inspiring achievement
2012 Highlights
n Ms Emma Lawrance won a prestigious
Academic Acclaim
Academic Acclaim Teaching and Innovation Community and Alumni Engagement Research Success Distinguished Staff
Clarendon Scholarship to study at Oxford University - the only person in Australia to gain entry into the one-year, Masters in Neuroscience course. n Exploring alternative pain relief options for
women in labour by using a nasal spray or shallow skin jab was the winning entry in the University’s Three Minute Thesis Competition. PhD candidate Julie-Anne Fleet took out the annual title for her research into pain relief during childbirth. n Flinders creative writer, Chloé Eckert, won
the State Theatre Company Young Playwright of the Year Award for her perceptive and poignant play, Sage, which explored issues of mental health and suicide. n PhD student, Hannah Kent, secured a two-
novel publishing deal with the first novel based on her thesis, Burial Rites – a story based on the 1830 beheading of a female farm worker in Iceland for the alleged murder of her employer. n Third-year mechanical engineering students
from Flinders won the Weir Minerals Design and Build Competition. The Flinders team comprised James Albrechtsen Kieren Rupcic, Christopher McNeill and Jack Burgess. n The work of Flinders University researchers
to improve access to technologies for young people with disabilities was recognised with first and second place wins at the Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Association’s (ARATA) Soft Technology Awards.
Dr Anna Ziersch
Flinders University academic staff and students were recognised widely for their achievements and successes in 2012, none more so than Professor Karen Reynolds, named SA Scientist of the Year. This highest accolade capped earlier recognition for Professor Reynolds, Director of the Medical Device Research Institute, including being named in the Top 100 Most Influential Engineers in Australia (2012), Fellow of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2011) and Australian Professional Engineer of the Year (2010).
Staff n Three researchers, Associate Professor Peter
Catcheside, Professor Mark Halsey and Dr Anna Ziersch received prestigious Future Fellowships from the Australian Research Council, securing $2.18 million to fund their research over the next five years. Research supported by the Fellowships extends across the areas of cardio-respiratory medicine, criminology and primary health.
Professor Karen Reynolds SA Scientist of the Year
n Flinders staff received six Citations for
Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning from the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching (formerly ALTC). The Citations went to Associate
Photo: Ashton Claridge
Professor Marinella Marmo (Law School), Dr Peter Speck (School of Biological Sciences), Associate Professor Eileen Willis (School of Medicine), Professor Don DeBats (School of International Studies), Associate Professor Gour Dasvarma and Dr Udoy Saikia (School of the Environment) and the Yunggorendi First Nations Centre for Higher Education and Research.
n Flinders medical scientist, Associate Professor
Damien Keating, won the inaugural Leading Light Award from the Australian Society for Medical Research (SA). The award recognises mid-career health and medical researchers with the aim of highlighting the outstanding research work being undertaken in South Australia. n The History Council of South Australia
n The Asia Pacific Palliative Care Program,
delivered in Singapore as a partnership between Flinders’ Department of Palliative and Supportive Services, the National Cancer Centre Singapore and the Asia Pacific Hospice Network, won an Australian Award for University Teaching. n Professor Joe Shapter, Dean of the School
of Chemical and Physical Sciences, was awarded the Desire2Learn Innovation Award in Teaching and Learning by the Canada-based Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Professor Shapter, the only one of five recipients working outside a Canadian university, received the award for his “vital role in the creation of a new and exciting degree program in the field of nanotechnology”.
named Professor Eric Richards SA’s firstever Historian of the Year for his significant contributions to historical knowledge at the local, national and international levels. n The outstanding contribution by Dr Arthur
Van Deth to the success of Flinders’ Master of Hospital Administration taught in China has been acknowledged with a national award. The International Education Association of Australia awarded Dr Van Deth the International Education Excellence Award for Best Practice / Innovation. n Dr Rachel Popelka-Filcoff was honoured as
South Australia’s Tall Poppy of the Year for 2012 for her work analysing ochre to gain insights into Indigenous Australian culture.