1 minute read
To the Beat of Their Drum
WITHIN MINUTES OF MEETING the students from the Upper School’s African Studies course, guest presenters from Ni Dembaya African Drum and Dance Ensemble, led by Paul Joseph, had them all on their feet jumping, clapping, laughing, and moving limbs freely in the air. The visit was timed with a unit of study pertaining to the African continent’s varied expressions of music and dance. “Paul led the class in learning a coming-ofage dance from the Malinke people who inhabit areas of both Guinea and Mali,” said Upper School History and Social Sciences Teacher Kristoff Kohlhagen. “The students enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to learn, and each one pushed themselves to master the energetic and oftentimes difficult steps. Paul taught the students about how the drums’ rhythms and dancers’ movement work together to create a cohesive and all-encompassing experience. To gain a deeper understanding of African cultures, it is imperative to recognize the central role that music and dance play.”