Consumer Health Newsletter
[Fall – Issue 9 Volume 2]
5 ways to feel your best this October Hint…Dust off that crockpot and come home after a long day of work to dinner already made.
To soothe a cough or cold For cold and flu symptoms, it is
3. Eat walnuts and lose weight Harvard researchers have found that walnuts could help women slim down
recommended to take one teaspoon of Manuka Honey, 3-4 times per day.
and manage weight with ease. Women who ate walnuts regularly tended to 1. Ditch the wine and nod off faster Think a before bedtime beverage helps you fall asleep faster? Dream on! Researchers from Rhode Island looked at how well people slept after a bit of alcohol and discovered they had a harder time falling asleep. When women had a drink 90 minutes before bed, they slept okay for the first two
weigh less. Hint...Eat a handful of walnuts a day as your mid-afternoon snack. 4. Fight off dry skin with a massage Give yourself a massage every morning before your shower. The heat of the shower will open the pores, helping the skin to absorb the oil. Mahanarayan oil is a great warming oil, and is particularly
hours but tossed and turned the rest of
good for aching joints and pain.
the night.
Hint...Essential oils like lavender are
Hint... A cup of decaf herbal tea or warm
also very soothing and smell great.
milk (both proven sleep aids) will provide
5. Keep your closet colourful
a more restful sleep.
We all know that colour absorbs light;
2. Quit eating ice-cold salads
therefore, we should avoid wearing too
Eat foods in season this fall. An ice-cold
much black and dark blue during the fall.
salad in October probably doesn’t call your name multiple nights a week, right? Fall is a time for transition, &
100% natural from New Zealand
Raw honey containing beneficial enzymes and antioxidant properties
of vastness and emptiness, and these moods are already heightened during
embracing what nature brings us. Think hearty vegetables like carrots,
Hint…Wear warm colors like oranges,
beets and turnips.
yellows and reds.
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Too much black leaves us with a feeling
this season.
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Manuka Honey
Most effective taken on its own by the spoonful | 1.888.436.6697
Consumer Health Newsletter
[Fall – Issue 10 Volume 2]
Pumpkin Trivia Questions: 1. Where did the name Pumpkin originate from? 2. Are pumpkins a fruit or a vegetable?
Udo’s Oil™
4. Pumpkins were used for removing _________
with all the healthy omegas your body
3. Are pumpkin flowers poisonous?
Udo’s Oil™ is an omega powerhouse
5. What percent of a pumpkin is made up of water?
requires. It has the perfect balance of Omega-3 -6 and -9. Since our bodies cannot produce omegas on our own 5.
it is essential that we get them from
our diet. Udo’s Oil™ is rich in coconut,
flaxseed and a variety of nutritious
seeds; healthy ingredients that are
Pumpkins are 90 percent water. Freckles. No. Pumpkin flowers are edible. Pumpkins are a fruit. for “large melon.”
great for keeping brains focused
at work, while supporting immune
The name pumpkin originated from “pepon” – the Greek word
systems on the playground.
Chai Pumpkin Smoothie Ingredients: • • • •
4 oz chai tea (made with one tea bag) 1/2 frozen banana 1/4 cup pumpkin puree (canned unsweetened or roasted and pureed) 4 oz Almond milk unsweetened
• • • • • •
1 Tbsp Udo’s Oil™ 1 Tbsp Manuka Honey 1 tsp ginger 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Blend all ingredients together - Makes 2 servings
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