TAKING A PAGE FROM THE GREATS Ellie VanDuyne ’25 with First Lady Suzanne Youngkin and Governor Glenn Youngkin at the Virginia Executive Mansion
EVERY YEAR, the Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates appoints 13- and 14-year-olds from across the state to serve as House Pages during the General Assembly Session. This year, Eleanor “Ellie” VanDuyne ’25 was one of those Pages. Ellie, a rising sophomore, found the Page Program while she was searching online for ways to get more involved in government and politics. She then met with Pia Trigiani, Chair of the Board of Trustees, who explained the program in more detail. Trigiani, a lawyer, began her career in Virginia government; she has served on several state regulatory boards and has recently completed her term as Rector of the Longwood University Board of Visitors.
Flint Hill School
Rising Sophomore Serves as Flint Hill’s First Virginia House Page