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From now on, all forces will be bundled with the organization Group Blanchon together with three other strong brands for the treatment and finishing of wood. The Group owes its name to the French market leader Blanchon, but now also includes Ciranova, Ciranova Tech and RIGO the paint factory from the Netherlands which is the ideal leverage to strengthen its position on the Benelux market.
Blanchon originated in France in 1832 and formed the Group Blanchon five years ago as the engine for an internationalization of the brand. Blanchon itself includes products for interior and exterior wood treatment. Last year, the Belgian company Ciranova joined the group, with its strong portfolio of products for interior joinery and with Ciranova Tech, the range of products for industrial customers was also added.
The fact that the various brands are now part of the Group Blanchon, is a great added value for the craftsman. We now offer more options through the exchange of knowledge of the various brands. In recent months, the Blanchon Group has therefore invested heavily in training and in exchanges between brands and employees. This year, the Blanchon Group will be present at Houtpro + and for good reason.
The Dutch brand Rigo, the paint factory, has been part of the group since May and this is how we want to further profile ourselves on the Benelux market with a focus on the manufacturer’s wood treatment products. As an umbrella organization for the wood sector, we are even stronger with Rigo in our ranks. Moreover, the brand name Rigo resonates with the Dutch wood processor. In the coming months and years, the Group will continue to focus on Blanchon on the Benelux market.
During the HOUTPRO PLUS trade fair in the Netherlands, we proudly introduced our brand new Group Blanchon. We also presented the four brands that we distribute further in the Benelux.
Firstly Ciranova, the brand for the wood professional looking for unique colors and sensations. Then Blanchon, this is the brand for the wood professional who has many requirements for wood protection, both indoors and certainly also for outdoor projects.
Thirdly, RIGO, the Dutch brand for the wood professional that offers very unique solutions, focused on craftsmanship and efficiency. Finally, Ciranova Tech, the brand for small and large industrial wood processors.
We are the right partner for wood professionals who want to distinguish themselves in terms of quality and efficiency. We have a full range of bio-based products and are ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

For more information visit us on www.ciranova.eu