reported higher
childcare. And that decision
a benefits package can be a
engagement with work,
is even more challenging
competitive differentiator
while on the flipside,
for single parents, those
when it comes to attracting
heightened work stress can
working atypical hours,
staff. Employers offering
have a negative impact on
parents of disabled
such support can widen the
family life.
children, and those living
pool of talented individuals
in rural areas.
they recruit from.
We need to work towards
Employees who have
attracting, retaining and promoting women because
greater engagement with
they struggle to fit their
work have been shown
roles around childcare. A
a system that delivers
talented staff, parents – and
to be more focused, less
broader set of policies and
good-quality, affordable
increasingly, grandparents
distracted and to display
benefits around childcare
childcare to all working
– who are offered help
greater initiative, which
could enable employers to
parents when they need
with balancing their work
in turn can have a positive
retain women at crucial
it, while at the same time
and care responsibilities
impact on the bottom line.
points in their career,
protecting and enhancing
have been shown to value
It has been found that an
ensuring they continue to
the well-being of our
their employer more, and
engaged employee delivers
move up the career ladder.
consequently are less likely
43% more than one who is
Some initial investment
to move on to a role with a
merely present.
Working parents and the government cannot tackle this challenge
In terms of retaining
relationship quality
“Supporting working parents with childcare can offer real benefits in terms of productivity”
competitor. Better support in the
A further business
may be required to support employees with their
benefit of childcare support
childcare needs, but there
alone: there is a clear
workplace can also
for working parents
is a long-term pay-off in
role for employers when
contribute to healthier
is that it facilitates the
terms of engagement,
discussing the issues and
relationships at home,
advancement of women
retention and productivity
the solutions. Supporting
which in turn boosts
at work. Many employers
– and it’s hard to put a price
working parents with
employees’ ability to engage
still report difficulties with
on that.
Flexible Boss: June 2015
Keep pieces equal in age jigsaw Ben Black, Director My Family Care
uddenly everyone is
more vital to offer a bit of
Some organisations have
talking about multi-
flexibility. In addition, our
embraced the possibilities
generational human
parents are living longer
of more agile ways of work
resources polices. Why has
and often require help.
brilliantly. Others have not.
it become an issue? It’s all
There are now six million
about demographics and
working carers, with the
ultimately be about better
the changing nature of
numbers rising inexorably.
performance. It’s about
Then there is the fact that
Agile working must
happier, more engaged
Generation Y is arriving
employees working better
medicine, healthier
into the wonderful world
and more productively and
lifestyles and the glorious
of work with all kinds of
the business benefiting
NHS, the average life
different expectations
from the results. Wherever
expectancy is on an ever-
and aspirations about
you fit into the multi-
upward trajectory. And as
the boundaries between
generational spectrum,
we live longer, so we are
personal career paths.
you might appreciate some
Thanks to modern
working longer: 30% of the
Put all that together and
“If you offer subsidised emergency childcare, why not offer eldercare support as well?”
flexibility. The business has
offer eldercare support
UK workforce is already
you have to feel a degree
to treat everyone the same.
as well? Why should the
over 50 and that figure is
of sympathy for our hard-
The working grandparent is
employee who has to
rising. Pension ages will
pressed HR departments. Of
just as keen to play a role in
pick up his mother from
continue to be pushed up.
course, multi-generational
their grandchildren’s lives
hospital not be supported
Most of us need to carry on
policies and approaches
as the 22-year-old aspiring
in the same way as the dad
working in any case. And
are needed, but it’s not the
canoeist is to try and fulfil
who’s stressed because
we’re a pretty loyal bunch:
easiest challenge out there.
his Olympic ambitions.
conjunctivitis stops
why wouldn’t we stay with
There are three parts to
And third, it’s about
his daughter attending
an employer where we’re
the jigsaw for employers.
making sure that benefits
daycare? We are about to
appreciated and supported
The first piece is cultural:
help everyone. Different
introduce various working
and we have an impact?
ensuring the organisation
benefits will obviously
grandparent resources for our clients.
understands the challenge.
appeal at different stages
children later. Professional
Getting different age groups
of life and the career cycle,
parents are now typically
to talk and share their
and understanding some
performer whose favourite
four years older than they
different, but often similar,
of the challenges your
labrador is on its last legs?
were 30 years ago. Older
life-work complications can
employees face is key.
Don’t they need to be
mothers and fathers equal
work wonders.
For example, if you offer
treated the same? We’re
The second piece to put
emergency childcare on a
not there with petcare yet,
in place is flexible working.
subsidised basis, why not
but it may well happen.
We’re also having
more senior working parents to whom it is even
And what about the star
Flexible Boss: June 2015
Battle plan to capture skilled staff Aimee de Carcenac, consultant Alexander Mann Solutions
he war for talent
began keeping records in
cohort in the workforce,
is a very different
1971. The shift away from
but tapping into this
conflict today, and
recession has resulted in
group also creates
unsurprisingly demands
a more candidate-driven
opportunities for older
a tactical shift. Until now,
market – there is more
staff whose relevance in
for many, gender diversity
choice and opportunity,
your organisation might
has been the foremost
especially for those with
otherwise be dwindling:
concern, but progressive
niche skill sets.
we need to retain these
organisations competing
experienced people to
for top talent in an
this suggests, it can be
help millennials develop.
increasingly talent-short
tough for employers if you
We are seeing reciprocal
and age-diverse market are
have critical positions to
mentor programmes being
refining their attraction
fill and not enough time
implemented for this very
and retention strategies to
to grow your own. In
reason. It is a smart tactic.
this competitive reality.
fact, 60% of all new jobs
Your ability to offer
in the 21st century will
flexible environments
have seen organisations
diversity is another lens to
require skills possessed by
that appeal to a multi-
neglecting clash points,
apply to today’s workforce,
only 20% of the current
generational workforce
causing talented people
and finding strategies that
workforce. Supporting a
will make a huge difference
to jump ship for those
work across as much of the
growing enterprise is more
in securing talent in this
available opportunities
diverse talent spectrum
challenging than ever in
landscape. We know efforts
– especially as remnants
as possible really defines
the midst of what experts
to implement flexible,
of economic decline have
competitive advantage.
have dubbed a labour
part-time work and/or job
eroded loyalty – but this
shortage crisis.
sharing will pay off, yet
could be avoided: give
many struggle to embed
millennials intrinsically
The way in which people engage with the world of
Savvy employers engage
work has changed, with the
the full talent spectrum –
commercially viable
meaningful work; don’t
most palpable shift around
and flexible working is key.
practices. Flexible working
over-coach baby boomers;
demands for agility and
Employers are fast learning
adoption and the ability to
allow generation X-ers
flexibility. In short, flexible
that the ability to attract,
make the policy a cultural
portable careers and the
working cuts across diverse
engage and retain diverse
reality requires changes
freedom they need.
talent and all generations.
talent across generations
in processes, capabilities
When our clients adapt
will support hiring needs in
and behaviours. It needs
their approach, especially
a talent-short workforce.
through operationalising
The UK employment rate is 73.3%, the highest rate of people in work since the Office for National Statistics
Despite the prosperity
“Your ability to offer flexible working environments will make a huge difference in securing talent”
Flexible Boss: June 2015
For example, millennials are becoming the largest
With such a mix of ages in the workforce, we
flexible working, the results are fruitful.
We need to update attitudes David Dunbar Managing Director Workmodes
t’s more than 15 years since I took
the leap are the exception. Firms are still struggling
from home often delivers the most tangible economic
to implement flexible
benefit, neither of these
flexible working strategy,
working. It is not for
things should ever be the
and over 10 years since
want of trying: a lot of the
main focus.
I created the Workstyle
companies I talk to have
The main focus has to
portfolio of services to help
trialled it but have failed
be on people. And flexible
other organisations achieve
to get the level of buy-in
working has to first and
the same results. When
needed to embed it across
foremost be a “people
I launched that service I
the whole organisation.
change” programme,
responsibility for BT’s
thought there was perhaps
It should be easier
changing people’s attitudes.
“The focus has to be on people: flexible working has to be a ‘people change’ programme”
two or three years before
now than it was 15 years
flexible working became
ago. The concepts are
need a programme that
something every company
more accepted, and the
puts people first, but in
whatever the intention. It
did as a matter of course.
technology more stable,
my experience it’s rare
is easy to get waylaid by
In this, as in so many
sophisticated, and easier to
to see organisations walk
what looks difficult, and
things, I was wrong.
use. So what is going on?
that walk: the talk is about
lose sight of what actually
people; the effort is not.
is difficult. People, bless
So why am I still an evangelist for the concept?
Part of the answer is the focus on technology
It’s easy to say that we
Flexible working starts
them, are difficult.
as a driver, and property
with a vision of a way of
passion for promoting agile
rationalisation as a benefit.
doing things so vivid that
new technical revolution.
working are having the
Technology absolutely
everyone can clearly see
The possibilities opening
same conversations with
underpins flexible working,
what is in it for them. It
up as we shift from desktop
employers now that we
but the fact that I have
needs to be owned by
applications to enterprise
were having a decade ago
seen firms make a success
someone with real passion
mobile apps are vast. That’s
– but it’s not because the
of flexibility for 15 years,
and fire in the gut, with
before we get anywhere
message is falling on deaf
without recourse to current
the staying power to work
near the Internet of Things,
ears, or that the benefits
technological advances,
through the roller-coaster
wearables, or embedded
are unclear. The idea is as
demonstrates that the
that such culture change
intelligence. It’s a great
enthusiastically received
lack of it has never been
always delivers. It must
opportunity for firms
as it ever was, and indeed
a barrier. And while the
be rolled out across the
to look again at flexible
there are organisations
chance for a firm to make
whole organisation, with
working – but it will only
that have grasped the
savings by reducing its
enthusiasm, gusto and,
hit home if people are at
nettle in every sector.
property portfolio as a
if possible, joy. People
the heart of the approach.
But those that have made
result of more staff working
often become secondary,
Many of us with a
We are about to enter a
Flexible Boss: June 2015
Office old guard has to evolve Peter Thomson, director Wisework
eople are living
their predecessors with
juggling work and childcare
longer, so inevitably,
online discussion forums
responsibilities. And with
there will be those
and video link-ups. They
shared parental leave now
prepared to work into their
don’t see the need for a
a reality, the gender gap
twilight years. They may be
physical presence at work
will continue to narrow.
in full-time employment, or
when they can achieve
working flexibly or running
their goals equally as well
managers are typically
their own businesses.
by working remotely.
from a generation where
We will see 18 year olds
personal life had to
working alongside 80 year
older generation see social
be fitted around fixed
olds. And such a multi-
media as a waste of time
patterns of work. For the
generational workforce
and insist on cramming
‘millennial’ generation of
presents some management
everyone’s diaries with
twentysomethings, there is
inefficient face-to-face
an expectation that work
meetings. They might
can be fitted around family
managing output; instead
spread of ages at work, so
now use Skype in their
and other commitments. No
of clocking people into the
what is it that makes this
personal lives but they
wonder there is a mismatch
workplace and measuring
current trend so different?
still refuse to adopt video
in expectations.
the hours they put in at
One answer is technology.
conferencing technology in
The gap between the digital
the office. They are nervous
going to attract the best
measure the outcomes
natives who have grown up
about remote workers’
young people to their
from their work. When
with the internet and those
lack of visibility and are
organisations and retain
and where the work
who haven’t is vast.
comfortable working in a
them, they will have to
gets done will become
culture of presenteeism.
adapt. The rigid approach
the responsibility of the
to work will have to be
individual. People will be
We have always had a
Take social media. It has revolutionised the way
In contrast, many of the
Middle and senior
“The rigid ‘command and control’ culture will be replaced by a ‘trust and empower’ one”
Another generational
If managers are
the desk, managers will
some people communicate
difference is attitude
replaced by flexibility and
trusted to choose how they
with friends, family and
towards work-life balance.
a willingness to let go. The
achieve their goals and will
colleagues. They share
When ‘baby boomers’ had
‘command and control’
be free to manage their
views, send congratulations
their children it was likely a
culture of the 20th century
own work-life balance.
and celebrate achievements
mother would stop work in
will be replaced by a
without the physical
their younger years while
‘trust and empower’ one,
in leadership positions this
constraints of the analogue
dad continued to be the
designed for the 21st.
might feel like anarchy –
age. It’s hardly surprising
breadwinner. For today’s
The biggest change
but if they can’t adapt to
the Facebook generation
couples it is more likely
of all will be the move
this new world they will go
is more comfortable than
that both parents will be
from managing input to
the way of the dinosaurs.
Flexible Boss: June 2015
For the older generation
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hen serial entrepreneur Jamie True’s late father Frank gave him a business
plan to reinvent the luncheon voucher, he wasn’t initially inspired. True Snr worked on the creation of the vouchers in the 1950s and could see the idea was ripe for reinvention. “I said it wasn’t relevant, but he said that’s why he’d given it to me,” recalls True. True’s mobile technology background and track record of launching, growing and selling businesses is impressive. He started his first business at 17 and in 2013 sold his app development firm Grapple to Monetise Create for £39m. Looking for his next challenge, and intrigued by the luncheon voucher idea, he began speaking to people about employee benefits. “I realised the model was pretty poor because it was old, unenjoyable and wasn’t really providing any benefits. HR teams didn’t really have the tools and technology to drive retention.” Fast forward two years and WorkAngel is a mobile-first answer to the employee retention problem. The app offers a private company ‘Facebook’ system together with a suite of benefits including store discounts, cinema vouchers and restaurant offers that sit alongside company-specific incentives such as childcare vouchers and healthcare policies. Employees can track their rewards while publicly thanking colleagues for their work and connecting with team members. Figures show employees are checking it an average of three times a day, making
Flexible Boss: June 2015
“In the past this space was a box ticking exercise – the technology was underwhelming. There is a seismic shift happening. It just isn’t good enough to give your employees stuff that is average” it a far more effective touchpoint than
Flexible Boss, a room full of HR and
employee of the month, but this is in
traditional benefit schemes.
benefits experts were impressed by the
real time,” adds True.
Ex-Tesco boss Terry Leahy has
experience – and discounts – offered.
The next step is growth. With coverage
invested in True’s company, leading
They went away both coveting the tool
of the UK, America and Canada already
a £3.3m funding round in January. It
personally and considering it for their
live, True is keen to expand WorkAngel
employs more than 50 people and its
teams. It’s no surprise staff take-up in
further – describing the rest of the year
impressive client list includes Capita,
firms using the app is 96%. “Everybody
as a “land grab”. “No-one else is doing
Tesco, the BBC and Serco. In the next
gets quite excited,” says True.
what we’re doing in this way,” he says.
few months True expects the number
As it is accessible on a smartphone,
True walks over to a pipeline board
of employees using the app to top
the app also offers a democratic way of
featuring a wishlist of clients’ requests
involving remote and mobile workers.
for additional functions. There are
True points to engineering firm Laing
currently 72 items. Next on the list
Tesco, uses the product. “I genuinely
O’Rourke, one client with a mobile
is the ability for line managers to
believe what WorkAngel is doing in
workforce. “You can make people
‘spot reward’ employees with gift
the employee recognition and benefits
feel they’re part of something even
cards automatically delivered to their
space is a game changer,” says Tesco
if they’re not in the office,” he says.
accounts. Employee engagement
Hospitality reward manager Nik
“You can find people in the colleague
surveys, debit cards linked to Work-
Butcher. “I can’t remember ever seeing
directory. It is perfectly set up for that
Angel accounts, and detailed analytics
a product that enables such creativity
and we’ve got a number of companies
are all on the schedule. WorkAngel is
in our approach to every aspect of
taking us largely for that reason.”
evidently stretching its wings.
Restaurant chain Giraffe, owned by
The product allows all workers to
So what explains the apparent HR
recognise their peers. “The recognition
euphoria over WorkAngel’s offer and
elements in driving retention: a
is ground-breaking for people, they
why isn’t everyone else doing it? True
discount and social experience that
really love it. A lot of companies do
attributes the company’s success to
rewarding and engaging with our staff.” True says it offers three crucial
employees love, a private company
the user experience – a result of a
social network where they can interact
technology company turning its hand
easily, and recognition linked to the
to benefits rather than a benefits
core values of the business. He points
company investing in technology.
to Gartner research which shows that
“Executing this kind of technology
people without a friend at work are
isn’t easy,” he says. “In the past HR
much more likely to leave, and says
managers haven’t had much choice
the product can reduce staff turnover:
and variety and a real platform to do
“Some of our clients have reduced
things. This space was a box ticking
churn by 20%.”
exercise – the technology was always a
One key to WorkAngel’s success, says True, is that the rewards and social
bit underwhelming. “There is a seismic shift happening.
elements sit together and are easily
It just isn’t good enough to give your
accessible: “If they are all in one place,
employees stuff that is average. If you
these things get used.” In a conference
are any kind of business, online should
demo of the product attended by
be important to you.”
Flexible Boss: June 2015
ound is something of an obsession at the UK headquarters of Plantronics, the international
audio technology company that pioneered call-centre, mobile, and noise-cancelling headsets. The engineers who develop the firm’s bluetooth headsets and earphones have a foam-lined sound chamber in the ground floor laboratory of the Wootton Bassett building into which they flow different levels of noise to test the quality of the products. When you step inside and the door closes behind you, it is so quiet you can hear the blood pumping through your own body. These days, noise is no less important in the upstairs office space. Divided into areas for ‘concentration, collaboration, communication and contemplation’, it is a masterclass in quirky design, featuring ‘monk spaces’ where single desks with backdrops of waterfalls and bluebells allow individuals to have uninterrupted work time. There are fringed curtains, moveable meeting pods and soft seating areas for informal collaboration. The walls – one of which is papered with a panoramic view of local attraction the Avebury stone circle – absorb sound instead of reflecting it, and different levels of white and pink noise are pumped into different areas. “We’re trying to achieve a hubbub of sound so that no one conversation interferes with your concentration,” says George Coffin, the firm’s real estate manager for Europe and Africa. “In the average office your voice will travel 15 metres. In this office it will
Flexible Boss: June 2015
“Most businesses believe smarter working means working from home. It doesn’t. It means that you can work in any space, any time, anywhere”
go no further than five, except in
Coffin says there was a lightbulb
for them and they preferred to be in an
meeting rooms.” Ceiling tiles absorb
moment when the heads of IT, real
office environment,” says marketing
90% of noise instead of the customary
estate and HR realised they were all
manager Clare Tibbitts. “You can’t just
20%, noise-bouncing screens are used
separately trying to achieve similar
decide that everybody will work from
between workers, and desks are angled
aims. This resulted in the three working
home – some people don’t have the
so no voice is in direct line of any other.
together on a plan that was approved
facilities to do that.”
This attention to the minute details of
by the board in just four weeks. “Most
The human resources team developed
acoustics and design is part of a much
businesses believe smarter working
an assessment process for both the role
bigger change. Five years ago the firm
means working from home; it doesn’t,”
and employee that included assessing
embarked on a programme to embed
says Coffin. “It means you can work in
home space; proposed working pattern;
‘smarter working’ in the business,
any space, any time, anywhere.”
impact on the company, colleagues
moving a mix of warehouses, lab space
The Smarter Working pilot began
and offices from three buildings to one.
with the Netherlands-based contact
From a 2009 base of 20%, the take-up
centre team – perhaps not the obvious
of flexible working in the business has
and HR departments – dubbed ‘Bricks,
choice. “We chose a really office-centric
now risen to 85%.
Bytes and Behaviour’ – and resulted
pilot group,” says senior HR business
in a sustained change that it rolled out
support manager Sarah Roxborough.
worldwide in 2012. So evangelical is
“If we were going to come across
Plantronics about the benefits of this
problems it would be with them. It gave
Roxborough says staff have changed
way of working that it runs open days
us a much deeper understanding of the
their working patterns to suit location,
for client businesses to come and see
issues that might come up.”
with many using their time working
The project united the property, IT
how it works and ask advice about their own flexibility journeys.
Some staff did not like it. “Half the team said working from home wasn’t
and customers; and equipment status.
Location dependent
from home for tasks that require concentration, and collaborating more intensively in the office. “People are encouraged to think about what they need to do and structure their working week so it works better. [They need to] look at the impact on the company, their colleagues and systems. How would they manage communications with colleagues and customers?” She adds: “We do everything on a trial basis for three months. Then we will make a contractual change, but it is always in the company’s gift to take it back if there are issues.” They have not yet had to do this. “We have had one person ask not to do it any more because they found it too lonely.” Effort has gone into developing
Flexible Boss: June 2015
CASE STUDY leap of faith, even at Plantronics where people are happy using headsets,” says Williams. Initially, both the PC and deskphone would ring, so workers could pick up either. A few months later, staff started to report that they weren’t using the deskphone. “After a year we reached the tipping point where there were more people without deskphones than with. Since then we have taken the
“It’s a culture of empowerment. People take much more responsibility for their goals and development”
deskphones away, but you really have to bear with people if they haven’t used headsets before,” he advises. Williams adds that it is important to have standard meeting room equipment so people can quickly use audio, video and collaborative software
manager skills and teaching staff how
and retain talent, and untethered staff
no matter which country, room or
to set goals, “which gave managers
from the Wootton Bassett site, meaning
office they are working from.
the confidence that they remained in
the firm can choose from a wider pool
control,” says Roxborough. “We have
of potential workers. Other benefits
a quarterly set of goals, milestones
include employee wellbeing, savings on
and benchmarks and our bonus and
travel and fuel, improved collaboration,
Managing the use of office space needs
performance system is linked to it.
and a more agile and responsive
careful attention, confirms Coffin. For
People didn’t take to it straight away,
business. The result, says Roxborough,
example, staff cannot book recurring
but we spent time helping managers
is a culture of empowerment. “People
meetings for more than 10 weeks, and
learn how to break down goals.”
take much more responsibility for their
those that are booked for this long
goals and development.”
are monitored by the IT and facilities
Plantronics managers are also becoming increasingly skilled at
teams. “The first day you don’t use it,
ensuring staff manage their ‘lifescape’.
significant as the business has moved
we write a polite email to say it is now
Roxborough says there can be a
to unified communications, says Tony
cancelled and you can’t book recurring
tendency for flexible workers to
Williams, director of IT for Europe
meetings for a period of time,” he says.
overwork, given the ability to blend
and Africa. Those spending three days
work and life and the fact that the
or more in the office have desks with
were drawn up at the start. “For
business operates across all time
two screens, while mobile workers
example, if I am in a ‘concentration
zones, so there is always someone to
can work wirelessly in a variety of
space’ you are not allowed to speak to
collaborate with. Managers need to
spaces. Like his HR and real estate
me, wave at me or acknowledge me.
know if too many outputs are being
colleagues, Williams says the process
Everyone knows and follows the rules.”
delivered as well as too few.
is complicated and requires time and
Measurable results
It is one of a set of regulations that
Downstairs, engineers from the
work to get it right: “Having executive
company that created the first headset
sponsorship really helps to drive the
used in outer space (moonwalker
use of UC.”
Neil Armstrong would later utter his
The business is saving £42,500 a
immortal “one small step for man”
Attrition has fallen from 12% to 2%
year by eliminating internal calls and
line through a Plantronics product)
and absenteeism is down from 12.7%
using Skype for Business instead. Using
are working on intricate circuitry
to 0.8%. Employee surveys show 95%
the same tool for all external audio
and experimenting with gesture
of staff feel they have a better work-life
conferencing is saving £50,000 a year,
technology. But a constant process of
balance and employee engagement is in
and getting rid of deskphones has also
experimentation and improvement in
the 86th percentile, compared with the
saved £50,000 annually.
ways of working – including current
The results are measurable and clear.
industry average of 69%.
The IT savings have also been
Managing space
When it came to replacing deskphones
efforts to develop training for virtual
The changes have resulted in real
with ‘softphones’ – software that allows
leaders – is taking place throughout the
estate savings of more than $400,000
calls to be made via the web – a phased
building and beyond. For Plantronics,
(£260,000), made it easier to attract
approach was necessary. “It’s a big
innovation doesn’t stop at the lab door.
Flexible Boss: June 2015
flexible working news, views and best practice Are you helping to change the world of work? Let us help you reach the right audience Flexible Boss provides independent journalism and research on flexible working in the United Kingdom and beyond. From policy to property; transport to technology; human resources to legal challenges, Flexible Boss is a resource for employers to come together and share best practice. Launched in 2014, the magazine is rapidly building a community of professionals across multiple industries within both private and public sector working to make changes in HR, technology and workspace.
flexible working news, views and best practice
flexible working news, views and best practice
Issue 1 June 2014
Issue 2 October 2014
march of progress
Head in the cloud
Right to request extended
fresh approach
Using collaborative tools for distributed teams
Job share: inside a Unilever marketing partnership
Shared parental leave
Technology security takes top priority as BYoD becomes standard practice
Navigating the policy minefield Line managers named as barriers to flexible working
Pitney Bowes: how an office move changed everything
Employers should use trial periods in tackling R2R issues
British Gas MD of residential energy Ian Peters on the caring agenda
Co-working: could it be the answer for big business?
Generation Y attitudes on flexible working colleagues
Lloyds Bank diversity director Fiona Cannon on workplace change
news: Agile Future forum plans focus: the ‘oyster card of desk space’
Issue one: 6,678 page impressions
NEWS: BARCLAYS in year-long flex push focus: Virgin holiday plan danger
Issue two: 15,012 page impressions
To advertise or discuss other commercial opportunities contact Adam Cox 07825 295 222 adam@flexibleboss.com flexible working news, views and best practice
nlocking employee creativity can enhance organisational change and improve working
life. Interactive Theatre is a way of helping employees release inhibitions that prevent them from expressing their views, and encouraging them to engage in critical thinking. Using theatre to dramatise the issues and situations created by poor work practices, inadequate skills and missed opportunities encourages employers and employees alike to take action. Drama reveals all the tensions and problems that can exist in a business, while at the same time being fun and captivating. As a result, people are more likely to share ideas and have an open mind about the need for change. At Workplace Innovation, part of the UK Work Organisation Network, a not-for-profit coalition that develops and disseminates new ways of working, our theatre solution focuses on organisational practices and culture rather than individuals. It does not involve role-play, is not intimidating, and works for any size or type of group. Confidential discussions with managers and staff build a picture of the organisation and help to ensure that the theatre event addresses the issues that matter. Experienced actors then present their audience of staff with an intriguing set of relationships, challenges and dilemmas in a fictional workplace not too unlike their own. Audiences are invited to challenge the characters about their actions, motivations and working methods,
Flexible Boss: June 2015
“This isn’t role play. We take professional actors into organisations to work through dilemmas, give a voice to criticism, analyse the situations and change them”
and to suggest ways in which better
to give a voice to frontline staff and
of those who work there and translate
outcomes might be achieved. In so
that’s precisely why it’s so successful,”
that into a full play or short scenarios.”
doing, participants gain a unique
says Robin Reece-Crawford,
opportunity to reflect on their own
director and theatre animateur at
development consultant at Orbit, says
organisation’s practices and discover
Workplace Innovation. “People can
the experience has been valuable.
ways improvements might be made.
see themselves, their colleagues or
“We are committed to improving the
a situation they have experienced,
way we work by listening to our staff.
happening right in front of them.
This is important to us because their
The experience can address positive opportunities for innovation as well as long-standing problems and obstacles.
“Interactive Theatre offers
Jane Cousins, senior organisational
knowledge and experience is vital to
It is designed to help employees at all
employees the opportunity to examine
levels realise they can intervene with
issues within their own organisation in
BT has used Interactive Theatre for
ideas and their voice will be heard.
a safe environment. It begins a process
change management. Sharon Darwent,
the success of the business.”
of improving communications, gives
head of employee engagement, says:
the UK turned to Interactive Theatre
the chance for productive reflection,
“During the session, actors presented
as a way of improving performance
and allows frontline staff to share their
a very engaging play about a company
and customer care by developing its
practical knowledge about the business
going through change. Between each
200-strong management team. Orbit
– an often underused resource.
of the scenes, the audience could ask
One of the largest housing groups in
Housing engaged us to deliver a series
“This isn’t role play. We take
the characters questions, coach them
of theatre-based seminars on effective
professional actors into organisations
to behave differently towards one
team leadership and staff involvement.
to work through dilemmas, give
another, and explore what they could
Actors delivered various workplace
a voice to criticism, analyse the
do as communications professionals to
scenarios, which were then discussed,
situations and change them. We work
help the characters succeed. This way
with the audience offering solutions.
with organisations to find out what
of learning is hugely engaging.”
“This kind of theatre started in order
their issues are by hearing the stories
Theatre provides rich insights into organisational life and initiates a process of collective problem solving. Outcomes of performances provide a platform on which to further develop organisational learning and plans for collaborative action, including the identification of negative influences on staff motivation and workplace culture, and their effect on performance, recruitment and employee retention. It can also provide a negotiated action plan to address these issues, creating a new and sustainable culture based in employee-driven innovation. Peter Totterdill is director of Workplace Innovation
Flexible Boss: June 2015