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The injection head of the TRC 1500 works in tandem with an application unit with special application system to fill smaller defects with filling material, which is then subsequently rolled in. Larger defects are repaired by the injection head. This results in an excellent price/performance ratio.
Order placed: TRC 1500 NT with non-thermoplastic filling material As the company had had such positive experiences, Veno decided to opt for WINTERSTEIGER again and order the TRC 1500 NT – the evolution of the TRC 1500. This machine works Veno employee Mike Merlijn using the TRC 1500 system for the fully-automatic repair of wooden surfaces: with non-thermoplastic filling User-friendly operation, precise results, and speed are some of the main advantages of this system for Veno. material and can be used universally. It was important "Veno Wood Flooring" is known for its high-quality "Made to Hielke Oosten that they stuck with one solution provider. in Holland" oak flooring. The company has been working "WINTERSTEIGER customer and after-sales service is unbeatawith WINTERSTEIGER machines for 5 years and now has ble and we always look forward to a new machine!" says Oosten. 2 DSB Twinhead NG XM thin-cutting band saws with a total of 4 saw modules, 2 DSB Compact XM thin-cutting In focus: User friendliness, precision, and speed band saws, and a TRC 1500 system for fully-automatic For Veno, user friendliness, precision, and speed were top of the repair of wood surfaces. 40 employees use this to list for the new machine's characteristics. When working man produce 500,000 m 2 of oak flooring with 3, 4, and 5 mm ually, it was not possible to adjust the pressure during filling to top layers per year. As the company was highly satisfied ensure optimum filling of knotholes. Veno uses the TRC 1500 to with the machines and service from WINTERSTEIGER, process 30 % of the wood floorboards. The company is expecting Veno recently decided to order the newly developed that the new TRC 1500 NT with non-thermoplastic filling material TRC 1500 NT system, based on non-thermoplastic filling will increase performance, so that TRC systems can be used to material, as an addition to its existing TRC 1500 system, cover almost 100 % of the demand. based on thermoplastic filling material. The TRC systems are developed by "VAP Gruber Automations GmbH", Oosten is optimistic about the future: ‘Our mission is to provide a member of the WINTERSTEIGER group. top quality and give our customers peace of mind. Moreover, Already in operation: TRC 1500 affordable. We are expecting the parquet flooring market to Veno owner Hielke Oosten commented on the purchase of the first change considerably, since we work with a natural product and TRC system for the fully-automatic repair of defects: "One of the technology, neither of which ever stands still. We’ve been a major reasons why we invested in the TRC system was that we really trust player on the Dutch market for year, but over the last two years WINTERSTEIGER machines. One major advantage is that with the we have also established ourselves internationally within our sec TRC 1500, we can continue to process the wooden slats right after tor. It is important for us to maintain a healthy market share. As filling. All the other providers require 12 to 24 hours of drying time." regards exports, we expect to make more considerable progress The injection head carries out 1.5 million injections before it needs in 2020 en 2021. Thanks to the WINTERSTEIGER machines, we servicing. The TRC 1500 can repair 700 m 2 in 1.5 work shifts. are at the cutting edge of technology and ready for the future.’ despite the level for which we strive, our prices are remarkably application unit, significantly increasing capacity. It uses an For more information please visit us on www.wintersteiger.com