Shaft Facts

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SHAFTS FACTS Solid, tubes and key-ways DetAiLed inFOrmAtiOn On ShAFtS FOr OverheAd dOOrS with tOrSiOn SprinGS. Main function: The shaft passes on the torque, given by the torsion springs to the cable drums. This of course with the aim to balance the door which is held by the lifting cables. So, the shaft enables the drums to be secured in such fashion that they can rotate or be driven simultaneously. The shaft system contains fitting of the springs, drums (with lifting cable), spring plugs, coupler, collars, operator etc. inches One of the first things you notice when you enter the door business in Europe is the fact that the diameter of the shaft is in inches (“). This is because companies that started supplying the door industry in the late seventies imported a lot of parts from the United States. None of the door components suppliers were willing to heavily invest in aluminum die cast tooling to have drums and spring plugs made in metric sizes. This is why FlexiForce and others still supply shafts with diameter 1” and 1 ¼” with a ¼” key way. So a unique, world wide standard!

Types and application range Flexi-Force offers various types of shafts: • Solid shafts - 702C-2000 etc. black, 1”, with key-way - 702-3500Z etc. galvanized, 1”, with key-way - 699-4500Z etc. galvanized, 1¼”, with key-way • Key-way tubular shafts - 702GBL2750 etc. galvanized, 1”, with key-way, 2mm material - 705GB-2750 etc. galvanized, 1”, with key-way, 3mm material • Tubular shafts (tubes) - 701-2750Z etc. galvanized, 1”, 2mm material Each with their specific application range. This range is determined by the technical specification of the shaft and the construction of the shaft assembly and installation. Main features of the shaft are: shape, diameter, solid/tube and yield stress of the material. Important information on installation is

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