Trendwatching for the one billion, from coolhunting to trendwatching.
Designfull innovation for one billion people | Floortje Meijer | 0860862
In this chapter I will explain my trend and personal interest in this trend. After that I would like to point out the importance of trendwatching, especially when you observe and look differently. The covering trend I chose is smart living. This trend can be described as making life easier for human people, especially in their home environment or in their lifestyles. I would like to focus my trend report on human health. My trend can be named as: healthcare as a break. I would like to create a concept which makes people more aware of their happiness during their busy day. Besides that, I think it’s important that people clear their mind now and then. In my concept I want to help people by preventing them by getting ‘stuck in the system’. My personal interest in this trend is related to my interest in psychology. Besides that, I am interested in the motivations and values from people all over the world. For instance when I am walking at Rotterdam station I wonder what all human livestories about. I could walk there for hours. The importance of observing and looking differently is important for trendwatching. After trendresearch you have a lot of observations: pictures, meanings, thoughts etc. These all can be analysed. While analyzing it is important
to look from a distance and let your subjective thoughts behind. Then you will look from another perspective and can feel empathy for other motivations. Often you will find patterns and underlying mental motivations, which can be useful to undermine (unexpected) trends.
The big trend: ‘smart living’ will be my focus during this minor. Within this trend I chose the direction healthcare which I named: Healthcare as a break. Now it’s time to do some research in this area. Trends are visible on different levels. We can divide them into three types: Micro level - products & services The last couple of years there were a few innovations that improved our efficiency in households. The experience of our households is changed by these innovations. For instance the Philips Hue, a light system which offers you different modes that you can adjust via your smartphone. These modes allow people to enjoy an experience by color. For instance the color blue gives you a relaxed feeling and helps you sleep better at night. On the other hand there is Nest, a temperature system, that can be adjusted by your needs. It gives you the possibility to set the right temperature, even when you’re not home at the moment. Besides the experience based products in your household, there are additions which can improve your rest during the day. The app: ‘Head Space’ gives you a 30-minute-break by meditating whenever
you need. The idea behind the concept is that after using it people feel more relaxed and be more aware of the space around them.
Meso level - human: behavior & needs The meso level is focused on the human behavior and needs. Nowadays the internet of things made life a lot easier. As earlier explained, there are a few products that helps us in our households. People want to put less effort in actions. Everything needs to be efficient and based on your personal needs and behavior. Further it is helpful when the products work together and ‘understand’ each other. Nest, which I mentioned earlier, should know when you earlier home if it is happen more often. This product also helps you saving money. From economical view it is helpful to save money when you aren’t home. In this time people want to live eco-concious. They are against waste of money, time and environment. Smart products helps them to be more aware of their costs and time. Most of the time you can view your bills during the month. This helps to get more grip on your behavior.
These days, people are more aware of the use of their technoligical devices. More people insert a break without using any technology. There is a need for a more analogue life, as a counter movement against digilization. Because of the fact that people always connected with the world, they experience more stress. They is always a possibility to view your friends’ timeline. From sociological view people are always connected without seeing each other. Moreover, they become more individualistic. Although there is also the personalization trend. People want to show themselves to the world. They want to be authentic and want to tell this with their appearence, motivations and opinions. There is a possibility to do that on your own social media canal or on a vlog or a blog. Besides that, you can share you personality in daily life.
Macro level - driving forces & society developments Looking at the macro level, that’s focused on the driving forces and the society developments, there are a few trends going on. The world will become smaller, more aged, more city-focused and more polarised between the rich and poor. Besides that, the climate will change and the economic power will shift. Some multi-nationals are growing and have more power than ever expected. As an illustration Apple and Google are able to convince people with what they always wanted. By way of contrast the government is less powerful than before, although the citizens have a stronger voice nowadays. On social media and blogs they can show themselves and share their opinion and motivations, which can be refered to the more connected world. On the other hand, the world population is ageing. The
elderly could use the technological products and experience more efficiency. Most of the time, they can’t understand the products because they didn’t grow up with knowing the gestures.
BASIC NEEDS Which deep consumer needs and desires does this trend adress?
their money in their households. By a smart temperature sensor as ‘Nest’ people can save their money on the bills.
The need to have a break once in a while. To forget the world around you, to reflect on the day and enjoy with all the happines every moment of the day. This is because of the busy days nowadays. Everything is based on money and working hard.
Also the need for efficiency is a shift. People don’t want to put effort in preparing their home environment when they come back from work. When it is a possibility to let other things do the work, they would take that opportunity.
Refering to the big trend ‘smart living’ everybody wants to have efficiency in their lives. They want to have a break when possible and enjoy their evenings at home without worries about their bills and technological settings. So for example ‘Nest’ can set itselves by knowing when you are at home and then put your temperature at the prefered height. DRIVERS OF CHANGE Why is this trend emerging now? What’s changing? 1) Shifts: long term, widespread macro changes Because of the sustainbility trend people want to save
2) Triggers: Recent, short term changes or technologies The need of having their own experience in their household. They would like to create their own authentical home with their own settings. The ‘Philips Hue’ helps them to create their own experience by mixing colors in their homes. You could for instance choose for a relaxed or party experience. EMERGING CONSUMER EXPECTATIONS What new consumer needs, wants and expectations are created by the changes identified above? Where and how does this trend satify them? This trend satifies people because of the efficiency and saving possibilities. They experience of checking your
device on other locations than home, assures people about the costs of their bills and the level of smartness of their device. INSPIRATION How are other businesess applying this trend? Last summer I walked at Eindhoven Airport, when I saw a few massage cabins. People could put some money in it and get a relaxing massage in a chair. I have heard that a lot of companies in Asia use these cabins for employers to do a 20-minute power nap. The chair wakes you up when your naptime is over. CONSUMER TREND CANVAS - APPLY INNOVATION POTENTIAL How and why could you apply this trend to your business? I could apply this concept by using for instance a personal coach which indicate when you need some rest or need to focus on the specific moment by meaning of hapiness.
This could be interesting for people because of their busy working schemes or when they don’t live in the moment. I think it is important to live every moment in live in the best way that’s possible. Time is going fast and every day has it’s important take aways for your life. WHO Which (new) customer groups could you apply this trend to? What would you have to change? To live every moment at it’s best is important for every customer group. The people who forget the most of living in the moment could be the people with a busy work scheme. But it’s also important to learn to live with happiness from the beginning of your life. Live is all about setting goals and reach that goals. As an illustration when I go to a beautiful place I try to take ‘mind images’ and to live in the moment and to experience the feeling of happiness. I think every person needs to do that and could think back at this special moments in live. Because of the fast that I feel guilty after not living in the moment, it could be an interesting concept for people all over the world. Life is short, make the best of it!
HEALTHCARE AS A BREAK People from all over the world try to make the best out of life. They set goals for themselves and are willing to reach them by working hard. But don’t they forget to live in the moment? To enjoy seeing the leaves falling out of the trees? Or take a deep breath and absorb the things around you? It’s important to reflect on live now and then. To adjust your goals by your lifestyle and take a break and actually feel that you’re on earth.
Analogue life - counter movement against digilization Nowadays people are all effected by digitalization. For instance Mc Elroy(2014) did some research on the way people walking with their smartphones in their hands get distracted. Also the social interruption in their personal life is mentioned. Some people know that they should take care of their digital behavior. As a counter movement a lot of people take a daily break without using any devices. While doing that people have the opportunity to absorb the things around them and enjoy their life without using devices. So in fact, there are actually people being aware of the fact digitalization can have ‘bad’ influenceson human. The big challenge i’m willing to face is to spread that awareness and to make sure a bigger part of humankind knows the importance of not being connected to any device.
Take charge of your own destiny! The influence citizens have on society gets bigger and bigger (A. Irvin & Stansbury, 2004). National governments are getting less powerful. However, we humans, sometimes tend to forget that we’re in charge. Knowing and realizing this actually is the case, enables you to create your world, a world without being afraid your voice won’t be heard. This mind-set helps you reduce stress (Daum, 2012).
Self-sufficiency in life Independent people; they are able to provide themselves without outside aid or resources. Nowadays, people seem to want to take care of their own needs. They set goals for themselves and are willing to risk everything to reach them. The way to do it can be done by self-education; learning more than just one skill. In this way one’s able diversify the income (Self-sufficient living: How to become self-sufficient, 2014). Therefore my concept would fit perfectly to this people. People don’t want to be directed by someone who tells you to take a break or to live in the moment. But prefer a digital ‘voice’ who reminds you of your beautiful life and need for a break. You could listen to the voice or turn it off when you feel able to provide yourself with some alone time.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Daum, K. (2012). 7 tips for creating your own destiny. Geraadpleed op 28 september 2015, van com/kevin-daum/7-tips-for-creating-your-own-destiny. html Self-sufficient living: How to become self-sufficient (2014). Geraadpleegd op 27 september 2015, van http://www. McElroy, M. (2014). How to use digital technology to live a more analog life. Geraadpleegd op 27 september 2015, van A. Irvin, R., & Stansbury, J. (2004). Citizen Participation in Decision-Making: Is it Worth the Effort? Geraadpleegd op 28 september 2015, van Irving.pdf
Trendwatching for the one billion, from coolhunting to trendwatching.