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The ‘honeymoon period’ is clearly over for Proligna , which was formed a few years ago as a brand new company by the Roos family from Betekom (B). With over 25 years of experience in developing and producing parquet and other wood-related products, Proligna has managed in no time at all to put together a versatile assortment in floor, wall, and stair covering for the interior plus wooden wall cladding. For parquet professionals, Q-Floor certainly means a wonderful extension to the range.
Q-Floor is for anywhere in the home We see the first sign of versatility in how the Q-Floor range is used. Indeed, you can find Q-Floor ‘anywhere’ in the home. Obviously, Q-Floor Parquet leads the way and we consider that in more depth below. The accompanying frame is provided by Q-Floor Profiles, a range of solid wood skirting boards, veneer skirting boards (with an oak base), and white-lacquered skirting boards (also with an oak
base). With the Q-Wall indoor, the brand has taken full advantage of the current rave in 3D wall cladding in oak and thermo-oak. For outdoors there is Q-Wall outdoor with wall cladding in padauk and thermo-ayous. The four different models of customised stair nosing (Z, L, N, and U) under the brand name Q-Stair are the cherry on the cake.
Q-Floor Parquet leads the way Q-Floor Parquet offers clients a world of options for transforming their home or place of work into trendy and tasteful surrounds. We enter the path of two-layer floor covering (birch plywood with a 4mm thick layer of oak on top). Q-Floor Parquet is easy to fit and requires little maintenance.
Qualities Various combinations are on offer for quality selection. There is a nice mix of first choice and bis in Prime-Bis, which allows for small
healthy knots and refined differences in colour (sleek and stylish). We get an even more natural look with Bis-Rustic A, whilst Rustic A looks timeless and elegant with healthy knots and natural differences. Authentic and full of character, that’s Rustic BC, with bigger knots, differences in colour, and sap.
Endless finishes With their names they pass through the most eye-catching Belgian towns and cities. From the tiny and picturesque Durbuy, which indicates a finish with pure and neutral oil, to the cosmopolitan and robust look of a world class capital city like Brussels, there are smoked, brushed, and white oiled finishes. For instance, the finish options include a full pallet ranging from ‘untreated’ to all existing finishes or combinations of them (e.g. Louvain, Dinant, Namur, and Ostend).
Even a full choice of colours- Q-FLOOR 4 YOU All tailored to the clients! Clients themselves can design their parquet for width, quality, design, finish, and even colour. The Rubio Monocoat colour range supplies 40 colours to enrich the natural look of the wood. The Antiqua colour range offers options of aged floors with a weathered look.
Ecology on top! Products in the Q-Floor range are PEFC certified. There is a growing market demand for products which are ecological and socially responsible. We are moving towards a society which accepts its responsibility and in the long term will insist on nothing but labelled wood and/or paper products. PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) is a worldwide certification scheme which guarantees sustainable forest management. To be precise, PEFC promotes forest management which is ecological, socially responsible, and economically feasible. The PEFC label guarantees consumers that the products which they buy originate from sustainably managed forests. And so, it is no surprise that Proligna has drawn its inspiration for Q-Floor Prolaat from the PEFC rules and, amongst other things, accepts responsibility in this way.
Yet there’s more! The PEFC quality label is an important signal, but the contribution made by Q-Floor goes even further. With Q-Profile and Q-Wall Indoor, for instance, Q-Floor helps you to make new products even

more ecological by using surplus wood in the production to reduce wood waste to a minimum. Another interesting point is the fact that Q-Floor Parquet can be fitted perfectly well onto floor heating, another favourable point for the planet since it means a considerable saving in energy.
You will find more information on www.q-floor.com