Light up a life

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Your local hospice St Luke’s is the local hospice for Harrow and Brent. We care for people whose illnesses are no longer curable, enabling them to attain the best possible quality of life during the later stages of their illnesses. Thousands of patients in Harrow and Brent have been helped or supported by St Luke’s and most families in the boroughs will know someone who will need the services of the hospice at some time in their lives. Our services include:

Care at Home. Many patients would prefer to spend as much time as possible at home. The Hospice at Home team provides personal care packages, responding rapidly to patients needs so that they can remain at home or be discharged rapidly from hospital or hospice and die at home if that is their wish. The Community Palliative Care team provides advice and support to GPs and District nurses as well as providing skilled care to patients in their own homes. Patient and Family Support Services. When someone has a life threatening progressive illness, relationships may come under pressure and additional emotional and practical support is provided to encourage and enable families to adapt and find a way forward together. Bereavement is a very personal and sometimes challenging event which can give rise to many unexpected feelings. St Luke’s bereavement service provides confidential, individual and group support to the family and friends of those who were known to the hospice.

Patient posed by volunteer

The 12 bedded In-Patient Unit which offers assessment, symptom management control, respite, and end of life care. Many patients are admitted for short periods only, for a specific problem, and are able to go home again following assessment and treatment. Day Care provides holistic care to patients, looking at their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. Patients enjoy the support of a multidisciplinary team including doctors, nurses, social workers, and therapists as well as the chance to socialise with other patients.

Patient posed by volunteer

Complementary Therapies including acupuncture, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, reflexology, relaxation, sound and music, and spiritual healing, are offered to help deal with a range of issues including pain, anxiety, breathlessness and sleep disturbances.

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Here at St Luke’s we are proud to provide all of our services free of charge The Hospice receives less than 30% of its funding from the NHS and relies on the generosity of our community to raise the £3 million we need each year to provide free end of life care in the Harrow and Brent community. Every contribution made towards St Luke’s makes a real difference to the lives of our future generations. Thanks and acknowledgments

Harrow Apollo Male Choir

St Luke’s would like to thank everyone who has supported this year’s Light up a Life. A special thanks goes to:

The Choir was formed in 1941 at the de-Havilland Aircraft Factory in Edgware, originally known as the ‘de-Havilland Male Voice Choir’. The Choir has changed its name to the Beverly Singers, Apollo Male Voice Choir and more recently to the Harrow Apollo Male Choir to signify the strong links with the Borough of Harrow.

The Harrow Apollo Male Choir Rachelle Goldberg – Violin player Tushar Dave – Volunteer and speaker The volunteers who supported the event All the supporters who have dedicated a light on St Luke’s tree and who have remembered a loved one with the Hospice.

The choir’s Deputy Accompanist, Avis Gerry played a key role in organising the music for Light up a Life. She is also the musical director and accompanist for other choral and music groups across Harrow and runs a Church singing group who perform for local residential homes and church fellowships.

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Event Programme Visitors welcomed

with a Light up a Life programme and candle. Refreshments and mince pies are available.


introduction and a few words by St Luke’s Chairman, Mike Redhouse

A few words

by St Luke’s Day-Care Clinical Manager, Annie James-Woollacott


by St Luke’s Palliative Care Social Worker/Bereavement Service Coordinator, Rhonda Culshaw Afterglow I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one. I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun; Of happy memories that I leave when life is done. Author is unknown

Harrow Apollo Male Choir sing:

You Raise Me Up Words and music by Brendan Graham and Rolf Lovland and arranged by Roger Emerson. Anthem Music by Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus. Lyrics by Time Rice. Kumbaya - Arrangement by K J Dinham.

A few words

by St Luke’s volunteer and Light up a Life supporter, Tushar Dave

Rachelle Goldberg

plays Ashokan farewell by Greg Scott on the violin

A few words

by St Luke’s Chairman, Mike Redhouse who will thank everyone who has supported and been involved in this year’s Light up a Life

Visitors are invited

to switch on their candles at the same time as the Hospice tree lights are switched on.

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

OUR SERVICES IN THEIR WORDS ‘My dad experiences pain when he sits for a long time because of his heavy weight loss, and the massages he had at St Luke’s helped to relax his body and give him a good sleep. He enjoys every minute of his Wednesday visits to Day-Care and really appreciates the help he gets from all the staff and volunteers. He likes meeting other patients who are in a similar situation.’ Family of a patient cared for by St Luke’s DayCare Unit ‘In the final two weeks of Mum’s life, St Luke’s staff came into our home morning, day and night to see to Mum’s personal needs. They were so friendly and kind and gentle with her. They gave her the special care that she required, whilst allowing her to keep her dignity. They brought a breath of fresh air and a welcome relief to the rest of the family during the most difficult times. Being at home was Mum’s wish as well as ours.

We wanted to support her and it meant that all of our close family and friends were able to visit and be there for her.’ Family of a patient cared for by Hospice at Home

Patient posed by volunteer

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Leave a gift for St Luke’s in your Will to help continue free Hospice care for future generations Legacies are a crucial part of our income. In 2012 they raised over £600,000 for our patients, enough to cover the cost of our community teams, who visit patients in their own homes, enabling them to be cared for in familiar surroundings rather than being admitted to hospital. Your family, friends and those causes closest to your heart are your priority when it comes to making a Will. Making sure that your final affairs are kept in the way that you think is best can make you feel at ease and put your mind at rest. If you choose to include a gift to St Luke’s in your will you can be sure it will make a lasting difference to local people who really need it.

Legacies to charities are generally exempt from inheritance tax, so a gift in your Will to St Luke’s could be tax free for us and in some circumstances could reduce the amount of inheritance tax for which your loved ones are liable. For further information about leaving a gift in your will, please contact the Legacies Officer on 020 8382 8143 or visit

Kevin Beever left a legacy to St Luke’s in his will and his son Danny told us, ‘I was in Croatia with my children for the summer when my brother called me with the news. Although cancer hadn’t been confirmed, I somehow knew that it would be terminal. My father was admitted to St Luke’s InPatient Unit. While we were there, ALL the staff were so unbelievably nice to us. My father has known about St Luke’s for a long time. He took part in the Hospice’s Lottery and he left £5,000 in his Will to St Luke’s.’

Patient posed by volunteer

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

St Luke’s Festive events December - Christmas Wrapping

St Luke’s volunteers will be offering a gift wrapping service in exchange for a donation at St Ann’s and St George’s shopping Centre in Harrow in the 2 week lead up to Christmas. If you dread the thought of wrapping your presents, come along to our stall and help raise money for your local Hospice at the same time. We also need lots of volunteers to help with wrapping. If you can help, please phone 020 8382 8018. Sun 15 Dec - Santa Dash Get into the festive spirit and take part in our 3-mile Santa Dash walk around Pinner on Sunday 15 December.

Santas of all ages can take part and you will receive a Santa suit to walk in as well as a medal and mince pie on completion. Entry is £10 for adults, £5 for children or £25 for a family of 5 and we ask participants to raise sponsorship. Registration is from 10am and the dash starts at 11am at Nower Hill High School on George V Avenue. Visit www. or phone Kate on 020 8382 8096.

Organise your own event Show off your talents with friends, family, colleagues and neighbours and support the Hospice at the same time. Open your garden, organise a tea party, or get your whole street involved in a community event. We have lots of ideas, tips and information online at www. For all event bookings and information, visit or phone 020 8382 8000.

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

St Luke’s Light up life dedications Thank you to everyone who donated towards St Luke’s Light up a Life appeal. Your dedications have been listed below. Unfortunately dedications received after Thursday 7 November could not be included in the book and are displayed at the event together with the special messages received with dedications. Surname Abrardo Adsley Alcorn Alcorn Allen Allen Alleyne Amasanti Amasanti Amey Armstrong Arrigo Attari Ausiello Axtell Baker Baker Baker Ballard Bara Bara Bara Barber Barber Barker Barker Barker Barker Barker Barley

First Name Surname First Name Surname First Name Andreas C. Barnatsos Elizabeth Brock Remo Lesley Baron Pam Brooksmith Jim John Florence Brown Mr & Mrs George Barrett mary Barrett Edward Brown Mr & Mrs Ray Uncle Derek Barton Daniel Browne Barry Derek Barton Alan Brownell Sandra Crissie Bass Geoffrey Bunn Leroy Arthur Bateman Ed Byrne Paul Esther Bates Maureen Byrne Helene Rita Beadle Bridget Caden Joan Michael Beard Chris Cadman Carol Mary Beattie Ellen Callaghan Vincenzo Jeanie Beauchamp Icilda Campbell Katy Kevin Beever Jean Cant Tammy Patricia Benfield Jean Margurite Cant Sue Peter Benjamin William Capstick Terry Joan Bennett Stefany Carlin Dorothy James Bennett Helen Carroll David Eileen Besant William Chambers Joan Walter Biggs Elizabeth Chapman Jane Malcolm Boileau Cherrington Ann Ronny Sidney Bolton Cherrington Will Melvyn Esther Booth Mahendra Chohan Alice Tony Booth Jayanti Chohan George Sharron Boreham Peter Clark Bernard Eileen & Eric Bottomley Sylvia Clarke Olive Lily Bourne Christine William Clements Brady Mary Ann Dorothy Cocks Cyril Patrick Brady Anthnoy Coggans May Ernie Bridgman Phyllis Dawn Cole ................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Surname Colley Collins Connell Connor Connor Connor Cook Corcoran Crosby Crosby Cross Cross Cross Cuggy Cuggy Cummins Currah Cuthbert Dave Davidson Davidson Davies Davies Davis Davis Davis Davis Dawe Debono Denman Detre Dhiman Dipple Dodd Dodia Dodia

First Name Dora Diane Denis Margaret Bridget Joseph Douglas Con Lily Philip Norman Muriel Valerie Margaret Michael Bernie Alison Jane Hugh Jaswant Ian Roger Mark Robert Maria Eddie Laura Bridget Sheila David Daisy Beatie Peter Nasibchand Ronald Mary Maganlal Veenay

Surname Donovan Dooley Dooley Dudhaia Duffin Duniatus Duniatus Dunne Dyos Edwards Edwards Egan Eggleston Eggleston Elliott Elliott Ewen Faint Faint Faint Fairhead Fairhead Falconer Falk Fall Farmer Farrell Fineburgh Flanagan Flint Foal Fogden Fox Foxen Francis Frank

First Name Mary & James Elizabeth Patrick Hitendra Robin Andrew Sue Thomas Susan Dorothy Winifred Ellen Lilias William Grahame Gladys Abbie David Frank Norma David John Pat Ron Keith Frank Frank June Elizabeth Gerald Frank Patricia Joyce Kenneth Jean Marie Lionel Albert Jane (Marey)

Surname Franklin Franklin Freed Frewin Frost Gale Gale Galea Gall Gall Georgiou Gibbs Gibbs Gilbertson Gilbertson Gilbreath Gill Gill Gittings Gladwin Good Graham Grech Grech Grech Green Gridley Guildford Gunter Haines Hallet Hampton Harding Harper Harris Hazell

First Name Joyce Sidney Percy Ernest Margy Bessie George Anthony Gladys Percy Tony Susan John Beryl Beryl Sophie John Irene Leonard Linda Patricia Valeria William Tonya Salvina Michael Bill Michael Victor Doris Malcolm Stanley Francis Bryan Janet Doreen George

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Surname Hazell Heasman Hentges Herbert Herbert Herity Hersham Hobba Hodgson Hogan Hogan Holden Hollis Holt Hord Horrigan Howard Howcroft Hughes Hughes Hughes Humphreys Hunjan Hunt Hurcombe Jackson James James James James Jenkins John Johns Johnson Jolly Jones

First Name Peter Ivy Danuta Liz George John Philomena Enid Peter Bridie Bridie Paula Mum & Dad Derek John Frederick Gerald Joan Edith Annie Bernard Gillian Doris Davinder Singh James Joan Bill Bill Clifford Chris & Charlotte Terry Marjorie Waifong Noel Thelma Sid Thomas

Surname Jones Jozwicka Judge Kalidas Karunaratne Kavanagh Kennedy Keogh Kerai Kew Kew Kilkenny Kilkenny Kilkenny King Krasniqi Kutner Kyriacou Kyriacou Lacey Lalljee Lam Po Tang Lamport Lamport Landau Lander Lane Lawrence Lech Lee Lee Leslie Levy Levy Levy Levy

First Name Monique Stanistawa Bridget Teresa Vallabhdas Melanie William Len John Kanji Lalji Winifred Edward Elizabeth Peter John Trevor Elaine Michael Andreas Christina John Amin Helen Chokie William Lilian John Henry Mark Stewart John Stnislawa Margaret Eric Derrick Harry Lilian Maisie Susan

Surname Lightwood Lightwood Lister Liu Lloyd Lock Loder Lomas Lowman Lukeman Lyons Mackenzie Madhavji Madigan Magri Magri Mainprice Maliney Mann Marks Marsden Martini Maru Maskell Mason Mason Matthias May May McCoy McCullagh McCullagh McFarlane McFarlane McGovern McGovern

First Name Olive Tom John Wing Siu Sylvia Clifford Jill Amanda Raymond Tim Michael Robert Mansukh Joan Louis Mary Leslie Mark Valerie Leonard Edward Palmiro Hemlataben June Margaret James Valerie Mark Sadie James J Patrick Mary Janet Hugh Winnie Terry

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Surname McGrath McGrath McIntosh McLauchlan McLauchlan McMillan McSwiney Merrick Millar Millar Miller Mistry Mistry Mistry Mistry Mistry Mlodnicka Mlodnicki Mlodnicki Modha Monaghan Moore Moore Morahan Mostyn Moylan Mullins Mungovan Mungovan Murphy Murphy Murray Murray Murray Mustillo Mustoe

First Name Carmel Patrick Michele Jennifer William David Kathleen Pamela Isabella Abe Barbara Dullabhbhai Jamnaben Jinabhai Ambaben Jashu Hanna Zbigniew Jurek Shamil M Robert Harry Helen Brian Olive Wendy Anne Molly Nora John Joe Mary Patrick Rita Harry Carl Mario Mark

Surname Mustoe Mustoe Nagar Narine Nicholas Nicholls Nott Nussbaum O’Boyle O’Connor O’Dell O’Dell O’Donnell O’Donovan O’Donovan O’Driscoll O’Dwyer O’Dwyer O’Dwyer O’Dwyer O’Moore Ondhia O’Neill O’Neill Owen Page Paice Paice Pais Palmiro Panfili Patel Patel Patel Patel Patel

First Name Tony Peter Kieron Anjanie Lilian Barrie Dorothy Ben Ethel Hannah Vic Jean Joy Jim Birdie Billy Richard Nicholas Elizabeth Martin Eamon Jyotsna Patricia Alice Michael (Rev.) Gordon Frederick Peter Alwyn Martini Luciano Shivji Bhoja Lirbai Dilip K Vasanti Bijal

Surname Patel Patel Patterson Patterson Pattni Peake Penman Peters Pfeffer Pietrzyk Pietrzyk Pike Pincas Pinchen Poole Porteous Prescott Prescott Preston Proctor Putnam Putnam Radick Rahman Raingold Raingold Rasul Raval Rawal Richmond Ridout Riley Robb Robbens Robson Robson

First Name Purshottam Rama Richard Violet Kiran Raymond Kate Lionel Agustin Margaret Zdzislaw Neil Joe Lesley Irene Juliette Ronald Joan Doreen Brenda William Edith Brenda & Philip Saif Lina Michael Ikbal Chandrabala Chandra Keith David Winifred Eileen Mr Florence George

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

Surname Rodigrues Rose Rosenthal Ross Rough Rozario Safir Sandford Sarkar Scott Scrase Severne MBE Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Shah Sharpe Sheehan Sheikh Sheridan Shortland Shwartz Sinden Sired Skinner Skinner Skinner Smith Smith Smith Sonin Sonnenvirth Soree Southernwood

First Name Holly David Samuel Sheena Terry George Lawrence Marilyn Naresh John Yvonne Antony Babu Dina Dhiren Chandriben Mohanlal Sumantlal John Denis Nazir A Owen Robin Jean Hilda Gwen Barbara John Ivy Frank Jack Geoffrey E David Rudi Reshma Janet

Surname Southernwood Stern Stevens Stewart Stivala Talib Thorn Todd Todd Todd Tomlin Tomlin Toon Torbett Tucker Tucker Turvey Tynan Vaghela Vaghela Vala Valentine Varsani Verden Vincent Vyas Vyas Walsh Walsh Wasell Waterman Watson Watts Webber Webber Weglarz

First Name Peter Barbara Rita Michael J. John Salma Doris Arthur Peter Alan Mary Fred Kate Edward Sylvia Garry Margaret Philomena Bhaniben Nanji Popatlal Pamela Kantaben Davshi Hilda Margo Himatram Lilavati Amy Thomas Sheila Elizabeth Sarah Fredrick Florence Patrick Jozef

First Name Niall Norman Geraldine Thomas Deborah Eric Peggy Leonard Carol Gwilym Chris Marion George Mabel William Coral Stephen Freddie Patrick Jim Jill Frank Barbara Ken Beattie Bambrick and Tyrrell families Mum, Alan & Richard Max Tyler Marie & Ann Richi & Georde Doran Family Donovan Family General support St Luke’s All my family Patients St Luke’s Mum, Dad, Loved ones Surname Weir Westlake Wheeler Whitbread White Widdis Widdis Wiggins Williams Williams Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wood Yon Yon Yon Young

................................................................................................................................ LIGHT UP A LIFE | SUNDAY 1st DECEMBER, 4:30PM - 5:30PM

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