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Preface REVELARE /r 'veal'are/ e

verb. Latin – To reveal; to unveil. 1 – To make visible or noticeable. 2 – To let something be known. 3 – To share information that was previously known only to a few people or t hat was meant to be kept a secret.

There is always a sense of fear when you reveal a part of yourself. You may be afraid of rejection, criticism, or even indifference. However there is also a sense of beauty when you put yourself in a place of vulnerability. It shows who you really are inside and allows you to share your truth. I approach design in the same fashion. I strip myself of preconceived ideas and allow honesty to guide the process. The journey may be full of uncertainty and expectations, but there is nothing more exciting than the unveiling of a finished project and its subsequent reception. As a designer, who has just finished her MFA, I feel I am finally revealing myself to the world.





Indulge Me

Devour Me

Allure Me



Unspoken Words




Possess Me

Classify Me

Seduce Me

Monster Madness


High Heels




Savour Me

Cherish Me

Medicate Me







Enamor Me

Engage Me

Sculpt Me

The Mistress & The Spinster

Sense Less

Typoramics (Thesis)


revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project /s 54


S54 T h e R e bran din g of St u di o 54 the brief / To take a dead, dying or defunct brand and bring it back to life. The project asked me to create a new brand but still keep the original soul of the firm that made it in the first place. We had free rein on how far we wanted to push the envelope and were encouraged to think outside the box. course / Nature of Identity

instructor / Hunter Wimmer category / Branding, identity, print design.

the reveal / I decided to take on Studio 54; the iconic and legendary nightclub from the late 1970's which became infamous for its parties filled with celebrities, sex, and drugs. I took the new brand, S54, into the dark realm. I thought it would be a good idea to have fun and produce a project that — if it wasn't for the fact that I was doing it as a school exercise — could not be done anywhere else in the real world. I wanted to push myself and explore the boundaries of what branding could be. S54 caters to the dark desires of its customers. It allows people to explore that private hidden side of themselves, without restriction. I took the basic idea of Studio 54, where wild parties would come to life, and people would behave in an uncensored way, and brought it to the edge of what it could be. Some of the services that S54 offers are illegal and/or unethical, but the brand is not here to cast any judgment, but be an avenue to pursue those experiences that customers seek. I decided to limit the color palette to mostly black and white, since the brand lives in the shadows. I wanted to give S54 an aura of mystery, darkness, seductiveness, and danger. The main graphic element, the slash, is precisely angled at 77°, as an homage to 1977, the year that Studio 54 opened its doors for the first time. The final S54 coffee table book lives inside a leather and acrylic box, since the brand is not for everyone's reach. S54 is an exploration into the unknown along with the reconciliation of one's dark desires. inspiration / Film noir, Agent Provocateur, Hostel, underground clubs

typeface / Benton Sans,

Tungsten deliverables / Hard bound book, acrylic and leather box awards & publications / Creative Quarterly Magazine 35.


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project / s 54



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project / s 54


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project / typoramics




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project / s 54

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project / s 54



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project / s 54



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project / s 54



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project / s 54



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project / s 54



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project / s 54



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project / garrotxa


GARROTX A Cat a l an C h e e s e the brief / To create a new packaging line of cheese of our choosing. The food design project consisted of a minimum of one large round, a medium round cut into six wedges, ten mini rounds, and cheese packaging.

course / Packaging 2 instructor / Christine George category / Layout and packaging design.

the reveal / Since I am from Catalunya, I chose a specific cheese from the mountainous region of my country; the Garrotxa area. Garrotxa (also known as “pell florida,” meaning “bloomy rind” in the Catalan language,) is a traditional artisanal goat's milk cheese. It is aged in the humid Pyrenees caves in order to enhance mold development, and later on it is coated with ash which allows the development of its deep flavor. Knowing these unusual characteristics, I decided to produce a design that it was clearly Catalonian (reminiscent of stained windows in old churches) and used some darker colors, such as dark blue and black, in order to portray the idea of the caverns and the ash.

inspiration / Sagrada Familia, stained glass windows, Dean & DeLuca typeface / Copperplate, Benton Sans

deliverables / Cheese rounds, wedges, mini rounds, packaging awards & publications / Creative Quarterly Magazine 37, Packaging of the Word, Favourite Design.

project / garrotxa



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project / garrotxa



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project / garrotxa



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project / high heels



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project / garrotxa



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

UNSPOKEN WORDS A St an l e y D on e n Fi lm Fe s t iva l the brief / To create a customized film festival with the following components: a business system, a 36 page (minimum) collector's catalogue, three advertisements, a seven page (minimum) website, a flying logo for the festival, a collector's DVD packaging with an eight page (minimum) booklet, a collector's soundtrack with an eight page (minimum) booklet, three gift products that went along with the festival, two announcing posters, and tickets. course / Integrated Communications

instructors / Christopher Morlan & Hunter Wimmer category / Identity, branding, packaging design.

the reveal / For my festival, I picked Stanley Donen as my featured film director. Donen is mostly known for directing iconic musical movies during the 1940’s and 1950’s, such as Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Singin' in the Rain, On the Town, Funny Face and Royal Wedding. I decided on Stanley Donen mainly because I grew up with his movies. I love classic musicals with Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire and I was already familiar with some of his films. I also liked that Donen's movies are not dark, gritty or heavy in content, and the fact that no one else had done a film festival on him before in school. I decided to set the venue of the film festival at the Gruman’s Chinese Theater in Los Angeles, because the festival takes place on the 60 th year anniversary of Singin' in the Rain. inspiration / Vogue, Golden age of Hollywood, timeless fashion typeface / Bauer Bodoni, Akzidenz Grotesk deliverables / Business system, posters, film catalogue, advertisements, DVD packaging with booklet, tickets, website, flying logo, a collector's soundtrack with booklet, collateral products

awards & publications / Favourite Design, Creative Quarterly Magazine 36, Packaging of the World.

project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



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project / unspoken words



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

MONSTER MADNESS A Book Redesig n the brief / To redesign the layout of an existing coffee table book of our choosing. The new design had to include book cover, back cover, spine, table of contents, and eight book spreads. course / Type Composition

instructor / Andrew Loesel category / Typography, layout design.

the reveal / I chose an older book called Monster Madness. It was poorly designed in both layout and typography, so it was a good challenge for me. The book deals with various movie monsters from old Hollywood films. I mostly focused the spreads on the iconic figure of Count Dracula. inspiration / Life Magazine, 1950's vintage photography, RED campaign typeface / Adobe Caslon, Myriad Pro deliverables / Coffee table book.

project / monster madness



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project / monster madness


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project / monster madness

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project / monster madness



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project / entomology

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ENTOMOLOGY A D i g it a l B ro chure the brief / To design an iPad brochure with a science background. The typographic layout had to be all experimental in execution. course / Type Experiments

instructor / Katrin Blattner category / Typography, layout design, user experience.

the reveal / I chose entomology, the scientific branch that studies insects. I was interested in investigating how certain bugs get their unusual names. I created a brochure for young readers with colorful images and captivating close ups. All the typography was done in experimental mode. inspiration / National Geographic Magazine, Academies of Science, young adults' books

typeface / Adobe Garamond deliverables / iPad brochure, analog pages.

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project / entomology



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project / entomology



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project / entomology



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project / high heels


HIGH HEELS T h e Fut ure of Sh o e s the brief / To design a book about a specific topic and imagine how it will evolve in the upcoming future.

course / Type Systems instructor / David Hake category / Typography, Layout design.

the reveal / I was randomly given the topic of shoes and how they will be envisioned in the future. With that in mind, I narrowed the subject to high heel shoes (stilettos) and how these everyday objects, in the near future, could be turned into different items or even serve other purposes aside from a fashion statement. I finalized the design with an engraved and laser cut leather slip cover, giving the book a sense of something to be treasured. inspiration / Vogue, little black book, Neiman Marcus typeface / Chopin Script, Adobe Caslon, Univers deliverables / Hard bound leather book & slipcase.


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project / high heels



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project / high heels



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project / high heels



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project / high heels



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project / high heels



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project / high heels



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project / omg!


OMG! Mo l e c u l ar G a s t ron omy the brief / To develop an uncommon perspective on a chosen topic. The process would emphasize a creative development and a successful creation and utilization of a functional design. course / Conceptual Development

instructor / David Hake category / Typography, layout design, packaging design.

the reveal / I choose the topic of molecular gastronomy and how to make it more accessible to the everyday consumer and not just to the elite. I created a starter kit with basic chemical compounds for people interested in getting familiar with this type of cuisine. I also created various pieces of collateral items to go along with the kit; from posters to postcards and recipe cards, to make molecular gastronomy more approachable, engaging, and fun. inspiration / Food photography, Bon Appetit Magazine, Gourmet Magazine, flashcards, chemistry kits

typeface / Bembo, Avenir deliverables / Postcards, website, app, recipe cards, posters, and starter kit.


project / omg!



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project / omg!



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project / omg!



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project / omg!



project / omg!



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project / omg!


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project / calaca


CALACA T h e T hre e D e at h s the brief / To design a small book on a topic of our choosing, exploring three different typographical grids.

course / Typography 2 instructor / David Hake category / Layout design, typography.

the reveal / I chose a modular, a columnar, and an axial grid to showcase the colorful skulls used during the Mexican Day of the Dead. I engraved and laser cut the flap cover. I also French folded its pages using a skull pattern on the inside to give one more visual element to the overall design. inspiration / Mexican folk tradition, Jose Guadalupe Posada, primary colors

typeface / Mrs Eaves, Cortez deliverables / Card set, packaging awards & publications / Creative Quarterly Magazine 37.


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project / calaca

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project / calaca


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project / calaca



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project / calaca



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

HYPOCHONDRIAC Sur v iva l K it the brief / To design and create a survival kit set for a specific chosen theme. The main goal of the project was to creatively fit the design aesthetic to the chosen theme. course / Packaging 2 instructor / Christine George category / Branding, packaging design.

the reveal / With the readily easy access that we have to medical information nowadays, as well as the many opportunities that we have for self diagnosis, I decided to create a survival kit for the hypochondriac in all of us. Instead of going for a contemporary look, I decided to design a throwback to the 1800's and their snake oil charmers; the ones that would come to remote towns in order to sell their magic medicine that would cure all kinds of illness. I created a type based logo reminiscent of the era along with some frames to keep it contained. I used old fashioned medical illustrations from Gray's Anatomy to give it an air of medical authenticity. I also used vellum to print all the graphics in order to get a more a matte finish. The vellum also provided a little bit of bleeding, making it more old fashioned and distressed. inspiration / Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, vintage pharmacy bottles, Boots

typeface / Benton

Sans Adobe Garamond deliverables / Medical bag, scissors, stethoscope, hammer, loofah, pumice stone, latex gloves, tissues, healing ointment, adherent wrap, enema bulb, cortisone vial bottles, thermometer, soap bar, antibacterial gel, self–adherent bandages, cotton swabs, massage oil, cough syrup, aspirin, eye drops, vitamin capsules, mouth spray, lip balm, and sunscreen.

awards & publications / Packaging of the World.

project / hypochondriac



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project / hypochondriac



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project / hypochondriac



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project / hypochondriac



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project / hypochondriac



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project / hypochondriac



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project / hypochondriac


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project / hypochondriac



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project / hypochondriac



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

THE MISTRESS & THE SPINSTER Mr s E ave s Ty p e C ard S e t the brief / To create an original typographic ten piece card set showcasing a specific typeface and its family. The promotion of the typeface was to be done in a modern and interesting way. In addition, the card set was to be linked to a specific subject study appropriate to the chosen typeface. course / Typography 2 instructor / David Hake

category / Layout design, typography.

the reveal / I chose Mrs Eaves as the typeface and literature as the subject study. I felt inspired by the works of Jane Austen and I thought they were the perfect fit with the parameters given, as well as the typeface. In line with literature, I created the cards as a set of bookmarks. I used Edwardian and Victorian colors taken from the fashion of the time to give a sense of properness and regalia. I showcased Mrs Eaves in a very structured way in accordance with the proprietary sensibilities of the times. On the back of the cards, however, I decided to have a little fun, and used the wonderful glyph palette from Mrs Eaves to create exciting and visually engaging patterns. I used those same colors and patterns to construct the box that hold the cards. I named my cards in line with Jane Austen's compound novel titles (Sense & Sensibility, Pride & Prejudice.) The Mistress & The Spinster came from both Mrs. Eaves and Miss Austen, since one was John Baskerville's mistress and the other never married. inspiration / Victorian England textile patterns, classic literature typeface / Mrs Eaves deliverables / Card set, packaging awards &

publications / Creative Quarterly Magazine 37.

project / the mistress & the spinster


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project / the mistress & the spinster

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project / the mistress & the spinster

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project / the mistress & the spinster

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project / the mistress & the spinster

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project / sense less

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SENSE LESS T h e L o s s of Ta c t i l e Cu lt ure the brief / To research, define and explore a specific topic that I feel passionate about. To use visual graphic design to start a conversation and a possible solution to the stated problem. course / Visual Communications Laboratory instructors / Phil Hamlett & Jerome Stout category / Typography, Layout design.

the reveal / I chose to explore the loss of tactile culture in today's society; how we, as a whole, are losing our sense of touch with the rise of new technologies. It is not news that our habits of world interaction have changed dramatically in the last twenty years. The way we communicate, engage, shop, and live our lives has become more digital and less analog. I wanted to explore the notion of loss, the nostalgia of times past and the foresight of things to come. The research for the book included personal interviews, insight cards, and various questionnaires. I limited the color palette to blacks, whites and reds, in order to give a sense of mourning, danger, or just plain straight information. For the final look, I chose to produce a velvet sleeve cover with laser cut typography on both sides. The idea is to give the reader the experience of touch and loss at the same time. inspiration / Time Magazine, music advertising, kid's tactile books typeface / Adobe Caslon, Univers

deliverables / Hard bound book & slipcase.


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project / sense less



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project / sense less



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project / sense less



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project / sense less



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project / sense less



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project / typoramics

Thesis ~ /’THesis/ the·sis [thee-sis] [thee-seez] noun: thesis; plural noun: theses


A proposition stated or put forward for consideration, especially one to be discussed and proved or to be maintained against objections:


A subject for a composition or essay.


A dissertation on a particular subject matter in which one has done original research, as one presented by a candidate for a diploma or degree.



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project / typoramics


T YPOR AMICS A T h e s is the brief / To pick a topic of my choosing and do an in depth research and study worthy of a year and a half work. The project addresses an objective via an extensive research, creative design thinking, and problem solving.

course / MFA Thesis instructors / David Gottwald, Phil Hamlett & Anthony Jagoda category / Layout design, typography, industrial design, branding, identity, interactive, packaging.

the reveal / I decided to focus my thesis on the exploration of typography in contemporary ceramic artwork. Since my two undergraduate degrees are in ceramics and literature, I fuse my love for those and focus on what other artists are doing typographically speaking in their ceramic artwork. The main purpose behind this thesis is to educate, motivate and excite other people on the possibilities that typography has on ceramics. Typoramics is mainly aimed at ceramic artists that want to have a go–to place in order to feel inspired to use type in their own work. The final goal for Typoramics is to be the main venue where ceramic artists can share ideas, showcase their artwork and connect with other people interested in typography in a three dimensional way. inspiration / Current and contemporary ceramic artwork, Mediterranean colors, interactive games typeface / Eames Century Modern, Brandon Grotesk deliverables / Art Catalogue, thesis book, ceramic blocks, ceramic tools, rubber stamps, instructional cards, aprons, packaging, website, and various online forums.

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project / typoramics


project / typoramics



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project / typoramics



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

project / typoramics


Gems that I take from my instructors; Use your resources: time, people, money. Be able to kill your babies. White space is your friend. You have to commit. People will pay for your ideas and the way you think. Everything else can be farmed out. This is an amoeba of nastiness that belongs in the bucket of doom!

Thank you Thank you to my many instructors in this crazy and rewarding journey. David Hake, Hunter Wimmer, Andrew Loesel, Dave Gottwald, Phil Hamlett, Michael Kilgore, Mary Scott, Christopher Morland, Christine George, and the other professors who help me to get to this point in my design career. Your advice, encouragement, support, and sometimes hard critiques, were invaluable. I am here because of you. Thank you to my fellow students who have endured the process with me and were a shoulder to cry on when the road got tough sometimes. You were the only ones that truly knew what I was going through. You all know who you are. A special shout out to Hilary and Maite. Words cannot express my love for you girls. You were always there for me. Friends for life. Thank you to all my family and good friends back home in Barcelona who pushed me and encouraged me to come back to the States to purse the next phase of my life, including college. Os estimo a tots. Moltes gràcies per el vostre suport i el vostre amor. Thank you to my “adopted” family here in the States for giving me not only a place to live when I needed it most, but also the strength to go back to school to chase my future dreams. John and Christine, Jeordan and Gabriel, Laura and Christoph. I love you guys. Thank you to Tazo. Words cannot express how much you have helped me, both physically and emotionally, in this last year of school. Your good heart shows in every action and every word to me . Love comes to us in unexpected ways, and yours could have not come at a better time.

Colophon a portfolio by flora cruells benzal a ca d e my o f a r t u n i v e r s i ty 79 New Montgomery St. Fifth Floor San Francisco, CA 94105

d e p a r tme n t ch a i r Mary Scott d e p a r tme n t d i r e cto r Phil Hamlett a s s o ci a te d e p a r tme n t d i r e cto r Hunter Wimmer b o o k & co v e r d e s i g n Flora Cruells Benzal co n te n t wr i te r Flora Cruells Benzal p h o to g r a p h y Flora Cruells Benzal p r i n ti n g Lahlouh Printing binding The Key Printing & Binding paper Mohawk Superfine Smooth 100 lb. text typ e fa ce s Lust & Scala

co p yr i g h t Š 2 0 1 5 b y fl o r a cr u e l ls b e n zal a ll r i g h ts r e s e r v e d

project / high heels



revelare / selected works of flora cruells benzal, mfa

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