Alex flying into sky solo at 15 years
Toowoomba teenager Alexander Aiga-Webb celebrated a milestone moment and took his first solo flight to celebrate his 15th birthday on Sunday 1st March. The Toowoomba Anglican School student follows behind Emily Taylor who was the first to undertake a solo flight at such a young age at the Darling Downs Aero Club in 2016. Alexander's interest in flying escalated after joining the Australian Air Force Cadets 210 Squadron last year. As part of the that he attended a six day excursion camp at the Amberley Air Force Base, and flew in a military air force training aircraft and was beside himself. According to his father Garry, he returned from the camp and decided he wanted to learn to fly. "Nothing stops him, he has done indoor sky diving and is a motocross enthusiast at Morgan Park, and now flying," Mr Aiga-Webb said. Alexander did his orientation flight on October 16 last year, becoming a member of the Darling Downs Aero club the following day, and passed his solo flying exam on March 1. "I love flying because of the multi-dimensional aspect, motocross and motorcycle road racing because of the exhilaration, speed and excitement," Alexander said. He said before he undertook his first solo flight in March, he was extremely excited. "While I was flying, there was no other feeling to compare it to," Alexander said. "It was amazing, the feeling of being in full control of the plane by yourself. "I was especially happy that I had done my solo on my 15th birthday and being the youngest legal age to be able to do so." Alexander said he was currently considering following a career path into law, but hoped to incorporate his love of flying. "With flying, I would be able to provide service to clients in remote areas," he said. Toowoomba Anglican School's deputy head Gordon Oldham said the Australian Air Force Cadets 210 Squadron was advertised to the students through the school, but it was not compulsory or part of the curriculum. Mr Oldham said with the school's flexible curriculum, it was able to give students like Alexander release time from 66
scheduled lessons or activities when they see that it will assist in the development of a particular pursuit. "Alexander is a determined young man," he said. "He is experiencing success in a range of fields and flying is his latest impressive achievement. "Alexander is also an excellent motorcycle rider and has some lofty dreams when it comes to challenges which await him in the future. "He is also achieving great things with the naval cadets, as well as being involved in a range of school activities such as debating." Alexander said the Australian Air Force Cadets 210 Squadron had also been extremely supportive of him with his flying lessons. "The best part about it is the different activities it allows me to experience such as flying, outdoor knowledge and make a variety of new friends," he said. "As well, my school has been extremely supportive of me throughout the time I have been here, helping me incorporate my flying lessons along with Australian Air Force Cadets, motocross and motorcycle road racing among my schoolwork." Alexander has been awarded the Warrant Officer award by the 210 Squadron for being 'the new kid on the block that has lifted the level of professionalism in cadets to a new height'. Helen Walker | Queensland Country Life
Air Force Cadets - Superloop 500
RAAF pilots, Flight Lieutenants Kyle (left) and John visit Australian Air Force Cadets. (left to right) Cadet Erika Huntley, Cadet Corporal Riley Hobbs, Cadet Corporal Cooper Edginton and Leading Cadet Cory Forbes at Defence Corner during the Superloop Adelaide 500.
The Australian Defence Force has proudly showcased its capabilities through technology and teamwork at the Superloop Adelaide 500 from 20-23 February 2020. A RAAF F/A-18 Classic Hornet from Number 75 Squadron based at RAAF Base Tindal performed an adrenaline pumping aerial display on both race days and a low-level flypast over Pit Straight before the main race on the Sunday. At ‘Defence Corner’, Supercar fans browsed through