Blueprints of the Master Craftsman

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Blueprints o f t h e M a s t e r C ra f t s m a n

Volume 1, No.1

Winter 2009

Rolling out the Blueprints ... elcome to will attempt to communicate Blueprints of the to you what is happening Master Craftsman, with the program both on the the first issue of the official individual level (with stories newsletter of the Scottish Rite from and about you—the Master Craftsman (SRMC) individual participant), and Correspondence Program. on the community level (with Like the SRMC itself, this newsletter has its genesis in the feedback we have Ronald A. Seale received from members SRMC Graduate like you. So, first and foremost: Thank you. You are the key ingredient that makes this program successful news and stories that relate to through your willingness the ongoing development of to participate and in your the SRMC on the whole). We thoughtful and honest feedback. hope these articles will help to In this inaugural issue, and the deepen your knowledge of the issues to follow, the people who Scottish Rite, introduce you to are responsible for the day-tonew people that make the Rite day nuts and bolts of the SRMC what it is, and inspire you to become involved in the

educational activities of your Valley. In this newsletter you will find the beginnings of what will hopefully be regular features, such as: Master Plans – A short article that starts off each issue, written by one of the esteemed Brethren that comment on the essays you send in. Blueprint Blowup – Here we will take a commonly missed question, dissect it, and explain the answer. From the Drafting Table – Here we will feature an interesting person connected with the program in some way, they will answer questions pertaining to Masonic education and give advice for those interested in

furthering their individual light in Masonry. Legend – A small section with some fun facts and numbers concerning the SRMC. Annotations – A News and Notes section that will communicate everything that needs to be said about what’s going on with the SRMC Program, now and in the future. Back in March 2008, we introduced this program at the Birmingham Leadership Conference, and while we expected a good response, we are still amazed at how many of you have really taken to the idea behind this course. I hope you enjoy these newsletters, and I look forward to seeing more of your great ideas and constructive feedback in the months ahead. ±

Quiz #1 – Question #15 This may truly be the most difficult and oft-wrong-answered question in the whole program, so it seems only logical that we start here. – ed.

15. — How many Degrees did the Scottish Rite confer by name at its founding? a. Fifteen

b. Eighteen

c. Twenty-five

d. Thirty-two


The correct answer is: a. Fifteen (page 79: S.R. Ritual Monitor and Guide) Why? If you follow the narrative on the development of the Degrees on page 79, pay special attention to the last sentence of the first paragraph and the first sentence of the second paragraph: “For example, the “Prince of the Royal Secret” constituted the three degrees, 30°–32°.” “It is also important to note that the Supreme Council originally only exercised direct authority over the Seventeenth through the Thirty-third Degrees.” (See Blowup, pg. 3)

Legend Total Participants............. 1617 Completed course..............378 NMJ Participation..............33% New participants/wk. 25–30 GMs/PGMs completed..........4 Participants answering Quiz 1, #15 correctly.......5% Blueprints of the Master Craftsman is designed & laid out in the office of the Scottish Rite Journal by Elizabeth A. W. McCarthy and written & edited by Bro. Jason Van Dyke, 32°.

Blueprints of the Master Craftsman ©2008–09 The Supreme Council, 33°, A.&A.S.R. of Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A. Comments? Questions? Email

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