I. ORDERING PRODUCTS / PRODUCTION OF THE DOOR Appoint people in your organization as Responsible Officer, powered to sign the Declarations of Performance and Conformity on behalf of your company. Record these persons in a document Before ordering the door, make sure the declarations of incorporation of the suppliers permit this door to be power operated. Make sure the E-operator has a Declaration of Incorporation/ Conformity issued by its manufacturer Check if the operator can be used to operate the selected door type, door size and door weight. Check the conformity of the E-operator with regards to the Low Voltage Directive and Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive and Machinery Directive Make sure that the suppliers of all components (panel, hardware, operator, safety edge, etc.) confirm to you that the contents of their Technical Construction File will be made available at your request (or get a Declaration of Incorporation). Create a file of installation instructions, for the door types that you supply regularly. When assembling the door in your production, make sure to file all necessary construction and production data of the door attached to the serial number of the door (Factory Production Control).
II. BEFORE INSTALLATION Make sure that operators and door components are accompanied by the Declarations of Incorporation/ Conformity as described above. Make sure that the door and the E-operator is accompanied by proper installation instructions from the manufacturer. Make a unique serial number for the door which you provide and install. Take care of a CE-name plate with the performance characteristics, serie number, your identification data and door information. CE CHECK LIST, SAFE OVERHEAD DOORS
CE-INFO Let the Responsible Officer prepare the plate and your Declaration of Performance (and in case of a power operated door a Declaration of Conformity).
III. INSTALLATION / AFTER INSTALLATION Install garage door and E-operator according to the installation instructions from the manufacturer. Check if the installation of door and E-operator have been completed in a safe and proper way, preventing hazards or dangers from taking place (Site Acceptance Test (SAT)/ Risk Assessment). Position and install the operator push button or key switch in a safe position for operation. Place warning labels, provided by the manufacturer, on the door at the proper location. Complete the safety tests instructed by the manufacturer for operating the door. If the instructions from the supplier cannot be followed, make sure that any adjustment or deviations are safe and adjust your Declaration of Performance (and also Declaration of Conformity in case of power operated doors) according to this for the record. Complete the Declaration of Performance (and Declaration of Conformity in case of power operated doors) and the CE-plate and place the last item visual on the door. Instruct the end-user personally how to operate, use and maintain the door. Instruct end-user what to do in case of emergency.
IV. DOCUMENTS TO BE HANDED OVER TO END-USER User manual in the language of the end-user or language required by the EU-member state (including an extract of the declaration of performance/ conformity) Maintenance manual EU-Declaration of Performance (and Declaration of Conformity in case of power operated doors). Dismantling manual Service log book Proposal for a maintenance contract (not necessary, but commercially interesting!!)