Módulo I: Online exercises “Personal Pronouns I & II”
Level: 1
Previous teaching Point: Occupa<ons, review of the modal “can”.
N. of SS: 15
Time: 60 min.
Aim: By the end of the class, Ss will recognize the personal pronouns by iden<fying pronouns and transposing them in a text.
Context: Famous Persons
General Objec<ve:
Grammar: Personal Pronouns
Task Teacher:
Skills: All and any
Time: 15 mins
Material: Projector, laptop, internet access, Personal Pronouns 1
Sea1ng Arrangement: Individual
Objec1ve: Ss will be tested on the basis of whether they have any knowledge about the personal pronouns by answering individually some fill-‐in-‐the-‐blanks. Lead in: Ok, guys, can you please pay aUen<on to the projec<on? Procedure: 1. T will greet Ss. 2. T will ask Ss to focus their aUen<on on the projec<on. 3. T will state that in the ten sentences, we’re missing the person (noun) so we need to put a personal pronoun. 4. T will elicit informa<on about the personal pronouns and if anybody knows them. 4.1. If no one knows, T will write all of the personal pronouns in the board. 5. T will do a model with the first two sentences. 6. T will ask Ss to individually, complete the remaining 8 sentences. 7. T will give Ss 8 minutes to do so. 8. T will check the ac<vi<es (complete the fill-‐in-‐the-‐blanks). 9. T will monitor the ac<vity. 10. T will elicit answers from Ss randomly by choosing one and then having this S to choose who is going to be next. 11. T will see how many they got correct. Link: T will assess how their individual produc<on is with the monitoring and elicita<on of the sentences, so T can address any problems. Possible Problems: • Ss may not know anything about the personal pronouns.
Possible Solu1ons: • Classmates can help; if there are none to rely on, T will move on to the “teach” part of the class.
Teach Teacher:
Skills: All and any
Time: 25 minutes
Material: Projector, laptop, internet access, Personal Pronouns II
Sea1ng Arrangement: Whole group
Objec1ve: Ss will define the personal pronouns through several examples with their own classmates by tackling on the mistakes the Ss had. Lead in: Ok, guys, be honest, who got all of them correct? Procedure: 1. T will ask Ss which of them got all of the answers correct. 2. T will check if its true by giving them more sentences. 2.1. T will make note of the amount of Ss that supposedly have knowledge of English. 3. T will take note. 4. T will ask everyone else how they did. 5. T will start elici<ng answers randomly to Ss and see whether they are correct or not. 6. T will grab a couple of the Ss that already know, one male and one female, and ask them to go to the front of the class. 7. T will ask for their names and make sentences. 8. T will ask which pronoun they would use. Then, T will make Ss to touch each other’s shoulder and elicit for the change of personal pronoun. 9. T will explain when and how personal pronouns are used. 10. T will ask Ss to answer the Personal Pronouns II. Possible Problems: • Ss may not understand
Possible Solu1ons: • T will explain more thoroughly.
Task Teacher: Material: None
Skills: Speaking
Time: 20 mins Sea1ng Arrangement: groups
Objec1ve: Ss will demonstrate the personal pronouns by presen<ng their friends to the group. Lead in: Ok guys, I want you to get together with at least 5 friends but no more than 7. Procedure: 1. T will tell students to make groups. 2. T will give one minute for the groups to be formed. 3. T will explain the ac<vity. 3.1. Ss will have to create sentences amongst themselves using the personal pronouns to present somebody. 3.2. Ss will have to have at at least one sentence per personal pronoun. 4. T will select a team and they will have to come to the front and act their sentences. 5. Ss will have to check whether they are correct or not. 6. T will ask another group to go to the front and act it in the same way. Possible Problems: • Ss may be shy.
Possible Solu1ons: • T will help them in saying their sentences.