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Product news
Renzo Borgonovo and FNT-Trabattoni Stampi would like to highlight here the roller’s patterns FNT#101 and FNT#102/103 visible in the printed advertisement. Both are new 2021 patterns, the Rustic Wood is a splendid reproduction of an ancient, weather-aged plank: a wonderful design for a country-side atmosphere. The Wavy Wood pattern is, on the contrary, a well designed geometric pattern, which can fit in countless scenarios. Its fine and not excessive impact is elegant, and it well plays with dark and light spots. We would like to highlight a technical detail of the embossing roller: this first roller has been made subdivided into two sections: a section where the pattern is positioned horizontally, and a section where it is positioned vertically. This, despite reducing the overall width of the design, enables the customer to have two different patterns on the same roller. This concept could be well utilized for geometrical patterns, where a width variation is not important. For more info, make sure to contact us!
Chipps, which has completely redesigned the OSB panel into a trendy, finished, and ready-for-use product for floors, walls, and ceilings, works constantly on the development of new collections and designs. Two recently added collections, Gourmet WoodChipp and Grill WoodChipp, respond to the growing demand for the look of real wood with a 3D effect.
The earlier Tasty Wood Boards from Chipps were joined first of all by Gourmet WoodChipp. The Gourmet WoodChipp gives you the look of planks, with real elm wood scanned in 3D. After that, the images are processed onto each plank separately. This creates a natural end result. In turn, Grill WoodChipp responds to the growing popularity of special patterns, in this case the herringbone pattern.
MEISTER LD 250 Light field oak 6843
MEISTER is offering laminate floors which remain water-resistant for between 4 and 24 hours. This means that all MEISTER laminate floors with a minimum thickness of 8 mm are suitable for bathrooms. The MEISTER laminate floor AquaSafe system comprises several elements which protect the floor against moisture penetration: a watertight melamine surface, new AquaStop edge impregnation, a refined joint seal, and a swelling-enhanced base plate.
Both the LL250 (S) and LD 250 collections are 10 mm thick and therefore have an exceptionally stable product structure and, according to the definition of the European and American laminate sectors, remain water-resistant for 24 hours.
The LD150 stands out for its price-quality ratio. The excellent technical features, combined with splendid designs, mean that this 8 mm laminate floor with four V-grooves and a water-resistant character for four hours is absolutely ideal for the bathroom.
Read more on www.floor-forum.com/en/news
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INTERNATIONAL trade journal for import, export, distribution and laying of parquet, laminate, cork flooring and related products
N° 107 February 2020 - Price: €8 - Published 7 times a year - (Feb, March, May, July, Sept, Nov, Dec) Office of delivery 9099 Ghent X, P911092, BC 31359 - Responsible Publisher: Filip De Ridder
Special: Poland
Review: Domotex Hannover (D)
Advertorial: Belgiqa (B)
Special: Outdoor fl oors: wood & composite
Special: Who has handmachines for roughening up old tiles, scraping the screed,…
Special: Repairing substrates: who has the products for this purpose? The concept of decking to clip
INTERNATIONAL trade journal for import, export, distribution and laying of parquet, laminate, cork flooring and related products
N° 109 May 2020 - Price: €8 - Published 7 times a year - (Feb, March, May, July, Sept, Nov, Dec) Office of delivery 9099 Ghent X, P911092, BC 31359 - Responsible Publisher: Filip De Ridder
Special: Rwanda
Special: Producers of wooden/composite wall cladding
© thermory.com
Advertorial: Q-Floor Parquet (B)
Special: Parquet oil
Advertorial: Dinachoc (F)
Special: Producers of style panels concept terrace to clip.
invisible fixations. perfect finishes.
© alfresco Our magazine, that is distributed all over the world, targets professionals from the floor coverings sector and the wooden façade claddings. Floor Forum International, that from its start focussed on parquet floors both indoor and outdoor, every year aims at informing its readers about the newest trends and novelties. In it, among other things, you read all about trends and innovations for parquet floors, and this in all kind of wood species, vinyl, LVT, PVC, wooden façade claddings, glues, varnishes, subfloors, deckings,…
For more than 11 years already, Floor Forum International is appreciated by all the major players in the sector, who help determine the contents of the magazine thanks to their novelties that are accompanied by the necessary explanation. In every edition, the magazine singles out one particular country. In doing this, the readers not only discover the sociopolitical history of that country, but at the same time are also informed about the economic potential for what wood is concerned.
Are you an installer of parquet floors or a timber trader, an importer, a distributor, a wholesaler, a carpenter with employees, an agent, an interior architect, an interior designer, a decorator, a manager of a shop specializing in decoration, an entrepreneur in the world of construction or a manufacturer…? If this is the case, our magazine is an exceptionally good source of reference for you.
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The insulation underlay Dinachoc® S801® o ers a solution to neighbour noise and other noise which you might possibly neighbour noise and other noise which you might possibly cause. It absorbs both incoming and outgoing sounds and absorbs both incoming and outgoing sounds and stops them spreading.
Thanks to its composition of 100% rubber (from recycled Thanks to its composition of 100% rubber (from recycled used tyres), it provides insulation properties and an acoustic used tyres), it provides insulation properties and an acoustic comfort which is unique in its sort. The S801 underlay is one of comfort which is unique in its sort. The S801 underlay is one of the few which can boast the classification A+, GEV EMICODE classification A+, GEV EMICODE

In short, this is an underlay with very low emissions of Volatile In short, this is an underlay with very low emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), and that ensures ideal air quality in Organic Compounds (VOC), and that ensures ideal air quality in the interior. It ensures peace and quiet for your neighbours, a the interior. It ensures peace and quiet for your neighbours, a considerable improvement in the acoustics in your interior, and considerable improvement in the acoustics in your interior, and at the same time ideal ecology because the DINACHOC products at the same time ideal ecology because the DINACHOC products
form an integral part of a circular economy with use of form an integral part of a circular economy with use of materials which are recycled infinitely.

Nor should we forget a price/quality ratio which puts paid Nor should we forget a price/quality ratio which puts paid to most other solutions on the market because it unites to most other solutions on the market because it unites performance, stability, immutability, and convenient fitting. performance, stability, immutability, and convenient fitting. The Dinachoc experts advise you to fit the S801® underlay on The Dinachoc experts advise you to fit the S801® underlay on your floors and walls. It absorbs the sound of footsteps and your floors and walls. It absorbs the sound of footsteps and airborne noises (floors and walls), circumvents sound boxes airborne noises (floors and walls), circumvents sound boxes and all impact sounds of low frequency (the most frequent and all impact sounds of low frequency (the most frequent disruptive sounds), and improves the acoustics of your rooms disruptive sounds), and improves the acoustics of your rooms considerably. considerably.